Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Backup & Recovery 11 Server du fabricant Acronis
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A c r o n i s B a c k u p & R e c o v e r y 1 1 Update 0 User Guide Applies to th e followin g edit i ons: Advanc ed Server Virtual E dition Advanc ed Server SBS Edition Advanc ed .
2 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Copyright © Acronis, Inc . , 2000-2011. All rights reserve d. “Acronis” and “Acro ni s Secure Z one” are reg istered trademarks of Acro ni s, Inc .
3 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Table o f conten ts 1 Introducing Acronis Backup & Recovery 1 1 ................................ ................................................ 8 1.1 What's new in Acronis Backup & Recovery 1 1 .
4 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 4 .4 .5 Up on a n A cr on is Dr iv e Mo nit or a le rt ..................................................................................................... 62 4 .4 .6 C on dit io ns ......................
5 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 5.5 How to convert a disk backup to a virtual machine ........................................................... 120 5 .5 .1 Vi rt u a l mac hi n e ty pe / v ir tu ali za tio n s e rv er se le ct io n ...
6 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 8 .1 .1 Li nu x- ba se d b oo ta bl e m ed ia ................................................................ ................................................ 161 8 .1 .2 A dd ing t he Ac ro ni s P lug -in to W in P E 1 .
7 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 1 0. 5 .2 A ler ts ..................................................................................................................................................... 202 1 0. 5 .3 E- mai l no ti fi ca tio ns .
8 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 1 In tro duc in g Acro n is Back up & Rec ove ry 1 1 1. 1 Wh at 's n ew in Ac ro nis B a ck up & Re cov er y 11 Acronis Bac kup & Recover.
9 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Exporting and im p ortin g backup p lans (p. 193 ) Export a backup plan to an . xml file and import it to a different machine. Deploying backup pl ans as file s (p. 196 ) Export a backup plan from o ne machine and deploy it as an .
10 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 File backup File-level data protection is based o n ba cking up files a nd folders residing on t he machine where the agent is installed or on a network share. Files can be recovered to t heir original locat i on or to anot her place.
11 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 FAT16/32 NTFS Ext2 / Ext3/E x t4 ReiserFS3 - part icular files cannot be recovered from disk backups l ocated on A cronis Bac kup & R.
12 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 2 G ett ing st ar ted Step 1. Installation These brief installation i nstruct i ons enable yo u to st art u si ng the pro duc t qu i ckly. For th e complete d escription o f installation me thods and procedures, please refer to the Installation document ation.
13 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Create a bac kup plan if you n ee d a long-term bac kup strategy including bac kup schemes, schedules and co ndi tions, timely delet ing of bac kups, or moving them to different locations. Step 5. Recovery Rec over (p.
14 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Acronis B ac kup & Recovery 11 Man a geme n t C o nsole - Welcome scree n Key elements of the console wo rkspac e Na me D es cri pti on Navigati o n pane Contains the Navig at i o n tree and th e Shortcut s ba r .
15 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Backup plans a nd tasks . Use th i s view to manage b ac kup plans and t asks on th e managed machine: run, edi t, stop and delete plans and tasks, view their progress.
16 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 2. 1.2 .1 Vi ew s A view appears on the main area when c li cking any ite m in the Navigation tree in t he Navigation pane (p. 14 ) . "Log" view Common way of working with views Generally, ev ery view c ontains a tab l e of items, a table to olbar with b ut tons, and the Info rmation panel.
17 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Filter ite ms by predefined column value In a field below the co rr espond ing colu mn's header, select the r equired value from the d rop -dow n list. Filter ite ms by entered value In a field below the co rr espond ing colu mn's header, type a value.
18 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Using controls and specifying s ettings Use active co ntrols to specify a bac kup plan or recovery t ask settings and paramet ers. By default, such fi elds as credent i als, opt i ons, comment s, an d some others are hidden.
19 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 2. 1.3 .2 Cr ed ent ial s c a che The o ption specifies whether to st ore the c redentials entered whi le using the manage ment console.
20 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 The preset is: Enabled. To make a selection, select or clear th e Notify if bootable media is not c reated check box.
21 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 3 U nde rst and ing Ac ron is Bac kup & Rec ov ery 1 1 This sect i on at tempts to gi ve its readers a clear unders tanding of the product so t ha t they can use the pro duc t in various circumst ances without step- by - step inst ructions.
22 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 1. In the P lan parameters (or Task parameters ) sect ion, cli ck Show plan 's cr edentials, c omments, label (or S how task c redentials ). 2. Click Pl a n's (Task) credentials . 3. Enter the credent i als under which the plan (task) will r un.
23 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 influence of all the metho ds’ shortcomings. For examp le, weekly differentia l bac kup facilitates archive cleanup because it c an be easily deleted alon g with t he weekl y set o f dail y incremental backups depending on it.
24 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 the same fu l l backup at the same point o f time. The above ment i oned difference i mplies creat i ng a differential backup after (or instead of) creating multiple incremental backups.
25 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 3. 5 B ac kup a nd re cove r y o f d yn amic v ol ume s (W in do ws ) This sect i on explains in brief ho w to bac k u p and recover dynamic volumes (p. 234 ) using Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 . A dynamic volum e i s a volume loc ated on dynamic disk s (p.
26 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Example 1 . The group contains fewer disks t han is required for the dynamic vol ume. Assume you are going to recover an 80 GB RA ID-5 volume that had resi ded on three disks, t o a disk group consisting of two disks.
27 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Disk-level encryption software encrypt s data on the fly. This is why dat a contained in the backup is not encrypted. Disk-level encrypt i on software often modifies system areas: boot reco rds, or part ition tables, or file system t abl es.
28 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 3. 7 Su p p or t f or SN MP SNMP object s Acronis Bac kup & Recovery 11 provides the fol lowing Simple Network M anagem ent Prot ocol (SNMP) object s t o SNMP management appli cations: Type of event Object identifier (OID): 1.
29 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 4 Ba cku p 4. 1 B ac k u p now Use the Back up now featu re to co nfi gure and ru n a one-tim e backup in a few simple steps. The backup process will start immediately aft er you perform the requ i red steps and click OK .
30 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 To access these settings, cli ck Show backup fil e naming, acce ss credentials, archive com ments . File n aming (p.
31 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 [Opt i onal] Configure parameters o f the backup operat i on, such as pre/post backup commands, maxi mum network bandwi dth al located for t he backup stream or t he backup archive co m pression level. If you do nothing in th is section, the default values (p.
32 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 In order t o recover your operat i ng system along with al l the set ting s and appl ications, you have to perform a disk bac kup. 2. In the t ree below the Data to back up se ction, select the items to back up by selecting c heck boxes next to the items.
33 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 This opt i on is effec tive only for fi le systems that are supported by Windows. Select this chec k box to skip files and folders with the Hidden attribute. If a folder is Hidden , al l of its contents — including files th at are not Hidd en — will be excluded.
34 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 The ab ove sett i ngs are not effect i ve for t he fil es or fo l ders t hat were explicitly selected for backup. For example, assum e that you selected the folder MyFolder and the file MyFile.tmp outside that folder, an d selected to skip all .
35 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Custom – to create a custo m scheme, where you are fr ee to set up a backup strat egy in th e way your ent erpri se needs it m ost: specify multiple schedules for different bac kup types, ad d conditions and specify the re tention rules.
36 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Custom retent i on periods for backups of eac h type Description Let us suppo se that we want t o set up a ba ckup plan that wi ll regularly produc e a series of dai ly (D), weekly (W), and monthly (M) backups.
37 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Backup type Specifies t he types of da il y, week ly and month ly backups Alw a ys full - all the daily, weekly and m onth l y backups will be al ways full. Th i s is the default selectio n for c ases when a tap e driv e is selected as a backup locat ion.
38 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Keep month ly backups for half a year. Backup scheme parameters can t hen be set up as fo llo ws. Start backup at: 6:00 PM Back up on: Workda.
39 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Weekly/monthly: Fr iday Keep backup s: Daily: 1 w eek Weekly: 1 month Mont hl y: indefinitely Backup i s thus performed only on Fridays. This makes Friday the only c hoice for weekly and mon thly backups, leavi ng no o ther date for daily backup s.
40 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 backups If ther e is only on e full ba ckup left and a full backup is in progress, then delete the last fu ll backup with all dependent increm ental/.
41 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Retention rules : Delete backup s older t h an 12 months Apply the rules : After backing up By default, a one-year-old full backup wi ll not be del eted unt i l all incremental backup s that depend on it become subject to deletion too.
42 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Higher density o f more recent backups Parameters You can set u p the following parameters o f a Tower of Hanoi sc hem e. Schedule Set up a da i ly (p. 54 ) , weekly (p . 56 ), or month ly (p. 58 ) sch edule.
43 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 The sc heme all ows for efficient dat a storage: more b ac kups acc umul ate t oward the c urren t time.
44 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Backup type Select t he type of backup Full - sel ected by default for all backup loc ations (except for Ac ronis Online Backup St orage). Increm enta l. At the first time a full backup wi ll be c reated.
45 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 the ru le: "on e ba ckup plan - one arc hiv e". Doing t he o pposite will not prevent the pro g ram from funct i oning but i s not prac tical or efficient, except for s ome specifi c cases. Why two or more plans should not back up t o the same archive 1.
46 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 D es tin ati on D et ai l s FTP, SF TP To back up da ta to FTP or SFT P , type the serv er name or address in the Path f i eld as follows: ftp://ftp_se r.
47 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 User na me . When ent eri ng the n am e of an Ac tive Direc tory user account, be sure to also specify the domain name (DOMAINUsername o r Usern am e@domain) Pass word . The passwor d for the account .
48 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Windows 200 0 Se r ver win2000S er vGuest Windows 200 0 Adva nced Server win2000S er vGuest Windows XP All Editions winXPP roGuest Windows XP All Edition.
49 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Be fore creat i ng a new ful l backup, the software will delete t he entire archive and start a new one. This behavior is useful when you rotat e USB hard drives and want each drive to keep a singl e full backup (p.
50 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 In this sc enari o, create a backup plan with a dai ly schedule. When c reating the bac kup plan, specify MyMachine-[DATE ] as t he archive name, select the Name backup files using the archive n ame... check box, and select Full as t he backup type.
51 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 4. 3.1 .5 Ex am ple 5. Da il y ba cku ps wi th w eek ly dri ve sw aps Consider the fo l lowing scenar i o: You want to perform daily bac kups of your m achine: a full backup each Mon day and incremental backups on Tuesday t hrough Sunday.
52 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 The 1 0 differential backups of January 31, 2011, will be sto red as ServerFiles(1.31.2011)2.tib, ServerFiles(1.31.201 1)3.tib, and so on up to ServerFiles(1.31 .2011)1 1.tib. The fo l lowing day, February 1 , the b a ckups will start with the full backup ServerFiles(2.
53 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 4. 4 Sc he du lin g Acronis sch edul er helps th e admi nistrator adapt bac ku p plans to the company’ s daily rout i ne and each employee’s work style. The plans’ tasks will be la unched systematically keepin g the critical data safely protec ted.
54 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 The task r un ti m e is withi n th e specif i ed ti m e interva l All users a re logged off The spec i fied per iod of t ime has pass ed since the last s.
55 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Examples "Simple" daily s chedu le Run t he task every day at 6PM. The sc hedule's parameters are t hus set up as follows. 1. Every: 1 day(s). 2. Once at : 06 :00:00 PM . 3. Effect i ve: From: not s et .
56 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 task's rec urrences is 4 hours, and between t he third, f ourth and fi fth is 2 ho urs. In this case, the optimal way is to add two sc hedules to t he task. Firs t da ily s chedu le 1. Every: 3 day(s).
57 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Examples "One day in the week" schedule Run t he task every Friday at 1 0PM, starting from a c ert ain date (say 05/14/2009) and ending after si x months. The sc hedule's parameters are t hus set up as follows.
58 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Thursday: every 3 hours from 9 AM till 9 PM Friday: twice at 1 2 PM and 9 PM (i.e. same as on M onday) Saturday: onc e at 9 PM Sunday: once at 9 PM Combining the i dentical t i mes, the foll owing t hree schedules can be added to th e task: Firs t s chedule 1.
59 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Every: <... > From: <...> Until: <...> Set up how m any t imes the task will be run during the spec i fied ti me interval.
60 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 To: 1 2/01/201 0 . Actually the task wi ll end on t he last workday of November. By sett i ng up t hi s date we just define that t he task must be discontinued in 201 0 , after au tumn ends in the northern hemi sphere.
61 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 For example, y ou may want to set up a backup p lan th at will automat i cally perfo rm an emergency full backup of your data as so on as Windows disco v ers that your hard disk drive is about to fail . Parameters Log name Specifies the nam e of t he log.
62 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Micr osoft-Windows-Windows UpdateCli ent and event number 18 into the System log; the type o f this event i s Information .
63 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 4 . 4 . 6 C o n d i t i o n s Conditions add m ore flexibil i ty to the scheduler, enabling to execute backup t asks wi th respect t o certain conditions. Onc e a spec i fied event oc curs (see the " Scheduling (p.
64 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Task st art conditions: Wait until th e conditions are met , Run the task anyway after 2 hour(s). As a result, (1) If t he user b ecomes idle before 9PM, the backup task will start at 9PM.
65 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Condition: Fi ts the time interval , from 0 4:30:00 PM un til 10:00:00 PM . Task st art conditions: Skip the ta sk exe cution . As a result, (1) if t he user logs o ff between 04:30:00 PM a nd 10:00:00 PM, t he ba ckup task will start i mmediately following th e l oggi ng off.
66 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 4. 4.6 .5 Ti me sin ce la st ba c kup Applies to: Windows, L i nux Enables t o put a backup task run on hold unt i l the specified time i nterval since t he last succ essful backup completion passes.
67 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Usage sc enarios Reliable d isaster recovery (p. 71 ) Store y our bac kups both on-site (fo r imm ediate reco very) and off-site (t o secure the backups from local st orage fail ure or a natural disaster).
68 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Backups that were copied or moved to the next locat i on do not depend on the backup s remaining in the o ri ginal locat i on and vi ce versa. Yo u can reco v er data from an y bac kup without access t o ot her locations.
69 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Tower of Hanoi scheme Each ba ckup is retained based on its level (p. 41 ), and t hen deleted. Y ou spec i fy the number of l evels in Number of levels . The ret ention rules are applied after creating a bac kup.
70 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 You wi ll be ab l e to specify the locat ion where to move the b ackups and set up retent i on rules for that l ocat i on after you click OK . Deleting the last bac kup in the archive The ret ention rules are effect i ve if the arc hiv e co ntains more than one backup.
71 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 moment. The operations that had started befo re the inact i vity time began co ntinue without interruption. The inac tiv ity time affects al l locations, including the primary one. The preset is: Disabled.
72 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Click OK . In Apply retenti o n rules , sel ect t he After backup chec k box. Result: Backups that are younger than one month are kept, re gardless of their tot al size.
73 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 [Virtual Mac hine Name] [Virtualization Server T y pe] Folder on V Mware v Center If the management serv er is i ntegrated wi th vCenter S erver, th e resultant virtual machines will appear in the Acronis Ba ckups folder o n th e vC enter.
74 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 What is the machine's processing power? Conversion will take th e selected m achine's CP U resou rce. Multiple conversion tasks will be queued on t hat machine and it may take considerable time to complete them all.
75 Copyright © Acr o nis, In c., 200 0 -2011 Otherwise, the existing virtual machine is upd ated t o r eflect c hanges since the last conversion. If updating is no t possible (for example, if you deleted the intermediate snapshots, see below), t he virtual machine is re-creat ed from scrat ch.
76 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 A ge nt f or Wi n dow s Bo ot abl e me di a ( Li nu x-b ase d or P E- bas e d) D is k b ack u p F il e bac k up D is k b ack u p F il e bac k up Reset arch ive bit - + - + Restart the machin e automatical ly after backup is finished - - + + Archive p rotection (p.
77 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 A ge nt f or Wi n dow s Bo ot abl e me di a ( Li nu x-b ase d or P E- bas e d) D is k b ack u p F il e bac k up D is k b ack u p F il e bac k up Media co m ponents (p. 86 ) Dest: removabl e media Dest: removabl e media - - Mount points (p.
78 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Reset archive bit The o ption is effective only for fil e-l evel bac kup in Windows operating syst em s and in bootable media.
79 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 2. In the E nter the password field, type a password. 3. In the C o nfirm the p assword field, re-type the password.
80 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Backup performance options mi ght have a m ore or l es s not i ceable effect on the speed of the ba ckup process. T hi s depends on the o verall system configuration and the physical c haracteristics of devices the bac kup is being performed from or to.
81 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 The o ption defines the amou n t of network c on nection bandwidth al located for transferring the backup data. By default t he speed is set to m aximum, i.e. the software uses all the network bandwidth it can get when tran sferri ng the b ackup data.
82 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 4 . 7 . 6 C o m p r e s s i o n l e v e l This opt i on is effec tive for Windows and Linux operat i ng systems an d boo table media. The o ption defines the level of c ompression applied to t he data being backed up.
83 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 To set up s end in g D RPs : 1. Select t he Send disaster recovery plan check b ox. 2. Enter the e-mail address in the E -mail Address fi eld. You c an en ter several e-mail addresses in a semicolon-delimited format.
84 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 4 . 7 . 9 E v e n t t r a c i n g It is possible to duplicate log events o f the backup operations, performed on the managed machine, in the Application Event Log of Windows; or send the events to t he specified SNMP m anagers.
85 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 To sel ect w het he r t o lo g the ba ck up op er ati on s e ven ts in th e App l i c a tio n E v e n t L og o f W ind ow s: Choose one of the followi ng: Use the setting set i n the Machine o ptions – to use th e setting spec i fied for t he machine.
86 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Always bac k up files directly. Administrator or Backup Operat or privi leges are n ot required. Trying to back up files that are opened for exclusive access will resu l t in a read error. Files in the backup may be not time-consistent.
87 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Acronis Boota b le Agent is a boo table rescue utility (based on Linux kernel) that includes most of the fu nctionality o f the Acron i s Backup & Recovery 11 agent. Put t hi s co m ponent on the media if you want more functionality during recovery.
88 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 4 . 7 . 1 5 M u l t i - v o l u m e s n a p s h o t This opt i on is effec tive only for Wi ndows operat i ng systems. This opt i on app lies to disk-level bac kup. This o ption also appli es to fi le -level backup when the file-level bac kup is performed by t aki ng a snapsho t.
89 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 8. In the Us er name field, enter the user name. 9. In the P assword field, enter the password. 10. Click Additional e-mail pa rameter s... to co nfi gure the additional e-mail parameters as follo ws: a. From - type the e-mail address of th e user from whom the message will be sent.
90 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 4 . 7 . 1 7 P r e / P o s t c o m m a n d s This opt i on is effec tive for Windows and Linux operat i ng systems an d PE-based boot able medi a. The o ption enables you to define t he commands t o be automatically executed before and aft er the backup procedure.
91 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 only after the command is successful ly executed. Fa il the task if the com m and execution f ai ls . command is executed desp ite execution f ai lure or success . the com mand execution and irrespect i ve of the command execution result.
92 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 To sp eci fy p re /p ost d ata c apt ure c omm an ds 1. Enable pre/post data capture commands execution by checking th e foll owing options: Execute b efore the data ca ptu re Execute a fter the data capt u re 2.
93 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 4. Depending on the result you want to obtain, select the approp riate opt i ons as described in the table below.
94 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 To create a n exact copy of a disk or volume on a physical level, sel ect the Back up sector- by -sec to r check box. The resulting bac kup will be equal in size t o the disk being bac ked up (if the Compress ion level (p.
95 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 To handle the si tuation when t he conditions are no t met for t oo long and further delaying the bac kup is becoming risk y, you can set the time interval after which t he task wi ll run irrespective of the condition.
96 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Hardware/softw a re - Sel ect automatically (selected by d efault) VSS will use the hardware-based provider that supports the sou rce volume. If none is found, VSS will use th e Microsoft S oftware Shadow C opy provider.
97 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 5 Re cov er y When it c omes to data rec overy, first consider the mos t functional method : connect the console t o the managed m a chine running t he operating system and c reate the recovery task.
98 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 [Opt i onal] Provide credent i als for t he archive location i f the task accou n t does not have the right to access it.
99 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Universal Restore for Windows/Linux (p. 112 ) Use Acronis Un i versal Resto re when you need to recover and boo t up an operat i ng systems on dissimilar hardware. After you complete all the required st eps, click OK to c reate t he co m mit creat i ng of the reco v ery task.
100 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 There are probably other t i mes when you m ay need t o recover t he MBR , b ut the above are t he most common. When reco v ering the MBR of one disk t o another Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 recovers Track 0, which do es not affect the t arget disk’s partition table and part i tion layout.
101 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 5. 1.1 .2 Da ta cat a lo g Data catalog lets you easily find t he required version of dat a and select it for rec overy. On a m anaged machine, the dat a catalog fu nc tionality is available thr ough th e Da ta view t ab f or any vault ac cessible from th i s machine.
102 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Solutions: Run t he catalogi ng manually by cli cking Catalog no w . Fo r the Data catalog , all backups stored in the managed vaults will be c ataloged. For the Data view , only the backups stored o n the selected vault will be cataloged.
103 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 5 . 1 . 3 A c c e s s c r e d e n t i a l s f o r d e s t i n a t i o n To sp eci fy cr ede nt ia ls 1. Select on e of the following: Use the task c redentials The pro g ram will access t he destination using t he credentials of t he task account spec i fied in the Task p arameters section.
104 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 On select i ng this, you specify the v irtualization server and the target v irtual machine. Then you proceed to the reg ular disk mapping proc edure described below. Please b e aware t ha t t he target machine will be powere d off autom a tic a lly be f ore the recov ery.
105 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Note : Y o u should be abs olutely sure t ha t no n e of th e ex i sting disks on this ma ch ine has the sam e NT signature.
106 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Recover t o: Physical machine Available when the Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Agent fo r Windows or A gen t for Li nu x is installed. The select ed volumes wi ll be recovered to t he physical disks of t he machine the console is connec ted to.
107 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Size : (p. 107 ) [Opt i onal] Change the recovered volume size, locat i on and other properties. MB R d est ina ti on To sp eci fy a d es tina ti on d i sk: 1. Select t he disk to recover th e MBR to. 2.
108 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 installed operating syste m could p rev ent t he machine from booting. You cannot set a logical drive or dynamic v olume active . Logical . Information about logical volumes i s located no t in t he MBR, bu t in th e extended partition table.
109 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 VMWare VM FS (64 KB) - select this o ption when recovering the volume as a VMware Virtual Machine File Syst em partition.
110 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Specify files and fo l ders you do not wish t o be recovered. R ec ove ry e xclu si ons Set up exclusions for the specific fi les you do not wish to recover. Use the Add , Edit , Remove and Remove All buttons to creat e the list of fi le masks.
111 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Later - the recovery task will be start ed manually afterwards. If yo u need to schedule the task, clear th e Task wi ll be star ted manually check b ox, and specify the required date and time. 5 . 1 .
112 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Install Universa l Restore fro m the product installation pac kag e (in addition to A gent for Windows, Agent for Linux or Bo ota ble Media Builder).
113 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 The best practice is to store driv ers for all t he hardwar e used in y our organizat i on in a si ngle repository sort ed by device type or by the hardware configurations.
114 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Specify th e appropriate drivers by c l icking Add driver . The dri vers defined here wi l l be instal l ed, with appropriate warni ngs, even if t he program finds a b etter driver.
115 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Source and t a rget dis k partition style : MBR o r GPT. System and boot volumes of BIO S platforms use MBR di sks.
116 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 O ri gi nal sy ste m Ta rg et ha rdw are BIOS Disk: MBR BIOS Disk: GPT UEFI Disk: MBR UEFI Disk: GPT UEFI OS: non- convertible - Solution Recover the oper ati ng system to a GPT disk. 2. Perform th e recovery under the bootable media.
117 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 O ri gi nal sy ste m Ta rg et ha rdw are Platfor m : BIOS Target disk <2 TB Platfor m : BIOS Target disk >2 TB Platfor m : UEFI Target disk <2 TB Platfor m : UEFI Target disk >2 TB BIOS OS: convertible + The source d isk will be recovered without any modificat ion.
118 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 O ri gi nal sy ste m Ta rg et ha rdw are Platfor m : BIOS Target disk <2 TB Platfor m : BIOS Target disk >2 TB Platfor m : UEFI Target disk <2 TB Platfor m : UEFI Target disk >2 TB UEFI OS: convertible + The target di sk wi ll be initialized as MBR .
119 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Customers familiar w ith Acronis Reco v ery for M i crosoft E xchange can no te that t hi s product uses Active Restore to achieve immediate availabil ity of an Exchange information store after star ting the recovery.
120 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 If your op erating syste m and i ts loader resi de o n differe n t volumes, always inc l ude both vo l umes in the backup. The volumes must also be rec overed toget h er; other wise there i s a hi g h risk that the operating system wi ll not start.
121 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Tip. Micros o ft V i rtual PC does not s u pport disks t h at are larg er than 127 GB . Acro n is enab l es yo u to cr ea te a Virtual PC machi n e wit h l a rger disks s o th at you can attac h the disks to a M i crosoft Hyper -V virtu a l m a chine.
122 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 5 . 5 . 1 V i r t u a l m a c h i n e t y p e / v i r t u a l i z a t i o n s e r v e r s e l e c t i o n The new vi rtual machine c an be creat ed eith.
123 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 When adding a n ew virtual disk, al ong with interfac e and capacity, you c an specify its fo rmat. Thin format. The disk occ upies as much st orage space as the dat a it stores. T hi s saves th e s torage space.
124 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 When you configure recovery of a system volume to a disk that does not have an MBR, the program prompt s whether you want to rec over the MBR along with t he system volume. Opt for no t re covering, on l y if you do not want the system to b e bo otable.
125 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 2. Mount the system you are recovering: mkdir /mnt/system/ mount - t ext3 / dev/sda2 /mnt/system/ # root partition mount - t ext3 / dev/sda1 /m nt/system/ boot/ # bo ot partiti on 3.
126 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 umount /mnt/system/dev/ umount /mnt/system/proc/ umount /mnt/system/boot/ umount /mnt/system/ reboot 13. Reconfigure th e bootloader by usi ng too l s and documentation fro m the Linux d i stribution t hat you use.
127 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 A ge nt f or Wi n dow s Bo ot abl e me di a ( Li nu x-b ase d or P E- bas e d) D is k re co ve ry F il e re cov er y ( al so fr om a di sk ba ck up) D is k re co ve ry F il e re cov er y ( al so fr om a di sk ba ck up) Additiona l settings (p.
128 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 5 . 7 . 1 A d d i t i o n a l s e t t i n g s Specify th e additional settings for the recovery operat i on by selecting or clearing the fo l lowing check boxes. Validate backup archiv e before recovery The preset is Disabled .
129 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 5 . 7 . 2 E r r o r h a n d l i n g These o ptions are effective for Windows and Linux o perating systems and boo table media. These o ptions enab l e you t o specify how t o handle errors that mi ght oc cur during reco v ery.
130 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Types of even ts to s end – choose the types of events to be sent: All events , Err ors and warnings , o r Errors only . Server name/IP – t ype the name o r IP address of the host ru n ning the SNMP management application, the messages will be sent to.
131 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Enable t he Moun t points option to recover fi les and folders that were stored on the mou n ted volumes and were bac ked up with t he enabled Moun t points option. For det ai ls of bac ki ng up mounted v olumes or c l uster shared volumes, see Mount points (p.
132 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 c. Some Internet service pro v iders require authent ication on the incoming mail server befo re being allowed t o send something.
133 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 The pro g ram does n ot support interac tive commands, i.e. commands that require user i nput (for example, "pau se".) A post-rec overy command will not be executed if the r ecovery proceeds wi th rebo ot.
134 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 2. In the Worki n g directory field, specify a path to a directory where the command/batch file will be executed.
135 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 6 S tor ing th e b ack ed u p da ta 6. 1 Va ul ts A vault is a loc ation for st oring backup arc hi ves.
136 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 6 . 1 . 1 W o r k i n g w i t h v a u l t s This sect i on briefly describes t he main GUI element s of the select ed vault, and suggests ways t o work with them. Examining information on a vault Information abo ut the select ed vault is located at the t o p pane of the selected vault.
137 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Sharing a personal vault Multiple machines c an refer to the same physical location; fo r exampl e, t o the same shared folder.
138 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Delete a vault Click Dele t e . The deletin g operat ion actua lly remov es only a short cut to the fo l der fro m the Vaults view. The folder itself remains untou c hed . You have the opt ion to keep o r delete a r chives c ontain ed in the folder .
139 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 4. In the vaults tree, select v ault B to check whet her the archives are displayed. If not, click Ref resh .
1 40 Cop yright © Acronis, In c., 200 0 -2011 6. 2.1 .1 Ac ron is Se cu re Zo ne Dis k The Acro ni s Secure Z one c an be located on any fixed h ard drive. Acronis Sec ure Zone is always created at the end of the hard disk. A machine can have only one Acro ni s Secure Z one.
141 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 6. 2.1 .4 R es ult co nfi rma tio n The Res u lt confirmati on wi ndow displa ys the expect ed partition layout ac cording t o the sett i ngs you have cho sen. Click OK , if you are satisfied with the layout and the Acronis Secure Zone crea tion will start.
142 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 If there is n ot enough un allocated space, the program will take free spa ce from the sel ected volumes, propo rtionall y reducing t he volumes' size. Re si zing of loc ke d part i tions requires a reboot.
143 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 7 Op er ati ons wi th a rchiv es and b ack ups 7. 1 Va l ida ti ng ar chi ve s a nd ba ck ups Validation is an o peration that checks t he possibili ty of data rec overy from a backup. Validation of a fil e backup i mitates reco v ery of all fi l es from the bac kup to a dummy destinat i on.
144 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 [Opt i onal] Provide credent i als for ac cessing the source if the task a ccount does n ot have enough privileges to access it. When to validate Start validation (p. 145 ) Specify when and ho w often to perform validation.
145 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 To select a cent ral ized vault, ex pand t he Centrali zed group and click th e appropriat e vault.
146 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Ch oo se on e o f th e f o llo win g : Now - to start t he val idation t ask rig ht aft er its creation, t ha t is, aft er clicking OK on the Validation page . Later - to start t he one-time validation task, at the date and time you specify.
147 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Your choice o f backups belonging t o the same arch i ve - the resul ting archive will c ontain only the specified backup s. Consolidat i on is performed as required, so the resulting archive may co ntain full, incremental an d differential bac kups.
148 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 When th e console is connect ed to a management server , two export methods are available: Export from a manag ed vault . The export is performed b y the st orage node t hat manages the vault. The d esti nation can be a network sha re or a loca l folder of the storage no de.
149 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Select t he Archive (p. 149) or the Backups (p. 149 ) . Show access credentials (p. 149 ) [Opt i onal] Provide credent i als for ac cessing the source if the task a ccount does n ot have enough privileges to access it.
150 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Use the following cr edentials The pro g ram will access t he location using t he credential s you spec ify. Use t hi s opt i on if t he task ac count does not have acc ess permissi ons to t he l ocation.
151 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 2. Using the archives table To assist you wi th choosing th e rig ht dest i nation, the t able on t he right displays t he names of the archives co ntained in each loc ation you select in t he tree .
152 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 mount operation. The moun t operation is available when t he console is connec ted to a managed machine running either Wi ndows or Linux.
153 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 If the arc hive is stored in a l ocal folder o n the mach ine, expand the Local folders group and click th e required folder.
154 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 7 . 3 . 3 A c c e s s c r e d e n t i a l s To sp eci fy cr ede nt ia ls 1. Select on e of the following: Use the curre nt user credentials The pro g ram will access t he location using t he credential s of t he current user.
155 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 To explore a mount ed volume select it in t he table and click Explore . T he default file manager window opens, all owing the user to examine the moun ted volume cont ents. Unmounting images Maintaining the m ounted vol umes takes c onsiderable system reso urces.
156 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 The progra m duplicates you r select ion in the Backups deleti on ( p. 157 ) w i ndow that has check boxes fo r each arc hive and ea c h backup . Review the se lec t i on and make co r rections i f ne ed be ( select th e check boxes f o r the des i red archi ves), then confirm the delet ion.
157 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Delete a single or multiple ba ckups Select one of the backups you want to delete, then cl ick Del et e . The progra m duplicates you r select ion in the Backups deleti on ( p. 157 ) w i ndow that has check box es for each archiv e and ea ch backup.
158 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 full backup whi ch will be dat ed the i ncremental bac kup date. When y ou delete an incremental or differential backup from the middle of t he chain, the resulting backup type will be increm ental.
159 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 8 Bo ot ab le med ia Bootable media Bootab l e media is physical media (CD, DVD, USB d rive or ot her media supported by a mac hi ne BIOS as a bo ot dev.
160 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 PE -based bootable media does n ot support UEFI. 8. 1 Ho w to c rea te bo ota bl e med ia To enable creat ing physical media, t he machine must have a CD/DVD recording drive or allow a flash drive to b e attached.
161 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 http :// . com/downloads/detai l s.aspx?fa m ilyid=696DD 665 -9F76 - 4177 -A 811-39C26 D3B3B3 4&displayl ang=en You can find system requirements for installation b y follow ing the abo v e links.
162 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 build an ISO i mage of a b ootab le disc to burn it later on a blank d isc upload t he selected co mponents to Acronis PXE Server upload t he selected co mponents to a WDS/RIS. 8. [optional] Windo ws system driv ers to be used by Acronis Universal Restore (p.
163 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 nousb2 Disables USB 2.0 sup port. USB 1.1 devices st i ll work wit h this parameter. This p arame ter allows you t o use some USB drives in th e U SB 1.1 mode if they do not work in the USB 2.0 mode. nodma Disables direct memory access (DMA) for all IDE hard d isk drives.
164 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Pre-configuring multiple netwo rk connection s You can pre-con fi gure TCP/IP settings for up to ten network interface c ards. To ensure that ea ch NIC will be assigned th e appropriate sett i ngs, c reate the media on the serv er for whic h the media is custo m ized.
165 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 to get the mass-storage drivers t hat you explicitly specify fro m the m edia. This is necessary when the t arget hardware has a spe cific mass storage cont ro ll er (such as a SCSI, RAID, o r Fiber Channel adapter) for t he hard disk.
166 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 8 . 1 . 3 A d d i n g t h e A c r o n i s P l u g - i n t o W i n P E 2. x o r 3 . 0 Bootab l e Media Builder provides t hree methods of integrating Acron i s Backup & Recovery 11 with WinPE 2.x or 3.
167 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Onc e a mac hine boots into WinPE, Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 starts automatic al ly. To crea t e a PE i mag e (ISO fil e) fr om th e resu lt ing W IM f ile : replace th e default boot .wim file in your Windo ws PE fo l der with t he newly created WIM fi le.
168 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Remote connection To connect to the m achine remot el y, select Connect -> M a nage a remote machine in the console menu and specify one of the mac hine's IP addresses. P rovi de the user name and password if these have been configured when creat i ng the boo table media.
169 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 3. From th e l ist of suppor ted video mod es, c ho ose the ap propriate one b y typing its number (for example, 318 ), an d then press ENT ER.
170 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 acronis asamba lash Linux commands and utilities busybox ifco nfig rm cat init rmmod cdre cord insmod route chmod iscs iadm scp chown kill s.
171 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 8. 5 A cro ni s Sta rtu p Re cov ery Man age r Acronis St artup Recovery Manager is a modificat i on of the boot abl e agent (p. 229), residi ng on the system disk in Windows, or on t he /boot partition in Linux and co nfi gured to start at boot time on pressing F11.
172 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 9 D isk m ana gem ent Acronis Disk D irector Lite is a tool for prepa ri ng a machine disk/volume co nfi guration for recovering the volume ima g es saved by t he Acronis Backup & Rec overy 11 so ftware.
173 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 1. Back up the disk on whi ch volumes will be c reated or managed. Having y our most important dat a backed up to ano ther hard d isk, networ k share or removable media will allo w you to work on disk volumes b ei ng reassured th at your dat a is safe.
174 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 The t op part of the view cont ai ns a disks and volumes t abl e enabling data sorting and columns custo m ization and toolbar.
175 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Acronis Disk D irector Lite wil l detect that the disk is u n usable by the syst em and n ee ds to be initialized. The Dis k management view will show t he newly detected hardware as a gray bloc k wi th a grayed icon, thus indicating t hat the di sk is unusable by the sy stem.
176 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 If there is so m e data on the d isk that was c hosen as the target, t he user will receiv e a warning: “ The selec ted target dis k i s not em p ty.
177 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 I f you ne ed to co p y th e NT si gna tu re: 1. Select t he Copy NT signature chec k box. You rec ei ve the warning: “If th ere is a n operating system on the hard disk, uninstall either t he source o r the t arg et hard disk drive from your machine prior to starting t he machine again.
178 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 1. MBR disk c onversi on: dynamic to basic (p. 179) using th e Conv ert to basi c operat ion. 2. Basic disk co nversi on: M BR to GPT using the Convert to G PT operation. 3. GPT disk c onversion: basic to dynamic (p.
179 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Sys tem disk conversion Acronis Disk D irector Lite does not require an operat i ng system rebo ot after basic to dynamic conversion o f the disk, if: 1. There is a si ngle Windows 2008 / Vista operat i ng syste m installed on the di sk.
180 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 safe co nversion of a dynami c disk t o basic when it co n t ains volumes with data for simp l e and mirrored volumes in multiboot systems, boot ability of a syst em that was offline during t he operation 9 .
181 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Store coll ections of simi lar files separately — for exam ple, an MP3 c ollection or vi deo files on a separate volume; Store backups (images.
182 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 data it self. If a physical disk fai l s, t he portion of the RA ID -5 volume t hat was on that failed disk can be re-creat ed from the rem aining data and the parity.
183 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 To create a S triped volume: Select t wo or more dest i nation disks to create the v olum e on. To create a RA ID-5 volume: Select t hree destination disks t o create the volume o n.
184 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 In setting t he cluster size you can ch oose between any number in t he preset amount for each file system. Note, t he program suggests the cluster size best sui ted t o the volume with the chosen file system.
185 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 9 . 7 . 3 S e t a c t i v e v o l u m e If you have several pri mary volumes, you must specify one to be the boot vol ume.
186 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 9 . 7 . 5 C h a n g e v o l u m e l a b e l The volume label i s an optional at tribute. It is a name a ssi gned to a volume for easier recognition.
187 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 If you set a 64K cl uster size for FAT16/F AT32 or an 8KB-64KB cluster size f o r NTFS, W indows ca n mo u nt the volume, b ut s o me pro g rams (e.g. Setup pro grams) might ca lculate its disk s pa ce incorr ectly.
188 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 10 Ad mi nis ter ing a man ag e d mac hin e This sect i on desc ri bes the v iews that are avail able through the navigation tree o f the console connec ted to a managed machine and ex plains how to work with each vi ew.
189 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 To Do View deta i ls of a plan/tas k Click Det a ils . In the respect ive Plan De t ails (p. 197 ) or Task De t ails (p. 19 8) wi ndo w, revie w the plan or task deta i ls. View plan' s/task's log Click Log .
190 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 To Do Edit a plan/task Click Edi t . Backup plan editin g is perform ed in the same way as creation (p . 29 ) , except f or the follow i ng limita t ions : It is not always pos sible to use all sch eme options, when ed iting a backup pl an if the creat ed arch i ve is not empty (i.
191 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 1 Need intera ction At least one task ne eds user interactio n. Otherwise, see 2. Identify the tasks that need i ntera ction (the p r ogram wil l displa.
192 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 10 .1. 2.3 Ta s k st ate s A task c an be in one of the fo llowing stat es: Idle ; Waiting ; Running ; Need i nteraction .
193 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 1 0 . 1 . 3 E x p o r t a n d i m p o r t o f b a c k u p p l a n s The expo rt operation creates a fil e with c ompl ete c onf ig uration of the bac kup plan. You can import the file to reuse the export ed backup pl an on another machine.
194 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 10 .1. 3.1 Ed it ing th e exp ort f il e The expo rt file is an .xml file and c an be edited with a text editor.
195 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 </lo gin> <pas sword e n crypted= "true"> XXXY YYZZZ888 </pa ssword> How to change item s to back up Replacing a directly spec ified item with another directly s pecified item Inside the <plan><target s><in clusi ons> section: 1.
196 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 <specific> <backup_type > disks </backup_typ e> <disk_level_ options /> <file_level_ options /> <inclusion_r ules> &.
197 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 The default path to the dedicat ed f older is %ALLUSERSPROFI LE%AcronisBa ck u pAndReco v eryim p ort . The pat h is stored in the reg istry key HKEY_LOC AL_MACHINESOFTWAREAcronis MMS Configur a tionImport f olderPath .
198 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Last finis h time - how much time has passed since the last plan o r task end. Last r esult - the result o f the last plan or t ask run.
199 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 10 .2 Lo g The loc al event log st ores the history of o perations performed by Acronis Bac kup & Recover y 11 on the mac hi ne. To view a plain list of log ent ri es, select Events in the D isplay drop-down l ist; to view log entries grouped by activities, select Activities .
200 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Save all the filtered log entries to a file 1. Set filters to get a list of the log entri es that satisfy the filteri ng criter ia. 2. Click Save all to file . 3. In the opened window, spec if y a path and a na m e for the f ile.
201 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Fixing issues that caused alerts To find and fi x the issue that caused th e alert , click Fix th e is sue . You wi ll be t aken to the correspo nding view,where you c an examine the issue and take the ne cessary st eps to resolve it.
202 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 1 0 . 5 . 1 C u s t o m e r E x p e r i e n c e P r o g r a m This opt i on defines whet her the machine will participat e in the Acro nis Customer E xperi ence Program (ACEP).
203 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 The alert i s displayed in the Ale rts view of the Navigation pane. When the console is conn ected to the management serv er, t hi s sett i ng will also co ntrol the color sc heme of the Last backup column's value for eac h machine.
204 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 This opt i on enables you to specify when and how ofte n to recei ve notificat i ons about t he certain types of al erts. The preset is: Disabled . Note: Before configurin g alert notificat ions, specify the SMT P server settings in t h e E-mail n oti ficat ions (p .
205 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 You can override the settings set here, exclusiv ely for th e events t hat occur during backup or during recovery, i n the D efaul t backup and recovery options.
206 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf - co nfi guration file for the Net-SNMP SNMP agent /etc/snmp/snmptrapd . conf - c onfiguration file for th e Net-SN MP trap daemon. 10 .5. 4.3 W ind ows ev ent l o g This opt i on is effec tive only in Windows o perating systems.
207 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 This opt i on defines whet her the Acron is agent will connect to the Internet thro ugh a proxy server. Note: Acr onis Backu p & Recovery Onlin e sup p orts o n ly HTTP and HTTPS proxy servers . To set up p ro xy s erv er se tti ng s 1.
208 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 11 On lin e bac kup This sect i on pro v ides details about using the Acronis Backup & Recovery Online service. T his service enables you t o do online backups t o Acronis Online Backup St orage. Acr o nis Backup & Rec o very On line might be un a vailable in y ou r region.
209 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 1 1 . 1 . 3 H o w l o n g w i l l m y b a ck u p s b e k e p t i n t h e o n l i n e s t o r a g e ? Your backups remai n in t he online storage unt il you delete t hem or u ntil the subscription expires.
210 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 11 .1. 5.4 W hat if a n etw or k conn ec tio n i s l ost du rin g onli ne ba ckup or re cov ery ? The so ftware wil l try t o reach the online storage every 3 0 seconds. After fi ve unsuc cessful attempts the bac kup or recovery task wi ll fail.
211 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 The hard disk drive is sent bac k t o you bu t it is not possibl e to recover from it. However, recovery from a loc al ly attac hed device is possible with th e Large scale recovery (p. 215 ) o ption. 11 .
212 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 2. Decide on the media (p. 211 ) that you will send. 3. Attach the media to the machine you are going to bac k up. Alternatively, yo u can ba ck up to a local or network folder and then copy/move t he backup to the media.
213 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 S tep 1 Delicately remo v e your h ard disk drive from the m achine. S tep 2 Place the hard drive into an anti -static bag to pro tect the drive from elect rostat i c discharge. If you do not have an anti-static bag, si mply wrap the hard drive into aluminum foil.
214 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 S tep 4 Choose the transport company t hat you will use for shi pping. On that company's web si te, prepare and print two prepaid shipping labels: 1. Shipping label f or sending your hard dri ve. T hi s label is pl aced o n the top of the box.
215 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 An order w a s cr eated – The backup is about t o start and t he license cannot be used for the same or any other machine. From t his point on, you can cancel th e order if something g oes wrong. Th i s will return the license to t he pool of available licenses .
216 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Onc e you o r der Large Scale Rec overy for a par ticular mach ine, Acron i s sends you a USB hard disk drive with all of t he bac kups made from t his machine. You can recover data directly fro m the di sk or copy the backups to a local or network folder.
217 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 can cancel the o rder if something goes wrong. This will return t he license to the pool of availabl e licenses. The order i s being process ed - Order processing in t he datacent er s tarted. Writing data – Your backups are b ei ng written o nto the media.
218 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 If you purc hased your subscriptions o nl ine using the Ac ronis Web site, t hey are available immediate ly on your ac count management We b page. The newly o btained subsc ri ptions are l isted at the Man age Subscriptions tab .
219 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 W hat doe s " Aut o- rene w" mean? Auto-renewal means t hat when th e curren t subscription expires, t he next subscription will be automat i cally selected from the available subscript ions. The n ext subscription must be ident i cal to the c urrent subscription.
220 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 11 .1. 8.8 Ca n I r evo ke a su bsc rip ti on f ro m a machi n e? You cann ot retur n an activated subscription to th e list of av ailable subsc ri ptions, but you can reassig n (p. 222 ) it to a di fferent mac hi ne in Acro ni s Backup & R ecovery 11 GUI.
221 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Trial subscriptions You can get on e free workstation or server sub scriptio n per ac c ount. T he storage quot a of the trial subscription i s equal t o that of the standard subsc ri ption. The subscript i on period i s limi ted t o 2 months.
222 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Alternatively, you c an activate a subs cription when the console is c on nected to a machine inst ead of the management serv er. 1 1 . 4 . 2 A c t i v a t i n g s u b s cr i p t i o n s To act iv ate a su bs cri pt ion 1.
223 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Depending on your settings, t his backup wil l be either fu l l or incremental. But its size is n ot likely to be less than a full backup size. T herefore, it is not practical to reassi gn a subsc ri ption t o a machine whose first backup was don e as an initial seeding.
224 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 11 .6 Li mi tati on s of t he o nl ine s to rag e Unlike other types of sto rag e available in Acronis Back up & Recovery 11, the online storage has th e following limitat i ons. Operations The fo l lowing operations are n ot possible.
225 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Assign a subscription to a machine Reserve a subsc ri ption fo r a particular mac hi ne. Subscri ption period does not start cou nting down until the subscription is act i vated. Assigned subs cription A subscript ion that has been assigned to a machine.
226 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Storage quota The amou nt o f storage spac e that a machine c an use according to the subscription. Subsc ription Permission for a machine to use a specifi c amoun t o f space in th e onli ne sto rag e for a specific period of t ime.
227 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 12 G los sary A Ac ron is A c t ive Re stor e The Acro ni s proprietary technology that brings a system online immediately aft er the system recovery is st arted. The system b oots fr om the backup (p. 233 ) and the m achine bec omes operational an d ready t o provide necessary services.
228 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Ac ron is Uni ve rsa l R esto re The Acro ni s proprietary technology that helps b oot up Windows or Linux on dissimilar hardware o r a virtual machine .
229 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 B ack up opti on s Configuration parameters of a backup o peration (p. 2 2 8), suc h as pre/post backup commands, maximum net work bandwidth al lotted fo r the backup stream or data compression level. Backup options are a part of a backup pl an (p.
230 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 B oota bl e medi a A physical med i a (CD, D VD, USB flash drive o r ot her m edia supported by a machine (p. 236 ) as a bo ot device) that contains the bootable agent (p. 229 ) or Windows Preinstallation E nvi ronment (Wi nPE) (p.
231 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 creating and managi ng centralized vau lts (p. 231 ) for storing archives managing sto rage nodes (p. 239 ) monitoring act i vities of the Acronis Backup & Rec overy 11 component s, creating repo rts, vi ewing the c entralized log and more.
232 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Consolidation m i ght be n ee ded when deleting backups , either manu al ly or during cleanup (p. 231 ) . For example, the retention rul es require to d el ete a full bac kup (p. 235 ) that has expired b ut retain the next incremental (p.
233 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 viewing the st ate, progress and properties of the centrali zed tasks (p. 231 ) exi sting on t he machine viewing and manag ing the l og of t he agent's operat i ons disk management operations, suc h as clone a disk, create volume, c onvert volume.
234 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 D ynam ic dis k A hard disk managed b y Logical Disk M anager (LDM) th at is available i n Windows st arting wi th Windows 200 0. LDM helps flexibly allocate v olumes o n a storage device for bet ter fault t ol erance, better performance or larger volume size.
235 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 D ynam ic vol um e Any volume loc ated on dynamic d isks (p. 233 ), or more precisely, on a d isk group (p.
236 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 I Im ag e The same as Disk backup (p. 233). In cr eme nta l ba cku p A bac kup (p. 228 ) that stores changes to the data ag ainst t he latest bac kup. You need ac cess to ot her backups from the same arch ive (p.
237 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 M Ma ch ine A physical or virtual c omputer uniquely identif i ed by an operating system installation . Mac hi nes with multiple op erating systems (mu lti -boot syst em s) are c onsidered as multipl e machines.
238 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 P Pe rs ona l va ult A local or networked vault (p. 240 ) created using direct managem ent (p. 232 ). On ce a personal vault is created, a shortcut to it appears on the managed machine i n the Vaults list.
239 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 S S tat ic gr o u p A group of machines which a management server (p. 237 ) ad ministrator po pulates by manually adding machines t o the group. A mac hi ne remains in a static group until the administrator rem oves it from th e group or from the m anagement server.
240 Copyr i ght © Acronis , In c., 2000-20 1 1 Validation of a fil e backup i mitates reco v ery of all fi l es from the bac kup to a dummy destinat i on. Validation of a disk backup c al culates a chec ksum for ev ery data bl ock saved in th e backup .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Server c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Server - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Server, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Server va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Server, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Server.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Server. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Server ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.