Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 15327 du fabricant Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Ethernet Card S of tw are F e ature and Configuration Guide For the Cisc o ONS 15454 , Cisc o ONS 15454 SDH, an d Cisc o ONS 15327 Cisco IOS R elease 12.
iii Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7 .2 January 2009 CONTENTS About t his Guid e xxvii Revisi on Hist ory xxvii Document Objectives xxviii Audienc e xxviii Document Organi za.
Cont ents iv Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 ML-Se ries IO S CLI C ons ole P ort 3-4 RJ-11 to RJ-45 Con sole Cabl e Adapter 3-5 Connect ing a PC or Termin al .
Content s v Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Framing Mode, Encapsul ation, a nd CRC Suppor t 5-4 Config urin g POS Interf ace Frami ng Mode 5-4 Config uring P.
Cont ents vi Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Spannin g-Tree Interf ace State s 7-5 Blocki ng Stat e 7-6 List ening Sta te 7-7 Learni ng Stat e 7-7 Forw ardi ng S tat e 7-7 Disabl ed State 7-7 Spannin g-Tree Address Man agement 7-8 STP and IE EE 802.
Content s vii Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 CHAPTER 9 Configur ing IEEE 802.1Q Tunnelin g and Layer 2 Prot ocol Tunne ling 9-1 Underst anding I EEE 802. 1Q Tunnel ing 9-1 Config uring IEEE 80 2.1Q Tunne ling 9-4 IEEE 802.
Cont ents viii Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Config uring OSPF 11-9 OSPF Inte rfac e Parameter s 11-13 OSPF Area Pa rameters 11-14 Other OSPF B ehavior Para.
Content s ix Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Priori ty Me chan ism in IP a nd Et her net 14-2 IP Prec edence and Differ entiat ed Servic es Code Poin t 14-2 .
Cont ents x Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Config uring CoS-Ba sed P acket S tatist ics 14-29 Unde rstand ing IP SL A 14-31 IP SL A on the ML- Ser ies 14-3 2.
Content s xi Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 CTC Circu it Confi gurati on Example f or Cisco Pr opriet ary RPR 17 -8 Config uring Cisco Pro prietar y RPR Cha.
Cont ents xii Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 EoMPLS Configur ation on PE -CLE SPR Interfa ce 18-8 Bridge Group Confi gurati on on MPLS Cloud -facin g Port 18.
Content s xiii Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Config urin g RADIUS Author ization f or User Pri vilege d Access and Net work Ser vices 19-15 Starti ng RADI .
Cont ents xiv Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 SONET/GFP Supp ression of CRC- ALARM 21-7 Cleari ng of CRC-AL ARM 21-7 Unwrap S ynchronizat ion 21-8 Unid irecti.
Content s xv Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 G1K-4 a nd G1 000-4 Co mparison 23-2 G-Seri es Example 23-3 IEEE 8 02.
Cont ents xvi Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 CHAPTER 24 CE-100T- 8 Etherne t Operation 24-1 CE-100T -8 Overview 24-1 CE-100T -8 Ethern et Feat ures 24-2 Auto.
Content s xvii Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Role of SONE T/SDH Circ uits 26-2 RPR-IE EE Framing Process 26-3 CTM and RPR-IEE E 26-6 Config uring RPR-IEEE .
Cont ents xviii Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Charact eristi cs of RI on t he ML-Serie s Card 26-38 RI Confi guration Ex ample 26 -39 APPENDI X A Command Re.
FIG UR ES xix Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Figu re 3-1 CTC IOS Window 3-3 Figu re 3-2 CTC Node View S howing IP Addre ss and Slot Number 3-4 Figu re 3-3 C.
Figures xx Ethe rnet C ard Softw are Feat ure an d Co nfig urati on G uide , R7.2 January 200 9 Figu re 14-7 ML-Seri es VoIP Examp le 14-21 Figu re 14-8 ML-S eries Pol icing Ex ample 14-22 Figu re 14-.
Figures xxi Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Figu re 21-3 Unwrappe d Cisco propriet ary RPR with Unidir ection al Excessi ve CRC Erro rs 21-1 0 Figu re 21-4 W.
Figures xxi i Ethe rnet C ard Softw are Feat ure an d Co nfig urati on G uide , R7.2 January 200 9 Figu re 25-3 End-to -End Ethernet Li nk Integ rity Support 25-4 Figu re 26-1 Dual- Rin g Stru ctu re .
TABLES xxiii Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Ta b l e 2-1 ML-Ser ies PO S and Ethern et Stati stics Fi elds and But tons 2-2 Ta b l e 2-2 CTC Dis play of Eth.
Tables xxiv Ethe rnet C ard Softw are Feat ure an d Co nfig urati on G uide , R7.2 January 200 9 Ta b l e 12-1 Command s for Moni toring and Verif ying IRB 12-5 Ta b l e 12-2 show i nterf aces irb Fie.
Tables xxv Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Ta b l e 23-6 Prot ection f or E-Series Cir cuit Conf igur ations 23-24 Ta b l e 24-1 IP ToS Pri ority Queue Ma pp.
Tables xxvi Ethe rnet C ard Softw are Feat ure an d Co nfig urati on G uide , R7.2 January 200 9.
xxvii Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7 .2 January 2009 About this Guide Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ring" and "UPSR " may app ear in Cisc o literat ure. Th ese ter ms do not refer t o using Cisco ON S 15xxx prod ucts in a unid irecti onal path swi tched ring configuration.
xxvii i Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 About this Guide Document Objectives This guid e covers the software feat ures and ope ration s of Etherne t cards for the Cisco ONS 15454, Cisco ONS 1 5454 SD H, a nd Cisc o ONS 1 5327.
xxix Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 About this Guide • Chapter 6, “ Configuring Bridge s, ” provides bridgi ng exampl es and proc edures for t he ML -Serie s car d.
xxx Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 About this Guide • Appendix C, “ Using T echni cal Suppo rt, ” instructs the user o n using the Ci sco T echnical Assi s tance Cent er (Cis co T A C) fo r ML-Ser ies ca rd prob lems .
xxxi Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 About this Guide The ML -Seri es ca rd em ploys the C isco IOS Mo dula r QoS C LI (M QC).
xxxii Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 About this Guide War ni n g IMPORT ANT SAFE TY INSTRUC TIONS This warning symbol means danger .
xxxii i Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 About this Guide Avvertenza IMPOR T ANTI ISTRUZIO NI SULLA SICU REZZA Questo simbolo di avvertenza indica un pericolo. La situazione potrebbe causare infortuni alle persone.
xxxiv Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 About this Guide.
xxxv Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 About this Guide Avi s o INSTR UÇÕES IM PORT AN TES DE SEGURAN ÇA Este símbolo de aviso signi fica perigo. Você se encontra em uma situação em que há risco de lesões corporais.
xxxvi Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 About this Guide Obtaining Optical Networking Information This sec tion contain s inform ation that is sp ecif ic to optical n etworki ng products.
xxxvi i Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 About this Guide Where to Find Safety and Warning Information For safety and warning information, r efer to the Cisco Opt ical T ransport Products Safety and Compliance Informat ion document that ac compan ied the product.
xxxvii i Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 About this Guide.
C HAPTER 1-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 1 ML-Series Card Overview This c hapter provid es an overview of the ML1000- 2, M L100T - 12, and ML10 0X-8 c ards for the ONS 15454 (SONET ) and ONS 154 54 SDH.
1-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 ML- Series Card Overvie w ML-Serie s Feat ure List ML-Series Feature List The ML10 0T -1 2, ML100X -8, an d ML10.
1-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 ML-Series Card Overv iew ML-Ser ies Feature List • RPR-IEEE service qualities supported: – Per -service-quali ty flo w-control protocol s regulate tr af fic intr oduced b y clients.
1-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 ML- Series Card Overvie w ML-Serie s Feat ure List • Cisco Proprietary RPR: – Ethern et f rame ch eck s eque.
1-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 ML-Series Card Overv iew ML-Ser ies Feature List – Interm ediate System-t o-Inte rmedia te System (IS -IS) Pr.
1-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 ML- Series Card Overvie w ML-Serie s Feat ure List – T r ansa ction Lang uage 1 (TL1) • Syste m feat ures : .
C HAPTER 2-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 2 CTC Operations This chapter c ove rs Cisco T ransport Contr oller (CTC) operati ons of the ML-Serie s card. All operations describe d in t he chapt er take place at the card-level view of CTC.
2-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 CTC Operations Displayi ng ML-S eries Etherne t Ports Prov isionin g Informat ion on CTC Displaying ML-Se ries Ethernet Ports Provisioning In formation on CTC The Et hernet p ort provision ing window displays t he provisioning status of the Ether net ports.
2-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 CTC Op erations Displaying ML-S eries PO S Ports Pr ovisioni ng Inf ormation o n CTC Note Th e 100 FX value in the Optics c olumn of the ML100 X-8 represe nt the short wav elength (SX) SFP .
2-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 CTC Operations Provisioni ng Card Mode Note Th e port nam e field configured in C TC and the po rt name co nfigured in Cisc o IOS are ind ependen t of each othe r .
2-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 CTC Op erations Provisioning SONET/SDH Circuits Cautio n Do not attempt to use cu rrent FPGA images wit h an earlier CTC software release.
2-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 CTC Operations J1 Path Trac e.
C HAPTER 3-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 3 Initial C onf iguration This chapter d escribes the initia l conf iguration of the ML- Series card and contain.
3-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Configuration Cisco IOS on the ML-Se ries Card Cisco IOS on the ML-Series Card The Cisc o IOS softw are image u sed by the ML-Serie s card is not per manentl y stored on the ML-Series card b ut in the flash memory of the TCC2/T CC2P card.
3-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Conf iguration Telnetting to the Node IP Address and Slot Number Figur e 3-1 CTC IOS Wind ow Telnetting.
3-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Configuration Telnettin g to a Managem ent Port Figur e 3-2 CTC No de V iew Sho wing IP A ddres s and Sl.
3-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Conf iguration ML-Seri es IOS C LI Consol e Port RJ-11 to RJ-45 Console Cable Adapter Due to spac e limitation s on the ML-Serie s card fa ceplate, th e console port is an RJ-11 modular jack instead o f the m ore comm on RJ-4 5 modula r jack .
3-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Configuration ML-Series IOS CLI Conso le Port Step 3 Insert the RJ-11 modul ar plug end of t he supplie d console c able adapt er into th e RJ-11 ser ial cons ole port, labele d CONSO LE, on the M L-Seri es car d facepla te.
3-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Conf iguration Startup Configuration File Startup Configuration File The M L-Serie s card nee ds a st artup c onfigurat ion file in orde r to c onfigure i tself beyond the de fault configurati on when th e card is rese t.
3-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Configuration Manuall y Creating a Star tup Configurat ion Fil e Through the Serial Conso le Port Passwords There a re two types of password s that yo u can configur e for an ML -Serie s card : an enabl e password and an enab le secret pas sword .
3-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Conf iguration CTC and the Startup Configuration File After y ou have complete d co nfiguring rem ote m anagemen t on t he man agemen t port, you c an use T e lnet to remo tely a ssign a nd verify configuration s.
3-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Configuration CTC and the Startu p Configura tion File If the ML-Series card i s booted u p prior to th.
3-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Conf iguration Multiple Microcode Images Note A standard ONS 15454 SONET/S DH database restor e reinstalls th e Cisco IO S startup conf ig file on the TCC2/TCC2P , but does not implement the Cisco IOS startup conf ig on the ML-Series.
3-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Configuration Changing t he Working M icrocode I mage Cautio n Configuring topol ogy discovery or shortest pa th load bala ncing on an ML-Ser ies card with the SW - RPR microcod e ima ge disabl es suppo rt f or Cisco Propri etary RPR DRPRI .
3-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Conf iguration Cisco IOS Comma nd Modes Cisco IOS Command Modes The Ci sco IO S user i nterface has several different m odes. T he com mands available to you dep end on which mode y ou ar e in.
3-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Configuration Cisco IOS Command Modes Ta b l e 3-3 describes the most comm only used modes, how to enter the modes, and the resulting system prompts.
3-15 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Conf iguration Using t he Com mand Mo des comm ands, suc h as show co mmands, whic h show the c urrent configura tion st atus, a nd clear comm ands, which clear counte rs or in terfa ces.
3-16 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 3 Initial Configuration Gett ing H elp Ti p If yo u are having tro uble ent ering a com mand, c heck the system prompt, and e nter t he que stion mark (? ) for a list of av ailabl e com mands.
C HAPTER 4-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 4 Configuring Interfaces This cha pter descri bes basi c interfac e configurati on for the M L-Series ca rd to help you get your ML-Serie s card up and ru nning .
4-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 4 Configuring Interfaces MAC Address es MAC Addr esses Every port or device th at conne cts to an Etherne t network nee ds a MA C address.
4-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 4 Config uring Inte rfaces Basic Interface Configuration Basic Interface Con figuration The fol lowing gener al configuratio n instru ctions apply t o all in terfaces.
4-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 4 Configuring Interfaces Basic Fas t Ethernet , Gigabit Ethe rnet, and POS Interface Co nfigurat ion Basic Fast Ethern et, Gigabit Etherne t, and POS Interface Configuration ML-Ser ies cards support Fa st Ethernet, Gigab it Ethernet , and POS interfac es.
4-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 4 Config uring Inte rfaces Configuring the Fast Ethernet Interfaces for the ML100X-8 Exam ple 4- 1 sho ws ho w to do t he initial con fig uration of an ML100T -12 Fast Et hernet in terface w ith an IP address an d autonegotia tion.
4-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 4 Configuring Interfaces Configuring the Gigabi t Etherne t Interface f or the ML100 0-2 Configuring the Gig abit .
4-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 4 Config uring Inte rfaces Configuring Gigabit Ethernet Remote Failure Indication (RFI) Exam ple 4- 2 shows ho w to do an initial co nfig uration of a Gigabit Eth ernet interf ace with autonegot iation and a n IP a ddre ss.
4-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 4 Configuring Interfaces Monitor ing and Verifying Gigabit Ethernet Remo te Failure I ndication (RF I) Router# cop.
4-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 4 Config uring Inte rfaces Monitoring and Verifying Gigabit Ethernet Remote Failure Indication (RFI) ! interface .
4-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 4 Configuring Interfaces Configuring the POS Inte rfaces (M L100T-1 2, ML10 0X-8 and ML 1000-2 ) pkts_error_giant.
4-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 4 Config uring Inte rfaces CRC Thr eshold Con figurat ion T o c onfigure the IP ad dress, br idge gr oup, o r en.
4-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 4 Configuring Interfaces Monitor ing Operat ions on th e Fast Eth ernet a nd Gigabi t Ethernet Int erfaces Monito.
4-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 4 Config uring Inte rfaces Monitor ing Operat ions on t he Fast Ethe rnet and Giga bit Ethernet I nterfa ces Ente r t he show controlle r command to display in formation about the Fast Ethern et controller chip .
4-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 4 Configuring Interfaces Monitor ing Operat ions on th e Fast Eth ernet a nd Gigabi t Ethernet Int erfaces.
C HAPTER 5-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 5 Configuring POS This chap ter des cribes adv anced packet-o ver - SONET/ SDH (POS) inter face co nf iguratio n for the ML-Serie s card. Basic POS interface co nfiguration is include d in Chapter 4 , “Configuring Interfac es.
5-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 5 Con figu ring PO S VCAT Both SONET and SDH ha ve a hierarchy of signalin g speeds. Multiple lo wer lev e l signals can be multiple xed tog ether to form higher le vel signals.
5-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 5 Config uring POS SW-LC AS For step-by-ste p instructions on conf iguring an ML-Series card SONET VCA T circuit, refer to the “Cre ate C ircui ts and VT T u nnel s” cha pter of the Cisco ONS 15 454 P r oc edure Guide .
5-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 5 Con figu ring PO S Framing M ode, En capsulat ion, and CRC Support Framing Mod e, Encaps ulation, a nd CRC S up.
5-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 5 Config uring POS Framing Mode , Encaps ulati on, and CRC Support Configuring POS Int erface CRC Size in HDLC Fr.
5-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 5 Con figu ring PO S SONET/ SDH Alar ms Ta b l e 5 - 4 shows the default M TU sizes.
5-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 5 Config uring POS SONET/SDH Alarms Configuring SONET/SDH Alar ms All SONET/SDH alarms appe ar by def ault But to.
5-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 5 Con figu ring PO S C2 Byte and Sc rambling T o co nfigure path alarms as trigge rs and spe cify a d elay , perf.
5-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 5 Config uring POS Monitoring and Verifying POS Third-Party POS Interfaces C2 Byte and Scramb ling Values If a Ci.
5-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 5 Con figu ring PO S Monitoring and Verifying POS Concatenation: CCAT Alarms reportable to CLI: PAIS PLOP PUNEQ .
5-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 5 Config uring POS POS Configuration Examples Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicast) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 thrott.
5-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 5 Con figu ring PO S ML-Series Card to Cisc o 12000 GSR-Series Ro uter log-adjacency-changes network area 0 network area 0 Exam ple 5- 4 shows the co mman ds ass oci ated w ith the con figurati on of ML Ser ies B.
5-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 5 Config uring POS ML-Series Car d to G-Serie s Card crc 32 ! router ospf 1 log-adjacency-changes network area 0 network area 0 Exam ple 5- 6 shows the comman ds associa ted wi th the configurat ion of the GSR- 12000.
5-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 5 Con figu ring PO S ML-Series Card to ONS 1531 0 ML-100T-8 Card Figur e 5-3 ML -Ser ies Card t o G-Ser ies Card POS Configu ratio n Exam ple 5- 7 shows the co mm ands as soci ated w ith the con figurati on of ML- Ser ies ca rd A.
5-15 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 5 Config uring POS ML-Seri es Card to ONS 15310 ML- 100T-8 Card Exam ple 5- 8 shows the co mm ands as soci ated w ith the con figurati on of ML- Ser ies ca rd A.
5-16 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 5 Con figu ring PO S ML-Series Card to ONS 1531 0 ML-100T-8 Card.
C HAPTER 6-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 6 Configuring Bridges This chapte r describes ho w to conf igure bridgin g for the ML-Series card. Fo r more informatio n about the Cisco IOS co mmand s used in this chapter , refer to th e Cisco IOS Com mand Re fer ence publ ication.
6-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 6 Configuring Bridges Conf igu ring Basi c Bri dging Spanning tree is not manda tory f or a n ML-Se ries c ard bri dge gr oup. But if it is configured, a separa te spa nning-t ree pr ocess runs f or each configur ed br idge g roup.
6-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 6 Config uring Brid ges Monit oring and V erifying B asic Bridg ing Figur e 6-1 Br idging Example Example 6 -1 Ro.
6-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 6 Configuring Bridges Monitor ing and Verif ying Basi c Bridgin g Exam ple 6- 3 shows an e xam ple of the mon itoring a nd verifying bridgi ng.
6-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 6 Config uring Brid ges Trans parent Bridg ing Mode s of Operat ion Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec Bridge ID Priority 32769 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1) Address 0005.
6-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 6 Configuring Bridges No IP Routi ng Mode • All th e inte rfaces a nd su binte rface belong ing to th e same bridge -grou p need cons istent configura tion with regar d to IP a ddre sses.
6-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 6 Config uring Brid ges Bridge CRB Mode • An inpu t interf ace or subinter face conf igured with only an IP address discar ds all pack ets, e xcept packets with the destinat ion MAC and IP address of the input interface, which ar e processe d by Cisco IOS.
6-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 6 Configuring Bridges Bridge I RB Mode Exam ple 6- 8 shows ML -Series card interf aces configured with IP addresses and multiple b ridge groups.
6-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 6 Config uring Brid ges Bridge IRB Mode Example 6 -9 Br idge irb w ith Routing and Br idging Ena bled bridge irb bridge 1 proto rstp bridge 1 route ip int f0 bridge-group 1 int pos 0 bridge-group 1 int bvi 1 ip address 10.
6-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 6 Configuring Bridges Bridge I RB Mode.
C HAPTER 7-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 7 Configuring STP and RSTP This chap ter describ es the IEEE 802. 1D Spanni ng T ree Protoco l (STP) an d the ML-Seri es impleme ntation of t he IEEE 802. 1W Rapid Spa nning Tree Protocol (RSTP) .
7-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 7 Conf igur ing ST P and RSTP STP Overview STP Overvie w STP is a Layer 2 link mana gement pr otocol that provide s path re dundancy w hile preventing loop s in the network.
7-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 7 Config uring STP and RSTP Electi on o f th e Root Swit ch When a switch rec eiv es a c onfigurati on BPDU that contai ns supe rior inf orma tion ( lower bridge ID, lo wer path cost, etc.
7-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 7 Conf igur ing ST P and RSTP Bridge ID, Sw itch Priorit y, and Extend ed System ID Bridge ID, Switch Priority , an d Extended Syste m ID The IE EE 80 2.
7-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 7 Config uring STP and RSTP Spanni ng-Tree Int erfac e States Figur e 7 -1 Spa nning-T r ee T opology When t he s.
7-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 7 Conf igur ing ST P and RSTP Spanning- Tree Interf ace States Figure 7-2 illustrates ho w an interfa ce mov es through the states.
7-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 7 Config uring STP and RSTP Spanni ng-Tree Int erfac e States Listening State The li stening stat e is the fi rst s tate a L ayer 2 i n terf ace e nters af ter th e blocki ng sta te.
7-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 7 Conf igur ing ST P and RSTP Spanning- Tree Add ress Mana geme nt Span ning-Tr ee Address Manage ment IEEE 802.1D specifi es 17 multicast addresses, ranging from 0x00180C2000000 to 0x0180C2000010, to be used by differen t bri dge prot ocols.
7-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 7 Config uring STP and RSTP Accelerated Aging to Retain Connectivity Accelerated Aging to Retain Connectivity The.
7-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 7 Conf igur ing ST P and RSTP Rapid Conve rgence • Root port—Pro vides the best path (low est cost) when the switch forwar ds packets to the root switch.
7-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 7 Config uring STP and RSTP Rapi d Co nverg enc e • Root po rts—If the R STP selects a new root port, it b locks the old roo t po rt and immed iately transit ions the new root port t o the forwar ding sta te.
7-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 7 Conf igur ing ST P and RSTP Synchroni zation of Port Rol es Figur e 7 -4 Prop osal and A gree ment Handshak in.
7-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 7 Config uring STP and RSTP Bridge Protocol Da ta Unit Format and P rocessi ng Figur e 7 -5 Sequen ce of Ev ents Dur ing Rapid Con ver gence Bridge Protoco l Data Unit Format an d Process ing The R STP BP DU for mat is th e sam e as t he IEEE 802.
7-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 7 Conf igur ing ST P and RSTP Topology Changes The RSTP does not have a separate topo logy chan ge notificati on (TCN) BPD U. It uses the topology change (TC) f lag to show the topolo gy changes.
7-15 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 7 Config uring STP and RSTP Interoperability with IEEE 802.1D STP • Protoc ol mi gration—F or backwa rd compati bility wi th IEEE 802.1 D switch es, RSTP selecti vely sends IEEE 802.
7-16 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 7 Conf igur ing ST P and RSTP Default STP and RSTP Con figuration Default STP and RS TP Configuration Ta b l e 7 - 5 shows the default STP and RSTP configuration .
7-17 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 7 Config uring STP and RSTP Configuring the Root Switch Beginning in p rivileged EXEC mo de, fol low these steps.
7-18 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 7 Conf igur ing ST P and RSTP Confi gur ing th e Path Cos t T o return the in terface to its def ault setting , use the no bri dge-gro up id bridge-gr oup- number priorit y- val ue command.
7-19 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 7 Config uring STP and RSTP Configuring the Switch Priority of a Bridge Group Configuring the Sw itch Priority of a Bridge Group Y o u can conf igure the switch priority and mak e it more likely that the switch will be chosen as the root switch.
7-20 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 7 Conf igur ing ST P and RSTP Configuring the Forwa rding-Del ay Tim e for a Bridg e Group Configuring th e Forw.
7-21 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 7 Config uring STP and RSTP Veri fying and Monitoring S TP and RS TP Stat us Note Th e show spanning-tree inter face interface- id privileged EXEC command displa ys informa tion only if th e port is in a l ink-up oper ative state.
7-22 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 7 Conf igur ing ST P and RSTP Verifying an d Monitoring STP and RSTP Status Port 20 (POS0) of Bridge group 1 is forwarding Port path cost 3, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.
C HAPTER 8-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 8 Configuring VLANs This c hapter d escrib es VLAN configuratio ns for t he ML -Series c ard.
8-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 8 Configur ing VLAN s Configuring IEEE 80 2.1Q VLA N Encapsul ation ML-Series sw itching supports up to 900 VLAN subinter faces per card ( for example, 200 VLANs o n four interfaces uses 8 00 VLAN subint erface s).
8-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 8 Config uring VLAN s IEEE 8 02.1Q VLAN Configurat ion Note In a bridge grou p on the ML- Series ca rd, th e VLAN ID does not have to be uniform a cross inter faces that bel ong to that br idge gro up.
8-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 8 Configur ing VLAN s IEEE 802. 1Q VLAN Configuratio n Figur e 8-2 Br idging IEEE 802.1Q VLANs Exam ple 8- 1 sho ws ho w to conf igure VL ANs for IEEE 8 02.1Q V LAN encapsu lation.
8-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 8 Config uring VLAN s Monito ring and Verifyi ng VLAN Operation pos flag c2 1 ! interface POS0.1 encapsulation dot1Q 1 native bridge-group 1 ! interface POS0.2 encapsulation dot1Q 2 bridge-group 2 ! interface POS0.
8-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 8 Configur ing VLAN s Monitoring and Verifying VLAN Operation.
C HAPTER 9-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 9 Configuring IEEE 802.1Q Tunneling and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling V irtual priv ate networks (VPNs) provid e en.
9-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 9 Confi guring IEEE 8 02.1Q Tunneling an d Layer 2 Pro tocol Tu nneling Underst anding IE EE 802.
9-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 9 Conf iguring IEEE 802 .1Q Tunnel ing an d Layer 2 Protocol Tunne ling Understand ing IEEE 802.
9-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 9 Confi guring IEEE 8 02.1Q Tunneling an d Layer 2 Pro tocol Tu nneling Configuri ng IEEE 802.1Q T unneling Configuring IEE E 802.1Q Tunneling This section includ es the follo wing information about co nfig uring IEEE 802.
9-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 9 Conf iguring IEEE 802 .1Q Tunnel ing an d Layer 2 Protocol Tunne ling IEEE 802.1Q Exam ple Note Th e VLA N ID ( VID) r ange of 2 to 4095 is r ecom mend ed for I EEE 802.
9-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 9 Confi guring IEEE 8 02.1Q Tunneling an d Layer 2 Pro tocol Tu nneling Underst anding VLA N-Tra nsparent a nd VLAN -Specific Serv ices ! interface POS0.
9-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 9 Conf iguring IEEE 802 .1Q Tunnel ing an d Layer 2 Protocol Tunne ling VLAN-Transparent and VLAN-Specific Services Configuration Example Note VLAN-transparent ser vice is also referred to as Ethernet W ire Service (EWS).
9-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 9 Confi guring IEEE 8 02.1Q Tunneling an d Layer 2 Pro tocol Tu nneling VLAN-Tra nsparent and VLAN-Spe cific Serv.
9-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 9 Conf iguring IEEE 802 .1Q Tunnel ing an d Layer 2 Protocol Tunne ling Understan ding Layer 2 Protoco l Tunnel ing interface POS1 no ip address crc 32 ! interface POS1.
9-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 9 Confi guring IEEE 8 02.1Q Tunneling an d Layer 2 Pro tocol Tu nneling Configuring Layer 2 Prot ocol Tunnel ing • CDP discovers and shows information ab out the othe r Cisco devices connec ted throu gh the service- provider n etwork.
9-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 9 Conf iguring IEEE 802 .1Q Tunnel ing an d Layer 2 Protocol Tunne ling Layer 2 Prot ocol Tun neling Con figurat.
9-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 9 Confi guring IEEE 8 02.1Q Tunneling an d Layer 2 Pro tocol Tu nneling Configuring Layer 2 Tunn eling Per-VLA N.
9-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 9 Conf iguring IEEE 802 .1Q Tunnel ing an d Layer 2 Protocol Tunne ling Monitor ing and Verif ying Tu nnelin g Status T able 9-3 Commands for M onit or ing and Maintaini ng T unneling Command Purpose show dot1q-tunnel Disp lays IEEE 802.
9-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 9 Confi guring IEEE 8 02.1Q Tunneling an d Layer 2 Pro tocol Tu nneling Moni toring a nd Ve rifying T unneling S.
C HAPTER 10-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 10 Configuring Link Aggregation This c hapter describ es how to c onfigure li nk aggr egation f or the ML-Ser ies c ards, both E therCha nnel and pac ket-o ve r-SONET /SDH (POS) channel.
10-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 10 Conf iguring Link Aggrega tion Configuring EtherChanne l Each M L100T -12 suppor ts up to six FECs a nd one PO S ch annel. Each ML1 00X-8 su pports up to four FECs and one POS ch annel.
10-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 0 Configur ing Link Aggr egation Ether Channel C onfigur ation Ex ample For informa tion on othe r configur ation t asks for the E therCh annel, refe r to th e Cisco IO S Configuration Fundame ntals Con figuration Guide .
10-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 10 Conf iguring Link Aggrega tion Configuring POS Channel bridge-group 1 hold-queue 150 in ! interface FastEther.
10-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 0 Configur ing Link Aggr egation POS Ch annel C onfigur ation Ex ample T o c reate a PO S channe l inte rface, per form the foll owing procedur e, beginn ing in gl obal configur ation mode: Cautio n The POS channel inter face is the route d interfa ce.
10-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 10 Conf iguring Link Aggrega tion POS C hannel Configurat ion Exa mple Figur e 1 0-2 POS Chann el Example Exampl.
10-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 0 Configur ing Link Aggr egation Underst anding Enca psulation over Et herChannel or POS Chan nel pos flag c2 .
10-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 10 Conf iguring Link Aggrega tion Encapsul ation ov er EtherChan nel Exam ple Figur e 1 0-3 Enca psulation o ver.
10-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 0 Configur ing Link Aggr egation Monito ring and Verify ing EtherChan nel and POS encapsulation dot1Q 2 bridge.
10-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 10 Conf iguring Link Aggrega tion Monitor ing and Verifying EtherCha nnel and POS Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Unknown duplex, Unknown Speed ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 No.
C HAPTER 11-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 11 Configuring Networking Protocols This c hapter d escrib es how to configu re the M L-Seri es car d for su pport ed IP routi ng prot ocols. It is intende d to provide en ough in format ion for a ne twork adm inistra tor to get t he protoc ols up and ru nning.
11-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols RIP RIP T o conf igure the Rout ing Inf o rma tion Pr otocol (RI P), perfor m.
11-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols BGP BGP T o c onfigure the Border Ga teway Protocol (B GP), p erform the f.
11-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Configuring IP Routing Use the no ip routing global con figuration com mand ( Exa mple 11- 1 ) to disable rou ting.
11-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Configuring RIP Using RIP , the sw itch sends routing informa tion upd ates (a dvertisem ents) every 30 secon ds.
11-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Conf igurin g RI P Command Purpose Step 1 Router# configure terminal E nters g lobal configuration mode . Step 2 Router(config)# ip routing Enables IP rout ing.
11-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Configuring RIP T o tur n of f the R IP r outi ng pr ocess , us e the no rout er rip global co nfiguration c omma nd.
11-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Conf igurin g RI P Beginning in privileged EX EC mode , follow this proced ur.
11-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Config uring OSPF T o disable IP summarization, use the no ip summary-address rip router co nfiguration comm and.
11-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Configuring OSPF T able 1 1 -2 Def a ult OSPF Confi gurat ion Featur e Default Setting Inte rface pa ram eters Cost: No defau lt cost predef ined.
11-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Config uring OSPF Figure 11-1 shows an example of an IP routin g protocol usi ng OSPF .
11-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Configuring OSPF Beginning in privile ged EXEC mode, follow this procedure to enable OSPF: T o terminate an OSPF routing process, use the no router ospf pr ocess-i d globa l configurat ion com mand .
11-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Config uring OSPF OSPF Interface Parame ters Y ou ca n use the ip ospf interf ace con fig uration co mmands to modify i n terf ace-spec ific OSPF paramete rs.
11-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Configuring OSPF Use the no form of these co mmand s to remo ve th e conf igured paramete r v alue or ret u rn to the default val ue .
11-15 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Config uring OSPF Rout e summariz ation is the cons olidati on of adv ertis ed addres ses into a si ngle summ ary route to be advertised by other areas.
11-16 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Configuring OSPF Example 1 1 -7 s how ip ospf databa se and sho w ip ospf Pr ivileged E XEC Comman d Ouputs Router# show ip ospf database OSPF Router with ID (192.
11-17 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Config uring OSPF • Domain Name Server (DNS) names for use in all OSPF show privileged EX EC comm and dis play s make it easier to identi fy a ro ute r than disp laying i t by rout er ID or neighbo r ID .
11-18 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Configuring OSPF Change LSA Group Paci ng The OSPF LS A group pacing feature allows the router to group OSPF L SAs and pa ce the re freshing, check- summi ng, and a ging functions f or mo re efficient rout er use .
11-19 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Config uring OSPF Loopback Interface OSPF uses the highest IP address configured on the inte rfaces a s its router ID.
11-20 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Conf igu ring EIGRP Configuring EIGRP Enhanc ed IGRP (EIG RP) is a Cisco propriet ary enhanced versio n of the Int erior Gateway Routin g Protoco l (IGR P).
11-21 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Configuring EIGRP least-cost path to a de stination t hat is guar antee d not to be par t of a routin g loop.
11-22 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Conf igu ring EIGRP T o crea te an EIG RP routin g process, yo u must enable EIGRP and asso ciate ne tworks. EIG RP sends updates to the interf aces in the specif ied networks.
11-23 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Configuring EIGRP Use the no forms of these co mmands to disabl e the featur e or retur n the sett ing to the def ault valu e.
11-24 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Conf igu ring EIGRP Use the no forms of thes e command s to disabl e the feat ure or re turn the sett ing to the de fault v alue.
11-25 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Config ure EIGR P Route Aut henti cation Configure EIGRP Route Authentica.
11-26 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Configure EIG RP Route Authen tication Monitoring and Maintaini ng EIGRP Y ou c an delete neigh bors from the ne ighbor t able.
11-27 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Border Ga teway Prot ocol and Cl assless Interdomai n Routing P, 1 successors, FD is 30720 via (30720/28160), POS0 P 192.
11-28 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Border Ga tewa y Protocol and Classl ess Inte rdomain Routing Router(config)# router bgp 30 Router(config-router)# network 192.
11-29 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Confi guring IS-IS Prefix advertised 2, suppressed 0, withdrawn 0 Number .
11-30 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Verifying the IS -IS Configur ation Exam ple 11 -16 sho ws an e xampl e of IS-I S ro uting confi gurati on. Example 1 1 -16 Configur ing IS-IS Routing Router(config)# router isis Router(config-router)# net 49.
11-31 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Configuring Static Routes Address Summarization: None Maximum path: 4 Routing for Networks: FastEthernet0 POS0 Routing Information Sources: Gateway Distance Last Update 192.
11-32 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Monitor ing Static Rout es Example 1 1 -19 sho w ip r oute Pr ivileged EXEC .
11-33 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Monitoring and Maintaining the IP Network C is directly connected, POS0 C is directly connected, FastEthernet0 S* 0.
11-34 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Configu ring IP M ulticas t Routi ng PIM dense mo de assum es that the downstream networks want to re ceive the datagrams fo rwarded to them.
11-35 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 1 Configuring Network ing Protocols Monitoring and Verifying IP Multicast Operation Monitoring and Verifyin g.
11-36 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols Monito ring and Verifyin g IP Mul ticast O peration.
C HAPTER 12-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 12 Configuring IRB This cha pter descri bes how to configure integrated routing a nd bridging (I RB) for th e ML-Seri es card. For more information about the Cisco IOS c ommands used in th is chapter , refer to the Cisco IOS Comm and Reference publication.
12-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 12 Configuring IRB Configu ring IR B • The default routing /bridgi ng behavior in a brid ge group (w hen IRB is enabl ed) is to bridg e all packet s. Make sure th at you expli citly conf igure routing on the BVI for IP traff ic.
12-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 2 Configuring IRB IRB Confi guration Exam ple T o e nable a nd configu re IRB a nd BVI , perfo rm t he foll owing procedu re, beginn ing in global configurati on m ode: IRB Configuration Example Figure 12-1 shows an exampl e of I RB co nfiguration.
12-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 12 Configuring IRB Monitoring and Verifying IRB ! interface POS0 no ip address crc 32 bridge-group 1 pos flag c2 1 ! interface POS1 no ip address crc 32 bridge-group 1 pos flag c2 1 ! interface BVI1 ip address 192.
12-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 2 Configuring IRB Mon itoring and Verifying IRB The follo wing is s ample output from the sho w interfaces b v.
12-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 12 Configuring IRB Monitoring and Verifying IRB Routed protocols on POS0: ip Bridged protocols on POS0: clns ip Software MAC address filter on POS0 Hash Len Address Matches Act Type 0x00: 0 ffff.
C HAPTER 13-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 13 Configuring VRF Lite This c hapter describ es how to c onfigure VPN Routi ng an d Forwarding Lite (VRF Li te) f or the ML-Ser ies cards.
13-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 13 Configuring VRF Lite Configuring VRF Lite Configuring VRF Lite Perform th e follo wing proced ure to c onfi gure VRF Li te: Exam ple 13 -1 sho ws an example of conf igur ing a VRF .
13-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VRF L ite VRF Lite C onfigur ation Exam ple VRF Lite Configuratio n Example Figure 13-1 sh ows an example of a VRF Lite configuration .
13-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 13 Configuring VRF Lite VRF Lite Configur ation Example bridge-group 2 ! interface FastEthernet1 no ip address ! interface FastEthernet1.1 encapsulation dot1Q 3 ip vrf forwarding customer_b ip address 192.
13-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VRF L ite VRF Lite C onfigur ation Exam ple ! bridge 1 protocol ieee bridge 2 protocol ieee bridge 3 protocol ieee ! ! interface FastEthernet0 no ip address ! interface FastEthernet0.
13-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 13 Configuring VRF Lite VRF Lite Configur ation Example Example 1 3-4 Router_A Globa l Routing T able Router_A# s.
13-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 3 Configuring VRF L ite Monitoring and Verifying VRF Lite Gateway of last resort is not set C 192.
13-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 13 Configuring VRF Lite Monitoring and Verifying VRF Lite.
C HAPTER 14-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 14 Configuring Quality of Service This chapte r describes the quality of service (QoS) featu res b uilt into your ML-Series car d and how to map Q oS schedu ling a t bot h the system and in terface levels.
14-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service Prio rity Me chanism in IP an d Et hern et the ML-Ser ies card to pro v ide dif ferent le vels of treatment to th e diff erent servi ces.
14-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service Ether net CoS Figur e 14-1 IP Precedenc e and DSCP Ethern et CoS Etherne t CoS refer s to three bits within a four b yte IEEE 80 2.
14-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service ML-Serie s QoS ML-Series QoS The ML-Se ries QoS classi fies each packet in the .
14-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service Policing Policing Dual le aky b ucket poli cer is a process where the f irst b ucket (CIR b ucket) is f illed with tok ens at a kno wn rate (C IR), whi ch is a para meter that can be configure d by the oper ator .
14-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service Queuing In some c ases, it might b e desirable to discard all traffic of a specific ingress class.
14-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service Schedul ing WDRR e xtends the qu antum idea f rom the DRR to pro vide weighted thro ughput for each queue.
14-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service Control Pac kets and L2 Tunneled Protocol s Control Pack ets and L2 Tunne led Proto cols The c ontrol pack ets originated by the ML-Se ries car d hav e a higher priority th an data packets.
14-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service Ingress Priority Marking Using the QinQ featu re, serv ice pro viders can use a si ngle VLAN to support customers with multiple VLANs.
14-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service QoS on Cisc o Proprietary RPR Note QoS a nd po licing a re not support ed on t he ML -Series c ard int erface when link aggregation is used.
14-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service QoS on Cisc o Prop rietar y RPR Cautio n "Match cos 0" should not be included in the definition of any class-map, because non-VLAN-tagge d Ethern et pack ets are al ways treate d as CoS 0 on inpu t from Ether net.
14-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service Conf igu ring QoS Configuring QoS This sec tion descr ibes the tasks fo r configuring t he ML-S eries car d QoS functi ons using the M QC.
14-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service Creating a Traffic Policy Creating a Traffic Policy T o conf igure a traf f.
14-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service Creating a Traffic Policy T able 14-2 T raf fic P olicy Commands Command Purpose Router (config)# policy-map policy-name Specif ies the name of the traf fic polic y to conf igure.
14-15 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service Creating a Traffic Policy Router (config-pmap-c)# police cir-rate-bps norma.
14-16 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service Attaching a Traffic Pol icy to an Int erface Attaching a Traffic Policy to an .
14-17 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service Configu ring Co S-Base d QoS Use the no form of the co mmand to det ach a t raff ic p olic y fro m an i nterf ace.
14-18 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service QoS Configura tion Exampl es Exam ple 14 -4 sho w ex amples of the QoS commands .
14-19 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service Traffi c Classes Defined Ex ample Traffic Classes Defined Example Exam ple 14 -5 sho ws ho w to creat e a cl ass map called class 1 that matche s incomi ng tra f f ic enter ing interf ace fast ethern et0.
14-20 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service clas s-map match- any and cla ss-map m atch-a ll Comm ands E xample class-map .
14-21 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service ML-Series V oIP Exam ple Match input-interface SPR1 Match cos 1 ML-Series Vo IP Example Figure 14-7 sho ws an exampl e of ML-Ser ies QoS conf igured for V oIP .
14-22 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service ML- Seri es C oS-B ase d QoS Example Figur e 14-8 ML -Ser ies P olicing Exampl.
14-23 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service ML-Series C oS-Based QoS Ex ample Figu re 14-9 ML -S er ie s CoS Examp le Exam ple 14 -14 shows th e code used to conf igure ML-Serie s card A in Figure 14-9 .
14-24 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service Underst anding Mu lticast Qo S and Prior ity Multic ast Queuing Understandin g.
14-25 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service Multicast Priority Queuing QoS Restrictions When band width is alloca ted t.
14-26 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service Configuring Multicas t Priority Queu ing Qo S T able 14-5 CoS Multicast Pr ior.
14-27 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service QoS not Config ured on Egr ess QoS not Configured on E gress The QoS bandwidth a llocation o f multicast and broadca st traf fic is handled se parately from unicast traf fic.
14-28 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service ML-Serie s Egress B andwidt h Example For example, if 18 x ban dwidth is avail.
14-29 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service Understa nding CoS -Based Packet Stati stics policy-map policy_egress_bandw.
14-30 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service Configuring CoS-Based Packet Statistics Note For IEEE 802.1Q (QinQ) enable d interf aces, CoS ac counting is base d only on th e CoS v alue of the out er metro tag imposed by the servi ce provider .
14-31 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service Understandi ng IP SLA Cos 3: Cos 4: Cos 5: Cos 6: 10 640 Cos 7: Router# sho.
14-32 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service IP SL A on th e ML -Ser ies Depending on the specif ic IP SLAs operation, stat.
14-33 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 4 Configur ing Quality of Service IP SLA Restrictions on the ML-Series • The average Round Trip T im e (R T T) m easured on a n M L-Ser ies IP SL A feat ure is more than the actual data path la tenc y .
14-34 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 14 Configuring Quality of Service IP SLA Restri ctions on the ML-Series.
C HAPTER 15-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 15 Configuring the Switchin g Database Manager This chap ter descri bes the switchin g database m anager (SDM) .
15-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 15 Configuring the Switching Database Manager Conf igurin g SD M • W eighted -e xact-match reg ion—The weighted -e xact-ma tch re gion con sists of e xact-m atch-en tries with an assigne d weight or priorit y .
15-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 5 Configuring the Switching D atabase M anager Confi guring Acce ss Control Li st Size in T CAM Configuring Access Cont rol List Size in TCAM The defau lt maximum size of the A CL is 300 64-bit entries.
15-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 15 Configuring the Switching Database Manager Monitoring and Verifying SDM.
C HAPTER 16-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 16 Configuring Access Contro l Lists This chapte r describes the access con trol list (A CL) features built in to the ML-Series card.
16-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 16 Configuring Access Control Lists IP AC Ls • A CL logging is supported onl y for packet s going to the CPU , not for switc hed packets. • IP stan dard A CL s app lied to bri dged egre ss interfa ces ar e not support ed in the d ata-p lane.
16-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 6 Configur ing Acces s Control Lis ts Creating IP ACLs Creating IP ACL s The follo wing se ctio ns de scribe h.
16-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 16 Configuring Access Control Lists Creating IP ACLs Creating Named Standard IP ACLs T o c reate a named standa r.
16-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 6 Configur ing Acces s Control Lis ts Modifying ACL TCAM Size Modifying ACL TCAM Size Y o u can chan ge the TCAM si ze b y entering the sdm access-list comm and.
16-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 16 Configuring Access Control Lists Modi fyin g ACL TCA M Si ze.
C HAPTER 17-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilie nt Pa cket Ring Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature.
17-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Understand ing Cisco Proprietary RPR Understandin g Cisco Proprietary RPR Cisco pro prietar y RPR is a MAC protocol ope rating a t the L ayer 2 level.
17-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Ring Wrappi ng Figur e 17 -1 Cisco Pr opr ietary RPR P.
17-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Ring Wrapping Figur e 17 -2 Cisc o pr opr ietary RPR Ring .
17-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Cisco Prop rietar y RPR Fr aming Proc ess Cisco Pr opr.
17-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring MAC Addre ss and VLAN Sup port Figur e 17 -4 Cis co Pr opr.
17-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring C isco Pr opri etary R PR Q oS The ML-Ser ies card still has a n archit ectural ma ximu m limit of 25 5 VLANs/bri dge-groups pe r ML-Ser ies card.
17-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Connecting th e ML-Series Car ds with Point-to-Po int STS/STM Circu its Note Transaction Lang uage One (TL1) can be use d to pr ovision the requ ired SON ET/SDH point -to-point circuits inste ad of CTC.
17-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Config uring CTC Ci rcui ts for Cisco P ropri etary R .
17-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Configuring CTC Circuits for Cisco Proprie tary RPR Figu re 17 - 6 C TC Ca rd View for ML - Series Ca rd Step 2 Click the Circuits > Crea te tabs.
17-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Config uring CTC Ci rcui ts for Cisco P ropri etary R PR Step 4 Click Next . The Circuit Attrib utes page appears.
17-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Configuring Cisco Proprieta ry RPR Characteristi cs and the SPR Interf ace on the ML-Ser ies Card Step 20 Bui ld the third c ircuit be tween POS 0 on Node 3 and POS 1 on Nod e 1.
17-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Configuring Cisco Proprietary RPR Characteristics and.
17-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Assigning the ML -Series Card POS Por ts to the SPR Interface Assigning the ML-Series Card P OS Ports to the SPR Interface Cautio n The SPR interfa ce is the r outed i nterfa ce.
17-15 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Creat ing t he B ridge Grou p an d As sign ing t he E.
17-16 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Cisco Proprietary RPR Cisco I OS Configuratio n Example F.
17-17 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Cisco Pr oprietary RPR C isco IOS C onfigur ation Ex .
17-18 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Verifying Ether net Conn ectivity Betw een Cisco Pro prie.
17-19 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Add an M L-Ser ies C ar d into a Ci sco P ropr ieta r.
17-20 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Add an ML-Seri es Card into a Cisco Proprietary RPR Figure 17-9 sho ws the existin g two-node Cisco proprietary RPR with the single STS ci rcuit and span that will be d eleted.
17-21 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Add an M L-Ser ies C ar d into a Ci sco P ropr ieta r.
17-22 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Adding an ML -Series Card i nto a Cisco Propr ietary RPR .
17-23 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Addi ng an ML -Ser ies C ard into a Cis co P ropr iet.
17-24 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Delete an ML-Ser ies Card from a Cisco Proprietary RPR St.
17-25 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Delete an ML-Series Card from a Cisco P roprietary RP.
17-26 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Deleting a n ML-Series Card from a Cisco Pro prietary RPR • For ce aw ay any existing non-ML-Series ca rd circuits, such as DS- 1, that use the sp ans that will be deleted.
17-27 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Deleting an ML-Series Card from a Cisco Proprietary RPR Step 5 Log in to Adj acent Node 1 w ith C TC. Step 6 Double- click the ML-Ser ies card in Adjac ent Node 1.
17-28 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Understand ing Cisco Propri etary RPR Link Faul t Propagation Step 23 If the M L-Ser ies card in the new node is to b e dele ted in CT C and phy sically removed, do so now .
17-29 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring LFP Sequence Figur e 17 -13 Cisco Pr opr ietary RPR Lin k F ault Propag ation Example LFP Sequ ence LFP update s are done th rough a Cisco discovery packet (C DP) packet extension.
17-30 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Propagati on Delays • Disabling LFP on the maste r interface. Link fau lts on ly p ropagat e fr om mast er to slave.
17-31 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring LFP Configuration Requirements T o enable and co nf i.
17-32 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Cisco Proprietary RPR Keep Alive Example 1 7 -6 Monit or .
17-33 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Monito ring and Verify ing Cisco Propr ietary RPR Kee.
17-34 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Cisco Proprietary RPR Shor test Path Hardware is POS-SPR, address is 0005.
17-35 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Cisco Propr ietary R PR Sho rtest Pa th Figur e 17 -14 Shor test a nd Long est Pa th By always usi ng the shorte st path , traffic betwe en two nod es ca n achieve the lowest p ossible latency .
17-36 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring Configuring Shortes t Path and Top ology Di scovery Confi.
17-37 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring Understanding Redundant Interconnect Understandin g R.
17-38 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring RI for SW RPR Configuration Examp le • Provides card-l .
17-39 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 7 Configuring Cisco Propriet ary Resilien t Packet Ring RI for S W RPR Confi guration Ex ample spr ri mode pr.
17-40 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring RI for SW RPR Configuration Examp le.
C HAPTER 18-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 18 Configuring Ethernet over MPLS This chapter describes how to configure Eth ernet ov er Multiproto col Label Switchi ng (EoMPLS) on the ML-Seri es card .
18-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 18 Conf iguring Ethernet over MPLS Underst anding EoM PLS Figu re 18-1 E oMP LS Se rv ice P rovider N etwork Imple menting Eo MPLS on a service pro vider n etw ork re quires M L-Series card in terf aces to pl ay three major roles.
18-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 8 Configuring Ethernet over MPLS EoMPLS Su pport EoMPLS S upport EoMPLS on the ML-Ser ies card has the follo wing charac teristics: • EoMPLS is onl y sup ported on FastEt hernet and G igabitE therne t int erface s or subinterfac es.
18-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 18 Conf iguring Ethernet over MPLS Conf igurin g Eo MPLS By default, the ML-Ser ies card does not map th e IEEE 802.1P bits in the VLAN tag header to the MPLS EXP bits.
18-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 8 Configuring Ethernet over MPLS EoMPLS C onfigu ration Gu idelines • EoMPLS Configurat ion o n PE-CL E SPR .
18-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 18 Conf iguring Ethernet over MPLS VC Type 5 Configu ration on PE-CLE Port VC Ty pe 5 Config uration o n PE-C LE Port The cu stome r-facing FastEt hernet o r Giga bitEthe rnet port mu st be provisione d wit h EoMP LS a nd a VC type 4 or type 5.
18-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 8 Configuring Ethernet over MPLS VC Type 5 Co nfigur ation on PE-C LE Port Command Purpose Step 1 Router(config)# mpls label protocol ldp Specif ies LDP as th e label distr ibution protocol.
18-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 18 Conf iguring Ethernet over MPLS EoMPLS Conf iguration on PE -CLE SPR Interface EoMPLS C onfig uration o n PE-.
18-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 8 Configuring Ethernet over MPLS Setting the Priority of Packets with the EXP Setting the Prio rity of Pack ets with the EXP Etherne t over MPLS provid es QoS using the three EXP bits in a label to determine the priori ty of packets.
18-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 18 Conf iguring Ethernet over MPLS EoMPLS Conf iguration Exa mple Figur e 18-2 EoMPLS Confi gura tion Exam ple .
18-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 8 Configuring Ethernet over MPLS EoMPLS C onfigur ation Ex ample no ip address spr-intf-id 1 crc 32 router ospf 1 log-adjacency-changes network area 0 network 10.
18-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 18 Conf iguring Ethernet over MPLS Monitor ing and Verifyi ng EoM PLS no ip address spr-intf-id 1 crc 32 ! router ospf 1 log-adjacency-changes network 0.0.
18-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 8 Configuring Ethernet over MPLS Understanding MPLS-TE Understandin g MPLS-TE MPLS traf fic is normally routed to the least cost path as calculat ed by OSPF or another IGP routing protocol.
18-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 18 Conf iguring Ethernet over MPLS Conf igurin g MPL S-TE Ethernet FCS preser vation is off by default on the ML -Series ca rd.
18-15 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 8 Configuring Ethernet over MPLS Configuring OSPF and Refresh Reduction for MPLS-TE Note A V C type 4 requ ires on e PO S interfac e to be configure d for M PLS-TE t unnel and t he other POS inter face configur ed for the 80 2.
18-16 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 18 Conf iguring Ethernet over MPLS MPLS-TE Conf igurati on Example MPLS-TE Configuration E xample Figure 18-3 illustrates th e sample netw ork that th e conf iguratio n commands r eference.
18-17 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 8 Configuring Ethernet over MPLS MPLS-T E Configur ation Example no mpls traffic-eng auto-bw timers frequency 0 ! ! ! interface Loopback0 ip address 222.222.222.
18-18 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 18 Conf iguring Ethernet over MPLS Monitoring and Verifying MP LS-TE and IP RSVP ! ip explicit-path identifier 1 enable next-address next-address 192.168.
18-19 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 8 Configuring Ethernet over MPLS RPRW A larm Ta b l e 18-2 shows the privileged EXEC comma nds suppo rted to mo nitor and verify the state of IP RSVP on the ML-Series ca rds.
18-20 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 18 Conf iguring Ethernet over MPLS RPRW Alarm.
C HAPTER 19-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 19 Configuring Security for the ML-Series C ard This chap ter des cribes the security feature s of the ML-Ser ies card.
19-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 19 Configuring Security for the ML-Series Card Disablin g the Console Por t on the ML-S eries Ca rd Disabling the.
19-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 9 Configuring Security for t he ML-Serie s Card Config uring SSH SSH has two applic ations , an SSH server a nd SSH c lient. The M L-Seri es car d only supports the SSH server and does not support the SSH clien t.
19-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 19 Configuring Security for the ML-Series Card Configuring SSH T o delete the RSA ke y pair , use the crypto ke y zer oize r sa globa l configurat ion c ommand. Afte r the RSA ke y pair is deleted, the SSH serv er is automatically disabled.
19-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 9 Configuring Security for t he ML-Serie s Card Displaying the SSH Configuration and Status T o return to the def a ult SSH c ontrol param eters, use the no ip ssh { time out | authenti cation- ret ries } global configurat ion comm and.
19-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 19 Configuring Security for the ML-Series Card RADIUS on the ML-Ser ies Card For more infor mation abo ut these c.
19-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 9 Configuring Security for t he ML-Serie s Card Configuring RADIUS Relay Mode Configuring RADIUS Relay Mode This fe ature is turned on w ith C TC or TL1 .
19-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 19 Configuring Security for the ML-Series Card Underst andin g RADIUS Understanding RADIUS When a user at tempts to log i n and au thenticate to an ML-Seri es card with acc ess contr olled by a RADIUS ser ver , these e ve nts occur : 1.
19-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 9 Configuring Security for t he ML-Serie s Card Config uring RADIUS Default RADIU S Configuration RADIUS and A AA ar e disa bled by defau lt. T o pr ev e nt a lapse in secu rity , you can not configure R ADIUS through a network mana geme nt applicat ion.
19-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 19 Configuring Security for the ML-Series Card Conf igurin g RADI US T o remov e the specif ied RADIUS serve r , use the no radius-server host hostname | ip-add r ess global configurati on c ommand.
19-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 9 Configuring Security for t he ML-Serie s Card Config uring RADIUS This examp le shows how to configure host.
19-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 19 Configuring Security for the ML-Series Card Conf igurin g RADI US Step 3 Router (config)# aaa authentication login { default | list-name } method1 [ method2... ] Create a logi n authen tica tion meth od list.
19-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 9 Configuring Security for t he ML-Serie s Card Config uring RADIUS T o dis abl e AAA, use t he no aaa new-model global co nfiguration comm and.
19-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 19 Configuring Security for the ML-Series Card Conf igurin g RADI US Step 3 Router (config)# radius-server host .
19-15 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 9 Configuring Security for t he ML-Serie s Card Config uring RADIUS T o remov e the specif ied RADIUS serve r , use the no radius-server host hostname | ip-add r ess global configurati on comm and.
19-16 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 19 Configuring Security for the ML-Series Card Conf igurin g RADI US T o disable au thorization, u se the no aaa author ization { network | exec } method1 global configurat ion comm and.
19-17 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 9 Configuring Security for t he ML-Serie s Card Config uring RADIUS Iden tifying the sp ecif ic ML-Ser ies card tha t sent the request to the serv er can be useful in deb ugging from the serv er .
19-18 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 19 Configuring Security for the ML-Series Card Conf igurin g RADI US T o return to the default settin g for the retransmit, timeout, and deadti me, use the no form s of th ese comm ands.
19-19 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 1 9 Configuring Security for t he ML-Serie s Card Config uring RADIUS cisco-avpair= “ip:outacl#2=deny ip any” Other vendor s have their own unique vendor-IDs, option s, and assoc iated V SAs.
19-20 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 19 Configuring Security for the ML-Series Card Display ing the RADI US Config urat ion T o d elete t he vendor-proprietar y RADIU S host , use the no radius-serv er host { hostn ame | ip- ad dress } non-standard global c onfigura tion comm and.
C HAPTER 20-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 20 POS on ONS Ethernet Cards This chap ter descr ibes pack et-over-SONE T/SD H (PO S) an d its im pleme ntati on on O NS Ether net card s.
20-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 20 PO S o n ONS Ether net C ards POS In teroper ability Figur e 20-1 Ether net to POS P ro cess on ONS N ode ONS Ether net card s all use POS.
20-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 20 PO S on ONS Ethernet Cards POS Interoperability The CRC size option does not need to match on th e two endpoints when usin g GFP-F fram ing mode . All Ethe rnet cards do not interoper ate or support a ll the POS port charac teristic o ptions.
20-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 20 PO S o n ONS Ether net C ards POS Encapsula tion Types Note Cisc o prop rietary RPR requ ires L EX en capsulat ion on all ML -Serie s cards. I EEE 80 2.17 RPR is not configurab le an d us es IEEE 802.
20-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 20 PO S on ONS Ethernet Cards LEX Figu re 20-2 RPR Data Frames LEX The Cisco EoS LEX is the primary encap sulation of ONS Et hernet cards.
20-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 20 PO S o n ONS Ether net C ards PPP/BCP PPP/BCP The PPP enca psulation is a standard implementation of RFC 2615 (PPP-o ver-SONET/SD H), and provides a stand ard im pleme ntation of RFC 3518 (BCP) to provide the transm ission o f 802 .
20-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 20 PO S on ONS Ethernet Cards E-Se ries Pr opriet ary E-Ser ies Proprie tary The E- Series uses a propr ietary H DLC-lik e enca psulatio n that i s incomp atible wit h LEX, Cisc o HDLC, or PPP/BCP .
20-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 20 PO S o n ONS Ether net C ards ONS 153 27 E-10/10 0-4 Frami ng and En capsul ation Op tions ONS 15327 E-10 /100-4 Framing and Enca psulation Op tions For Software Release 5.
20-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 20 PO S on ONS Ethernet Cards G-Seri es Encapsu lation a nd Framing Figur e 20-8 ONS 15454 and ONS 15454 S D H E.
20-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 20 PO S o n ONS Ether net C ards ONS 1 5454, ONS 154 54 SDH, ONS 15 310-CL, and and ONS 15310- MA CE -Serie s C.
20-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 20 PO S on ONS Ethernet Cards Ethe rne t Clo cking Ver sus S ONET /SDH Clo ckin g Figur e 20-1 1 ML -Ser ies Car d Fr aming and Encapsulation Options Ethernet Clocki ng Versus SONET/ SDH Clocking Ether net cl ocking is asyn chron ous.
20-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 20 PO S o n ONS Ether net C ards Ethernet Clocking Versus SONET/SD H Clocking.
C HAPTER 21-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 21 Configuring RMON This ch apte r descr ibes how to co nfigure rem ote ne twork mon itori ng (RMO N) on the M L-Ser ies card for the ONS 15454 SONET/SD H.
21-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 21 Conf iguring RMON Conf igu ring RMON Figur e 21 -1 Remot e Monit ori ng Example Configuring RMON These secti .
21-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 21 Con figuring RMO N Confi guring RM ON Alarms an d Events Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, fo llo w these steps to enable RM ON alarms and e vents. This procedu re is requi red.
21-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 21 Conf iguring RMON Configuring RMON Alar ms and Event s T o disable an alarm, use the no rmon al arm number glo bal c onfigurati on comma nd on e ach al arm you configured .
21-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 21 Con figuring RMO N Collecting Group History Statistics on an Interface Collectin g Group Hist ory St atistics on an Interface Y ou must first c onfigure RMO N al arms an d events to displ ay co llec tion inf ormat ion.
21-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 21 Conf iguring RMON Collecting Group Ether net Statistic s on an Interfac e Collectin g Group Et hernet St atistics on an Interface Beginn ing in pr iv ileged EXEC mode, f ollo w these steps to collect group Ethern et statistic s on an interf ace.
21-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 21 Con figuring RMO N Thresho ld and Tr iggere d Actions The user ca n also configu re the C RC-AL ARM to tr igger a link state down on t he port a nd to w rap an Cisco proprie tary RPR .
21-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 21 Conf iguring RMON Unwrap Sync hroniza tion Before doing a ma nual clear , the user needs to determine th e root cau se of a CRC- ALARM and cor rect it.
21-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 21 Con figuring RMO N Unwrap Sy nchroniz ation Figu re 21 -2 Wrapped C isc o proprietar y RP R with Unid irecti onal Excess ive CRC E r rors Figure 21-3 illustrates the unwrap seq uence for Figure 21-2 .
21-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 21 Conf iguring RMON Unwrap Sync hroniza tion Figur e 21 -3 Un wrapped Cisco propr ietary RP R with Unidir ecti.
21-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 21 Con figuring RMO N Unwrap Sy nchroniz ation Figur e 21 -4 W rapped Cisco propr ietary RPR with B idir ectional E xcessi ve CR C Er rors Figure 21-5 illustr ates the first part of th e unwrap seque nce for Figur e 21-4 .
21-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 21 Conf iguring RMON Unwrap Sync hroniza tion Figur e 21 -5 First Stag e of Unwr apped Cis co pr oprie tary RPR with Bidir e ctional Ex cessiv e CRC Er rors Node E h as not unwrappe d POS por t 1 after the first CRC-ALARM clear command.
21-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 21 Con figuring RMO N Configuring the ML-Series Card CRC Error Threshold Figur e 21 -6 Secon d Stag e of Unwr a.
21-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 21 Conf iguring RMON Clearing the CRC-AL ARM Wrap with th e Clear CRC Error Command Clearing the C RC-ALARM Wra.
21-15 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 21 Con figuring RMO N Conf igurin g ML- Serie s Card RMO N fo r CRC Error s Beginn ing in pri vilege d EXEC mod.
21-16 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 21 Conf iguring RMON Configuring an SNMP Trap for the CRC Error Thresho ld Using Cisco I OS Configurin g an SN MP Trap for the CRC Error Th resh old Using Cis co IO S The ML-Series card supports RMON trap fun ctionality in Cisco IOS.
21-17 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 21 Con figuring RMO N Configuring an SN MP Trap for the CRC Error Threshold Using Cisco IOS Below is an example of configuring an SNM P trap fo r the CRC error thre shold.
21-18 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 21 Conf iguring RMON Dete rmi nin g the ifIn dex Numb er fo r an M L-S erie s Ca rd 2005-03-22 16:25:38 []: SNMPv2-MIB:sysUpTime.
21-19 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 21 Con figuring RMO N Manual ly Chec king CRC Errors on the ML-Se ries Ca rd The slot and port are combine d to for m the ifIn dex using th e following fo rmula : ifIndex = (slot * 10 000h) + (p ort) 10000h is the h exadecima l equivalent numbe r of 65536.
21-20 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 21 Conf iguring RMON Displa ying RMON St atus ML_Series(config)# show interface pos 0 POS0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is Packet/Ethernet over Sonet, address is 0005.
21-21 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 21 Con figuring RMO N Displaying RMON Status Event 10 is active, owned by config Description is Event firing ca.
21-22 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapte r 21 Conf iguring RMON Displa ying RMON St atus.
C HAPTER 22-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 22 Configuring SNMP This chap ter de scribe s ho w to conf igure the ML-Ser ies card for operat ing with Simple Netw ork Managem ent Protocol (SNM P).
22-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 22 Configuring SNMP SNMP on the M L-Series Car d • Using SNMP to Access MIB V ariab les, page 22-4 • Supporte.
22-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 2 Configuring SNM P SNMP Ver sions SNMP Versio ns Both the ML-Ser ies card and the ONS 15 454 SON ET/SDH nodes.
22-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 22 Configuring SNMP SNMP Ag ent Fu nctions SNMP Agen t Fun ctions The SNMP a gent responds to SNMP manage r requests as follo ws: • Get a MIB v a riable—Th e SNMP agent be gins this functi on in response to a request from th e NMS.
22-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 2 Configuring SNM P Support ed MIBs Supporte d MIBs The co mplete l ist of suppor ted MIBs for the M L-Ser ies card is found in the MIBsREA DME.t xt file on the ONS Softw are CD for your release.
22-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 22 Configuring SNMP Conf igurin g SNM P Configuring SNMP This se ction describe s how to c onfigure SNMP on yo ur M L-Serie s card .
22-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 2 Configuring SNM P Disabling the SNMP Agent • An SNMP engine ID is a name for the loc al or remote SNMP eng ine.
22-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 22 Configuring SNMP Conf igurin g Com muni ty Stri ngs Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, foll ow these steps to.
22-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 2 Configuring SNM P Config uri ng S NMP Grou ps an d U sers This example shows how to assign the stri ng comac.
22-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 22 Configuring SNMP Configuring SNMP Notificati ons Configuring SNMP Notifications A trap manager is a manage ment st ation tha t rece iv es and proc esses n otification types (t raps).
22-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 2 Configuring SNM P Configuring SNMP Notifications Beginn ing in pri vilege d EXEC mode, follo w th ese steps.
22-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 22 Configuring SNMP Setting the A gent Contact and Locati on Informatio n The snmp-ser ver host command speci fies which h osts rec eive the n otif ications .
22-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 2 Configuring SNM P Limiti ng TFTP Servers Used T hrough SN MP Limiting TFTP Server s Used Thr ough SNM P Beg.
22-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 22 Configuring SNMP Displaying SNMP Status This e xample shows h ow to allo w read-only access for all objects to member s of access list 4 that use the comacce ss communi ty string.
C HAPTER 23-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 23 E-Series and G-Series Ethernet Operatio n Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature.
23-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 23 E-S eries an d G-S eri es Et her net O perat ion G1K-4 and G1000 -4 Compari son • High a v ailabili ty (HA).
23-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 3 E-Series and G -Series Et hernet Operat ion G-Series Example Softw are R4.0 and later identif ies G1K-4 cards at physical in stallation. So ftware R3.4 and ear lier identi f ies b oth G1 000-4 and G1K-4 cards a s G1 000-4 ca rds a t physica l insta llation.
23-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 23 E-S eries an d G-S eri es Et her net O perat ion Gigabit Et herChan nel/IEEE 80 2.3ad Link Aggreg ation When bot h auton egotiati on and flow control are en abled, the G -Serie s card propos es symm etrica l flow contro l to the attac hed Ethe rnet device.
23-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 3 E-Series and G -Series Et hernet Operat ion Ethernet Link Integrity Support Although the G -Series c ards do n ot actively run G EC, t hey support the en d-to-e nd GEC f unctiona lity of attach ed E thern et devices .
23-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 23 E-S eries an d G-S eri es Et her net O perat ion Administr ative and Serv ice States wit h Soak Time for Ethe.
23-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 3 E-Series and G -Series Et hernet Operat ion G-Series Ma nual Cross-Co nnects On the ONS 15454 and O NS 1532 7, prov isionable SONET circuit sizes a re STS 1, STS 3c, STS 6c, STS 9c, STS 12c, STS 24 c, and STS 48 c.
23-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 23 E-S eries an d G-S eri es Et her net O perat ion G-Series Gi gabit Eth ernet Trans ponder Mode Figur e 23-5 G.
23-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 3 E-Series and G -Series Et hernet Operat ion G-Seri es Giga bit Ether net Tra nsponder Mo de A G-Se ries ca rd co nfigured as a tran spon der oper ate s quite differentl y than a G-Seri es car d configure d for SONET/ SDH.
23-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 23 E-S eries an d G-S eri es Et her net O perat ion Two-Port Bidirectio nal Transp onder Mo de A G-Seri es ca rd can be c onfigured either for t ranspon der m ode or as t he SON ET/SDH default.
23-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 3 E-Series and G -Series Et hernet Operat ion Two-Port Unidirectional T ransponder Mode Figur e 23-9 One-P or.
23-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 23 E-S eries an d G-S eri es Et her net O perat ion G-Series Tran spond er Mode Cha racter istics Figur e 23-1 .
23-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 3 E-Series and G -Series Et hernet Operat ion E-Serie s Application Note In normal SONET/SDH mode, the G-Series cards support s an end-to-end lin k integrity function.
23-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 23 E-S eries an d G-S eri es Et her net O perat ion E-Series Mode s E-Series Multicard Ether Switch Gr oup Multic ard Et herSwi tch g roup provisions two or m ore Ethern et ca rds to act a s a single Layer 2 sw itch.
23-15 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 3 E-Series and G -Series Et hernet Operat ion E-Ser ies Modes Figur e 23-12 Single-Car d EtherS witch Config .
23-16 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 23 E-S eries an d G-S eri es Et her net O perat ion E-Series IEEE 802.
23-17 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 3 E-Series and G -Series Et hernet Operat ion E-Serie s VLA N Sup port For the E 100T -G or E 10/100- 4 (oper.
23-18 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 23 E-S eries an d G-S eri es Et her net O perat ion E-Series Q-Ta gging ( IEEE 802. 1Q) Figur e 23-14 Edit Cir cuit Dialog Box Feat uri ng A v ailable VLAN s E-Series Q-T agging (IEEE 802.
23-19 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 3 E-Series and G -Series Et hernet Operat ion E-Series Q-Tag ging (IEEE 802. 1Q) Figur e 23-15 Q-tag Moving Thr ough VLAN The ONS nod e uses th e Q-tag attache d by the external Ethern et devices that support IE EE 802.
23-20 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 23 E-S eries an d G-S eri es Et her net O perat ion E-Series Priori ty Queuing (IEEE 8 02.1Q) E-Series Priority Queuing (IEEE 8 02.1Q ) Netwo rks without priority queui ng handle all packet s on a first-in-f irst-out (FIFO) basis.
23-21 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 3 E-Series and G -Series Et hernet Operat ion E-S eries Spa nni ng Tr ee ( IEEE 80 2.
23-22 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 23 E-S eries an d G-S eri es Et her net O perat ion E-Series Spa nning Tree (IEEE 802. 1D) Figur e 23-18 Spannin g T r ee Map on Ci rcuit Wind ow Note G reen re presen ts fo rwarding span s and pu rple repre sents blocked (prote ct) sp ans.
23-23 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 3 E-Series and G -Series Et hernet Operat ion E-Seri es Cir cuit Config urat ions E-Series Spanning Tree Conf.
23-24 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 23 E-S eries an d G-S eri es Et her net O perat ion E-Series Circu it Protection E-Ser ies Cir cuit Prote ction.
23-25 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 3 E-Series and G -Series Et hernet Operat ion E-Seri es Shared Packet R ing Eth ernet Ci rcuits Figur e 23-20.
23-26 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 23 E-S eries an d G-S eri es Et her net O perat ion E-Series Hub- and-Spok e Ethernet Circuit Provisi oning E-S.
23-27 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 3 E-Series and G -Series Et hernet Operat ion Remote Moni toring Specifi cation Ala rm Thresholds interv al. For exam ple, if a threshold is set at 1 000 collisio ns and 10 01 collision s occur du ring the 15-minute interv al, an e vent trigg ers.
23-28 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapt er 23 E-S eries an d G-S eri es Et her net O perat ion Remo te M onito rin g Sp ecif ica tion Alar m Th resh olds.
C HAPTER 24-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 24 CE-100T-8 Ethernet Operation This c hapter descri bes the op erati on of the CE-100 T -8 (Ca rrier Ethe rnet) card sup port ed on the ONS 15454 and ON S 15454 SDH.
24-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 24 C E-100T-8 Eth ernet Operation CE-100T- 8 Ethernet Featu res The CE- 100T -8 card carrie s any Laye r 3 pr otocol that c an b e enca psulated and tr anspo rted over Ethe rnet, such as IP or IPX.
24-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 4 CE-100T-8 E therne t Operation Ethernet Link Integrity Support T o prev ent over -subscription, bu f fer memory is av ailable for each por t. When the bu ffer memory on the Ether net port nears capac ity , the CE- 100T -8 uses IEEE 802.
24-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 24 C E-100T-8 Eth ernet Operation Administr ative and Serv ice States wit h Soak Time for Ethernet an d SONET/SDH Ports Note Som e network devices ca n be c onfigured to i gnore a l oss of car rier c ondition .
24-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 4 CE-100T-8 E therne t Operation IEEE 802 .1Q CoS and I P ToS Queuing IEEE 8 02.
24-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 24 C E-100T-8 Eth ernet Operation RMON and SN MP Support Ethernet fr ames w ithout VLAN tagging use T oS-ba sed pri ority q ueue ing if b oth T oS and CoS pr iority queueing is ac tiv e on t he card .
24-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 4 CE-100T-8 E therne t Operation CE-100T-8 SONET/SDH Ci rcuits and Fe atures CE-100T-8 SONET/SDH Circuits an d Features The CE-1 00T - 8 has eigh t POS ports, n umber ed one through e ight, which ca n be mana ged with CTC or TL1.
24-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 24 C E-100T-8 Eth ernet Operation Available Cir cuit Sizes a nd Combination s The num ber of available circ uits a nd tot al c ombine d ban dwidth f or the CE- 100T -8 depen ds on the comb ination of c ircuit sizes configured .
24-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 4 CE-100T-8 E therne t Operation Availabl e Circuit Si zes and Combi nations Ta b l e 24-10 sho ws VC-3- 3v and V C-3-2 v circuit size comb inations av ailabl e for t he CE- 100T -8 on th e ONS 15454 SDH.
24-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 24 C E-100T-8 Eth ernet Operation Available Cir cuit Sizes a nd Combination s 14 111 5 ( x=1–2 8) 8 15 1 0 7 0.
24-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 4 CE-100T-8 E therne t Operation CE-100T-8 Po ols 2 These service combin ations require cr eating the VC-12-xv circuit befor e you create the VC-3 cir cuits. CE-100 T-8 Poo ls The CE-10 0T -8 total circu it capaci ty is divided among four pools.
24-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 24 C E-100T-8 Eth ernet Operation CE-100T-8 Pools Figur e 24-4 CE-1 00T -8 Allocation T ab f or SDH.
24-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 4 CE-100T-8 E therne t Operation CE-100T-8 Po ols Figur e 24-5 CE-1 0 0T -8 STS/VT Allocation T ab CE-100T-8 .
24-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 24 C E-100T-8 Eth ernet Operation CE-100T-8 VCA T Characteri stics CE-100T-8 Pool Provisioning Rules All V CA T c ircuit membe rs mu st be f rom th e sam e pool .
24-15 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 4 CE-100T-8 E therne t Operation CE-100 T-8 Loopback , J1 Path Trac e, and SON ET/SDH Alarms CE-100 T-8 Loopb ack, J1 Pa th Tra ce, and SONE T/SDH Alarms The CE-100T -8 card supports terminal and facility loopbacks.
24-16 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 24 C E-100T-8 Eth ernet Operation CE-100T-8 L oopbac k, J1 Path Tr ace, and SONET /SDH Al arms.
C HAPTER 25-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 25 CE-1000-4 Ethernet Operation Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature.
25-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 25 CE-1000- 4 Ethernet Opera tion CE-1000-4 Ethernet Feat ures Figur e 25-1 CE-1 00 0-4 P oint-to-P oint Circ uit The CE-10 00-4 ca rds allow you to provision an d mana ge an Ethern et priv ate lin e servic e like a traditi onal SONE T/SDH l ine.
25-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 5 CE-1000-4 Eth ernet Oper ation Autoneg otiation and Frame Buf fering Note Many Eth ernet attr ib utes are als o a v ailable th rough th e networ k elem ent (NE) def aults feature.
25-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 25 CE-1000- 4 Ethernet Opera tion Flow Con trol Thres hold Provisi oning In pass-through mode , transmit flo w control frames ar e not generated by the Ethernet port interf aces, and re ceived flow contro l fram es pa ss thro ugh t ranspar ently .
25-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 5 CE-1000-4 Eth ernet Oper ation Administrative and Service States with Soak Time for Ethernet and SONET/SDH P.
25-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 25 CE-1000- 4 Ethernet Opera tion Stat istics and Coun ter s Statistics and Counters The CE-10 00-4 has a full range of Et herne t and POS statist ics inform ation under the Per formanc e > Ether Ports tabs o r the Performance > POS Ports tabs.
25-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 5 CE-1000-4 Eth ernet Oper ation CE-100 0-4 POS Enca psulati on, Frami ng, and CRC • Add or remove cross- co.
25-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 25 CE-1000- 4 Ethernet Opera tion CE-10 00-4 Loo pback, J1 Pa th Trac e, and SONET/ SDH A larms The user ca n pro.
C HAPTER 26-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature.
26-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring RPR-IEEE Featu res on the ML-Ser ies Card Note Th rougho ut this book, Ci sco prop rietar y RPR is referr ed to as Cisc o proprie tary RPR, an d IEEE 8 02.
26-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g RPR -IEEE Fr aming Proc ess An RP R-IEEE is mad e up of dua l coun ter-rotating rings (ringl ets), one for cl ockwise or w est dat a traffic and o ne for c ounter-cloc kwise or ea st data traffic.
26-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring RPR-IEEE Framing Process Figur e 26-2 RPR-IEEE Data F rames Ta b l e 26-1 defines the most important f ields in the RPR-IEEE data frame.
26-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g RPR -IEEE Fr aming Proc ess Figure 26-3 illustrates t he RPR-I EEE t opology and prot ection c ontrol f rame.
26-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring CTM and RPR-IEEE Figur e 26-4 F air ness F rame F orma t For co.
26-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Configuri ng the Attr ibute Discovery Ti mer – Configuri.
26-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Conf igu ring BER Th resh old Valu es T o c onfigure th e repor.
26-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Configuring the Hold-off Timer Figur e 26-5 Eac h RPR-IEEE.
26-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Conf igurin g Ju mbo F rame s T o e nable and c onfigure t he .
26-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Configuring Forced or Manual Switching T o enable an d co.
26-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Configuring Protection Time rs T o e nable and c onfigure f or.
26-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Configuring the Wait-to-Restore Timer T o enabl e and con.
26-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Confi guring a Span Shutdow n Config uring a S pan Sh utdo wn The rpr -ieee shutdow n command perfor ms the same t ask as the rpr -ieee protect ion request forced-swi tch comman d.
26-15 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Configuring Triggers for CRC Error s T o e nable and c on.
26-16 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Configuring Triggers for CRC Erro rs T o enable an d conf igur.
26-17 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Config uring Q oS on RPR- IEEE Configuring QoS on RPR-IEEE The dif ferent priorities o f traf fic can be conf igured with rate limiters and prescrib ed specif ic bandwidths.
26-18 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring ClassC ClassC This i s the lowest traffic priori ty .
26-19 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Configuring Fairness Weights Configuring Fair ness Weights RPR-IEEE has a configurab le fairness syste m, used to con trol con gestio n on each ri nglet.
26-20 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Configuring RPR-IEEE Service Clas ses Using the Mo dular QoS CLI • Cisco IO S Qual ity of Se rvice S olutions Configuration Gui de, Rele ase 12.
26-21 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Confi guratio n Example fo r RPR-IEEE QoS Configuration E xample for RPR-IEEE QoS The following sample configurat ions are for RPR-IEEE QoS.
26-22 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Verifying an d Monitoring RPR-IEEE ! policy-map EgrNNI class c.
26-23 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Verifying and Monitoring RPR-IEEE • The show i nterface.
26-24 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Verifying an d Monitoring RPR-IEEE 5 minutes input rate 577869.
26-25 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Verifying and Monitoring RPR-IEEE Local Congestion: Conge.
26-26 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Verifying an d Monitoring RPR-IEEE Example 2 6-6 show r pr -ie.
26-27 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Verifying and Monitoring RPR-IEEE ringlet0: NO ringlet1: .
26-28 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Verifying an d Monitoring RPR-IEEE Topology entry at Index 4 on ringlet 0: Station MAC address: 0013.
26-29 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Verifying and Monitoring RPR-IEEE ATD INFO: Station Name:.
26-30 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Configuring RPR-IEEE End-to-En d Advertised Protection request.
26-31 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Provisioning Card Mode Cautio n High-level data link con trol (H DLC) fra ming is not suppo rte d. Note Y ou can use TL-1 to pro vision the required SONET/SDH point-to -point circuits instead of CTC.
26-32 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Creating the RPR-I EEE Interfac e and Bridge G roup Example of.
26-33 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Creat ing t he R PR-I EEE Inte rfac e an d Bri dge Grou p 6. Enable t h e rpr -ieee interf ace. 7. Set the enca psulatio n on the Etherne t interf ace.
26-34 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Creating the RPR-I EEE Interfac e and Bridge G roup T o e nabl.
26-35 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Configuration Examples for Cisco IOS CLI Portion of End-to-End RPR-IEEE Configuration Examples for Cisco IOS CLI Portion of End-to-End RPR-IEEE The following exam ples sh ow RPR-IEE E co nfigurations.
26-36 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Configuration E xamples for Cis co IOS CLI Portion of En d-to-End RPR-IEEE Example 2 6-8 Con figuration Example for a Co mplex RPR-IEEE version 12.
26-37 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g Verifying RPR-IEEE End-to-End Ethernet Connectivity bridge-group 12 bridge-group 12 spanning-disabled ! interface RPR-IEEE0.
26-38 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring Characteri stics of RI on th e ML-Series Card Figu re 26-8 RPR.
26-39 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g RI Conf igurat ion Exam ple Cautio n RPR-IEEE RI requ ires co mmunic ation over the topo logy bet ween t he ML-Se ries ca rds.
26-40 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring RI Configuration Exa mple Router# show interface rpr-ieee 0 RPR-IEEE0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is RPR-IEEE Channelized SONET, address is 0019.
26-41 Ethernet Card Software Feature an d Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 2 6 Configuring IEE E 802.17b Res ilient Packet Rin g RI Conf igurat ion Exam ple Spans Provisioned : true Topo.
26-42 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring RI Configuration Exa mple.
A- 1 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 APPEND IX A Command Re ference Note Th e terms "Unidire ctiona l Path Switched Ri ng" and " UPSR" may appear in Ci sco liter ature.
A- 2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence [no] bridge br idge-g roup-nu mber p rotocol {dr pri-rstp | ie ee | rstp} [no] bridge brid.
A-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence [no] clo ck auto [no] clock aut o Use the clock auto com mand to dete rmi ne whet her the s yste m clo ck param eters are co nfigured automatically f rom the TCC2/TCC2 P card.
A- 4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence inte rfa ce sp r 1 interf ace spr 1 Use this command to create a shared p acket ring (SPR) in terface on an ML-Serie s card for a re silient packet ring (RPR) in Ci sco propr ietary RPR mo de.
A-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence [no] ip radius nas-i p-address {hostnam e | ip-addre ss} [no] ip radius nas-ip-a ddress { hostname | ip-address } The ML- Series ca rd allo ws the user to conf igure a separ ate nas- ip-addr ess for ea ch ML-Ser ies card.
A- 6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence microcod e fail sy stem-r eload microcode fail system-rel oad In the e vent of a microco de fail ure, use th is command to con fig ure the ML-Ser ies card to s av e informatio n to the flash mem ory and then reb oot.
A-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence [no] po s pdi hold off ti me [no] pos pdi hol doff time Use this command to sp ecify th e .
A- 8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence [no] pos r eport alarm [no] pos report ala rm Use this command to specif y which alarms/si gnals are logged to the conso le. This command has no ef fect on whet her alarms a re rep orted to the TCC 2/TCC2P and CTC.
A-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence [no] pos tr igger defects c ondition [no] pos trigger de fects condition Use this command to sp ecify wh ich condition s cause th e associated POS link state to change.
A-10 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence [no] pos sc ramble -spe [no] pos scramble-spe Use this command to e nable scra mbling. Syntax Desc ripti on This comm and has no arguments o r keywords.
A-11 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence rpr-ieee atd-timer value rpr-ieee atd-timer value Use this command to conf igure the a ttr ib ute di scov ery (A TD) timer , which controls t he frequen cy of A TD p acket transm issions on the IEEE 802.
A-12 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence rpr-ieee f airnes s weight value rpr-ieee fairness weight value Use this command to co nfigure the fairn ess weight of an IEEE 802. 17b based RPR stat ion.
A-13 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence [no] rp r-iee e ri fore ign [no] rpr-ieee ri foreign Use this command to c ontrol the secondary card laser sta tes and th e interf ace w ait to r estore (WTR) timer w hen changi ng f rom sec ondar y mode to p rimary .
A-14 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence rpr-ieee ke epalive -timer i nterval [eas t | west] rpr-ieee keepalive-timer interval [east | west] Use this command to configure the keepalive timer configurati on on a specific IEEE 802.
A-15 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence [no] rpr -iee e pr otect io n pref ju mbo [no] rpr-ieee p rotection pre f jumbo Use this command to set the IE EE 802.17b based RPR stat ion MTU pre ferenc e to jumbo Et hernet frames.
A-16 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence [no] rpr-ieee protect ion reques t forced-s witch {east | west } [no] rpr-ieee p rotection req uest forced-switc h {east | west} Use this com mand to trigger a forced-switc h protectio n e vent on the specif ied IEEE 802.
A-17 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence [no] rpr-ieee protection request man ual-switch {east | west} [no] rpr-ieee p rotection req uest manual-switch {e ast | west} Use this com mand to trig ger a manual -switch protection event on the specified IEEE 802 .
A-18 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence rpr-ieee pr otection sonet hold off-time r interval {ea st | west} rpr-ieee protecti on sonet holdoff-time r interval {east | west} Use this command t o configure th e SONET hold-off timer for a protecti on event on the specified IEEE 8 02.
A-19 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence rpr-ieee protection timer fast rate {east | west} rpr-ieee protecti on timer fast rate {east | west} Use this command to c onfig ure the fast pr otection t imer v alue fo r the specifie d IEEE 8 02.
A-20 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence rpr-ieee pr otect ion timer sl ow rate {e ast | we st} rpr-ieee protecti on timer slow rate {east | west} Use this command to c onfi gure the slo w protection tim er v alue on the spe cified IEEE 8 02.
A-21 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence rpr-ieee protection wtr-timer {interval | never} rpr-ieee protecti on wtr-timer {interval | never} Use this command t o configure t he amou nt of time that an IEEE 802.
A-22 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence rpr-ieee f lag c2 value rpr-ieee flag c2 value Use this command to sp ecify th e SONET C2 b yte path ov erhead v alues for both IEEE 8 02.17b base d RPR spans.
A-23 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence rpr-ieee pdi holdoff time interval rpr-ieee pdi holdof f time interval Use this com mand to conf igure the interv al that occur s before a pa th defect indic a tion (PDI) is r aised on an I EEE 802 .
A-24 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence [no] rpr-ieee repo rt alarm [no] rpr-ieee repo rt alarm Use this command to specify which IEEE 802.17b base d RPR alarms or sign als are l ogged to the console .
A-25 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence [no] rp r-ieee ri {primar y | second ary} pee r peer-MAC -address [no] rpr-ieee ri {pri mary | secondary} peer peer - MAC-addre ss Use this command t o set the mo de for the IE EE 802.
A-26 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence [no] rpr-i eee ri {prima ry | se condary } delay in terval [no] rpr-ieee ri {pri mary | secondary} delay interval Use this command to change the soak time for a primary card in acti ve mode.
A-27 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence [no] rpr -ieee sh utdo wn { east | w est} [no] rpr-ieee sh utdown {ea st | west} This com ma nd is sim ila r to a rpr- ieee pr otection request f orced-switch {east | west } command o n the span.
A-28 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence rpr-i eee tx-tr affic r ate-li mit hig h rate [ea st | we st] rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit high rate [east | west] Use this command to l imit the rate at which Class A1 traf fic is t ransmitted only on a sp ecific (east o r west) span.
A-29 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit medium rate [east | west] rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit medium rate [east | west] Use this command to limit the rate that Class B-CIR traf fic is transmitted on a specific (east or west) span.
A-30 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence rpr-ieee t x-traffic rat e-limit rese rved rat e [east | we st] rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-l.
A-31 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence [no] rpr -ieee tx-traf fic str ict [no] rpr-ieee tx -traffic strict Use this c ommand to co nfig ure either a ll or none of the tr af fic added by the n ode to ha ve the strict o rder (SO) bit set on or of f in the IEEE 802.
A-32 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show con troller po s inte rface-num ber [det ail] show controller pos interface-number [det ail] Use this command to display th e status of the POS controller .
A-33 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show con troller pos inter face-n umber [det ail] Remote hostname : Remote interface: Rem.
A-34 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show con troller po s inte rface-num ber [det ail] Remote interface: Remote IP addr : B3 B.
A-35 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show cont roller rpr-ie ee inter face-n umber [det ail] show controller rp r-ieee interface-number [detail] Use this command to di splay the stat us of the IEEE 802 .
A-36 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show con troller rp r-ieee interface -numb er [detail] NEWPTR = 3 PSE = 0 NSE = 0 ENCAP = .
A-37 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show cont roller rpr-ie ee inter face-n umber [det ail] BIP Sum:0, setTh:0, clrTh:0, Burs.
A-38 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show con troller rp r-ieee interface -numb er [detail] Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, .
A-39 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show cont roller rpr-ie ee inter face-n umber [det ail] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .
A-40 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show con troller rp r-ieee interface -numb er [detail] C2 (tx / rx) : 0x1B / 0x1B Framing : SONET Path Trace Mode : off Transmit String : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .
A-41 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show cont roller rpr-ie ee inter face-n umber [det ail] Relat ed Comma nds sho w interf a.
A-42 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show in terface pos interfa ce-numbe r show interface pos interface-n umber Use this command to d isplay th e status of the POS.
A-43 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show interface pos interface-number Relat ed Comma nds show controller pos clear counte r.
A-44 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show in terface rpr -ieee inte rface- number show interface rpr-iee e interface-n umber Use this com mand to displ ay the status of chosen IEEE 802.
A-45 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show interface rpr-ieee interface-number 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost c.
A-46 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show ons alarm show ons alarm Use this comm and to display all the acti ve alarms on the ML- Series ca rd running the Cisco IOS CLI session. Syntax Desc ripti on This comm and has no arguments o r keywords.
A-47 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show ons al arm Relat ed Comma nds show controller pos sho w ons al arm defect sho w ons .
A-48 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show ons alarm de fect eqpt show ons alarm d efect eqpt Use this command t o display the eq uipme nt-la yer defe cts. Syntax Desc ripti on This comm and has no arguments o r keywords.
A-49 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show ons alarm def ect port show ons alarm d efect port Use this command to disp lay the p ort-layer d efects. Syntax Descript ion This comm and ha s no a rguments o r keywords.
A-50 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show ons alarm de fect pos i nterface- numb er show ons alarm d efect pos inte rface-number Use this command to d isplay th e link-lay er defects.
A-51 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show ons al arm defect rpr [int erface- number] show ons alarm d efect rpr [interface-numbe r] Use this command to d isplay th e interf ace defec ts on the layer .
A-52 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show ons alarm fail ure eqpt show ons alarm fa ilure eqpt Use this command to d isplay the e quipment-layer failures. Syntax Desc ripti on This comm and has no arguments o r keywords.
A-53 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show ons alarm failure port show ons alarm fa ilure port Use this command to disp lay the p ort-layer f ailures. Syntax Descript ion This comm and ha s no a rguments o r keywords.
A-54 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show ons alarm fail ure pos i nterfac e-number show ons alarm fa ilure pos interface-number Use this command to d isplay th e link-lay er fail u res.
A-55 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show o ns alarm failure rpr [interface-number] show ons alarm fa ilure rpr [interface-number] Use t his com mand to di splay failu res on a sp ecific IE EE 80 2.
A-56 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show rpr- ieee cou nters show rpr-ieee cou nters Use this command to d isplay the v arious packet/b yte counters f or each span of the IEEE 802.
A-57 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show rpr-iee e count ers Unicast Low Priority 18701060600 2954767575274 Unicast Med EIR P.
A-58 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show rpr- ieee cou nters Unicast High Priority 3693986118 583445203252 Multicast Low Prior.
A-59 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show rpr-iee e count ers 0 framer runts, 0 framer giants, 0 framer aborts, 0 mac runts, 0.
A-60 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show rpr- ieee fail ure rpr-ieee interfac e-number show rpr-ieee failure rpr-ieee interface-n umber Use this command to d isplay all inputs used to det ermine the f ailure state o f each span on the IEEE 8 02.
A-61 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show rpr-ieee fairness detail show rpr-ieee fairness detail Use this command to d isplay th e state in formation of th e f airness state machine fo r each sp an of the IEEE 8 02.
A-62 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show rpr- iee e fair nes s de tail TTL to Congestion: 255 Total Hops Tx: 4 Advertised Fair.
A-63 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show rpr-ieee f airness hist ory show rpr-ieee fairness history Use this command to r etrie vs performance m onitoring informatio n about lo cal and d o wnstream IEEE 8 02.
A-64 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show rpr- ieee fa irnes s history 37 01:01:45:0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0% 36 00:46:45:0 / 22500.
A-65 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show rpr-ieee f airness hist ory 69 09:01:45:0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0% 68 08:46:45:0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0% 67 08:31:45:0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0% Downstream Congestion: No.
A-66 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show rpr- ieee fa irnes s history 8 17:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0% 7 17:31:45 : 0 / 225.
A-67 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show rpr-ieee f airness hist ory 44 02:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0% 43 02:31:45 : 0 / 2.
A-68 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show rpr- ieee fa irnes s history 76 10:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0% 75 10:31:45 : 0 / 2.
A-69 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show rpr-ieee f airness hist ory 16 19:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0% 15 19:31:45 : 0 / 2.
A-70 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence sho w rp r-ie ee p rot ecti on show rpr-ieee protect ion Use t his com mand to di splay th.
A-71 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show rpr-ieee rate detail show rpr-ieee ra te detail Use this command to d isplay th e conf igured r ate limits for each se rvice class o f traf fic.
A-72 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show rpr- ieee topol ogy detai l show rpr-ieee topo logy detail Use th is comm and to display topolo gy inform ation gather ed by the station f rom th e prote ction and A TD messages r eceiv ed on either span of an IEEE 80 2.
A-73 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show rpr -ieee topology detail Weight: ringlet0: 1ringlet1: 1 Secondary Mac Addresses: MAC 1: 0000.
A-74 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show rpr- ieee topol ogy detai l ringlet0: IDLEringlet1: IDLE Active Edges: ringlet0: NO r.
A-75 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show rpr -ieee topology detail MAC 2: 0000.
A-76 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence show rpr- ieee topol ogy detai l Measured LRTT: 0 Sequence Number: 3 ATD INFO: Station Nam.
A-77 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence show rpr -ieee topology detail Relat ed Comma nds None.
A-78 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence [no] shutdo wn [no] shutdown Use t his com mand t o plac e a PO S or IE EE 8 02.17b based RPR interfa ce in pass-th rough mode. This comm and h as no a rguments or keywords.
A-79 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence spr-i ntf-id sh ared-pac ket-r ing-numb er spr-intf-id shared-packet-ring-n umber Use this command to a ssign the POS in terface to the SPR interfac e.
A-80 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence [no] spr load -balan ce {auto | po rt-based} [no] spr load-balance {auto | port-based } Use this command to spe cify the Cisco propri etary RPR load-b alanc ing schem e for unicast packet s.
A-81 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence spr station-id station-id-number spr station-id station-id-numb er Use thi s comma nd to configure a station ID .
A-82 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence spr wrap {i mme diate | delay ed} spr wrap {immediate | delayed} Use this command to set t.
A-83 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix A Command Ref erence [no] x conne ct [ destin ation] [vc-id] [ encapsu lation mpls] [no] xconnec t [ destinati.
A-84 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendi x A Command Ref erence [no] xcon nect [d estinatio n] [vc-id] [enc apsulation mpls] At the PE1 i nterf ace: Switch(config)# i nterface vlan 3 Switch(config-if)# xconnect 20.
B-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 APPEND IX B Unsupported CLI Commands This ap pendix lists so me of t he comm and-l ine int erface (CLI) comma nds that are no t supp orted in this releas e, either because the y are not tested, or becaus e of hard ware lim itation s.
B-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendix B Unsup p orted CLI Commands Unsuppo rted Glob al Configurat ion Comma nds bridge <num> doma in bridge <.
B-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix B Un suppo rted CLI Comm ands Un supp orte d PO S Inter fac e Conf igur atio n Comm and s queue-li st router is.
B-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendix B Unsup p orted CLI Commands Unsupporte d POS Interface Conf iguration Comm ands (Cis co Proprietary RPR Virtu al.
B-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix B Un suppo rted CLI Comm ands Unsupport ed Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Etherne t Interface Con figurati on Command.
B-6 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendix B Unsup p orted CLI Commands Unsuppo rted Port-Ch annel Inte rface Configu ration Comm ands rate-limit ser vice -.
B-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix B Un suppo rted CLI Comm ands Unsupport ed BVI Inte rface Configu ration Com mands Unsupported BVI Interfac e C.
B-8 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appendix B Unsup p orted CLI Commands Unsuppo rted BVI In terface Con figuration Commands.
C-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 APPEND IX C Using Technical Support This a ppendix describe s how to re solve pro blems wi th you r ML -Series c ard.
C-2 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appe ndix C Usin g Te chn ical Suppo rt Gett ing the D ata from Your ML- Se ries C ard • Node eq uipmen t and conf iguration ; includi ng type of cr oss-con nect card s, ML-Ser ies cards ’ slot numbers, OC-N cards, a nd TC C2/TCC2P card s.
C-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Append ix C U sing T echnical Su pport Providing Data to Your Technical Support Representative • UNIX wo rkstation—At the UNIX prompt, en ter the command script filen ame , then use T elnet to conne ct to th e ML -Ser ies card .
C-4 Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Appe ndix C Usin g Te chn ical Suppo rt Providing Da ta to You r Technical Support Repre sentati ve.
IN-1 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 INDE X Numerics 802.1 7 RPR c ard mod e 2-4 802.1 D. See STP 802.1 Q. See IE EE 802.
Index IN-2 Ethe rnet C ard Softw are Feat ure an d Co nfig urati on G uide , R7.2 January 200 9 feature list 1-2 monito ring a nd veri fying 6-3 transp arent bridge CR B mode 6-7 bridge IRB m ode 6-8 .
Inde x IN-3 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 clea r bri dge comm an d 6-4 clear vla n command 8-5 clear vla n statis tics command 6-4 cloc king tole rances 20.
Index IN-4 Ethe rnet C ard Softw are Feat ure an d Co nfig urati on G uide , R7.2 January 200 9 rpr- ieee prot ection request fo rced- switch ea st A-16 rpr-iee e protection request fo rced-switc h we.
Inde x IN-5 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 snmp -ser ver use r 22-10 spr-intf-id A-7 9 spr load -balan ce auto A-80 spr load -balan ce port- based A-80 spr .
Index IN-6 Ethe rnet C ard Softw are Feat ure an d Co nfig urati on G uide , R7.2 January 200 9 E Egress priority marking 14-8 EIGR P authenti cation 11-25 comp onents 11-20 config uring 11-22 default.
Inde x IN-7 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 frami ng mode 5-4 G GEC config uring 10-2, 10-4, 13-2 config uring encap sula tion 10-7 get-bulk -requ est operat.
Index IN-8 Ethe rnet C ard Softw are Feat ure an d Co nfig urati on G uide , R7.2 January 200 9 IRB BVIs 12-1 config urati on conside ratio ns 12-1 config uring 12-2 descript ion 12-1 displaying i nfo.
Inde x IN-9 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 Multicast QoS 14-24 N neighbo r discovery /rec overy, E IGRP 11-20 network e lement defa ult 24-2, 25-3 networki ng prot ocols, IP m ulticast routi ng 11-33 to 11-34 network ma nageme nt RMON 21-1 SNMP 22-1 not-so-stu bby a reas.
Index IN- 10 Ethe rnet C ard Softw are Feat ure an d Co nfig urati on G uide , R7.2 January 200 9 R RADIUS attributes vendor-p ropri etary 19-19 vendor-s peci fic 19-18 config uring accoun ting 19-16 .
Inde x IN- 11 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 exam ple 17-29 monito ring a nd veri fying 17-31 underst anding 17-28 MAC addr ess and VLAN support 17-6 monito.
Index IN- 12 Ethe rnet C ard Softw are Feat ure an d Co nfig urati on G uide , R7.2 January 200 9 config uring 22-7 overvi ew 22-4 config urat ion exam ples 22-13 config urati on guideli nes 22-6 defa.
Inde x IN- 13 Ethernet Card Software Feature and C onfiguration Guide, R7.2 January 2009 forwar ding 7-6, 7-7 lear ning 7-7 listening 7-7 overvi ew 7-5 Layer 2 pro tocol tunneling 9-9 limitati ons with IEE E 802.
Index IN- 14 Ethe rnet C ard Softw are Feat ure an d Co nfig urati on G uide , R7.2 January 200 9 V VC4/VC LO allocatio n 24-11 VCAT char act eris tics 25-6 fixed VCG s 25-6, 25-7 flexible VCGs 25-6 VCAT gro up (VCG) 25-6 VCs, assigning interface s A-83 verify ing IP multica st operatio n 11-35 VLAN operat ion 8-5 virtual co ncatenation.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Cisco Systems 15327 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Cisco Systems 15327 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Cisco Systems 15327, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Cisco Systems 15327 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Cisco Systems 15327, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Cisco Systems 15327.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Cisco Systems 15327. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Cisco Systems 15327 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.