Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA ED. 07 du fabricant Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions
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3EC 16807 AAAA T CZZA Ed. 07 2 /6 6 Status Released Change Note B D Fa a29236 Short T itle CD-UG STUSB WinPPP oA All rights reserved. P assing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel.
Contents 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 3 /6 6 Contents 1 Speed T ouch USB Installation Guide 9 .................................. 1.1 Get Ac quai nted with you r Speed T o uc h USB 10 ....................... 1.2 Speed T ou ch USB Insta lla tion 13 .....
Contents 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 4 /6 6.
5 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA T CZZA Ed. 07 W el come to th e Speed T ouc h USB W elcome to the Alcatel Speed T ouc h Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) modem. From now on, your online experience will be revolutionized by the high speed Internet access that Alcatel's ADSL technology delivers.
6 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA T CZZA Ed.
7 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA T CZZA Ed. 07 Due to the continuous evolution of Alcatel ADSL technology , existing products are often upgraded. Alcatel's Speed T ouch documentation, and Speed T ou ch software changes accordingly .
8 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA T CZZA Ed. 07.
1 Speed T ouc h USB Installatio n Guide 9 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 1 Speed T ouch US B Installation Guide Use this chapter to qui ckly pre pare yo ur fo r the Internet.
1 Speed T ouc h USB Insta llatio n Guide 10 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
1 Speed T ouc h USB Insta llatio n Guide 11 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 Unlike mos t traditiona l modem s, the electronic circu itry of the has been sha ped into a s tylish body: Input/o utput wiri ng is m oul ded in an ergo nom ic al ly des igned pigta il.
1 Speed T ouc h USB Insta llatio n Guide 12 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 AD SL pr ov ides sim ulta neou s highĆ speed Internet acc ess and regul ar pho ne servic es ov er the exist ing tel ephon e lin e al ready i n you r house.
1 Speed T ouc h USB Install ation Gu ide 13 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 1. 2 Spe e d T ouc h USB Ins t al l a ti on Execut e the steps in this s ectio n and in noĆtim e you are co nnected to the Inter net.
1 Speed T ouc h USB Insta llatio n Guide 14 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 1.2.1 What you Need AD SL serv ic e mu st be enabl ed on yo ur tel ephon e line.
1 Speed T ouc h USB Insta llatio n Guide 15 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 Y our PC should me et t he fol lowi ng mi nimum re q uir e m.
1 Speed T ouc h USB Insta llatio n Guide 16 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 1.
1 Speed T ouc h USB Insta llatio n Guide 17 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 1. Insert the insta llatio n CD Ćr om in your PC's CD Ćr om driv e: The Alcat el w iz ar d w il l star t aut omati cally .
1 Speed T ouc h USB Ins tal lati on Gu ide 18 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 3. The 'W el come to Alcate l Speed T ouch USB se tup ' window po ps up: Click to proc eed.
1 Speed T ouc h USB Insta llatio n Guide 19 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 5. The fo llowing window a llows you to cho ose a destinatio n folde r for th e driver s oft wa re: In mo st cas es the pr opo sed destinatio n is best s uited for the driv er so ftwa re.
1 Speed T ouc h USB Insta llatio n Guide 20 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 7. The w iz ar d cop ie s d r ive r soft w ar e to your local har d dis k: Note for Windows ME/2000 user onl y :I fa 'Digital Signature' wi ndow pops up, then c lic k to co ntinue.
1 Speed T ouc h USB Insta llatio n Guide 21 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
1 Speed T ouc h USB Insta llatio n Guide 22 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 1.2.3 Wiri ng the Speed T ouch USB 1. Plu g the ADSL ca ble, p rovided in yo ur package, into the inline r ece p tacl e of t he : 2.
1 Speed T ouc h USB Insta llatio n Guide 23 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 4. Plu g the 's USB connecto r into the PC's USB p ort: The PC's USB port can be e asily loca te d, it is marked w ith the typica l USB symbo l . 5. The is automat ical ly r e cog ni ze d .
1 Speed T ouc h USB Insta llatio n Guide 24 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 1.2.4 Installati on Results Afte r you have cor r ect ly follo.
2 Speed T ou ch USB PP P o A Connec tio n Guide 25 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 2 Speed T ouch US B PP P oA Connect ion Gui de Use this chapter to quickly connec t to the Inter net.
2 Speed T ou ch USB PPP oA Co nnectio n Guide 26 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 2.
2 Speed T ou ch USB PP P o A Connec tio n Guide 27 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 2. As a r esult the D i a l Ć u pw i n d o wp o p su p : 3. Enter the us er nam e and passwo r d fo r you r user a ccou nt at the SP , a nd click .
2 Speed T ou ch USB PP P o A Connec tio n Guide 28 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
2 Speed T ou ch USB PP P o A Connec tio n Guide 29 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 As soon as you a r e conn ect e d, y our w eb b r owse r w ill ope n automat ical ly an d br ow se t o Alcat el 's con sumer we b p ag e .
2 Speed T ou ch USB PP P o A Connec tio n Guide 30 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 P roceed as f oll ows: 1. Double Ć click th e MS DUN icon i n the sy ste m tray : 2.
2 Spe e d T ouch US B PPP oA Con ne ction G uide 31 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
2 Speed T ou ch USB PPP oA Co nnectio n Guide 32 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 1. Open the Dia lĆup window a s desc ribed in sec tion 2.1. As a r esult t he Dial Ćup windo w pops u p: 2.
2 Speed T ou ch USB PP P o A Connec tio n Guide 33 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 3. T o ov ervi ew the properti es of the cu rrent sel ected entry (in mo st ca ses a defa ult entry), s elect (as in the ex amp le ab ove .
2 Spe e d T ouch US B PPP oA Con ne ction G uide 34 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 1. Open the DialĆup wind ow , click to open the drop do wn box, a nd selec t .
3 Speed T ouch USB Diagno stics 35 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 3 Speed T ouch USB Diagnosti cs Whi le your se ssion is active , i.
3 Speed T ou ch USB Dia gnostic s 36 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
3 Speed T ouch USB Diagno stics 37 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 3.2 Speed T ouch US B Diagnost ics The ex hibits spe cific ADSLĆleve l information " diagnostics windo w s.
3 Speed T ou ch USB Dia gnostic s 38 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 3.2.1 Basi c S peed T ouch U SB Diagnostics Double Ć click the st atus icon in the sys tem tray to open the Diagnostics w ind ow .
3 Speed T ouch USB Diagno stics 39 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
3 Speed T ou ch USB Dia gnostic s 40 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 3.2.2 Speed T ouch U SB Di agnostics Properties Lef tĆclick the upper Ćleft co rner of the Dia gnostic s window ( ), o r right Ćclick i ts capti on ba r to pop up a box m enu.
3 Speed T ouch USB Diagno stics 41 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 Button D escription Sav es the changes yo u ma de, an d clos es the window . Ca ncels c hanges you m ade, and clo ses the window .
3 Speed T ou ch USB Diagno stics 42 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 3.3 Detail ed S peed T ouch U SB Diagnost ics Click to pop up a n extensio n to the bas ic Diag nost ics (Se e sub sec tion 3 .
3 Speed T ouch USB Diagno stics 43 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
3 Speed T ou ch USB Dia gnostic s 44 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
3 Speed T ou ch USB Dia gnostic s 45 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
3 Speed T ou ch USB Dia gnostic s 46 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
3 Speed T ouch USB Diagno stics 47 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
3 Speed T ou ch USB Dia gnostic s 48 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 3.3.6 V ersi on Diagnosti cs Click the tab to pop u p the follo wing window: This window p rovide s informatio n on Alcatel's dri ver softw are .
4 Speed T ouc h USB Sof tware 49 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 4 Sp e e d T o uc h USB So ft w are Thi s cha pter desc ribes how to upgrade, remo ve, or repa ir the dr i ver soft w ar e.
4 Speed T ouc h USB Sof tware 50 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 4.1 Rem oving Driver Software Yo u r is a hot sw apab le U SB d e vic e, me an in g t hat y ou can plu g it in a nd out witho ut poweri ng down the PC .
4 Speed T ouc h USB Sof tware 51 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 V ar ious wi nd ow s wil l pop up t o indi cat e th e softw ar e r e moval proc ess. A t the end o f the pro cess, the fo llo wing window po ps up: Click to finish the r emova l.
4 Speed T ouc h USB Sof tware 52 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 4.2 Upgrading/Repairing Driver Software P rior to a driver so ftware upgra de, or repair , the softwar e must be r e ad ily avai labl e on a CD Ć r om or re sid e nt on y our h ar d dis k.
4 Speed T ouc h USB Sof tware 53 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 F ollow all the instructions. When upgrading the dr iver software, the installation proc ess c ou ld sli g htly di ff e r with the pro cedure des crib ed in cha pter 1 .
4 Speed T ouc h USB Sof tware 54 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
Abbreviations 55 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA T CZZA Ed. 07 Abb reviations AAL5 A TM Adaption Layer 5 ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line AIS Alarm Indication Signal ASP ADSL Service Provider A TM Asynchro.
Abbreviations 56 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA T CZZA Ed. 07.
AppendixA T roubl esho oti ng 57 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 AppendixA T roubleshooting Thi s appendi x prov ides i nform ati on o n how to identif y and co rrect some common p r obl ems y ou may e n count er wh e n usin g t he .
AppendixA T roubl esho oti ng 58 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 Y our is equipped wi th two Bi Ćcol ored LED s (See a ppendix B for mor e i nfor mat ion ). Th ese i nd icat or s may he lp y ou to sort out th e p r obl e m.
AppendixB LED Desc r iption a nd P ort Descripti on 59 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 AppendixB LED Description and P ort Description T wo Light Emitting Di odes ( LEDs) indica te the statu s of the .
AppendixB LED Desc r iption a nd P ort Descripti on 60 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
AppendixC Safety and A gency Regul atory No tic es 61 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
AppendixC Saf ety and Agenc y Regula tory Noti ces 62 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
AppendixC Saf ety and Agenc y Regula tory Notic es 63 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
AppendixC Saf ety and Agenc y Regulato ry Notices 64 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed.
AppendixC Saf ety and A gency Regu la tory No tices 65 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 0 7 C.3 Radio Frequency Interference Statement This device has been teste d and found to comply with the limits f or a Cla ss B digital device, pursu ant to P art 15 o f the FCC Ru les.
AppendixC Safety an d Agency Regu lato ry Notic es 66 /6 6 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07 C.4 Canadian DOC Class B Notice Notification of Canadian RF Interference Statements This digital appa ratus does .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA ED. 07 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA ED. 07 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA ED. 07, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA ED. 07 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA ED. 07, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA ED. 07.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA ED. 07. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA ED. 07 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.