Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Legria HF R17 du fabricant Canon
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PUB. DIE-0343-000Axc HD Camcorder Instruction Manual.
3 European Union (and EEA) only . These symbols indicate that thi s product is not to be disposed of with your household waste, ac cording to the WEEE Directi ve (2002/96/E C ), the Batter y Directiv e (2006/66/E C ) and/or y our national laws implementing t hose Dire ctives.
4 Exciting F eatures and New Functions High-Definition Vi deo Y our ca mcorder ’ s high-definition image s en s or (HD CMO S ) capture s video at a re s olution of 1,9 20 x 1,080 pi xel s 2 . Video s are th en record ed in t he m emory in h igh definition, u s ing A VCHD s pecification s 3 .
5 Smart AUTO (2 4 ) S mart AUTO automatically s el ect s the be s t s etting s for the s cene you want to s hoo t. Yo u g e t s pect acular r ecor ding s ever y tim e with out w orry ing abou t s etting s . Video Snap s hot (5 6 ) S hoot or capt ure s hor t s cene s and arrange them into a video clip s et to you r favori te bac k gro und mu s ic.
6 Enjoying yo u r Recording s on Oth er D evi ce s AVCHD MPEG- 2 S D-Video Eye-Fi SD C onnect the camco rder to an HDTV ( 104) C onnect the camcorde r t o the optional DW-100 DV D Burner ( 107, 109) A.
Table of conte nt s 7 Introduction 4 Exciting Feature s and New Function s 11 About thi s Manual 13 Getting to Know the Camcorder 13 S upplied A cce ss orie s and CD-ROM s 15 Name s of Part s .
8 Table of cont ent s V ide o 38 B a s ic Recording 38 S hooting Video 39 S electing the Video Quali ty (Recor ding Mode) 40 Zoomin g 41 Quic k S tart Function 43 B a s ic Playbac k 43 Playing.
Table of conte nt s 9 Photos 80 Ba s ic Recording 80 T a k ing Ph oto s 81 S electing Ph oto S ize and Quality 83 Ba s ic Pl ayb ac k 83 Viewing Photo s 84 Deleting Photo s 86 Magnifying Photo.
10 Table of cont ent s Additional Information 123 Appendix: Men u Option s Li s t s 123 FUNC. Menu 126 S etup Menu s 136 On s creen Icon s and Di s play s 140 T rou ble ? 140 T rouble s hootin.
Introdu ction 11 Abo u t thi s Man u al Than k you for purcha s ing the Canon LEGRIA HF R18 / LEGRIA HF R17 / LEGRIA HF R16 / LEGRIA HF R106. Plea s e read thi s manual car efully before y ou u s e the camcor der and r etain it for futur e ref erence .
12 Introduction Selecting the Video Q u ality (Recording M ode) The camcorder offer s 4 recording mode s . Changing the recording mode will change the recording time available on the memory . S elect FXP or XP+ mode for better movie q uality; s elect LP mode for longer record ing t ime s .
Introdu ction 13 Getting to K now th e C amc or der S u pplied Acce ss orie s and CD-ROM s The following acce ss orie s are s upplied with the camcorder: X C A-590E C ompact Power Adapter (incl.
14 Introduction The following CD -ROM s and s oftwa re ar e s up plie d wi th th e cam cord er: • PIXELA Applicat ion - Disc 1 CD-ROM* and ‘PIXELA Application s’ In s tall ation Gu ide - ImageMi xer 3 SE T ran s fer Uti litie s - So ftware for s aving and tran s ferring movie s and mu s ic file s you can u s e a s backgr ound mu s ic.
Introdu ction 15 Name s of Part s 1 (camera /play) b utton ( 26) 2 VI DEO S NAP (vid eo s nap s hot) b utton (5 6 ) 3 // WEB bu tton ( 117) 4 butt on ( 24 )/ // INDEX S EL. (ind ex s election) bu tton ( 45 )/ PLA YL I S T bu tto n ( 45 ) 5 DI S P.
16 Introduction A s Zoom l ever ( 40 ) A d PHOTO butto n ( 80 ) A f POWER but ton A g ON/OFF (CHG) (charge) ind icator: Green – On Orange – S tandby ( 41 ) Red – Cha rging ( 1 8) A h LCD s cr een ( 22) A j Joy s tic k (2 7 ) A k FUNC.
Introdu ction 17 S g Tri p o d s oc k et ( 156) S h Me mory ca rd s lo t (3 4 ) S j Batte ry compar tment S k Battery relea s e latch S l Battery com partmen t cover/M emory car d s lot cover D q Serial numb er The s eri al number label i s located on the bat tery com partment cover .
18 Prepa rati on s Prepar ation s Thi s cha pter de s cribe s ba s ic op er ation s , s uch a s navigating the menu s , and f ir s t time s etting s to help you learn more about your camcord er . Getting Started Charging the Batter y Pack The camco rd er can be power ed with a battery pa c k or directly u s ing the com- pact power ada p ter .
Prepa ration s 19 4 Sl ide the battery compartment cover away from the lens and open it. 5 Remo ve the battery terminal cover from the battery pack. 6 I nsert the battery pack all the way into the compartment and press gently until it clicks. 7 Clo se the co ver and sli de it toward the lens until you hear a click.
20 Prepa rati on s To remove the batte ry pac k 1 S lide the batte ry compartme nt cove r a way from th e le n s and open it. 2P r e ss the battery rele a s e l atch and pul l out the batte ry pac k . 3C l o s e the cover and s lide it toward the len s until you hear a clic k .
Prepa ration s 21 • W e recommen d that you pre p ar e battery pa ck s to la s t 2 to 3 time s longer th an you think you might need . Prep arin g the A cce ss orie s Fasten the grip belt. Adju s t the gri p belt s o th at you can reac h the zoom l ever with your in d ex finger , and the button with your thumb.
22 Prepa rati on s To attach an optio nal wri s t s trap Pass the attaching end o f the wrist strap through the rear bracket on the cam- corder , thread the wrist strap through the loop and fasten. Y ou can al s o attach the wri s t s trap to the s trap mount on the grip belt to u s e both for extra conveni ence and pro tectio n.
Prepa ration s 23 NOTES • About the LCD s creen: The s cr een i s produced u s ing extr emely high- pre- ci s ion manufacturi ng techniqu e s , with more than 99.99% of the pixel s operating to s pecification. Le ss than 0.01% of the pixel s may occa s ion - ally m i s fire or appear a s bl ack, red, blue or green dot s .
24 Prepa rati on s Ba s ic Operation of the Camco rder Operating Mode s Recording The camcor der of fer s two ba s ic mode s for recording video and photo s : S mar t AU TO ( ) mo de fo r b egin n.
Prepa ration s 25 •W h e n s hooting in mode, the camcor der will autom atical ly detect ce rtain cha racteri s tic s of the s ubje ct, ba ckg round, lightin g con dition s , e tc.
26 Prepa rati on s NOTES • In mode, menu s cannot b e acce ss ed but the follow ing s etting s can be chan ged in a dvance. - Recording mode of mo vie s - Size /qua lity o f phot o s - // Yo u r.
Prepa ration s 27 NOTES • // Wh en s witching to a pl ayback mo de, the m emory s elected for play back will be the s ame curr ently u s ed fo r rec ord ing . Joy s tick and Joy s tick G u ide U s e the joy s tic k to op erat e th e cam cord er’ s menu s .
28 Prepa rati on s U s ing the Men us Many of the camcor der’ s fu n ctio n s can be adj u s ted from the menu s that open after p re ss ing . I n mode , menu s cannot be acce ss ed and, e xcept in a few ca s e s , mo s t menu s etting s will return to their default value s .
Prepa ration s 29 Selecting an Option from t he Setu p Menus 1P r e s s . 2 Se lect ( , ) [ Me nu] and press to open th e setup menus. Y ou ca n al s o hold pre ss ed down for mor e than 1 s ec ond t o open dir ectly the s etup menu s s cre en. 3 Se lect ( ) the tab of the desir ed menu.
30 Prepa rati on s Fir s t Time Setting s Setting the Date an d Time Y ou will need to s et the date and time of the camcor der befor e you can s tart u s ing it. The [ Date/Time] s cre en will appear automatically when t he cam- cord er’ s cl oc k i s not s et.
Prepa ration s 31 Changing the Lang u age The default language of the c amcorder i s Engli s h. Y ou can s et it to on e of 23 other language s . NOTES •T h e d i s play s and that a ppear in s ome menu s creen s re fe r t o the name of button s on the c amcorder and will not change, regardl e ss of the language s el ected.
32 Prepa rati on s U s ing a Memor y Ca rd Memory Card s Compati ble fo r U s e with th e Camcorder Y ou can u s e commercially available S ec ure D igi tal ( S D) card s with thi s camcor der . Howe ver , dependi ng on the memor y card , you may not be able t o reco rd movie s .
Prepa ration s 33 IMPORT AN T •I f y o u u s e an S DX C m e mo r y ca rd w it h a co m pu t e r O S t ha t i s not SDXC- compat ible, you may be prompt ed to f ormat the memory car d. In s uch ca s e, cancel the operation to prevent data loss .
34 Prepa rati on s In s erting and Removing a Memor y Card Ma k e s ure to initialize ( 36) all memory card s bef ore u s ing them with thi s camc order . 1 T ur n off the camcorder . Make s ure the ON/OFF (CHG) indicato r i s off. 2 Slide the memory card slot cover away from the lens and open it.
Prepa ration s 35 // Sele cting the Mem ory for the R ecording s Y ou can s elect to recor d your movie s and phot o s in the built-in m em- ory or on a memory card.
36 Prepa rati on s * The approximat e availab le recording time w ill now reflect t he combi ned s pace in the b uil t-in memo ry an d me mory c ar d.
Prepa ration s 37 *P r e ss to ca ncel t he c omp le te init ia liza tio n w hil e it i s in progr e ss . All recor ding s will be era s ed and th e memory ca n be u s ed without any problem. Opt ion s IMPORT AN T • Initial izing the mem ory will pe rman ently er a s e al l recording s .
38 Video Vid eo Thi s chapte r cover s function s re lated to s hooting movie s , including recor ding, playbac k , advanced function s and pl ayli s t and s cene op eration s . Ba s ic Recording Shooting Video 1 T ur n on the camcorder . // By defa ult, movie s are re cor ded in th e buil t-in memory .
Video 39 •B e s ur e to s ave y our recording s regularly ( 105), e s pe cially afte r mak- ing im portant reco rd ing s . Can on s hall not b e lia ble for an y lo ss or cor- ruption of da ta.
40 Video Zoomin g The camcor der offer s optical (20x ) and digital ( // : 400x, : 800x) zoom. Y ou can turn o n the digital zoom with the [Digital Zoom] s etting. Move the zoom lever tow ard W (w ide a n g l e ) t o z o o m o u t . M o v e i t t o w a r d T (tel eph oto) t o zoo m in.
Video 41 • I n mode, you can al s o s et [Zoom Speed] to one of three con s tant s peed s (3 i s the fa s te s t, 1 the s lowe s t). • Whe n [Zoom Speed] i s s et to [ V aria ble], the zoom s pee d wi ll be fa s te r in re cord pa u s e mode than whe n actually r ecording , exce pt wh en pre-r ecording ( 57) i s activated .
42 Video • The cam corder will s hut off if left in s tandby mode for 10 minute s , rega rdl e ss of the [Pow er Saving Mode] s etting. Pr e ss to turn on the c amcorder . •Y o u c a n s elect the len gth of time until s hut-off or turn off the Quick Start functi on altogethe r with the [Quic k Start] s etting.
Video 43 Ba s ic Playback Playing Back the Video 1P r e s s . •T h e o r i g i n a l m o v i e s in dex s creen will appear in mo s t ca s e s . • If a photo a ppear s in s ingle photo view , move the zoom lever towar d W to ope n th e ph oto ind ex s creen.
44 Video IMPORT AN T •O b s erve the following pr ecaution s while the ACCESS indicator i s on or fla s hing. Failing to do s o may re s ult in per man ent data lo ss . - Do no t ope n the me mory car d s lot cov er . -D o n o t d i s connec t the power s ourc e or turn of f th e camcor der .
Video 45 Sk ippin g s cen e s Open ( ) the joy s tic k guide S elect ( ) the middle row Pu s h the joy s tic k () toward * to sk ip to the beginning of the cur rent s cene or to sk ip to the next s cene. *P u s h t he joy s tick/ pre ss the button tw ice to s kip t o the b eginnin g of the previou s s cene.
46 Video 1 In the index s creen, move ( ) the oran ge selection fr ame to the tabs on the top of the screen. 2 Select ( ) the tab corr espondin g to the r ecordings you want to play back. 3 Return ( ) to the index screen to select a scene or photo.
Video 47 // For s cene s in the b uilt-in memory: pre ss For s cene s on the memory car d: pr e ss and then s elect [Playli s t]. Pre ss . T o open the in dex s cr een f or s cene s co nverted int.
48 Video • // Yo u c a n s elect the original movie s in t he built- in memory or on the mem ory card. •Y o u c a n p r e ss to open the inde x s cr een for vid eo s nap s hot s cene s . 2 Open the calendar screen. • The ca lend ar s creen appea r s .
Video 49 •T h e l i s t of rec o rdin g s di s play s all da te s i n w hi ch re c o rd i n g s wer e made. An orange s election f rame appear s on the day . • The thum bnail s how s a s till imag e from the fir s t s c en e re co rde d on that day .
50 Video NOTES •Y o u c a n p r e ss to return to the normal index s cr een at any time. Pre- s electi ng Rec ording s from the Index Scre en Y ou can s elect in adva nce a number of ori ginal m ovie s or ph oto s from the index s creen i n or der to perfo rm certai n acti on s on them collec- tively , all at once.
Video 51 4 P ress twice to close the menu. To cancel all the s elect ion s NOTES •T h e p r e - s election of s cene s /photo s will be cancel ed if you turn of f t he camcorder or change the operating mode. •S c e n e s in th e playli s t cannot be in cluded in the pre- s elec tion.
52 Video Thi s s tep i s not nece ss ary to delete a ll s cene s or previou s ly s el ect ed s cene s . 3 Delete the scene(s). *I f y o u s el ected any op tion oth er than [Thi s Scene], you ca n pre ss to in ter - rupt the o peration while it i s in progr e ss .
Video 53 Advanced F u nction s Progr ammed AE and S pecial Scene Reco rding Progra m s The r ecor ding pr ogr am determi ne s how much control you have over the cam cor der’ s rec ord i ng- re lat ed s etting s .
54 Video [S p o r t s ] T o rec ord s por t s s cene s s uch a s tenni s or golf. [S n o w ] T o re co rd i n b ri gh t s ki re s ort s without the s ubject being unde rexpo s ed. [ Beach] T o recor d on a s unny beac h without the s ubject being unde rexpo s ed.
Video 55 NOTES • [ Portrait]/[ Sport s ]/[ Sno w]/ [ Beac h]: Th e pic ture m ay no t appea r s moot h during playback . • [ Portrai t]: T he bl ur ef fect of t he backgr ound in crea s e s the more you zoom in ( T ). • [ Snow]/[ Beach]: The s ubject may be come ove rexpo s ed on cloud y day s or in s haded place s .
56 Video To change the frame rate Video Snap s hot Recor d a s erie s of s hort s cene s . Play your video s nap s hot s cene s s et to your favorite mu s ic ( 70) to create your own fun mu s ic video. Y ou will be s urpri s ed how by changing the bac k ground mu s ic, you can give your s ce ne s an entire ly new feel.
Video 57 Pre-recording F u nction The camcorder will s tart re co rdi ng 3 s ec ond s bef ore you pre ss , en s uring you d o not mi ss important s hooting opp ortuni- tie s . Thi s i s e s pecially u s eful when it i s diffi cult to pred ict when to s tart reco rd in g.
58 Video For mo vies: Pr ess . The ca mcorder s tart s r ecordi ng after a 10- s econd countdown. The coun tdown app ear s on the s creen. For photos: Press , first halfway to activate the autofocus and then fully . The camcorder will record the photo after a 10 - s econd countdown.
Video 59 •T h e a d j u s tment ran ge and t he le ngth of th e expo s ure ad ju s tment indic ator w ill v ary depen ding on t he in itial b righ tne ss of the pictur e. • If you op erate the zoom , the bright ne ss of the im age may chan ge.
60 Video • The cente r of th e s creen w ill b e mag nifie d to help y ou f ocu s mor e ea s ily . Y ou can al s o turn off thi s function with the [Focu s A ss i s tance] s et ting.
Video 61 To s e lect the main s ubje ct If ther e i s mor e than one per s on in the pictur e, the camcor der will auto- matical ly s elect one per s on it determine s i s the main s ubject. The main s ubject i s indicate d by a white f ace detecti on frame and the camc o rder will optimize the s etting s for t h at per s on.
62 Video * When you s elect [ Cu s tom WB ], do n ot pre ss and co ntinue in s t ead with the follow ing p rocedure. To s et the cu s tom wh ite bala nce 1 Point the camc o rder at a white object s o it fill s the w hole s creen a nd pre ss . When t he adju s tment i s co mple ted, s top s fla s hin g a nd s tay s o n.
Video 63 Image Effect s Y ou can u s e the image effect s t o change th e color s aturation a nd con- tra s t to record movie s and ph oto s with s pecial color ef fect s . POINTS TO CHECK • Se lect a r ecor ding pr ogram o ther than t he Speci al Scene r ecordi ng pr o- gram s .
64 Video Option s ( Default value) Apply ing the Sel ected Digit al Effect 1 Open ( ) the joystick guide. 2 Select ( ) [ Digital Effects] and press . • The i con of the s elec ted digi tal e ffect tu rn s gr een. •P r e ss again to de activ ate the digi tal effect (it s icon wi ll turn white again).
Video 65 • F ader s cannot be u s ed when recor ding v ideo s nap s hot s ce ne s or whe n pre- rec ord ing i s ac tiv ate d. On-Screen Di s play s and Data Co de Y ou can turn mo s t on - s creen di s pl ay s on or off.
66 Video A u dio Recording Level Y ou can adju s t the audio recor ding level of the built-in microphone. Y ou can di s play the audio level ind icator while r ecording. Manual Ad justment of the Audio Reco rding Le vel 1 Open ( ) the joystick guide.
Video 67 NOTES • Whe n the audio l evel meter re ache s the re d point (0 dB mark ), t he s ound may be di s tort ed . • If the audi o lev el i s too high and the s ound get s di s torted, act ivate the micr ophone attenua tor with the [Micr ophone Attenuator] s ett ing.
68 Video 3 Select ( ) the playback starting point fr om the timeline ruler . 4 Press to begin the playback. To s elect another s cene Move ( ) the orange s election frame t o the l arge thumbna il and s elect ( ) another s cene.
Video 69 3 Se lect ( ) the p layback starting point from th e segment r uler . 4 P ress to begin the playback. Y ou c an s elect anot her s cene an d m ove be twe en s e gment ruler pag e s in th e s ame wa y a s in the m ovie timeli ne s cr een ( 67).
70 Video Scene and Playli s t Operation s Playin g Bac k Record ing s Set to Backgro u nd M us ic Y ou can play b ac k video s nap s hot s cene s , s cene s in the pl ayli s t and photo s lide s how s s et to bac k ground mu s ic (in s tead of the original s ound) u s ing one of the s upplie d trac ks .
Video 71 •Y o u c a n p r e ss to li s ten to the track s elec ted. Pre ss to s top the pl ayba ck. • Sel ect [Of f] to pla y back s cene s with their ori ginal s ound or to play back s lid e s how s without any mu s ic. 4 Back in the in dex screen, select ( , ) t he recor ding from which to s tart playback.
72 Video • M ac OS u s er s : U s e the Finder to tran s fer mu s ic file s from the [MUSIC] folder on the s u pplied Ca mcorder Supplement al Di s c to the memor y car d connecte d to a comput er after i t i s initia lized . Refe r to About the mu s ic fi le s ( 169) for the folder s tructure of the memory car d.
Video 73 4 Se lect ( ) the icon and press to divide the scene. 5 Se lect ( ) [Y es] and press . The video from the divi s ion poin t to the end of the s cene wil l appear a s a new s cen e in the in dex s cre en. NOTES • Whe n advanci ng/re ver s ing fram e s whil e dividing t he s cene s , the i nterval will be 0.
74 Video 2 Select ( , ) the scene you want to add to the playlist, or a scene recorded on the date you wa nt to add to the p laylist. 3 Add the s cene(s) to th e playlist. Option s • Whe n the operat ion i s complete d [S cene( s ) added to the pla yli s t] will be di s played.
Video 75 Deleting Sce nes from th e Playli st Deleting s cen e s from the playli s t will not af fect your original record ing s . 1 O pen the play list index screen.
76 Video • T o open the pl ayli s t index s creen from th e origin al movie s inde x s creen: - // For s cene s in the buil t-in me mory , pr e ss . For s cene s on the memory car d, pre ss and then s el ect [Pl ayli s t]. - P r e ss . •Y o u c a n p r e ss to open the pl ayli s t i ndex s cr een for vide o s nap s hot s cene s ( 56).
Video 77 • // The cap tur ed video s nap s hot s cene i s s aved to the s ame mem ory that contain s the movie. •V i d e o s nap s hot s cene s cannot be captur ed from a ny of the following type s of movie s .
78 Video 3 Copy the scene(s). *P r e ss to interrupt the operat ion while it i s in pr ogre ss . Option s C opying th e Entire Pl aylist 1 Open the index screen of the built-in memory’ s playlist.
Video 79 -D o n o t d i s co nne ct t he p ower s ource or turn of f the ca mcor der . - Do not c han ge th e ca mcorde r ’s operating m ode. NOTES • If the memory card s lot co ver i s open, or th e LOCK s witch on the mem- ory card i s s et to pr event writ ing, y ou will not be a ble to co py movie s to the me mory car d.
80 Phot o s Photo s Refer to thi s chapter for detail s on s hooting photo s – ta k in g photo s an d playi ng them bac k , capturi ng photo s from video and prin ting photo s . Ba s ic Recording T a king Photo s 1 T ur n on the camcorder . • // By d efault , photo s ar e r ecor ded in the built-in memory .
Photo s 81 IMPORT AN T •O b s erve th e foll ow ing pr ecaution s while the AC CESS in dica tor i s on or fla s hing. Faili ng to do s o may re s ult in permanent data l o ss . - Do not open the me mory card s lot cover . -D o n o t d i s co nne ct t he p ower s ource or turn of f the ca mcor der .
82 Phot o s NOTES • The actual num ber of photo s that can be re cor ded wi ll va ry depen d ing on the s ubje ct and s hooting condition s . •T h e c a m c o r d e r r e t a i n s the la s t s etting u s ed even i f you s et th e cam- cor d er t o mode.
Photo s 83 Ba s ic Playback Viewing Photo s 1P r e s s . •T h e o r i g i n a l m o v i e s in dex s creen will appear in mo s t ca s e s . • If a photo a ppear s in s ingle photo view , move the zoom lever towar d W to open the photo index s cre en.
84 Phot o s Photo Jump Funct ion When you have recor ded a large number of photo s , you can jump 10 or 100 photo s at a t ime. 1 Open ( ) the joystick guide. 2 Select ( ) the icon and press . 3 Select ( ) [ Jump 10 photos] or [ Jump 100 photos]. 4 Jump ( ) the number of photos selected and p ress .
Photo s 85 U s ing the FU NC. M enu 1 I n single ph oto view , open the p hoto selectio n screen. [ D e l e t e ] a p p e a r s on the s creen. 2 Se lect ( ) the photo you want to delete and press . 3 Se lect ( ) [Y es] and press t o delete the p hoto.
86 Phot o s Option s IMPORT AN T • B e car eful when d elet ing pho to s . Dele ted pho to s can not be reco v ered . • Pr otected p hoto s cannot be del eted. Magnifying Photo s d u ring P layback In s ingle photo view , photo s can be magnified up to 5 time s .
Photo s 87 Additional F u nction s Slide s how Y ou can play a s lide s how of all the photo s and even s et it to mu s ic ( 70). 1 Open the photo i ndex scr een. 2 Se lect the background mus ic to use when playing back the ph oto slideshow ( 70).
88 Phot o s NOTES • The backgr ound mu s ic may not b e played bac k corr ectly when playin g back a s lide s how from a memory ca rd with s low t ran s fer rate s . • When playi ng back a s lide s how wit h mu s ic fr om an ext ernal audi o player , the s lide s how w ill repea t un til the m u s ic fi ni s he s .
Photo s 89 The ar ea to the right of the hi s togram rep re s ent s highl i ght s and th e left s ide rep re s ent s s hado w s . A photo who s e hi s togram sk ew s to the right i s re la - tively bright; while one who s e hi s to- gram pea ks to the left, i s rel atively dar k .
90 Phot o s IMPORT AN T • When ca pturing photo s on an Ey e-Fi card, phot o s w ill be upl oad ed automa ticall y if you a re within the ran ge of a conf igur ed network. Al way s verify that Ey e-Fi ca rd s have been approv ed in the country/r egion of u s e.
Photo s 91 // Y ou can s elect the photo s in the built- in memory or on the me mory car d. 2 Se lect ( , ) t he photo you want to protect. Opt ion s IMPORT AN T • Initial izing the mem ory will pe rman ently er a s e al l recording s , inclu ding pr otect ed photo s .
92 Phot o s 2 Open the photo selection screen. [ Copy ( )] appe ar s on the s creen. 3 Select ( ) the photo you want to copy and pr ess . 4 Select ( ) [Y es] and press to copy the photo. 5 Repeat steps 3-4 to copy additional photos or pres s twice to close the menu.
Photo s 93 Opt ion s IMPORT AN T •O b s erve th e foll ow ing pr ecaution s while the AC CESS in dica tor i s on or fla s hing. Faili ng to do s o may re s ult in permanent data l o ss . - Do not open the me mory card s lot cover . -D o n o t d i s co nne ct t he p ower s ource or turn of f the ca mcor der .
94 Phot o s Printing Photo s Print ing Pho to s (Dir ect Print) The camcor der can be connecte d to any PictBridge-c ompatible printer . Y ou can mar k in advance the photo s you wan t to print a nd s et the de s ired number of copie s a s a print orde r ( 97).
Photo s 95 - Removing all print or de r s NOTES • will ap pear f or photo s that cannot be printed. • W e recommen d powering the camco rder u s ing the co mpact powe r adapt er .
96 Phot o s Option s [P a p e r S i z e ] * Available paper s iz e s vary depend ing on the prin ter model. [P a p e r T y p e ] * Select [Photo], [Fa s t Photo], [Plain] or [Defau lt]. [P a g e L a y o u t ] * Select [Default], [Bordered] or one of the follow- ing page layout s .
Photo s 97 NOTES •P r i n t s etting option s and [D efau lt] s etting s vary depending on the printer model. Fo r detail s , refer to the prin ter ’s in s truction manua l. To cancel a print job 1P r e ss ([ S top]) while printing. 2 S elect ( ) [O K ] a nd pre ss .
98 Phot o s POINTS TO CHECK •O n l y p h o t o s on the memor y car d can be s et for pr int orde r s . Marking Si ngle Photos with Prin t Orders 1 In single photo view , open the photo selection screen. appe ar s on the s creen. 2 Select ( ) the photo you want to mark with a print order .
Photo s 99 Opt ion s NOTES • // To s et print order s s et f or p hot o s recor ded in t he bui lt -in me mory , c opy the pho to s to the memory card in advan ce.
100 Exter nal Con nection s Extern al Connection s Thi s chapte r explain s how to connect your camcorde r to an external devi ce s uch a s a TV , VCR, or compu ter .
External Conne ction s 101 Connection D iagram s In the following connection di agram s , th e le ft s ide s how s the term inal s on the camco rde r and the right s id e s ho w s (for refer ence only) an example of te rminal s on a connect ed devic e.
102 Exter nal Con nection s C onnection T ype: Analog Q u ality: High definition O u tp u t onl y C onnect to a high-de finition TV (HDT V) with component vi deo input terminal s. C onnection T ype: Analog Q u ality: Standard definition O u tp u t only C onnect to a standard T V or a V C R with audio/vid eo input te rminals.
External Conne ction s 103 C onnectio n T ype: Digital data connection O u tp u t o nly C onnect to a co mputer to save your reco rdings, to the optional DW-100 DVD B urner to create D VD discs from them, or to a printer to print out ph otos.
104 Exter nal Con nection s Playback on a TV Sc reen Connect the camcor der to a TV to enjoy your r ecording s with family and friend s . Play bac k on an HDTV u s ing one of the high-definition con- nection s wil l en s ure th e be s t playbac k q uality .
External Conne ction s 105 Saving and Sharing Y o u r Rec ording s Saving Recording s on a Comp u ter Movie s and pho to s recor ded with thi s camcorder are s aved in t he built-in memory ( // only) or on the memory card. Becau s e s pace i s li mited, ma k e s ure to s ave your r ecord ing s on a computer o n a r egular ba s i s .
106 Exter nal Con nection s Refer to Starting Ca meraWindow . U s ing th e s oftwar e 1 Power the camcor der with the compact power adapter . 2 Set t he c am corder to mod e, in si ngle pho to v iew. 3 Connect the camcorder to t he computer using the suppl ied USB cable.
External Conne ction s 107 • If you c onn ect the camco rder to the compu ter whil e it i s s et to mode, the proce ss of cr ea ti ng s ce ne thumbnai l s will s tart au tom atic ally .
108 Exter nal Con nection s C onnecting to t he DW-100 DVD Burner and C re atin g a Di sc 1 T ur n on the DVD bur ner . Refer to Cr eatin g DVD s . 2 Connect the c amcorder to the DVD bu rner us ing the su pplied USB cable. • Connec tion . Refer to Conn ect ion Di agr am s ( 103) and Connection s .
External Conne ction s 109 IMPORT AN T • Whi le the ca mcor der i s connecte d to the DVD burner , do not open the memory card s lot cov er a nd do no t r emove t he me mory car d. •O b s erve th e foll ow ing pr ecaution s while the ACCESS indica tor on the camco rder i s on or fla s hing.
110 Exter nal Con nection s Y ou can complete the conve r s ion to s tandard d efinition in the cam- cord er and then u s e the s up pl ied s oftwa re ImageMixer 3 SE to s ave the converte d s cen e s an d bur n the m ont o DVD s in your computer .
External Conne ction s 111 1 If a me ss ag e appea r s regarding mu s ic file s , follow th e in s truction s on the s creen. 2 Thi s s tep i n not n ece ss ary for s cene s in the pl ayl i s t.
112 Exter nal Con nection s -A l l t h e s elected s cene s in th e playl i s t ar e merged into one conver ted s cen e. Ho wev er , if t he c onv erte d s cene i s too larg e, it will b e s plit into 2 GB- s ized s cene s .
External Conne ction s 113 •O b s erve th e foll ow ing pr ecaution s while the ACCESS indica tor on the camco rder i s on or fla s hing. Fail ing to do s o may re s ult i n permanent data lo ss . - Do not open the me mory card s lot cover . -D o n o t d i s co nne ct th e U SB ca ble.
114 Exter nal Con nection s NOTES • When t he camcorder co ntain s a large number of s cene s to be s aved on di s c s , it may take a long ti me for the connec tion to the DVD burner to be comp leted. F or be s t perform ance, we r ecommend limi ting the num- ber of s ce ne s to be s aved to 500 or fewe r s cene s .
External Conne ction s 115 - Do not c han ge th e ca mcorde r ’s operating m ode. NOTES • If you are cre ating a Pho to D VD f rom p hoto s o n the me mory ca rd and the mem ory car d contain .
116 Exter nal Con nection s IMPORT AN T •W h i l e t h e c a m c o r d e r i s connected to t he DV D burner , do not open the memory card s lot cove r and do not re move th e memo ry car d. NOTES • Onl y A VCHD di s c s create d with the DW-100 DVD burner can be played back u s ing the DVD burne r .
External Conne ction s 117 In S tanda rd Def initio n Y ou can copy your movie s by connecting t he camcor der to a VCR or a digital video recorder with an alog audio/vi deo input s . Video output will be in s tandard definition, although the original s cene s are in hi gh defi- nition.
118 Exter nal Con nection s If you are u s ing an Eye-Fi car d, after converti ng your video recor ding s into s tandar d definition s cene s you can upload your movie s wirel e ss ly , dir ectly fr om the camcor d er . Refer to Eye-Fi’ s ho mepage for the late s t information on compatible W eb s ite s .
External Conne ction s 119 •I f a m e ss age appear s regard in g m u s ic file s , follow the i n s truction s on the s cr een. •T h e l e f t s ide o f th e s creen di s play s the to tal pl.
120 Exter nal Con nection s NOTES • When conv erting s cene s in th e playli s t or video s nap s hot inde x s creen: -T h e s cene s are conve rte d with the s elected back gr ound mu s ic ( 70) in s tead of the ori ginal s ound. -A l l t h e s elected s cene s in th e playl i s t ar e merged into one conver ted s cen e.
External Conne ction s 121 IMPORT AN T • Whi le the ca mcor der i s con nect ed t o the co mputer , d o n ot op en t he memory card s lot cov er a nd do no t r emove t he me mory car d. •O b s erve th e foll ow ing pr ecaution s while the AC CESS in dica tor i s on or fla s hing.
122 Exter nal Con nection s IMPORT AN T U s ing an Eye-Fi card : •T h i s product i s not gu aranteed to s upp ort E ye-Fi card functi on s (includ- ing wirele ss tran s fer ). In ca s e of an i ss ue with an Eye -Fi car d, plea s e chec k with t he car d manufactu rer .
Addition al Informatio n 123 Addition al In for mati on Thi s chapter contain s trouble s hooting advice, s cr een me s - s ag e s , handling and ma intenance tip s , and other information. Appendix: Men u Opt ion s Li s t s Menu item s not available appea r grayed out.
124 Additional Information Setup Men us FUNC . Menu (Playb ac k Mode s ) (movie p layback), (pl ayback of vid eo s nap s ho t s cene s ): - available only in the original index s creen; - available onl y in the pl ayli s t index s creen ; z - a vail- able in bo th; — - not availab le in eithe r .
Addition al Informatio n 125 1 // Ava ilable only for photo s on the memory ca rd. 2 Available o nly for s cene s i n th e bu ilt in me mo ry . [Protect] – – – 90 [In divid ua l Ph otos ], [.
126 Additional Information Set u p Men us Came ra S etup 1 ( Mode) [Frame R ate]: Select s the frame rate to be u s ed wh en rec ord in g. [ PF25]: 25 frame s per s ec ond , progre ss ive . U s in g th i s frame r ate w ill give your recor ding s a cinematic look.
Addition al Informatio n 127 * [ 80 0x] for th e . ** For movi e s only . [Digita l Zoom] : Determi ne s the operation of the digital zoom. The c olor o f the indicator ind i- cate s the zoom. • Whe n activa ted, the c a m- corder w ill s wi tch aut oma tica lly to digital zoom when you zoom in beyond the optical zoom range.
128 Additional Information • If the degr ee of camcor d er s hake i s too high, th e image s tabil ize r ma y not be ab le to f ully c ompen s ate. The image s tabili zer may not be able to s ucce ss fully elimi nate a ll blur if th e cam corder o r the s ubject i s moving too much.
Addition al Informatio n 129 [Focus As sistance]: When th e fo cu s a ss i s tanc e i s activated , the image at the center of th e s cr een i s magn ified t o he lp y ou f ocu s manua lly ( 59). •U s ing the focu s a ss i s tance w ill not a ffe ct th e r ecording s .
130 Additional Information [Data C ode]: Di s play s the date and/o r time w hen the s cene wa s record ed . [ C amera Dat a]: Di s pl ay s the apertur e (f- s top) and s hutter s peed u s ed when r ecord ing t he s ce ne.
Addition al Informatio n 131 [LCD B rightn ess]: Adju s t s the bri ghtne ss of the LCD s cr een. • Chan ging the bri ght ne ss of the LCD s creen d oe s not affe ct the bright- ne ss of your r ecordi ng s or the b rightne ss o f t he pla yback image on a TV .
132 Additional Information 1 Option no t available when the cam corder i s connect ed to an HDTV u s ing an HDMI cable. 2 Option available only fr o m the original movie s index s creen. [Notif ication Soun ds]: A b eep wil l accom pany s ome operation s like tur n- ing on the camcorde r , the s elf -timer countdown, etc.
Addition al Informatio n 133 • D epending on the TV s et, additio nal s etti ng s m ay b e r eq u i red o n th e TV it s elf to acti vate the HDMI-CEC f unction.
134 Additional Information Languag e and Da te/Time S etup [Date Form at]: Se lect th e dat e form at to be u s ed for mo s t on- s creen d i s - play s , a nd (if s elected ) for the date p rinted on photo s . [Calendar Start Day]: Sele ct the day on w hich t he week s tart s fo r the cal- endar di s play ( 47).
Addition al Informatio n 135 [Memor y Info ]/[Mem ory C ard Info ]: Di s pl ay s a s cree n wher e you can ver- if y how much o f th e built -in me mory or the memor y car d i s curr ently in u s e ( total recor ding time and total number of photo s ) and how much s pace r emain s availab le for r ecord ing.
136 Additional Information Appendix: On s creen Icon s and Di s play s Recording Movies 1 Ope rating mode ( 2 4) 2 Recordi ng progra m ( 53, 5 5) 3 White balance ( 6 1) 4 Image effect ( 63) 5 Digi.
Addition al Informatio n 137 Recording Photos S f Zoom ( 40), Expo s ure ( 58) S g Photo q uality/ s ize ( 81) S h S elf timer ( 57) S j Number of available p hoto s On the memo ry ca rd // In the.
138 Additional Information * The lig ht meter ing mod e canno t be changed . Viewing Photos D f Hi s tog ram ( 88) D g Current phot o / T otal nu mber of photo s D h Photo num ber ( 132) D j Prote.
Addition al Informatio n 139 Memory operation Recor d, Recor d pau se, Pla yback, Pla ybac k paus e, Fast pl aybac k, Fa st re ver se p layb ack , Slow pla yba ck, Slow re verse p layb ack Remaining battery time • The icon shows a rough est imate of the remaini ng charge as a percentage of the full charge of the batt ery p ack.
140 Additional Information Tro ub le? Tr o u ble s hooting If you have a problem with your camcor der , r efer to thi s s ecti on. S ome- time s what you t hin k i s a mal function o f the camcor .
Addition al Informatio n 141 Recording Pre ss ing will not s tart recording. - Y ou cannot record while the camcorder is writi ng previous recordings onto the memory (while the A CC ESS indicator is on or flashing). Wa it until the camcorder has finished .
142 Additional Information Cannot move s cene s in the playli s t. - The memory is full. Delete some recordings ( 51, 84) or initialize the memory ( 36) to free some space. Cannot delete a s cene. - Y ou may not be able to delete scenes recorded or edited using another device and then trans- ferred to a memory card connected to a compu ter .
Addition al Informatio n 143 Indicators and Onscre en Disp lays light s u p in red. - Battery pack is exhausted. Repl ace or charge the battery pack. light s u p in red. - A memory ca rd error occurred . T urn off the camcorder . Remove and re insert the memor y card.
144 Additional Information Screen di s play s t u rn on and off repeatedly . - The battery pack is exhausted. Replace or charge the battery pack. - Remove the battery pack and reattach it correctly. Abnormal character s appear on the s creen and the camcorder doe s not ope rate properly .
Addition al Informatio n 145 - The folder and file numbers have reached their maximum value. Set [Photo Number- ing] to [Reset] and insert a new memo ry card. Cannot u pload file s us ing an Eye-Fi card. - Files cannot be u ploaded when [Eye-Fi C ommunication] is set to [Off] (when appears on the screen).
146 Additional Information - Disconnect the USB cable and turn off the camcorder . After a short while, turn it on again and restore the connection. - C onnect the camcorder to a different USB port on the co mputer . - The camcorder will no t be recognized while all photos ar e being deleted or a ll print orders are being removed.
Addition al Informatio n 147 Back u p recordin g s reg u larly - This message may appear when you turn on the camcorder . In the event of a malfunction, recordings may be los t so back up your recordings regularly . B u ffer overflow . Recording wa s s topped.
148 Additional Information Cannot play back - There is a problem wi th the memor y . If this me ssage appears often without apparent reason, contact a C anon Service C enter . // Cannot play back Cannot acce ss the b u ilt-in memory - There is a problem with the built-in memory .
Addition al Informatio n 149 Cannot reco rd movie s on thi s memor y card - Movies canno t be recorded on a 64 MB or smal ler memory card. Use a recommended mem- ory card ( 32). Cannot reco rd movie s on thi s memor y card Initialize only us ing the camcorder - The memory card in the camcorder wa s initia lized usi ng a computer .
150 Additional Information Initialize only us ing the camcorder - There is a problem with the file s ystem that prevents accessing the se lected memor y . Initial- ize the memory with this camcorder ( 36). LCD Screen ha s been dimmed -H o l d pressed for 2 s econds to restore the L C D screen to its pr evious brightness se t- ting.
Addition al Informatio n 151 - After selecting [Sc ene Search] [Scenes with Face s], no scenes contain people’ s faces or no scenes were recorded using the face detection function. - // This message will appear when ther e are no high-defini tion scenes on the memory card.
152 Additional Information Thi s photo co u ld not be deleted - Protected photos ( ) cannot be deleted. Remove the pr otection ( 90). // T h i s memory card contain s s cene s . Delete all s cene s to us e relay recordi ng. - Save the movies on the memory card ( 116) and initialize the memory card ( 36).
Addition al Informatio n 153 Cannot read the di s c . Check the di s c. - During disc recording mo de, this message can appear when a c ommercially available DVD disc (a DVD disc containing mo vies, software, etc.) or an 8 cm mini DVD disc is inser ted.
154 Additional Information Direct Prin t Related Messa ges Data tran s fer error - C ancel printing, disconnect the USB cable and turn of f the printer . After a while, turn the printer back on and reconnect the USB cable. - Y ou attempted to print from a memory ca rd that contains a large number of photos .
Addition al Informatio n 155 Print head not in s talled - No print head is installed in t he printer or the print head is defec tive. Printer cover open - C lose the printer cover securely . Printer error - A malfunction has occurred that may requir e repairs.
156 Additional Information Do’ s and D on’t s Handling Preca u ti on s Camcorder Be s ur e to ob s erve the following pre caution s to en s ur e maximum per- formance.
Additional Information 157 • When record ing movies, try t o get a calm, stable picture. Exc e ss iv e cam cor der mo ve ment wh ile s hooting and exten s ive u s e of fa s t zoom s and panning can re s ult in jittery s cene s . I n extr eme ca s e s , the playba ck of s uch s cene s may r e s ul t in vi s ually induced mot ion s ickn e ss .
158 Additional Information About the batter y t erminal cover The bat tery ter minal cover ha s a [ ]- s haped hole. Thi s i s u s eful when you wi s h to diff er entiate be tween charge d and uncharge d battery pa ck s . Memory Card • W e recommend backi ng up the re cor ding s on the memory ca rd onto your comp uter .
Additional Information 159 B u ilt- in Rec hargeabl e Lithi u m Batter y The camcor der ha s a built-in recha rgeable lithium battery to k eep the date/time and other s etting s .
160 Additional Information Maintenance/Other s Cleaning Cam corder Body •U s e a s oft, dry c l oth to cl ean the camcor d er body . Never u s e c hemic all y tr eated c l oth s or volatile s olvent s s uch a s p aint t hinner .
Additional Information 161 • R emove the memo ry ca rd and b attery p ack . Then, place the camcorde r in an air tight pla s tic ba g and let it adju s t gr aduall y to temperatu re chang e s befor e r emoving it f ro m the bag. Whe n cond en s atio n i s det ected The c amcor der automa ticall y s hut s off.
162 Additional Information Gener al Informa tion Acce ss or ie s Option al acce ss orie s not li s ted below a r e de s cribed in more detail in the following page s . * Supplied wi th the cam corder; no t available a s a n option al acc e ss ory .
Additional Information 163 Optional Ac ce ss ori e s Batter y Pac ks When you need e xtra battery pack s , s elec t the NB- 2LH. The s upplied BP-2L 5 i s not avai lable a s a s eparat e optional acce ss ory . CB-2L W E Bat tery Charger U s e the battery cha rger to charg e the battery pack s .
164 Additional Information decrea s e w hen reco rding in co ld s urro unding s , when u s ing the brig hter s creen s etting s , et c. // Using the built-in memor y Using a memor y card * Approximate ti me s for recording wi th repeated op eration s s uch a s s tart/ s top, zoom ing, and po wer on/o f f.
Additional Information 165 S C-2000 S oft Carry ing Ca s e A ha ndy camc or der bag wit h padd ed comp artm ent s and plenty of s pace for acce ss orie s .
166 Additional Information Specification s LEGRIA HF R18 / LEGRIA HF R17 / LEGRIA HF R16 / LEGRIA HF R106 S y s tem • Recording Sy s tem Movies: AV C HD Video compression: MPEG-4 AV C /H.264; Audio compression: D olby Digital 2ch Photos: D C F (Design rule for C amera File system), compatible with Exif* Ver .
Additional Information 167 Effective pixels (all figures are approximate values) Movies: 1,040,000 pixels (optical zoom, [Image Stabilizer] set to [Dynamic]) 1,560,000 pixels ([Image Stabilizer] set to [Off] or [Standard]) 16:9 photos: 1,560,000 pixels 4:3 photos: 1,730,000 pixels • LCD Screen: 6.
168 Additional Information Power/Other s • Power su pply (rated) 7.4 V D C (battery pack), 8.4 V D C (compact power adapter) • Power con su mption: 2.
Additional Information 169 Abou t the mu s ic file s The s pecif ica tion s of the mu s ic file s compatibl e with t he camcor der are a s follow s .
170 Additional Information Index 25p Cinem a Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 A Abr oad, u s ing the camcorder . . . . 161 A s pect r atio of a connect ed TV (TV type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Audio recording level . . . . . . . . .
Additional Information 171 I Image effect s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 Image s tabilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Index s cre en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3, 45 Initialization (buil t-in memory */mem ory car d) .3 6 J Joy s tic k .
172 Additional Information T Te l e p h o t o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 Time zo ne/D S T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Tr a n s fe rring reco rding s to a comput er . . . . . .
Canon Europa N.V . Bovenkerkerweg 59-61, 1185 XB Amstelveen, The Netherlands www Canon UK Ltd CCI Service Centre, Unit 130 Centennial Park, Borehamwood, Hertfordshir e, WD6 3SE, United Kingdom T elephone 0870-241-2161 Canon Australia Pty Ltd T el: 13-13-83 (within Australia only) (61) 02-9805-2555 www .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Canon Legria HF R17 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Canon Legria HF R17 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Canon Legria HF R17, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Canon Legria HF R17 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Canon Legria HF R17, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Canon Legria HF R17.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Canon Legria HF R17. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Canon Legria HF R17 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.