Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Legria HF M56 du fabricant Canon
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PUB. DIE-0418-000 B HD Camcorder Instruction Manual 0 C OP Y.
2 Introduc tion Important Usage Instructions COPYRIGHT WARNING: Unauthorized recording of copyrighted materials may infringe on the rights of cop yright owners and be contrary to copyright laws. T o reduce the risk of electric shock, do not expose this product to dripping or spl ashing.
3 REGIONS OF USE LEGRIA HF M56 is in co mpliance (as of January 2012) with the radi o signal regulations of the regions listed below . For detail s on other regi ons where it can be used, make inquiries with the c ontacts listed o n the back side o f this instru ction manual.
4 T rademark Acknowledg ements • SD, SDHC and SDXC Logos a re trademarks of SD-3C, LLC. • Microsoft and Windows ar e trademarks or registered tr ademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries . • App Store, iPhone , iT unes, Mac OS and Macintosh are tra demarks of Apple Inc.
5 Exciting F eatures and New Functions 0 Wi-Fi Functions ( A 155) Audio Scene Se lect ( A 111) Enjoy the f reedom of Wi-Fi functio ns by making your camcorder an active part of your Wi-Fi home network or by conveniently accessing Wi-Fi hotspots to upload your videos wherever yo u may be.
6 Smart AUTO ( A 46) Smart AUTO autom atica lly sel ects t he best scene mode for t he s cene y ou w ant to shoot. Y ou get spe ctacular r ecor dings every time wi thout worrying abo u t settings.
7 Enjoying Y our Recordings on Other Devices MPEG-2 AVCHD MP4 Eye-Fi Connect the camcorder to an HDTV ( A 134) Use an Eye-F i card ( A 152) to wirelessly upload reco rdings to your computer or a video sharing W eb site . Upload MP4 movies to your computer ( A 140).
8 0 Enjoying Y our Recordings Using the Camcorder's Wi-Fi Fu nctions LAN cable Play video wir elessly dir ectly from the memory on AV CHD- and DLNA-compatible H DTVs and other devices c onnected t o the n etwork ( A 170). Join a Wi-F i network b y first connecting to an access point ( A 157).
Table of conte nts 9 Introduction 5 Exciting Features and New Functions 13 About this Manual 15 Getting to Know the Camcorder 15 Supplied Access ories and CD-ROMs 17 Names of Parts Prepara.
10 Table of cont ents AUTO Mode 44 Basic Recor d ing 44 Shooting Video and T aking Photos in AUTO Mode 46 About the Smart AUTO function 48 Intelligent IS 49 Zoomin g 51 Quick Start V ide o.
Table of conte nts 11 99 T ouch & T rack 100 Faders 101 Manually Setting the Shutter Sp eed or Aperture 103 Manual Exposure Adjustment 104 Automatic Gain Control (AGC) Limit 105 Manual Focus A.
12 Table of cont ents 0 Wi-Fi Functions 155 Introduction to W i-Fi 157 Connecting to a W i-Fi Network 162 T ransfer ring Files to a Computer or F TP server 166 Uploading Recordings to Y ouT ub.
Introdu ction 13 About this Manual Thank you for pur chasing the Canon LEGRIA HF M56 / LEGRIA HF M506. Please read this manual carefully before you use the cam- co rde r and re t ai n i t fo r fu tu re ref e ren ce . S h ou l d y ou r c am co rd er fa i l t o operate co rre ctly , refer to T roubleshooting ( A 195).
14 Introduction Self Timer Operating modes: * F or movie s only . 1P r e s s . 2 Activate the self timer . • < w ill appear on the s creen. • Repeat, se lecting [ j Off], to turn off the self timer . Movies: In recor d pause mode, press Y .
Introdu ction 15 Gettin g to Kn ow the Camcorder Supplied Accessor ies and CD-ROMs The follo wing acc essories ar e supplied w ith t he camcor der: * 0 on ly .
16 Introduction The f ollo wing CD-ROM s and sof twar e ar e suppli ed with t he ca mcor d er: • PIXELA CD-ROM - 0 Y ou can use Video Brows er for managing, editing, and playing back A VCHD movies , an d Network Utility w hen tran sferr ing rec ord ings wir elessly to a com puter .
Introdu ction 17 Names of Parts 1 V IDEO SNAP ( video sna pshot) butto n ( A 70) 2 H OME (h ome) b utton ( A 27) 3 U (camera /play) b utton ( A 32) 4 BA TTERY RELEASE switch ( A 21) 5 US B termina.
18 Introduction A h Speaker ( A 55) A j Zoom lever ( A 49) A k Mini advanced shoe ( A 118) A l ACCESS (access) indica tor ( A 44) S q POWER but ton S a ON/OFF (CHG) (charge) indicat or: Green – .
Introdu ction 19 S d DC IN terminal ( A 20) S f B attery at tachment unit ( A 20) S g Serial numb er S h T r ipod socket ( A 215) S d S f S gS h Botto m vi ew Back view C OP Y.
20 Prepa ratio ns Prepar ations This chapte r desc ribes bas ic operat ions, s uch as using the touch panel, navigating the me nus, and first tim e settings to help you learn more about your camcor der .
Prepa rations 21 5 Ch arging w ill start when the camcorder is turned off. • If th e camcor der was on, the green ON/OFF (CHG) indic ator will go out when you turn off t h e camcor der . After a mo ment , the ON/O FF (CHG) indic ator will tur n on in red (b att ery pac k charging).
22 Prepa ratio ns • T o pr event equi pment br eakdo wns and exces sive hea ting, do not con- nect the supp lied com pact powe r adapter to voltage co nverte rs for overs eas tr avel s or sp ecial power sour ces such as those on aircr aft and ships, DC-AC inverters, etc.
Prepa rations 23 Prep arin g the A ccesso ries Grip Belt and Stra ps Fasten the grip belt. Adjus t the grip b elt so t hat y ou can reac h the zoom lever with your index fin ger , and the Y button wi th your t humb. Y ou ca n a ttach the sup plied sty lus pen to the grip belt.
24 Prepa ratio ns To attach an optio nal wrist strap Attach the wrist strap to the rear bracket on the camcorder , adjust the length and fasten. Y ou can also attach the wrist strap to the strap mount on the grip belt to use both for extra co nvenience and pr otection.
Prepa rations 25 Adjusting the LC D Screen Rotatin g the LCD Pa nel Open the LCD panel 90 degrees. • Y ou can rota te the panel 90 degree s downward.
26 Prepa ratio ns Basic Operatio n of the Camcorder Using the T ouch Screen The contro l buttons and menu items that appear on th e touch screen change dynami cally dependi ng on the operating mode and the task you are performing. With the intuitive touch screen interface you have all the contr ols at your fingert ips.
Prepa rations 27 Using the Menus Many of the camcor der's funct ions can be adjust ed from t he [ Main Functions] panel and [ Other Settings] menus in the HOME menu. For details about the available menu options and settings, refer to the appen di x Menu Options Lists ( A 174).
28 Prepa ratio ns • [ C a m e r a M o d e ] - From the [ Camera Mode] menu, you wil l be able to cha nge whethe r you re cor d movies in m ode (cam cor der automati cally takes ca re of many sett ings), mode (you can manu- ally ch ange setti ngs), o r mod e (usi ng th e cine ma-lo ok filt ers, you can mak e mov ies wit h a ci nemat ic fee l).
Prepa rations 29 Y ou may need to drag your finger up and down along the scro ll bar or touch [ ] and [ ] to find the control button of the desired function. [Edit] Pan el Operat ing modes: T ouch [Edit] to dis play a panel showing available operations (copying, deleting, et c.
30 Prepa ratio ns 1 Press to open the HOME menu. 2 T ouch [ Other Se ttings] to open the [Other Settings] menus. 3 T ouch the tab of the de sired menu. 4 Drag yo ur fin ger up an d dow n to bring the setting y ou want to change into the orang e selection b ar .
Prepa rations 31 Next, set the reco rd ing standa rd. T he r ecording standar d determines the type of data the movie is recor ded as — namely , A VCHD or MP4. 1 P ress to open t he HOME menu. 2 T ouch [ Recording Standard] and then touch the desired recor ding stan dard.
32 Prepa ratio ns NOTES • Y ou can ad just th e vid eo qual ity using th e r > [Recording Mode] setting. • Some portable devices may not be able to play back MP4 movies re cord ed with thi s camcor der . Playback Press the came ra/play b utton T to switch the camc order betw een c amera (recording) m ode and playba ck mode.
Prepa rations 33 First T ime Settings Setting th e Date and Time Y ou will need to set the date and time of the camcor der before you can start using i t. The [ Date/Time] scr een (date and time se tup scre en) will appear auto- matical ly when t he camc order ’ s clo ck is not set.
34 Prepa ratio ns Changing the Language The defaul t language of the camcor der is English. Y ou can set it to one of 27 languages. Operating modes: 1P r e s s . 2 Select the desired language. * After chan ging the camcod er’ s language to Engli sh, select q > [Language ! ] to chang e the lang uage.
Prepa rations 35 Changing the Time Zone Change the time zo ne to m atch your loca tion. The default setting is Paris. Operat ing modes: 1P r e s s . 2 O pen the [Time Zone/ DST] screen. 3T o u c h [ " ] to s et the home time zone, or [ # ] to set the tim e zone of your destination when you are tr aveling.
36 Prepa ratio ns Using a Memor y Ca rd Memor y Card s Compati ble fo r Use with th e Camcorder Y ou can use t he follo wing types o f commer c ially avai lable Secure Di gi- tal (SD) cards with this c amcorder .
Prepa rations 37 Compatible operat ing systems for S DXC memory ca rds IMPORT AN T • If y o u u s e an S DX C m em o r y c a rd wi t h a c o m pu t e r O S th a t is n ot S D XC - compat ible, you may be prompt ed to f ormat the memor y car d. In suc h case, cancel the operation to prevent data loss .
38 Prepa ratio ns Inserting and Removing a Memory Ca rd Make sure to initialize ( A 40) all memory cards befor e using them with this camcorder . 1 T ur n off the camcorder . Make sure the ON/OFF (CHG) indicato r is off. 2 Open the memory car d slot cover .
Prepa rations 39 0 Selecting the Me mor y (Built-in Memor y/Memor y Ca rd) for the Recordings Y ou can select to recor d your movies and photos in the built-i n mem- ory or on a memory card. The defa ult memory for recording both is the built-in memory .
40 Prepa ratio ns 3 Activate the relay r e cording. * The approxi mate availab le recording time w ill now reflect t he combi ned space i n the memo ries us ed for relay recording. NOTES • The re wil l be a momenta ry stop in the scene at the p oint whe re the camc ord er swi tches fr om one me mory to anothe r .
Prepa rations 41 3 Initiali ze the memory . 0 1 1 T ouc h this option if yo u want to physically erase all the data ra ther tha n just cl ear the file al location t able o f the me mory . 2 If you selected th e [Complete Init ialization] opti on, you can touch [Cancel] to cancel the initia lization wh ile it i s in pr ogress.
42 Prepa ratio ns Using t he Op tion al Wir eless Contr oll er When you use the optional WL-D89 Wireless Controller , y ou can con- venientl y operate the camcor der from a distance when, for example, you ar e using a tripod to achieve a stable shot.
Prepa rations 43 Wireless Control ler’ s Buttons NOTES • Th e wirel ess cont ro ller may not wor k prop erly wh en the re mote senso r is situ ated unde r stro ng ligh t sour ces or di rec t sunlight .
44 AUTO Mode AUT O M ode This chapter cover s how to easily reco rd vi deo and photos in mode, and how to use basic sho oting functions like zoom and Quick Start. T o enjoy full access to menus and more advanced functions, re fer to Recording in Manual Mode ( A 86).
AUT O Mode 45 3 Se t the camcorder to mode. To re cord vi de o Pr ess Y to begin recording. • Pr ess Y ag ain to pau se the recordin g. • Y ou can also pre ss Y on the optional WL-D89 W ireless Con- troller . • Th e ACCESS indica tor will flash fr om ti me t o time whil e the scene is bei n g re cord e d.
46 AUTO Mode About AUTO mod e • Only th e follow ing funct ions are ava ilabl e in mode. - Zoom ( A 49). - Qui ck Start ( A 51). - Vid eo sn apsho t ( A 70). - Face dete ction ( A 97) to get be autiful shots of people every time, trac king the subject e ven i f the pe rson moves.
AUT O Mode 47 Smart AUTO ico ns * The ico n in parentheses ap pears under backlig ht conditions. Background → (co lor of t he ic on) Bright* (gray) Blu e ski es* (light blue) Vivid colors* (gree.
48 AUTO Mode IMPORT AN T • Observe the following precauti ons while the ACCESS indicator is on or flashing. Fa iling to do so may r esult in permanent data loss or damage to the memory . - Do no t ope n the me mory car d slot co ver . - Do not discon nect the pow er sour ce or turn of f the camcor der .
AUT O Mode 49 • Whe n re cordi ng in bright plac es, it m ay be di fficult t o use the LCD scree n. In such cases, you c an adjust the LCD backli ght with the q > [LCD Backli ght] setting or a djust the brightne ss of the LCD scr een with the q > [LCD Brightness] setting.
50 AUTO Mode Using the T ouch Screen’ s Zoom Controls 1 Display the z oom controls o n the touch screen. • The zoom contr ols appear on the left side of the screen. 2 T ouch th e zoom co ntrols to operate the zoom. T ou ch an yw here wit hin th e T are a to zoom out or any where wit hin the S are a to zoo m in .
AUT O Mode 51 Quick Start When you cl o se the LCD panel wi th the camcor der on, the cam cor der enter s the stand by mode. In stand by mode th e camcor der c onsumes only about 1/3 the p ower used when r ecording, s aving ener gy when you ar e using a bat tery pa ck.
52 AUTO Mode • About standby m ode and aut o power off: - The camcorder wil l power off autom atica lly if left in standby mo de for 10 minutes. Pr ess P to turn on the camcor der .
Video 53 Video This chapt er covers functions related to movies, i n cluding play- back, adva nced shooting, using Story Creat or and other advanced f unctions.
54 Video 3 Look for the scene you want to play back. Move the zoom lever towar d T to show 15 scenes per page; move it tow ard S to show 6 sce nes pe r page .
Video 55 During playback: Adjus ting the volume for A VCHD movi es 1 During playback, touch the scr een to display the playbac k controls . 2T o u c h [ Ý ], dr ag you r fi nge r a lon g th e [ Spe ake r Volume ]* ba r to adjust t he volume and touch [ K ].
56 Video During p layback paus e: IMPORT AN T • Observe the following precauti ons while the ACCESS indicator is on or flashing. Fa iling to do so may r esult in permanent data loss. - Do no t ope n the me mory car d slot co ver . - Do not discon nect the pow er sour ce or turn of f the camcor der .
Video 57 3D Flip View Operat ing modes: T ouch [ ] in the [ Movies] index scr een to switch to 3D Flip V iew. This fun way of displaying scenes grouped by recording date in a 3D layout can be useful to flip through a lar ge n umber of recordings. ! Recor ding da te.
58 Video The [Index S election] Scree n: Selecting th e Content to Play Back From the [ G Index Selection] scr een you can select the c ontent you want to p lay back (original scene s by d ate or by story , or photos , for example) . 0 Y ou can also select the memory from which you want to play back yo ur reco rd ings.
Video 59 NOTES • 0 Fast/slow play b ack mod es are no t availa ble for scenes con - verte d to st andar d definition . Scen es in the [SD Movies] ind ex scr een can o nly be p laye d b ack at no rmal sp eed. • Y ou canno t jump to th e previo us or nex t sc ene wit h MP4 movies.
60 Video 3 Delete the scene. Deletin g Scenes f rom the [ Movies] or [ Movies] In dex Sc reen Operating modes: 1 Open the [ Movies] or [ Movies] index screen. For AVCHD mo vies, to de lete al l the s cenes recorded on a spe cific date, d rag your finger lef t/right u ntil the d esire d date a ppears in the title bar .
Video 61 Deleting a S ingle Scene f rom a Stor y Operat ing modes: 1 O pen the list of scenes of the story that contains the scene you want to delete. 2 I n the [Scene List] screen, drag your finger up/down to select the scene you want to delete. 3 T ouch the o range [ ] icon on th e left to open the [Ed it Scene] screen.
62 Video 3 T ouch one or more of the r ating button s to select all the applicable scenes. • A grayed o ut rat ing butto n ind icates that no scen es in the sto ry ha ve been give n that partic ular rating. • The nu mber of sel ect ed sc enes appear s on the sc reen.
Video 63 IMPORT AN T • Be ca ref ul when deleting recor dings. Once deleted , scenes can not be r ecover ed. • Del eting a s tory perma nently deletes al l the scenes i t contains.
64 Video 3 T ouch th e desired frame in the timeline ruler to start play ing back the scene from th at point. To change the int erval betwee n frames ! T ouch twice to re turn to the index scr een. " Previo us/next s cene. # Drag your fi nger lef t along t he ruler to displa y the next 5 frames.
Video 65 Onscreen Displays and D ata Code With e very sce ne or photo r ecorded, t he camcor der keeps a d ata code. For A VCHD movies, the data code includes dat e/ti me of r ecord- ing, informa tion about the camera s etup, etc. For MP4 movies, the data code is the date of recor ding.
66 Video Video Stories and Cinema Style Using Stor y Crea tor to Crea te Compel ling Stori es Story Cr eator is a helpful function t hat of fers su ggestions for typical scenes in a number of situa tions.
Video 67 6T o u c h [ O K ] . • A n ew s tory will be created an d th e ca mcorde r w ill e nter record pause mo de. Th e selected s tor y scene categ ory wil l appe ar at the bottom of the scr een.
68 Video To exit Story Creat or mode 1P r e s s . 2 T ouch [ Recording Standard] and th en select a differ ent recor ding standard. NOTES • When r ecordi ng video snaps hot scenes , you can have.
Video 69 Cinema Mode and Cinema-Lo ok Filters In (cinema ) mode, the camcorder will adjust the frame rate and several other picture-related settings to gi ve your recordings a cine- matic look. In this mode y ou can al so use a v ariety of pr ofessi onal cin- ema-look filte rs to create unique movies with a distinctive ap pearance.
70 Video Option s ( Default value) The camcorder of f ers 7 cinema- look filters . Se lect the des ired fil ter whil e previ ewin g th e effec t on the screen. NOTES • Phot o s canno t be rec or ded whi le t he camco r der i s set t o mode. Video S naps hot Record a se ries of short scene s.
Video 71 1P r e s s V . • A blue border ap pea rs on t he screen. • Press V again to retu r n to n or ma l vi de o reco rdi ng m o de. 2P r e s s Y . • The ca mcor der recor ds for a few seco nds (the b lue f rame serves as a visual progr ess bar*) and then autom atically retu r ns to rec ord pau se mo de .
72 Video Deco rating Sc enes wh ile R eco rdin g Operating modes: 1 Open the decoration screen. • Th e deco ration screen w ill o pen au tomati call y als o when you st ow the LCD pane l with the touch scr een facing out. 2 Use a tool from t he toolbar a s explain ed in the following procedur es.
Video 73 & [ Ü ]** (Image Mix) Choose one of 27 dif ferent frames to add onto the canvas . Image mix can be used in comb inati on with the pens, s tamps and an imated sta mps. ' [ Ý ]** In re cor ding mod e: paus e the live vid eo. T ouch [ Ý ] again to restor e the live v ideo.
74 Video To use [Anim ate d Stamps ] 1T o u c h [ × ]. The [An imated Stamps] scre en will ap pear . 2 T ouch one of the control butt ons. 3 T ouch anywher e on the canvas to pla ce the selected animated stamp. Y ou can also drag some animat ed stamps to a dif ferent loca ti on.
Video 75 Decorati ng Scenes during Pla yback Operat ing modes: 1 F rom the [ Movies] index screen or gallery , play back the scene you want to decorate. 2 T ouch the screen to display the playback contr ols. 3T o u c h [ Ò ] to o pen the d ecoration screen.
76 Video Playin g Bac k Stories fr om th e Gall ery Y ou can play back recor dings made using Story Creator t o play them back as a single compelling video story follow ing the order of the story’ s scri pt.
Video 77 3 Se lect the rating of the scenes you wan t to play b ack. 4 T ouch the story’ s thumbnail to start the playb ack. • The com plete st ory will be played back fr om the firs t scene to the last. Wh en playback ends, the camcor der wil l re turn to the galle ry .
78 Video Rating Scenes Y ou can rate story sce nes immedia tely af ter re co rding them or d uring playbac k. Y ou can then select multiple scenes with the same rating , for example, in order to pla y back or copy only your favor ite scenes. Rating Scen es Immedia tely A fter Recordi ng Operating modes: 1P r e s s .
Video 79 2 O pen the list of scenes of the story that contains the scenes you want to rate. 3 I n the [Scene List] screen, drag your finger up/down to select the scene you want to rate. 4 T ouch the o range [ ] icon on th e left to open the [Ed it Scene] screen.
80 Video Playback with Background Music Y ou can play back movies (or a photo slide show) using one of the sup- plied music t racks fr om the supplied LEGRIA CD-ROM as b ackgro und music. Operating modes: The supplied LEG RIA CD-ROM contains 3 music tracks you can use as backgr ound music.
Video 81 5 A djust the mix b alance betw een the original sound and the background music. T ouch [ y ] (more of th e original sound) or [ Û ] (more of th e back ground mus ic) or dr ag you r fing er alo ng the [ Music Balanc e] ba r to adj ust the backgr ound music bal ance as de sir ed.
82 Video IMPORT AN T • If you us e cop yri ghte d song s a nd mu sic tr acks in your vi de o creati ons , remember th at music under copyright m ay not be used without permis- sion f ro m the copyr ight h older , exce pt fo r case s perm itted under appli- cabl e laws, such as for pe rson al use.
Video 83 1 O pen the list of scenes of the story that contains the scene you want to copy or move. 2 I n the [Scene List] screen, drag your finger up/down to select the scene you want to copy/move. 3 T ouch the o range [ ] icon on th e left to open the [Ed it Scene] screen and touch [Co py] or [Move].
84 Video Selecting a Stor y’ s Thumbnail Image Initial ly , the image use d as the stor y’ s thumbnail is the first fr ame of the first scene in t he story . Y ou can set your favorite s cene as the thumb- nail that w ill r epr esent the story in the galle ry .
Video 85 1 O pen the g allery . 2 Se lect the sto ry whose title you want to change. Drag your finger right/left to bri ng the desired story to the fr ont. 3 O pen the [Edit Title] screen. 4 Us e the virtual keyb oard to change the title. 5T o u c h [ O K ] > [ K ] > [ K ] to retur n to the gallery .
86 Video Advanced Functions Recording in Manual Mode When the c amcor der is set to mode, you ca n enjoy ful l access to the menus and manually adjust the exposure, f ocus, whi te balance and many mor e of t he camcor der’ s s ettings to your pr efer ence.
Video 87 IMPORT AN T • Observ e the follo wing precautio ns while the ACC ESS in dicato r is on or flashin g. Fai ling to do so may resu lt in perma nen t data loss or da mage to the memory . - Do not open the m emory card slot cover . - Do not disc onnect the p ower sour ce or turn off the ca mcorder .
88 Video NOTES • For MP4 movi es, you cannot revi ew the l ast m ovie r ecor ded if, af ter you re cord ed the mo vie, yo u perfo rmed ano ther ope ratio n such as o pening a menu. Selecting the Video Quality (Recording Mode) Th e c a mc o rde r o ffe r s 5 re co rdi ng m o de s f or re co rdi n g AVC H D m o vi es and 2 for MP4 movies.
Video 89 NOTES • Movies reco rded in MXP mod e canno t be saved o n A VC HD d iscs. Use an exter nal Blu-ra y Disc recorder to co py MX P mov ies ont o Blu-r ay discs. 0 Alternati vely , you can use the supp lied soft w ar e Vid eo- Bro wser to cr eate A VCHD discs* .
90 Video Approximat e recording tim es Default value A VCHD movies in MXP mode are recorded in 1,920 x 1,08 0 resolution. AVCHD movies recorded using other recordi ng modes are recorded in 1,440 x 1,080 resolution . MP4 mo vies are recorded in 1,280 x 720 resol ution.
Video 91 Sele cting the Fr ame Rate Y ou can change t he fram e rate ( the number o f frame s r ecor ded per second) to change the l ook of your movies. When r ecordi ng MP4 mov- ies, the fram e rate will be [ 25P]. Operat ing modes: 1P r e s s . 2 Se lect the frame rate.
92 Video Speci al Sc ene Rec ord ing Pro g rams Recording in a very bright ski resort or ca pturing the full colors of a sunset or a fire w orks display bec omes as easy as selecti ng a Special Scene r ecord ing pr o gram.
Video 93 NOTES •[ ú SCN: Portrait]/[ û SCN: Sports]/[ ý SCN: Snow]/[ þ SCN: Beach]: The picture may not appear smooth during playba ck. •[ ú SCN: Portrait]: The bl ur ef fect of t he back gr ound in creases the more you zoom in ( S ).
94 Video - White p oints may a ppear on the screen. - Autofocus may not work as well as i n other modes. In such case, adjus t the focus ma nuall y . •[ Š SCN: F i rewo rks]: - T o avoid came ra blur ( blur due to the camc ord er moving ) we recom mend using a t ripod .
Video 95 Adv anced Image S tabi lizati on The image stabil izer re duces camcor der blur (blur due to the cam- cord er moving) so you ca n get nice, stable shots. Selec t the image sta- bilization mode ac cording to the s hooting conditions. Operat ing modes: 1P r e s s .
96 Video NOTES • If the degr ee of camco r der shak e is too high, the image stabil izer may not b e able to f ully compens ate. • For surveying and following shots, when you pan the camcorder from side to si de o r tilt it up an d do wn, we re commend settin g th e I S mode t o [D y n a m i c ] o r [S t a n d a r d ] .
Video 97 • Any of the following action s will dea ctivate the pr e-r ecord ing func tion. - Lea ving the cam corder with out any o pera tion fo r 5 mi nut es. - Changing the operating mode. - Pressing V . - Opening the decora tion sc ree n. - Closing the LCD p anel to set the camcorder to standby m ode.
98 Video To s el ect th e main su bje ct If ther e is more than one person in the picture, the camc order will auto- maticall y select o ne pers on it deter mines is the main su bject. The main subject is indicated by a whit e face det ection fram e and the camcor der will optimize the settings for that p erson.
Video 99 T ouch & T rack When r ecor ding a gr oup of people usi ng face dete ction, the ca mcor der will auto matically detec t one per son as t he mai n subje ct. Y ou can use T ouch & T rack to tell the camcorder to track and optimize settings for a dif ferent person.
100 Video Faders The camco rd er of fers t wo pr ofess ional l ooking trans ition ef fects to fade-in o r fade-out scenes . Y ou have the option t o activa te the fad er only one time or ever y time you start or stop re cording. Operating modes: * Y ou can preview the tr ansition effect on the screen.
Video 101 Manually Setting the Shutt er Speed or Aperture [ ’ Program med AE] i s the d efault auto matic e xposur e (AE) recor ding pro gram; using it, you can change functions like the whit e balance or image ef fects. Selec t one of the other AE r ecor ding pro grams to contro l the shutter speed or aperture.
102 Video • When setti ng a numeri c value (apert ur e or shut ter sp eed), the number displa yed will fl ash if t he aper ture value or shu tter s peed is n ot appropri - ate for the re cord ing co nditio ns. In su ch case, s elect a di ff ere nt value.
Video 103 Manual Exposure Adjustment At times, ba cklit subjects may appear too dark (undere xposed) o r sub- jects und er very s trong lights may a p pear too b right or g laring (ov erex - posed) .
104 Video NOTES • If the re cor ding pr ogram is changed during ex posur e lock, the cam- cor der will r eturn to aut omatic e xposur e . • When shooting sub jects with a stro ng light sour ce behind them, the camcor der automatica lly co rrec ts for the bac klight* .
Video 105 Manual Focus Adjustment Autofocus ma y not work well on the follo wing subjects . In su ch case, focus manually . Operat ing modes: POINTS TO CH ECK • Adj ust the zoom bef ore you sta rt the pr ocedur e. • Selec t a recordin g progr am o ther th an [ š S CN: Underwat er] or [ Ÿ SCN: Surfac e].
106 Video 3 T ouch and hold [ F ] or [ E ] to adjust the focus. • The ce nter of the scre en wil l be mag nified to he lp you fo cus more easily . Y ou can also turn off thi s function with the p > [Focus Assistance] setting. • Th e focus ing dis tance display ed will change as you adjus t the focu s.
Video 107 POINTS TO CH ECK • Selec t a recordin g progr am o ther th an [ Š SCN: Fireworks]. * T o uch aga in to tur n off the tele macro fu nction. • The ca mcorder w ill a utomatically adjust the zoom to the tel ephoto end. NOTES • Any of the following action s will dea ctivate the tel e macro f unction.
108 Video To set the custom white balance Point the camcorder at a white object, so it fills the who le screen, and touch [Set WB]. When th e adjustme nt is complet ed, Å stops flashing and disapp ears. The camco rder will r etai n the custo m white bala nce even if you turn it off .
Video 109 Image Effects Y ou can adjust th e color depth, brightne ss, contrast, and sharpnes s of the i mag e. Operat ing modes: POINTS TO CH ECK • Se lect a recor ding pro gram o ther than t he Spe cial S cene recor ding pr o- grams. 1 O pen the ima ge effects screen.
110 Video Self Timer Operating modes: * For movi es on ly . 1P r e s s . 2 Activate the self timer . • < will appe ar on th e screen. • Rep eat, s electi ng [ j Off], to turn off the self timer . Movies: In r e cord p ause mode, press Y . The camcorder start s recor ding after a 10-second countdown*.
Video 111 Audio Scenes and Othe r Audio Settings Y ou can have the camcorder optimize the audio sett ings of the built-in micr ophone by selecting t he audi o scene t hat matches y our surr ound- ings. This will greatly enhance the sense of "being there.
112 Video NOTES • [ Cu stom Sett ing] is not ava ilabl e in mode . • Afte r setting [ Audio Scene] to [ Custom Setting], if the camera mode is chang ed to , th is se tting wi ll cha nge to [ Standard].
Video 113 2 A djust the auto wind screen. • Rep eat, s elec ting [ j Off à ], to turn off the auto wind screen. NOTES • Some low-frequency sounds will be suppressed along with the sound of wind.
114 Video Option s ( Default value) Built-in Microp hone Directiona lity Y ou can change the direct ionality of the bui lt-in micr ophone to have mo re c on tro l o ve r h ow so un d i s rec ord e d. POINTS TO CH ECK • Set [ Audio Scene] to [ Custom Setting ] ( A 111).
Video 115 Audio Recording Level Y ou can adjust the audio re cording level of the built-in or an external microphone. Y ou can display the audio level indicator while re cording. Operat ing modes: POINTS TO CH ECK • Set [ Audio Scene] to [ Custom Setting] ( A 111).
116 Video To disp lay the au dio lev el indi cator Usually , the audio level indicator will be displayed only after activating the manual adjustment of the audio recor d ing level. Y ou can choose to display it also when the audio level is adjusted automatica lly .
Video 117 3 Co nnect the he adphones to the A V OUT/ × termin al. 4 A djust the v olume as necessary . * Y ou can also drag your finge r along t he [Headp hones] bar .
118 Video Using the Mini Advanced Shoe Using the mini advanc ed shoe, you can att ach to th e camco rder a range of optional accessories to exp and its f unctionality . For det ails about opti onal access ories ava ilable for use with y our camcor der , ref er to Accessories ( A 221).
Video 119 Using an External Micropho ne When re cording in very qui et surroundings, the built-in microphone may pick up t he sound of the camcor der’ s internal machinery .
120 Video • When using the optional SM-V1 Su rround Microp hone: - Change the micr ophone’ s directi onality mod e with the p > [Surr ound Mic Di re ctiona lity] sett ing. - If the sound gets di storted, a ctivate the micr ophone attenuat or with the p > [Surro und Mic Attenuator] setting.
Video 121 Capturing Video Snapshot Scenes and P hotos from a Movie Y ou can captur e video snapshot scene s, single photos or a series of con tin uou s ph otos fro m a pre viou sly reco rded sc ene.
122 Video • When you start capturing a video snapshot scene less than 1 second fr om the e nd of the scene, the video s napshot scene will be ca ptur ed starti ng from th e beg innin g of t he followi ng scen e.
Video 123 NOTES • The data code of t he photos will re flect the date and ti me of recor ding of the o rig inal scen e. • Photo s capt ured from a scen e wit h a lot of fas t move ment ma y be blurred. • Ph otos wil l be r ecor ded on the memory select ed for r ecord ing photo s.
124 Video 5 Divide the scene. • Th e video fr om the division point to the end of the scen e will ap pear as a new sce ne in the index scr een. NOTES • When advanci ng/r eversing f rames w hile di vidin g the scen es, the inter val betw een fram es is ab out 0 .
Photos 125 Photos Refer to this chapter for details on viewing photos and othe r photo-related operations. Viewing Photos Operat ing modes: 1P r e s s T . 2 O pen the [ Photos] index screen, if it is not displayed. 3 L ook for the photo you want to play back.
126 Phot os 4 T ouch th e photo y ou wish to view . • The pho to is disp layed in single photo view. • Drag your f inger left/ri ght to browse through th e photos one by on e. To ret u rn to t h e in dex sc reen f rom si ngle p hoto view 1 T ouch the scr een to display the pla yback contr ols.
Photos 127 Photo Jump Functi on When you have reco rded a lar ge number of photos, you can jump eas- ily through the photos using the scroll bar . 1 T ouch the screen to display the playback contr ols. 2 J ump through the pho tos using the scroll bar .
128 Phot os 3 Delete the photo. 4 Drag your finger left/right to select another pho to to de lete or touch [ X ]. Deleting Phot os from t he Index Scre en 1 Open the [ Photos] index screen.
Photos 129 IMPORT AN T • Be careful when deleting phot os. Deleted photos canno t be recovered. • Ph otos that wer e pro tected wit h other devi ces and then tr ansferr ed to the memory ca rd w hen i t was connect ed to a com puter cannot be deleted with this camcor der .
130 Exter nal Con nections Extern al Connections This chapter expla ins how to connect your camcor der to an external de vice such a s a TV , VCR, or computer . 0 Y ou can also use the camcorder 's convenient W i-Fi functions ( A 155). T er minals on the Camcorder Open th e LCD panel t o access the t erminals on the camcord er .
External Conne ctions 131 Connection D iagra ms In the following connect ion diagra ms, the left side sho ws the termin als on the camcor der and the right side s hows (for r efer ence only) an example of te rminals on a connected device.
132 Exter nal Con nections Connection " Composite Video T ype: Analog Quality: Standard definit ion Output only Connect to a standar d TV or a VCR with audi o/video input termi nals.
External Conne ctions 133 NOTES • Powe r th e camc order usin g th e c ompac t po wer adap te r an d onl y th en conn ect it to the com puter usin g the su pplied USB ca ble in the follo w- ing cas es. - T o save yo ur r ecordi ngs on a compu ter .
134 Exter nal Con nections Playb ack on a TV Sc reen Connect th e camcor der to a TV to enjoy your reco rdings with f amily and friends. Playbac k on an HDTV using the HDMI OUT terminal will ensur e the b est pl ayback quality . Operating modes: 1 T ur n off the camcorder and the TV .
External Conne ctions 135 Saving and Sharing Y our Recordings 0 Copying Movies and Photos to a Memor y Card Y ou can copy your recor dings from the built -in memory to a memory card.
136 Exter nal Con nections Option s Copying Scenes from a St ory by Ra ting Operating modes: 1 Open the gallery and bring the desired story to the fr ont. • Check th at you hav e se lect ed t he & (buil t-in me mory ) tab . 2 Select the rating of the stories you want to copy .
External Conne ctions 137 3 Copy the pho to. 4 Dr ag your finger left/right to select anot her photo to copy or touch [ X ]. Copying Phot os from the In dex Screen Operat ing modes: 1 O pen the [ Pho tos] index screen. Check th at you h ave se lected the & (bui lt- in memor y) t ab.
138 Exter nal Con nections IMPORT AN T • Observe the following precauti ons while the ACCESS indicator is on or flashing. Fa iling to do so may r esult in permanent data loss. - Do no t ope n the me mory car d slot co ver . - Do not discon nect the pow er sour ce or turn of f the camcor der .
External Conne ctions 139 Saving AVCHD Mov ies (Window s only ) With the supplied softw are VideoB rows er ( 0 only) or T rans fer Utility ( 1 o nly), you can save to your compute r the scenes you have reco rd ed. Installation Install the soft ware bef o re you connect th e camcord er to th e computer for the first time.
140 Exter nal Con nections Saving MP4 Mov ies and Phot os (Windows/Mac O S) With the s upplied softwa re ImageBrowser EX y ou can save MP 4 movies and phot os to your computer and easily or ganize them. The main system req uireme nts are as follows.
External Conne ctions 141 6 F ollow th e onscreen instru ctions. For W indows users, the User Account Contro l window appears, f ollow the in str uctio ns to co ntin ue .
142 Exter nal Con nections IMPORT AN T • When the camcorder is con nected to a computer: - Do not open the me mory card sl ot cover and do not r emove the memor y car d. - Do not access, chang e or d elete any of the camc ord er’ s fo lders or files directly from th e c omput er as this ma y result in p erman ent data loss .
External Conne ctions 143 0 Memor y Save: Saving an Entire Memory on to an External Hard Drive Y ou can easily save all the movies and photo s you recor d ed onto a commer cially avail able external har d drive connected directl y to the camc order *.
144 Exter nal Con nections Before discon necting the external hard drive Before turning of f or physically d isconnecting the external hard drive, be sure t o safely end the connectio n to the camcor der to avoid dam - age to y our files.
External Conne ctions 145 4 T ouch [Play Back fr om Har d Drive] and select the memory save folder you wish to play back. • If you per for med mu ltip le mem ory s ave op erat ions on the same d.
146 Exter nal Con nections Initiali zing the Exter nal Hard D rive 1 Power the camcorder using th e compact power adapter . Do not disc onnect t he power sour ce or turn off the ca mcord er until the initia lizatio n is compl eted. 2P r e s s T to set the camcorder to playback mode.
External Conne ctions 147 Copying Recordings to an External Video Recorder Operat ing modes: In High Definition Connect the camcor der to Blu-ray Disc recor d ers and other A VCHD- compatible digital video r ecorders using the supplied USB cabl e to make perf ect copies of your movi es in high definiti on.
148 Exter nal Con nections Connecting Connect the camcor der to the VCR using Connection " or , . Refer to Connection Diagrams ( A 132). Recording 1 External recorder: Load a blank ca ssette or d isc and set the recor der to r ecord pause mode.
External Conne ctions 149 Ins tall ation Install the soft ware bef o re you connect th e camcord er to th e computer for the first time. Refer to the Startup Guide (supplied leaflet) and follow the instructions in the Software Guid e (PDF file) to install the s upplied PIXELA ’ s s oftware.
150 Exter nal Con nections 7T o u c h [ O K ] . Connec t the camc ord er to the comp uter at thi s point ( A 151) to continue uploading t he conv erted videos t o the W eb. To select indiv idual scenes (ste p 4) 1 T ouch on t he indi vidual s cenes you want to co nvert.
External Conne ctions 151 2 Se lect the ra ting of t he stories you want to convert. 3T o u c h [ E d i t S t o r y ] > [Convert HD ' SD ( % )] and continue the conversion to standard definition from step 5 in the previous procedure ( A 149).
152 Exter nal Con nections IMPORT AN T • Whi le th e camcor der is c onnected to t he com puter , do not open the memory car d slot co ver a nd do no t r emove the memory car ds. • Observe the following precauti ons while the ACCESS indicator is on or flashing.
External Conne ctions 153 2 C onv ert the d esired mov ies ( A 149). • If you are withi n the range of a configu red network, W eb uplo ad will start automa tically .
154 Exter nal Con nections • While using an Eye-Fi Card , the ACCE SS indi cator may flash f rom t i me to time. • Wirel ess com municati on via the Eye-Fi card is availab le only in playback mode. Any wireless transfer in progress will be stopped if you set the camc ord er to r ecordin g mode.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 155 Wi-Fi Functions This chapter contains information about how to operate the Wi-Fi functions of your camcorder , starting with the W i-Fi net- work setup neede d to add your camcor der to an existing Wi-Fi networ k.
156 Wi-Fi Fu nctions NOTES • Whi le using Wi-Fi functions, the ca m cord er's automati c power of f func- tion will be disa bled. Wi-Fi connection Ad hoc mode Connect t he camcorder to an iO S device ( A 167). Use this connection type if you plan to upload vide os to Y ouT ube and F acebook on the go ( A 166).
Wi-Fi Functi ons 157 Connecting to a Wi-Fi Networ k Wirele ssly connecting to a W i-Fi network v ia an acces s point (wir eless rout er) is commonly r eferred to as infras tructur e mode. If your wir eless rout er suppor ts Wi- Fi Pr otected Setu p (WPS), setup will be ea sy and requir e minimal configuring.
158 Wi-Fi Fu nctions Operating modes: Wi-F i Protected Setup ( WPS) T o use WPS to make a connection using infra- structure mo de, ma ke sure yo ur wireless router has the WPS logo. If your wir eless router has a WPS button, se tup will be easy a nd all automatic.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 159 4 W ithin 2 minu tes, touch [OK] o n the camcorder's screen. Y ou can t ouch [Stop] and then [ OK] to interrupt the Wi-Fi Pr otected Setup whi le it is in prog ress. 5 T ouch [Automatic] to automatically obtain an IP address.
160 Wi-Fi Fu nctions Manua l Setup Perform thi s proced ure t o wireles sly connect the camco rde r to the wireless ro uter (using infrastructure mode) if your r outer does not sup- port WPS, you .
Wi-Fi Functi ons 161 4 T ouch the [Encryption Key] control button to enter the encryption key or password of the wireless access point and then tou ch [OK]. • If th e encrypt ion method of the wir eless access point is set to W EP , the WEP inde x key wil l ap pea r on t he screen.
162 Wi-Fi Fu nctions NOTES • The f unctions a vailable and th e setup method will vary depending on the sp ecif icatio ns and ch arac ter istic s of the Wi- Fi net work you wan t to use. • When usi ng W i-Fi funct ions, wireless commun ication wi th an Eye-Fi car d is n ot possible.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 163 For F TP servers: • Corr ectly co nfig ure d F TP serve r , such as a Maci ntosh compute r or n et- work-at tached storage (NAS) drive. Y ou will need to enter the IP addr ess , port , user name, p asswor d and fi le tra nsfer d estin ation as part of the manual setu p.
164 Wi-Fi Fu nctions File T ransfer Dest inati on Setup for FTP Ser ver s 1 Set the camcorder to play back mode and th en press . 2 Connect the c amcorder to the Wi-Fi n etwork.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 165 4 S elect t he memory that contains the recordings you wish to transfer wirelessly and touch [OK]. • Y ou can s elect more t han one memory . • T ouch [ All fil e s] to tra nsfer all the r ecordi ngs, or [ New fil es] to tra nsfer only those recordin gs that hav e not been previ ousl y tran sfer red.
166 Wi-Fi Fu nctions Uploading Recordings to Y ouT ube and Facebook Y ou can upload movies to Y ouT ube and movies and photo s to Face - book using the supp lied software Network U tility runn ing on a Win- dows comp uter .
Wi-Fi Functi ons 167 3 I f you are uploadin g to Y ouT ube, read the Y ouT ube agreement carefully and tou ch [I Agree] if you ag ree. 4 T ouch the desired connection point to connect the camcorder to the netw ork and t hen touch [O K].
168 Wi-Fi Fu nctions 2 Set up a new connection point. * T o repl ace the current settings, t ouch [E dit] instead and then manually change the setting s. T o delete th e settings, touch [Del ete] and th en [Y es]. 3 Enter the d etails of th e connection.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 169 Uploadin g Videos 1 Camco rder: Set the ca mcorder to playback mode and then press . 2 Camco rder: Select the ad hoc Wi-Fi connection. * If the memory card slot cove r is open, the op tion will no t be avail able. M ake sure the cover is closed properl y .
170 Wi-Fi Fu nctions Wire less Playba ck on a DLN A-Compatib le Dev ice If you have a DLNA-c ompatible player , such as an HDTV , on your home network, you can watch your r ecor dings* wir elessly . In such case, the camcor der acts as a digital media server (DMS) and the HDTV acts as a digit al media player (DMP) .
Wi-Fi Functi ons 171 3 Camco rder: T ouch th e desired connecti on point and then to uch [OK]. 4 DL NA Digital Med ia Player: Se lect your camcorder model from the list and th en play back your recordings. • The ACCE SS indicator bl inks du ring the connectio n.
172 Wi-Fi Fu nctions NOTES • Pl ayback may not appe ar smooth depending o n the wir eless rou ter's sett ings an d cap abil ity . In su ch ca se, try the fol lowi ng. - Rem ove an y ob jects b etwee n the ca mco rder and wireless ac cess point th at may i nterfer e wi th the w irele ss signal.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 173 Gloss ary This is a glossary of some of the basic terms us ed frequently in this chapter . The documentation for your wire less rout er may also con- tain a glossary you can refer to.
174 Additional Information Additional Information This chapter contains tr oubles hooting advice, sc reen mes- sages, handling and maintenanc e tips, and othe r information. Appendix: Menu Options Lists Menu items not available app ear grayed out.
Addition al Informatio n 175 1 The de fault setti ng is on in mo de and off in other ca mera m odes. 2 Some op tions are availabl e only whe n recording a story using Story Creator .
176 Additional Information [Ed it] Panel - Mode * Option available only for A VCHD movies. Contr ol Bu tto n [ Movies] Index Scre en [ Movi es ] Index Screen [ z SD Movies] Index Screen Playback P.
Addition al Informatio n 177 In the galle ry: * Operatio n not avai lable for the two preexisting stori es, [Unsorted] and [Video Snap- shot]. [Edit ] Panel - Mode Control Button [Edit Story] from.
178 Additional Information [ Othe r Settings] Menus When the camc order is in mode, you w ill not be a ble to access the p me nu. p Ca mera Se tup Menu item Setting option s n A [Self Timer] [ i O.
Addition al Informatio n 179 1 Option a vailable onl y for recording movies. 2 Option a vailable on ly when the opti onal SM -V1 Sur round Microphone i s attac hed to the cam corder after having up dated the c amcorder’ s firmware usi ng the me m- ory card supplied with the S M-V1.
180 Additional Information [Auto Slow Shutter]: The ca mcor d er autom atical ly uses slow s hutter speed s t o ob tain brig hter recordin gs in p lace s wit h ins ufficie nt li gh ting. • Minimum shutt er speed used: 1/25; 1/12 when t he frame rate i s set to [ ¸ PF25] or [ 25P].
Addition al Informatio n 181 [ ô Shotgun]: Reco rds m onaural au d io with a hi ghly dir ectional se tting that is m ost se nsit ive to soun d comin g dir ectly fr om the fr ont of t he ca m- cord er /m icro p ho ne .
182 Additional Information r Recordi ng & Connect ions Set up Menu item Setting options y A 0 [Rec Medi a for Movies] [ & ] (built-in memory), [ * ] (memory car d) zz –– 3 9 [Relay Rec.
Addition al Informatio n 183 1 Option n ot availa ble in m ode. 2 Opti on avai labl e onl y fo r A VCHD mo vies. 3 This is t he only op tion avail able when an exter nal hard d rive is co nnected to the camcorder . [Rate Scenes (R ecording)]: When se t to [ i On] , the s cene r ati ng sc ene will appear af ter every s cene you r ecord.
184 Additional Information [ n Continuous]: Fi le numbers wil l contin ue from the numb er follo wing that of the last file re corde d with th e camcorder .
Addition al Informatio n 185 [Notification Sounds ] [ ÷ High Volume] , [ ø Low Volume], [ j Off] zzzz – [Wireless Remote Control ] [ i On], [ j Off 0 ] zzzz – [Custom Con trol Button] 1 [Rec. Programs], [ Ä White Balance], [ < Focus], [ y Exposure], [ Ç Powered IS] , [ R Zoom], [ Audio Scene], [ ä Mic.
186 Additional Information 1 Option not avail able in mode. 2 Option available o nly after co nnecting an exter nal ha rd drive to th e camco rder .
Addition al Informatio n 187 [LCD M irror Image]: When set to [ i On], you can rotat e the LCD panel 180 degree s to let the subject check th e image while you recor d. While the LCD pane l is rota ted towar d the subje ct you will not be able to deco- rate the scene.
188 Additional Information [Battery Info]: When you are usi ng a battery pack that is com patible with Intel ligent System , this opti on displays a scree n where you ca n verify the batt ery cha rge (as a per centage) and th e re main ing r ecordin g time ( , mode ) or play back t ime ( , mode ).
Addition al Informatio n 189 [Firmw are]: Y ou can verify the current version of the camcorder’ s f irm- ware, whi ch is t he soft ware th at con trols the camc order . Th is men u option is usua lly una vai lable. [Reset All]: Resets all of the camcorder's settings.
190 Additional Information Appendix: Onscr een Ico ns and Displa ys Recording Movies (using Story Creator) 1 Contr ol button [FUNC.]: Open the [ Main Funct ions ] panel ( A 28) 2 Smart A UTO ( A 4.
Addition al Informatio n 191 Recording Movies Manual mode Cinema mode A h R ecording program ( A 92) A j M anual expo sure ( A 103) A k A GC (automatic gain control) limit ( A 104 ) A l = Instant .
192 Additional Information Playing Mo vies (during playback) AVCHD movies : MP4 movies: F f Eye-Fi wireless communication ( A 152) F g Scene number F h Playback cont rol buttons ( A 55) F j Dat a .
Addition al Informatio n 193 Viewing Photos G a Co ntrol button [Edit]: Op en the Edit panel ( A 177) G s C urrent ph oto / T otal number of photo s G d Contr o l button [ h ]: Ph oto ju mp ( A 12.
194 Additional Information 7 Memor y op er atio n Ü Rec ord , Û Rec ord pa use, Ð Play back, Ý Playb ack pa use, × Fast playback, Ø Fast reverse playba ck, Õ Slo w playbac k, Ö Slow rever se playb ack , Ó Frame advance, Ô Fr ame reve rse .
Addition al Informatio n 195 Trou b le? T roubles hooting If you have a proble m with your camcorder , refe r to this section. Some- times w hat you t hink is a malfunctio n of the camcorder may have the simples t of s olutio ns - pleas e r ead the “CHECK THI S FIRST ” box before going on to the more detailed problems and s olutions.
196 Additional Information Cannot charge the battery pack. - Make sure the camcorder is off s o charging can start. - The temperature of the battery pack is outsid e its operating range (approximately 0 – 40 °C ). Remove the battery pack, warm it or let it cool down, as necessary , and tr y charging it again.
Addition al Informatio n 197 Movies or photos cannot be recor ded properly . - This may occur as movies and photos are recor ded/deleted over time. Save your r ecordings ( A 138) and initialize the memory ( A 40). Cannot record a photo while re cording movies.
198 Additional Information When playing back scenes/slideshow with bac kground music , the music track is not play ed back correct ly . - This can occur w hen you transfer the music files to a memory card after rep eatedly recording and deleting scenes (fragmented memory).
Addition al Informatio n 199 The red ON/OFF (CHG) indicator flashes rapidly ( one flash at 0.5-second intervals). - The temperature of the battery pack is outside its operating range (approximately 0 – 40 °C). Remove the battery pack, warm it or let it co ol down, as necessary , and try charging it again.
200 Additional Information The picture is displayed c orrectly but there is no sound from the built-in speaker . - Speaker volume is turned off. Adjust the v olume. - If the HTC-100/S HDMI Cable or optional STV -250N Stereo Video Cable is connected to the camcorder , disconnect it.
Addition al Informatio n 201 Connections with Extern al Devices Video noise appears on the TV screen. - When using the camcorder in a r oom where a TV is located, keep a dis tance between the compact power adapter and the power or antenna c ables of the TV .
202 Additional Information 0 W i-Fi Functions Refer also to the instruction m anual of your wireless router and other devices you w ill use. Wireless playback on a DLNA-compatible device is not smooth. - Playback may not be smooth dependi ng on the wireless router's s ettings and capability .
Addition al Informatio n 203 List of Me ssage s 0 Ref er to List of Messages for Connecting to a n External Hard Drive ( A 209) for external hard drive rela ted messages. Refer to List of Messages for Wi-Fi F unctions ( A 210) for Wi-Fi related messages.
204 Additional Information Cann o t co py - The total size of the sc enes you sele cted to copy exceeds the avai lable space on the memory card. Delete some recordings on the memory card ( A 59, 127) or reduce the number of scenes to copy . - The memory card already contains the maxi mum number of AVCHD scen es (3,999 scenes).
Addition al Informatio n 205 Cannot rec ord - Y ou cannot capture video snapshot scenes fr om scenes rec orded or edited using another device and then tr ansferred to a memory card connected to the computer . - There is a problem with the memory .
206 Additional Information Do not disconnect the power source . Do not disconnect the USB cable unless you first use the computer to safely end the connection. - When the camcorder is in mode and is connected to the computer with the supplied USB cable, the camcor der cannot be operated.
Addition al Informatio n 207 Need to recover files from the memory card. Change the position of the LOCK switch on the memory card. - This message will appear the next time you tur n on the camcor.
208 Additional Information 0 Some scenes could not be converted - Some scenes selected fo r conversion to SD were recorded using anoth er device and then transferred to a memory card connected to th e computer .
Addition al Informatio n 209 List of Messages for the Optional Video Light 0 List of Messages for Connecting to an External Hard Drive Unsupported gallery data detected. Cannot record or edit. Delete gallery data? - The gallery data of the mo vies in the se lected memory card is not supported.
210 Additional Information 0 List of Messag es for Wi-Fi Functi ons An error occurred during FTP communication File transfer was not completed - T urn off the camcorder and FTP server . After a short whil e, turn them on again and try to send the data again.
Addition al Informatio n 211 Check the Wi-Fi settings. - Make sure the camc order and wireless router are correctly configured. IP address conflict - Change the camcorder’ s IP address s o that it does not conflict with the IP addresses o f other devices connected to the same network.
212 Additional Information Unable to complete WPS. T ry the operation again. - Some wireless routers r equire pressing and ho lding the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) button.
Addition al Informatio n 213 Wi-Fi error Incorrect encryption method - Make sure the camc order and wireless router ar e using the same encryption method. - If the wireless ro uter is using MAC address filt ering, enter the camcorder’ s MAC address in the wireless router’ s configuration scr een.
214 Additional Information Do’ s and Don’ts Handling Precauti ons Camcorder Be sure to obse rve the follow ing precautions to ensure maximum p er- formance.
Additional Information 215 • Do not point the le ns at strong li g ht so urc es. Do not leave t he ca m- corder p ointed at a brig ht s ubjec t. • Do not use or stor e the camcorder in dusty or sandy pl aces. The cam- corder is not waterproof – avoid also water , mud or salt.
216 Additional Information Batter y Pack • Dirty terminal s may cause a poor contact betwee n the battery pack and the ca mcorder . W ip e the te rmi nals with a soft cloth . Long-te rm storag e • Stor e batte ry packs in a dry plac e at temperatur es no higher than 30 ° C.
Additional Information 217 Memory Card • W e re commend backi ng up the re cordings on the memo ry car d onto your co mputer . Data ma y be corrupt ed or lost d ue to memor y car d defe cts or exposur e to stati c elect ricity . Canon shal l not be liab le fo r lost or corrupted da ta.
218 Additional Information Disposal When you delete movies or initialize the me mory , only the file allocation table is alt ere d and stor ed data is not physicall y erased.
Additional Information 219 Maintenance/Other s Cleaning Camcor der Body • Use a soft, d ry cloth to c lean the c amco rder bo dy . Nev er u se ch emic ally treate d clot hs or vo latile so lvents such as paint thinner .
220 Additional Information To avoid cond ensation • Do n ot ex pose the cam corder to sudde n or ext reme ch ang es in tem- perature. • Remo ve th e mem ory card and batter y pa ck. Th en, pl ace t he camc order in an air tight pl astic bag and let it ad just g raduall y to temper atur e change s befo re re moving it from the ba g.
Additional Information 221 Genera l Inform ation Accessories * 0 on ly . ** Supp lied with the camcorder ; not availab le as an optiona l accessory . (Av ailability differs from area to area) Optional accessor ies not listed below ar e described in more detail in the following pages.
222 Additional Information NOTES • Ac cessori es that ar e compatible wi th the Advanced Accesso ry Shoe cannot be att ached to th is ca mcor d er . Look f or t he Mi ni ADV ANCE D SHOE logo to ensur e compatibi lity with th e mini a dvanced shoe.
Additional Information 223 5 CG-700 Battery Charger Use the battery charg er to charge the battery packs. Charging , Recording and Play back Times The charg ing tim es g iven in the f ollow ing tab le a re app roximat e a nd v ary accordi ng to char gin g co nditio ns and in itia l cha rge of th e bat tery p ack.
224 Additional Information 0 Recordin g AVCHD mov ies using the built-in mem ory Recording AVCHD movies using a memory card * Approximate times for reco rding with repeated operations such as star t/stop, zoom ing, and powe r on/ of f. Batter y pack Recording mode Recording (maximum) Recording (typical)* Playback BP-718 MXP 120 min.
Additional Information 225 7 TL-H4 3 Tele -convert er This T ele- con vert er le ns in creas es t he focal le ngth of the camcorder lens by a factor of 1.5. • The ima ge sta bili zer is no t as effec tive when the T ele-c onve rter is att ached .
226 Additional Information A g VL-5 Vide o Ligh t This video light enables you to re cord bright ly in colo r even in dark pla ces. I t attaches to the c amcorder’ s mini advan ced s hoe for ca ble- free oper ation .
Additional Information 227 S a SC-20 00 Soft Carrying C ase A ha ndy camc or der bag wit h padd ed comp artm ent s and plen ty of sp ace fo r acces sorie s. This mark identifies genuine Canon video accessories . When you use Canon video equipment, we rec ommend Canon-brand accessories or pr oducts bearing the s ame mark.
228 Additional Information Specifications LEGRIA HF M56 / LEGRIA HF M506 — V alues given are app roximate figures. System • Recording System Movies: AVCHD Video compression: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264; Audio compression: Dolby Digital 2ch; Dolby Digital 5.
Additional Information 229 • LCD T ouch Screen: 7.51 cm (3 inch), wide, TFT color , 230,000 dots , touch operation • Microphone: Stereo electret condenser microphone with multiple directionality settings • Lens f=6.1-61 mm, F/1.8-3.0, 10x optical zoom, iris aperture 35 mm equivalent: 43.
230 Additional Information 0 Wi-Fi • Standard: Complies with the IEEE 802.11b/g/n protocol • Frequency: 2.4 GHz • Supported channels: 1 - 13 • Encryption methods: WEP-64/WEP-128, TKIP/AES Power/Other s • Power supply (rated) 3.6 V DC (battery pack), 5.
Additional Information 231 BP-718 Battery Pack • Battery type Rechargeable lithium ion battery, compatible with Intelligent System • Rated voltage: 3.6 V DC • Operating temperature : 0 – 40 °C • Battery capacity: 1,840 mAh (typical); 6.
232 Additional Information Index 3D Flip View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 A Abroad, using the cam corder . . . . 220 AGC (automatic g ain control) limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Apertu re (f number) . . . . . . . . .
Additional Information 233 Intelligent IS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 L Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 LCD screen d immer . . . . . . . . . . . 18 6 LCD touc h screen . . . . . . . . . . 25, 26 Low li ght (recordin g progra m) .
234 Additional Information To u c h A F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 T ou ch screen o perations . . . . . . . . 26 Tr i p o d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 T u rning of f noti fica tion sounds .
Canon Europa N.V . Bovenkerkerweg 59-61, 1185 XB Amstelveen, The Netherlands www Canon UK Ltd CCI Service Centre, Unit 130 Centennial Park, Borehamwood, Hertfordshir e, WD6 3SE, United Kingdom T elephone 0844-369-0100 Canon Australia Pty Ltd T el: 13-13-83 (within Australia only) (61) 02-9805-2555 www .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Canon Legria HF M56 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Canon Legria HF M56 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Canon Legria HF M56, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Canon Legria HF M56 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Canon Legria HF M56, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Canon Legria HF M56.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Canon Legria HF M56. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Canon Legria HF M56 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.