Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit AIR-CT2504-5-K9 du fabricant Cisco Systems
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G ETTING S TAR TED G UIDE Cisco 2500 Se ries Wirele ss Control ler May 2011 Revised June 2, 2011 1 About This Guide 2 Unpacking and Preparing the Controll er for Operation 3 Installin g the Contr olle.
2 1 About This Guide This g uide is desi gned to hel p you ins tall and mi nimal ly conf igure your Ci sco 2504 Wi reles s Cont rolle r (2504 con troll er), whic h is part of t he Cisco 2500 Se ries W irel ess Cont roller s.
3 Wa r ni n g There is the danger of explosion if the battery is replaced incorrect ly . Replace the battery only with the same or equivalent type r ecomm ended by the man ufacturer . Dispose of used batteries according to the man ufacturer’ s instructions.
4 Note Dir ect co nne ction of acce ss poi nts to Cis co 250 0 Seri es Wirel ess Cont rol lers ar e not cu rren tly suppor ted. The 2504 contro ller off ers ro bust cove rage with 802.11 a/b/g and del ivers unprecede nted rel iabili ty using 80 2.11n wi th Cisc o Next- Generati on Wirele ss Solutio ns and Cis co Ente rprise Wirel ess Mesh .
5 Figu re 2 shows the front p anel and loc ation of the ports and light-em itting dio des (LEDs) fo r the 2504 contro ller . Table 1 describe s the components of the front panel. Note It is expecte d that there will b e small variation s in LED color intens ity and hue fr om unit to unit.
6 1 GigE port and LED The Giga bit Ether net port is an RJ-45 co nnector form-factor . This port is designed so that 1500 V AC rms isolation (pe r the 802.
7 Caution Do not con nect a Power over Ether net (PoE) cable to th e conso le port. Do ing so wi ll damag e the control ler . RESET Reset button Pushin g the Rese t button re boot s the syste m. PWR Power LED The p ower LED light is on wh en all the p ower conve rsion cir cuits are runni ng norma lly .
8 Note W ait at least 20 secon ds before reconnectin g an access poin t to the controlle r . Otherwise, the contro ller may fail to detect the device. Figu re 3 shows the back panel a nd identifi es its compo nents. Table 2 de scribe s the back panel compon ents.
9 2 Unpacki ng and Prepar ing t he Controll er fo r Oper ation Follow these steps to u npack the 2504 contr oller and pr epare it for opera tion: Step 1 Open the sh ipping container an d carefully remove the con tents. Step 2 Return a ll packi ng materia ls to the ship ping c ontaine r and save it.
10 • Local TF TP server (req uired for downlo ading o perati ng sy stem sof tware updat es). Cisco u ses an integr al TF TP server . This mean s that third -par ty TF TP servers ca nnot run on the same workstation as the Cisco WCS becau se Cisco WCS and third-party TF TP servers use the same comm unicat ion po rt.
11 • RADIUS server IP addres s, commu nicatio ns por t, and secr et if you are confi guring a RADIUS server , such as 10 .40. 0.3 , 1812 , and mysecretc ode . • The country cod e for this i nstallation. En ter help to see a list o r refer to the Ci sco W ir eless LAN Contr oll er Con fig urat ion Gu ide for countr y code infor mation .
12 • Mountin g the C ontroller on a Wall (Rack-Mo unt Brack ets) • Mountin g the C ontro ller on a Wall (Mo unting Screws ) • Mountin g the C ontro ller in a Rack Mounting the Controller on a De.
13 Step 3 Place th e switch o n the tabl e or s helf near an AC po wer sou rce. Note Allow 3 i nches o f space aroun d the control ler ve ntilatio n op enings to pre vent air flow restric tion an d overheat ing.
14 Figur e 5 Installing the Rac k-Mount Br ac k ets t o the Si des of the Contr oller Step 2 Mount the 2504 cont rolle r on th e wall wi th the front panel fa cing do wn, as sh own Figure 6 .
15 Figur e 6 Mounting the Contr oller on the W all Step 3 After th e contro ller is m ount ed on th e wall, perform th e fol lowing tasks to com plete the insta lla tion: • Connect ing the Controlle.
16 Wa r ni n g Read the wall-mounting carefully before beginning installation. Failure to use the correct hardware or to follow the corr ect procedures could result in a hazardous situation to people and damage to the sy stem.
17 Step 4 Place the contro ller on to the mountin g screws and slide it dow n until it lock int o place, as shown i n Figure 8 . Note Th e front pane l of the co ntr oller sh oul d be faci ng dow n.
18 Step 6 For co nfigur ation i nstruct ions about using the CL I setup p rogram , se e the “R unnin g the Bootup Script and Power- On Sel f Test ” secti on on page 23 . Mounting the Controller in a R ack T o mount the 2504 controlle r in a 19-in ch equi pment rack, you can o rder an optio nal Opti onal Rack Mount k it (AIR-CT25 04-RMNT ).
19 Figur e 9 At tac hing the 1 9-Inc h Brack ets to the Sid e of the Co ntro ller . Step 2 After the brackets are attached to the sides of the co ntroller , insert the controller into the 19-inch rack. Us e either the 1 0-32 pan- head screws or the 12 -24 slotte d head scr ews to secur e the con troll er in the ra ck, as show n in Figu re 10 .
20 Figur e 1 0 Mounting the Contr oller in a 19-Inc h Rack Step 3 After th e contro ller is mount ed in the rack, perf orm the fo llowin g tasks to co mplete t he insta lla tion: • Connect ing the C.
21 Connecting the Controller Console Port Caution Do not con nect a Power over Ether net (PoE) cable to th e conso le port. Do ing so wi ll damag e the control ler .
22 Step 1 W rap the power adapter cable through the plastic securi ty clip as shown i n Figu re 11 . Figur e 1 1 Plastic Re lief Clip Step 2 Fasten the se curity cli p with a screw to the exis ting hole on the back pa nel on the 250 4 contro ller (s ee Figure 12 ).
23 Installing a Security Lock The co ntrolle r has a sec urity slot on the b ack panel. Y o u can i nstall an op tional custo mer -suppli ed cable lock, s uch as the type that is u sed to s ecure a laptop comp uter , to secu re the co ntrolle r . Refer to Figu re 3 for the loc ation o f the sec urity lo ck.
24 Step 3 Observ e the bootup usi ng the CLI screen. The bootup script d isplays ope rating syst em software in itialization (c ode download an d POST verif ication ) and b asic c onfig uratio n as shown in th e foll owing b ootup displa y exa mple: CISCO SYSTEMS WLCNG Boot Loader Version 1.
25 compress = none ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device Detecting Hardware ... Installing ether-pow driver - 0x6008 starting pid 805, tty '/dev/ttyS0': '/usr/bin/gettyOrMwar' Cryptographic library self-test.
26 Starting Policy Manager: ok Starting Authentication Engine: ok Starting Mobility Management: ok Starting Virtual AP Services: ok Starting AireWave Director: ok Starting Network Time Services: ok St.
27 Step 5 Continu e boo ting th e con troll er or p ress Esc to acce ss t he follo wing menu: 1. Run primary image ( - Active 2. Run backup image (7.
28 Starting Fastpath DP Heartbeat : ok Fastpath CPU00: Starting Fastpath Application. SDK-1.8.0, build 269. Flags-[DUTY CYCLE] : ok Fastpath CPU00: Initializing last packet received queue. Num of cores(2) Fastpath CPU00: Init MBUF size: 1856, Subsequent MBUF size: 2040 Fastpath CPU00: Core 0 Initialization: ok Fastpath CPU00: Initializing Timer.
29 CLI: ok Secure Web: Web Authentication Certificate not found (error). If you cannot access management interface via HTTPS please reconfigure Virtual Interface. License Agent: ok Step 6 If the c ontro ller p asses the POST , the bootup scri pt runs th e Star tup W izard , which prompts you fo r basic confi guratio n info rmation.
30 Note Pr ess the hyphe n key i f you nee d to ret urn to the prev ious comma nd lin e. Ta b l e 3 Star tup W izar d Inf or mation Wizard Setting Action Syst em N ame Ente r the s ystem na me, whic h is the na me you want to ass ign to the co ntroller .
31 Management Interface DHCP Server IP Address Enter the man agemen t interface DHCP serve r IP address. V irtual Gateway IP Address Enter t he IP address of th e cont roller virtual inter face . Y ou shou ld ent er a fict itio us, unassign ed IP addre ss, such as 1.
32 Allo w S tatic IP A ddre sses Ent er YES to all ow clients to assign thei r own IP addr ess or no to m ake clie nts requ est a n IP address from a DHCP serv er .
33 5 Logging into the Co ntroller T o log into the 2504 contr oller, follow these steps: Step 1 Enter a valid usernam e and passwo rd to log i nto the c ontro ller CLI . Note The adminis trative username and password you created in the startup wizard are case sensit ive .
34 Step 2 The CLI di spla ys the root level syste m pro mpt: #(system prompt)> The s ystem promp t can be an y al phan umer ic str ing u p to 3 1 characters. Y ou can change it by entering the config prom pt comman d. For examp le, to ch ange the sys tem pr ompt to CISCO2 504, enter c onfig p rompt " CISCO25 04" and pr ess Ente r .
35 Note If the link do es not activ ate, chec k the cabl e. When you are co nnecting to a hub or a switch, use a st raigh t-th roug h cabl e. Connecting Ac cess Points After you h ave conf igured th e.
36 Figur e 14 A ccess P oints Connect ed t o a Contr oller Checking the Controller LEDs If your 2504 co ntroller is not workin g proper ly , check the LEDs on the front pane l of the unit. Y ou can us e the L ED indic ation s to qui ckly a ssess t he stat us of th e unit.
37 Step 2 Press a nd hold the Rese t butto n for at leas t 3 seco nds us ing a pointed obje ct, such as a ball point pen, pe nci l, or pap er clip . Step 3 After the con troll er reboots, en ter your user name an d passwo rd at the prompts . If you have confi gured the con troller , it reboots and lo ads th e configur ation.
38 8 Transla ted Safet y Warn ings Statem ent 1071—Warning Defini tion Wa r ni n g IMPORT ANT SAFE TY INSTRUC TIONS This warning symbol means danger .
39 Atten tion IMPORTANTES IN FORMA TIONS DE SÉ CURI TÉ Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger . V ous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant entraîner des bless u res ou des dommages corporels.
40 Advarsel VIKTIGE S IKKERHETSI NSTRUKS JONER Dette advarselssymbolet betyr fare. Du er i en situasjon som kan føre til skade på person. Før du begynner å arbeide m ed noe av utstyret, må du være oppmerksom på farene forbundet med elektriske kretser , og kjenne til standardprosedyrer for å forhindre ulykker .
41 V arning! VIKTIGA SÄ KERHETS ANVISN INGAR Denna varningssignal signalerar fara. Du befinner dig i en situation som kan leda till personskada. Innan du utför arbete på någon utrustning måste du vara medveten om farorna med elkretsar och känna till vanliga förfaranden för att förebygga olyckor .
47 Statem ent 1015—Bat tery Handling Wa r ni n g There is the danger of explosion if the battery is replaced incorrectl y . Replace the battery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer . Dispose of used batte ries according to the manufacturer’ s instructions.
¡Advertenc ia! Existe peligro de explosión si la batería se reemplaza de mane ra incorrecta. Reemplazar la batería exclusivament e con el mismo tipo o el equivalente recomendado por el fabricante. Desech ar las baterías gastadas según las instrucciones del fabricante.
49 Statem ent 1024—Ground Conductor Wa r ni n g This equipment must be grounded. Never defeat th e ground conductor or operate the equipment in the absence of a suitably installed ground conductor . Contact the appropriate electrical inspect i on authority or an electrician i f you are uncertain that suitable grounding is available.
50 Advarsel Dette utstyret må jordes. Omgå aldri jordingslederen og bruk aldri utstyret uten riktig montert jordingsleder . T a kontakt med fag folk innen elektrisk inspeksjon eller med en elektriker hvis du er u sikker på om det finnes velegnet jordning.
52 Statem ent 1040—Product Dispos al Wa r ni n g Ultimate disposal of this product should be handled according to all nat ional laws and regulations. Statement 1040 Waarschuwing Het uiteindelijke wegruimen van dit product dient te geschieden in overeenstemming met alle nationale wetten en reglementen.
53 Avvertenza Lo smaltimento di questo prodotto deve essere eseguito secondo le leggi e regolazioni locali. Advarsel Endelig kassering av dette produktet skal være i henhold til alle relevante nasjonale lover og bestemmelser . Avi s o Deitar fora este produto em conformidade com todas as leis e regulamento s nacionais.
55 Statem ent 371—Power Ca ble and AC Adapter When i nsta lling the pr oduc t, ple ase us e the p rovid ed or desig nated conn ecti on cab les /powe r cab les/AC adaptor s/batt eries. Us ing any othe r cables/a daptor s could ca use a malfun ction or a fire.
56 Cisco and t he Ci sco Logo ar e tr adem arks of C isco S ystems, In c. and/ or its aff ili ates i n t he U.S. and o ther count ries. A listing of Cisco's t radem ar ks can be found at /go/trademarks . Third party trademark s mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems AIR-CT2504-5-K9 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems AIR-CT2504-5-K9 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems AIR-CT2504-5-K9, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems AIR-CT2504-5-K9 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems AIR-CT2504-5-K9, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems AIR-CT2504-5-K9.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems AIR-CT2504-5-K9. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems AIR-CT2504-5-K9 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.