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Citrix XenServer ® 5.6 Administrator's Guide Published June 2010 1.1 Edition.
Citrix XenServer ® 5.6 Administrator's Guide Copyright © 2009 Citrix All Rights Reserved. V ersion: 5.6 Citrix, Inc. 851 West Cypress Creek Road Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 United States of America Disclaimers This document is furnished "AS IS.
iii T able of Cont ents Document Overview .................................................................................... 1 H o w t h i s G u i d e r e l a t e s t o o t h e r d o c u m e n t a t i o n ............................................
iv C r e a t i n g a r e s o u r c e p o o l ............................................................................................................. 2 0 C r e a t i n g h e t e r o g e n e o u s r e s o u r c e p o o l s ........................
v S t o r a g e O v e r v i e w ....................................................................................................................... 3 0 S t o r a g e R e p o s i t o r i e s ( S R s ) ...............................................
vi C r e a t i n g a s h a r e d E q u a l L o g i c S R .................................................................................. 4 1 EqualLogic VDI Snapshot space allocation with XenServer EqualLogic Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vii A d j u s t i n g t h e d i s k I O s c h e d u l e r ............................................................................................. 6 1 V i r t u a l d i s k Q o S s e t t i n g s ...................................................
viii I n i t i a l n e t w o r k i n g c o n f i g u r a t i o n ............................................................................................. 7 2 M a n a g i n g n e t w o r k i n g c o n f i g u r a t i o n ..........................
ix W orkload Balancing ................................................................................. 85 W h a t ’ s N e w ? .........................................................................................................................
x C o n f i g u r i n g W o r k l o a d B a l a n c i n g S e t t i n g s ........................................................................................ 9 8 T o display the Workload Balancing Configuration dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xi M o d i f y i n g t h e A g g r e s s i v e n e s s S e t t i n g ................................................................... 1 0 7 Receiving Reports by Email Automatically (Report Subscriptions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xii D i s p l a y i n g W o r k l o a d B a l a n c i n g R e p o r t s ................................................................................. 1 1 7 R e p o r t G e n e r a t i o n F e a t u r e s ...........................................
xiii R e s t o r i n g a V M t o i t s p r e v i o u s s t a t e ..................................................................................... 1 2 9 D e l e t i n g a s n a p s h o t ............................................................
xiv C o m m a n d t y p e s ...................................................................................................................... 1 4 4 P a r a m e t e r t y p e s ......................................................................
xv l i c e n s e - s e r v e r - a d d r e s s ............................................................................................... 1 5 8 l i c e n s e - s e r v e r - p o r t ................................................................
xvi p a t c h - p r e c h e c k ........................................................................................................ 1 6 5 p a t c h - u p l o a d ....................................................................................
xvii s r - c r e a t e ................................................................................................................. 1 7 5 s r - d e s t r o y ........................................................................................
xviii v d i - i n t r o d u c e ........................................................................................................... 1 9 1 v d i - r e s i z e .....................................................................................
xix v m - d i s k - a d d ............................................................................................................ 2 0 5 v m - d i s k - l i s t ......................................................................................
xx p o o l - r e t r i e v e - w l b -r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s ............................................................................ 2 1 2 p o o l - r e t r i e v e - w l b -r e p o r t .....................................................
1 Document Overview This document is a system administrator's guide to XenServer™, the platform virtualization solution from Citrix®. It describes the tasks involved in configuring a XenServer.
2 Managing users When you first install XenServer , a user account is added to XenServer automatically . This account is the local super user (LSU), or root, which is authenticated locally by the XenServer computer . The local super user (LSU) , or root, is a special user account used for system administration and has all rights or permissions.
3 XenCenter T erm XenServer CLI T erm Users Subjects Add users Add subjects Understanding Active Directory authentication in the XenServer environment Even though XenServers are Linux-based, XenServer lets you use Active Directory accounts for XenServer user accounts.
4 configurations, the active directory server may provide the DNS itself. This can be achieved either using DHCP to provide the IP address and a list of DNS servers to the XenServer host, or by setting values in the PIF objects or using the installer if a manual static configuration is used.
5 1. Configure the DNS server t o use on your X enServer hosts: xe pif-reconfigure-ip mode=static dns= < dnshost > 2. Manually set the management in terface to use a PIF that is on the same ne t.
6 xe subject-list Y ou may wish to apply a filter to the list, for example to get the subject identifier for a user named user1 in the testad domain, you could use the following command: xe subject-list other-config:subject-name=' < domainuser > ' 2.
7 When you leave the domain (that is, disable Active Directory authentication and disconnect a pool or server from its domain), any users who authenticat ed to the pool or server with Active Directory credentials are disconnected. Use XenCenter to leave an AD domain.
8 The local super user (LSU), or root, is a special user account used for system administration and has all rights or permissions. In XenServer , the local super user is the default account at installation.
9 A user's role can be changed in two ways: 1. Modify the subject -> role mapping (this requires the assign/modify role permission, only available to a Pool Administrator .) 2. Modify the user's containing group membership in Active Directory .
10 Role permissions Pool Admin Pool Operator VM Power Admin VM Admin VM Operator Read Only VM change CD media XXXXX View VM consoles XXXXX XenCenter view mgmt ops XXXXX Cancel own tasks XXXXXX Read au.
11 Table 2. Definitions of permissions Permission Allows Assignee T o Rationale/Comments Assign/modify roles • Add/remove users • Add/remove roles from users • Enable and disable Active Directory integration (being joined to the domain) This permission lets the user grant himself or herself any permission or perform any task.
12 Permission Allows Assignee T o Rationale/Comments Pool management • Set pool properties (naming, default SRs) • Enable, disable, and configure HA • Set per-VM HA restart priorities • Enable.
13 Permission Allows Assignee T o Rationale/Comments VM advanced operations • Adjust VM memory (through Dynamic Memory Control) • Create a VM snapshot with memory , take VM snapshots, and roll-bac.
14 Permission Allows Assignee T o Rationale/Comments Accept WLB Placement Recommendations • Select one of the servers Workload Balancing recommends for placement ("star" recommendations) D.
15 uuid( RO): 0165f154-ba3e-034e-6b27-5d271af109ba name ( RO): pool-admin description ( RO): The Pool Administrator role can do anything uuid ( RO): b9ce9791-0604-50cd-0649-09b3284c7dfd name ( RO): po.
16 uuid ( RO): bb6dd239-1fa9-a06b-a497-3be28b8dca44 subject-identifier ( RO): S-1-5-21-1539997073-1618981536-2562117463-2244 other-config (MRO): subject-name: example01user_vm_admin; subject-upn: user_vm_admin@XENDT.
17 T o change a subject's RBAC r ole: T o change a user's role it is necessary to remove them from their existing role, and add them to a new role: 1.
18 Ho w does XenServ er compute the r oles for the session? 1. The subject is authenticated via the Active Directory server to verify which containing groups the subject may also belong to. 2. XenServer then verifies which roles have been assigned both to the subject, and to its containing groups.
19 XenServer hosts and resource pools This chapter describes how resource pools can be created through a series of examples using the xe command line interface (CLI). A simple NFS-based shared storage configuration is presented and a number of simple VM management examples are discussed.
20 Note: The requir ement for a XenServer host to have a sta tic IP address to be part of a resource pool also applies to server s providing shar ed NFS or iSCSI stor age f or the pool.
21 xe pool-param-set name-label= < "New Pool" > uuid= < pool_uuid > Creating heterogeneous resource pools Note: Heter ogeneous resour ce pool creation is only available for XenServer Enterprise or Platinum editions.
22 Adding NFS shared storage to a resource pool using the CLI 1. Open a console on any XenServer host in the pool. 2. Create the storage repository on < server:/path > by issuing the command xe .
23 High A vailability This section explains the XenServer implementation of virtual machine high availability (HA), and how to configure it using the xe CLI. Note: XenServer HA is only available with XenServer Advanced edition or above. T o find out about XenServer editions, visit the Citrix website her e .
24 running on it to be stopped. The other servers will detect that the VMs are no longer running and the VMs will be restarted according to the restart priorities assign to them. The fenced server will enter a reboot sequence, and when it has restarted it will try to re-join the resource pool.
25 1 | 2 | 3 when a pool is overcommited the HA mechanism will attempt to restart protected VMs with the lowest restart priority first best-effort VMs with this priority setting will be restarted only.
26 4. Run the pool-ha-compute-max-host-failures-to-tolerate command. This command returns the maximum number of hosts that can fail before there are insufficient resources to run all the protected VMs in the pool.
27 XenCenter offers you a dialog box to automate disabling the protection if you click on the Shutdown button of a protected VM. Note: If you shut down a VM from within the guest, and the VM is protect ed, it is automatically restarted under the HA f ailure conditions.
28 Balancing's Host Power Management feature, use the pool-send-wlb-configuration command with the ParticipatesInPowerManagement= < true > config:set_host_configuration= < true > arguments. T o enable Host Po w er On using the CLI 1.
29 • Possible values : • An empty string, representing power-control disabled • "iLO". Lets you specify HP iLO. • "DRAC". Lets you specify Dell DRAC. T o use DRAC, you must have already installed the Dell supplemental pack.
30 Storage This chapter discusses the framework for storage abstractions. It describes the way physical storage hardware of various kinds is mapped to VMs, and the software objects used by the XenServer host API to perform storage-related tasks.
31 configuration fields that are used to connect to and interact with a given storage target. For example, NFS device configuration includes the IP address of the NFS server and the associated path that the XenServer host mounts. PBD objects manage the run-time attachment of a given SR to a given XenServer host.
32 VHD-based VDIs VHD files may be chained , allowing two VDIs to share common data. In cases where a VHD-backed VM is cloned, the resulting VMs share the common on-disk data at the time of cloning. Each proceeds to make its own changes in an isolated copy-on-write (CoW) version of the VDI.
33 reported for the SR will depend on the number of snapshots, and the amount of difference data written to a disk between each snapshot. L VM-based space utilization differs depending on whether an L VM SR is upgraded or created as a new SR in XenServer .
34 SRs can also be destroyed when no longer in use to free up the physical device, or forgotten to detach the SR from one XenServer host and attach it to another .
35 xe vdi-create sr-uuid= < sr-uuid > type=user virtual-size= < virtual-size > name-label= < VDI name > sm-config:type=raw 2. Attach the new virtual disk to a VM and use your normal disk tools within the VM to partition and format, or otherwise make use of the new disk.
36 xe sr-probe type=lvmoiscsi device-config:target= device-config:targetIQN=iqn. Error code: SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_107 Error parameters: , The SCSIid parameter is missing or incorrect, <?xml version="1.
37 SR type device-config parameter , in order of dependency Can be probed? Required for sr-create? netapp target No Y es username No Y es password No Y es chapuser No No chappassword No No aggregate N.
38 SR type device-config parameter , in order of dependency Can be probed? Required for sr-create? provision-type Y es No protocol Y es No provision-options Y es No raid-type Y es No * Aggregate probing is only possible at sr-create time. It needs to be done there so that the aggregate can be specified at the point that the SR is created.
39 dm-multipath tools in linux, device mapper nodes are not automatically created for all LUNs on the system, and it is only when LUNs are actively used by the storage management layer that new device mapper nodes are provisioned. It is unnecessary therefore to use any of the dm-multipath CLI tools to query or refresh DM table nodes in XenServer .
40 The maximum supported VDI sizes are: Storage type Maximum VDI size EXT3 2TB L VM 2TB Netapp 2TB EqualLogic 15TB ONT AP(NetApp) 12TB Local L VM The Local L VM type presents disks within a locally-attached V olume Group. By default, XenServer uses the local disk on the physical host on which it is installed.
41 Parameter Name Description Required? Device device name on the local host to use for the SR Y es T o create a local ext SR on /dev/sdb use the following command: xe sr-create host-uuid= < valid_.
42 Parameter Name Description Optional? target the IP address or hostname of the EqualLogic array that hosts the SR no username the login username used to manage the LUNs on the array no password the .
43 then the plug-in will use all of the space on the SAN for creating VDIs. When the SR is created, a small amount of meta data is created, called the SR Management V olume. This will be displayed as the smallest volume (30MB). All of the VDIs in the SR are created with 100% space reserved for snapshots by default.
44 The easiest way to create NetApp SRs is to use XenCenter . See the XenCenter help for details. See the section called “Creating a shared NetApp SR over iSCSI” for an example of how to create them using the xe CLI. FlexV ols NetApp uses FlexV ols as the basic unit of manageable data.
45 Thick or thin provisioning When creating NetApp storage, you can also choose the type of space management used. By default, allocated space is thickly provisioned to ensure that VMs never run out of disk space and that all virtual allocation guarantees are fully enforced on the filer .
46 • General information on NetApp products • Data ONT AP • FlexV ol • FlexClone • RAID-DP • Snapshot • FilerView Creating a shar ed NetApp SR ov er iSCSI Device-config parameters for ne.
47 Note: This works on new VDI creation in the selected FlexV ol, or on all FlexV ols during an SR scan and overrides any manual siz e adjustments made by the administr ator to the SR Fle xV ols.
48 HBAs are identical to those for Fibre Channel HBAs, both of which are described in the section called “Creating a shared L VM over Fibre Channel / iSCSI HBA or SAS SR (lvmohba)” .
49 Once the HBA is physically installed into the XenServer host, use the following steps to configure the HBA: 1. Set the IP networking configuration for the HBA. This example assumes DHCP and HBA port 0. Specify the appropriate values if using static IP addressing or a multi-port HBA.
50 Parameter Name Description Optional? chapuser the username to be used for CHAP authentication no chappassword the password to be used for CHAP authentication no port the network port number on whic.
51 xe sr-probe type=lvmohba host-uuid=1212c7b3-f333-4a8d-a6fb-80c5b79b5b31 Error code: SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_90 Error parameters: , The request is missing the device parameter, <?xml version="1.
52 Note: Y ou can use the BRAND_CONSOLE; Repair Storage Repository function to retry the PBD creation and plugging portions of the sr-create operation. This can be v aluable in cases where the L UN zoning was incorrect for one or more hosts in a pool when the SR w as creat ed.
53 mode export. Asynchronous exports acknowledge writes that are not actually on disk, and so administrators should consider the risks of failure carefully in these situations.
54 XenServer support for Fibre Channel does not support direct mapping of a LUN to a VM. HBA-based LUNs must be mapped to the host and specified for use in an SR .
55 Parameter name Description Optional? storagePoolId The storage pool ID within the specified storage system to use for allocating storage No username The username to use for connection to the Storag.
56 Parameter name Description Optional? physical-size The total size of the SR in MB. Each pool will be created with a size equal to physical-size divided by pool-count.
57 xe sr-probe type=cslg device-config:target= <csl__storageSystemInfoList> <csl__storageSystemInfo> <friendlyName>5001-4380-013C-0240</friendlyName> <displayN.
58 Y ou can use grep to filter the sr-probe output to just the storage pool IDs xe sr-probe type=cslg device-config:target= | grep storageSystemId <storageSystemId>EMC__CLARIION__A.
59 Destro ying or forgetting a SR Y ou can destroy an SR, which actually deletes the contents of the SR from the physical media. Alternatively you can forget an SR, which allows you to re-attach the SR, for example, to another XenServer host, without removing any of the SR contents.
60 Resizing an SR If you have resized the LUN on which a iSCSI or HBA SR is based, use the following procedures to reflect the size change in XenServer: 1.
61 1. Shutdown the VM. 2. Use the xe CLI to identify the UUIDs of the VDIs to be moved. If the VM has a DVD drive its vdi-uuid will be listed as <not in database> and can be ignored. xe vbd-list vm-uuid= < valid_vm_uuid > Note: The vbd-list command displays both the VBD and VDI UUIDs.
62 Remember t o set the scheduler to cfq on the SR, and to ensure tha t the PBD has been re-plugged in order for the scheduler chang e to tak e eff ect. The first parameter is qos_algorithm_type . This parameter needs to be set to the value ionice , which is the only type of QoS algorithm supported for virtual disks in this release.
63 Configuring VM memory When a VM is first created, it is allocated a fixed amount of memory . T o improve the utilization of physical memory in your XenServer environment, you can use Dynamic Memory Control (DMC), a memory management feature that enables dynamic reallocation of memory between VMs.
64 • Dynamic Minimum Memory: A lower memory limit that you assign to the VM. • Dynamic Higher Limit: An upper memory limit that you assign to the VM.
65 1. T arget Mode: The administrator specifies a memory target for the guest.XenServer adjusts the guest's memory allocation to meet the target. Specifying a target is particularly useful in virtual server environments, and in any situation where you know exactly how much memory you want a guest to use.
66 Operating System Supported Memory Limits x64 ≥ 2 GB ≤ 32 GB 4.5 - 4.8 x86 ≥ 256 MB ≤ 16 GB Cent0S Linux 5.0 - 5.4 x86 x64 ≥ 512 MB ≤ 16 GB 4.5 - 4.8 x86 ≥ 256 MB ≤ 16 GB RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.0 - 5.4 x86 x64 ≥ 512 MB ≤ 16 GB Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.
67 1. Find the uuid of the required VM: xe vm-list 2. Note the uuid, and then run the command param-name=memory-dynamic : xe vm-param-get uuid= < uuid > param-name=memory-dynamic-{min,max} For e.
68 Update indi vidual memory properties W arning: Citrix advises not to change the static minimum level as this is set at the supported level per operating sys tem – ref er to the memory constr aints table for mor e details. Update the dynamic memory properties of a VM.
69 Networking This chapter discusses how physical network interface cards (NICs) in XenServer hosts are used to enable networking within Virtual Machines (VMs). XenServer supports up to 16 physical network interfaces (or up to 16 of bonded network interfaces) per XenServer host and up to 7 virtual network interfaces per VM.
70 Netw ork objects There are three types of server-side software objects which represent networking entities. These objects are: • A PIF , which represents a physical network interface on a XenServer host.
71 Using VLANs with dedicated st orage NICs Dedicated storage NICs can be configured to use native VLAN / access mode ports as described above for management interfaces, or with trunk ports and XenServer VLANs as described above for virtual machines.
72 Note: Bonding is set up with an Up Delay of 31000ms and a Down Delay of 200ms. The seemingly long Up Delay is purposeful because of the time tak en by some switches to actually start routing traf fic. Without it, when a link comes back after failing, the bond might rebalance traf fic onto it befor e the switch is ready to pass tra ffic.
73 • use an internal network • support advanced operations such as VLANs or NIC bonding T o add or remove networks using XenCenter , refer to the XenCenter online Help. To add a new network using the CLI 1. Open the XenServer host text console. 2.
74 xe vlan-create network-uuid= < network_uuid > pif-uuid= < pif_uuid > vlan=5 5. Attach VM VIFs to the new network. See the section called “Creating networks in a standalone server” for more details. Creating NIC bonds on a standalone host Citrix recommends using XenCenter to create NIC bonds.
75 8. Use the pif-reconfigure-ip command to remove the IP address configuration from the non-bonded PIF previously used for the management interface. This step is not strictly necessary but might help reduce confusion when reviewing the host networking configuration.
76 W arning: Do not att empt to crea te network bonds while HA is enabled. The process of bond creation will dis turb the in-progr ess HA heartbeating and cause hosts to self-fence (shut themselves down); subsequently they will lik ely fail to reboot pr operly and will need the host-emergency-ha-disable command t o recov er .
77 a. Use the host-list command to find the UUID of the host being configured: xe host-list b. Use the pif-list command to determine the UUID of bond PIF on the new host. Include the host- uuid parameter to list only the PIFs on the host being configured: xe pif-list network-name-label= < network_name > host-uuid= < host_uuid > c.
78 To add NIC bonds to the pool master and other hosts 1. Use the network-create command to create a new pool-wide network for use with the bonded NICs. This step should only be performed once per pool. The UUID of the new network is returned. xe network-create name-label= < bond0 > 2.
79 Configuring a dedicated st orage NIC XenServer allows use of either XenCenter or the xe CLI to configure and dedicate a NIC to specific functions, such as storage traffic.
80 • changing the hostname • adding or removing DNS servers • changing IP addresses • changing which NIC is used as the management interface • adding a new physical NIC to the server Hostnam.
81 2. Use the host-list CLI command to confirm that the member host has successfully reconnected to the master host by checking that all the other XenServer hosts in the pool are visible: xe host-list.
82 W arning: Once the management interf ace is disabled, you will hav e to log in on the physic al host console to perf orm management t asks and ext ernal interfaces such as X enCenter will no longer work. Adding a new ph ysical NIC Install a new physical NIC on a XenServer host in the usual manner .
83 1. Use XenCenter or the vm-shutdown command to shut down all VMs in the pool to force existing VIFs to be unplugged from their networks. xe vm-shutdown uuid= < vm_uuid > 2. Use the host-management-disable command to disable the management interface: xe host-management-disable 3.
84 Finally , re-plug the PIF or reboot the host for the change to take effect. Rec ov ering from a bad netw ork configur ation In some cases it is possible to render networking unusable by creating an incorrect configuration. This is particularly true when attempting to make network configuration changes on a member XenServer host.
85 Workload Balancing What's New? This topic describes new features and changes from the previous release of Workload Balancing. New F eatures Workload Balancing now provides a series of features that work together to facilitate reducing power during off-peak work hours.
86 • Improved Error Messages . Improved error messages make issues easier to understand. Also, error messages are now documented with suggested actions.
87 Workload Balancing works by evaluating the utilization of workloads across a pool and, when a host exceeds its threshold, relocating it to a less-taxed host in the pool. T o rebalance workloads, Workload Balancing moves workloads to keep hosts in balance.
88 • Command Line . If you install Workload Balancing from the command line, the prerequisites are not checked. For Msiexec properties, see CTX124480 . When you install Workload Balancing, Setup creates the data store by installing it across the network onto the database.
89 • Memory: 2GB recommended (1GB of RAM required) • Disk Space: • SQL Server Express: 4GB • SQL Server: 20GB (approximate amount consumed) Citrix recommends that the Workload Balancing server have a minimum of a dual-core processor .
90 • SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode (Mixed Mode authentication) If you create an account on the database for use during Setup, the account must have sysadmin privileges for the database instance where you want to create the Workload Balancing data store.
91 WLB Acc ess Control P ermissions When Role Based Access Control (RBAC) is implemented in your environment, all user roles can display the WLB tab. However , not all roles can perform all operations.
92 T o install W orkload Balancing serv er The following procedure installs Workload Balancing on one computer: 1. Launch the Workload Balancing Setup wizard from Autorun.
93 • SQL Server Authentication . T o select this option, you must have configured SQL Server to support Mixed Mode authentication. Note: Citrix recommends clicking T est Connect to ensure Setup can use the credentials you provided to contact the database server .
94 • If you used the Setup wizard, the log is at C:Documents and SettingsusernameLocal SettingsT emp msibootstrapper2CSM_MSI_Install.log (by default). On Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, this log is at C:UsersusernameAppDataLocalT empmsibootstrapper2CSM_MSI_Install.
95 The time it tak es to upgrade the server may be affected by the distribution of the database file group. Additional time ma y be requir ed to perform file group mo ves during the upgrade. In addition, the siz e of the database a ff ects the time required to perf orm an upgrade.
96 After W orkload Balancing is running for a period of time, if you do not receive optimal placement recommenda tions, Citrix strongly recommends you evalua te your performance thresholds as described in the section called “Using Workload Balancing Reports f or T asks” .
97 This must be the account or group that was configured during the installation of the Workload Balancing Server . For information, see the section called “Authorization for Workload Balancing ” .
98 Configuring Anti virus Software By default, most antivirus programs are configured to scan all files on the hard disk. If an antivirus program scans the frequently active Workload Balancing database, it impedes or slows down the normal operation of Workload Balancing.
99 Before you edit your thresholds, you might find it handy to generate a the section called “Host Health History” report for each physical host in the pool. Y ou can use either the Workload Balancing Configuration properties in XenCenter or the XE commands to modify the configuration settings.
100 weekdays or weekends as a group when specifying days. For the hour , you can choose any hour and you can specify minutes in 15-minute intervals. T o set an optimization mode for all time periods 1. In the Resources pane of XenCenter , select XenCenter > your-resource-pool .
101 Acc epting Optimization Rec ommendations Aut omatically Workload Balancing lets you configure for it to accept optimization recommendations on your behalf and perform the optimization actions it recommends automatically .
102 If W orkload Balancing detects a performance issue while the pool is in Maximum Density mode, it attempts to address the issue by recommending migrating workloads among the powered-on hosts. If Workload Balancing cannot resolve the issue using this method, it attempts to power-on a host.
103 better with certain types of hardware), consider if you need to locate the virtual machines hosting these workloads in different pools. Because power management and VM consolidation are managed at.
104 Workload Balancing determines whether to recommend relocating a workload and whether a physical host is suitable for a virtual-machine workload by evaluating: • Whether a resource's critica.
105 The effect of the weighting varies according to the placement strategy you selected. For example, if you selected Maximum Performance and you set Network Writes towards Less Important , if the Net.
106 2. In the Properties pane, click the WLB tab. 3. In the WLB tab, click Configure WLB . 4. In the left pane, select Excluded Hosts . 5. In Excluded Hosts page, select the hosts for which you do not want WLB to recommend alternate placements and optimizations.
107 balancing from generating "artificial" recommendations for this period by setting the Relocation interval to more than an hour . • If server loads and activity increase gradually in your environment, you may want to increase the number of minutes for the optimization interval.
108 Example recommendation: [1] Move VM07 to host18 [2] Move VM07 to host20 [3] Move VM07 to host18. If 3 was specified for x , this is an example where W orkload Balancing would not automatically apply the recommendation yet. The recommendations have to be exact: notice the move to the host is not the same for all three recommendations.
109 If you want t o use the default report deliv ery mechanism, no additional component installations or configur ations are requir ed. T o configur e report subscriptions 1. In the Resources pane of XenCenter , select XenCenter > your-resource-pool .
110 its historical records of performance metrics and your placement strategy . The optimal server is the server with the most stars. • One of the servers with star ratings listed under the Optimal Server command. Five stars indicates the most-recommended (optimal) server and five empty stars indicates the least-recommended server .
111 • Uninstalling Workload Balancing Disabling W orkload Balancing Y ou can disable Workload Balancing for a resource pool, either temporarily or permanently: • T emporarily . Disabling W orkload Balancing temporarily stops XenCenter from displaying recommendations for the specified resource pool.
112 Y ou must enter all the informa tion that you would normally enter when you initially configure a resource pool for use with W orkload Balancing. For information, see the section called “Initializing W orkload Balancing ” or the section called “Updating W orkload Balancing Creden tials” .
113 c. In the WLB Server Credentials section, enter the user name (for example, workloadbalancing_user) and password the computers running XenServer will use to connect to the Workload Balancing server . This must be the account or group that was configured during the installation of the W orkload Balancing Server .
114 If an optimal server is not available, the words Click here to suspend the VM appear in the Enter Maintenance Mode dialog box. In this case, Workload Balancing does not recommend a placement because no host has suf ficient resources to run this virtual machine.
115 at which you want to generate the report, the days on which you want to generate it, and when you want to start and stop automatic report delivery .
116 • Deliver On . The day of the week you want Workload Balancing to generate and deliver the report. The schedule you are creating does not become active until you set this field to a day . Leaving this field at None means that no reports will be generated for this subscription.
117 Export . Lets you export the report as an Acrobat (.PDF) file or as an Excel file with a .XLS extension. Find . Lets you search for a word in a report, such as the name of a virtual machine. T o print a W orkload Balancing report Citrix recommends printing Workload Balancing reports in Landscape orientation.
118 Table 4. Report Toolbar Buttons Document Map . Lets you display a document map that helps you navigate through long reports. Page Forward/Back . Lets you move one page ahead or back in the report. Back to Parent Report . Lets you return to the parent report when working with drill-through reports.
119 Workload Balancing displays the average for each hour for the time period you set. The data point is based on a utilization average for that hour for all days in the time period.
120 • Event Action . The action that occurred. For definitions of these actions, see the section called “Audit Log Event Names” . • Succeeded .
121 Note: The High, Medium, and Low threshold rang es are based on the Critical threshold value you set when you initialized W orkload Balancing. P ool Health History This report provides a line graph of resource utilization on all physical hosts in a pool over time.
122 • T o Host . The physical server where the virtual machine was moved. • Time . The time when the optimization occurred. Virtual Machine Motion History This line graph displays the number of times virtual machines moved on a resource pool over a period of time.
123 Backup and recovery This chapter presents the functionality designed to give you the best chance to recover your XenServer from a catastrophic failure of hardware or software, from lightweight metadata backups to full VM backups and portable SRs.
124 xe vm-export vm= < vm_uuid > filename= < backup > --metadata Full metadata backup and disaster recovery (DR) This section introduces the concept of Portable Storage Repositories (Portable SRs), and explains how they work and how to use them as part of a DR strategy .
125 On the XenServer host menu-driven text console, under the Backup, Update and Restore menu there are options which provide a more user-friendly interface to these scripts.
126 7. Every time a new SR is created the storage is checked to see if it contains an existing SR. If so, an option is presented allowing re-attachment of the existing SR. If this option is not displayed the parameters specified during SR creation are not correct.
127 storage types the storage repository must have been upgraded if it was created on a previous version of XenServer and the volume must be in the default format ( type=raw volumes cannot be snapshotted). The snapshotting operation is a 2 step process: • Capturing metadata as a template.
128 Creating a snapshot with memory Run the vm-checkpoint command, giving a descriptive name for the snapshot with memory , so that you can identify it later: xe vm-checkpoint vm= < vm uuid > new-name-label= < name of the checkpoint > When XenServer has completed creating the snapshot with memory - its uuid will be displayed.
129 For example, specifying power-state=halted will select all VMs whose power-state field is equal to 'halted'. Where multiple VMs are matching, the option --multiple must be specified to perform the operation. The full list of fields that can be matched can be obtained by the command xe vm-list params=all .
130 1. Run the snapshot-list command to find the UUID of the snapshot or checkpoint that you want to revert to: xe snapshot-list 2. Note the UUID of the snapshot, and then run the snapshot-uninstall command to remove it: xe snapshot-uninstall snapshot-uuid= < snapshot-uuid > 3.
131 This will list all of the templates on the XenServer host. Exporting a snapshot to a t emplate When you export a VM snapshot, a complete copy of the VM (including disk images) is stored as a single file on your local machine, with a .xva file extension.
132 The mor e VBDs a ttached t o a VM, the mor e lik ely it is that this timeout may be reached. Citrix recommends att aching no more that 2 VBDs to a VM to avoid reaching the timeout.
133 VSS snap of volumes hosted on dynamic disks in the Windows Guest : The vm-snapshot-with-quiesce CLI and the XenServer VSS hardware provider do not support snapshots of volumes hosted on dynamic disks on the Windows VM. Coping with machine failures This section provides details of how to recover from various failure scenarios.
134 If you repair or replace the server that was the original master , you can simply bring it up, install the XenServer host software, and add it to the pool. Since the XenServer hosts in the pool are enforced to be homogeneous, there is no real need to make the replaced server the master .
135 xe pool-emergency-transition-to-master xe pool-recover-slaves 2. If the commands succeed, restart the VMs. To restore a pool with all hosts failed 1. Run the command: xe pool-restore-database file-name= < backup > W arning: This command will only succeed if the targ et machine has an appropria te number of appropriat ely named NICs.
136 Monitoring and managing XenServer XenServer and XenCenter provide access to alerts that are generated when noteworthy things happen. XenCenter provides various mechanisms of grouping and maintaining metadata about managed VMs, hosts, storage repositories, and so on.
137 • license_does_not_support_pooling • pbd_plug_failed_on_server_start • pool_master_transition The following alerts appear on the performance graphs in XenCenter .
138 alarm_trigger_sense high if alarm_trigger_level is a maximum value otherwise low if the alarm_trigger_level is a minimum value. (default high ) alarm_trigger_period number of seconds that values a.
139 Alerts generated from XenServer can also be automatically e-mailed to the resource pool administrator , in addition to being visible from the XenCenter GUI. T o configure this, specify the email address and SMTP server: pool:other-config:mail-destination= < joe.
140 Troubleshooting If you experience odd behavior , application crashes, or have other issues with a XenServer host, this chapter is meant to help you solve the problem if possible and, failing that,.
141 xe host-param-set uuid= < xenserver_host_uuid > logging:syslog_destination= < hostname > 2. Issue the command: xe host-syslog-reconfigure uuid= < xenserver_host_uuid > to enforce the change. (Y ou can also execute this command remotely by specifying the host parameter .
142 Appendix A. Command line interface This chapter describes the XenServer command line interface (CLI). The xe CLI enables the writing of scripts for automating system administration tasks and allows integration of XenServer into an existing IT infrastructure.
143 Example: On the local XenServer host: xe vm-list Example: On the remote XenServer host: xe vm-list -user < username > -password < password > -server < hostname > Shorthand syntax.
144 l, pressing T AB a second time will list the possibilities. This is particularly useful when specifying object UUIDs in commands. Note: When e xecuting commands on a r emote XenServer host, t ab completion does not normally work.
145 • vm Note that not every value of < class > has the full set of < class > -param- commands; some have just a subset. P arameter types The objects that are addressed with the xe commands have sets of parameters that identify them and define their states.
146 < class > -param-get uuid= < uuid > param-name= < parameter > [param-key= < key > ] Returns the value of a particular parameter . If the parameter is a map, specifying the param-key will get the value associated with that key in the map.
147 For scripting, a useful technique is passing --minimal on the command line, causing xe to print only the first field in a comma-separated list. For example, the command xe vm-list --minimal on a X.
148 CD commands Commands for working with physical CD/DVD drives on XenServer hosts. CD parameters CDs have the following parameters: Parameter Name Description T ype uuid unique identifier/object ref.
149 Parameter Name Description T ype missing true if SR scan operation reported this CD as not present on disk read only other-config A list of key/value pairs that specify additional configuration pa.
150 Parameter Name Description T ype uuid The unique identifier/object reference for the console read only vm-uuid The unique identifier/object reference of the VM this console is open on read only vm-name-label The name of the VM this console is open on read only protocol Protocol this console uses.
151 Blocks other commands from executing until an object exists that satisfies the conditions given on the command line. x=y means "wait for field x to take value y", and x=/=y means "wait for field x to take any value other than y".
152 Parameter Name Description T ype enabled false if disabled which prevents any new VMs from starting on them, which prepares the XenServer hosts to be shut down or rebooted; true if the host is cur.
153 Parameter Name Description T ype host-metrics-live true if the host is operational read only logging The syslog_destination key can be set to the hostname of a remote listening syslog service. read/write map parameter allowed-operations lists the operations allowed in this state.
154 Parameter Name Description T ype uuid The unique identifier/object reference for the CPU read only number the number of the physical CPU core within the XenServer host read only vendor the vendor .
155 backup file. The command should only be used from a remote off-host machine where you hav e space to hold the backup file. host-bugreport-upload host-bugreport-upload [ < host-selector > = < host_selector_value > .
156 Reconfigure the management interface of this XenServer host. Use this command only if the XenServer host is in emergency mode, meaning that it is a member in a resource pool whose master has disappeared from the network and could not be contacted for some number of retries.
157 details. If not specified, all system status information is saved in the file. The parameter output may be tar .bz2 (the default) or zip ; if this parameter is not specified, the file is saved in tar.bz2 form. The host(s) on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see host selectors above).
158 The host(s) on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see host selectors above). host-is-in-emergency-mode host-is-in-emergency-mode Returns true if the host the CLI is talking to is currently in emergency mode, false otherwise.
159 host-license-view host-license-view [host-uuid= < XenServer_host_UUID > ] For XenServer (free edition), displays the contents of the XenServer host license. Note: This command only applies to free XenServer . X enSer ver 5.6 Advanced edition and higher use the host- apply-edition , license-server-address and license-server-port commands.
160 Be careful when using this CLI command off-host and ensur e that you have network connectivity on the new interf ace. Use xe pif-reconfigure to set one up first.
161 Change the hostname of the XenServer host specified by host-uuid . This command persistently sets both the hostname in the control domain database and the actual Linux hostname of the XenServer host. Note that hostname is not the same as the value of the name_label field.
162 Set the output of the specified logger . Log messages are filtered by the subsystem in which they originated and the log level of the message. For example, send debug logging messages from the storage manager to a file by running the following command: xe log-set-output key=sm level=debug output= <file:/tmp/sm.
163 Netw ork commands Commands for working with networks. The network objects can be listed with the standard object listing command ( xe network-list ), and the parameters manipulated with the standard parameter commands. See the section called “Low-level param commands” for details.
164 Parameter Name Description T ype other-config:ethtool-sg set to on to enable scatter gather , off to disable read write other-config:ethtool-tso set to on to enable tcp segmentation offload, off t.
165 Parameter Name Description T ype applied Whether or not the patch has been applied; true or false read only size Whether or not the patch has been applied; true or false read only patch-appl y patch-apply uuid= < patch_file_uuid > Apply the specified patch file.
166 Parameter Name Description T ype sr-uuid the storage repository that the PBD points to read only device-config additional configuration information that is provided to the SR-backend-driver of a h.
167 The PIF objects can be listed with the standard object listing command ( xe pif-list ), and the parameters manipulated with the standard parameter commands.
168 Parameter Name Description T ype host-name-label the name of the XenServer host to which this PIF is connected read only IP-configuration-mode type of network address configuration used; DHCP or s.
169 Parameter Name Description T ype other-config:ethtool-rx set to on to enable receive checksum, off to disable read write other-config:ethtool-tx set to on to enable transmit checksum, off to disab.
170 pif-plug pif-plug uuid= < uuid_of_pif > Attempt to bring up the specified physical interface. pif-reconfigur e-ip pif-reconfigure-ip uuid= < uuid_of_pif > [ mode= < dhcp > | mode.
171 Parameter Name Description T ype master the unique identifier/object reference of XenServer host designated as the pool's master read only default-SR the unique identifier/object reference of.
172 Parameter Name Description T ype blobs binary data store read only wlb-url Path to the WLB server read only wlb-username Name of the user of the WLB service read only wlb-enabled T rue is WLB is e.
173 pool-ha-disable pool-ha-disable Disables the High Availability functionality on the resource pool. pool-join pool-join master-address= < address > master-username= < username > master-password= < password > Instruct a XenServer host to join an existing pool.
174 Parameter Name Description T ype vendor name of the vendor who created this plugin read only copyright copyright statement for this SM plugin read only required-api-version minimum SM API version .
175 Parameter Name Description T ype physical-size total physical size of the SR, in bytes read only type type of the SR, used to specify the SR backend driver to use read only content-type the type of the SR's content. Used to distinguish ISO libraries from other SRs.
176 sr-introduce sr-introduce name-label= < name > physical-size= < physical_size > type= < type > content-type= < content_type > uuid= < sr_uuid > Just places an SR record into the database.
177 Parameter Name Description T ype name-description the description string of the T ask read only resident-on the unique identifier/object reference of the host on which the task is running read only status current status of the T ask read only progress if the T ask is still pending, this field contains the estimated percentage complete, from 0.
178 T emplates are essentially VMs with the is-a-template parameter set to true . A template is a "gold image" that contains all the various configuration settings to instantiate a specific VM.
179 Parameter Name Description T ype memory-dynamic-min dynamic minimum memory in bytes. Currently unused, but if changed the same constraints for memory-dynamic-max must be obeyed. read/write memory-static-max statically-set (absolute) maximum memory in bytes.
180 Parameter Name Description T ype VCPUs-params configuration parameters for the selected VCPU policy . Y ou can tune a VCPU's pinning with xe vm-param-set uuid= < vm_uuid > VCPUs-params:mask=1,2,3 A VM created from this template will then run on physical CPUs 1, 2, and 3 only .
181 Parameter Name Description T ype actions-after-crash action to take if a VM based on this template crashes read/write console-uuids virtual console devices read only set parameter platform platfor.
182 Parameter Name Description T ype PV-bootloader name of or path to bootloader read/write PV-bootloader-args string of miscellaneous arguments for the bootloader read/write last-boot-CPU-flags descr.
183 Parameter Name Description T ype memory-actual the actual memory being used by a VM based on this template; 0 for a template read only VCPUs-number the number of virtual CPUs assigned to a VM base.
184 Parameter Name Description T ype guest-metrics-last-updated timestamp when the last write to these fields was performed by the in-guest agent, in the form yyyymmdd T hh:mm:ss z , where z is the si.
185 Parameter Name Description T ype blocked-operations lists the operations that cannot be performed on this template read/write map parameter last-boot-record record of the last boot parameters for .
186 VBD commands Commands for working with VBDs (Virtual Block Devices). A VBD is a software object that connects a VM to the VDI, which represents the contents of the virtual disk.
187 Parameter Name Description T ype storage-lock True if a storage-level lock was acquired read only status-code error/success code associated with the last attach operation read only status-detail e.
188 Create a new VBD on a VM. Appropriate values for the device field are listed in the parameter allowed-VBD-devices on the specified VM. Before any VBDs exist there, the allowable values are integers from 0-15. If the type is Disk , vdi-uuid is required.
189 VDI parameters VDIs have the following parameters: Parameter Name Description T ype uuid the unique identifier/object reference for the VDI read only name-label the name of the VDI read/write name.
190 Parameter Name Description T ype managed true if the VDI is managed read only xenstore-data data to be inserted into the xenstore tree ( /local/domain/0/backend/ vbd/ < domid > / < device-id > /sm- data ) after the VDI is attached. This is generally set by the SM backends on vdi_attach .
191 allocat ed SR does become full, disk space must be made available either on the SR targ et substra te or by deleting unused VDIs in the SR. Note: Some SR types might r ound up the virtual-size value to mak e it divisible by a configur ed block size.
192 Produces a read-write version of a VDI that can be used as a reference for backup and/or template creation purposes. Y ou can perform a backup from a snapshot rather than installing and running backup software inside the VM. The VM can continue running while external backup software streams the contents of the snapshot to the backup media.
193 Parameter Name Description T ype MTU Maximum T ransmission Unit of the VIF in bytes. This parameter is read-only , but you can override the MTU setting with the mtu key using the other-config map parameter .
194 Parameter Name Description T ype other-config:promiscuous true to a VIF to be promiscuous on the bridge, so that it sees all traffic over the bridge.
195 Attempts to detach the VIF from the VM while it is running. VLAN commands Commands for working with VLANs (virtual networks). T o list and edit virtual interfaces, refer to the PIF commands, which have a VLAN parameter to signal that they have an associated virtual network (see the section called “PIF commands” ).
196 Note: All writable VM par ameter v alues can be chang ed while the VM is running , but the new par ameters ar e not applied dynamically and will not be applied until the VM is r ebooted.
197 Parameter Name Description T ype VCPUs-params configuration parameters for the selected VCPU policy . Y ou can tune a VCPU's pinning with xe vm-param-set uuid= < vm_uuid > VCPUs-params:mask=1,2,3 The selected VM will then run on physical CPUs 1, 2, and 3 only .
198 Parameter Name Description T ype actions-after-crash action to take if the VM crashes. For PV guests, valid parameters are: preserve (for analysis only), coredump_and_restart (record a coredump an.
199 Parameter Name Description T ype HVM-shadow-multiplier Floating point value which controls the amount of shadow memory overhead to grant the VM. Defaults to 1.
200 Parameter Name Description T ype start-time timestamp of the date and time that the metrics for the VM were read, in the form yyyymmdd T hh:mm:ss z , where z is the single-letter military timezone.
201 Parameter Name Description T ype PV-drivers-up-to-date flag for latest version of the paravirtualized drivers for the VM read only memory memory metrics reported by the agent on the VM read only m.
202 Parameter Name Description T ype snapshot_time the timestamp of the snapshot operation that created this VM snapshot read only memory-target the target amount of memory set for this VM read only b.
203 vm-cd-insert vm-cd-insert cd-name= < name_of_cd > [ < vm-selector > = < vm_selector_value > ...] Insert a CD into the virtual CD drive.
204 For example: xe vm-compute-maximum-memory vm=testvm total=`xe host-list params=memory-free --minimal` This command uses the value of the memory-free parameter returned by the xe host-list command to set the maximum memory of the VM named testvm .
205 List the data sources that can be recorded for a VM. The VM or VMs on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see VM selectors ). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the beginning of this section.
206 The disk-size parameter can be specified in bytes or using the IEC standard suffixes KiB (2 10 bytes), MiB (2 20 bytes), GiB (2 30 bytes), and T iB (2 40 bytes). The VM or VMs on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see VM selectors ).
207 The filename parameter can also point to an XV A-format VM, which is the legacy export format from XenServer 3.2 and is used by some third-party vendors to provide virtual appliances. This format uses a directory to store the VM data, so set filename to the root directory of the XV A export and not an actual file.
208 Migrate the specified VMs between physical hosts. The host parameter can be either the name or the UUID of the XenServer host. By default, the VM will be suspended, migrated, and resumed on the other host.
209 Shut down the specified VM. The VM or VMs on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see VM selectors ). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the beginning of this section.
210 vm-vif-list vm-vif-list [ < vm-selector > = < vm_selector_value > ...] Lists the VIFs from the specified VMs. The VM or VMs on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see VM selectors ).
211 pool-certificate-list XenServer ’s Workload Balancing component lets you use certificates to secure communication between XenServer pools and the Workload Balancing server .
212 pool-param-set pool-param-set wlb-verify-cert= < true > uuid= < uuid_of_pool > Run this command on the pool, after running the pool-certificate-sync command, to make XenServer always verify the certificate when communicating with the Workload Balancing server .
213 xe pool-retrieve-wlb-report report=optimization_performance_history poolid= < 51e411f1-62f4-e462-f1ed-97c626703cae > utcoffset= < -5 > start= < -3 > end= < 0 > filename= < /optimization_performance_history.
214 Index A AMD-V (AMD hardware virtualization), 19 C CD commands, xe CLI, 148 CLI (see command line interface) Command line interface (CLI) basic xe syntax, 142 Bonding commands, 147 CD commands, 148.
215 member , 133, 133 removing XenServer host from, 22 requirements for creating, 19 S SAN (see Storage Area Network) Shared network attached storage (NFS), 52 Shared storage, 21 Storage Area Network,.
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