Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 4.2 du fabricant Cisco Systems
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Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, In c. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 951 34-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Installing and Conf iguring Cisco A ccess Registrar , 4.
iii Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 CONTENTS About This Guide ix Obtaining Documentation ix ix Documentation Feedback x Cisco Product Security Overview x .
Contents iv Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 CHAPTER 2 Installing Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 2-1 Installing the Cisco Access Registrar 4.
Contents v Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Installing Cisco Access Registrar Software from CD-ROM 3-14 Common Linux In stallation Steps 3-15 Backup Copy of Original.
Contents vi Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Enabling SNMP in the Cisco Access Regist rar Server 4-14 Stopping the Master Agent 4-14 Modifying the snmpd.
Contents vii Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Configuring Services 5-14 Creating the Services 5-14 Configuring the Script 5-15 Choosing the Scripting Poin t 5-15 Con.
Contents viii Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02.
ix Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 About This Guide The Installing and Conf iguring Cisco A ccess Registra r , 4.2, provides informat ion about installing, confi guring, and customizing CAR 4.
x Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 About This Guide Y ou can access internationa l Cisco websites at this URL: http://www .
xi Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 About This Guide In an emer gency , you can also reach PSIR T by telephone: • 1 877 228-7302 • 1 408 525-6532 Ti p W e encour.
xii Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 About This Guide output. Search results sho w an illustration of yo ur product with the serial number labe l location highlighted. Locate the serial numb er label on your product and record the information before placing a service call.
xiii Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 About This Guide Obtaining Additional Publications and Information Information about Cisco products, techno logies, and networ k solutions is av ailable from v arious onlin e and printed sources.
xiv Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 About This Guide • W orld-class networking train ing is av ailable from Cisco.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 1 Overview This chapter pro vides an overvi ew of the software instal lation process. Y ou can install the CAR 4.2 software on a machine f or the first ti me, or you can upgrade the existing Cisco AR software on a workstation to CAR 4.
1-2 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 1 Overvi ew Installation Dialog Overview Installation Location The next questi on in the installation d ialog asks, “W here do you want t o install?” The default location to install the softw are is /opt/C SCOar .
1-3 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 1 Overview Downloading Cisco Access Registrar Softw are Example Configuration The installation dialog asks if you want to instal l the example conf iguration.
1-4 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 1 Overvi ew Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Licensing • CSCOar -4.2.1-sol10-k9.tar .gz for Solaris 10 • CSCOar for RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4.
1-5 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 1 Overview Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Licensing CAR can be deployed in a t wo-tier architecture—front- end and back-end server . The front-end server performs AAA functions and i t needs the base license and the TPS license.
1-6 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 1 Overvi ew Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Licensing If you receiv e a Software License Claim Certif icate, you can get y our Cisco AR lice nse file at one of the two follo wing URLs: • www .
1-7 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 1 Overview Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Licensing Displaying License Information Cisco AR provid es two ways of getting li.
1-8 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 1 Overvi ew Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Licensing.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 2 Installing Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 This chapter pro vides information about installing CAR 4 .2 software. The softw are is av ailable in CD-R OM form and can also be do wn loaded from the Cisco.
2-2 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 2 Insta lling Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Installing Cisco Access Registrar 4.
2-3 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 2 Installin g Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Installing Cisco Access R egistrar 4.2 Software on Solaris Step 3 Use the follo wing command line to u ncompress the tarfi le and extract t he installation package f iles.
2-4 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 2 Insta lling Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Installing Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Software on Solaris Where is the J2RE installed? [?,q] /nfs/insbu-cnstools/java The J2RE is req uired to use the Cisco AR GUI.
2-5 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 2 Installin g Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Installing Cisco Access R egistrar 4.2 Software on Solaris Do you want to install these as setuid/setgid files [y,n,?,q] Step 13 Enter Y to install t he setuid/setgid file s .
2-6 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 2 Insta lling Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Installing Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Software on Linux Configuring SNMP If you choose not to use the SNMP features of CAR, the in stallation process is co mpleted.
2-7 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 2 Installin g Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Installing Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Software on Linux Deciding Where to Install Before you be gin the software inst allation, you should decide where you want to in stall the ne w software.
2-8 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 2 Insta lling Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Installing Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Software on Linux Step 3 Enter the name of the script f ile to begin the installation: ./CSCOar -4.
2-9 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 2 Installin g Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Installing Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Software on Linux Step 7 When prompted whether to install the e xample configur ation no w , enter Y or N to cont inue.
2-10 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 2 Insta lling Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Installing Cisco Access Registrar 4.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 3 Upgrading Cisco Access Registrar Software CAR 4.2 supports softw are upgrades from your pre vious ly installed Cisco AR software wh ile preserving your exist ing config uration database.
3-2 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrad ing Cisco Access Registrar Softwa re Linux Softwar e Upgrade Ov erview Step 2 If you hav e modif ied the snmpd.conf fi le in the /cisco-ar/ucd-snmp/share /snmp directory , you must back up this fi le before doing the upgrade process.
3-3 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco Access Registra r Software Software Upgrade Task s Step 2 If you hav e modif ied the snmpd.conf fi le in the /cisco-ar/ucd-snmp/share /snmp directory , you must back up this fi le before doing the upgrade process.
3-4 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrad ing Cisco Access Registrar Softwa re Software Upgrad e Tasks [ //localhost/Radius/Replication ] RepType = None RepTransactionSyncInterval = 60000 RepTransactionArchiveLimit = 100 RepIPAddress = 0.
3-5 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco Access Registra r Software Software Upgrade Task s 2973: terminated 2971: terminated, wait status 0x000f 2965: terminated Access Registrar Server Agent shutdown complete.
3-6 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrad ing Cisco Access Registrar Softwa re Software Upgrad e Tasks Access Registrar Server Agent shutdown complete. # removing /etc/rc.d files # done with preremove. ## Removing pathnames in class <snmp> /opt/CSCOar/ucd-snmp/share/snmp/snmpd.
3-7 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco Access Registra r Software Installing the Cisc o Acc ess Registrar License File 4 processes left.3 processes left.......2 processes left.......k0 processes left.
3-8 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrad ing Cisco Access Registrar Softwa re Upgrading Cisco Ac cess Registrar Solaris Softwar e Installing Cisco Acces.
3-9 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco Access Registra r Software Upgrading Cisco Acc ess Registrar Solaris Software (sparc) 4.2.1 Copyright (C) 1998-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc. This program contains proprietary and confidential information.
3-10 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrad ing Cisco Access Registrar Softwa re Upgrading Cisco Ac cess Registrar Solaris Softwar e Do you want to preserve the local database in /opt/CSCOar [y]: [y,n,?,q] y Step 6 Enter Y to preserv e the local database.
3-11 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco Access Registra r Software Upgrading Cisco Acc ess Registrar Solaris Software inflating: /opt/CSCOar/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.6/webapps/tomcat-docs/RUNNING.txt inflating: /opt/CSCOar/jakarta-tomcat-4.
3-12 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrad ing Cisco Access Registrar Softwa re Upgrading Cisco Ac cess Registrar Solaris Softwar e ############################################################### # # A backup copy of your original configuration has been # saved to the file: # # /opt/CSCOar/temp/10062.
3-13 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco Access Registra r Software Upgrading Cisco Acc ess Registrar Linux Software # to perform the update. The script is located in: # # /opt/CSCOar/temp/10062.
3-14 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrad ing Cisco Access Registrar Softwa re Upgrading Cisco Access Registrar Linux So ftware cd /opt/CSCOar/bin arser.
3-15 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco Access Registra r Software Upgrading Cisco Acc ess Registrar Linux Software Step 5 Change the permissions of the CSCOar-4.2.1- f ile to make it ex ecutable.
3-16 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrad ing Cisco Access Registrar Softwa re Upgrading Cisco Access Registrar Linux So ftware Step 5 Enter the di rectory where you have stored the CAR 4.2 license file.
3-17 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco Access Registra r Software Upgrading Cisco Acc ess Registrar Linux Software inflating: /opt/CSCOar/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.6/webapps/tomcat-docs/security-manager-howto.
3-18 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrad ing Cisco Access Registrar Softwa re Upgrading Cisco Access Registrar Linux So ftware Removing Old VSA Names The upgrade p rocess pro vides an analysis of the confi guration database, additio n of ne w database elements, and a search for obsolete VSA names.
3-19 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco Access Registra r Software Configuring SNMP Step 11 Record the location of the u pgrade messages for future reference. ############################################################## # # These upgrade messages are saved in: # # /opt/CSCOar/temp/10062.
3-20 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 3 Upgrad ing Cisco Access Registrar Softwa re Restarting Replication.
CH A P T E R 4-1 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 4 Configuring Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 This chapter describe s how to configure a site. Ci sco Access Registrar 4.1 i s very fle xible. Y ou can choose to conf igure it in man y di fferent w ays.
4-2 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Configuring a Basic Site Y ou can use CAR’ s command completion feature to see what commands are possible from your current directory location in the CAR server hierarchy b y pressing the T ab key .
4-3 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Ac cess Registrar 4.2 Configuring a Basic Site Step 1 Run the aregcmd command: aregcmd Step 2 When asked for “Cluster , ” press Enter . Step 3 Enter your administrat or name and password.
4-4 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Configuring a Basic Site Creating Additional Administrators Use the add command to add additional admini strators.
4-5 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Ac cess Registrar 4.2 Configuring a Basic Site Checking the System-Level Defaults Because this site does not use incoming or outgoing scripts, you do not need to change the scripts’ properties (IncomingScr ipt and OutgoingScript).
4-6 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Configuring a Basic Site T o conf igure Cisco AR to use port s other than the default ports, complete the follo wing steps: Step 1 Change directory to /Radius/Advanced/P orts .
4-7 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Ac cess Registrar 4.2 Configuring a Basic Site Cisco AR, by default, specif ies a Service called local-users t hat has the type local and uses the Default UserList ( Figure 4-1 ).
4-8 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Configuring a Basic Site Description = Password = <encrypted> Enabled = T.
4-9 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Ac cess Registrar 4.2 Configuring a Basic Site • PPP-users— uses the BaseProf ile default-P PP-users to specify the attrib utes of PPP service to provide the user .
4-10 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Configuring a Basic Site set IncomingScript ParseServiceHints EnableDynamicA uthorization TR UE EnableNotif ications TR UE The script, ParseServiceHints , checks the username for %PPP or %SLIP .
4-11 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Ac cess Registrar 4.2 Configuring a Basic Site When you need to set an attrib ute to a value that includes a space, you must double-quote the v alue, as in the follo wing: set Framed-Routing "192.
4-12 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Configuring a Basic Site Step 2 Use the rel oa d command to reload your server . rel o ad Testing Your Configuration No w that you ha ve conf igured some users and a N AS, you are ready to test your co nfiguratio n.
4-13 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Ac cess Registrar 4.2 Configuring Accounting p001 send p002 Step 6 Enter the response identif ier to display the contents of the Access-Accept pac ket: p002 Packet: code = Access-Accept, id = 1, length = 38, attributes = Login-IP-Host = 196.
4-14 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Configuring SNMP After you sa ve and reload the CAR server conf iguration, the CAR server writes accounting messages to the accounting.
4-15 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Ac cess Registrar 4.2 Configuring SNMP /opt/CSCOar/bin/arser ver stop Modifying the snmpd.conf File The path to the snmpd.conf file is /cisco-ar/ucd -snmp/share/snmp .
4-16 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Configuring Dynamic DNS Trap Recipient The follo wing e xample sho ws the default co nfigu ration that sets up trap recipients for SNMP v ersions v1 and v2c.
4-17 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Ac cess Registrar 4.2 Configuring Dynamic DNS Y ou enable dynamic DNS updates b y creating and conf iguring ne w Resource Managers and ne w RemoteServer s, both of type dynami c-dns.
4-18 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Configuring Dynamic DNS set IP Address (ip address of primary dns server f or zone) set ForwardZoneTSIGK ey f set Rev erseZoneTSIGKey f oo.
4-19 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Ac cess Registrar 4.2 Configuring Dynamic DNS Step 1 Launch aregcmd and log in to the Cisco AR server . cd /opt/CSCOar/bin aregcmd Step 2 Us e the trace command to set the trace to lev el 4.
4-20 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco Access Registrar 4.2 Configuring Dynamic DNS.
CH A P T E R 5-1 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 5 Customizing Your Configuration After you ha ve conf igured and tested a basic site, yo u can begin to make changes to better address you r o wn sites’ s needs.
5-2 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Customizing Yo ur Configuration Configuring Grou ps Creating and Setting Group Membership Step 1 Run the aregcmd command: aregcmd Step 2 Use the cd command to change to the UserGr oups object.
5-3 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Custom izing Your Configuration Configuring Group s Configuring a Default Group If you allo w users to request dif ferent Services ba sed on ho w they specify thei r username, you c an use a script to determine th e type of Service to pro vide.
5-4 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Customizing Yo ur Configuration Configuring Multiple UserLists Step 6 Use the set command to set the user’ s group membership to the name of that group . The follo wing exa mp le set s beth ’ s group membership to th e Default group.
5-5 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Custom izing Your Configuration Configuring Mu ltiple UserLists Configuring Separate UserLists Di vide your site along organizat ional or compan y lines, and create a UserList fo r each unit.
5-6 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Customizing Yo ur Configuration Configuring Multiple UserLists add beth telemarketing 123 TR UE PPP-users Step 3 Repeat for the other users yo u want to add.
5-7 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Custom izing Your Configuration Configuring Mu ltiple UserLists In this situati on, when beth@North.
5-8 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Customizing Yo ur Configuration Configuring a Remote Server for AA Step 3 Use the cd command to change to Scripts .
5-9 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Custom izing Your Configuration Configuring a Re mote Server for AA Note Although these services dif fer in the way they handle authentication and au thorization, the procedure for conf iguring a remote serv er is the same independent of its type.
5-10 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Customizing Yo ur Configuration Configuring a Remote Server for AA Step 5 Use the set command to specify the protocol ldap : set protocol ldap Step 6 Use the set command to specify the re quired LD AP properties.
5-11 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Custom izing Your Configuration Configuring a Re mote Server for AA Creating Services Step 1 Run the aregcmd command:.
5-12 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Customizing Yo ur Configuration Configuring a Remote Server for AA T o hav e Cisco AR perform authentication and auth.
5-13 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Custom izing Your Configuration Configuring a Re mote Server for AA Figur e 5-2 Using a Scr ipt to Choose a Remote Serv er Ta b l e 5-5 provides an o vervie w of the process.
5-14 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Customizing Yo ur Configuration Configuring a Remote Server for AA Step 4 Use the cd command to change to the North R.
5-15 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Custom izing Your Configuration Configuring a Re mote Server for AA Step 7 Create another Service (SouthUse rs-ra dius) for the South remote server .
5-16 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Customizing Yo ur Configuration Configuring Sessio n Management Configuring Session Management Y ou can use session management to track user ses sions, and/or alloca te dynamic resources to users for the lifetime of their sessions.
5-17 Installing and Configuring Cisco A ccess Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Custom izing Your Configuration Configuring Session Managemen t Step 1 Run the aregcmd command: aregcmd Step 2 Use the cd command to change to the Resour ceManagers lev el: cd /Radius/ResourceManagers Step 3 Use the add command to add a ne w ResourceManager .
5-18 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Chapter 5 Customizing Yo ur Configuration Configuring Sessio n Management Step 5 Use the set command to specify the ResourceManagers yo u want tracked per user session. Specify a number and the name of the Reso urceManager .
IN-1 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 INDEX Symbols %PPP 5-3 %Telnet 5-3 /localhost 4-3 /opt/AICar1/usrb in 4-3 A Access control 4-15 Access Registrar add command 5-.
Index IN-2 Installing and Configuring Ci sco Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 Configuring cl ients 4-9 Configuring UserGrou ps 5-1 count-sessions command 4-2 D DefaultAccountingSer vice 4-4 DefaultAu.
Index IN-3 Installing and Configuring Cisc o Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 L Launching ar egcmd 1-7 LDAP properties 5-10 server configuration 5-10 service 5-11 License file 2-1 location 1-2 local .
Index IN-4 Installing and Configuring Ci sco Access Registrar, 4.2 OL-17221-02 S Sample users 4-7 save command 4-2, 4-11, 5-2, 5-4, 5-8, 5-12, 5-15, 5-18 Saving 4-11 Saving changes 5-2 Scripting Point.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems 4.2 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems 4.2 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems 4.2, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems 4.2 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems 4.2, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems 4.2.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems 4.2. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems 4.2 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.