Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit CF2001P du fabricant Cisco Systems
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SETUP INSTR UCTIONS CF2001P 4004-7 715-01 © MINOL T A CO ., L TD . Pr inted in Japan Printer W ARNING • Do not plu g in the power cord o r tur n on this unit u ntil you are ins truc ted to acco rding to th is ma nual. CA UTION • Install this machine so th at it can q uickly be un plugged fr om the electr ical ou tlet in case of an emergenc y .
CF2001 P – 1 – 4004- 7715- 01 1. Outline of the CF200 1P System Setup NO TE • In stall a nd setup ea ch optio n accord ing to th e instruc tions included with the option . • F or information on adjustin g each op tion, refer to th e sect ion “10.
CF2001 P – 2 – 4004- 7715- 01 2. Unpa cking ■ Unpacking the Accessories 1. Remove the acc essories f rom the b ox, and then check that the following a re enclosed. (1) Imaging u nits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CF2001 P – 3 – 4004- 7715- 01 ■ Removing the Pro tec tive T ape and Packing Ma terials <Outside S urface of the Printe r> Remove the tape a ffixed to the outside sur- face of the pr inter . <P aper Feed Section> 1. P ull o ut the pa per dr a wer f or T ra y 1.
CF2001 P – 4 – 4004- 7715- 01 3. Installi ng the Units ■ Install ing the Imaging Unit s 1. Grasp the h andle o f the fr ont door, and then carefull y swing the door open to the r ight as shown. 2. Pinch the release lever for the yellow imag- ing un it.
CF2001 P – 5 – 4004- 7715- 01 7. Remove the pro tective tape f rom the i mag- ing unit. NO TE The cle ar plastic protecti v e sheet is n ot packing mater ial; t herefore, do not remove it. * The additi onal prote ctive sheet, indi cated by the shade d area, is o nly attached to the black imaging unit.
CF2001 P – 6 – 4004- 7715- 01 12. Separate the top an d bott om halves of t he empty imagi ng unit cover . NO TE Since the bottom half o f the imagi ng uni t cov er will be used when the imaging unit is replace d again, sto re it in a safe place. 13.
CF2001 P – 7 – 4004- 7715- 01 2. Remove the t wo pieces of tape from the lock lev ers of the oil- coating unit shown. 3. Remove the oil-co ating u nit from its b ox. NO TE When picking up the oil-c oating unit, pick it up by the two handles (one on each end of the uni t) with b oth han ds.
CF2001 P – 8 – 4004- 7715- 01 ■ Fillin g the T oner NO TE • T he ton er bot tles are no t i nclu de d. A b ott le o f to ner is n eeded for each colo r ( four in tota l) and shou ld be p urchase d separatel y . • B e carefu l not to spill ton er insid e the prin ter or ge t tone r on your clo thes an d hands.
CF2001 P – 9 – 4004- 7715- 01 6. Fully pu ll th e toner h opper shutter o ut toward you. Pulling out the toner ho pper shutter allows the to ner to begin filling th e toner h op- per . Check that all o f the tone r has empt ied out of the toner bottle and into the ho pper, which may take a while.
CF2001 P – 10 – 4004- 7715- 01 4. C onne cti ng the Cables 1. Make sure tha t the p rinter p ower cord is not plugge d into the e lectr ical outl et, and t hen inser t the plug o n the end of the power cor d into the power cord conn ector o n the pr inter.
CF2001 P – 11 – 4004- 7715- 01 6. Insta lli ng the Ma n ual Hol der 1. Inser t th e tab on th e bottom of the manual holder i nto the s lot in th e pr inter as shown in the illustration. 2. Inser t the ta bs on t he left and right side s of the manual hold er in to the corres pon di ng slots in th e print er .
CF2001 P – 12 – 4004- 7715- 01 5. Load the prepa red A4(C )-s ize (or Let ter (C )- size) plai n paper in to the paper drawer. 6. Slide t he adju stable pape r guide s agains t the edges of the paper. NO TE Check that the adju stab le paper guides ar e pushed up agains t the ed ges of the paper.
CF2001 P – 13 – 4004- 7715- 01 ■ Setting Up t he Converter (7) 1. Remove the conver ter from its box. 2. Remove the screw at t he bot tom of the con- ver ter , and t hen re move the uppe r cover . 3. Set the TE RM switch (S2) to ON as s hown in the illustration.
CF2001 P – 14 – 4004- 7715- 01 ■ Connecting the E quipment Cables 1. Inser t a connector o n the DTP32 ca ble (4) into the I/O por t on the side of the X-Rite, and then inser t the other con nect or of t he cable into po r t B on th e selector. 2.
CF2001 P – 15 – 4004- 7715- 01 6. Loosen th e screw of th e ter minal, an d then attach the ground wire as sh own. 7. Attach th e uppe r cover of the conver ter. 8. Plug the powe r cable of the converte r into an electr ica l outlet. 9. Plug the power cable of th e X-Rit e into a n electr ica l outlet.
CF2001 P – 16 – 4004- 7715- 01 4. Check that th e Exter nal Panel Contr oller appears i n the co mputer scr een, a nd then display the T ech. R ep . Mode scre en. (For details ab out displaying the T ech. Rep . Mod e screen, re fer to the Ser v ice Manua l.
CF2001 P – 17 – 4004- 7715- 01 11. Inser t th e auto-cal stri p into the X-Rite. NO TE Inser t the auto -cal stri p after “INSE R T CAL STRIP” appea rs on the X-R ite di splay . 12. Check that th e dialog box appears. NO TE The dialo g box a ppears if the auto -cal str ip was read correctl y .
CF2001 P – 18 – 4004- 7715- 01 15. Feed the test p atter n in direction “2” to read the row re prese nted by “B”. When feeding the test pa ttern to rea d the row repre sented by “ B”, tur n the paper to feed it in the correct direction without adjust- ing the X-Rite guide.
CF2001 P – 19 – 4004- 7715- 01 21. Check that “ Read the Patter n of Cyan” d is- appears, and that >> appea rs beside “Read the Pattern of Magen ta”. NO TE If the cyan test patte rn is rea d correctly , “Read the Patter n of C yan” dis appears from the dia log box.
CF2001 P – 20 – 4004- 7715- 01 8. Making System Settin g ■ Checking the Date Se tting 1. Check that th e Exter nal Panel Contr oller appears i n the co mputer scr een, a nd then display the Date /Time I nput scree n. (For details a bout dis playing the D ate/Time In put screen, re fer to the Ser v ice Manua l.
CF2001 P – 21 – 4004- 7715- 01 ■ Specifying the Serial Number NO TE Be sur e to specify the ser ial num ber . When the ser ial numb er is s pecified, the settings for each unit ca n be rea d by the pri nter . If the serial number is no t specified, a co rrectly ad justed imag e cannot be pri nted.
CF2001 P – 22 – 4004- 7715- 01 ■ Specifying Who Perf o rms Replacements NO TE The m essage tha t appea rs a uni t must b e repla ced can be chan ged to in dicate that e ither the use r or th e servi ce rep resent ative must perform t he repl ace- ment.
CF2001 P – 23 – 4004- 7715- 01 ■ Printi ng the List 1. Prepar e A4-size (or Lette r-size) pl ain pa per . 2. P ull o ut the pa per dr a wer f or T ra y 1. 3. Press down o n the p aper-l ifting pla te until i t locks into place. 4. Slide t he adju stable pape r guide s to the A4(L) ( or Le tter(L)) p aper size.
CF2001 P – 24 – 4004- 7715- 01 10. Check that th e Exter na l P anel Control ler appears i n the co mputer scr een, a nd then display the T ech. R ep . Mode scre en. (For details ab out displaying the T ech. Rep . Mod e screen, re fer to the Ser v ice Manua l.
CF2001 P – 25 – 4004- 7715- 01 ■ T o set the “Energy Save Mode” pa rameter NO TE When making se ttings accor ding to t he custome r’ s re quests, refer to the proce dure descr ibed be low . 1. Check that th e Exter nal Panel Contr oller appears i n the co mputer scr een, a nd then display the T ech.
CF2001 P – 26 – 4004- 7715- 01 ■ T o set the “Sleep Mode” parameter NO TE When making se ttings accor ding to t he custome r’ s re quests, refer to the proce dure descr ibed be low . 1. Check that th e Exter nal Panel Contr oller appears i n the co mputer scr een, a nd then display the T ech.
CF2001 P – 27 – 4004- 7715- 01 9. Loadi ng P aper NO TE For more de tails abo ut load ing pap er , re fer to the User Manual. ■ Tr a y 1 1. Prepar e paper th at mee ts this p roduct’s specifications. 2. P ull o ut the pa per dr a wer f or T ra y 1.
CF2001 P – 28 – 4004- 7715- 01 ■ Tr a y 2 1. Prepar e paper th at mee ts this p roduct’s specifications. 2. P ull o ut the pa per dr a wer f or T ra y 2. 3. Press down o n the p aper-l ifting pla te until i t locks into place. 4. Slide t he adju stable pape r guides to fit the size of pap er to be lo aded.
CF2001 P – 29 – 4004- 7715- 01 8. Affix the e nclosed paper size label to T ray 2 as shown. 9. Affix the enclos ed drawer number labe l as shown. 10. Adjustin g the Option s NO TE • With the CF 2001P , t he adju stments o f eac h option are perf orme d with th e servic ing equip ment.
CF2001 P – 30 – 4004- 7715- 01 4. Click [PR T Area]. 5. Click [Left Margin]. 6. Select the key for the paper drawer that is to be adjuste d, and then click the Star t key in the Extern al Pa n el Con troller .
CF2001 P – 31 – 4004- 7715- 01 ■ Adjusting the P aper Reference Positi on for PF-118 1. Check that th e Exter nal Panel Contr oller appears i n the co mputer scr een, a nd then display the T ech. R ep . Mode scre en. (For details ab out displaying the T ech.
CF2001 P – 32 – 4004- 7715- 01 10. Check that the me ssage displ a yed in the contr ol pane l change s from “Al er t Prin ting suspende d” to “Info”.
CF2001 P – 33 – 4004- 7715- 01 5. Click [Left Margin]. 6. Select th e key for the third paper drawer, and then click the Star t key in the E xter nal Panel Controller . 7. Measure the ma rgin fro m the edg e of th e paper to the pa ttern prin ted in t he top-r ight corn er of th e test pag e.
CF2001 P – 34 – 4004- 7715- 01 5. Click [Dup . Left Ma rgin]. 6. Click [1st.]. 7. Click the Start ke y in the External Panel Controller . A test pa ge is pr inted . 8. Measure th e wid th of loss for the test pat tern prin ted on the back of the test page.
CF2001 P – 35 – 4004- 7715- 01 ■ Chec king the Hole-Punc hing P ositions f or FN-107 NO TE • For de tails on t he insta lling FN -107, re fer to its Setup Instr uctions. • T o adjust FN-10 7, follo w th e inst ructions below . • T o exit the E xter nal P anel Cont roller, refer to step 14 on page 2 4.
CF2001 P – 36 – 4004- 7715- 01 ■ Setting DT -105 (USA and Can ada only) NO TE • For details on in stalling DT -105, refer to the Setup Instruction s included with it. • T o se t the DT -1 05, follow the in struction s below . • T o exit the E xter nal P anel Cont roller, refer to step 14 on page 2 4.
CF2001 P – 37 – 4004- 7715- 01 <Precautions f or Connect i ng a Te l ephone to the Data T erminal> • If a telephone is conne cted to the data ter minal, c heck that the telephone complies with FCC par t 68.
CF2001 P – 38 – 4004- 7715- 01 2. Click [Dial Mode]. 3. Select the dial mo de of t he user’s telephon e line. Push-button ............... .......... ..... [T one] Rotar y........ ................ .......... ..... [Pulse] 4. Click [END]. 5. Click [A uto Receive].
CF2001 P – 39 – 4004- 7715- 01 <Maintenance C enter (Billing Center) Setting s> NO TE The proce dure for maki ng Mainte nance Cent er set tings are des cr ibed below. If Billing Cente r settings are necessar y , specify the m using the s ame proced ure after en tering the Maintenanc e Cente r setting s.
CF2001 P – 40 – 4004- 7715- 01 <DT Settings > 1. Click [ID Code] so that it appears in white on a black background. 2. Using the keypad in the Ex ter nal Panel Contro ller, enter the 7-digit ID code. NO TE Enter th e ser vice repre sentative’ s ID co de.
CF2001 P – 41 – 4004- 7715- 01 <Settin g the T elephone Number> 1. Click [TEL No .] so that it appears in white on a black background. 2. Click the Clear ke y in the Externa l P anel Controller . 3. Using the keypad in the Ex ter nal Panel Contro lle r, enter the 19-digit teleph one number for the C enter.
CF2001 P – 42 – 4004- 7715- 01 <Initial T ransmission> • T o pe rform the initial u ser re gistration for the data ter mi nal afte r the ini tial setting s have been specifie d, connect to the Center so the in itial inform ation ca n be sent t o the data t ermin al.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems CF2001P c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems CF2001P - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems CF2001P, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems CF2001P va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems CF2001P, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems CF2001P.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems CF2001P. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems CF2001P ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.