Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 39LA du fabricant Carrier
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Manufacturer reserves the right to disco ntinue, or change at any time, specifications or de signs without not ice and without inc urring obligations. Catalog No . 533-932 Printed in U .S.A. F orm 39L-6SI Pg 1 1110 2-04 Replaces: 39L-5SI Installation, Star t-Up and Ser v ice Instr uctions CONTENTS Page SAFETY CONSIDERA TIONS .
2 INTR ODUCTION Unit Identification — The 39L units are identified by the 18-digit part number listed on the serial plate. The part number describes all component, coil, motor , drive, and control selections. See Fig. 1-3 for unit identification. Fig.
3 LEGEND Fig. 3 — Position 4, Unit Configuration Model (Component Sequence Als o Shown) COMB. — Combination PH — Preheat POS. — Po s i t i o n F actor y-installed option compo nents.
4 PREINST ALLA TION 1. Check items received against packing list. Notify Carrier of any discrepancy . 2. Refer to Fig. 4 for service area requirements. 3. T o transfer unit from truck to storage site, refer to rigging details in Fig. 5 and section on unit rigging for proper handling.
5 NO TE: D imensions in ( ) are in mm. DIMENSIONS (ft-in.) SIZE A B C D E 39LA 39LB 39LC 03 3-1 7 / 8 3-1 3 / 4 1-9 1 / 4 1- 7 11 / 16 0-7 7 / 8 1-3 3 / 4 2- 3 9 / 16 06 3-9 3 / 4 3-9 5 / 8 2-1 3 / 16.
6 Table 1 — Physical Data L EGEND *Less coil. †Coils ha ve 14 alumin um fins per in ch on copper tu bes. UNIT SIZE 03 06 08 10 12 15 18 21 25 UNIT WEIGHTS (lb)* 39LA 200 280 411 470 540 6 20 695 7.
7 F AN OFF TRAP CONDITION WHEN F AN ST ARTS F AN RUNNING AND CONDENSA TE DRAINING DIFFERENTIAL 1 DRAIN NIPPLE DIFFERENTIAL 2 COOLING COIL DRAIN P AN H NO TE: Lift in one piece. Use slings and spreader bars at each lifting brack et. Fig. 5 — Unit Rigging Deta ils Fig.
8 INST ALLA TION Mixing Bo x DA MP E R ACT UA TO RS — The 39L mixing boxes are sup- plied with low leak dampers and blade and edge seals. Damper operating torques are shown in T able 2. The actuator and mounting brackets are field supplied and may be mounted inside or outside the unit.
9 Table 3 — Recommended Actuators *Actuator is spring-retur n type. NO TES: 1. All actuators are direct coupled type, designed to be directly mounted into jackshaft assemb ly . 2. All actuators are equipped with a plen um rated cab l e, f actor y- terminate d to the actuator .
10 Inlet Guide V ane (IGV) Actu ators — The control board positions the unit IGVs in order to maintain the duct stat- ic pressure, as measured by the static pressure transducer , at the required set point. The IGV actuato r is electrically connected to the control board and receives a signal whenever the guide vane position needs to be adjusted.
11 Install Fan Motor — For field installation of motors, be sur e electrical junction box is toward the center of the unit. This is necessary for drive and belts to be properly tightened. Use smallest slots in motor mounting base that will accommo- date motor and allow minimum overhang (Fig.
12 When field installing or replacing sheaves, install sheaves on fan shaft and motor shaft for minimum overhang. (See Fig. 13.) Use care when mounting sheave on fan shaft; too much force may damage bearing. Remove rust-preventative coating or oil from shaft.
13 6. T o determine corr ect belt tension, use the deflection formula given below and the tension data from Fig. 15 as follows: EXAMPLE: Given Belt Span 16 in. Belt Cross-Section A, Super Belt Small Sheave PD 5 in. Solution 1. From Fig. 15 find that deflection force for type A, super belt with 5-in.
14 W ater and Ste am Coil Piping Recommendations GE NE R AL — Use straps around the coil casing or the lifting holes (see Fig. 17) to lift and place the coil. Piping practices are outlined in the Carrier System Design Manual, Part 3, Piping Design. See T a bles 4-6 for circuiting data.
15 When a water coil is applied downstream of a direct- expansion (DX) coil, a freeze-up thermostat must be installed between the DX and water coil and electrically interlocked to turn off the cooling to prevent freeze-up of the water coil.
16 NO TES: 1. A b ypass is necessar y around trap and v alves when continu- ous operation is necessar y . 2. Bypass to be the same size as trap orif ice but ne ver less than 1 / 2 inch. Fig. 19 — Dripping Steam Supply to Condensate Return NO TES: 1.
17 Refrigerant Piping, Direct-Expansion (DX) Coils (Fig. 23) — Direct-expansion coils are divided into 2 or 4 splits depending upon the unit size and coil circuiting. See T able 7 for coil circuiting data. Each split requires its own distributor nozzle, expansion valve, and suction piping.
18 Table 5 — Chilled Water Coil Circuiti ng Data (cont) LEGEND *Not av ailable on 39LB un its. NO TE : Connection sizes are MPT - inches. Table 6 — Steam Coil Connection Sizes LEGEND NO TE : Connection sizes are MPT - inches. SMALL F ACE AREA (39LB, 39LC, 39LF) COIL TYPE CIRCUITING UNIT SIZE 03 06 08 10 12 Face Area (sq ft) 2.
19 SU CT I ON PIP I NG — Connect suction piping as shown in Fig. 24 for face split coil or Fig. 25 for row split coil. Suction line from coil connection to end of the 15-diameter- long riser should be same tube size as coil connection to ensure proper refrigerant velocity .
20 Table 7 — Direct Expan s ion Coil Circuiting Data LEGEND *May be field manif olded for ei ther face split or ro w split. †Where each TXV has the same number of circuits, that number is shown once. When coil has an unev en numbe r of circuits per TXV , both values are shown.
21 Table 7 — Direct Expansion Coil Circuiting Data (cont) LEGEND *May b e field manif olded for ei ther face split or ro w split. †Where each TXV has the same number of circuits, that number is shown once. When coil has an unev en number of circuits per TXV , both values are sho w n.
22 Table 8 — Distribut or Part Numbers Table 9 — Side Connector (Hot Gas Bypass) Data DIMENSIONS (in.) LEGEND PA R T N O . NO. OF TUBES CONNECTI ON OD (in.
23 UNLOADING CONSIDERA TIONS — Direct expan sion coils can have two intertwined refrigerant circuits. In addition, quar- ter , half, full and double circuiting configurations are offered to allow optimum system performance and oil return at full and part-load operation.
24 TXV — Thermo static Expansion V alve Fig. 29 — Face Split Coil Manifolding (Typical ) TXV — Ther mostatic Expansion V alve Fig. 30 — Row Split Coi l Manifolding (Typical).
25 Electric Heater s — Electric heaters may be factory in- stalled or drop shipped to the jobsite and field installed. The heater can only be installed in the preheat-electric section. T o install electric heater , refer to Fig. 31 and proceed as follows: 1.
26 NO TE: All wir ing must be copper and must conf or m to the NEC (National Electrical Code). Fig. 32 — Typical Electric Heater Wiring Schematic.
27 Table 10 — Electric Heat er Data LEGEND *Standard cont rol steps are listed under the Control St ep heading. “F ree” additional steps of c ontrol are op tionally available when the number of subcircuits excee ds the standard number of control steps .
28 Table 11 — Field Wiring for Incoming Conductors Sized for 125% of Heat er Load LEGEND *V alues are based on T able 310-16 of the NEC (Na tional Electrical Code) for 75 C insulated copper wire. Not more than 3 conductors in a racew ay . NO TES: 1.
29 ST ART -UP Check L ist — Make a walkway inside unit components to protect insulation. Remove a ll construction debris from unit interior . Remove walkway before starting unit. FI L T ER S — Install unit filters in all filter sections. FA N S 1.
30 6. Check fan speed with a strobe -type tachometer or use the following formula: Obtain the motor rpm from the fan motor nameplate and read sheave pitch diameters marked on the fan and motor pulleys, or estimate the pitch diame- ters by using the pulley outside diameters.
31 6. If solution is too weak, add more antifreeze until desired strength is reached, then circulate solution through coil for 15 minutes or until concentration is satisfactory . 7. Remove upper line from reservoir to reversible pum p. Drain coil to reservoir and then close service valve.
32 VER T ICAL UNIT SLANT CO IL REMOV AL (39LD Units) NOTE: Item numbers are in Fig. 39. 1. Refer to Fig. 4 for service area clearance. 2. Disconnect piping (Item 6). 3. Through fan access door (Item 2), remove screws (Item 3), while holding angle (Item 4) to top of coil side panels (Item 7).
33 HORIZONT AL OR VER T ICAL UNIT — DUAL COIL REMOV AL (39LA,39LD units — size 25) — (NO TE: Ite m numbers are in Fig. 40 unless otherwise indicated.
34 HORIZONT AL OR VER TICAL UNIT — VER TICAL COIL REMOV AL (39LB,LC,LF ,LH Units) — Item number s are in Fig. 41 unless otherwise indicated. 1. Refer to Fig.
35 Changing Coil Hand NOTE: Electric heat coil hand cannot be changed. NOTE: The coil cover panel is not part of the coil. Remove cover panel from end of unit. New holes must be cut in coil cover panel. Original holes must be plugged and insulated. New side panels may be nece ssary when changing coil hand.
36 STEAM INNER DISTRIBUTING TUBE COILS — Ro tate in horizontal plane and reinstall. See Fig. 42. PI PI NG — Direct expansion, chilled water , and hot water coils should always be piped for counterflow . (Fluid should enter the coil at the leaving-air side.
37 Table 12 — F ilter Data *Only 2-in. filters are av ailable on size 03. 39L UNIT SIZE 03 06 08 10 12 15 18 21 25 Angle Filter Section Filter Qty…Size (in.) 2…16x25 4…16 x20 2…16x20 2…16x25 4…16x25 6…16x20 9…16x20 12…16x20 4…16x 20 8…16x25 4…16x20 8…16x25 Nominal Face Area (sq ft) 5.
38 10. Check fan shaft diameter at bearing mount. If worn by more than .001 in. below nominal, shaft should be re- placed. 1 1. Install new bearing, tighten holddown bolts and then tighten bearing locking collar and setscrews. 12. Make certain fan wheel does not rub sides of fan housing after installing new bearings.
Manufacturer reserves the right to disco ntinue, or change at any time, specificatio ns or designs without notice and without inc urring obligations. Catalog No .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Carrier 39LA c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Carrier 39LA - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Carrier 39LA, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Carrier 39LA va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Carrier 39LA, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Carrier 39LA.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Carrier 39LA. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Carrier 39LA ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.