Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 3750E du fabricant Cisco Systems
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Americas Hea dquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Driv e San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Catal yst 3750-E and 3560-E S w itc h S of tw are Conf iguration Guide Cisco IOS R elease 12.
iii Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 CONTENTS Preface xli ii Audienc e xliii Pur pose xliii Conv enti ons xliii Relat ed P ubl icatio ns xliv Obtain ing Doc.
Cont ents iv Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Underst anding Abb r eviat ed Commands 2-4 Underst andi ng no and defa ult Fo rms of Commands 2-4 Underst andi.
Content s v Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Schedul ing a Reload of the Software I mage 3-17 Config uring a Schedu led Reloa d 3-17 Displa ying Scheduled R.
Cont ents vi Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Stack Pr otoco l Versio n Compatibi lity 5-11 Major V ersio n Num ber Inco mpat ibility Amo ng Sw itche s 5-11.
Content s vii Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 HSRP and Sta ndby Cluster Comman d Switches 6-11 Virtua l IP Ad dress es 6-12 Other Considerati ons for Clu s.
Cont ents viii Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Creati ng a Bann er 7-1 7 Defaul t Banner Configur ation 7-17 Config uring a Message -of-the -Day Login Bann.
Content s ix Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Config uring Multi ple Pr ivileg e Levels 9- 7 Setti ng the Pr ivileg e Level for a Command 9-8 Changin g the .
Cont ents x Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Config uring th e Swit ch for Secure S hell 9-37 Underst anding SSH 9-38 SSH Serv ers, Int egrat ed C lien ts, .
Content s xi Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Using IE EE 802.1x Auth enticat ion with Port S ecurit y 10-16 Using IE EE 802.1x Authent ication with Wake -on-LAN 10-17 Using IE EE 802.1x Authent ication with MAC Aut hentication Bypass 10-17 Netw ork A dmis sion Cont rol L ayer 2 IE EE 8 02.
Cont ents xii Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 CHAPTER 11 Configur ing I nterfac e Characterist ics 11-1 Underst andi ng Interf ace Typ es 11 -1 Port-B as e.
Content s xiii Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Config uring the Power Sup plies 11-37 Monit orin g and Ma inta inin g the In terf aces 11-38 Moni tori ng I.
Cont ents xiv Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Trunki ng Ov erview 13-16 Encap sul atio n Typ es 13- 18 IEEE 802 .
Content s xv Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Config uring VTP 14 -6 Defaul t VTP Configurat ion 14-7 VTP Confi gurati on Options 14-7 VTP C onf igurat ion .
Cont ents xvi Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Config uring Private VLANs 16-6 Tasks for Co nfigur ing Priv ate VLAN s 16 -6 Defaul t Priv ate-VLAN Co nfigu.
Content s xvii Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Bridg e ID, Swi tch Pr iori ty, and Ex ten ded Sys tem ID 18-4 Spannin g-Tree Interf ace St ates 18-5 Blocki.
Cont ents xviii Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 CHAPTER 19 Configur ing MST P 19-1 Underst anding MSTP 19-2 Multip le Sp anning- Tree Regions 19-2 IST, C IST , and CST 19-3 Operati ons Withi n an MST Region 19-3 Operati ons Betw een MST Reg ions 19-4 IEEE 802 .
Content s xix Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Specif ying t he Link Typ e to Ensu re Rapi d Transit ions 19-24 Designa ting the Ne ighbo r Type 19-25 Resta.
Cont ents xx Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Config uring Flex Lin ks and MAC Addr ess-Table Move Upd ate 21-5 Config uration Guidel ines 21-5 Defau lt C o.
Content s xxi Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 CHAPTER 23 Configur ing Dynami c ARP Inspectio n 23-1 Underst anding Dyn amic ARP Inspecti on 23 -1 Interf ac.
Cont ents xxii Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Displa ying IGMP Snooping Inform ation 24-17 Unde rsta nding Mult icas t V LAN R egi strati on 24-18 Using M.
Content s xxiii Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 CHAPTER 26 Configur ing Port -Based Traf fic Control 26-1 Config uring Storm Contr ol 26-1 Underst anding S.
Cont ents xxiv Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Config uring LLDP and LLDP- MED 28- 3 Defau lt L LDP C onfig ura tion 28- 3 Config uring LLDP Char acteri st.
Content s xxv Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Config uring Local SPAN 30-1 1 SPAN Confi gurati on Guideli nes 30-11 Creati ng a Loca l SPAN S ession 30 -12.
Cont ents xxvi Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Config uring UNIX Syslog Servers 32-12 Loggin g M essage s to a UNIX Sysl og Daemon 32-12 Config uring the U.
Content s xxvii Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Creati ng a Numbered Extended ACL 34-11 Reseque ncing ACEs in an ACL 34-15 Creati ng Named St andard and Ex.
Cont ents xxvii i Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Config uring IPv6 ACL s 35 -4 Defaul t IPv6 ACL Configur ation 35-4 Inter action wi th Othe r Feature s a.
Content s xxix Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Standar d QoS Configurat ion Gui delines 36-35 QoS ACL Guide lines 36-35 Applyi ng QoS on In terfac es 36- 3.
Cont ents xxx Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 CHAPTER 37 Configur ing E therCh annels and Link -State T r ackin g 37-1 Underst andi ng EtherCh annels 37-1 .
Content s xxxi Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Config uring IP Addr essing 38-5 Defaul t Addressing Conf iguration 38-6 Assig nin g IP A ddre sses to N etw.
Cont ents xxxii Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Config uring Basic EIGR P Parame ters 38-39 Config uring EIGRP Int erfac es 38 -40 Config uring EIGRP Route.
Content s xxxii i Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Config uring Policy- Based Routin g 38 -83 PBR Confi gurati on Guideli nes 38-84 Enab ling P BR 38-85 Fil.
Cont ents xxxiv Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 CHAPTER 40 Configur ing H SRP and Enhanced Ob ject Tracking 40-1 Unde rsta nding HSR P 40-1 Mult iple HSRP .
Content s xxxv Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 CHAPTER 42 Configur ing I P Multic ast Routing 42-1 Underst andi ng Cisco’ s Implem entatio n of IP Multi .
Cont ents xxxvi Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Changin g the IGMP Query Ti meout f or IGMPv2 42-32 Changin g the Maximum Query Resp onse Ti me for IGMP v2.
Content s xxxvi i Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Contro lling Source In forma tion that Your Switc h Origina tes 43-9 Redist ribu ting So urces 43-9 Filt .
Cont ents xxxvii i Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Recover i ng from Lo st Cluste r Member Connectiv ity 45-13 Preven ting Autonegoti ation Mis matches 45 .
Content s xxxix Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Config uring Online Di agnosti cs 46-2 Schedul ing Onli ne Diagnos tics 46-2 Config uring Health- Monito ri.
Cont ents xl Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Cleari ng C onfigur ation Info rmation B-19 Clear ing th e Sta rtup Config urat ion Fi le B-20 Dele ting a Sto.
Content s xli Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 HSRP C-4 Unsuppor ted Global Conf igurati on Comman ds C-4 Unsuppor ted Interfac e Configur ati on Commands C.
Cont ents xlii Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 RADIUS C-11 Unsuppor ted Global Conf igurati on Comman ds C-1 1 SNMP C-12 Unsuppor ted Global Conf igurati o.
xliii Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Preface Audience This gui de is for the ne tworking p rofess ional ma naging the stan dalone Catalyst 3 750-E or 356 0-E swit ch or the Ca talyst 3750- E switch stack , referred t o as the switc h .
xliv Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Preface Related Publi cations • Brace s ({ }) grou p req uired choices, and verti cal bars ( | ) se para te the alternati ve e lements. • Brace s and ve rtical bar s within squar e brack ets ([{ | }]) mean a required choic e within an optional elemen t.
xlv Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Pre face Relate d Publicati ons • Catalyst 3 750-E and 3 560-E Switch S ystem Me ssage Guide (no t orderabl e but a vailable on • Cisco Softwar e Activatio n and Compatib ility Document (not or derabl e but av a ilab le on Ci sco.
xlvi Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Preface Obtainin g Docume ntation , Obtaining Sup port, and Se curity G uidelines Obtaining Do cumentation, Obtaining .
C HAPTER 1-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 1 Overview This c hapter provides these topic s abou t the C ataly st 3750- E a nd 3560-E sw itch software : .
1-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Feature s • IP services f eature set, which pr ovide s a richer set o f enterp rise-class inte lligent serv ices.
1-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Features • An embe dded de vice mana ger GUI for conf igur ing an d monit orin g a singl e swit ch through a we b br ow s er. Fo r inf ormation about starting th e de vice manager , see the getting started guide.
1-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Feature s • Switch clus tering t echnol ogy f or – Unif ied conf iguratio n, monitoring, au t.
1-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Features • IGMP sn oopin g queri er suppo rt to configure switch to ge nerate periodi c IG MP Gene.
1-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Feature s Manageability Features These a re the manageab ility features : • CNS embe dded ag en.
1-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Features Availabi lity and R edund ancy F eatures These a re the a vail ability an d redunda ncy f e.
1-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Feature s • Link-state tracking to mirr or the state of the p orts that carry upstr eam traf fi.
1-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Features • Protected port op tion f or rest ricting the forwa rding of tra f fic to designa ted po.
1-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Feature s • MA C authentication b ypass to authorize clie nts based on the client MA C address. • Network Ad mission Cont rol (NA C) feat ures : – N AC L ayer 2 IEEE 802.
1-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Features – T r usted boun dary for det ectin g the prese nce of a Cisco IP Phone , trustin g the .
1-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Feature s • Polic y-based routing (PBR) for conf iguring defined polic ies for traf fic flo ws.
1-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Default Settings After Initial Switch Configurat ion • Ability to moni tor the r eal-ti me power consum ption. On a pe r-PoE port basi s, the switch se nses the total power consum ption, polices the power usage, and reports t he power usage.
1-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Default Set tings A fter Initial Sw itch Conf iguration If you do not co nfigure the switc h at all, t he switch operate s with the se default sett ings: • Default swi tch IP addre ss, subnet mask , and defaul t gateway is 0.
1-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Default Settings After Initial Switch Configurat ion • VLANs – Defa ult VLAN is VLAN 1. F or more information , see Chapter 13 , “Configur ing VLAN s.
1-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Netwo rk Configura tion Examp les • UDLD is di sabled . For more info rmat ion, see Chapt er 29, “Configur ing UDLD .” • SP AN and RSP A N are di sabled .
1-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Network Configuration Examples Bandwidt h alone is not the only c onsidera tion whe n designing you r network.
1-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Netwo rk Configura tion Examp les Y o u can u se the switches and swit ch stacks to create the f.
1-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Network Configuration Examples For high-speed IP forwarding at th e distributio n layer, connect th.
1-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Netwo rk Configura tion Examp les Figur e 1 -3 High-P erfor mance W or kgr oup (Gigabit-t o-the-.
1-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Network Configuration Examples Figur e 1 -4 Redundant G igabi t Bac kbone • Serv er aggr e gation.
1-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Netwo rk Configura tion Examp les Figu re 1 -5 Ser ver Aggregatio n 86931 Si Si Si Si Si Si Camp.
1-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Network Configuration Examples Figur e 1 -6 Linux Serv er Cluster Small to M edium-Si zed Networ k Using Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switches Figure 1-7 an d Figure 1-8 show a configuratio n for a net work of up t o 500 emp loyees .
1-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Netwo rk Configura tion Examp les When an end sta tion in one VL AN needs to communicate with an end s tation in anoth er VLAN, a rou ter or Laye r 3 switc h route s the traffic to the de stinatio n VL AN.
1-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Network Configuration Examples Figur e 1 -8 Catalyst 3560-E S witches in a Collapsed Back bone Conf.
1-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Netwo rk Configura tion Examp les Large Ne twork Us ing Catalys t 3750 -E an d 3560-E S witc hes.
1-27 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Network Configuration Examples Figur e 1 -9 Catalyst 37 50-E Switc h Stac ks in Wiri ng Closets in a Bac kbone Configur ation Cisco 7x00 routers Catalyst 6500 multila yer switches Cisco IP Phones with workstations IEEE 802.
1-28 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Netwo rk Configura tion Examp les Figur e 1 -1 0 Catalyst 35 60-E S witc hes in Wir ing Closets .
1-29 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Network Configuration Examples Multidwelling Network Usi n g Ca talyst 3750-E Switches A growing segmen t of residen tial a nd co mmer cial cu stome rs ar e requir ing h igh-spe ed acc ess t o Ether net metropolita n-area n etwork s (MANs).
1-30 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Netwo rk Configura tion Examp les Figur e 1 -1 1 Catalys t 3750-E Sw itch es in a M AN Configu r.
1-31 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Where t o Go Next Figur e 1 -12 Long-Distanc e, High-Bandw idth T r ansp ort Con figur ation Where .
1-32 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Where to Go Nex t.
C HAPTER 2-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 2 Using the Command-Line Interface This c hapte r descr ibes t he Cisc o IOS comm and-li ne in terface ( CLI) a.
2-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 Using the Comman d-Line Interface Underst anding Com mand M odes Ta b l e 2 - 1 describes the ma in comm and mod es, how to access ea ch one, t he prompt you see in th at mode , and how to exit the mode.
2-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 Using the Comma nd-Line In terface Understa nding th e Help Syst em For more detail ed info rmat ion on the command mode s, see the c omma nd refe rence g uide for th is rel ease.
2-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 Using the Comman d-Line Interface Underst anding A bbreviated Co mmand s Understandin g Abbreviated Commands Y o u need to enter only enough char acte rs for the sw itch t o rec ognize the c omma nd a s unique .
2-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 Using the Comma nd-Line In terface Understanding CLI Error Messages Understandin g CLI Error Messages Ta b l e 2 - 3 lists some error message s that you mi ght e ncounte r whi le using the C LI to configure your switch.
2-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 Using the Comman d-Line Interface Usin g Comma nd His tor y Using Command History The software provides a histor y or rec ord of comma nds that you have enter ed.
2-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 Using the Comma nd-Line In terface Using Edit ing Featu res Disabling th e Comman d Histor y Featu re The comma nd history featur e is autom atically enabled. Y ou can disable it for t h e curre nt termin al sessi on or for the comman d line.
2-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 Using the Comman d-Line Interface Using E diting Feature s Editing C ommands throu gh Keystrok es Ta b l e 2 - 5 sh ows th e ke ystrokes that you ne ed to edit comm and lines.
2-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 Using the Comma nd-Line In terface Using Edit ing Featu res Editing C ommand Lines that Wrap Y o u can use a wrapa round feature for commands t hat extend beyond a singl e line on th e screen .
2-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 Using the Comman d-Line Interface Searching and Filterin g Output of show and more Commands Use lin e wrapping with th e comman d histo ry featu re to recal l and modif y previous comp lex command entries.
2-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 Using the Comma nd-Line In terface Acce ssi ng th e C LI Accessing the CLI throu gh a Co nsole Conn ection or.
2-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 Using the Comman d-Line Interface Access ing the CLI.
C HAPTER 3-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 3 Assigning the Switch IP Address and Default Gateway This chap ter de scribe s ho w to creat e the initi al sw.
3-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 3 Assigni ng the Switch IP Addr ess and Default Gat eway Assign ing Swi tch In format ion The nor mal b oot p rocess involv es the opera tion of the boot lo ader software, which perfo rms the se acti vities: • Performs lo w-lev el CPU initialization.
3-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 Assigni ng the Swi tch IP Addr ess an d Defa ult Gate way Assigning Switch Information Note Stac k me mbers r etain their IP ad dress wh en yo u re move them f rom a sw itch st ack.
3-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 3 Assigni ng the Switch IP Addr ess and Default Gat eway Assign ing Swi tch In format ion W i th DHCP-b ased autoc onfiguration , no DHCP clie nt-sid e configuration is needed on your switc h.
3-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 Assigni ng the Swi tch IP Addr ess an d Defa ult Gate way Assigning Switch Information The DHCP serv er sends .
3-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 3 Assigni ng the Switch IP Addr ess and Default Gat eway Assign ing Swi tch In format ion If you do no t conf .
3-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 Assigni ng the Swi tch IP Addr ess an d Defa ult Gate way Assigning Switch Information Configuring the Relay D.
3-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 3 Assigni ng the Switch IP Addr ess and Default Gat eway Assign ing Swi tch In format ion • The IP a d dress.
3-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 Assigni ng the Swi tch IP Addr ess an d Defa ult Gate way Assigning Switch Information Ta b l e 3 - 2 sho ws the conf iguration of the res erv ed leases o n the DHCP serv er .
3-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 3 Assigni ng the Switch IP Addr ess and Default Gat eway Assign ing Swi tch In format ion • It re ads its host t able by i ndexing i ts IP a ddress 10.0.0 .21 t o its hostnam e (swi tcha).
3-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 Assigni ng the Swi tch IP Addr ess an d Defa ult Gate way Checki ng and Savi ng the Running C onfigu r ation .
3-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 3 Assigni ng the Switch IP Addr ess and Default Gat eway Modifyin g the Startup Conf iguration Modifying the .
3-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 Assigni ng the Swi tch IP Addr ess an d Defa ult Gate way Modify ing the Start up Confi gurat ion Note On C atal yst 3750- E swi tches, this command only works pr operly from a standa lone switch.
3-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 3 Assigni ng the Switch IP Addr ess and Default Gat eway Modifyin g the Startup Conf iguration T o d isab le ma nual b ooting, u se the no boot manual g lobal c onfiguration c ommand .
3-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 Assigni ng the Swi tch IP Addr ess an d Defa ult Gate way Modify ing the Start up Confi gurat ion T o return to the default setting, use the no boot system globa l configurat ion c ommand.
3-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 3 Assigni ng the Switch IP Addr ess and Default Gat eway Modifyin g the Startup Conf iguration Note For c omplete s yntax and u sage in forma tion fo r the boot loader command s and en vironment variab les, see the c omman d refere nce fo r this rel ease.
3-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 Assigni ng the Swi tch IP Addr ess an d Defa ult Gate way Scheduling a Reload of the Software Image When t he.
3-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 3 Assigni ng the Switch IP Addr ess and Default Gat eway Scheduli ng a Reload of the Software Image Note Use the at keyw ord on ly if the swit ch system clock has be en set (throu gh Networ k T ime Protocol (NTP), t he hardwa r e calen dar , or manually ).
C HAPTER 4-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 4 Configuring Cisco IOS CNS Age nts This chapt er descr ibes how to configure the Cisco IO S CNS agents on the Catal yst 3750-E and 3560-E swit ch.
4-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 4 Config uring C isco IO S CNS Agent s Underst anding Cisco Configurat ion Engin e Software Figur e 4-1 Config.
4-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 Conf iguring Cisco IOS CNS Agents Understanding Cisco Configuration Engine Software Event Servic e The Ci sco C onfiguration Engine uses t he Event Se rvice for re ceipt and g enerat ion of configurat ion e vents.
4-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 4 Config uring C isco IO S CNS Agent s Underst anding Cisco Configurat ion Engin e Software DeviceID Each co n.
4-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 Conf iguring Cisco IOS CNS Agents Understa nding Ci sco IOS Age nts Understandin g Cisco IOS Agents The CNS e vent ag ent featu re allo ws the switch to publish an d subscr ibe to e vents on th e e vent b u s and works with the Cisc o IOS agent.
4-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 4 Config uring C isco IO S CNS Agent s Configuring Cisco IOS Agents Incremental (Partial) Configur ation After t he ne twork i s runn ing, new serv ices c an b e adde d by usi ng the Cisco IOS a gent.
4-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 Conf iguring Cisco IOS CNS Agents Configuring Cisco IOS Agents Note For more informatio n about running the setup program and creating templ ates on the Config uration Engine , see the Cisc o Configuration En gine I nstallat ion and Setup Guide, 1.
4-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 4 Config uring C isco IO S CNS Agent s Configuring Cisco IOS Agents Enabling th e CNS Ev ent Agent Note Y ou mu st ena ble the CNS e vent ag ent on the s witch b efore you en able th e CNS co nf iguratio n agen t.
4-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 Conf iguring Cisco IOS CNS Agents Configuring Cisco IOS Agents Enabling th e Cisco IOS C NS Agent After enabling th e CNS e vent age nt, start t h e Cisco IOS CNS agent on the switch.
4-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 4 Config uring C isco IO S CNS Agent s Configuring Cisco IOS Agents Step 7 cn s id inte rface num { dns-rev e.
4-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 Conf iguring Cisco IOS CNS Agents Configuring Cisco IOS Agents T o disab le th e CNS C isco IO S agent , us e the no cns conf ig initial { ip-address | hostname } global configurati on c ommand.
4-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 4 Config uring C isco IO S CNS Agent s Displaying CNS Con figuration Displaying CNS Configuration Y o u can use the privileged EXE C command s in Ta b l e 4 - 2 to di splay CN S configuratio n infor mation.
C HAPTER 5-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 5 Managing Switch Stacks This chapt er provid es the concept s and proced ures to man age Ca talyst 3750 -E swit ch stack s.
5-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Mana ging Switch Stacks Underst anding Swit ch Stacks – A mixed software stac k with only Ca talyst 3750-E switch es support ing differen t feat ures or only Catalyst 3750 swi tches support ing di f ferent featu res as st ack m embers.
5-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Managing Swi tch Stacks Understanding Switch Stacks T o ma nage switch stac ks, you sho uld under stand: • T.
5-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Mana ging Switch Stacks Underst anding Swit ch Stacks Note M ake sure that you power off t he swi tches th at you add to or re move from the switc h stack.
5-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Managing Swi tch Stacks Understanding Switch Stacks Figur e 5-2 A dding a S tandalone S witch t o a Switc h St.
5-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Mana ging Switch Stacks Underst anding Swit ch Stacks A stack ma ster ret ains its role unless one of thes e ev ents occurs: • The switch stack is reset. * • The stack master is remov ed from the switch stack.
5-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Managing Swi tch Stacks Understanding Switch Stacks Stack member s in the same switc h stac k canno t have the sam e stac k me mber n umber.
5-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Mana ging Switch Stacks Underst anding Swit ch Stacks Switch Stack Offline Configuration Y o u can use the offline configurati on featu re to pr ovision ( to supply a configu ration to ) a new switc h before it joins the swi tch stack .
5-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Managing Swi tch Stacks Understanding Switch Stacks If you add a prov isioned switch that is a dif f erent typ.
5-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Mana ging Switch Stacks Underst anding Swit ch Stacks Note If the switch stack does not contain a pro v isioned co nf iguration for a ne w switch, the switc h joins the stack wi th the d efault interface c onfigurati on.
5-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Managing Swi tch Stacks Understanding Switch Stacks For more infor mation, see the “Stack Protoc ol V e rsion Compa tibility” section on pa ge 5-11 a nd the Cisco Softwar e Activation and Compatibilit y Document on Cisco.
5-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Mana ging Switch Stacks Underst anding Swit ch Stacks Understanding Auto-Upgrade and Auto- Advise When the s.
5-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Managing Swi tch Stacks Understanding Switch Stacks Y o u can use the archi ve-do wnload-sw /al low-featur e-upgrade privileged EXEC c omman d to allo w installing an differ ent softw are image.
5-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Mana ging Switch Stacks Underst anding Swit ch Stacks *Mar 11 20:36:15.038:%IMAGEMGR-6-AUTO_COPY_SW:extracting c3750e-universal-mz.122-0.0.313.SE/c3750e-universal-mz.
5-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Managing Swi tch Stacks Understanding Switch Stacks Note Auto-advise and auto-co py iden tify which image s are running b y examin ing the info f ile and b y search ing the dire ctory structure on the swit ch stac k.
5-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Mana ging Switch Stacks Underst anding Swit ch Stacks Y o u back up and re store the st ack configurat ion in the same way as you would for a standa lone switc h configurati on.
5-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Managing Swi tch Stacks Understanding Switch Stacks Connectivity to the Switch Stack Thr ough an IP Address The switch stack is managed thro ugh a single IP ad dress.
5-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Mana ging Switch Stacks Underst anding Swit ch Stacks Switch Stac k Configuratio n Scen arios Ta b l e 5 - 2 pr ovides s witch s tack conf iguration sce narios.
5-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Managing Swi tch Stacks Understanding Switch Stacks Stack mast er elect ion sp ecific al ly d ete rm ined by the cryptog raphic soft ware i mage an d the IP base featur e se t Assuming that all stack members hav e the same priority v alue: 1.
5-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Mana ging Switch Stacks Conf igurin g the Sw itch Stack Configuring the Switch Stack These sec tions co ntai.
5-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Managing Swi tch Stacks Configuring the Switch Stack • If you e nter a time delay of 1 to 60 minu tes, the .
5-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Mana ging Switch Stacks Conf igurin g the Sw itch Stack WARNING: Administrators must make sure that the old stack-mac does WARNING: not appear elsewhere in this network domain.
5-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Managing Swi tch Stacks Configuring the Switch Stack Beginn ing in pri vilege d EXEC mode, follo w th ese steps to assign a priori ty valu e to a stack member: This proc edure is option al.
5-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Mana ging Switch Stacks Access ing the CLI of a Specif ic Stack Memb er T o remo ve pro visione d informa tion an d to a voi d recei ving an error messa ge, remo v e the sp ecif ied switch from the stac k before you use the no form o f this c omm and .
5-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Managing Swi tch Stacks Displaying Switch Stack Information sho w swit ch st ack- por ts Displays port information for the entir e switch stack.
5-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 5 Mana ging Switch Stacks Displaying Switch Stack Inf ormation.
C HAPTER 6-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 6 Clustering Switches This chap ter pro vides the con cepts and p rocedu res to cr eate an d manage Cataly st 37 50-E and 3 560-E swit ch cl u ster s. Un les s ot her wis e no ted, th e ter m switch ref ers to a stan dalone swit ch and t o a switc h stack.
6-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clusteri ng Switches Underst anding Swit ch Clusters In a switch cluster , 1 switch must be the cluster command switch and up to 15 othe r switches can be cluster member switch es .
6-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clus tering Switches Understanding Switch Clusters Cluster Command Switc h Characteristics A cluster co mmand switch must me et these req uirements : • It is running Cisco IOS Release 12.
6-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clusteri ng Switches Planning a Sw itch Cluster Candidate Switch and Cluster Me mber Switch Characteristics Candid ate swi tches are cluster-capable swi tches and sw itch stacks t hat hav e not yet be en added to a cluster .
6-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clus tering Switches Planni ng a Swi tch Clust er Automatic Disco very of Clus ter Candid ates and M embers Th.
6-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clusteri ng Switches Planning a Sw itch Cluster In Figure 6-1 , the cl uster com mand sw itch ha s ports assigne d to VL ANs 16 and 62. The CDP hop count is three.
6-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clus tering Switches Planni ng a Swi tch Clust er Figure 6-2 sh o ws that the cluste r command switch disco ve rs the switch that is co nnected to a third-p arty hub .
6-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clusteri ng Switches Planning a Sw itch Cluster Figur e 6-3 Discov ery Throug h Dif f erent VLANs Discovery T.
6-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clus tering Switches Planni ng a Swi tch Clust er Figur e 6-4 Discov ery Throug h Dif f erent M anage ment VLA.
6-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clusteri ng Switches Planning a Sw itch Cluster Figur e 6-5 Disco very Thr ough Rou ted P o r ts Discovery o.
6-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clus tering Switches Planni ng a Swi tch Clust er HSRP and S tandby Cluster Command Switches The switc h supports H ot Standby Router Prot ocol (HSRP) so that you can configur e a group of standby cluste r comm and switche s.
6-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clusteri ng Switches Planning a Sw itch Cluster Virtual IP Addresses Y o u need t o assign a unique vi rtual IP add ress and gr oup num ber and na me to the clus ter stand by group.
6-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clus tering Switches Planni ng a Swi tch Clust er • All stan dby-group memb ers must be member s of the clus ter . Note There is no limit to t he numbe r of switc hes that yo u can assi gn as stan dby cluster c omman d switches.
6-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clusteri ng Switches Planning a Sw itch Cluster Automatic d iscov ery has these lim itations: • This limit.
6-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clus tering Switches Planni ng a Swi tch Clust er If a sw itch join s a clus ter and it do es not have a host.
6-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clusteri ng Switches Planning a Sw itch Cluster Switch Clus ters and Sw itch Stacks A switc h cluster can ha ve one or more Catal yst 3750-E switch stac ks. Each switc h stack can ac t as the clust er command s witch or a s a singl e cluster mem ber .
6-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clus tering Switches Planni ng a Swi tch Clust er These ar e conside rati ons to keep in mind whe n you have .
6-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clusteri ng Switches Using the CLI to Ma nage Swit ch Clusters Using the CLI to Manage Swit ch Clusters Y o u can co nfigure cluster me mber switch es from the CLI by first logg ing into th e clus ter comma nd switch.
6-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clus tering Switches Using SNMP to Manag e Swit ch Clust ers Using SNMP to Manage Switc h Clusters When you first power on the sw itch, SN MP is en abled i f you e nter the IP infor matio n by using the setup program and accep t its p ropose d configura tion.
6-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 6 Clusteri ng Switches Using SNMP to Ma nage Sw itch Clusters.
C HAPTER 7-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 7 Administering the Switch This chapt er desc ribes how to perfor m one- time opera tions to a dministe r the Catal yst 3750- E or 3560-E swit ch.
7-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administering the Switch Managin g the Syste m Time and Date The sy stem c lock ca n then be set from these s.
7-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administer ing the Switch Mana gi ng th e S ystem Tim e an d Da te Figure 7-1 shows a ty pical netw ork exam ple using NTP . Switch A is the NT P master , with Switch es B, C, and D configured in NTP server mod e, in server associa tion with Switc h A.
7-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administering the Switch Managin g the Syste m Time and Date These sec tions co ntain this co nfiguration in .
7-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administer ing the Switch Mana gi ng th e S ystem Tim e an d Da te T o disab le N TP auth en tica tio n, use th e no ntp authenticate global co nfigurati on comma nd.
7-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administering the Switch Managin g the Syste m Time and Date Beginning in privileged EXE C mode, foll ow thes.
7-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administer ing the Switch Mana gi ng th e S ystem Tim e an d Da te The switc h can send or re ceive NTP broadc.
7-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administering the Switch Managin g the Syste m Time and Date T o di sable a n inte rface fro m rece iving NTP broadc ast p ackets, use the no ntp broadcast client in terfa ce configurat ion c omma nd.
7-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administer ing the Switch Mana gi ng th e S ystem Tim e an d Da te The ac cess group keywords are sc anned i n thi s ord er , from leas t restri ctive to most r estrict iv e: 1.
7-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administering the Switch Managin g the Syste m Time and Date Disabling N TP Serv ices on a S pecific Interface NTP service s are enabled on all interfa ces b y default.
7-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administer ing the Switch Mana gi ng th e S ystem Tim e an d Da te Displaying the NTP Config uration Y o u ca.
7-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administering the Switch Managin g the Syste m Time and Date Displaying the Time and Dat e Configuration T o display the time and date conf iguration, use the show clock [ det ail ] pri vileged EXEC comm and.
7-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administer ing the Switch Mana gi ng th e S ystem Tim e an d Da te Configuring Summer Time (Daylight Saving T.
7-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administering the Switch Configur ing a System Nam e and Prom pt Beginning in privileged EX EC mode, fol low.
7-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administer ing the Switch Confi guring a S ystem Name an d Prompt For complete syntax a nd usage information for th e comman ds used in this se ction, see the Cisc o IOS Configuration Fund amen tals Com mand Reference, Relea se 12.
7-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administering the Switch Configur ing a System Nam e and Prom pt T o kee p track of domain n ames, IP h as defined the conc ept of a domain n ame s erver , which hol ds a cac he (or dat abase) of na mes map ped to IP a ddresses.
7-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administer ing the Switch Creat ing a Bann er If you u se t he switc h IP ad dress a s its hostnam e, the IP a ddress i s used and no DNS query oc curs. I f you configure a ho stname that contai ns no periods (.
7-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administering the Switch Creating a Banner Configurin g a Mess age-of-the -Day Log in Bann er Y ou can create a single or multiline m essage banner that appears on the scr een when som eone logs in to the switch.
7-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administer ing the Switch Mana gi ng the MA C A ddr ess T able Configurin g a Login B anner Y o u can co nfigure a l ogin banner to be di splayed on all c onnec ted t erminal s.
7-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administering the Switch Managin g the MAC A ddress Tab le These sec tions co ntain this co nfiguration in f.
7-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administer ing the Switch Mana gi ng the MA C A ddr ess T able When pr iv ate VLAN s are co nfigured , ad dre.
7-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administering the Switch Managin g the MAC A ddress Tab le Beginn ing in pr i vilege d EXEC m ode, follo w t.
7-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administer ing the Switch Mana gi ng the MA C A ddr ess T able Beginning i n privileged EX EC mo de, fol low .
7-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administering the Switch Managin g the MAC A ddress Tab le T o di sable the sw itch from se nding MAC address notificat ion traps, use the no snmp-serv er enable traps mac-notification global con f igura tion co mman d.
7-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administer ing the Switch Mana gi ng the MA C A ddr ess T able Beginning i n privileged EX EC mo de, follo w .
7-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administering the Switch Managin g the MAC A ddress Tab le • If you add a uni cast MA C address as a stati.
7-27 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administer ing the Switch Managi ng the ARP Table Displaying A ddress Table Entries Y o u can displa y the MA.
7-28 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 7 Administering the Switch Managin g the ARP Table.
C HAPTER 8-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 8 Configuring SDM Templates This chapter descr ibes ho w to conf igure the Switc h Database Managem ent (SDM) template s on the Catalyst 3 750-E or 3 560-E sw itch.
8-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 8 Configuring SDM Templates Underst anding th e SDM Templ ates The f irst e ight ro ws in the tables (un icast MA C addresses thr ough security A CEs) represent ap proximate hardw are boundaries set wh en a template is selecte d.
8-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 8 Conf iguring SDM Te mplates Underst anding the SDM Templa tes SDM Template s and Switch St acks In a C atalyst 37 50-E- only or a m ixed hardware switch stack, a ll s tack m embers must u se the same SD M desktop template that is stored on the stack master .
8-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 8 Configuring SDM Templates Conf igurin g the Sw itch SDM Temp lat e 2d23h:%SDM-6-MISMATCH_ADVISE:compatible de.
8-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 8 Conf iguring SDM Te mplates Configuring the Switch SDM Template Setting the SDM Template Beginn ing in pri vil.
8-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 8 Configuring SDM Templates Display ing the SDM Templates number of qos aces: 0.5K number of security aces: 1K On next reload, template will be “desktop vlan” template.
8-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 8 Conf iguring SDM Te mplates Displaying the SDM Templ ates This is an e xample of ou tput fr om the sho w sdm p.
8-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 8 Configuring SDM Templates Display ing the SDM Templates.
C HAPTER 9-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication This chapt er descr ibes how to configure switch-b ased aut henticat ion on the Ca talyst 3750-E or 3560- E swit ch.
9-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Protecting A ccess to Privileged EXE C Comman ds • If you want t o .
9-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Prote cti ng Ac cess to Pri vile ged EXEC Comm and s Setting o r Changin g a Static Enab le Pa ssword The en able password control s access to the privileged EXEC mode.
9-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Protecting A ccess to Privileged EXE C Comman ds Be ginnin g in pri v.
9-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Prote cti ng Ac cess to Pri vile ged EXEC Comm and s This exampl e .
9-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Protecting A ccess to Privileged EXE C Comman ds Setting a Telnet P a.
9-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Prote cti ng Ac cess to Pri vile ged EXEC Comm and s Beginn ing in .
9-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Protecting A ccess to Privileged EXE C Comman ds Setting the Privil e.
9-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Prote cti ng Ac cess to Pri vile ged EXEC Comm and s Changing the D.
9-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Controlling Sw itch Acce ss with TACA CS+ Controlling Switch Access .
9-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Controlling Switch Access with TACACS+ Figur e 9-1 T ypical T ACA .
9-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Controlling Sw itch Acce ss with TACA CS+ TACACS+ Ope ration When a use r attempts a sim ple ASCII login by authenticating to a switch u sing T ACA CS+, this proc ess occurs: 1.
9-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Controlling Switch Access with TACACS+ • Configuring T A CACS+ A.
9-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Controlling Sw itch Acce ss with TACA CS+ T o remo ve th e specif ied T A CA CS+ serv er name or address, us e the no tacac s-server host hostname global configurat ion comm and.
9-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Controlling Switch Access with TACACS+ T o disa ble AAA, use the no aaa new-model global configurat ion comma nd.
9-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Controlling Sw itch Acce ss with TACA CS+ Note T o se cure the switch for HTT P acce ss b y using AAA meth ods, you must con fi gure t he switch with th e ip htt p au thenti cati on aaa glo bal c onfiguration com mand.
9-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS Starting TACACS+ Accounting The AA A acco unting fe ature tr acks the s ervices that users a r e a ccessi ng an d the amoun t of n etwor k resources th at the y are consum ing.
9-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Controllin g Switch A ccess w ith RADIUS Understanding RADIUS RADIUS is a distr ibuted clie nt/ser ver system that secures netw orks against u nauthori zed access .
9-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS Figur e 9-2 T ran s itioning.
9-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Controllin g Switch A ccess w ith RADIUS Configuring RADIUS This se ction describe s how to c onfigure your switch to su pport R ADIUS.
9-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS Y ou identify RADIUS security ser vers b y their hostname or IP a ddress, hostname and specif ic UDP port numbers, or their I P addre ss and specific UD P port num bers.
9-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Controllin g Switch A ccess w ith RADIUS Beginn ing in pri vileg ed EXEC mode, follo w these steps to conf igure per - serve r RADIUS server comm unicatio n.
9-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS T o remov e the specif ied RADIUS serve r, use the no radius-serv er host hostname | ip- address global configurati on c ommand.
9-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Controllin g Switch A ccess w ith RADIUS Step 3 aaa authent ication log in { default | list-name } method1 [ meth od2..
9-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS T o disa ble AAA, use the no aaa new-model global configurat ion comma nd.
9-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Controllin g Switch A ccess w ith RADIUS Beginning i n privileged E .
9-27 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS T o remov e the specif ied RADIUS serve r, use the no radius-serv er host hostname | ip- address global configurati on comm and.
9-28 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Controllin g Switch A ccess w ith RADIUS T o disable author ization, u se the no aaa authorizat ion { net work | exec } method1 global configurat ion comm and.
9-29 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS Configuring Settings for All.
9-30 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Controllin g Switch A ccess w ith RADIUS This e xample sho ws how to.
9-31 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Controlling Switch Access with Kerberos As ment ioned ea rlier, to.
9-32 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Controllin g Switch Acce ss wit h Kerberos Y ou must obtain auth orization to use this feat u re and t o do wnload th e cryptograp hic softw are f iles from Cisco.
9-33 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Controlling Switch Access with Kerberos This soft ware rel ease su.
9-34 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Controllin g Switch Acce ss wit h Kerberos Kerberos Operation A Kerb.
9-35 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Controlling Switch Access with Kerberos 4. The KDC send s an encryp ted TGT that includes the user ide ntity to the swi tch.
9-36 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Configur ing the Switc h for Lo cal Authe ntication a nd Authori zat.
9-37 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Configuring the Switch for Secure Shell T o disa ble AAA, use the no aaa new-model global configurat ion c omma nd.
9-38 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Conf igurin g the Sw itch for Sec ure Shel l For SSH configuration e.
9-39 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Configuring the Switch for Secure Shell SSH also supports these us.
9-40 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Conf igurin g the Sw itch for Sec ure Shel l • When genera ting the RSA key pair , the message No dom ain specif ied might appear .
9-41 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Configuring the Switch for Secure Shell Configuring the SSH Server.
9-42 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Conf igurin g th e Sw itch for Sec ure Sock et L a ye r HTTP For mor.
9-43 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Configuring the Switch for Secure Socket Layer HTTP When a conn ecti on attempt is made, the HTTPS server provid es a secure connect ion by issuing a certif ied X.
9-44 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Conf igurin g th e Sw itch for Sec ure Sock et L a ye r HTTP CipherSuit es A CipherSuite spe cifi es the encryption alg orithm and the dige st algorithm to use on a SSL con nection.
9-45 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Configuring the Switch for Secure Socket Layer HTTP SSL Configuration Guid elines When SSL is used in a switch cluster , the SSL session terminates at the clu ster commander .
9-46 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Conf igurin g th e Sw itch for Sec ure Sock et L a ye r HTTP Use the no crypto ca tr ustpo int nam e global conf ig uration command to d elete all id entity info rmation and ce rtifica tes as soci at ed wit h the C A.
9-47 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Configuring the Switch for Secure Socket Layer HTTP Use th e no ip http server global configu ration c ommand to disabl e the standa rd HTT P server .
9-48 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Conf igurin g the Sw itch for Sec ure Copy Proto col Use the no ip http client secur e-trustpo int nam e to remov e a client trustpoi nt conf iguration.
9-49 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Sw itch-Ba sed Auth entication Configuring the Switch for Secure Copy P rotocol Information Abo ut Secure Copy T o c onfigure Se cure Copy feat ure, y ou shou ld u nderstand thes e conc epts .
9-50 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 9 Configuring Switch-Based Authentication Conf igurin g the Sw itch for Sec ure Copy Proto col.
C HAPTER 10-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1x Port-Based Auth entic ation This c hapte r descr ibes h ow to con figure IEEE 802.1x port- based authe ntic ation on the Ca talyst 3750-E or 3560-E sw itch.
10-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Underst andin g IEEE 802. 1x Port-Ba sed Au thentic ation • IEEE 8 02.1x Host Mo de, pag e 10-8 • IEEE 8 02.
10-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Underst anding I EEE 802.1x Port-Base d Auth enticat ion • Au thenticati on server —per forms th e act ual a uthenti cation of t he clien t.
10-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Underst andin g IEEE 802.
10-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Underst anding I EEE 802.1x Port-Base d Auth enticat ion The Session- T imeout RADIUS attrib ute (Attribu te[27]) spec ifie s the time after which re-auth enticatio n occurs.
10-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Underst andin g IEEE 802.
10-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Underst anding I EEE 802.1x Port-Base d Auth enticat ion Ports in Au thorized and Un authorized S tates During IEEE 802.
10-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Underst andin g IEEE 802.
10-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Underst anding I EEE 802.
10-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Underst andin g IEEE 802. 1x Port-Ba sed Au thentic ation Y o u can view the A V pairs th at are be ing sen t by the switch by enteri ng the debug radius account ing pri vileged EXEC comman d.
10-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Underst anding I EEE 802.
10-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Underst andin g IEEE 802. 1x Port-Ba sed Au thentic ation Y o u can use the Filt er-Id attribute to spec ify an inbou nd or outboun d A CL that is alread y configured on the swit ch.
10-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Underst anding I EEE 802.1x Port-Base d Auth enticat ion Any number of IEEE 802 .1x-inca pable clie nts are allo wed acces s when the switc h port is mov ed to the guest VL AN.
10-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Underst andin g IEEE 802. 1x Port-Ba sed Au thentic ation After a p ort mo ves to the restr icted VL AN, a sim ulated EAP success message is sent t o the clie nt.
10-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Underst anding I EEE 802.
10-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Underst andin g IEEE 802. 1x Port-Ba sed Au thentic ation In single-hos t mode, only the IP phone is allowe d on the voice VLAN.
10-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Underst anding I EEE 802.
10-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Underst andin g IEEE 802. 1x Port-Ba sed Au thentic ation frame with a user name and pa ssword bas ed on the M A C addre ss.
10-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Underst anding I EEE 802.1x Port-Base d Auth enticat ion Network Admission Control La yer 2 IEEE 802. 1x Validation The switc h supports t he Network A dmission Control (N AC) Layer 2 IEEE 802.
10-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Underst andin g IEEE 802. 1x Port-Ba sed Au thentic ation • Until a device is autho rized, th e port drops i ts traff ic.
10-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Configur ing IEEE 802. 1x Authent ication Note The pr oxyacl entry determines the ty pe of al lo wed network ac cess.
10-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Configur ing IEEE 80 2.1x Authen ticatio n Default IEEE 802.1x Auth entication Co nfiguration T ab le 10-2 shows the def a ult IEEE 802.
10-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Configur ing IEEE 802. 1x Authent ication IEEE 802.1x Authenticatio n Configur atio n Guidelines These sec tion has configu ration gui delines fo r these featur es: • IEEE 8 02.
10-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Configur ing IEEE 80 2.1x Authen ticatio n – Ether Channel port —Do not con figure a p ort t hat i s an active or a no t-yet -active membe r of an Ether Channel as an IEEE 802.
10-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Configur ing IEEE 802. 1x Authent ication – Y o u can co nfigure the ina ccessi ble aut henti cation bypass fe ature a nd the rest ricted VLAN on an IEEE 802.
10-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Configur ing IEEE 80 2.1x Authen ticatio n Beginning i n privileged E XEC mo de, follow these s teps to con figure IEEE 802.
10-27 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Configur ing IEEE 802. 1x Authent ication Beginning i n privileged EX EC m ode, fo llow these steps to con figure the RADIU S server pa ramet ers on the switc h.
10-28 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Configur ing IEEE 80 2.1x Authen ticatio n Configuring the Host Mode Beginn ing in pri vileg ed EXEC mode, follo w these steps to allo w multiple hosts (client s) on an IEEE 802.
10-29 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Configur ing IEEE 802. 1x Authent ication Configuring Periodic Re-Authentication Y o u can ena ble perio dic IEE E 802.
10-30 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Configur ing IEEE 80 2.1x Authen ticatio n Changing the Quiet P eriod When the swi tch canno t authentic ate the c lient, the swi tch remains idle for a set period o f time and then tries agai n.
10-31 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Configur ing IEEE 802. 1x Authent ication T o return to the defaul t retransmission time, use th e no dot 1x time out tx-peri od interface co nfig uration comm and.
10-32 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Configur ing IEEE 80 2.
10-33 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Configur ing IEEE 802. 1x Authent ication Note Y ou must co nfigure the RAD IUS ser ver to perform accounti ng tasks, such as l ogging s tart, stop , and interim-upd ate messages and time stamps.
10-34 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Configur ing IEEE 80 2.1x Authen ticatio n T o disab le and rem o ve th e guest VLAN, use the no dot1x guest- vlan interface co nf igurat ion comman d.
10-35 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Configur ing IEEE 802. 1x Authent ication T o disabl e and remo ve the re strict ed VLAN, us e the no dot1x auth-fail vlan interface co nfigurati on comm and.
10-36 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Configur ing IEEE 80 2.1x Authen ticatio n T o return to the default v alue, use the no dot1 x au th-fail max-a ttemp ts interface con fig uration comm and.
10-37 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Configur ing IEEE 802.
10-38 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Configur ing IEEE 80 2.
10-39 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Configur ing IEEE 802. 1x Authent ication T o d isab le IE EE 80 2.1x auth entic atio n with W oL, us e th e no dot1x control-dir ection interface configurati on c ommand.
10-40 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Configur ing IEEE 80 2.1x Authen ticatio n Configuring NAC Layer 2 IEEE 802.1x Validation Y o u can configure N A C La yer 2 IEEE 802.
10-41 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Configur ing IEEE 802.
10-42 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Configur ing IEEE 80 2.
10-43 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 0 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1x Port-B ased Authe ntication Configur ing IEEE 802. 1x Authent ication This e xample sh ow s ho w to conf igure IEEE 802.1 x authen tication with web authenti cation as a fallb ack method .
10-44 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 10 Configuring IEEE 802.1 x Port-Ba sed Authen tication Displaying IEEE 802.
C HAPTER 11-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 11 Configuring Interface Cha racteristics This c hapter d efines the types of i nterface s on th e Ca talyst 3750-E o r 3560 -E swi tch and descr ibes how to conf igure them.
11-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Underst anding In terface Ty pes • EtherC hannel Po rt Gro ups, pag.
11-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Unde rsta ndi ng In ter face Typ es Configure switch ports by using t he switchport interface c onfi guration comman ds.
11-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Underst anding In terface Ty pes is in the all owed list for a trunk port, the trunk port a u tomatically b ecomes a member of that VLAN a n d traffic is forwarde d to and f rom t he trunk p ort for tha t VL AN.
11-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Unde rsta ndi ng In ter face Typ es Switch Virtual Interfaces A switch virtual i n terf ace (SVI ) represe nts a VL AN of swi tch po rts as one interf ace to the r outing or bridging f unctio n in the sys tem.
11-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Underst anding In terface Ty pes When you c onfigure an Et herCha nnel, you cr eate a port -chan nel lo gical inte rface an d assign a n inte rface to the Ethe rCha nnel.
11-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Unde rsta ndi ng In ter face Typ es power mode. T he p owered device first boots up i n low-power mode, c onsume s less than 7 W , and negotiates to obtain en ough power to oper ate in high -power mode.
11-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Underst anding In terface Ty pes the request is granted, the switch upda tes the po wer budget .
11-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Unde rsta ndi ng In ter face Typ es Ho we ver , if the power ed-de vice IEEE cla ss is greater than the maxim um wattage , the switch does not supply power to it.
11-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Underst anding In terface Ty pes Maximum Power Allocation ( Cutoff P.
11-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Unde rsta ndi ng In ter face Typ es Because t he swit ch suppor ts.
11-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Underst anding In terface Ty pes • The ro uting f u nction can be en abled on all SVIs an d rout ed por ts. The swi tch routes on ly IP traf fic .
11-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Unde rsta ndi ng In ter face Typ es Figur e 1 1 -3 Connecting a Switch Stac k t o a PC By default , the Ethern et m anagem ent po rt is e nable d.
11-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Underst anding In terface Ty pes In Figure 11 -4 , if the Ethern et .
11-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Using Interface Configuration Mode Use the commands in T able 1 1-2 when using TFT P to download or upl oad a configur ation f ile to the boot loader .
11-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Using I nterface Configu ration Mode • Port num ber—T he int erface numb er on t he switch.
11-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Using Interface Configuration Mode Step 3 Foll ow each interface command with the inte rface conf iguration commands that the interface requires.
11-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Using I nterface Configu ration Mode When usin g the interf ace rang.
11-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Using Interface Configuration Mode Configur ing and Using Interf ace Range Mac ros Y ou can crea te an inte rface range macro to a utomatic ally select a range of inte rface s for confi g uratio n.
11-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Configur ing Ethern et Interface s • The VLAN inter faces must ha ve been co nf igured with the interf ace vlan command .
11-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Config uring Etherne t Interfaces Default Ethernet Inte rface C onfigur ation T ab le 11-3 shows the Ethern et interface default c onfigurat ion, i ncluding some feat ures th at ap ply only to Layer 2 inter faces.
11-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Configur ing Ethern et Interface s Configuring In terface Sp eed and Du plex M ode Ether net i nterfaces on the switch oper ate a t 10, 100, 1000, or 10,0 00 M b/s a nd in eithe r fu ll- or half-d uplex mode.
11-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Config uring Etherne t Interfaces • If one inte rface suppo rts .
11-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Configur ing Ethern et Interface s Use the no spee d and no duplex interfa ce conf iguration command s to return the interf ace to the def ault speed and duple x settings (autonegot iate).
11-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Config uring Etherne t Interfaces T o disa ble flo w cont rol, use the flowcont rol r ecei ve off interface co nfiguration c omman d.
11-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Configur ing Ethern et Interface s T o disa ble a uto-MDIX, use the no mdix auto in terface con figurati on co mman d.
11-27 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Config uring Etherne t Interfaces For informa tion ab out the outp ut of the show power in line user EXEC comm and, se e the comma nd refere nce for t his rele ase.
11-28 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Configur ing Ethern et Interface s Cautio n Y ou shou ld car efully plan your switch power budget, ena ble the power mo nitorin g feat ure, a nd ma ke certai n not to oversubscribe the power supply .
11-29 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Config uring Etherne t Interfaces T o return to the default setting, use the no power inl ine consumption def ault interfac e conf iguration comm and.
11-30 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Configur ing Ethern et Interface s T o di sable poli cing of the re al-tim e power consumptio n, use the no power inline police interface configurati on comm and.
11-31 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Configur ing Layer 3 Interf aces Switch# show interfaces gigabitet.
11-32 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Configur ing Layer 3 Interfaces • If the sw itch is notified by VL.
11-33 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Confi guring t he Syste m MTU Configuring the System MTU The d efault ma ximum t ransmi ssion uni t (MTU) s ize for fram es re ceived and sent on all i nterfaces o n the switch or sw itch stack is 1500 bytes.
11-34 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Conf igurin g th e Syst em MTU The upp er limit of t he system ro ut.
11-35 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Configur ing the Cisc o Redunda nt Power System 2300 If you e nter a v alue th at is outsid e the a llo wed ra nge for th e specif ic type of interfa ce, the v alue is not acce pted.
11-36 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Configur ing the Cisco Red undant Pow er System 230 0 • Y o u can co nfigure the pr iority o f an RPS 2300 port fro m 1 to 6.
11-37 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Configuring the Power Supplies T o return to the RPS 2300 default .
11-38 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Monito ring and Mai ntainin g the Interfac es For more infor mati on about usin g the power supply user E XEC comman d, see the comman d re ference for th is re lease .
11-39 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Interfac e Charact eristics Monitoring and Maintaining the Interfaces Clearing and Resetting In terfaces and Counters T ab le 11-7 lists the pri vilege d EXEC mode clear comman ds that you can us e to clear co unters and reset interf aces.
11-40 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 11 Configuring Interface Characteristics Monito ring and Mai ntainin g the Interfac es Shutting Down and Rest.
C HAPTER 12-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 12 Configuring Smartports Macro s This cha pter descr ibes how to configure and appl y Smartp orts mac ros on the Ca talyst 3750-E or 35 60-E switch.
12-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 12 Configuri ng Smart ports Mac ros Configuring Smartpor ts Macros Cisco also provid es a collection of prete sted, Cisco-recomme nded baseline conf iguration templates for Catalyst switc hes.
12-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 12 Configur ing Smartpor ts Macros Config uring Smartp orts Mac ros Smartports Mac ro Con figuration Guidelines.
12-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 12 Configuri ng Smart ports Mac ros Configuring Smartpor ts Macros Foll ow th ese guidelines when you apply a Cisco-d efault Smartp orts macro on an interf ace: • Display all macr os on the switch by using the show pa rser ma cro user EXE C comm and.
12-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 12 Configur ing Smartpor ts Macros Config uring Smartp orts Mac ros Applying Smar tports Ma cros Beginning i n .
12-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 12 Configuri ng Smart ports Mac ros Configuring Smartpor ts Macros This exam ple sh ows how to app ly th e use.
12-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 12 Configur ing Smartpor ts Macros Config uring Smartp orts Mac ros Y o u can dele te a globa l macr o-applie d configurati on on a swit ch only by ente ring the no vers ion of each comm and th at is in t he macro.
12-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 12 Configuri ng Smart ports Mac ros Displaying Smartpor ts Macros Displaying Smartports Macros T o display th e Smartpo rts macros , use one o r more of the p ri v ile ged EXE C commands in T a ble 12-2 .
C HAPTER 13-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 13 Configuring VLANs This c hapter describ es how to c onfigure norm al- range VL ANs (V LAN IDs 1 t o 100 5) and extended-ra nge VLAN s (VLA N IDs 1006 to 4094) on th e Ca talyst 3750-E and 3560- E sw itch.
13-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Underst anding VL ANs Note Be fore you create VLANs , you mu st deci de wh ether to use V LAN Trunking Pr otocol (V TP) to maint ain global VL AN configurat ion for you r network.
13-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Unde rsta ndin g VLAN s Supporte d VLANs The swi tch suppor ts VLANs in VT P client, serv er , and transpar ent mod es. VLANs a re identif ied by a number fr om 1 to 4094.
13-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configur ing Normal- Range VLA Ns For more de tailed definitions of acce ss and tru nk mo des and their f unctions, see T a ble 13-4 on page 13-1 8 .
13-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Config uri ng Nor mal-R ang e VLA Ns Cautio n Y ou can cause inconsistenc y in the VLAN d atabase if you attempt to manually delete th e vlan.
13-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configur ing Normal- Range VLA Ns Token Rin g VLANs Although the switch does not s upport.
13-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Config uri ng Nor mal-R ang e VLA Ns VLAN Configuration Mode Options Y o u can c onfigure.
13-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configur ing Normal- Range VLA Ns When you save VLAN and VTP infor mation (i ncluding ext.
13-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Config uri ng Nor mal-R ang e VLA Ns Creating or Modifyin g an Et hernet VLAN Each E therne t VLA N in the VLAN d ataba se has a uni que, 4- digit I D tha t ca n be a nu mber fr om 1 to 1001.
13-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configur ing Normal- Range VLA Ns Y o u can also c reate or mod ify Ethe rnet VLANs by using the VLAN database co nfiguration mo de.
13-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Config uri ng Nor mal-R ang e VLA Ns Cautio n When you delete a VLAN, a ny por ts assigned to that VLAN be come inac tiv e. They r emain associ ated with th e VLAN ( and thus inacti ve) until you assign them to a ne w VLAN.
13-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configur ing Extend ed-Range VLANs T o return an interfac e to its defaul t configu ration, use the default interface in terface-id interfa ce configurati on c ommand.
13-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Conf iguri ng Ext end ed-R ange VL ANs Extended -Ran ge VLAN C onfiguration G uidelines .
13-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configur ing Extend ed-Range VLANs Creating an E xtended-Ra nge VL AN Y o u cr eate an exten ded-r ange VLAN in g loba l configur ation mode by ente ring the vlan glob al configurati on comm and with a VLAN ID from 1006 to 4094.
13-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Conf iguri ng Ext end ed-R ange VL ANs This e xample shows how to c reate a ne w ex tend.
13-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Displa ying VL ANs Displaying VLANs Use the show vlan privi leged EXEC command to display a list of all VLA Ns on the switch, including extended -range V LANs.
13-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Confi guri ng V LAN Trunk s Figure 13-2 shows a network of swit ches that are conn ected by ISL trunks.
13-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configur ing VLAN Tr unks Encapsulation Type s T ab le 13-5 lists the Et hernet trunk enca psulat ion types and keyw ords.
13-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Confi guri ng V LAN Trunk s IEEE 802.1Q Configuration Considerations The IE EE 8 02.1Q t runks i mpose these limita tions o n the trun king stra tegy for a network: • In a ne twork of Cisco switch es conne cted through IEEE 802.
13-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configur ing VLAN Tr unks • Changing t he Pruning-Elig ible List, page 13- 22 • Conf iguring the Nati ve VLAN for Unta gged T raff ic, page 13-23 Note By default, an interfa ce is in Layer 2 mode.
13-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Confi guri ng V LAN Trunk s T o return an interfac e to its defaul t configu ration, use the default interface in terface-id interfa ce configurat ion com mand.
13-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configur ing VLAN Tr unks T o re duce t he risk o f spann ing-tree loo ps or storm s, you c an disa ble VLA N 1 on any in dividual VLAN trunk port by removin g VLAN 1 from t he allowed list.
13-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Confi guri ng V LAN Trunk s Beginn ing in pri vileg ed EXEC mode, follo w these steps to.
13-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configur ing VLAN Tr unks T o return to the defau lt nati ve VL AN, VLAN 1, use the no switchport trunk nativ e vlan inte r face configurati on c ommand.
13-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Confi guri ng V LAN Trunk s In thi s way , Trunk 1 c arries traffic for V LANs 8 thr ough 1 0, and T runk 2 car ries tra ff i c fo r VLA Ns 3 through 6.
13-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configur ing VLAN Tr unks Load Sharing Using STP Path C ost Y o u can configure pa ralle.
13-27 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Confi guri ng V LAN Trunk s Figur e 13-4 Load-Shar ing T run ks with T ra f fic Distr ib.
13-28 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configuring VMPS Configuring VMPS The VLA N Quer y Protocol (V QP) is u sed to suppor t .
13-29 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Configuring VMPS Dynamic-Access Port VLAN M embership A dynamic -access port can belo ng to only one VL AN with an ID from 1 to 4094.
13-30 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configuring VMPS • IEEE 802. 1x ports ca nnot be c onfigured as dy namic-a ccess ports. If you try to ena ble IEEE 802.1x on a dyna mic-a ccess ( VQP) por t, an e rror message appears , and IEEE 802 .
13-31 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Configuring VMPS Note Y ou must have IP connectivity to the VMPS for dynam ic-acc ess ports to work. Y ou can test for IP connec tivity b y pinging th e IP address of t he VMPS and verifyin g that you get a response .
13-32 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configuring VMPS Changing the Reconfirmation In terval VMPS clients perio dically r econf irm the VLAN member ship inf ormation recei ved fro m the VMPS.
13-33 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VLANs Configuring VMPS Monitoring the VMPS Y ou can displ ay inform ation ab out the VM PS by usin g the sho w vmps pri vileged EXEC co mmand.
13-34 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 13 Configuring VLANs Configuring VMPS • End stations are connected to the clien ts, Switch B and Switch I. • The dat abase con figuration file is store d on the TFTP server with th e IP address 172.
C HAPTER 14-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 14 Configuring VTP This c hapter describ es how to us e t he VLA N Trunking Prot ocol ( VTP) a nd the VLAN databa se fo r managing VLANs wi th the Catalyst 3750-E or 35 60-E sw itch.
14-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configuring VTP Underst anding VTP The swi tch suppo rts 1005 VLA Ns, but the numbe r of r outed po rts, SVIs, and othe r configured feat ures af fects the u sage of the switch hardw are.
14-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configur ing VTP Underst anding VT P For domain nam e and p assword configuration gui delines, see t he “VTP Conf iguration Guidel ines” section on page 14-8 .
14-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configuring VTP Underst anding VTP VTP adv ertiseme nts distrib ute this global domain i nformation: • VT.
14-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configur ing VTP Underst anding VT P VTP pruni ng blocks unn eeded floo ded traffic to VLANs on tr unk ports th at are i nclude d in the pruning -elig ible list.
14-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configuring VTP Conf igurin g VTP Enab ling VT P prun ing on a V TP server e nable s prun ing for the e ntire m anagem ent d omain.
14-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configur ing VTP Configuring VTP Default VTP Configuration T ab le 14-2 shows the def ault VTP conf iguration. VTP Configuration Options Y o u can configure VTP by using these co nfiguration mo des.
14-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configuring VTP Conf igurin g VTP VTP Configuration in VLAN Database Configuration Mode Y o u can configure al l VTP param eters in VLA N database con figuration mod e, which you access by ent erin g th e vlan database p rivileged EXEC comma nd.
14-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configur ing VTP Configuring VTP VTP Ve rsi on Foll ow these guidelines w hen decidin g which VTP v ersion to implem ent: • All switches in a VTP domain must run the same VTP versi on.
14-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configuring VTP Conf igurin g VTP When you con figure a domain na me, it cannot be rem oved; you can only rea ssign a switc h to a different domain. T o r eturn the sw itch to a no-passwor d stat e, u se the no vtp password global co nfigurati on comman d.
14-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configur ing VTP Configuring VTP This exam ple sh ows ho w to use VLAN databa se configu ration m ode to co.
14-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configuring VTP Conf igurin g VTP Use the no vtp mode global co nfigurati on comma nd to retu rn the switc h to VTP server mo de. T o return the swi tch to a no- password sta te, u se t he no vtp password pr ivileged EX EC c ommand.
14-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configur ing VTP Configuring VTP Note Y ou can also c onfigure VTP tra nsparent mod e by using the vlan d a.
14-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configuring VTP Conf igurin g VTP Enabling V TP Prunin g Pruning inc reases available bandwi dth by restric ting flood ed traffic to those trunk lin ks that the traff i c must use to acces s the destinat ion devices.
14-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configur ing VTP Configuring VTP Beginning i n privileged E XEC mo de, follow these steps to ver ify an d r.
14-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 14 Configuring VTP Monito ring VTP Monitoring VTP Y o u mon itor VT P by displayin g VT P configuratio n infor mation: the domain name, the c urrent V TP revision, and the n umber of VLAN s.
C HAPTER 15-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 15 Configuring Voic e VLAN This c hapter describ es how to c onfigure the voice V LAN fea ture on the Cata lyst 37 50-E or 3560- E swit ch.
15-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 15 Configuring Voice V LAN Underst anding Voice VL AN Figure 15-1 shows one way to conne ct a Cisco 7960 IP Phon e.
15-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 5 Configuring Voice VLA N Configuring Voice VLAN Note Un tagged traffic from th e device a ttache d to t he Cisco I P Phone passes t hrou gh the phone unc hanged, regardless of the tr ust stat e of t he acce ss port on the phone.
15-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 15 Configuring Voice V LAN Configuring Voice VLAN • The Port Fast featu re is automati cally enabled wh en v oice VLAN is c o nf igured . When y ou disa ble v oice VLAN , the Po rt F a st featu re is n ot automatic ally disabled.
15-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 5 Configuring Voice VLA N Configuring Voice VLAN Configuring Cisco IP Phone V oice Traffic Y o u can c onfigure a po rt conn ecte d to the Cisco IP Phon e to se nd CDP pa ckets to th e phon e to c onfigure the wa y in whic h the phone send s vo ice traf fic.
15-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 15 Configuring Voice V LAN Configuring Voice VLAN This example shows ho w to configure a port connected to a Cisco IP Phone to use the CoS value to classify inco ming traf fic, to use I EEE 802.
15-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 5 Configuring Voice VLA N Displaying Voice VLAN This exa mple sh ows ho w to c onfigure a port c onnec ted to.
15-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 15 Configuring Voice V LAN Displa ying Vo ice VLA N.
C HAPTER 16-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 16 Configuring Private VLANs This c hapter d escrib es how to configu re private VLANs on the C ataly st 3750- E or 3560-E switch.
16-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 16 Configuring Private VLANs Underst anding Priva te VLANs Figu re 16-1 Priv a te-VL AN Doma in Ther e are two ty pes o f second ary VLA Ns: • Isol ated VLA Ns—Ports within an iso lated VL AN cann ot comm unicate with ea ch oth er at t h e Layer 2 level.
16-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 6 Configuring Private VLA Ns Unde rsta ndin g Priva te VLAN s Primary an d second ary VLANs ha ve these char acter istics: • Primary VLAN—A pri v ate VLAN h as only one primar y VLAN.
16-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 16 Configuring Private VLANs Underst anding Priva te VLANs Private VLANs across Multiple Switches As with regula r VLANs, pri vate VLAN s can span multiple switches.
16-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 6 Configuring Private VLA Ns Unde rsta ndin g Priva te VLAN s Y o u should also se e the “Se condar y and Prima ry VLAN Co nfiguration” section on page 16- 7 under the “Pri v ate-VLAN Conf iguration G u idelines” sect ion.
16-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 16 Configuring Private VLANs Configur ing Private VLAN s Private VLANs and Swi tch Stacks Pri vate VLANs can operat e within the switc h stack, and pri vate -VLAN por ts can resid e on dif feren t stack members.
16-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 6 Configuring Private VLA Ns Conf igurin g Priva te VLAN s Step 5 If inter-VLA N routing will be u sed, co nfigure the pr imary SVI , and ma p secondar y VLAN s to the primary .
16-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 16 Configuring Private VLANs Configur ing Private VLAN s • W e recomme nd that you prune th e pri vate VLANs from the trunks on de vices that carry no tra ff ic in the p ri v ate VLANs.
16-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 6 Configuring Private VLA Ns Conf igurin g Priva te VLAN s • Do not configu re ports that bel ong to a P A gP or L A CP E therCha nnel a s priv a te-V LAN port s.
16-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 16 Configuring Private VLANs Configur ing Private VLAN s Note Dyn amic MA C address es lear ned in on e VLAN of a pri vat e VLAN are re plicat ed in the associ ated VLANs.
16-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 6 Configuring Private VLA Ns Conf igurin g Priva te VLAN s When you as sociat e seconda ry VLANs with a prim ary VLA N, note this s yntax info rmation : • The seco ndary_ vlan_lis t paramete r canno t conta in spaces .
16-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 16 Configuring Private VLANs Configur ing Private VLAN s Configur ing a Lay er 2 Inter face a s a Priv ate-VL.
16-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 6 Configuring Private VLA Ns Conf igurin g Priva te VLAN s Configur ing a Layer 2 Inter face a s a Priv ate-.
16-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 16 Configuring Private VLANs Configur ing Private VLAN s Mapping S econd ary VLAN s to a Primary VLAN Layer 3.
16-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 6 Configuring Private VLA Ns Monitoring Private VLANs Monitoring Private VLANs T ab le 16-1 shows the pri vileged EXE C commands for monitori ng pri v ate-VLAN acti vity .
16-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 16 Configuring Private VLANs Monito ring Private VL ANs.
C HAPTER 17-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 17 Configuring IEEE 802.1Q and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling V irtual pri v ate netw orks (VPNs) pro vide enter p.
17-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 17 Configuring IEEE 802.1Q and Layer 2 Protocol T unneling Underst andin g IEEE 802. 1Q Tunnel ing tagge d packets. A port co nfigured to support IEEE 8 02.1Q tunnel ing is called a tunnel port .
17-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 7 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1Q and L ayer 2 Protocol Tunnelin g Understand ing IEEE 802.
17-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 17 Configuring IEEE 802.1Q and Layer 2 Protocol T unneling Configur ing IEEE 80 2.1Q Tunn eling Configuring IEE E 802.1Q Tunneling These sec tions co ntain this co nfiguration in format ion: • Default IE EE 802.
17-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 7 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1Q and L ayer 2 Protocol Tunnelin g Configur ing IEEE 802.1Q Tunnel ing These are some wa ys to solv e this problem: • Use ISL tru nks betw een core switches i n the servi ce-prov ider networ k.
17-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 17 Configuring IEEE 802.1Q and Layer 2 Protocol T unneling Configur ing IEEE 80 2.
17-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 7 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1Q and L ayer 2 Protocol Tunnelin g Configur ing IEEE 802.1Q Tunnel ing Configur ing an IEEE 80 2.1Q Tunneli n g Port Beginning i n privileged E XEC mo de, follow these steps to con figure a port a s an IEEE 80 2.
17-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 17 Configuring IEEE 802.1Q and Layer 2 Protocol T unneling Underst andin g Layer 2 Pro tocol Tunneling Underst.
17-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 7 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1Q and L ayer 2 Protocol Tunnelin g Understan ding Layer 2 Protoco l Tunnel ing Figur.
17-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 17 Configuring IEEE 802.1Q and Layer 2 Protocol T unneling Configur ing Layer 2 Protocol Tu nneling For exam ple, in Figur e 17-6 , Customer A has two switc hes in the same VLAN that are connected through the SP network.
17-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 7 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1Q and L ayer 2 Protocol Tunnelin g Configu r ing Laye r 2 Protoco l Tunnel ing See Figure 17-4 , with Customer X and C ustom er Y in acc ess VLANs 30 and 4 0, res pecti vel y .
17-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 17 Configuring IEEE 802.1Q and Layer 2 Protocol T unneling Configur ing Layer 2 Protocol Tu nneling Layer 2 P.
17-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 7 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1Q and L ayer 2 Protocol Tunnelin g Configu r ing Laye r 2 Protoco l Tunnel ing Conf.
17-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 17 Configuring IEEE 802.1Q and Layer 2 Protocol T unneling Configur ing Layer 2 Protocol Tu nneling Use the n.
17-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 7 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1Q and L ayer 2 Protocol Tunnelin g Configu r ing Laye r 2 Protoco l Tunnel ing Use .
17-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 17 Configuring IEEE 802.1Q and Layer 2 Protocol T unneling Configur ing Layer 2 Protocol Tu nneling Configuri.
17-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 1 7 Configuring IEEE 80 2.1Q and L ayer 2 Protocol Tunnelin g Configu r ing Laye r 2 Protoco l Tunnel ing Swit.
17-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 17 Configuring IEEE 802.1Q and Layer 2 Protocol T unneling Monito ring and Mai ntaining Tun neling Sta tus Monitoring and Main taining Tunneling Status T ab le 17-2 shows the pri vileged EXE C commands for monitori ng and maintaining IEEE 802.
C HAPTER 18-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 18 Configuring STP This chapt er desc ribes how to configure the Sp anni ng T ree Protoc ol (STP) on port-ba sed VLANs on the Catalyst 3750-E or 3560-E switch.
18-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configuring STP Underst anding Spa nning- Tree Fea tures • Spanning -T ree Mode s an d Protoc ols, pa ge .
18-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configur ing STP Unders tanding Spanni ng-Tree Feat ures Spannin g-Tr ee Topo logy an d BPDUs The stable, ac.
18-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configuring STP Underst anding Spa nning- Tree Fea tures Only one outgoin g port on the stack root switc h is selected as the root port.
18-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configur ing STP Unders tanding Spanni ng-Tree Feat ures The swi tch sup ports t he IEEE 802.1t spanni ng-tre e extension s, and some of t he bits pr eviously used for the switch prior ity are no w used as the VLAN identif ier .
18-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configuring STP Underst anding Spa nning- Tree Fea tures • From le arning t o fo rwarding o r to disable d • From for warding to d isabled Figure 18-2 illustrates ho w an interface mo ves through the states.
18-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configur ing STP Unders tanding Spanni ng-Tree Feat ures Blocking State A Layer 2 interf ace in the blockin g state does not particip ate in fram e forw arding.
18-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configuring STP Underst anding Spa nning- Tree Fea tures Disabled State A Laye r 2 int erface in th e disab led state do es not parti cipa te in frame forwar ding or in the span ning tree.
18-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configur ing STP Unders tanding Spanni ng-Tree Feat ures Spanning Tree and Redun dant Conn ectiv ity Y o u c.
18-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configuring STP Underst anding Spa nning- Tree Fea tures Becau se each V LAN is a sepa rate sp anning -tre e instan ce, the switc h accelerates aging o n a per - VLAN basis .
18-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configur ing STP Unders tanding Spanni ng-Tree Feat ures Spanning-Tree Interoperability and Backward Compatibility T ab le 18-2 lists the inter operability and compatibility among the s upported s panning-tree mo des in a network.
18-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configuring STP Configur ing Spannin g-Tree Feat ures individual VL AN spa nning tre es to pr ev ent lo ops from f ormi ng if the re are multip le con necti ons among VLANs .
18-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configur ing STP Confi guring Spanni ng-Tree Feat ures • Conf iguring th e Switch Priority of a VLAN, pag.
18-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configuring STP Configur ing Spannin g-Tree Feat ures Cautio n Switches that are not running spanning tre e still forwar d BPDUs that they rece iv e so that the other switche s on the V LA N that have a run ning span ning -tree in stance can b reak l oops.
18-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configur ing STP Confi guring Spanni ng-Tree Feat ures Changing the Spa nning-Tree M ode. The sw itch s upports th ree spanning -tree mo des: PV ST+, rapi d PVST+, or MS TP .
18-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configuring STP Configur ing Spannin g-Tree Feat ures Disabling Sp anning Tree Spanning tree is enab led b.
18-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configur ing STP Confi guring Spanni ng-Tree Feat ures Note Th e ro ot swit ch fo r eac h span ning -tree instan ce shou ld be a ba ckbone or di stribution switch .
18-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configuring STP Configur ing Spannin g-Tree Feat ures Configur ing a Secondar y Root Switch When you con figure a switch as the secondary root, the switc h priori ty is modified from t he default value (32768 ) to 28672.
18-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configur ing STP Confi guring Spanni ng-Tree Feat ures Note If your switch is a m ember of a switch stack, .
18-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configuring STP Configur ing Spannin g-Tree Feat ures T o return to the default setting, use the no spanning-tree [ vlan vlan-id ] port-pr iori ty interf ace configurati on c ommand.
18-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configur ing STP Confi guring Spanni ng-Tree Feat ures Note Th e show spanning-tree inter face interface- id privileged EXEC comma nd displays in format ion only for ports that ar e in a link-up op erati ve sta te.
18-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configuring STP Configur ing Spannin g-Tree Feat ures Configuring S pannin g-Tree Timers T ab le 18-4 descr ibes the timer s that af fect the en tire spanning -tree p erfor mance.
18-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configur ing STP Confi guring Spanni ng-Tree Feat ures Configuring the Forwarding -Delay Time fo r a VLAN Beginning i n privileged E XEC mode, follow these ste ps to c onfigure t he forwarding -del ay ti me for a VLAN.
18-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 18 Configuring STP Displaying the Spannin g-Tree Stat us Configuring the Transmit Hold -Count Y o u can configure the BPDU burst size by changing th e transm it hold coun t v alue .
C HAPTER 19-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 19 Configuring MSTP This c hapter describ es how to c onfigure the Cisco imple mentat ion of the I EEE 802 .1s Multiple STP (MS TP) on t he Cat alyst 3 750-E or 3560- E switch.
19-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configuring MSTP Underst anding MST P • Configuring M STP Fea tures, p age 19-14 • Display ing the MST .
19-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configur ing MSTP Unde rsta ndi ng M STP IST, CIST, an d CST Unlik e PVST+ and rapid PVST+ in whi ch all the.
19-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configuring MSTP Underst anding MST P For correct operatio n, all switch es in the MST region m ust agree on the sam e CIST regi onal root.
19-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configur ing MSTP Unde rsta ndi ng M STP MSTP switch es use V ersion 3 R STP BPDUs o r IEEE 8 02.1D STP BPD Us to com municate wi th legacy IEEE 8 02.1D sw itches .
19-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configuring MSTP Underst anding MST P The messa ge-age and maxim um-ag e info rmati on in the RST P portion of the BPDU re main th e same through out the region, and the sam e values are propagated by the regi on designat ed ports at t he boundary .
19-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configur ing MSTP Unde rsta ndi ng M STP Port Role Naming Change The bo undary role is no lo nger in the f inal MST standar d, b u t this boundary c oncept is maintained in Cisco’ s implemen tation.
19-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configuring MSTP Underst anding MST P Detecting Unidirect ional Link Failure This fea ture is not yet pr esent in the IEEE MST st andard, but it is included in th is Cisco IOS rele ase.
19-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configur ing MSTP Understa nding RST P Interoperability with IEEE 802.1D STP A switch r unning M STP supp orts a built-in pr otocol migrat ion mecha nism that enable s it to i nteroper ate with legacy IEEE 802.
19-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configuring MSTP Underst anding RSTP • Backup po rt—A cts as a backup for t he path p rovided by a de sign ated po rt toward the le av es of the spannin g tree .
19-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configur ing MSTP Understa nding RST P After recei ving Sw itch B’ s agreemen t message, Switc h A also immediately tran sitions its designat ed port to the forwar ding state.
19-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configuring MSTP Underst anding RSTP If a designa ted port is in the forwarding state and is not con figu red as an edge port, it transitions to th e blocking state when the R STP forces it t o sync hroniz e with new root informa tion.
19-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configur ing MSTP Understa nding RST P The sending switch sets the proposal flag in the RSTP BPDU to propose itself as the d esignated switch on that LAN. The p ort role in the proposa l message is alway s set to the designated port.
19-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configuring MSTP Configur ing MSTP Featur es • Notificati on—Un like IE EE 802. 1D, which u ses TCN BPDUs, the RSTP d oes n ot us e them . Ho we ver , for IEEE 802.
19-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configur ing MSTP Confi guring MSTP Featu res Default MSTP Configuration T ab le 19-4 shows the default M STP c onfiguration .
19-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configuring MSTP Configur ing MSTP Featur es • VTP propa gation of the MST co nfiguration i s not suppo rted.
19-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configur ing MSTP Confi guring MSTP Featu res T o r etur n to th e defa ult M ST region c onfigurati on, u se th e no spanning-tree mst configurat ion global conf iguratio n command.
19-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configuring MSTP Configur ing MSTP Featur es T o conf igure a s witch t o beco me the root, use the spanni.
19-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configur ing MSTP Confi guring MSTP Featu res T o return the switch to it s default setting, use the no spanning- tree mst instance-id ro o t gl obal configurati on c ommand.
19-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configuring MSTP Configur ing MSTP Featur es Configuring Port Priority If a l oop occur s, the MST P uses the p ort pr iority when selecting an interf ace to put into th e forw arding state.
19-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configur ing MSTP Confi guring MSTP Featu res T o return the interface to it s default setting , use the no spanning- tree mst insta nce-id port-priority interf ace c onfig uration co mmand.
19-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configuring MSTP Configur ing MSTP Featur es Configuring the Switch Priority Y ou can conf igure the switch priorit y and make it more lik ely that a standalo ne switch or a switch in the stack will be c hosen as the root switch.
19-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configur ing MSTP Confi guring MSTP Featu res Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, follo w these steps to conf igure the hell o time for all MST instances. This pro cedure is optional.
19-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configuring MSTP Configur ing MSTP Featur es Configuring the Maxi mum-Aging Time Beginn ing in p ri vileg ed EXEC mode, fo llo w these s teps to conf ig ure the maximum-agi ng time f or all MST inst ance s.
19-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configur ing MSTP Confi guring MSTP Featu res By default, the link type is c ontrol led from the duplex mod.
19-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 19 Configuring MSTP Displaying the MST Configu ration and Stat us Restarting the Protocol Mi gration Proce ss A switch r unning M STP supp orts a built-in pr otocol migrat ion mecha nism that enable s it to i nteroper ate with legacy IEEE 802.
C HAPTER 20-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 20 Configuring Optional Spannin g-Tree Features This c hapter describ es how to c onfigure op tional spannin g-tree featur es on the C ataly st 3750- E or 3560-E sw itch.
20-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 20 Configuring Optional Span ning-Tree Features Underst anding O ptional Sp anning-Tre e Feat ures Understand .
20-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 0 Configuring Op tional Spa nning-Tree Features Unders tandin g Optional Spanni ng-Tree Fe atures At the inte.
20-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 20 Configuring Optional Span ning-Tree Features Underst anding O ptional Sp anning-Tre e Feat ures Figu re 20-.
20-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 0 Configuring Op tional Spa nning-Tree Features Unders tandin g Optional Spanni ng-Tree Fe atures Figur e 20-.
20-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 20 Configuring Optional Span ning-Tree Features Underst anding O ptional Sp anning-Tre e Feat ures How CSUF Work s CSUF ensures that one link in the stack is elected as the path to the root.
20-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 0 Configuring Op tional Spa nning-Tree Features Unders tandin g Optional Spanni ng-Tree Fe atures Each switch.
20-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 20 Configuring Optional Span ning-Tree Features Underst anding O ptional Sp anning-Tre e Feat ures Backbon eFa.
20-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 0 Configuring Op tional Spa nning-Tree Features Unders tandin g Optional Spanni ng-Tree Fe atures If lin k L 1 fails as sh own in Figu re 20-7 , Switch C cannot detect this f ailure bec ause it is not co nnected direct ly to link L1.
20-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 20 Configuring Optional Span ning-Tree Features Underst anding O ptional Sp anning-Tre e Feat ures Understand.
20-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 0 Configuring Op tional Spa nning-Tree Features Confi guring Opt ional Spanni ng-Tree Fe atures Figu re 20-9.
20-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 20 Configuring Optional Span ning-Tree Features Configur ing Opti onal Spanni ng-Tree Features • Enab ling .
20-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 0 Configuring Op tional Spa nning-Tree Features Confi guring Opt ional Spanni ng-Tree Fe atures Y o u can enab le th is fea ture if your switch is r unning PVST+, rapi d PVST+, or MSTP .
20-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 20 Configuring Optional Span ning-Tree Features Configur ing Opti onal Spanni ng-Tree Features The BPDU guard fe ature pr ovides a secur e respon se to in valid configurati ons becau se you m ust manual ly put the por t ba ck in serv ice.
20-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 0 Configuring Op tional Spa nning-Tree Features Confi guring Opt ional Spanni ng-Tree Fe atures Y o u can al.
20-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 20 Configuring Optional Span ning-Tree Features Configur ing Opti onal Spanni ng-Tree Features Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, follo w these steps to enable UplinkF ast and CSUF .
20-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 0 Configuring Op tional Spa nning-Tree Features Confi guring Opt ional Spanni ng-Tree Fe atures Note If you use Backbon eFast, you m ust enabl e it o n all switch es in th e ne twork.
20-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 20 Configuring Optional Span ning-Tree Features Configur ing Opti onal Spanni ng-Tree Features Enabling R oot Guard Root gu ard e nable d on an int erface applie s to all th e VLA Ns to whi ch th e int erface belongs .
20-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 0 Configuring Op tional Spa nning-Tree Features Display ing the Spanning -Tree Status T o g lobal ly dis able lo op gua rd, use the no spanning-tree loopguard default global configuratio n command.
20-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 20 Configuring Optional Span ning-Tree Features Displaying the Spannin g-Tree Stat us.
C HAPTER 21-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 21 Configuring Flex Link s and the MAC Address-Table Move Update Feature This chapte r describes ho w to conf igure Fle x Links, a pair of inter faces on the Cataly st 3750-E or 3560-E sw itch that provide a mutua l backup.
21-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 21 Configurin g Flex Link s and the MAC Addr ess-Tabl e Move Update Feature Underst andin g Flex Links and th.
21-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 1 Configuring Fl ex Links an d the MAC A ddress-Ta ble Mo ve Update Featu re Understan ding Flex Links a n d .
21-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 21 Configurin g Flex Link s and the MAC Addr ess-Tabl e Move Update Feature Underst andin g Flex Links and the M AC Addr ess-Tabl e Mov e Update switch C l earns the MAC address of the PC on p ort 4.
21-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 1 Configuring Fl ex Links an d the MAC A ddress-Ta ble Mo ve Update Featu re Config uring Fl ex Links an d MA.
21-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 21 Configurin g Flex Link s and the MAC Addr ess-Tabl e Move Update Feature Configur ing Flex L inks and MA C.
21-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 1 Configuring Fl ex Links an d the MAC A ddress-Ta ble Mo ve Update Featu re Config uring Fl ex Links an d MA.
21-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 21 Configurin g Flex Link s and the MAC Addr ess-Tabl e Move Update Feature Configur ing Flex L inks and MA C.
21-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 1 Configuring Fl ex Links an d the MAC A ddress-Ta ble Mo ve Update Featu re Config uring Fl ex Links an d MA.
21-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 21 Configurin g Flex Link s and the MAC Addr ess-Tabl e Move Update Feature Configur ing Flex L inks and MA .
21-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 1 Configuring Fl ex Links an d the MAC A ddress-Ta ble Mo ve Update Featu re Monitor ing Flex Links and the .
21-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 21 Configurin g Flex Link s and the MAC Addr ess-Tabl e Move Update Feature Monito ring Flex L inks and t he.
C HAPTER 22-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 22 Configuring DHCP Features and IP Source Guard This c hapter describ es how to c onfigure DH CP snoop ing an d th e option -82 da ta inse rtion feat ures on the Cataly st 3750-E or 356 0-E switc h.
22-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 22 Configuri ng DHCP Features and I P Sour ce Guard Underst anding DHCP F eatures For information a bout the .
22-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 2 Configuring DH CP Features and IP Source G uard Understa nding DHCP Fe atures The s witch drops a DH CP pac.
22-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 22 Configuri ng DHCP Features and I P Sour ce Guard Underst anding DHCP F eatures Figure 22-1 is an exam ple .
22-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 2 Configuring DH CP Features and IP Source G uard Understa nding DHCP Fe atures • Remote-ID suboptio n fiel.
22-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 22 Configuri ng DHCP Features and I P Sour ce Guard Underst anding DHCP F eatures The values fo r these field.
22-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 2 Configuring DH CP Features and IP Source G uard Understa nding DHCP Fe atures Each da tabase en try ( bindi.
22-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 22 Configuri ng DHCP Features and I P Sour ce Guard Configur ing DHCP Fe atures DHCP Snoop ing and Switch Sta cks DHCP sn oopin g is manage d on the st ack mas ter .
22-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 2 Configuring DH CP Features and IP Source G uard Config uring DHC P Featu res DHCP Snooping Config uration Guidelines These ar e the configur ation guidelin es for DHCP snoo ping.
22-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 22 Configuri ng DHCP Features and I P Sour ce Guard Configur ing DHCP Fe atures • Before conf iguring the DHCP rel ay agent on your switch, make su re to conf igure the de vice that is acti ng as the D HCP ser ver .
22-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 2 Configuring DH CP Features and IP Source G uard Config uring DHC P Featu res Configuring the DHCP Relay Ag.
22-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 22 Configuri ng DHCP Features and I P Sour ce Guard Configur ing DHCP Fe atures T o remo ve the D HCP pac ket forw ardin g addr ess, u se th e no ip helper -addr ess addr ess in terfa ce configurati on c ommand.
22-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 2 Configuring DH CP Features and IP Source G uard Config uring DHC P Featu res T o disab le DHCP snoopi ng, use the no ip dhcp snooping global configurat ion comm and.
22-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 22 Configuri ng DHCP Features and I P Sour ce Guard Configur ing DHCP Fe atures Switch(config)# interface gi.
22-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 2 Configuring DH CP Features and IP Source G uard Display ing DHCP Sno oping In formation T o s top u sing the da tabas e ag ent a nd bindi ng files, use the no ip dhcp snooping database global configurati on c ommand.
22-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 22 Configuri ng DHCP Features and I P Sour ce Guard Underst anding IP So urce Gu ard Note If DHCP snooping is enabled and an in terface ch anges to the do wn state, the switch does not delete th e static ally co nfigured bind ings.
22-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 2 Configuring DH CP Features and IP Source G uard Confi guri ng IP S our ce G uard Source IP and MA C Address Filtering When IP s ource guard is enabl ed with th is option , IP tra ff ic is f ilter ed bas ed on the s ource IP and MA C addr esses.
22-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 22 Configuri ng DHCP Features and I P Sour ce Guard Conf igurin g IP S our ce Gu ard • When configur ing IP source guard on i nterfac es on whic h a priv a te VLAN is configured , port securit y is not supporte d.
22-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 2 Configuring DH CP Features and IP Source G uard Displaying IP Source Guard Information This exam ple sh ow.
22-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 22 Configuri ng DHCP Features and I P Sour ce Guard Display ing IP Source G uard Info rmation.
C HAPTER 23-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 23 Configuring Dynamic ARP Insp ection This chapt er desc ribes how to configure dynam ic Addr ess Resolu tion Proto col inspec tion ( dynami c ARP inspection) on the Catalyst 3750-E or 3560-E switc h.
23-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 23 Configuring Dynamic ARP Inspection Underst anding D ynamic ARP I nspection Figur e 23-1 ARP Cache P oisoning Hosts A, B, and C are connected to the switch on interfaces A, B and C, all of which are on the same subnet.
23-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 3 Configuring Dy namic ARP In spectio n Understa nding Dynami c ARP Inspect ion Y o u can configure dynamic A.
23-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 23 Configuring Dynamic ARP Inspection Underst anding D ynamic ARP I nspection Dynamic ARP i nspectio n ensure .
23-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 3 Configuring Dy namic ARP In spectio n Config uring Dyna mic ARP I nspect ion Logging o f Dropped Packet s When th e switch d rops a p acke t, it pl aces an entry in the log b uffe r and th en gener ates syst em mess ages on a ra te-controlle d basis.
23-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 23 Configuring Dynamic ARP Inspection Configur ing Dynam ic ARP Insp ection Dynamic ARP In spectio n Configura.
23-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 3 Configuring Dy namic ARP In spectio n Config uring Dyna mic ARP I nspect ion • The operati ng rate for the p ort channe l is cumulati ve across all the physical p orts within the c hannel.
23-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 23 Configuring Dynamic ARP Inspection Configur ing Dynam ic ARP Insp ection T o di sable dy namic ARP insp ecti on, use the no ip arp inspec tion vlan vlan-range g lobal c onfigurati on command.
23-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 3 Configuring Dy namic ARP In spectio n Config uring Dyna mic ARP I nspect ion Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, follo w these steps to conf igure an ARP AC L on Switch A.
23-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 23 Configuring Dynamic ARP Inspection Configur ing Dynam ic ARP Insp ection T o remov e the ARP A CL, use the no arp access-li st global configurat ion comma nd.
23-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 3 Configuring Dy namic ARP In spectio n Config uring Dyna mic ARP I nspect ion For configurat ion gui deline.
23-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 23 Configuring Dynamic ARP Inspection Configur ing Dynam ic ARP Insp ection Be ginnin g in pri vileged EXE C mode, fo llo w these st eps to perf orm specif ic chec ks on inco ming ARP packet s.
23-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 3 Configuring Dy namic ARP In spectio n Config uring Dyna mic ARP I nspect ion If the log b uffer o verf low.
23-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 23 Configuring Dynamic ARP Inspection Display ing Dyna mic ARP Insp ectio n Informat ion T o return to the default log b uffer settin gs, use the no ip arp inspectio n log-buf fer { ent ries | logs } global configurati on com mand.
23-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 3 Configuring Dy namic ARP In spectio n Displaying Dynamic ARP Inspection Information T o clear or display d.
23-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 23 Configuring Dynamic ARP Inspection Display ing Dyna mic ARP Insp ectio n Informat ion.
C HAPTER 24-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 24 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and MVR This cha pter descr ibes how to configure Int ernet Group Ma nageme nt P.
24-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Underst anding IG MP Snoo ping Understandin g IGMP Snooping Layer 2 .
24-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 4 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and M VR Underst andin g IGMP Sn ooping IGMP Versions The sw itch supports IGM P V ersion 1, IGM P V ersion 2, and IGMP V ersion 3.
24-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Underst anding IG MP Snoo ping Figur e 24-1 Initial IGM P Join M essag e Router A sends a genera l quer y to th e switch , which forwar ds the qu ery to ports 2 t hroug h 5, whi ch are all members of the same VLAN.
24-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 4 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and M VR Underst andin g IGMP Sn ooping If anothe r ho st (for example, Host 4 ).
24-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Underst anding IG MP Snoo ping Immediat e Leave Immedi ate Leave is only support ed on IGM P V er sion 2 hosts.
24-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 4 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and M VR Configuring IGMP Snooping IGMP Snoop ing and Switch Sta cks IGMP snooping functions across th e switch stack ; that is, IGMP con trol inf ormation from one swit ch is distrib uted to all switches in the stack.
24-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Configuring IGMP Snooping Enabling or Dis abling IGMP Sn ooping By default, IGM P snoopin g is global ly enab led on the swi tch.
24-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 4 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and M VR Configuring IGMP Snooping Setting th e Snoo ping M ethod Multicast -capable ro uter port s are added to the forw arding table for e very Layer 2 multic ast entry .
24-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Configuring IGMP Snooping This example shows ho w to configure IGMP.
24-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 4 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and M VR Configuring IGMP Snooping Configuring a Host Sta tically to Join a Group Hosts or La yer 2 port s normall y join m ulticast groups dyna mically , but yo u can also sta tically configure a host on an in terface .
24-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Configuring IGMP Snooping T o disabl e IGMP Immed iate Lea ve on a VLA N, use the no ip igmp snooping vlan vlan-i d immediate-lea ve glo bal c onfiguration com mand.
24-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 4 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and M VR Configuring IGMP Snooping Configur ing TCN-Related Com mands These sec.
24-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Configuring IGMP Snooping Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, foll.
24-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 4 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and M VR Configuring IGMP Snooping Configuring th e IGMP S nooping Qu erier Follow these guideli nes wh en configuring t he IGMP snoo ping queri er: • Conf igure the VLAN in glob al conf iguration mode.
24-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Configuring IGMP Snooping This exam ple sh ows how to set th e IGM P snoop ing q uerier s ource add ress to 10.0.0. 64: Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# ip igmp snooping querier 10.
24-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 4 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and M VR Displaying IGMP Snooping Information Displaying IGMP Sn ooping Information Y o u can displa y IGMP snoopi ng inf ormat ion f or dyn amica lly le arned and st atica lly con figured rou ter ports and V LAN interfac es.
24-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Underst anding Mu lticas t VLAN Regi stratio n For more inform ation abou t the keywords and option s in these comm ands, see the c ommand refe rence for th is re lease .
24-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 4 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and M VR Understanding Multicast VLAN Registration Using MVR in a M ulticast Television Application In a multicast tel ev ision applica tion, a PC or a tele vision with a set-top box can re cei ve the multicast stream.
24-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Conf igurin g MVR When a subscriber chan ges channels or turns of f the tele v ision, the set-to p box sends an IGMP leav e message for t he multica st stream .
24-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 4 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and M VR Configuring MVR MVR Configuratio n Gu idelin es and Limitatio ns Foll ow these guidelines whe n conf iguring MVR: • Receiver ports can onl y be acc ess ports; th ey cannot be trunk ports.
24-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Conf igurin g MVR T o return the switch to its defa ult settings, use the no mvr [ mode | group ip-ad dress | querytime | vlan ] global configurat ion comm ands.
24-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 4 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and M VR Configuring MVR T o return the interfa ce to its default setti n gs, use the no mvr [ ty pe | immediate | vlan vlan-i d | gro up ] interf ace c onfig uration co mmands.
24-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Disp lay ing MVR In fo rmat ion Displaying MVR Information Y ou can display MVR informatio n for the switch o r for a specif ied in terface.
24-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 4 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and M VR Configuring IGMP Filtering and Throttling IGMP f iltering is applicab le only to the dynamic lea rning of IP multicast group add resses, not static configurat ion.
24-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Con figur ing IGM P Fil te ring and Thro ttli ng • permit : Spec ifie s that m atching addr esses are p ermitted. • rang e : Specif ies a ra nge of IP add ress es for the pr of ile.
24-27 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 4 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and M VR Configuring IGMP Filtering and Throttling Switch# show ip igmp profile 4 IGMP Profile 4 permit range 229.
24-28 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Con figur ing IGM P Fil te ring and Thro ttli ng Beginning in privi.
24-29 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 4 Configuring IGMP Sno oping and M VR Displaying IGMP Filtering and Throttling Configuration Beginn ing in p.
24-30 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 24 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MV R Displaying IGMP Filterin g and Thro ttling Configu ration.
C HAPTER 25-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 25 Configuring IPv6 MLD Snooping Y ou can use Multicast Listener Disc ov ery (M LD) snoopin g to ena ble ef ficien t distrib ution of IP V ersion 6 ( IPv6) multicast data to clients and routers in a switched netw ork on the Catalyst 3750-E or 3560- E sw itch.
25-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 25 Configuring IPv6 MLD Snooping Underst anding ML D Snoopin g MLD is a protoco l used b y IPv6 multica st rou.
25-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 5 Configuring IPv6 M LD Snooping Unde rsta ndi ng MLD Snoo ping MLD Mess ages MLDv1 sup ports three ty pes of.
25-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 25 Configuring IPv6 MLD Snooping Underst anding ML D Snoopin g Multicast Rou ter Disc overy Like IG MP sn ooping, MLD s noopi ng perfo rms m ultica st r outer d iscovery , with these char acter istics: • Ports c onfigured by a user never age out.
25-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 5 Configuring IPv6 M LD Snooping Configuring IPv6 MLD Snooping The numbe r of MASQs ge nerated is configured by using the ipv6 mld sno oping last-listener -query count global con figuration co mmand .
25-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 25 Configuring IPv6 MLD Snooping Configur ing IPv6 MLD Snoo ping Default MLD S noopi ng Configuration T ab le 25-1 shows the default ML D sno oping configu ration.
25-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 5 Configuring IPv6 M LD Snooping Configuring IPv6 MLD Snooping Enabling o r Disab ling MLD Sn ooping By default, IPv6 M LD sno oping i s globa lly d isabled on the switch and e nabled on al l VLAN s.
25-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 25 Configuring IPv6 MLD Snooping Configur ing IPv6 MLD Snoo ping Configuring a Sta tic Multicast Group Hosts o.
25-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 5 Configuring IPv6 M LD Snooping Configuring IPv6 MLD Snooping Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, follo w t.
25-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 25 Configuring IPv6 MLD Snooping Configur ing IPv6 MLD Snoo ping Configur ing MLD Snooping Queries When Imme .
25-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 5 Configuring IPv6 M LD Snooping Displaying MLD Snooping Information This exam ple sh ows ho w to set the ML.
25-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 25 Configuring IPv6 MLD Snooping Display ing MLD Sn ooping Inf ormation T a ble 25-2 Commands for Displ aying.
C HAPTER 26-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 26 Configuring Port-Base d Traffic Control This chap ter de scribe s ho w to conf igure the por t-base d traf fic contro l featur es on the Catalys t 3750- E or 3560- E sw itch.
26-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 26 C onfiguring Port-Based Traffic Control Configuring Storm Control Storm cont rol use s one of th ese meth o.
26-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 6 Configuring Port-B ased Traff ic Control Config uring Storm Cont rol Y o u use the storm-control in terfa ce conf iguration comm ands to set the threshold v alue for eac h traf fic type.
26-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 26 C onfiguring Port-Based Traffic Control Configuring Storm Control Step 3 sto rm- contr ol { broadc ast | mu.
26-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 6 Configuring Port-B ased Traff ic Control Configuring Protected Ports T o disabl e stor m contro l, use the no storm-contro l { broadcast | multicast | unicast } level interface configurati on c ommand.
26-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 26 C onfiguring Port-Based Traffic Control Configur ing Port Block ing Prot ected P ort Con figuration Guideli.
26-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 6 Configuring Port-B ased Traff ic Control Conf iguring Po rt Secur ity Default Port Blocki ng Configuration The default is to not b lock flooding o f unknown multicast and u nicast traff ic out o f a port, but to flood these pac kets to a ll ports.
26-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 26 C onfiguring Port-Based Traffic Control Configuring Port Security These sect ions co ntain this co ncept ua.
26-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 6 Configuring Port-B ased Traff ic Control Conf iguring Po rt Secur ity If st icky lear ning is d isab led, the stic ky se cure M A C addr esse s ar e co nv erted to dyn am ic sec ure addresse s and a re rem oved from th e ru nning c onfiguratio n.
26-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 26 C onfiguring Port-Based Traffic Control Configuring Port Security Default Port Security Configuration T ab le 26-2 shows the def ault port security con figurat io n for an interfac e.
26-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 6 Configuring Port-B ased Traff ic Control Conf iguring Po rt Secur ity • A secu re p ort ca nnot be a priv ate-V LAN p ort.
26-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 26 C onfiguring Port-Based Traffic Control Configuring Port Security Enabling a nd Con figuring Port S ecurit.
26-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 6 Configuring Port-B ased Traff ic Control Conf iguring Po rt Secur ity Step 7 switchport port-security viol.
26-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 26 C onfiguring Port-Based Traffic Control Configuring Port Security Step 8 switchport port-security [ mac-addre ss mac-address [ vlan { vlan-id | { access | voice }}] (Optional) Ent er a secure MA C address for the interface .
26-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 6 Configuring Port-B ased Traff ic Control Conf iguring Po rt Secur ity T o return the in terface to the def ault conditi o n as not a secure port, use the no switchport port-security interf ace conf iguration com mand.
26-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 26 C onfiguring Port-Based Traffic Control Configuring Port Security Switch(config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address 0000.0000.0003 Switch(config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address sticky 0000.
26-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 6 Configuring Port-B ased Traff ic Control Conf iguring Po rt Secur ity T o di sable port se curity agi ng for all sec ure addr esses on a port, use the no switchport port-security aging tim e interfac e conf iguratio n comma n d.
26-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 26 C onfiguring Port-Based Traffic Control Displaying Port-Base d Traffic Cont rol Settings Switch(config-if).
C HAPTER 27-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 27 Configuring CDP This c hapter d escrib es how to configure Cisco Discovery Prot ocol ( CDP) o n the Catalyst 3750-E or 3560- E sw itch.
27-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 27 Co nfigu ring CD P Conf igurin g CDP CDP and Switch Stacks A switch stack ap pears as a single s witch in the netw ork. Theref ore, CDP dis cov ers the switc h stack , not the individual stack mem bers.
27-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 7 Configuring CDP Config uring CDP Use the no form of the CDP commands to return to the de fault settings . This e xample sho ws how to confi gure CDP charac teristic s.
27-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 27 Co nfigu ring CD P Conf igurin g CDP This example shows how to enable CDP if it has been di sabled.
27-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 7 Configuring CDP Monitoring and Maintaining CDP Monitoring and Maintaining CDP T o m onito r and m aintai n CDP on your device, per form one or mor e of these tasks, begi nning in privileged EXEC mode .
27-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 27 Co nfigu ring CD P Monito ring and Mai ntainin g CDP.
CH A P T E R 28-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 28 Configuring LLDP and LLDP-MED This c hapter describ es how to c onfigure the L ink La yer D iscovery Protoc ol (LL DP) an d LLDP Media Endpoin t Discovery ( LLDP-M ED) on the Cata lyst 3 750-E or 3560-E switc h.
28-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 8 Configur ing LLDP an d LLDP-MED Underst anding L LDP and LLDP- MED LLDP sup ports a set of att ributes tha t it uses to discover neighbo r devices. The se at trib ut es co nt a in t ype , length, and v alue descriptions and are referred to as TL Vs.
28-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 8 Configuring LL DP and LLD P-MED Config uring LLDP and LLDP-MED Note LL DP and LLD P-MED cannot operat e simultane ously in a network. By de fault, a network device send s only L LDP pack ets unt il it recei ves LLD P-MED packets f rom an end point de vice.
28-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 8 Configur ing LLDP an d LLDP-MED Configur ing LLDP a nd LLDP-M ED Use the no form of each of the LL DP commands to return to the de fault setting. This e xample sho ws ho w to conf igure LLD P character istics.
28-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 8 Configuring LL DP and LLD P-MED Config uring LLDP and LLDP-MED This exam ple sh ows how to disab le LL DP . Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# no lldp run Switch(config)# end This exampl e sh ows how to enabl e L LDP .
28-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 8 Configur ing LLDP an d LLDP-MED Configur ing LLDP a nd LLDP-M ED Configurin g LLDP-M ED TL Vs By def ault, the switch only sends LLDP packets u ntil it recei ve s LLDP-MED p ackets f rom the end device.
28-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 8 Configuring LL DP and LLD P-MED Monitoring and Maintaining LLDP and LLDP-MED Monitoring and Main taining LL.
28-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 8 Configur ing LLDP an d LLDP-MED Monito ring and Ma intainin g LLDP and LLDP-M ED.
C HAPTER 29-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 29 Configuring UDLD This c hapter descri bes how to c onfigure t he Un iDirec tional Link D etect ion (U DLD) protoc ol on t he Catalyst 3750-E or 356 0-E sw itch.
29-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 29 Configuring UDLD Underst andin g UDLD A unidirectio nal link occurs wh ene ve r traff ic sent by a local de vice is recei ved by its neighbor but traf fic from the neighb or is not recei ved by the lo cal de vice.
29-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 9 Configuring UD LD Configur ing UDLD • Ev ent-dr i ven detect ion and ec hoing UDLD re lies on echo ing a s its detectio n mechan ism.
29-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 29 Configuring UDLD Conf igu rin g UDLD • Ena bling UDLD on an Inter fa ce, pa ge 29-6 • Resetti ng an Inte rface Disab led by UDLD, pa ge 29-6 Default UDLD Configuration T ab le 29-1 shows the default U DLD configurati on.
29-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 9 Configuring UD LD Configur ing UDLD Enabling UDL D Globally Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, follo w th.
29-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 29 Configuring UDLD Conf igu rin g UDLD Enabling UDL D on an Inte rface Beginn ing in p ri vileg ed EXEC mode,.
29-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 2 9 Configuring UD LD Displaying UDLD Status Displaying UDLD Status T o display th e UDLD stat us for the specif ied port or for all port s, use the show udld [ interface-id ] pri vileged EXEC comman d.
29-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 29 Configuring UDLD Displa ying U DLD Sta tus.
C HAPTER 30-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN This chap ter de scribe s ho w to conf igure Switched Port Analyze r (SP AN) an d Remote SP AN (RSP AN) on the Cataly st 3750-E or 35 60-E switc h.
30-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Understan ding SPAN and RSPA N These sect ions co ntain this co nceptu al in for.
30-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Understandi ng SPAN and R SPAN Figur e 30-2 Example o f Local SP AN Configu ratio.
30-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Understan ding SPAN and RSPA N Figur e 30-3 Example o f RSP AN Co nfigur ation SPAN and RS PAN Conc epts a nd Terminology This secti on descri bes conce pts an d terminology associat ed with SP A N and RSP AN co nfiguration.
30-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Understandi ng SPAN and R SPAN An RSP AN source session is ver y similar to a lo cal SP AN sessi on, ex cept for where the pack et stream is directe d .
30-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Understan ding SPAN and RSPA N • T r ans mit (T x) SP A N—Th e goal of tr an.
30-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Understandi ng SPAN and R SPAN A sourc e port has th ese ch arac te ristic s: • It can be m onitored in multiple SP AN sessions.
30-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Understan ding SPAN and RSPA N Destination Port Each local SP AN session o r RSP.
30-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Understandi ng SPAN and R SPAN RSPAN V LAN The RSP AN VLAN carr ies SP AN traff ic between RSP AN sourc e and d estination se ssions.
30-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Configuring SPAN and RSPAN A physical port tha t belongs to an Ethe rChannel group can be con figured as a SP AN source port and still be a part of the Eth erChannel .
30-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Conf igur ing SPAN an d RSPAN Default SPAN and R SPAN Configura tion T ab le 30-1 shows the default SP AN and R SP AN configuration .
30-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Configuring SPAN and RSPAN • Y o u can limi t SP AN traff ic to specific VLAN s by using the filter vlan keyword. I f a tr unk po rt is being monitored , only traff ic on the VLANs specif ied with this ke yword is monito red.
30-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Conf igur ing SPAN an d RSPAN T o delete a SP AN session, use the no monitor session se ssion_numb er globa l configura tion comm and.
30-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Configuring SPAN and RSPAN This example shows how to remov e any e xisting conf.
30-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Conf igur ing SPAN an d RSPAN T o delete a SP AN session, use the no monitor session se ssion_numb er globa l configura tion comm and.
30-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Configuring SPAN and RSPAN T o monitor all VLANs on the trunk port, use the no monitor session sessi on_num ber filt er glob al configurati on c ommand.
30-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Conf igur ing SPAN an d RSPAN • Y ou can apply a n output A CL to RSP AN traff ic to select i vely f ilter or m onitor specifi c packe ts.
30-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Configuring SPAN and RSPAN T o remo ve the remo te SP AN c haracteristi c from a VLAN an d con ver t it ba ck to a normal VLAN, us e the no r e mote-s pan VLAN co nfigurati on comm and.
30-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Conf igur ing SPAN an d RSPAN T o delete a SP AN session, use the no monitor session sess ion_numbe r glob al configur ation c omma nd.
30-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Configuring SPAN and RSPAN T o delete a SP AN session, use the no monitor session se ssion_numb er globa l configura tion comm and.
30-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Conf igur ing SPAN an d RSPAN T o delete an RSP AN session, use the no monitor session session_number global configuration comman d.
30-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Specifying VLANs to Filter Beginning in privileged E.
30-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Displa ying SPAN an d RSPA N Status Displaying SPAN and RSPAN Status T o display the current SP AN or RSP AN conf iguration, use the show monitor user EXEC co mmand .
30-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 30 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN Display ing SPAN and RSPAN Status.
C HAPTER 31-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 31 Configuring RMON This ch apt er descri bes how to configure Remote Network Monit oring ( RMON) on the Ca talyst 3750 -E or 3560- E sw itch.
31-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 31 Configuring RM ON Conf igu rin g RMON Figur e 31 -1 Remote Mo nito r ing Ex ample The switc h supports thes.
31-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 31 Configur ing RMON Confi guring R MON Default RMON Configuration RMON is disa bled by default ; no alarms or events are configur ed.
31-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 31 Configuring RM ON Conf igu rin g RMON T o disable an alarm, use the no rmon al arm number glo bal con figuration c omma nd on ea ch ala rm you configured . Y ou ca nnot di sable at on ce al l the a larms that yo u con figured.
31-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 31 Configur ing RMON Confi guring R MON Collectin g Group Hist ory St atistics on an Interface Y o u must first configure RM ON a larms and events to display colle ction i nforma tion.
31-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 31 Configuring RM ON Displa ying R MON Sta tus T o disa ble t he coll ection o f gr oup E thern et sta tistics, use the no rmon collection stats inde x i nterf ace configurati on c ommand.
C HAPTER 32-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 32 Configuring System Message Logg ing This c hapter d escrib es how to configure system me ssage l ogging on the Catal yst 3750 -E or 3560-E swit ch.
32-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 2 Configur ing Syste m Message Logg ing Configur ing System Message L ogging Y ou can access logg ed system messages by usin g the switch co mmand- line inter face (C LI) or by sav ing them to a properly configured syslog server .
32-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 2 Configuring Syste m Message L ogging Config uring S ystem Mess age Loggi ng T ab le 32-1 describes the elemen ts of syslog messages .
32-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 2 Configur ing Syste m Message Logg ing Configur ing System Message L ogging *Mar 1 18:46:11: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by vty2 ( 18:47:02: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by vty2 (10.
32-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 2 Configuring Syste m Message L ogging Config uring S ystem Mess age Loggi ng Disabling the loggin g process ca n slo w do wn the switch beca use a proce ss must wai t until the messages are writte n to the console b efore c ontinuing.
32-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 2 Configur ing Syste m Message Logg ing Configur ing System Message L ogging The logging buffered g loba l configur ation comm and c opies l ogging messa ges to a n inte rnal buffer .
32-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 2 Configuring Syste m Message L ogging Config uring S ystem Mess age Loggi ng Beginning i n privileged EX EC mo de, fol low these s teps t o configure s ynchr onous log ging .
32-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 2 Configur ing Syste m Message Logg ing Configur ing System Message L ogging Enabling a nd Disab ling Time S tamps on Log M essages By default, log message s are not time-stam ped.
32-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 2 Configuring Syste m Message L ogging Config uring S ystem Mess age Loggi ng T o di sable seq uenc e numbers, use the no service seque nce-numbers global co nfiguration c omman d.
32-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 2 Configur ing Syste m Message Logg ing Configur ing System Message L ogging T ab le 32-3 descr ibes the le vel keywords. It a lso lists the cor respo nding U NIX s yslog definition s from the most se vere le vel to the least se ve re le vel.
32-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 2 Configuring Syste m Message L ogging Config uring S ystem Mess age Loggi ng Beginn ing in p ri vilege d EXEC m ode, follo w these st eps to ch ange the lev el and history table si ze defaults.
32-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 2 Configur ing Syste m Message Logg ing Configur ing System Message L ogging Beginning i n privileged E XEC.
32-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 2 Configuring Syste m Message L ogging Config uring S ystem Mess age Loggi ng Log in as r oot, and perf orm the se steps: Note Som e recent versi ons of UNIX sysl og daemons no longer accept by default syslo g packets from th e networ k.
32-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 2 Configur ing Syste m Message Logg ing Display ing the Log ging Confi guration T o remo ve a sys log serv er , use the no logging host global configuratio n comma nd, and sp ecify the syslog server IP address.
C HAPTER 33-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 33 Configuring SNMP This chapt er describ es ho w to configure the Simpl e Network Manage ment Proto col (SNMP) on th e Catalyst 3750-E or 356 0-E sw itch.
33-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Co nfiguring SNMP Underst anding SNM P These sect ions co ntain this co nceptu al in forma tion: • SNMP V.
33-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Configur ing SNMP Understanding SNMP T ab le 33-1 identif ies the charac teristics of the diff erent combina tions of security models and le vels. Y o u must configure t he SNMP age nt to use the SNMP versio n supporte d by the manageme nt stati on.
33-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Co nfiguring SNMP Underst anding SNM P SNMP Agen t Fun ctions The SNMP a gent respond s to SNMP manager requests as follows: • Get a MIB v a riable—Th e SNMP agent be gins this function in response to a requ est from the NMS.
33-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Configur ing SNMP Understanding SNMP As shown in Figur e 33-1 , the S NMP agen t gather s data f rom the MIB. Th e agent c an send tr aps, o r notification of c ertain events, to the SNMP ma nager, which receives and processes th e traps.
33-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Co nfiguring SNMP Conf igurin g SNMP SNMP ifIndex MIB Object Values In an NMS, the IF-MIB g ener ates and a ssigns an inte rface index (if Index) obje ct value th at is a unique number gre ater than zero to ident ify a physica l or a logica l interfac e.
33-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Configur ing SNMP Configuring SNMP Default SNMP Configuration T ab le 33-4 shows the default SNM P configurat ion.
33-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Co nfiguring SNMP Conf igurin g SNMP in v alid, and you ne ed to r econfigure SN MP users by usi ng the snm p-se rver user usern ame global configurati on comm and.
33-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Configur ing SNMP Configuring SNMP Beginning in privileged EXEC mod e, foll ow these steps to configure a co.
33-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Co nfiguring SNMP Conf igurin g SNMP This example shows how to assign the string co ma cces s to SNMP , to.
33-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Configur ing SNMP Configuring SNMP Step 3 snmp -server group gr oupnam e { v1 | v2c | v3 { auth | noauth | .
33-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Co nfiguring SNMP Conf igurin g SNMP Configuring SNMP Notifications A trap manag er is a mana gement sta tion that re cei ves and pro cesses tr aps. T raps are sy stem aler ts that the switc h gener ates whe n cert ain events occu r .
33-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Configur ing SNMP Configuring SNMP cluster Gener ates a tr ap when the clu ster conf iguration chan ges. conf ig Gener ates a trap fo r SNMP conf iguration chang es.
33-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Co nfiguring SNMP Conf igurin g SNMP Note Th ough visi ble in the command -line help str ings, t he cpu [ thresho ld ] keyword is not suppo rted on the Catalyst 37 50-E swi tch.
33-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Configur ing SNMP Configuring SNMP The snmp-ser ver hos t comman d speci fies wh ich ho sts rec ei ve the no tif ications. T he snmp-serv er enab le trap command global ly enables the mech anism for the speci f ied notif ication (f or trap s and informs ).
33-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Co nfiguring SNMP Conf igurin g SNMP Limiting TFTP Server s Used Thr ough SNM P Beginning i n privileged E.
33-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Configur ing SNMP Disp la yin g S NM P S tatu s This e xample sho ws how to allow re ad-only access for all objec ts to members of access list 4 that use the coma ccess communi ty string.
33-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 33 Co nfiguring SNMP Displaying SNMP Status.
C HAPTER 34-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs This c hapter d escrib es how to configure network se curity on t he Cata lyst 37 50-E or 3560- E sw itch by using ac cess cont rol lists (A CLs), which in comm ands and tab les are also refe rred to as acce ss lists .
34-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Underst andin g ACLs Y o u configure acce ss lists on a rout er or Layer 3 swit ch to provide basic security fo r your networ k.
34-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Unde rsta ndi ng AC Ls • When an output router A CL and input p ort A CL ex ist in an SVI, incomin g pack ets recei ved on the ports to which a por t A CL is applied are f iltered by the por t A CL.
34-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Underst andin g ACLs Figur e 34-1 Using A CLs to Contr ol T raff ic to a Netw ork When you apply a port A CL to a trunk port, the A C L filte rs traf f ic o n all VLANs present on the trunk port.
34-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Unde rsta ndi ng AC Ls As w ith p ort A C Ls, the swi tch exam ines ACLs asso cia ted wit h feat ures co nfigured on a given inte rface.
34-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Underst andin g ACLs • Den y A CEs that check La yer 4 informatio n ne ver match a fragmen t unless th e fragme nt contains Layer 4 infor mati on.
34-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Configuring IPv4 ACLs Stack memb ers perfor m these ACL functions: • The y recei ve the A CL informat ion from the master switc h and program their har dwar e.
34-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Conf igu ring I Pv4 ACLs Creating Stan dard and Exten ded IPv4 AC Ls This sec tion describ es IP ACLs. An ACL is a seque ntial collect ion of perm it and de ny condi tions.
34-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Configuring IPv4 ACLs Note In addit ion to n umber ed standa rd and ex tended A CLs, you c an also creat e standa rd an d ext ended named IP A CLs by u sing th e sup ported numbers.
34-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Conf igu ring I Pv4 ACLs Creating a Numbered Standard ACL Beginning.
34-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Configuring IPv4 ACLs The switch alwa ys re writes the order of standard a ccess lists so that entrie s with host matches and en tries with mat ches having a do n’t car e mask of 0.
34-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Conf igu ring I Pv4 ACLs Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, follo w these steps to create an ex tended A CL: Command Purpo se Step 1 co nfi g ure terminal Enter glob al configura tion mo de.
34-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Configuring IPv4 ACLs or access-list access- list-num ber { deny .
34-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Conf igu ring I Pv4 ACLs Use the no access- list acc ess-list-number gl obal conf iguration comm and to delete the entire access list.
34-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Configuring IPv4 ACLs After c reating a numbered e xtended A CL, .
34-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Conf igu ring I Pv4 ACLs Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, fol lo.
34-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Configuring IPv4 ACLs When you ar e creat ing standa rd extende d.
34-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Conf igu ring I Pv4 ACLs Beginning i n privileged E XEC mo de, foll.
34-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Configuring IPv4 ACLs This exampl e uses name d A C Ls to perm it and deny the sa me traffic.
34-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Conf igu ring I Pv4 ACLs Beginning i n privileged EXEC mode, fo llo.
34-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Configuring IPv4 ACLs Beginn ing in p ri vilege d EXEC m ode, fol.
34-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Conf igu ring I Pv4 ACLs Hardware and Softw are Treatment of IP ACLs A CL pro cessing i s prima rily accomp lished in hardware, but require s for warding of some traffic flows to the CPU for sof tware proce ssing.
34-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Configuring IPv4 ACLs Use rout er ACLs to do this in one of two ways: • Crea te a stan dard ACL, and filter tr aff ic com ing to th e server from Port 1.
34-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Conf igu ring I Pv4 ACLs Numbered ACLs In this e xample, net work is a Class A netw ork whose seco nd octet spec ifie s a subnet; that is, its subnet ma sk is 255.
34-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Configuring IPv4 ACLs Named ACLs Thi s e xampl e crea tes a standa rd A CL name d internet_f ilter an d an exten ded ACL name d marketing _gr oup .
34-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Conf igu ring I Pv4 ACLs In this ex ampl e of a number ed A CL, the.
34-27 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Creat ing N ame d MAC Ext end ed AC Ls This i s a an exam ple of a lo g for an ext ended A CL: 01:24:23:%SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGDP:list ext1 permitted icmp 10.
34-28 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Creating Nam ed MAC Ext ended ACL s Use the no mac access-list extended name glob al conf iguration comma nd to delete th e entire ACL.
34-29 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Configuring VLAN Maps • A Laye r 2 interf ace can ha ve only one MA C access list.
34-30 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Configur ing VLAN M aps T o c reat e a V LAN m ap and appl y it t o.
34-31 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Configuring VLAN Maps • When a f r ame is L ayer -2 fo rwar ded within a pri vate VLA N, the same VLA N map is applie d at th e ingress side and at t he egress side.
34-32 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Configur ing VLAN M aps Examples of ACLs and VLAN Maps Thes e exam ples sho w ho w to create A CLs and VLAN maps th at for speci fic purpos es.
34-33 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Configuring VLAN Maps Example 3 In thi s example, the V LAN map has a d efault a ction of drop for MAC packets an d a default a ction o f forw ard for IP pack ets.
34-34 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Configur ing VLAN M aps Applying a VLAN Map to a VLAN Beginning in .
34-35 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Configuring VLAN Maps Figur e 34-4 Wir ing Closet Configur ation .
34-36 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Using VL AN Ma ps wi th Rout er AC Ls Figur e 34-5 Den y Access t o.
34-37 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Using VLAN Maps with Router ACLs Note When you use ro uter A CLs with VLA N maps, pack ets that requir e logging o n the rou ter A CLs are not logged if the y are de nied b y a VLAN map.
34-38 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Using VL AN Ma ps wi th Rout er AC Ls Examples o f Router ACLs a nd.
34-39 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Using VLAN Maps with Router ACLs Figur e 34-7 Applying A CLs on Br idged P ack ets ACLs and Routed Packe ts Figure 34-8 sho ws ho w A CLs are applied on r outed pack ets.
34-40 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Display ing IPv4 AC L Configu ration ACLs and Multicast Pa ckets Figure 34-9 shows ho w A CLs are ap plied on pa ckets that are replicated fo r IP multica sting.
34-41 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 4 Configuring Netw ork Securit y with ACLs Displaying IPv4 ACL Configu ration Y ou can also d isplay i nformation a bout VLAN access ma ps or VLAN filte rs. Use t h e pri vileged EXEC comm ands in Ta b l e 3 4 - 3 to display VLA N map inf ormation.
34-42 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 34 Configuring Network Security with ACLs Display ing IPv4 AC L Configu ration.
C HAPTER 35-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 35 Configuring IPv6 ACLs When the switch is running the adv anced IP services feature set, y ou can f ilter IP.
35-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 35 Configuri ng IPv6 ACLs Underst andin g IPv6 ACL s Understandin g IPv6 ACLs A swit ch runnin g the advanced.
35-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 5 Configuring IPv 6 ACLs Understanding IPv6 ACLs Supporte d ACL F eatures IPv6 A CLs on the switch hav e these characteristics: • Fragme nted frame s (t he fragments keyword as in IPv4) are supporte d.
35-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 35 Configuri ng IPv6 ACLs Conf igu ring I Pv6 ACLs If a ne w switch tak es ove r as stack master , it distrib utes the AC L conf iguration to all stac k members.
35-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 5 Configuring IPv 6 ACLs Configuring IPv6 ACLs • If the hard ware me mory is full, for an y additio nal conf igured A CLs, pack ets are forw arded to the CPU, an d th e A C Ls ar e ap plied in sof tware.
35-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 35 Configuri ng IPv6 ACLs Conf igu ring I Pv6 ACLs Step 3a { deny | permit } pr o tocol { source-ipv6-pref ix.
35-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 5 Configuring IPv 6 ACLs Configuring IPv6 ACLs Step 3b { deny | permit } tc p { source-ipv6-pref ix / p r efi.
35-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 35 Configuri ng IPv6 ACLs Conf igu ring I Pv6 ACLs Use the no { deny | permit } IPv 6 access- list configur ation commands wi th keywords to remove the deny or permit conditio ns from the specif ied access list.
35-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 5 Configuring IPv 6 ACLs Displaying IPv6 ACLs Use the no ipv6 traf fic-f ilter access-list-name interface con f igurat ion comm and to remo ve an acce ss list f rom an interf ace.
35-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapte r 35 Configuri ng IPv6 ACLs Displa ying I Pv6 ACL s.
C HAPTER 36-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 36 Configuring QoS This chapte r describes ho w to conf igure quality of service (QoS) b y using automat ic QoS (auto-QoS) comman ds or by using standa rd QoS c ommand s on t he Catalyst 3750-E or 3 560-E swi tch.
36-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Underst andin g QoS Understandin g QoS T ypically , networks operate on a best-ef fort deli very basis, wh ich mean s that a ll traf fic ha s equal priority and an equ al chance of being deli vere d in a timely manner .
36-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Unde rsta ndi ng QoS Figur e 36-1 QoS Class ificatio n Lay ers in F rames and P ack ets Al.
36-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Underst andin g QoS Figure 36-2 sh o ws the basic QoS model.
36-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Unde rsta ndi ng QoS Classification Classification is the pro cess of distingu ishing one kind of traffic from anothe r by e xamin ing the fields in the packe t.
36-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Underst andin g QoS After cla ssification, th e pac ket is sent to the polic ing, marki ng, and the ing ress queue ing and schedul ing stag es.
36-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Unde rsta ndi ng QoS Classification Based on QoS ACLs Y o u can u se IP st andard , IP exten ded, or Laye r 2 MAC A C Ls to de fine a group of pa ckets wit h the same char act eris tics ( class ).
36-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Underst andin g QoS The po licy map can cont ain the police and polic e aggregate polic.
36-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Unde rsta ndi ng QoS Policing on Physical Ports In policy m aps o n physic al por ts, y ou.
36-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Underst andin g QoS Figur e 36-4 P olicing and Mar king Flo wch art o n Ph ysical P or.
36-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Unde rsta ndi ng QoS When co nf iguring polic ing on an SVI, yo u can cr eate a nd conf i.
36-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Underst andin g QoS Mapping T ables During Qo S processing, the switc h represe nts th.
36-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Unde rsta ndi ng QoS Queuein g and S chedulin g Overview The swi tch has queue s at specif ic points to help pre vent con gestion as s ho wn in Figure 36-6 and Figure 36-7 .
36-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Underst andin g QoS Weighted Tail Drop Both the in gress an d e gress qu eues use an enhan ced ve rsion of the tail-dr op cong estion -a voidance mecha nism ca lled weight ed ta il dr op (WTD ).
36-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Unde rsta ndi ng QoS In shar ed mod e, the queues share th e band width am ong th em ac cordi ng to the configured weight s. The bandwidt h is guarante ed at t his level but not limit ed to i t.
36-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Underst andin g QoS Figur e 36-1 0 Queueing an d Scheduling Fl ow char t for In gress P orts on Cataly st 3560-E S witches Note SRR services the prior ity queue for its conf igured share before servicing the other queue.
36-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Unde rsta ndi ng QoS dscp1... dscp8 } or the mls qos srr -queue input cos-map queue qu eue- id { cos1.. .cos8 | thr eshold thr eshold-i d cos1.
36-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Underst andin g QoS Queueing and Scheduling on Egress Que ues Figure 36-11 and Figure 36-12 show the queue ing and sched uling flowchart s for egress ports.
36-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Unde rsta ndi ng QoS Figur e 36-12 Q ueueing an d Sc heduling Fl ow char t f or Egr ess P orts on C atalyst 3560-E S w itche s Each por t supports fo ur egress queue s, one of w hich (queue 1) can be the egress expedite queue .
36-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Underst andin g QoS b uf fers) or not empty (free b uffer s). If the queu e is not o ver- limit, the switc h can alloca te bu f fer space from t he r eserved poo l or f rom th e co mmon pool (if it is n ot emp ty).
36-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Unde rsta ndi ng QoS WTD Thresh olds Y o u can assig n each pa cket tha t fl ows through th e switc h to a que ue and to a thresho ld.
36-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Conf igurin g Auto-Q oS • During policing , IP and non-I P packets ca n have another DS CP assigned to them ( if they are out of prof ile and the polic er spec ifies a ma rkdow n DSCP).
36-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Configuring Auto-QoS Generated Auto-QoS Configuration By def ault, auto -QoS is di sabled on all ports.
36-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Conf igurin g Auto-Q oS trust the QoS label recei ved in the pack et. When a Cisco IP Phone is absent, the ingress classif icati on is set to not trust the QoS label i n the packe t.
36-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Configuring Auto-QoS The switch au tomatical ly maps DSCP v alues to an ingress queue and t o a thre shol d ID.
36-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Conf igurin g Auto-Q oS The sw itch a utoma tically configures the egress queue buf fer sizes . It configur es the bandwi dth an d th e SRR m ode (sha ped or shared) on the egress queues ma pped to the por t.
36-27 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Configuring Auto-QoS Effects of Auto-QoS on the Configuration When auto- QoS is en abled, the au to qos v oip interface co nfiguration c omman d and the ge nerate d configurati on are add ed to the ru nning configuratio n.
36-28 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Conf igurin g Auto-Q oS • T o t ake advantage of th e auto- QoS default s, you sho uld ena ble auto- QoS befor e you configu re other QoS com mands.
36-29 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Configuring Auto-QoS T o display the QoS commands that are automatic ally generated when auto-QoS is enabl ed or disabled, enter the deb ug auto qos pr ivileged EXEC comm and befor e enabling auto -QoS.
36-30 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Conf igurin g Auto-Q oS Auto-QoS Confi guration Example This se ction describe s how you co uld im pleme nt auto- QoS in a ne twork, as shown in Fi gur e 36-14 .
36-31 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Configuring Auto-QoS Note Y ou shou ld not configure a ny standard QoS com mands before enteri ng the a uto-Qo S com mands.
36-32 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Displa ying A uto-QoS I nform ation Displaying Auto-Q oS Information T o display the initial auto-Q oS conf iguration, use the show auto qos [ interface [ interface- id ]] privileged EXEC comm and.
36-33 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Default Standard QoS Configuration QoS is disa bled.
36-34 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS Default Egress Queue Configur ation T ab le 36-9 shows the default egre ss queue con figuration for ea ch qu eue-set when QoS is ena bled.
36-35 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Default Mapping Table Conf iguration The default CoS-to-DSCP map is sho wn in T able 36- 12 on page 3 6-63 . The default IP-pre cedenc e-to-D SCP map is shown in T able 36-13 on page 3 6-64 .
36-36 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS • Follow these gu ideline s wh en c onfiguring pol icy maps on p hysical p orts or SVIs: – Y o u cannot apply the same pol icy map to a physical port and to an SVI.
36-37 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS • A switch that is r unning t he IP se rvices f eature s et .
36-38 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS Use the no mls qos vla n-based interface configura tion co mmand to disable VLAN-b ased QoS on the physical por t.
36-39 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Figu re 36-15 Port T rusted St ates w ithin the Qo S Do mai n .
36-40 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS T o return a port to its untrusted state, use the no mls qos trust inte rface c onfigura tion comm and.
36-41 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS T o return to th e defa u lt setting, use the no mls qos cos { def ault- cos | ov erride } interface co nfiguration comm and.
36-42 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS W i th the t ruste d setti ng, you also can use the trusted bounda ry fea ture to prevent misuse o f a high-pr iority qu eue if a user bypasses the tel ephone a nd conne cts the PC di rectly to t he switch.
36-43 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS If D SCP t rans par ency is en able d by u sin g the no mls qo.
36-44 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS Figur e 36-16 DSCP -T r ust ed Stat e on a P or t Bor derin.
36-45 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS T o return a port to its non-trusted state , use the no mls qos trust interfa ce conf iguration co mmand.
36-46 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS Classifying Traffic by Using ACLs Y o u can classi fy IP tra ff i c by using IP sta ndard or IP extend ed ACLs; you can cla ssify non-I P traffic by usin g Layer 2 MA C A CLs.
36-47 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, follo w these steps to create an IP extended A CL for IP traff ic: T o delete an acc ess list , use the no access-list access-list- number globa l configurat ion comma nd.
36-48 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS Beginning in privileged EXEC mod e, follow these st eps to .
36-49 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Classifying Traffic by Using Class Ma ps Y o u use the class-map global conf iguration co mmand to name and to isolate a s pecif ic tra f fi c flow (or class) f rom all o ther traf fic.
36-50 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS T o delete an existin g polic y map, use the no policy-map poli cy-ma p-nam e globa l configuratio n comm and.
36-51 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Classifying, Policing, and Marking Traff ic on Physical Ports by Using Policy Maps Y o u can co nfigure a nonhier arch ical pol icy map on a physica l port that sp ecifies which traff ic class to act on.
36-52 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS Beginning in privileged EX EC mode, fol low these steps t o create a no nhiera rchic al policy map: Command Purpose Step 1 conf igur e terminal E nter g lobal configuration mode .
36-53 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Step 5 trust [ cos | dscp | ip-pr ecedence ] Configure the t rust state, w hich QoS uses to gene rate a CoS-ba sed or DSCP-based QoS lab el.
36-54 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS T o delete an existin g polic y map, use the no policy-map poli cy-ma p-nam e globa l configuratio n comm and.
36-55 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Switch(config-ext-mac)# exit Switch(config)# class-map macclas.
36-56 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS • The hi erarchic al policy m ap is attached to th e SVI and af fects al l traf fic b elongin g to th e VLAN.
36-57 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Step 3 match { acce ss-group acl-index-or-name | ip dscp dscp-list | ip prec edence ip-pr eceden ce-list } Def ine the match crite rion to classify traf fic.
36-58 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS Step 10 policy-map policy- map-nam e Create an inte r face -le vel polic y map b y entering the policy -map name, and en ter po licy-ma p con figuration mode.
36-59 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Step 17 trust [ cos | dscp | ip-pr ecedence ] Configure the t rust state, w hich QoS uses to gene rate a CoS-ba sed or DSCP-based QoS lab el.
36-60 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS T o delete an existin g polic y map, use the no policy-map poli cy-ma p-nam e globa l configuration comm and.
36-61 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit Switch(config-pmap)# class-map cm-.
36-62 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS T o r emove the specified a ggregate pol icer from a pol icy map, use th e no police agg reg ate aggr egate-polic er-name policy m ap configu ratio n mode.
36-63 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Switch(config-pmap-c)# trust dscp Switch(config-pmap-c)# polic.
36-64 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS Beginn ing in pr iv ilege d EXEC mode, follo w these steps to modify t he CoS-to-DSCP map . This procedur e is optional.
36-65 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Beginn ing in pr i vilege d EXEC m ode, follo w these st eps to mo dify the I P-precede nce-to-DSCP ma p. This proc edure is option al.
36-66 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS T o return to the defau lt map, use the no mls qos policed- dscp glob al conf iguration comman d.
36-67 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, foll ow these s teps to modif y the DSCP-to- CoS map. This procedur e is optional.
36-68 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, foll ow these steps to mod ify the DSCP-t o-DS CP-mutati on map . This proc edure is option al.
36-69 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Note In the above DSCP-to- DSCP-m utati on map, t he mutat ed values are shown in the bod y of the matrix.
36-70 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS Mapping DSCP or CoS Values to an Ingress Queue and Setting .
36-71 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS This exampl e shows ho w to map DSCP values 0 to 6 to ingres s queue 1 an d to thresh old 1 with a dro p thresho ld of 50 p ercent.
36-72 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS Beginn ing in pri vileg ed EXEC mode, follo w these steps to allocate bandwid th between the ingress queues. This p rocedur e i s optio nal.
36-73 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Beginning in privileged EXEC mod e, follow these steps to configure the pri ority queue. T his proc edure is optional.
36-74 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS These sec tions co ntain this co nfiguration in format ion:.
36-75 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Beginning i n privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure the me mory al loca tion and to drop thresholds for a queue-se t.
36-76 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS T o return to the default setting, use the no mls qos queue-set output qset-id bu f f e r s global conf iguratio n command.
36-77 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Beginning in privileged EXE C mode, follow thes e st eps to map DSCP or CoS values to an egress queu e and to a thr eshold ID .
36-78 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS Configuring SRR Sh aped Weights on Egress Queues Y ou can spec ify ho w much of t he av ailable bandwi dth is allo cated to each queue.
36-79 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Confi guring Standa rd QoS Configuring SRR Sh ared Weights on Egress Queues In shar ed mod e, the queues share th e band width am ong th em ac cordi ng to the configured weight s.
36-80 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Configur ing Standar d QoS Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, follo w these steps to enable the e gress e xpedite queue. This procedur e is optional.
36-81 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 6 Configuring Qo S Displaying Standard QoS Information T o return to the default setting, use the no srr -queue band width limit interface configura tion comm and.
36-82 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 36 Conf igur ing Q oS Display ing Standar d QoS Inform ation show policy- map [ polic y-map- name [ clas s class-m ap-name ]] Display QoS po licy maps, w hich define cla ssification cri teria fo r inco ming traffic.
C HAPTER 37-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 37 Configuring EtherC hannels and Link-State Tracking This cha pter descri bes how to configure EtherCha nnels on La yer 2 an d Layer 3 ports on t he Catalyst 3750-E o r 3560-E switch .
37-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 37 Conf igur ing Ethe rCha nne ls a nd Li nk- State Tra ckin g Underst anding Et herChan nels • Load -Balan.
37-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 7 Configuring EtherCh annels and Link-State Tra cking Understa nding Et herChann els Y o u can configure an Ether Chann el in one of these mode s: Port Aggregati on Protoco l (P AgP), Link Aggregation C ontro l Prot ocol (L ACP), or On.
37-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 37 Conf igur ing Ethe rCha nne ls a nd Li nk- State Tra ckin g Underst anding Et herChan nels Figur e 37 -3 C.
37-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 7 Configuring EtherCh annels and Link-State Tra cking Understa nding Et herChann els Figur e 37 -4 Relationsh.
37-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 37 Conf igur ing Ethe rCha nne ls a nd Li nk- State Tra ckin g Underst anding Et herChan nels PAgP Modes T ab le 37-1 shows the user-configurab le Ethe rChan nel P A gP mo des f or the channel-group interfa ce configurati on c ommand.
37-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 7 Configuring EtherCh annels and Link-State Tra cking Understa nding Et herChann els P AgP sends an d receives P A gP PDUs only fr om ports th at are up an d hav e P AgP ena bled for the auto or desira ble m ode.
37-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 37 Conf igur ing Ethe rCha nne ls a nd Li nk- State Tra ckin g Underst anding Et herChan nels In Lay er 2 EtherC hannels , the first port in th e ch annel that c omes up provide s its MAC addre ss to the Ether Channel .
37-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 7 Configuring EtherCh annels and Link-State Tra cking Understa nding Et herChann els W ith source -IP address.
37-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 37 Conf igur ing Ethe rCha nne ls a nd Li nk- State Tra ckin g Underst anding Et herChan nels Figur e 37 -5 .
37-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 7 Configuring EtherCh annels and Link-State Tra cking Config uring EtherCh annels For more information about switch stack s, see Chapter 5, “ Managing Swi tch Stacks.
37-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 37 Conf igur ing Ethe rCha nne ls a nd Li nk- State Tra ckin g Configur ing EtherChann els EtherChann el Con.
37-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 7 Configuring EtherCh annels and Link-State Tra cking Config uring EtherCh annels – An Ethe rChanne l suppor ts the same allowed range of VL ANs on all t he port s in a trunking Layer 2 EtherCh annel.
37-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 37 Conf igur ing Ethe rCha nne ls a nd Li nk- State Tra ckin g Configur ing EtherChann els T o r emove a p ort fr om t he Eth erCha nnel group, use the no channel-group interface configurat ion comm and.
37-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 7 Configuring EtherCh annels and Link-State Tra cking Config uring EtherCh annels This exam ple sh ows how to configure an Eth erChann el o n a si ngle swi tch in the st ack.
37-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 37 Conf igur ing Ethe rCha nne ls a nd Li nk- State Tra ckin g Configur ing EtherChann els Beginning in pr ivileged EXEC mod e, follow these st eps to crea te a port -channe l inter face for a Laye r 3 Ether Channel .
37-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 7 Configuring EtherCh annels and Link-State Tra cking Config uring EtherCh annels Step 5 channel- group c ha.
37-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 37 Conf igur ing Ethe rCha nne ls a nd Li nk- State Tra ckin g Configur ing EtherChann els This example shows ho w to configure an Et herChann el.
37-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 7 Configuring EtherCh annels and Link-State Tra cking Config uring EtherCh annels T o r etu rn Eth erCha nnel l oad -balan cing to the de fault configurat ion, u se the no port-channel load-balanc e global con figurati on comm and.
37-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 37 Conf igur ing Ethe rCha nne ls a nd Li nk- State Tra ckin g Configur ing EtherChann els Beginning i n pri.
37-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 7 Configuring EtherCh annels and Link-State Tra cking Config uring EtherCh annels If you configure more than.
37-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 37 Conf igur ing Ethe rCha nne ls a nd Li nk- State Tra ckin g Configur ing EtherChann els Configuring the LACP Port Pr iority By def ault, al l ports us e the same port pr iority .
37-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 7 Configuring EtherCh annels and Link-State Tra cking Displaying EtherC hannel , PAgP, and LACP Sta tus Disp.
37-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 37 Conf igur ing Ethe rCha nne ls a nd Li nk- State Tra ckin g Underst anding L ink-State Tracking When you .
37-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 7 Configuring EtherCh annels and Link-State Tra cking Configuring Link-State Tracking Figur e 37 -6 T ypical.
37-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 37 Conf igur ing Ethe rCha nne ls a nd Li nk- State Tra ckin g Configur ing Link-S tate Tracki ng Default Link-Sta te Track ing Con figuratio n There are no li nk-stat e grou ps defined, and link-st ate tra cking is n ot ena bled f or a ny group.
37-27 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 3 7 Configuring EtherCh annels and Link-State Tra cking Configuring Link-State Tracking Switch(config-if)# int.
37-28 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Ch apter 37 Conf igur ing Ethe rCha nne ls a nd Li nk- State Tra ckin g Configur ing Link-S tate Tracki ng.
C HAPTER 38-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 38 Configuring IP Unicast Ro uting This chapt er describ es how to conf igure IP V ersion 4 (IPv 4) unicas t routing on the Catalyst 3750-E or 3560- E sw itch.
38-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Underst anding IP Ro uting Note When configuring routing parameter s on the .
38-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Unders tanding IP Routi ng Default ro uting refe rs to sendi ng traffic with a destination unknown to the route r to a default outle t or destinatio n.
38-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Underst anding IP Ro uting Stack memb ers per form these fun ction s: • The y act as routi n g standb y switches, rea dy to take o ver in case they are elec ted as the new s tack master if the stack master fails.
38-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Steps f or Co nfiguri ng Routing Steps for Configurin g Routing By default, IP ro uting is disabl ed on the sw itch, and yo u must enable it before rou ting ca n take place .
38-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g IP Ad dr essi ng • Configuring A ddress Re solutio n Met hod.
38-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Config uring I P Address ing Assigning IP Address es to Netwo rk Interface s An IP ad dress identi fie s a location to which IP pack ets ca n be s ent.
38-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g IP Ad dr essi ng Classless Routing By default, classless routing beha vior is enabled on the switch when it is confi g ured to route.
38-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Config uring I P Address ing Figur e 38-3 No IP Clas sless Ro uting T o p r.
38-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g IP Ad dr essi ng The swi tch can use these forms of address r esolutio n: • Address Resolut ion Protoc ol (ARP) i s used to associa te IP ad dress wi th MA C ad dresses.
38-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Config uring I P Address ing T o remove an entr y from t he ARP cach e, us e the no arp i p - a d d re s s h a rd w a re - a d d re s s t y p e global conf iguratio n command .
38-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g IP Ad dr essi ng Enable Proxy ARP By default, the sw itch uses pro xy ARP to help hosts learn MA C address es of hosts on othe r networks or subnets.
38-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Config uring I P Address ing Beginning i n privileged E XEC mo de, follow .
38-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g IP Ad dr essi ng If you chang e the maxadvertinterv al va l u.
38-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Config uring I P Address ing Enabling Directed Broadcast-to- Physical Broadcast Translation By default, IP direct ed broadc asts are dr opped; th ey are not forwarde d.
38-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g IP Ad dr essi ng Forwarding UDP Broadcast Packets and Prot ocols User Da tagram Prot ocol (U DP) is an IP host -to-host layer prot ocol, as is TCP .
38-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Config uring I P Address ing Establishing an IP Broadcast Address The mo st po pular IP broadc ast address (and the d efault) i s an add ress cons isting of al l ones (255.
38-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g IP Ad dr essi ng Beginning i n privileged EX EC mo de, fol lo.
38-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Enabli ng IP Unic ast Rout ing Enabling IP Uni cast Routing By default, the switch is in Layer 2 switching mode and IP routin g is disabled.
38-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g RIP Switch(config-router)# network 10.
38-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring RIP Default RIP Configuration T ab le 38-4 shows the default RIP conf iguration.
38-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g RIP T o turn off the RIP rout ing process, use the no router rip global co nfigurati on comma nd.
38-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring RIP Configuring RIP Authentication RIP V ersion 1 does not suppor t authe nticat ion. If you are se nding a nd re ceiving RIP V ersi on 2 p ackets, you can en able RIP authen tication o n an interf ace.
38-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g RIP Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, follo w these steps .
38-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Config uring OSPF Beginning in privileged EX EC mode , foll ow these s tep.
38-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configuring OSPF These sec tions co ntain this co nfiguration in format ion.
38-27 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Config uring OSPF OSPF Nonstop Forwarding The switc h stack supp orts two .
38-28 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configuring OSPF OSPF NSF Awareness The IP-services feature set suppor ts OSPF NSF A war eness supported for IPv4 .
38-29 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Config uring OSPF Configuring Basic OSPF Parameters Enabling OSPF r equire.
38-30 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configuring OSPF Use the no form of thes e command s to remo ve the conf igured param eter valu e or retur n to the default value.
38-31 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Config uring OSPF Configuring OSPF Area Parameters Y ou can option ally confi gure se veral OSPF a rea para meters.
38-32 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configuring OSPF Use the no form of thes e command s to remo ve the conf igured param eter valu e or to retu rn to the default value.
38-33 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Config uring OSPF Beginning in privile ged EXEC mode, follow the se steps to configure these OSPF parameter s: Command Purpose Step 1 conf igur e terminal E nter g lobal configuration mode .
38-34 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configuring OSPF Changing LSA Gro up Pa cing The OSPF LS A group pacing feature allows the router to group OSPF L SAs and pa ce the re freshing, check- sum ming , and agi ng f unctio ns for mo re efficient rout er us e.
38-35 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring EIGRP Monitoring OSPF Y ou can display specifi c statistics such as th e conten ts of IP r outing table s , caches, and database s.
38-36 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configur ing EIGRP EIGRP of fers these f eatures: • Fast co n vergenc e.
38-37 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring EIGRP • Configuring E IGRP Route Au thentic ation, page 3 8-.
38-38 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configur ing EIGRP T o cr eate an EIG RP routin g process, yo u must enable EIGRP and asso ciat e networks . EIGRP sends updates to the interf aces in the specif ied networ ks.
38-39 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring EIGRP EIGRP N SF Capabili ty The Cat alyst 3750- E IP-se rvice.
38-40 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configur ing EIGRP Use the no forms of th ese comman ds to disa ble the featur e or retur n the sett ing to the de fault v alue.
38-41 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring EIGRP Use the no forms of these co mmand s to disabl e the feat ure or re turn the sett ing to the defa ult v alue.
38-42 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configur ing EIGRP Use the no forms of these commands to disable the feature or to return the setting to the default v alue.
38-43 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring BGP Figur e 38-4 EIGRP St ub Rout er Config urat ion For more .
38-44 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g BGP For details about BGP co mman ds and keywords, se e the “IP Ro uting Protocols” part of the Cis co IO S IP Com mand Re fer ence, V ol ume 2 of 3: Routi ng Protocols, Rele ase 12.
38-45 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring BGP In BGP , ea ch rout e con sists of a n etwork number, a list of aut onomo us system s th at infor matio n has passed thr ough (the a utonomous syst em path ), and a list of oth er path attri butes .
38-46 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g BGP T a ble 38-9 Def ault BGP Configur ation Feature Default Setting Aggregat e addr ess Disabled: N one de fined.
38-47 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring BGP Nonstop Forwarding Awareness The BGP NSF A wareness f eature is su pported f or IPv4 in the IP s ervices fea ture set .
38-48 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g BGP neig hbor ing r out er duri ng the inte rval betw een t h.
38-49 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring BGP Use the no route r bgp aut onomous-s ystem global co nfiguration comma nd to r emove a BGP AS. Use the no network network- number router configuration com mand to re move the network fr om the BGP tabl e.
38-50 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g BGP Router B: Switch(config)# router bgp 200 Switch(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 100 Switch(config-router)# neighbor 175.
38-51 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring BGP establi sh a TCP sessi on.
38-52 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g BGP Configuring BGP Decision Attributes When a BGP speak er r.
38-53 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring BGP Beginning i n privileged EX EC mo de, fol low these s teps t o configure s ome d ecision attr ibutes: Command Purp ose Step 1 co nfi g ure terminal Enter globa l configura tion mode .
38-54 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g BGP Use the no form of ea ch com mand t o retu rn t o the defau lt stat e.
38-55 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring BGP path, comm unity , and network num bers.
38-56 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g BGP Configuring Prefix Lists for BGP Filtering Y ou can use p.
38-57 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring BGP sequence number command; to reenabl e automatic generation, u se the ip pref ix-list sequence number command.
38-58 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g BGP Configur ing BGP Neighbors and Peer Grou ps Often m any B.
38-59 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring BGP Step 7 neighbor { ip-addre ss | pe er-gr oup -name } default-originate [ route-map ma p-name ] (Optional) Allo w a BGP speak er (t he local r outer) to send th e default r oute 0 .
38-60 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g BGP T o d isab le an existing B GP ne ighbor or nei ghbor peer g roup, use th e neighbor shutdown r outer configurat ion comm and.
38-61 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring BGP T o delete an aggre gate entry , use the no aggregate-addr ess addr ess mask rou ter configuration comma nd. T o retur n option s to the de faul t v alues, use the comm and with ke ywor ds.
38-62 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Conf igurin g BGP When the ro ute refl ector recei ves an ad vert ised rout.
38-63 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring BGP Beginning i n privileged E XEC mo de, use thes e com mands t o configure BGP ro ute dampen ing: T o disa ble fla p dampenin g, use the no bgp dampening router co nfiguration c omman d withou t keywords.
38-64 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configuring Mul ti-VRF CE Y o u can also en able t he logging of message s generate d when a BG P neighbo r resets , comes up, or goes down b y using the bgp log -neighbor changes router configur ation com mand.
38-65 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring Multi-VRF CE These se ctions conta in this i nformation: • U.
38-66 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configuring Mul ti-VRF CE Figur e 38-6 Catalyst 37 50-E or 35 60-E Switc he.
38-67 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring Multi-VRF CE T o conf igure VRF , you create a VRF table and specify the Layer 3 int erfac e associat ed with the VRF .
38-68 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configuring Mul ti-VRF CE • A cust omer ca n use m ultip le VLA Ns as lon g as t hey do not overlap with t hose o f other custome rs.
38-69 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring Multi-VRF CE Use t he no ip vrf vrf-name global conf iguration command to delete a VRF and to remov e all interf aces from it.
38-70 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configuring Mul ti-VRF CE Configuring BG P PE to CE Routing Sessions Beginn.
38-71 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring Multi-VRF CE Figur e 38-7 Multi-VRF CE Conf igur ation Exa mple Switch A Switch D VPN1 VPN2 CE1 Global network 208.
38-72 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configuring Mul ti-VRF CE Configur ing Switch A On Switch A, enable routing and conf igure VRF . Switch# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line.
38-73 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring Multi-VRF CE Switch(config)# interface vlan118 Switch(config-if)# ip vrf forwarding v12 Switch(config-if)# ip address 118.
38-74 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configuring Mul ti-VRF CE Configur ing Switch F Switch F belon gs to V PN 2. C onfigure the conn ecti on to Sw itch A by using thes e co mmands.
38-75 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Configuring Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding Router(config)# router bgp 100 Router(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf v2 Router(config-router-af)# neighbor 83.
38-76 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configur ing Protoco l-Indepen dent Feature s Configuring Proto col-Independent Features This secti on descri bes how to configure IP routing pro toco l-indepe nden t feature s.
38-77 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Confi guring Proto col-Ind ependent Featu res The def ault conf ig uration is CEF or dCEF enabled on all Laye r 3 interface s .
38-78 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configur ing Protoco l-Indepen dent Feature s Even though the ro uter au to.
38-79 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Confi guring Proto col-Ind ependent Featu res Static route s that point to.
38-80 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configur ing Protoco l-Indepen dent Feature s Use the no ip default-netw ork net work n umbe r global co nfiguration c omman d to remove the route .
38-81 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Confi guring Proto col-Ind ependent Featu res Note Alth ough e ach of Step.
38-82 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configur ing Protoco l-Indepen dent Feature s T o delete an entry , use the no route-map map tag global c onfiguration c ommand or the no match or no set route- map co nf igur ation co mmands .
38-83 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Confi guring Proto col-Ind ependent Featu res Beginn ing in p ri vileg ed EXEC mode, fo llo w thes e steps to con trol route r edistrib ution.
38-84 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configur ing Protoco l-Indepen dent Feature s W ith PBR, you clas sify tra f f ic using acc ess contr ol lists (A CLs) an d then mak e traf fic go through a dif ferent path.
38-85 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Confi guring Proto col-Ind ependent Featu res • T o use PBR, you must first en able the routing tem plate by using the sdm pr efer ro uting glob al conf iguratio n command.
38-86 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configur ing Protoco l-Indepen dent Feature s Beginn ing in pri vilege d EXEC mode, follo w th ese steps to c on f i g ur e PBR: Comma nd Purpos e Step 1 conf igur e terminal Enter global con figuration mod e.
38-87 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Confi guring Proto col-Ind ependent Featu res Use the no ro ute-map map- tag g lobal configurat ion com mand or the no match or no set rout e-map conf iguratio n commands to delete an entry .
38-88 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Configur ing Protoco l-Indepen dent Feature s Use a net work monit oring pr.
38-89 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Confi guring Proto col-Ind ependent Featu res router to inte lligen tly di scrimina te bet ween so urces of rout ing in format ion.
38-90 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Monito ring and Mai ntainin g the IP Networ k Beginning i n privileged EX E.
38-91 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configur ing IP Unicas t Routing Monitoring and Maintaining the IP Network show ip route supern ets-on ly Displa y supern ets. sho w ip ca che Display the routing ta ble used to switch IP traf fic .
38-92 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 38 Configuring IP Unicast Routing Monito ring and Mai ntainin g the IP Networ k.
C HAPTER 39-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing Intern et Protoc ol V ersio n 6 ( IPv6) is the ne twork-la yer Int ernet Pr otocol intend ed t o repl ace V ersion 4 (IPv4) in the TCP/IP su ite of pro tocols.
39-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing Underst andin g IPv6 The arc hitecture of IPv6 allo ws e x isting IPv 4 us.
39-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configur ing IPv6 Unicas t Routing Understanding IPv6 For more inform ation about IPv6 address for mats, ad .
39-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing Underst andin g IPv6 These addre sses are defined by a global routing prefix, a subne t ID , an d an i nterface ID.
39-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configur ing IPv6 Unicas t Routing Understanding IPv6 A v alue of 135 in the T ype fiel d of the ICMP packet he ader identif ies a neighbor solicitation messag e.
39-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing Underst andin g IPv6 • DNS resolv er for AAAA ov er IPv4 transpor t • .
39-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configur ing IPv6 Unicas t Routing Understanding IPv6 • Simp le Networ k Manageme nt Protoco l (SNMP) ov e.
39-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing Underst andin g IPv6 Note T o rout e IPv6 packets in a sta ck, all switche s in the stack should be running the adv anced IP s ervices featu re set .
39-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configur ing IPv6 Unicas t Routing Understanding IPv6 SDM Templates T o allocate sys tem res ources fo r uni.
39-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing Conf igu rin g IPv6 Note An IPv4 rout e requi res only one hardwa re entry .
39-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configur ing IPv6 Unicas t Routing Confi guring I P v6 Default IPv6 Configuration T ab le 39-2 shows the default I Pv6 co nfiguration .
39-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing Conf igu rin g IPv6 Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, foll ow these step.
39-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configur ing IPv6 Unicas t Routing Confi guring I P v6 without arg uments. T o disable IPv6 pro cessing on a n interf ace th at has no t been e xplicitly conf igured with a n IPv6 ad dress, use the no ipv6 enable interface configurat ion comm and.
39-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing Conf igu rin g IPv6 T o disa ble IPv 4 routing, use the no ip r outing global configurat ion c omman d. T o disable IPv 6 routi ng, use the no ipv6 unicast-routing globa l configurat ion c omma nd.
39-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configur ing IPv6 Unicas t Routing Confi guring I P v6 Configuring IPv6 IC MP Rate Limiting IPv6 ICMP rate limitin g uses a token- bu cket algorith m for limiting the ra te at which IPv6 ICMP error messages are sent to the network.
39-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing Conf igu rin g IPv6 T o disa ble IP v6 CEF or distr ib uted CEF , use the no ipv6 cef or no ipv6 cef d istri buted glob al configurati on comm and.
39-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configur ing IPv6 Unicas t Routing Confi guring I P v6 Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, follo w these steps to conf igure an IPv6 static route: Comma nd Purpos e Step 1 conf igur e terminal Ente r global con figuration mod e.
39-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing Conf igu rin g IPv6 T o remo ve a co nf igured static rou te, use the no .
39-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configur ing IPv6 Unicas t Routing Confi guring I P v6 Beginning in privileged EX EC mode , foll ow these r.
39-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing Conf igu rin g IPv6 Configuring OSPF for IPv6 Open Shortest Path First (O.
39-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configur ing IPv6 Unicas t Routing Confi guring I P v6 Beginn ing in pri vileged E XEC mode, follo w these r equired an d optional ste p s to conf igure IPv6 OSPF: Comma nd Purpose Step 1 conf igur e terminal Ente r global co nfigurati on mode .
39-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing Displa ying I Pv6 T o disable an OSPF r outing process, use the n o ipv6 router ospf pr ocess-id global configu ration command.
39-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configur ing IPv6 Unicas t Routing Displaying I Pv6 ND router advertisements are sent every 200 seconds ND .
39-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing Displa ying I Pv6 This i s an exampl e of t he o utput from the show ipv6 neighbor pri v ileg ed EXE C comm and: Switch# show ipv6 neighbors IPv6 Address Age Link-layer Addr State Interface 3FFE:C000:0:7::777 - 0007.
39-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configur ing IPv6 Unicas t Routing Displaying I Pv6 ICMP statistics: Rcvd: 1 input, 0 checksum errors, 0 to.
39-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing Displa ying I Pv6.
C HAPTER 40-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 40 Configuring HSRP and Enhanced Objec t Tracking This c hapter d escrib es how to use Hot St andby Rout er Pr.
40-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configuri ng HSRP and En hance d Object Tr acking Underst anding HSRP Note Rou ters in an H SRP gro up ca n be a ny router interfac e tha t suppo rts HS RP , incl uding Ca talyst 3750-E or 3560-E rou ted port s and switch virtu al interfaces (SVIs) .
40-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configur ing HSRP and En hanced Object Tracking Unde rsta ndin g HS RP Figur e 40-1 T ypical HSRP Configur ation Multiple HSRP The switch sup ports Multiple H SRP (MHSRP), an extensio n of HSRP that allo ws load sharing betw een two or more HSRP gro ups.
40-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configuri ng HSRP and En hance d Object Tr acking Configuring HSRP Figu re 40-2 M HSR P Load Sharing HSRP and S witch S tacks HSRP hello mess ages are g ener ated by th e s tack ma ste r .
40-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configur ing HSRP and En hanced Object Tracking Configuring HSRP Default HSRP Configuration T ab le 40-1 shows the default HSRP conf iguration.
40-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configuri ng HSRP and En hance d Object Tr acking Configuring HSRP When th e standby ip comma nd is enabled.
40-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configur ing HSRP and En hanced Object Tracking Configuring HSRP Configuring HSRP Priority The standby prior.
40-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configuri ng HSRP and En hance d Object Tr acking Configuring HSRP Use the no standby [ gr o up-numbe r ] p.
40-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configur ing HSRP and En hanced Object Tracking Configuring HSRP This exam ple a ctiv a tes a port, sets an .
40-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configuri ng HSRP and En hance d Object Tr acking Configuring HSRP When conf iguring these a ttrib utes, fo llo w these g uidelines: • The aut hentica tion string i s sent unenc rypted in all HSRP message s.
40-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configur ing HSRP and En hanced Object Tracking Disp laying H SRP Co nfig uratio ns This exampl e shows ho .
40-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configuri ng HSRP and En hance d Object Tr acking Configur ing Enhance d Object Tracking This is a an exam.
40-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configur ing HSRP and En hanced Object Tracking Confi gurin g Enhan ced Objec t Track ing Configuring E nha.
40-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configuri ng HSRP and En hance d Object Tr acking Configur ing Enhance d Object Tracking This e xample con.
40-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configur ing HSRP and En hanced Object Tracking Confi gurin g Enhan ced Objec t Track ing Use the no track tra ck- number global conf iguration comman d to delete the track ed li st.
40-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configuri ng HSRP and En hance d Object Tr acking Configur ing Enhance d Object Tracking Use the no tr ack track-number global conf iguration co mmand to delete the track ed list.
40-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configur ing HSRP and En hanced Object Tracking Confi gurin g Enhan ced Objec t Track ing This e xample co .
40-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 40 Configuri ng HSRP and En hance d Object Tr acking Configur ing Enhance d Object Tracking Configuring Other Tracking Char acteristics Y o u ca n also use th e en hanced ob ject t racki ng fo r trac king o ther c hara cteris tics.
C HAPTER 41-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 41 Configuring Web Cac he Services By Using WCCP This c hapter d escrib es how to configu re your Catalys t 37.
41-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 41 Configuring Web Cache Ser vices By Using W CCP Understan ding WCCP WCCP enabl es supported Cisc o routers and sw itches to transp aren tly redirec t content re quests.
41-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 41 Configur ing Web Cache Services By Using WCCP Understa nding WCCP WCCP Negotiation In the exchange of WCCP p.
41-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 41 Configuring Web Cache Ser vices By Using W CCP Understan ding WCCP Y o u can configure up t o 8 service grou ps on a switch or sw itch stac k and up to 32 cli ents per servi ce group.
41-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 41 Configur ing Web Cache Services By Using WCCP Config uring WCCP Unsupporte d WCCP Features These WCCP featur.
41-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 41 Configuring Web Cache Ser vices By Using W CCP Configuring WCCP • The num ber of av ailable policy-based routing (PB R) labe ls are re duced as mor e interfac es are enabl ed for W CCP ingress r edirecti on.
41-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 41 Configur ing Web Cache Services By Using WCCP Config uring WCCP Comma nd Purpos e Step 1 conf igur e terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
41-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 41 Configuring Web Cache Ser vices By Using W CCP Configuring WCCP T o disa ble t he we b cach e serv ice, use t he no i p wccp web-cache global configurat ion comm and.
41-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 41 Configur ing Web Cache Services By Using WCCP Monitoring and Maintaining WCCP This e xample sho ws how to conf igure SVIs an d how to enable the web cache ser vice with a multica st group l ist.
41-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 41 Configuring Web Cache Ser vices By Using W CCP Monitorin g and Maintain ing WCCP show ip interface Display.
C HAPTER 42-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 42 Configuring IP M ulticast R outing This chapter describes how to conf igure IP multicast ro uting on the Catalyst 3750-E or 3560-E switch.
42-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Underst anding Cis co’s Im plementat ion of IP Mu lticast Rout ing Under.
42-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Understanding Cisco’s Implementation of IP Multicast Routing Understand ing IGMP T o participate in IP multicasting, multicast hosts, rou ters, and multil ayer switches must ha ve the IGMP operati ng.
42-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Underst anding Cis co’s Im plementat ion of IP Mu lticast Rout ing Under.
42-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Understanding Cisco’s Implementation of IP Multicast Routing When a new.
42-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Underst anding Cis co’s Im plementat ion of IP Mu lticast Rout ing passive interfaces. On ly the non redun dant ac cess rout er topo logy is suppo rted by the PI M stub fe ature .
42-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Understanding Cisco’s Implementation of IP Multicast Routing Bootstrap Route r PIMv2 BSR is another method to distrib ute group-to-RP mapping information to all PIM rou ters and multilaye r switches in the netwo rk.
42-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Underst anding Cis co’s Im plementat ion of IP Mu lticast Rout ing Figu .
42-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Multicast Routing and Switch Stacks D V MRP neig hbors build a route t able by periodi cally exch anging sour ce network ro uting info rmat ion in route-r eport messa ges.
42-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Con figur ing IP Mu ltic as t Rou ting • They do not build multic ast routing tables . Instead, the y use the multicast rout ing table that is distr ibu ted b y the stack master .
42-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring IP Multicast Routing Note Th e PIM i mplement ation of on Ca.
42-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Con figur ing IP Mu ltic as t Rou ting • Because boot strap messa ges are sen t hop-by-hop, a PIMv1 device pre vents these me ssages from reaching all routers and multilayer switches i n your n etwork.
42-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring IP Multicast Routing T o disable multicasting, use the no ip multicast-r outing distributed global configurat ion com mand.
42-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Con figur ing IP Mu ltic as t Rou ting T o di sable PIM stub rout ing on an in terface, use the no ip pim passive in terfa ce config uration command.
42-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring IP Multicast Routing T o remo ve an RP address , use the no ip pim rp-addres s ip-address [ access-list-numbe r ] [ overr ide ] global configurat ion comm and.
42-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Con figur ing IP Mu ltic as t Rou ting Configuring Auto-RP Auto-RP us es IP multicast to automa te the distribution of group-to-R P mappings to all Cisco routers and multilaye r switches in a PIM network.
42-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring IP Multicast Routing Command Purpose Step 1 show running-confi g V erify that a defaul t RP is alrea dy configured on all PIM devices and the RP in t he sparse-m ode net work.
42-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Con figur ing IP Mu ltic as t Rou ting T o r emove the PIM device configured as the cand idate RP , us e the no ip pim send-rp-announce interface- id global configu ration c omma nd.
42-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring IP Multicast Routing T o remov e a filte r on incoming RP an.
42-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Con figur ing IP Mu ltic as t Rou ting In thi s example , the mappi ng a gent a ccepts candi date RP annou ncem ents from o nly two devices, 172.
42-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring IP Multicast Routing Figur e 42-4 Constr ainin g PIMv2 BSR Me ssag es Defini ng the IP Multicast Bou ndary Y ou de fine a multicast boundary to prev ent Auto-RP messages from entering the PIM domain.
42-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Con figur ing IP Mu ltic as t Rou ting This e xample sho ws a portion of an IP multicast boundar y config uration that den ies Auto-RP inform ation: Switch(config)# access-list 1 deny 224.
42-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring IP Multicast Routing Configur ing Can didate RPs Y o u can configure one or mor e candida te RPs.
42-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Con figur ing IP Mu ltic as t Rou ting This e x ample sho ws how to co nfigur e the swi tch to adver tise itself as a can didate RP to the BSR in its PIM domain .
42-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Confi guring Ad vanced PIM Fe atures Monitoring the RP Mapping Informati.
42-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Configur ing Advan ced PIM Features Figur e 42-5 Shar ed T re e and Sour .
42-27 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Confi guring Ad vanced PIM Fe atures Delaying the Use of PIM S hortest-P.
42-28 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Con figur ing Op tiona l IGM P Fe atu res T o return to the default setting, use the no ip pim spt-thr eshold { kbps | infinity } global co nfiguration comm and.
42-29 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring Optional IGMP Features • Modify ing the IGM P Host-Qu ery .
42-30 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Con figur ing Op tiona l IGM P Fe atu res T o cancel m embersh ip in a gr oup, us e the no ip igmp join-group group-addr ess interf ace conf iguration comm and.
42-31 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring Optional IGMP Features T o di sable gro ups on an inte rface, use the no ip igmp access-gr oup in terface co nf iguration comm and.
42-32 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Con figur ing Op tiona l IGM P Fe atu res The switch elect s a PIM designated router (DR) for the LAN (subnet). Th e DR is the router or multilayer switch wi th the highest I P address f or IGMPv2.
42-33 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring Optional IGMP Features T o return to the default setting, use the no ip igmp querier -timeout in terface c onfigura tion comm and.
42-34 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Configur ing Opti onal Multic ast Routing F eature s Beginn ing in p ri v.
42-35 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring Optional Multicast Routing Featu res T o disabl e CGMP on the interface, use th e no ip cgmp interfac e configuration comma nd.
42-36 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Configur ing Opti onal Multic ast Routing F eature s Enabling sdr Listener Support By def ault, the switch doe s not listen to session directory adv ertisements.
42-37 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring Optional Multicast Routing Featu res Configuring an IP Multicast Boundary Administrativ ely-scoped boundarie s can be used to li m it the forwarding of multicast traf fic outside of a domain or subdomain.
42-38 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Configur ing Basi c DVMRP Inte roperab ility Feature s Beginning in pr i vileged EX EC mode, fo llow these step s to set up an admi nistra ti vely-sco ped boun dary .
42-39 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring Basic DVMRP Interoperability Features Configuring DVMR P Interoperability Cisco multicast routers and multila yer switches using PIM can interoperate with non-Cisco multicast router s tha t u se t he DVMRP .
42-40 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Configur ing Basi c DVMRP Inte roperab ility Feature s T o disabl e the m.
42-41 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring Basic DVMRP Interoperability Features Configurin g a DVMRP Tunne l The soft ware sup ports DVMRP tunne ls to th e MBO NE.
42-42 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Configur ing Basi c DVMRP Inte roperab ility Feature s T o disa ble t he .
42-43 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring Advanced DVMRP Interoperability Features Beginning i n privileged E XEC mo de, follow these s teps to advertis e networ k 0.
42-44 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Configur ing Advan ced DVM RP Interope rability Features These sec tions .
42-45 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring Advanced DVMRP Interoperability Features Rejectin g a DVM RP Nonp runing Ne ighbor By def ault, Cisco de vices accept a ll D VMRP neighbors as peers, re gardless of their D VMRP capabil ity .
42-46 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Configur ing Advan ced DVM RP Interope rability Features Figur e 42-8 Rou.
42-47 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring Advanced DVMRP Interoperability Features Controlling Rout e .
42-48 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Configur ing Advan ced DVM RP Interope rability Features Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, foll ow these s teps to chang e the threshol d number of rou tes tha t trigger the wa rning.
42-49 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring Advanced DVMRP Interoperability Features Figur e 42-9 On Con.
42-50 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Configur ing Advan ced DVM RP Interope rability Features Beginn ing in pr.
42-51 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Configuring Advanced DVMRP Interoperability Features T o r e-e nable auto su mmar izat ion, use the ip dvm rp auto-summary interf ace con fig urat ion comman d.
42-52 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Mon ito ring and Main tain ing IP M ultic as t Rou ting Monitoring and Ma.
42-53 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configur ing IP Multic ast Routing Monitoring and Maintaining IP Multicast Routing Monitoring IP Multicast .
42-54 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 42 Configuring IP Multicast Routing Mon ito ring and Main tain ing IP M ultic as t Rou ting.
C HAPTER 43-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 43 Configuring MSDP This ch apter de scribes ho w to conf igure the Mu lticast Sou rce Disco ve ry Proto col (MSDP) o n the Catalyst 375 0-E or 3560 -E switch . The MSDP co nnec ts multiple Prot ocol-I ndepend ent Mult icast sparse-m ode (PIM-S M) doma ins.
43-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 C onfiguring MSDP Underst anding MSD P The purpose of this topology is to hav e domains discove r multicast sources in other doma ins.
43-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 Configur ing MSDP Understandi ng MSDP Figur e 43-1 MSDP Running Be tween RP Peers MSDP Benefits MSDP has these benef its: • It break s up the shared m ulticast d istrib ution tree.
43-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 C onfiguring MSDP Conf igu rin g MSDP Configuring MSDP These sec tions co ntain this co nfiguration in form.
43-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 Configur ing MSDP Configuring MSDP Figur e 43-2 Def ault MSDP P eer Net wor k Beginning in pr i vileged EX EC mode , follow these step s to speci fy a default MSD P peer .
43-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 C onfiguring MSDP Conf igu rin g MSDP T o remov e the default peer , use the no ip msdp default-peer ip-ad dress | name gl obal con figuration comm and. This exam ple shows a partia l co nfiguration of Ro uter A and Ro uter C in F igure 4 3-2 .
43-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 Configur ing MSDP Configuring MSDP Beginn ing in pri vileg ed EXEC mode, follo w these steps to enable the cachin g of source/group pairs. This proc edure is option al.
43-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 C onfiguring MSDP Conf igu rin g MSDP Requestin g Source Info rmation fro m an MSDP Peer Local RPs can send SA reque sts a nd get immedi ate r esponses f or al l active sources for a give n group .
43-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 Configur ing MSDP Configuring MSDP Controlling Source In formation that Your Switch Originates Y ou can cont.
43-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 C onfiguring MSDP Conf igu rin g MSDP T o remov e the f ilter , use the no ip msdp r edistribut e global configurati on com mand.
43-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 Configur ing MSDP Configuring MSDP Filtering Source- Active R equest Messages By default, only switches that are ca ching SA informatio n can respond to SA reque sts.
43-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 C onfiguring MSDP Conf igu rin g MSDP Controlling Source Informatio n that Your Switch Forwards By def ault, the switch for wards all SA me ssages it rec ei ves to all its MSDP pee rs.
43-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 Configur ing MSDP Configuring MSDP T o remov e the f ilter , use the no ip msdp sa-f ilter out { ip-a ddress | name } [ list a ccess-list-n umber ] [ ro ut e -m a p map- tag ] glo bal configur ation c omma nd.
43-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 C onfiguring MSDP Conf igu rin g MSDP Using TTL to Limit the Multicast Data Sent in SA Messages Y ou can use a TTL v alue to contro l what da ta is enca psulated in the f irst SA message f or e very sour ce.
43-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 Configur ing MSDP Configuring MSDP Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, follo w these steps to apply a f ilter .
43-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 C onfiguring MSDP Conf igu rin g MSDP Config uring an MSDP M esh Gr oup An MSDP me sh group is a gro up of MSDP speakers that have fully meshed MS DP connec tivity among one anot her .
43-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 Configur ing MSDP Configuring MSDP Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, f ollow these step s to shut down a peer .
43-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 C onfiguring MSDP Conf igu rin g MSDP Note that the ip msdp originator -id global config uration command also identif ies an interf ace to be used a s the RP a ddress.
43-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 Configur ing MSDP Monitoring and Maintaining MSDP Monitoring and Maintaining MSDP T o mon itor MSD P SA mes.
43-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 43 C onfiguring MSDP Monito ring and Mai ntaining MSD P.
C HAPTER 44-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 44 Configuring Fallbac k Bridging Thi s chapte r describe s ho w to conf igure fa llback bridging (VLAN brid ging ) on the C atal yst 3 750-E or 3560- E switc h.
44-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 44 Configuring Fallback Bridging Underst anding F allback B ridging A VLAN bridge domai n is represented with switch virtual interf aces (SVIs).
44-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 4 Configuring Fal lback Bri dging Config uring Fa llback Br idging Figur e 44-1 F allback Br idging N etwor k.
44-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 44 Configuring Fallback Bridging Configur ing Fall back Bridg ing Default Fallback Brid ging Configuratio n T ab le 44-1 shows the default fal lbac k bridg ing co nfiguration.
44-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 4 Configuring Fal lback Bri dging Config uring Fa llback Br idging Beginning i n privileged E XEC mo de, follow these steps to c reat e a br idge g roup a nd to ass ign an interf ace to it.
44-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 44 Configuring Fallback Bridging Configur ing Fall back Bridg ing This example shows ho w to crea te bridge group 10 and to speci fy that the V LAN-bri dge STP runs in the bridge gr oup.
44-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 4 Configuring Fal lback Bri dging Config uring Fa llback Br idging Changing the VLAN-Bri dge Spanning-Tree Pr.
44-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 44 Configuring Fallback Bridging Configur ing Fall back Bridg ing T o return to the defa ult setting, use th e no bridge-gro up bridge-gr oup priority inter face conf iguration comm and.
44-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 4 Configuring Fal lback Bri dging Config uring Fa llback Br idging Adjust ing BPDU Interv als Y o u can adju .
44-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 44 Configuring Fallback Bridging Configur ing Fall back Bridg ing Changing the Forward- Delay Inter val The f.
44-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 4 Configuring Fal lback Bri dging Monitoring and Maintaining Fallback Bridging Disabling the Spanning Tree o.
44-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 44 Configuring Fallback Bridging Monito ring and Maintain ing Fa llback Br idgin g.
C HAPTER 45-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 45 Troubleshooting This chapter descr ibes ho w to identify and resolv e software probl ems related to the Cisco IOS software on the Cataly st 3750- E or 3560- E switc h.
45-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 45 Troubleshoo ting Recovering f rom a Softwa re Failure • Using the show platform for ward C omman d, page .
45-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 5 Troubleshooti ng Recoveri ng from a Lost or For gotten P assword load_helper boot Step 7 Initial ize the fl.
45-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 45 Troubleshoo ting Recoveri ng from a Los t or Forgotten Password Foll ow th e steps in this procedure if you ha ve forgotte n or lost the switch password.
45-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 5 Troubleshooti ng Recoveri ng from a Lost or For gotten P assword Procedure w ith Passw ord Recov ery Enable.
45-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 45 Troubleshoo ting Recoveri ng from a Los t or Forgotten Password Step 9 Copy the configurat ion file into me mory: Switch# copy flash: config.text system: running-config Source filename [config.
45-7 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 5 Troubleshooti ng Recoveri ng from a Lost or For gotten P assword Procedure w ith Password R ecovery Dis abl.
45-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 45 Troubleshoo ting Prev enting Switch S tac k Pr oblems Step 7 Change the password: Switch (config)# enable s.
45-9 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 5 Troubleshooti ng Recovering from a Command Switch Failure the switch curr ent- stac k-m ember -number r enumber new-stack-member-number globa l configurati on comm and to manua lly assign a stack membe r number .
45-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 45 Troubleshoo ting Recoveri ng from a Com mand Switc h Failure Replacing a Failed Command Sw itch with a Clu.
45-11 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 5 Troubleshooti ng Recovering from a Command Switch Failure If this pro mpt does not app ear , enter enable , and press Return . En ter setup , and press Re turn to start the set up progra m.
45-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 45 Troubleshoo ting Recoveri ng from a Com mand Switc h Failure At any point you may enter a question mark '?' for help. Use ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt.
45-13 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 5 Troubleshooti ng Recovering from Lost Cluster Member Connectivity Recovering fro m Lost Cluster Member Connecti vity Some conf igurations can pre ve nt the command switc h from maintaini ng contact with mem ber switches.
45-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 45 Troubleshoo ting SFP Module Secu rity and Ident ificatio n Disabled Port Caused b y Power L oss If a p owe.
45-15 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 5 Troubleshooti ng Monito ring SFP Modul e Sta tus If the module is identified as a Cisco SFP module , but the system is unable to read v e ndor-data information to ve rify its ac curacy , an SFP module erro r message is generated.
45-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 45 Troubleshoo ting Using P ing Executing Ping If you atte mpt to ping a host in a different IP subne twork, you m ust define a static rout e to the netwo rk or have IP rout ing c onfigured t o ro ute bet ween those su bnets .
45-17 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 5 Troubleshooti ng Using Layer 2 Tr aceroute Using Layer 2 Traceroute These se ctions conta in this i nforma.
45-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 45 Troubleshoo ting Using I P Trac eroute • The tracerou te ma c i p com mand outp ut sh ows the Layer 2 path when th e spe cified source and destinat ion IP a ddres ses belon g to the sa me sub net.
45-19 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 5 Troubleshooti ng Using IP Trace route of 1 or 0, it drops t he da tagram and se nds an I nterne t Cont rol M essage Prot ocol (ICMP) time-t o-live-exceeded messag e to the se nder .
45-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 45 Troubleshoo ting Usin g TDR T o end a trace in progres s, enter the escape seq uence ( Ctrl-^ X by defa ult). Si multane ously pr ess a nd release th e Ctrl , Shift , and 6 keys and then p ress the X ke y .
45-21 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 5 Troubleshooti ng Using Debug C ommands When you run TDR, t he swit ch re ports a ccurate infor mation i f • The c able for th e Giga bit li nk i s a so lid-cor e cable .
45-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 45 Troubleshoo ting Using D ebug Command s All deb ug comm ands are en tered in pri vileged EXEC mode , and most deb ug comman ds take no arguments.
45-23 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 5 Troubleshooti ng Using the show platf orm forw ard Comma nd Note Be aware that the debuggin g destin ation yo u use affects system overhead .
45-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 45 Troubleshoo ting Using the s how platfo rm forward Co mmand Gi1/0/1 0005 0001.
45-25 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 5 Troubleshooti ng Using the crash info Files This is an e xample of the out put when the pa cket comin g in.
45-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 45 Troubleshoo ting Using On-Board F ailure Lo gging fi le is created, you ca n use the rena m e pri v ileg e.
45-27 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 5 Troubleshooti ng Using On-Board Failure Logging • Power ov e r Ether net (PoE )—Record of th e power c.
45-28 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 45 Troubleshoo ting Using On-Board F ailure Lo gging Displaying OBFL Information T o disp lay th e OBFL i nfo.
C HAPTER 46-1 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 46 Configuring Online Diagnostics This chapter de scribes how to co nfigure the online diagnost ics on the Cat.
46-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 46 Config uring Onl ine Diagno stics Configur ing On line Dia gnostic s Configuring Onlin e Diagnostics Y o u must configure t he failur e threshold and the interval betwe en tests befo re enabl ing diagno stic monitoring.
46-3 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 6 Configuring On line Dia gnostics Configuring Online Diagnostics Th is ex am p l e s h ows h ow t o schedule.
46-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 46 Config uring Onl ine Diagno stics Configur ing On line Dia gnostic s T o disable diagnostic testi n g and return to the de fault sett ings, use these commands: Note Th e switch nu mber optio n is supported onl y on Catalys t 3750-E swit ches.
46-5 Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide OL-9775-02 Chapter 4 6 Configuring On line Dia gnostics Runni ng Online Dia gnostic Tests • T o confi g ure the swit ch to not genera te a syslog message wh en the healt h -monitori ng test f ails, use the no diagnostic monitor syslog global conf igur ation c omma nd.
46-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Chapt er 46 Config uring Onl ine Diagno stics Running O nline Di agnosti c Tests This exam ple sh ows ho w to start a .
A- 1 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 APPENDIX A Supported MIBs This a ppend ix list s the supporte d ma nagement infor matio n base (MIBs) for t his rel ease on the Catalyst 375 0-E or 3560 -E switch.
A- 2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendi x A Supported MI Bs MIB List • CISCO-I ETF-IP- FOR W ARDING-MIB (O nly with the adv anced IP serv ices featu re set) • CISCO- IGM P-FIL T ER-M IB • CISCO-IM A G E-MIB (Only Cataly st 3750-E stac k master feature set de tails are shown.
A-3 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix A Supported M IBs MIB List • OLD-CISCO-C HASSIS-M IB (Partial support on Catal yst 3750-E switches; some obje cts reflect only th e stac k master .) • OLD-CISCO -FLASH-M IB (Supp orts only t he stack m aster in a Cataly st 3750-E sw itch stac k.
A- 4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendi x A Supported MI Bs Using FTP to Acces s the MIB Files Using FTP to Access the MIB Files Y o u can get eac h MIB file by using this proced ure: Step 1 Make sure that you r FTP clie nt is in passiv e mode.
B-1 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 APPENDIX B Working with the Cisco IOS File System, Configuration Files, an d Software Images This append ix descri bes .
B-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working w ith the Flash F ile System vie wed from the stack master, refers to the same file system as does flash: on stack member 3.
B-3 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with the Fla.
B-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working w ith the Flash F.
B-5 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with the Fla.
B-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working w ith the Flash F ile System Some in valid combinat ions of source and dest inatio n exist.
B-7 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with the Flash File System Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, follo w these steps to create a f ile, displ ay the contents, and e xtract it.
B-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working w ith the Flash F ile System This e xample sho ws ho w to create a f ile.
B-9 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with Configu.
B-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working w ith Configurati on Files Guidelines for Cr eating and Using Co nfiguration Files Creatin g configuratio n files can aid i n your switch con figuration.
B-11 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with Config.
B-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working w ith Configurat.
B-13 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with Configuration Files Step 3 Upload th e switch co nfiguration t o the TFTP server .
B-14 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working w ith Configurat.
B-15 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with Config.
B-16 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working w ith Configurat.
B-17 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with Configuration Files The RC P requires a client t o send a re mote user name with each RCP requ est to a ser ver .
B-18 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working w ith Configurat.
B-19 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with Config.
B-20 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working wi th Soft ware .
B-21 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with Software Images Y o u upload a swi tch image file to a TFT P , FTP , or RCP server for ba ckup purpo ses.
B-22 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working wi th Soft ware Imag es version_suffix:universal-mz.122-35.SE2 version_directory:c3750e-universal-mz.
B-23 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with Softwa.
B-24 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working wi th Soft ware .
B-25 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with Softwa.
B-26 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working wi th Soft ware .
B-27 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with Software Images Use the ip ftp username and ip f tp password comman ds to spec ify a use rname an d passwor d for all copie s.
B-28 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working wi th Soft ware .
B-29 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with Softwa.
B-30 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working wi th Soft ware .
B-31 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with Softwa.
B-32 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working wi th Soft ware Imag es If the switch IP addre ss translates to Swit ch1.
B-33 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with Softwa.
B-34 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working wi th Soft ware .
B-35 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix B Working with th e Cisco IOS File Sy stem, Confi guration F iles, and Softwa re Image s Working with Softwa.
B-36 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix B W orking with the Cisco IOS File System, Co nfiguration Files, and Software Images Working wi th Soft ware .
C-1 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 APPENDIX C Unsupported Co mmands in Cisco IOS Release 1 2.2(37 )SE This app endix lists so me of the command-line inter.
C-2 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix C Unsuppor ted Command s in Cisco IOS Relea se 12.2(37) S E Archive Com mands Archive Commands Unsupporte d Pr.
C-3 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix C Unsupported Com mand s in Cisco IOS Release 12.2( 37)SE Fallback Bridging Fallback Bridg ing Unsupporte d P.
C-4 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix C Unsuppor ted Command s in Cisco IOS Relea se 12.2(37) S E HSRP bridge-gr oup bridge-gr o up input-address-li.
C-5 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix C Unsupported Com mand s in Cisco IOS Release 12.2( 37)SE IGMP Sno oping Comma nds Unsupporte d Interface Con.
C-6 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix C Unsuppor ted Command s in Cisco IOS Relea se 12.2(37) S E IP Multic ast Routi ng The debug ip mpacket [ detail ] [ access-l ist-numb er [ gr oup -name- or-addr ess ] command aff ects onl y packet s recei ved by the switch CPU.
C-7 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix C Unsupported Com mand s in Cisco IOS Release 12.2( 37)SE IP Unicast Routing IP Unicast Routing Unsupporte d .
C-8 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix C Unsuppor ted Command s in Cisco IOS Relea se 12.2(37) S E IP Unicas t Routing Unsupporte d Interface Configu.
C-9 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix C Unsupported Com mand s in Cisco IOS Release 12.2( 37)SE MAC Ad dress Comm ands set metr ic-ty pe i nternal .
C-10 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix C Unsuppor ted Command s in Cisco IOS Relea se 12.2(37) S E MSDP Unsupporte d Global Con figuratio n Commands.
C-11 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 Append ix C Unsupported Com mand s in Cisco IOS Release 12.2( 37)SE Network Address Translation (NAT) Commands Network.
C-12 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch S oftware Configu ration Guide OL-9775-02 Appendix C Unsuppor ted Command s in Cisco IOS Relea se 12.2(37) S E SNMP SNMP Unsupporte d Global Con figuratio n Com.
IN-1 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 INDEX Numerics 10-Gi gabit E thern et i nte rface s 11-6 A AAA dow n po licy, N AC La yer 2 I P val idatio n 1-10 abbr.
Index IN-2 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 ACLs (continued) IP crea ting 34-8 fragme nts and QoS gui deline s 36-35 implici t deny 34-10, 34-14, 34-17 impl.
Inde x IN-3 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 addresses (continued) static adding a nd removi ng 7-24 defined 7-19 address resolution 7-27, 38-9 Add res s Re.
Index IN-4 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 automatic d iscovery conside rations beyond a non candid ate devi ce 6-8 bran d new swit ches 6-10 connect ivity.
Inde x IN-5 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 BGP (continued) route re flect ors 38-61 routin g domain c onfed erati on 38-61 routing session with multi-VRF .
Index IN-6 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 CDP and truste d bounda ry 36-42 automatic discover y in switch cluster s 6-5 config uring 27-2 default confi gu.
Inde x IN-7 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 CLI (continued) erro r messag es 2-5 filtering c ommand output 2-10 getting help 2-3 history chan ging t he b u.
Index IN-8 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 commands, set ting privilege levels 9-8 comm and sw itc h acce ssing 6-12 active (AC) 6-11 config urati on confl.
Inde x IN-9 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 console port, conn ecting to 2-11 conte nt-rout ing techn ology See WCCP convent ions comm and xl iii for ex am.
Index IN- 10 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 default configuration (c ontinued) HSRP 40-5 IEEE 8 02.1Q tunne ling 17-4 IGMP 42-29 IGMP f ilte ring 24-25 IG.
Inde x IN- 11 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 DHCP Cisco IOS serve r database config uring 22-14 default confi guration 22-9 describe d 22-6 enab lin g rel.
Index IN- 12 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 DHCP snooping binding database (continued) describe d 22-6 displaying 22-15 binding e ntries 22-15 status and .
Inde x IN- 13 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 dual p rotocol stacks config uring 39-13 IPv4 a nd IPv 6 39-9 SDM template s supporti ng 39-9 DVMRP autosumma.
Index IN- 14 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 dynamic ARP inspection (continued) interf ace tru st states 23-3 log buffer clearin g 23-15 config uring 23-12.
Inde x IN- 15 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 EtherChannel (cont inued) config uring Layer 2 int erface s 37-13 Layer 3 phy sical inte rfaces 37-16 Layer 3.
Index IN- 16 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 extended univer sal identifier See EUI Extensib le Authen ticat ion Protocol over LAN 10-1 ext erna l BGP See .
Inde x IN- 17 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 file system displaying ava ilable f ile syst ems B-2 displaying file in formation B-4 local file system nam e.
Index IN- 18 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 H hardwa re lim itatio ns an d Laye r 3 i nterf aces 11-31 hello time MSTP 19-22 STP 18-22 help, for th e comm.
Inde x IN- 19 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 IEEE 8 02.1D See STP IEEE 8 02.1p 15-1 IEEE 8 02.1Q and trunk ports 11-3 config urati on limitat ions 13-19 e.
Index IN- 20 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 IGMP gr oups configurin g filtering 24-28 setting the maximum number 24-27 IGMP Imm ediate Leave config urati .
Inde x IN- 21 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 interf aces ran ge macro command 11-19 interfac e types 11-15 Interior Gatew ay Prot ocol See IGP internal BG.
Index IN- 22 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 IP multicast routing ( continued) bootstr ap r outer config urati on guideli nes 42-11 config uring c andidat .
Inde x IN- 23 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 IP source gua rd and 802.1x 22-18 and DHCP sno oping 22-16 and Ethe rChan nels 22-18 and har dware entrie s 2.
Index IN- 24 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 IP unicast routing (continued) passive i nterf aces 38-87 protoc ols distan ce-v ect or 38-3 dynam ic 38-3 lin.
Inde x IN- 25 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 IRDP config uring 38-13 definition 38-13 support fo r 1-12 ISL and IPv6 39-3 and trunk ports 11-3 enca psul ation 1-8, 13-16 trunking w ith IEEE 802 .
Index IN- 26 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 Layer 3 fe atures 1-11 Layer 3 int erface s assigning IP ad dresses to 38-7 assigning IPv4 a nd I Pv6 ad dress.
Inde x IN- 27 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 M MAC a ddresses aging tim e 7-21 and VLAN association 7-20 building the address tab le 7-20 default confi gu.
Index IN- 28 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 MDA config urati on guideli nes 10-19 to 10-20 describe d 1-9, 10-19 exceptions with authentica tion process 1.
Inde x IN- 29 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 monitoring (continued) traffic suppr ession 26-18 tunneling 17-18 VLAN filters 34-41 maps 34-41 VLANs 13-16 V.
Index IN- 30 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 MSTP (continued) root switch 19-17 seco ndary r oot s witch 19-19 switch p riority 19-22 CST defined 19-3 oper.
Inde x IN- 31 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 multi cast pack ets ACLs o n 34-40 blocking 26-7 multicas t router interface s, m onitoring 24-17, 25-12 mult.
Index IN- 32 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 Network Assistant benefit s 1-2 describe d 1-5 dow nloa ding i mage fil es 1-3 gui de m ode 1-3 manageme nt op.
Inde x IN- 33 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 O OBFL config uring 45-27 describe d 45-26 displaying 45-28 object tracking, HSRP 40-17 offline c onfig urati.
Index IN- 34 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 percentage t h resholds in tracked lists 40-16 perform ance, netw ork design 1-16 perform ance f eatur es 1-4 .
Inde x IN- 35 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 policy-b ased routi ng See PBR policy m aps for QoS char acte rist ics of 36-51 describe d 36-7 displaying 36.
Index IN- 36 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 port -bas ed a uthe ntica tion (c ontin ued) port security and voic e VLAN 10-17 describe d 10-16 interactio n.
Inde x IN- 37 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 prefix lists, BGP 38-56 preven ting una uthorized access 9-1 primar y links 21-2 primar y VLAN s 16-1, 16-3 p.
Index IN- 38 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 pru nin g- eli gib le list chan ging 13-22 for VT P prun ing 14-5 VLANs 14-14 PVST+ describe d 18-10 IEEE 802.
Inde x IN- 39 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 QoS (continued) egres s queu es allocat ing buffer space 36-74 buffer alloca tion sche me, de scribed 36-19 c.
Index IN- 40 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 QoS (continued) rewrites 36-21 support fo r 1-10 trust sta tes bordering anothe r do main 36-43 describe d 36-.
Inde x IN- 41 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 reliabl e tran sport protoc ol, EIG RP 38-36 reloadi ng software 3-17 Remote Authent ication Dial -In User Se.
Index IN- 42 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 root gu ard describe d 20-10 enab lin g 20-18 support fo r 1-7 root switch MSTP 19-17 STP 18-16 route calcula .
Inde x IN- 43 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 RSTP (continued) interoper ability with IEEE 802.1D describe d 19-9 restar ting migr ation pr ocess 19-26 top.
Index IN- 44 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 show an d mor e co mman d out put, f ilteri ng 2-10 show c dp traffi c comman d 27-5 show clu ste r mem bers c.
Inde x IN- 45 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 SNMP (continued) traps describe d 33-3, 33-5 differ ence s from infor ms 33-5 disabling 33-15 enab lin g 33-1.
Index IN- 46 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 SSH config uring 9-39 crypto graph ic softwa re image 9-37 describe d 1-6, 9-38 encryption methods 9-38 switch.
Inde x IN- 47 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 stacks, switch (continued) copy ing an image fi le from one memb er to anothe r B-35 default confi guration 5.
Index IN- 48 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 standby comma nd switc h config uring conside rations 6-12 defined 6-2 priority 6-11 requir ements 6-3 virtual.
Inde x IN- 49 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 STP (continued) BPDU mes sage ex change 18-3 config urati on guideli nes 18-13, 20-12 config uring forwar d-d.
Index IN- 50 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 STP (continued) root switch config uring 18-16 effec ts of extended syst em ID 18-4, 18-16 elect ion 18-3 unex.
Inde x IN- 51 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 system message logging (continue d) syslog facility 1-13 time sta mps, enabli ng and disabli ng 32-8 UNIX sysl og serv ers configur ing the daemon 32-12 configurin g the logging facility 32-13 facilities su pported 32-14 system MTU and IEEE 802.
Index IN- 52 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 time stamps in log messages 32-8 time z ones 7-12 TLVs defined 28-2 LLDP 28-2 LLDP -MED 28-2 Token R ing VLAN .
Inde x IN- 53 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 trunks allowed-V LAN list 13-21 config uring 13-20, 13-25, 13-27 ISL 13-16 load sharing setting STP path cost.
Index IN- 54 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 univer sal softw are image crypto graph ic 1-1 featu re set advanc ed IP servic es 1-2 IP base 1-1 IP servi ce.
Inde x IN- 55 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 VLAN M anagem ent Polic y Ser ver See VMPS VLAN map entr ies, orde r of 34-30 VLAN maps applyi ng 34-34 comm .
Index IN- 56 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02 VMPS (continued) enteri ng server addr ess 13-30 mapping M AC ad dresse s to VLA Ns 13-28 monitori ng 13-33 re.
Inde x IN- 57 Catalyst 3750- E and 3560-E Switch Softwar e Configurati on Guide OL-9775-02 VTP (continued) monitoring 14- 16 passwords 14-8 pruning disabling 14-14 enab lin g 14-14 exam ples 14-5 over.
Index IN- 58 Catalyst 3750-E an d 3560-E Swit ch Software Con figuration Guide OL-9775-02.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems 3750E c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems 3750E - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems 3750E, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems 3750E va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems 3750E, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems 3750E.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems 3750E. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems 3750E ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.