Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 6238-I2 du fabricant Zhone Technologies
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6238-I2 Wi-Fi Router with VoIP User’s Guide Februa ry 2007 Document Part Number: 6238-A2-ZB20-2 0.
2 6238 Wi- Fi Router with V OIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Zhone Techno logies @Zhone W ay 7001 Oakpo rt Stree t Oakland, CA 94621 USA 510.777.7000 m info@zhone. com COPYRIGHT 2007 Zh one Technologi es, Inc. All righ ts reserved. This publicatio n is protected by cop yright law.
6238-A2-ZB20-10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 3 Table of Contents General Information ................. ... .... ... .... .... ... ............... ... .... ... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... .... ... 5 Package Contents ................ .
4 6238 Wi- Fi Router with V OIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Advanced .............. .................. .............. .................. .............. .................. ............ 56 Quality of Service ...................... ..................
6238-A2-ZB20-10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 5 General Information The 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP is a 3-in-1 router having the functi ons of a standard ADSL router, plus voice capabilities and wireless accessibility, all in one box. These three featur es add convenie nce and pro vide increase d functions to one router.
6 6238 Wi- Fi Router with V OIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Front Panel View LED Mode Indication Solid The router is on. Power No light The router is not on. Check if the AC power adapter is connected to the router and plugged in. Solid ADSL is connected.
6238-A2-ZB20-10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 7 LED Mode Indication Blinking Presence of wireless traffic. Solid Line2 is o ff-hook. Phone2 No light Line2 is on-hook. Solid Line1 is o ff-hook. Phone1 No light Line1 is on-hook. Solid Line is off-hook.
8 6238 Wi- Fi Router with V OIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Back Panel View Port Description On / Off Press to turn the router on and off. DC 15V 1.2A Connects to the AC adapter. LINE Connects to the wall outlet u sing an RJ11 cable. Phone1 Connects to a telephone using an RJ11 cable.
6238-A2-ZB20-10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 9 Installing the Router Connect the ADSL Line to a POTS Splitter (Optional) Follow this procedure if you connect a te lephone to the ADSL line using a POTS splitter. • Connect an RJ11 ca ble bet ween the wall phone jack a nd the LINE port of the splitter (see diagram below).
10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 By USB— Or, you can use the supplied USB cable to connect your computer directly to the router. • Connect one end of the US B cable to the USB port (la beled USB Device ) on the back of the router and connect the other end to a free USB port on your PC.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 11 Installation Diagram.
12 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Mounting the Router The router can be mounted on the wall with screws. Mounting can be done on wall material including concrete, wood , or dryw all. Select an appro priate location free from obstructions or any possible interferenc e.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 13 USB Driver Installation The following instructions will guide y ou th rough the installation of the USB driver. The procedure is not required if you use th e LAN port s of the ro uter instead of the USB Device port.
14 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 2. The Found New Hardware Wizard will app ear short ly after, show ing that a USB driver is needed. Click on Next t o continue with the installation. 3. The Digital S ignature Not Found window appears.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 15 5. After clicking OK at the previous window, you will be asked to browse for the location of the disk (or CD) that the USB driver is on. Then click on OK to continue to the next step. 6. When you select the locati on of the disk (or CD), the required file USB8023K.
16 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 7. The last window lets y ou know that th e driver installation is com plete. Click on Finish to clos e the wizard. Configuring Your Computer Prior to accessing the router through the LAN or the USB port, your PC’s IP address must be set to 1 92.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 17 11. Click on OK twice to save y our changes and then cl ose the Cont rol P an el . Windows XP 1. In the Windows taskbar, click on the St art button and point to Settings and then click Network Connections.
18 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Log in to the Router This section explains how to log in to your router. 1. Launch your web browser. 2. Enter the URL in the Address field of your browser and press Enter.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 19 This section describes the system inform ation that can be accessed using the menu items under Device Info. Summary Access the general information of the router by clic king on Summary under Device Info .
20 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 WAN Access the WAN status report from the router by clicking on “ WAN ” under “ Device Info ”. The first time you do this, there is no information to view, since a WAN connection has not been set up yet.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 21 Access the WAN statisti cs from the router by clicking on the WAN item under St atistics . ATM Statistics Access ATM statistics from the router b y clicking on the ATM item under Statistics .
22 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 ADSL Statistics You can view ADSL statistics by clicking on the ADSL item under Statistics . Information contained in this screen is useful for troubleshooting and dia gno stic s of c onn ectio n pr oble ms.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 23 Route Access the routing stat us report fr om the router by clicking on the Route item under Device Info .
24 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Access the ARP statu s report fro m the router by clicking on t he ARP item under Device Info . ARP ( Address Resolution Protocol) maps the IP address to the physical address, labeled HW Address (the MAC address) and helps to identify computers on th e LAN.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 25 DHCP Access the DHCP Leases screen by clicking DHCP under Statistics . This shows the computers, identified by the hostna me and MAC address that have acquired IP addresses by the DHCP server with the time that the lease for the IP address is up.
26 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 If you uncheck the DSL Auto-connect box, the resulting screen is seen below. Enter the VPI / VCI as indicated by your ISP and enable Quality of Service to enable the function. To continue, click on Next .
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 27 Next is the Connection Type screen, where y ou select the type of network protocol and encapsulation mode over the ATM PVC that your ISP h as instructed you to use. The following is a PPPoA example.
28 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 The next ste p is to configur e the Networ k Address Tr anslation (NAT) settings. Enable the necess ary services and then click on Next to continue. You can configure the DSL Router IP address and Subnet Mask for the LAN interfac e to c orrespon d to y our LA N’s IP S ubnet.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 29 The next scre en allows y ou to enable or disable the wireless functio n. If you enable wireless, then enter the wirele ss network name (SSID). The default SSID (wireless) is alre ady entered.
30 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Advanced Setup This section of the setup is an advanced versio n of the quick setup. If y ou want to make specific configurations to you .
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 31 Find out the following valu es from your ISP before you change them. • VPI : Virtual Path Identifier. Th e valid range is 0 to 255. • VCI : Virtual Channel Identifier. The val id range is 32 to 65535.
32 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 The next screen sh ows the be low ty pes of networ k prot ocols a nd encaps ulati on modes: • PPP over ATM (PPPoA) • PPP over Etherne.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 33 When the settings are comple te, the next screen shows a WAN Setup – Summary screen displaying the WAN configuration s made.
34 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 After selecti ng the Finish button, the DSL Router Reboot screen appears. The router reboots to save the ch anges made. Local Area Network (LAN) Setup You can configure the DSL Router IP address and Subnet Mask for the LAN interface to correspond to you r LAN’s IP Subnet.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 35 Ethernet Mode The Ethernet speed of each of the 4 LAN ports can be configured here. Speed settings include: auto, 100 full, 100 half, 10 full, and 10 half. You can also view the status of each port’s settings , whether it is connected or not and the speed at which it is connect ed.
36 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Select the virtual s erver from the dr op-down list and complete the server IP address, then click on the Save/Apply button. Port Triggering Click on the Add button to add Port Triggering to your Int ernet application.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 37 The following screen appears after you sa ve your selections. You will be ab le to add or remove selectio ns made, by clicki ng on the Add and Remove buttons.
38 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 DMZ Host You can define the IP address of the DMZ Host on this screen. Enter the IP address and click on Save/Apply . Firewall IP Filtering—Outgoing The outgoing filter blocks the LAN traffic from entering the WAN side.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 39 The following screen appears when you Save/Apply the IP filter. The screen lists the IP filters that were a dded from the previous screen. To change your settings, click on the Add or Remove buttons.
40 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Enter a filter name, information abou t the source address (from the WAN side), and information about the destina tion address (to the LAN side). Select the protocol a nd WAN inter face, then click on Save/Apply to add the setting.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 41 If you click on Change Policy , a confirmation dialog allows y ou to verify your change.
42 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Parental Control In a home setting, parents can als o restrict the day of the wee k certain computers can acce ss the router. Click o n Add to set u p the restrictions. To set up a restr icted user , enter the user name , the MAC addr ess, and select the days to restrict.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 43 Quality of Service You can configure the Quality of Serv ice to apply different priorities to traffic on the router.
44 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 • Traffic Class Name — The name that y ou assign this class of tr affic for which you are confi guring quality of service. • Enable Differentiated Servic e Configuration— allows you to enable the differentiated service if this checkb ox is check ed.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 45 • Mark IP Type of Serv ice— Select from the following choices: o Normal Service o Minimize Cost o Maximize Reliability o Maximize Throughput o Minimize Delay • Mark 802.1p if 802.1q is enabled on WAN— (See Connection Type screen located under WAN under the Advanced group.
46 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 • UDP / TCP Source Port (port or port:port)— If TCP or UDP was selected, then enter the port nu mber. • Destination IP Address— T he IP address of the computer where the packets will be sent.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 47 The above highlighted ite m s are av ailable to configure only when Enabl e Diff erent iat ed Ser vic e Con fig urati on checkbox is checked.
48 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Static Route The Static Route screen can be used to add a routing table (a maximu m of 32 entries can be c onfig ured). Clic k on Next to add. Enter the route informatio n and then save and apply your confi gurations.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 49 RIP If RIP is enab led, the router operation ca n be confi gured as acti ve or passiv e. DNS DNS Server Use the DNS Server screen to en able automa tic assignme nt of a DNS or to specify a primary and secondary DNS.
50 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Dynamic DN S Access Dynamic DNS located under DNS . Dynamic DNS (D omain Name Se rvic e) is a system that allows more than one IP ad dress to be assigned to one domain name. The following Add dynamic DDN S screen allows y ou to set up your DDNS server.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 51 DSL Advanced Settings The test mode can be selected from the DSL Advanced Settings screen. Test modes includ e normal, reverb , medley, no retrain , and L3. Tone Settings The frequency band of ADSL is split up in to 256 separate tones, each spaced 4.
52 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Port Mapping Port mapping is a feature that allows you to open ports to allow certain Inter net applications on the WAN side to pass thr o ugh the firewall and enter your LAN. To use this feature, mapping groups need to be created.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 53 Wireless This section allows you to configure wireless settings on y our router. Basic The Wireless – Basic screen lets you enable or disa b le the wireless function. The default setting for wireless is enabled.
54 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Security The next screen is the Wireless – Security screen, which allows you to sel ect the network authentication method and to enable or d isable WEP encryption.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 55 disabled). TKIP uses 128-bit dynamic session keys (per user, per session, and per packet keys).
56 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Wireless Bridge In this next screen you can select the mo de, either acc ess poi nt or wirele ss b ridge that you want the router to be in. In the screen below, Bridge Restrict is enabled, therefore you see the Remote Bridges M AC Address fields.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 57 • 54g ™ Rate —data rate speed up to 54 MBps which results in faster wireles s network access and file tra nsfer. 5 4 g also provides a stro ng wirele ss connection as well as quick and safe delivery to its destination .
58 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 in mixed 802.11g/802.11b networks. Turn protection off to maximize 802.11g throughput under most conditions. • WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) —featur e that impr oves the experie nce for audio, video and voice ap plications over a Wi-Fi network.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 59 The following screen allows you to set up your wireless traffic quality of service rule. To set up your traffic rule, start by giving a name to the traffic class. Then set up the conditions that must be satisfied for the rule to t ake effect.
60 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Station Info This screen shows comput ers or other de vic es acce ssing y our router throu gh its wireless connection.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 61 Voice This section explains the configuration of the v oice function of your router. Configurations include basic and advanced SIP setup, phonebook, and call history. SIP Basic Following is the screen for SIP configuration.
62 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 • SIP Outbound Proxy Port — Provided by your service provider. • STUN Server — (optional-enter only if you are using this service) – IP address of the STUN server, a protocol for assisting devices behind a NAT firewall or ro uter wit h thei r packet routi ng.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 63 • Preferred Codec — Select the voice encoder that y ou prefer. This does not guarantee that this encoder will be used , but will be taken in to consideration when decidi ng whic h voice encoder to use.
64 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 • PSTN Route Rule — For incoming calls using PST N, this is the line (line 1 or line 2) that the call is received through. You can select auto so that it automatically selects an open line.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 65 Phone1 and/or Ph one2 will genera te or re ceive calls to the PSTN via the Line port on this unit. The us er can then select the desired Prefix for switching from PSTN to VoIP net work o n a per out goin g call bas is.
66 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 • Min. Accept Digits— The minimum number of digits that must be dialed to be accepted as a co rrect number. This includes the prefix. • Max. Accept Digits— The maximum number of digits that can be dialed to be a valid phone number.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 67 SIP Provision This page allows you to set up a provision configuration for downloading SIP settings from a server. All SIP relate d settings will u se the valu es from the downloading provision file.
68 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Call Features NOTE: Reference Only— This is not a section in the ro uter’s user inte rface. This is a refe rence of th e featur e codes fo r diff er ent ca ll fea tures such a s ca ll waiting, call forwa rding, etc.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 69 you are alrea dy on the line example, line 1 is ringing, you can off-h ook line 2, a nd dial *99 to answer the incoming call Speed Dial .
70 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Management The Management section gives you access to certain setups for the purpose of maintaining the system, including back ing up the configurations, viewing s ystem log, maintaining access control, and updating software.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 71 Restore User Settings To load a previously saved configurati on file onto y our router, click on Browse to find the file on your co mputer and click on Update Settings . The router restores settings and reboot to activate the restored settings.
72 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 The router restores the default settings and reboot. System Log The System L og dialog allows y ou to view the Sy stem Log a nd configure t he System Log options. To v iew the System Log, click on the View Syste m Log button .
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 73 Configure System Log If the log is enabled, the system will log selected events including Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Informational, and Debugging. All events above or equal to the selected log level will be logged and displayed.
74 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 TR-069 Client The router includes a TR-069 client which is a WAN management protocol. All the values are already filled in. If you wish to enable this protocol, then select enable. You must click on the Save/Reboot button for the change to take place.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 75 Access Control You can enable or disable s ome services of your ro uter by LAN or WA N. If no WAN connection is defined, then only the LAN side can be confi gured. Services Services that can be enabled include FT P, HTTP, ICMP, SNMP, SSH, TELNET, and TFTP.
76 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 IP Addresses Any access to the router can be contr olled whe n Access Control Mod e is enabled. The IP addresses of allowed hosts can be added in the IP Addres s pa ge unde r Access Control .
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 77 More IP addresses can be added by repeating the above procedures..
78 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guide 6238-A2-ZB 20-10 Passwords Access the Passwords screen un der th e Access Control section t o change a password. Select an account and enter the current password and the new password. Then click on the Save/Apply button.
6238-A2-ZB20- 10 6238 Wi-Fi Router with VOIP User’s Guid e 79 Reboot Router Select Reboot Router under A ccess Contro l to reboot the router usi ng the web interfa ce. Th e rout er save s the c urrent c onfig urati on and rebo ots its elf usi ng t he new configuration.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Zhone Technologies 6238-I2 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Zhone Technologies 6238-I2 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Zhone Technologies 6238-I2, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Zhone Technologies 6238-I2 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Zhone Technologies 6238-I2, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Zhone Technologies 6238-I2.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Zhone Technologies 6238-I2. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Zhone Technologies 6238-I2 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.