Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit EN Series du fabricant Compaq
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Technical Refere nce Guide For t h e Com paq De skpr o EN Se r ies of Pe r so nal Co mpute r s De s ktop and Minito w e r F o rm F acto rs.
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Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 i NOTICE The inf o rmation in th is do cume n t is su b j ec t to c h an ge w ithou t notic e.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on–- September1998 ii.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 iii TABLE O F CO NTENTS CHAPTER 1 INT RO DUCT IO N ......................................................
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on–- September1998 iv CHA PT ER 4 S YST EM S UP PO RT......................................................................
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 v 5.5 PA RA LL EL I NTER FA CE ..........................................................................
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on–- September1998 vi 8.3 MEMO RY DETECTI ON AND CONFIGURATION ............................................................
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 vi i APPENDIX C KEY B O ARD .............................................................................
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on–- September1998 v iii LIST OF FIGURE S F IGU RE 2–1. C OMPA Q D ESK PRO EN P ERS ONAL C OM PU TER WI TH M ONIT OR ....
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 ix F IGU RE C–1. K EYSTROKE P ROCESSI NG E LEMENT S , B LOCK D IA GRAM ................................
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on–- September1998 x LIST O F TABLES T ABLE 1–1. A CRONYMS AND A BBREV IATIONS ..........................................
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 xi T ABLE 5–9. DB -9 S ERIAL C ONNECTOR P INOU T ......................................................
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on–- September1998 xii T ABLE D–1. O P ERA TING S PECIF ICATIONS ........................................................
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 1-1 Ch apter 1 INTRODUCT ION 1.
Chapter 1 Introduction Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 1-2 1.2 NOTATIONAL CONVENTIONS 1.2.1 VALUES H exade cimal v alues ar e indic ated b y th e le tter “ h” fo llow ing an alph a-numerical v alue.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 1-3 1.3 COM M ON ACRONYM S AND AB B REVIATIONS Tab le 1-1 lis ts th e ac rony ms and abb r ev iations use d in th is guide.
Chapter 1 Introduction Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 1-4 Table 1-1.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 1-5 Table 1-1.
Chapter 1 Introduction Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 1-6 Table 1-1.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 2-1 Ch apter 2 SY STEM OV ERVIEW 2.
Chapter 2 Sys tem Over view Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 2-2 2.2 FEATURES AND OPTIONS This se ctio n desc r ibe s the standard f eatures an d availab le o ptio ns.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 2-3 2.
Chapter 2 Sys tem Over view Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 2-4 2.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 2-5 Item Function 1 AC Line I n Connect or 2 Sma rt Co.
Chapter 2 Sys tem Over view Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 2-6 2.3.2 CHAS S IS LAYOUTS Figures 2-4 an d 2-5 sh ow th e lay out o f key asse m blies w it h in th e deskto p a n d min it ow er ch a ssis res pe ctiv ely .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 2-7 Figu re 2–5.
Chapter 2 Sys tem Over view Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 2-8 2.3.3 B OARD LAYOUTS Figure 2-6 s how s the lo catio n o f c onnec tors and sw itches fo r the sy s tem b oard, w h ich is the s ame f o r all mo de ls and b oth f o rmfac tors.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 2-9 Figure 2-7 sho ws the co n n ecto r an d sw itch loc ations f or th e tw o ty pe s o f b ackplane b o ards.
Chapter 2 Sys tem Over view Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 2-10 2.4 SYS TEM ARCHITECTURE The Co mpaq D es kpro EN Serie s o f Pe r so nal Co mpute r s is b ase d o n an In tel P entium II pr oc ess or matched w ith th e Intel 440B X AGPse t.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 2-11 Figu re 2–8. Comp aq D es kpro EN Sy ste m Architec ture, B loc k diagram Pentium II or Cele ron Pro cesso r 82443BX (North Bridge) 82371 (South Bridge) 33-MHz 32-Bi t PCI Bus Pri.
Chapter 2 Sys tem Over view Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 2-12 2.4.1 PROCESSOR The D es kpro EN Serie s inclu des mo de ls b ase d on P entium II and Ce lero n pr oc es so rs.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 2-13 2.4.2 SYS TE M MEMO RY Th i s sy stem pr ov i des th r ee 168-pin DIMM so ckets w i th 16, 32 or 64 m egaby tes o f R AM installed de pending on mode l.
Chapter 2 Sys tem Over view Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 2-14 2.4.5 S ERIAL AND PARALLEL INTERFACES All mo dels in clude two se r ial ports and a paralle l po r t a c ce ssib le at the r ear o f the chass is.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 2-15 2.5 S PECIFICATIO NS This se ctio n in clude s the e n viro n mental, e lec trical, and phy sic al spe ci f icatio ns f or the Co mpaq DESKPRO EN Ser ies Per sona l Compu t er s.
Chapter 2 Sys tem Over view Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 2-16 Table 2–7. Diske tte D rive Spe cif icatio ns Table 2-7. Disket t e Drive S pec if ications (Compaq SP # 179161- 001) Paramet er Measurement Media Ty pe 3.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 2-17 Table 2–9. Hard D r iv e Sp ec ific ations Table 2-9. Hard Drive S pec if icat ions Param eter 3.2 GB (# 166873-001) 4.
Chapter 2 Sys tem Over view Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 2-18 This page is intentio n ally b lank.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 3-1 Ch apter 3 PROCESSOR/ MEMORY SUB SYSTE M 3.
Chapter 3 Processor/Memory Subsystem Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 3-2 66-/100-MH z Mem.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 3-3 3.2.1 PROCESSOR The sy s tem b oard includ es a Slo t 1-ty pe in terfac e that acc ommo dates a Pentium II o r Ce lero n proce sso r .
Chapter 3 Processor/Memory Subsystem Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 3-4 3.2.1. 2 Celeron Processor Sele ct sy stems are shipped w ith th e Intel Celeron pr oc esso r .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 3-5 3.2.2 PROCESSO R CHANGING/UPGRADING The slo t 1 design allow s f or easy c h an gin g an d/o r upgr adin g of th e pro ce sso r/cache c o mplex.
Chapter 3 Processor/Memory Subsystem Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 3-6 3.2.3 SYS TE M MEMO RY The sy s tem b oard c o ntain s thr ee 168-pin DIMM so cke t s f o r sy ste m memo r y .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 3-7 Table 3–3. SPD Ad dr ess Ma p ( SDRAM DIMM) Table 3-3. SPD Addre ss Map (SDRAM DIMM) Byte Descript ion Not es Byte D escript ion Not es 0 No.
Chapter 3 Processor/Memory Subsystem Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 3-8 Figure 3-3 sh ow s th e sy ste m memory m ap for th e sy stem. NOTE: All loc ations in memor y are c ac heable.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 3-9 3.2.4 S UB SYSTEM CONFIGURATION The 443B X north bridge c o mpo nen t pr ov i des the c onfiguration f unctio n fo r th e proc ess o r/memo ry sub sy ste m.
Chapter 3 Processor/Memory Subsystem Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 3-10 This page is intentio n ally b lank.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-1 Ch apter 4 SYSTE M SUPPORT 4.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-2 4.2 PCI BUS OVERVIEW NOTE: This se ctio n desc r ibe s the PC I bus in general and high ligh ts b us imple mentatio n in th is partic ular sy ste m.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-3 4.2.1 PCI CONNECTOR Figu re 4–2. PCI Bus Co n n ecto r (32-Bit Ty pe) Table 4–1. PCI Bus Co n n ecto r Pin out Table 4-1.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-4 4.2.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-5 4.2.3 PCI B US TRANSACTIONS The PCI b us co n sists o f a 32-b it path (AD31-00 lines) that use s a multiple xed s cheme fo r han dling bo th addres s and data transf ers.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-6 Figure 4-3 sho w s h ow th e lo ading of 0CF8h r es ults in a Ty pe 0 c onf iguration cy cle on th e PCI b us.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-7 Not r equired Table 4–4. PCI F unctio n Co nfigu ration A cces Table 4-4. PCI F unct ion Configurat ion Access PCI Function Device No.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-8 Table 4–5.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-9 4.2.5 PCI INTERRUPT MA PPING Th e PCI b us prov ides f or fo ur in ter r upt sign a l s; INTA-, INTB-, INTC-, a n d INTD-.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-10 4.2.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-11 4.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-12 4.3.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-13 AGP 2X T ran sfers In AGP 2X t r a n sfers, clockin g i s basi c ally th e same as in 1X tran sf ers e xc ept that the 66-M H z CL K signal is u sed to qualif y o nly th e c o ntr ol s ignals.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-14 4.3.2 AGP CONFIGURATION AGP bus oper ations require th e c onf iguration o f c ertain paramete rs invo lv ing sy ste m memo r y access by t h e AGP gr a p h i cs ad a p t er .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-15 4.3.3 AGP CONNECTOR Figu re 4–7. AGP Bus Con n ector Table 4–8. AGP Bus Con n ector Pi n out Table 4-8.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-16 4.4 ISA B US OVERVIEW NOTE: This se ctio n desc r ibe s the IS A bu s in general and h ighligh ts b us imple mentatio n in th is partic ular sy stem.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-17 4.4.1 ISA CONNECTOR Figu re 4–9. ISA Expan sion Conn ecto r Table 4–9. IS A E xp ans io n Co nnec to r Pi nou t Table 4-9.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-18 4.4.2 IS A B US TRANS ACTIONS The ISA b us s uppo rt s 8- and 16-bit tran sfe r s at an 8-MH z r ate. De vic es limited to 8-b it tran sf ers use th e lo we r by te po rtion (data lin es 7.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-19 When the address c h anges, dev ice s o n the bu s may deco de the latc ha ble address (L A23..17) lin es and th en latch them.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-20 4.4.3 DIRECT M EMO RY ACCESS Dir ect Mem or y Access (DMA) is a m et h od by wh i ch a n ISA d evice a ccesses system m emor y with out i n volvin g t h e m i cr opr ocessor.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-21 4.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-22 Th e RA M refresh is designed to pe rform a memory read cy cle o n each of t h e 512 row addr esse s in th e DR AM me mory spac e.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-23 4.4.4 INTERRUPTS The mic r o pro ce sso r use s tw o ty pes of interr upts; mas kable and n onmask ab le.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-24 Table 4–13.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-25 4.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-26 SMI- Gener ation The S MI- (S y ste m Manageme n t Interr upt) is ty pic ally use d f or po w er manageme nt func tio ns.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-27 4.4.5 INTERVAL TIM ER The interval time r generates puls es at so f tw a r e (programmab le) inte rvals.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-28 4.5 SYS TEM CLOCK DISTRIB UTION The sy stem use s a Cy pr ess CY 2280 or co mpatible part f or generatio n of most c l oc k sign als.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-29 4.6 REAL-TIM E CLOCK AND CONFIGURATION M EM O RY The R eal-time cloc k (RTC) and co n f iguration memo ry functio n s are prov ided b y th e PC87307 I/O c ontr olle r.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-30 Tab le 4-18 lis ts th e mapping of th e co n figuration me mory . Lo cations 00h-3Fh may be a cces sed using OUT/IN asse mbly l a n guage in str uctions o r BIOS f un ction INT15, AX=E823h .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-31 RTC Control Re g i st e r A, B yte 0 Ah Bit Function 7 Update in Pr ogress . Read only . 0 = Time update will not oc cur befor e 2444 us 1 = Time update will oc cur w ithin 2444 us 6.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-32 6..0 Reserved Co nfiguration Byte 0Eh, Diagnos tic Status Default V alue = 00h This b y te co ntain s diagno stic status d ata.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-33 Co nfiguration Byte 13h, Security Fu nctions Defa.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-34 Co nfiguration Bytes 19h-1Ch, Hard Drive Types B y te 19h c o ntain s the hard drive ty pe f o r dr ive 1 o f the primary co n tr olle r if b y te 12 h b its <7 .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-35 Co nfig u ratio n Byte 26h , Au xiliary Periph er.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-36 Co nfig u ratio n Byte 29h , Miscellaneo us Co nfig ura tio n Da ta Default V alue = 00h Bit Function 7.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-37 Configurati on By te 2Dh, Addi t i onal Fl ag s Default V alue = 00h Bit Function 7.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-38 Co nfiguration Byte 35h, APM Statu s Flags Default V alue = 11h Bit Function 7.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-39 Co nfiguration Byte 45h, Ke yboard Sn oop Data De.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-40 Co nfiguration Byte 52h, B oard Rev ision T h is byte h ol d s t h e boa r d r evi s i on as c op i ed fr om t h e boot bl ock s ec t or .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-41 Co nfig u ratio n Byte 83h , Microp ro cesso r Iden tificatio n This b y te hold s the co mpo n ent ID and c h ip rev isio n of the mic ropro ce sso r .
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-42 Co nfiguration Byte 90h, 91h, Total Su per Extended Memo r y Con figured This b y te hold s the v alue of the amo un t of ex tende d sy ste m memo ry th at is co nfigu r ed .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-43 Co nfiguration Byte 94h, ROM Flash/Po wer B u tton Statu s Default V alue = 00h Bit Function 7.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-44 Configurati on By te 9Dh, E SS Audio Co nfi gurat i .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-45 Co nfig u ratio n Byte C7 h, C 8h, S erial Po rts 1 and 2 (Res pectiv ely) Co nfig u ratio n Bytes Default V alue = FEh, 7Dh Bit Function 7.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-46 4.7 I/O M AP AND REGISTER ACCESSING 4.7.1 SYSTEM I/O MAP Table 4–19. System I/ O Ma p Table 4-19 . System I/O Ma p I/O Port Function 0000.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-47 4.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-48 Table 4–21.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-49 4.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-50 87307 GPI O Utiliz ation The 87307 I/O Co n tr olle r pr ov ides 11 ge n eral pur pose pin s th at can be indiv i dually co nfigured as eithe r inputs o r outp uts.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-51 4.8 SYS TEM M ANAGEM ENT SUPPORT This se ctio n desc r ibe s the har dware s upport of fu nctio n s invo lving se curity , saf ety , identific ation, and po we r co n sumptio n of th e s y ste m.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-52 4.8.1 FLAS H RO M WRITE PRO TECT The s y ste m BI OS f irmw are is c o ntain ed in a f lash R OM de vic e that can b e re- w r itten w ith upd ated co de if nec es sary .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-53 4.8.3 I/O SECURITY The 87307 I/O c ontr olle r allow s v ari ous I/O functio ns to b e disab led through co n f iguration registe rs.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-54 4.8.5 TEM PERATURE SENSING This sy ste m emplo y s tw o se n so rs f or mo nitoring the te mpe rature inside th e c hassis .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-55 4.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-56 4.8.8 POWER M ANAGEM ENT Th is sy st em pr ov i des baselin e ha r dwar e support of ACPI- and APM-comp liant firmw ar e and so f tw ar e.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-57 4.8.8. 3 Har d Drive Spindow n Contr ol The time out p aramete r sto r ed in the SI T rec ord 04h and index ed thr oug h C MOS loc atio n 2Ah (b its <4.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 4-58 This page is intentio n ally b lank.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-1 Ch apter 5 INPU T/OUTPU T INTER FACES 5. Chap t er 5 INP UT/OUTPUT INTERFACES 5.1 INTRODUCTION This c hapter de scrib es the standard (i.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-2 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 5.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-3 5.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-4 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 The c ontents o f the Error regis ter ar e interprete d as a diag nos tic statu s b y te af ter the e xec ution o f a diagno stic c ommand o r whe n th e sy ste m is initialized.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-5 Driv e Select/Head Regis ter, I/O Po rt 1F6h/176h Bit Function 7 Res erv ed 6,5 Sector Size: 00 = Res erved 01 = 512 byt es/s ector 10, 11 = Res erved 4 Drive Sel ect: 0 = Driv e 1 1 = Driv e 2 3.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-6 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 Co mman d Register, I/O Port 1F 7h/177h (Write Only) The ID E co n tr o ller co mman ds are w r itten to th is regis ter.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-7 Drive Co ntrol Register, I/O Port 3F6h / 376h (Wri te O nly) Bit Function 7.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-8 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 5.2.2 IDE CONNECTOR Th i s sy stem uses a stan dar d 40-pi n co nn ecto r fo r IDE dev i ces.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-9 5.3 DISK ETTE DRIVE INTERFACE Th e diskette drive inter face s upport s up to tw o diske t te dr i ves , each of which conn ect to a stan da r d 34-pin di skette dri ve c onn ecto r .
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-10 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 5.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-11 5.3.1. 2 Diskette Drive Int erface Control The B IOS f unctio n INT 13 p r o v ide s b asic co ntr ol o f the d iskette drive in terfac e.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-12 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 Main Statu s Register , I/O Port 3F 4h/374h (Read Only) Bit Function 7 Request for Mas ter.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-13 5.3.2 DIS K ETTE DRIVE CO NNECTOR Th i s sy stem uses a stan dar d 34-pi n co nn ecto r (r efe r to Figure 5-2 an d T a ble 5-8 f or t h e pinout) f or disk ette drive s.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-14 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 5.4 SERIAL INTERFACES The se r ial in terfac es tran smit and r ecei ve a syn ch r on ous s er ial data w ith exte r nal dev ice s.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-15 5.4.2 S ERIAL INTERFACE PROGRAMM ING 5.4.2. 1 Ser ial I nter face Conf iguration The s erial interf ace s mus t be co n figu red f or a s pe cif ic ad dr ess r an ge (C OM 1, COM 2, e tc.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-16 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 5.4.2. 2 S e ri a l I n t e rfa c e C o n t ro l The B IOS f unctio n INT 14 p r o v ide s b asic co ntr ol o f the s erial interfac e.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-17 Baud R ate Diviso r Latc h Register, I/O Port 3F .
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-18 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 F IF O Co nt ro l Reg ister, I /O Po rt 3F Ah /2FA h (W rite Only) Th i s wri te-on l y r egi st er en ables a n d cl ear s t h e FIFOs a n d sets t h e t r i g ger l evel an d DMA m ode.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-19 Line Statu s Register , I/O Port 3F Dh/2FDh (Read Only) This regis ter co ntain s the s tatus o f the cu r rent data tran sf er.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-20 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 5.5 PARALLEL INTERFACE The parallel inte rfac e pro v ide s c onnec tio n to a pe r ipheral dev ice th at h as a c ompatib le inte rfac e, the mo st co mmon b eing a prin ter.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-21 5.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-22 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 5.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-23 5.5.4. 2 Pa ra l l e l I n t e rf a c e C o n t ro l The B IOS f unctio n INT 17 p r o v ide s s implifie d co n tr ol o f the parallel interf ace.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-24 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 Statu s Register, I/O Port 379h, Read Only This regis ter co ntain s the c urr ent prin ter status .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-25 F IF O Regis ter, I/O P ort 7F8h (ECP Mod e Only) While in ECP/f orw ar d mode , th is lo catio n is use d f o r filling the 16-b y te F IFO w ith data by tes.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-26 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 5.5.5 PARALLEL INTERFACE CO NNECTO R Figure 5-5 and Table 5-14 show th e co n n ecto r an d pin out o f the parallel inte rface co n necto r .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-27 5.6 K EYBOARD/POINTING DEVICE INTERFACE The ke y bo ard/po in ting de v ice interfac e pro vide s the c onnec tion o f an enhan ce d ke y bo ard an d a mo use u sing PS /2-ty pe co nn ec tio ns.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-28 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 Co nt r ol o f the data and clo ck s ign als is shared b y the 8042and th e ke y b o ar d depe n din g on th e o r iginato r of th e transf erred data.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-29 5.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-30 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 5.6.3. 2 8042 Control The B IOS f unctio n INT 16 is ty pically use d f o r co ntr olling interac tio n w ith th e ke y bo ar d.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-31 Tab le 5-18 lis ts the c o mmands th at can be sent to the 8042 b y th e CP U . Th e 8042 us es IR Q1 f or gaining th e atte ntion o f the CP U .
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-32 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 Table 5-17 . CP U Com m ands T o The 8042 (Continued) Value C ommand Descr iption C0h R ead input port of the 8042.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-33 5.6.4 K EYB OARD/POINTING DEVICE INTERFACE CONNECTOR Th er e a r e sepa r a t e con n ect or s for t h e k eybo a r d a n d p oi n t i n g d evi ce.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-34 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 5.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 5-35 5.7.3 US B CONTROL Th e U SB is co n tr olled thr ough I/ O r egister s as listed in table 5-20. Table 5–20.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Int erfac e s 5-36 Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on – September 1998 This page is intentio n ally b lank.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on–- September1998 6-1 Ch apter 6 AUDIO SUBSYST E M 6. Chapter 6 Audio Subsystem 6.1 INTRODUCTION This c hapter de scrib es the audio sub sy ste m, w h ich fe atures Co mpaq Premie r So und.
Chapter 6 Audio Subsyste m Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 6-2 6.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on–- September1998 6-3 Figu re 6–1.
Chapter 6 Audio Subsyste m Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 6-4 6.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on–- September1998 6-5 6.2.1. 2 DAC Operation The dig ital-to -analog c onv ersio n (DA C) s imply r ev erse s the pro ce dure o f the AD C.
Chapter 6 Audio Subsyste m Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 6-6 6.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on–- September1998 6-7 6.2.2 FM S YNTHES IS AUDIO PROCESSING The audio sub sy ste m supports play bac k o f MID I (.MID ) f iles .
Chapter 6 Audio Subsyste m Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 6-8 6.3 PROGRAMM ING All p rogramming asp ec ts o f the au dio s ubs y ste m relate direc tly to the prog r ammab ility of th e ES1869 co n tr oller, upon which t h e audio s ubs y stem is base d.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on–- September1998 6-9 6.3.2 CONTROL Th e audio sub sy stem is contr olled th r ough I/O mapped r egisters li sted in T able 6-2.
Chapter 6 Audio Subsyste m Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 6-10 The Extende d Mo de regis ters ar e liste d in Table 6-4.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on–- September1998 6-11 6.4 S PECIFICATIO NS Table 6–6. Audio Sub sy stem S pec ific atio ns Table 6-6. Audio Subsystem Specif icat ions Paramemt er Measurement Sampling Rat e 5.
Chapter 6 Audio Subsyste m Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 6-12 This page is intentio n ally b lank.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 7-1 Drives 110/220 VAC Ch apter 7 POWER and SIGNAL DISTRIB UTION 7. Chap t er 7 P OWER SUPPLY AND DISTRI BUTION 7.
Chapter 7 Pow er and Signal Distributi on Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 7-2 7.2.1 POWER SU PPLY ASSEM BLY The po we r supply asse mbly is co n tain ed in a single unit th at fe atur es a se lectab le input v o ltage: 90-132 VAC and 180-264 VAC.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 7-3 7.2.2 POWER CONTROL The po w er supply asse mbly is c ontrolle d digitally by th e PS On sign al (Figure 6-1).
Chapter 7 Pow er and Signal Distributi on Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 7-4 7.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 7-5 7.3 POWER DISTRIBUTION 7.3.1 3. 5/5/12 VDC DISTRIBUTION The po we r supply asse mbly in clude s a multi-co n n ecto r cab le ass emb ly th at r oute s +3.
Chapter 7 Pow er and Signal Distributi on Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 7-6 7.3.2 LO W VO LTAGE DIS TRIB UTION Vo ltage s le ss than 3.3 VD C an d proc es so r co r e v o ltage are p rodu ced th rou gh r egu lato r circu itry on t h e s yst em boa r d .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 7-7 7.4 SIGNAL DISTRIBUTION Figure 7-4 sho ws general signal distributio n be tw een the main sub asse mblie s of th e sy stem unit.
Chapter 7 Pow er and Signal Distributi on Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 7-8 Pins Function 1,3 Cov er Loc k &.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-1 Ch apter 8 BIOS ROM 8.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-2 8.2 B OOT/RES ET FUNCTIONS Th e sy stem suppo r ts n ew s ys t em boot fu n ct i on s t o s upport r emote R OM flashin g an d PC97 requireme nts.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-3 8.3 M EM ORY DETECTION AND CO NFIGURATIO N This sy ste m use s the Se r ial Prese n ce Dete ct ( SPD) m et h od of deter m i n i n g t h e i n s talled D IMM co n f iguratio n .
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-4 8.4 DESK TOP M ANAGEM ENT SUPPORT De skto p Manage ment deals with iss ues of se cu rity , identif icatio n , an d sy ste m manageme n t functions.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-5 To suppo r t Window s N T an additional table to the B IOS32 tab le has b een def in ed to co n tain 32- b it pointe rs f o r the D DC and S IT loc ations.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-6 8.4.1 SYSTEM ID Th e INT 15, AX=E800h BIO S f un ction can be us ed to ident ify th e sy stem bo ar d. T h is function w ill r eturn th e sy ste m ID in the B X regis ter.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-7 Timeout Counter Record ( Video Screensave), SIT R ecord 03h Byte [1] Function Default Value 00h R ecor d ID for V ideo Sc reensav e Timeout 03h 01h No.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-8 Pro cessor/Memor y/Cache R ecord, S IT Recor d 06h Byte Function Default Value 00h R ecor d ID 06h 01h No.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-9 Peripheral and Input Device Rec ord, SIT Record 07 h Byte Function Default Value 00h R ecor d ID 07h 01h No.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-10 Memory Module Information Record, SIT Record 08h Byte Function Default Value 00h R ecor d ID 08h 01h No. of Data Bytes in Rec ord 0Dh 02h N o.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-11 Extended Disk Support Record, SIT Reco rd 0Eh Byte Function Default Value 00h R ecor d ID 0Eh 01h No.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-12 NO TE: [1] D etermined at runtime. DMI System Slots Support Record, SIT Record 16h Byte Function Default Value 00h R ecor d ID 16h 01h No.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-13 8.4.3 EDID RETRIEVE The B IOS f un ctio n INT 15, AX = E813h is a tri-modal c all that r etriev es the VES A e xtended display identific ation data (EDID) .
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-14 8.4.5 S Y S TEM M A P RETRIEVAL The B IOS f unctio n INT 15, AX =E820h will re turn bas e memo r y an d ISA/P CI memo r y co n tiguo us w ith b ase me mory as normal memo ry r an ges .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-15 8.4.6 FLASH ROM FUNCTIONS Th e sy stem BIO S ma y be upgr aded by flashi n g th e ROM using t h e INT 15, AX=E822h BIOS interfac e, w h ich in cludes the nece ssary sub functio n s.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-16 8.4.8 ACCES SING CM OS Co nfiguration memo r y data can be retriev ed w ith th e B IOS c all INT 15, AX=E823h.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-17 CX Function Default Value 0000h P CI 2.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-18 [1] Det ermined at runtime. 8.4.10 S ECURITY FUNCTIONS Th e INT 15 AX=E846h BIOS f un ction i s used to co n tr ol v a r ious s ec uri t y fe a tur es o f th e sy stem.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-19 8.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-20 8.5.1 SM BIOS In support o f the DMI spe cif icatio n th e P nP fu nctio ns 50h an d 51h ar e us ed to re trieve th e SM BIO S data.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-21 8.6 POWER M ANAGEM ENT FUNCTIONS Th e BIO S R OM prov i des thr ee ty pes o f po we r ma n agement support: i n depe nden t PM suppo rt ; APM support, a n d ACPI support .
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-22 8.6.3 APM S UPPORT Advanced Pow er Ma n agemen t (APM) BIOS support pr ov i des i n ter a cti on betw een th e BIOS R OM and the o perating sy ste m (OS) .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-23 Standby - Th e c o mputer is in a lo w po we r st.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq Deskpro EN Series of Personal Computers Desktop and Minit ow er Form Factors Thi rd Edit i on - September 1998 8-24 8.7 USB LEGACY SUPPORT Th e BIOS ROM c h ecks t h e USB port , d u r i n g POST , for th e pr esen ce of a U SB key bo a r d .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed – A pr i l 1998 A-1 Appendi x A ERROR ME SSAGES AND CODE S A. App end ix A ERROR MESS AGES AND CODES A.1 INTRODUCTION This appe n dix lists th e e rr or co de s and a b r ief des criptio n of the pro b ab le c ause of the e r ror.
Appendix A Error Messages and Codes Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - A pril 1998 A-2 A.4 PO WER- ON S ELF TES T ( POST) M ES S A G ES Table A–3.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed – A pr i l 1998 A-3 A.5 PROCESSOR ERROR MESSAGES (1x x-x x) Table A–4. Pr ocesso r E r r or Messa g es Table A-4.
Appendix A Error Messages and Codes Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - A pril 1998 A-4 A.6 M EMORY ERROR M ESSAGES ( 2xx-x x) Table A–5. Me mo ry Erro r Me s s age s Table A-5.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed – A pr i l 1998 A-5 A.8 P R IN T ER ER RO R M ES S A G E S ( 4 xx- xx) Table A–7. Pri nte r Erro r Me ss age s Table A-7. Printer Error Messages Message Pro bable Cause Message P robabl e Cause 401-01 P rinter failed or not connec ted 402-10 Int errupt tes t and c ontrol reg.
Appendix A Error Messages and Codes Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - A pril 1998 A-6 A.10 DIS K ETTE DRIVE ERROR M ESSA GES ( 6 xx-xx ) Table A–9.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed – A pr i l 1998 A-7 A.12 M O DEM COMM UNICATIONS ERROR MES SAGES ( 12xx -xx ) Table A–11.
Appendix A Error Messages and Codes Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - A pril 1998 A-8 A.13 HARD DRIVE ERROR M ESSAGES ( 17xx -xx ) Table A–12. H ard D riv e E rro r M e ss ag e s Table A-12 . Hard Drive Error Messages Message Pro bable Cause Message Pr obable Cau se 17xx -01 Ex c eeded max.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed – A pr i l 1998 A-9 A.14 HARD DRIVE ERROR M ESSAGES ( 19xx -xx ) Table A–13. H ard D riv e E rro r M e ss ag e s Table A-13 .
Appendix A Error Messages and Codes Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - A pril 1998 A-10 A.16 AUDIO ERROR MESSAGES (3206-xx ) Table A–15. Aud i o Er r or Messag es Table A-15 . Audio Error Message Message P robab le Cause 3206-x x Audio sub syste m in ter na l e r ror A.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed – A pr i l 1998 A-11 A.18 S C S I I N TE RF A C E E R R O R M E S S A G E S ( 6 5 xx- xx, 6 6 xx- xx, 6 7 xx- xx) Table A–17.
Appendix A Error Messages and Codes Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - A pril 1998 A-12 A.20 CEM M PRIVILEDGED OPS ERROR MES SAGES Table A–19. CE MM Pr i vil eged Ops E r r or Messa g es Table A-19 .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal - July 1996 B-1 Appendi x B ASCII CHARACTE R SE T B. Appendi x B ASCII CHARACTER SET B.1 INTRODUCTI ON This appendix lists , in Table B -1, th e 256-c ha r a cter AS CII co de s et including the dec imal an d hexadec imal value s.
Appendix B ASCII Character Set Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal - July 1996 B-2 Table B-1. ASCII Code S et (Continued) Dec Hex Symbol Dec H ex Symbol Dec Hex Symbol Dec Hex Symbol 128 80 Ç 160 A.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Change –- A pril 1998 C-1 Appendi x C KEYB OARD C. App end ix C K EYB OARD C.1 INTRODUCTION This appe n dix de scrib es the Comp aq ke y bo ard th at is includ ed as standard w ith th e sy ste m unit.
Appendix C Ke yboard Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - A pril 1998 C-2 Key board Interface (Syst em U ni t) Data / CLK C.2 K EYSTRO K E PROCES S ING A f unctiona l bloc k di agr am of t h e key str oke proc essing element s is show n in Figur e C-1.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Change –- A pril 1998 C-3 C.2. 1 TRANSMIS S IONS TO THE S YS TEM The ke y bo ard proc es so r se nds tw o main ty pes o f data to the sy ste m; co mman ds (o r r es po nses to sy ste m co mman ds) and ke y strok e s can co des .
Appendix C Ke yboard Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - A pril 1998 C-4 C.2. 2 KEYB OARD LAYOUTS C.2. 2.1 Standar d Enhanced Keyboar ds Figu re C–3.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Change –- A pril 1998 C-5 C.2. 2.2 Windows Enhanc ed Keyboards Figu re C–5. U.S. English Win dow s (101W -Ke y ) Ke y bo ar d Key Pos itions Figu re C–6.
Appendix C Ke yboard Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - A pril 1998 C-6 C.2. 3 KE YS All key s generat e a make co de (w h en pr esse d) a n d a break co de (w h en r elease d) w ith th e excep t i on of th e Pause key (pos. 16), w h i ch pr oduc es a make c ode onl y .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Change –- A pril 1998 C-7 C.2. 3.2 Multi-K eystr oke F unctions Shift - The Shift key (pos. 75/86), w h en h eld dow n , pr oduc es a shift s tate (uppe r case ) f or key s in positio n s 17-29, 30, 39-51, 60-70, an d 76-85 as long as the Cap s Lo ck key (pos.
Appendix C Ke yboard Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - A pril 1998 C-8 C.2. 3.3 Windows Keystrok es Windo w s-enh an ce d key bo ar ds include thr ee additio nal key pos itio ns.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Change –- A pril 1998 C-9 C.2. 4 KEYB OARD COM M ANDS Tab le C-1 lis ts th e co mman ds that th e ke y bo ar d can se nd to the s y ste m (spe cif ically , to the 8042- ty pe logic). Table C–1.
Appendix C Ke yboard Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - A pril 1998 C-10 Table C–2. Key bo ar d Scan Codes Table C-2. Keyboard S c an Codes Key Pos.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Change –- A pril 1998 C-11 Table C-2 . Keyboard S c an Codes (Continued) Key Pos Legend Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 41 W 11/91 1D /F0 1D 1D/F0 1D 42 .
Appendix C Ke yboard Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - A pril 1998 C-12 Table C-2 . Keyboard S c an Codes (Continued) Key Pos. Legend Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 81 N 31/B 1 31/F0 31 31/F0 31 82 M 32/ B2 3A/F0 3A 3A/F0 3A 83 , 33/B3 41/F0 41 41/F0 41 84 .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - June 1998 D-1 Appendi x D CO MPAQ 10/100 TX PCI IN TEL W OL U TP CON TROLLER CARD D. Appendix D Com paq 10/100 TX PCI Intel WOL UTP Contr oll er Car d D.1 INTRODUCTION Th i s appen dix describes t h e Co mpaq 10/100 T X PCI In tel WOL U TP Contr oller car d (# 323550- 001).
Appendix D Compaq 10/100 T X PCI Intel W OL U TP Controller Card Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - June 1998 D-2 D.2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The Co mpaq 10/100 TX PCI Intel W OL U TP Co ntr olle r .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - June 1998 D-3 TX Data TX/RX Filters D.2. 2 CARD POWER AND CLOCK Th e cont r oll er ca r d in clu d es on - boa r d p ower l ogi c th at r ecei ves + 5 V DC power fr om t h e PC I con n ect or or t h e WOL h ea der .
Appendix D Compaq 10/100 T X PCI Intel W OL U TP Controller Card Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - June 1998 D-4 D.2. 4 POWER MANAGEM ENT SUPPORT Th e co n tr oller car d pr ov i des sy st em wake up using n etwo r k eve n ts a n d supports both APM a n d ACP I po we r man age ment e nviro nments.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - June 1998 D-5 D.3 CONFIGURATION/CONTROL The 82558 co n tr olle r is a PCI dev ice an d co n figured tho ugh PCI co n figuration spac e registe rs using PCI pr oto col de scribe d in ch a pt er 4.
Appendix D Compaq 10/100 T X PCI Intel W OL U TP Controller Card Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Changed - June 1998 D-6 This page is intentio n ally b lank.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal - Apri l 1998 E-1 Appendi x E WIDE ULT RA SCSI HOST ADAP T ER E. Appendix E Wide Ultr a SCSI Hos t Adapter E.
Appendix E Wide Ultra SCSI Host Adapte r Card Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal – April 1998 E-2 E.2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIP TION A b lo ck diagram o f the W ide U ltr a SCSI Card is s h ow n in Figure E- 2. Th e c ard’s arc hitec ture is base d on t h e AIC-7880 S CSI co n t r oller.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal - Apri l 1998 E-3 E.3 SCSI ADAPTER PROGRAMMING E.3.1 SC SI ADAPTER CONFIGURATION Th e Adaptec A H A-2940U SCSI Adapter Ca r d is a PCI dev i ce and configured using PCI pr oto col and PCI C onfig uration Sp ace re giste r s (P CI add ress es 0 0h-FF h) as dis cu ss ed in Chapter 4.
Appendix E Wide Ultra SCSI Host Adapte r Card Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal – April 1998 E-4 E.5 USER GUIDELINES Th e adapt er car d fo llow s stan dar d SCSI guidelines in supportin g up to SCSI de vice s using SCSI identif icatio n n umbe rs 0-6 (ID #7 is res erve d f o r th e adapte r card).
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal - Apri l 1998 E-5 E.6 SCSI CONNECTORS Figu re E–3. Ultra SCSI Co n nector (50-pin , a s see n from rear of car d) Table E–4.
Appendix E Wide Ultra SCSI Host Adapte r Card Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal – April 1998 E-6 Figu re E–4. Wide Ultra SCS I Conn ecto r (68-pi n , a s see n from top o f card) Table E–5.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal - Apri l 1998 F-1 Appendi x F ATI RAGE P RO AGP GRAP HICS CARDS F. Appendix F ATI RAGE PRO AGP 1X/2X Gr aphics Cards F. 1 INTRODUCTION Th i s a p pen di x d escr i bes ATI RAGE PRO AGP Gra p h i cs Ca r d s used i n some m odels.
Appen dix F ATI RAGE P RO AGP Gra phics Ca rd s Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal - Apri l 1998 F-2 64-Bit G raphic s Mem ory Bus RGB Data , Hsyn c, Vsync Monitor Multimedia Data F. 2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTI ON Th e ATI RAGE PRO AGP Gr a p h i cs Ca r d s a r e based on t h e ATI RAGE PRO cont r oll er .
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal - Apri l 1998 F-3 VESA Connec tor HSync Gr aphics Data Displ ay Monitor Red Gr een Blue F.
Appen dix F ATI RAGE P RO AGP Gra phics Ca rd s Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal - Apri l 1998 F-4 F. 3 DISPLAY MODES Th e gra ph i cs modes suppo r ted by th e ATI RAGE PRO AGP1X/2X card with th e stan dar d four megab y tes are lis ted in Table s F -1 and F-2.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal - Apri l 1998 F-5 F. 4 PROGRAMM ING F.4.1 CONFIGURATION Th e gr ap h i cs car d wo r k s off th e AGP bus an d i s con fig u r ed t h r ough PCI con figu r ation sp ace r egist er s usi n g PCI pr otoco l.
Appen dix F ATI RAGE P RO AGP Gra phics Ca rd s Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal - Apri l 1998 F-6 F. 5 MO NITOR POWER M ANAGEM ENT CONTROL This co ntr olle r prov ide s mo n itor po w er c o ntr ol f or mo nitors that co nfo r m to the VES A dis play po we r man ageme n t signalin g ( DPMS) pr otoco l.
Techn ical Reference Gu ide Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal - Apri l 1998 F-7 F.6.2 M O NITOR CONNECTOR Fig ure F– 4 . VGA Mon i tor C on n ector , (Fe male D B-15, as v iew ed f r om rear). Table F–6. DB -15 Mo ni t or Conn ec tor Pin out Table F-6.
Appen dix F ATI RAGE P RO AGP Gra phics Ca rd s Compaq Pers onal Compute rs Ori ginal - Apri l 1998 F-8 F.6.3 ATI M ULTIM EDIA CHANNEL CONNECTOR The ATI Multime dia Ch an n el (AM C) is prov ided thr .
INDEX I. 3D effect s, F- 2 87307 I/O co n tr oller, 4-49 ab brev iatio ns, 1-3 Acceler a t ed Gr a p h i cs Por t ( AGP) , 4-11 ACPI, D- 4 ac ro ny ms , 1 -3 admin istr ator pa ssw ord, 4-52, 4-53 AGP.
gra ph ics sub sy stem, 2-14 gra ph ics, 3D, F-2 guidelin es, SCSI use r , E-4 ha r d dr i ve s pin dow n , 4-57 heat sin k (proce sso r ), 2-12, 3-5 H ost bus , 2-10 I/O co n tr oller (87307), 4-49 I.
sy stem ID, 8-6 sy ste m in fo r mation tab le (S IT), 8- 6 sy stem man a gement , 4-51 sy stem memo ry, 2-13, 3-6 sy stem R OM, 2-13, 8-1 tempur at ur e se n sor, 4-54 thermal co nside rations, 3 -5 .
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