Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit OL-10426-01 du fabricant Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco W AN Modeling T ools User Guide Release 15.
iii Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 CONTENTS Preface ix Relate d CWM and Switc h Documentat ion ix Obtain ing Documentati on x Cisco.
Cont ents iv Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Instal ling th e SSI on a PC Pla t form 2-8 Removing Sub-applic ations 2-9 Troubl eshooti ng NMT I nstall ation 2-9 CHAPTER 3 Using t.
Content s v Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Card T able 4-27 Groups an d Network Table 4-2 8 Node s Tab le 4-2 9 Network Se ttings 4-29 Model Options 4-31 Feeder s 4-32 Mode ling.
Cont ents vi Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 View Summary 6-5 Using th e M ap Tool 6-5 CHAPTER 7 NMT Utilit ies Command Line 7-1 CHAPTER 8 NMT Map 8-1 NMT Map Startu p 8-1 Naviga.
Content s vii Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Convert ing WANDL Fil es into NMT .c nf Files 10-4 CHAPTER 11 SpreadSheet Interface 11-1 NMT to Micros oft Excel 11-1 Micro sof t Ex.
Cont ents viii Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0.
ix Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Preface The Cisco W AN Model ing T ools User Guide pro v ides instructio ns for using the W A N Modeling T ools, a design aid for W ANs. Th e W AN Model ing T ool s consist of the following software tools: • Network Modeling T oo l (NM T).
x Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Preface Obtaining D ocument ation • Releas e Notes for CWM Automate d Bulk Pr ovisioni ng, Releas e 15.
xi Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Pre face Documentati on Feedba ck Y ou can acce ss the most curr ent Cisco documenta tion at this URL: http://www m/uni ve rcd/home/home. htm Y ou can access the Cis co websi te at th is URL: http://www .
xii Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Preface Cisco Product Security Ov erview Y ou can subm it comm ent s by using the respon se card (i f prese nt) behi nd the front cover of you.
xiii Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Pre face Obtaining Technical Assistance Obtaining Tech nical Assistance For all customers, par tners, resellers, a nd distributors who hold valid Cisco serv ice contracts, Cisco T echnical Support provides 2 4-hour-a-d ay , award-wi nning t echnic al assist ance.
xiv Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Preface Obtaining A dditional Pub lications and Informa tion Definitions of Servic e Re quest Sev erity T o ensure th at all service re quests are repo rted in a stan dard for mat, Cis co has establish ed se verity def init ions .
xv Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Pre face Obtaining Additional Publications and Information • W orl d-class n etworking training is a vailable fr om Cisco. Y ou can view curren t offerings at this URL: http://www /en/US/lear ning/index .
xvi Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Preface Obtaining A dditional Pub lications and Informa tion.
C HA PTER 1-1 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 1 Overview of the WAN Modeling Tools This ch apte r provides an overview of the a pplicat ions th at make up the Ci sco W AN M odeli ng T ools, an d of the Ci sco pr oducts th ey suppor t.
1-2 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapt er 1 Overview of th e WAN Model ing Tool s Functionali ty of the NMT Figure 1-1 sh o ws the relationshi p between the applicatio ns that make up the Cisco W AN Modeling T ools.
1-3 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 1 Overview of the WAN Mode ling Tools Cisco Prod ucts Supported by the NMT Cisco Products Supporte d by the NMT Ne w f unctionality i.
1-4 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapt er 1 Overview of th e WAN Model ing Tool s Basic Usage /Charter F unctional ity • IGX switch —A multi-service A TM networking switch that pro vides interfaces to support leg acy and emerging br oadband a pplicat ions.
1-5 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 1 Overview of the WAN Mode ling Tools Gaps • The N MT extra cts the networ k topol ogy and conne ction p aram eters from Ci sco W A N Man ager . The NMT ha ndles changes in the C WM DB schema , so these chan ges are i n visible to th e user .
1-6 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapt er 1 Overview of th e WAN Model ing Tool s Data Translat ion Tools Data Translati on Tools The N MT Da ta Translation T oo ls use data exc hanged betwe en th e NMT and other network d esign softw are aides t o create a complex ne twork m odel.
C HA PTER 2-1 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 2 Installing the Cisco WAN Modeling Tools This chapte r provides instr uctions for installing the follow in g Cisco W AN Modeling T.
2-2 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco WAN Modeling Tools Inst allin g the NM T Installing the NMT This se ction expl ains how to i nstall t he Cisco W AN Mod eling T ool s software and l ink it t o your projec t direct ories.
2-3 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 2 Ins talling the Cisco WA N Modeling Tools Installing the NMT Step 4 If you are i nstalli ng from a cd on a Sol aris platfo rm, per form th e following steps: a. Enter the follo wing command: vol ch e ck b.
2-4 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco WAN Modeling Tools Inst allin g the NM T The NMT files are li nked or copie d to t he projec t_name dire ctory . This links N MT an d al l the plug-ins (incl uding T PI, SSI, and CE T).
2-5 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 2 Ins talling the Cisco WA N Modeling Tools Installing the NMT Installing the NMT on a PC Platform T o install NMT on the PC, follo w these steps: Step 1 Run the prov ided nmt installing ex e file, which is a self e xtractin g ZIP file.
2-6 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco WAN Modeling Tools Upgrad ing the NMT Sof tware Upgrading th e NMT Software NMT fe ature r eleases have unique sub dire ctory na mes. T he insta llation of a new featur e release requir es the creatio n or alteration of the wo rking direct ories.
2-7 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 2 Ins talling the Cisco WA N Modeling Tools Removin g NMT Step 3 Ente r t he cd com mand to move to one of yo ur pr oject d irect ori.
2-8 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco WAN Modeling Tools Installing a Cisco WA N Modeling Tools Su b-applica tion Installing the Cisco WAN Modeling Tools sub-applications on a UNIX Platform Use the follo wing procedure to install a Cisco W AN Modeling T ools sub-applicatio n on a UNIX Platfo rm.
2-9 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 2 Ins talling the Cisco WA N Modeling Tools Removi ng Sub-a pplicat ions Step 4 If you are goi ng to use th e tar file for your NMT data, copy tar .exe and SSIDOSKT .T AR to a DO S working dire ctory .
2-10 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco WAN Modeling Tools Tro ublesh ooti ng NM T In stal lati on Symptom NMT disp lays t he following error message : Xlib: Connection to <IP-ADDRESS:00> refused by server.
C HA PTER 3-1 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 3 Using the NMT This ch apter pro vides instructio ns for u sing the NMT inte rface, presents an o vervie w of the modeli n g process, and list s NMT comm ands tha t upda te or extract info rmati on from NMT c onfiguration files.
3-2 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 3 Using the N MT NMT Menu Bar Figur e 3-1 NMT Main Window NMT Menu Bar The menu s in the NMT ma in window contain sel ections fo r inputti ng data that de scribe s the existing or propos ed net work.
3-3 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 3 Using the NM T File M enu Figur e 3-2 NMT Design M enu (All Menu Options Displa yed) When you hi ghlight a menu item , a one-li ne descr iption of t he sele ction is di splayed be neath the menu .
3-4 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 3 Using the N MT File Menu • V iew Summary —Shows a su mmar y of the cu rren t topo logy . • Report Site —Shows a summary of a spec ific site. Saving Configurations Sav e your c onfiguration regularl y .
3-5 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 3 Using the NM T File M enu • Nodes —User defined node types and re straints . • Paramet ers... —Global ne twork set tings an d mode l opti ons. • Utilitie s... —Utilitie s for making global m odif ications to the conf iguration f ile.
3-6 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 3 Using the N MT File Menu Utilities Use the Utilities in the Conf ig menu to make b ulk chang es to the CNF fil e.
3-7 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 3 Using the NM T Display Menu Defaults T o create y our o wn defaults for a ny or all tables, create a CNF f ile and ca ll it DEF A UL TS.
3-8 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 3 Using the N MT Di splay Me nu Report Men u Use the Report menu to define, genera te, display , a nd sav e report s. The menu contai ns the following options: Def ine Selects which tables to include in a report.
3-9 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 3 Using the NM T Keyboard Com mands Figur e 3-5 Report Options Maintenan ce Me nu Use the Maintenance menu to revise pro duct costs, add optio nal equi pment (f or refere nce purp oses), and provide i nform ation about li ne costs.
3-10 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 3 Using the N MT Keyboard Commands The NM T has many keyboard comma nds to help yo u create and revise configur ation t ables a nd repor ts. Ta b l e 3 - 1 lists the Sun workst ation key assignments used for editing data in the NMT .
3-11 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 3 Using the NM T Modeling Pr ocesses Help Keys Y ou can ge t help usi ng keyboard comma nds as fol lows: • Pres sing th e F1 key .
3-12 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 3 Using the N MT Error Checking The NMT generates thr ee types of messages: • L —Log m essages are genera lly displa yed wh en th e NMT r ecords t he com mand the user request ed.
3-13 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 3 Using the NM T Tro ubl esho oti ng NM T Troubleshooting NMT The tab le below describe s a common NM T proble ms and what can be done about it. Symptom Y our mou se do es not work on the PC version of NM T .
3-14 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 3 Using the N MT Troublesho oting NMT.
C HA PTER 4-1 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 4 Configuration Tables and Fields This cha pter descri bes the fields in the t ables ac cessed thro ugh the Configur e menu.T hese tab les descri be sites, link s, traffic types, and more.
4-2 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Sites Table Sites Table The sites tab le contains info rmation about all sites in your network. All o ther tables u sing the sites f ield rely on th e information in this table.
4-3 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Sites T able Site T ype Switch M/H Function of platfor m at the site. Can be a swi tch, fe eder , control ler or a st and al one unit . STYPE * Restrict ions imposed on l inks SwRel O Software relea se of the switch(es) at this site.
4-4 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Sites Table IGX Y E T ype of feeder node. Y—fe eder nodes should be IGX. N—f eeder nodes should be IPX. This field appli es only if NMT needs to ad d a feed er no de.
4-5 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Sites T able PNNI_P G N 0 name of the PNN I group , as defined in the PNNI Domai ns table.
4-6 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Li nks Ta ble Configuring Sites Example This se ction provides an example for co nfiguring Si tes. Step 1 Ent er the info rmat ion sho wn in Ta b l e 4 - 2 into th e Sites tab le.
4-7 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Links Tab le Minimal L ink Table Usa ge For existing links, the Keep f ield should be set to the number of existing links, with th e characteristics describe d in t he rec ord.
4-8 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Li nks Ta ble K eep 1 E Number of e xist ing links. If the K eep field is 0, the link will be ign ored in the ro ut e command and considered for the optim ize commands.
4-9 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Links Tab le $/Mo 0 E Cost per mon th of trun k from Sit e 1 to Site 2. If blank, NMT calculates cost using the Dist field and the data in the Line Cost T able (in the Maintenance menu).
4-10 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Link Special Cases Link Special Cases This section descr ibes link table conf iguration for the follo wing special cases: • A TM Trunks • V irtual Trunks IMATM Tr unks An IM A TM trun k is an A TM lin k of one to eig ht DS 1 li nes.
4-11 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Voice Tabl e Virtual Trunks The v irtual trunking f eatur e in troduce s the c oncept of defining m ultip le trunk s with in a sin gle trun k port interfac e.
4-12 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Voice Table Qty 1 M Quantity . Number of connections of t he specif ied type. CONNS * Since slot and p ort are included, this field is al ways set to 1.
4-13 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Voice Tabl e BC T1/T1 E/H Back card type (CD P Set). Use worksta tion Help or F1 2 key for choice list. BC1 / BC2 */* Until Release 9.1, f ield was d et er mi ne d heuristically , based on the ob served ports used.
4-14 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Data Table Data Table The D ata T able contai ns topol ogica l inf ormatio n abou t legacy dat a conn ectio ns in t he net work. T he important f ields in the d ata table ar e the site e nds, the typ e, and the Ba ckCard f ield.
4-15 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Data Table Port ID 2 0 E Lo gical slot/port nu mber at the remote site for the con nection. (Y ou can assign or NMT wi ll assign.) ID2 Qty 1 M Quantity .
4-16 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Data Table %Util. 60/60 E Connection u tilization percentage for DFM connect ions; not used if DF M column is N. PCT_ UT IL 1 / PCT_ UT IL 2 Defaul ts us ed p ri or to Release 8.
4-17 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Bursty Tabl e Bursty Table The Bursty T able contains topologic al information ab out Frame Relay , A TM, and circui t emulation connect ions in the netwo rk.
4-18 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Bursty Table T able 4-8 Bursty T able Field Defaults Notes Description and Comm ents DBF CET TPI Site 1 – M/H Site name of the owner of a connection.
4-19 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Bursty Tabl e FS Y O Y/N flag indicating if the connection has ForeSight implemented or not. Foresight only applies to FR and ABR connections, or FR A TM multi segment connections.
4-20 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Bursty Table FrontCard O Front card. In some cases, multip le front cards can sup port a service o n a platform. In those cases, y ou can specify the front card you want.
4-21 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Bursty Tabl e Endpoint Add res s The ID of the connection. DLCI for FR, VPC/VCI for A TM. These addresses are the IDs of the conn ecti on as it enters and e xits the A TM W AN cloud.
4-22 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Bursty Table Current _Ro ute O The current route, from CET e xtractions. Route is stor ed in 19 f ields. .. CR_SITE2, CR_SITE3, CR_SITE4, ... CR_SITE20 Not av ailable until Release 7.
4-23 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Bursty Tabl e Bursty Table Special Cases The Bursty T raf fic T able configu ration informat io.
4-24 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Interface Tabl e Two Segment Connections Use the NMT to model A TM to Fram e Relay int erworki ng connec tions an d A TM to Circu it Emul ation connec tions.
4-25 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Interfac e Table Speed 0 O/H Clock speed o f the access port. V alues range from • 56 to 2048 k bps for frame relay • 3622 t o 38336 for A T M on an AUSM on an MGX 8220 edge con centrat or .
4-26 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Feeder Tabl e Feeder Table The Fee der tab le co ntain s top ologic al info rmati on about feeder con necti ons in th e network . IngMinBw 0 0 Minimum band width in cps in the ingress (recei ve) dir ection reserved for this partition.
4-27 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Card Table Card Table The Card table is an optio nal table that s pecif ies the cards that popul ate the chassis. Links and conn ections may use thes e cards.
4-28 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Groups and N etwork Ta ble Groups and Network Table The Gro ups and Ne twork T a ble defen se the PN NI Peer gr oups, the ir para mete rs, and th eir rela tionship s.
4-29 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds No des Table Nodes Table The N odes T a ble d efines node typ es the NMT does not support . Futur e switche s, oth er Cisco W AN or feeder platfo rms, or othe r vendor switch es can be defined in th is table.
4-30 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Netw ork Sett ings P Delay Limit Maximum delay (in ms) that can be sustaine d for this connection type . A Delay Limit Maximu m delay (in ms) that can be sustained for this connectio n type, if applic able.
4-31 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Model Options Model Options Select ing Mod el o ptions from the Config<Gl obal menu allows you to specify the mode l parameter settings listed in Ta b l e 4 - 1 7 .
4-32 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Feeders Feeders Specify al l feeder eq uipment in the MG X, IGX, and IPX produ cts explic itly in the Site s table. Y ou can also us e th e NMT to pr ovision feede rs as requir ed by the con nection demand .
4-33 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Feeders Implicit I GX and I PX feeders c a n be ge nerated when an IGX is used as t he hub, b ut only when t he traf fic demands on the IG X exceed the resource s of one nod e.
4-34 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Feeders Modeling E xplicit Fe eders T o allo w the NMT to model ex plicit feeder s, enter the fo.
4-35 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Obsolete Product s Refer to Ta b l e 4 - 2 0 f or inf ormati on on m odeling an expl icit feeder t iered netw ork wit h the NMT . Obsolete Products The se ctions that follow discuss obsol ete pr oducts and configurat ions.
4-36 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Obsolete Prod ucts Networks with Ac cess Feeders or Ac cess Con centrato rs IPX and IG X switche.
4-37 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Obsolete Product s Addin g MC3810 burst y dat a conn ections Bursty T raffic table Ty p e f i e l d : E n t e r F R .
4-38 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Fast PAD FastPAD A FastP AD conne ctio n is a co nnect ion wh ere at lea st one e nd ter mina tes on a Fast P AD. FastP AD s always connec t to the n etwork o n a Frame Relay com posite link to a n FTM or FT C car d.
4-39 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds FastPAD T able 4-22 F astP AD Configur ation T opic Required Setting s Comments Setting S witch Software Release Model S ettings tab le Make su re that the valu e of Switch Software Rele ase is set to the release th at is to be m odeled.
4-40 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Fast PAD Setting Up Switched Vo i c e C o n n e c t i o n s V oice T raffic table Connect the F .
4-41 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Configurat ion Table s and Fiel ds Port Conc entrat or Port Concentrator The Po rt Concen trator pr ov ides a meth od for conc entratin g v oice and data connect ion types as a Fram e Relay conn ection extending to an FTC or FRM card.
4-42 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 4 Confi guratio n Tables and Field s Tiered Networ ks Tiered Networks T ie red ne tworks a re a sp ecial network c onfiguratio n of Ci sco W AN s witc hes.
C HA PTER 5-1 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 5 NMT Execute Commands This ch apter pro vides instructio ns for u sing the NMT mode ling comman ds found in the E xecute menu.
5-2 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 5 NMT Ex ecute Co mmands Auto Route Le ast Cost Ro uting Preferred and Dire cted Ro utes NMT all ows you to provide any connec tion w ith a pa th thro ugh th e network, called a pref erred r oute.
5-3 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 5 NMT Execut e Commands PNNI Rout ing The NMT h as an Actual Route f ield with th e same format as Preferred Routes. CET E xtractions f ill in the Actu al Route, which is the tree r oute of th e connect ion at that time.
5-4 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 5 NMT Ex ecute Co mmands Fail An alysis Command Fail Analysis Command Select ing Fa il Analysis fr om the Execute menu allo ws you to create a situatio n where one or more lines fail.
5-5 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 5 NMT Execut e Commands Optimize Comm and Optimize Comma nd The NMT pro vides se veral tools for optimizing netwo rk models that allo w y ou to create a least-co st topolo gy with select ed l inks.
5-6 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 5 NMT Ex ecute Co mmands Opti mize Command Note Opt imize is not supported fo r PNNI Netwo rks. NMT Com mand Resu lts Ta b l e 5 - 4 lists th e possible reasons connectio ns are not being routed ov er links with the rou te co mmand .
5-7 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 5 NMT Execut e Commands Optimize Comm and The fo llowing tables desc ribe how to troubl eshoot pro blems wi th Execute c omman ds. Sympt om IGX Links a re using mor e bandwidt h than expect ed for voice and data calls.
5-8 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 5 NMT Ex ecute Co mmands Opti mize Command.
C HA PTER 6-1 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 6 NMT Reports This chap ter de scribe s the dif ferent types of reports genera ted by the NMT . NMT ascii rep orts are genera ted wi th ea ch run of e ither the Rou te c ommand or the Opti mize c ommand.
6-2 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapt er 6 NMT Report s Link Load Report The Link Load repor t displays t he load resour ces on ea ch link in the network, base d on the stat ic load model. In t he ex ample bel o w , den-s ea is a cell ba sed link where t he ban dwidt h is 92% uti lized .
6-3 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 6 NMT Reports ATM & FR Por ts Report (or Bursty Data Ports Report) The A T M and FR Ports Report lists all ports for each site that supports a connection found in the Bursty Connection T able.
6-4 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapt er 6 NMT Report s Parts L ist Repo rt The part s list repor t lists parts re quired to provision th e modele d network. Th e parts in cluded are the chass is, front ca rds, ba ck cards, and specia l shelves an d units.
6-5 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 6 NMT Reports Using the Map Tool 4 A UFMC T1 192 48 32 32 59 5 A UFMC T1 103 26 24 24 59 Legends: FPL - Fast Packet Load : Percent of FP bus load / Total bus load. GWL - Gateway Module Load : Percent of FP bus load / Max FP bus load.
6-6 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapt er 6 NMT Report s Using th e Map Too l Note Th e Access , Domains and Help menus, an d the Configure op tio n in the Utility menu, are no t enabled . T o en large a r egion of the map, h old down the l eft m ouse button and se lect t he regio n of the ma p you want to enlarge.
6-7 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 6 NMT Reports Using the Map Tool Figur e 6-1 Example o f Networ k T opolog y Map Show ing Thr eshold Dialog Bo x Creating a Graphical.
6-8 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapt er 6 NMT Report s Using th e Map Too l Using t he Map Tool t o Analyze Traf fic Levels Click on the Opti ons menu and select Thr esholds .
C HA PTER 7-1 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 7 NMT Utilities Comm and Line NMT provid es comm ands for modifyi ng and summ arizi ng data in the NMT configurati on (.cn f) files. Most NMT f unctionality can be e xec uted in the command li ne interf ace (CLI ).
7-2 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 7 NMT Utilities Command Line onesite cnff ile1 cnf file2 site Spec ify one site, a nd e x tract a . cnf f ile with onl y connecti ons and lin ks that belong to that site. Useful for analyzi ng a subs ection o f a netw ork.
C HA PTER 8-1 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 8 NMT Map The NMT Network Displ ay T o ol, also known as the N etwork Desi gn T op ology Map or NMT Map, provides a usef ul way to vi sualize your network m odel.
8-2 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 8 NMT Map NMT Map Startup Figur e 8-1 Networ k V iew Sho wing Logi cal Nodes Figure1 0-2 shows an example of the phy sical network c orresp onding t o Figure 10 -1. Th e physica l nodes are sho wn as squares and the links between them as line s.
8-3 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 8 NMT Map Nav igat ing T hou gh a Netw ork View Navigating Tho ugh a Network View T o d isplay a physical network (such as the example in Fi gure 10- 2), c lick on the g roup ic ons. T o m ove do wn the hierarchy , select an ico n and click the le f t mouse b utton.
8-4 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 8 NMT Map Navigating T hough a Ne twork View Figur e 8-4 Thr ee Leve l Hier arc h y - Second L evel A left m ouse button click on the second leve l node exposes the thir d level nodes associ ated with tha t node, a nd so on.
8-5 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 8 NMT Map Obtaining Link Information - Physical Links There ar e two short cuts to tran sform Fi gure 8-1 to Figure 8-2 , or vice-versa.
8-6 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 8 NMT Map Zooming the M ap Figu re 8-7 Li nk Disp lay for Lo gic al L inks Zoomi ng the Map T o zoom in on a re gion of the map, follo w these steps: Step 1 Mov e the cursor to a bla n k spot on the map abo ve and to the left of the ar ea you wish to en large.
8-7 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 8 NMT Map Pann ing t he M ap Panning the Map T o mo ve a map to a dif ferent po sition o n the scr een, mov e the cursor to a bl ank spot on th e screen. Hold do wn the middle mous e butto n while dragging the cursor in the directio n you want the map to mo ve.
8-8 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 8 NMT Map NMT Map Main Menu Figur e 8-8 NMT Repor t Menu - Set O ptions Scr een NMT Map Main Menu The NMT Map menu ba r can cont ain up to ei ght pul l-down menus for c ontrolli ng map configuratio n.
8-9 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 8 NMT Map NMT Map Mai n Menu Each pu ll-do wn me nu conta ins one to s ix subm enus . The pur pose of each sub menu is desc ribe d in Ta b l e 8 - 2 . Note Select Map T ool menus by u sing the lef t mouse b utton , ex cept wh ere n oted.
8-10 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 8 NMT Map Adding New G roups Adding New Groups T o add a n ew group, pe rform the fo llowing ste ps: Step 1 Select G roups from the Main M enu. Step 2 Select Add new from the G roups Menu.
8-11 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 8 NMT Map Adding Nodes to Exis ting Groups Adding Nodes to Ex isting Groups T o add a n ode to existing g roups, perfor m th e fo llowing steps: Step 1 Select G roups from the Main Men u.
8-12 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 8 NMT Map Deleting Gro ups Deleting Groups T o d elete a group , pe rform the f ollowing steps : Step 1 Select G roups from the Main Men u. Step 2 Select De lete from the Group s Me nu.
8-13 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 8 NMT Map Saving Your Work Figur e 8-15 Map Displa y aft er Deleting Fr om a Gr oup Saving Your Work Ther e are two ways to save work: • Select Ut ility from the Main Me nu; then select Sa ve from the Utility Menu .
8-14 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 8 NMT Map Retr ieving Map D ata Into N MT Retrieving Map Data Into NMT Once map da ta has bee n saved in the ma p, tha t d ata ca n be import ed in to NM T . T o do t his, se lect Import < Map Data fro m the NMT File Me nu ( Figure 8-17 ).
C HA PTER 9-1 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 9 Configuration Extraction Tool This chapte r describes ho w to use the Configur ation Extract ion T ool (CET). The CET e xtracts data from the Info rmix database used by the Cisco W an Manage r (CWM).
9-2 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 9 Configuration Extraction Too l Usi ng th e CET Using the CET T o extract d ata from CWM and generate an NMT -compatible .
9-3 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 9 Configuratio n Extraction T ool Using the CET Step 4 This step is optional. If manual corr ectio ns are re quired on the outpu t CNF file, you can ma ke them o nce, and then automa tical ly ma ke them again with t he 'a dj2nmt ' comm and.
9-4 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 9 Configuration Extraction Too l Other CET Commands Figur e 9-1 CET Sche matic Ov erview Other CET Commands Ther e are sev eral ot her CET comma nds tha t may help you more effect ively use the so ftwar e: • svp_dmp.
9-5 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 9 Configuratio n Extraction T ool Troubl eshooti ng CET • adj2nmt —Use this command to recreate ma nual changes on pre vious extrac tions to current extracti ons. • sniffcnf ntwk _name —U se this comman d to obtain an on-screen summa ry of the net work topolo gy .
9-6 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 9 Configuration Extraction Too l Troublesho oting CET Sympt om Connectio ns are missing. Pr obable Causes Incomplete d ata in SV+ d atabase. Solut io n CWM 9.2 or higher: V iew the f iles that begin with the word extra .
9-7 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 9 Configuratio n Extraction T ool Troubl eshooti ng CET Symptom I nformix Error 217 (Co lumn [name of c olumn] not found in any table in the query) Prob able Causes CWM release and the Informix Database ar e incompatible.
9-8 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 9 Configuration Extraction Too l Remote CET Extracts Remote CET Extract s If you wish t o obta in a C ET extra ct fr om a CW M or SV+ Informi x da tabase lo cated on a nother workstati on, you may not need to inst all NMT or CET on the remot e platfor m.
9-9 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 9 Configuratio n Extraction T ool Remote CET Extr acts • Informi x 7.2, or high er , must be insta lled on bo th your local host and the re mote host . (If CWM is install ed on eithe r host, you have met the requ irem ent for tha t host.
9-10 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 9 Configuration Extraction Too l Remote CET Extracts Troublesho oting Sympt om A command returns Informix error 23101: Unable to load locale categories.
9-11 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 9 Configuratio n Extraction T ool Remote CET Extr acts Sympt om Comman d returns In formi x erro r 908 Pr obable Causes The re mote CWM site is not up an d runnin g. Solut io n V erif y th e remo te C WM sit e is r unni ng an d can be ping ed f rom y our sit e.
9-12 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 9 Configuration Extraction Too l Remote CET Extracts.
C HA PTER 10-1 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 10 WANDL — Third- Party In terface This c hapter d escrib es how to use the T hird-Party Interfac e (TPI ) Conv e rsion Plug -in.
10-2 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 1 0 WANDL — Third-Par ty Interf ace Translating B etween NMT and WAN DL Form ats Figur e 1 0-1 TPI Sc hematic Ov erview Converting NM T Con figurati on Files into WANDL Files Use the Import and Export s elections in the File menu to read and write W ANDL file s.
10-3 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 1 0 WANDL — Third -Party Interf ace Transl ating Bet ween NMT and WANDL Fo rmats Use the follo wing pr ocedure to con vert NM T configur ation (.c nf) fi les into file s that can be read b y W ANDL softw are usi ng the UN IX command li ne interf ace.
10-4 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 1 0 WANDL — Third-Par ty Interf ace Translating B etween NMT and WAN DL Form ats Conver ting WANDL File s into NMT .cnf Files This p rocedure i s for the con version of W ANDL f iles into f iles t hat can be read by t h e NMT .
C HA PTER 11-1 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 11 SpreadSheet Interface This chap ter des cribes the Sp readShe et Interf ace (SSI) Con versio n Plug-in, which translates network design info rmati on betwee n NMT and a Mi crosoft E xcel-com patib le format .
11-2 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 11 S preadSheet Interface NMT to Micro soft Excel The f ollowing proc edure is for the conv ersion of an NMT .c nf file to . dbf, a M icr osoft Ex cel c ompat ible format , and ar chiving the .
11-3 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 11 Spread Sheet Interfa ce NMT to Micr osoft Ex cel Figur e 1 1 -1 SSI Schematic Overview Step 3 Unarchive the file at the PC using a progr am like tar .exe for PCs and Stuf fIt Del uxe for Macint oshes.
11-4 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 11 S preadSheet Interface Microsoft Exc el to NMT Microsoft Exc el to NMT The fo llowing proced ure is for th e archiving of Mi crosoft Excel files so they can be e asily moved from a PC to a UNIX wor kstation and for con ver ting the Microsoft Ex cel fi les into NMT .
11-5 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 11 Spread Sheet Interfa ce Usage Revie w Usage Review After creating a CNF fil e using NM T , CET , or TPI , use SSI tools to tran slate t he CNF f ile to an e xcel workbook. In the UNIX en vironme nt, do the follo wing: Step 1 run the co mmand nmt2tar .
11-6 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 11 S preadSheet Interface SSI TroubleShooti ng SSI TroubleShooting The tab le below describes a com mon SSI prob lem and what can be done about it. Symptom Network data ge ts rounded in correctly whe n con verting from Exce l to NMT'’ s CNF file.
C HA PTER 12-1 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 12 Cisco Network Designer Importer The Ci sco Net work Desig ner (CN D) is a PC c onfiguration sy stem fo r pre -sales CND PC Import Utilities The NMT p rov ides two PC Utilitie s for loadi ng the CNF into the Cisco Netw ork Designer , where the data is sto red as a pro ject.
12-2 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 12 Cisco Net work Desig ner Impor ter CND PC Import Ut ilities Nmt2Cnd Operatin g Instructions T o o perate the nmt2c nd, per form the fo llowing steps: Step 1 Shut down CND if it is running.
12-3 Cisco WAN Mod e ling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 1 2 Cisco Network Designer Importer CND PC Imp ort Utilities DBF2Cnd Operatin g Instructions T o run the DBF2Cnd utility , f ollo w these steps: Step 1 Click the SSI macro to start MS Exce l.
12-4 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 Chapter 12 Cisco Net work Desig ner Impor ter CND PC Import Ut ilities Step 10 Select Loa d< Import into CND. The CND launches and loads the projec t. Note Be sure yo ur pr oject n ame is uni que.
IN-1 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 INDEX A acces s feeder s 4-36 Ad field 4-12, 4-15, 4-20 Alterna tive Route co mmand 5-4 AutoRoute 5-1 B Back car d fi eld 4-4, 4-19 Back ca r.
Index IN-2 Cisco WAN Mo deling Tools Guide OL-10426-01, Re v. A0 enviro nment variab les NMTHOME 2- 4 eras e file 3-4 error ch ecking, au tomatic 3-12 erro r messag es 3-11 errors a nd w arnin gs 3-11.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco WAN Mod eling To ols Guide OL-10426-01, Rev. A0 port to multiport 4-34 Type fi eld 4-33 MGX 822 0 shelf 1-3 Micro soft Ex cel 11-1 Minim um Info rmation Ra te field 4-19 MIR( MCR ) field 4-19 model para meter s configuratio n 3-5 Modem % field 4-3 N Name field 4-26 navigat ion 3-9 Network M odeli ng Tool .
Index IN-4 Cisco WAN Mo deling Tools Guide OL-10426-01, Re v. A0 StrataVi ew Plus, impo rting fr om 9-1 svp2c et command 9-2 switch software version 3-5 T tabl e scan 3-12 tar2nmt com mand 11-4 Thi rd Part y Inte rface.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems OL-10426-01 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems OL-10426-01 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems OL-10426-01, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems OL-10426-01 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems OL-10426-01, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems OL-10426-01.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems OL-10426-01. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems OL-10426-01 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.