Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 48AK du fabricant Carrier
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Manufacturer reserves the right to disco ntinue, or change at any time, specifications or de signs without notice and without inc urring obligations. PC 111 Catalog No .
2 RO OF CUR B — For vertical dischar ge units, assemble or in- stall accessory roof curb in accordance with instructions shipped with this accessory . See Fig. 1-4. Install insulation, cant strips, roofing, and counter flashing as shown. Ductwork can be installed to roof curb before unit is set in place.
3 Fig. 1 — Roof Curb — 48AJ,AK020-03 0 and 48EJ,EK024-034 Uni ts.
4 Fig. 2 — Roof Curb — 48AJ,AK034-050 an d 48EJ,EK038-048 Unit s.
5 Fig. 3 — Roof Curb — 48AJ,AK06 0 and 48EJ,EK054 -068 Units.
6 Fig. 4 — Roof Curb Adapter — (48AJ,AK060 and 48EJ, EK054-068 Units on 48DD ,DF054-064 Retrofit, Part No. CRRCADPT005A00) NO TES: 1. Unless otherwise specified, all dimensions are to outside of par t. 2. Seal strip to be placed co vering ref erence holes.
7 Fig. 5 — Base Unit Dime nsions — 48AJ,AK020-030 NO TES: 1. Weights include econ omizer (standard). 2. Ce nter of Gravity . 3. Do not lo cate adjacent u nits with flue di scharge f acing economiz er inlet. Min Clearance s to be: Adjacent Units: 15 ′ -0 ″ [4572].
8 Fig. 6 — Base Unit Dime nsions — 48AJ,AK035-050 NO TES: 1. W eights include economiz er (standard) . 2. Center of Gra vity . 3. Do not locate adjacent units w ith flue discharge f acing econo mizer inlet. Min Clearanc es to be: Adjacent Units: 15 ′ -0 ″ [4572].
9 Fig. 7 — Base Unit Di mensions — 48AJ,AK060 NO TES: 1. Weigh ts include economizer (standard ). 2. Center of Gra vity . 3. Do not locate adjacent units with flue dis- charge f acing economiz er inlet. Min Clearances to be: Adjacent Units: 15 ′ -0 ″ [4572].
10 Fig. 8 — Base Unit Dimensi ons — 48AW,AY020- 030 NO TES: 1. W eights include economiz er (standard) . 2. Center of Gra vity . 3. Do not locate adjace nt units with flue discharge f acing economiz er inlet. Min Clearanc es to be: Adjacent Units: 15 ′ -0 ″ [4572].
11 Fig. 9 — Base Unit Dimensi ons — 48AW,AY035- 050 NO TES: 1. W eights include eco nomizer ( standard). 2. Center of Gra vity . 3. Do not loca te adjacent un its with flue discharge f acing ec onomizer i nlet. Min Clearanc es to be: Adjacent Units: 15 ′ -0 ″ [4572].
12 Fig. 10 — Base Unit Di mensions — 48W,AY060 NO TES: 1. Weig hts include economizer (sta ndard). 2. Center of Gr avity . 3. Do not locate adjacent units with flue dis- charge fa cing economiz er inlet. Min Clearances to be: Adjacent Units: 15 ′ -0 ″ [4572].
13 Fig. 11 — Base Unit Dimensions — 48EJ,E K024-034 NOTES: 1. W eights in clude econom izer (sta ndard). 2. Center of Gravity . 3. Do not lo cate adjacent units with flue dischar ge f acing econom izer inlet. Min Clearances t o be: Adjacent Units: 15 ′ -0 ″ [4572].
14 Fig. 12 — Base Unit Dimensions — 48EJ,EK038 -048 NOTES: 1. W eights includ e economiz er (stand ard). 2. Center of Gra vity . 3. Do not locate ad jacent units with flue discharge faci ng economiz er inlet. Min Clearances to be: Adjacent Units: 15 ′ -0 ″ [4572].
15 Fig. 13 — Base Unit Dimensions — 48EJ,E K054-068 NO TES: 1. W eights incl ude economiz er (stand ard). 2. Ce nter of Gravity . 3. Do not locate adjacent units with flue di scharge f acing econ o- mizer inlet. Min Clearances to be: Adjacent Units: 15 ′ -0 ″ [4572].
16 Fig. 14 — Base Unit Dimensions — 48EW,EY02 4-034 NO TES: 1. W eights incl ude economiz er (stand ard). 2. Ce nter of Gravity . 3. Do not locate adjacent units with flue di scharge f acing econ o- mizer inlet. Min Clearances to be: Adjacent Units: 15 ′ -0 ″ [4572].
17 Fig. 15 — Base Unit Dimensions — 48EW,EY038-048 NOTES: 1. W eights include economizer (standard). 2. Center of Gra vity . 3. Do not locate adjacent u nits with flue d ischarge f acing eco no- mizer inlet. Min Clearances to be: Adjacent Units: 15 ′ -0 ″ [4 572].
18 Fig. 16 — Base Unit Dimensions — 48EW,EY05 4-068 NO TES: 1. W eights incl ude economiz er (stand ard). 2. Ce nter of Gravity . 3. Do not locate adjacen t units with flue discharge faci ng economiz er inlet. Min Clearances to be: Adjacent Units: 15 ′ -0 ″ [4572].
19 48AJ,AK,AW,AY UNITS Fig. 17 — Rigging Information UNIT CENTER OF GRA VITY PERCENT OF TO T A L WEIGHT A T EA CH CORNER (%) Inches Millimeters AB A B 1 2 3 4 48AJ,AKD020 72.4 42.2 1839 1072 21.0% 22.8% 29.2% 26.9% 48AJE020 73.3 42.7 1862 1085 21.6% 22.
20 48EJ,EK,EW,EY UNITS RIGGING WEIGHT S 48AJ,AK,A W ,A Y UNITS *Includes outdoor-air hoods, filt ers, largest a v ailable indoor-f an motor , modulating pow er e xhaust, and the largest av ailable v ariable frequency drive (VFD). NO TES: 1. Center of gravity .
21 Table 1A — Physical Da ta — 48AJ,AK,AW,A Y Units LE GEND *Sizes 020-030: Circuit 1 uses the lower por tion of conde nser coil, Circuit 2 us es the upper portion. Sizes 035- 050: Circuit 1 uses the left co ndenser coil, Cir cuit 2 the right. All u nits hav e intertwined ev apor ator coils .
22 Table 1A — Physical Data — 48AJ,AK,AW,AY Units (cont) LEG END *Sizes 020-030: Circuit 1 uses the lower por tion of conde nser coil, Circuit 2 use s the upper portion. Sizes 035- 050: Circuit 1 uses the left co ndenser coil, Cir cuit 2 the right.
23 Table 1B — Physical Data — 48EJ,EK,EW,EY Units *Sizes 024-034: Circui t 1 uses the lo wer p ortion of condenser coil, C ircuit 2 uses the upper portion. Sizes 038 -048: Circuit 1 uses the left co ndenser coil, C ircuit 2 the rig ht. All units h av e intertwined e vapor ator coils .
24 Table 1B — Physical Data — 48EJ,EK,EW,EY Uni ts (cont) *Sizes 024-034: Cir cuit 1 uses the lowe r portion of condenser coil, Circuit 2 uses the uppe r portion. Sizes 038 -048: Circuit 1 uses the left co ndenser coil, C ircuit 2 the rig ht. All units h av e intertwined e vapor ator coils .
25 Table 1B — Physical Data — 48EJ,EK,EW,EY U nits (cont) *Circuit 1 uses th e left condens er co il. Circuit 2 the right. All units have intertwin ed e vaporator coils. †Motor and dri v e shown will deliver approximately 2.5 in. wg net e xternal static pressure.
26 Table 2 — Operating Weights 48AJ,AK,A W ,A Y Units 48EJ,EK,E W ,EY Units LEGEND *Outdoor-air hoods and filters include d in ba se unit weights; indoor- fan motors are NO T included. NO TES: 1. Base unit weight includes outdoor-air hoods. Base unit weight does NO T include indoor-fan motor .
27 Table 3 — Evaporat or Fan Motor Dat a NO TES: 1. Motor shaft speed is 1750 rpm. The fan shaft dia meter is 1 15 / 16 inches. 2. All indoor f an motors meet the minim um efficiency requirements as established b y the Energ y P oli cy Act of 1992 (EP ACT), effe ctiv e October 24, 19 97.
28 Step 5 — Install Flue Hood 48AJ,AK,A W ,A Y02 0-050 AND 48EJ,EK,EW ,EY024-048 UN IT S — Flue hood is shipped inside gas section of unit. T o install, secure flue hood to access panel. See Fig. 20A. 48AJ,AK,A W ,A Y06 0 AND 48EJ,EK,EW ,EY054-068 UN IT S — Flue hood and wind baf fle are shipped inside gas section of unit.
29 Size gas-supply piping for 0.5-in. wg maximum pressure drop. Do not use supply pipe smaller than unit gas connection. OP TIONAL ST AGED GAS UNITS — Th e s t ag i n g p a tt e r n is selected based on Heat Stage T ype (HTSTG TYP). Max Capacity per changes default va lue is selected based on Capac- ity Maximum Stage (CAPMXSTG).
30 Table 5 — Controls Options and Configu rations (Non-Th ermostat Applicatio ns) LEGEND *With DIP Switch No. 5 configured to OPEN (Occupied Heat Enab led).
31 Features with Thermo stat Control of Unit • two-stage heating • two-stage cooling • control of unit using Y1, Y2 , W1, W2, and G thermostat inputs • control of the indoor fan • outdoor-ai.
32 An electronic expansion board may be field-installed to pro- vide the following features: • provide discrete inputs for fa n status, filter status, field- applied status, and demand limit • pro.
33 • control of one stage of heat to maintain return-air tem- perature at heating set point during occupied peri ods • provide a variable frequency drive high voltage relay output to enable VFD .
34 LEGEND *Where X is the unit contro l software v ersion number . Fig. 27 — Control Board Diagram CCN — Carr ier Comfort Network N.O. — Normally Op en COM — Common R— Rela y D— Diode SIO — Ser ial Input/Output DIP — Dual In-Line Package SW — Switch LED — Ligh t-Emitting Diode T— T er minal N.
35 Table 7 — Electr ical Data — 48AJ, AK,AW,AY Units LEGEND *Fuse or HACR circuit break er per NEC . NO TES: 1. In compliance with NEC requirements for multimotor and combi- nation load equipment (refer to NEC Article s 430 and 440), the ov ercurrent protective de vice f o r the unit shall be fuse or HACR breaker .
36 Table 7 — Electrica l Data — 48AJ,AK,AW, AY Units (cont) LEGEND *Fuse or HACR circuit break er per NEC . NO TES: 1. In compliance with NEC requirements for multimotor and combi- nation load equipment (refer to NEC Article s 430 and 440), the ov ercurrent protective de vice f o r the unit shall be fuse or HACR breaker .
37 Table 7 — Electri cal Data — 48AJ,AK, AW,AY Units (cont) LEGEND *Fuse or HACR circuit break er per NEC . NO TES: 1. In compliance with NEC requirements for multimotor and combi- nation load equipment (refer to NEC Article s 430 and 440), the ov ercurrent protective de vice f o r the unit shall be fuse or HACR breaker .
38 Table 7 — Electrica l Data — 48AJ,AK,AW, AY Units (cont) LEGEND *Fuse or HACR circuit break er per NEC . NO TES: 1. In compliance with NEC requirements for multimotor and combi- nation load equipment (refer to NEC Article s 430 and 440), the ov ercurrent protective de vice f o r the unit shall be fuse or HACR breaker .
39 Table 8 — Electrical Data — 48EJ,EK,EW,EY Units See Legend and Notes on page 42. UNIT SIZE 48EJ,EK, EW ,EY NOMNAL VO L T AG E (3 Ph, 60 Hz) VO L T AG E RANGE COMPRESSOR OFM IFM PO WER EXHA UST COMBUSTION F AN MOT OR PO WER SUPP L Y No. 1 No. 2 Min Max RLA LRA RLA LRA Qty Hp FLA (ea) Hp FLA FLA LRA FLA MCA MOCP* 024 208/230 187 254 39.
40 Table 8 — Electrical Data — 48EJ,EK,EW,EY Units (cont) See Legend and Notes on page 42. UNIT SIZE 48EJ,EK, EW ,EY NOMNAL VO L T AG E (3 Ph, 60 Hz) VO L T AG E RANGE COMPRESSOR OFM IFM PO WER EXHA UST COMBUSTION F AN MOT OR PO WER SUPPL Y No. 1 No.
41 Table 8 — Electrical Data — 48EJ,EK,EW,EY Units (cont) See Legend and Notes on page 42. UNIT SIZE 48EJ ,EK , EW ,EY NOMNAL VO L T AG E (3 Ph, 60 Hz) VO L T AG E RANGE COMPRESSOR OFM IFM PO WER EXHAUST COMBUSTION F AN MOT OR PO WER SUPPL Y No. 1 No.
42 Table 8 — Electrical Data — 48EJ,EK,EW,EY Units (cont) LEGEND *Fuse or HACR circuit break er per NEC . NO TES: 1. In compliance with NEC requirements for multimotor and combi- nation load equipment (refer to NEC Article s 430 and 440), the ov ercurrent protective de vice f o r the unit shall be fuse or HACR breaker .
43 Routing Through Bott om of Unit — If wiring is brought in through bottom of unit, use field-supplied watertight conduit to run power wiring from basepan out through bottom 3 1 / 2 -in. hole to the disconnect box and back into unit to the main con- trol box.
45 Thermostat W iring (CV Only) — Install a Carrier -approved accessory thermostat assembly (per current price pages) according to the installation instructions included with the ac- cessory or these instructions. Locate the thermostat on a solid interior wall in the conditioned space to sense the average temperature.
46 LEGEND C— Compressor/Contact or FU — Fuse OFC — Outdoor-Fan Contactor CB — Circ uit Br eak er GND — Ground PEC — P ow er Exhaust Controller CCB — Control Circuit Breaker HR — Heater.
47 Conductors and drain wire must be 20 A WG minimum stranded, tinned copper . Individual conductors must be insulat- ed with PVC, PVC/nylon, vinyl, T eflon, or polyethylene.
48 Step 10 — Make Outdoor -Air Inlet Adjustments ECONOMIZER NOTE: If accessory power exhaus t or barometric relief pack- ages are being added to the unit, install power exhaust or baro- metric relief before installing economizer hoods.
49 Perform the following procedure to assemble the economiz- er hood. 1. Apply black seal strip (provided in package) to outside top-edge of hood sides. W rap seal strip over edge to cover top flange (6 hood sides). Make sure seal strip covers screw holes.
50 Minimum Damper Positi on (MDP) Setting — Setting of the outdoor air damper position is performed in conjunction with a shortened version of the field run test. This is performed by first opening DIP (Dual In-line Package) switch no . 4 then no. 6.
51 ECONOMIZER SETTINGS Accessory Enthalpy Control (Fig. 46) — The control (HH57AC077) is mounted in the economizer hood. See Fig. 37. The enthalpy setting adjustment is on the enthalpy con- trol. For maximum benefit of outdoor air , set enthalpy control to A.
52 7. Route the wires from the enthalpy sensor to the return air enthalpy control through the holes on the inside of the hinged filter access panel. The holes are blocked by plug buttons which should be removed. 8. Use field-supplied wire ties to attach the violet wire to the + terminal and the blue wire to the SR term inal.
53 LEGEND RH — Relative Humidity Fig. 48 — Psychrometric Ch art for Enthalpy Control NO TE: P artit ions shown indicate both side supply (A W ,A Y ,EW ,EY) and v er tical supply (AJ ,AK,EJ ,EK) units. Fig. 49 — Economizer Details CONTROL CUR VE CONTROL POINT (APPRO X.
54 Step 12 — Install All Accessorie s — After all the factory-installed options have been adjusted, install all field-in- stalled accessories. Refer to th e accessory installation instruc- tions included with each accessory .
55 Install Motormaster® III Controls — Only one Motormaster III control is required per unit. Motor — One outdoor -fan motor (OFM) must be changed out in the field to accommodate the Motormaster III accessory . The replacement motor part no. is HD52AK652.
56 Fig. 53B — Motormaster® III Sensor Location (48AJ,AK,AW, AY035 and 48EJ,E K,EW,EY0 38, 044) Fig. 53C — M otormaster III S ensor Location (48AJ,AK,AW,AY 040, 050 and 48EJ ,EK ,EW,E Y048 ) Fig. 53D — Motormaster III Sensor Location (48EJ,E K,EW,EY054 -064) Fig.
57 Step 13 — Field Modifications DUCTWORK Bottom Return Units (48A J,AK,EJ,EK) Field-Modified for Side Return — 48AJ,AK and 48EJ,EK units with bottom re- turn air connections may be field-modified to accommodate side return air connections.
58 ST ART -UP Use the following information and Start-Up Checklist on pages CL-1 and CL-2 to check out unit PRIOR to start-up. Unit Preparation — Check that unit has been installed in accordance with these installa tion inst ructions and applicable codes.
59 Crankcase Heater s — Crankcase heat ers are energized as long as there is power t o the unit, except when the compres- sors are operating. V aria bl e Frequenc y Driv e (VFD) — The variabl e frequency drives are factory set. These settings include fact ory- installed jumpers and software configurations.
60 8. Press “READ/WRITE” key , to enter the new va lue. The desired set point value will alternately flash to indicate that the new value has been stored. 9. Fire-speed override mode is available by contact closure between terminals S1 and CC. 10.
61 Table 13 — Motor Electronic Thermal Protection (tHr) for Toshiba TOSVERT 130-E3 VFD *IFM Letter refers to the 15th digit (Motor Option) of the unit model number TOS HIBA T OSVER T VF-S9 VF D — Th e VF D mus t be powered up, however , since it is located near the indoor fan, operation of the fan is not desirable.
62 Table 14 — Carrier VFD (Toshiba TOSVERT VF-S9) Program Para meter Values *These settings diff er from the T oshiba defa ults and are required f or Carrier application s. Table 15 — Motor Electronic Thermal Protec tion (tHr) for Tosh iba TOSVERT VF-S9 VFD *IFM Letter refers to the 15th digit (Motor Option) of the unit model number.
63 P o wer Exhaust — The optional non-modulating power exhaust (CV only) is a two-st age design where the operation of the exhaust fans is linked to economizer position.
64 • DIP switch 6 configures the T ime Guard® override and, when used with the field test function, sets the minimum damper position • DIP switch 7 configures the un it for gas heat or electric heat • DIP switch 8 configures the unit for heat pump or air conditioner operation.
65 Table 18 — DIP Switch Factory Setti ngs *On 48EJ,EW ,AJ ,A W units e quipped with staged gas option, DIP switch 7 should be closed. Table 19 — Fan Perfor mance, 48AJ,AK0 20-030 — Vertical Discharge Units LEGEND Bhp — Brake Horsepo wer NO TES: 1.
66 Table 20 — Fan Perf ormance, 48AJ,AK035 — Vert ical Discharge Un its LEGEND Bhp — Brake Horsepo wer NO TES: 1. F an perf ormance is based on wet coils, economizer , roof curb, cabinet losses, and clean 2-in. filters. 2. Conv ersion — Bhp to watts: 3.
67 Table 21 — Fan Perf ormance, 48AJ,AK040, 050 — Vertical Discharge Units LEGEND Bhp — Brake Horsepo wer NO TES: 1. F an perf ormance is based on wet coils, economizer , roof curb, cabinet losses, and clean 2-in. filters. 2. Conv ersion — Bhp to watts: 3.
68 Table 22 — Fan Perf ormance, 48AJ,AK060 — Vert ical Discharge Un its LEGEND Bhp — Brake Horsepo wer NO TES: 1. F an perf ormance is based on wet coils, economizer , roof curb, cabinet losses, and clean 2-in. filters. 2. Conv ersion — Bhp to watts: 3.
69 Table 23 — Fan Performance, 48AW,AY0 20-0 30 — Horizontal Discharge Uni ts LEGEND Bhp — Brake Horsepo wer NO TES: 1. F an perf ormance is based on wet coils, economizer , roof curb, cabinet losses, and clean 2-in. filters. 2. Conv ersion — Bhp to watts: 3.
70 Table 24 — Fan Performanc e, 48AW,AY 035 — Horizontal Discharge Units LEGEND Bhp — Brake Horsepo wer NO TES: 1. F an perf ormance is based on wet coils, economizer , roof curb, cabinet losses, and clean 2-in. filters. 2. Conv ersion — Bhp to watts: 3.
71 Table 25 — Fan Performan ce, 48AW,AY040,05 0 — Horizontal Discharge Uni ts LEGEND Bhp — Brake Horsepo wer NO TES: 1. F an perf ormance is based on wet coils, economizer , roof curb, cabinet losses, and clean 2-in. filters. 2. Conv ersion — Bhp to watts: 3.
72 Table 26 — Fan Performanc e, 48AW,AY 060 — Horizontal Discharge Units LEGEND Bhp — Brake Horsepo wer NO TES: 1. F an perf ormance is based on wet coils, economizer , roof curb, cabinet losses, and clean 2-in. filters. 2. Conv ersion — Bhp to watts: 3.
73 Table 27 — Fan Performanc e, 48EJ,EK024,034 — Vertical Discharg e Units (For EW ,EY units, reduce net available e xternal static pressure by 0.3 in. wg) LEGEND Bhp — Brake Horsepow er NO TES: 1. F an perf ormance is based on wet coils, economizer , roof curb , cabinet losses, and clean 2-in.
74 Table 28 — Fan Performanc e, 48EJ,EK038,044 — Vertical Discharg e Units (For EW ,EY units, reduce net available e xternal static pressure by 0.5 in. wg) LEGEND Bhp — Brake Horsepow er NO TES: 1. F an perf ormance is based on wet coils, economizer , roof curb , cabinet losses, and clean 2-in.
75 Table 29 — Fan Performance, 48EJ,EK048 — Vertica l Discharge Units (For EW ,EY units, reduce net available e xternal static pressure by 0.5 in. wg) LEGEND Bhp — Brake Horsepow er NO TES: 1. F an perf ormance is based on wet coils, economizer , roof curb , cabinet losses, and clean 2-in.
76 Table 30 — Fan Performance, 48EJ,EK0 54-068 — Vertical Discharge Units LEGEND Bhp — Brake Horsepow er NO TES: 1. F an perf ormance is based on dr y coils, economizer , roof curb, cabinet losses, and clean 2-in. filters. 2. Conv ersion — Bhp to watts: 3.
77 Table 31 — Fan Performance, 48 EW,EY054-068 — Horizontal Dis charge Units LEGEND Bhp — Brake Horsepow er NO TES: 1. F an perf ormance is based on dr y coils, economizer , roof curb, cabinet losses, and clean 2-in. filters. 2. Conv ersion — Bhp to watts: 3.
78 Table 32A — Fan Performan ce — Power Exhaust, 48AJ,AK,AW,AY020-050 a nd 48EJ,EK,EW ,EY024-048 LEGEND Table 32B — Fan Per formance — Power Exhaus t, 48AJ,AK,AW,AY060 an d 48EJ,EK,EW,EY054-06.
79 Table 33 — Motor Limitati ons LEGEND Bhp — Brake Horsepo wer NO TES: 1. Extensive motor and electrical testing on the Carrier units has ensured that the full horsepower range of the motor can be utilized with confidence .
80 Return-Air Filters — Check that correct filters are in- stalled in filter tracks (see T a bles 1A and 1B). Do not operate unit without return-air filters. Filter Replacement — T o replace filters, open filter ac- cess door (marked with label). Remove inner ac cess panel.
81 Table 35 — User Defined Set Point s LEGEND Table 36 — Software Control Link Points LEGEND SET POINT NAME FORMA T DESCRIPTION LIMITS DEF A UL T OHSP xx.xF Occupied Heat Set P oint 55 to 80 F 68 F OCSP xx.xF Occupied Cool Set P oint 55 to 80 F 78 F UHSP xx.
82 The T ime Guard® function maintains a minimum off time of 5 minutes, a minimum ON time of 10 seconds, and a minimum delay before starting the second compressor of 10 seconds. If the compressors have been off for more than 15 minutes and the OA T (outdoor-air temperature) is less than 45 F , then the safeties will be ignored for 5 minutes.
83 GAS HEA TING , V ARIABLE AIR VOLUME (V A V) UN IT S — All of the gas heating control is perfo rmed through the integrated gas control (IGC) board. The control module board serves only to initiate and terminate heating operation. NOTE: The unit is factory-conf igured for disabled occupied heating.
84 Table 37 — Staged Gas Sy stem Components Table 38 — Stage Gas System Inputs/Out puts Operating Modes — The SGC will operate the unit in one of the following operating modes: • no mode • Cooling Mode • Heating1 Mode • Heating2 Mode No Mode — In this mode, none of the heat stages are turned on.
85 MORNING W ARM-UP (V A V only with PC Accessed/CCN Op er at io n) — Morning warm-up occurs when the control has been programmed to turn on heat prior to the Occupied mode to be ready for occupancy mode.
86 Table 40 — Occupied Heat a nd Morning Warm-Up Operation and Controlling Facto rs LEGEND SP ACE TEMPERA TURE SENSOR CONTROL — If the unit is equipped with a field-supplied space sensor and a remote start/stop switch, constant volum e (CV) cooling will operate as follows: Stage 1 cooling begins when there exists a 1.
87 SU PP L Y A IR TE MP ER A TUR E RE SE T — Supply air tem- perature reset is used to rese t the supply-air temperature utility . A 4 to 20 mA signal (field-supplied) is required.
88 Table 41 — Smoke Cont rol Modes LEGEND HEAD PRESSURE CONTROL — Ea ch u n i t h a s a fa n c y- cling, outdoor thermostat to shut of f the outdoor -fan motor(s) at 55 F (one outdoor-fan motor on.
89 If a Y2 (or Y2_SP T) call begins while the unit was under “Y1 cooling” control, compressor no. 2 will not be started until “Y1 cooling” control has ended. If the Y2 (or Y2_SP T) call ends, with compressor 1 in an unloaded state and compressor 2 ON, then compressor 1 will be immediately brought up to the fully loaded state.
90 T o inspect blower wheel, remove heat exc hanger access panel. Shine a flashlight into opening to inspect wheel. If clean- ing is required, remove moto r and wheel assembly by remov- ing screws holding motor mounting plate to top of combustion fan housing (Fig.
91 Lubrication CO MP R ES SO RS — Each compressor is charged with the correct amount of oil at the factory . The correct oil charge is shown in T ables 1A and 1B. If oil is visible in the compressor sight glass, check unit for operating readiness as described in Start-Up section, then start th e unit.
92 5. Be sure that hub flanges, flex members, spacer , and hard- ware are clean and free of oil. 6. Place the flanges onto the shafts with the hub facing out- ward. Do not tighten the set screws at this time. 7. Outside of the unit, assemble the flex members to the cen- ter drive shaft with 4 bolts and nuts.
93 P o wer F ailure — The economizer damper motor is a spring return design. In event of power failure, dampers will re- turn to fully closed position until power is restored. Refrigeran t Charge — Amount of refrigerant charge is listed on unit nameplate and in T ables 1A and 1B.
94 Main Burners — Fo r all applications, main burners are factory set and should require no adjustment. MAIN BURNER REMOV AL (Fig. 76) 1. Shut off (field-supplied) manual main gas valve. 2. Shut off power supply to unit. 3. Remove heati ng access panel.
95 Filte r Drie r — Replace whe never refrigeran t system is ex- posed to atmosphere. Pr otecti ve De vices COMPRESSOR PROTECTION Overcurrent — Each compre ssor has one manual reset, cali- brated trip, magne tic circuit breaker . Do not bypass connec- tions or increase the size of the ci rcuit breaker to correct trou- ble.
96 Fig. 77 — T ypical Power Sche matic 48EJ,EK,EW, EY024-034; 208 /230-3-60 a nd 460-3-60 NO TES: 1. Connect TRAN1 to H4 for 460 v units. Connect to H3 for 230 v . If 208/230 v units are run with a 208-v power supply , connect to H2. 2. Connect TRAN2 to black lead f or 460 v units.
97 Fig. 78 — Typical 48EK VAV 24-V Control Circuit.
98 NO TE: Red wire and violet wire are spliced tog ether at the f actory . The brown wire has a wire nut added at the factory . Fig. 79 — Typical CV 24-V Control Circuit.
99 Fig. 80 — Typical 48EK VAV 115-V Control Circuit.
100 Fig. 81 — Typical 48EJ CV 115-V Control Circ uit.
101 Fig. 82 — Label Diagram — Stage d Gas Heat — 48AJ,AK,AW,AY020 -050 and 48EJ,EK,EW,EY02 4-048 Units.
102 Fig. 83 — Label Diagram — Sta ged Gas Heat — 48AJ,AK,AW, AY060 and 48EJ,EK,EW,EY054-0 68 Units.
103 TROUBLESHOO TING T ypical refrigerant circuiting diagrams are shown in Fig. 84-93. An algorithm diagram of the IGC (Integrated Gas Unit Controlle r) control is shown in Fig.
104 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass .
105 12-Pass 4-Pass 12-Pass 4-Pass 12-Pass 4-Pass 12-Pass 4-Pass 12-Pass 4-Pass 12-Pass 4-Pass 12-Pass 4-Pass 12-Pass 4-Pass 12-Pass 4-Pass 12-Pass 4-Pass 12-Pass 4-Pass 12-Pass 4-Pass 12-Pass 4-Pass 4.
106 LEGEND Fig. 87 — Typical Refr igerant Cir cuiting (48EJ,EK,E W,EY038,044) FPS — F reez e Protection Switch HPS — High-Pressure Switch LPS — Lo w-Pressure Switch.
107 8-Pass 4-Pass 8-Pass 4-Pass 8-Pass 4-Pass 8-Pass 4-Pass 8-Pass 4-Pass 8-Pass 4-Pass 8-Pass 4-Pass 8-Pass 4-Pass 8-Pass 4-Pass 8-Pass 4-Pass 8-Pass 4-Pass 8-Pass 4-Pass 8-Pass 4-Pass 8-Pass 4-Pass .
108 LEGEN D Fig. 89 — Typical Refrigeran t Ci rcuiting (48EJ,EK,EW, EY048) FPS — F reeze Protection Switch HPS — H igh-Pressure Switch LPS — Lo w-Pr essure Switch.
109 LEGEN D Fig. 90 — Typical Refrig erant Circuiti ng (48EJ,EK,E W,EY054 and 058) HPS — High-Pressure Switch LPS — Lo w-Pres sure Swi tch TXV — Thermostatic Expansion V alve.
110 4-Pass 6-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 6-Pass 4-Pass 6-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 6-Pass 4-Pass 6-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 6-Pass 4-Pass 6-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass 6-Pass 4-Pass 6-Pass 4-Pass 4-Pass .
111 LEGEN D Fig. 92 — Typical Refrigeran t Ci rcuiting (48EJ,EK,EW, EY064) HPS — High-Pressure Switch LPS — Lo w-Pres sure Swi tch TXV — Thermostatic Expansion V alve.
112 Fi g. 9 3 — T yp ic al R ef ri g er an t Ci rc ui ti ng (4 8E J, EK ,E W, E Y0 68 ) L EGEND HPS — High-Pressure Switch LPS — Lo w-Pressure Switch TXV — Thermostatic Expansion V alve.
113 LEGEN D NO TE: Thermostat Fan Switch in the “A U T O” position or sensor-equipped unit. Fig. 94 — IGC Control (Heating and Cooling) IDM — Induced-Draft Motor IGC — Integrated Gas Unit Co.
114 The alarm codes for the IGC control board are shown in T able 44. Table 44 — IGC Control Board LED Alarms Diagnostic LEDs — There a re 3 LEDs (red, yellow , and green) on the lower right hand side of the control board. Th e red light is used to check un it operation and alarms.
115 T ables 46-48 show the input and output channel designations. Table 46 — I/O Channel Designations Base Module — CV Table 47 — I/O Channel Designations Base Module — VAV Table 48 — I/O Ch.
Manufacturer reserves the right to disco ntinue, or change at any time, specificatio ns or designs without notice and without inc urring obligations. PC 111 Catalog No .
CL-1 ST ART -UP CHECKLIST MODEL NO.: _________________________________ SERIAL NO.: ______________________________________ SOFTW ARE VERSION (SEE FIG . 27): ____________ TECHNICIAN: ___________________.
Manufacturer reserves the right to disco ntinue, or change at any time, specificatio ns or designs without notice and without inc urring obligations. PC 111 Catalog No .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Carrier 48AK c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Carrier 48AK - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Carrier 48AK, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Carrier 48AK va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Carrier 48AK, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Carrier 48AK.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Carrier 48AK. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Carrier 48AK ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.