Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Serials 3004A-05881 to 05885 3023A-06181 and above Agilent 6033A du fabricant Agilent Technologies
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OPERATI NG M ANUAL A GILENT 603xA FA MILY A UTORA NGIN G SYSTEM DC POWER SUPPLIES AGILENT Part No. 5959-3342 * OPERATING MANUA L FOR MODELS Agilent 6030A, Serial s 2934A-01825 to 01829 3023A-01925 and.
2 CER T IFIC A T ION Agilent Technologies certifies that this product met its published specifications at time of shipment from the factory. Agilent Technologies further certifies that its calibration.
3 Safety Summary The following ge neral safety precaut ions must be observed during all phases of operation of this inst rument. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument.
4 SAFETY SYMBOLS Direct current Alternating current Both direct and alternating current Three-phase alternatin g current Earth (grou nd) terminal Protective earth (ground ) terminal Frame or ch assis terminal Terminal is at earth potential. Used for measurement and control circuits designed to be o p erated with one term inal at earth potential.
5 Declaration Page DECLARATION OF CONF ORMITY according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014 Manufact ur er’ s Na me: Agilent Tec hnologie s Manuf acturer’ s A ddress: 150 Green Pond R o ad Rockaw ay, New Jersey 07866 U.
6 A coustic Noise Statement Herstellerbescheinigung Diese I nformation ste ht im Zusamm enha ng mit den Anford erungen d er Maschine nlärminformatio nsveror dnung vom 18 Janua r 1991. * S challdruckpeg el Lp < 70 dB(A) * Am A rbeitsplatz * Normaler Betrie b * Nach DIN 45635 T.
7 Table Of Contents 1. General Information Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 11 Description .................................
8 Table Of Contents (continued) Error .......................................................................................................................................................... 43 Local Operation........................................
9 Table Of Contents (continued) Rem ote Sensing ......................................................................................................................................... 69 Series Operation .............................................
10 Table Of Contents (continued) Regis ter Functions ................................................................................................................................... 107 Status Program ming Examples .................................
General Information 11 1 General Information Introduction This manual contains specifications, installation instructions, and operating instructio ns for System Power Supply Models: Agi lent 6030A, 6031A , 6032A, 6033A, 6035A , and 6038A. Refe r to " Related Docu ments" f o r other inform ation concernin g these products.
General Information 12 A fault indicator (FLT) and remote inhibit (INH) circuit provides ad d itional shutdown protection, should either the GP -IB and/or controller fail. The FLT circuit provides the us er with a m eans of know ing the status of any un masked fau lt register bit independently of the SRQ functio n a vailable through the G P -IB .
General Information 13 1494-0060 Rack slide kit, n o n tilting 5060-2865 Service k it, includes extenders for con trol and pow er mesh boards, three cables to allow GP-IB and PSI board s to lie on table outside unit, and co ntrol board test connector.
General Information 14 The serial number prefixes listed on the front of this manual indicate the versions of the supplies that were available w hen the manual w as issued. If the serial pr efix of y o ur supply is not listed in this manual, the manual m ay include a yellow "Ma nual Change’ ’ shee t.
General Information 15 Related Docu ments The follow ing docu ments m ay be u seful f o r your GP-IB s ystem s. The Agile nt documen ts can be ordered from your local Agilent Sales Off ice. Ag ilent 6033A/ 38A Service Man ual, Ag ilent part n umber 5959- 3346.
General Information 16 Table 1-1. Performance Specifications Ag ilent T echnologies Model 6033A 6038A DC Output: Volt age, c urrent and power spans indicate range Volts 0-20 V 0-60 V over output m ay be v aried using front panel c ont rols .
General Information 17 6030A 6031A 6032A 6035A NOTES. 0-200 V 0-20 V 0-60 V 0-500 V 1. Not specified 0-17 A 0-120 A 0-50 A 0-5 A 2. Initially, for eac h degree 1000-1200 W 840-1072 W 1000-1200 W 1000-1050 W below 20 ° C the ripple 0.0l% + 5 mV 0.0l% + 3 mV 0.
General Information 18 Table 1-2. Supplemental Characteristics (continued) DC Fl oating Voltage : Either output terminal m ay be floated up to the following voltage (including the output voltage) from.
General Information 19 Figure 1-1. Output Characteristic Curve Ag ilent M odel 6030A 6031A 6032A 6033a 6035A 6038A Vp1 200 V 20 V 60 V 20 V 500 V 60 V Ip1 5 A 50 A 17.5 A 10 A 2 A 3.3 A Vp2 120 V 14 V 40 V 14 V 350 V 40 V Ip2 10 A 76 A 30 A 17.2 A 3 A 6 A Vp3 60 V 7 V 20 V 6.
General Information 20.
Installation 21 2 Installation Introduction This sec tion co nta ins instructions fo r chec king a nd repa cking the supp ly, bench o r rack mounting, c o nnecting the sup ply to ac input pow er, and converting the supply f r om one line voltag e to another if required.
Installation 22 Figure 2-1. Outline Diagram Bench Operation The supply cabinet h as plastic feet, which are shaped to ensure self alignin g when stacked with other A gilent Technologies System II cabinets. Rack Mounting The supply can be mounted in a stan dard 19-inch rack enclosu re.
Installation 23 Agilent Models 6033A, 6031A, 6032A, 6036A . Figure 2-2 illustrates the stand a rd configuration of power-cord plugs used b y Agilen t T echnologies. To connect in put power, to the in strument proceed as f o llows: a. Remove the A C filter assembly cover by unscrewing the four locating screws.
Installation 24 d. Replace the cover, tig hten all four screw s and tighten th e strain relief clamp. (A ll four screws must be tighten ed for unit to meet R FI specifications.) e. Connect the other en d of the power cord to an appropriate power source.
Installation 25 b. Use a small-blade screw d river to set the two sw itch sections of S2 to match the pattern silk-screened on main board for nom inal line volt age to be used.
Installation 26 Figure 2-3. Line Voltage Conversion Components.
Installation 27 AC Line Impedance C heck The power s upply is designed f o r proper operation wi th line im pedance ty pically f o und in ac pow er lines. How ever, if t he supply is connected to an ac pow er line having h igh impedan ce combined w ith line voltage near the m inim um specified value, (e.
Installation 28 sens e barrier block 2 - term inal barrier block 0360- 2192 barrier block s crews M3.5 X 0.6 X 6 mm (qty 8) 0515-0212 FLT/INH conn ector 4 - te rminal rem ovable conn ector 1252-1488 outpu t buss bar screw s M5 X 0.8 X 12 mm (qty 4) 0515-0155 output buss bar sens e screws M2 X 0.
Operating Instructions 29 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIO NS Introduction This section describes the operating controls and indicators, turn- o n checkout procedures, and operatin g procedures and considerations for the power supply .
Operating Instructions 30 Before the instrument is turned on, all protective earth terminals, extension cords, and devices connected to the pow er supply should be connected to a protective earth g round. Any interruption of th e protective earth grounding w ill cause a potential shock hazard that coul d result in personal injury .
Operating Instructions 31 Load Resistance B equals th e crossover resistance for the particular com bination of voltag e and current settings sh own on the graph. Either the CV or CC LED will light. If the load resistance increases, the voltage setting decreases, or the current setting increases, the power supply w ill operate in CV mode.
Operating Instructions 32 Table 3-1. Controls and Indicators (continued) Number Controls/Indicators Description Page 2 GP-IB Status In dicators These four LEDs indicate the status of the power supply on th e GP-IB. RMT (green) indicates that pow er supply is under rem ote (GP-IB) control.
Operating Instructions 33 Table 3-1. Controls and Indicators (continued) Number Controls/Indicators Description Page 5 Num eric Disp lay Two 3-1/2 digit alphanumeric displays w ith auto matically positioned d ecimal point that or d inarily indicate output VOLTS and AM PS (see items 6 & 7).
Operating Instructions 34 Once the all-indicators-off period is over, the GP-IB ad dress switch setting is displayed on the m eter d isp lays for one second. For exam ple, if the address sw itches were set for address 5, the display would be: A dr 5 If the unit fails any of the self tests an error cod e is d isplayed on the m e ter d isplays.
Operating Instructions 35 d. Turn OUTP UT ADJUST knob clockwise, press DISPL AY SET T INGS switch, and ch eck that AMPS setting has increased. C V indicator shou ld be on and CC i ndicator shou ld be off. e. P ress mom entary-con tact OUT PUT ADJUST pushbutton sw itch once; VOLTAGE indicator shou ld turn on and CURR ENT indicator s hould turn off.
Operating Instructions 36 per lead. T able 3-2 lists resistivity for various w ire sizes and the maximum lengths that may be used to limit voltage drop to 0.5 vo lts for va r ious curr ents. Lengths liste d are the sum of the lengths of the ( + ) and ( - ) load wires.
Operating Instructions 37 If m ultiple load s are connected to one supply, each lo ad should be connected to the supply’ s ou tp ut term inals using separate pairs of connectin g wires. This mi nimizes m utual coupling eff ects and takes full advantag e of the supply’ s low output im pedance.
Operating Instructions 38 Figure 3-5. Connecting a Bypass Capacitor Overv oltage Protection (OVP) The overvoltage trip p o int is adjusted at the front panel. T he approximate trip voltage range is from zero volts to approxim ately 107% of maxi mum rated voltage of the pow er supply.
Operating Instructions 39 Foldback Protection In some applications either CV or CC mode may be regarded as an error condition. T he foldback pro tectio n feature protects sensitive loads by disabling the po wer supply output if the unit sw itches to the pr o hibited mode.
Operating Instructions 40 Figure 3-6. Remote Voltage Sensing Because the sensing leads carry only a f e w milliam peres, the wires u sed for sensing can be m uch lighter than th e lo ad leads. Each sense lead sh ould have no m o re than 0.2 ohms resistance.
Operating Instructions 41 Table 3-4. Mode Sw itches Mode Programming M ode Sw itches GP-IB/RPG Voltage Resistance B6 0 0 1 CV B5 0 0 0 Circuits B4 1 0 0 B3 0 0 1 CC B2 0 0 0 Circuits B1 1 0 0 Typically , only one program ming m ode is us ed for both output parameters (v oltage and curren t).
Operating Instructions 42 1. The total n umber of devices is no m ore than 15. 2. The total length of all the cables used is no more than tw o meters times the num ber o f devices connected together, up to an absolute max imum o f 20 meters.
Operating Instructions 43 Foldback. If f oldback protection is enabled (FOLDBA CK ENABLED L ED on) and the pow er supply swit ches to the prohibited mode (CV or CC), the p ower supply output w ill be disab led and the FOLDBACK indicator turned on.
Operating Instructions 44 Constant Current Operation To set up the p ower supp l y for c onstant cur r ent op e ration: a. With power supply turned off, connect load to output terminals. b. Turn on pow er supply . Hold in DISPLA Y OVP pushbut ton swi tch and set OVP A DJUST potentiom eter for desired OVP trip voltage.
Operating Instructions 45 Multiline M essage Control Functions . The Acceptor Handshak e, Source Handshake, Listen er, and T alker functions are implem ented by th e interface circuits of the pow er supply an d the controller and require n o action by the user.
Operating Instructions 46 Remote/Local . The remote/local function allows the pow er sup p ly to operate in either local (front panel) or remote (via GP-IB) control. The user can sen d Local Lockou t to the power supply via GP-IB to disable the front- panel LCL sw itch only.
Operating Instructions 47 Holding the LCL sw itch in for o ne second causes the power supply’ s GP -IB addr ess to be displayed on the front pa nel until the sw itch is released or two seconds elapse. The address switch es are also used during troublesh ooting to select wh ich self tests are run in test m ode.
Operating Instructions 48 Table 3-6. Initial Conditions Voltage 0 Volts Current 0 Amps OUTPUT ADJUST Enabled to adjust C URRENT Control OVP determined by setting of OVP ADJUST potentiometer on f ront panel Soft Vol tage Lim it Agi lent 6030A - 204.750 v olts Agi lent 6031A - 20.
Operating Instructions 49 Plus and m inus sign s are considered num eric characters. All num eric data fields may contain an option al plus or minu s sign on both the n umber itself an d the scale factor, such as +1.
Operating Instructions 50 Table 3-7 GP-IB Commands Command *Range or **Response To Query Description Page VSET x VSET xV Agile nt 6030A * 0--204.75 V Ag ilent 6031A * 0--20.475 V Ag ilent 6032A * 0--61.425 V Ag ilent 6033A * 0--20.475 V Ag ilent 6035A * 0--511.
Operating Instructions 51 Table 3-7 GP-IB Commands (continued) Command *Range or **Response To Query Description Page DLY x DLY xS DLY xMS *0- -31.999 s *0- -31999 m s Any of these com mands is used to prog ram the delay tim e after a new output voltage or current is im plemented, or RS T or OUT ON comm and is received.
Operating Instructions 52 Table 3-7 GP-IB Commands (continued) Command *Range or **Response To Query Description Page T TRG Used to im plement com mands that hav e been sent to and h eld by the pow er suppl y (pow er supply continues to op e rate with previous values until trigger com mand is received).
Operating Instructions 53 Table 3-7 GP-IB Commands (continued) Command *Range or **Response To Query Description Page UNMASK? * *UNMASK xx x Used to read wh ich b its in the status register have been enabled to set b its in the fault register (i.e.,which pow er supp ly conditions are defined as faults).
Operating Instructions 54 Table 3-7 GP-IB Commands (continued) Command *Range or **Response To Query Description Page TEST? **TEST xx Caus es power su pply to run selftests and report any failures. Ty pe of tests ru n depends on w hether pow er supply output is on or off.
Operating Instructions 55 Table 3-8. Format of Numbers Sent from Pow er S upply For these query comm ands: VSET? ISET ? DLY? VOUT? IOUT ? VMAX? IMAX? the response cons ists of a header follow ed by a space* f o llowed by 5 decim al digits w ith an embedded decim al point, in this format: <header> <space>d.
Operating Instructions 56 VSET? and addressi ng the pow er supply to talk. The power su pply can be instructed to m easure its actual output v oltage by sending : VOUT? The results are placed on the GP-IB w hen the pow er supply is addressed to talk, in this format (usin g 20 as an exam ple): VOUT 20.
Operating Instructions 57 Soft Limits . The power su pply can be sent sof t limit values th at place maxim um lim its on the voltage and curren t programm ing values that w ill be accepted.
Operating Instructions 58 DLY 0.500 Note that during the delay period CV and C C are masked f r om the foldback protection feature also. Delay does not af fect the setting of th e CV, CC, o r OR bits in the status register or accum ulated status register; delay aff ects o nly th e setting of those bits in the fault register.
Operating Instructions 59 Reset. Reset rest ores the pow er supply ou tput if it has been disabl ed by OVP, foldback, or rem ote inh ibit. The output retu rns to the present vo ltage and current settings; the values may be changed wh ile the o utput is disabled.
Operating Instructions 60 completed w ith the first. Therefore, sending device trigger after sending a command assu res that the second instrum e nt cannot begin to receive comm ands until the first instru ment has processed its commands.
Operating Instructions 61 For exam ple, if bits for both ERR (128) an d CC (2) are set, the pow er supply wou ld send ASC II digits 1 3 0 (128 +2 = 130). Bits remain set in the status register as long as the corresponding co nditions are true. Table 3-9.
Operating Instructions 62 Note that bits can be set in th e fault register only when there is a ch ange in either the status reg ister or the mask regi ster. Therefore, if a bit is set in the mask register (unm asked ) after the corresponding conditio n becomes true in the status register, the associated bit will also be set in the fault register.
Operating Instructions 63 SRQ? and addressi ng the pow er supply to talk. The respons e from th e power su pply is in this form at: SRQ 0 or SRQ 1 in wh ich 0 ind icates that service request capability is disabled, and 1 ind icates it is enab led.
Operating Instructions 64 Table 3-10. Status Register Errors Error # Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No Errors Unrec ognized Characte r —A character like ! " # w as received Improper Number —A n umeric character ( + - . 0...9) was received but th e following characters did not represent a proper nu mber.
Operating Instructions 65 When th e power su pply is address ed to talk aft er and addressing the power s upply to tal k. The response from TEST? has been received, it responds in this form at: the power supply w ill be either: TES T x wh ere x is a d ecimal number from 0 to 22.
Operating Instructions 66 The following paragraphs discuss in greater d e tail the methods o f rem o tely programm ing the output vo ltage o r current using either a resistance or voltag e input. Whichever m ethod is used, the w ires connecting th e programm ing device m ust be shielded to reduce noise pick up.
Operating Instructions 67 Figure 3-10. Voltage Programming of Output V oltage Constant Current Output, Resistance Co ntrol . T he setu p show n in Figu re 3-12 allow s the outpu t current to be varied by usin g an extern al resistor to program the su pply.
Operating Instructions 68 Figure 3-12. Resistance Programming of Output Curre nt Figure 3-13. Voltage Programming of Output Cur rent Auto-Parallel Operation Two units can be connected in an auto-parallel co mbination to provide twice the output current capability.
Operating Instructions 69 Figure 3-14. Au to-Parallel Operation Setting Volta ge and Current . Program th e slave unit’ s output voltage above th e master’ s to avoid interference w ith m aster- unit CV control.
Operating Instructions 70 It is n o t recomm ended that Ag ilent 6035A supplies be conn ected in series. i f you do s o , the comm on connection betw een the tw o supplies mu st be connected to earth ground (see Fig ure 3-15). Add the v o ltage settings of each pow er supply together to determine th e total output voltage.
Operating Instructions 71 Figure 3-16. FLT/INH Connections Figure 3-17. INH Example Figure 3-18. FLT Example.
Operating Instructions 72 Figure 3-19a. FLT and INH w ith M ultiple Supplies Figure 3-19b. Typical INH Setup Closing the hood will n o t re-enable the supply , and during a serial poll th e controller would be m ade aware th at a fault exists via the FAU bit in the serial poll register.
Operating Instructions 73 In Figure 3-21 the FLT output d rives not only the INH input, but also triggers a sequential down programm er circuit. T his would allow any supply in the system to trigger the sequential down programm er (via their FLT outputs) and disab le the suppli es in a predeterm ined order (via th eir INH inputs).
100 VAC In put Pow er Option 100 75 A 100 VAC Input Power Option 100 General Information Description Option 100 is a modificat ion of the pow er supply that in volves chan ging th e values of res istors located in the Overvoltag e Protectio n and Power Limit Circuits.
100 VAC In put Pow er Option 100 76 Section ll Manual Changes For Ag ilent Models 6030A , 6031A, 6032A and 6035A : on page 2- 7 (AC line Im pedance Check , step b), wh ere the maxim um output voltages are tabulated, change the vo ltages as shown below: 6030A chan ge 65 V to 50 V 6031A chan ge 8 V to 6 V 6032A chan ge 22 V to 13.
100 VAC In put Pow er Option 100 77 On page 65 (A nalog Program min g, 2nd paragraph), ch ange the s econd sentence to read: “Resista nce of 0 to 3.33 K ohm s program s the outpu t voltage f rom 0 to ful l scale. and a resis tance of 0 to 4 K ohm s program s the output current from 0 to full scale.
Blank Front P a nel Op tion 00 1 7 9 B Blank Front Panel Option 001 Introduction This appendix describes the blan k front pan el option (Option 001) f or the pow er supply. Opt ion 001 is design ed for applications in which front panel operatio n and monitoring are unnecessary.
Blank Front P a nel Op tion 00 1 80 Table B-1. ID Query Response Agilent Model Response Ag ilent 6030A ID Agil ent 6030A or ID A gilent 6030A , Opt 100 Ag ilent 6031A ID Agil ent 6031A or ID A gilent .
Blank Front P a nel Op tion 00 1 8 1 Use form at appropriate for your com puter.): 10 OUTPUT 705; “VOUT?” 20 ENTER 705; A$ 30 OUTPUT 705; “OVP?” 40 ENTER 705; B$ 50 DISP A$,B$ 60 GOTO 10 70 END Turn OVP ADJUST potentiometer coun terclockwise w hile observing VOUT and OVP readings on com puter display.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 83 C Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) ABOUT THIS APPENDI X IF YOU WILL NOT BE PROGRAMMING USING SCPI COMMANDS, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ THIS APPENDIX.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 84 2 ANSI/IEEE Std 488.2-1987. I EEE Standard Codes, Formats, Protocols, and Common Commands. Recom mended as a reference if y ou will do fairly sophisticated programm ing.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 85 LINKED CONNECTIONS When programming w ith SCPI co mm ands, it is p ossible to co nnect up to 15 ad ditional po wer supplies per GP -IB add r ess using lin ked co nnections, and still com municate w ith each supply individually .
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 86 Setting the Address NOTE The primary and secondary addresses cann ot be selected over the GP-IB. However, th ere are important diff erences in address ing pow er supplies over t he bus dependin g on if on ly prim ary or a com b ination of primary and secondary addresses are u sed.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 87 LANGUA GE DI CTIONA RY This secti o n gives t he syn tax and parame ters for all the IEEE 488.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 88 Figure C-2. Common Command Syntax Diagram Figure C-3 is a tree diag ram of the subsy stem com mands. Com mands starting at the root direction are listed as either single co mma nd s or c o mman d s ub s yst e ms .
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 89 *CLS Meaning and T ype Clear Status Device Status Description This command causes the following actions (see "Status Reporting" for .
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 90 Command Syntax *ESE <NRf> Parameters 0 to 255 Default V alue (See *PSC ) *RST Value 0 Example *ESE 129 Query Syntax *ESE? Returned Param.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 91 Description This comm and causes the interface to set th e OP C bit (bit 0) of the Standard Event Statu s register wh en the power su pply has completed all pending o p erations. (See *ESE for the bit configu ration of the Standard Even t Status register.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 92 If the com mand param eter = 0 , then the abov e registers are not cleared at power tu rn on, but are program med to their last previous state. This can en able the power supply to request service at turn on .
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 93 *RST Meaning and T ype Reset Device State Description This com mand reset the power s upply to a f actory-def ined state as def ined below . *RST also forces an ABORt an d an OUT :PROT:CL E co mma nd .
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 94 *SRE Meaning and T ype Service Request Enable Device Interf ace Description This command sets the condition of the Service Request Enable Register.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 95 *TRG Meaning and T ype Trigger Device T rigger Description This command, w hich is essentially the sam e as the Gro up Execute Trigger (<GET >) and the subsystem T RIG[:IMM ] signals, generates a trigger to the power supply.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 96 Current Subsystem This su bsystem program s the output current of th e power suppl y. CURR[:LEV] Sets the imm ediate current level o r the p ending triggered current level of the power supply. The imm ed iate level is the current programm ed for the output terminals.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 97 Initiate Subsystem This subsystem enables the trigger sy stem. When a trigger is en ab led , the triggerin g action will occur upon receipt of a <GET>, *TRG , or TRIGg er com mand. If a trigg er circuit is not enabled, all trigger com mands are ign o red.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 98 OUTP:PROT There are two ou tput protection comm ands that do the follow ing: OUTP:P ROT:CLE Clea rs any OV (over vo ltage), O C ( overcur rent, unless se t via external vo ltage contr ol),O T (overtemperature), or RI (remote inhibit) status conditions.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 99 Status Subsystem This su bsystem program s the power s upply s tatus regist ers. The power su pply has two grou ps of status registers; Operation and Quest ionable.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 100 Query Syntax STAT us :OPER tio n :EVE N t? Returned Parameters <NR1> (Register Value ) Examples STAT: OPER: EV EN? STATUS: OPERATIO NAL.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 101 STAT:QUES:COND? Returns the value of the Questionable Cond itio n register. That is a read-only register which holds the real-tim e (unlatched) questi o nable status of the pow er supply .
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 102 Command Syntax STAT us :QUES tio nable :NTR ansition <NRf > STAT us :QUES tionable :PT R ansition <NRf > Parameters 0 to 32727 De.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 103 Trigger Subsystem This subsystem co ntrols remote triggering of the power supply . TRIG[:IM M] When the trigger subsystem is armed, TRIG generates a trigger signal.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 104 Query Syntax [SOUR ce ]:VOLT age [: LEV el ] [:IMM ed iate ][:AMPL itude ]? [SOUR ce ]:VOLT age [:LEV el ] [:IMM ediate ][:AMPL itude ]? M AX.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 105 Table C-5. Bit Configuration of Status Reister Groups Bit Signal Meaning Operation Status Group 5 WTG The interface is w aiting for a trigger.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 106 Figure C-4. Pow er Supply Status Structure Table C-2. ST A T :QUES Commands Register Command Query Cleared By Condition (None) STAT:QUES:COND.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 107 Table C-3. Examples of Questionable Status Register Bit P rogramming Example Signal Cond Reg PTR NTR E vent Enable Summary Change Filter Filt.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 108 NOTE Since the power supply impliments *PSC , this register is cleared at power turn on if *PSC = 1 Status Programming Examples ESE 60 Enable.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 109 Status Programming Examples SRE 255 Enables all bits to generate serui ce requests SRE 239 Exclude s the MAV bit from ge rlerating a service .
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 110 Hardware Erro rs During Operation. If an error does n ot occur during selftest bu t after the pow er supply has been operat ing correctly f or a time, error -240 is placed in th e error queue.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 111 Table C-5. Summary of Error Messages (continued) Error Number Error String [Description/Explanation/Examples] -178 Express ion data not allow ed -180 Macro error -181 Invalid o utside macro definition [e.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 112 Command Summary (continued) Subsystem Commands Command Parameters OUTP[:ST AT] <space>{0|OFF}[,NOR ] <space>{l|ON}[,NOR] OUTP? (n.
Standard Commands for Programm able Instruments (SCPI) 113 A RPS/SCPI Commands Table C-6 lists the ARPS comm ands and compares them with the equiv alent SCP I com mands recognized by the Agilent series 603xA power supplies. Note that the Agilent Series 603xA power supplies use only a subset of SCP I comm ands.
Programming the Agilent 603xA Power Supplies Using Basic 115 D Programming the Agilent 603xA Power Supplies Using Basic Introduction The exam ples in thi s appendix are provided as an introducti on to programm ing th e Agilen t 603xA pow er supplies w ith HPSeries 200/ 300 controllers u sing th e BASIC prog ramm ing la nguage.
Programming the Agilent 603xA Power Supplies Using Basic 116 Note the use of a semicolon as a separator betw een the device com mand and th e data in the second exam ple program line above. The semi colon suppresses the carriage return an d line feed wh ich would be sen t with a com ma.
Programming the Agilent 603xA Power Supplies Using Basic 117 120 ! 130 DEF FNSettled(OPTI ONAL Band, Rdgs. Timeli m i t) 140 ! BAND=SETTLING BAND IN VOLTS 150 ! RDGS=READINGS W I THIN BAND 160 ! TIMELIMI T=SETTLING TIME ALLOW ED, SECONDS 170 COM /Ps/ @Ps 180 OUTPUT @ Ps:” VSET?” 190 ENTER @Ps;Vset 200 SET TIMEDATE 2.
Programming the Agilent 603xA Power Supplies Using Basic 118 Output Inhibit / Enable The output of the supply can be inh ibited w ithout dist urbing oth er programm ed funct ions by s ending the dev ice comm and "OUT OFF" . While the supply is disabled in this m anner, it can still accept new pro gram ming com mands.
Programming the Agilent 603xA Power Supplies Using Basic 119 80 ! 90 DEF FNOr_mode 100 COM /Ps/ @Ps 110 OUTPUT @Ps; “STS” 120 ENTER @Ps; Stat 130 RETURN BIT (Stat .
Programming the Agilent 603xA Power Supplies Using Basic 120 Fault an d Mask Registers Two additional registers p rovide the user with the ability to obtain selected subsets of the information available in the statu s register. The fault register can then be read to d etermine w hich condition caused the interrup t.
Programming the Agilent 603xA Power Supplies Using Basic 121 Condition • RQS ERR RDY •• PON FA U Bit position 765432 1 0 Bit W eight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Where • - Not Used FAU - Fault Conditi.
Programming the Agilent 603xA Power Supplies Using Basic 122 Service Requ est Service request provides the pr o gram mer with the m eans for interrupting the contro ller wh en a fault cond itio n occurs.
Programming the Agilent 603xA Power Supplies Using Basic 123 Delay Ti me When changing the output voltage or current level of the supply it may change state to overrange, CV, or CC mode during the transition. This may not be desirable if an interrupt is enabled upon a mode transition.
Programming the Agilent 603xA Power Supplies Using Basic 124 80 SUB Err _trap 90 OFF KEY 100 COM /Ps/ @Ps 110 OUTPUT @ Ps:” ERR?” 120 ENTER@Ps;Er r 130 OUTPUT 2 USING "#.
Programming the Agilent 603xA Power Supplies Using Basic 125 Protect ion Functions Overv oltage The trip level of the ov ervoltage protection circuit can be read by sending the device com mand "OVP?" and entering the result.
Programming the Agilent 603xA Power Supplies Using Basic 126 Adva nced Topics Hold Mode At ti mes it m ay becom e necessary to program several pow er supplies sy nchron ously. The h old mode provides adv antages over othe r less precise m eans of sy nchronou s programm ing.
Programming the Agilent 603xA Power Supplies Using Basic 127 130 OUTPUT @Ps:"VSET 3.ISET 6. 7.STO3" 140 OUTPUT @Ps:"VSET 4,ISET 5. STO4" 150 OUTPUT @Ps:"VSET 5,ISET 4, STO5;CLR;OUT ON" 160 ! 170 ! NOTE: CLR COMMAND DOES NOT CLEAR THE STATE REGI STERS.
Index 129 Index A AC bit ......................................................................................................................................................................... 61 accum ulated status .................................
130 Index FOLDBA CK indicator.......................................................................................................................................... 32, 43 foldback protection ........................................................
Index 131 OC bit ........................................................................................................................ ................................. 98, 101, 105 OPC bit ..........................................................
132 Index serial poll ................................................................................................................... ................................. 45, 108, 121 service reques t .................................................
Agilent Sales and Support Office 133 A gilent Sales and Support Office For more inf ormation about A gilent Technologies test and m easurement produ cts, applications, services, and for a curren t sales office listing, visit our w e b site: ht t p :/ / www.
134 Index Manual Updates The following updates have been made to this manual since the print revisio n ind icated on the title page. 2/24/99 Figu re 2-4 has been added t o page 28. Pages 23 to 28 hav e been reform atted to mak e room for th is figu re.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Agilent Technologies Serials 3004A-05881 to 05885 3023A-06181 and above Agilent 6033A c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Agilent Technologies Serials 3004A-05881 to 05885 3023A-06181 and above Agilent 6033A - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Agilent Technologies Serials 3004A-05881 to 05885 3023A-06181 and above Agilent 6033A, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Agilent Technologies Serials 3004A-05881 to 05885 3023A-06181 and above Agilent 6033A va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Agilent Technologies Serials 3004A-05881 to 05885 3023A-06181 and above Agilent 6033A, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Agilent Technologies Serials 3004A-05881 to 05885 3023A-06181 and above Agilent 6033A.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Agilent Technologies Serials 3004A-05881 to 05885 3023A-06181 and above Agilent 6033A. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Agilent Technologies Serials 3004A-05881 to 05885 3023A-06181 and above Agilent 6033A ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.