Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit VG224 du fabricant Cisco Systems
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Corporate Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 951 34-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco V G224 V oice Gate w .
iii Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdwa re Inst allat ion Gu ide OL-5006-04 CONTENTS Preface vii Audience vii Organization vii Conventi ons viii Safety Warnings ix Warning Definition ix Related Documentation xiv Obtaining Documentation xv Cisco.
Contents iv Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 CHAPTER 2 Planning Your Install ation 2-1 Location an d Mounting Requ irements 2-1 Temperature Control an d Ventilation 2-.
Contents v Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdwa re Inst allat ion G uide OL-5006-04 Connecting the Conso le Port to a PC or an ASCII Terminal 3-16 Cable 3-16 Procedure 3-16 Connecting the Auxiliary Port .
Contents vi Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Fast Ethernet Port Pinouts (RJ-45) A-6 Analog Voice Multiport Pinouts (RJ-21X/CA21A) A-7 EIA/TIA-232 Connections A-7 EIA/TIA-449 Connections A-7 V.
7 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdwa re Inst allat ion Gu ide OL-5006-04 Preface This preface discusses the audience, organization, a nd con ventions of this publication, and describes how t o obtain additional documentation.
8 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Preface Conventions Conventions Note Means r eader take note . Notes contain helpful suggestions or refer ences to materials not contained in this publication. T imesaver Means the described action saves time .
9 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdwa re Inst allat ion G uide OL-5006-04 Preface Safety W arning s Safety Warnings Safety warnings appear throu ghout this publicati on in procedures that , if performed incorrect ly , may harm you. A warning symb ol precedes each warning stat ement.
10 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Preface Safety Warnings Warnung WICHTIGE SICHERHEITSANWEISUNGEN Dieses Warnsymbol bedeu tet Gefahr . Sie befinden sich in einer Situation, die zu einer Körperverletzung führen könnte.
11 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdwa re Inst allat ion G uide OL-5006-04 Preface Safety W arning s V arning! VIKTIGA SÄKERHETSANVISNINGA R Denna varningssignal signalera r fara.
12 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Preface Safety Warnings Avi s o INSTRUÇÕES IMPORT ANTES DE SEGURANÇA Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo. V ocê se enc ontra em uma situação em que há risco de lesões corporais.
13 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdwa re Inst allat ion G uide OL-5006-04 Preface Safety W arning s.
14 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Preface Related Documentation Related Documentation The Cisco IOS software running your Cisco voi ce gate way includ es ext ensi ve features and functionality .
15 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdwa re Inst allat ion G uide OL-5006-04 Preface Obtaining Documentation Obtaining Documentation Cisco documentation and additi onal literature are a v ailable on Cisco also provides se veral ways to obtain technical assistance and other techni cal resources.
16 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Preface Obtaining Technical A ssistance Obtaining Technical Assistance For all customers, partners, resellers, and dist ributo rs who h old va lid Cisco service contracts, Ci sco T echnical Support provides 24-hour-a-day , award-wi nning techni cal assistan ce.
17 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdwa re Inst allat ion G uide OL-5006-04 Preface Obtaining Additional Public ations and Information Se verity 2 ( S2)—Operation of an e xisting netw ork is se verely de graded, or signif icant aspects of your business operation are negati vely af fected by inadequate perf ormance of Cisco products.
18 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Preface Obtaining Additional Publ ications and Information.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 1 Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway This chapter pro vides a brief descript ion of the Cisco V G224 v oice ga.
1-2 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 1 Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Overview Figure 1 -1 Cisco V G224 V oice Gatew ay F r ont P anel The Cisco VG224 pro vides 24 analog f oreign exch ange station (FXS) v oice ports with two 10/100B ASE-T ports.
1-3 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 1 Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Overview Figure 1 -3 Ser ial Number Locations Note The serial number for the C.
1-4 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 1 Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Cisco VG224 Voic e Gateway Deploym ent Configuration Options The follo wing in.
1-5 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 1 Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Physical Description and LEDs Physical Description and LEDs All interface ports and LEDs are on the rear of the chassis.
1-6 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 1 Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Chassis Grounding Chassis Grounding Chassis grounding is pro vided through the po wer cable, which uses a standard grounding plug.
1-7 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 1 Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Software Elements War ni ng Ultimate disposal of this product should be handled according to all nati onal laws and regulations.
1-8 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 1 Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Software Elements.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 2 Planning Your Installation Before you install your Ci sco VG224 v oice gatew a y , consider the inform ation in thi.
2-2 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 2 Planning Yo ur Installation Location and Mo unting Requireme nts Enclosed Racks Caution Enclosed ra cks must ha ve adequate v entilation. An enclosed rack should nev er be o vercro wded and should ha ve louv ers and a f an.
2-3 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 2 Plann ing Your In stallation Location and Mounting Requirements Power Source A Cisco VG224 v oice gateway wi th A C power supply autoselects ei ther 100–127 v olt or 200 –240 vo lt operation.
2-4 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 2 Planning Yo ur Installation Location and Mo unting Requireme nts Caution Signal pins 1, 3, 5, and 7 shou ld be tied lo w to prev ent the Cisco V G224 v oice g ate way from rep orting faults on the DC po wer .
2-5 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 2 Plann ing Your In stallation Distance Limitation s for Interface Cables Cable Types The cable types that are used are dependent on t he Cisco VG224 v oice gate way th at you are using.
2-6 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 2 Planning Yo ur Installation Interference Considerations If you rem ov e any module, you must eith er install a module in its place or install a cov er plate o ver the opening.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway This chapter contains the procedur es for installing your Cisco VG224 voic.
3-2 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Safety Re commendations Safety Recommendations The follo wing informati on is included to alert you t o safety recommendations and best practi ces when working with th is equipment.
3-3 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Site Log • Look carefully for possi ble hazards in your work area, such as moi st floors, ungrounded po wer extension cables, and mi ssing safety grounds.
3-4 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Keeping Track–Che cklist Keeping Track–Checklist W e recommend that you use an installati on checklist and ma intain a Site Log.
3-5 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Mounting Tools and E quipment Mounting Tools and Equipment Obtain the follo win.
3-6 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Rack-Mounting the Chassis Rack-Mounting the Chassis Y our chassis ships wit h a pair of bracke ts for use with a 19-inch rack or mo unting on the w all.
3-7 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Rack-Mounting the Chassis Attaching the Brackets T o install the chassis in a rack with the rear panel forward, attach the brackets as sho wn in Figure 3-3 .
3-8 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Rack-Mounting the Chassis Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway in a Rack Th.
3-9 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Wall-Mounting the Chassis Wall-Mounting the Chassis The follo wing w arning applies only when the uni t is wall-mount ed: War ni ng This unit is intended to be mounted on a wall.
3-10 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Wall-Mountin g the Chassis Note For attachi ng to a wall stud, each br acket requires tw o #10 wood scre ws (round- o r pan-head) with #10 washers, or two #10 w asher -head scre ws.
3-11 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Bench-Top Installation Bench-Top Installation Step 1 V erify that there is a suitable A C po wer outlet av aila ble.
3-12 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Installing the Ground Connection • For EN/IEC 60950- compliant groundi ng, use size A WG 18 (1 mm 2 ) or larger wire and an appropriate user-supplied ring terminal.
3-13 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Installing the Ground Connection Figure 3-9 NEBS-Compliant Chassis Ground Con .
3-14 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Connecting Cables Connecting Cables For cables not i ncluded with your Cisco V G224 voice g ate way , pino ut information is in Appendix A, “Cable Specifications and Information.
3-15 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Connectin g Cables LAN and Power Cables These cables and connections are de scribed in Ta b l e 3-3 and in Figure 3-11 .
3-16 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Connecting Cables Connecting the Input Power Caution The Cisco VG224 voice gate way chassis provides inputs for both AC and DC power .
3-17 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Connectin g Cables Connecting the Auxiliary Port to a Modem Use the procedure in this section to connect the auxiliary port to a modem.
3-18 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Connecting Cables Voice Cables War ni ng For connections outside the build ing.
3-19 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Connectin g Cables Connecting the Analog Voice Inte rface to a Distribution Pa.
3-20 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ports, Connectors, a nd Pinouts Ports, Connectors, and Pinouts Ta b l e 3-4 summarizes the cable connections between Ci sco VG224 v oice gate way an d the netw ork and user interfaces.
3-21 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Connecting Backup Power Connecting to a Remote ASCII Terminal T o link a Cisco.
3-22 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Connecting Backup Power Figure 3-14 Connecting a Batt ery Backup t o a DC-P o wer e d Cisco V G224 Caution Use a backup battery only i f you are not using A C to power yo ur Cisco VG224 v oice gate way .
3-23 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Connecting Backup Power Connecting a UPS to an AC-Powered Cisco VG224 Connect an unint erruptible po wer supply to the A C input on your Cisco V G224 voice gate way .
3-24 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Connecting Backup Power.
CH A P T E R 4-1 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 4 Powering On the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway T o po wer on your Cisco VG224 v oice gate way , perform the follo wing t.
4-2 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 4 Powering On the Cisco VG224 Voice Gatew ay Initial Configur ation Procedures Step 3 Enter no to proceed with manual conf.
4-3 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 4 Powering On the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Initial Configuration Procedure s Perform the follo wing initial conf ig urati.
4-4 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 4 Powering On the Cisco VG224 Voice Gatew ay Troublesho oting Verifying and Saving Your Configuration T o v erify the conf.
4-5 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 4 Powering On the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Troublesh ooting Ta b l e 4-1 T roubleshooting the Cisco V G224 V o ice Gatew .
4-6 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Chapter 4 Powering On the Cisco VG224 Voice Gatew ay Troublesho oting.
A-1 Cisco VG224 Voice Ga teway Hardware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 APPENDIX A Cable Specifications and Information This appendix provides the connector an d pinout information you need for making or purcha sing cables used with Cisco VG224 voic e gate way .
A-2 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Appendix A Cab le S pecifications and Information Console and Auxiliary Port Cables and Pinouts Identifying a Rollover Cable Y ou .
A-3 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdwa re Inst allat ion G uide OL-5006-04 Appendix A Cable Specifications a nd Information Console and Auxilia ry Port Cables and Pinouts Console Port to PC Figure A-2 sho ws the RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollov er cable a ssembly and the RJ-45-to-DB-9 female DTE adapter (label ed TERMINAL); Ta b l e A-1 lists the pinouts.
A-4 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Appendix A Cab le S pecifications and Information Console and Auxiliary Port Cables and Pinouts Console Port to ASCII Terminal Fig.
A-5 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdwa re Inst allat ion G uide OL-5006-04 Appendix A Cable Specifications a nd Information Console and Auxilia ry Port Cables and Pinouts Auxiliary Port to Modem Figure.
A-6 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Appendix A Cab le S pecifications and Information Fast Ethernet Port Pinouts (RJ-45) Fast Ethernet Port Pinouts (RJ-45) Figure A-5 sho ws the RJ-45 connector wiri ng for the Fast Ethernet cable; Figure A-5 lists the pinouts.
A-7 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdwa re Inst allat ion G uide OL-5006-04 Appendix A Cable Specifications a nd Information Analog Voice M ultiport Pinouts (RJ-21X/CA21A) Analog Voice Multiport Pinouts (RJ-21X/CA21A) Figure A-6 sho w s the RJ-21 connector wiring for the cabl e used for the multiport analog v oice interface.
A-8 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Appendix A Cab le S pecifications and Information Analog Voice Multiport Pinouts (RJ-21X/CA21A) EIA/TIA-232 Connections The EIA/TIA-232 standard support s unbalanced ci rcuits at signal speed s up to 64 kbps.
A-9 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdwa re Inst allat ion G uide OL-5006-04 Appendix A Cable Specifications a nd Information Analog Voice M ultiport Pinouts (RJ-21X/CA21A) V.35 Connections The V .35 standard is recommended for speeds up to 48 kbps, although in practice it is used successfully at 4 Mbps.
A-10 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Appendix A Cab le S pecifications and Information Analog Voice Multiport Pinouts (RJ-21X/CA21A) Figure A -1 1 EIA/TIA -530 Ser ia.
IN-1 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdwa re Inst allat ion Gu ide OL-5006-04 INDEX Numerics 19-Inch Rack Installati on—Front Panel Forward 3-7 19-Inch Rack Installation—Rear Panel Forward 3-7 A AC p.
Index IN-2 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdware Installation Guide OL-5006-04 Fast Ethernet cables, distance limitations 2-4 Fast Ethernet hub 3-5 Fast Ethernet port, connecting 3-17 figures 19-Inch Ra.
Index IN-3 Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Ha rdwa re Inst allat ion Gu ide OL-5006-04 power cord, description 2-3 power requirements 2-3, 3-16 power supply volt ages 2-3 problems, diagnosing an d correctin.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems VG224 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems VG224 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems VG224, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems VG224 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems VG224, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems VG224.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems VG224. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems VG224 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.