Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit C350 du fabricant Binatone
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user guide C350 G52-56511X1.
2 IMPORTANT Satellite signa ls are re quired for t his produc t to function i n Navigation M ode. There may be occasions wi thin your home or surroundi ng area when the signal strength is limited and N avigation Mode may not be p ossible. This is quite normal for p rod ucts of this type.
3 Safety The Global Positioning System The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satel lit e based system that prov ides location and timing information around the globe. GPS is operated and controlled under t he sole responsibility of the Government of the United States of America, w ho are responsible for its availability and accura cy.
4 CONTENTS IMPORT ANT ................................................................................................... 2 Safety .............................................................................................................. 3 The Global Posi tioning System .
5 Getting Started This device combines GPS function and photo viewer. Before you begin to install and use this product, please read this manual carefully for fully exploiting the functions of this product. If you experience any problems, go through the us er guide before contactin g the customer helpline.
6 Battery Consuming The device is integrated with a 1000mAH/ 3.7V Li- polymer battery. It can be used for about 3 hours for GPS function. The battery icon shows at the right upper corner of the display. : means the battery capacity is full. : means the battery capacity is 80% left.
7 External Antenna (sold separately) If the GPS receiver fails to acquire a valid signal when mounted in your car it may be due to a heat reflecting coating or heating elements in your wi ndscreen.
8 Press the Power Button for 3 seconds to turn the unit into Sleep Mode. Press Power button for 5 seconds to wake up the device, then display shows the status before entering Sleep Mode.
9 SD Card Installatio n If you have a SD or MMC memory Card, you may install it to extend the storage capacity of the unit, or to view the photo saved on the card. When installing it can only be fitted one way – the wording face towards you and the cut-off corner at the bottom as shown.
10 Connect to PC You can connect the unit to PC for transferring data. Insert a SD/ MMC card to the card slot, you can use the unit as a card reader. 1. Power on the unit. 2. Plug B-type end of the supplied USB cable to the mini USB port of the unit, and plug the ot her end to your computer.
11 Photo This device supports jpg, bmp, png, gif formats (up to 12MegaPixel f ile). Enter "Photo" function to see thumbnails for all the photo files. Note: press Menu button to go back main menu. If you see an icon on the list, it means that phot o is unsupported.
12 Slideshow Tap on the but ton to view the photos show one by one automatically. After tapping on the but ton, slideshow tool bar will prompt instead. y Tap on button again to st op slideshow. y Tap on button to set the slideshow interval among 2, 3, and 5 seconds.
13 Zoom in Tap on butt on to zoom in the photo. y Tap on the butt on to zoom in. y Tap on the butt on to zoom out. When the photo is zoomed in, you can tap and drag it to view the part you need.
14 Settings NOTE: You do not need to enter the Settings menu before you start to navigate. Tap on the Settings icon on the Main Me nu , the following screen is displayed. To exit this page, tap on the Exit button at the upper-right corner of t he screen.
15 Display Tap on the Display option to enter display submenu. There are 3 items to adjust: Brightness, Backlight Timeout, and Screen Calibration. Brightness: With this item, you can change the bright ness of t he screen. Adjust it darker or brighter by tapping or button.
16 Follow the on screen directions to tap on the center of the cross to calibrate. When the steps are done, you will see the second figure, tap on screen to save and apply the new calibration.
17 Language Tap to select a language from the list to suit your need. Power Status Enter this filed to know the battery status. While charging, the status will be in motion, and noted “Chargin g”. If the battery is fully charged and the USB cable is still connected, the display will show as the figure below.
18 Restore This field is for you to restore the settings to default values. When necessary, tap on “Restore” item to enter. Tap on butt on to restore all the setting values. After the procedure is done, t he “Finished!” message will prompt. Or tap on to cancel and exit.
19 System Info Tap on System Info to know the information of the unit and the inserted memory card. There are 2 items to read: Device and Storage. Devices: The Devices page shows information about your software versions and capacity of t he embedded memory.
20 Firmware Upgrade (advanced feature) You can upgrade the firmware of the unit for bette r perf ormance or/ and more functions. Follow the steps below to do so.
21 GPS FUNCTION You have chosen a cutting-edge navigat ion system. Congratulations! Pl ease enjoy using it. Binatone is navigation system leads you r or on foot. You can navigate and plan using your finger or the stylus. You can our personal preferences and interests and journey.
22 Getting Started Please make sure that the battery in you r device is fully charged, or use the car charger to power on the PND device. Connect the external antenna for better rece ption. (the external antenna is optiona l) Install or place your PND device in a locati on with an unobstructed view to the sky.
23 About Screen Tap About on the Main menu screen to open this scr een. The About screen is not used in normal navigation. It is there to inform you about the map licenses you have, the creators of Binatone Carrera Map Screen Cockpit Screen and the legal aspects of using the program.
24 No. Display Control 1 (Cockpit only) Turn preview* Opens Route menu* 2 Zooms in (optional) 3 Zooms out (optional) 4 Tilts down (optional) 5 Tilts up (optional) 6 Indicates that Lock to GPS position.
25 No. 1 - Tur n preview On the Cockpit screen this field shows a graphi c illustration of t he next manoeuvre. For example when you approach a turn, an arrow will show whether it is a slight, normal or sharp turn. When showing a roundabout, the number of the ex it is also given in the picture.
26 Normally Binatone Carrera positions the map to keep the GPS position visible somewhere on the the bottom centre of the map (when If you manually move the map, it will freeze the map in the new position. To return to the GPS position, use this Follow button.
27 : Tap this icon to switch to North-up mode. No w the map is fixed to keep facing North. The icon changes to show the new rotation mode. Tap the icon again to enter Overview mode.
28 : When the inside of the battery turns red, the battery needs recharging. Note: Binatone Carrera cannot display the batt ery status of the GPS device unless it is built into the No. 13 - Sound mu ting By tapping this button you can quickly mute all sounds of the unit.
29 • Add Via : by inserting the selected map point as a via, you instruct Binatone Carrera t o cross this y to build a multi-point route in reverse rks only if a route is already active. • Remove Via : removes the ‘via point’ near or at the Cursor.
30 • Speed • Speed limit • Arrival at next via point • Arrival at destination (default value for the right field) No. 18 - Distance to next turn This field shows the distance to go before reachi ng the next route event (turn, roundabout, exit, etc.
31 Settings you customise the functions of the program. he Main menu screen and from the map screens screens are accessible from other parts of the program. General settings These are the basic settings of . Safety Mode Safety mode will disable the touch screen above 10 km /h (6 mph) to keep your attention on the road.
32 You can rename them and specify their locations. To determine the location you can use the same Find menu options as for a route destination, and depending on that choice and the inf ormation available, the location will be shown here as a street address, a latitude/longitude position, or bot h.
33 Alternative speed limit If the speed limit of the current road segment equal s or is above this limit, the speed warning will use the alternative tolerance instead of the previous one. Move the slider to its rightmost position to turn off the alternative speed warning.
34 the street or on signposts stuck into the streets. If you switch these signs on, it will be easier to recognise your location on the map, if you turn t hem off, it will be easier t o see the road geometry. Note: You can only disable street names and POI ic ons if Binatone Carrera follows your position.
35 Note: The sound effects of binatone carrera are context sensitiv e. They will be different if, for example tting. They will even let you know if you have entered enough letters of a street name to have a short list of matching streets on the screen.
36 Route Here you can choose from th ree different route types. • Short: Choosing Short will result in a route that has the smallest total distance of all possible routes between the given points. This is usually preferr ed by pedestrians, cyclists or slow vehicles.
37 U-turns: Although displayed amongst road types, this is a type of action. Most drivers pref er to replace them with a few normal left and/or right turn s in the next few junctions, so it is disabled by default. Turning back on dual carriageways is not considered as a u-turn.
38 Set Date & Time Format You can set the date and time format displayed by . Various international formats are . Advanced settings These screens let you set a large number of different advanced setti ngs and init iate some special functions. These settings and functions are divided into groups.
39 Use this switch to instruct Binatone Carrera to always open the Map mode in 2D with North-up orientation Note: You will still have the possibility to rotate and tilt the map, but the map will return to 2D mode whenever Map mode is started.
40 Power management : At the top of the screen you can set how the backlight will behave when the screen has not been touched for a while. • Backlight always on: You can choose to have the lights always on. • Smart powersave: You can also initiate this special feature of B inatone Carrera.
41 default values are set to be optimal in most cases. Enable Overview mode You can configure how the Overview mode is triggered when the next t urn is at a distance.
42 Zoom turned off, neither does the Follow but ton appear, nor will the view return to its previous state if you zoom or tilt the map. Delay before restoring You can set the timeout for both Restore Lock-to -Position and Restore Smar t Zoom here.
43 how much extra distance you would travel to avoid a U-turn. Note: This value is taken into account only if U-turns are enabled in Route Parameters. Cross-border planning By default Binatone Carrera plans routes using the border crossing points.
44 Remove Pins Normally Pins can be deleted one by one. Since they are shown at all zoom levels, and you may end up having too many of them, this button lets y ou delet e all of them together. Binatone Carrera Clear Data This button will delete all user data.
4 Points of Interest (POI) The POI command opens a list of points of interest near the selected point. This is a POI list in the popup information window.
4 The maps of your navigation system contain plenty of POIs. If all POIs would be displayed simultaneously, the map view would be confusing. In order to avoid this, you can set the POIs to be shown and those to be hidden. In the figure, the category Sports Recreation is hidden and can be displayed by tapping Show.
4 Route Menu This menu contains many route parameters setting options. It also features some options on how to obtain information on routes. From the map view you can access the Route menu via the Route button in the upper left-hand corner.
Good to Know This function has been designed to offer an alternate route for the next route segment. To modify route segments later on or to avoid certain roads or junctions, use the function Avoid from the Itinerary menu.
Detailed Instructions This list will appear when you open the Itinerary. It is a detailed event list. Instructions When tapping the Mode button once, a list of events will open that requires greater attention on your part, e.g. a list of manoeuvres along the route.
50 Show When enabling a route segment and tapping on Show… ... …the route segment will appear immediately in Cockpit view. Manoeuvre: The Manoeuvre option avoids the marked place. For instance, if you feel a turn will be too difficult during rush hour traffic, the program will recalculate your route without that turn.
5 1 Edit Tap Edit to show all routes. You can edit the list in the following way: Add: This allows you to add a new route. Delete: This allows you to delete the selected route. Warning: the program will delete it without prompting you. Optimise: This will optimise the waypoint order.
52 Delete Tap on Delete to permanently erase the active route including all points (starting points, waypoints and destination). The program will prompt you prior to deleting.
5 3 There are generally two ways to specify a destination: "Find and Go" from the Main Menu This is the most frequent method used offering the best possibilities to distinguish items when entering the destination.
54 4. Activate the Route Tap Route To to activate the route you have just entered. 5. Start Toggle to Cockpit view to start. 6. Route Information Under Route Information you can view the most important details of your journey.
5 5 Navigation Main Menu The Navigation main menu contains all necessary tools for comfortable navigation. Find and Go => Find Tap the button "Find and Go" to open the Find menu. Here, the following options are available: Address : This submenu allows you to enter the exact destination address.
56 1. Address Open the Address submenu. 2. Select City At this point you can choose a destination from an already-existing route (called Recent Destinations) or select a different city via Other City in the top right. 3. Other City If your destination is located in your country, enter the name of the city via the keypad.
4. Select Country If behind the country name you see the code "(MRE), Major Roads Europe", only the major roads have been installed for this country. 5. Enter city After you have typed a few letters of your destination, a city list will appear.
8. Enter the Street Enter the name of the street via the keypad. It is sufficient to type a few letter only, even if the name is composed of several words. For "Via 15 Novembre", type "V", "i", "a". 9. Enter the Street Browse the search results and confirm your selection to exit the list.
12. Start ... Toggles to Cockpit view to the beginning of the route. 1. Recent Destinations Enable the "Recent Destinations" button from the Find menu. A list of already travelled routes, pins and POIs will appear. Usually the destination includes all data: post code, city, street and street number as well as coordinates.
60 3. Start When starting navigation the cockpit view with the map section of the first route segment and some route information will appear. 4. Warning Message Under certain circumstances the following warning may appear. For instance, this can happen if you have selected a vehicle (Car, Lorry, etc.
6 1 2. Pick Coordinates from Map The easiest way is to use the cursor or a POI (place the cursor on the POI) to pick up the destination coordinates. The Coordinate menu shows the current GPS position to the cursor position. 3. Select the Destination In this example we select the Cathedral in Cologne.
62 6. Pedestrian Precincts Tap Route menu => Itinerary => Show to view information about critical route segments. The route segment in front of the destination in this map is a pedestrian precinct not accessible to vehicles.
6 3 1. Points of Interest (POI) You can choose a destination from one of the many default or user-defined POIs. 2. Find POI The search takes places in a radius around a specific reference point (specified in the green field on top). By default, the reference point for Find POI is the current GPS position, if available.
64 4. Address If you select Address, enter an address via the keypad to search for nearby POIs. 5. Coordinates Input If you select Coordinate, enter the geographic coordinates via the keypad to search for nearby POIs. 6. History If you select Recent Destinations, select a destination from the list to search for nearby POIs.
6 5 8. New POI Reference Here you see a POI reference that has been selected from the Recent Destinations list. The search takes place around the selected destination. 9. Search When tapping a main category like Shopping, the corresponding sub-categories appear.
66 12. Search Category Listing A list for the searched category will appear. The search results are sorted by distance from your reference point (the closest appears first). 13. Main Category When tapping the main category… 14. Sub-categories ... a list of groups belonging to the main category appears.
16. Make Your Selection Tap the desired item to select it. Information about this destination will appear. Tap OK to confirm your selection. 17. Start The program starts navigating. 18. Route View Under Route menu => Itinerary you can view route segments.
1. Selecting Favourites If you have already set up your favourite destinations under General Settings you may select any by tapping on it. If you use the "Find and Go" function from the main menu, tap twice on the screen to start navigating to a favourite destination.
1. Enter a Destination via "Find and Go" First enter the destination city. If you only know the post code, tap Keys to toggle to the numeric keypad and enter the postcode. 2. Enter the Street To enter the street name "Princess Grace Palace" simply enter "P, space, G, space, P".
70 5. Finding Waypoints While on the way to your destination you decide to go to a pharmacy. To do so, search a Pharmacy POI in the zoomed map view along or near your route. 6. Inserting Waypoints Place the cursor at the POI position on the map. Detailed information will be shown.
7 1 9. Total Route Map View The map view with the entire route contains a blue flag for your starting position, two white flags for the two waypoints and one red flag for your destination. 10. Route Information Before you go, read the Route Information (Menu => Route => Info).
72 11. First Waypoint The bright green segment represents the active route, the dark green segment represents the route that is not active yet that comes after the waypoint. 12. Second Waypoint The second waypoint along your route leads you to the petrol station.
7 3 14. Roundabout Just before reaching your destination you approach a roundabout. The graphic representation on the top left indicates that you have to take the seventh exit (roundabout icon with a 7 in the centre). 15. Arrival at Destination Only 160 m left to destination: The destination flag appears in the upper left-hand corner.
74 1. Set your Starting Point You want to plan a route while at home. As for offline route planning without any GPS signal you only need the on-screen map.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS I can’t find an address. Please make sure you have correctly spelt your entry. If you do not know how an address is spelt correctly, simply enter the parts of the address, you know for sure (e.g., “Lond”, “Leic” for Leicester Square in London).
T echnical Specifications Display 320 x 240 QVGA Resolution 3.5” TFT with T ouch Panel (Foxlink) Processor Centrality A3 372MHz Software Microsoft Windows CE 5.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Binatone C350 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Binatone C350 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Binatone C350, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Binatone C350 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Binatone C350, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Binatone C350.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Binatone C350. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Binatone C350 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.