Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DCP-387C du fabricant Brother
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USER’S GUIDE DCP-385 C DCP-383 C DCP-387 C DCP-585 CW Ver s i on 0 UK/I RE/GEN/SAF.
If y o u need to call Customer Service Ple ase com plete the fo llowing inform ation f or fu ture re fe r en ce : Mo del N umber : DC P-385 C, D CP-3 83C, DC P-38 7C and DCP -585 CW (Ci r cl e you r m ode l n um b er) Seri al Num be r: 1 Da te of Purchas e: Pla ce of P urchase: 1 The seria l numb er is on the back of the unit.
i Compilati on and Public ation Notice Under the supervis ion of Brother Indus tries Ltd., this manual has been c ompiled and published, covering the lat est product desc r ipti ons and speci fications. The contents of this manual and the specif ications of this produc t are subject to change wit hout notice.
ii EC Declaration of Conformity u nder the R & TTE Di re c t iv e.
iii Table of Conte nts Section I General 1 Gene ral Info rmat ion 2 Usi ng th e do cum en tat io n ..... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. . 2 Sym b ols a nd c on ve nti ons u se d in the doc um ent a tio n .
iv Section II Copy 4 Making cop ies 26 Ho w t o co py ... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. .. 2 6 Mak in g a si ngl e co p y .... ... .. .. ... .
v Pho to Ca ptu re Ce nte r™ p ri nt s etti ng s .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. . 45 Print Speed and Qualit y ..... . ... . .... ....... ....... ......... ....... . ... ........ ....... ....
vi B Trou bles hoo tin g a nd Ro uti ne M ai nte na nce 67 Troubles hooting .. ......... ........ ......... ......... . .... ....... . ..... ........ ....... . ..... ........ ....... . ..... . 67 If y ou a re ha vin g dif fic ul ty w ith your ma chin e .
Section I General I General Informati on 2 Loa din g doc ume nts and p aper 9 General setup 21.
2 1 Using the documentati on 1 Thank y ou for buying a Brother m achine! Reading the d ocumenta t ion will help you make the most of your machine. Sy mbol s an d co nven tion s use d in the documen tati on 1 The fol lowing symbols and convent ions are use d througho ut the do cumentation.
General Info rmation 3 1 c If the language s creen appears, click your langua ge. The CD-ROM Main Menu will appear. Note If this window does not appe ar, use Windows ® E xplorer to run the star t .exe program from t he root dir ectory of the Brot her CD-ROM.
Chapter 1 4 View in g Do cu me nt at ion (For Mac int os h ® ) 1 a Turn on your Macintosh ® . I ns ert the Brother CD-RO M into your CD-ROM drive. The f ollowin g window will appear. b Double- click t he Document ation icon. c Double- click your language fol der.
General Info rmation 5 1 Acces sing Brother Support (For Windows ® ) 1 You can find all the contac ts you will need, such as Web suppor t (Brot her Sol utions Center) . Clic k Br oth er Su pp or t on t he Main Menu. The f ollowing screen will app ear: To access our web site (htt p :// ww w.
Chapter 1 6 C ont r ol p ane l o ve rvi ew 1 The DCP-385C , DCP-383C , DCP-387C and DCP-585CW h ave the same cont rol panel keys. 1 LCD ( liquid crystal d isplay) Displ ays message s on the screen to help y ou set up and use y our mac hine. Also , you can adj ust the a ngle of the LCD screen by lifting i t.
General Info rmation 7 1 7 Ink Ma nag ement Lets you c lean the print hea d, chec k the pr int quality, and c heck the availa ble ink volume. 8 Mo de k eys: Scan Let s y o u ac ce ss Sca n m ode . Photo Capture Lets you ac cess PhotoC apture Ce nter™ m ode.
Chapter 1 8 Warn ing LED indicat ions 1 The Warni ng LED (li ght emitting diode) is a light that s hows t he status of the machine , as sho wn in the table. LED DC P st atus Descript ion Off Re ady The DCP is ready for use. Orange Cove r ope n The c over is open .
9 2 2 L oading pape r and other print m edia 2 Note To print on 10 x 15 cm or Photo L paper, you must use the phot o paper tray. (See Loading phot o paper on page 13.) a If the paper sup port fl ap is open, close it , and then clos e the paper support .
Chapter 2 10 d Fan the stack of paper well t o avoid paper jams and m isfeeds. Note Always make sur e t hat the paper is not curled. e Gently pu t the paper into the pap er tray print s ide d own and top edge in fir st. Check that the paper is fla t in the tray.
Loading do cuments and paper 11 2 h Slowly push the pa per tray completel y into the machine . i While holdi ng the paper tray in place , pull o ut th e paper s upport (1) until it clicks, and then unfold the pape r support flap ( 2). Note Do not use the paper sup port flap for Legal paper .
Chapter 2 12 Ho w to load en velop es and pos tcard s 2 a Before loa ding, press the corners and sides of envelo pes or post cards to make t hem as f lat as possible. Note If envelope s or post cards are ‘double- feeding, ’ put one envelope or post card in the pa per tray at a time.
Loading do cuments and paper 13 2 If you have pr oble ms w hen prin tin g on enve lopes , t ry th e foll owin g sugg estio ns: 2 a Make sur e t h e f lap is either to the si de of the envelope or to the back edge of the envel ope when printing. b Adjust the s ize and mar gin i n your applic ation.
Chapter 2 14 c Put the photo paper int o the photo paper tray and gently adjust the paper side guides to the paper. Make sur e the pa per sid e guides touch the side s of t he paper. Note • Be careful t hat you do not push the paper in too f ar; it may l ift at t he back of th e t ray and cause feed problems.
Loading do cuments and paper 15 2 Pr in ta ble ar ea 2 The print able area depends on t he settings in the applic ation you are us ing. Th e figures below show the unprin table areas on cut sheet paper and envelope s. The machine can print in the shaded areas of cut sheet paper when the Bor derless print feature is avail able and turned on.
Chapter 2 16 Accep table paper and other print medi a 2 The print qualit y can be affect ed by the type of paper y ou use in the machine. To get t he best print qu ality f or the settings you have chos en, alway s set t he Paper T ype to match the type of paper you load.
Loading do cuments and paper 17 2 Im pr ope r Set u p DO NOT use th e following k inds of paper: • Damaged , curled, wrinkled, or irregu larly shaped paper 1 2 mm or great er • Extremely shiny or .
Chapter 2 18 Choosing t he right print m edia 2 Paper t yp e an d siz e f or ea ch ope r ati on 2 Pa per T ype Paper Size Usage Copy P h ot o C apt ure Printer Cut S heet Letter 216 × 279 mm (8 1/2 × 11 i n.) Yes Yes Yes A4 210 × 297 mm (8.3 × 11.
Loading do cuments and paper 19 2 P ap er weig ht, th ic kn es s a nd cap ac i ty 2 1 Up t o 10 0 s heet s of 80 g/ m 2 (20 lb) pape r. 2 For Pho to 10 × 15cm pape r and Phot o L pa per, us e t he pho to pa pe r tray . (See Lo ad ing ph ot o pap er on pa ge 1 3.
Chapter 2 20 Loadin g documents 2 You can make copies and scan from the scann er glas s . Using t he sc an ne r glass 2 You can use the sc anner glass to copy or scan page s of a book or one page at a time. Do cume nt Size s S upp orted 2 How to l oad d oc ument s 2 a Lift the docu m ent cov er.
21 3 3 Paper s ettings 3 Pape r Type 3 To get the be st prin t quality , set the machine for th e type o f paper you a re using. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose General Setup . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose Paper Type . d Press d or c to choose Plain Paper , Inkjet Paper , Brother BP71 , Other Glossy or Transparency .
Chapter 3 22 Sleep Mode 3 You can choo se how long the m achine must be idle ( from 1 to 60 minutes) bef ore it goes into slee p mode. T he ti mer wil l restart if any oper ation is carried out on t he m achine. a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose General Setup .
General setup 23 3 Sett ing the bac klight bright nes s 3 If you are having diff iculty reading the LCD, try changing t he bright ness setting. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose General Setup . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose LCD Settings .
Chapter 3 24.
Section II Cop y II Making copies 26.
26 4 How to copy 4 Making a single c opy 4 a Load your docum ent . (See Loading doc uments on page 20 . ) b Pres s Mono S tart or Colour Sta rt . Ma king m ulti ple cop ies 4 You can ma k e up to 99 copies in one print run. a Load your docum ent . (See Loading doc uments on page 20 .
Making c opies 27 4 If you have fi nished choosi ng settings, press Mo no St ar t or Col o ur St art . If you want to choose more setti ngs, press a or b . Note You can save some of the set tings t hat you use most o ften b y s etting t hem as defaul t.
Chapter 4 28 f If y ou do not w ant to c hange a dditional settings, pres s Mono Start or Colour Sta rt . Note • Page Layout is not availa ble with Enlarge/Reduce . • Fit to Page opti ons are not av ailable with Page Layout , Book Copy and Watermark Copy .
Making c opies 29 4 Place your docume n t face down in the dir ecti on show n be low . 2 in 1 (P ) 2 in 1 (L ) 4 in 1 (P ) 4 in 1 (L ) Po st er ( 3 x 3 ) You can make a poster size co py of a photograp h.
Chapter 4 30 Pa per op ti ons 4 Paper Ty pe 4 If you are copying on speci al paper, set the machi ne for the typ e of paper you are using to get th e best print qualit y. a Load your docum ent . b Enter the nu m ber of copies you want . c Pres s a or b to c hoose Paper Type .
Making c opies 31 4 Water mark Co py 4 You can place a logo or text into your document as a Watermark. You can selec t one of the template wate r marks , data from your medi a cards or USB Flash m emory drive, or sca nned dat a . Note Watermark Copy is not avail able with Fit to Page , Page Layout and Book Copy .
Chapter 4 32 Us ing a sc anne d pa per d ocum ent as yo ur w at er ma r k 4 a Enter the nu m ber of copies you want . b Pres s a or b to choose Watermark Copy . Pres s OK . c Pres s d or c to choose On . d Pres s a or b to choose Current Setting . Pres s OK .
Section III Direct Photo Printing III Pr inting ph otos from a memo ry car d or USB F las h me m o ry d riv e 34 Pr inting ph otos from a camer a 52.
34 5 PhotoCapture Center™ Operations 5 Pr inti ng fro m a me mory card or USB Flash m emor y dr ive without a PC 5 Even i f your machi ne is not conne cted to your comput er, you can print photos direc tly from digit al camera med ia or a USB Flash m emory dri ve.
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 35 5 Memor y car ds o r a U SB Flas h memor y dr ive fold er st ruct ure 5 Your mac hine is design ed to be c ompatibl e with moder .
Chapter 5 36 Getting star ted 5 Firm ly put a m emory card or USB Flash memory drive i nto t he correct slot. 1 US B Fla sh m e m ory d r ive 2 Com pactFlash ® 3 SD, SDHC 4M e m o r y S t i c k ® , .
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 37 5 Ente ring Phot oCa pture mode 5 After you insert the memo r y card or USB Flash memory drive, pres s the ( Ph oto C a ptur e ) key to illuminat e it in blue and dis play the P hotoC apture opt ions on the LCD.
Chapter 5 38 Print In dex (T hum bnails) 5 The Photo Capture Center™ as s igns numb ers for i mages (s uch as No. 1, No.2, No.3, and s o on). The Photo Capture Center™ us es these numb ers to ident ify each picture. You can pri nt a t humbn ail page.
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 39 5 e Repeat step d un til you have ent ered all the image num bers that you want to print. (For e x ample, enter 1 , OK , 3 , OK , 6 , OK to print images No.1, No.3 and No.6.) Note You can enter up to 12 charac t er s (incl uding commas) for the image numbers y ou want to print.
Chapter 5 40 En ha nce S kin-T one 5 Enha nce Skin-T one is best used for ad justing por trait photographs . It detec ts human s ki n col our in you r photos and adjusts t he image. a Make sure you have put a mem o ry card or U S B F lash memory dri ve in the correct slot.
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 41 5 Re mov e Re d-E ye 5 The machi ne detects eyes in you r phot os and will at tempt to remov e red-eye from your photo. Note There are some cases when red-ey e may not be removed. • When the f ace is t oo s mall in th e image .
Chapter 5 42 Sepi a 5 You can conv ert t h e colour of your photo to sepia. a Make sure you have put a mem o ry card or U S B F lash memory dri ve in the correct slot. Pres s ( Photo Ca pture ). b Pres s a or b to c hoose Enhance Photos . Pres s OK . c Pres s d or c to c hoose you r photo.
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 43 5 Print All Photos 5 You can print al l the photos on your m emory card or USB Flash memory driv e. a Make sure you h a ve put a memory card or USB Flash m emory d r ive i n the correct slot.
Chapter 5 44 Trimming 5 You can trim y our photo an d print a p art of the ima ge. Note If your photo is very s m all or has irregul ar proport ions you may not be able to trim the photo. The LCD wil l dis play Image Too Small. or Image Too Long. a Make sure you have put a mem o ry card or U S B F lash memory dri ve in the correct slot.
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 45 5 PhotoCapture Ce nter™ print s ettings 5 You can change the print set tings temporarily for the n ext print. The mac hine ret urns to i ts def ault setti ngs aft er 3 minut es. Note You can save the p r int settings you use m ost oft en by s etting t hem as def ault.
Chapter 5 46 Print S pee d and Q ua lity 5 a Pres s a or b to c hoose Print Quality . b Pres s d or c to c hoose Normal or Photo . Pres s OK . c If y ou do not w ant to c hange a dditional settings, pres s Co lour Start to prin t. Pa per op ti ons 5 Paper Ty pe 5 a Pres s a or b to c hoose Paper Type .
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 47 5 Adjustin g Bright ness, Co ntrast and C olour 5 B rig ht ness 5 a Press a or b to choose Brightness . b Press d or c t o make a darker or light er print. Press OK . c If you do no t want to cha nge additiona l settin gs, press Colour Start t o pri n t.
Chapter 5 48 Cropp ing 5 If your photo is too long or wide to fit th e ava ilable space on your cho sen l ayout, par t of the image will automatical ly be cropped . The fact ory setti ng is On . If y ou wan t to pri nt the whol e imag e, turn this se tting to Off .
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 49 5 Se t ting yo u r ch an ge s a s a new default 5 You can sav e the pr int setti ngs you u s e m ost often by setti ng t hem as the default setti ngs. These setting s will stay until you change them again.
Chapter 5 50 H o w to scan to a memory c ard or USB Flash m emor y dr ive 5 You can sca n monochrome and colour doc um ents int o a memory card or USB Fl ash memory drive. Monochrome doc uments will be stor ed in P DF (*.PDF ) or TIFF (*.TIF) f ile form ats.
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 51 5 Ho w to set ne w defa ult 5 You can set your own default setti ng. a Press ( Scan ). b Press a or b to choose Scan to Media . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose Set New Default .
52 6 Printing ph otos directly from a PictBridge cam era 6 Your Brothe r machine s upports t he Pict Bridge standar d, allowing you to connect to and print photos direc tly from any Pict Bridge compati ble digital camera. If your camera is using t he USB Mass Stor age standard, you can als o print photos from a digital c amera witho ut PictB ridge.
Printing photo s from a camera 53 6 Printing Images 6 Note Remove any memory cards or USB F las h memory drive f rom the m achine b efore conne c ting a digi tal camera. a Make sure that your ca m era is turned off. C onnect y our came r a t o the USB direct interf ace (1) on t he m achine us ing the U SB cable.
Chapter 6 54 Pri nt in g I mag es 6 Note Remove any memo ry ca rds or U SB F lash memory drive fro m t he machin e before connect ing a digital camer a. a Make sure t hat yo ur camera i s tu rned off. Con nect y our camera to the USB direct interfac e (1) on the machine u s ing the USB cable.
Section IV Software IV Software an d Network featu res 56.
56 7 The CD-ROM inc ludes the Softwar e User’ s Guide and Net work U s er’s Guide (DC P -58 5CW only) for fe atures available when c onnected to a c omputer (for exam ple, pri nting and scanning). The guide has easy to use links that, when clicked, will take y ou directly to a p articul ar sect ion.
Section V Appendixes V Safety and Leg al 58 Trou blesh ooting a nd Ro utine Maintena nce 67 M enu a nd Feat ures 87 Specifi cations 10 1 Glossar y 11 4.
58 A Choosing a lo catio n A Put yo ur machin e on a flat, stab le surface that is free of vibr at ion and s hocks, such as a desk. Put the mac hine near a standard gr ounded electri c a l socket. Choo s e a location wher e t he temper ature r emains between 10 ° C and 35 ° C.
Sa fety and Le gal 59 A T o use the m ach ine s afel y A Please kee p these instru c tion s f or later ref e r ence an d read them be fore attempt ing any maintenanc e.
60 DO NOT put your hand s on the edge of the paper tray under the paper tray c over. Doing this may caus e injury. DO NOT touch the area s haded in the illustr ation. Doing this may cause inju ry. When mov ing t h e machine you must lift it from the base, by placi ng a hand at each side of the unit as s hown in the illust ration.
Sa fety and Le gal 61 A DO NOT use flam m able su bstances, any type of spr ay liquid or aerosol cleaners to clean the inside or outsid e of the machine.
62 Import ant s afe ty inst ruct ions A 1 Read all of these inst ructions. 2 Save them for later reference. 3 Follow all warni ngs a nd instruct ions m arked on the p roduct. 4 DO NOT use this product near water. 5 DO NOT place thi s product on an unst able cart, stand, or table.
Sa fety and Le gal 63 A IMPORTANT - F or yo u r s afety A To ensur e safe operat ion, the suppli ed three- pin plug must be inserted o nly into a s tandard three- pin electr ical socket tha t is effectivel y grounded throug h the norm al household wiring.
64 EU Dire ct ive 20 0 2/9 6/E C an d EN 50 419 A This equi pment is mark ed with the above re c ycli ng sy mbol . It means that at the en d of the lif e of the equi pment you must dispose of it separa tely at an appropriat e collec t ion point and not place it in th e normal domestic u nsorted waste st ream.
Sa fety and Le gal 65 A L egal limi tations for copying A It is an offence to make reproduc tions of certai n items or docu m ents with the intent to commit fraud. Thi s memorandum is inten ded to be a gu ide rather than a complete list . We suggest yo u check with relev ant legal authorit ies if in doubt about a particula r item or document.
66 Tradem arks A The Bro ther logo is a r egis tered trademark of Brother In dustries, Ltd. Brot her is a regist ered trademark of Brother Indust ries, Ltd. Mul ti-Function Link is a regist ered trademark of Brother Int ernational Corpo ration. © 2 008 Brot her Ind ustries, L td.
67 B B T roubles hooting B If you think there is a pro blem with your machine, check the chart below and fol low the troubles hooting tips. Most problems can be easil y resolved by yo urself. If you need additi onal help, the Brother Solutions Center offers the latest FAQs a nd troubl eshooting tips.
68 Po or pr int qual ity Use on ly Ge nui ne Br other Con sum able s as ink fro m othe r ma nufac tu res c an cause pr int qual ity p robl em s. Check the print q uality .
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 69 B T he pr in tout s ar e wri nkl ed. In the printer driver Advanced tab, click Colour Set tings , a nd uncheck Bi- Dir ec tio na l Pr int in g . Ma ke s ure you are usin g Br othe r Or igi nal In nobe ll a™ in k.
70 So ftwar e Dif ficult ies Dif ficulty Sugg est ions Cannot instal l soft ware or p rint. Run the Re pair MFL-Pr o Suit e progra m on the CD-ROM. Th is prog ram will re pair and r eins tal l the soft w are. ‘ Devic e B usy ’ Mak e s ure the mac hine is n ot sh owi ng a n er ror mess age on t he L CD.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 71 B Ne twor k Dif ficult ies Diffic ulty Sugg esti ons Ca nnot pr in t ove r th e N etw ork. Ma ke s ure that you r mac hine i s po were d on and is o nline and in Read y m ode.
72 Error and Mainte nance me ssa ges B As wi th any s ophisticat ed office pr oduct, errors may oc cur. If this happ ens, your m achine ident ifies the err or and shows an error m essage . The most common er ror and maintenance m essages are sho wn b elow.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 73 B Cover is Open T he scanner cov er is not cl osed co m p le t e ly . Lift th e scan ner cover and then c lose it again . The ink cartrid ge cover is not co m p le t e ly c lo se d. Firml y close the ink cart ridge cov er until it clicks .
74 No Paper Fed The mac hine is ou t of paper or paper is no t properly loaded in the paper tr ay. Do one of the fo llowing: Refill the pap er in the paper tray, an d then press Mono Start or Colo ur Sta r t . Remov e the pa per and l oad it again and then press Mo no St ar t or Colo ur Sta r t .
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 75 B Error animation B Error animat ion displays step- by-step instruct ions when paper gets jammed or ink cartridg es become empty. You can read the steps at your own pace by pressing c to see the next s tep and d to go backward.
76 e Close the Jam Clear Cov er. Make sure the cover i s closed properly. f Using both hands , use t he finger hold s on both sides of the mach ine t o lift the scanner cover (1) unt il it locks securely in the open po sition. Make sure that th ere is no jammed paper left insi de the machine.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 77 B h Push the paper tray f ir m ly back int o the machine. While holdi ng the pa per tray in place , pull out the paper s upport u ntil it clicks and unf old the paper support fl ap. Note Make sur e you pull out the paper support until it clicks.
78 b Press the l ock releas e lever as s hown to release the cart ridge ind icated on the LCD. Re move t he cartridge from the machine. c Open the new ink cartr idge bag for the colour shown on the LCD, and then take out t he ink car tridge .
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 79 B f Gentl y push the ink cartri dge until it clicks, and then close the ink cartridge cover. g The mach ine will autom atically res et the ink dot coun ter.
80 C leani ng th e ou tsi de of the mach ine B CAUTION Use neutr al detergent s. Cleaning with vol atile liquids suc h as t hinner or benzine will damage the ou t side surfac e of the machine. DO NOT use cleani ng material s that contain ammonia. DO NOT use isopropy l alcohol to remov e dir t fr o m the cont r ol panel.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 81 B Cl e an in g th e m ach ine p rin ter p lat en B WARNING Be sure to unplug the machine from the electri cal socket befor e cleaning th e printer platen (1 ). a Lift the scanner cover unt il it locks securely into the open position.
82 C lea ning the prin t he ad B To mainta in print qualit y, the machine will automat icall y clean t he print head wh en needed. You can start the cleani ng proce s s manu ally if there is a print quali ty problem.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 83 B i After cl eaning is finished, press Colour St art . The mac hine st arts print ing t he Print Qualit y Check Sheet again and then retu rn s to ste p e .
84 C h e cking the i nk v o l ume B You can c heck the ink that i s lef t in t he cart ridge. a Pres s Ink Management . b Pres s a or b to c hoose Ink Volume . Pres s OK . The LCD show s the in k volume. c Pres s Stop/Ex it . Note You can check the ink volum e f rom your comput er.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 85 B CAUTION Make sure that the pla s tic tabs on bot h sides of the green prot ective part (1) have se curely clicked into place (2). If you are not able t o fin d the gr een protectiv e part, DO NOT remove the ink cartridge s before shippin g.
86 h Wrap the machi ne in the bag and put it in the ori ginal cart on with t he or iginal packing mate r ial. i Pack the print ed materials in the orig inal carton as shown below. Do not pack t he used ink cartr idges in the carton. j Close the cart on and t ape it shut.
87 C C On-sc reen p rogrammi ng C Your mac hine is design ed to be e asy t o operate with LCD on-s creen programming using the menu keys . User-friendly programm ing helps you t ake full advan tage of all th e menu selections your mac hine h as to offer.
88 Menu table C The menu tabl e will help you underst and the menu selections and opti ons that are found in the machi ne's progr ams. The f actory settings are shown in B old wit h an ast erisk.
Menu and F eatur es 89 C Network menu (DCP-585 CW only) Level1 L evel2 Level3 Level4 Option s De scriptio ns Network Wired L AN TCP/ IP BOOT Me thod Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Ch oo se s the BOOT method th at be st suit s yo ur need s. IP Address [0 00-2 55] .
90 Network (C onti nu ed) Wired LAN (C ont i nued) Ethernet — Aut o * 100B-FD 100B-HD 10B-FD 10B-HD Cho oses t he Eth ern et link mode. WLAN TCP/IP BOOT M ethod Aut o * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Cho oses t he BOOT method that be st suit s your ne eds. IP Address [0 00-255].
Menu and F eatur es 91 C Network (Co nti nu ed) WLAN (Con ti nued ) TCP/IP (C onti nu ed) APIPA On * Off Au toma tica lly al locat e s the I P add r es s from the link -local addre ss ra ng e. Setup Wiz ard — — Y o u ca n c onf ig ure y ou r pri nt se rv er.
92 Menu ( ) (con tinued) Cop y (Default display) Level1 Lev e l2 Level3 O ptio n s Descriptio ns P ag e Print Rep orts Help List — — Yo u ca n p rint t he se lis ts and r epo rts . 23 User Settings —— Network Config —— Machine I nfo. Seri al No .
Menu and F eatur es 93 C Paper Type —— Plain Paper * Inkjet Pape r Brothe r BP7 1 Other Gloss y Transp arenc y Cho os e th e pape r ty pe tha t matc hes th e pa per in t he tray. 30 Paper Size —— A4 * A5 10x15c m Letter Legal Ch oose the pape r si ze t hat matc hes th e pa per in t he tray.
94 Waterma rk C opy W atermark Copy — On Off * (If y ou cho os e On , see th e watermark c o py se tt i ng s in th e fol lowi n g tabl e .) Yo u ca n p lace a lo go or text in to yo ur docu men t as a Wa te rma rk . 31 Cur rent Se tti ng —— Exit —— Se t New Defa ul t —— Yes No Yo u ca n sa ve y our co py settings .
Menu and F eatur es 95 C Watermark Cop y Setting s Op tion 1 Opti on2 Optio n3 Opt ion4 De scr ipti ons Page Template — Te xt CONFI DENTIA L * DRAFT COPY Places a text i nto your document as a W atermark us ing a t em pl ate.
96 Media ( S elec t im ag e fr om me di a) Positi on A B C D E * F G H I Pattern Places a logo o r text in to your do cum en t as a W ater ma rk u si ng an im ag e from rem ovabl e medi a .
Menu and F eatur es 97 C Ph oto Ca ptu re ( ) Leve l 1 Lev el 2 Leve l 3 O pti on s Desc rip t ion s Pa ge View Photo(s) — — See the pri nt setting s in the fo llow i ng ta bl e. Yo u ca n pre vi ew yo ur phot os o n the LC D. 37 Print Index — Layout Fo rmat 6 Images/Line * 5 Images/Li ne You can pri nt a thu mbn ai l page .
98 Print Setti ngs Opt ion 1 Opti on2 Opt ion3 O ption 4 De scri ptions Page Print Qua lity (N ot ava i labl e for DPOF prin ting) Normal Photo * — — C hoo se th e prin t qual ity . 46 Paper Typ e Plain P aper Inkjet Paper Brother BP71 Other G lossy * — — C hoo se th e pape r type .
Menu and F eatur es 99 C Cropping On * Off — — Crop s t he im age ar ou nd t he ma rg in to fi t th e pa pe r s iz e or p rint size. Turn this feat u re o ff if you want to pr int whol e imag es o r pre ve nt unw a nte d cr oppi ng. 48 Borderless On * Off — — Expa nd s th e p rin tab le are a to fi t the edges of th e paper.
100 Scan ( ) Leve l 1 Opt ion 1 Opti on 2 Opt ion 3 D escri pti ons Page Sca n to E-mail — — — You can s can a mo noch ro me or a co lour docu m ent into your E -ma il ap pl ic atio n. See Soft wa re User's Guide on the CD-ROM . Scan to Image — — — Yo u ca n scan a co lo ur pi cture into your grap hics appl ica tio n.
101 D D Genera l D Specifications D Printer Type Ink jet Print Meth od Black: Colour : Piezo wit h 94 × 1 nozzle Piezo wit h 94 × 3 nozzle s Memory Capa city (DCP-385C, DCP-383 C and DC P -38 7C) 32 MB (DCP-585CW ) 40 MB LCD (l iquid cryst al display ) W id e 3.
102 1 Thi s de pe nd s on pr int ing co nd iti on s. Di mens ions (DCP-385C , DCP-383C, DCP-387C and DCP-585CW) We ight (DCP -385C, DCP-383 C and DCP -387C) 7.2 kg (DCP-585CW) 7.2 kg Noise Operating : L PA m = 50 dB or less 1 No ise per ISO92 96 Operating : L WA d = 6 4.
Sp ecifications 103 D Prin t media D 1 Use onl y tr anspa r enci es re com men de d for inkj et pr int ing. 2 For glos sy p ap er o r tra nsp are nci e s, we rec omm e nd r emo vi ng pr int ed page s f rom th e p ap er tra y im me diat e ly af ter they ex it the m ach in e to a voi d sm ud gi ng .
104 Cop y D Co lour /M onoc hro me Yes/Ye s Docum ent Size Scanner Gla ss W idth: Max. 215.9 mm Scanner Gla ss Length: Max. 297 mm Copy Width: Max. 210 mm Mul tip le C opi es Stacks up to 99 pages Enl.
Sp ecifications 105 D PhotoCapture Ce nter™ D 1 Memory cards, a dapters a nd USB Fla s h memory drive a re not included. 2 16M B to 2G B 3 4GB to 8G B 4 xD -Pi ctur e Ca rd™ Conv enti onal Car d f.
106 PictBridge D Com p at ibil it y Supports the Camera & Imaging Produc ts Associati on PictBridge s tandard CIPA DC-001. Vis it http:// www.cipa.
Sp ecifications 107 D Scanne r D 1 Wind ow s ® XP in this User ’s Guide inc ludes Window s ® XP Home Ed ition, Win dows ® X P Pr ofe ssi onal , and W ind ow s ® XP P rofe ssi on al x64 Ed ition .
108 Printer D 1 Bas ed on B rot her stan da rd patt er n. A4 siz e in draft mode. 2 When you set the Borderless feature to On. 3 See Paper type a nd siz e for ea ch ope r atio n o n pa ge 18 .
Sp ecifications 109 D I nterface s D 1 (DCP -585CW) Yo ur mac hine ha s a Hi- spee d USB 2 .0 in te rfac e. The mach in e can als o be co nnec te d to a comp ut er th at ha s a USB 1. 1 int erf ace. (DCP -385C/383C/ 387C) Yo ur m achi ne ha s a ful l-s pee d US B 2.
110 Computer requireme nts D SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE FUNCT I ONS Computer Platf orm & Oper ati ng Syste m Version Su pported PC Software Fu nctions PC Int erfa ce Processor Minimu.
Sp ecifications 111 D Consuma ble i tems D 1 Approx . cartridge yield is declare d in a ccordance wit h ISO/IEC 24 711. Ink The machine uses indi vidual Black , Yellow, Cyan and Magenta ink cart ridges that are separ ate from the print head assembly .
112 Network (LAN) (DCP-585CW only) D 1 Se e the Co m put er R equi reme nts cha rt on pa ge 1 10. 2 If you requi re more adv an ced pri nter mana ge ment , us e t he la te st Brot her BRAd min P rofe ssi onal util ity v er sion th at is ava ila ble as a downl oad f rom htt p:// sol uti ons.
Sp ecifications 113 D Wir ele ss one- pus h co nfig urat ion D If your wirel ess access point s upports e ither Sec ureEasySetup™, Wi-Fi P rotected Setup™ (PBC 1 ) or AOSS™, you can configur e the machine easil y without a computer.
114 E This is a comprehe nsive list of features and t erms that appe ar in Broth er manuals. A vai lability o f these features depen ds on t he model you purchased . Gloss ary E Brig htness Changing t he Brigh tness makes t he whole image lig hter or darker.
Index 115 F F A Ap pl e ® Macintos h ® See Software User' s Guide on th e CD-ROM. ....... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. . C Cleaning paper pick- up roller .... ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .... 81 print hea d ...
116 M Macintosh ® See Softwar e User's Guide on the CD-R OM. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... . Mai ntenance, routine rep lacing ink cartrid ges .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 7 7 Menu Table .... ... .. .. .
117 F R Reducing copies .... ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... . 2 7 Reports Help List ..... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... . 2 3 how to print .... ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... . 2 3 User Se ttings .
V isit us on the W orld Wide We b http ://ww w.broth This machi ne is appr oved fo r use in the c ountry of pu rchase on ly. Local B rother companies or their dealers w ill only supp ort m achines pu rchased in the ir own c oun tries.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Brother DCP-387C c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Brother DCP-387C - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Brother DCP-387C, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Brother DCP-387C va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Brother DCP-387C, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Brother DCP-387C.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Brother DCP-387C. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Brother DCP-387C ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.