Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit WorkCentre 5655V FN du fabricant Xerox
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MAXIMISE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY ... t aking advant age of all the capabilities of your device. An Interactive User Guide CD is su pplied with your product. The CD provides animated tutorials and interactive screens. Wh en inst alled on your network it will always be available to everyone, or load it on y our hard drive for easy access.
Prepared by: Xerox GKLS European Oper ations Bessemer Road Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 1BU ENGLAND © 2008 Xerox Corporation. All rights r eserved. Xerox ® and the sphere of connectivity design are trademark s of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/ or other countries.
Quick Use G uide Page i Content s Welcome ............ ................. ................................................. ........... 1 Additional Resources .............. ................ ................. ................ ................. 1 Features .
Page ii Quick Use Guide Table of Contents.
Quick Use G uide Page 1 We l c o m e Introduction Welcome to your new Xerox mach ine. This Quick Use Guide provides you with an over view of th e features and options that m ay be available on your machine. For additional assistance at the machine pr ess the Help button.
Page 2 Quick Use Guide Welcome Features Overview of Features at the Machine Using the powerful features ava ilable on your machine you can: Scan Once and Print Many When making copies your machine only has to scan a document once regardless of the number of copies needed.
Quick Use G uide Page 3 Welcome Welcome - Filed on the server . - Transferred over the network to your desktop. - Distributed through an e- mail system.
Page 4 Quick Use Guide Welcome Safety and Legal To ensure you operate the equipment safe ly please carefully read the safety and regulatory notes in the Intera ctive User Guide on the Interactive User Guide CD (CD2) before using this product.
Quick Use G uide Page 5 Product Overview W orkCentre Overview W orkCentre Options The following options are available for th e WorkCentre copier/printer/scanner : Document Handler Feeds 75 or 100 single or do uble sided documents depe nding on model speed.
Page 6 Quick Use Guide Product Overview Finisher Th ere are 6 finisher types available , depending on your machine configur ation: - Basic Office Fini sher - Office Finisher - Advanced Office Finisher.
Quick Use G uide Page 7 Product Overview Product Overview Xerox St andard Accounting A tool which can be used by adminis trators to track the numbe r of Copy , Print , Network Scanning , Server Fax and Embedded Fa x jobs for e ach user, provided th ese services are installed on the mach ine.
Page 8 Quick Use Guide Product Overview Finishing Devices Office Finisher Basic Of fice Finisher Advanced Of fice Finisher Professional Finisher (with Booklet Maker) Stacker Tray Booklet Maker Tray To.
Quick Use G uide Page 9 Product Overview Product Overview Basic Office Finisher Holds up to 250 shee ts of paper in the Top Tray , and up to 1000 sheets in the Stacker Tray . The Stacker can collate, stack and stap le your output, depending on the features selected .
Page 10 Quick Use Guide Product Overview.
Quick Use G uide Page 1 1 Getting S t arted Control Panel Overview Help Accesses additional information. Pause Temporarily stops the current job. Interrupt Temporarily stops the current job to allow a priority job to be run. Features Displays the job features on the screen.
Page 12 Quick Use Guide Getting Started Power On or Off ¾ If [Power Do wn] is selected the Power Down Confirmation screen displays a warning that data may be lost if the machine is powered down. NOTE: Confirmation of this screen will res ult in th e deletion of any jobs currently in the queue.
Quick Use G uide Page 13 Getting Started Getting Started Loading Paper 1 ¾ Open the required pap er tray . NOTE: Pape r trays 1 and 2 are fully adjustable for all sto ck sizes between A5 and A3 (5.5"x8.5" and 1 1"x17"). Paper trays 3 and 4 are dedicated paper trays which can be adjusted to hold either A4 or 8.
Page 14 Quick Use Guide Getting Started Making Copies Copy features include... 1 ¾ Load the d ocuments eith er in the document ha ndler or on the document glass. NOTE: Docu ments are only scanned once. 2 ¾ Access the Basic Copy screen - if necessary select the [Features] button on the control panel.
Quick Use G uide Page 15 Getting Started Getting Started Copying an ID Card 1 ¾ Load side 1 of the ID card on the document glass. 2 ¾ Access the ID Card Copy screen - if nece ssary select the [Features] button on the control panel. 3 ¾ Select the requ ired side 1 Image Quality features on the Touch Screen .
Page 16 Quick Use Guide Getting Started Saving for Reprint 1 ¾ Load the docume nts either in the document ha ndler or on the document glass. NOTE: Docu ments are only scanned once. 2 ¾ Access the Save Job f or Reprint screen - if necessary select the [Features] button on the control panel.
Quick Use G uide Page 17 Getting Started Getting Started Reprinting Saved Jobs 1 ¾ Access the Reprint Jobs screen - if necessary select the [Features] button on the control panel . 2 ¾ Select the folder where you stored your document. ¾ Select the document from the list.
Page 18 Quick Use Guide Getting Started Sending an Embedded Fax Embedded Fax is an o ptional walk up fax feature on your machine. If the Basic Fax screen matches that displayed in step 2 then Embedded Fax is enabled. Refer to the System Administration C D (CD1) for m ore inform ation.
Quick Use G uide Page 19 Getting Started Getting Started Sending a Server Fax Server Fax is an optional fe ature on netw orked WorkCentre machines. If the Basic Fax scre en matches that displayed in step 2 then Server Fax is enabled. Refer to the System Administration C D (CD1) for m ore inform ation.
Page 20 Quick Use Guide Getting Started Sending an Internet Fax Internet Fax is an optional feature on networked WorkCentre machines. Refer to the System Administration C D (CD1) for m ore inform ation.
Quick Use G uide Page 21 Getting Started Getting Started Scanning a Document to a File Refer to the Syst em Administration CD (CD1) for more information on Network Scanning .
Page 22 Quick Use Guide Getting Started Sending an E-mail Refer to the System Administration CD (CD1) for more information on the E-mail feature. E-mail features include.
Quick Use G uide Page 23 Getting Started Getting Started Printing from a PC If your machine is connected to a network, doc uments can be printed directly from your PC using the CentreWare Print Driver supplied. The Print Driver must be loaded on each PC which uses the machine for printing.
Page 24 Quick Use Guide Getting Started Sending a LAN Fax Refer to the System Administration CD (CD1) for more information on the LAN Fax feature. LAN fax features include... ¾ Creating a Ph one book ¾ Confirmation Sheet ¾ Send S peed ¾ Resolution ¾ Send T ime ¾ Cover sheet 1 ¾ Select [Print] in your application.
Quick Use G uide Page 25 Getting Started Getting Started Printing with Internet Services Printing with Internet Se rvices is available on the WorkCentre if the option compatible with PostScript ® 3™ is installed. Internet Services uses a Web User Interface embedded in the machine to communicate between the HTTP server and the machine.
Page 26 Quick Use Guide Getting Started Logging On / Logging Off If an authentication mode has been enabled , a valid User Number needs to be entered in order to acce ss the mach ine functions. Authenticat ion is a useful network securit y managem ent tool limiting, restricting and monitoring access to the network via the machine.
Quick Use G uide Page 27 Getting Started Getting Started Customising your Machine Your machine can be customised to suit y our working environment and practices. T he System Management Tools enab le your System or Machine Administrator to set-up, customise and maintain the machine.
Page 28 Quick Use Guide Getting Started Further Assist ance 1 Access the Job Queue ¾ Press the Job S t atus button on the control panel. The All Incomplete Jobs queue displays. ¾ Review the st atus of the job. ¾ Select [Other Queues] to access and review the other queue s available.
Quick Use G uide Page 29 Maintenance Consumables Consumables are items on the machine that ne ed replenishing or replacing, such as paper, staples, and customer replacea ble units.To place an order for Xerox consumables, please contact your local Xerox Re presentative giving yo ur Company Name, product nu mber and the machine serial number.
Page 30 Quick Use Guide Maintenance number. CAUTION: When replacing consumables, DO NOT remove the covers or guards th at are fastened with screws. Y ou cannot maintain or se rvice any of the p art s that are behind these covers and guar ds.
Quick Use G uide Page 31 Maintenance Maintenance Further Assist ance For any additional help visit our customer web site at www.xero or contact the Xerox Welcome and Support Centre quoting the machine serial numbe r. 1 ¾ Press the [Mac hine Status] button on the control panel.
Page 32 Quick Use Guide Maintenance.
Quick Use G uide Page 33 T roubleshooting NOTE: For additional T roubleshooting info rmation pl ease re fer to the Inte ractive User Gu ide CD (CD2) or th e System Administration CD (C D1). Fault Clearance 1 When a fault occurs, a fault screen displays which provides recovery instructions.
Page 34 Quick Use Guide Troubleshooting If you are unable to clear the fault, refer to the next se ction to contact your local Xerox Welcome and Support Centre for assistance. Xerox W elcome and Support Centre If the difficulty persists, contact the Xerox Welcome and Support Cent re .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Xerox WorkCentre 5655V FN c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Xerox WorkCentre 5655V FN - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Xerox WorkCentre 5655V FN, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Xerox WorkCentre 5655V FN va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Xerox WorkCentre 5655V FN, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Xerox WorkCentre 5655V FN.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Xerox WorkCentre 5655V FN. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Xerox WorkCentre 5655V FN ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.