Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit PC6224P du fabricant Dell
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www | Dell™ PowerConnect™ 6200 Series User’ s Guide Model PC6224, PC6248, PC 6224P , PC6248P , and PC6224F.
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings A NOTE indicat es impor tant inform ation t hat hel ps you mak e bette r use of yo ur com puter . A CA UTION indica tes potentia l damage to hardwa re or loss of data i f instructio ns are not followed. WAR N I N G : A WARNI NG indi cate s a potent ial f or pro perty damage , pers onal in jury, or deat h.
3 Contents 1 Introduction System Fe ature s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Switc hing Fea tures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Port- Based F eature s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Devic e Managem ent Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Check Boxe s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Definin g Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Acces sing the Switch Th rough the CLI .
5 Power Connec tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 4 Hardware Description Overv iew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Front Pan el . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Advanc ed Config urati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 CLI Bas ics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 6200 Serie s CLI Ref erence Guid e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Secur ity Mana gemen t and Pass word Con figur ation .
7 T ime Zone Conf igur ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Summer T i me Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Clo ck Det ail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Rese t .
8 Authori zation Network RADIUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 T eln et Ser ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Denia l of Ser vice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Captiv e Portal .
9 Definin g Stacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Overv iew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Sync hroni zing the Runni ng Conf igura tion bet ween the Mast er and Stan dby Units .
10 ACL Bi nd Conf iguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Config uring Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Global Paramete rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Port Co nfigurat ion .
11 LAG Hash Conf iguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 LAG Hash Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 Managi ng Multicast Su pport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 Multi cast G lob al Para mete rs .
12 DAI Stati stics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 DHCP Snoo ping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448 DHCP Sn ooping Con figuratio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449 DHCP Snooping Interfac e Configu ration .
13 9 Configuring Routing Overv iew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501 ARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502 ARP Create . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 Rout er Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573 Rout er Discove ry Configu ration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573 Route r Di scovery St atus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575 Route r .
15 Prefi x Delegation Co nfigurat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630 DHCP v6 Pool Sum mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631 DHCPv6 I nterfac e Configu rati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632 DHCPv6 S erver Bind ings Summary .
16 Servi ce D etail ed S tati stics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701 Clas s of Se rvice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703 Mapp ing T abl e Confi gur ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17 MLD Rout ing In terf ace So urce Li st Infor mati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . 759 MLD T raffi c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760 MLD P roxy Conf iguratio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762 MLD P roxy Conf iguratio n Summ ary .
Introduct ion 19 1 Introduction This section de scribes the sw itch user -configurable f eatures. F or a li st of all feat ures, see t he softwar e version r elease notes. NOTE: Befo re proceed ing, read the re lease notes for this produc t. Release no tes are prov ided with the firmwar e availa ble on the Dell Su pport web site , support .
20 Introduct ion System Features sFlow sFlow is the standard for monitoring high-speed switched and routed netw orks. sFlow V ersion 5 technol ogy is buil t into networ k equip ment and give s compl ete visib ility in to network activi ty , enabling effective management and control of network resources.
Introduct ion 21 Software Download Softwar e download en ables storage of backup firmwar e images. F or informatio n about downloading the software, see "Software Download an d Reboot .
22 Introduct ion Confi gurable C X-4/Stack ing Module s This featur e allows the stacking and CX -4 plug-in modu les to be co nfigured to either rol e (Ethern et or Sta cki ng) . By def ault , th e mo dul e w ill f unc tio n ac cordi ng t o it s mo dul e ID .
Introduct ion 23 Switching Fea tures IPv6 Access Control Lists An IPv6 ACL consists of a set of ru les whic h are matched seq uentia lly agai nst a pac ket. When a packet meets the match criteria of a rule, the specified rule action (P e rmit/Deny) is taken and the additional rules ar e not checked for a match.
24 Introduct ion IGMP S nooping Internet Group Management P ro tocol (IGMP) Snooping is a feature th at allows a switch to forward multic ast tra ffic in tellig ently o n the swi tch . Multic ast I P traffic is traffic that is destined to a host group.
Introduct ion 25 Port-Bas ed Features Jumb o Frames Supp ort Jumbo frames en able transporting dat a in fewer frames to e nsure less overhead, l ower processing time, and fewer interrupts. Auto-MDI/MDIX Support The switch supports au to-detection betw een crossed and straight-through cables .
26 Introduct ion Alter nate Stor e and Forwa rd (ASF) The Alternate Store and F orward (ASF) featur e reduces latency for lar ge packets. When ASF is enabled, the memory management unit (MMU) can forwar d a packet to the egr e ss port before it has been entirely re ceived on t he Cell Buffer P ool (CBP) memory .
Introduct ion 27 GVRP Support GARP VLAN Registration P rotocol (GVRP) provides IEEE 802.1Q-comp liant VLAN pruning and dynamic VLAN cr eation on 802.1Q trunk ports . When GVRP is enabled, the switch re gisters and propagates VLA N membership on all po rts that are part of the active spanning tree protoc ol topology .
28 Introduct ion Spanning T ree Prot ocol Features Spanning T r ee Now Supports IEEE 802.1Q-2005 This version of the IEEE Multiple Spanning T r ee P rotocol corrects problems associated with the previous version, provides for faster transition-to-forw arding, a nd incorporates new feat ures for a po rt (restr icted role and re stricted TCN).
Introduct ion 29 Spann ing T r ee Root Gu ard Spanning T ree Root Guard is used to prevent the root of a Sp anning T r ee instance from changing unexpe ctedly . The priorit y of a Bridge ID can be se t to zero but another Bridge ID with a lower mac addr ess could also s et its priori ty to zero and tak e over root.
30 Introduct ion Vo i c e V L A N The V oice VLAN featur e enables switch ports to carry voice t raffic with defined priorit y . The priority level en ables the separa tion of vo ice and da ta traff ic coming onto the po rt. F or inf orm at ion abou t co nf iguri ng V o ice VLAN , se e "Co nfig ur ing V oi ce VL AN .
Introduct ion 31 Routing Fe atur es VLAN Routing The P owerConnect 6200 Series software supports VLAN routing. Y ou can also configur e the software to allo w traffic on a VLAN to be tr eated a s if the VL AN wer e a route r port.
32 Introduct ion IP Interface Configuration IP interface config uration includes the abili ty to configure the bandwidth, Destination Unr eachable messages, and I CMP Redirect messa ges. IP Helper P rovides the ability to relay various protocols to servers on a different subnet.
Introduct ion 33 MAC Multicast Support Multic ast serv ice is a limite d bro adcast ser vice that all ows one- to-many and many- to-ma ny connec tions. In Layer 2 multicast services, a single frame addressed to a specific multicast address is received, and copies of the frame to b e transmitted on each relevant port are cr eated.
34 Introduct ion DHCPv6 DHCPv6 incorpor ates the n otion of the “s tateless ” server , where DHC Pv6 is not use d for IP address as s i g nm e n t to a c li e nt , r a t he r it o n l y p r o vi d e s ot h e r networking information such as DNS, Network Time P rotocol (NTP), and/or Session Init iation Protocol ( SIP) information.
Introduct ion 35 OSPFv3 The OSPFv3 Configuration page has been updated with the following changes: • AutoCost Referen ce Bandwidth field • Default P assive Set ting field • Maxim um P aths incre.
36 Introduct ion Multicast Featur es IPv4 Mul ticast Fea tures Updated IPv4 Multicast Routing Support The Multicast packa ge code has been extensively re-engineered and furnished with the following: .
Introduct ion 37 MLD/MLDv2 (RFC2710/RFC3810) MLD is used by IPv6 systems (listeners and routers) to report their IP multic ast addresses memberships to any neig hborin g multic ast rout ers. The i mple mentation o f MLD v2 i s backwa rd compatib le with MLD v1.
38 Introduct ion T ACACS+ T ACA CS+ provides centralized security for vali dation of users access ing the switch. T ACA CS+ provides a centralized user management sy stem, while still r etaining consistency with RADIUS and other authe ntication pro cesses.
Using Dell ™ Op enMan age™ Switch Adm inistra tor 39 2 Using Dell™ Open Manage™ Switc h Administrator The topics covered i n this section include: • Setting the IP Ad dress of the Switch •.
40 Using D ell™ O penMa nage™ S witc h Admini strat or Setting the IP Address of the Switch T wo methods fo r setting the IP address a re to use DHCP or to stat ically assi gn the addr ess. See the section titled "Accessing the Switch Through the CL I" on page 45 to s tart the CLI.
Using Dell ™ Op enMan age™ Switch Adm inistra tor 41 Starting the Application 1. Open a w eb browser . 2. Enter the switch’s IP address (as defined in the CLI) in th e address bar and press <Enter>. F or infor mation about assigning a n IP addr ess to a switch, see "Configuration O verview.
42 Using D ell™ O penMa nage™ S witc h Admini strat or Figure 2-1. Switch Admini strator Compo nents: Pow erConnect 6200 Series T able 2-1 lists the interface components with their corr esponding numbers.
Using Dell ™ Op enMan age™ Switch Adm inistra tor 43 T abl e 2-1. Inte rface Com ponents Componen t Name 1. The tr ee view contains a list of various device feature s. The branches in the tr ee vie w can b e ex panded to vi ew all th e com ponent s under a spec ific featu re, or retracte d to hide the featu re's component s.
44 Using D ell™ O penMa nage™ S witc h Admini strat or Using the Switch Ad ministrator Buttons Informat ion Buttons Device Man agement Buttons T able 2-2 . Info rmation Button s Button De scription Support Open s the Dell Support page at
Using Dell ™ Op enMan age™ Switch Adm inistra tor 45 Check Boxes Defining Fields Us er -def ined fie lds ca n co ntai n 1 – 159 characters, unless otherwise noted on t he Dell OpenManage Switch Administr ator W eb page.
46 Using D ell™ O penMa nage™ S witc h Admini strat or Console Conn ection See "Serial Cable Connecti on" on page 52 for a description of the re qu ired console cable. 1. T urn on the swi tch (or stack ) and wait un til the s tartup is compl ete.
Using Dell ™ Op enMan age™ Switch Adm inistra tor 47 The P rivileged EXEC mode provides access to the de vice global configuration. F or specific global configurations within the device, enter the next le vel, Global Confi guration mode. A passwor d is not req u i re d .
48 Using D ell™ O penMa nage™ S witc h Admini strat or Use the exit command to move back to a previ ous mode. F or example, you can move from Interface Configuration mode to Global Conf iguration mode, and from Global Configuration mode to Privileged EXEC m ode.
Cable a nd Por t Inf orma tion 49 3 Cable an d Port Information Overv iew This sectio n describes the switch’ s physical in terface s and provides informatio n about cable connections. Stations are connected to the switch’s ports throug h the physica l inte rfac e port s on th e fron t pan el.
50 Cable an d Por t Infor mati on Ethernet Interface The switching port can connect to stations wi red in st and ard R J-4 5 Et her net sta tio n m ode .
Cable a nd Por t Inf orma tion 51 SFP Interfaces SFP interfaces are on the console front. F igure 3-2 illustrates an SFP connector . Figur e 3-2. SFP Conn ector.
52 Cable an d Por t Infor mati on Bay 1 and Bay 2 Interfaces The Dell™ P o werConnect™ 62 00series switches suppo rt du al 10 G b s lot i nte rfac es. T he se in ter fac es ca n operate at 10 Gbps when sup porting option al SFP+, CX4, XFP , and 10GBase- T modules.
Cable a nd Por t Inf orma tion 53 Power Connection 1. Using a 5-foot (1 .5 m) stan dard po wer cable with safe ty ground connected , connect t he power cab le to the AC main socket located on the rear panel. 2. Connect the power cable to a grounded AC outlet.
54 Cable an d Por t Infor mati on.
Hardware Description 55 4 Hardware Description Overv iew This section contai ns information about device ch arac teristics and modular hardware configurations for the P owerConnect 6200 Series.
56 Hardware Description Front Panel The P owerConnect 6224 front pa nels provides 24 10/100/1 000M Base- T RJ-45 ports wi th four RJ-45/SFP comb o po rts t hat have an au to- sens ing mode for speed, flow control, and duple x mode.
Hardware Description 57 The P owerConnect 622 4F front panel provide s 24 10/100/1 000M Base-FX SFP port s and four RJ-45/SFP combo ports. Figure 4-3. PowerCo nnect 6224F wi th 24 SFP Ports The P owerConnect 6224P fron t panel provides 24 10/10 0/1000M Base- T RJ-45 p orts and four RJ-45/SFP combo ports.
58 Hardware Description The P owerConnect 624 8P front pane l provides 44 1 0/100/1000 Base- T RJ-45 ports a nd four RJ-45/ SFP combo ports. Figure 4-5. PowerCo nnect 6248P wi th 48 10/100/10 00 Base-T Po rts • The switch aut omatically detect s crossed an d stra ight-thr ough cable s on RJ-45 por ts.
Hardware Description 59 Rear Panel Each P owerConnect 6200 series swit ch provides an RS-232 mainte nance port, on the rear . This serial connection can be used to manage an entir e stack. Dual 10Gbps e xpansion slots ar e also mounted on the r ear of the switch.
60 Hardware Description Figure 4-8. Stackin g Module Figure 4-9. XFP Modu le Figure 4-10. 10 GbE C X4 Mod ule Figure 4-11. 10GBas e-T Module Figure 4-12.
Hardware Description 61 Console (RS-232) Port The console (RS-232) port is used on ly for management through a serial interface. This port provi des a dire ct connection to the switch and is used to acce ss the CLI from a console terminal connected to an EIA/TIA- 232 port.
62 Hardware Description Power Supplies The 6200 series switches have one internal power s upply which requires standard A C. F or non-P oE switches, you can also attach a redundant DC power supply , such as the P owerConnect RP S-600. F or P oE switches, you can attach a P owerConnect EPS-470.
Hardware Description 63 Figure 4-13. Connec ting a St ack of Po werConne ct 6200 Serie s Switches In F igure 4-13, the stack has the following physical connections betw een the switches: • Unit 1 and Unit 2 ar e connected t hrough the X G1 ports on e ach switch.
64 Hardware Description LED Definitions The front pan el contai ns light em itting diodes (LEDs) that indicate the status of link s, power supplies, fans, syste m diagnostics, and t he stack. Figure 4-14. Front Pane l LEDs SFP Port LEDs F igure 4-15 illustrates the SFP port LEDs that are above each SFP port .
Hardware Description 65 SFP+ Port LEDs The following table contains SFP+ port LED defini tions for the P owerConnect 6200 Series switches. XFP Module Port L EDs The XFP connectors are on the XFP module wh en it is inserted in the P ow erConnect 6200 Series.
66 Hardware Description Figure 4-16. 10/100/100 0 Base-T Port LEDs The following t able contains 10/10 0/ 1000 Base - T p ort LE D defi nition s. T able 4-5 conta ins 10/100/1 000 Base- T port LED definiti ons for the P o werConnect 62 24P and 6248P .
Hardware Description 67 System L EDs The system LEDs, located on t he right side of the front panel, provi de information about the power suppl ies, fans, thermal condit ions, and diagnostics. F igure 4 -17 illus trates the System LE Ds. Figure 4-17. System LED s T able 4-6 contains the System LED definiti ons.
68 Hardware Description Stacking LEDs The Stacki ng LEDs, lo cated on the right side of th e front pane l, provide inf ormation abo ut the locat ion and status of the s witch in the stack. F igure 4-1 8 illustrates the Sta cking LEDs. T able 4-7 contains Stacking LED definitions.
Hardware Description 69 Off The u nit is no t the 2 nd or 8 th switc h in the stack . 3/9 Gr een The u nit is the 3r d or 9th switc h in th e sta ck. Off The u nit is no t the 3 rd o r 9th s witch in the st ack. 4/10 Gr een The u nit is the 4th or 10th switch in the s tack.
70 Hardware Description.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 71 5 Configuring Dell PowerConnect Overv iew This chapter de scribes the init ial switch configurat ion. T opics covered include: •S t a r t i n g t h e C L I • Ge.
72 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct Starting the CLI T o begin running the CLI, perform the following steps: NOTE: The fol lowi ng steps ar e for use on the co nsol e line only. 1. Star t the switch an d wait un til the star tup proce dure is complete .
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 73 Figure 5-1. Installat ion and C onfiguratio n Flow C hart Connect Swit ch and Consol e Power on Choose opt ion 2 Boot me nu (Spec ial function s) Loadin g program f.
74 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct Genera l Configur at ion Information The P owe rConnect 6200 S eries switches are deliver ed with binary files containi ng the swit ch operating system and ASCII configuration files that ar e used to define the relationship of the swit ch to its netw ork environment.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 75 Booting the Switch When the pow er is turned on with the local termi n al already connected, the switch goes through P ower On Self T est (POST). POST runs every ti me the switch is initialized and checks hardwar e components to dete rmin e if the sw it ch is ful ly op erat ion al b efore c ompl etel y bo otin g.
76 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct file descriptors in use: 0 # of different files in use: 0 # of descriptors for deleted files: 0 # of obsolete descriptors: 0 current volume configuration: - volum.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 77 Boot Menu Select an option. If no selection in 10 seconds then operational code will start. 1 - Start operational code.
78 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct Uncompressing..... Target Name: vxTarget Attached IPv4 interface to motetsec unit 0 Adding 70447 symbols for standalone. CPU: Broadcom SBC8548. Processor #0. Memory Size: 0x20000000. BSP version 2.0/2. Created: May 26 2009, 13:11:31 ED&R Policy Mode: deployed WDB Comm Type: WDB_COMM_END WDB: Ready.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 79 - total number of sectors: 124,408 - bytes per sector: 512 - # of sectors per cluster: 4 - # of reserved sectors: 1 - FAT entry size: FAT16 - # of sectors per FAT c.
80 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct <186> JAN 01 00:00:15 UNKN[536870176]: bootos.c(218) 1 % Event(0xaaaaaaaa) Instantiating RamCP: as rawFs, device = 0x20001 Formatting RamCP: for DOSFS Instantiating RamCP: as rawFs, device = 0x20001 Formatting.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 81 Configuration Over view Befor e configuring the switch, obtai n the follow ing information from the network admi nistrator: • Is the n etwork setup for the auto c.
82 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct • Sets up the SNMP community str ing to be used by the SNMP manager at a given IP ad dres s. Y ou may choose to skip this step if SN MP man agement is not us ed for this switch. If it is configured, the default access level is set to the highest a vailable access for the SNM P managem ent interface.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 83 Figure 5-2. Se tup Wizard Flow Chart T ransfer to CL I mode Copy to Confi g DHCP? Request user name, passwo rd No Ye s Does the user wa nt to use setup w izard? No .
84 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct Exam ple of an Ea sy Set up Wiza rd Se ssion This section de scribes an Easy Setup W izard session. See the state diagram (F igure 5-2) for the general flow . The values used by the following session are examples only .
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 85 The system is not setup for SNMP management by default. To manage the switch using SNMP (required for Dell Network Manager) you can: o Set up the initial SNMP version 2 account now. o Return later and setup other SNMP accounts.
86 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct Next, a n IP add ress is setu p. T he IP a ddre ss is defin ed on the defaul t VLAN ( VLAN #1 ), of wh ich all po rts are member s. This is the IP a ddress you use to acce ss the CL I, Web in terface , or SNM P inter face for th e switc h.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 87 Advanc ed Configur ation CLI Basics The help command in the User EXEC mode and privileged EXEC mode displays the k eyboard short cuts. F ollowing is the sample display of the help command: Console> help HELP: Special keys: DEL, BS .
88 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct Context Sensitive Help Use the ? command to ge t context sensitive help in the CLI. It can be used to get th e list of po ssi ble su b- commands or to list poss ible commands starting with some partially entered commands.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 89 When you first log in, the CLI enters the root of t he command hierarchy . T o go to a di ffer e nt level of the command hierarchy , enter commands such as configure , which cause s the CLI to en ter the config sub tree.
90 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct The following is an example for changing the port description on port 1/ g1 using CLI commands: console(config)# interface ethernet 1/g1 console(config-if-1/g1)# .
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 91 Interface IP Address IP Mask Bcast CastFwd ---------- --------------- --------------- -------- -------- vlan1 Disable Disable vlan2 Enable Disable loopback2 0.0.0.
92 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct Configuring an Initial Console Pa s sword T o configur e an initial console password, enter the following commands: console(config)# aaa authentication login defa.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 93 Configuring an Initial HTTPS Password T o configur e an initial HT TPS passwor d, enter the follow ing commands: console(config)# ip https authentication local NOTE.
94 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct Softwar e Download and Reboot Softwa re Download Through XModem This section contains ins tructions for do wnload ing switch soft ware (system and boot images) usin g XModem, which is a data transfer protocol for updating back-up con figuration files.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 95 The followin g is an example of the infor mation that appears: console>show version Image Descriptions image1 : default image image2 : Images currently available.
96 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct 5. Select the image for the next boot by entering the boot s ystem command. Af ter this comman d, enter the command show vers ion to veri fy that the cop y indicate d as a parame ter in the boot system command is selected for th e next boot.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 97 Update Bo otcode Use the updat e bootcode command to update the bootcode on all switches. F or each switch, the bootcode is extracted from the ne xt-active image and programmed to flash. T o update the bootcode for one switch, specify the unit in the comm and (as shown in the following example).
98 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct The Boot menu displays and contains the fo llowing configuration functions: 1 - Start operational code 2 - Change baud rate 3 - Retrieve event log using XMODEM 4 .
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 99 Change the Baud Rat e Use op tion 2 to change the baud rate of the seria l interface. T o change th e baud rate fro m the Boo t menu: 1.
100 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct Load New Operati onal Code Using XMODEM Use opti on 4 wh en a n ew sof twar e ver sion m ust b e downloaded to re place corrupted files , update, or upgrade the system soft ware. T o download so ftware from the Bo ot menu: 1.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 101 Operational Code Offset........................0x74 (116) Operational Code FLASH flag....................1 Operational Code CRC...........................0x9B4D Boot Code Version..............................1 Boot Code Size.
102 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct Wrote 0x20000 bytes. Wrote 0x30000 bytes. Wrote 0x40000 bytes. Wrote 0x50000 bytes. Wrote 0x60000 bytes. Wrote 0x70000 bytes. Wrote 0x80000 bytes. Wrote 0x90000 bytes. Wrote 0xa0000 bytes. Wrote 0xb0000 bytes. Wrote 0xc0000 bytes.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 103 Reset t he System Use optio n 9 to reboot and reset the s ystem to its default se tting. User action is confirm ed with a Y/N question before ex ecuting the command. T o reset t he sy ste m fr om the Boot menu : 1.
104 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct Password Recov ery Procedure Use opti on 12 w hen a pass wor d is l ost. This allow s the switch to b oot on e time with out p rompti ng f or a console passwor d. Note that the enable passwor d is not prompted for in t his mode.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 105 Sample Configuration Process This section prov ides the basic ste ps requir ed to establish a r emote netw ork managemen t connection with the switch. This section does not explain the va rious configurations avail a ble on the switch or t he rel e v a n t c o m m an d s .
106 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct Figure 5- 3. H yperT erminal Properti es Window NOTE: 9600 is the default bau d rate for a new swi tch. The swi tch may have an other bau d rate. If using the defau lt baud r ate does not re sult in v iewing the swit ch termin al, try anothe r baud rate.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 107 current volume configuration: - volume label: NO LABEL ; (in boot sector: ) - volume Id: 0x0 - total number of sectors: 124,408 - bytes per sector: 512 - # of sect.
108 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct 1 - Start operational code. 2 - Start Boot Menu. Select (1, 2): Operational Code Date: Tue May 26 14:12:20 2009 Uncompressing..... Target Name: vxTarget Attached IPv4 interface to motetsec unit 0 Adding 70447 symbols for standalone.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 109 # of descriptors for deleted files: 0 # of obsolete descriptors: 0 current volume configuration: - volume label: NO LABEL ; (in boot sector: ) - volume Id: 0x0 - t.
110 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct PCI unit 0: Dev 0xb624, Rev 0x12, Chip BCM56624_B1, Driver BCM56624_B0 SOC unit 0 attached to PCI device BCM56624_B1 Adding BCM transport pointers Configuring CPUTRANS TX Configuring CPUTRANS RX st_state(0) = 0x0 st_state(1) = 0x2 <186> JAN 01 00:00:15 0.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 111 Devic e Default Setti ngs T o r eturn to devi ce defaul t settings us e delete startup-config command at the privileged mode prompt (#), and r eboot the de vice. Once device r eloads – it is set with the default settings.
112 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct 4. Enabl e DHCP on the man agement i nterfa ce. a. Enter th e confi g command at the cons ole to ente r the Conf igurati on mode as fo llows: console# config b.
Confi guring Dell PowerC onne ct 113 console(config)# crypto certificate generate key_generate Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus console(config)# ip https server 8. Defin e a user name and passwor d to al low access for a local user—cons ole, T el net, or W eb Ser ver , fo r example.
114 Confi gurin g Dell P owerC onne ct The switch is now configured and can b e managed through the different options such a s T elnet, W eb browser interface, and others. Configur ing Secure Manageme nt Access (HTTPS) When managing the switch securely through the standa rd W eb browser , the SSL (Secure Sock et Layer) security protocol is used.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 115 6 Configuring System Information Overview Use the me nus li sted on th e System page to def ine the sw itch’s relationship to its environment .
116 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Defining General De vice Inform ation The General menu page contains links to pages that allow you to configure device parameters.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 117 The Asset page con tains the following fields: • Syst em Name (0 – 255 characters) — Use to assign devi ce system name. • Syst em C ontac t (0 – 255 characters) — Use to assign the contact per son’ s name.
118 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • Sys tem Manageme nt Commands • SNMP Commands • Clock Commands The following table sum marizes the equiva lent CLI commands you use to configure device information.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 119 • Po w e r S u p p l y Status — Display s the power supply status. – — The power supply is operat ing normally . – — The pow er supply is not opera ting normally . – Not P resent — The power supply is c urrently not presen t.
120 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • Current-Acti ve — Displa ys the currently active software image. • Next-Activ e — D isplays th e softwa re image which w ill be loa ded th e next time th e switch is rebooted.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 121 Figure 6-4. System Reso urces The System Resources pa ge contains the following fields: • To t a l M e m o r y — Displays the to tal memory present on the switch. • Ava i l ab l e M e mo r y — Displa ys the available mem ory (F ree for allocation) present on the switch.
122 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Displaying System Reso urces Using CLI Commands F or in fo rmat io n abo ut the C LI co mm ands that per form this func tion, see the Syst em Manag emen t Commands chapte r in the CLI Refer ence Guide .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 123 The time zone settings are modified, an d the device is updated. Configuring T ime Zone Settings Using CLI Commands F or i nformation a bout the C LI commands that pe rform this f unction, see the Clo ck Com mand s chapter in the CL I Ref eren ce G uide .
124 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • Loc at ion — T his field displays only wh en the Recurring check box is select ed. The summe r time configuration is prede fined for th e United S tates a nd Eur ope an Un ion. T o set the s umme r tim e for a location other th an the USA or EU, select None.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 125 Clock Det ail Use the Clock Detail page to set the t ime and date or view info rmation abo ut the current tim e, time zone, and summer time settings. To d i s p l a y t h e Clock Detail page, cli ck Sy stem → General → Clock Detail in the tree view .
126 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Reset Use the Re se t page to reset the device. To d i s p l a y t h e Re s e t page , cli ck System → Genera l → Rese t in the tree view . Figure 6-8. Reset The Re s e t page contains the following fields: • Res et Unit No .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 127 Configuring SNTP Settings The devi ce sup ports the Simple Netwo rk Time Protocol (S NTP). S NTP as sures accura te net work device clock time synchronization up to the millisecond. Time synchronization is performed by a netw ork SNTP server .
128 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • If mor e than one Unicast device r esponds, synch ron ization informat ion is preferred from the device with the lo wes t st ratu m. • If the serv ers have th e same st ratum, syn chronization informati on is accepted from the SN TP se rver that r esponde d first.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 129 • Recei ve Broadcast Ser vers Update — If enabled, listens to the SNTP servers for Broadcast server time information on the selected interfaces. Th e device is synch ronized whenever an S NTP packet is received, even if synch ronization w as not requeste d.
130 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-10. SNTP Au thentic ation The SNTP Authenti cation page contains the following fields: • SNTP Aut hentication — If ena bled, r equir es authen ticatin g an SNTP sess ion betwee n the device and an S NTP s erver .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 131 Figure 6-11. A dd Auth enticati on Ke y 3. Define th e fields as nee ded. 4. Click Apply Cha nge s . The SNTP a uthenticat ion ke y is added, and the devi ce is upda ted. Displaying the Authentication Key T able 1.
132 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Defining SNTP Authentication Settings Using CLI Commands F or information about t he CLI commands that perform this function, se e the Clock Commands chapter in the CL I Ref eren ce G uide . The follo wing table summari zes the equivalent CLI commands you use to defin e SNTP auth enticati on sett ings.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 133 •P r i o r i t y ( 1 – 8) — S pecifies the priority of this server entry in de termining t he sequen ce of servers to which SNT P requests ar e sent. V alues are 1 to 8, an d the default is 1. S ervers with lowest nu mbers have priority .
134 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-15. SNTP Servers T able Modify ing an SNTP Server 1. Open the SNTP Ser vers page. 2. Click Show All. The SNTP Ser vers T able opens. 3. Click Edit ne xt to the SNTP S er ve r entry you wish to modify . 4.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 135 Managing Logs The switch may generate messages in respon se to even ts, faults, or errors occurring on t he platform as well as changes in configuration or other occurrences.
136 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n •R A M L o g T a b l e •L o g F i l e • Remote L og Serv er Settings Global Set tings Use the G lobal S ettings page to enable logs glob ally , and to define log parameters. The Severity log messages are listed from the highest severity to t he lowest.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 137 • Emerg ency — The highest level wa rning level. If the device is down or not functioning pro perly , an emergency log is saved to the device. • Alert — The second h ighest warnin g level. An alert log is s aved if there is a serious dev ice malfu nction, such a s all devi ce featur es being down .
138 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n RAM Log T abl e Use the RA M L o g T a b l e page to view information about specific R AM (cache) log en tries, including the time th e log was e ntered, the log seve rity , and a descr iptio n of the log. To d i s p l a y t h e RA M L o g T ab le , click System → Lo gs → RA M L o g in the tree view .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 139 Log File The Lo g F il e contains informat ion about specifi c log entries, including th e time the log was entered, the log severity , and a description of the log. To d i s p l a y t h e Log F ile , click System → Lo gs → Lo g F il e in the tree view .
140 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Removing Log Info rmation Using CLI Commands F or inf ormation about the CLI commands tha t perform this functi on, see the Sysl og Commands chapter in the CL I Ref eren ce G uide . The follo wing table summari zes the equivalent CLI commands you use to rem ov e l o g i nf o r m a t io n .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 141 The Remote L og Ser ver Sett ings page con tains the following fields: • Log Se rve r — Server to which logs ca n be sent. • UDP P ort (1 – 65535) — Sets t he UDP port from wh ich the logs a re sent. The defa ult valu e is 514.
142 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-20. Add Remote Lo g Server Setting s 3. Complete the fields in the dialog and click Apply Chan ges . The Remote L og Serv er Settings page displays the server in the Log Se rv er l ist o n ly a ft er y ou go b ac k to th e Remote L og Ser ver Settin gs page.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 143 The server is remove d, and the device is u pdated. W ork ing with Remote Serve r Logs Using CL I Commands F or inf ormation about the CLI commands tha t perform this functi on, see the Sysl og Commands chapter in the CL I Ref eren ce G uide .
144 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Domain Name Server (DNS) The Domain Name System conve rts user -defined doma in names into IP addr esse s. Each t ime a domain name is assigned, this s ervice translates the name in to a numeric IP address . Domain Name System servers maintain domain name datab ases and their corresp onding IP addresses.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 145 Figure 6-23. A dd DNS S erver 3. Define th e relevant fields . 4. Click Apply Cha nge s . The new DNS server is defin ed, and the dev ice is up dated.
146 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n The Default Domain Name page contains the following field: • Default D omain Name (0 – 255 character s) — Contains the user -defined defa ult domain n ame. When configured, the d efault d omain n ame is applied to all un qualified host n ames.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 147 Adding Host Domain N ames 1. Open the Host N ame Ma pping page. 2. Click Add . The Add Static Host N ame Mapping page d isplays : Figure 6-26. Add Stati c Host Name Mappin g 3. Define th e relevant fields . 4. Click Apply Cha nge s .
148 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n 3. Select a Host Name M apping T able entry . 4. Check the Rem o ve check box. 5. Click Apply Cha nge s . The Host Name Mapping T able entry is removed, and the device is u pdated.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 149 Click Clear All Entries to r emove all Host Name IP Mapp ing entries from the table. Viewing Dynamic Host Entries Using CLI Commands F or in fo rmat io n abo ut the C LI co mm ands that per form this func tion, see the IP Addr essing Commands chapter in the CLI R efer ence Gui de .
150 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n V iewing the ARP T ab le Usin g CLI Com mands F or in fo rmat io n abo ut the C LI co mm ands that per form this func tion, see the IP Addr essing Commands chapter in the CLI R efer ence Gui de . The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands you use.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 151 • IPv6 Stateless Address A utoConfig Mode — Enabl e or disa ble IPv6 auto a ddress configura tion on the inter face.
152 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Running Ca ble Diagnostic s Use the Diag nostics menu page to perform virtual cable test s for copper and fiber optics cables. To d i s p l a y t h e Diag nostics page, click System → Diagnostics in the tree view .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 153 Figure 6- 32. Integrat ed Cabl e T est for Copper C ables The Integrated Cable T est for Copper Cabl es page cont ains the following fields: • Inte rface — The interface to which the cable is c onn ected. • T est Result — The cable test results.
154 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n 2. Click Show All . 3. Sele ct the desir ed unit from the drop-dow n menu. The web page d isplays the Integrated Cable T est Results T able page showing the r esults of pr evious tests for every port on the selected u nit.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 155 Figure 6-34. O ptical T ransc eiver Di agnost ics The Optical T ran sceiver Diagnostic s page contains the following fields: • Inte rface — T he port IP address on which the cable is tested. • Te m p e r a t u r e — The temp erature (C) at which the cable is opera ting.
156 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-35. O ptical T ransc eiver Di agnost ics T able The test runs and displays t he Optical T ransceiver Diagnost ics T a ble page.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 157 Managing De vice Security Use the Managem ent Se curit y menu page to set manageme nt securi ty parameters for port, user , and server security . To d i s p l a y t h e Manageme nt Security page, c lick System → Management Security in the t ree vi ew .
158 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6 -36. Access Profile The Access Profile page contains the following fields: • Access P rofile — Shows the Access P rofile. • Current Active Acce ss P rofile — Shows profile that is activated . • Set Acti ve Access P rofile — Activates th e access profile .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 159 Figure 6-37. Profile Rules T abl e Adding an Acc ess Profile 1. Open the Access P rofile pag e. 2. Click Add P rofile . The Add an Access P rofile page disp lays. Figure 6 -38. Add an Ac cess Profile 3. Enter the prof ile name in t he Access P rofile Name text bo x.
160 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Management Method — Select from the dropdown b ox. The policy is rest ricted by the managem ent chosen. Interf ace — Choose the check box for th e interface if the policy sh ould have a rule based on t he interfa ce.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 161 Figure 6 -39. Add An Ac cess Profile Ru le 3. Complete the fi elds in the di alog: Management Method — Select from the dropdown b ox. The policy is rest ricted by the managem ent chosen. Interf ace — Choose the check box for th e interface if the policy sh ould have a rule b ased on the inter face.
162 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Removing a Rule 1. Open the Access P rofile page. 2. Click Show All to displa y the Pr o f i l e Ru le s T a b l e pag e. 3. Select a rul e. 4. Check the Rem o ve chec k bo x. 5. Click Apply Cha nge s . The rul e is re moved, and th e device i s updated .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 163 Figure 6 -40. Authentication Profiles The Authenticat ion Profiles page contain s the following field s: Authentication Profile Name Displays lists to which us er -defi ned authe ntication p r ofiles are added.
164 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n NOTE: User au thent icati on occ urs in th e order t he method s are selecte d. If an er ror occ urs duri ng the authen ticat ion, t he next se lect ed metho d is use d.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 165 The u ser au then ticatio n pro file is upda ted t o the d evice. Removing an Authentication Profiles Entry 1. Open the Authentic atio n Profiles page. 2. Click Show All . The Authentic atio n Profiles T able opens.
166 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Select Aut henticatio n Afte r authentic ation pr ofiles ar e defi ned, you can apply them to management access methods. F or example, console users can be authenti cated by Authentication Profile List 1, while T elnet users are authent icated by Authenticati on P rofil e List 2.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 167 – T ACA CS+ — Au then tica tion o ccu rs at t he T ACACS + s erver . – Loc al , N on e — Au then ticatio n first occu rs locall y . – RA D IU S, N o n e — Authen tication fi rst occurs at the R ADIUS server .
168 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n The following example shows an entry in the FreeRADIUS /etc/raddb/users file that a llows a user (name: admin ) to lo g onto t he switc h with r ead/wri te privi leges, which is equivale nt to pr ivilege level 15.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 169 2. Under HTTP , select an authent ication meth od in the Optional Methods field and click the ri ght arrow button. The selected authentication method moves to the Selected Methods field. 3. Repe at unt il the desired au then ticatio n se quenc e is di splaye d in th e Selected Methods field.
170 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • P reventin g fr equent passwor d r euse • Locking out users out af t er fai led log in attempts To d i s p l a y t h e P asswo rd Mana gement page , cli ck System → Manage ment Securi ty → P a ssword Mana gement in the tree view .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 171 3. Click Apply Cha nge s . The pas swor d constrain ts are defined, a nd the dev ice is updat ed. Defining Password Constraints Using CL I Commands F or in fo rmat io n abo ut the C LI co mm ands that per form this func tion, see the P asswor d Management Commands chapte r in the CLI Refer ence Guide .
172 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-45. Local Use r Databas e The Loca l User Data base page contains the following fields: • User Name — List of users. • Access Level — User acce ss level. The lowe st user access level is 1 ( re a d o n l y ), and 15 (readwrit e) is the highest.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 173 Figure 6-46. A dd a Ne w User 3. Complete th e fields . 4. Click Apply Cha nge s . The new user is defined, an d the devi ce is updated. NOTE: Y o u can defi ne as man y as eight local use rs on the devic e. Displ aying U sers on the Loca l User D atabas e 1.
174 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Assigning Users With CLI Commands F or information about the CLI commands that pe rform this function, see th e AAA Commands chapter in the CL I Ref eren ce G uide . The follo wing table summari zes th e equivalent CLI commands you use.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 175 3. Define th e Line P assw ord field for the type of session you use to connect to the device. 4. Confirm the Line P asswor d . 5. Click Apply Cha nge s . The line pa ssword for the t ype of session is defined, a nd the dev ice is upda ted.
176 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n 3. Confirm the E nable pa ssword. 4. Click Apply Cha nge s . The Enab le passwor d is set. Defining Enable Passwo rds Using CLI Comma nds F or information about the CLI commands that pe rform this function, see th e AAA Commands chapter in the CL I Ref eren ce G uide .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 177 Figure 6-50. T A CACS+ Setting s The T ACA CS+ Settings page contains the following fields: • Host Nam e / IP Ad dress — Specifies the T ACACS+ Server . • Pr i o r i t y ( 0 – 65535) — Specifies the order in which the T ACACS+ servers are used.
178 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • Ti m e o u t f o r Re p l y ( 1 – 30) — Enter the g loba l use r confi gura tion t ime th at p asses befo re the connection between the device a nd the T ACACS+ times out. Defining T ACACS+ Para meters 1.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 179 Figure 6-52. T ACAC S+ Servers T ab le Removing a T ACACS+ Server from the T ACACS+ Servers List 1. Open the T ACA CS+ Settings pag e. 2. Click Show All . The T ACAC S+ Servers T able opens . 3. Select a T ACA CS+ Servers T able entry .
180 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n RADIUS Global Configuration The Remote Author ization D ial-In User S ervice (R ADIUS) client on the P o werConnect 6200 Series switch supports multip le, named RADI US servers.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 181 • Configured Au thentication Serv ers — The number of R ADIUS authentication servers configur ed on the system. The va lue can rang e from 0 to 32. • Configured Accountin g Servers — The n umber of RADIUS accounting servers configured on the system.
182 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n RADIUS Server Configuratio n Fr o m t h e RADI US Se r ver Con fig urat ion page, you can add a new R ADIUS server , configure settings for a new or e xisting R ADIUS server , and vi ew RADI US server status information.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 183 • Po r t — Ident ifies the a uthenticat ion port the server uses to v erify the RADIUS server authentica tion. The port is a UDP port, and the valid range is 1-6553 5. The default port for RADIUS authentication is 1812.
184 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-55. A dd RADIU S Server 3. Enter an IP a ddress and na me for the RADIUS server to ad d. 4. Click Apply Cha nge s . The new R ADIUS ser ver is adde d, and the device is u pdated. Viewing RAD IUS Se rver St atus an d Remo ving a N amed Ser ver 1.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 185 RADIUS Account ing Server Config uration Fr o m t h e RADIUS Accounting Ser ver Configuration page, you can add a new RADIUS accounting server , configure s ettings for a new or exi sting RA DIUS account ing server , and view R ADIUS accounting server stat us information.
186 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • RADIUS Acc ount ing Se r ver Ho st A ddress — Use the drop-down menu to select the IP addr ess of the accounting server to view or con figure. Click Add to displ ay the Add R ADIUS A ccounting Server page used to configure additional RADIUS servers.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 187 Figure 6-59. RADIUS Accountin g Server Status 3. T o remove a named a ccounting server , select the ch eck box in the Re m o v e column. 4. Click Apply Cha nge s . The RADIUS accountin g server is removed from the list.
188 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6 -60. RADIUS Acco unting Se rver Statistic s The RADIUS Accounting Ser ver Statistics page contains the following fields: • RADIUS Acc ount ing Se r ver Ho st A ddress — Use the drop-down menu to select the IP addr ess of the R AD IUS accou nting server for wh ich to dis play statistics.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 189 • Pa c k e t s D r o p p e d — Th e nu m be r o f RAD I U S p a cke ts rec e iv e d f ro m th i s s er v er o n t he ac c o un t ing p or t and dropp ed for some ot her reas on.
190 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • Rou nd T ri p Time — The time interval, in hu ndredths of a second, between the most recent Access- Reply /Access-Chal lenge and the Access-Reques t that matc hed it from t his RAD IUS authenti cation ser ver .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 191 Authori zation Networ k RADIUS In some networks, the R ADIUS server is responsi ble for assigning traffic to a particular VL AN. F rom the Authoriz atio n Netw ork R A DIUS page, you can enable the switch to accept VLAN ass ignment by the RA DI US se r v e r .
192 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-63. T elnet Server The T elnet Ser ver p age contains the following fields: • New T elnet Sessions — Controls the adm inistrative m ode for in bound tel net sess ions. If y ou set the mode to Bl ock, new telnet sessions are not allowed, but existing sessions are not interrup ted.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 193 Denial of Ser vice Denial of Service refers to t he exploita tion of a variety of v ulnerabilities w hich would interrupt the service of a host or make a network unstable. Use the Denial of Ser vice page to configur e settings to help prevent denial of service at tacks.
194 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n – Both TCP fla gs SYN and FIN se t • Denial of Service L4 P ort — En abling L4 P ort DoS p r evention cau ses the switch to drop pa ckets that have the TCP/UDP sour ce port equal to TCP/UDP destination port.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 195 Captive Portal The Captive P ortal (CP) feature allows you to block clients directly connected to the switch from accessing the network until user verification has been established. Y ou can configure CP verification to allow ac cess f or both gues t and authent icated user s.
196 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n •U s e r G r o u p • Interface Association •C P S t a t u s • CP Activ ation and Activ ity Stat us • Inte rface A ctivat ion Sta tus • Inte rface C .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 197 –N o I P v 4 A d d r e s s – R outin g Enabled , but no IPv4 ro uting int erface • Additional HT TP P ort — HT TP traffic uses p ort 80, b ut you ca n configure an additiona l port for HT TP traffic.
198 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-66. CP Config uration The CP Configurati on page con tains the following fields: • Configuration Name — If multiple CP con figurations exist on the system, sel ect the CP configuration to view or configure.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 199 • RA D I U S A ut h Se r v e r — If the verification m ode is RADIUS, click the drop-dow n menu an d select the name of the RADIUS server used for client authenti cations. The switch acts as the R ADIUS client and performs all R ADIUS transactions on behal f of the clie nts.
200 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-68. CP Summary 3. T o remove a CP config uratio n, select the Rem ov e option in th e CP configuration row and click Apply Changes . CP W eb Customization When a client connects to the access point, the user sees a W eb page.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 201 Figure 6-69. CP Web Customization The CP W eb Customization page contains the following fields: • Captive P ortal ID — The d rop-down menu lists each CP configured on the switch. T o vi ew inform ation abou t the clien ts connected to t he CP , select it from the lis t.
202 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • Pa g e T i t l e — E nter the text t o use as th e page title . This is the text that identifies the page. • Sepa rat or Col or — Enter the he xadecima l color code to use as th e separator abov e and below the login ar ea and acceptance use policy .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 203 • We l c o m e T i t l e — Ent er the title to displa y to greet th e u ser afte r he or s he su cces sfully c onne cts to the network. • We l c o m e Te x t — En ter th e op tion al text t o disp lay to furt her id entify the n etw ork t o be a ccess by th e CP user .
204 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • P assword — E nter a pass word for the u ser . T he passwo rd length ca n be fr om 8 to 64 chara cters . • User Group — A ssign the user t o at least one User Group. New users are assigned to the 1-Default user group by defau lt.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 205 Figure 6-72. CP Local User Summa ry 3. T o remo ve a co nfigured user , s elect the Rem ov e option in the appropriate row , and then click Apply Changes . Configuring Users in a Remote RADIUS Server Y o u can use a remote RADIUS server client authorizat ion.
206 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-73. User Grou p The User Group page contains the following fields: • Group Nam e — The menu contains th e name of all of the groups configured on the system. The Default user group is con figured by default.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 207 Displ aying t he User G roup Page 1. Open the User Group page. 2. Click Show All . The User Grou p Summ ary page displays: Figure 6- 75. C P User Gr oup Summary 3. T o remove a co nfigured group , selec t the Rem ov e option in the appropriate row , and then click Apply Changes .
208 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • CP Configurat ion — Lists the captive port als configur ed on the switch by num ber and name. • Interf ace List — Lists the interfac es availab le on the swi tch that ar e not curr ently associ ated wit h a captive portal.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 209 Figure 6-77. CP Status The CP Status page contains the following fields: • CP Glob al Operati ona l Status — Show s whether the CP fea ture is enabled.
210 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n CP Activat ion and Activity Status The CP Act ivati on and Act ivity S tatus page prov ides information about each CP configured on the swi tch. The CP Act ivati on and Act ivity S tatus page has a drop-down menu that contains all captive portals configured on the swi tch.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 211 • Authent icated Us ers — Shows the n umber of users that successfully authenticated to this captive port al and ar e curr ently us ing the po rtal.
212 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Interf ace Capability Status The Interface Capabili ty Status page contains information about interface s that can have CP s associa ted with them. The pag e also contains s tatus information for various capab ilities.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 213 Client Summar y Use the Client Summary page to view summary information about all authenticated clients t hat are connected through the captive portal. F rom this page, you can manually force the captive portal to disconnect one or mor e authenticated clients.
214 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-82. Client De tail The Client Deta il page contains the following fields: • MAC Address — The menu lists each a ssociated client by MA C address. T o view status info rmation for a different client, select its MAC address from the list.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 215 Figure 6-83. Interfa ce - Client Stat us The Inter face Clie nt Stat us page contains the following fields: • Inte rface — T he drop-down m enu lists each interface on the switch. T o view information about the clients connecte d to a CP on this in ter face, select it from the list.
216 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • Configuration Name — The drop-down menu lists each CP c onfigu r ed on the switch. T o view inform ation abou t the clien ts connec ted to the CP conf igurat ion, s e lect the C P conf iguratio n nam e from the list.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 217 capti ve-portal cl ient deaut hentica te Deauthen ticates a specifi c captive po rtal clien t. show captive-port al client status Displ ays client con necti on detai ls or a con nection summary for connecte d captive portal us ers.
218 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Defining SNMP Parameters Simple Network Management P rotocol (SNMP) provides a method for managing network devices. The device supports SNMP version 1, SNMP versi on 2, and SNMP ve rsion 3. NOTE: By de fault, SN MPv2 is automati cally en abled on the de vice.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 219 To d i s p l a y t h e G lobal P aram eters page, c lick System → SNMP → Global P a rameters in the tree view . Figure 6-85. Global Para meters The Global P arameters p age contains the following parameters: • Loc al E ng ine I D ( 6 – 32 hexad ecimal c haract ers) — Sets local S NMP engin e ID.
220 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n SNMP notifications are enabled, and th e devi ce is upd ated. Enabling Authentication T r ap 1. Open the Global P aram eters page . 2. Select Enab le in the Authentic atio n tra p field. 3. Click Apply Cha nge s .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 221 Figure 6-86. SNMP View Settin gs The SNMP V iew Settings page contains the following fields: • Vi e w N a m e — Contains a list of user -defin ed views. A view name can contain a maximu m of 30 alph anumeric char acters .
222 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n 3. Define th e rele v an t fields. 4. Click Apply Cha nge s . The SNMP vi ew is added, and the devi ce is update d. Displ aying t he V iew T able 1. Open the SNMP V iew Settings p age . 2. Click Show All . The Vi e w T a b l e page displays: Figure 6-88.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 223 Access Co ntrol Group Use the Ac cess Control Group p a g e t o v i ew i n fo r m a ti o n fo r c re at i n g S NM P g r ou p s , a n d to a s s ig n S N M P access privileges. Groups allow network managers to a ssign access rights to spe cific device featur es or featur es aspects.
224 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n – auth no priv — Authen ticates S NMP messages wit hout encrypti ng them. – auth priv — Authenticates SNMP m essages and encrypts them. • Context P refix (1 – 30) — This field permits the us er to specify the con text name by enterin g the first 1 to 30 chara cter s of the c ont ext nam e.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 225 Figure 6-91. Access T a ble Remov ing a G roup 1. Open the Access Control Configuration pag e. 2. Click Show All . The Access T able opens. 3. Select a group . 4. Check Rem ov e . 5. Click Apply Ch anges . The group is remov ed, and th e device is u pdated.
226 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-92. SNMPv3 Us er Security Mod el (USM) The SNMPv3 User Security Model (USM) page contains the follow ing fields: • User Name — C ontains a list of user-defined user names. • Group Na me — Contains a list of us er -defined SNMP groups.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 227 – des — Us e a CB C-DE S Symm etric Encry ption P assword fo r the au then ticatio n key . – des-ke y — Use an HMA C-MD5-96 A uthenti cation P re-gene rated k ey . • Authentication K ey(MD5-16; SHA-20 HEX cha racter pair s) — Specify the authen tication key .
228 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-94. Add Remote U ser 3. Define th e rele v an t fields. 4. Click Apply Cha nge s . 5. The us er is added to the group , and the dev ice is updat ed. V iewing t he User Securit y Model T able 1. Open the SNMPv3 User Security Model ( USM) page.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 229 4. Check the Rem o ve chec k bo x. 5. Click Apply Cha nge s . The entry is removed, and the d evice is updated. Defining SNMP Users Using CLI Commands F or infor mation about the CLI comm ands that perform this functi on, see the SNMP C omman ds chapter in the CL I Ref eren ce G uide .
230 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • Community Str ing — Contain s a list of user -defined communi ty strin gs that act as a pas sword a nd are used t o authenti cate the SNMP management stati on to the de vice. A commu nity str ing can c ontain a maximum of 20 charact ers.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 231 In addition to the field s in th e SNMPv1, 2 Community pag e, th e Add SNMPv1, 2 Community page contains t he All ( field, wh ich indicates that t he community can be used from any manageme nt stat ion. 4.
232 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Configuring Communities Using CLI Commands F or infor mation about the CLI comm ands that perform this functi on, see the SNMP C omman ds chapter in the CL I Ref eren ce G uide . The follo wing table summari zes the equivalent CLI commands you use to configure SNMP communities.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 233 – Exclu ded — Restricts sending OID traps or informs. – Incl uded — Sends OID traps or in forms. Adding SNMP Filters 1. Open the Notificati on F ilter page. 2. Click Add . The Add F ilter pag e dis play s: Figure 6-100 .
234 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Removing a Filter 1. Open the Notificati on F ilter page. 2. Click Show All . The Show Notification page display s. 3. Select the Fi l t e r T a b l e entry . 4. Check Rem ov e . The fi lter ent ry is r emoved, and the de vice is u pdated.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 235 Figure 6-102. Notific ation Reci pients The Notification Recipients page contains the following fields: • Rec ip ie n t IP — Contains a u ser -defined list of notifica tion recipients IP addresses. • Notification T ype — The type of notification sent.
236 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • Au th No Pri v — The packet is authenticated. • Au th Pri v — The packet is both authenticated and encrypted. • UDP P ort (1 – 65535) — UDP p ort used to sen d notificat ions. The default i s 162.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 237 Displaying the Notifica tion Recipients T abl es 1. Open Not ifica tion R eci pien ts page. 2. Click Show All . The Notificati on Recipient T ab les page o pens: Figure 6-104. Notific ation Reci pient T ables Removing Notification Recipients 1.
238 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n File Manageme nt Use the F ile Mana geme nt menu page to manage device softw are, the image fil e, and the configuration files.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 239 The Fi l e S y s t e m page contains the following fields: • Fi l e N a m e — A text field listing the names of the files on the file system. • Image D escrip tion — A field 0-128 characte rs in leng th that displays a n image d escription of the file.
240 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • Ve r s i o n — The version of the current active image. • After R eset — F rom the men u, se lect th e im age th at s hould be acti ve after th e next reset . • Ve r s i o n — Displays the version of the im age after reset.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 241 • SSH-1 RSA Key F ile — SSH-1 Riv est-Sham ir -Adleman (R SA) Key F ile • SSH-2 RSA Key PEM F i le — SSH-2 R ivest- Shamir -Adleman (RSA) K ey F ile (PE M.
242 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Downloading Files 1. Open the Fi l e D o w n l o a d Fr o m S e r v e r page. 2. V erify the IP address of the server and ensure that the software image or b oot file to b e downloaded is avail able on th e ser ver .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 243 Figure 6-108. F ile Upl oad t o Server The F ile Upload to Ser ver page contains the following fields: • Fi l e T y p e — Select the t ype of file to be u ploaded. P ossible filetyp es are: – Fi r m w a r e — Uploads the activ e image.
244 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n – R unning Configurat ion — Uploa ds the ru nning configu ration file. – Star tup Conf igur ation — Uploads the startup configura tion files. – Backup Config uration — Uploa ds the backup configurat ion files.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 245 Figure 6-109 . Cop y Files The Copy F iles p age contains the following fields: • Copy Master F ir mware — Specifies tha t a softwa re image file should be copied . • Destination — The destin ation un it(s) (with in the s tack) to wh ich the file is copied.
246 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Copy Files Using CLI Commands F o r inf orm atio n ab out the C LI c omm and t hat perf orm t his func tion , se e the Config urati on and Image F iles Comma nds chapter in the CLI Reference Guide .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 247 • The IP addr esses of DNS name servers (option 6). The IP add resses of DNS name servers should be r etu rned from the D HCP server only if the DNS serv er is in the same LAN as the swit ch performing Auto Configurat ion.
248 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n – Disable — Uses the configurat ion file as t he running con figuration only . Wh en the swi tch reboots, it will load the configu ration fr om the start up configura tion file. • Ret ry Co un t — Indicates the number of ti mes to atte mpt the auto con figurat ion process du ring boot up.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 249 Defining Stac king Overview A stack is created by daisy-chaining stacking links on adjacent units. A stack of unit s is manageable as a single en tity when the units are connected together .
250 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Configur ing Stac king Use the Stack ing menu to set the sta cking c haracter istics of the d evice. The chan ges to t hese attr ibute s ar e applied only aft er the device is r eset. Click System → Stacking in the tree view to di splay the Stacking page.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 251 Figure 6 -111. Unit Configura tion The Unit Configur ation page contains the following fields: • Switc h ID — Specifies unit t o be configured. • Change Swit ch ID to — Changes the unit num ber of the selected un it.
252 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • Plugged-in Mod el Identifier — A 16-b yte charact er string t o identify the plugged -in m odel of the selected u nit. • Switc h Stat us — Displays the st atus of the selected uni t. The possible va lues are: – OK — The unit is in place and functioning.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 253 • Stan dby Status — This field identifies the switch that is con figured as the Sta ndby U nit. P ossible values are: – OPR S tandby — Indicat es tha t this un it is op erating as the St andby U nit and th e configured Stand by Unit is not part of the stac k.
254 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Supported Switches Use the Supported Switches page to view informa tion regar ding each type of supporte d switch fo r stacking, and informat ion regar ding the supported sw itches. To d i s p l a y t h e Supported Sw itches page, cli ck System → Stacking → Supported Switches in t he tree view .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 255 • Management P r eference — Determines wheth er this unit is capable of becoming the master switch. If the value is set to zero th en the unit cannot support Master Switch funct ion.
256 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-114. Stack Port Summary The Stack P ort Summary p age contains the following fields: • Unit — ID number of th e unit.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 257 Figure 6-115. Stack Port Counters The Stack P ort Counters page cont ains the following fields: • Unit — Indicates the subordinate switch being viewed. • Inte rface — Indicat es the name of the i nterface.
258 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Stac k Port Diagno stics The Stack P ort Diagn ostics page is intended for F ield Application Engineers (F AEs) and developers only .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 259 Figure 6-116 . NSF Summary • Admin S tatus — Sel ect the admin istrative mo de for the inter face. When en abled, the stack selects a backup unit to r eceive checkpoint ed data fr om applicat ions on the man agement uni t.
260 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • Backup Configuration Age — Indicates the time since the running configuration was last copied to the back up un it.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 261 Figure 6- 117. Checkpo int Statist ics • Messages Checkpointed — The number of messages sent from ma ster unit to backup unit . • Bytes Checkpointed — How m uch data has b een sent from m aster unit to the backu p unit.
262 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n T rap Manager Use the T rap Manager menus to configur e traps flag s and view the trap log. Click System → Tr a p Mana ger in the tree view t o displa y the T rap Manage r page.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 263 The T rap Fl ags page contains the following fields: •S w i t c h T r a p s – Authent ication — En able o r dis able a ctiva tion of au then tica tion fa ilure trap s by s elect ing th e corr espondi ng line on the pu ll-down entry field .
264 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n OSPFv2 T rap Flags The OSPFv2 T ra p Flag s page is used to specify which OSPFv2 traps y ou want to enable or disable.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 265 Figure 6-119 . OSPF v2 T rap Fla gs The OSPFv2 T ra p Flag s page contains the following fields: •E r r o r T r a p s – Authent ication F ailure — S ignifie.
266 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n – Virtual Authentica tion F ailure — Sign ifies that a packet has been received on a virt ual inte rface from a rout er w ith an auth entic ation key or auth entica tion type t hat confl icts w ith th is ro uter' s authe ntica tion key or au then tication type .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 267 – V irtua l Link I nterface Sta te Change — Signif ies that there has been a change in the state of a n OSPF virtual interfac e. This trap should be gen erated when the interface state regr esses (e.g., goes from P oint- to-P oint to Down) or progress es to a termina l state (i.
268 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-120 . OSPF v3 T rap Fla gs The OSPFv3 T ra p Flag s page contains the following fields: •E r r o r T r a p s – Bad P a cke t — Signif ies that an OSPF packet has been received on a non -virtual interfa ce that cannot be parsed.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 269 – LSA Ma x Ag e — Signifies tha t one of the L SA in the router link-sta te da tabase ha s aged t o MaxAge. Th e factory de fault is di sabled. – LSA Originate — Signifie s that a new L SA has been originat ed by t his router .
270 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Configuring OSPFv3 T raps Using CLI Commands F or i nformation a bout the CLI comm and that pe rforms thi s function, s ee the SNMP C omman ds chapter in the CL I Ref eren ce G uide . The following table shows the equivalent CLI command you use to configure OSPFv3 traps.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 271 • Tr a p L o g C a p a c i t y — T he maximum num ber of traps stor ed in the log. If the number of traps ex ceeds the capacity , the entries will overw rite the oldest entries. • Number of T raps Since Log Last V iewed — The n umber of traps that have occu rr ed sin ce the traps wer e last di splayed.
272 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • The sFlow collector can r eceive data from multiple switches, providing a real -time synchronized view of the whole network. • The collector can analyze t raffic patterns for whatever protocols are found in the h eaders (e.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 273 Configuring and Viewing sFlow Settings Using CLI Commands F or in fo rmat io n abo ut the C LI co mm ands that per form this func tion, see the Flow Command s chapter in the CL I Ref eren ce G uide . The follo wing table summari zes the equivalent CLI commands you use to configure and view sFlow settings.
274 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • Receiver Owner String — The en tity making us e of this sFlowRcvrT a ble entry . The empty str ing indica tes t hat the en try is curren tly un claim ed and the receiver configurat ion is reset to th e default values.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 275 sFlow Samp ler Configurat ion The sFlow Agent collects a statistical pack et-bas ed sampling of the switched flows and sends them to the configured receivers. A data source configur ed to collect flow samples i s called a sampler .
276 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-125 . sFl ow Sampler Configura tion The sFlow Sampler Con figuration page contains the following fields: • Sampl er Data Sourc e — The sFlow data s ource for this sFlow sampler . This Agent supports ph ysical ports only .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 277 Figure 6-126 . sFlow S ampler Summary Configuring and Viewing sFlow Settings Using CLI Commands F or inf ormation about the CLI commands tha t perform this functi on, see the sFlow Command s chapter in the CL I Ref eren ce G uide .
278 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n T o access the sFlow P oll Configura tion page, c lick Sy stem → sFlow → P oll Configuratio n in the navigati on tree.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 279 Configuring and Viewing sFlow Settings Using CLI Commands F or inf ormation about the CLI commands tha t perform this functi on, see the sFlow Command s chapter in the CL I Ref eren ce G uide . The follo wing table summari zes the equivalent CLI commands you use to configure and view sFlow settings.
280 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n Figure 6-129. ISD P Global Configu ration The ISDP Global Co nfiguration page contain the following fields: • ISDP Mo de — Use this field to enable or disable the Industry Standar d Discovery Protocol on the swit ch .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 281 – other — Indicate s that t he value is in th e form of a platform specific ASCII st ring cont aining info that iden tifies the device. F or example: ASCII string contain s serialNu mber appe nded /prepended with syst em name.
282 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n • IP Addr ess — T he (first) network-layer ad dress that is report ed in t he Address TL V of th e most r ecently receiv ed ISDP message. • Ve r s i o n — Di splays the V ersion string for the neighb or .
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 283 Figure 6- 131. I SDP Int erface C onfigur ation The ISDP Inte rface Config uration page contain the following fields: • Inte rface — Select the interface with t he ISDP m ode status to configure or view .
284 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n ISDP Stati stics Fr o m t h e ISDP Statistics page, you can view information about th e ISDP pack ets sent and received by the switch . T o access the ISDP Sta tistics page , cli ck System → ISDP → Statistics in the navigat ion tree.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 285 The ISDP Statistics page contain the following fields: • P acket s R eceived — Displa ys the nu mber of all ISDP protocol data units (PDU s) received. • P ackets T ransmitted — Displ ays the numbe r of all IS DP PDUs tran smitted.
286 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n iSCSI Optimization The Internet Small Compute r System Interface (iSCSI) Op timization feature enables the switch to detect the presence of EqualL ogic (EQL) storage arrays on the network an d automatically configure the software to enhance the flow of storage traffic to the iSCSI device.
Confi guring Syst em Inform ation 287 Figure 6-134 . iS CSI Session s When you change the status to Enable, the following message displays : Configur ing iSCSI Optimization Using CL I Commands F or i .
288 Confi gurin g Syst em Infor matio n.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 289 7 Configuring Switching Information Overv iew This sectio n provides all syst em operations and general information for network security , ports, address tables, GARP , VLANs, Sp anning T ree, P ort Aggregation, and Multicas t Support.
290 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Configuring Network Security Use the Net work Securit y menu page t o set netw ork secur ity through p ort-bas ed authenti cation, lo cked ports, DH CP F iltering configura tion, and access control li sts. To d i s p l a y t h e Net work Security page, click Switching → Network Security in the tree view .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 291 Figure 7 -1. Dot1x Authentica tion The Dot1x Authenti cation page contains the follo wing fields: Global P arameters • Admi nistrative M ode — P ermits 802.1 X port-based authentication on the switch. The possible field values are: – Enable — Ena bles 8 02.
292 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation – None — In dica tes tha t no a uth entic ation meth od is used. – RA D IU S — I ndic ates that a uth en ticatio n o ccur s at t he RAD IUS serv er . Interface P arameters • Inte rface — S elects the U nit and P ort to be affected .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 293 • Max Users — Set the maximum number of clients s upporte d on the port wh en MAC-b ased 802 .1X authentication is enabled on the port. The n umber of users allowed to authenticate p er port ranges from 1 to 1 6.
294 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7 -2. Dot1x Authen tication T able 3. Use the horizontal scroll bar or click the right arrow at the bo ttom of the screen to display the ri ght side of the table. 4. Use the Unit drop-down menu to view the Dot1x Authen ticatio n T able for other units in the stack , if they exist.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 295 Chan ging Ad ministra tive P ort Cont rol 1. Open the Dot 1x Auth entica tion pag e. 2. Click Show All . The Dot1x Auth entica tion Ta b l e dis plays. 3. Scroll to the right side of the table and select the Edit check box for each port to configure.
296 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Authen ticated Users The Authenticated Us ers page is used to displa y lists of ports tha t have aut henticate d users. To d i s p l a y t h e Authen ticated Use rs page, c lick Switching → Network Security → Authenticated Users in the tree view .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 297 Figur e 7-3. Networ k Secur ity Auth entic ated Users The Authenticated Us ers page contains the following fields: • Po r t — Displa ys the port used for aut hentication. • User Name — Specifies a user from t he list of users au thorized vi a the RADIUS Server .
298 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figur e 7-4. Network Se curit y Port Secur ity The P ort Security page contains the following fields: • Inte rface — Displays the unit and port or the LAG on which the locked port security is enabled. • Set P or t — Enab les locking the port or LAG.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 299 Figure 7-5. Port Security T able 3. Use the Unit drop-down menu to view the Po r t S e c u r i t y T a b l e for oth er units in t he stack, i f they exist. Defining Multiple Locked Ports 1. Open the P ort Security page.
300 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation IP ACL Config uration Access control lists (ACL) allow network managers to define classificat ion actions and rules for s pecific ingr ess ports. Y our switch supports up to 100 ACLs. How ever , the har dware r esources ar e limited and may not be able to f ully support 100 completely populated AC Ls.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 301 Figure 7-7. Add IP ACL 3. Enter t he desir ed ACL N am e in the related en try field . 4. Click Apply Cha nge s .
302 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation The following table sum marizes the equiva lent CL I commands you use to configure an IP -based A CL. IP ACL Rule Conf iguratio n Use the I P ACL Rule Con figur at ion page to define rules for IP -based ACLs.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 303 Figure 7 -9. IP ACL - Rule C onfiguratio n (Standar d) The IP ACL Rule C onf igurati on page contains the following fields: • IP ACL Name — Specifies a n existing IP ACL. T o se t up a n ew IP ACL us e the "IP ACL Configurat ion" page.
304 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • Redirect Interface — Select from the drop-down list of interf aces one that packets meeting this rule can be r edirected t o. • Mirror Inter face — Select from the drop-down list of in terfaces one that packets meeting this rule ca n be mirrored to .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 305 – Match to Port — Click to add a user-defined P o rt ID. • IP P recedence — M atches the pa cket IP P recedence value to the rul e when checked. Enter th e IP P recedence value to match. Either the DSCP value or the IP P recedence value is used to match pa ck ets to ACL s.
306 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation MAC ACL Configur ation The MAC A CL Configurat ion page allows ne twork ad ministrators to define a MAC-based A CL.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 307 Figure 7-11. Add MAC ACL 3. Enter t he desir ed MAC ACL N a me in the entry field. 4. Click Apply Cha nge s . The MAC- based ACL i s added, and th e device is updated. Remov ing a MA C-based ACL 1. Open the MAC A CL Configuration page, and select the ACL to be removed from the MA C AC L drop- down menu.
308 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation MAC ACL Rule Config uration Use the MAC ACL R ule Configuratio n page to define rules for MA C -based AC Ls. The access lis t definition includes rules that specify whether traffi c matching the criteri a is forwarded normally or discarded.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 309 • Ru l e I d — Se lects or crea tes a user-defined ACLs. Enter an existing Rule ID, or create a new one by selecting Create from the drop-d own menu and entering the d esir e d new Rule ID in the field next to it.
310 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation 1. Open the MAC A CL Ru le Configuration page. 2. Select the desired ACL from the MAC AC L drop-down menu. 3. Select the d esired rule fro m the Rul e ID drop-down menu. 4. Modify th e remaining fields as needed.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 311 IPv6 A cces s Cont rol Li sts An IPv6 ACL consists of a set of ru les whic h are matched seq uentia lly agai nst a pac ket. When a packet meets the match criteria of a rule, the specified rule action (P e rmit/Deny) is taken and the additional rules ar e not check ed for a match.
312 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7-14. IPv6 ACL Conf igurati on The IPv 6 ACL C onf igur atio n page contains the following fields: • IPv6 ACL Name — Specify an IPv6 A CL name stri ng which incl udes alpha numeric ch aracters onl y .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 313 Displaying IPv6 ACLs 1. Open the IPv6 ACL Conf igura tio n page. 2. Click Show All . All IP ACLs and t heir related data d isplay in the IPv6 ACL T able .
314 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation IPv6 ACL Rule Con figuration Use the IP v6 ACL R ule Configuration page t o define rules for IPv6 -based A CLs. The access list definition includes rules that specify whether traffi c matching the criteri a is forwarded normally or discar ded.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 315 • Ru l e I D — Select an existing Rule ID to modify or sele c t C re a t e Ru l e t o c o n f i g u re a ne w AC L Ru l e . T o cr eate a new rule, en ter a rule ID from 1–1 27 in the a vailable field. New ru les cannot be created if the maximum nu mber of rule s has been r eached.
316 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation – Select one of the keyword from the list: DOMAIN, ECH O , FTP , FTPDA T A, HT TP , S MTP , S NMP , TELNET , TFTP , and WW W . Ea ch of these valu es translates into its equivalen t port numb er , which is used a s both the start and en d of the por t range.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 317 NOTE: Bind ing an ACL in th e egress directio n is not supp orted by the Po werCon nect 6200 Se ries switche s.
318 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Assigning an ACL to an Interface 1. Open the AC L Bind Configur ation page. 2. In the Inte rface field, s pecify the U nit and Port , LAG, o r VLA N to c onfigure. 3. Select the IP , IPv6, or MAC ACL in th e Selec t an ACL field.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 319 Configuring Ports The Po r t s menu page provides links for configuring port functionality , including advanced features such as storm control and port mirroring, a n d for performing virtual port tests. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Sw itching → Po r t s in the tree view .
320 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Ena bling In gress Ba ckpres sure 1. Open the P ort s Global P aram eters page. 2. Select Enabl e from the drop-down menu in the Flow Cont rol field. 3. Click Apply Cha nge s . 4. Ingress backpressur e is now enabled.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 321 Port Co nfigurat ion Use the P ort Configur ation page t o define po rt parameters. To d i s p l a y t h e Po r t C o n f i g u r a t i o n pa ge, cl ick Switch ing → Po r t s → P ort Co nfigu ratio n in the tree view .
322 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • Admi n Duplex — S pecifies the port d uplex mode. – Fu l l — In dicates that th e inter face s upports t ransmission between the swit ch and the clie nt in both d irections sim ultan eously .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 323 2. Click Show All . The P ort Configuration T able displays. Figure 7-21. Port Confi gurati on T able 3. Use the Uni t drop-down menu to view the P ort Configuration T able for other un its in the stack, if they exist.
324 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Configuring Ports with CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m this function, se e the follow ing chapter in the CLI Refer ence Guide : • Ethernet Con figuration Command s The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 325 Figure 7- 22. Protect ed Port Co nfigu ration The Pr o t e c t e d P ort C onf igu ratio n page co ntains the following fields: • Po r t — Specifies the Unit and P ort for which port pa rameters are defined.
326 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation 4. Use the Uni t drop-down menu to view the P rot ect ed P ort Summ ary table for oth er units in the sta ck, if they exist. Addi ng Prote cted Por t Group s 1. Open the P rotected P ort Configuration page. 2. Click Add .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 327 To d i s p l a y t h e L AG Con fig urat ion page, click Switching → Po r t s → LAG Co nfiguration in the tree view . Figure 7-25. LAG Configura tion The LAG Con figuration page contains the following fields: • LAG — Contains a l ist of LAG numbers .
328 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7-26. LAG Confi guration T able Editing LAG Parameters 1. Open the LAG Configura tion page. 2. Click Show All . 3. The LAG Configuration T able displ ays. 4. Check Edit for all L AGs to be mod ified. 5. Admi n Status and Description can now be edited as nee ded.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 329 Storm Con trol A broadcast st orm is the result of an ex cessive number of broadcast messages simult aneously transmitted acro ss a ne two rk by a s ing le port . F orw arded m ess age resp ons es can over loa d netw ork reso urce s an d/or caus e the netwo rk to t ime o ut.
330 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation The Storm Contro l page contains the following fields: • Po r t — Specifies the Uni t and Po r t for w hich storm cont rol is enabled. • Stor m Con trol M ode — Sp ecifies the mod e of broadc ast affect ed by st orm cont rol.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 331 Modify ing Broa dcast Contr ol 1. Open the Sto rm C on tro l interface. 2. Click Show All . The Storm Control Set tings T able displays . 3. Check Edit for each port t hat Broad cast C ontr ol is to be modified.
332 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Configuring T raffic Mirroring T raffic mi rroring allows the user to configure t he switch to send copies of packets on a p ort that is being mirror ed to the mirroring port. The mirroring can be port-based or flow-based.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 333 The P ort Mirroring page contains the following fields: • Ses sio n — Specifi es the monit oring sess ion. • Admi n Mode — Ena bles or Disables the port mirroring. • Destination P ort — Select th e port to wh ich port traffic may be copied.
334 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Modify ing a Po rt Mirror ing Sessio n 1. Open the P ort Mirroring pag e. 2. Modify the fields. 3. Click Apply Cha nge s . The port mirrorin g session fields are modified , and the device is u pdated. Removing a Port Mirroring Session 1.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 335 Figure 7-31. Fl ow Based Mirroring The Flow B ased Mirroring page contains the following fields: • Po l i c y N a m e — Selects p olicy to as sociate with a traffi c class. P olicy Name is de fined usin g the DiffServ "P olicy Con figuration" web pa ge.
336 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Configur ing Addr ess T ables MAC addr esses are stored in either the static or dynamic address table. Static addresses ar e defined b y you. Dyna mic addresses are learned by th e system, an d are erased after a time -out.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 337 – Delete on T imeout — The MAC addr ess is de leted when a t imeout occur s. Addi ng a Sta tic MAC Addres s 1. Open the Stat ic MAC Addr ess page . 2. Click Add . The Add Sta tic MA C Address page displays.
338 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7-34. Stati c MAC Address T a ble Remov ing a S tatic Addre ss from the S tatic Addre ss T abl e 1. Open the Stat ic MAC Addr ess page. 2. Click Show All to displa y the Static MA C Address T able . 3. Check the Rem o ve check bo x for the address to be removed.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 339 Figure 7-35. Dynamic A ddress T ab le The Dynamic Address T able contains the following fields: • Address Aging (10–1000000) — Specifie s aging time in second s before a dynam ic MAC address is erased. The defa ult value is 300 second s.
340 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • VLAN ID — Display s the VLAN T ag value. • MAC Address — Displays t he MAC addr ess. • Inte rface — Disp lay s the port numbe r . Defining the Aging T ime 1. Open the Dynamic Address T a ble page.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 341 Configuring GARP Generic A ttrib ute Regis tration Protocol (G ARP) is a gene ral-purpose protocol t hat registers any netwo rk connectivity or membership- style information. GARP defines a set of switches inter ested in a giv en network attribute, such as VLAN or multicast address .
342 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Defining GARP T imers 1. Open the GARP T imers page. 2. Complete th e fields . 3. Click Apply Cha nge s . The parameters are copied to the selected p orts or LAGs in the GARP Timer s T able, and the device is upda ted.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 343 Modifying GARP T imers Settings for Multiple Ports 1. Open the GARP T imers page. 2. Click Show All . The GARP T imers T able displ ay s. 3. Click Edit for each Interfa ce to mod ify . 4. Edit the GARP Timers fiel ds as needed.
344 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Configuring the Spanning T ree Protocol The Spanning T ree P rot ocol (STP) provides a tree topolo gy for any arrangement of bri dges. STP also provides one path between end stations on a network, eliminating loops.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 345 Figur e 7-38. Spannin g T ree Global Se ttin gs The STP Global Settings page contains the following fields: • Spanning T ree Status — Enables or disables RSTP , ST P , or MSTP on the switch. • STP Ope rati on M ode — Specifies t he STP m ode by w hich STP is enabled on the switch.
346 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • BPDU P rotection — Disables a port in case a new switch tries to ent er the already e xisting topology of STP . This keeps sw itches not origin ally part of an STP from i nfluenc ing the ST P topolo gy . If set to Enable, when a BPD U is received on an ed ge port, tha t port is disabled.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 347 T abl e 7-21. Spann ing T ree Global Com mands CLI Command Description spannin g-tree Enables spanning-t ree function ality . spanning-tree bpdu fl ooding Allows flood ing of BPDUs recei ved on nonspanning-tree ports to all other no n-spanni ng-tree ports.
348 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation STP Po rt Settin gs Use the ST P P ort Setti ngs page to assign STP prop ertie s to indi vidual ports . To d i s p l a y t h e S TP P ort Sett ings page, click Switching → Spanning T ree → STP P or t Settings in the tre e view .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 349 – Block ing — T he port is currently blocked and ca nnot be u sed to forwa rd traffic or learn M AC addr esses. – Listening — The po rt is currently in th e listening m ode. The port ca nnot forward traf fic nor can it learn MAC addre sses.
350 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Displaying the STP Port T able and Configuring STP Port Settings 1. Open the STP Port Settin gs pag e. 2. Click Show All . The STP P ort T able display s. Figure 7-40. STP Port T able 3. Use the Uni t drop-down menu to view the STP P ort T able for other u nits in the stac k, if they exist.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 351 To d i s p l a y t h e STP LA G Settings page, click Switching → Spanning T ree → STP LAG Settings in the tree view . Figure 7-41. STP LAG Set tings The STP LAG Settings page contains the following fields: • Sele ct a LAG — Spe cifies the L AG num ber for wh ich you w ant t o modify STP s ettings.
352 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation – Learning — The LAG is in the learn ing mode and can not forwar d traffic, but it can learn ne w MAC addr esses. – Fo r w a r d i n g — The L AG is currently in the forwa rding mode, and it can forw ard traffic and lea rn new MAC ad dres ses.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 353 Figure 7-42. STP LAG T ab le 3. T o change the STP settings for one or more LAGs, select the Edit opt ion for the LAG(s), configure the desi red se tting s, and t hen c lick Apply Chan ges .
354 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • Mode — Displays the admin istrativ e mode and if its e nabled or di sabled. • F ast Link Operati onal Status — Ind icates if F ast Lin k is enabl ed or disa bled for the port or LAG. If F ast Link is enabled for a port, the port is automatica lly pla ced in the forwarding state.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 355 To d i s p l a y t h e MSTP Setting s page, cli ck Switching → Sp anning T ree → MSTP Set tings i n the tree view .
356 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • Root B ridge ID of the root brid ge which is the one wit h the lowest path cost. • Root P ort — Indicates the root port of the selected instance. • Root P ath Cost — Indicate s the path cost of the sele cted instance.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 357 MSTP Interf ace Settings Use the MSTP Interface Setti ngs page to assign MSTP settings t o specific interfaces. To d i s p l a y t h e M STP Inte rface Setting s page, click Switching → Spanning T ree → MSTP Inter face Settings in th e tree view .
358 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • Po r t S t a t e — Indicates whether the p ort is enabled or d isabled in the spe cific instance. • Po r t T y p e — Indic ates whet her M STP treats th e po rt as a point -to-p oint port o r a po rt co nne cted to a hub and whether t he port is int ernal to t he MST regi on or a boundar y port.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 359 Displaying the MSTP Interface Settings T able 1. Open the MSTP Set tings page. 2. Click Show All . The MSTP Inter face T able dis plays. Figure 7-48. MSTP Int erface T ab le 3. Use the Uni t drop-down menu to view the MSTP Inter face T able for other un its in the stack, if they ex is t .
360 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Configuring VLANs Adding Virtu al LAN (VLAN ) suppor t to a Layer 2 sw itch off ers some of the b enefits of both bridging and routing.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 361 V alid VL ANs that can be cr eated ar e 2–4093. V LAN 4094 is r eserved. To d i s p l a y t h e VLAN Member ship page, click Switching → VLAN → VLAN Membership in the tree view . Figure 7-49. VLAN Membersh ip The VLAN Membe rship page is divided into two sections.
362 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation – Dynamic — Indicat es the VLAN was dynami cally cr eated through GVRP . – Stat ic — Indicat es the VLAN is user-defined and may be mod ified. – Default — Indicates the VLAN is the def ault VLAN. • Rem ov e V L AN — Removes the displayed VLAN from the VLAN Membership T able when checked.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 363 Figure 7-50. Add VLAN 3. Enter a new VLAN ID and VLAN Name. 4. Click Apply Cha nge s . The new VLAN is a dded, and t he devic e is updat ed. Assigning VLAN Membership to a Port or LAG 1. Open the VLAN Mem bership pag e.
364 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation The sele cted VLAN is r emoved, and the device is up dated. Configuring VLAN Membership U sing CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th a.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 365 Figure 7- 51. Double VLA N Global Confi gurati on The Double VLAN Global Conf iguration page contains the following fields: • EtherT ype — The two-by te hex Et hertype to be used as th e firs t 16 bits of t he Double VLAN ta g: – 802.
366 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7 -52. Double VLAN Interface Con figuration The Double VLAN Interface Configuration page contains the following fields: • Inte rface — Select t he port or LAG for wh ich you wa nt to displ ay or config ure dat a.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 367 Figure 7-53. Double VLAN Port P arameters T able Copyi ng Doubl e VLAN Parame ters 1. Open the Double VLA N Interfa ce Confi guration page. 2. Click Show All . The Double VLAN P ort P ar ameters T able display s.
368 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation VLAN Port Settin gs In a port-b ased VLAN, untagg ed traffic is b ridged th rough specifie d ports based on th e receiving ports PVID.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 369 – General — The port belon gs to VLANs, and e ach VL AN is user-defined as tagged or untagged (full 80 2.1Q m ode ). – Access — The port belongs to a single untagged VLAN. When a port is in Access mode, the pack et types which are accepted on the port (packet type) cannot be designated.
370 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation NOTE: If an Access port is chosen, the pack et types that a re accept ed on the port (packet type) canno t be designa ted . It is also n ot pos sible to enabl e or disa ble ingr ess fil tering on an acc ess port .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 371 Figure 7-56. VLAN LAG Se ttings The VLAN LAG Sett ing s page contains the following fields: • LAG — Specifies t he LAG n umber in cluded in the VLAN. • Po r t V L A N M o d e — Indicates the P ort VLAN mode for the LAG.
372 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation The VLAN LAG paramet ers ar e define d, and the dev ice is upda ted. Displaying the VLAN LAG T a ble 1. Open the VLAN LAG S ettings page. 2. Click Show All . The VLAN LAG T able displays . Figure 7-57. VLAN LAG T able Modifying Settings for Multiple LA Gs 1.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 373 To d i s p l a y t h e Bi nd MAC to VLAN page, click Switching → VLAN → Bind MAC to VLA N in the tr ee view . Figure 7-58. Bind MAC to VLAN The Bind MAC to VLA N page contains the following fields: • MAC Address — Specifies MAC Addr ess for a VL AN.
374 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7-59. MA C - V LAN Bind T a ble Modifying VLAN for Multiple MAC Addresses 1. Open the Bind MAC t o VL AN page. 2. Click Show All . The MAC - VLAN Bind T able display s. 3. Click Edit for each MA C Addres s with a VLAN to modify .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 375 Bind I P Subnet to VLAN An IP Subne t to VLAN mapping is de fined by configur ing an entry in the IP Sub net to VLAN table, an entry is specified through a source IP addr ess, ne twork mask, and the desired VLAN ID.
376 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation 4. Enter the VLAN ID t o which the IP address and subnet m ask are assigned. 5. Click Apply Cha nge s . The listed VLAN and IP Su bnet are now bound, and the d evice is updated. Displ aying th e IP Subn et - VLAN Bind T abl e 1.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 377 Binding IP Subnets to VLANs Us ing CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m this function, se e the follow ing chapter in the CLI Refer ence Guide : • VLAN Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
378 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7- 62. Protocol Group The P rot ocol G roup page contains the following fields: • P rotocol Group — Displays the name associated with the protocol group ID (up to 16 charact ers). Create a new group by clicking the Add button.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 379 Addin g a Protoc ol Gr oup 1. Open the P rotocol Group page. 2. Click Add . The Add P rotocol Group page displ ays. Figure 7- 63. A dd Proto col Grou p 3. Enter a new P rotocol Group Name and a VLAN ID to assoc iate with this group.
380 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation 8. Click Apply Cha nge s . The VLAN prot ocol group parame ters are modified, an d the d evice is updated. Removing Multiple Protocols From the Protocol Group T able 1. Open the P rotocol Group page. 2. Click Show All .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 381 GVRP Paramet ers The GARP VLAN Registr ation Protocol pr ovides a mechanism that allows networking swit ches to dynamically r egister (and de-register) VLAN .
382 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation 2. Select Enab le in the GVRP Gl obal Status field. 3. Click Apply Cha nge s . GVRP is en abled on the swi tch. Ena bling VL AN Reg istrat ion Thr ough GV RP 1. Open the GVRP G lobal P arameters page. 2. Select Enab le in the GVRP Gl obal Status field for th e desired interfac e.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 383 3. Specify the P ort or LAG you are copying from in Copy P aramet ers F r om . 4. Click Cop y T o for each Interface/LA G to receive these parameters. 5. Click Apply Cha nge s . The GVRP P ort P arameter se tting s are co pied, and t he devic e is update d.
384 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Configuring V o ice VLAN The V oice VLAN featur e enables switch ports to carry voice t raffic with defined priorit y . The priority level en ables the separa tion of vo ice and data traffic c oming onto the po rt.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 385 – None — Allow t he IP phone to use its own con figuration to send untagged v oice traffic. – VLAN ID — C onfigure VLAN tagging for t he voice traffic. Th e VLAN ID ra nge is 1–4 093. – dot1 p — C onfigure V oice VL AN 802.
386 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Aggregatin g Ports Link Aggregation allows one or more full-duple x (FDX) Ethernet l inks to be aggregated toge ther to fo rm a Link Aggr egation Group (LAG). This all ows the networking switch to treat t he LAG as if it is a si ngle link.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 387 Glob al Paramet ers • LACP System P r iority (1–65535) — Indicat es the LACP priority value for global settings . The defau lt value is 1. Port Parameters • Inte rface — S pecifies the u nit an d port n umber t o which timeou t and priority values are assigned.
388 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Modifying LACP Parame ters for Multiple Ports 1. Open the LACP P ara meters page. 2. Click Show All . The LACP P arameters T able display s. 3. Click Edit for each P ort to m odify . 4. Edit the fields a s needed.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 389 Figure 7-70. LAG Membershi p The LAG Memb ership page contains a table with t he following fields: • LACP — Aggreg ates a LAG port to LACP membe rsh ip. F or port s with a nu mber in t he LAG row , you can click in the LACP row to toggle LACP "on.
390 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Assigni ng Ports to LAGs and LACPs Usi ng CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m this function, se e the follow ing chapter in the CLI Refer ence Guide : • P ort Channel Command s The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 391 – Source/Destination MAC, VLAN, E therT ype, source MODID/port – Source/Dest ination I P and source/ destinat ion TCP/UDP p ort Configuring the LAG Hash 1. Open the LA G Hash Configuration page. 2. Sele ct the LAG to configur e and the hash algorithm t o assign to t he LAG.
392 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7-72. LAG Hash Summary The LAG Hash Summary page contai ns a table wi th the follow ing fields: • LAGs — Lists the LAG numbers . • Hash Al gorithm T ype — S hows the type of H ASH algorithm for unicas t traffic flow s that is associated with the L AG.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 393 Managing Multicast Support The Layer 2 Multica st F orwarding Databas e is used by the switch to mak e forwardi ng decisions for packet s that ar rive with a mu ltic ast d est inat ion MAC add ress.
394 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation The Multicas t Glob al P arameters page contains the following field: • Bridge Multicast F iltering — En ables or di sables bridge M ultica st filtering. Th e default value is disa bled . • IGMP Snooping St atus — Enables or disables IGMP snooping.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 395 Figure 7-7 4. Bridge Multicast Group The Bridge M ulticast Grou p page contains the following fields: • VLAN ID — Select s th e VLA N t o add a m ultic ast g roup to or to m odify port s o n an existing m ultic ast group.
396 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • LAGs — Display s and assi gns multic ast group memb ersh ip to LAG s. T o assign memb ership, cli ck in Stat ic for a specific LAG . Each click toggles bet ween S, F , an d blank. S ee the followin g table for definit ions.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 397 3. Select the VLAN ID from the drop-down menu. 4. Define th e New Bridge Multicast IP or MAC addr ess. 5. In the Bridge Multicast Group tables , assign a s etting by clickin g in the Stat ic row for a specific port/LAG.
398 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Bridge Mu lticast Forw ard Us e the Bridg e Multicast F orward page t o enable attaching po rts or LAGs to a switch that is attached to a neig hbo rin g Mul tic ast swit ch. Once I GM P Snoo pin g is e nabl ed, m ulti ca st pac kets are fo rw arded to the approp riate port or VL AN.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 399 Chan ging the Brid ge Multicas t Forward ing Mode. 1. Open the Bridge Multicast F orward pag e. 2. Select the VLAN ID from the drop-down menu. 3. Select the F orwarding Mode to assign t he VLAN from the drop-down menu.
400 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation To d i s p l a y t h e IG MP Snoo ping page, c lick Switch ing → Multica st Support → IGMP Sn ooping in th e tree view .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 401 • Lea ve T ime ou t — Sp ecifies time, in seconds, aft er a port leav e mes sage is received before the entry is aged out. E nter an amount of time for the timeout period, or click Immediat e Le ave to specify an immedia te timeo ut.
402 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation 5. Click Apply Cha nge s . The IGMP S nooping settings are modified, a nd th e device is u pdated. Copying IGMP Snooping Se ttings to Multiple Ports, LAGs, or VLANs 1. Open the General IGMP snooping page. 2. Click Show All .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 403 Global Quer ier Config uration Use the Global Querier Configurat ion page to configure the pa rameters for the IGMP Snooping Querier . To d i s p l a y t h e Global Querier Configuratio n page, click Switching → Multicast Support → IGMP Snooping → Glob al Quer ier Conf igur atio n in the tree view .
404 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Configuring IGMP Snooping Querier Settings with C LI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m this function, se e the follow in.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 405 The VLAN Querier page contains the following fields: • VLAN ID — Sp ecifies the VLAN for the IGMP Snoop ing Querier con figuration. • VLAN Mode — Enables or d isables the IGMP Snooping Qu erier on the VLAN selected in the VLAN ID field.
406 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7-82. VLAN Querier Su mmary T able Configuring VLAN Querier Settings with CLI Commands See "Configuring IGMP Snooping Querier Settings with CLI Commands" on page 404. VLAN Queri er Status Use the VLAN Querier Status page to view the IGMP Snooping Qu erier se ttings for individual VLANs.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 407 • Querier Election P articipate Mode — Show s whether the mod e is enabled or disabled . When t his mode is disab led, upo n see ing another querier of sam e version in the VLAN, the Snooping Querier transitions t o non-qu erier state.
408 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7-84. MFDB IGM P Snoopin g T able The MFDB IG MP Snoopi ng T able page contains the following fields: • VLAN — D isp lays th e VL AN I D a ssociat ed wi th an IG MP grou p entr y in the M FDB tabl e.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 409 MRouter Status Use the MRouter Sta tus page to di splay the stat us of dynamica lly learned multic ast router interfaces. T o access this page, click Switching → Multic ast Support → MRo uter Status in the navigation tree.
410 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation MLD Snooping In IPv4, Layer 2 switches can use IGMP snooping to li mit the flooding of multic ast traf fic by dyna mical ly configuring Layer -2 interfaces so that multica st traffi c is forw arded to only those interfaces asso ciated with an IP mul ticast address.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 411 • Auto Learn — Enable or Disable t he abili ty of the switch to automati cally l earn about dyna mic MLD ports. • Host Timeout — Specifies tim e (in second s) before an MLD snooping entry is aged out.
412 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Configuring MLD Snooping with CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m this function, se e the follow ing chapter in the CLI Refer ence Guide: • IPv6 MLD Snooping Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 413 Figure 7-88. MLD Sn ooping Gl obal Quer ier Config uration The MLD Snooping Global Querie r Confi guration page contains the following fields: • IP Ad dre ss — Specifies th e Snooping Querier IPv6 Address whic h w ill b e used a s the so urce ad dress in periodic MLD queries.
414 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation MLD Snooping VLAN Quer ier Use the MLD Snooping VLAN Querier pa ge to specify the M LD Snooping Q uerier settings for individual VLANs. To d i s p l a y t h e MLD Snooping VLAN Querier page, cli ck Switching → Multica st Support → MLD Snooping → VLAN Querier i n the tree view .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 415 • VLAN Mode — Enables or disables the MLD Snooping Qu erier on the VLAN selected in the VLAN ID field. • Querier Election P articipate Mode — Enabl es or di sables th e MLD pa rticipation in election mod e by the Snooping Querier .
416 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7-91. VLAN Querier Su mmary T able Configuring VLAN Querier Settings with CLI Commands See "Configuring IGMP Snooping Querier Settings with CLI Commands" on page 404.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 417 • Querier Election P articipate Mode — Show s whether the mod e is enabled or disabled . When t his mode is disab led, upo n see ing another querier of sam e version in the VLAN, the Snooping Querier transitions t o non-qu erier state.
418 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation To d i s p l a y t h e MFDB MLD Snooping T able page, c lick Switching → Multic ast Su pport → MLD Snooping → MFDB MLD Snoo ping T able in the tree vi ew .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 419 Configuring the Link Laye r Discovery Pro tocol (LLDP) The IEEE 802.1AB defined standar d, Link Layer Discover y P rotoc ol (L LDP), allo ws sta tion s re sidi ng on an 802 LA N to advertise major capa bilities and physi c al descriptions.
420 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7-94. LLDP Conf igurati on The LLDP Configurat ion page contains the following fields: Global Settings • T ransmit In terval (1–32768) — Specifies t he interva l at which frames a re transmitted. T he defa ult is 30 seco nd s.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 421 • Incl uded TL Vs — Se lects TL V informat ion to tra nsmit. Choices include System Nam e, System Capabilities, Syst em De scription, and P ort Description. Modifying the LLDP Configuration 1. Open the LLDP Configuration page.
422 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Modifying LLDP Interfa ce Settings for Multiple Port s 1. Open the LLDP Configuration pag e. 2. Click Show All . The LLDP I nterfa ce Sett ings T able displays . 3. Click Edit for each Uni t/P ort to m odify . 4.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 423 Figure 7-96. LLDP Stati stics.
424 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation The LLDP Statistics page displays th e following statistics: System-wide S tatistics • Last Upda te — Displays the val ue of system up tim e the last time a remote da ta entry was created, modifi ed, or delet ed.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 425 LLDP Connect ions Use the LLDP Connections page to view the l ist of ports with LLDP enabled. Basic connecti on details are dis played. To d i s p l a y t h e LLDP Connectio ns page, click Switching → LLDP → LLDP Connections in the tree vi ew .
426 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Viewing Details about th e LLDP Connections 1. Open the LLDP Connections page. 2. Click the in terface in th e Loc al In te r fac e field to view deta ils abo ut tha t dev ice . The LLDP Connections - Det ailed page fo r the devi ce displays .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 427 Configuring Link La yer Discovery Pr otocol (LLDP) f or Media Endpoint De vices The IEEE 802 .1AB standa rd, which describes the Li nk Layer Disco very Protocol (LLDP), formalizes the discovery and capability retrieval of elements in a data network in a LAN/M AN environment.
428 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation To d i s p l a y t h e LLDP -MED G lobal Conf iguration page , clic k Switching → LLDP → LLDP -MED → LLDP -MED Glo bal Conf iguration in the tree view .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 429 LLDP-MED I nterface Configurat ion Use the LLDP -MED I nterface Conf iguration page to speci fy LLDP -MED parameter s that af fect a specific interfa ce.
430 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • Config Notificat ion Mode — Specifies the LLDP -MED topology notification mode for the selected interface. • Tr a n s m i t T L V s — Spe cifies which optional type lengt h val ues (TL V s) in the LLD P -MED will be transmit ted in the LLDP PD Us frames for the s elected inte rface.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 431 LLDP-MED Local Device Inform ation Use the LLDP -MED L ocal Device Information page to view the advertised LLDP l ocal data for each port . To d i s p l a y t h e LLDP -MED L ocal Device Infor mation page, click Switching → LLDP → LLDP -MED → LLDP -MED Local Device I nformation i n the tree vi ew .
432 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • Network P ol icies Information — If a network policy T L V is p resent in the LLDP frames, the following inform ation d isplays : – Network Application — S pecifies the type of media a pplicatio n th e local device a dvertises in the policy .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 433 – Ava i l ab l e — Specifies av ailable power so urcing equip men t's pow er value in te nths of wa tts on the port of local device. – Sour ce — Sp ecifies power source of this port . – Pr i o r i t y — Sp ecifies PSE port pow er priority .
434 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7-103 . LLD P-MED Remote Devi ce Informatio n The LLDP -M ED Remote Device Informatio n page contains the following fields: • Loc al I nt er fa ce — S pecifies the list of a ll the ports on which L LDP -MED is enabled.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 435 •s o f t p h o n e v o i c e • videoconferencing • str eamming video • videosignallin g – Vlan Id — S pecifies the VLAN ID associa ted with a particular policy type. – Pr i o r i t y — S pecifies the p riority asso ciated with a p articular p olicy type.
436 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Viewing LLDP-MED Remote Device In formation with CLI Co mmands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m this function, se e the follow ing chapter in the CLI Refer ence Guide: • LLDP Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 437 Creating Lin k Depen dencies The link dependency feature provides the ability to enable or dis able one or more ports based on t he link state of one or m ore differ ent p orts. W ith link de penden cy enabled on a port, the link state o f that port is dependent on the link state of another p ort.
438 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7- 104. L ink D ependen cy Summar y The Link Dependency Summary page contains the following fields: • Group ID — The ID number of t he group. • Member P orts — The list of memb er ports belonging to the grou p.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 439 Figur e 7-105. Link D ependen cy Grou p Confi gurat ion 3. T o add a p ort to the Member P orts column , click the port in the Ava i l ab l e Port s column, a nd then click th e << button to the l eft of the Ava i l a bl e Port s colum n.
440 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Dynamic ARP Inspection Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI) is a security featur e that rejects inval id and malicious ARP packets. DAI prevents a class of man-in-the-middle attacks, where an unfriendly station intercepts traffic for other stations by poisoning the ARP ca ches of its unsuspe cting neighbors.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 441 Figure 7-106 . Dyn amic ARP Insp ection Glo bal Config uration The Dynamic ARP Insp ection Gl obal C onfigura tion page contains the following fields: • V a lida te Sou rce MAC — Select the DAI Source MA C V alidation Mode for the switch.
442 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation T o display the DA I Interface Configuration page, cl ick S wi tchin g → Dynami c ARP Inspecti on → DAI Interface Configurat ion in the naviga tion tree.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 443 DAI VLAN Config uration Use the DAI VLAN Configuration page to select the DAI-ca pable VLANs f or which information is to be displayed or configur ed. T o display the DA I VLAN Configuration page, click Switchin g → Dy namic A RP Insp ecti on → VLAN Configur ation in the navigatio n tree.
444 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • Stat ic F lag — Use this flag t o determine w hether the ARP packet needs validation using t he DHCP snoo ping d atab ase, in ca se th e AR P ACL r ules do n ot ma tch . If E nable d, th en th e AR P P acket wil l be validated by t he ARP ACL Rules only .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 445 • ARP AC L Name — Use th is field to crea te a new AR P ACL for Dy nami c ARP Inspe cti on. The name can be 1 to 3 1 alphan umeric char acters in l ength. Displ aying t he DAI A CL Sum mary T able and Removin g an E ntry 1.
446 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7 -111. Dynamic ARP Inspection Rule Config uration The Dynami c ARP Insp ection Rule Co nfig uratio n page contains the following fields: • ARP AC L Name — Select the ARP ACL f or which inf ormat ion is to be d isplayed or con figured.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 447 The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature. DAI Stati stics Use the D AI Statist ics page to disp lay the st atistics per VLA N. T o disp lay the DA I Statistics page, click Switching → Dynamic A RP Inspectio n → Statistics in the navigati on tree.
448 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • Bad Source MA C — The number of A RP packets t hat were dropped by DAI because the sender MAC address in the ARP packet did not match the source MAC in the E thernet header .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 449 The hardware i denti fies all incoming DHCP packets on ports where DHCP snooping i s enabled. DHCP snooping is e nabled on a port i f (a) DHCP snooping is enabled globally , and (b) the po rt is a member of a VLAN wher e DHCP snooping is enabled.
450 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7- 114. DHCP Snoo ping Configu ration The DHCP Snooping Confi guration page contains the following fields: • DHCP Snooping Mode — Enables or d isables the DHCP Snooping feature. The default is Disable.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 451 T o pr event DHCP packet s from bein g used as a Do S attack when DHCP snooping is enabled, the snooping applicati on enforces a rate limit for DHCP packets received on untrusted interfaces. DHCP snooping monitors the recei ve rate on each i nterface se paratel y .
452 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • Logging Invalid P ackets — If it is enabled, the DHCP snooping applica tion logs inva lid packets on this interfa ce. The d efaul t is Disable . • Rate Limit — Specifies the rate lim it valu e for DHCP snooping purposes.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 453 DHCP Snooping VLAN Con figuration The DHCP snoo ping application does not forward server messages because they a re forwar ded in hardwar e. DHCP snooping forwards valid DHCP client messages r eceived on no n-routing VLANs.
454 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • VLAN ID — Select t he VLAN for w hich informa tion to b e disp layed or configu red for the D HCP snooping application. • DHCP Snooping Mode — Enables or disables the DHCP snooping featur e on the selected VLAN.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 455 Figure 7- 119. DHCP Snoo ping Persist ent Con figurat ion The DHCP Sno oping P ersistent Configurat ion page contains the following fields: • Store Locally.
456 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation DHCP Snooping St atic Bindin gs Configurati on Use the DHCP Snooping Static Binding s Configuration page to add s tatic DHCP bindings to the bindin g datab ase. The DH CP snoo ping app lica tion uses DHCP m ess ages to b uild a nd main tain t he bin ding’s databa se.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 457 Figure 7-120. S tates o f Cl ient B inding T o access the DHCP Snooping Static Bindin gs Configuration page, cli ck Switching → DHCP Snooping → Stat ic Bindi ngs Co nfigu ration i n t he navigation tree. Figur e 7-121.
458 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation • IP Addr ess — Sp ecify a val id IP ad dress for the bindin g rule. Displ aying the DHC P Snoopi ng Stat ic Bindi ngs S ummary T able 1. Open the DHCP Snooping St atic Bindings Configurat ion pag e. 2. Click Show All .
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 459 Figure 7-123. DHCP Snoopi ng Dyn amic B indi ngs Su mmary The DHCP Snooping D ynamic Bindings Summ ary page contains the following fields: • Inte rface — Displ ays the int erface. • MAC Address — Disp lays the MAC ad dress .
460 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7- 124. DHCP Snoo ping Statisti cs The DHCP Snooping St atistics page contains the following fields: • Inte rface — Select the untrus ted and snoop ing-enab led interface for which statist ics are to be displ ay ed.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 461 DHCP Relay When a DHCP client and server ar e in the same IP subnet, t hey can directly connect t o ex change IP address requests and r eplies. However , having a DHCP server on each subnet can be expensive and is often imprac tical.
462 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7-125 . DHCP Relay Globa l Configura tion If you enable or disable the DHCP Re lay featur e, click Apply Changes to submit the change s to sy stem.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 463 Figure 7-126 . DHCP Rel ay Interface Conf iguration The DHCP Rel ay Interface Configuration page contains the following fields: • Inte rface — Select th e slot/port to configure this feat ure on. • DHCP Rel ay Mode — En able or disable L2 Relay m ode on th e selected interface.
464 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation Figure 7-127. DHCP Relay Interface Summary Configuring DHCP Relay With CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf orm thi s functi.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 465 The DHCP Relay I nterface Statisti cs page contains the following fields: • Inte rface — Se lect the slot/port to configure this fea ture on.
466 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation If the S- VID is enabled for DHCP R elay , then the packet can be forwarded. If the C- VID does not c o r r e s p o n d t o a n S - V I D t h a t i s e n a b l e d f o r D H C P R e l a y , t h e n t h e s w i t c h w i l l n o t re l a y t h e D H C P r e q u e s t packet.
Conf iguri ng Swi tching Inf orma tion 467 Displaying the DHCP Relay VLAN Summary T able 1. Open the DHCP Relay VLAN Configuration page. 2. Click Show All .
468 Config uring Sw itching Infor mation.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 469 8 V iewing Statistics and Remo te Monitoring Overv iew This sectio n explains the RMON options avail able from the Statistics/RMON menu page. These options include vi ewing statistics in t able form, editin g and viewing RMON st atistics, and charting P ort and LAG st atistics.
470 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng T able Views The T a ble V i ews menu page contains links to web pages that display statistics in ta ble form.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 471 The Interface Statistics p age contains the following fields: • Inte rface — S elect phys ical interface (u nit, port) or LAG interface for which statist ics is displa yed. • Refresh Rate — Specifies am ount of tim e that passes before statistics are r efreshed.
472 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng Etherl ike Statisti cs Use the E the rlik e St atis tics page to display interfa ce statistics. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Statistics/RMO N → T able Vi ews → Etherlike St atistics in the tree view .
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 473 • Oversize P ack ets — Displa ys the total nu mber of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (ex cluding f raming bit s, but i ncluding F CS oct ets) and w ere otherwise we ll formed.
474 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng Figure 8-3. GVRP Stati stics.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 475 The GVRP Statistics page cont ains the following fields: • Inte rface — S elect phys ical interface (un it, port) or L AG int erface for w hich statistics w ill be displ ay ed. • Refresh Rate — Specifies am ount of tim e that passes before statistics are r efreshed.
476 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng EAP Stat istics Use the EA P Statistics page to dis play infor mation abo ut EAP pa ckets r eceived on a specif ic port.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 477 • Res po nd Fram es Re ce iv ed — Disp lays the numbe r of valid EA P Respond frames received on the port. • Request ID F rames Received — Displa ys the number of E AP Request ID frames that have been r eceived on the port.
478 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng Figure 8-5 . Utilizatio n Summary The Uti lizat io n Sum ma ry page con tains the following fields: • Unit — S pecifies the un it for which statistics a r e displayed. • Refresh Rate — Specifies am ount of tim e that passes before statistics are r efreshed.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 479 • Error P ackets Received % — Displays numb er packets with errors received on the interface. Viewing Interface Utilization Sta tistics Using CLI .
480 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng Figure 8-6. Counter Summary The Counte r Summar y page contains the following fields: • Unit — S pecifies the un it for which statistics a r e displayed. • Refresh Rate — Specifies am ount of tim e that passes before statistics are r efreshed.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 481 Setting Refresh Rate 1. Open the Count er Summa ry page. 2. Select the Refresh Rate from the drop-down menu.
482 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng Figure 8-7. RMON Stati stics The RMON Statistics page contains the following fields: • Inte rface — S pecifies wheth er statistics are shown for a Unit or a LAG a s well as w hich U nit/LAG is displ ay ed.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 483 • Broadcast P ackets Received — Displa ys number of good broadc ast packets r eceived on the interface since the switch wa s last refr eshed.
484 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng • RMON Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature. RMON History Con trol Statistic s Us e the RMON History Control page to maintain a history of statistics on each port.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 485 • Sampling Inter val (1–3600) — Sets the frequency at w hich samplings are taken from the ports. The possible va lues are from 1 to 360 0 seco nds. T he defau lt is 1800 seco nds (30 minute s). • Rem ov e — Remov es t he RMON History Contro l T able entry displayed w hen checked.
486 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng Figure 8-10. R MON Hist ory Con trol T a ble Remov ing a H istory C ontrol T able En try 1. Open the RMON History Control page. 2. Select the Rem o ve check box in t he row of the h istory entry to remove.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 487 RMON History T able Use the RMON History T abl e page to display interfa ce- specific statistical network sampli ngs.
488 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng • Drop Events — Displa ys the total numb er of events in wh ich packets were dropped by the port due to lack of resources. Note tha t this number is not necessarily th e number of packets dropped; it is just the number of times this cond ition has been detected.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 489 V iewing RMON His tory T able Us ing CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m this function, se e the follow ing chapter in the CLI Refer ence Guide : • RMON Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
490 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng • Description — De scribes the user -defined event. • Event T ype — Selects the e vent type. P ossible values are: – Log — Even t type is a log ent ry . – Tr a p — Even t type is a trap.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 491 The RMON Events T able entry is modif ied, and the device is updated. Displ aying t he RMON Event Control T able 1. Open the RMON Event Co ntrol page. 2. Click Show All . The Event C ontr ol T able displa ys.
492 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng Figure 8-15. R MON Eve nt Log The RMON Event Log pa ge contains the following fie lds: • Event — Display s the RMO N Events L og ent ry num ber . • Log No . — Displays th e log number . • Log T im e — Displays the time when the log entry was entered.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 493 Figure 8-16. RMON Alarms The RMON Alarms page contains the following fields: • Alar m Entry — Se lects a specific al arm from the drop-d own men u. • OID — Sp ecifies the O bject Identifier . • Counter V alue — Displays the num ber of selected eve nts counted.
494 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng • F a lling Threshold (0–2147483647) — Display s the fa lling coun ter val ue that tr igger s the fall ing thr eshold al arm. The fa lling t hres hold is gra phi cally presented on top of t he graph bars.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 495 Displaying the Alarm T able 1. Open the RMON Alarms page. 2. Click Show All. The left side of the RMON Alarm s T able display s. Figure 8-18. R MON Alarms T a ble 3. Click the right arrow at the bottom of t he screen to view the right side of the table.
496 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng T abl e 8-12. Alarm Co nfigurati on Comman ds CLI Command Description rmon alarm Configures alarm condition s. show rmon alarm displ ay alarm configuration. show rmon alarm-table Di splays the al arms summary table.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 497 Charts The Ch art menu page contains links to web pages that allow you to chart stat istics on a g raph.
498 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng • GVRP Statist ics — Selects GVR P Statistics when clicked, and specifies th e type of GVRP statistics to graph f rom the drop-d own men u. The de fault is Join Empty - Receive. • Refresh Rate — Sele cts the amount of time that passes before statistics a re refr eshed.
Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 499 Figure 8-20. LAG Statist ics The LAG Statist ics page co ntains the following fie lds: • Inte rface St atis tics — Selects Interface Statistics when clic ked, and specifies th e type of int erface statistics to grap h from the drop-d own men u.
500 Viewing Stat istic s and Re mote Mon itori ng 2. Click the r adio b utto n ass ociat ed w ith t he st atistic s to c har t. 3. Sele ct the type of st atistic s from the r elate d drop-down menu . 4. Sele ct the desir ed r efresh rate from th e Refresh Rate drop-down menu.
Conf iguring Ro uting 501 9 Configuring Routing Overv iew The P owe rConnect 6200 Series supports th e IP routing feature. Use the Ro ut i n g menu page to configure ro uting on VLANs. The Ro u t in g menu page contains links to the following features: NOTE: CLI co mmands ar e not availabl e for all the R outing page s.
502 Confi gur ing Rout ing ARP The P owe rConnect 6200 Series uses the ARP prot ocol to associate a layer 2 MAC address with a layer 3 IPv4 address. Addit ionally , the admi nistrator can static ally add entri es into the ARP tab le.
Conf iguring Ro uting 503 Figure 9-1. ARP Creat e The ARP Crea te page contains the following fields: • IP Addr ess — Enter the I P addre ss you want to add. It must be the IP addr ess of a devi ce on a subnet attache d to one of the sw itch's existing routin g interfaces.
504 Confi gur ing Rout ing ARP T able Configurati on Use this pa ge to chang e the config urati on paramete rs for th e Address Resolution Protocol T able. Y ou can also use this screen to display th e contents of the tab le. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → ARP → ARP T able Conf iguration in the tree view .
Conf iguring Ro uting 505 • Dynamic Ren ew — Th is co ntrols whe ther th e A RP co mpon ent a uto matic ally at temp ts to renew A RP Entries of type D ynamic wh en they age ou t. The default setting is Enable. • T otal E ntry Coun t — T o tal numbe r of Entries in the AR P table.
506 Confi gur ing Rout ing T abl e 9-2. ARP T able C ommand s CLI Command Description arp cachesiz e Configu res the maximum number of entri es in the ARP cache . arp dynamic r e new Enables the ARP component to a utomati cally rene w dynamic ARP entr ies whe n they age out .
Conf iguring Ro uting 507 IP The IP menu page contains links to w eb pages that config ure and di splay IP routing data. T o display this page, c lic k Ro u ti n g → IP in the tree view .
508 Confi gur ing Rout ing • ICM P Redire cts — Select Enable t o allow the swi tch to gen erate ICMP redirect me ssages. S elect Disable to prevent the switch from generating ICMP redirect messages. The ICMP Red ir ect feature is also configurabl e on each interface.
Conf iguring Ro uting 509 Figure 9-4. IP Statistic s The IP Statistics page contains the following fields: • IpInRec eiv es — The tot al number of input d atagrams received from in terfaces, in cluding those r eceiv ed in error .
510 Confi gur ing Rout ing • IpInD isca rds — The number of input IP dat agrams fo r which no probl ems wer e encounter ed to prevent their continued processing, bu t which were discarded (for example, for lack of buffer sp ace). Note tha t this counter does not in clude any da tagrams di scarded wh ile await ing re -assembl y .
Conf iguring Ro uting 511 • IcmpI nP armProbs — The number of ICMP P aramete r Pr oblem message s re ceived. • IcmpI nSrcQ uen chs — The n umber of ICM P Source Qu ench messages received. • IcmpI nRedirects — The n umber of ICM P Redirect messages r eceived.
512 Confi gur ing Rout ing Displaying IP Statistics Using CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man d t hat pe rfo rms this functi on, see the fol lowing chap ter in the CLI Refer ence Guide: • IP Routing Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
Conf iguring Ro uting 513 • IP Addr ess — E nter the IP add ress for the in terfa ce. • Subn et Ma sk — Enter the subnet mask for the interface. This is also r eferred to as the subnet/network mask, and def ines the portion of the interfac e's IP address that is used to identify the attached network.
514 Confi gur ing Rout ing 3. Click Apply Cha nge s . Changes ar e saved, and th e IP Interf ace is upd ated. IP Interface Configuration CLI Comma nd s F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds t.
Conf iguring Ro uting 515 OSPF The Open Shortest P at h F irs t (OSPF) routing proto col is an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). Every OSPF router builds a shortest path tree of all the routers and netw orks in the domain.
516 Confi gur ing Rout ing Figure 9-6. OSPF Confi guration The OSPF Config uration page contains the following fields: • Rou te r I D — T he 32-bit integer in dotted decimal form at t hat uniquel y identifies the router w ithin the autonomou s system (AS).
Conf iguring Ro uting 517 • RFC 1583 Compatibility — Select Enable or Disable from the drop-down menu to specify the prefer ence rules that are used when choosing am ong multiple AS-external-LSAs advertising the sam e destination. If you select Enabl e, the p r eference rules are those defined by R FC 158 3.
518 Confi gur ing Rout ing • Externa l LSDB Limi t — T he maximum number of AS-E xternal-LSAs that can be stored in the database. A value of -1 implies there is no lim it on the number t hat can be saved. T he valid range of values is -1 to 214 7483647.
Conf iguring Ro uting 519 T abl e 9-6. OSPF Globa l Command s CLI Command Description auto- cost Chang es the r eferen ce band width u sed in c omputi ng link c ost. bandw idth Changes the band width us ed in com puting link cos t. capability opaque Enables Opaque Capability on the router .
520 Confi gur ing Rout ing Area Confi guration The OSP F Are a Conf igu ratio n page lets yo u cr eate a Stub ar ea configuration and NSSA once you’ve enabled OSP F on an interface thro ugh Rou ti ng → OSPF → Inter fac e Co nfig urat io n . At least one router must have OSPF enabled for t his web page to display .
Conf iguring Ro uting 521 • Area LSA Checksum — T he 32- bit u nsign ed s um of the lin k-sta te ad vertis eme nts' LS ch ecksu ms contai ned in this ar ea's lin k-state da tabase. Th is sum e xclude s ext ernal (LS ty pe 5) link -state advertisements.
522 Confi gur ing Rout ing Displ aying an OSPF A rea Conf igurati on 1. Open the OSPF Area Con figuration page. 2. Select the OSPF area to display from the d rop-down men u. The OSPF a r e a configuration is displa yed for th is area. Deleting an OSPF A rea Configuration Use these steps to delete NSSA config uration or Stub ar ea configuration.
Conf iguring Ro uting 523 T able 9- 7. OSPF Area Config uration Co mmands CLI Command Description area default -cost Co nfigures t he monetary de fault cos t for the stu b area.
524 Confi gur ing Rout ing Stub Area Summar y The OSPF Stub Area Summary page displ ays OSPF stub ar ea detail. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → OSPF → Stub Area Summary in the tree view .
Conf iguring Ro uting 525 Area Range Conf iguration Use the OSP F Area Ran ge Configuration page to configure and displa y an area range for a specified NSSA. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → OSPF → Area Range C onfiguration in t he tree view .
526 Confi gur ing Rout ing Defining an OSPF A rea Range 1. Open the OSPF Area Range Config uration page. 2. Enter Area ID , IP Add ress, Subnet Ma sk, LS DB T ype a nd Advert isement. 3. Click the Add check box. 4. Click Apply Cha nge s . The OSPF a r e a range is defined a nd configured.
Conf iguring Ro uting 527 Interf ace Statisti cs Use the OS PF Interfa ce Statistics page t o displa y statis tics fo r the se lected interface. The information is displayed only if OSPF is enabled. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → OSPF → Interface Stat istics in th e tree view .
528 Confi gur ing Rout ing • OSPF Area ID — The OS PF area to which the selected router interf ace belongs. An OSPF Area ID is a 32-bi t intege r in dotted d ecimal form at that un iq uely iden tifies the area to w hich the interfac e connects.
Conf iguring Ro uting 529 • No Neighbor at Sou rce Address — Th e number of OSPF packets dropped because the sender is not an exist ing neighbor or the sender's IP address does n o t match the previously recor ded IP address for t ha t neig hbor .
530 Confi gur ing Rout ing Interf ace Configurat ion Use the O SPF Interf ace Con figu ratio n page to configure an OS PF interface. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → OSPF → Inter face Config uration in the tr ee view .
Conf iguring Ro uting 531 NOTE: Onc e OSPF is i nit ializ ed on the rout er , it rem ain s initi aliz ed unt il the r outer is re set. • OSPF Area ID — Enter th e 32-bit in teger in d otted decim al format that un iquely id entifies th e OSPF area to which the selected router interface connects.
532 Confi gur ing Rout ing – P oi nt-to- P o int — W hen there ar e only two routers on the network, OSPF can operate more efficiently by treating the n etwork as a point-t o-p oint n etwork. F or point-t o-point netw orks, OSPF does not elect a designat ed router or genera te a network link state advertisement (LS A).
Conf iguring Ro uting 533 – Designated Rou ter — This rou ter is itself the Designated Router on the attach ed network. Adjacencies are established to all other routers attached to the network. The router must also originate a netw ork-LSA for the ne twork node.
534 Confi gur ing Rout ing Configurat ion data for t h is int erface displa y . Confi guring an OSPF I nterfa ce usin g CLI Com mands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m th.
Conf iguring Ro uting 535 Neighbor T able Use the OSP F Neighb or T able page to disp lay the O SPF neighbo r ta ble list. When a particular neighbor ID is sp ecified, detailed informa tion about a neighbor is g iven. The information below is only displayed if OSP F is en abl ed.
536 Confi gur ing Rout ing Neighbor Con figuration Use the OSPF Neighbor Config uration page to disp lay the OSPF neighb or configuration for a selected neighbor ID. When a particular neighbor ID is specif ied, de tailed information about a neighbor is given.
Conf iguring Ro uting 537 communica te their c apability level to othe r OSPF routers. Thr ough this mechanism, rou ters of differing capabilities can be mixed within an O S PF rout ing doma in. The Op tions va lue is a b itmap , and it signifies the capa bility of th e neighb or .
538 Confi gur ing Rout ing Displaying OSPF Neighbor Configuration 1. Open the OSPF Neighbor Configura tion page. 2. Select the interface a nd the IP address to display .
Conf iguring Ro uting 539 Link St ate Data base Use the OSP F Link Sta te Database page to display OSPF link state, e xternal LSDB table, and A S opaq ue LS DB ta ble info rm atio n. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → OSPF → Link State Database in the tree view .
540 Confi gur ing Rout ing – Network S ummary – ASBR Summary –A S - e x t e r n a l • LS ID — The L ink State ID identifies the piece of th e routing d omain tha t is being de scribed by the advertisement. T he value of the LS ID depends on th e advertisement's LS type.
Conf iguring Ro uting 541 V irtual L ink Configur ation Use the V ir tua l Link Conf igur atio n page to create or configur e virtual interface information for a specific ar ea and neighbor . A valid OSPF are a must be config ured befo re th is page ca n be displa yed.
542 Confi gur ing Rout ing • Dead Inter val — Enter th e OSPF dea d interval for t he specified in terface in s econds. This specifies how lo ng a router waits to see a nei ghbor router 's Hello packets before declaring t hat th e router is down.
Conf iguring Ro uting 543 – None — This is the init ial interface state. If y ou select t his option from the drop-d own men u on the second scr een and click Apply Changes, you are returned to the first screen. – Sim ple — If you select Simple you are prompted to enter an authentication key .
544 Confi gur ing Rout ing Figure 9-16. OSPF Virtual Link Conf igurati on 5. Click Configure Au thentication to m odify a uth entica tion. The following pa ge appears:.
Conf iguring Ro uting 545 Figure 9 -17. OSPF V irtual Link Au thenticati on Configura tion 6. Select valu es for Authentic ation T y pe and Au thentic ation Ke y . 7. Click Apply Cha nge s when finis hed. Configuring Virtual Link Data 1. Open the OSPF V irtual Link Configuration page.
546 Confi gur ing Rout ing The related virtual l ink da ta disp lays. 3. Click Delete . The vi rtual li nk is r emoved , and the de vice is updated. Configuring Virtual Link Data Us ing CLI Commands F.
Conf iguring Ro uting 547 V irtual L ink Summary Use the OSP F V irtua l Link Summary page to display all of the configur ed virtual links. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → OSPF → Vi r t u a l L i n k S u m m a r y i n the tree view .
548 Confi gur ing Rout ing • Iftr ansit De lay Interva l (secs) — T he OSPF T ransit D elay fo r the virt ual link in units of seco nds. It specifies the estim ated n umber of se conds it takes to transm it a l ink state u pdate pa cket over this interfac e.
Conf iguring Ro uting 549 • Metric — Se ts the metr ic valu e for redi str ibuted rout es. Th is field displa ys a met ric value if the sou rce was preconfigured. The valid valu es are 0 to 16777214. • Metric T yp e — Sel ect t he O SPF met ric ty pe o f redist ribute d ro utes fr om the d rop- dow n me nu.
550 Confi gur ing Rout ing Modify ing OSPF Rout e Redistr ibution Data 1. Open the OSPF R oute Redistribution Configuration page. 2. Sele ct a source fr om the Configur ed Source drop -down. 3. Enter d ata in the field s as needed. 4. Click Apply Cha nge s when finis hed.
Conf iguring Ro uting 551 The OSPF Route Redistributi on Summ ary page contains the following fields: • Sour ce — T he Source Route to be redistributed by OSPF . • Redi s tr ib ut e — Specify w hether to allow t he routes learned t hrough this protocol to be redistributed.
552 Confi gur ing Rout ing failur e), to correct faulty system behavior which cannot be corr ec ted through less sever e management actions, or other reasons. An unplanned r estart is an unexpected failover caus ed by a fatal hardwar e failur e of the management unit or a softwa r e hang or crash on the management unit.
Conf iguring Ro uting 553 – Timed Out — The previous graceful res ta rt timed out. – T opology Changed — The previous graceful restart terminated prematurely because of a topology change. If you chan ge the Suppo rt Mode, cl ick Submit to save your change.
554 Confi gur ing Rout ing The BOOTP/ DHCP Relay Agent me nu page contains links to web pages that configure and di splay BOOTP/DHCP relay agent. T o display this page, click Rou t i n g → BOOTP/DHCP Relay Agent in the tree view .
Conf iguring Ro uting 555 Configuring BOOTP/DHCP 1. Open the BOOTP/DHCP Con figuration page. 2. Enter d ata in the field s as needed. 3. Click Apply Cha nge s when finis hed.
556 Confi gur ing Rout ing IP Helper Gl obal Configu ration Use the IP Helper Glo bal C onf igu ratio n page to add, show , or delete UDP Rela y and Helper IP configuration T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → IP Helpe r → Glob al Configur ation in the tree view .
Conf iguring Ro uting 557 • Server Address — The IPv4 add ress of the server to which pa ckets ar e relayed for th e specific UDP Destinati on P ort. • Hit Co unt — The number of times a packet has been forwarded or discarded accor ding to this entry .
558 Confi gur ing Rout ing 2. Click Add to dis play the Add Helper IP Address page : Figure 9-24. Add Helper IP Add ress 3. Select a UDP Destinat ion port name from the menu or enter the UDP Destination P ort ID. Select the Default Set to configure fo r the rel ay entry for the default set of protocols.
Conf iguring Ro uting 559 Figure 9 -25. IP Helper Inte rface Config uration The IP Helper Interface Conf iguration page contains the following fields: • Sourc e IP In terfac e — S elect th e interface to use for U DP/He lper relays. Se lect All to configu r e relay entries on al l avai labl e interf aces.
560 Confi gur ing Rout ing Figure 9-26. Add Helper IP Add ress 3. Sele ct the interf ace to use for the r elay . 4. Select a UDP Destinat ion port name from the menu or enter the UDP Destination P ort ID. Select the Default Set to configure fo r the rel ay entry for the default set of protocols.
Conf iguring Ro uting 561 Figure 9 -27. IP Helper Sta tistics The IP Helper Stat istics page contains the following fields: • DHCP Client Messages Receiv ed — The number of valid messages r eceived from a DHCP cl ient.
562 Confi gur ing Rout ing • DHCP Pkts Rcvd T oo Early — The num ber of DHCP client messages received whose secs field is less than the minimum v alue. T he minimum se cs val ue is a conf igurab le valu e. A log me ssage i s writt en for each such failure.
Conf iguring Ro uting 563 • RIP Route Redistribution Con figuration • RIP Rou te Redistrib ution Sum mary RIP Configu ration Use the RIP Con figuration page to enable and configur e or disable RIP in Globa l mode. T o display the page, c lic k Ro u ti n g → RIP → Configur ation in the tree view .
564 Confi gur ing Rout ing • Global Route Changes — Display s the numb er of route changes made to the IP Route D atabase by RIP . This does not in clude the refresh of a route's age. • Global Queries — Displays the number of re sponses sent to RIP queries from other systems.
Conf iguring Ro uting 565 RIP Inter face Configurat ion Use the RI P Inte rface Conf iguratio n page to enab le and configure or to disabl e RIP on a specifi c interface. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → RIP → Inte rface C onfig uratio n in the tree view .
566 Confi gur ing Rout ing • RIP Admin Mode — Select E nable or Disable from the drop-down menu. Before you ena ble RIP versi on 1 or versio n 1c on an interf ace, you must fi rst enable network dir ected b roadcast mode on the corresponding interface.
Conf iguring Ro uting 567 2. Specify the int erface for which the authen t ication method is to be configured. 3. Click Modify . The Au thenticati on Method page di splays . 4. Specify the Au then ticatio n T y pe (N one , Sim p le, or Encrypt) from the drop-down menu.
568 Confi gur ing Rout ing Figure 9-30. RIP Interface S ummary The RIP Inte rface Summary page d isp lay s the fo llo win g fie ld s: • Inte rface — T he interface, such as the routing-ena bled VLAN on which R IP is enab led. • IP Addr ess — The IP Addr ess of the router in terfa ce.
Conf iguring Ro uting 569 RIP Route Redi stribution Configuration Use the RIP Route Redist ribution Configuration page to configure the RIP Route Redistribution parameters. The allowa ble values for each fields are displayed next to the field. If any invalid values are entered, an alert message is displayed with the list of all the valid values.
570 Confi gur ing Rout ing • Sour ce — S elect the ty pe of sou rce rou te to config ure for redistribution by RIP . P ossible v alues are: – Stat ic – Connected – OSPF • Metric — S e ts th e m e t ri c v a lu e t o b e us e d a s t h e me tr ic o f re d ist r ib u ted r ou t es .
Conf iguring Ro uting 571 2. Select the Co nfigured Source to mo dify . 3. Change values on this screen as needed . 4. Click Apply Cha nge s Specified chan ges are saved, an d the d evice is upd ated.
572 Confi gur ing Rout ing RIP Route Redi stribution Summary Use the RI P Route Redistribution Summary page to display Route Redistribution configurations. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → RIP → Route Re distribution Summary in the tree view .
Conf iguring Ro uting 573 Displaying RIP Route Redistribution Summary Using CLI Co m mands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man d t hat pe rfo rms this functi on, see the fol lowing chap ter in.
574 Confi gur ing Rout ing Figure 9-33. Router Discovery Co nfigur ation The Router Discovery Configuration page cont ains the following fields: • VLAN Interfa ce — Select the router interfa ce for which data is to be configured. • Advertise Mode — Select Enable or Disable from the drop -down menu.
Conf iguring Ro uting 575 Confi guring Route r Discov ery Usi ng CLI Command s F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m this function, se e the follow ing chapter in the CLI Refer ence Guide: • R outer Discov ery Prot ocol Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
576 Confi gur ing Rout ing • Advertise Mode — The values are Enable or Disable. Enable den otes that Router D iscovery is enab led on that interfa ce.
Conf iguring Ro uting 577 T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → Rou t e r → Route T able in the tree view . Figur e 9-35 . Rout er Route T able The Router R oute T able page displays the follow ing fields: • T otal Number of Rou tes — The total n umber of rout es in the route table.
578 Confi gur ing Rout ing • IP Routing Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature. Best Rou tes T able Use the Router Best Routes T able page to display the best routes from the routing table. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → Rou t e r → Bes t R outes T able in the tr ee view .
Conf iguring Ro uting 579 –O S P F T y p e - 1 –O S P F T y p e - 2 –R I P • Next Hop Interfa ce — T he outgoing rou ter interface t o use wh en forwarding traffic to the destin ation.
580 Confi gur ing Rout ing • Network Ad dress — Specify the IP route prefix for the dest ination from the drop-down menu. In or der to cr eate a route, a valid routing interface must exist and th e next hop IP Address must be on the same network as the rou ting interface.
Conf iguring Ro uting 581 Figure 9-38. Add R oute - De fault Rout e T ype 3. Ne xt to Rou te T y p e, use the drop-down box t o add a Def ault route or a Static route. If you select Static, the page r efres hes and new fields ap pear , as F igure 9-39 shows.
582 Confi gur ing Rout ing Configur ed Routes Use the Confi gured R outes page to display the routes that have been configured. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → Rou t e r → Configured R outes i n the tree view .
Conf iguring Ro uting 583 Default — Enter th e defaul t gateway addre ss in the Next Hop IP Address fie ld. Figure 9 -3 8 sho ws the fiel ds that display wh en the Rou te T y p e value is Default . Stat ic — Enter values f or Network A ddress , Subnet Mask , Next Hop IP A ddress , and P reference .
584 Confi gur ing Rout ing NOTE: For a sta tic re ject r oute, the next ho p inter face va lue is Null0. Pa cket s to the ne twork ad dress spe cif ied in stati c rej ect ro utes are int ention ally d roppe d. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → Rou t e r → Route P references Configuration in the tree view .
Conf iguring Ro uting 585 The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature. VLAN Routing Y o u can configure P owerConnect 6200 Series software with some V LANs that support routing. Y ou can also conf igure the software to allow traf fic on a VLA N to be treated a s if the VL AN were a route r port.
586 Confi gur ing Rout ing Figure 9-42. VLAN Routin g Summary The VLAN Routing Summary page displays the following fields : • VLAN ID — The ID of the VLAN whose data is disp layed in t he curr ent table row . • MAC Address — The M AC Address assigned to the VLAN Routing Interface.
Conf iguring Ro uting 587 VRRP The Virtual Router Redundancy (VRRP) protocol is designed to handle default router fail ures by providing a scheme to dynamically elect a backup router .
588 Confi gur ing Rout ing VRRP Confi guration Use the VRRP Configuration page to enabl e or disable the administrative status of a virtual router . T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → VRRP → Rout er Configuration in the tree view . Figure 9-43.
Conf iguring Ro uting 589 VRRP Ro uter Config uration Use the VRRP Configuration page to configure a virtual router . T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → VRRP → Rout er Configuration in the tree view .
590 Confi gur ing Rout ing • Pr i o r i t y — The operational priority of the VRRP router , wh ich is r elat ive to the configured priority and depends on the priority decrements configur ed through tra cking process.
Conf iguring Ro uting 591 Figure 9- 45. V ir tual Rou ter Se condar y Addre ss 3. In the Secondary Address fie ld, s elect Create to add a new second ary IP addr ess, or se lect an e xisting seco ndary IP ad dres s to modify . 4. In the IP Add ress field, en ter the secondary IP address.
592 Confi gur ing Rout ing Figure 9-47. Add VR RP In terfac e T r acking 4. Complete the fi elds a s necess ary . The Add VRRP Int erface T rack ing page cont ains the fo llowing f ields. • Inte rface — The interface associated wit h the V irtual Router ID.
Conf iguring Ro uting 593 Figure 9-49. Add VR RP Ro ute T rackin g 4. Complete the fi elds a s necess ary . The Add VRRP Route T racki n g pag e contains the followin g fields. • Inte rface — The interface associated wit h the V irtual Router ID. • Vi r t u a l R o u t e r I D — The V irtua l Router I D.
594 Confi gur ing Rout ing VRRP V irtual Router Sta tus Use the Virtual Router Status page to disp lay vi rt ual router status. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → VRRP → V irtual Router Status in the tree view .
Conf iguring Ro uting 595 • VLANID - Indicates the interface associate wit h the VRID. • Pr i o r i t y — T he priority valu e used by the VR RP router in the elect ion for the master v irtual router .
596 Confi gur ing Rout ing T able 9-40. Virtual Route r St atus C omm ands CLI Command Description show ip vrrp interface Displays all config uration information and VRRP router statistics of a virtu al rout er con figur ed on a specif ic int erface.
Conf iguring Ro uting 597 VRRP V irtual Router Sta tistics Use the V irtual Router Statistics page to disp lay statistics for a specified virtual router . T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → VRRP → V irtual Router Statistics in the tree view .
598 Confi gur ing Rout ing • State T ransitioned to Master — The total num ber of tim es that th is virtua l router 's state has trans itioned to Mast er . • Advertisement Recei ved — The t otal numb er of VRRP advertisements received by this virtual rout er .
Conf iguring Ro uting 599 T unnels The P owerC onn ect 62 00 Se ries swit ch es su pp ort the creation, deletion, and management of tunnel int erfac es.
600 Confi gur ing Rout ing T unnels Config uration Use the T unnels Configur ation page to create, configure, or delete a tunnel. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck Ro u t i n g → T u nnels → Configuration in the tree view .
Conf iguring Ro uting 601 • Sour ce — Select th e desired source, IPv4 Address or Interface. If Address is selected, the sou rce addr ess for th is tunnel must be enter ed in dotte d decimal nota tion. If Inte rface is s elected the source interface for this tunnel m ust be selected.
602 Confi gur ing Rout ing 4. Click Apply Cha nge s . The new configu ration is saved, and the device is updat ed. Remov ing a T unnel 1. Open the T unnels Configuration page. 2. Specify the tu nnel to remove in the T unnel drop-dow n menu. 3. Click Delete T unnel .
Conf iguring Ro uting 603 Figure 9-54. T unnel s Summary The Tu n n e l s S u m m a r y page contains the following fields: • T unnel ID — The T unnel ID. • T unnel Mode — The corresponding mode of the T unnel. • IPv6 Mo de — Show s whether IPv6 is enabled on the tunnel.
604 Confi gur ing Rout ing Loopba cks The P owe rCon nect 6200 S eries p rov ide s for the creation, deletion, and management of loopba ck interfaces. They are dynamic interfaces that are created and deleted through user -configuration. The P owerConnect 6200 Se ries supports multiple loopback int erfaces.
Conf iguring Ro uting 605 • Loopback — Use the drop-down menu to sele ct from th e list of currently configured loopback interfaces. Create is also a valid choice if the maximum n umber of loopback in terfaces has not been cr eated.
606 Confi gur ing Rout ing The L oopback ID field goes away , and t he remaining loopback fields displa y . Figur e 9-56. Loopbacks Conf igura tion - IP v4 Entr y 5. Enter IPv4 in the P r otocol field. 6. Enter d esired values in the remainin g fields.
Conf iguring Ro uting 607 Crea ting a Ne w Loopba ck (IPv6 ) 1. Open the Loopbacks Configuration page. 2. Select Create from the Loop back drop-down menu. 3. Specify an ID t o use in the Lo opb a ck ID field. 4. Click Apply Changes. The Loop back ID field goes away , and the remaining loopback fields display .
608 Confi gur ing Rout ing 2. Specify the l oopback to remove in the Loopba ck drop-dow n menu. 3. Click Delete Loopback . The loopb ack is delete d, and the de vice is updat ed. Remov ing a Se condar y Addre ss 1. Open the Loopback Configuration pag e.
Conf iguring Ro uting 609 Figure 9- 59. Lo opbac ks Summar y The Lo opbacks Summary page displ ays the following fields: • Loopback Interface — The ID of the configured loopback interface. • Addresses — A list of the addresses configured on the loopback interface.
610 Confi gur ing Rout ing.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 611 10 Configuring IPv6 Overv iew The IPv 6 menu page contains links to the following features: • Global Configu ration • Interface Configura tion • Interf ace Summa ry •I .
612 Confi gurin g IPv6 Global Configuration Use the G lob al Co nfig urat io n page to enable IPv6 f orwarding on the router , enable the forwarding of IPv6 unicas t datagrams, a nd configur e global IPv6 settings. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v6 → Global Conf iguration i n the tree view .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 613 Configuring IPv6 Using CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m this function, se e the follow ing chapter in the CLI Refer ence Guide : • IPv6 Rout ing Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
614 Confi gurin g IPv6 Interface Configuration Use the I nterf ace Co nfig urat ion page to configure IPv6 interface parameters. This page has been updated to include the IPv6 Destination Unr eachables field. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v6 → Interfa ce Configurat ion in the tree view .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 615 • IPv6 P ref ix — Choose to Add or Delete an IPv6 prefix on this interface. If adding a prefix, specify that prefix in the follow ing IPv6 P ref ix field. Ch ecking Delete causes deletion of a displa yed IPv 6 Pr efi x. • IPv6 P ref ix — Sp ecifies the IPv6 prefix for a n interface.
616 Confi gurin g IPv6 • Router Advertisement NS Interval — Specifies retransm ission time field of route r advertisement sent from the inte rface. A value of 0 means t he interv al is n ot specified for this rout er . The range of neighbor solicit in terval is 1000 t o 42949 67295 .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 617 T able 10- 2. IPv6 In terf ace Routi ng Comm ands CLI Command Description ipv6 addre ss Configures an IPv6 addr ess on an interface (incl uding tunnel and loopback interface s).
618 Confi gurin g IPv6 Interface Summary Use the Interface Summar y page to display s ettings for all IPv6 int erfaces. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v6 → Int erfac e S ummar y in the tree view .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 619 T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v6 → IPv6 Statistics in the tree view . Figure 10-4. IPv6 Statist ics The IPv6 Statistics page contains the following fields: • Inte rface — Se lects the int erface for which s tatistics ar e displayed.
620 Confi gurin g IPv6 • Recei ved D atagrams L ocally Delivered — The total nu mber of data grams success fully del iver ed to IPv6 user-protoc ols (includ ing ICM P). This co unte r is in cremented at the interface to w hich these datag rams wer e addr essed, whi ch might not b e necessari ly the input i nterface for some of th e dat agra ms.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 621 • Datagrams F orwa rded — T he number of output datagrams w hich this entity received and forwarded to their final de stinations.
622 Confi gurin g IPv6 • ICMPv6 Router Solicit Messages R eceived — The number of ICMP Router Solicit messages received by the inte rfac e. • ICMPv6 Rou ter Advertisement Messages Received — The number of ICMP Router Advertisement messages received by the interface.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 623 • ICMPv6 Router Solicit Messages T ransmitted — The number of ICMP Router Sol icitat ion messages sent by th e in terfac e. • ICMPv6 Rou ter Advertisement Messages T ransmitted — The number of ICMP Router Advertisement messages sent by the inter face.
624 Confi gurin g IPv6 IPv6 Neighbor T able Use the IPv6 Neighb or T able page to dis play IPv6 neighbor de tails for a spe cified interface. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v6 → IPv6 Neigh bor T able in the tree view .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 625 – Rea ch ab le — P ositive conf irmation was r eceived w ithin the last Reachable T ime millisecon ds that the forward path to the ne ighbor was function ing properly . While in R EACH state, the device takes no special action as packets ar e sent .
626 Confi gurin g IPv6 DHCPv6 DHCP is generally us ed between clients (for example hosts) and servers (for example routers) for the purpose of assigning IP add resses, gateways, and othe r networking definitions su ch as DNS, N TP , and/or Session Init iation P rotocol (SIP) pa rameters.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 627 The DHCPv6 Global Co nfiguration page contains the following fields: • DHCPv6 Admin Mode — Specifies DH CPv6 operati on on the switch . P ossible valu es are Enable and Disable; the defau lt valu e is Disable. • Rel ay O pt io n — Sp ecifies Relay Agen t Informa tion Option value.
628 Confi gurin g IPv6 Figure 10- 7. Pool Con figurati on - Crea te The P ool Conf igurati on page contains the following fields: • P ool Name — Drop-d own menu that li sts all th e pool names conf igur ed. When Create is selected, fields on the page a re clear ed of dat a, in preparation for new pool in formation.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 629 Creating a DHCPv6 Pool 1. Open the P ool Configuration page. 2. Select Cr eate from the P ool Name drop-down menu. 3. Enter a new name in the P ool Nam e field. 4. Specify an existing DNS S erver Address to associate with this pool, or create a new one.
630 Confi gurin g IPv6 Prefix Del egation Config uration Use the Pref ix Delegation Conf iguration page to configure a delegated prefix for a pool. A t least one pool must be cr eated using DHCPv6 P ool Configuration before a delegated pr efix can be configured.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 631 • P refer Lifetime — Specifies the prefer lifetime in seconds for d elegated prefix. • Delete — Deletes t he displa yed pool pr efix de legati on configur ation when check ed and Apply Changes is clicked. Configuring a delegated prefix to a Pool 1.
632 Confi gurin g IPv6 Figure 10-9. Pool Summary The P ool Summary page cont ains the following fields: • P ool Name — Sel ect s the pool to d ispla y . • DNS Serv er — Display s the IPv6 address of the associated DNS server . • Domain Name — Disp lays t he DNS d omain name .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 633 Figure 10-1 0. DHCPv6 Interface Config uration The fields th at disp lay on the DHCPv6 Interface Configuration pages de pend on the value se lected in the Inte rfac e Mode field.
634 Confi gurin g IPv6 Figure 10 -11. DHCPv6 Interfa ce Configura tion - Relay 3. Modify the field s as needed. 4. Click Apply Cha nge s . The DHCPv 6 interface configu ration is saved, and the dev ice is upda ted. Configuring a DHCPv6 Interface for Server Interface Mode 1.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 635 The DHCPv 6 interface configu ration is saved, and the dev ice is upda ted. Configuring a DHCPv6 Interface Using CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th .
636 Confi gurin g IPv6 DHCPv6 Server Bindings Summary Use the Ser ver B indings Summary page to d ispla y all DH CPv6 server bi ndings . T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v6 → DHCP v6 → Bindings Summ ary in the tree view .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 637 DHCPv6 Stati stics Use the DH CPv6 Statistics page t o display DHCP v6 statistics for one or all i nterfaces. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v6 → DHCP v6 → Statistics in the tree view .
638 Confi gurin g IPv6 • DHCPv6 R enew P acket s R eceived — Specifies the number of Renews. • DHCPv6 R ebind P ackets Received — Sp ecifies the nu mber of Rebin ds. • DHCPv6 Release P ackets Received — Specifies the number of Releases . • DHCPv6 Decline P ackets Rece ived — Specifies th e number of Declines.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 639 OSPFv3 OSPFv3 is the Open Short est P ath F irst routing prot oc ol for IPv6. I t is similar to OSPFv2 in its concept of a link stat e database, intra/ inter area, and AS external routes and vi rtual links.
640 Confi gurin g IPv6 T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v6 → OSPF v3 → Configur ation in the tree view . Figure 10-15 . OSPF v3 Configu ration The OSPFv3 Con figuration page contains the followi.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 641 • ABR St atus — The va lues of this are Enable or D isable. The field displays only w hen a valid configuration exists. E nabled im plies th at the router is an ar ea border router . Disa bled implies that it is not an area border router .
642 Confi gurin g IPv6 NOTE: The values for Al ways, M etric , and M etric T ype ca n only be conf igur ed afte r De fault Infor matio n Orig inat e is set to E nable.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 643 OSPFv3 Ar ea Configura tion Use the OSPFv3 Area Config uration page to cr eate and configure an OS PFv3 area. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v6 → OSPF v3 → Area C onf igur atio n in the tree view .
644 Confi gurin g IPv6 Figure 10-16 . OSPF v3 Area Confi guration The OSPFv3 Are a Configuratio n page contains the following fields: • Area ID — The OSPFv3 ar ea. An Area ID is a 32-b it inte ger in dotte d decimal format that uniquel y identifies th e area to which a router in terface connects .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 645 The web page reappears with Create Stub Area and NSSA Cr eate buttons. Figur e 10-17. OSPF v3 Area C onfig uration - Crea te Stub Area an d NSSA Create Confi guring OSPFv3 S tub Area 1. Open the OSPFv3 Area Configuration page. 2.
646 Confi gurin g IPv6 2. Modify the field s as needed. 3. Click Apply Cha nge s . The web page reappears with Create Stub Area and NSSA Cr eate buttons. See Figur e 10-17. 4. Click NSSA C reate on the OSPFv3 Area C onfiguration web page. The web page reap pears showing opt ions for NSS A configuration .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 647 Configuring OSPFv3 Ar ea Using CL I Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m this function, se e the follow ing chapter in the CLI Refer ence Guide : • OS PFv3 Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
648 Confi gurin g IPv6 OSPFv3 Stub Ar ea Summary Use the OSP Fv3 Stub Ar ea Summary page to dis play OSPFv3 stub ar ea detail. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v6 → OSPF v3 → Stub Area Summary in the tr ee view .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 649 OSPFv3 Area Rang e Configuratio n Use the OSP Fv3 Area Ra nge Configuration page to configur e OSPFv 3 ar ea ranges. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v6 → OSPF v3 → Area Rang e Conf igur ation in the tree vie w . Figure 10-21 .
650 Confi gurin g IPv6 The OSPFv3 ar ea range is sav ed, and the dev ice is upda ted. Configuring OSPFv3 Ar ea Range Us ing CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 651 OSPFv3 I nterface Con figuration Use the OSPFv3 Interf ace Configurat ion page to create and configure OSPFv3 interfac es. This page ha s been updated to include the P assive Mode field. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v6 → OSPF v3 → Inter fac e Co nfig urat io n in the tree view .
652 Confi gurin g IPv6 • OSPFv3 A rea ID — Enter the 32-bit intege r in dotte d de cimal forma t that unique ly identi fies the OSPFv3 area to wh ich the selected route r interface conn ects. If you assign an Area ID which does n ot exist, the ar ea is created wit h default values.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 653 interfac e or throu gh some thing l ike a bit error test. F or th is reason, IP packets may still be addr essed to an i nterface i n Loopback state. T o facilit ate this, su ch interface s are adv ertise d in router - LSAs as single h ost routes, whose destination is the IP interface address.
654 Confi gurin g IPv6 OSPFv3 I nterface St atistics Use the OSP Fv3 Inte rface Sta tistics page to di splay OS PFv3 in terface statistics. Information is only displayed if OSPF is enabl ed. Several fields have been added to this page. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v6 → OSPF v3 → Interface Statistics in the tree view .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 655 Figure 10-23 . OSPF v3 Interface S tatistic s The OSPFv3 I nterface Statistics page displays the following fields: • Inte rface — Select the inte rface for which dat a is to be di splaye d. • OSPFv3 Area ID — The OSPF ar e a to which the selected router interface belongs.
656 Confi gurin g IPv6 • Inte rface Eve nts — The number of times t he specified OSPF interfa ce has ch anged its st ate, or an error has occurred. • Vi r t u a l E v e n t s — The n umber of state chan ges or errors th a t have o ccurred on th is virtu al link .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 657 • LS Updat es Received — The number of LS updates r eceived on this interface by this router . • LS Acknowledgements Sent — The n umber of LS ac knowledgemen ts sent on this int erface by this router .
658 Confi gurin g IPv6 Figure 10-24 . OSPF v3 Neighbors The OSPFv3 Ne ighbor s page contains the following fields: • Inte rface — Se lects the int erface for which d ata is to be displa yed or configured. • Neighbor Rout er ID — Selects the IP Address of the neighbor for which d ata is to be displayed.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 659 – Attem pt — This state is only valid for neighbors atta ched to NBMA networks. It indicates t hat no recent information has been r eceiv ed from the ne ighbor , but th at a m ore concerted effort sh ould be made to contact t he neig hbor .
660 Confi gurin g IPv6 OSPFv3 Nei ghbor T able Use the OSP Fv3 Neig hbor T able page to display the OSPF neighbor table list. When a particular neighbor ID is sp ecified, detailed information ab out a neighbor is give n. The neighbor table is only displayed if OSPF is enabled.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 661 • Int lfI D — T he Interface ID that th e neighbor adver tises in its Hello packets on this link. • Inte rface — T he slot/port th at ident ifies the neigh bor interface in dex. • Stat e — State of the re lationship with thi s neighbor .
662 Confi gurin g IPv6 Figure 10-26 . OS PFv3 Link State Data base The OSPFv3 Link State Da tabase page displays the following fields: • Adv . R outer — The 32 -bit integer in dotted decimal form at that u niquely identifies the router within the autonomou s system (AS).
Confi gurin g IPv 6 663 – Intra-Area-P refix-LSA • Link ID — The Link State ID ide ntifies th e piece of th e routing do main that is bein g described by the advertisement. T he value of the LS ID depends on th e advertisement's LS type. • Age — The time since the link sta te advertisement w as first originated, in seconds.
664 Confi gurin g IPv6 T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v6 → OSPF v3 → V i rtua l Lin k Con figur at ion in the tree view . Figure 10-27 . OSPF v3 Virtual Link Co nfigurat ion The OSPFv3 V irtua.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 665 • Inte rface De lay Int er val (secs) — En ter the OS PF T ransit D elay for th e specified interfa ce. This specifies the es timated n umber of s econds it t akes to transm it a l ink state u pdate pa cket over the selected interface.
666 Confi gurin g IPv6 4. Click Cre ate . The new link is created, and you are returned to the Virtual Link Co nfiguration page. Confi gurin g a Virtual Link 1. Open the OSPFv3 V irtual Link Configurat ion page. 2. Select the v irtual lin k to configu re.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 667 Figure 10-28 . OSPF v3 Virtual Link Summary The OSPFv3 V irtual Link Summary page displays the following fields: • Area ID — The Area ID portion of the v irtual link iden tification for which data is to be displayed . The Area ID and Neighbor Rou ter ID together d efine a virt ual link.
668 Confi gurin g IPv6 • Inte rface De lay In ter va l (secs) — The OS PF T ran sit De lay for the virtu al link in units of secon ds. It specifies the estim ated n umber of se conds it takes to transm it a l ink state u pdate pa cket over this interfac e.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 669 • Ta g — S ets the tag field in rou tes redistributed. T his field dis plays the tag if the source was pre- configured, o therwise 0 is displa yed. V alid values a re 0 to 4294967 295. • Redi s tr ib ut e — E nab les or disa bles t he redist ribution for th e selected source protocol.
670 Confi gurin g IPv6 Figure 10-30 . OSPF v3 Route Redist ribution Summ ary The OSPFv3 Route Redistribution Summary page displays the following fields: • Sour ce — T he Source Route to be Re distributed by OS PF . • Redi s tr ib ut e — Specify w hether to allow t he routes learned t hrough this protocol to be redistributed.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 671 Displaying OSPFv3 Route Redistribution Summary Using CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m this function, se e the follow ing chapter in the CLI Refer ence Guide : • OS PFv3 Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
672 Confi gurin g IPv6 Figure 10-31 . NSF OSPFv3 Summary • Support Mode — Enables or disables OS PFv3 to pe rform gra ceful restarts. The following options ar e avail able: – Planned — OSPFv3 will perform a g raceful r estar t for plan ned r estarts .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 673 Click Refresh to redisplay the page with the latest values from th e switch. Enabling the NSF OSPFv3 Graceful Re start Using CLI Co mmands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI c.
674 Confi gurin g IPv6 IPv6 Routes The IPv6 Rou tes menu page contains links to web pages that define and disp lay IPv6 Routes parameters and data. T o display this page, click IPv6 → IPv6 Rou tes in the tree view .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 675 2. Modify the field s as needed. 3. Click Apply Cha nge s . The route entry is con figured for IPv6, and the de vice is upda ted.
676 Confi gurin g IPv6 Figure 10-33 . IP v6 Route T a ble The IPv6 Route T able page displays the following fields: • Rou te s D is pl ay e d — Select to view either the Configured Rout es, Best Routes, or All Routes from the drop- down menu.
Confi gurin g IPv 6 677 Displaying the IPv6 Route T able U sing CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m this function, se e the follow ing chapter in the CLI Refer ence Guide : • IPv6 Rout ing Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
678 Confi gurin g IPv6 • OSPF Intr a — T he OSPF intra route preference value in the router . Th e default v alue is 110. • OSPF Inter — The OS PF inter route preference value in the router .
Confi gurin g IPv 6 679 Figure 10- 35. Configure d IPv6 Routes The Configured IPv6 R outes page contains the following fields: • Rou te s D i sp l ay ed — Select to view either th e Configur ed Routes, Best R outes or All Rou tes.
680 Confi gurin g IPv6 Displaying IPv6 Routes 1. Open the Configured IPv6 R outes pag e. 2. Select the routes to v iew from the Rou te s D i spl a ye d drop-dow n menu.
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 681 11 Configuring Quality of Service Overv iew The Quality of Ser vice menu page contains links to the following pages: • Differentiated Services •C l a s s o f .
682 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e Differentiated Services DiffSer v Overview The QoS feature contains Differ entiated Services (DiffS erv) supp ort that allows traffic t o be cla ssified into str e ams and give n certain QoS tr eatment in accordance with defined per -hop behaviors.
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 683 Diffse rv Configurati on Use the Diffserv Co nfiguration page to display Dif fServ General Status Group informat ion, which includes the current administrative mode setting as well as the current and maximum number of rows in each of the main DiffServ p rivate MIB tabl es.
684 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e Changing Diffserv Admin Mode 1. Open the Diffserv Configuration page. 2. Tu r n Diffserv Admin M ode on or off by selecting Enable or Disable from the drop-down menu. 3. Click Apply Cha nge s . The Diffse rv Admin Mode is chan ged, and t he device is u pdate d.
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 685 Figure 11-2. Diffserv Cla ss Configur ation The Diffserv Class Configuration page contains the following fields: • Class Name — Selects a class name to r ename or del ete. Click Add to set up a new class name.
686 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e Figure 11-3 . Add DiffS erv Class Enter a name for the class an d select the protocol to use for class match criteria.
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 687 Figure 11-4. Diffserv Class Cri teria IPv4 The Diffserv Class Criteria page contains the following fields: • Class Name — Selects the class name for which you ar e specifying criteria. • Class T ype — Displays th e class type.
688 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e • Subn et Ma sk — T he subnet mask of th e destina tion IP address. Th is field is required when Destination IP Address is checked. • Sourc e L4 P o rt — Requires a packet’s T CP/UDP source port t o match the port listed here.
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 689 • Ref er en c e C la s s — Selects a c lass to start r efere ncing for criteria. S elect the Add Diffserv Class check box, then select a previously configu red Diffserv class from the r elat ed drop-down m enu.
690 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e Service T ype Criteria Click to select one of the follow ing three Match fields to use in matching packets to class criteria : • IP DS CP — Matches the pa ck e t’s DSCP to the class criteria’s when selected.
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 691 Policy Conf iguration Use the Diff serv P olic y Conf igur ation page to associate a collection of classes with one or mo re poli cy sta teme nts. To d i s p l a y t h e page, c lic k Quality of Ser vice → Differentiated Ser vices → P olicy Co nfig urat ion in the tree view .
692 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e Use Add a Cl ass to a ssoc iate a cl ass wi th th is po licy . U se Rem o ve a Cl as s to remo ve th e cla ss from this policy . 4. Select the class to be affected from t he relevant drop-down menu . 5. Click Apply Cha nge s .
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 693 Figure 11-8. Diffserv Policy Summa ry Removing a Policy Configuration 1. Open the Diffserv P olicy Configuration page. 2. Select the p olicy nam e to be deleted from th e Po l i c y N a m e drop-down menu. 3. Check the Rem o ve check box.
694 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e Policy Cl ass Definitio n Use the Diffserv P olicy Class Definition page to a ssociate a class to a policy , and to define at tributes for that policy -class instance. To d i s p l a y t h e page, c lic k Quality of Ser vice → Differentiated Ser vices → P olicy Class Definition in th e tree view .
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 695 – Po l i c i n g : All ows you to confi gure ho w policin g is perfor med, as wel l as configu re wha t happens to packets that ar e considered conforming an d non- conform ing. F or m ore information on the fields that di splay wh en Po l i c i n g is selected, see "P olicing T raffic C onditi on.
696 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e Y o u have the option of marking one of the following fields in the packet: • IP DS CP — Sele cts the I P DSC P to m ark. Selec t from the drop dow n menu or e nter directly i n the User V alue field. • IP P recedence — Selects th e specified IP Pr ecedence queue n umber to mark.
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 697 • Color Mode — Selects the t ype of color policing used. Choose Co lor Blind or Color Aware from the drop- down menu. • Conform Action Selector — Selects wha t happens to packets that are consider e d conforming (below the police rate).
698 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e T abl e 11-5. Poli cy Class Config uration Com mands CLI Command Description assign-queue Modifies the queue ID to which the associated traffic stream i s assigned.
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 699 match protocol Adds to the specified class de finition a match condition based on the value of the IP P r otocol field in a packet using a sin gle keywor d notation or a numeric value notation.
700 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e Service Con figuration Use the Dif fserv Servic e C onfi gura tion page to activate a policy on a port. To d i s p l a y t h e page, c lic k Quality of Ser vice → Differentiated Ser vices → Service Configur ation in the tree view .
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 701 Figure 11-14. Diffserv Service Summary Assigning a Policy to a Port Using CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m this functi.
702 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e Figure 11 -15. Diffserv Service Detailed Statistics The Diff serv Service Deta ile d Sta tist ics page contains the following fields: • Counte r M ode Sele cto r — T ype of st atistics to display . P ackets is the only availabl e type.
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 703 Class of Service The Class of Service (CoS) queueing feature lets you directl y configure certain aspe cts of switch queueing. This provides the des ired QoS behav ior for differ ent types of network traffic when the complexities of DiffServ are not requir ed.
704 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e The T rust Mode selected on the Mapping T able Configuration page affects how the page displ ays and the fields accessible from the page. There are three trust modes available from here: • U ntrusted (None) • CoS(8 02.
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 705 • Class of Service — Lists each clas s of service on a separate l i ne, so a separate queue can be assi gned to each clas s of service. • Queue — Selects a queu e for each Class of Service from the d rop-down menu.
706 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e Figure 11- 17. DSCP Queu e Mappi ng T ab le The DSCP Queue Ma pping T able page contains the following fields: • DSCP In — Check t o select as a criterion, a nd enter which DiffServ Cod e P oint in the packet to use.
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 707 The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature. Interf ace Configurat ion Use the Inter face Config uration pa ge to specify ports individually fo r CoS configuration and to apply an interface shaping rat e to the selected ports.
708 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e • Inte rface Shapi ng Rate — Se ts the cap on h ow much traffic can lea ve a port. The specified value r ep r esents t he maximum negotiated bandwid th in ki lobit per second (Kbps). Th e range is 0 - Infinity or 64 to 429496 7295 k bps.
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 709 To d i s p l a y t h e Int erfa ce Qu eue Co nfig urat ion page, cl ick Quality of Service → Class of Serv ice → Int erfa ce Qu eue Co nfig urat ion in the tree view .
710 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e The queue is configured, and the d evice is updated. Displaying Interface Queue Settings 1. Open the Interface Queue Configuration pag e. 2. Click Show All . The Interface Queue Status page displays. 3. Select Unit / P ort , LAG , or Glob al .
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 711 Auto V oIP V oice over Internet P rotocol (V oIP) allows you to make telephone calls using a computer network over a data network lik e the Internet.
712 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e The Auto V oI P Config urat io n page contains the following fields: • Au to V o I P M od e — E nables or Disables Auto V oIP mode. Th e default is Disable. • T raffic Class — D isplays th e traffic cl as s used for V oIP traffic.
Confi guring Qual ity o f Service 713 Viewing the Auto V oIP Summary T able 1. Open the Aut o V oIP Inter face Configur ation pag e. 2. Click Show All .
714 Confi gurin g Qual ity of S ervic e.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 715 12 Configuring IP Multicast Overv iew This chapter describes how to configur e IPv4 and IP v6 multicast f eatures on the P owerConne ct 6200 Series. To d i s p l a y t h e IPv4 Multicast menu page, click IPv4 Multicast in th e tre e view .
716 Config uring IP M ulticast Multicast The IPv4 Mult icast menu page contains links to web page s that define and display Multicas t parameters and data.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 717 The Multicas t Global Configur ation page contains the following fields: • Admi n Mode — Sele ct Ena ble or Dis able to set th e admin istrativ e statu s of Mu lticast F o rwarding in the router . T he default is Disable.
718 Config uring IP M ulticast ip pimsm spt- thr eshol d Confi gure s the D ata Thr eshold rate for the last h op route r to swit ch to the sh ortes t path. ip pimsm ss m Defines the Source Specific Mult icast ( SSM) range of IP multic ast addresse s.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 719 Multicas t Interface Conf igurati on Use the Multicast Int erface Configurat ion page t o configur e the T TL thr eshold of a mu lticast int erface. Y o u must configure at least one router inte rface befor e fields display on this page.
720 Config uring IP M ulticast Multicas t Route T able Use the Multicast R oute T able page is used to display MR oute data. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v4 M ulti cast → Multicas t → Multi cas t Route T abl e or IPv6 Mult icast → Multicas t → Multicast R oute T able .
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 721 • Outgoin g Interf aces — The lis t of outgoing in terfaces on which m ulticast packets for this sour ce/group ar e forwar ded.
722 Config uring IP M ulticast Figure 1 2-4. Multicast Ad min Boundary Configuratio n The Mult ica st Admin B ounda ry Con figu ratio n page conta ins the following field s: • Inte rface — Select the router interface for which the adm inistrat ively scop ed boun dary is to be configured.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 723 Multicas t Admin Boundary Summary Use the Multicast Ad min Bounda ry Summ ary page to di splay exis ting admi nistrat ively scop ed boundaries. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v4 Mu lti cast → Multicas t → Admin Boundary Summary in th e tree view .
724 Config uring IP M ulticast T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v4 Mu lti cast → Multicas t → Static MR oute Confi guration in the tr ee view . Figur e 12-6.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 725 Multicas t Static MRoute Summary Use the Multicast Static R outes Summary page to display static routes and their configurations. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v4 Mu lti cast → Multicas t → Static MR oute Summar y in the t ree view .
726 Config uring IP M ulticast T abl e 12-7. Multic ast Static Route Summary Co mmand CLI Command Description show ip mcast mrout e static Displays al l the static routes configured in t he static mcast table .
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 727 Distance V ector Multicast Routing Protocol Distance V ector Multicast Routin g Protoc ol ( D VMR P) exchanges pr obe pac kets with all its DVMRP enabled routers, it establi shes two way neighboring r elationships , and it builds a neig hbor table.
728 Config uring IP M ulticast • T otal Number of Routes — The n umber of routes in the DVMRP routing t able. • Reacha ble Routes — The n umber of rou tes in the DVMRP routing t able that ha ve a non-in finite metr ic. Setting the DVMRP Admin Mode 1.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 729 Figure 12- 9. D VMRP Int erface C onfigur ation The DV M R P In terf ace Co nfig urat ion page con tains the following fiel ds: • Inte rface — S elect the in terface for wh ich data is to be conf igured. Y ou must con figure at least one router interface b efor e y ou configu r e a DVMRP interface.
730 Config uring IP M ulticast DVMRP Configur ation Summary Use the DVMR P Co nfig urat ion Sum mar y page to disp lay or prin t the DVMRP configura tion and data for a selected interface. Y ou must config ure at least one router interface be fore you can display data for a D VMRP interface.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 731 • P rotocol State — Display s the operational state of the DVMRP protocol on the selected interface, either Operationa l or Non-operational. • Local Address — Displays the IP addr ess used as a sour ce addr ess in pack ets sent from the sele cted interfac e.
732 Config uring IP M ulticast The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature. Next Hop Summary Use the Nex t Hop Summary page to display or p rint the ne xt hop summary by Source IP . T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v4 Mu lti cast → DV M RP → Next Hop Summ ary in the tree view .
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 733 Displ aying the Next Hop Sum mary Usin g CLI Comma nds F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man ds th at p erf or m this function, se e the follow ing chapter in the CLI Refer ence Guide: • DVMRP Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
734 Config uring IP M ulticast • Sour ce Mas k — The su bnet mask to be com bined with the source IP address to identify the source or source network which has been p runed. • Expiry T ime (secs) — The am ount of time remai ning before this prune should expire at the u pstream neighbor .
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 735 • Source A ddress - The n etwork address that is combined with the source ma sk to identify the sources for this entry . • Sour ce Mas k — The su bnet mask to be com bined with the source address to identify the sources for this e ntry .
736 Config uring IP M ulticast Internet Group Manag ement Protocol The Internet Group Management Protocol (I GMP ) is used by IPv4 systems (hosts and routers) to r eport their IP mult icast group members hips to any neig hboring multicast routers.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 737 2. Set Admin Mode to Enable or Disable, to turn IGMP on or off. 3. Click Apply Cha nge s . The IGMP confi guration i s saved, and the devi ce is update d.
738 Config uring IP M ulticast Figure 12 -15. IGMP Interface Configuratio n The IGMP I nterface Co nfigurat ion page contains the following fields: • Inte rface — S elect the in terface for wh ich data is to be displayed or con figured from the drop-down menu.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 739 • Last Member Query Interv al (1/10 of a second) — Enter t he last mem ber query in terval in tenths of a second. Th is is the maximu m response time t o be in ser.
740 Config uring IP M ulticast IGMP Configuration Summary Use the IGMP Configurat ion Summar y page to display IG MP routing parameters and data. Y ou must configur e at least o ne IGMP router interface to access thi s page.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 741 • Query Interval (secs) — The frequency at w hich IGMP host-query pa ckets are transmitted on the selected interface. • Query Max Response T ime (1/10 of a second) — The maximum qu ery r esponse time ad vertised in IGMPv2 queries sent from the selected interface.
742 Config uring IP M ulticast IGMP Cache Information Use the IGMP Cache Infor mation page to display cache para meters and data for an IP multicast group address. Y ou must configure at least one IGMP ro uter interface to access this page. Also , group membership reports must have been received on the selected interface for data to display here.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 743 • Ve r s i o n 1 H o s t T i m e r — The t ime remaining until t he local router assum es that there are no longer any IGMP version 1 mem bers on the IP subnet attach ed to this interface. W hen an IGMPv 1 members hip report is received, th is timer is reset to the group mem bership timer .
744 Config uring IP M ulticast Figure 12-18 . IGMP Interface The IGMP Interf ace page displays the follow ing fields: • Multicast G roup IP — Select the IP multicast group addr ess for which data is to be disp layed.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 745 Displaying IGMP Interfa ce Detailed Membership Us ing CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man d t hat pe rfo rms this functi on, see the fol lowing chap ter in the CLI Refer ence Guide: • IGMP Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
746 Config uring IP M ulticast Figure 12-19. IGMP Proxy In terface Co nfigurat ion The IGMP P roxy Interface Con figuration page contains the following field s: • Inte rface — Select the port fo r which dat a is to be di splaye d or confi gured from the dr op-down menu.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 747 IGMP Proxy Configuration Summary Use the IGMP P roxy Conf iguration Sum mary page to disp lay proxy interface configurat ions by interface. Y o u must have configured at least one router inte rface configured be fore data displays on this page.
748 Config uring IP M ulticast Figure 12-20 . IGMP Proxy Configu ration Su mmary The IGMP P roxy Configurat ion Summary page displays the following fields : • Inte rface — Displa ys the interface on w hich IGMP prox y is ena bled. There can be only one IGMP Pr o x y i n t e r f a c e .
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 749 • Number of Groups — T he current number of mu lticast group entries for t he IGMP Proxy interface in the cache table.
750 Config uring IP M ulticast Figure 12-21. I GMP Pro xy Interface Membersh ip Info The IGMP P roxy Interface Membershi p Info page displays the following fields: • Inte rface — D isplays the in terface on w hich IGM P proxy is en abled. • Multicast G roup IP — Select the IP multicast group addr ess for which data is to be disp layed.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 751 IGMP Proxy Interface Membership Info Detailed Use the I GMP P roxy I nterface Members hip Info Det ailed pag e to di splay de tailed inter face membership data.
752 Config uring IP M ulticast • Up T ime (secs) — Displa ys the up time since the en try was created in the cache table. • Stat e — The state of the h ost entry . A host can be in one of the following states: – Non-member S tate — D oes n ot be long to th e grou p on the in ter face.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 753 Multicast Listen er Discovery Multicast Listene r Discovery (MLD) pro tocol enables IPv6 routers to discov er the presence of multicast listeners , the nodes who wi sh to receiv e the multicas t data packets, on it s directly-att ached int erfac es.
754 Config uring IP M ulticast Configuring MLD Global Settings Using CLI Commands F or inf orm at ion abou t th e CLI com man d t hat pe rfo rms this functi on, see the fol lowing chap ter in the CLI Refer ence Guide: • IPv6 Rout ing Commands The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 755 • Query In terv al — Specify the n umber of seconds bet ween MLD general queries. V a lid values are 1 to 3600. Th e defau lt valu e is 125. • Query Max Response T ime (secs) — Enter th e maximum query r espon se time to be ad verti sed in MLD v2 queries on this in terface, in ms.
756 Config uring IP M ulticast Figure 12-25 . MLD Routing Inte rface Summary The MLD Rout ing Interface Sum mary page contains the following fields: • Inte rface — S elect the VL AN for wh ich data is to be d isplayed . Interface P arameters • Global Admin Mod e — Displa ys whether MLD has been globally enabled or disabled.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 757 • Robu s t nes s — Displays th e robustness para meter for the selecte d interface. Th is value allow s tuning for the expected packet loss on a subnet. If a subnet is expected to be lossy , increase the robustness variable.
758 Config uring IP M ulticast The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature. MLD Routing In terface Cache Inf ormation The MLD Rout ing Interface Cach e Information page displays cache parameters an d data for an IP multicast gr oup addres s that has be en report ed to operational MLD routin g inte rfac es.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 759 • Expiry T ime — The ca che timer v alue which i ndicates th e remaining lifetime in hours: minutes:s econds f or ea ch entry .
760 Config uring IP M ulticast Figure 12- 27. MLD Routing Inter face Source List Information The MLD Rout ing Interface Source Li st Information page contains the following fields: • Multicast Gr oup IP — Sele ct the IP mult icast g roup addr ess fo r which data is to be displayed.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 761 Figure 12-28 . MLD T r affic The MLD T raffic page contains the following fields: • V alid ML D P ackets Received — T he total num ber of valid ML D packets received by the router .
762 Config uring IP M ulticast MLD Proxy Confi guration When you configure an interface in MLD p roxy mode, it acts as a proxy multic ast host that sends MLD membership reports on one interfa ce for MLD Member s h ip re p o r ts re c e i v ed o n a ll o t he r M L D - en a b le d router interfaces.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 763 MLD Proxy Confi guration Summary Use the M LD Proxy Configuration Summary page to view configuration and statistics on MLD proxy- enabled interfaces. T o display this p age, click IPv6 M ulticast → MLD → Pr ox y In te r f a c e → Confi gurat ion Summary i n the navigati on tree.
764 Config uring IP M ulticast • Inte rface — Select the interface on wh ich MLD proxy i s enabled an d for which da ta is to be di splayed. • IPv6 A ddress — The IPv6 address of the MLD P roxy interfa ce. • Pr e f i x L e ng t h — D isplays th e prefix length for the IP v6 addres s of the MLD P roxy int erface.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 765 Figure 1 2-31. Interface Me mbership Info rmation The Interf ace Membershi p Information pa ge contains the following fields: • Inte rface — D isplays th e interface on which M LD p roxy is enabl ed. • Multicast G roup IP — Select the IP multicast group addr ess for which data is to be disp layed.
766 Config uring IP M ulticast Interf ace Membership Info rmation—Detai led The Interf ace Membershi p Information —Detailed pa ge provides additional information on t he IP multicast group s for which the MLD proxy int erface ha s re ceived membership reports.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 767 The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature. Protocol In dependent Multic ast P rotocol Independent Multica st-Dense Mode (PIM-D M) protocol is a simple, protocol-independent multicast r outing protocol.
768 Config uring IP M ulticast • PIM G lobal Conf iguration •P I M G l o b a l S t a t u s • PIM Interface C onfiguration • Interf ace Summa ry • Candidate RP Conf igurati on • Static RP C.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 769 • Register Threshold Rate — If PIM-SM is selected as the protocol, enter the minimum source data rate in K bits/second above which the Rendezvous P oin t ro uter switches t o a source-specific short est path tree. The valid values ar e from 0 to 2000 K bits/sec.
770 Config uring IP M ulticast • Admi n Mode — Displays the administrat ive status of t he selected PIM protocol on the system. • Data Thres hold Rate — If PI M-SM is select ed as the protocol, s hows the mi nimum source d ata rate in Kbps above wh ich the las t-hop router switches to a s ource-specific short est path t r ee.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 771 • Inte rface — S elect the in terface for wh ich data is to be displa yed or conf igure d. Y ou must have configured at least one router interface b efor e co nfigurin g or displaying data for a PIM inte rface, otherwise an error m essage is displ ayed.
772 Config uring IP M ulticast Interf ace Summary Use the PIM Interface Summ ary page to display a PI M interface and its settings. T o dis pla y the page , cli ck IP v4 Mu lti cast → PIM → Interf ace Summary or IPv6 Mu lticast → PIM → Interface Summary in the tree view .
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 773 • BSR Bo rder — Sp ecifies the BS R border mod e on the PIM interfac e. This field is not su pported for PIM-DM. • Designated Rou ter — The d esignated router on the selecte d PIM interface. F or poin t-to-point interfac es, this is 0.
774 Config uring IP M ulticast Figur e 12-37. Candid ate RP Co nfigu ration The Can dida te RP Co nf igu ratio n page contains th e following fields: • RP Interf ace — D isplays th e interface f or which th e Can didate R P dat a is to be displayed.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 775 Addin g a Cand idate R P Use the Add Candidate RP page to add PIM Candidate rendezvous poi nts (RP s) for each IP m ulticas t group. 1. Open the Candidate RP Configuration page. 2. Click Add . The Add Cand idate RP page disp lays.
776 Config uring IP M ulticast Figure 1 2-39. Static RP Con figuration The Static RP Config uration page contains the following fields: • RP Address — Select th e slot and port for which data is to be displayed.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 777 Figure 12-40 . Add Static RP 3. Enter the IP ad dress of the RP for the group range. 4. Ent er the grou p a ddress of th e RP . 5. Enter the group mask of the RP . 6. Check the Override option to configur e the static RP to override the dynamic (candidate) RP s learned for same group ranges.
778 Config uring IP M ulticast Figur e 12-41. SSM Rang e Confi gurat ion The SSM Range Configuration page contains the following fields: • SSM Group Address — Displays t he Source-Specific M ulticast (SSM) group IP a ddress. • SSM Group Mask — (IPv4) Displays th e SSM group ip -address mask.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 779 Figure 12-42 . Add SSM Range 3. Click the Add Default SSM Range check box to add the default SSM Range. The d efault SSM Ran ge is ff3x::/32. 4. Enter th e SSM Group IP Addr e ss. 5. Enter the SSM Group Mask (IPv4) or SSM Pr efix L ength (IPv6).
780 Config uring IP M ulticast Figure 1 2-43. BSR Can didate Config uration The BSR Candidate Configurat ion page contains the following fields: • Inte rface — Select the inte rface for which dat a is to be di splaye d.
Confi gurin g IP Mu ltica st 781 Figure 12-44 . BSR Cand idate Su mmary The BSR Cand idate Summar y page contains the following fields: • BSR Add ress — Displays the IP address of the elected bootstrap router (BSR). • BSR Priority — Display s the priority value of the elected BSR .
782 Config uring IP M ulticast.
Getti ng He lp 783 13 Getting Help This section contains information about getting help for q uesti ons a bout t he P ower Conne ct 62 00 Series swit ches.
784 Getting Help Obtaining Assistance If you exp erience a problem with your computer , yo u can complete the following steps to diagnose and troubleshoot t he pro blem: 1. F ill out the "Diagnosti cs Checklist" on page 787. 2. Use Dell's extensive suite of online services available at Dell Supp ort ( support.
Getti ng He lp 785 • Dell Support e-m ail addresses mobile_support suppor t@us la-t echsuppor (Latin Americ a and Cari bbean countri es only) apsupport@dell. com (Asian/P acific cou ntries only) • Dell Marketing and Sales e -mail addresses apmarketing@ dell.
786 Getting Help Product Information If you nee d information about additio nal products availa ble from Dell, or if you would lik e to place an order , visi t the De ll web site at www .
Getti ng He lp 787 Diag nostics C heckli st Name: Date: Addr ess: Phone nu mber: Service T ag (bar code on the back or bott om of the computer): Expr ess Servic e Code: Retu rn Material A u thoriz ati.
788 Getting Help Contactin g Dell F or customers in the United States , call 800- WWW .DELL (80 0.999.3355). NOTE: If y ou do not h ave an ac tive Inter net conn ection, you can f ind cont act inform ation on y our purc hase inv oice, pack ing slip, bil l, or Dell product catalog.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Dell PC6224P c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Dell PC6224P - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Dell PC6224P, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Dell PC6224P va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Dell PC6224P, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Dell PC6224P.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Dell PC6224P. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Dell PC6224P ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.