Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 400501-08 du fabricant Emerson
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Reference Manual P/N 4005 01-08 Revision A2 Date: March 2 0,200 2 © 2001, 2002 Contr ol Techn iques Drive s, Inc. Epsilon Ei DeviceNet Drive.
Informat ion furni shed by Cont rol Techniques Drives Inc. (C ontrol Techn iques) is bel ieved to b e accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Control Techniques for its use.
ii © 2001 , 2002 Contr ol Techniqu es Drives, Inc. Part Num ber: 4005 01-08 Revisi on A2 Date: March 2002 Printed in United States of America Informat ion in this document is s ubject to chang e without notice.
iii Customer Support Control Techniques 12005 Tech nology Dr ive Eden Prairie, Minnes ota 55344-3620 U.S.A. Telephon e: (952) 995 -8000 or (800) 39 7-3786 It is C ontrol Techni ques’ goal to ensure yo ur greatest pos sible satis faction with the operation of our products.
iv • Exact wording o f any messages that app ear on your sc reen • What you w ere doing w hen the prob lem occurred • How you tried to solve the problem Need on-site he lp? Control Techniques provides service, in most cases, the next d ay.
v In addition, you will find the following typographic conventions throughout this manual. Note For the purpo se of this manual and prod uct, “Note” indicates essential inform ation about the product o r the respective part of th e manual. Throughout this manual, the word “drive” refers to an Ep silon drive.
vi Safety Instructions General W arning Failure to follow safe installation guidelines can cause death or serious injury. The voltages used in the product can cause s evere electric shock and/or burns and could be lethal. Extreme care is necessary at all times when wor king with or adjacent to the product.
vii Safety Considerations Safety Precautions This product is intended for professional in corporation into a com plete system. If you instal l the product incor rectly, it may present a safety hazard.
viii Safety of Mach inery Within the European Union all machinery in which this p roduct is used must compl y with Directive 89/392/EEC, Safety of Machinery.
ix Safety Considerations vii Introduction 1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 DeviceNet Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
x DN Master Send Bitmap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 DN Master Send FAB Typ e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Introduction Purpose This manual describes the Epsilon Ei DeviceNet (Ei-DN) Servo Drive and gives examples for connecting DeviceNet® with Ep silon In dexing drives. The reader shou ld have know ledge of basic DeviceNet concepts. In addition, the user should be familiar with the functionality of the Epsilon Ei drive.
2 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual The Epsilon Ei-DN configuration is easily set with in PowerTools FM software. In PowerTools FM software, the user has the option to select between 8 pr edefined assembly blocks to be transferred us ing polled data (8 bytes input , 8 bytes output polled data len gth per drive).
3 Introductio n 9. Operation with off- the-shelf power supplies 10. Power taps that allow the connection of several power supplies from multiple ve ndors that comply with DeviceNet standard s 11.
4 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Figure 2: Master/Slave Relatio nship Trunk Line Dr op Lin e Configure PLC DeviceNet Devic eNet Mast er Scanner Card Explicit Mes sage Setup RSLogix RsL.
5 Installation Mechanical Installati on Follow the instruction s for mechanical installation of an Epsilon Ei Drive as outlined in the Epsilon Ei Installation Manual (P/N 40050 1-06).
6 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Connectors DeviceNet connectors can be either o pen-style (wires exposed ) or sealed. These co nnectors can be obtained from the supplier of the Dev iceNet Network Master. (For mor e details see the ODVA Specification Volumes I and II, Release 2.
7 Installatio n The connector provided for the DeviceNet co nnection is keyed: VT (pin 5) and should be wire d to th e key ed slot . Figure 3: DeviceNet Wiring T erminating Resist or.
8 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual.
9 Configuring the DeviceNet Network Connection Types The Epsilon Ei-DN DeviceNet interface was designed to commu nicate with a DeviceNet network in two ways. P olled I/O con nections and Ex plicit Messagi ng connections can be used to access all read or read/write data from the Epsilon Ei-DN.
10 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Figure 4: The DeviceN et Setup Tab MacID The MacID is the number assigned to a particular node. Every node on a DeviceNet network must have a unique MacID.
11 Configur ing the De viceNet N etwork and has many parameters pr emapped f or quick setup an d replacement. In dex Sel (Predef ) was created to keep everything simple and standard for the user. Bits that are generally used have been included in the as sembly block for “no-work” access to Dev iceNet I/O.
12 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Master Send Assembly Block - Index Sel (User def) Index Type Inde x Type is the fixed assemb ly block used for reading and writing p arameters when one index is ru nning diff erent index types (incremental , absolute, etc.
13 Configur ing the De viceNet N etwork the position controller profile positions, velocities, accels, and decels can be written for a single in dex. The index ca n then be initi ated. The Pos ition Contr ol object is u sed heavily when a central PLC is des ired to control all of the Slaves .
14 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Input Word Select Data P ointer The Input Word Select Dat a Pointer may be used when a polled connection is es tablished between the Ei-DN and th e DeviceNet Master. Using the Input Data Pointer B its, 32-bit parameters may be read from the Ei-DN by the PLC.
15 Configur ing the De viceNet N etwork Output Word Select Data Pointer The Output Word Select Data Pointer may be used when a polled connection is established between the Ei-DN and the DeviceNet master. Using the Output Word Sele ct Data Pointer bits, 32-bit parameters may be read from the Ei-DN by the PLC.
16 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Command Assembly Code The Command Assembly Code is used only when the posi tion controller object is in use and the Ei-DN is online and co nnected. The Command Assembly Code gives the drive a 32-bit parameter based on the code it is set for.
17 Configur ing the De viceNet N etwork Data Processin g/Order of Operatio ns for Fixed Assembly Blocks Since the transfer of p arameters over the DeviceNet network has the potential to transfer on the same scan of the PLC, the user needs to take special cons ideration of the order of b its sent.
18 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Host Mode Enable Host Mode Enable allows the user to decide where the con trol will occur from the DeviceNet network. Host Mod e Enable allows the user t o ignore hardwire inputs . Conversely, non-host mode logically OR’s the Inputs with the DeviceNet function.
19 Configur ing the De viceNet N etwork DeviceNet Online Tab The DeviceNet Online Tab is available to the user when PowerTools FM is online with the Ei-DN. This tab d isplays DeviceNet specific diagnostics and allows the user to view the status of the DeviceNet network.
20 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Stat us Network Sta tus LED Network Status vitual LED indicates whether the Ei-DN is communicating properly with the DeviceNet network. The table below will describe the current condition of this parameter.
21 Configur ing the De viceNet N etwork Inpu t and Output Tab DeviceNet Bits DeviceNet bits are user-def ined bits that are as signed within the inputs and outputs tabs. These bits are us ed with specific assembly bl ocks to transfer data via the polled connection .
22 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Figur e 8: O utputs Tab When an unsupported DN bit assig nment is made, a warning message wi ll pop up telling the user that the selected as sembly block does no t support that bit. When ackn owledged, the assignment will be mapped to that bit anyway and will not be transferred via DeviceNet.
23 Configur ing the De viceNet N etwork Figur e 9: W atch Wind ow DN Allocation Choice (Connections Established) Ei-DN Modbus Address: 34003 This parameter monitors the status of the establis hed connections and displays the correspond ing bitmap. Bit 0 Explicit Message, Bit1 Polled.
24 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual DN Baud Rate Ei-DN Modbus Address: 44002 Three standar d baud rates can be configure d for the Dev iceNet network : 125K, 250K , and 500 K. The baud rate is also read/write accessible with the one touch configu ration located directly on the driv e.
25 Configur ing the De viceNet N etwork DN Comm Time-out Fault Count Ei-DN Modbus Address: 40717 This parameter indicates the total # of Communication Time-out Faults that have occurred o n the DeviceNet network.
26 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual DN FAB Master Send Block Ei-DN Modbus Address: 34007-34010 The DN FAB Master S end Block displays the pol led data b eing t ransferred from the master to t he drive via the Mas ter Send fi xed assembly block (FAB).
27 Configur ing the De viceNet N etwork DN Master Rec eive Bitmap Ei-DN Modbus Address: 34006 This parameter return s the values for the selected master receive bits. DN Master Receive FAB Type Ei-DN Modbus Address: 44005 The DN Master Receive FAB Type displays the chos en fixed assembly b lock configuration as show n.
28 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual DN Master Send FAB Type Ei-DN Modbus Address: 44004 The DN Master Send FAB Type d isplays the cho sen fixed assembly blo ck configuration as show n.
29 Configur ing the De viceNet N etwork DN Network Status Ei-DN Modbus Address: 34207 The DN Network status indicates the ODVA s pecific status of the DeviceNet network as follows: DN Receive C ounter.
30 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual DN Status Minor Recoverable F ault Ei-DN Modbus Address: 14001 A Minor Recover able Fault occurs when the dr ive experiences a connection time-out. This fault will not disable the bridge and will clear after the fault clears.
31 Configur ing the De viceNet N etwork Accessing the EDS File The EDS file is used for configuration of the DeviceNet master. This file tells the Master software how mu ch I/O data is s upported for a particular DeviceNet d evice as well as Control Techniques’ ven dor code, mo dule revision, etc.
32 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Network Status LED The Network Status LED located on the front o f the drive provides network status acco rding to the f oll owin g ta ble : Setting t.
33 Configur ing the De viceNet N etwork the display shows the correct number for the low digit of the MacID. (The display will now flash between the letter “L” and the new ones digit f or MacID.) 3. Double-click the Reset Button to view the Baud Rate selected.
34 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual 4. Double-click the “Reset” button to reveal a flashing “S” on the diagnostic display. If the parameters entered reflect the proper Devi ceNet network settings, the co nfiguration can be saved by h olding the “Reset” button while the “S” is flashi ng.
35 Network Configuration Quick Start This chapt er presents sample st artups with a Epsilon E i-DN driv e using a 17 47-SDN scann er card as the DeviceNet master in a SLC 500 PLC™.
36 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual 5. Install the .eds file in the Mas ter Configuration software (RsNetworx, Wonderware, etc.). 6. Downl oad a configurat ion for 8 polled in put bytes and 8 poll ed output bytes to be transferred to/from the Ei-DN.
37 Network Configu ration Q uick St art Figure 10: DN Setup / Index Sel (Predef) 4. Download this file to the Ei-DN. 5. Proceed to “Master Configuration ” on page 48 before going any farther with this example. After con figuring the master retur n to this point and continue.
38 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual 13. Using Output Wo rd Select Data Pointer 0x0A to set Jog Velocity and Inpu t Select Data Pointer 0x06 to read back the torque command, use the follo.
39 Network Configu ration Q uick St art Figure 11 : DN Setup / Index Sel (U serdef) 3. Click the Inputs tab to configure the DN bits that will b e written from the PLC (Master Send).
40 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Figu re 12: I nputs Ta b 4. Click the Outputs tab to configure the DN bits that will be written to from the PLC (Master Receive).
41 Network Configu ration Q uick St art Figur e 13: O utputs Tab Note Index Sel (userdef) allows 16 DN bits to be configured. Although these bits are optional to assi gn, bandwi dth used on the DeviceNet netw ork remains the same. 5. Once all parameters ar e configured, download this file to the Ei-DN.
42 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual 11. Se t Out put B it O:1 .1/3 h igh to Jog -. 12. Se t Out put B it O:1 .1/ 4 high t o ena ble Jo g Fast . 13. Set Output Bit s O:1.1/12 - O:1.1/15 to select th e index to initiate or to select the index to read from or write to using the Input/Output Word Select Data Pointer.
43 Network Configu ration Q uick St art Figure 14 : DN Setup / Index Type 3. Click the Inputs tab to configure the DN bits that will b e written from the PLC (Master Send).
44 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual 5. Download this file to the Ei-DN. 6. Proceed to “Master Configur ation” on page 48 before going any farthe r with this example. After con figuring the master retur n to this point and continue. While online with the Ei-DN via PowerTools FM and with th e PLC via RSLogix 500: 7.
45 Network Configu ration Q uick St art 12. Using Ou tput Word Select Data Pointer 0x04 to set the Index Deceleration Register an d Input Select Data Pointer 0x0A to read back this same parameter in order to verify the transfer. Final Word = XXX00100XXX0 1010 With zeros in for reserved bits Final Word = 1034 (0x40A) 13.
46 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual 2. Enter the DN setup and set the MacID to 1 and the Baud Rate to 125K. Select PositionControl for both Master Send Assem bly Block and Master R eceive Assembly Block se tups. Figur e 15: Dn Setup / Pos ition Contr ol 3.
47 Network Configu ration Q uick St art 9. Set the Receive Assembly code to read the Actual Position O:1.2 = 0x 02 (parameter). This re sponse will be read back fro m I:1.3 and I :1.4 (low /high word res ponse). 10. Set O: 1.1/7 = 1 to Ena ble the Driv e.
48 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Master Configurat ion RS Networx™ will be used to install the Ei-DN onto the DeviceNet n etwork as a slave. In order to ha ve RS Networx recogni ze the Ei-DN as a node on the network, an .eds file must be installed using the .
49 Network Configu ration Q uick St art Figur e 17: S canlist Tab Click the I nput tab and map the 4 words of data f rom the Ei-DN to I:1.1 - I:1 .4. These addresses are the add resses in the PLC where the Ei-DN data will be mapped.
50 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Figu re 18: I nput Tab Click the O utput tab and map the 4 words of dat a from the Ei-DN to O:1.1 - O:1. 4 as shown. These addre sses are the addresses in the PLC where the Ei-DN will pull its data from.
51 Network Configu ration Q uick St art Figur e 19: Outp ut Tab After all of the data is mapped click OK, go online, and then download this RsNetworx file to the DeviceNet scanner .
52 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual.
53 Explicit Messaging Quick Start To send ex plicit mess ages, the Eps ilon Ei-DN drive shoul d be configu red and success fully connected to the DeviceNet system as a unique node.
54 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Size of field is the size of the mess age data section and does no t contain the message header. For GET Service comman d, size should be 6 bytes; for SET Service comma nd, size should be 10 [0x0A ] byte s.
55 Expli cit Mes saging Q uick St art Figu re 20: D escr ipti on of N10 In teger File Explicit Messaging Examples The following two examples of DeviceNet Explicit Messaging will be assuming a PLC conf.
56 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Explanation of PLC Program The copy command in Rung 0 will activate when B3:0/0 is turned on. This command will send out a request to the DeviceNet master by copying the N10 integer file into the M0: file.
57 Expli cit Mes saging Q uick St art After the N10 file is set, B3:0/0 can be set high to send the explicit messag e to the scanner card. After bit I:3/15 is set by the PLC, the message can be viewed by setting B3:0/2 high which copies the M1: file to the N11: file.
58 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Index 1 Velocity is mapped to class 0x68, instan ce 0x02, attribute 0x0 9, as shown in the table bel ow. The following parameters will be used to set up this explicit message. After the N10 file is set, B3:0/0 can be set high to send the explicit message to the scanner card.
59 Expli cit Mes saging Q uick St art Integer File N11 High Byte Low Byt e N11:0 TXID=0x01 COMMAND=0x01 N11:1 P OR T =0x00 SIZE OF DA T A FIELD =0x04 N1 1:2 SER VICE=0x90 (Successful Transmit) MacID=0.
60 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual.
61 Drive Parameters This section lists all p arameters available for Epsilon Ei DeviceNet drive. The tables provide the followi ng informatio n about each par ameter: Name The paramet er’s name Devi.
62 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Execute.ExecuteStopAllMotion BOOL 101 (0x65) 1 (0x01) 3 (0x03) Execute.ExecuteWriteBaseDriveRAMtoNVM BOOL 101 (0x65) 1 (0x01) 4 (0x04) Fault.FaultInstance#.Code WORD 102 ( 0x66) See Note 1 1 (0x01) Fault.
63 Drive Parameters InputLine.DriveEnableInputDebou ncedStatus BOOL 106 (0x6A) 1 (0x01) 9 (0x09) InputLine.DriveEnableInputRa wStatus BOOL 106 (0x6A) 1 (0x01) 10 (0x0A) InputLine.DriveEnableInputStatus BOOL 106 (0x6A) 1 (0x01) 11 (0x0B) InputLine.EnableDebounceTime UINT 106 (0x6A) 1 (0x01) 8 (0x 08) InputLine.
64 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual ProductID.Option1IDF unctionModule UINT 11 1 (0x6F) 1 (0x01) 5 (0x 05) ProductID.Option2IDAn ybus1 UINT 1 1 1 (0x6F) 1 (0x01) 6 (0x06) ProductID.Option3IDAn ybus2 UINT 1 1 1 (0x6F) 1 (0x01) 7 (0x07) ProductID.
65 Drive Parameters By DeviceNet Class *NOTE 1* The instance number will be one more than the number of the index , jog, pls, program, input or out put. For exam ple, Index0 wi ll have an ins tance of 1 (0x 01) and Ind ex 14 wil l have an instance of 15 (0x0F).
66 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Name DN Data T ype Class Instance Attrib ute DeviceNet.Devi ceNetIdentityObjec t.V endor ID UINT 1 (0x01) 1 (0x01) 1 (0x01) DeviceNet.
67 Drive Parameters Index.IndexInstance#.V elocity UDINT 104 (0x68) See Note 1 9 (0x09) Index.Instance#.RegistrationOffset DINT 104 ( 0x68) See Note 1 10 (0x0A) Index.CurrentIndexCount UINT 104 (0x68) 1 (0x01) 21 (0x15) Index.CurrentIndexNumber UINT 104 (0x68) 1 (0x01) 22 (0 x16) Index.
68 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual OutputLine.OutputLin esStatusBitMap WOR D 109 (0x6D) 1 (0x01) 4 (0x04) Position.Followi ngError DINT 110 (0x6E) 1 (0x01) 1 (0x01) Position.Followi ngErrorEnable WORD 110 (0x6E) 1 (0x01) 2 (0x02) Position.
69 Drive Parameters Status.OptionSerialNumber String 1 13 (0x71) 1 (0x01) 13 (0x0D) Status.T orqueFeedback INT 1 13 (0x71) 1 (0x01) 14 (0x0D) Status.T otalCo mmandChangeOut DINT 113 (0x71) 1 (0x01) 15 (0x0E) Status.T otalPowerUp T ime UDINT 113 (0x71) 1 (0x01) 16 (0x10) Status.
70 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual.
71 Append ix Appendix Inde x Sel ect Predef ine d Master Receive Assembly Block - Index Sel (Predef) Master S end Assembly Bl ock - Index Sel ( Predef) Word Bit 1 5 Bit 14 Bi t 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10.
72 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Index Selec t (User Defined) Master Receive Assembly B lock - Index Sel (User Def) Master Send Assemb ly Block - Ind ex Sel (User Def) Word Bit 15 Bit.
73 Append ix Index Type Master Receive Assembly B lock - Index Type Mas ter S end As sem bly Bl ock - I ndex Typ e Word Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bi.
74 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Position Control Master Receive Assembly B lock - Positio n Control Mas ter S end As sem bly Bl ock -P osi tion Contr ol Word Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bi .
75 Glossary Application Objects These implement the intend ed purpose of the product. Attribute A sub-classification f or a parameter or bit. The attribute is group ed directly under the more broad categor y of class. Example: Clas s = Index, Attribute = Ind ex Dwell.
76 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Drop Line A DeviceNet cable that runs from the trunk of a system to a d evice. EDS Electronic Data Sheet file is a formatted ASCII file that contains configuration information of the device. Epsilon Drive The Epsilon drive is a digital positioning drive.
77 Glossar y I/O Connections These prov ide dedicated, special-purp ose communication paths between a produ cing applicatio n and one or mor e consuming a pplications . Applicatio n specific I/O data moves throug h these ports . Link Consumer Object This object is used by a Connection Object to receive da ta from DeviceNet.
78 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual UCMM The Unconnected Message Manager processes DeviceNet Unconnected Explicit messages..
79 Index A Accessing the EDS File, 31 B Baud Rate, 10 Bus-Off Counter, 1 9 By DeviceNet Class, 65 By Name, 61 C Comm and Ass embly Co de, 16 Connectio n Types, 9 Customer Su pport, iii D Data Proce ss.
80 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual Overview, 5 H Host/Remot e Mode, 18 How to Send Explicit Messages, 53 I Implicit Messagin g, 9 Index, 79 Index Sel (Predef) , 36 Ind ex Se l (Us erde .
81 Index W Write Index 1 Velocity, 57.
82 Epsilon Ei Device Net Drive Refe rence M anual.
Since 1979 , the “Motion Mad e Easy” product s, designed and manufactured i n Minnesota U.S.A., are r enowned in the motion control industry for their ease of use, reli ability and hi gh perform ance.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Emerson 400501-08 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Emerson 400501-08 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Emerson 400501-08, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Emerson 400501-08 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Emerson 400501-08, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Emerson 400501-08.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Emerson 400501-08. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Emerson 400501-08 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.