Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit EX Series du fabricant Compaq
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C ompaq Deskpro EX and Deskpro EXS Series of P ersonal Computers Minitower Models Maintenance & Ser vice Guide.
Maintenance & Service Guide Compaq De skpro EX and De skpro EXS Series of Person al Computer s Minitower Models.
Notice © 2000 Comp aq Computer Co rporation. Ex cept for use in conn ection with t h e accompany i ng Compaq prod uct, no part of this guide m ay be pho tocopied or repr oduce d in any form without pri or written c onsent from C ompaq Com puter Corporatio n.
Contents iii C ONTENTS preface About This Guide Symbols and Convent ions ........................................................................................................ .vi i Technician Notes ..................................................
iv Contents 3.3 Service Considerations ................................................................................................... 3-5 3.3.1 Power Supply Fan .....................................................................................
Contents v chapter 6 Specificat ions 6.1 Specifications.............................................................................................................. .... 6-1 6.1.1 System ...............................................................
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers vii preface A BOUT T HIS G UIDE This Maintenance & Serv ice Guid e is a t roubleshoo ting and repa ir guide t hat can be us ed for refer ence when s ervici ng the Co mpaq Deskpro EX Se ries of Persona l Computers Minito wer Mode l.
viii About T his Guid e Locating Additional I nformation The following docu men tat ion is avai lab le to suppo rt the se produc ts: ■ User Doc umentation ■ Technical Tra ining Guides ■ Compaq S.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 1-1 chapter 1 P RODUCT D ESCRIPTION This chap ter descri bes the mod el offerings and featur es of the Co mpaq Deskpro EX Ser ies of Personal Co mputers M initower M odel.
1-2 Product Descr iption 1.1 Computer Feat ures Compaq Deskp ro EX Series of Per sonal Comput ers Minitowe r Model ships with a mou se and keyboard. So me models are also equ ipped with a CD-RO M drive. A Co mpaq color monito r or oth er comp atible monitor doe s not sh ip with t he compu ter.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 1-3 1.1.2 Rear Pan el Connectors Ref. Component Ref. Component 1 Mouse Co nnector 6 Monitor Co nnector 2 Keyboard Co nnector 7 Headphon.
1-4 Product Descr iption 1.1.3 Drive Positions Reference Drive Bay Configuration 1 , 2 1, 2 Two standar d 5.25-in ch, half-he ight ba ys for optio nal drives 3 3 One standar d 3.5-in ch, 1.44-MB d iskette dri ve mounted w ith a drive adapter into a 5.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 1-5 1.2 Serial Number Locat ion The serial nu mber a nd model in formati on label i s located on the acc ess panel o f the unit 1 . A second barcode label is located on the rea r of the unit 2 .
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 2-1 chapter 2 S PA R E P AR TS.
2-2 Spare Parts 2.1 System Unit Descriptio n Spare Part Number Warranty Tier 1 Access panel Not spared 2 Front bezel 166868-001 B 3 Chassis/basepa n Not spared 4 Logo Kit (only minit ower version-1 66.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 2-3 2.2 Mass Storage Devices Descriptio n Spare Part Number Warranty Tier 1 Diskette drive, 3.5-inch 158266-001 D 2 48X Max tray load ID E CD-ROM drive 187263-001 B 3 10.0-GB Ultra ATA hard dr ive (66/540 0) quiet 203139-001 B * 15.
2-4 Spare Parts 2.3 Cables Descriptio n Spare Part Number Warranty Tier Cable Kit includes: 192264-00 1 B 1 Single de vice, hard drive/CD-R OM cabl e, 18” (108950-019) 2 Audio cable, 21” (387527-0 01) * Single de vice, hard drive/CD-R OM cable, 12 .
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 2-5 2.4 Standard, Memor y, and Expansion Boards Descriptio n Spare Part Number Warranty Tier 1 Nvidia M64 1 6MB SDRAM AGP Card 182757-0.
2-6 Spare Parts 2.5 Miscellaneous Plastics Kit Descriptio n Spare Part Number Warranty Tier Miscel laneous Pl astics Ki t, inclu des: 166878-00 1 B 1 Panel, sub (16683 5-001) 2 Bezel, blank (16 6775-001) 3 Diskette bezel (166776-0 01) 4 Card guide (166778-0 01) 5 Foot, rubber (4 ea.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 2-7 2.6 Keyboards (not illustrated) Descriptio n Spare Part Number Warranty Tier Easy Acces s Keyboard-US 123130-xxx D Dutch -331 Finnish -351 French -051 International -B31 Norwegian -091 Spanish -071 Swedish -101 UK -031 US -001 2.
2-8 Spare Parts 2.8 Miscellaneous Parts (not illustrated) Descriptio n Spare Part Number Warranty Tier Mouse – Scro ll, Opal 334689-002 D 2.9 Shipping Boxes (not illustrated) Description Spare Part Number Return Kit 166990-002 2.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 3-1 chapter 3 R EMOV AL & R EPLACEMENT P RELIMINAR IES This chap ter prov ides gen eral s ervice in forma tion fo r the compu ter. Adhe rence t o the procedures an d precau tions desc ribed i n this chapter is essentia l for p roper serv ice.
3-2 Removal & Replacem ent Prelimin aries 3.1.2 Preventing Electrostatic Damage to E quipment Many elect ronic compon ents are sens itive to ESD. Ci rcuitry desi gn and struc ture determine the deg ree of sensit ivity.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 3-3 ! Use fixtures made of s tatic-safe mate rials when f ixtures mus t directly con tact dissipati ve surf aces. ! Keep work area f ree of noncond uctive ma terials such as o rdinary pl astic ass embly aids and Styrofoam.
3-4 Removal & Replacem ent Prelimin aries 3.2.2 Cleani ng the Compute r Case Follow all sa fety p recautions in Se ction 3.2.1 be fore clean ing the co mputer. To clean the co mputer ca se, follow the p rocedures de scribed below: ! To remove li ght stain s or dirt, u se plain wat er with a clean, li nt-free cloth or swab.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 3-5 3.2.5 Cleaning the Mo use Before clean ing the mou se, ensur e that the power to the com put er is turn ed off. ! Clean the mou se ball by first removing the retain ing pla te and the ba ll from the housing.
3-6 Removal & Replacem ent Prelimin aries 3.3.4 Cab les and Connectors Most cable s used th roughout the unit a re flat, flex ible ca bles. These cables must be handled with c are to avoid damage. Apply only th e tension requi red to sea t or unseat the cables durin g inse rtion o r removal from the connecto r.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-1 chapter 4 R EMOV AL AND R EPLACEMENT P ROCEDURES This chap ter prov ides gen eral s ervice in forma tion fo r the compu ter. Adhe rence t o the procedures an d precau tions desc ribed i n this chapter is essentia l for p roper serv ice.
4-2 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.2 Disassembly Preparation Before adding a ny interna l optio ns or perfo rming a r emoval/r eplacemen t: 1. Remove any d iskette, compact disc, o r tape fro m the computer. 2. Turn off the compute r and any peripheral dev ices th at are conn ected to i t.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-3 4.3 Feet Installation Four (4) rubbe r feet ar e mounted to th e chass is, as shown be low. No parts hav e to be removed to a ccess the feet. The replacem ent feet h ave an adh esive surf ace and are s hipped with a pro tective backi ng in place.
4-4 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.4 Cable Lock WARNIN G: To avoid in jury, us e care i n handli ng the s eparated pieces of the cab le lock bracket; metal edges may be sharp. Be s ure to ins tall the bracket so that s harp edges do not extend from the edges of the com puter chassis.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-5 4.5 Access Panel 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). WARNIN G: Power is continuous to the system b oard and power supply even when the power switc h is t urned o ff.
4-6 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.6 Front Bezel 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). WARNIN G: Power is continuous to the system b oard and power supply even when the power switc h is t urned o ff.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-7 4.7 Power Button 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). WARNIN G: Power is continuous to the system b oard and power supply even when the power switc h is t urned o ff.
4-8 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.8 Subpanel and Bezel Blanks The subpane l and bezel b lanks mus t be removed from the front b ezel if you are in stalling a mass s torage dev ice for the first t ime. WARNIN G: Power is continuous to the system b oard and power supply even when the power switc h is t urned o ff.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-9 4.9 Power Switch Assembly CAUTION: The po wer s witc h shou ld not be remo ved fr om the switc h hol der. Do ing so may damage the swit ch compo nents. 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.
4-10 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.10 Mass S torage Devices The Compaq Deskpro EX S eries of Pe rsonal Co mputers support u p to five d rives in various conf iguration s. Drive Positions Reference Drive Bay Configura tion 12 1, 2 Two standar d 5.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-11 When install ing addition al dri ves, fo llow the se guide line s : ! For optima l perfo rmance, conn ect ha rd drives t o the prim ary con troller. Con nect expansion devi ces, such as CD-RO M, IDE tape , and diskette d rives to the secondary con tro ller.
4-12 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.10.1 Removing an Internal 3.5-Inch Hard Drive 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). 2. Remove th e access pane l (Sectio n 4.5). 3. Remove th e front bez el (Sectio n 4.6). 4. Disconnec t the power and data cable s from the bac k of the hard drive.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-13 4.10.2 Removing an External 5.25-Inch Drive 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). WARNIN G: Power is continuous to the system b oard and power supply even when the power switc h is t urned o ff.
4-14 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.10.3 Removing an External 3.5-Inch Drive If you are in stalling a second 3.5-inch di skette dr ive into 5.25-inch bay s #1 or 2 for the first ti me, you must use a specia l adapter b racket. If you are in stalling a 3.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-15 6. Remove the br acket brace 1 from the top of the drive adap te r by squeezin g inward on both sides, then ro tating th e brace up and out. 7. Remove th e drive b ezel 2 . 8. Remove th e three screws 3 that secure the dri ve 4 to the drive adap ter.
4-16 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.11 Expansion Boards 4.11.1 Expansion Board Slots 1 PCI expans ion slots 2 AGP graphics slot.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-17 4.11.2 Removing a PCI Expansion Board 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). WARNIN G: Power is continuous to the system b oard and power supply even when the power switc h is t urned o ff.
4-18 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.11.3 Installi ng a PCI E xpansio n Boar d 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). WARNIN G: Power is continuous to the system b oard and power supply even when the power switc h is t urned o ff.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-19 5. Hold the board a t each end an d carefu lly rock it b ack and for th while pushing downward, until the conne cto rs fit comp letely and firml y into the expansion slot. 6. Secure th e board to th e chass is with the retai ning sc rew.
4-20 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.12 System Memory The computer co mes with synch rono us dynam ic rand om acc ess me mo ry (SDRAM) dual inline me mory modul es (DIM Ms). The In tel 815 c hipset co mes with at le ast 64 MB of SDRAM DIMMS, upgradea ble to 512 MB.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-21 To install a memo ry modu le, com ple te the fol lowi ng step s: 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). WARNIN G: Power is continuous to the system b oard and power supply even when the power switc h is t urned o ff.
4-22 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.13 Graphics Cards The AGP expansio n slot may come with a reten tion mecha nism ins talled around it t o hold the graphics cards secu rely i n place. Ther e are two di fferent t ypes of ret ention mechanism s that ma y be insta lled around the AGP expansion slot.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-23 Installing a GPA/AIMM Card WARNIN G: Power is continuous to the system b oard and power supply even when the power switc h is t urned o ff.
4-24 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 6. With the GPA/AI MM card at a 45 degree a ngle, slid e the ca rd toward the back of the expansion slot 4 unt il the fi ngers on th e botto m of the ca rd line up p roperly w ith the connectors i n the expans ion slot.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-25 4.13.2 AGP Card with a Type I Retention Mechanism Removing an AGP Card 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). 2. Lay the co mputer down on i ts large base for g reater stability.
4-26 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.13.3 GPA/AIMM Card with a Type 2 Retention Mec hanism Removing a GPA/AIMM Ca rd 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). 2. Lay the co mputer down on i ts large base for g reater stability.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-27 4.13.4 AGP Card with a Type 2 Retention Mecha nism Removing an AGP Card 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). 2. Lay the co mputer down on i ts large base for g reater stability.
4-28 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.13.5 Standar d AGP E xpansio n Car d Removing an AGP Card 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). 2. Lay the co mputer down on i ts large base for g reater stability. 3. Remove th e access pane l (Sectio n 4.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-29 4.14 Processor 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). WARNIN G: Power is continuous to the system b oard and power supply even when the power switc h is t urned o ff.
4-30 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures Before insta lling a fansink, p repare for its instal latio n by doing one o f the fo llowing: • New heatsink : if the heat sink ha s a therma l int erf ace attac h ed to its bottom , peel off the protective paper befo re insta lling th e heats ink, if nec essary.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-31 4.15 System Boa rd ✎ More in formation on the sys tem board, including troub leshooting criteri a, can be found in the Co mpaq Quick T roubleshoo ting Guide (par t number 153837-001) and the Compaq Se rvice Ref erence Gui de (part nu mber 152611-00 1).
4-32 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.16 Battery 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). 2. Lay the co mputer down on i ts large base for g reater stability. 3. Remove th e access pane l (Sectio n 4.5). 4. Locate the ba ttery o n the syste m board.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 4-33 4.17 Chassis Fan Assembly ✎ If the un it has a 866 - 933MHz proc essor, it require s an extern al chassi s fan.
4-34 Removal & Replacem ent Proc edures 4.18 Power Supply 1. Prepare the c ompute r for dis assemb ly (Sectio n 4.2). WARNIN G: Power is continuous to the system b oard and power supply even when the power switc h is t urned o ff.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 5-1 chapter 5 C ONNECTORS AND J UMPERS This chap ter prov ides con nector, ju mper, an d switch inf ormation for sy stem bo ard jumpers, sy stem I/O bo ard conn ectors, and h ard drives f or th e Desktop Mode l.
5-2 Connecto rs and Jumpers 5.1.2 Clearing CMOS The compu ter's configu ration (CMOS ) may occas ionally be corrupt ed. If it d oes, it is necessary to clear the CMOS memory usi ng push bu tton switch S W50. To clear and r eset the co nfigurat ion, perfor m the fol lowing procedu re: 1.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 5-3 5.1.3 Disabling o r Clearin g the Power- On a nd Setup Passwor ds 1. Turn off the compute r and any external d evices, and d isconnect the power c ord from the power outl et. 2. Disconnec t the keyboar d, monitor, and any othe r external devices conn ected to t he computer.
5-4 Connecto rs and Jumpers 5.2 Hard Dr ive Jumper Settings 5.2.1 Seagate, Q uant um, and Weste rn Di gital The drawings and tables below apply t o a number o f differe nt size dr ives in th e follow ing pa ragr ap hs.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 5-5 5.2.2 Maxtor Maxtor Ultra ATA Hard Drive Jumper Settings Definition J50 J48 J46 J44 J42 Single J Primary (in a d ual-drive s ystem).
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 6-1 chapter 6 S PECIFICA TIONS 6.1 Specifications 6.1.1 System Dimensions Height Width Depth 17.65 in 6.60 in 16.80 in 44.83 cm 16.76 cm 42.67 cm Weight (approxim ate, depen ding on configurati on) 26 lb 11.
6-2 Specificati ons 6.1.2 System Interrupts Hardware IRQ Sy stem Function 0 Timer Interr upt 1 Keyboard 2 Interrupt Contr oller Ca scade 3 Serial Port (CO M B) 4 Serial Port (CO M A) 5 Audio 6 Diskett.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 6-3 6.1.4 ICH Fixed I/O Registers Port Register Nam e 00h, 02h, 04h, 06h Channel 0, 1, 2, 3 DMA Base & C urrent Addres s Regsiter C.
6-4 Specificati ons ICH Fixed I/O Reg isters con t Port Register Nam e CF9h Reset Contro l Register A0h Slave PIC ICW1 Init. Cmd Word 1 Register Slave PIC OCW2 Op Ctrl Word 2 Register Slave PIC OCW3 Op Ctrl Word 3 Register A1 Slave PIC ICW2 I nit. Cm d Word 2 Regist er Slave PIC ICW3 I nit.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 6-5 ICH Fixed I/O Reg isters con t Port Register Nam e 1F0h-1F7h PIO Mode Com mand Block O ffset for Prim ary Dri ve 376h PIO Mode Cont.
6-6 Specifications 6.2 Drives 6.2.1 1.44-MB Diskette Drive Size and Capacity Size (in) High Density (M B) Low Density (KB) 3.5 1.44 720 Compaq Spare Par t Number 21079 5-001 Light Green Drive Rotation.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 6-7 6.2.2 Ultra ATA Hard Drives 10.0 GB 15.0 GB Formatted Capacity Physical (MB) Logical (M B) 10242 10242 15364 15364 Compaq Spare Par.
6-8 Specificati ons 6.2.3 CD-ROM Drives 48X Max Compaq Spare Par t Number 187263-001 Data Buffer (ms) 16.6 Data Transfer Rate 150 KB/s Min (a udio) CD: 3000-7200 KB/s Access Time (ms) Random Full-Stro.
Compaq Des kpro EX and Des kpro EXS Series of Personal Computers 6-9 6.3 Compaq Keyb oard Compaq Easy Ac cess Dimensions Height Width Depth 1.4 in 18.3 in 6.3 in 6.4 Scroll Mouse Dimensions Height Length Width 1.34 in 4.45 in 2.36 in 3.4 cm 11.3 cm 6.
6-10 Specificati ons 6.5 Supported Graphics Resolut ions 6.5.1 In tel 3D Graphics Colors 256 65K 16.7M 640 x 480 85 Hz 85 Hz 85 Hz 800 x 600 85 Hz 85 Hz 85 Hz 1024 x 768 85 Hz 85 Hz 85 Hz 1152 x 864 85 Hz 85 Hz 85 Hz 1280 x 1024 85 Hz 85 Hz 85 Hz 1600 x 1200 85 Hz 85 Hz 85 Hz 6.
Index I-1 Index A access panel remova l and replacemen t, 4-5 AGP card spare part number, 2-3 AGP retention mech anism, 4-22 AIMM card spare part number, 2-3 B battery proper disposal , 4-32 remova l .
I-2 Index M memo r y remova l and replacemen t, 4-20 spare part number, 2-3 standard, 2- 3 memo r y map , 6- 5 mi croprocessor spare part nu mber, 2- 3 miscellaneous scr e w kit spare part nu mber, 2-.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Compaq EX Series c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Compaq EX Series - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Compaq EX Series, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Compaq EX Series va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Compaq EX Series, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Compaq EX Series.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Compaq EX Series. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Compaq EX Series ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.