Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 48TC**16 du fabricant Carrier
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48TC**16 Single P ackag e Rooftop Gas Heating /Elec tric Cool ing U nit with Pur on r (R - - - 410A) Refrigera nt Size 16 Installation Instructions NOTE : Read the entire instru ction manual before star ting the ins tallation T ABLE OF CONTENTS SAFET Y CONSIDE RA TIONS 2 .
2 Outdoor Air Qua lity Sens or 37 ................. Space Relativ e Humidity S enor or H umidistat 37 .. Smoke Detec tor/Fire Shutdown (FSD ) 38 ......... Connect ing Discrete Inputs 38 .................. Commun ication W iring - - Pr otocols 39 .....
3 Horizontal Connections / Economizer V ertical Connections / Economizer C10864A Fig. 1 - - Unit Dimensional Drawing – 16 Size Unit 48TC**16.
4 C10862A Fig. 1 - - Unit Dimensional Drawing – 16 Size Unit (cont. ) INST ALLA TION Jobsite Survey Complete th e follow ing check s befo re installatio n. 1. Consult local building c odes a nd the NEC (National Electrical Code) AN SI/N FP A 70 for special installa- tion requ irements.
5 Roof Mount — Check bui lding code s for weight distribution requirem ents. Unit operat ing weight i s shown in T abl e 1. T abl e 1 – O per ati ng W ei ghts 48TC**16 COMP ONEN T UNI TS LB (K G) .
6 C10772 Fig. 3 - - Roof Curb Details 48TC**16.
7 A-B 0.5” (13) B-C 1.0” (25) A-C 1.0” (25) MAXIMUM ALL OWABLE DIFFERENCE IN. (MM) A B C C10001 Fig. 4 - - Un it Leveling T oleran ces Ste p 5 — Field Fabric ate D uctw ork NOTE : C abinet retur n-air s tatic press ure (a n egative conditio n) sh all not exceed 0.
8 P o s i t i o n i n go nC u r b— For full peri mete r curbs CRRFCURB074A 00 and 075A00, the clearance b etween th e roof cu rb and the fro nt and r ear base ra ils should be 1 / 4 in (6 .4 mm). The clearance between the curb a nd the e nd base rail s should be 1 / 2 in (13 mm).
9 Ste p 8 — Install Outside Air Hood Economize r Hood Removal and Setup - - Factory Op tion — 1. The hood i s shipped in knock - - down form a nd locat ed in the return air compartmen t. It is attached to the economizer u sing tw o plastic tie- - wraps .
10 Economize r Hood and T wo- - Positi on Hood — NOTE : If the pow er exhaust acces sor y is to be installed on the unit , the hood shippe d with the uni t w il l not be used and mus t be discar ded. Save th e aluminum filter fo r use in the powe r exhaust hood assembl y .
11 Ste p 10 — Install Gas Piping Ins tallation of the gas p iping mu st be accor dance with loca l buildi ng codes and with appli cabl e nati onal codes. In U.S.A., re fer to NFP A 54/ANS I Z223. 1 National Fuel Gas C ode (NF GC ). In Canada, ins tallation must be accordance with the CAN/CSA B149.
12 NOTE : If gas and/or e lect rical connec tions are not going to occur at this time, tape or otherw ise cover th e fitting s so that moisture does not get i nto the building or conduit i n the interim.
13 When installing the gas suppl y line, observe local codes pertainin g to gas pipe installations . Refer to th e NF P A 54/ANS I Z223.1 NFGC lates t e d ition (in Canada, CAN/CSA B149.1). In t he absenc e of l ocal buil ding codes, adhe re to the follow ing pertin ent recommendatio ns: 1.
14 The pipi ng for the c ondensate dra in and ext ernal t rap can be completed after the u nit is in p lace. See Fig . 25. NOTE: T rap should be deep enough to offset maximum unit static difference.
15 C10854 Fig. 29 - - Moun ting Pos ition fo r Field Discon nects (up to 100A) Field p ower w ires are connected to the unit at line- - sid e pressure lugs at the main t ermina l block (T B1) or at factory - - insta lled opt ion non - - fused di sconnect switc h.
16 Units Without Disconnect Option Units With Disconnect Option 2 4 6 1 3 5 L1 L2 L3 Optional Disconnect Switch Disconnect factory test leads; discard. Factory Wiring 1 1 12 13 L1 L2 L3 TB1 208/230-3-60 460-3-60 575-3-60 Disconnect per NEC C10015 Fig.
17 T est the GFCI receptacle by press ing the TEST butto n on the face of the r eceptacle to trip and open the receptacle. Check for prope r grounding wires and power line pha sing if the GFC I receptacle does not trip as required . Pres s the RESET butt on to cl ear the trippe d conditi on.
18 Fa cto ry - - Opti on Thr u - - Base Connec ti ons (Electrica l Con nectio ns) — This ser vice connection kit cons ists of a 1 / 2 - - in electrical bulkhea d connect or and a 1 1 / 2 - - in elec.
19 X C G W2 C W2 G W1 O/B/Y2 Y2 R W1 R Y1 Y1 T H E R M O S T A T (see Note) Note: T ypical multi-function marking. Follow manufacturer’s configuration instructions to select Y2. Do not configure for O output. Field Wiring Central T erminal Board T ypical Thermostat Connections C10903 Fig.
20 Humidi- - Mi Zer R Con tr ol Conne ct ions Humi di - - Mi Zer – Spac e RH Contro ll er — NOTE : The Humidi- - MiZer is a factory in stalled optio n. The Humidi- - MiZer dehumidif ication sys tem requir es a field- - supplied an d - - ins talled space relative humid ity contro l device.
21 HUMIDIST AT C11201 Fig. 42 - - T ypical Humidi - - Mi Zer R Ada ptive D ehum idificat ion Sy stem Hu midis tat W iring Rc Rh W1 G Y2 C O/W2/B Y1 OAT RRS SRTN HUM D1 D2 V+ Vg X* C G W2 W1 Y2 Y1 R EDGE Pro THERMIDISTAT Unit CTB THERMOSTAT *Connection not required.
22 PremierLi nk t (Factory Op tion) C08199 Fig. 44 - - Premier Link Contr olle r NOTE : Refer t o Form 33CS- - 67SI for c omplet e PremierL ink c onfigurati on, opera ting sequence s and troubleshooti ng informa tion. Have a copy of thi s manua l avail able a t unit start - - up.
23 C11202 Fig. 46 - - Prem ierLink W iring Schem atic 48TC**16.
24 C11203 Fig. 47 - - Prem ierLink W iring Schem atic with Hu midi- - MiZer R 48TC**16.
25 Supply Air T em per ature (SA T) Se nsor — On FIOP- - equippe d 48T C**16 units, the unit is supplied with a supply - - air te mpera ture (SA T) sensor (33ZCSENSA T). This sensor is a tubular probe t ype, a pprox 6 - - i nches (12. 7 mm) in leng th.
26 T abl e 4 – Space Se nsor Mo de TB3 TERMINA L FIELD C ONNEC TION INPU T SIG NAL 1 T 5 5 --- S E N / T 5 6 --- S E N An alog (10k th ermi stor) 2 RMTOC C Discrete, 24VAC 3 T 5 5 --- S E N / T 5 6 .
27 Spac e Se nsors — The Premi erLi nk controll er is fact ory- - shipped c onfigured for Space Sensor Mode. A Carrier T - - 55 or T- - 56 s pac e sensor must be us ed. T - - 55 space te mperat ure s ensor provides a signal of spac e t empera ture to the Prem ierLi nk control.
28 Economizer Contr ols Indoor Ai r Qua li ty (CO 2 se nsor ) — The indoor air quality sensor access ory monitors space carbon di oxide (CO 2 ) levels.
29 SEN J5-2 J5-3 COM 13 11 TB3 TB3 IAQ Sensor PL 24 V AC C10285 Fig. 57 - - Outdoor CO 2 Senso r Connec ti ons Spac e Rel ati ve Hum idi ty Senso r or Hum idi stat Conne cti ons — Spac e Re la tiv e.
30 Smoke De te cto r/ Fi re Shutdown (FSD) — This fun ction is available only when PremierLink is conf igured fo r (Space) S enso r Mode. The unit is factory- - wired f or Premier Link FS D operation wh en Premier Link is factory- - installed .
31 CCN Comm unic ati on Bus — The Premie rLink cont roller conne cts t o the bus in a daisy chain arrangement. Nega tive pins on each component must be con nected to resp ective n egative pins , an d likewis e, positive pins o n each component must be connected to res pective po sitive pin s.
32 R TU O pen Contr ol Syst em The R TU Open cont rol is fact ory- - mount ed in the 48TC**16 unit’s ma in control box, to t he le ft of the CT B. See Fig. 66. Factory wiring i s complet ed through harnesses conne cted t o the CT B. Fie ld connec tions for R T U Open sensors will be ma de a t the Phoenix connec tors on the R TU Open board.
33 C11204 Fig. 67 - - R TU Open System Control Wiring Diagram 48TC**16.
34 C11205 Fig. 68 - - R TU Open System Control Wiring Diagram with H umidi- - Mi Zer R 48TC**16.
35 T abl e 8 – RTU Ope n Cont roll er Input s and Out puts POINT NAME BACne t OBJ ECT NAM E TYPE OF I /O CON NECTI ON PIN NUM BE R( S) DEDICATE D INPUTS Spa ce T emp / Z one T emp zone_tem p AI (10K.
36 Sp ace T emperatu re ( SPT) S ens ors — There are two t ypes of SPT sensors ava ilabl e from Carrie r , resistive i nput non-com munica ting (T55, T 56, and T 59) an d R net c omm un ic at ing ( SPS, SPPL , SPP , a nd SPPF) sensors.
37 Wiri ng the Indoor Air Q ual ity Se nsor : Fo r each sen sor , use two 2- - c onductor 18 A WG (America n Wire Gage) twis ted- - pair cables (u nshield ed) to connect the separate isolate d 24 vac power source to the sensor and to conne ct the sensor to the cont rol board te rminal s.
38 Relative Humidity Sensor (Polarized Male Connector ) J4-1 or J4-4 + 24 VDC Supply Voltage J4-2 or J4-5 (-) 4 to 20 mA Cu rrent Loop Output to RTU-OPEN 4-20 VAC GND 0-5V mA or or VDC 0 -10V SPAN ZERO C10839 Fig.
39 Com munic atio n W iring - - Pr otocols Genera l — Protocols are t he c ommuni cati on language s spoken by control devi ces. The m ain purpose of a protoc ol i s to communi cate informatio n in the most eff icient method pos sible. D iff erent pro tocols ex ist to prov ide dif ferent kinds of informat ion for different a pplica tions.
40 Loca l Acces s — BACvie w 6 Handhel d: The BAC view 6 is a keypad/ display interface us ed to conn ect to the R TU Open to access the control i nformat ion, rea d sensor values, a nd test the R T U, see Fig. 79. This is an accessor y interface that does not come with the R TU O pen contro ller and can only be us ed at the unit.
41 T able 9 – LEDs The LE Ds on the R T U Open Control Board (see Fig. 65) show the sta tus of cert ain funct ions: If th is L ED is o n... Statu s is.
42 T o wire the re turn ai r entha lpy senso r , pe rf orm the follow ing: 1. Use a 2 - - c onductor , 18 or 20 A WG, twisted pai r cable to conne ct the ret urn air enthal py sensor t o the en- thalpy c ontroll er .
43 Air is introduce d to the duc t smoke det ector sensor ’ s sensing cham ber through a sam pling tube tha t e xtends into the HV AC duct and is directed back into the ventilation system through a (shorter) exhaust tube . The difference in air pres sure between the two tubes pulls the sampled air through the sensing c hambe r .
44 Completing Installation of Return Air Smoke Sensor: 1. Unscrew t he two screws holdi ng the Re turn Air Sensor detect or plate. See Fig. 85. Save the scre ws. 2. Remove the Re turn Air Sensor and its det ector pl ate. 3. Rotate the det ector pla te so the sensor is facing out- wards and the sam pling tube connec tion is on the bot- tom.
45 T ab le 10 – U nit W ire/Fu se or HA CR B reak er Sizin g Dat a UNI T NOM . V --- P h --- H z IFM TYPE COMB USTION FAN MOTOR POWER EXHA UST NO C .O. or U NPW R C .O. FLA FLA NO P .E . w/ P .E. (pwr d fr / un it) MCA FUSE or HACR BRKR DISC. SIZE MCA FUSE or HACR BRKR DISC.
46 Economizer 2 Position Damper Unit Without Economizer or 2 Position Damper C10333 Fig. 87 - - EconoMi $er t IV Wir ing Ste p 13 — Adjus t Fac tor y- - Installe d Options Sm oke Detect ors — Smo ke detector( s) w ill be connected at the Cen tral T erminal Board (CTB), at t ermina ls marked “Smoke Shutdown”.
47 48TC**16.
48 Copyright 2011 Carrier Corp. D 7310 W . Morris St. D In dianapolis, IN 46231 Print ed in U.S.A. Edition Date: 05/ 11 Manufacturer reser ves the right to change , at any time, specifications and d esigns without notice and without oblig ations.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Carrier 48TC**16 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Carrier 48TC**16 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Carrier 48TC**16, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Carrier 48TC**16 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Carrier 48TC**16, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Carrier 48TC**16.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Carrier 48TC**16. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Carrier 48TC**16 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.