Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 1.8 du fabricant Citrix Systems
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Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Citrix Systems, Inc.
LLL &RQWHQWV :HOFRPHWR&LWUL[0HWD)UDPH [L What is Server-Based Computing? ..................................... xi How Does Server-Based Computing Work? .......................... xii Delivering Multiuser Computing to Windows NT Server 4.
LY 0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH &KDSWHU,QVWDOOLQJ0HWD)UDPH Overview ......................................................... 13 Before You Begin .................................................. 14 Drive Mapping and Server Drive Reassignment .
&RQWHQWV Y ICA Client Update Configuration ................................... 36 Load Balancing Administration .................................... 36 Published Application Manager .................................... 37 Shadow Taskbar ..
YL 0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH Modules Tab ................................................. 54 Cache Tab ................................................... 54 ICA Gateways Tab ............................................ 54 Streams Tab .
&RQWHQWV YLL Scopes of Management ........................................... 70 Server Farms Scope ........................................... 70 Windows NT Domains Scope ................................... 77 Configuring Server Farms ...
YLLL 0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH Using ICA with Network Firewalls ................................... 102 ICA Browsing With Network Address Translation .................... 103 Returning External Addresses to ICA Clients ..............
&RQWHQWV L[ Troubleshooting ................................................... 134 General Guidelines .............................................. 134 Installation Problems ............................................ 134 BIOS Setup ...
[L :HOFRPHWR&LWUL[0HWD)UDPH MetaFrame Application Server for Windows is Citrix’s server-based computing solution for Microsoft’s Windows Terminal Server.
[LL 0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH +RZ'RHV6HUYHU%DVHG&RPSXWLQJ:RUN" Server-based computing relies on three critical components: u A multiuser operating system that allows multiple concurrent users to log on and run applications in separate, protected sessions on a single server.
:HOFRPHWR&LWUL[0HWD)UDPH [LLL MetaFrame provides: u Support for heterogeneous computing environments While Terminal Server supports Windows-based devices and IP-based connections,.
[LY 0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH u Any client device . Citrix MetaFrame extends the reach of Terminal Server to virtually any client device: 286, 386, 486, and Pentium computers; Window.
:HOFRPHWR&LWUL[0HWD)UDPH [Y u Systems management . MetaFrame provides enterprises with greater manageability and scalability to help lower computing costs and reduce the resources needed to support users and devices.
[YL 0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH u Universal information access . From 16- and 32-bit applications to the latest real-time audio and video data, MetaFrame ensures you can connect to the data you need, quickly and easily.
:HOFRPHWR&LWUL[0HWD)UDPH [YLL &RQYHQWLRQV The following conventional terms, text formats, and symbols are used throughout the printed documentation: Convention Meaning Bold In.
[YLLL 0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH )LQGLQJ0RUH,QIRUPDWLRQ$ERXW0HWD)UDPH Your MetaFrame package includes the following printed documentation: The CD liner notes includes an overview of the product, Citrix support information, and instructions for activating your Citrix software licenses.
:HOFRPHWR&LWUL[0HWD)UDPH [L[ )LQGLQJ,QIRUPDWLRQ$ERXW:LQGRZV176HUYHU 7HUPLQDO6HUYHU(GLWLRQ Most Terminal Server compatibility guidelines can be applied to Citrix MetaFrame because MetaFrame is designed to run with Terminal Server.
CHAPTER 1 2YHUYLHZ This chapter introduces Citrix MetaFrame Application Server for Windows. Topics in this chapter include: u Citrix MetaFrame Features u The Citrix ICA Clients u System Sizing u I.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH &LWUL[0HWD)UDPH)HDWXUHV u Enterprise scalability . Terminal Server can accommodate up to 60 concurrent users on a single four-processor SMP Pentium server, depending on the application mix.
&KDSWHU,QWURGXFWLRQ u Load balancing support . With load balancing, MetaFrame servers can be logically pooled in a server farm .
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH 1HZLQ7KLV5HOHDVH u Program Neighborhood . Program Neighborhood introduces a new metaphor for user application access that replaces Remote Application Manager for the Citrix ICA Win32 Client and delivers access to centrally deployed applications.
&KDSWHU,QWURGXFWLRQ u ICA Browser Management . With ICA Browser management, part of the enhancements to Citrix Server Administration, administrators now have the ability to control browser parameters such as backup ICA Browsers, ICA Gateways, and update and refresh intervals.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH u The Citrix ICA Client for Macintosh. Use this client for 68030/040 and PowerPC-based Apple Macintosh computers. u The Citrix ICA Client for UNIX is available in the following versions: u Linux RedHat 5.
&KDSWHU,QWURGXFWLRQ u Low bandwidth requirements . The highly efficient Citrix ICA protocol typically uses a maximum of 20K of bandwidth for each session.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH u Seamless Windows support . The Citrix ICA Win32 Client now supports the seamless integration of local and remote applications on the local Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.
&KDSWHU,QWURGXFWLRQ 6VWHP6L]LQJ MetaFrame supports multiple users on a Windows Terminal Server. A multiuser system requires more system resources than a single-user system.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH Some sample configurations and supported user counts (for typical and power users) follow: Processor Memory (MB) Typical users Power users Pentium P.
&KDSWHU,QWURGXFWLRQ 8VLQJ3HUIRUPDQFH0RQLWRULQJ7RROV Use the performance monitoring tools supplied with Windows Terminal Server to monitor system performance and the effects of configuration changes on system throughput.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH Client drive mapping allows drive letters on the Citrix server to be redirected to drive letters that exist on the client computer. Client printer mapping allows a printer device on the Citrix server to be redirected to a printer on the client computer.
CHAPTER 2 2YHUYLHZ This chapter describes how to install Citrix MetaFrame on a Windows Terminal Server computer. Terminal Server must already be installed and configured before MetaFrame is installed. See “System Sizing” in Chapter 1 for hardware and software requirements for Citrix MetaFrame.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH %HIRUH<RX%HJLQ Please make sure you read the following information before installing MetaFrame. u You must have Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition installed before you can install Citrix MetaFrame.
&KDSWHU,QVWDOOLQJ0HWD)UDPH Drive letter Is accessed from the ICA session as: Client Drives: AA BB CV DU Server Drives: CC DD EE If you do not want the MetaFrame server drive letters to conflict with the client drive letters, the server drive letters can be reassigned to higher drive letters.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM* HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT* HKEY_USERS* The pagefile entry and the following shortcut files are also updated: %SystemRoot%ProfilesDefault User*.lnk %SystemRoot%ProfilesAdministrator*.
&KDSWHU,QVWDOOLQJ0HWD)UDPH ,QVWDOODWLRQ Ã To install Citrix MetaFrame 1. Log on to the Windows Terminal Server console as an administrator. 2. Insert the Me taFrame CD in the server’s CD-ROM drive. If your CD-ROM drive supports Autorun, the MetaFrame CD-ROM installation splash screen automatically appears.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH 10. The Network ICA Connections dialog box appears. Select all the network protocols this server will use for ICA connections (TCP/IP, IPX, and NetBIOS). Click Next to continue. By default, ICA connections are created for all protocols already configured in Terminal Server.
&KDSWHU,QVWDOOLQJ0HWD)UDPH 12. If TAPI devices are installed, the Async ICA Connections dialog box appears. Select the devices to configure for dial-in ICA connections.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH higher drive letters. Please read the “Drive Mapping and Server Drive Reassignment” section of this chapter and the information displayed in this dialog box carefully before clicking Next . This process is not reversible and should be well understood before continuing.
&KDSWHU,QVWDOOLQJ0HWD)UDPH 2. If you have a multiport async adapter, select a port on which to run auto- detection. MetaFrame Setup auto-detects the modem connected to the specified port. You can configure multiple ports with the same modem type in Step 5 below.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH 8. The Modems Properties dialog box appears. To change the configuration of an existing modem, select the modem and click Properties . To add another modem, click Add and repeat Steps 1 through 5. When you are finished, click Close and then click Next in the TAPI Modem Setup dialog box.
&KDSWHU,QVWDOOLQJ0HWD)UDPH Ã To perform an unattended installation or upgrade 1. Insert the MetaFrame CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of the Terminal Server computer, or insert the MetaFrame CD-ROM in a CD-ROM drive accessible over the network.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH $6DPSOH$QVZHU)LOH Here is a sample answer file that performs the following actions during MetaFrame Setup: u Installs two licenses (a base .
CHAPTER 3 2YHUYLHZ This chapter explains Citrix licensing. Topics in this chapter include: u What is Citrix Licensing? u The Citrix Licensing Program u Getting an Activation Code :KDWLV&LWUL[/LFHQVLQJ" Citrix licensing is separate from Microsoft licensing.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH To activate a Citrix license you use three numbers: serial number The number on your CD case that you enter during setup. license number The serial number appended with a code that makes it unique to this server.
&KDSWHU&LWUL[/LFHQVLQJ In addition, if you are using the ICA Win16 or Win32 clients from MetaFrame 1.0 or earlier, all sessions must use the same network protocol (TCP/IP, IPX, NetBIOS). Citrix servers exhaust all local (un-pooled) user counts before giving out pooled user counts.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH 6WDUWLQJ&LWUL[/LFHQVLQJ Ã To start Citrix Licensing • Click the Start button. Point to Programs . Point to MetaFrame Tools . Click Citrix Licensing . The Citrix Licensing utility appears, displaying all licenses currently installed on your MetaFrame server.
&KDSWHU&LWUL[/LFHQVLQJ Ã To add a license serial number 1. On the License menu, click Add . The Enter License Serial Number dialog box appears. 2. Type the serial number exactly as it appears on the serial number sticker on the CD case.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH Once a disk-based license is applied, it cannot be removed and installed again. 5. A message box appears containing important information about the license. Read the information in this box carefully and click OK when done.
&KDSWHU&LWUL[/LFHQVLQJ 3. On the License menu, select Activate License . The Activate License dialog box appears: 4. Enter your activation code and click OK . 3ULQWLQJ8QDFWLYDWHG/LFHQVHV You can print the license number of unactivated licenses.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUV*XLGH Ã To change the number of user counts pooled across Citrix servers 1. Select the lice nse to adjust. 2. From the License menu, click Change Pool Count . The License dialog box appears: 3. Adjust the pooled user license count for this license.
CHAPTER 4 2YHUYLHZ This chapter describes the Citrix MetaFrame extensions to Windows Terminal Server that allow for configuration and administration of the enhanced ICA features.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWLYH7RROV This section explains the MetaFrame tools used for administration and the extensions to Terminal Server utilities added by MetaFrame Setup. Ã To start MetaFrame tools from the Start menu 1.
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH &LWUL[/LFHQVLQJ Use Citrix Licensing to: u Add and remove Citrix base and server extension licenses u Activate installed lic.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH ,&$&OLHQW3ULQWHU&RQILJXUDWLRQ Your end-users can use ICA Client Printer Configuration to: u Create and connect to ICA Client printers. u Create print queues for ICA Clients that do not support native print queues, such as the ICA DOS Client.
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH 3XEOLVKHG$SSOLFDWLRQ0DQDJHU Use Published Application Manager to configure and manage server farms and published applications.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH For more information on configuring per-user settings, see the User Manager for Domains online help. For more information on configuring per-client settings, see the Citrix ICA Client Administrator’s Guides for the clients you plan to deploy.
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH $GGLQJ,&$1HWZRUN&RQQHFWLRQV Use the following procedure to add Network ICA connections; for example, if you install an additional protocol such as IPX. Ã To create a network ICA connection 1.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH You cannot configure a modem or serial port as both a RAS service port and a connection port. You cannot configure a serial null modem cable connection using the Dial-Up Networking Serial Cable between 2 PCs option.
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH &RQILJXULQJ%DVLF,&$&RQQHFWLRQ2SWLRQV This section provides information on configuration options specific to ICA connections. For information on other connection options, see the Citrix Connection Configuration online help.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH &RQILJXULQJ$VQF6HULDO&RQQHFWLRQV The Device Connect On , Baud , Set Defaults , Advanced , and Test options are only present for direct (null modem cable) serial connections.
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH &RQILJXULQJ$GYDQFHG$VQF2SWLRQV Click Advanced in Async Transport Configuration to access the Advanced Async Configuration dialog box.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH &RQILJXULQJ$GYDQFHG,&$&RQQHFWLRQ2SWLRQV The options on the Advanced Connection Settings dialog box in Citrix Connection Configuration provide additional control over security and performance on ICA connections.
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH &RQILJXULQJ,&$(QFUSWLRQ You can specify the minimum level of encryption for the ICA connection. The default level is Basic. Strong encryption using the RC5 algorithm is available with Citrix SecureICA Services.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH The Client Audio Quality options are: u High . This setting is only recommended for connections where bandwidth is plentiful and sound quality is important. This setting allows clients to play a sound file at its native data rate.
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH During a session, users can use ICA Printer Configuration to map client devices not automatically mapped at logon. For more information on using the ICA Printer Configuration utility, see the Citrix ICA Client Administrator’s Guides for the clients you plan to deploy.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH +RZ0HWD)UDPH$VVLJQV'ULYH/HWWHUVWR0DSSHG&OLHQW'ULYHV By default, the drives on the client system are automatically mapped to drive letters on the MetaFrame server during logon.
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH 4. Repeat Step 3 for each subsequent partition. Assign drive letters sequentially i n the same order they were originally assigned. If a CD-ROM drive is present, it should be sequentially last in the drive letter list.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH &OLHQW&203RUW0DSSLQJ Client COM port mapping allows a remote application running on the Citrix server to access devices attached to COM ports on the client computer.
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH 7KH&LWUL[6HUYHU$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ:LQGRZ The Citrix Server Administration window has two panes. The left pane displays Citrix servers, domains, Terminal Servers, sessions, and published applications.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH Click the Published Applications tab to switch the left pane to the published applications view. This view shows the published applications on the network. Click the Video Servers tab to switch the left pane to the video servers view.
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH $SSOLFDWLRQV7DE The Applications tab is available when Published Applications is selected in the published applications pane. The Applications tab displays information about applications published on the network.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 6HVVLRQ When a session is selected in the left pane, information on the user, session, and client is displayed. 3XEOLVKHG$SSOLFDWLRQ When a published application is selected in the left pane, information on the published application is displayed.
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH 0DQDJLQJ6HUYHUV8VHUV6HVVLRQVDQG3URFHVVHV Use the Citrix Server Administration utility to manage the users, sessions, and processes on a Citrix server or Terminal Server.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH In Title , enter the text for the title of the message dialog box. In Message , enter the text of the message. Click OK to send the message. The message appears on the user’s screen: Multiple lines can be entered in either box by using CTRL+ENTER to move to a new line in the edit box.
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH The shadowing session must be capable of supporting the video resolution used by the shadowed session. If the shadowing session does not support the required video resolution, the operation fails.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH /RJJLQJ8VHUVRIIWKH6HUYHU You can forcefully end a user’s session by selecting the user in the Users tab and clicking Logoff on the Action menu. If you select multiple users, each user is logged off.
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH Select the Save Settings on Exit check box to save your current settings when Citrix Server Administration closes. At startup, Citrix Server Administration connects only to the server from which it is running.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 8QGHUVWDQGLQJWKH,&$%URZVHU6HUYLFH The ICA Browser maintains data on Citrix servers and published applications. Separate data is maintained for each network transport (TCP/IP, IPX, and NetBIOS).
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH %URZVHU(OHFWLRQV The ICA Browser system elects a master browser under the following conditions: u The current master browser doe.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH +RZ,&$&OLHQWV8VHWKH0DVWHU,&$%URZVHU Citrix ICA Clients must locate the master browser to get the address of a server or published application.
&KDSWHU&RQILJXULQJ0HWD)UDPH For ICA Gateways to function on IPX networks, routers must be configured to route raw IPX packets. For more information on the ICA Browser service, see “Understanding the ICA Browser Service” earlier in this chapter.
CHAPTER 5 2YHUYLHZ This chapter describes application publishing. Topics in this chapter include: u An introduction to application publishing, Program Neighborhood, and server farms u Configuri.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 8VHU$FFHVV When you publish applications, user access to those applications is greatly simplified in three areas: u Addressing . Instead of connecting to a Citrix server by its IP address or server name, ICA Client users can connect to a specific application by whatever name you give it.
&KDSWHU3XEOLVKLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQV u Start the ICA Client on the client device; get an IP address or server name of a Citrix server from an administrator or from the.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH&RQWURO When you publish applications, you get greater administrative control over application deployment with: u Selected user access . You publish applications for specific users and user groups.
&KDSWHU3XEOLVKLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQV To the ICA Client user, a published application is an application that appears very similar to an application running locally on the client device. The way the user starts the application depends upon the ICA Client in use on the client device.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH The master ICA Browser selects one of the servers based on load and returns the address of that server to the ICA Client. You can tune how load balancing support calculates server load for each server in a load balancing server farm using the Load Balancing Administration utility.
&KDSWHU3XEOLVKLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQV u Common administrator’s rights . The individuals responsible for administration of a farm should have administrative rights over each server in the farm.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH Two domains, named A and B Domains A and B have a one-way trust relationship in which domain A trusts B. The trust intersection of these two domains is B. You can configure published applications for all user accounts on domain B.
&KDSWHU3XEOLVKLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQV 6HUYHU)DUP$UUDQJHPHQWV You can configure your server farms in multiple ways depending upon your needs and the existing structure of your network. The following diagrams illustrate some of the ways you can arrange Citrix servers in server farms.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH A farm containing a single server that is a member of a Windows NT domain can expand to contain additional servers: The farm depicted above contains multiple servers from a single Windows NT domain.
&KDSWHU3XEOLVKLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQV Server farms can include multiple domains as long as a common base of user accounts exists between the domains. In the example above, the trust relationship between Domain 1 and Domain 2 determines the user account base.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH You do not have to create separate server farms to deliver different applications to different user groups in the common account base. Although each application you publish is published in the server farm, each user in the common account base sees only the applications he or she is authorized to use.
&KDSWHU3XEOLVKLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQV :LQGRZV17'RPDLQV6FRSH If you do not add your servers to a Citrix server farm, Published Application Manager functions in the Windows NT domains scope of management. In this scope, the applications you publish do not support Program Neighborhood features.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH Use the Server Farm Application Migration wizard after placing a server with an existing base of published applications into a farm for the first time or after upgrading a pre-MetaFrame 1.8 server containing previously published applications to MetaFrame 1.
&KDSWHU3XEOLVKLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQV Ã To change farm membership 1. Make sure you are in the server farm management scope.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 6HOHFWLQJD6FRSHRI0DQDJHPHQW The Select Scope menu option lets you switch between Published Application Manager’s two scopes of management: Citrix server farms and Windows NT domains. Ã To select a scope of management 1.
&KDSWHU3XEOLVKLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQV The main window’s titlebar displays the currently selected server or servers. In this case, All Servers indicates that the current view displays all applications configured on all servers in the OLDB Farm.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH )LOWHULQJWKH6HUYHUVLQ<RXU9LHZ Published Application Manager includes a filtering utility that lets you narrow your view of applications.
&KDSWHU3XEOLVKLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQV Ã To filter servers 1. From the View menu, click Select Server . 2. In the Select Citrix Server dialog box, click Filter Servers By . The Filter Servers By dialog box appears. Select the criterion, or criteria, by which you want to filter your servers.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH If an application published on the Citrix server can be accessed by guest-level users, the application can be configured (using Published Application Manager) to allow access by anonymous users.
&KDSWHU3XEOLVKLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQV 5. In the User menu, click Copy . 6. Enter a unique name in Username and click Add . Though not a requirement, it is best to use names of the form Anon xxx , following the pattern of the existing anonymous users.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 6HFXULW&RQVLGHUDWLRQV In addition to using standard Windows NT security features and practices, access to Citrix servers can be restricted in several ways: u All users on a specific connection type can be restricted to running published applications only.
&KDSWHU3XEOLVKLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQV Ã To publish an application in a server farm In order to publish an application in a server farm, the server or server which is to host the application must be a member of a farm. Make sure the server is a member of a farm before attempting to publish the application.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 3XEOLVKLQJD9LGHR Before publishing a video, you must encode the video using the Citrix VideoFrame Encoder and then copy the video (.avi) file to a VideoFrame server. Ã To publish a video 1. Use the standard application publishing wizard to publish a video.
&KDSWHU3XEOLVKLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQV You can type a UNC name or network drive and full path or click Browse to locate the file server that contains your IMS script and package.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 0DLQWDLQLQJ3XEOLVKHG$SSOLFDWLRQV After you publish an application, you can later change its properties. Common reasons to change a published application’s settings include when you want to: u Rename the published application.
&KDSWHU3XEOLVKLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQV 'HOHWLQJ3XEOLVKHG$SSOLFDWLRQV Deleting a published application removes all published application configuration information from each server in the published application’s list of configured servers.
CHAPTER 6 2YHUYLHZ This chapter discusses advanced MetaFrame system administration topics. Topics discussed include: u Understanding MetaFrame Load Balancing u MetaFrame Security Tools u Using .
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 8QGHUVWDQGLQJ0HWD)UDPH/RDG%DODQFLQJ Load balancing allows an application to be published for execution on any of several Citrix servers in a server farm.
&KDSWHU$GYDQFHG7RSLFV To reconnect to disconnected load balanced sessions, the following criteria must be met: u The user must disconnect gracefully from the server; for example, by clicking Disconnect from the Start menu.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH Ã To adjust basic load balancing settings • Click a Citrix server in the server list pane. The Basic load balance settings tab for the selected server appears in the right pane: Ã To balance two or more servers in a Load Balancing farm 1.
&KDSWHU$GYDQFHG7RSLFV Ã To adjust advanced load balance parameters 1. Click on the servername in the left panel and then click the Advanced tab. 2. Set the importance factor for each load balancing parameter. 3.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH u Pagefile Usage . The ratio of the current pagefile size to the allowed minimum free space left in the pagefile. u Swap Activity . The number of times per second the pagefile is accessed. u Processor Usage .
&KDSWHU$GYDQFHG7RSLFV u The maximum number of users the system can support. The maximum number of users the system can support is the smaller of: u The number of ICA connections per protocol.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH Click the Advanced tab to adjust the importance of advanced factors when calculating overall system load.
&KDSWHU$GYDQFHG7RSLFV The Aclcheck utility is used to display file and directory permissions that give excessive access to users and groups The Aclcheck utility can be used to verify the security of the MetaFrame server.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 8VLQJ,&$ZLWK1HWZRUN)LUHZDOOV Network firewalls can allow or block packets based on the destination address and port. If you are using ICA through a network firewall, use the information provided in this section to configure the firewall.
&KDSWHU$GYDQFHG7RSLFV ,&$%URZVLQJ:LWK1HWZRUN$GGUHVV7UDQVODWLRQ Some firewalls use IP address translation to convert private (Intranet) IP addresses into public (Internet) IP addresses.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH In addition to specifying the alternate address on the Citrix server, the ICA Client must be configured to request the alternate address when contacting the master ICA Browser.
APPENDIX A 2YHUYLHZ This appendix describes the MetaFrame command line utilities. The commands listed in this appendix are: u aclcheck (Security Audit Utility) u aclset (Set Default Security.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH $&/&+(&.6HFXULW$XGLW8WLOLW 'HVFULSWLRQ This command is identical to query acl .
$SSHQGL[$0HWD)UDPH&RPPDQG5HIHUHQFH If no arguments are specified, aclcheck checks all local drives and then checks the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE portion of the system registry.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH $&/6(76HW'HIDXOW6HFXULW$&/V 'HVFULSWLRQ Aclset automatically secures all files and directories on all hard drives. Aclset secures all files, directories, and drives.
$SSHQGL[$0HWD)UDPH&RPPDQG5HIHUHQFH $/7$''56SHFLI$OWHUQDWH6HUYHU,3$GGUHVV 'HVFULSWLRQ Altaddr is used to query and set the alternate (external) IP address that a MetaFrame server returns to clients who request it.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH $33$SSOLFDWLRQ([HFXWLRQ6KHOO 'HVFULSWLRQ App is a script interpreter for secure application execution.
$SSHQGL[$0HWD)UDPH&RPPDQG5HIHUHQFH execute Executes the program specified by the path command using the working directory specified by the workdir command. path executablepath Sets the program to be executed by executablepath .
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH $8',7/2**HQHUDWH/RJRQ/RJRII5HSRUWV 'HVFULSWLRQ The auditlog utility generates reports of logon/logoff activity for a MetaFrame server based on the Windows NT Server security Event Log.
$SSHQGL[$0HWD)UDPH&RPPDQG5HIHUHQFH / write : filename Specifies the name of an output file. Creates a comma-delimited file that can be imported into an application such as a spreadsheet to produce custom reports or statistics.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH &+$1*(&/,(17&KDQJH,&$&OLHQW 'HYLFH0DSSLQJ6HWWLQJV 'HVFULSWLRQ Change client changes the current ICA Client device mapping settings.
$SSHQGL[$0HWD)UDPH&RPPDQG5HIHUHQFH / noremap If / noremap is specified, client drives that conflict with MetaFrame drives are not mapped. / persistent Saves the current client drive mappings in the user’s profile.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH The /default option maps the drives and printers on the client PC to mapped drives and printers on the MetaFrame server.
$SSHQGL[$0HWD)UDPH&RPPDQG5HIHUHQFH &/735,176HWWKH1XPEHURI&OLHQW3ULQWHU3LSHV 'HVFULSWLRQ Sets the number of printer pipes to the client print spooler. 6QWD[ cltprint [/ q ] [/ pipes : nn ] [/ ? ] 2SWLRQV / q Displays the current number of printer pipes.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH ,&$3257&RQILJXUH7&3,33RUW1XPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ Configures the TCP/IP port number used by the ICA protocol on the MetaFrame server. 6QWD[ icaport {/ query | / port : nnn | / reset } [/ ? ] 2SWLRQV / query Queries the current setting.
$SSHQGL[$0HWD)UDPH&RPPDQG5HIHUHQFH ([DPSOH To set the TCP/IP port number to 5000: To reset the port number to 1494: 6HFXULW5HVWULFWLRQV Only administrators can run icaport .
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 1'63695(QDEOHRU'LVDEOHD3UHIHUUHG 6HUYHUIRU1'6/RJRQV 'HVFULSWLRQ Use ndspsvr to enable or disable a preferred server for NDS logons.
$SSHQGL[$0HWD)UDPH&RPPDQG5HIHUHQFH 48(5<$&/6HFXULW$XGLW8WLOLW 'HVFULSWLRQ This command is identical to aclcheck . It performs a file security audit on the specified directory or drive letter.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH If no arguments are specified, query acl checks all local drives and then checks the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE portion of the system registry.
$SSHQGL[$0HWD)UDPH&RPPDQG5HIHUHQFH 48(5</,&(16(9LHZ&LWUL[/LFHQVHV 'HVFULSWLRQ Query license displays information about Citrix licenses. 6QWD[ query license [/ server : servername | / all ] [/ ? ] 2SWLRQV / server : servername The Citrix server to be queried.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 48(5<6(59(59LHZ&LWUL[6HUYHUV 'HVFULSWLRQ Query server displays information about the available Citrix servers on the network.
$SSHQGL[$0HWD)UDPH&RPPDQG5HIHUHQFH / gateway Displays configured gateway addresses. / serial Displays license serial numbers. / disc Displays disconnected session data. / serverfarm Displays server farm names and server load.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 5HPDUNV Query server uses the ICA Browser to display data about the Citrix servers present on a network.
APPENDIX B 2YHUYLHZ Citrix DirectICA for MetaFrame adds support for multi-VGA adapters to Citrix MetaFrame Application Server for Windows. A multi-VGA adapter (also called a multiconsole adapter ) is a hardware device that contains several VGA video adapters with additional support hardware.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 6VWHP5HTXLUHPHQWV See the “System Sizing” section in Chapter 1 for general MetaFrame hardware requirements.
$SSHQGL[%&LWUL['LUHFW,&$IRU0HWD)UDPH +DUGZDUH,QVWDOODWLRQ This section contains separate installation procedures for the Maxspeed and Stone Microsystems adapters. You can install as many multi-VGA adapters as your system can contain, but they must all be from the same manufacturer.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 6RIWZDUH,QVWDOODWLRQ Ã To install DirectICA 1. Log on to the MetaFrame server as an administrator. 2. Insert the MetaFrame CD-ROM. 3. Click the Start button and then click Run . Type d :drcticasetup.
$SSHQGL[%&LWUL['LUHFW,&$IRU0HWD)UDPH Ã To uninstall DirectICA 1. Make sure all users are logged off from DirectICA stations. 2. Log on using the local “Administrator” account. 3. Click the Start button, point to Settings , and then click Control Panel .
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 3. On the Connection menu, click New . The New Connection dialog box appears. 4. Enter a name for this connection in the Name box. 5. In the Type list, click Citrix DirectICA . 6. If desired, enter a comment in the Comment box.
$SSHQGL[%&LWUL['LUHFW,&$IRU0HWD)UDPH u The DTR (Data Terminal Ready) and DSR (Data Set Ready) modem signals are not supported u The RI (Ring In dicator) modem signal is not supported; most applications use CD (Carrier Detect) instead Some applications can only access COM1 or COM2.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ This section contains information to help you diagnose and solve common problems encountered with DirectICA.
$SSHQGL[%&LWUL['LUHFW,&$IRU0HWD)UDPH %DVH$GGUHVV&RQIOLFWVZLWK0D[VSHHG$GDSWHUV If the DirectICA stations display a logon screen but the mice and keyboards do not work, a base address conflict is the likely cause.
APPENDIX C You do not normally need to override the default values for ICA Browser registry entries. However, for some systems you can adjust individual parameters to suit your particular needs. Ã To edit the registry 1. Click the Start button and then click Run .
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH AckTimeout REG_DWORD 0 - 0xffffffff seconds (5 = default) Specifies the interval a browser waits for an ACK after sending a master browser update. If no ACK is received, the browser resends the update.
$SSHQGL[& ,&$%URZVHU5HJLVWU.HV GatewayIpx REG_MULTI_SZ Citrix server addresses To set up an IPX gateway the remote IPX address (network:node) of a Citrix server must be specified in this list.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH LogMask REG_DWORD 0 - 0xffffffff (0 = default) Specifies a bit mask for logging debug information. After changing this value, stop and start the ICA Browser to start logging to the file %systemRoot%Ibrowser.
$SSHQGL[& ,&$%URZVHU5HJLVWU.HV RefreshDelay REG_DWORD 0 - 0xffffffff seconds (30 = default) Specifies the delay after a client connects or disconnects from the Citrix server before a master browser update is sent.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH Weighting Factor Limit Description BalanceICA Connections Configured ICA connections Number of free ICA connections BalanceUserLicenses BalanceMax.
$SSHQGL[& ,&$%URZVHU5HJLVWU.HV BalancePageFaults REG_DWORD 0 - 1000 (100 = default) Specifies the page fault weighting factor. Each of the weighting factors is divided by the sum of the weighting factors to arrive at ratios that are used to compute the system load level.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH BalanceICAConnections REG_DWORD 0 - 1000 (10 = default) Specifies the ICA connection weighting factor. Each of the weighting factors is divided by the sum of the weighting factors to arrive at ratios that are used to compute the system load level.
16-bit versus 32-bit applications 10 $ ACLCHECK (Security Audit Utility) 106 ACLSET (Set Default Security ACLs) 108 using to secure the file system 100 activating a license 30 adding a l.
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH & CHANGE CLIENT (Change ICA Client Device Mapping Settings) 114 Change ICA Client Device Mapping Settings (CHANGE CLIENT) 114 Citrix licensing.
,QGH[ + home directories, Terminal Server and W IN F RAME 63 How to Use this Guide xvi , ICA Browser 60 configuring 59 ICA Browser service 60 registry entries 137 registry key values .
0HWD)UDPH$GPLQLVWUDWRUªV*XLGH MetaFrame features enterprise-scale management tools xiv heterogeneous computing environments xiii ICA Client features 6 ICA Client platforms 5 se.
,QGH[ 6 sample answer file 24 scopes of management introduction 70 NT domains scope 77 server farms scope 70 trust relationships 71 security MetaFrame security tools 100 using ACLSET .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Citrix Systems 1.8 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Citrix Systems 1.8 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Citrix Systems 1.8, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Citrix Systems 1.8 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Citrix Systems 1.8, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Citrix Systems 1.8.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Citrix Systems 1.8. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Citrix Systems 1.8 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.