Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit E3632A du fabricant Agilent Technologies
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The Agile nt E3632 A is a high pe rformance 120 watt-dua l range DC power supply with GPIB and RS-232 in terfaces. The combination of bench-top a nd system feature s in this power supply prov ides versa tile solutions for yo ur design an d test requ irements.
2 The Front Panel at a Glance 1 15V/7A range s election ke y 2 30V/4A rang e selecti on key 3 Overvo ltage p rotection key 4 Overcu rrent protec tion key 5 Displa y limit key 6 Recall operating state .
3 1 15V/7A range selecti on key Selects the 15V/7A ran ge and allows the ful l rated output to 15V7A. 2 30V/4A range selecti on key Selects the 30V/4A ran ge and allows the ful l rated output to 30V/4A.
4 Front-Panel Volta ge and C urrent Lim it Se ttings Y ou can set the voltage a nd current limit v alues from the front panel using the followin g method. 1 Select th e desired range usi ng the ran ge selec tion keys a fter turning on the power supply.
5 Display Ann unciators Adrs Power supp ly is ad dressed to li sten or t alk ov er a remote in terface. Rmt Power s upply is in remote in terface mode .
6 The Rear Panel at a Glance Use the front-pan el key to: • Select th e GPIB or RS-23 2 interfac e (see chapt er 3). • Set the GPIB bus add ress (see ch apter 3).
7 In This Book Specificat ions Chapter 1 lists the power supply ’s specifica tions and describe s how to interpret the se specifica tions. Quic k S tar t Chapter 2 pre pares the power supply for use and help s you get familiar with the fro nt-pane l features.
9 Contents Contents Chapter 1 S pecifications Performanc e Speci fications 15 Supp lemen tal Char acter ist ics 17 Chapter 2 Q uick Start To Prepare the Power Sup ply for Use 23 To Check the Rated Vol.
10 Contents Contents Chapter 3 C alibration Procedures (continued) Constant Voltage (CV) Verific ations 49 Constant Voltage Test Setup 49 Voltage Prog ramming and Read back Ac curacy 49 CV Load Re gul.
11 Contents Contents Chapter 5 S ervice Operating Checklist 91 Types of Serv ice Ava ilable 92 Repack ing for Shipme nt 93 Electrostatic Discharg e (ESD) Pre cautions 94 Surface M ount Repair 94 To Re.
12 Contents Contents.
1 1 Specificatio ns.
14 Specificat ions The performance sp ecificatio ns a re listed in the followin g pages. Spe cifications are warr anted in the tem perature range of 0 to 40°C with a re sistive load. Supplemental cha ra cte ri sti cs , whi ch ar e n ot wa rr an te d bu t a re de scr ip tio ns o f performa nce deter mined eithe r by desig n or testing.
Chap ter 1 Speci fic ations Performance S pecifications 15 1 Performa nce Specific ations Output Ratings ( @ 0 ° C - 40 ° C) Low range 0 to +15 V/0 to 7 A High range 0 to +30 V/0 to 4 A Programming Accuracy [1] 12 months (@ 25 ° C ± 5 ° C), ±(% of ou tput + of fset) V oltage 0.
Chap ter 1 Speci fic ations Performance S pecifications 16 Programming Re solution V oltage 1 mV Current 0.5 m A Readback Resolution V oltage 0.5 mV Current 0.
Chap ter 1 Speci fic ations Supplemental Characte ristics 17 1 Sup plement al Ch aracter isti cs Output Programmi ng Range (max i mum pr ogram mable va lues) Low range 0 to 15.45 V/0 to 7.21 A High range 0 to 30.9 V/0 to 4.12 A OVP 1 V to 32 V OCP 0 A 7.
Chap ter 1 Speci fic ations Supplemental Characte ristics 18 Output Termina l Isolation (m aximum, from c hassis ground) ±60 Vdc when c onnectin g shorting conduc tors without ins ulation to the (+) ou tput to the (+) se nse and t he (-) output and the (-) s ense term inals.
Chap ter 1 Speci fic ations Supplemental Characte ristics 19 1 Dimensions * 213 mm W x 133 mmH x 348 m mD (8.4 x 5.2 x 13.7 in ) *See below for deta iled info rmation.
Chap ter 1 Speci fic ations Supplemental Characte ristics 20.
2 2 Quick Start.
22 Quick Star t One of the first th ings you will wa nt to do with your powe r supply is to be come acquai nted wit h its front pane l. Wr itt en proced ures in t his chapt er prep are the power supply for use and fa miliarize you with most front-pan el opera tions.
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Prepare the Power Supply for Use 23 2 To Prepare the Powe r Supply for Use The following step s help you ve rify that the powe r supply is rea dy for use. 1 Chec k the list o f supplied items. V erify tha t you have receiv ed the following items with your power supply .
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Prepare the Power Supply for Use 24 1 R emove th e power cord . R e m o v e the fuse-holder as sembly with a f lat- bla de scre wd rive r fro m t he rea r 2 Install th e corect lin e fuse . Remove the power-line voltage selector from the power-li ne module.
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Check th e Rated Voltages of the Pow er Supply 25 2 To Chec k the R ate d Volta ges of the Powe r Supply The following procedures check to ensure that the power supply deve lops its rated volta ge outputs with no loa d and prope rly respo nds to operatio n from the front pane l.
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Check the Rated Currents of the Power Supply 26 To Chec k the R ate d Current s of the Powe r Supply The following procedures check to ensure that the power supply deve lops its rated cur rent outputs with a short a nd properl y responds to op eration from the front pane l.
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Check the Rated Currents of the Power Supply 27 2 6 Ensure that t he current can be adjuste d from zer o to the maximum rated value . 1 Adjust the kno b until the ammeter indic ates 0 am ps an d then until the ammete r indicates 7 .
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Use t he Power Supply in Constant Voltage M ode 28 To Use th e Power Suppl y in C onstant Voltage Mode T o set up the po wer supply for con stant voltage (CV) opera tion, procee d as follows. For each step, use th e keys shown on the l eft margin.
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Use t he Power Supply in Constant Voltage M ode 29 2 5 Adjust the knob for the desired output voltage. 1 Check that the Limit annunc iator still blinks. Set the knob for volt age c ontrol. The second digit of the voltme ter will be blinki ng .
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Use the Power Supply in Constant Curr ent Mode 30 To Use th e Power Suppl y in C onstant Current M ode T o set up the po wer supply for con stant current (C C) opera tion, proce ed as follows. For each step, use th e keys shown on the l eft margin.
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Use the Power Supply in Constant Curr ent Mode 31 2 5 Adjust the knob for the desired output current. 1 Check that the Limit annunciator still blinks. Set the knob for current c o n t r o l . The second digit of the amme ter will be blinki ng .
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Store and Recall the Instrument State 32 To Store and Recall the Instrument State Y ou can store up to thr ee differen t operating sta tes in non-volatile me mory . This also e nables you to recall the en tire instrume nt with just a few ke y pre sses from the fron t panel.
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Store and Recall the Instrument State 33 2 4 Save the opera ting state. The opera ting state is now stored. T o re call the store d state, go to the fol lowing steps. This message appears on the display for appro ximately 1 second.
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Program Overvoltage Protection 34 To P rogram O ver voltag e Pr otect ion Overvo ltage prote ction guar ds the load ag ainst output voltag es that reac h a specified v alue gre ater than the program med protec tion level .
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Program Overvoltage Protection 35 2 5 Exit the OVP menu. The "C HANGED" m essage is displayed for a second to show tha t the new O VP trip level is n ow in effect. I f the OVP setting s are not cha nged, "NO CHANGE" will be display ed.
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Program Overvoltage Protection 36 3 Clear the overvoltage condit ion and exist this menu. Now , wh en you pre ss the key agai n, the "DONE" messag e is displaye d for a second and the OVP annunciator will not blink a n y m or e .
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Pro gra m O ver curr ent Pro tect io n 37 2 To Program Overcurre nt Protec tion Overcu rrent protec tion guard s the load aga inst output curre nts that reach a spec ifi ed val ue greate r t han the prog rammed pro tect ion leve l.
Chap ter 2 Qui ck St art To Program Overcurre nt Protection 38 The "CHA NGED" me ssage is displa yed for a sec ond to show that the ne w OCP tri p level i s now in eff ect. If t he OCP sett ing s are not changed, "NO C HANG E" will be displaye d.
Chapter 2 Quick Start To Rack Mount the Power Supply 39 2 To Rack Mount the Power Supply The power supply can be mounted in a standard 19-inch rack cabinet using one of three optional kits available. A rack-mounting kit for a single instrument is available as Option 1CM (P/N 5063-9243).
Chapter 2 Quick Start To Rack Mount the Power Supply 40 To rack mount two instruments of the same depth side-by-side, order lock-link kit 5061-9694 and flange kit 5063-9214. To install two instruments in a sliding support shelf, order support shelf 5063- 9256, and slide kit 1494-0015.
3 Calibration P rocedures.
42 Calibration Procedures This chapter contains proc edures for verificatio n of the power suppl y's performa nce and c alibration (adjustment). The chapter is d ivided into the following sectio .
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures A gilent Technologies Calibra tion Services 43 3 Closed-Case Elec tronic Calibrati on The power supply features cl osed- case ele ctronic c alibration sin ce no inter nal mecha nical ad justments are require d for normal calibratio n.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures A utomating Calibration Procedure s 44 Autom ating C alibrat ion Proce dures Y ou can autom ate the com plete ver ification proc edures outline d in this ch apter if you have access to pr ogramma ble test equi pment.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Test Considerations 45 3 Test C onsidera tions T o ensure pr oper instrum ent operatio n, verify that y ou have se lected the correc t power-line v oltage pri or to attempting a ny test proce dure in this chapter. page 24 for more infor mation.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Performance Veri fication Tests 46 Performa nce Verific ation Tes ts The perfo rmance v erification tests use the po wer supply 's specific ations listed in chapter 1, "Specifica tions", st ar ting on page 13.
Chapter 3 Calibration Procedures Measurement Techniques 47 3 Measurement Techniques Setup for Most Tests Most tests are performed at the front terminals as shown in the following figure. Measure the dc voltage directly at the (+) and (-) terminals on the front panel.
Chapter 3 Calibration Procedures Measurement Techniques 48 General Measurement Techniques To achieve best results when measuring load regulation, peak to peak voltage, and transient response time of t.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Constant Voltage (CV) Veri fications 49 3 Consta nt Volta ge (CV) Ve rificati ons Constant Voltage Test Setup If mo re than one me ter o r a meter and an oscillo sco.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Constant Voltage (CV) Veri fications 50 7 Program the o utput volta ge to full ra ted va lue ( 30.0V) by sen ding the comm and. VOLT 30.0 8 Record the ou tput v oltage rea ding on the dig ital v oltmeter (DVM) . The re adings should be within the limits of (30V 5mV).
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Constant Voltage (CV) Veri fications 51 3 2 Connec t the ac power lin e through a variable voltage transformer. 3 Turn on t he power sup ply. Selec t the 30V/4 A range, enable the output, a nd set the display to the limit mode.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Constant Voltage (CV) Veri fications 52 Load Trans ient Response Time Thi s te st me as ur es the ti me for th e ou tpu t v olt ag e to r ec ov er to with in 15 mV of nominal output voltag e f ollowing a load chang e from full loa d to half load, or half load to full load .
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Constant Current (CC) Verifica tions 53 3 Consta nt Current (CC) Veri ficatio ns Constant Current Test Setup Follow the gene ral setup instru ctions in the "Mea suremen t T echniq ues" section, starting on page 4 7 and the spe cific instruc tions will be give n in the following par agraph s.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Constant Current (CC) Verifica tions 54 7 Program the output curre nt to the full rated va lue (7.0A ) by sendin g the command s: CURR 7.0 8 Divide the v oltage drop ( DVM reading ) across t he current monitor ing resistor (R M ) by its resistance to c onvert to amps and record this v alue ( I O ).
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Constant Current (CC) Verifica tions 55 3 CC Line Regulation This test measur es the change in output current that results f rom a change in ac line voltage from the minim um value (10% be low the nomina l input voltag e) to the max imum value (10% abov e nominal voltage) .
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Common Mode Current Noise 56 2 Turn on t he power su pply. Selec t the 15V/7A range, enable the output, and set the display to the limit mode. When the display is in the limit mode, pro gram the curre nt to full rated val ue (7.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Performance Test Recor d for A gilent E3632A 57 3 Performa nce Test Re cord for Agi lent E36 32A CV Perform ance Test Recor d CC Perform ance Test Recor d Test Des cripti on Actual Result Specifi cation s Upper L imit Lower Lim it CV Prog ramming A ccuracy @ 0 vo lts (DVM reading) +0.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Calibration Securi ty Code 58 Calib ration Sec urity Code This feature a llows you to enter a security c ode (ele ctronic ke y) to preve nt accide ntal or unau thorized ca librations of the po wer supply . When you first receiv e your po wer supply, it is secure d.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Calibration Securi ty Code 59 3 To Unsecure the Power Supply for Calibration The p ower su pply can use a ca libration securi ty co de to prevent unauthorized or accid ental cali bration. This proc edure sho ws you how to unsecu re the power supply for calibra tion from the front panel.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Calibration Securi ty Code 60 4 Unsecure the power supply . The power supply is unsecure d when you pre ss the key . Y ou will see the above message from the front pane l for one seco nd. The "CAL MODE " message is displayed on the front pane l after abov e message .
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Calibration Count 61 3 Calibra tion Co unt The calibra tion count feature provides an inde pendent "seria lization" of your calibra tions. Y ou can deter mine the num ber of times that yo ur power supply has been c alibrate d.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures General Calibration/A dj ustment Procedure 62 General Calib ration/Ad justm ent Proce dure The calib rati on pr ocedu res from the front pane l are descr ibed in t his secti on. For voltage calibra tion, disconnect all load s from the power sup ply and connec t a DVM across the o utput terminals.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures General Calibration/A dj ustment Procedure 63 3 T o cali brate the output vo ltages and c urrents of the powe r supply from the front panel, pr oceed a s follows: 1 Unsecure the po wer supp ly.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures General Calibration/A dj ustment Procedure 64 Then, the displa y shows the low voltag e calibr ation point. 6 Read t he DVM a nd change the low voltage value o n t he display to matc h the measured voltage. For e xample, if the DVM read ing is 0.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures General Calibration/A dj ustment Procedure 65 3 If the entered nu mber is within an accepta ble rang e, a "ENTERED" me ssage appear s for one seco nd.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures General Calibration/A dj ustment Procedure 66 12 Pressing the "Calibra te" key saves the new calibr ation constant s for OVP circuit and goes to the curr ent calibrat ion mode.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures General Calibration/A dj ustment Procedure 67 3 16 Read the DVM and change t he middle curre nt value on the display to match the computer c urrent (DV M reading ¸ by shunt resist ance). For example, if the computered valu e is 3.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures A borting a Calibration in Pr ogress 68 19 Pressing the "Calibra te" key saves the new calibr ation constant s for the output c urrent and goe s to the OCP ca libration mode .
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Calibration Record for A gil ent E3632A 69 3 Calibra tion Re cord for Agi lent E36 32A Step Calibra tion De script ion Measuremen t Mode ( DVM) Supp ly bein g Adjust ed 1 Unsecure the power supply (see page 59).
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Error Messages 70 Error Messa ges The following tab les are ab breviate d lists of error me ssages for the E 3632A . The errors listed are the mos t like ly error s to be encou ntered during calibra tion and adjustme nt.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Error Messages 71 3 Calibration Er ror Messages Error Error Message 701 Cal security disabled by jumper 702 Cal secured 703 Invalid secure code 704 Secure code t oo .
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Calibration Program 72 Cali bration Program This sec tion c ontains an Agilent BASIC progra m for c alibration ove r the GPIB interface . This program makes so ftware adjustmen ts to the E3632 A power supply usi ng a c urrent shu nt and a digi tal mutimete r which i s connec ted to the controller.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Calibration Program 73 3 continued 370 ! 380 ! Perform the DAC error correcti on, voltage calibration and OVP calibration.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Calibration Program 74 continued 880 OUTPUT @Pwrsupply;"CAL:VOLT:DATA ";Dmm_rdg ! send stored value to Power Supply 890 OUTPUT @Pwrsupply;"CAL:VOLT:LE.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Calibration Program 75 3 continued 1380 CLEAR SCREEN 1390 PRINT TABXY(10,5),"DAC ERROR COR RECTION AND VOLTAGE/OVP CALIBRATION COMPLETE" 1400 WAIT 4 1410 ! 1420 ! Perform the Current calibratio n and OCP calibration.
Chapter 3 Cal ibration Proced ures Calibration Program 76 continued 1860 ! 1870 CLEAR SCREEN 1880 IF Error$="+0,""No error""" THEN 1890 PRINT "Current calibration co.
4 4 Theory of Op eration.
78 Theory of Op eration This chapter provides bl ock diagr am leve l description s of the power supply . The descri ptions provide a basic und erstanding of circuit ope ration and a re intended as a n aid in trouble shooting.
Chapter 4 Theory of Operation Blo ck Di agra m Ov erv iew 79 4 Block Diagram Overvi ew This discussion pe rtains to the bloc k diagra m on the next pa ge. The power supply's ci rcuitry is div ided into two majo r blocks: the floatin g circuitr y and the ground re ference d circuitr y .
Chapter 4 Theory of Operation Blo ck Di agra m Ov erv iew 80 Block Diagr am.
Chapter 4 Theory of Operation A C Input and Bias Supplies 81 4 AC Input a nd Bia s Supplie s Referrin g to the schema tic shown on pag e 121 a nd 122, the ac mains a re connec ted by a f used power module. This module incorpo rates the functions of mains connection , fusing, and line voltage selection (100/11 5/230 V ac).
Chapter 4 Theory of Operation Floating Logic 82 Floating Logic Referrin g to the schema tic shown on pag e 124, the floating common logi c controls opera tion of the entire instrume nt. All output function s and bus command interpretation is performe d in the main contro ller U17.
Chapter 4 Theory of Operation Floating Logic 83 4 Th e s er i a l re g i s te r i s u s e d t o s en d a n d r e c e i v e s e r i al d a ta b y t es f r om t he m a i n controller to the DAC system , or to communic ate with the front pane l controller.
Chapter 4 Theory of Operation D-to-A Converter 84 D-to-A Converte r Referrin g to the schem atic shown on pa ge 123 , a ll refere nce volta ges of power circuits are der ived from the internal voltag e reference of system DAC U21 .
Chapter 4 Theory of Operation A -to-D Converter 85 4 A-to-D Conve rter Referrin g to the sc hematic sho wn o n p age 123, the a nalog-to-d igital converter (ADC) is use d to change dc voltag es into digital infor mation.
Chapter 4 Theory of Operation Power M esh and Control 86 Power Mes h and Co ntrol Refer to the sc hema tics shown on pag e 121. For the power me sh and control c ircuit, a prer egulator is ad ded ahea.
Chapter 4 Theory of Operation Power M esh and Control 87 4 T wo error amplifier s are inc luded in a CV/CC supply, o ne for contro lling output voltage, the other for contro lling output cur rent.
Chapter 4 Theory of Operation Earth-Referenced Logic 88 Earth-Re ferenc ed Logic Referrin g to the schema tic shown on pag e 125, the earth refere nced logic circuits schem atic provides all rea r panel input/output capa bility .
5 5 Service.
90 Service This chapter discusses the pr ocedure s involved for returning a failed powe r supply to Agile nt T echn ologies for service or re pair. Sub jects cove red includ e the following: • Opera.
Chap ter 5 Ser vice Op erat ing Ch eckl ist 91 5 Operati ng Che cklist Before re turning yo ur power supply to Agilent T echn ologies for se rvice or repair c heck the follo wing items: Is the Power Supply Inoperative? V erify that the a c power co rd is connec ted to the power sup ply .
Chap ter 5 Ser vice Types of Service A vailable 92 Types of Service Availa ble If your power supp ly fails within three years of ori ginal purc hase, Agi lent T ec hnologie s will repa ir or re place it fr ee of ch arge.
Chap ter 5 Ser vice Repacking for Shipment 93 5 • If your failed un it was "in-warranty ,'' your re placem ent unit continue s the original three yea r warranty period. You will no t be billed for the replac ement unit as lon g as the fa iled unit is rec eived by Agilent.
Chap ter 5 Ser vice Electrostatic Disc harge (ESD) Pr ecautions 94 Electro stat ic Disc harge (ESD) Prec aution s Almost all ele ctrical c omponents c an be dama ged by electrostatic discharg e (ESD) duri ng handlin g. Compo nent dama ge can oc cur at ele ctrostatic dis charge vol tages as low as 50 volt s.
Chap ter 5 Ser vice To Disconnect the Output Using an External Relay 95 5 To Disco nnect t he Output Using a n Externa l Rela y When the output of the E36 32A is turned off, it is impleme nted by setting the output to 0 volts and 0.02 amps. This g ives a zer o output voltage without actually di sconnectin g the output.
Chap ter 5 Ser vice Troubleshooting Hints 96 Troublesh ooting Hin ts This section pro vides a brie f check list of co mmon failure s. Before troubleshoo ting or repair ing the power supply , make sure that the f ailu re is in the inst rumen t rat her than any ext ernal connect ion s.
Chap ter 5 Ser vice Troubleshooting Hints 97 5 Bias Supp lies Problem s Check that the input to t he voltage regulators of the bias supplies is at least 1 V greater than their output. Circuit fa ilures c an cau se heav y load s o f the bi as supplie s whic h may pu ll down the regula tor output voltag es.
Chap ter 5 Ser vice Self-Test Procedures 98 Self -T est Pro cedur es Pow er-O n Sel f-T est Each time the power supply is powered on , a set of self-tests are pe rformed. These tests che ck that the minim um set of logic an d measure ment hardwa re are functioning pr operly .
Chap ter 5 Ser vice Self-Test Procedures 99 5 606 Rundown gain out of range This test che cks th e nominal gain between the integratin g ADC and the U17 on-ch ip ADC. The nom inal gain is c hecked to ± 10% toler ance. 607 Rundown too noisy Th is test ch ecks the gain rep eatab ilit y b etw een t he integratin g ADC and the U17 on-ch ip ADC.
Chap ter 5 Ser vice Self-Test Procedures 100.
6 6 Replaceable Parts.
Chapter 6 Replaceable Parts E3632-6 0002 Main PC Assembly 103 6 E3632-60002 Main PC Asse mbly Reference Designator A gilent Par t Number Qty Part Description Mfr. Code Mfr. Part Num b er C1 0180-4228 1 CAP-FXD 47uF +-20% 10V TA 12340 T491D476M010AS C2-6 0160-6497 42 CAP-FXD 0.
Chapter 6 Replaceable Parts E3632-60002 Main PC Assembly 104 Reference Designator Agilent Part Number Qty Part Description Mfr. Code Mfr. Part Number C57-58 0160-6497 CAP-FXD 0.
Chapter 6 Replaceable Parts E3632-60002 Main PC Assembly 105 6 Reference Designator Agilent Part Number Qty Part Description Mfr. Code Mfr. Part Number CR12 1901-1227 6 DIODE SWITCHING 75V 200MA 6NS T.
Chapter 6 Replaceable Parts E3632-60002 Main PC Assembly 106 Reference Designator Agilent Part Number Qty Part Description Mfr. Code Mfr. Part Number Q7-10 1854-1053 TRANSISTOR NPN SI SOT-23 (TO-236AB) 03406 MMBT2222A Q11 1855-0493 1 TRANSISTOR MOSFET P-CHAN E-MODE TO-220 03038 IRF9530N R1 0699-1380 2 RESISTOR 3.
Chapter 6 Replaceable Parts E3632-6 0002 Main PC Assembly 107 6 Reference Designation A gilent Part Number Qty Part Description Mfr. Code Mfr. Part Num b er R43-44 0699-1318 RE SISTOR 1K +-1% .125W TKF TC=0+-100 00746 MCR18-F-X -1001 R45 0699-1423 RE SISTOR 215 +-1% .
Chapter 6 Replaceable Parts E3632-6 0002 Main PC Assembly 108 Reference Designation A gilent Part Number Qty Part Descripti on Mfr. Code Mfr. Part Num ber R99 0699-2837 RE SISTOR 30K +-0. 1% . 125W T F TC=0+-25 02499 W 1206R033002BT R100 0699-2489 RES I S TOR 10K +-0.
Chapter 6 Replaceable Parts E3632-60002 Main PC Assembly 109 6 Reference Designation Agilent Part Number Qty Part Description Mfr. Code Mfr. Part Number R141-142 0699-1375 2 RESISTOR 1.96K +-1% .125W TKF TC=0+-100 00746 MCR18-F-X-1961 R143-144 0699-1447 2 RESISTOR 261K +-1% .
Chapter 6 Replaceable Parts E3632-6 0002 Main PC Assembly 110 Reference Designation A gilent Part Number Qty Part Description Mfr. Code Mfr. Part Num b er U37 1826-1925 2 IC OP AMP LOW -NOISE SINGLE 8 PI N 01542 1826-1925 U38 1826-1622 I C OP AMP LOW -BIA S -H-IMPD QUAD 14 PIN 01542 1826-1622 U39 1826-1838 1 IC PW R MGT-V-REF-FXD 4.
Chapter 6 Replaceable Parts E3632-6 0004 Front P anel Display PC Assembly 111 6 E3632-60004 Front Panel Dis play PC Assem bly Reference Designator A gilent Par t Number Qty Descrip tion Mfr Code Mfr Part Number C1-C3 0160-6497 14 CAP-FXD 0.
Chapter 6 Replaceable Parts E3632-6 0005 Front F rame Assembly 112 E3632-60005 Front Frame Assembl y E3632A Power SupplyAs sembly Reference Designator A gilent Par t Number Qty Descrip tion Mfr Code M.
Chapter 6 Replaceable Parts Manufac turer’s List 113 6 Manufacturer ’s List Mfr Code M anufacturer’ s Name Manufacturer’s A ddress 00746 ROHM Corp Kyoto, J apan 01542 Agilent Div. 01 San J os e Components San Jos e, CA, U.S . A . 01698 Texas Instrum ent Inc Dallas, TX, U.
7 Backdating.
8 Schematics.
Copyright © 1997 - 2000 Agilent T echnologies All Ri ghts Res erved. Printing History Edition 2 , Apri l 2000 New edi tions are comple te revisions of the m anual. Update package s, whic h are issued between e ditions, may contai n additiona l information and repl ace- ment pages which you merge int o the manua l.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Agilent Technologies E3632A c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Agilent Technologies E3632A - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Agilent Technologies E3632A, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Agilent Technologies E3632A va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Agilent Technologies E3632A, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Agilent Technologies E3632A.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Agilent Technologies E3632A. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Agilent Technologies E3632A ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.