Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 2008 Sprinter du fabricant Dodge
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Sprinter OWNER’ S MANUAL 2008 2008 Sprinter 81-326-0899 First Edition Printed in U.S.A..
VEHICLES SOLD IN CANADA W ith respect to any V ehicles Sold in Canada, the name Chrysler LLC shall be deemed to be deleted and the name Chrysler Canada Inc. used in substitution therefor . DRIVING AND ALCOHOL Drunken driving is one of the most fr equent causes of accidents.
Thank yo u for c hoosing the ne w Sprinter Vehicl e. Before your first jour ney, please famil iar- ize you rse lf w ith y our v ehi cle an d how i t opera tes, as well as its d riv ing, control and convenience functions. Before you driv e off, rea d these O pe rat- ing I nstru ctions.
Symbols T rademar ks ESP ® is a re gistered tr ademark of Chrysler Vans LLC. * Option a l equip ment G Warning H Enviro n m ental no te ! Caution i Tip Action req uired Sequence of actions (several ) Continuation symbol page Pag e re ference Displa y Disp lay in th e multif unction display nf_BA.
3 Contents Introduc tion At a gla nce 1 Safety 2 Contr ols in deta il 3 Operation 4 *Technical data 6 Pra ctica l hin ts 5 ......... ......... ........ ..5 ............. ........ .......1 7 ........... ......... ........ .........33 .......... ....... Page 4 Friday, January 25, 200 8 3:53 PM.
5 Introduction Environment al protection Intro duction Environmental protection Envir onmental no te H Chrysl er’s decla red policy is one of compr e- hensi ve environ mental prote ction.
6 Intro duction Environmental prot ection In th is ma nual, w henever y ou see in - structi ons to discar d mate ria ls, you should fir st attempt to reclaim a nd recy- cle them . To pres erve our e nvironm en t, follo w appro pr iate en v ironm ental ru les and regulations when d isposing of mate- rials .
7 Introduction Operating safety Operating safety Wa rn in g G Engin e exhaus t, some o f its con stitue nts, and certain vehicl e compone nt s conta in or e m it chem ica ls know n to t he Stat e of Calif ornia to cause c ancer an d birth de- fec ts or ot he r r epr odu ct iv e ha rm.
8 Intro duction Operating safety Wa rn i n g G Alway s have ma inten ance wo rk ca rrie d out at an autho rized Sprinter De aler w hich has the ne cessary specialist kno wledge and to ols to ca rry out the work requ ired . The ma nufact ur er recom me nds that you use an authori zed Sprin ter D ealer f or thi s purpose.
9 Introduction Operating safety The man u fact ure r warran ts to the o r ig i- nal a n d each s ubseq uen t owne r of a Merced es-Benz he avy-d uty on highw ay diesel engin e that: (1) the engi ne wa.
10 Intro duction Operating safety Do not al low the electron ically s tored to - tal di sta n ce cov ered by y our ve hicl e to be modif ied as a result o f tamper ing wi th the ele ctro nics sy st em.
11 Introduction Operating safety The m an u fac t ure r recom mends the use of genui ne Sprinter parts and conversion part s as well as accesso ries t hat ha ve been ex pre ssly appr oved for your veh i- cle mo del ( pa ge 600).
12 Intro duction Operating safety Body buil ders an d dealers who make any modificati ons which may af fect the final certifi cation of t he eng ine, vehicle or equipm ent assu me the s o le resp o n sibil- ity for the veh icle, in cludin g lab eling a nd documentation, affected by their modifi- cations.
13 Introduction Operating safety Obser ve the fo llowing info rmation when usin g you r vehicle: The safety notes in this manual The “Te chnica l da ta” sec tion in th is manual Traffi.
14 Intro duction Operating safety In the USA: Chrysler Vans LLC Customer Center P.O. Box 21-800 4 Auburn Hil ls, MI 4 8321-8 001 Unit ed States of Am erica Teleph one: 800 -992 - 1997 In Canada: Chrysler Canad a, Inc. Custome r Center P.O. Box 1621 Windsor, Onta rio N 9A 4H6 Telep hone: (8 00) 46 5-2001 nf_BA.
15 Introduction REPORTING S AFETY DEFECTS REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS In the 50 Un ited St ates and Wash ington D.C.: If you bel ieve th at yo ur veh icle has a defe ct, w hich could cause a crash or.
16 Intro duction Information regarding e lectronic rec ording devices Information regarding electronic recording devices (Including notice pursuant to California Code § 9951) Please note that y our vehicl e is eq uipped wi th d evices tha t can record vehicle systems data.
17 At a glance 1 At a glance Cockpit............. 18 Instrument cluster............. 20 Steering wheel with buttons*............. 25 Center console............. 26 Overhead control panel *............. 27 Switch units............. 28 Door control panel.
18 At a glance Cockpit 1 Cockpit N68.10 -228 7-31 Page 1 8 Friday, January 25, 20 08 3:53 PM.
19 At a glance Cockpit 1 Function Page 1 Door control panel 31 2 Light sw itch 130 3 Combina tion sw i tch Turn si gnals High-bea m head- lamp s Wind shield wi pers Rear window wiper* .
20 At a glance Instrum ent cluster 1 Instrument cluster Page 2 0 Friday, January 25, 20 08 3:53 PM.
21 At a glance Instrument cluster 1 Functi on Page 1 Instrument clu ste r on ve- hicles without stee ring wheel buttons 142 2 Instrument clu ste r on ve- hicles with ste ering w heel buttons* 142 3 On.
22 At a glance Instrum ent cluster 1 Function Page c Fuel gaug e wi th: Reserve fuel warn ing lamp Fuel fill er fl ap loca tion indicator Ö : Fuel fi ller flap is on the le f t- hand side 145 475 i Vehicl es without steer ing whee l buttons: Display 8 contains a digital fuel gauge.
23 At a glance Instrument cluster 1 Brake fluid level too low 463 EBV m alfun ction 462 Malfu nct ion in tra iler's brake booster 464 N Engin e oil level warn ing as47 1 ± Engine diagnostic indi.
24 At a glance Instrum ent cluster 1 Indica tor and warn ing lamps Page Water in the fuel 482 # Battery charge mal- function 469 . Defec tive b ulb 483 Handbrake a pplied 191 B Low-be am headlamp s on.
25 At a glance Steering wheel with buttons* 1 Steering wheel with buttons* N46.10 -207 4-31 Function Page 1 Display 15 1 Controll ing the oper at- ing sy stem 2 To se lect a submen u or adjust th .
26 At a glance Cente r console 1 Center console N68.10 -2288- 31 Function Page 1 Stor age comp artm e nt 290 2 Radio* or COMAND*, see the s ep arate op er- ating instruct ions 3 Air-conditioning c.
27 At a glance Overhead control pa nel* 1 Overhead control p anel * Fun ction Page 1 Hands-free microphone for tele phone* 2 Swit ches the ri ght-hand readi ng lamp on/off 137 3 Switches the autom.
28 At a glance Switch unit s 1 Switch units Center co nsole switch unit i The numbe r of switc hes may va ry, depend ing on th e v eh icle’ s equip- ment .
29 At a glance Switc h units 1 Swit ch un it bet ween the light swit ch an d the st eerin g wheel Addition al switch units N54.25 -291 3-31 Function Page ³ Switch es the hea ter booster function* on/.
30 At a glance Switch unit s 1 Switch unit betwee n the steer ing w heel and the ignition lock N54.25-2912-31 Fun ction Page Swit ches th e rear-c om- partment convenience interior li ghting * on/off 140 i The la yout o f the swi t ch es may v ar y, depen ding on the vehicle’s equ ip- ment.
31 At a glance Door control panel 1 Door control panel N54.25- 2914-3 1 Function Page 1 Adjusts th e ex terior mirror s* 208 2 Selects an exterior mirror * 208 3 Opens / closes the left- hand side window 244 4 Opens / closes the right- hand side window 244 nf_BA. Page 3 2 Friday, January 25, 20 08 3:53 PM.
33 Safety 2 Safety Occupant safety............. 34 Emergency exit............. 66 Driving safety systems............. 69 Anti-theft systems............
34 Safety Occupan t safety 2 Occupant safety This section contains al l t he most impor- tant information about the restraint sy s- t e m s i n y o u r v e h i c l e . I n a n a c c i d e n t , y o u r vehi cle co llides with an othe r obje ct, e.
35 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 This is pa rtly bec ause an ai rbag is not activa ted in all acci dent si tua- tion s becau se in s ome c ases i t woul d not provide any a dditional protection to that alr ead y aff ord ed b y a co rre ct- ly fa stened seat belt .
36 Safety Occupan t safety 2 The mos t imp ortant restra int sys tems in the vehicl e are th e s eat bel t s a nd child restrain t syst ems. Th ey are the most ef - fectiv e mean s o f prev en ting ve h icle o c- cupants from movi ng towards the point of impact and thus re ducing the risk of occupants hitting part s of the v ehicle in- terior.
37 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 Wa rn in g G A sea t be lt th at is wor n inc or rect ly or not at all, or t hat is no t c orrect ly enga ged in the seat belt buckle, ca nnot perform its inte nded protec tive f unct ion. In cer tain circu mst anc- es, you could be serio usly or e ven fata lly in- jured.
38 Safety Occupan t safety 2 Wa rn i n g ( C o nt i n u e d ) G A child must never be carried sit ting on the lap of a vehicle occupa nt. It woul d not be possible to restrain the child, and the child and ot her vehicle occu pants coul d be ser iousl y or f a tal ly i nju r ed in t he ev e nt of abr upt brak ing or an ac c ide n t.
39 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 Wearing seat belts 1 Belt sash guid e ( page 40) 2 Belt l atch pl ate 3 Release button 4 Buckle W arning (Cont inued) G The belt strap could otherwi se tear in the even t of an a ccid ent . You or ot hers co uld be s eri ou sly or f at ally inj ur ed.
40 Safety Occupan t safety 2 Pull the belt smoothly from the seat belt reel holde r. Route the belt ov er y our shou lder. Click bel t latch pl ate 2 into bu ckle 4 . Adjust the belt to the correct height if ne cessary. Pull the s hould er section of the bel t upwards to tighten the belt a gainst your b ody if nece ssary.
41 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 To raise the belt height: sl ide be lt sash gu ide 1 upward. Belt sa sh guide 1 engage s in v ari- ous positions. To lower the belt he ight: press and hold re lease but ton 5 . Slide be lt sa sh guid e 1 to the de- sired hei ght.
42 Safety Occupan t safety 2 Activ ation of emergenc y tension ing retrac tors, belt fo rce limiters and air- bags In t he ev ent of a c ollis ion, the se nsor in the airba g c ontrol u nit evalu ates impor - tant physical data, such as duration, di- rection and rate of vehi cle deceleration or acce lerati on.
43 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 The front airbags are not triggered un- less a second activation threshold is ex- ceeded , i. e. if ther e is a grea ter rate of vehi cle dec eleratio n in a lo n gitud inal di- rection.
44 Safety Occupan t safety 2 Vehicle de celeration or ac celeration a nd the direc tion of the for ce are essentiall y determi n ed b y: the distribution of the force dur ing the impact the co.
45 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 When the i gnition is on, t he eme rgency tensioning retrac tor is activated: only if the re straint s ystems a re op - eration a l (t he 1 -warning lamp comes on fo r approximately 4 sec- onds aft er th e ignitio n is switc h ed on.
46 Safety Occupan t safety 2 Wa rn i n g ( C o nt i n u e d ) G The ma nufact ur er recom me nds that you use an authori zed Sprin ter D ealer f or thi s purpos e. In part icular, w ork re levant to safety or on safety-rel ated syste ms must be c arried out at a q ualif ied speci ali st work shop.
47 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 W arning (Cont inued) G Vehicle occupants shou l d wear their seat belt correc tly at all ti mes a nd lean ba ck against the backrest, which should be positioned as upright as possible. Th e head restrain t s should support the back of the head at about eye l evel.
48 Safety Occupan t safety 2 Your v ehicle i s equipp ed with the follow- ing airba gs, dependi ng on the equip- ment version: Driver’s front airbag, located in the steerin g wh eel Passenge.
49 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 When th e vehi cle occ upant m ake s con- tact with the airbag , hot gas flows out of the inf lated airbag. T his re duces the load on the head and uppe r body of the vehi- cle oc cupant. The airbag i s therefo re in a def la ted st ate af ter an a ccid e n t.
50 Safety Occupan t safety 2 Front airbag s The f ront ai rbags are d esigne d to in- crease protection to the dri ver’s and passeng er’s/passeng ers' head and chest. The driver’s airbag is loca te d in the steer ing whe el hous ing; the passenge r’s is abo ve the glove bo x .
51 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 Thorax sidebags * Wa rn in g G For safe ty reas ons, th e manufact urer rec - ommends that you use seat co vers that have b een test ed fo r Sprin ter vehic les and th at have a seam for thorax / sidebags.
52 Safety Occupan t safety 2 The purpose of the thorax/ s idebags is to increase the level of prote ction for the thorax (but not the head, neck and arms) of the oc cupants on the si de of the vehi- cle on whic h the im pa ct occur s.
53 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 Window bags* i You will find a dditional info rm ation about airbag deployment on ( page 48). You will find a dditional info rm ation about the triggeri ng of emergency tensioning retr actors and b elt force limiter s on ( page 44).
54 Safety Occupan t safety 2 The win d o wbag s are de si gned t o in- crease protection to the head (but not to the chest or a rms) of the vehicl e occu- pants on the side on which the impact occurs. The rel ev ant win d o w bag is in s talle d in the side of the roof frame behind the trim pane l betwee n the A and B-pi llar.
55 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 If a chi ld is tra veling in the ve hi cle: secur e the chil d in a chil d restrain t syste m appro priate to his/her a ge and si ze , pref er ably o n a suit ab le.
56 Safety Occupan t safety 2 Child rest raint syste ms We r ec omme nd all in fan ts and ch ildr en be pr operly r estrai ned at all time s whil e the vehi cle is in motion . All lap-sh oulde r belts exc ept the driver’s seat belt h ave special seat be lt retrac- tors for se cu re f astening of chil d re- strai nts.
57 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 To deac tivate, re leas e se at belt buckle and let s eat belt retra ct complete ly. The seat be lt can aga in be u sed in the usual manner . Wa rn in g G Never re leas e the sea t belt buck le while the ve hicle is in motion, since th e spec ial seat bel t retractor will b e de activat ed.
58 Safety Occupan t safety 2 Wa rn i n g ( C o nt i n u e d ) G A child must never be carried sit ting on the la p of a v ehicl e occu pant. It w ould not be possible to restrain the child as a result of the forc es act ing in the even t of an ac- cident, br aking or abrup t chang es in di- recti on.
59 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 Wa r n i n g G If you no lo n ger requ ire the c hild res train t syst em, remove it from th e vehicle or se- cure it wi th the s eat belt. The res tr aint sys tem cou ld o therwi se be thrown th roug h the vehi cle in teri or in th e even t of an acci d en t.
60 Safety Occupan t safety 2 The use of i nfa nt o r ch ild res tra int s i s re - quired by law i n all 50 sta tes, th e Distric t of Columbia, the U.
61 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 W arn ing sy mbol for re arw ard -fac ing child seat ISOFIX child sea t securing sy stem / Child s eat anchors - LATCH typ e ISOFIX is a standardi zed secur ing sys- tem on the rear se ats for sp ecial LAT CH ( L ower A nchors and T ethers f or Ch il - dren) child r estrain t sy stems with matching mounting fittings.
62 Safety Occupan t safety 2 Wa rn i n g G A LATCH ty pe c hil d rest ra int system that has been se cured usin g t he ISOFIX child seat secu ring system is una ble to provide adequat e protec tion for chil dren who weig h more th an 48 lb s (22 kg).
63 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 1 Securi ng rings - LATCH type an chors Wa rn in g G If the ch ild restra int system or it s securing system, for exampl e the ISOFIX child seat securing system, are da.
64 Safety Occupan t safety 2 TopTeth er The TopT ether an c hora ges are on the feet of the rear bench seat. 1 Head re str ai nts 2 TopTe ther an chorage s Wa rn i n g G Do no t leave c hildren u nsuperv ised in the vehic le, even if they ar e secure d by a child restrain t system.
65 Safety Occu pa nt s afet y 2 2 TopTet he r anc horage 3 TopTethe r hook 4 TopTether belt of LATCH type child re- straint syste m Slide he a d restraint 1 upward. Guid e TopTet her bel t 4 under head restraint 1 from the front a nd be- tween the two head restra int bars.
66 Safety Emergency exit 2 Emergency e xit The ve hicle can be equipped w ith an emerge ncy e xit wi ndow. Th e emer gency exit w in dow is o n ly intend ed for eme r- gencies and may only be opened when the ve hi cle i s stati ona ry.
67 Safety Emergency exit 2 W arning (Cont inued) G Only vehi cle occupants who are able to oper ate t he emergen c y exit wi n- dow ar e permitted to sit ne xt to the emer ge ncy exi t win d ow. Access to the e merg ency exit window must be free of obstacles.
68 Safety Emergency exit 2 To open: tu rn both handles 1 to a vertical pos iti on. This relea ses the safety bolts 2 . The wi ndow is unloc k ed. Use the h andles to push the wind ow outw ard and hold it stea dy . Make sure you have enough s pace to do this.
69 Safety Driving safety sys tems 2 Dr iving saf ety syst ems In thi s sect io n, you will fi nd inf ormat ion about the following driving safety sys- tems: ABS (A ntilock B rake S ys tem) .
70 Safety Driving safety systems 2 ABS regula tes the brake pre ssure in such a way that the wheels do not lock when you b rake. This allo ws yo u to co n- tinue stee ring w h en braking . ABS works from a speed of about 3 mph (5 km/h) upwa rds, regardl es s of road surface conditions .
71 Safety Driving safety sys tems 2 Braking If ABS interven es du ring brak ing, you will feel the s teering wheel vibrate g ently and the br ake ped al pulsate. If ABS intervenes: Contin ue to depress th e brake ped al firml y un til the brakin g s ituation i s over.
72 Safety Driving safety systems 2 Vehicles without steer ing whee l bu t- tons: There is a malfu nctio n if t he k indi- cator lamp is permanen tly lit while the engine is running ( page 73). ESP ® monit ors driv in g stab ility and de - tects a tendency of the vehicle to und er- steer or oversteer (ski dding) in good time.
73 Safety Driving safety sys tems 2 There is a malfunction if the # indic a- tor lamp is perm ane ntly lit while the en - gine is running ( page 468) . If ESP ® malfunc tio ns , eng ine powe r out - put may be reduc ed. ASR improves traction for a sustained period, i.
74 Safety Driving safety systems 2 If the r oad su rf ace is not capable of pr o- vidi ng su ffic ient tracti on, bear ing in mind the tires, loa d and gra dient, it is not be possible to pull away smoothly even with ASR.
75 Safety Driving safety sys tems 2 The ASR switch is loca ted on th e cent er cons ole . 1 To deacti vate/a ctiv at e ASR To switch off: press upper sect ion 1 of the switch . The v w arning la mp in the sp eed- ometer li ghts up. To switch on: press upper sect ion 1 of the switch again.
76 Safety Driving safety systems 2 EBV monitors and regula tes the brake pressur e at the rea r whee ls to impro v e driving s tabil ity duri ng brakin g . There is a ma lfunc tion if the # , k , - and 6 i ndicator la mps ar e per- manently lit while the engine is running ( pag e 46 2) .
77 Safety Anti-theft sys tems 2 An ti-th eft system s The imm obilize r pre vents th e vehicl e from being started withou t the correct key. To swit ch on: remove the key fro m the ignition lock ( page 111) . To swit ch off: sw itch on the ig nition ( pag e 111).
78 Safety Anti-theft systems 2 Switch ing off the al arm Insert the key into the i gniti on lock. or Press the Œ button ( page 83). The al arm is swi tche d off. A visu al a nd a udib le alar m is tri gge red if the inc lin ation o f the vehic l e change s while to w -away protec tio n is ena bled.
79 Safety Anti-theft sys tems 2 1 To deac tivate tow -away pro tection 2 Indicat or lamp Turn the key to position 0 or 1 ( page 111) i n the igni tion lock o r remove the key . Press button 1 . Indicator lamp 2 lights up f o r ap- proxima t el y 5 seconds after the but- ton is rele ased .
80 Safety Anti-theft systems 2 The interior motion sensor is enabled after a p proximately 4 0 seconds. Deac tiv ati ng th e in ter ior mo tio n sensor Deactivate the inter ior motion sensor if people or ani ma ls rema in in the lock ed vehi cl e. Th is will p rev ent fa lse ala rms.
81 Controls in detail 3 Controls in de ta il Opening and closing ............. 83 Key positions........... 111 Seats........... 112 Steering wheel adjustment........... 127 Lighting........... 129 Instrument cluster........... 14 2 Operating system without steer ing wheel buttons.
82 Control s in de tail 3 Air conditioning ........... 215 Auxiliary heating/ventilati on* ........... 236 Open air ........... 244 Driving systems ........... 248 Operating the vehicle ........... 273 Transporting ........... 276 Features ...........
83 Controls in detail Opening and c losing 3 Opening and closing Your ve hicle i s supplie d with ei ther 2 or 4* remo te keyles s entry trans mitters or 4 keys* without re mote control. Vehi cl e keys * which were n o t inclu ded with delivery must be activated before they c an be used .
84 Control s in de tail Opening and clo sing 3 Remote controls with keys which were not included with delive ry must be acti- vated at an authoriz ed Spri nter Dea ler before they can be used. The remote keyless e ntry trans mi tter transmit s in all d irecti ons.
85 Controls in detail Opening and c losing 3 Remote c ontrol w ith key 1 To unlo ck the slidin g doors and rear doors and opens or close s the ele c- tric sl iding door* 2 Œ Unlocki ng butto n 3 ‹ Lockin g but ton 4 Release button for mechanical key 5 Battery che c k la mp.
86 Control s in de tail Opening and clo sing 3 As a precaution, both remote controls should a lways be carrie d. Checking the batteries Press the Œ or ‹ button for longe r than 2 seconds . The ba ttery che ck lamp 5 comes o n briefly to indicate that the remote control batteri es are in orde r.
87 Controls in detail Opening and c losing 3 Unlocki ng the veh icle centrall y Unlock t he driver's d oor. Press the Œ button within 2 sec- ond s agai n. The t u r n sig nals f lash once . Locki ng the vehi cle ce ntrall y Pres s the ‹ bu tton.
88 Control s in de tail Opening and clo sing 3 Lockin g and un locki ng the vehi cle with the ke y If the doo r s can no longe r be locked or unlocked with the rem ote control, y ou can lock and unlock the driver's door and the rear door s with the key.
89 Controls in detail Opening and c losing 3 The al arm ca n be disa bled in th e foll ow- ing wa ys: Press t he Œ button on the r emote control. or Insert the key into the ignit ion lock. Locki ng the vehi cle Only t he dr iver's do or an d the r ear d oors can b e l ock ed wi th th e key .
90 Control s in de tail Opening and clo sing 3 You can open t he dri ver’s / pass enger’s door from the inside at any time , even if it is lo cked . Open door onl y whe n cond i- tions are safe to do so. 1 Inside door handle 2 Locking k nob Pull door handle 1 .
91 Controls in detail Opening and c losing 3 1 Outsi de door handle 2 Button 3 Inside door handle 4 Lockin g kno b Opening / closing the s liding door from the ou tsid e To open: pull doo r ha ndl e 1 to open the sliding door. Hold door handl e 1 a nd slid e the sliding door towards the re ar as far as the st op.
92 Control s in de tail Opening and clo sing 3 Opening / closing the sl iding door from the in side Open sli ding d oor only whe n con dition s are sa fe to d o so. To unlock: pull lockin g knob 4 up. Only thi s slid ing do or unlock s . The other doors remain locke d.
93 Controls in detail Opening and c losing 3 If the e lectric drive of the slid ing door is at ri sk of overh eat ing, e.g. as a re sul t of freq uent openi ng and clos ing within a short amount of time, the sliding door opens co mplete ly and i s locke d (func - tion override).
94 Control s in de tail Opening and clo sing 3 Slid ing door switch in the doorway (B-pil- lar) 3 To o pen / cl ose t he slid ing door To unlock the sli ding door f rom in- side: p ress low e r part of the central lock ing swit ch on the cent er console ( page 104).
95 Controls in detail Opening and c losing 3 To stop the sli d ing door: press lo- wer/upp er part of the switc h on the cen ter conso le or press switch 3 in the doorway. The sl iding doo r stops . To lock the slid ing door from in- side: press lower part of the central lock ing swit ch on the ce nter con sole ( page 104).
96 Control s in de tail Opening and clo sing 3 The indicator l amp i n the switch comes on. or Press th e lo cki ng kno b of t he sli din g door down ( page 91). The slidi ng door can jam u n der unfavor- able ope rating c onditi o ns such as frost, icing o r heavy d irt.
97 Controls in detail Opening and c losing 3 2 Outsid e doo r handle Briefly press button 1 or pull out- side door handle 2 . The sliding door op ens or closes. When c losing, a sig n al sound s. Pres s butt on 1 again or p ull outside door handle 2 agai n .
98 Control s in de tail Opening and clo sing 3 Make sure that the doors are cl osed. Switch on the ign ition ( page 11 1). Press and hold the upper pa rt of relev ant s witch 1 or 2 on the cen - ter console for 5 seconds.
99 Controls in detail Opening and c losing 3 Reset ting th e slidi ng door: Close the sli ding doo r comp letely o n ce by pres sing and hol ding d own the switch on the center console or in the doorway. Then Open and cl ose the s liding door com- ple t ely on ce by pres sin g an d rel ea - sing one of the switc hes.
100 Control s in de tail Opening and clo sing 3 Open ing the right-h and rear doo r from the ou tsid e 1 Handle Pull h andle 1 . Swing the rear door out to the side until i t en ga ges. Always mak e sure that the open rear door is correctly engage d in the de- tent.
101 Controls in detail Opening and c losing 3 Opening t he rear doors to an angle of 270° 1 Door ret ainer Open the re ar doo r to an angl e of a p- prox im ately 45° . Pull do or reta iner 1 in t he direc tion of the arrow a nd hold i t firm ly.
102 Control s in de tail Opening and clo sing 3 When th e magne t on the r ear door is in contact with magnetic door retain- er 2 , th e rear door is held in th is po- siti on. Closing th e rear doors fr om outside Close the le ft-hand rear door firmly from th e o uts ide.
103 Controls in detail Opening and c losing 3 Opening / closing t h e rear d oor from the insi de The ope ning lev er is on th e inside o f the right-ha nd rear door. If a white marki ng is visible, this indi cates that the rear door is u nloc k ed. Open rear d o ors onl y when conditions are safe to do so.
104 Control s in de tail Opening and clo sing 3 To close: make sure that the left- hand rear door is closed. Pull the righ t-h and rear door firm ly closed by the door handle. To lock: slide cat ch 2 to the right. Only th e rear do or is lock ed.
105 Controls in detail Opening and c losing 3 1 To loc k / unlo c k the ent ire vehi cle 2 To lock / unlock the sliding door s and rear door The indicator lamp in th e central locking switch ind ic ates w h en the slidi ng doo r s and t he rear door ar e lock ed.
106 Control s in de tail Opening and clo sing 3 Locking the sli ding doors and the rear do or Press lowe r par t 2 of the switch when the doors are close d. The indicator l amp i n the switch comes on. Unlocking t h e sl iding door s and the rear do or Press lowe r par t 2 of the switch.
107 Controls in detail Opening and c losing 3 Activatin g the auto matic locki ng function for the en tire vehicle Close all the doors. Turn the key to positi on 1 or 2 in the igniti on lock ( pag e 111). Press u pper part 1 of the switch.
108 Control s in de tail Opening and clo sing 3 Deac tiv atin g th e a uto matic lo cking func tion fo r the e ntire v ehicl e Close all the doors. Turn the key to p osition 1 or 2 in the igni t ion lo c k ( page 111). Press u pper part 1 of the s w itc h.
109 Controls in detail Opening and c losing 3 The partit ion sl iding doo r i s in the p arti - tion between the cab and the load com- part ment. Operatin g the part ition slid ing door from in side th e cab 1 To clo se 2 To open 3 To unlo ck To open: turn the key counterclock- wise 3 .
110 Control s in de tail Opening and clo sing 3 Operating t h e partit ion sliding door from insid e th e load co mpa rtmen t 1 To close 2 To open 3 To unlock To open: p ress the lever to the rig ht 3 . The s lid ing doo r is unlo cked . Slide the slid ing doo r to the le ft as fa r as the stop 1 .
111 Controls in detail Key position s 3 Ke y posi ti ons 0 To remove the key, to lock the steer- ing whee l 1 To unlock the steering wheel (power supply for some consumers, e.
112 Control s in de tail Seats 3 Seats Driver’s and passenger’s seat s Wa rn i n g G Only adju st t he seat s wh en the vehicle i s stati ona ry and th e hand brak e is app lie d . You could o th erwis e lose co nt rol of t he vehicl e as a res ult of the seat movi ng and cause an a ccident.
113 Controls in detail Seats 3 W arning (Cont inued) G The distance from the pedals should be such that you can depress them ful ly. Adjust the head restraint in such a way tha t the uppe r edge of the head restrai nt is level with your head .
114 Control s in de tail Seats 3 Standard , comfor t* and suspensio n* seats Seat fore-and-aft adjustment Pull lev e r 1 up. Slide the sea t forward s or backwards until you can reac h the ped al s and depr es s t h em . Rele as e lev er 1 .
115 Controls in detail Seats 3 Seat he ight adjustment P u s h o r p u l l l e v e r 4 re peated ly until you have rea ched the d esired se at height. Seat an gle adju stment* Turn th umbwh eel 5 forward. The front of the seat cushion tilts down.
116 Control s in de tail Seats 3 Seat susp ens ion a dju stm ent* The se at susp ens ion m ust be a d j usted to your body weig ht. Only adjus t the seat susp en sion w h en the s ea t is un o ccup- ied.
117 Controls in detail Seats 3 The drive r’s and passe nger’s seat c an be rotated by 180° to be oppos ite of the di- rection of travel. The seats engage in th e direction of trav- el or op po si te the dire ctio n of trav el as well as at 5 0° poin ting tow ards the ex it.
118 Control s in de tail Seats 3 The s eat rele ase l ever is located behi nd the seat bet wee n th e seat back res t and the seat base. Passe nger’s se at Press le ver 1 on the back of the seat to the middle an d turn the s eat slightl y inwards .
119 Controls in detail Seats 3 Twin pa ssenger's seat* Foldi ng th e seat cush ion f orward 1 To rele ase from t he fron t anchorage 2 To rele ase from t he rear anchorage Lift the seat cu shion out of front anchorage 1 .
120 Control s in de tail Seats 3 Pull the seat cushion towards the front slightly and out of r ear anchorage 2 . Fold the s eat cushion up by the rear edge. Pos ition ing the se at cu shi on Fold the seat c ushio n back. Slide the seat cu shion und er the backrest a nd into rear anchorage 2 .
121 Controls in detail Seats 3 Adjusting the ar mrest angle Fold the ar mrest up by an angle o f more than 45° to unl o ck it 2 . Fold the armrest forward to the stop 3 . T here are six c losel y spac ed positions in which the armrest can engage i f you raise it.
122 Control s in de tail Seats 3 To raise: pull the hea d res traint up to the desire d position. To lower: pres s releas e button 1 and slide the head r estraint down to the desire d pos ition. To adjust t he angle: hold the head restrai n t by the l ower edge and f old it to the desired position.
123 Controls in detail Seats 3 Norm al hea tin g To swit ch on: press u pper part of the & swit ch. An indicator lam p in the switch comes on. To swit ch off: pres s u pper part of the & swit ch ag ai n. The i ndicator la mp in th e switch goes out.
124 Control s in de tail Seats 3 Remove key 1 from parti tion sl iding door. Fold s eat cu shion 2 down or up. The se at cush ion is held in the rel e- vant position. Wa rn i n g G When foldi ng down th e sea t cush ion, m ak e sure th at nob ody ca n be come t rapped.
125 Controls in detail Seats 3 Remov ing t he r ear b ench seat with 2 or 3 sea ts The locki ng lev er i s located undern ea th the bench seat, on the feet of the bench seat. Turn al l levers 1 for the b en ch s eat fully upward . The re ar bench seat m oves back into the seat mounting cups on the vehic- le floor.
126 Control s in de tail Seats 3 Installing the r ear bench seat with 2 or 3 se ats Observ e the specifie d installa tion lo- cation for the rear bench seat. A rea r benc h seat w ith 2 se ats ma y only be inst al led le ft-side d. Check seat m ounting cups 2 on the vehicle floor.
127 Controls in detail Steering wheel adju stment 3 Steering wheel adjustment The leve r for adjus ting the steeri ng col- umn is under the steer ing wheel . Wa rn in g G Only adjust the steering wheel when the veh icle is stat iona ry. On ly dri ve wit h the steer ing wh eel l ocke d in posi tion.
128 Control s in de tail Steering wheel adju stment 3 1 Steerin g column fore- and-aft a djustme nt 2 Steer ing colum n heig ht 3 Lever Swing le ver 3 down to the stop. The ste erin g whee l is unlock ed. Move the stee ring wheel to the de- sired position .
129 Controls in detail Lighting 3 Li ghti ng Legal r equirem ents may im pose va riati- ons in cert ain cou ntries. Your veh icl e is equip ped as stan dard with a la mp fail ure monit or. The la mp failu re mon it or mon itors a ll lamps of the exteri or ligh ting with th e ex- cept ion of the iden tifi cation lamps a nd the trailer lighting.
130 Control s in de tail Lightin g 3 The light switch is located betwe en the driver’s door and the steering whee l. 1 Ligh t s witch 2 Fro nt fo glamp* indi cat o r lam p 3 Rear foglamp indicator lamp i Dependin g on the eq uip ment vers i- on, the lamp fail ure monitor may not monitor a ll lam ps (wi th the exceptio n of the turn signals)*.
131 Controls in detail Lighting 3 Switchin g on the low-beam h ead- lamps Turn lig ht switch to B . The B in dic ator lamp in the in - strument c luster lig hts up. Switchin g on the high-beam head- lamps The com binatio n switc h is lo ca ted on the left o f the steer ing whee l.
132 Control s in de tail Lightin g 3 Press co mb ina tion switch fo rwa rd 1 . The indicator l am p A in th e in- strument clu ste r li ghts up. Headlamp flasher Turn key to position 1 in igniti on loc k ( page 111) . Pull c omb in ation swit c h brie fly in directi on 2 .
133 Controls in detail Lighting 3 Turn lig ht switch to U . The p arki ng la mps are sw itch ed on / off automatically when the key is in position 1 ( page 111) i n the igni - tion lock.
134 Control s in de tail Lightin g 3 The light swit ch i s loca ted b etween the driv er’s door and the steer ing whee l. 1 Light swi tch 2 Front f oglamp indi cator lamp 3 Rear foglamp indicator lamp Switching o n the fron t foglamps Make sure that the pa rking lamps or low-be am headla mps are swit ched on.
135 Controls in detail Lighting 3 Switching on the rear foglamp Make sure that the parking lamps or low- beam he adla mp s are s witch ed on. Pull l ight switch 1 out to the second dete nt. The † yello w indicat or lamp next to the light switch comes on.
136 Control s in de tail Lightin g 3 The haza rd warni ng lamps still op erate if the igni tion is s witched off and th e key is removed. The swi tch is lo cated on th e cente r con- sole. 1 Hazard war n in g la mps switch To switch on: press th e hazard w ar- ning lamps switch.
137 Controls in detail Lighting 3 Standard front interior lig hting 1 To switch on the int e rio r lighting 2 Automa tic con tr ol 3 To switch off the in terior lighting Front interio r lighting with .
138 Control s in de tail Lightin g 3 Manual control Press button 6 . Front interior lamps 4 come on. Press button 6 again. Front interior lamps 4 switch off. Swit chin g the read ing la mps on / o ff Press bu t ton 1 or 2 . Read ing lam p 3 or 7 co m es o n.
139 Controls in detail Lighting 3 Rear inte rior lamp w ith switch 1 To swi tch on the rear in terior lig hting 2 To swit ch off th e r ear int erio r l ightin g 3 Automa tic con tr ol Switchin g the .
140 Control s in de tail Lightin g 3 Rear int e rior l ighting ma ster control switch 1 To sw it ch on the rea r int erior li ghti ng 2 Automa tic co ntrol 3 To sw it ch of f the re ar inte rio r lighti ng To sw itch on: pr ess u pper part 1 of the switch .
141 Controls in detail Lighting 3 Load com partment mot ion detector* On panel vans e qui pped with a moti on detector in the load compartment, the rear in terior lighting may also s witch on if motion is de tected .
142 Control s in de tail Instrum ent cluster 3 Instrument cluster You wil l find a full ov erview o f the i nstru- ment cluster in the “At a glance” s ection ( page 20).
143 Controls in detail Instrument cluster 3 The di splay in th e instru ment cl uster is activated whe n you: open th e driver ’s door switch o n t he ign ition press the reset button .
144 Control s in de tail Instrum ent cluster 3 With t he lig h ts swi tched o n, you can ad- just the brightness of the instrument lightin g us ing the and button s. Brighter: pres s the button. Dimmer: press the button. Wa rn i n g ( C o nt i n u e d ) G Only use adjustment buttons , , , or whe n tra ffic con ditio ns p ermit .
145 Controls in detail Instrument cluster 3 The re d ba nd in the ta chomet er ind i- cates the engine’s ove rrevving range. To prote ct the eng ine , the fuel suppl y is interrupte d when the red band is reache d. Tachometer ! CAUTION Do not drive in the overre vvin g range.
146 Control s in de tail Instrum ent cluster 3 Resetting the trip meter Vehi cles with steerin g wheel bu t- tons*: Make s ure that the display is showing the trip mete r ( page 157). Keep reset button 0 p ressed unt il the trip meter i s set to 0.
147 Controls in detail Operating system with out steering wheel butt ons 3 Operating system withou t steering wheel buttons The ope ratin g system is activ at ed as soon as you switch on the ignition.
148 Control s in de tail Operating system without steering wheel button s 3 Changing the standar d display Swit ch on the i gnitio n ( page 11 1). Press and hold the menu button for more than 1 s e cond. The i nfor mation s hown in the d isplay chan ges from th e outsid e temp era- ture t o the digital speedometer .
149 Controls in detail Operating system with out steering wheel butt ons 3 There may be a short de lay be fore a lo w- er ou tsid e temperatu re is di spl ayed, for examp le af ter l eavi ng a gara ge. Th ere may also be a shor t delay befo re a ri se in the outside temperatu re is displayed.
150 Control s in de tail Operating system without steering wheel button s 3 Setting the time Switch on the ign ition ( page 11 1). Press menu button repeatedly until the hours figure flashes . Set the hour using the or but- ton. Press the reset button .
151 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 Operating system with steering wheel buttons* The ope ratin g system is activ at ed as soon as you switch on the ignition.
152 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 N46.10 -207 4-31 1 Display Controll ing the operat ing system 2 Sele cts a su bmenu or adjus ts the volume + - Up / i ncrea se.
153 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 Seve ral fun ction s a re com bined th emat - ical ly in the menus . The d ispla y chang es w hen y ou pres s one of the bu tto n s on the steer ing wheel. For e xampl e, the AUDI O menu contains functions for control li n g th e radio* or CD p l a yer *.
154 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 This is what th e disp la y looks like wh en you scroll through the menus. The ex pla nation s for the ind ivid ua l menus are shown in the foll owing ta ble. Menu overview N54 .
155 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 Function Page 1 Operation menu 157 Standard d isplay wi th trip meter and odom e ter 157 Displaying coolant tem- perat ure 157 C.
156 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 With Sound 5/Soun d 20, the ope ratin g syste m alwa ys show s the A UDIO and TEL (t el epho n e) me n us in E nglish .
157 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 In the Operation menu, y ou can select the fo llowing functi ons us ing th e j or k button: Stan dard di spla y In its ba sic setting , you wi ll see t he odometer and the trip meter in the up- per part of the di splay.
158 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 Displayi ng the coolant temper ature Press t he j or k button re- peat edl y until y ou see the c oolant tempera ture in th e disp la y.
159 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 Press the j or k butt on re- peat ed ly until you have foun d th e desired sta tion. Operating the CD player Switch o n the radi o and s ele ct the CD player. See th e separate op erating instru ctions.
160 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 The Mal function m emory menu di splays malf unct ions t hat may have occu rred.
161 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 The Settin gs menu has two fu nctions: the To reset : Press reset butt on for 3 s ec.
162 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 Resetting se ttings You c an rese t the fu n ction s in all sub- menus to the factory defaults. Press the reset button for ap- proximate ly 3 seconds . You wil l see the me ssage in the dis- play prom pti ng you to press th e reset button once more to confirm.
163 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 Submenus in the Sett ings menu Pres s the j bu tton. You will see the c ollec tion of sub - menus . Ther e a re more subme nus than can be displ ayed at the sam e time. Pres s ç bu tton.
164 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 Instru ment c luste r ( page 16 5) Clock/Dat e ( page 16 8) Lighting* ( page 17 0) Vehicle ( page 174) Auxilia.
165 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 Instru ment clu ster subm enu You can rea ch the Inst. clus ter sub- menu via the Sett ings menu ( pag e 161). Sele cti ng th e un it fo r the tem pera ture Sele ct the Inst.
166 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 Press the æ or ç button to se- lect th e unit for all messa ges i n the displa y: km / h or mph (kil om e ters o r miles pe r hour) . Selecti ng the un it for th e odometer Select t he Inst.
167 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 Use the æ or ç button to se- lect th e la nguage in whic h the ope r- ating system m essages are to be displ ayed.
168 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 Sele cting the unit for the tire pres sure Select t he Inst. c luster submenu using the æ or ç button. Press the j or k button re- peat edly unt il you se e the Tire pres .
169 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 Sett ing the minutes Select t he Clock / Date subme nu us- ing th e æ or ç bu tton. Press the j or k button re- peated ly un til you see the Set c lock Minut es messag e in the d ispla y.
170 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 Sett ing th e mon th Select t he Clock/D ate subm enu using the æ or ç button. Press t he j or k button re- peat edly unt il you se e the Date Mont h messag e in the d ispla y.
171 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 Sett ing cons tant hea dlam p mode* If you have set cons t ant headlamp mode and the li ght swit c h is at M , the fol- lowing l.
172 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 Swit chin g the lo cator lig hting on or off* If you switch the locator lighting to On , the fol lowing lamps light u p in the.
173 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 Press the æ or ç butt on to switch th e locator li ghting On or Off . Sett ing the e xterior lig hting de layed swi tch- o.
174 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 Press t he æ or ç button to se- lect whether and for h o w long th e lights sh o uld rema in on. Vehicle submenu You can reach the Vehicle submen u via the Setti ngs menu ( page 161).
175 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 Sett ing the winds hield wiper sens itivity You ca n use the Wipe s ensor function to set the sen s itivity of the rain se nsor. Press the è or ÿ button re- peated ly un til you see the Vehi cle mess age in th e di splay .
176 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 Press the j or k button re- peat edl y until y ou see th e Key mes- sage in th e disp la y. The current setting is highl ighte d. Press t he æ or ç button to swit ch ke y de pendenc e On or Off .
177 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 Cons umpt ion sta tisti cs af ter sta rt Press the è or ÿ button re- peated ly un til you see the After st art messag e in the d ispla y.
178 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 Resetting the co nsumpt ion stat istics Press t he è or ÿ button re- peat edl y until y ou see th e After sta rt messag e in the di splay. Press t he j or k button re- peat edl y until y ou see the s tatisti c s that you want to reset in the display.
179 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 Switch on the cell phone and audi o syste m. See the s epa rate ope ra ting in struc- tions. Pres s the è or ÿ button re- peatedly until you see the TEL menu in the disp lay.
180 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 Reject ing a ca ll If you do not wish to speak to the person who is ca lling, yo u can rej ect the call.
181 Controls in detail Operating system with steering wheel butt ons* 3 The st ored na m es are dis play ed al- phabetically from A to Z, or Z to A. Pres s th e s button. The op era ting system di als the s e- lected phon e nu mber. You will see the dialing messag e (So und 20) i n the display.
182 Control s in de tail Operating system with st eering wheel buttons* 3 Press t he j or k button re- peat edl y until th e n u mber or th e name you are lookin g f or is dis- played . Press t he s button. The op erating s ystem dial s the se- lecte d pho n e numb er .
183 Controls in detail Driving and parking 3 Driving and parking Befor e ea ch j our n ey , chec k the vehi- cle li ghting and the genera l cond ition of the ve hi cl e. Observe the gene ra l driving tips a t the end of thi s sectio n ( page 1 94).
184 Control s in de tail Driving and parking 3 You wi ll fin d in formati on on: regular checks ( page 3 12) driving in wint er ( page 4 06) driving when to wing a trai ler ( page 303) and other driving tips in the “Operation” section ( page 301) .
185 Controls in detail Driving and parking 3 Automa tic transmi s sion Gears hift p atte rn P Parking position (selector lever loc k) R Reverse g ear N Neutra l D Drive position Make sure that the automatic trans- mission i s in parkin g po s ition P be- fore starting the engine .
186 Control s in de tail Driving and parking 3 Starting the e ngine Gasoli ne eng ine Turn the key to position 3 in the ig ni- tion lock ( page 111 ) and rel ease it immediatel y ("touch-start" function). The en gi ne s t art s au t o mati cally.
187 Controls in detail Driving and parking 3 Depress th e brak e pedal and kee p it depres sed. The se le ct o r leve r lock is relea se d. Releas e the ha ndbrake ( page 191). The 7 in dic ator lamp in the in - strument cluster goes out. Move the selector lever to position D or R .
188 Control s in de tail Driving and parking 3 Do not accelerate to pre vent you r vehi- cle fro m ro lling b ackwards o n an u phill grad ient. In stead, you sho uld eith er use the h andb rake or d epres s the br ake pe d- al. T his p reve nts e xcess ive we ar on the clutch.
189 Controls in detail Driving and parking 3 Apply the bra kes so that you ca n feel their resp onse after a journey on wet roads, e speci ally if the road ha s been salt ed . The b rake di scs wi ll be war med, dry more q uickly a nd be protecte d against corrosi on.
190 Control s in de tail Driving and parking 3 Wa rn i n g G Alway s swit ch off th e engin e and app ly the hand br ake befo re leavi ng the veh i cle.
191 Controls in detail Driving and parking 3 Hand brak e The ha ndbrake is loc ated betw ee n the driver’s se at and the pa ss enger’s se at. 1 Lever 2 Release knob Wa rn in g G Regula tions in so.
192 Control s in de tail Driving and parking 3 Applyi ng th e handb rake Pull l ever 1 up as far as the las t d e- tent. The 7 indicator lamp in the in- strument cluster li ghts up wh ile the engine is running. Releas ing the hand brake Rais e lever 1 sl igh tly an d pres s r e- lease k nob 2 .
193 Controls in detail Driving and parking 3 Stopping the engine Apply handbr ake ( pag e 191). Move selector lever to P . Turn key to position 0 ( page 111) in the ign iti on loc k an d remo v e it. The imm o bil izer is activa ted.
194 Control s in de tail Driving and parking 3 Drinking a nd drivin g Steering Overru n cut-off The gas oline /d iesel suppl y is cut o ff if the driver' s foot is compl ete ly rem o v ed from the accelerator pedal whe n the en- gine is overrunning at engine speeds outside o f th e i dling c ontrol ran ge.
195 Controls in detail Driving and parking 3 Driving in wet co nditions Drivi ng on fl ooded r oads If you ar e forced to drive on str etches of road on wh ich wa ter has co lle cted, please note that.
196 Control s in de tail Driving and parking 3 causes and consequences of tire wear measures to be take n in the event of tire damage tire types for certain regions , are as of operation or conditions of vehicle use inte rcha ngeabilit y of tire s, et c.
197 Controls in detail Driving and parking 3 Specif ie d tire inf lation pr essur es must be main tai ned . Th is ap pli es par ticul arly if the tire s a re subje c t to extreme op er- ating condition s ( e.g. h igh speeds , heavy load s, hi gh ambient te mpera tures).
198 Control s in de tail Driving and parking 3 Tire trac tion Tire g rip is greatly red uced on a we t, snow covered or i cy road. Sp ee d and driving s tyle m us t there fore be ada pted to suit roa d conditi ons. Th e safe sp eed on a wet, snow covered or icy road is al- ways lo wer than on a dry road .
199 Controls in detail Driving and parking 3 Tire speed ratin g Regard less o f the tir e speed r ating, local speed limits shou ld be ob eyed. Us e pru - dent driving s pee ds appropri ate to pre - vailin g conditi ons.
200 Control s in de tail Driving and parking 3 Impro pe r alignm ent will n ot cause vehi- cle vi brat ion. Vi bration may be the re sult of a t ire and w hee l imb alanc e. Proper balanc ing wi ll reduc e vibrati on and avoi d tire cupping an d sp otty wear.
201 Controls in detail Automatic t ransmission 3 Automa tic transmission P Parki ng position (s electo r lever lo c k) R Rev erse gear N Neut r al D Driv e pos ition The automatic transmission ada pts to your indi vidual driving style b y continu - ously ad j us ting i t s s hift po in ts.
202 Control s in de tail Automa tic trans mission 3 The selector lever position engaged or the curren t shift ran ge is show n in the display . Display on veh ic les wit h s teer- ing wheel buttons* ( page 151) an d on vehicles without stee ring wheel buttons ( page 147) .
203 Controls in detail Automatic t ransmission 3 When t he se lect or le ver is in pos itio n D , you can perform gea rsh if ts yours elf, even on vehicles with automatic trans- miss ion. Down shif tin g Press th e sele ctor le ver to the le ft to- wards D– .
204 Control s in de tail Automa tic trans mission 3 Upshifting Press the selector lever to the rig ht towards D+ . The automatic transm ission extends the shif t range by one ge ar. The auto- matic transmission shifts to the next gear up, de pendin g o n the curr ent gearshif t program.
205 Controls in detail Automatic t ransmission 3 Accel erator ped al position Your st yle of dr iving in fluen ces how th e automatic transmission shifts gears: Little throttle: early up shifts More throttle: later ups h ifts ê The tr a nsmi ssion shifts thro ug h all 5 gear s.
206 Control s in de tail Automa tic trans mission 3 Kickdown Use kickdo wn for maxi mum accele rati on. Depress the ac celerator pe dal be- yond the press ure point. The automatic transmis sion shifts to the next gear down, depend ing on the engi ne sp eed.
207 Controls in detail Automatic t ransmission 3 Trailer t ow ing Run the engine in the mode rate en- gine speed range on steep uphill gr a- dient s. Depen ding o n t he up hill o r do wnhil l grad ie nt, shif t down to shif t range 3 or 2 ( pag e 204), even if c ruise contro l* is swit ched o n.
208 Control s in de tail Good visibility 3 Good visibility Before sta rting off, ad just the rea r-view mirror and the exterior mirror s in such a way that you ca n get a good overview of road and traffic c onditions. Rear-v iew mirro r* Adjust the rea r-view m irror m anually .
209 Controls in detail Good visibility 3 Adjustin g the exterior mirrors electri cally* The switc h and button for adjus t ing the exterior m irrors are loc ated in the inte ri- or trim of th e driver ’s door.
210 Control s in de tail Good visibility 3 The c ombina tion switc h is locat ed on the left o f the steerin g wheel . 1 Single wipe 2 To sw itch th e win d shiel d wip ers o n Switchin g on the windsh ield wiper s Turn ke y to position 1 in the i gnition lock ( page 111).
211 Controls in detail Good visibility 3 Single wipe Push th e c ombin a tion s witch brie fly to the pressure point in the di rection of arrow 1 . The windshield wipers wipe once without washer fluid. Wiping w ith washer fluid Press the combina tion switch be- yond the pressure point i n the direc- tion of arrow 1 .
212 Control s in de tail Good visibility 3 Inte rmi tte nt w i pe Only s witch on inte rmitten t wipe i n damp wea ther con di tions or when it is raining. Vehicles with ra in sensor *: The a rain sensor is activated when you switch on intermit tent wip e.
213 Controls in detail Good visibility 3 Wipin g with wa sher f luid Turn sw itch 1 to 5 or 2 and k eep it pr esse d unti l the win dow is clean. The win d shie ld heati ng is op erationa l while the engine is running. The win dshie ld he ati ng cons ume s a l ot of energy.
214 Control s in de tail Good visibility 3 To switch on: press upper part of the P switch. The indicator l amp i n the switch comes on. To switch off: press upper part of the P switch a gain. The ind icator la mp in th e switch goes out. The rea r wind ow heat ing is operati onal while th e engine is runn in g.
215 Controls in detail Air condition ing 3 Air conditioning N83 .00- 212 6-31 Page 215 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM.
216 Control s in de tail Air condition ing 3 Your vehicl e is eq uipped wi th eithe r an air-conditioning system and pos- sibly additional ai r conditi oning in the rear* or a heater * and possibl y add itional rear he ating * The ai r-cond itioni ng s ystem is only oper- ational while the engine is running.
217 Controls in detail Air condition ing 3 The inte rval for replac i ng the fi lter de- pends on e nvironmental factors, e.g. high air pollution . The inte rval may be shorter than that indicated in the Ser- vice Booklet. i Condensation may collect und er the vehicl e whil e Temp m atic i s in o pera - tion.
218 Control s in de tail Air condition ing 3 Control panel fo r the air- con dition ing system The air in the veh icle is neithe r cooled nor de humidifi ed when the ai r condition - ing sys t em is switc h ed off. To switc h on: press the ° swi tch for economy mode.
219 Controls in detail Air condition ing 3 To swit ch off: press the ° swit ch fo r no rmal mode. The i ndicator la mp in th e switch goes out. Air distribut ion control Heat ing Set tempera ture sel ecto r contr ol 1 ( page 218) a s required, but do not turn the control below the midd le po- sitio n.
220 Control s in de tail Air condition ing 3 Open as re q ui r ed : the cent er air vent s the side ai r vents the ventilation vents Switch air-co n dition i ng sy ste m on ( page 218) if nec essary. The temper ature is set using tempe ratu- re sele ctor control 1 in th e control pa- nel ( pag e 218).
221 Controls in detail Air condition ing 3 The di sp lay nex t to the airf lo w con- trols indicates the speed of the air- flow. The air distribu tion i s set using the air distrib uti on control in the co n trol pane l ( pag e 218) .
222 Control s in de tail Air condition ing 3 The switch f or air-reci rculation m o de is in the control panel ( page 218). To switch on: press the Ä switch. The indicator l amp i n the switch comes on. To switch off: press the Ä switch agai n.
223 Controls in detail Air condition ing 3 The reheat fun ction quickl y e nsures de- frosted windows a nd dehumi dification in the vehicl e interior . To switch on : press the Å switch ( page 218). The indic a tor lam p in the switc h come s on.
224 Control s in de tail Air condition ing 3 Turn air distr ibu tion c ontrol 5 to ‚ P . Close t he ce nter air ven ts and t he ai r outlet s for the head ar ea and th e rear compartment. Open the si de air vents a nd direct them a t the si de wi n dows.
225 Controls in detail Air condition ing 3 The gl ove box ca n be ve ntilate d when Tempma tic is switc hed on, e .g. to cool its con tents. 1 To switch the ai r suppl y on / off To switch on: pres s swit ch 1 to the left. To switch o ff: press swi tch 1 to the right.
226 Control s in de tail Air condition ing 3 Setting the airfl ow The ai rf low is set using th e airflo w con- trol for the rear compartment. To increase: press t he Q airfl ow control. To reduce: press the airflow control. The display next to the airflow con- trols indicates the speed of the air- flow.
227 Controls in detail Air condition ing 3 Alter the ai r distributi on by turning the air vents. The hea ter is op eratio nal wh en the en gi- ne is running. Depending on the tempe- rature s elected a nd the ou tside temper ature, it h eats o r ve n tilate s.
228 Control s in de tail Air condition ing 3 Heater control panel i If the veh ic le inte rio r has be en heat- ed up, ven tila t e th e vehi cl e befo re driving off.
229 Controls in detail Air condition ing 3 Basic s etti ng Air distribut ion control Heat ing Set tempera ture sel ecto r contr ol 1 ( page 228) a s required, but do not turn the control below the midd le po- sitio n. Set ai rf low contr o l 2 ( page 228) as required, bu t do not turn the con- trol below the second speed.
230 Control s in de tail Air condition ing 3 Setting the temperatu re The temper ature is set using tempe ratu- re sele ctor control 1 in th e control pa- nel ( pag e 228). Only c hange th e temp erature i n sma ll in- crements. To increase: turn the temperature selec tor cont rol cloc kw is e.
231 Controls in detail Air condition ing 3 Air-rec irculation m ode You can switch off the flow of outside air if unpleasant odors are entering the ve- hicle f rom ou tside, e.g. bef ore dri ving th- rough a tu nnel. No more outs ide a ir is taken in and the a ir inside the vehicle is recircul ated.
232 Control s in de tail Air condition ing 3 Turn air distr ibu tion control 4 ( page 228) to Ô P . Close t he ce nter air ven ts and t he ai r outlet s for the head ar ea and th e rear compartment. Open the si de air vents a nd direct them a t the si de wi n dows.
233 Controls in detail Air condition ing 3 Rear heater * Rear hea ting control panel To switch o n: press the swit c h. The indic a tor lam p in the switc h co- mes on . To switch o ff: press t he switch again. The indicator lamp in th e switc h goes out.
234 Control s in de tail Air condition ing 3 To increase: turn the temperature selec tor cont rol cloc kw is e. To reduce: turn the temperature se- lector control counterclockwi se. The fu el-fir ed heate r boos ter s ystem heats the v ehicle interior as quickly a s possible while the eng in e i s runn in g.
235 Controls in detail Air condition ing 3 To swit ch on: press the switch ³ . The ind icator lamp in the sw itch comes on. To switch o ff: press the ³ swit ch ag ai n. The indicator lamp in th e switc h goes out. The heater booster function oper- ates fo r aroun d a furth er 2 mi nutes and then switches off automatically.
236 Control s in de tail Auxiliary hea ting/ventila tion* 3 Auxiliary heating/ventilation* The au xi li ar y he ati n g he at s or v entilates the interior to a temp erature that y o u have set. The auxili ary hea ting can be oper ated with t he engine switc hed on or off.
237 Controls in detail Auxili ary heating/ven tilation * 3 The au xili ar y hea ting he ats t he cool ant and the v ehi cl e int e r io r and is t her e fo r e more favo r a bl e t o the eng in e an d con - sumes less fu el. T he fuel tank mu st be a t least a quarter full to e n sure that the auxil ia ry heati ng/ven tilatio n operates correctly.
238 Control s in de tail Auxiliary hea ting/ventila tion* 3 Before switchin g on Adjust the heat output to the desired tempera ture us ing the t em peratu re control sele ctor ( page 218) .
239 Controls in detail Auxili ary heating/ven tilation * 3 To switch the auxi liary heating off: pre ss the ö switch. or Turn the key to pos ition 0 in the igni- tion lock ( page 111).
240 Control s in de tail Auxiliary hea ting/ventila tion* 3 To switch the aux iliary he ating on: press bu tton 2 . Indica tor lamp 1 lights up briefly. To switc h the auxilia ry heating off: pr es s button 3 . Indica tor lamp 1 lights up briefly.
241 Controls in detail Auxili ary heating/ven tilation * 3 Operatin g system wit hout steer ing wheel buttons Switch on the ign ition ( page 111) . Press the ö switch . The ö symbol in the display flashes. or Press the menu button on the in- strume nt cluste r repeate dly until t he ö symb ol in t he d ispla y flashes .
242 Control s in de tail Auxiliary hea ting/ventila tion* 3 Press the æ or ç button to se- lect the desir ed switch-on t im e. T he automatic switch-on is deactivated if the Timer off setti n g is se lecte d. Press t he è button. The s witch -on ti me is select ed.
243 Controls in detail Auxili ary heating/ven tilation * 3 Operating sy stem wit h steering w h eel butto ns Select a swi tch-on ti me as de scribed under “S electing a swi tch-on time” ( page 240). Pres s the j bu tton. The Hours menu ap pears in the di s- play.
244 Control s in de tail Open air 3 Open air You can open and close the side win- dows el ectrica ll y. The switc hes for al l side w indow s are lo- cated on the door control panel. Power window sw itches (driv er’s si de) 1 Power win dow, left 2 Power win dow, right Switc h on the igni tion ( p age 111).
245 Controls in detail Open air 3 Resettin g the side w indows The si de wind o ws mu st be reset if the battery ha s been disconnec ted: Pull the two power window swi tches until the side windows are clos ed . Hold the switches in this posi tion for about 1 second.
246 Control s in de tail Open air 3 Slid ing sun roof switch 1 To open 2 To close 3 To raise 4 To lower Swit ch on the i gnitio n ( page 11 1). Press the slid ing su n roof sw it ch in the desir ed directi on as far as the firs t pre ssu re po int.
247 Controls in detail Open air 3 Resetting the s liding sunroof The sl id ing sun r o o f must be res et after: the sunroof has been closed manual - ly usin g the emerg ency o pe ratio n key ( page 5 22) the su nroof has op ened with a jer k a malfu nction Switch on the ign ition ( page 111) .
248 Control s in de tail Driving systems 3 Driving systems Driving syste ms w hich may f orm part of your vehicl e are desc ribed on the fol low- ing pa ges: Cruise control* ( page 248), w.
249 Controls in detail Driving systems 3 Cruise contr ol lever The cruis e control lever is the upper- most lever on the left of the steering co l- umn. Wa rn in g G Th e cr ui se co ntr ol fu n cti on cann o t ta ke account of road and t raffic condit ions.
250 Control s in de tail Driving systems 3 1 To stor e the cur rent or a higher s p eed 2 To resum e the last speed stored 3 To stor e the cur rent spe ed or a low er speed 4 To de act iva te cr ui se co ntr ol Storing the cur rent speed Accelera te/dece lerate the vehicle to the des ir ed speed.
251 Controls in detail Driving systems 3 Resuming the stored speed Pull th e cruise c ontrol le ver brief ly in the direc tion of arrow 2 . Relea se the accel erator p eda l. Cruis e control is act ivated and ad- justs t he veh i cle’ s speed to the last speed st ored.
252 Control s in de tail Driving systems 3 Brief ly pres s the crui se contro l leve r upwar d 1 to in crease the spee d or downward 3 to reduce the speed. The la st spe ed stored is incre ased or decrea sed in 1 mph incre ments (1 km/ h incr ements).
253 Controls in detail Driving systems 3 i Cruise c ontrol is automa ticall y deac- tivated if: you are braking you a pply th e handbrake and the 7 indic ator lamp in the in- strumen t cluste .
254 Control s in de tail Driving systems 3 Parktron ic is an e lectroni c park in g aid and info rm s you visu al ly and a udi bly of the distance betwe en the vehicle a nd an obstacle. Parktronic is automatically swi tched on when yo u switch on th e igniti o n and re- lease th e handbr ake.
255 Controls in detail Driving systems 3 Front sensors Rear sens o rs Minimum d istance If an o bstac le is within this r ange, all seg - ments o f the war ning di sp lays l ight up and a warning tone s ounds (the warning for the front sounds dif ferent than the war ning f or the re ar).
256 Control s in de tail Driving systems 3 Warning disp lays The wa rning dis plays ind icate the dis- tance between the sensor a nd the ob- stac le. The warni ng displa y for t he front area i s located on the mid dle of the das hboard above th e c enter c onsole.
257 Controls in detail Driving systems 3 The se le cto r lever pos ition d ete rmine s whether the front and/or rear area is monitore d. One or mo re se gm ents lig ht up as the vehi cle ap proaches a n obstacle , de- pendin g o n the vehi cle’s distanc e from the obstacle.
258 Control s in de tail Driving systems 3 Switching Parktronic on/off You can switch Parktronic on and off manuall y. The swi tch is lo cated on th e cente r con- sole. 1 To sw it ch Pa rktro nic o n/off To sw itch off: press u pper part 1 of the sw itch.
259 Controls in detail Driving systems 3 The a ngle and inclin ation o f the moni tor can be a djust ed from in sid e the stor age compartment on the center console. 1 Rear vi ew camera monitor Wa r n i n g G The rear view c amer a i s only an aid and may disp lay pot en ti al obst acl es in a sk e- wed pe rs pective, inc orrectly or n ot at all.
260 Control s in de tail Driving systems 3 Wa rn i n g ( C o nt i n u e d ) G Failu r e to pay at tentio n could mea n that you fail to no ti ce per s on s or obje ct s and, by contin uing to driv e, cause inju ry to per- sons or damage t o objects and y our vehic- le.
261 Controls in detail Driving systems 3 For i nforma tion on clea ning the ca mera, see “Re ar view came ra lens” ( page 422). Acti va ting the rear view cam era Make sure that the igniti on is switched on. Engage reverse gear. The rear view camera i s activated.
262 Control s in de tail Driving systems 3 Input for auxiliary devices (AUX) If reve rse gear is engaged while aux iliar y devices are in operat ion, the monitor w ill switch over to the rear view camera. When revers e gear is di sengaged, th e monitor wi ll contin u e to show th e r ear view camera sc reen for ap prox.
263 Controls in detail Driving systems 3 Menu guidance Sele cting the main men u Press the m button. The m ain me nu sele ctio n opti ons (menu l evel 1) appe ar. Pres s th e % or $ button until the menu you de sire is high l ighted. Pres s th e m button.
264 Control s in de tail Driving systems 3 Display men u You can custom ize the monitor displ ay in the Displ ay menu. You can sele ct the fo l lowing sub me nus: Scre en il luminati o n Brightness Contrast Color Tint Back Screen illum inatio n subme nu You can config ure the monitor’s back- lighting in the Screen illum.
265 Controls in detail Driving systems 3 Press the % or $ button. The bac klightin g i s set in ste ps. Press the m button. The su bmenu s (men u le vel 2) a r e displ ayed. Brightness submenu You can set the monitor’s brightness in the Brightn ess submenu .
266 Control s in de tail Driving systems 3 Contrast submenu You can set the monitor’s screen cont- rast in the Contrast submen u. Press t he m button. The ma in me nu ( men u level 1) is dis - played ( pa ge 263). Press t he % or $ b utton until the Displ ay menu is high lighted.
267 Controls in detail Driving systems 3 Press the m button. The co lo r setting is displaye d. Press the % or $ button. The co lor is set in steps.
268 Control s in de tail Driving systems 3 Aspect ratio menu You can set the monitor’s displa y format in the Aspec t ratio menu. Press t he m button. The ma in me nu ( men u level 1) is dis - played ( pa ge 263). Press t he % or $ b utton until the Aspec t ratio menu is hi ghligh - ted.
269 Controls in detail Driving systems 3 Norm menu You can set the monitor’s vide o sta n- dar d in the Norm menu . Press the m button. The m ain me nu (me nu leve l 1) is displ ayed ( page 263). Press the % or $ button until the Norm menu is hi ghli gh ted.
270 Control s in de tail Driving systems 3 Menu la nguage menu You can se lect the lan g ua ge for the m o- nitor’s menu texts in the Menu la nguage menu. Press t he m button. The ma in me nu ( men u level 1) is dis - played ( pa ge 263). Press t he % or $ bu tton until the Menu lang uage menu is h ighligh - ted.
271 Controls in detail Driving systems 3 Press the % or $ button until the desire d setting is hi ghlighted. Yes: overwrite all settings wi th the defa ult valu es.
272 Control s in de tail Driving systems 3 Redu cing th e volu me of the warn ing signal Select r everse gear twic e in qui ck succ ess ion. The warning si gnal sounds more quietly. Wa rn i n g G The reve rse warnin g fea ture signa l co u ld be igno red by oth er ro ad use rs.
273 Controls in detail Operating the vehicle 3 Operating the vehicle When a cti vated, the ope rating spee d governor (ADR) automatically increases the en gin e speed to a preset o r adj ust- able o pera ting speed ( page 275 ). Activating / deactivating ADR The swi tch is betwee n the lig ht switc h and t he s teering whe el.
274 Control s in de tail Operating the vehicle 3 To sw itch on: pr ess u pper part 1 of the switch with the eng ine running . The indicator l amp i n the switch comes on. Vehicl es witho ut steerin g wheel b ut- tons: The ™ indicator lamp in the in- strument cluster come s on.
275 Controls in detail Operating the vehicle 3 Adjusting the operating speed 1 To increase speed 2 To reduce spee d Swit ch on ADR ( page 27 3). To increa se: pres s upper part 1 of the switch. or On vehicles with cru ise control*, pres s th e cru i se cont r o l le v er * up ( pag e 249 ).
276 Control s in de tail Transpor ting 3 Transporting Loading guidelines Wa rn i n g G Secure and position a load as described in the lo ading gui delines.
277 Controls in detail Transpor ting 3 For more infor mation about the maxi- mum roof load and roof carrier systems, please re fe r to the "T ec hnica l data" sec - tion ( page 59 9). Before loadi ng Check the tire pres sures a nd corre ct them if n ec essary ( page 36 5).
278 Control s in de tail Transpor ting 3 During load ing Obser ve th e maxi mum per missi ble axle load s and permiss ible gros s weight f or the vehic l e. Obse rve the note s on loa d di stribu- tion ( pag e 279 ). Secure the loa d ( page 280).
279 Controls in detail Transpor ting 3 The lo a d's ov eral l c ente r of gr av ity shou ld be as l ow and cen tral as pos sible , between the axles nea r the re ar axle. For crewbus models: Always trans port load s in th e load compa rtm ent .
280 Control s in de tail Transpor ting 3 As t he driv er of th e vehicle, y ou are re - spon si ble fo r ensu ring th a t the lo ad is secured against slipping, tipping over, rolling or fall ing dow n.
281 Controls in detail Transpor ting 3 Always use the lashin g poi nts closes t to the load for securing it in place and plac e padding ar ound sharp edg- es.
282 Control s in de tail Transpor ting 3 Always atta ch the l as hin g net or tarps to a ll av ailable lashi ng po ints. Whil e do i ng so, m ake sure tha t the mounting hooks cannot open u ni n- tentionally. Wa rn i n g G Do not c arry out any modi fic ations or repai rs to the la shing point s, the lashing eyes or the lashin g m at eria ls.
283 Controls in detail Transpor ting 3 Wa rn in g G If yo u tensio n the lashing straps be tween the side wall s or betw een a si de wa ll and the lo ad co mpartmen t floo r, the permis si- ble lo ad .
284 Control s in de tail Transpor ting 3 Mou ntin g lash ing poi nts f or loa d rails* 1 Locking me chanism To install: slide the lashi ng eye through a re cess in th e load rai l close to the lo ad u ntil lo cking m echani sm 1 in the rece ss enga ges.
285 Controls in detail Transpor ting 3 Chec k whet her the la shing eye is firmly in place. To remove: pull locki ng mec hani sm 1 upward an d pu ll the lashing eye through a recess towards the locki ng mech anis m a nd out of the loa d rail.
286 Control s in de tail Transpor ting 3 Onl y in stal l ro of rac k s that h ave bee n approved or re comme n ded for Sprinter vehicl es. Th ese are av aila ble in any au- thor ized S printer D ealer. Obse rv e the in struc tions in the “O pera - tion” section ( page 303) .
287 Controls in detail Features 3 Fe atures Storage c ompartments above the windsh ield Storage compart ment above the roo f trim* 1 Stora ge compart ment Interio r storage comp artments Wa rn in .
288 Control s in de tail Features 3 Storage compar tments i n the doors You ca n use these s torage co mpart- ment s for t he safe stor age of s mall an d light it ems. Storage compar tment under the twin passe nger 's sea t* On vehicles with a twin passenger’s seat, the s torage compa rtment is under the se at cushion ( page 119).
289 Controls in detail Features 3 To open: pull glove b ox hand le 1 in the direc tion of the arrow. 4 Cards holder 5 Pen ho lder To close: fold the cover upwards and push again st it until i t enga ges in plac e.
290 Control s in de tail Features 3 Covere d sto rage compart ment a bov e the center con sole* 1 Cover 2 Relea s e hand le Pull re leas e h andle 2 . Cover 1 swings upwards. Close cover 1 and eng age it. The eye glass es comp artme nt is loca ted in the ov er head cont r ol pa n el.
291 Controls in detail Features 3 To open: pr ess cov er 1 of th e ey e- glasse s compartmen t. The ey eg lass es compa rtment f o lds out. To close: press cover 1 of the eye- glasses compartment into the over- head control panel unt il it en gages.
292 Control s in de tail Features 3 Cup holders in the fron t Example on the right-hand side 1 Cup holder in the stora g e compartmen t in th e dash board Example on the right-hand side 2 Bott le ho l.
293 Controls in detail Features 3 Plac e the conta iner i n cup hold er 5 . Press cl amping arm 6 onto the con- tainer. Cup holders in the rear The cup holder s in the rea r are loc ated under the se ats. 1 Cup holder Pull ou t cup hold er 1 .
294 Control s in de tail Features 3 The as h tray is lo cated in th e a shtray compartment in the center console. 1 Ashtr ay co m par tment 2 Recess 3 Cover Pull out as ht r ay comp ar tme nt 1 by recess 2 .
295 Controls in detail Features 3 Ashtray in the pa ssenger compar t- ment* The ash trays are located o n the righ t- hand and le ft-ha nd side in th e side trims . 1 Reta ining clip To open: ope n the ashtray. To rem ove the insert: press c lip 1 down and remove the enti re ashtray from the trim.
296 Control s in de tail Features 3 Switch on the ign ition ( page 11 1). Press in cigarette lighter 1 . The ciga re tte lighter will pop o ut auto- matica lly when the heating el ement is red -hot . The paper hold er is on t he contro l panel for the air-conditi oning system.
297 Controls in detail Features 3 The 12 V socke ts fo r a ccesso r ies ar e on the bottom of the center cons ole (12 V, 25 A) on the insi de of the driver's sea t base (12 V, 15 A) i.
298 Control s in de tail Features 3 Teleph ones ma y only be used ins ide the vehicl e if they are con nec t ed to a sep a- rate exterior antenna of a type teste d and approved by the ma nuf acturer. i The socke ts are supp lied with power even if the ke y is rem oved fr om the ignition lock.
299 Controls in detail Features 3 The ins talla tion of t he anten n a must be appro v ed by a qual ifie d sp ecia li st work- shop. Always h ave main tena nce work carr ied out at a q ua lified s peciali st wor k sh op, e.g. an aut hori zed Spri nter D ealer. Page 300 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM.
301 Operation 4 Operation The first 1000 miles (1500 km)........... 30 2 Driving tips........... 303 Electronic equipment ........... 315 Refueling........... 316 Engine compar tment........... 318 Battery........... 335 Battery isolating switch*.....
302 Operation The first 1000 miles (1500 km) 4 The first 1000 miles (1500 km) You wil l f ind deta iled info rmatio n about operat ing, main tain ing and c aring for your veh ic le in the “Operati on” sec tion.
303 Operation Driving tips 4 Driving tips For informati on about driving in wi nter and with sn ow chai ns, see “Winte r dri v- ing” ( page 404).
304 Operation Driving tips 4 Elect rical co nnections* The S print er Vehi cle is ava ilabl e with a vari ety of pr e-ins talled co nditi ons (line s and turn signal indic ator and brake mod- ule ins talled an d / or no t installed) . Make sure that the corre ct trailer hi tch receiv- er kit is us ed.
305 Operation Driving tips 4 For the permiss ible weight s and ratings, re fe r to the foll owing ta ble. ! CAUTION Cargo vans with a long wh eelbas e of 170.3 in (4325 mm ) and an over al l vehicl e len gth of 289.1 i n (73 44 m m) have a reduced GTW and TWR.
306 Operation Driving tips 4 Sprinter type GVWR GAWR (FA) GAWR (RA) GCWR GTW TWR 2500 8550 l bs (3878 kg) 3970 lbs (1801 kg) 5360 lbs (2431 kg) 13500 lbs (6123 kg) 5000 lbs (2268 kg) 500 lbs (227 kg) .
307 Operation Driving tips 4 When lo a ding th e a trailer , you s hou ld observe that the GCWR of your vehicle is not ex ceeded. You must dis tribute total w eig ht be- tween the vehicle and the trailer such that neith er the pe rmissi ble GTW , nor the GVWR and front/rear GAWR , nor the TWR are exc eeded.
308 Operation Driving tips 4 Attaching a t r ailer Please observ e the maxim um permit ted trailer d im ensions ( w idth and le ngth). Most s tates a nd al l Canadi an provinces require safe ty c hains betwee n your tow vehicl e and the trailer. The c hains shou ld be cris scrossed under the tr ailer tongue .
309 Operation Driving tips 4 Towing a trailer There a re man y diff erent la ws, includi ng speed lim it re strictions, having to do with trailer towing. M ake sure that your vehi cle-tr ailer combi natio n will b e lega l, not only for whe re you re side, bu t also for wher e you w ill be driv in g.
310 Operation Driving tips 4 If possi ble, do no t brake abru ptly, but rather en gage the br ake sligh t l y at first to permit the trailer to activate i ts brake.
311 Operation Driving tips 4 If you pla n to oper ate your vehic le in for- eign co untri es, plea se be a ware that: serv ice fa cilit ies or re plac ement part s m ay not be re adily av a ilabl .
312 Operation Driving tips 4 You wi ll find infor ma tion a b o ut the speed l im it for your tire s u nder “Tire s and wh ee ls” in th is secti on ( pag e 383).
313 Operation Driving tips 4 Your veh icl e is equip ped w ith an oxid a- tion cat alyst, an importan t el ement i n conjunc tion with th e oxyg en se nsor s to achiev e substa ntial co ntrol o f the p ollut- ants in th e exhaus t emis si ons.
314 Operation Driving tips 4 Certai n syst e ms of th e engine serv e t o keep the toxic components of the ex- haust ga ses with in perm issib le limits re- quired by law. Thes e sy stem s, o f cour se, will fu nctio n prope rly only w h en main taine d stri ctly accor ding to fact ory spe cific ations.
315 Operation Electronic equipment 4 Electronic equipment The veh icle’s ge neral o p eratin g permi t may be invalid ated if you do not observe the manu facture r’s insta llatio n spe cifi- cations .
316 Operation Refuelin g 4 Refueling The fue l f iller fl ap is next to the driv er’s door. You can only open the fuel filler flap when the driver’s door is open. 1 Reta ining st rap 2 Fuel fille r cap Wa rn i n g G Fuel is high ly fl ammable.
317 Operation Refuelin g 4 Remove the key from the ignition lock. Switch of f the au xiliar y heati ng. Open the dri ver’s door. Open th e fuel fi ller f la p. Close al l the vehi cl e’s doors, so t ha t no fuel vapors ca n enter th e vehi cle.
318 Operation Engine compart ment 4 Engine compar tment Opening 1 Release le ver Pull rel ease lev er 1 under th e in- strument panel o n the lef t-hand side in the driv er’s fo otwell. The h ood is re leas ed. Hood Wa rn i n g G Do not pull the rel ease le ver wh ile th e ve- hicle i s in motion .
319 Operation Engi ne compar tme nt 4 2 Securing hook Push up securing hook l e ver 2 . 3 Support strut Swing the hood upward until support strut 3 engages and the hood is supp orted. N88 .40- 206 3-31 N 88.40-2 062- 31 War n i n g G If the hood support st rut is not engaged, the hood c an fa ll shut.
320 Operation Engine compart ment 4 Closing Wa rn i n g G Engine parts may be hot and can rotate. T h e r e i s a r i s k o f i n j u r y i f t h e h o od i s o p e n and th e engine is ru nning. Only op en the hoo d wh en the en gine ha s stopped and cooled down.
321 Operation Engi ne compar tme nt 4 Lift the h ood gent ly . Push ba ck s upp ort strut 3 ( page 319). Let the hood drop from a height of approx im ately 05. ft ( 30 cm). The hood engag es a udibl y. C h e c k t o m a k e s u r e t h e h o o d i s f u l l y clos ed.
322 Operation Engine compart ment 4 Mechan ical elem ents and t he lubric ants used for them must be ca refull y matche d. For thi s reas o n, on ly b rand s teste d and approved by the manuf acturer should be used. Please contact your Sprinter Deal- er to obtain the necessary information.
323 Operation Engi ne compar tme nt 4 Check the engine oil level on a regular ba- sis, for example weekly or each time you re- fuel. Checking the engin e oil level in the display In veh ic les wit h diesel engin es, you c an view th e e ngine oi l le vel in th e display .
324 Operation Engine compart ment 4 Vehicles withou t stee ring whee l butto ns Press the menu button on the in- strument cluster re peatedly until y ou see the P s ymbol in the disp lay. The --:-- display flash e s during the measu rem ent proc ess.
325 Operation Engi ne compar tme nt 4 Vehicles with steering wheel buttons* Press the button on the instru- ment clust er ( page 142). The f o llowin g m essag e i s displ ay ed for the du.
326 Operation Engine compart ment 4 Checking the engine oil level with the dipst ick When t he oil is be in g checke d, the v eh i- cle m us t be at no rm al op er atin g tempe rature be stand ing level have been standing with the engi ne switch ed off for a t least fiv e mi nutes Obser ve wait.
327 Operation Engi ne compar tme nt 4 Diesel engine 1 Engin e oi l fi ller neck 2 Engine oil dips ti ck Gasoli ne engine 1 Engi ne oi l fil ler ne ck 2 Engi ne oi l dip stick Pull out dipstick 2 . Wipe it clean wi th a lint- free c loth. Insert it into the dipstick tub e as far as the stop and pull it back out.
328 Operation Engine compart ment 4 3 Engine oil dipstick Check the en gin e oil lev e l. The oi l leve l is c orrect if the oil is b e- tween the lower min and upp er max marks on the dipstick.
329 Operation Engi ne compar tme nt 4 The exp ansion tan k is in th e engine c om- partment. Only add coolant with the ve- hicle s tand ing on a level surfa ce an d with the eng ine switc hed off . Th e cool - ant temperatur e must have droppe d be- low 122 °F (5 0 °C).
330 Operation Engine compart ment 4 Slow ly u nscre w ca p 1 cou nte r - clockw ise to re duce ex ce ss pre s- sure. Continue tu rning th e cap an d remove it. Add cool ant as far as the MAX ma rk . Twist c ap 1 back on. For coola nt spec ifica tions, s ee "Ser v ice products an d capa cities" ( page 6 04).
331 Operation Engi ne compar tme nt 4 The rese rvoir is in the engine compart- ment. C heck the b rake flui d level: regula rly, e.g . weekly or whe n refue l- ing only w ith the vehicl e stan.
332 Operation Engine compart ment 4 ! CAUTION Bra ke flui d corrod es pain two rk. I f brake fluid comes into contact with the paintwo rk, imme diatel y ri nse with water. If the b ra ke fluid does not r ea ch t h e MIN ma rk, the vehi cle’s hydra ulic syste m could b e mal funct ioning .
333 Operation Engi ne compar tme nt 4 For sp ecifica tions of brake fluid, s ee "Servi ce products and capacities" ( pag e 616). The wind shie ld wa sher reser voir is i n the engine c ompart ment.
334 Operation Engine compart ment 4 Adapt the mixing ratio to the outside tempera ture. U s e: Summerwash to protect against smea ring at temper atur es above freezi ng. Winte rw ash wh en there is a risk of frost so that the water does not freeze onto the windshield.
335 Operation Batter y 4 Batter y Your veh icle may be equi pped with two batteries, depe nding on the equipment version: Starter b attery in the battery recess in the driver’s footwell .
336 Operation Batter y 4 Wa rn i n g ( C o nt i n u e d ) G C Keep out of the r each of chil- dre n. Childr en canno t appr eciate t he dang er s invo lved in hand li ng batteri es and aci d . E Wear ey e protec tion . When mixi ng water and acid , the liquid can spl ash in your ey es.
337 Operation Batter y 4 The ba tteries mu st always be sufficie ntly char ged so that they achie ve their in - tende d se rvice l if e. Have the battery charge s tatus checked more fr equently i f you use th e vehicle main ly for sh ort trips o r if you le ave it parked up for a long period.
338 Operation Battery isolatin g switch* 4 Battery isolating switch* You can disconne ct the current to all your veh ic le’s con sumers using the b at- tery isola ting sw itc h. This wi ll preve nt uncontrolled ba ttery disc h arge cause d by quiescent curre nt consum pti on.
339 Operation Battery isolatin g switch* 4 Take the key out of the ignition lock and wait f or approx imatel y 20 secon ds. Move red sli de 2 down in the dire c- tion of the arrow and disconnect connector 1 from the ground pin. Cla mp con ne ctor 1 under the ac - celerator pedal so that it cannot make contact with the ground pin.
340 Operation Battery isolatin g switch* 4 1 Connector 2 Ground p in Insert the key i nto the ignition lock. Press connector 1 onto ground pin 2 until you feel it en gage. The c onnect or must be in fu ll conta ct with ground pin 2 . All consum ers are reconnected to the power supply circuit.
341 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Tires and wheels The tire s on a new ve hicl e pro vide a ba l- ance of many characterist ics. T hey should be ins pected re gul arly for we ar and corre ct cold t ire inflat ion pressure .
342 Operation Tires and wheels 4 For more information on ti re size desig- nation, load and s peed rating, see "Tire labelin g " ( page 382 ). See an au thorize d Spri nter De aler for in- forma t ion on tes ted an d reco mm ended rims an d tires f or summ er and winter op - eration .
343 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Wa rn in g G Do n o t u s e a ti r e, w h ee l s iz e o r r a t in g ot h - e r t h a n t h a t s p e c i f i e d f o r y o u r S p r i n t e r v e - hicl e.
344 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Only us e whee ls and ti res whic h have been tested and app roved by the v ehicl e manufactu r er. Wa rn i n g G Worn, old tires can caus e accidents. If the tire tr ead is badly wor n, or if the t ires h ave sustained damage, repla ce them.
345 Operation Tires and wheels 4 For inform ati on on tire and whee l sizes with lo ad ra tings, re fer to "Tir e and load- ing in forma tion" ( page 303). Cuts and punc tures in ra dial tire s are re - pairable only in the tre ad area be caus e of side wall flexing.
346 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Only use sets of tires and rims of th e same typ e and mak e . Tires must be of the correct size for the rim. Break in new tire s for app roximate ly 65 mi les (1 00 km) a t moder ate speed s. Regul arl y check th e ti res and rim s for damage.
347 Operation Tires and wheels 4 The tire infla tion pres sure should be checke d regular ly, i.e. at leas t each tim e you refuel the vehic l e. The pre ferred i n- terval for checking the tire inflatio n pres- sure, however, is b efore each trip .
348 Operation Tires and wheels 4 bumps, bu lges, cuts, cracks or splits in the tread or side of the ti re foreign objects between the tires (on vehicles with twin ti res) Replace the tire if any of the above con- ditions is found. Also ins pect the spa re tire p eriodica lly for condition and inflatio n.
349 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Life of t ire The ser vice life of a tire depends o n vary- ing f actors including but not li mited to: Dri vin g styl e Tire in flatio n pres su re Dist ance dr iven Tread de pth Do not allow your tires to wear down too far.
350 Operation Tires and wheels 4 1 Treadwea r In d icator (TWI ) The T rea dwear In dic ator appe ars as a solid ba nd across the tre ad. Storing tires Cleaning ti r es Wa rn i n g G Altho ugh the ap .
351 Operation Tires and wheels 4 An arrow on the side wal l indicates the intended direction of rotation (spinning) of the tire which means the wheel must be mounted in the di rection of rotation. If a tire does not have a n arrow on the side w all indi cating the directi on of rota- tion, the wheel can be mounted either way.
352 Operation Tires and wheels 4 1 Tire an d loading info rmation placard on driver’s door B-pillar Tire and loading information The i nforma tion below expl ains how to work with the information contai ned on the ti re and l oading in format ion pl acar d with regards to loading y o ur veh icle.
353 Operation Tires and wheels 4 The GV WR inc ludes the w eight of the ve- hicl e, all o c cupa n ts, fuel and cargo. The GA W R is the tota l al lowabl e weigh t that c an be carr ied by a s ingle a xle (f ront or rear). The GC WR is the to ta l allowa ble wei ght of veh icle an d trai ler w he n wei ghed in comb ination .
354 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Placar d (USA On ly) For ve hicles with a gr oss we ight capaci ty less th an 10,000 lbs (45 36 kg) o n ly . The tire and lo ading in forma tion pl acard is locate d on the dr iver’s doo r B-pilla r.
355 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Load limit inform ation Loca te t he sta tement “Th e co mbin ed weight of occupants and cargo s hould neve r ex ceed XXX kg or XX X l bs.
356 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Step 4 The res ul ting fig ure equ al s the avai l- able amount of cargo and luggage load cap acity. F or examp le, i f th e “XXX” am ount e quals 140 0 lbs an.
357 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Exam- ple Combined weight limit of occu - pant s and cargo fr om plac ard Number of occupa nts (drive r and pass en- gers) Seating config ura- tio n Occupa nts' w.
358 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Certi ficat ion label Even after c are ful deter minatio n of th e comb ined we ight o f all occupan ts, c argo and the trai ler tongue load (if appli cable) as to not.
359 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Gros s Com bin ation W eig ht R ati ng (GCWR) : The total allowable weigh t of ve- hicle and trailer wh en we ighed in com in- bation in clud in g a 150 lbs (68 kg) allowance for the presence of a driver.
360 Operation Tires and wheels 4 To assu re that your vehicle does not e x- ceed the maximum permi ssible weight limits (G VW R and GAWR for front and rear ax le a nd GCW R), have th e l oaded vehicle (i ncluding driver, pa ssengers and all car go and , if appl icable , trai ler fu lly loade d) weigh e d on a s uitable c omme r- cial s cale.
361 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Your ve hi cle is eq u ipped w i th eithe r the tire an d loadin g inf ormat ion pla card 1 or with the tir e inflatio n pres su re placa rd located on th e driver’s do o r B-pilla r.
362 Operation Tires and wheels 4 The tir es can be cons idered cold if the vehicle ha s been parked f or at least 3 hours or dr iven l ess than 1 m il e (1.6 km) at an ambi ent temper a t ur e o f approxi ma tely 68 °F (2 0 °C). Follow re comm e nded co l d tire inf lation press ures l isted on ve hicle plac ard.
363 Operation Tires and wheels 4 The pla card lis ts the rec ommende d cold tire in flatio n pressu res fo r all l oad c ondi- tions up to the maximum perm issible weight lim its (GAWR ). T he tire inf lation pressures li sted apply to the tir es in- stalled a s origina l equipm ent.
364 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Tire tempe rature and ti re inflati on pres- sure are also in creas ed while dr iving , de- pending on the driv i ng spee d and the tire load. Tire inflati on pres sure c hanges by ap- proximatel y 1.5 psi (0.1 b ar) per 18 °F (10 °C) of air te mpera ture ch ange.
365 Operation Tires and wheels 4 The tir e inflat ion pres sure s hould b e checke d regularl y, i.e. at lea st each time you ref uel the v ehicle. The pref erred in- terval fo r checking t he tire inflation pre s- sure, however, is be fore each trip.
366 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Checki ng tire i nflation pressure manually Follow th e steps bel ow to ac h ieve co r- rect tir e in f lation pres su re: Remo v e th e cap from the va lv e on one tire. Firmly press a tire gauge onto the valve.
367 Operation Tires and wheels 4 In additi on to the placard als o con- sult the tire inf lation pr essur e ta ble ( page 628). If neces s ary, add air to achi eve the recomm e nded tire inflation press u- re. Reattach the valve cap. Repeat this proc edure for each tire.
368 Operation Tires and wheels 4 The T PMS on ly fu nctions on w heels t hat are equipp ed with the prope r electronic sensors. It monitors the tire inflation pressu re, as se lected by th e driver , in all four ti res. A warn ing i s issu ed t o alert you to a d ecreas e in pr es sure in o ne or more of the tires .
369 Operation Tires and wheels 4 W arning (Cont inued) G Always en sure th at you re-calibr ate th e TPMS af ter y ou inflat e d the ti res to t he reco mmende d col d infl atio n press ure. Always a djust ti re inflat ion pres su re ac- cording t o the tire an d loadi ng infor mation placard on the driv e r’s door B-pill ar.
370 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Wa rn i n g ( C o nt i n u e d ) G As an added safety feature, your vehicle has b een equi pped with a Tire Pr essure Monito ring Sy stem (TPM S) that il lumi- nates a low tire pressure te lltale whe n one or more of you r tires is si gnificantly u nder- infl ated.
371 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Reacti vating the TPMS The TP MS mus t be re activated when you have ad justed the tire infla tion p ressure to a new lev el (e.g. bec ause o f di fferen t load or driv ing c ondit ions). T he TPMS i s then recalibrate d to the current tire in- flation press ures.
372 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Make sure the tire inflati on pressure of all four ti res is cor rec t, us ing th e tire and load ing in format ion plac ard 1 or th e tire in flatio n pre ssure pl acar d located on the driver’s door B-pillar ( page 362).
373 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Switch on the ign ition ( page 111) . Press the 5 menu button on the in- stru me nt cl us ter until y ou see th e +CAL TPM S messag e in the d ispla y. Press the , menu button on the in- strume nt cluster.
374 Operation Tires and wheels 4 The T PMS on ly fu nctions on w heels t hat are equipp ed with the prope r electronic sensors. It monitors the tire inflation pressu re, as se lected by th e driver , in all four ti res. A warn ing i s issu ed t o alert you to a d ecreas e in pr es sure in o ne or more of the tires .
375 Operation Tires and wheels 4 i When the m essage Tire pres . dis- played after driving f or sev eral minute s appear s in th e mu ltifun ction display , the in di vidual infla tion pr es- sure va lu es are ma tched w it h the tires. The i ndividual va lue s are dis- played aft er a few minutes' dri ving.
376 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Wa rn i n g G The TP MS does not warn you against i n- corr ec tly se lected ti re in fl atio n press u r e and does not wa rn you whe n the tire pres - sure is not pr oper ly sele cte d for th e re- spect ive vehic le loa d .
377 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Wa rn in g G Each tire , including the sp are (i f provid ed), shou ld be ch ecked mo nth ly when c old and infl ated to the i nflation pres sure rec- ommend ed by the vehi cl e ma nufac tur er on the veh icle pl acard or th e tir e infla tion pressure l abel.
378 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Wa rn i n g ( C o nt i n u e d ) G USA only: Your vehicl e has also been equi pped with a TPMS malfunct ion in dicator to indicate when the system i s not operati ng properly . The TPMS ma lfunc tio n ind ica tor is com bin ed with the lo w ti re pr essu re tel ltale .
379 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Reac tivatin g the Advance d TPMS The TPMS must be reactivated when you have a djusted the tire inflati on press ure to a new lev e l (e.g. be cause o f differen t load or driving conditions). T he TPMS is then recalibrated to the current tire in- flatio n pres sur es.
380 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Press button è or ÿ on the multif unctio n stee rin g whe el repeat- edly until the standa rd display menu appear s in the m ultifun ction d ispla y ( page 157).
381 Operation Tires and wheels 4 1. Saf ety 2. Ec onomy Improper inflat ion pre ssures c an c a use uneven wea r patterns to d evelop across the tire tr ead. The se abnormal we ar pat- terns wi ll redu ce tread l ife res ulting in a need for e arlier tir e replac ement.
382 Operation Tires and wheels 4 3. Rid e comfort and ve hicle st abilit y Proper tire inflation contribute s to a comfo rtable ri de. Over inflatio n produc es a jarring and u ncomforta ble rid e. Besides the tire name (sal es designa - tion) and manufa cturer's name, a nu m- ber of marking s can be found on a tir e.
383 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Tire size des ignatio n, load and speed rating 1 Design standar d 2 Tire wi dth 3 Aspect ratio in % 4 Radial tire code 5 Rim d iam eter 6 Tire l oad rati ng 7 Tire s p.
384 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Tire wid th The tire widt h 2 indicates th e n omina l tire width in mm. Aspect ratio The a spect r atio 3 is the dimensio n al relationship be tween tire section hei ght and secti on width and is express ed i n percenta ge.
385 Operation Tires and wheels 4 The commerc ial vehicle tires based on Europea n standards may have an a ddi- tional value in th e paren theses (as illus - trated). In such cases, the value preced ing the parenth eses is v a lid for Europe an countrie s and the par enthe- sized for the USA and Canada.
386 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Tire speed rating The ti re spee d rat ing 6 indicates the approved maximum spe ed for t he ti re. The c ommercial vehicle ti res b ased on European sta ndards ma y h ave an addi- tional index in the parentheses.
387 Operation Tires and wheels 4 U.S. tire regula tio ns req uire eac h new tire manufacturer or t ire retreader to mold a TI N into or onto a side wa ll of each tir e produc ed.
388 Operation Tires and wheels 4 1 DOT 2 Manufa cturer’s i dentifi cation mark 3 Tire si ze 4 Tire t ype code (ti r e manufactur er's op- tion) 5 Date of manufacture The TIN may be found on one or both sides of the tire ; however, the date cod e may only be on one side.
389 Operation Tires and wheels 4 DOT (D epart ment O f T rans portatio n) A tire branding symbol 1 which de- notes the tire meets requirem ents of the U.S. Department of Trans portation. Manufactu rer’s identif ication mark The man u fact ure r’s identi ficati on mark 2 denotes the tire manufacture r.
390 Operation Tires and wheels 4 1 Maximu m tire load ra ting The max im um tir e loa d is the max imu m weight the tire s are designe d to support. Wa rn i n g G Tires a n d spa re tire sh ould be re- placed after 6 years , regardle ss of the remai ning tread .
391 Operation Tires and wheels 4 For more info rmation on tire l oad ra ting, refer to "Tire s ize designation, l oad and speed r ating " ( pa ge 383). For inform atio n on calcula ting tota l an d cargo lo ad capaci ties, ref er to "Tire a nd loading i nfor mation " ( page 352 ).
392 Operation Tires and wheels 4 This is th e maximum permis sible tire in- flati on pressu re for th e tire. Always follow th e recommende d tire in- flatio n press ure ( page 361) for prope r tire inf la tion. i For illu strativ e purposes only.
393 Operation Tires and wheels 4 1 Plies in si de wall 2 Plies unde r tread This marking tells y ou about the type of cord and number of pl ies in the sid e wall and under t he tread.
394 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Air press ure The amo unt of ai r insid e the tire p ressi ng outward on each square inch of the tire. Air pressur e is expres sed in po u n ds p er square i nch (p si), or kil opasc al (kPa ) o r bars.
395 Operation Tires and wheels 4 GAWR (G ross A xle W eight R ating) The GA WR is the m aximu m permis sible axle we ight. The gro ss vehic le weig ht on each a xle mu st never exc eed th e GA WR for the front and rear axle indicated on the certif ication label loc ated belo w the driv er’s seat o n the moun ting pillar.
396 Operation Tires and wheels 4 GVWR (G r oss V ehicle W eight R ating) This is the maximum per missib le ve hicle weight of the fully l oaded vehicl e (wei ght of the vehicl e including al l options, pas- sengers , fuel, and car go and, if appl ica- ble, trail er tongue loa d).
397 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Product ion op tions weight The c o mbine d weig h t of those inst alled regular produ c tion opti ons weighing over 5 lbs ( 2.
398 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Tire load rating Numerica l code associ ated with the maximum load a tire can s u pport. Tire ply composition an d material used This indicate s the numbe r of plies o r the number of la yers of ru bber-coate d fabric in the tire tread and side wa ll.
399 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Uniform t ire qual ity gradin g stan- dards A tire in fo rmatio n syst em that pro vides consum ers with ratings for a tire ’s trac- tion, temperature a nd treadwea r. Rat- ings are d eterm in ed by tire manuf acturers using go v ernme nt test- ing proc edure s.
400 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Tires on the front and re ar axle s of vehi- cles ope rate at diffe rent load s and p er- form diff ere nt ste ering, driving an d braking functions. For these reasons, they w ear at unequ al rates , and d evelop irreg u la r wear patt er n s.
401 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Rotate tir es before the characteristic tire wea r pattern becom es visible (s houl- der wear on front tires and tread center wear on rear tires) . The reas ons for any rap id or unusu al wear should be correc ted p rior to rota- tion bein g performed.
402 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Rotation pattern for single and dual rear wheels Single rear wh eels : Ro tat e th e tires by a xle. Ne ver change the direction of rotation of your tire s. Wa rn i n g ( C o nt i n u e d ) G If a whee l hub thread is dam ag ed, yo u must no t driv e the vehi cle.
403 Operation Tires and wheels 4 Make sure that on one a xle just one type of tire (same size, type con- structi on, load and s pee d rating ) is used. Dual rea r whee ls: Rotate front tires by a xle and the out- er rear tir e si de to side if ther e is no approved direction of rotation.
404 Operation Winter driving 4 Winter driving Have yo ur vehicle winter proofed at the onset of winter at a n authorized Sprinter Dealer. This ser vice in c lude s th e follo w- ing: Oil cha n.
405 Operation Winte r driving 4 For safe handling, make sure all winter tires mount ed are of th e same make and have the same tread des ign. Always obs erve the s peed rating o f the wint er ti res ins talle d on your vehicle .
406 Operation Winter driving 4 Drive with partic u lar care on icy road s. Avoid sudden acceler ation, steering moveme nts a n d braki n g. If it se ems likely th at the vehicl e is abou t to enter a skid or cannot be stopped at a low spee d: Move the selector lever to position N .
407 Operation Winte r driving 4 Apply the bra kes regu larly whe n making longer journeys on gritted or salted roads. T h is w i ll ha v e t he e ff ect of re sto r - ing the brake s to thei r normal l evel of perfo rmance.
408 Operation Winter driving 4 Please o bserve th e follow i ng guide lines when u sing snow ch ains : Snow chains should only be us ed on rear wheels. In vehicles w ith dual rear w heels , they s hould be mo unted on the exterior wheels. Follow the manufact u r er’s moun ting instruc- tions.
409 Operation Mainten ance and servic ing 4 Maintenance and servicing Wa rn in g G Before car rying out mainte nance ope ra- tions and repairs, please make sure that you re ad the rele vant sectio.
410 Operation Mainte nance and s ervicing 4 Mech anical elemen ts and t he l ubrican ts used f or th em must be caref ul ly matched . For this rea son, only brands tested a nd approv ed by the m anufact urer s hould be used. Pleas e co ntact your Spr inte r Deal - er to obtain the necessary informatio n.
411 Operation Mainten ance and servic ing 4 ASSYST, the A ctive S ervi ce Syst em, in- forms y ou when th e next s erv ice is d ue . A servic e that i s due i s displ ayed a bout a month or 1900 mil es (3000 km ) in ad- vance. A m essage i s then disp layed while the ve hicle is in motion o r the i gni- tion i s switc hed on.
412 Operation Mainte nance and s ervicing 4 Service due date display Vehicles with steer ing wheel butt ons The f ollowing m e ssages may be dis- played : 9 Servic e A in .. days 9 Servic e A in .. miles ( km ) 9 Servic e A due now The letters A or B indicate the ty pe of ser- vice that is due.
413 Operation Mainten ance and servic ing 4 Vehicles with steering wheel buttons* If you ha ve mis sed the se rvice due da te, one of th e foll o w ing mes sa ges ap pea rs in the di splay: 9 Service A overd ue by .. days 9 Servi ce A ov erdue by .
414 Operation Mainte nance and s ervicing 4 Vehicle s withou t stee ring wh eel but - tons Press the menu button on the in- strument cluster re peatedly until y ou see t he follow ing in the dis p.
415 Operation Mainten ance and servic ing 4 Removing the air cleaner elem ent Carefull y pry cover 1 out of rece sses 2 a nd remove it. Remov e th e filter mat . Cleaning t h e filter ma t Wash the filte r mat with cle an water. Lea ve the f ilter mat to d ry.
416 Operation Cleani ng and ca re of the vehicle 4 Cleaning and care of the vehicle Regular and proper care wil l hel p to maint ain the value of your ve hicl e. Th e best way to prot ect your vehicle from harmful enviro nmental influen ces is to wash it and us e prote ctive treatme n ts regular ly.
417 Operation Cleaning an d care of the vehicle 4 Envir onmental no te H Only clean the vehi cle in a suitabl e place for was hin g veh ic l es. Dis pos e of empty containers and us ed cleaning mater ials in an e nviro nmen tally respo nsibl e mann er.
418 Operation Cleani ng and ca re of the vehicle 4 Automati c car was h You can clea n the vehicle in an automat- i c c a r w a s h f r o m t h e v e r y s t a r t . I t i s p r e f - erable to use a car wash that does not have bru shes. If t he ve hicle is ve ry d irty, pr ewash it b e- fore you dri ve into the car wash .
419 Operation Cleaning an d care of the vehicle 4 After using an automatic car wash, wip e off wax from th e wind shield and th e wip- er bl ades. This prevents smears an d re - duces wiping noises which can be cause d by resid ue o n the wi n dshiel d.
420 Operation Cleani ng and ca re of the vehicle 4 Steps Engine cleaning Light-all oy wheels* Clean ligh t-alloy wheel s o n a re gular b a- sis. Wa rn i n g G Dirty or i ce d-up steps a nd entrance s cre- ate a risk of slippi ng or f alling . Keep steps, e ntrances a nd footwear fr e e from dirt (e.
421 Operation Cleaning an d care of the vehicle 4 Ou tside of wi ndsh iel d and w ipe r blades Turn key to positi on 1 in igni tion lock ( pag e 111). Switch o n winds h ield wi per s ( page 210). When the wiper arms are vertic al, turn key to position 0 in the ignition lock or re mo v e the key .
422 Operation Cleani ng and ca re of the vehicle 4 Headlamp s Wipe th e h eadlam p le nses wi th a damp sp onge. Parktronic sensors* The se nsors are located in th e front and rear b umpers. Clean th e senso rs in the bu mpers u s- ing water, shampoo and a soft c l oth.
423 Operation Cleaning an d care of the vehicle 4 Rear vi ew came ra Clean th e camera le n s 1 using wa- ter and a soft cloth onl y. Be careful not to apply wax to the cam- era len s 1 when waxing the vehi cle. If neces sa ry, rem ove the w ax usin g sham - poo with plenty of water.
424 Operation Cleani ng and ca re of the vehicle 4 Heavy s oiling Wipe plas tic parts wi th a da mp, lint- free cloth (e.g. a mic ro-fiber cloth). Dashboa rd and pa dded boss of t h e steering wheel Mois ten a clea n an d lin t-free cl oth with water and clean the plastic parts and the dashboa rd.
425 Operation Cleaning an d care of the vehicle 4 Clean th e display surface w ith a com mercia lly- avail able mi crofi ber cloth an d c leaner for T FT/LCD dis- plays. After dr ying, w ipe the dis play sur face with a dry microfiber cloth using only slight p ressure.
426 Operation Cleani ng and ca re of the vehicle 4 Clean th e vehicl e, partic u larly t he lighting equip ment, windows, exter i- or mirro r s, st ep s , en tr a n ces , gr ab handle s, wh e els, tire s, whee l hous - ings and l icense p lates. O bser ve the notes in this se ction.
427 Operation Cleaning an d care of the vehicle 4 After dr i v in g in mu d, sa n d , wate r or sim- ilar c onditions : Check the brake sys tem for operat- ing s afet y. Clean the whe els, chas sis a nd brake syste m. Check them for damag e and ha ve any damage re paired by an a utho- rized Spri nter Dealer if necessar y. Page 428 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM.
429 Practi cal hi nts 5 Practica l hints What to do if .............. 430 Display messages ........... 484 Where will I find...?........... 51 3 Changing bulbs........... 525 Changing the batteries........... 53 9 Fuel system........... 54 2 Replacing the wiper blades.
430 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Aud ib le w arn ing signal s Wa rn i n g G Alway s have ma inten ance wo rk ca rrie d out at an auth orize d Spri nter Deal er Continue d W arning (Cont inued) G which ha s the neces sary speciali st knowl- edge an d tools to carry out the work r e- quired.
431 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 Problem Pos sible ca use / result Suggested solutions The ant i-th eft al arm s y stem i s sudde nly tr ig- gered. You hav e opened th e ve hicle using the key while the ant i- th eft al ar m system was still primed.
432 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Accident Wa rn i n g G Alway s have ma inten ance wo rk ca rrie d out at an auth orize d Spri nter Deal er Conti nued W arning (Cont inued) G which ha s the necess ary specia list knowl- edge an d tools to carry out the work r e- quired.
433 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 Problem Possible cause / resu lt Suggested solutions Fuel is leaking from the v ehicle . Risk of fire and explosion G The fuel l ine or fu el tan k is malf unct io ning. There is a risk of fire an d explosio n from le akin g fuel.
434 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Fuel and f uel tank Wa rn i n g G Alway s have ma inten ance wo rk ca rrie d out at an auth orize d Spri nter Deal er Conti nued W arning (Cont inued) G which ha s the necessary s pecialist knowledg e and too ls to car ry ou t the work re qui red .
435 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 Problem Possible c ause / result Suggested solutions The fuel tank has be en run dry an d the veh icle has a di es el engin e. Ther e is air i n the fuel syste m. Ble ed the fuel system ( pag e 544). Fuel is leaking from the v ehicle .
436 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Engine Wa rn i n g G Alway s have ma inten ance wo rk ca rrie d out at an auth orize d Spri nter Deal er Continue d W arning (Cont inued) G which ha s the necessary s pecialist knowledg e and too ls to car ry ou t the work re qui red .
437 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 Problem Poss ible cause / result Suggested s olutions The en gine doe s not start . You ca n hear the starte r motor w orking . There may be a malfunction in the fuel supply. Turn the k ey ba ck to po sitio n 0 in the igni- tion l oc k be for e th e ne xt sta rting at tem pt.
438 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 The engi ne does no t star t. You c anno t hear th e sta rter moto r work ing. The on -board voltage i s too low (the battery has too li ttle charge or i s discha rged). The sele ct or le ve r is not in posi ti on P or N .
439 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 The coo lant te mperat ure gau g e is abov e 2 5 0° F ( + 1 2 0° C ) . The coo lant is t oo hot and the en gine is n ot be- ing suff icien tl y coole d.
440 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Automati c trans m ission Wa rn i n g G Alway s have ma inten ance wo rk ca rrie d out at an auth orize d Spri nter Deal er Conti nued W arning (Cont inued) G which ha s the necess ary specia list knowl- edge an d tools to carry out the work r e- quired.
441 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 Problem Possible c ause / result Suggested solutions The tra nsm iss ion no lon g er change s g ea r cor- rectl y. The tra nsmission is losing oil. Have the trans m ission che cked imme - diat ely at an author ized Sp rinter De aler.
442 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Headla mps and turn signals Wa rn i n g G Alway s have ma inten ance wo rk ca rrie d out at an auth orize d Spri nter Deal er Continue d W arning (Cont inued) G which has the necessary specialist knowl- edge and tools to carry out the work required.
443 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 Windshield wipers Wa rn in g G Always h ave mainte nance work carrie d out at an aut horized Sprinte r Dealer Conti nued Wa r n i n g ( C o n t i n u e d ) G which has t he ne ces sary speci ali st kn owl- edge and too ls to car ry out the work re- quired.
444 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Problem Possibl e cause / r esult Suggested solutions The wi ndshield wip ers ar e jammed. Leaves or snow, for exa mple, are hind ering the moveme nt o f t he win dsh ield wiper s. The wiper moto r has switch ed of f.
445 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 Remote c ontrol Wa rn in g G Always h ave mainte nance work carrie d out at an aut horized Sprinte r Dealer Cont inued Wa r n i n g ( C o n t i n u e d ) G which has t he ne ces sary speci ali st kn owl- edge and too ls to car ry out the work re- quired.
446 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Problem Possibl e cause / r esult Suggested solutions It is no lo nger pos s ible to l ock the ve hicle u s- ing the r emo te con tr ol. The turn signals do not fla sh when th e vehi cle is lock ed. The doors are not cl osed p roper ly.
447 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 It is n o longer possib le to loc k or unlo ck the vehicle using the remote contr ol. T he re mo te con tr ol batter ies are weak or dis - charged. Poi nt the remote contr o l to war ds the driv er’s do or hand le at clo se rang e and try ag ain.
448 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 The batt ery chec k lamp on t he remot e cont rol does no t l ight up br iefly wh en a but ton is pressed. The remo te control b at te ri es are disch ar g ed . Change the batte ri es ( page 540). You h ave los t a remote cont rol.
449 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 The key ca n no longer be turned in the igni tion lock. The on-board vo lt ag e is too low. Remove t he key an d re-in sert it into t he igniti on l oc k . Switc h off a ll no n-ess ent ial co nsume rs, for example th e seat h ea ting, in terior lighti ng, and t ry to tur n the key again .
450 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Drivin g syste ms Wa rn i n g G Alway s have ma inten ance wo rk ca rrie d out at an auth orize d Spri nter Deal er Conti nued W arning (Cont inued) G which ha s the n ecessary special ist kno wl- edge an d tools to carry out the work r e- quired.
451 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 Problem Possibl e cause / r esult Suggested solutions Onl y the red s egments in th e Park tronic* warnin g disp lays are lit . A warn ing t one al so so u nds for a p proxi mate - ly 2 sec onds . Parktr onic* switc hes off after approximat ely 20 seconds.
452 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 The Park tronic* warnin g displa ys indicate im- plausible dista nces. For exa mple, all th e seg ments may be lit even thoug h there is no obsta cle pres en t. The Pa rktronic* senso rs are dirt y or iced up. Cle an the Pa rkt ronic * sens o rs ( page 422).
453 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 Auxiliary heat ing* Wa rn in g G Always h ave mainte nance work carrie d out a t an a utho rized Sprinter Deal er w hich has the ne cessary specialist know ledge and tools to c ar ry out the wor k requ ir ed.
454 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Problem Poss ible caus e / result Suggested solutions The batt ery chec k lamp o n the re mote con trol for the auxil iary hea ting doe s no t light up briefly when a button is pressed. The remot e cont ro l batteri es are di scharge d.
455 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 The au xiliary heatin g does not swi tch on or t he engine do es not st art WAR N I N G G The aux ilia ry heatin g has ov erhe ated ab out ten times in successio n. The eng ine or heat er is m alfunctioni ng.
456 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Leaving the vehic le in storage Wa rn i n g G Alway s have ma inten ance wo rk ca rrie d out at an auth orize d Spri nter Deal er Conti nued W arning (Cont inued) G which has the necessary specialist kn owl- edge and tool s to carr y out the work required.
457 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 Indica tor and w arning lamps in switch es Wa rn in g G Always h ave mainte nance work carrie d out at an aut horized Sprinte r Dealer Conti nued Wa r n i n g ( C o n t i n u e d ) G which has t he ne ces sary speci ali st kn owl- edge and too ls to car ry out the work re- quired.
458 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Problem Poss ible ca use / result Sugg ested s olutions One or both of the indicator lamps in the switch for the se at heatin g * are flashing. There i s insuf ficien t vol t age avail able a s too m any consum ers are swit ched on.
459 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 The r e sidual engi ne heat utili zation f unction switch es of f too soon or can not be switche d on. Th e indicator lamp in th e ° swit ch does not l igh t up. Ther e is ins ufficien t vol ta g e av ai lable as too many consume rs are swi tch ed on.
460 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Indicato r and war ning lamps in t he instrumen t cluster Wa rn i n g G Alway s have ma inten ance wo rk ca rrie d out at an auth orize d Spri nter Deal er Continue d W arning (Cont inued) G which ha s the necess ary specia list knowl- edge an d tools to carry out the work r e- quired.
461 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 Problem Possibl e cause / r esult Suggested so lutions v The yell ow ASR / ESP ® warning lamp fla shes while t he vehicle is in moti on. WAR N I N G G ESP ® or ASR i s inte rvening be cause at l east one of the w heels h as reac h ed its tire gr ip li mit.
462 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 # - k 6 The y ellow E SP ® , ABS-, ASR/BAS indicator lamps and the red brake system i ndicato r lamp a re lit while the engi ne is running . WA R N I N G G EBV h as ma lfunc tioned. The re ar wheels coul d lock up soo ner than ex- pected when you apply the brakes.
463 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 6 The re d bra ke system i ndi c ator lamp is lit whi le the engine i s run- ning. A signal also sounds. WAR N I N G G Ther e is ins u f f ici ent brake flu id in th e fl ui d res- ervoi r. Also observ e the messa g es in the di s- play on vehicles with steeri ng wheel button s ( page 489).
464 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 6 When to w ing a tra iler : The r ed bra ke syst em in dicato r lamp is lit while the engi ne i s run - ning. A signal also sounds. WA R N I N G G The tra iler 's brak e boo s ter is ma lfun ction ing. The v e h icle 's dr ivin g and br a ki ng c har acte ri s- tics may change.
465 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 Problem Possibl e cause / r esult Suggested solutions k The ye llow AS R / B AS in dica - tor la mp is lit w hile th e en- gine is ru nn i ng. WAR N I N G G ASR has been deactivated due to a malfunction. The en gin e power output may then be lo we r.
466 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 - The y ell ow ABS indi cator lamp is lit wh ile the engi ne is runni ng. WA R N I N G G ABS has been deactivate d due to a malfunction. ESP ® , ASR and BAS as wel l as crui se co ntro l have also b een deact ivated as a result.
467 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 ABS has been deactivated due to undervol ta ge. The battery may not be being charged. The brake syst em continues to functi on with the nor- mal braking eff ect but with no electronic support. The whee ls could th erefor e lock up, fo r example if the brak es are appl ied wi th maximum fo rce.
468 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 # The yello w ESP ® indicator lamp is lit wh ile the engi ne is runni ng. WA R N I N G G ESP ® has been deactivated due to a malfunction. Crui se contr ol is a lso sw itched of f as a result. Vehi cle s tabil ity is no lo nge r automa tica lly co ntr olled in good time.
469 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 1 The red SRS warning lamp does not go ou t af te r ap - proximately 4 seco nds after the ig nition syste m is switche d on or ligh ts up again.
470 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 The bat tery is ma lfunctioning. Stop your vehicl e as soon as it is safe to do so. Do not d ri ve an y furt her.
471 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 : The yellow e ngine oil le vel warn ing lamp fl ashes after the engi ne is st art e d or while t he vehic le is in mo - tion. The en gine oil level h as dropp ed to the minimu m lev- el. If the engin e oi l le vel fa lls an y furt he r, th e in dic a- tor la mp will li ght up con tinuo us ly.
472 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 : The ye llow engi ne oi l l evel warni ng lamp li ghts up, th e - 2.0 l engine oil level mes- sage appears in the display and th e warning b uzzer sounds afte r the e ngi ne is star ted or while th e vehi cle is in moti on.
473 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 : The yellow e ngine oil le vel warnin g lamp l igh ts up, th e HI engine oil level me ssage appear s in the d isplay and the warni ng buzzer sounds after the eng i ne is star ted or while t he vehic le is in mo - tion.
474 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 / The yell ow cool ant l e ve l warni ng lamp l ight s up whil e the engin e is runnin g. The cool ant level is t oo low. Never run the engi ne if t he coolant level is too low. The eng ine could overheat a nd be damag ed.
475 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 • Th e red coo lant wa rn ing lamp lig h ts up wh ile the en- gine is ru nn i ng. The c oolant t emperat ure is too h igh.
476 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 A The ye llow rese rve fue l warni ng lamp l ight s up whil e the engin e is runnin g an d the gauge for the fue l ta nk shows ze ro although there is still f uel i n the tank. The fue l fi ll er cap is not close d .
477 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 Problem Poss ible cause / result Suggested solutions ± The yell ow engi ne diagn ostic indicato r lam p lig hts up or flas he s whil e th e engine is running . The fu el ta nk has r un dry. The en gine may be ru nning in emerge ncy mode.
478 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Problem Possible c ause / result Suggested solutions X USA only: Combin ation low t ire p ressure / TPMS ma lfu nctio n tellt ale for TPMS lights up continuo us ly. Canada only: Low ti re p r essure tell ta le for TPMS lights up continuo us ly.
479 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 X USA only: Combina tion low tir e pres sure/ TPMS ma lfun ct ion tel lta le for TPMS flashes 60 seconds and then stays illuminated. There is a malfu nction in the TPMS. Rea d and observe messa ges in the mul- tifun c ti on d isp l ay .
480 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Wa rn i n g ! G Each tir e , includ ing the spare (if provid ed), should be ch e cked monthl y when cold and infl at ed to th e inf la tion pressure rec- ommend ed by t he veh icle manufact urer on th e vehic le plac ard or the tir e infla tion pressure labe l.
481 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 W arning (Cont inued) G USA only: Your vehi cle has also been equ ip pe d wi th a T P MS m a lfu n cti on in dic a to r to indic ate when the system is not operati ng prop e rly . T he TP M S ma l fun cti o n in d ica to r is combined with t he low tire p ressure telltale.
482 Practi cal hints What to do if ... 5 Problem Poss ible caus e / result Sugges ted solutions / The ye llow wa ter s epara to r indi - cator la mp 1 lights up wh ile t he ig- nition i s on. The w at er th at has colle c t ed i n th e water sep a- rat or has reac he d the ma x im u m le vel.
483 Practi cal hi nts What to d o if ... 5 . Th e yell ow bul b indic ator lamp ligh ts up while th e ignit ion is on. One of the bulbs of th e ext er ior lig ht in g or on the traile r is malf uncti oning . Have the ma lfunction rect ified as soon as pos sibl e at an aut hor ize d Sprin t er Dealer.
484 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 Warn in gs, ma lfunct ions o r addit ional in- format ion may also be s hown in the dis- play. The follo wing t abl e shows messa ges wh ich cou ld app ear in the dis- play. Certa in mes sages are acc ompan ied b y a warning sig nal or a pe rm anent tone.
485 Practi cal hi nts Display messages 5 W arning (Cont inued) G Contact an au thori zed Spr inte r Deal er im- mediately wh ich has the nece ssary spe- cialist knowledge a nd tools to carry o u t the w ork requ ired . The manu facturer r ecommends tha t you use an au thori zed Spri nter De aler fo r thi s purpose.
486 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 Display m essages Possible cause / result Possible soluti on N There is insu f f ic i en t or no oil in th e eng i ne. There is a risk of eng ine da ma ge. St op your vehicle a s soon as it is s afe to do so.
487 Practi cal hi nts Display messages 5 NO The messa ge is dis p la yed for 30 seconds. TPMS The m essage is also d ispla yed aft e r 30 seconds. The TPMS is ma lf un ct ion ing . Have the TPMS chec ked a t an auth o- rized Sprint er Deal er as so on as possi- ble.
488 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 — — The message is display e d for 30 seconds. TPMS The message is also displayed after 30 seconds. The tire p ress ure monitor detects a modera te loss of pressure in at le ast one of the tir es, or the diff e rence in pre ssure on one a xle is too great.
489 Practi cal hi nts Display messages 5 The op e ratin g syste m sho w s warnin gs, malf unction s or add itional info rmatio n in the dis play. Certa in mess ages are acc ompan ied by a warn i n g si gnal or a perm a n en t to ne. High -prior ity me ssages are highli ghted in red in th e di splay.
490 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 The foll owing ta ble sho w s mess ages which c ould ap pear i n the dis play . The messages are divided into two types to make it ea sier fo r yo u to find the.
491 Practi cal hi nts Display messages 5 Text messages Disp lay messages Possible caus e / resu lt Possibl e solut ion ABS Vis it works hop WA R N I N G G ABS has been deactivated due to a malfunction. ESP ® , AS R and BAS as well as cruis e cont rol have also be e n de ac tiva ted as a resu l t.
492 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 ABS has been deactivated due to undervoltage. The battery may not be being charged. The brake system is st ill available with the nor mal braking eff ect. Cont in ue driv ing, b ut with e ven great er care. Visit an a utho ri zed Spri nter De aler imm e- diately.
493 Practi cal hi nts Display messages 5 ESP Vis it works hop WA R N I N G G ESP ® has been de activated due t o a malfunction. Cruise co nt rol is also switched of f as a resu lt. Vehic le stab ilit y i s no lo nger aut omat icall y c on- trolle d in goo d time .
494 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 Tire pres. Adju st pres. The pres sure is too l ow in one or m ore tires. Check and corr ect tire infl ation press ure as req u i red. Tire pres. moni tor inop erative The TPMS is ma lf un ct ion ing . Have t he TPMS c hecke d at an au thor ize d Sprinter Dealer.
495 Practi cal hi nts Display messages 5 Tire pr es. monitor current ly unavail able The TPM S or Advan ced T PMS* is una ble to moni - tor the t ire pres su re due to a nearby ra dio int erfer en ce sou rc e. excessi ve wheel s ensor te mperat ures.
496 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 Slid . sunroo f open You have th e remove d the key from the ignit ion lock and the s liding sun roof is still open. I f necessary, close the sl iding sunr oof us- ing the swi tch in the over head c ontr ol pa n- el ( page 245).
497 Practi cal hi nts Display messages 5 Symbol messages Displ ay symb ol Display m essage Possible ca use / resul t Poss ibl e solu tio n # Batte ry/ Alter nator Visit worksh op The battery is not being charged. Possible causes: malfu nctioning alter nator torn po ly-V-belt Stop immed iat ely a nd check the po ly-V- belt.
498 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 6 Brake for ce distri bution WAR N I NG G EBV has been deactivated due to undervolt- age. The battery m ay not be bei ng charged. The rear wh eels coul d lock up soon er tha n expecte d when yo u app ly th e bra kes.
499 Practi cal hi nts Display messages 5 6 Brake force distr ibution Visit works hop WAR N I N G G EBV has malfunction e d. The rear wh ee ls cou ld lock up soon er than expected when you apply the br akes. St o p y o u r v eh i cl e a s s oo n a s i t i s sa f e t o do so.
500 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 k Visit worksh op WAR N I NG G ASR has been deactiv ated due to a malfunc- tion. Cruise con trol is also switch ed off as a resul t. The en gine powe r outpu t may the n be lower . Contin ue dri ving, but with even grea ter care.
501 Practi cal hi nts Display messages 5 k unava ilable ASR as well as BAS hav e been swi tched off due to undervoltage. The battery may not be being charged. The bra k e system is stil l avail able wi th the normal braking effect . Contin ue drivin g, but with e ven great er care.
502 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 Z Coolan t Stop, tur n engine off The cool ant temperatu re is t oo high . Do not d rive an y furt her. Consu lt an au thorized Spr inter Dealer . If the v ehicle is swit ched off afte r being subjecte d to extreme loads (for example driv ing in mounta inous terr ain, tra iler towin g, etc.
503 Practi cal hi nts Display messages 5 . Low b eam lef t The le ft-han d low- b e a m hea d la mp is ma l- func tioning . Ch ange the bulb as soon as possible. Low b eam rig ht The rig ht- hand lo w-beam hea dlamp is mal- func tioning . Ch ange the bulb as soon as possible.
504 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 . High b eam rig ht The righ t- hand high-b ea m he ad la mp is mal- functio ning. Change the bu lb as soon a s possible. Licens e plate lamp A lice nse pla te lamp is malf unctioning. Change th e bulb as soo n as poss ible.
505 Practi cal hi nts Display messages 5 . Tail lam p left The le ft-han d tail la mp is ma lfu nctio ning. Change the bulb as soon as possible. Tail lam p right The right-hand tail lamp is malfunctioning. Change the bulb as soon as possible. Perim .
506 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 . Traile r tail lamp A traile r ta il lamp or licen se p lat e la mp is malfun ctioni ng. Change th e bulb as soo n as poss ible. Switch off li ghts You ha ve forgotte n to switch of f the ligh t s when leavi ng the veh icle.
507 Practi cal hi nts Display messages 5 C Warni ng Tire def ect One o r more tire s are de flatin g. The r espect ive t ire is s hown in the multi func- tion di sp l ay. Carefu lly br ing the vehic le to a halt , avoid- ing abrup t st eeri ng a nd br akin g mane uve rs.
508 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 N Engine oil le vel Stop, tur n engine off There is insu f f ic i en t or no oil in th e eng i ne. There is a risk of eng ine da ma ge. S t o p y ou r v eh i cl e as so o n as i t i s s a fe t o d o so. Switch of f the en gi ne.
509 Practi cal hi nts Display messages 5 N Engin e oil l evel Check oil l evel The eng ine o il le vel h as droppe d to a crit ic al level . Ch ec k th e engin e o il level ( page 323) and add oil as nec ess ar y. Have the engin e checke d for pos sible le aks if yo u are having to add en gin e oil more fr e- quently than normal.
510 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 N Engine oil le vel Reduce oil le vel You have added too much engine oil. There is a risk o f damag e to the en gine or the cat- alytic c onverter. Check the en gine oi l leve l a nd have an y ex- cess oi l sipho ned off at the near est refu el- ing st ation ( pa ge 328).
511 Practi cal hi nts Display messages 5 W Reser ve fuel Drive to a gas s tation The fu el lev el has fall en into the r eserve range. Refuel at th e near est ga s stat ion ( page 316). Tank ope n Check fille r cap The fue l fi ller ca p is not close d.
512 Practi cal hints Display messages 5 / Water in Fuel Visit worksh op The wa ter that has coll ected in the wate r separ at or has reached the ma ximum leve l . Drain t he water separa tor ( pa ge 542). or Have t he wate r sepa rator d r aine d at an au- thoriz ed Sprinter D ea ler.
513 Practi cal hi nts Where will I fin d...? 5 The wa rning trian g les ar e behind th e driver's seat. 1 Warn ing tr iangles Remove w ar n ing tr i an g le s 1 fro m the brackets upward. The road h azard la mp is l ocated in the storage compartment in the driver’s door.
514 Practi cal hints Where will I find ...? 5 The f ire exti nguish er is s ecured to the front of the passenger’s seat base. 1 Fire e xtinguisher 2 Tabs Pull ta bs 2 upw ard. Take f ire extingu isher 1 out of the brac ket. The first-aid kit is located in the storage compartment in the pa ss enge r’s door.
515 Practi cal hi nts Where will I fin d...? 5 3 Firs t-a id kit The jack and the v e hic le to o l kit are l o- cated under the hatch in the pas sen- ger’s footwell. i Check the e xp iry dates of th e first- aid ki t mater ial s every year, a nd re- place t h em if n ec ess ary .
516 Practi cal hints Where will I find ...? 5 1 Quic k -re le ase l oc k 2 Unlocked To unlock: turn quick-re lease lo ck 1 counterclockwi se or clockwise. Remove the cover. To lock: press quick- release lock 1 down un til it eng ages. 3 Tension ing lever 4 Jack 5 Vehicle t ool kit Remove the vehicle tool kit.
517 Practi cal hi nts Where will I fin d...? 5 Remove jack 4 upward out of the retai ner. If you are replac ing the tires on the vehi - cle , you m ay use t he sp are w heel as a road wheel provid.
518 Practi cal hints Where will I find ...? 5 Open the r ear d oors ( page 100). Insert a s crewdriver into reces ses 2 and pry off c overs 1 . Using th e wheel wr ench fro m the ve- hicle tool kit ( page 515), now un - scre w the vi sible bol ts approxima tely 20 turns counter clockwise .
519 Practi cal hi nts Where will I fin d...? 5 Use the pump lever to ra ise the spare w h eel bey ond the re ar end of the spar e w hee l bracket. Caref ully rem ove the s pare whee l from the bracket.
520 Practi cal hints Where will I find ...? 5 Loosen thumb nuts 3 by hand and remove. Loosen fixing nuts 2 to the thread end. Rais e spar e wheel br acket 4 sl ight - ly a nd re leas e left securing h ook 1 . Slide th pum p leve r for the jac k into sleev e o n th e right-ha nd side o f the spare w heel br acket 4 .
521 Practi cal hi nts Where will I fin d...? 5 The Prem ium tire sealan t is locate d in the storage compartment in the right- hand doorway. 1 Latching spri ngs 2 Electri c air pump 3 Premi um tire sealant To open: press both latching springs 1 down a n d re move the cove r.
522 Practi cal hints Where will I find ...? 5 Panel van 1 Reta ining ba nd 2 Retainer Pull suppor t cable 1 slightly down- ward and pul l i t out of retainer 2 . Pull out the wheel chock. Chassis The wheel ch ock is on the left-h and side behind t he rear ax le.
523 Practi cal hi nts Where will I fin d...? 5 1 Trim 2 Cover cap Remove cover cap 2 from trim 1 . 3 Opening 4 Emerg ency op er atio n key Take emergency operati on ke y 4 from th e vehi cle d ocume nt w al let in the glove box. Inse rt emerg ency o pera tion key 4 into open ing 3 of the driv e.
524 Practi cal hints Where will I find ...? 5 In the ev ent of a malf unction , it is poss i- ble to man u ally re le ase the select o r le - ver from th e lo c k in park ing positi o n P , for exam pl e to have th e vehicl e to wed away. 1 Cover cap Remove cover cap 1 .
525 Practi cal hi nts Changing bulbs 5 Changing bulbs Bulbs and light s are an important asp ect of vehicle saf ety. Fo r this reason, make sure that a ll bulbs are in working ord er at all time s. Switch off the lights to avoid a short circuit.
526 Practi cal hints Changing bulbs 5 Switch off the li ghting . Open the hood ( page 318). Front bulbs Bulb Model 1 Additional turn sig- nal PY 16 W 2 Turn si gnal PY 21 W 3 Halog en hea .
527 Practi cal hi nts Changing bulbs 5 Bi-xenon head lamps* High-beam headl amps, low-beam headlamps 1 Catches 2 Housin g cover Wa rn in g G Xenon bulb s carry a high vol t age. You could receiv e a serious or fa ta l elect ri c shock i f you tou ch the elec trica l conta cts on the xe n on bulb s.
528 Practi cal hints Changing bulbs 5 Press catch es 1 down. Swing h ousing co v er 2 in the direc- tion of the arrow and rem o ve i t. 3 Low- bea m headlamps 4 Halog en high-b eam hea d lamps/xen on headla mp corn ering la mp* Pull the conne ctor off the bulb ho ld- er.
529 Practi cal hi nts Changing bulbs 5 Turn bul b ho ld er 1 and the bulb countercloc kwise and re move the holder. Press d own o n the bulb , tu rn i t cou n- terclockwi se and re move it f rom bulb holder 1 . Press th e new bulb into bulb holder 1 and screw i t in cloc kw ise.
530 Practi cal hints Changing bulbs 5 Panel van/crewbus Exam ple illu stra tion of chass is Rear bulbs N82.10 -252 9-31 Bulb Model 1 Third br ake la mp LED 2 Brak e lamp P2 1W 3 Turn si gnal PY 21 W 4.
531 Practi cal hi nts Changing bulbs 5 Changing the rear bulbs (van / crewbus) Swit ch o ff t he li ghtin g. Rear l amp unit s 1 Securi ng screws Undo screws 1 and rem ove th e rear lamp uni t in the di rectio n of the ar- row. Remove the conne ctor.
532 Practi cal hints Changing bulbs 5 2 Retai ning lugs 3 Brak e lam p 4 Side marker, Standing lamp (Canada only) , tai l lamp 5 Reverse l amp 6 Turn signa l lamp 7 Rear foglamp (driver’s side) Rele ase retai ning lu gs 2 and r e- move t he bu lb hol der f rom the re ar lamp un it.
533 Practi cal hi nts Changing bulbs 5 Changing the rear bulbs ( chass is) Example illustra tion of chas sis 1 Securing screws 2 Lens 3 Perime ter lamp, side mar k er 4 Turn sig nal lamp 5 Brake la mp 6 Tail la mp 7 Rear foglamp (driver’s side) 8 Licen s e plate lamp 9 Reverse lam p Swit ch o ff t he li ghtin g.
534 Practi cal hints Changing bulbs 5 Switch o ff the lightin g. Undo screws 1 and remove lamp housing. Turn t he bulb hold er 2 and remov e it together with the bulb. Pull the bu lb out o f the b ulb hol der 2 . Press th e new bul b into the b ulb ho l- der 2 .
535 Practi cal hi nts Changing bulbs 5 Clearance lam p * W5W (cargo and passe nger vans onl y) 1 Securing screw 2 Lamp h ousing Undo screw 1 and rem o ve lamp hou sin g 2 in th e direc tio n of th e arrow . Turn the bu lb hold er and re move it together with the bulb .
536 Practi cal hints Changing bulbs 5 Insert a screwd river or si milar imple- ment at the si de and c arefull y pry off lens 1 in the direct ion of the arrow. Turn bu lb holder 2 in the d irecti o n of the arrow and remove it together with the bulb.
537 Practi cal hi nts Changing bulbs 5 Entry lam p* W5W 1 Lamp h ousing 2 Bulb hold er 3 Cable conne ctor Press in th e l atc hin g sp ring s o f la mp housing 1 using a suitab le too l, fo r exam ple a scr ewdriv er. Pry of f lam p hous ing 1 .
538 Practi cal hints Changing bulbs 5 Switch o ff the lightin g. Press in the latchi ng spring s of lamp housing 1 using a suit able t o ol, f or examp le a scr ewdri ver. Pry o ff lamp hou sing 1 . Remove bulb 2 from the bulb hold- er.
539 Practi cal hi nts Changing the batter ies 5 Changing the batt eries If the remote control batteries ( rem ote keyles s ent ry) are dis charge d, you will only be ab le to lock and un lock the v ehi- cle ma nual ly usi ng the key.
540 Practi cal hints Changing the batteries 5 You need two CR 202 5 3 V cell batteries or equivalent. Do not touch the b attery contact surfac- es. 1 Battery cover 2 Release button for mechaniocal key Releas e the mecha nical key by pressing the release b utton 2 .
541 Practi cal hi nts Changing the batter ies 5 Remove the battery a nd install a new one (note correct polari ty; positive terminal up ). Press batter y cover 1 until it sn aps into pl ace. Check the function of all re mote con- trol buttons on vehicle.
542 Practi cal hints Fuel system 5 Fuel sy stem On vehi cles with a d iesel engi ne, it is necess ary to dra in th e fuel f ilte r if the / indicat or lamp lights up.
543 Practi cal hi nts Fuel system 5 Switch o ff th e engine and open the hood ( page 318). Place a suitab le containe r under dra in ho se 1 . Switch on the ign ition ( page 111) . Unscrew drain pl ug 2 immedi atel y one turn or until liquid flows ou t of drain hose 1 .
544 Practi cal hints Fuel system 5 Drain the fu el f ilt er a gain if the / indi cator lam p remains lit. If the fu el tank o n a vehi cle wit h diesel engi ne ha s be en ru n dr y, the re is a p os- sibility tha t the engine may not sta rt im - media tely a fte r refu el ing beca use a ir may re main i n the fuel s ystem .
545 Practi cal hi nts Replacing the wiper blades 5 Replacing the wiper blades Apply the ha ndbr ake ( p age 191). 1 Wiper bla de 2 Reta ining cl ips 3 Wiper arm Fold the wi per arms away from the wind shield . ! CAUTION Do not open the hood while the wiper arms are fol ded away f rom t he win d - shield .
546 Practi cal hints Replacing the wiper blades 5 Press two retaining clips 2 together in the direct ion of the arrow and fol d wiper blade 1 away from wiper arm 3 . Pull wipe r blad e 1 up and out of the retain er. Slide wiper bla de 1 into the retainer on the wiper arm.
547 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 5 Fl at tir e The veh icle is eithe r equi ppe d with a spare w h eel or th e Premium tire se a l- ant*. The sp are whee l is loc ate d under th e rear en d o f the veh icle if the vehicl e is not eq uipped w ith Premiu m tire s eala nt* ( page 517).
548 Practi cal hints Flat tire 5 Park the veh icl e as far a way as pos- sibl e from traf fic an d on a lev el, fi rm, and non-slip surface. Switch o n the hazard warn ing lamps. Apply the handbra ke. Engage fir st ge ar or re verse gear or move the s el ector lev er to position P .
549 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 5 Preparing the vehicle Prepar e the vehi cl e as desc ribed ( page 548). Preven t the vehicle fro m roll ing a way using chocks or s imilar. On a l evel r oad: Place the chocks in f ront of and be- hind th e w heel d iagon ally op posite to the wheel that is to be changed.
550 Practi cal hints Flat tire 5 Hydraulic jack Assemb le th e three -part pump le ver for the jack. 1 Pressure release screw Close p ressure re leas e screw 1 . To do this, turn the fla ttened section on the pump lever clockwise to the stop.
551 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 5 Jacking po int at the f ront a xle The veh i cle jac k i ng point i s loca ted un- der the l o n gitudinal m ember in f ront of the front axle. Jack ing poin ts at th e rear axl e The ve hi cle ja cking po int is locate d un - der the long itud inal mem ber in fr ont o f the r ear ax le.
552 Practi cal hints Flat tire 5 Removing a wh eel Unscr ew the whee l bolts o r wheel nuts. For wheels with wheel nuts remove the wheel nut cover. Remove the wheel. Mounting the new wheel Clean the wh eel an d w heel hub con- tact surfaces.
553 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 5 Push th e wheel o n to the whee l hub and pr es s it on. Wheels with cen t ering by whee l bolts: Screw in the wheel bolts and ti ghten them fi nger-ti ght.
554 Practi cal hints Flat tire 5 For wheels with wheel nuts: Center the wh eel nut c over ov er the wheel a nd push it o nto the wh ee l. Screw on the w heel nuts and t ighten them finger tight.
555 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 5 Vehi cles with wh eel c ap s: Make su re that the o pen i ng in the whee l cap is pos iti on ed o ver th e ti re vent. Ve hi cles wit h ce n te r ca ps : Make sure th at the retaini ng lugs of the hub cap are positioned over the bolt s.
556 Practi cal hints Flat tire 5 Wa rn i n g ( C o nt i n u e d ) G Check the ti re pressur e and cor re ct it if necessary Have t he whee l bolt s or w he el nut s re- tightened after 30 miles (50 km.
557 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 5 You can use the Premium tir e sealant to seal s mall punctur e s, particul arly those in the tire trea d. Tire sealants can be used a t outsid e tempera t ures down to – 22 °F (– 30 °C) . Prepar e the vehi cl e as desc ribed ( page 548).
558 Practi cal hints Flat tire 5 Try to park the vehicle in s uch a way that the tire punctur e is close to the ground. If the tire puncture cannot be seen , park the v ehicl e in suc h a way that the tire valve of the flat tire is in horizontal alig nment with the ax- le.
559 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 5 Electri c air pump 1 Switch 2 Angle br ac ket 3 Elec tric air pump hose 4 Flap 5 Pressu re ga uge with p ress ure re lease screw 6 Connector with cable Open flap 4 on the electric air pump. Pull connector 6 and hos e 3 out of housing together with pressure gauge 5 .
560 Practi cal hints Flat tire 5 Tire seal ant bott le for si ngle tires 7 Valve 8 Tire se alant b ottle wi th hook, hose and valve c or e extra c tor Tire s ealant bo ttle for twi n tires 7 Valve 8 Tire seal ant bo ttle with hook, hos e an d angle br ackets Shak e tir e seal ant b ot tle 8 .
561 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 5 Single tire 9 Hook a Knob b Lever c Valve c o re extractor d Tire va lve Pull knob a out of valve core extrac- tor c as far as the stop. Unscrew and re m ove the valve c ap from ti re va lv e d on the flat tire.
562 Practi cal hints Flat tire 5 Start the engine ( page 18 6). Press I on electri c air pum p switch 1 . The el ectric a ir pump is switch ed on .
563 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 5 Press l e ver b and remove valve core extractor c from tire valve d . Screw the valve cap onto tire valve d .
564 Practi cal hints Flat tire 5 a Valve cor e extracto r b Hook c Knob d Angle br ac ke t e Tire v alve Pull knob c out of val ve core extractor a as far as th e stop.
565 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 5 Connect connector 6 to the 12 V socket (12 V, 25 A, 300 watts) on the center console ( page 297). Start the engine ( page 186) . Pres s I on ele ctric air pu mp swit ch 1 . The electri c air p ump is sw itched on.
566 Practi cal hints Flat tire 5 Turn kn ob c clockwise unti l the valve core is firmly screwed into tire valve e . Pull knob c out of val ve core extractor a as far as th e stop. Unscrew valve core ex tractor a counterc loc kwise and re move it from tire va lve e .
567 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 5 9 Handle a Turning workpi ece Unscrew and re move the valve cap from tire valve d on the flat tire. Guide valve tool thr ough the opening in the w heel and press i t onto tire valve b .
568 Practi cal hints Flat tire 5 c Angle br ac ke t d Hook Hook tire se alant valve 8 into the upper v en t hole in the whee l using hook d . Pre ss ang le brac k et c on hose of tire s ealant bottl e 8 ( page 560) to the stop on tire valve b and clamp it i nto place.
569 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 5 Allow the e lectric air pump to run un - til tire seal ant bottle 8 is complete ly empty . Press 0 on electric a ir pump switch 1 af ter about 15 s econds. Unscrew angl e bracke t c from tire valve b and remo v e it.
570 Practi cal hints Flat tire 5 After fillin g with tire seal ant Turn the p ressu re releas e scr ew o n pressur e gauge 5 counterclock- wise and blee d the syst em. Turn the key to position 0 in the ig ni- tion lock ( page 111 ). Pull the e lectric air pump co n nector out of the 12 V soc ke t.
571 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 5 Correct the tire pre ssure according ly if it does not correspond to the re c- ommen d ed tire pr essure ( page 361). Increa sing the tir e press ur e Swit ch on th e el ectric a ir pump. Reducing the tire pressure Open the pre ssure rel ease screw on pr es sure ga ug e 5 .
572 Practi cal hints Flat tire 5 Envi ronmental no te H Have the used P remium ti re sealan t dis- p o s e d o f a t a n a u t h o r i z e d S p r i n t e r D e a l e r . ! CAUTION Have the tire seal ant bottle repl aced every 8 yea rs at an a uthori z ed Spri nter Deal er.
573 Practi cal hi nts Batter y 5 Batter y Your veh icle may be equi pped with two batteries, depe nding on the equipment version: Starter b attery in the battery recess in the driver’s footw.
574 Practi cal hints Batter y 5 Have the batteries removed at an autho- rized Sprinter Dealer which has th e nec- essary specia list knowl edge an d tools to carry out the work requi red . The manufa cturer recommend s t hat you use an aut horize d Sprin t er Deal er for this purpose.
575 Practi cal hi nts Batter y 5 Switch off all e lectr ical con s umers . Disconnec ting the starter batter y The starter batte ry i s in the battery re- cess in the driv er ’s foot well .
576 Practi cal hints Batter y 5 To install: pla ce floor covering 1 into the driver’s footwell. Push floor covering 1 un d er the plate m etal brac ke t of the acce lera- tor ped al and align it with the dr iver’s seat base and the doorway Make sure the floor covering does not obstruct the accelerator’s ra nge of movement.
577 Practi cal hi nts Batter y 5 Remove cover 1 up war d. Starte r batt ery in the driv er’s footwel l Loosen the negative termina l of the battery first a nd remove it so that the negative terminal cannot come into contact with the pole terminal.
578 Practi cal hints Batter y 5 Loosen the negative termina l of the battery first an d remove it s o that the negative terminal cannot come into contact with the pole terminal. Remove the cover from the positive terminal. Loosen the positive termina l and re- move it.
579 Practi cal hi nts Batter y 5 Pull r etaine r 3 u pward a nd slide the battery ou t of its an chorage in the di- rect io n of travel . Fold the clip upwa rd and remove the battery from the batter y recess. Auxiliary battery* in the engine com- partm ent Disconnect the battery ( pag e 577 ).
580 Practi cal hints Batter y 5 Switch off all e lectrical consumers. Connect the positive terminal and secu re t he cov er. Connect the negative terminal .
581 Practi cal hi nts Jump-st arting 5 Jum p-starting If the starter battery in the battery re- cess i n the driver’s footwe ll is dis- charged , the engine can be ju mp-started from another vehicle us ing jump leads. For thi s purpo se, the vehicle i s equ ipped with a jump-starting connection point.
582 Practi cal hints Jump -star ting 5 Make sure that the tw o vehicles do not touch. Apply the handbr ake or m ove the se- lector lever to position P . Switch off all el ectrica l consu mers. Switch o n the battery isolati n g switch* if neces s ary ( page 3 38).
583 Practi cal hi nts Jump-st arting 5 1 Posit ive te rmin al of ju mp-start ing c on- nection po int (under cover) 2 Positiv e terminal of donor b attery 3 Negati ve term inal of don or batt ery 4 Ground co ntact of own v ehicle (ne g at ive te rminal of your o wn batte ry) Run the other v ehi c le’s en gi ne a t idling sp e ed.
584 Practi cal hints Jump -star ting 5 Use a rigid towing bar and secure this only to the front towing eye ( pag e 585). Tow-starting ! CAUTION Your vehi cle is equipped w ith an au- tomatic transmission.
585 Practi cal hi nts Towin g 5 To wing Comply with lega l regula tions wh en to w- ing. Havi n g the veh icle c arried away on a transp orter or trai ler is pref erab le to towing it away. We recommend the use of a rigid towing bar if towing is nece s- sary.
586 Practi cal hints Towing 5 1 Cover Installing t h e towin g eye Press bottom of cover 1 in the di- rect ion of t he arro w and remov e it . You w ill see th e fixture for the to wing eye. Take the to w ing ey e a nd the whee l wrenc h from th e vehi cle too l kit ( page 515).
587 Practi cal hi nts Towin g 5 Switch on the ign ition ( page 111) . For a distance of up to 30 miles (50 km), move the se le ct o r lev e r to posit ion N . For a dista nce grea ter than 30 mi les (50 km), re move the pro peller s hafts to the driven axles.
588 Practi cal hints Towing 5 With front axle damage Turn the ke y to position 1 in t he ig ni- tion lock( page 11 1). In the event of a malfunction in t he electrical sys tem If the batte ry is malfu nctioning, the a uto- matic tran smis sion wi ll be loc ked in pos iti on P .
589 Practi cal hi nts Fuses 5 Fus es The f uses and re lays for the standa rd equipme nt are in th e main fu se bo x i n the footwell on the left-hand side of t he veh icl e. Switch off th e igniti on and electri cal consumer s be fore re pla cing fuses .
590 Practi cal hints Fuses 5 1 Unlocked 2 Locked To open: release 1 the qu ick-re- lease lock and remov e the cov er . To close: a ttach the cover at the bot- tom an d fo ld it clos ed. The co v er must enga ge. Lock 2 the quic k- releas e lock.
591 Practi cal hi nts Fuses 5 Page 591 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM.
592 Practi cal hints Fuses 5 No. Consum er Am p. 1 Horn 15 A 2 Electr ic steering lock E STL (electroni c ignition swi tch EIS) 25 A 3 Terminal 30 Z , ve hicles with ga so l ine engi n e/ elect ronic .
593 Practi cal hi nts Fuses 5 Fuse block F55/1 Fuse block F55/2 No. Consum er Amp. 1 Control panel, left door 25 A 2 Diagnostic so cke t 10 A 3 Brake system (valves) 25 A 4 Brake syste m (delivery pum.
594 Practi cal hints Fuses 5 Prelim inary fuse box in the batt ery re- cess in t he driv er’s footwe ll F59 The fus e box is loca ted in th e base of the driver’s seat on the outboard side. 1 Latching sprin gs To open: adjust the seat to its high- est position ( pa ge 69).
595 Practi cal hi nts Fuses 5 Page 595 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM.
596 Practi cal hints Fuse Box in the Driver’s S eat 5 Fuse Box in th e Driver’ s Seat Fuses No. Cons umer Amp. 1 Mirro r adju st me nt*/ rear windo w hea tin g* 5A 2 Rear wi ndow wip e r * 30 A 3 .
597 Practi cal hi nts Fuse Box in the Driver’ s Seat 5 23 12V soc ket* re ar lef t, loa d/ passenger compa r tment 15 A 24 12V socket , driv er’s sea t base 15 A 25 12V socke t rear right, lo ad/ passenger compa r tment 15 A 26 Auxili ary heating * 25 A No. Page 598 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM.
599 *Technical data 6 *Technical data Genuine Sprinter Vehicle parts........... 600 Vehicle electronics ........... 602 Service products and capacities ........... 604 Rims and tires........... 623 Tire inflation pressure........... 626 Lashing points and carrier systems .
600 *Technical data Genuine Spri nter Vehi cle parts 6 Genuine Sprinter Vehicle parts The “Technica l data” section contains important technical data regard ing your vehicle.
601 *Technical data Genuine S printer Vehicle part s 6 Genui ne Sp rinter vehicle par ts are sub - jected to the most string ent quality in- spections and will ens ure that the vehicl e is mainta ined at a high leve l of opera ting ef ficien cy an d safe ty, an d that it main tains its value.
602 *Technical data Vehicle electron ics 6 Vehicle electronics Electri cal an d electron ic equip ment ca n jeopardi ze the op eration al safe ty of yo ur vehicle. If equip m ent of thi s kind is ret- rofitted, it must be type-a pproved and must be ar the e mark.
603 *Technical data Vehicle electron ics 6 You may retrofit tel ephones and two- way radios provi ded that the m aximum transm ission out pu t s li st e d be low ar e not ex ceeded . Always ha ve this type of equipm ent profe ssiona lly inst al led with an exter ior anten na whi ch h as been in - stalled in s uch a way as to be refle ct i on- free.
604 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Service products and capacities Servic e products a r e: fuels lubr icants ( e.g. e ngine oils, t ransm is- sion o ils, hydr aulic fluids , grease s) antifre eze ad di ti ves , coolant brake fl uid Servi ce produc ts are tested for suitab ili- ty in our a ss emblies .
605 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Wa rn in g G Fail ur e to use flui d s a n d lu b r icants wh ich meet the stan dard s and spe cific atio ns de - scribe d in th is booklet o r fa.
606 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Wa rn i n g ( C o nt i n u e d ) G Chan ge out of clothi ng so iled wi th serv ice prod uc ts immed ia tely to av oid th e r isk of fire an d other in j urie s .
607 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Valid Mercede s-Benz o il spec ificati on sheet s: Always re fer to the fo ll owing vis cosity chart for the p roper viscosity grade based on ambient temper ature. Sel ect oil vis cos ity acc ording to t he lowest a ir temper ature e xpected before the nex t oil change.
608 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Fuchs Ti tan Su persyn Lon gli fe S AE 5 W-3 0 5W-30 229 .3 229.5 Havoline Ultra S 5W - 30 5W-30 229.31 Havoline Ultra S 5W - 40 5W-40 229.31 High Star 5W-30 229.3 Lotos Ec onomic SL/ CF 5W-30 229.
609 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Adding en gine oil Pentos peed 0W- 30 229.3 Pentospee d 0W-30 VS* 0W- 30 229.3 229.5 Q Diesel Plus 5W-30 229.51 Q European En gine 5W-40 229.3 Q Eu rope an Engi ne Ul- tra 5W- 30 229.5 Quaker State Euro Syn the tic U ltra Diesel 5W- 30 229.
610 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Fuels for gasoline engines Premium unleaded gasolin e Fuels Wa rn i n g G Gasoli ne is hi ghly fl ammabl e and po i son- ous.
611 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Fue l r equi rements Only us e prem ium u nleade d fue l: The octane number (posted at the pump) must be 91 min. It is an aver- age of both the Research (R) octane number and the Motor (M ) octane number: (R+M) / 2 ).
612 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Fuels for diesel en gines Fuel r equi rements Only u se comme rciall y avail able veh icu- lar UL TRA-LOW SULFUR HIGHWAY D IE- SEL FUEL (15 ppm SULF UR MAXIMUM ).
613 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Diesel fuels conta ining a higher percen- tage of Bio di esel conte n t will ca us e da- mage to your en gine and are not approv ed. Damage or malfunctions resulting fr om poor fuel quali ty a re not covered by the Spri nter vehicl e Warranty.
614 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 For more inf o rmation on die se l fuels conta ct your a uthoriz ed Sprin ter D eal er. Diesel fuels for use at ve ry low tem- peratu res Only use comme rcially availab le ve hicu- lar ULTRA-L OW SULFUR DIESEL FUEL (15 ppm SULFUR MAXI MUM).
615 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Do not bl en d othe r specif ic fuel addi- tives with diesel fuel exce pt for fuel f low impro ver. Th ey only result i n unnec es- sary cost, a nd may b e harm ful to the en- gine operation. Flow improvers The eff ectiv eness of flow improve rs ca n- not be guaranteed with all fuels .
616 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Coolants , lubricant s, etc. Service int erval Product name/ p roduc t number MB sheet MS- No. 1 Air condi tioning The air con dition ing sy stem o f your v ehicle con tains R-134a , a refr igera nt that does not deple te th e ozon e layer in th e upp er atmospher e.
617 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Brakes Use brak e fluid appro ved for Chr ysler V ans LL C standard MB 33 1 .0 and/or Ch r ysler V ans LL C mate rial standar d MS-99 7 1 , brak e.
618 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Service int erval Product nam e/produ ct num ber MB s heet MS- No. 1 Engine cooling s ystem When ever th e c oola nt is replac ed, a c once ntrati on of 5 0 % by volum e of co r rosion inhib itor / an tifr eeze sh ould be maint ained.
619 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Engine Engine oil for gasol ine engine M272 1 year or 10,000 mi (16,000 km) see “Engine oils ” (page 350) 229.31, 229.3 229.51, 229.5 Eng ine oil for di esel engin e OM642 2 years or 10,000 mi (16,000 km) See “ Engine oils” (p age 3 50) 228.
620 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Servi ce interval Product name/pr oduct n umber MB sheet MS-No. 1 Power s teering Power ste ering, no fluid service re qu ired. Power ste eri ng fluid — Mob il AT F+4, Exxon Mob il Co rpora tion, or eq uiv- alent 236.
621 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 Capacities Vehi cle Eng ine w ith oil filter Tank Cooling system Windsh ield washer / headla mp cleaning system Eng ine o i l Capacity Includi ng .
622 *Technical data Service products and capacities 6 The vehi cle wil l use mor e fuel th an usual in th e foll owing co nditions: at very low temp eratur es in ur ban t raffic on short t.
623 *Technical data Rims an d tires 6 Rims and tires ! CAUTION Only use tires whic h have b ee n test- ed and approved for your Spri nter ve- hicle b y the vehicle manufa cturer.
624 *Technical data Rims and tir es 6 Wa rn i n g G Loose wh eel nuts or bolts c ould cause the vehicl e to lose a wheel while it is in mo- tion. This woul d je opar dize the o perat ing and ro ad safety o f the v ehicle. You could lose cont rol of th e vehi cle as a resu lt, cause an a ccident an injure yo u rself or others .
625 *Technical data Rims an d tires 6 Vehic le M odel Type 2500 3500 Rims (steel ) 6.5 J x 16 5.5 J x 1 6 Rims (l igh t alloy ) 6.5 J x 16 – Wheel offset 2.
626 *Technical data Tire inflation pres sure 6 Tire inflation pressure Observe t he info rmation on recom- mend ed tir e inflat ion press ure in th e “Oper ation” section ( page 36 1).
627 *Technical data Tire inflation pressure 6 Set the correct tire pre ss ure before load ing the vehicle. If the vehicle h as been l oaded, c heck the tir e pres sures and corre ct them if nece ssary. The tires c an b e co nsider ed c old if t he vehi cle has be en parke d for at le ast 3 hours or d rive n less than 1 mi le (1.
628 *Technical data Tire inflation pres sure 6 Tire Permiss ible axle lo ads (see certifi c ation la bel) Front axle Rear axl e 3970 l bs (1801 k g) 4080 l bs (1851 k g) 4410 l bs (200 0 kg)* 5360 l bs (2431 k g) 7060 l bs (3202 k g) 7720 lb s (3502 k g) LT 215/ 85 R 16 115/1 12 N — 55 p si ( 3.
629 *Technical data Lashing points an d carrier sys tems 6 Lashing points and carrier s ystems You wi ll f ind further in forma tion on th e lashing e yes in the “Control s in detail” secti on ( page 2 80).
630 *Technical data Lashing points a nd carrier systems 6 The sp ecifie d valu es only apply to loads on the load compartment floor if: the lo ad is secured to 2 la shing points on the rail and the dis tance to the n ext la shing point used on the same rail is ab out 3 ft (1 m).
631 *Technical data Lashing points an d carrier sys tems 6 ! CAUTION The we ight of any load ca rried o n the roof, including the roof rack, mu st not excee d the max imum pe rmissi ble roof load. The roo f rack su pport s m ust be ar - ranged at equa l di stance s.
632 *Technical data Vehicle identi fication label s 6 Veh icle i de ntifi cati on l abel s Base of the driver’s seat 1 Vehicle safety certif ication lab el or Incomp lete vehicle s afet y certifi cat ion la - bel i For ce rtain vehicl es, vehic l e data cards are delivered with the vehicle.
633 *Technical data Vehicl e identificati on labels 6 The V ehicle Identi fica tion Num ber (V IN) can be foun d: on the vehicle or inc omple te vehi cle safety certifica tion labe l embos se d on the eng i n e comp ar t - ment re ar bu lk ( page 379) Exam ple vehic le safety c ertific ation labe l (U.
634 *Technical data Vehicle identi fication label s 6 Exampl e incomple te vehicle safety cer ti- ficati on label ( Canada vehi cles) 2 VIN Example Engi ne Compartmen t 3 VIN (embos sed on the engin e.
635 *Technical data Vehicl e identificati on labels 6 Example emissi on control info rmation l a- bel for diesel engines (U.S. v ehicles) Example emi ssion control inf ormatio n la- bel for di esel engine s (Cana da vehi cles ) Example emission co ntrol information la - bel for gasoline engines nf_BA.
636 *Technical data Vehicle identi fication label s 6 USA only - for vehicl e s with a gross weight c apacity les s than 10, 0 00 lbs (4536 kg) only. The tire and lo ading in forma tion pl acard is locate d on the dr iver’s doo r B-pilla r.
637 Index Numerics 12 V so cket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 A ABS see A nt ilock B rake S ystem Accelerat ion skid c o ntrol ( ASR) . 73 activating/d eactiva t ing . . . . . . . . 74 displ ay messag e . . . . . . . . 500 – 501 indicat or lamp .
638 Index Alarm audible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 Anticorrosion/antifreeze f luid . . . . 618 Antilock Brake System (AB S) . . . . 70 dis pla y mes sage . . . . . . . . 491 – 492 indicator lamp . . . . . . . . . . 46 2 , 466 malfuncti on .
639 Index stopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 06 towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587 trailer towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 working on the vehi cle . . . . . . . . 2 07 Auxiliary heat ing . . . . . . . . . . . . .
640 Index Brake lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530 , 531 changing bul bs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 high-m o un ted third brake la mp . 5 30 Brake pads/lin ings display messag e . . . . . . . . . . . . 497 wear indicator . . . . . . . . . . . .
641 Index Checking tire pres sure electronical ly with the Adv anced Tir e Pressure Monitoring System (Advanced TPMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 Checking tire pres sure electronical ly with the Ti re Pressur e Monitoring System (TPMS) . . . . . . . .
642 Index Consumpti on statistics (vehicles with steeri ng wheel buttons ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 8 adding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 anticorros ion/antifreeze flui d .
643 Index Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 vehicles with steering wheel buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 display messag es . . . . . . . . . . 489 outside tem perature . . . . . . . . 157 standard d isplay . . . . . . . . .
644 Index E EBV see Ele ctronic bra ke force dis tributi on Electric sliding d oor . . . . . . . . 92 , 98 programm ing th e key . . . . . . . . . . 97 progra mming the remote control . 97 reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 unloc king mecha nism f or the electri c d rive .
645 Index Environm ental p rotection . . . . . . . 5 ESP ® /ASR warning lamp . . 22 , 73 , 461 Exteri or lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 additional bu lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 Constant headlamp mode (veh ic les wit h stee ring whe el buttons) .
646 Index G Gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 consumpt ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622 reserv e fuel war ning la m p . 475 , 476 tank capaci ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 21 Gauge vehicl es without st eering w heel buttons standard di splay .
647 Index Heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 – 233 air distr ibu tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 30 airflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 30 air-recircul ation mod e . . . . . . . . 2 31 control pane l . . . . . . . . . . . .
648 Index brake pad /li ning wear . . . . . . . . 4 70 coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474 engine diagnosti c . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 ESP ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 2 , 46 8 handbrake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 9 operating speed governor (ADR) .
649 Index K Key battery ch eck lamp . . . . . . . . . . . 86 buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 changing the batterie s . . . . 5 39 , 540 lost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448 malfunc tion . . . . . . . . . . . . 446 – 449 problem s .
650 Index Limit speed flat tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 70 Load distri bution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 79 Loading guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . 276 Locator lighti ng setting (vehic les with ste ering w h eel buttons) . . . . . .
651 Index N Navi gation sy stem . . . . . . . . . . . 315 NHTSA rep orting procedu re . . . . 15 Night reflecto rs securing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 91 Normal oc cupant weight . . . . . . 396 Notes on operation . . . . . . . . . . . 194 O Occup ant di strib utio n .
652 Index vehicl es without st eering w heel buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Overhead control panel . . . . . . . . 27 hands-free mi cr ophone . . . . . . . . 27 interior lig hting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 37 Overru n cu t-off .
653 Index using . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557 Premium unleaded gaso line . . . 610 Product ion op tions weight . . . . 397 Programmed maximum speed . 311 PSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 97 PTS see Park tr onic Pulling away .
654 Index Rear wind ow heating . . . . . . . . . 214 malfuncti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 8 Rear w indow wi per . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Rear-v iew mirro r . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 8 Recommend ed tire inflation pressu re . . . . . . . .
655 Index fore-and-aft a djus tment . . . . . . . 114 heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 22 malfuncti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 suspens ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 suspens ion loc k .
656 Index Side lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526 Side marker lamps . . . . . . . . . . . 526 changing bul bs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 Side wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 Sid e windo ws cleaning . . . . . . . . . . .
657 Index releas ing the lock . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 19 Stickers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Storage com partment under the pa ssenge r’s seat . . . . . . . . . 288 Storage comp artmen ts .
658 Index Tempatic see Air conditioning Temperature setting the unit (vehic les with ste ering w h eel buttons) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Tempmatic airflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 20 air-reci rc ulatio n mo de . . . .
659 Index direction of rotation, spinning . . 3 51 driving instr uctions . . . . . . . . . . 195 important gu idelines . . . . . . . . . 3 46 infl a t io n pr e ssure . . . . . . . . 361 , 365 informa tion placar d . . . . . . . . . . 352 inspect ion .
660 Index Towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585 in the ev en t o f a malfu n cti on in the electr ical sy ste m . . . . . . . 58 8 in the ev en t of part ic ular malfuncti o ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 7 vehicle that i s stuck .
661 Index leaving in s torage . . . . . . . . . . . 456 locking with ke y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 locking/u nlocking centrally . . . . 105 opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 with remote c ontrol . . . . . . . . . 86 with the key .
662 Index Windshield heat ing . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Windshield washer fluid dis pla y mes sage . . . . . . . . 496 , 512 wiping with . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 , 21 3 Winds hield wa sher sys tem . . . . 333 indicator lamp . . . . . . . . . . . .
INST ALLA TION OF RADIO TRANSMITTING EQUIPMENT Special design considerations are incorporated into this vehicle’s electronic system to pr ovide immunity to radio frequency signals. Mobile two-way radios and telephone equipment must be installed properly by trained person- nel.
Dak ota OWNER’ S MANUAL 2008 2008 Dak ota 81-326-0899 F i r st Edition P r inted in U .S.A..
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Dodge 2008 Sprinter c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Dodge 2008 Sprinter - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Dodge 2008 Sprinter, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Dodge 2008 Sprinter va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Dodge 2008 Sprinter, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Dodge 2008 Sprinter.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Dodge 2008 Sprinter. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Dodge 2008 Sprinter ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.