Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit PHASER 8500 du fabricant Xerox
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Ser vice Manual Phaser ® 8400/8500/8550/8560 701P27910 Color Printer.
Service Manu al 701P27910 Phaser ® 8400/8500/8550/8560 Color Printer W arn i ng The following ser vicing in stru ction s are for use by qua lified s er vic e personne l only . T o av oid person al inj ur y , do not per f or m any se r vicing other than that co ntained i n the op erating instr ucti ons, unle ss you are qualified to do s o .
ii Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Prepared By: Xerox Corporation XOG Worldwide Product T raining and In f ormation 26600 SW P arkway Wilsonvi lle, OR 97070 Copyrigh t © 2007 Xe rox C orporat io n. All Rig hts Re serve d. Un pub lished righ ts reserv ed under the co pyrigh t law s of th e United Sta te s.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/856 0 Color Printer Service Manual iii Ser vice T erms Manual T erms V ar ious ter ms are us ed throug hout this manual to eit her provid e addition al informati on on a specifi c topic or to warn of pos sible danger pr esent du ring a procedu re or acti on.
iv Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manual Symbols Mark ed on th e Pro duct Read and ob ey all pos ted war ning lab els. Throu ghout the pr inte r , w ar ning labels ar e displayed on potentiall y dange rous com ponents. As you ser vi ce the pri nter , check to make cer ta in that all warni ng lab els remai n in plac e.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/856 0 Color Printer Service Manual v Electrost atic Discha rge (ESD) Preca utions Some sem icon ductor com ponents, an d the res pective sub-as semblies that contain them, are v ulnerable to da mage by Elec trostatic d ischarge ( ESD).
vi Phaser 8400/8500/85 50/8560 Color Printer Service Manual Ser vice Safety Summar y General Guidel ines For qualified ser vice personnel only: Refer also to the prec eding P ow er Safety Precau tions.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/856 0 Color Printer Service Manual vii Ser vicing Mechan ical Compon ents When ser vicing mec hanical compone nts within the pr inter , manually rotat e dri v e assemblies, rollers, and gears. W arn i ng Do not tr y to manually ro tate or ma nually stop th e dr ive assemblies while any printe r motor i s runn ing.
viii Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Regulator y Specifications Xerox has tes ted this produc t to elec tromagnet ic em ission and immun ity stand ards. These stan dards ar e desig ned to m itigate in terference cause d or received by this pr oduct in a typi cal o ffice enviro nment.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual ix European Uni on The CE m ark applied t o this product symb olizes Xerox’ s decl aration of conformi ty with the following applicable Dir .
x Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Service Manual Manual Or ganization The Phaser 8400 /8500/8550 /8560 Co lor Pr inter Ser vic e Manual is the pri mar y do cument u sed for repair ing, mai ntaining, and troublesh ooting the pri nter .
Phaser 8400/8500/8 550/8560 Color Printer Ser vice Manual xi Conte nts Contents Service Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xii Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Contents Printer Self-Maint enance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33 Printhead Maintenance C ycle (Eli minate Light Stripes) .
Phaser 8400/8500/8 550/8560 Color Printer Ser vice Manual xiii Conte nts Jam Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-48 Jam Code Defini t ion Tab l e .
xiv Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Pri n ter Service Manual Contents 5 Print-Quality Troubleshooting Print-Quality P roblems Over view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Phaser 8400/8500/8 550/8560 Color Printer Ser vice Manual xv Conte nts 7 Cleanin g and Maintenance Service Cleaning Maintenance Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xvi Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manual Contents Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-46 Electronics Module (PL5.
1 Chapter General Information In this chapter ... ■ Pri nter Introdu ction and Over view ■ Pri nter Configu rations ■ Control Panel Confi guration ■ P ar ts of the Pr inte r ■ Routin e Maint.
1-2 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual General Infor mation Printer Introdu ction and Overview The P haser 8400/8500/8 550/856 0 Color P rin ter Ser vice Manual is the pri mar y do cument u sed for repair ing, mai ntaining, and troublesh ooting the pri nter .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 1-3 General Info rmation Printer Configurations The Confi guratio n Card hol ds configu ration infor mation tha t enables or disables built-in f e atures as descr ibed in the f o llowing tables.
1-4 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual General Infor mation Phaser 8 500/8550 Printer Con figurations Phaser Fe atures 8500N 8500DN 8550D P 8550 DT 8550DX Maximum Print Speed 2.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 1-5 General Info rmation Control Pa nel Configuration The Contr ol P a nel cons ists of one tr icolor LED , a disp lay window , and six function al buttons. These buttons n avigate the menu s ystem, per f o rm function s, and select mo des of ope ration for the pri nter .
1-6 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual General Infor mation Menu M aps The Cus tomer Menu M ap helps you navigate the Cont rol P a nel me nus. The Menu Map’ s are provid ed in the Re f e rence s ection o f this manual , see page A-2 .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 1-7 General Info rmation Parts of the Printer This sec tion shows the m ain exter nal comp onents of th e pr inter , includi ng interfaces, the electr onics module, and the in ter nal sens ors.
1-8 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual General Infor mation Rear View The re ar view cons ists of t he pr inter’ s main e lectron ics and power supply , which are e nclosed in a m etal cas e called the Electr onics M odule. The r ear panel al lows access t o the Elec tronics M odule, RAM, an d NVRAM .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 1-9 General Info rmation Routine Ma intenance Items and Consuma bles Drum Maintenan ce Ki t life e xpectan cy depen ds on the kit c apacity . For ex a mple, the standar d-capaci ty kits produ ce 10,000 pr ints re gardless of the colors used.
1-10 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al General Infor mation Printer Specifications Physical Dimensions a nd Clearance s Print Engine Only Value Width : 422 mm (16.6 i n.) Depth: 514 mm (20 .24 in.) Height: 368 mm (14.48 in.) Wei gh t: 26.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 1-11 General Info rmation N o t e Check that t he pr inter is on a s table, non-vibrating suface. Advise the cust omer to us e care not to shake the pri nter excessively when loadi ng media or closing t he F ron t Door .
1-12 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al General Infor mation Functio nal Specif ications Electrical S peci fications Environment al Specif ications Characteri stic Spec ification Printing Process Solid-ink Color Medi um Y ellow , cyan, magenta, and b lack ink sticks, each shape- coded.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 1-13 General Info rmation Media an d T ray Specif ications Any T r ay T ray 1 Only 2-Sided (Dup lex) Sin gle-s ided O nly Paper Size Paper T ype Paper W eight/M edia T ype Letter (8.5 x 11 in .
1-14 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al General Infor mation Custom NO TE Print cust om size media from T ra y 1 only . Maximum: 2 16 mm wide x 355 mm long (8.5 in. wide x 14 in. long) lll Minimu m: 75 mm wide x 127 mm long (3 in.
2 Chapter Theor y of Operation In this chapter ... ■ Main Pr inter S ubsyste ms ■ Pri nt Proces s ■ Pri nter Self- Maintenan ce ■ Config uration Card Personality Parameters.
2-2 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Theory of Op eration Main Printer Subsyst ems Printer Subsystem Overview The pr inter is mad e up o f eight ma jor sub system s, which ar.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-3 Theory of Op eration The In k Loader: Stores and melts the in k. The m elted ink drops into the Pri nthead ink res er voirs under n eath the in k loa der . The Pri nthead: Delivers ink onto the dr um su rf ac e to cre ate an ima ge.
2-4 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Theory of Op eration Process Drive A small DC s er vomotor powers the Process Dr ive gearbox to rotate the gear s to speci fic pos itions dur ing the pr inting p rocess.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-5 Theory of Op eration Media Drive The Medi a Dr ive assembly dr ives each roll er in the media transpo r t pa th. A gear train located behind the mot or conne cts it to the Ex it Rollers, whi ch are built into the E xit Modu le.
2-6 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Theory of Op eration Ink L oader The Ink Loader cons ists o f f o ur parallel channels with an i nk melti ng ele ment at the e nd of each chann el. Coi l spri ngs ex er t pressur e on four ink sticks to load o ne unique color i n each c hannel .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-7 Theory of Op eration Printhead The Pr inthe ad is the hear t of the pr inter, spanning near ly th e leng th of the drum . Using i ts 123 6 jet no zzles (309 jets for each pr imar y c olor), wit h a hori zontal motio n of sl ightly l ess than 5 mm (0.
2-8 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Theory of Op eration The Pr inthea d’ s je t stack is fabricate d from a stack of che micall y etched s teel plates wh ich are brazed together to form the jet array .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-9 Theory of Op eration X-Axis or lateral movement of th e Pr inthea d is acc omplis hed using a step per motor dr iving a fine-thre ad screw syste m. The P rint head, mount ed to the X- Axis sha ft, mov es late rally across the surface of the d rum.
2-10 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Theory of Op eration Printhead Tilt The Pr inthead i s able to rotate i nto four basic positi ons: 1. Pri nthead l ock / shi p positi on (19 .5 degrees ): The P ri nthead restraint pins are resti ng agains t the r ight and left lo cks.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-11 Theory of Op eration In the pr int posi tion (0 degrees), the P rin thead is forward and re sts again st the rig ht and left head-to-dr um buttons. The he ad-to-d rum buttons define th e space b etween the j et stack and t he dr um.
2-12 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Theory of Op eration As viewed from the left side of the p rin ter , when th e arrows are n ot aligned , the tilt g ear is e ngaged. T o accomm odate Pr inthe ad main tenance, th e Pr inthead i s tilted b ack a way from the Dru m.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-13 Theory of Op eration Drum Main tenance Kit The Dr um Mai ntenance Kit cr eates a th in layer of silicone oil on th e surface of the Dr um pr ior to p rint ing. The oil keeps the in k from s ticking to the Dr um’ s surface and facilitate s image t ransfer to the m edia.
2-14 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Theory of Op eration Purge System Proper Prin thead operation is d ependant o n the correct operation of th e purge system . The purge sy stem use s air pressur e and a Wipe r Blade to purge any debr is or a ir bubb le s that may be obs truc ting th e Pr inthead no zzle s.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-15 Theory of Op eration W arn i ng When se r vic ing the p r inter be careful of the purge s ystem a s it pas ses the Pri nthead. If a damage d Wiper Blade c atches on the Pr inthead , it co uld propel h ot liq uid ink upward int o your face .
2-16 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Theory of Op eration Drum Assembl y And T ransfix System The Dr um As sembly and T ransfi x Mod ule form th e key por tion of the pr inte r where im aging takes pl ace. The Dr um Ass embly and T ransf ix Modul e are separate, yet in terrela ted.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-17 Theory of Op eration W arn i ng Always k ee p your finger s awa y from the dr um dr ive system; it uses a closed -loop se r v o dr ive system, which i s inher ently dang erous.
2-18 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Theory of Op eration T r ansfix System The T ransfix Roll er appl ies press ure to the back side o f the m edia a s it moves between the T ransfix Rolle r and Dru m. This p ressure trans f e rs the image f rom the dr um to the paper .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-19 Theory of Op eration Electronics Mo dule The Elect ronics Module i ncludes the main b oard, the power contr ol board , and the power supply . The Elec tronic s Module is a Field Repla ceable Unit (FR U).
2-20 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Theory of Op eration Informatio n stored on the Configuratio n Card in clude s the feature value, ether net address, an d person ality parameter s.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-21 Theory of Op eration The DC power su pply gen erates + 3. 3 V , +/- 1 5 V , and +/- 5 0 V . These v o ltages provide dir ect or regu lated voltag e values to various c ircuits in the pri nter .
2-22 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Theory of Op eration I/O Board All sen sor and switch readi ngs are input into the I/O Board. The I /O Boar d translates th ese st ates into encoded inform ation that i t send s ov er a ser ial data bus (I/O Bo ard data c able) to the E lectronic s Modul e.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-23 Theory of Op eration Print Process Once th e pri nter proce sses an im age and creates a pr inting bi tmap, the prin t cycle begins. Sens ors ma intain co rrect o perating tem peratures for the Pri nthead and Drum .
2-24 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Theory of Op eration Printi ng T o print, th e Dr um rotates at a s peed depend ent upon p rint resolution. As the Drum reaches the correct speed , the jets begin to fire to depo sit the im age on the oiled por tion of the D rum.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-25 Theory of Op eration Paper Pick f or T ray 1 T o pick a sheet of paper , the T ra y 1 solen oid actua tes, and the dri v e gear rotates slightly to en gage with th e dri v e train.
2-26 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Theory of Op eration Paper Pick f or T rays 2 - 4 N o t e T ra ys 3 a nd 4 are 5 25-Shee t Feeders. F o r T ra y s 2 th rough 4, the p aper pick proc ess is different than t he pick proc ess used by T ra y 1.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-27 Theory of Op eration T ransfixi ng and Exiting T ransfixing a nd exiting c onsists of f ou r majo r funct ions: 1. Staging the paper for rendezvous with the im age on the drum an d transfix roller ni p .
2-28 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Theory of Op eration s8500-026 Drum T ransfix Cam T ransfix Load Arm T ransfix Load Module T ransfer Roller T ransfix Load Spring T ransf.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-29 Theory of Op eration Exit Sensor Preheat Sensor T ransfix Roller Paper Preheater Strip Sensor Release Blade Strip Solenoid s8500-027.
2-30 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Theory of Op eration Duplex Printi ng When dupl ex printin g, the Exi t Roller s pull th e media to a pre deter mined locatio n, such th at the trail ing edge i s adjac ent to the E xit Roll ers.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-31 Theory of Op eration T ransfix a nd Print Speeds T ransf i x Speed s Character istic Setpoint, P aper Media Fast Colo r Standard En hance.
2-32 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Theory of Op eration Approxi mate Pr int Speeds (850 0/8550/8560 ) T ray (Sou rce) / Resolution Sim plex, A4 Paper Auto Duple x, A4 P aper T ray 1 Fast Color (225 x 400 dpi) 12 pages pe r minute (ppm) 8.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-33 Theory of Op eration Printer Self-Maintenance The pr inter has sev e ral automati c or semi -automati c mainte nance functions.
2-34 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Theory of Op eration Paper Preheat er Cleaning (R emove Print Sm ears) This cus tomer- initiated cleanin g proced ure is s elected by choosing Remove Print Smears on th e Control P anel ’ s Print Qua lity Pr oblems menu.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 2-35 Theory of Op eration Configuration Card Pe rs onalit y Parame ters Config uration Card “Sha dowed” Persona l ity P aramete rs Attrib .
2-36 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Theory of Op eration Notes : 1. “Par a llel” and “USB”, “O n” and “Enabled” parameters hav e not been identified as personality parameters. The y are not tied to networking.
3 Chapter Error Messages and Codes In this chapter ... ■ Introduc tion ■ P ower-Up Error Messag es and LE D Codes ■ BIST E rror R epor t ing ■ POST Error Re p or ting ■ PEST Erro r Repor tin.
3-2 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Error Messag es and Codes Introduction This sec tion covers troublesho oting pro cedures ut iliz ing Contr ol Panel error message s and co des.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-3 Error Message s and Codes Power -Up Erro r Messages and LE D Codes The pr inter ha s thr ee sets o f tests tha t are r un when f irst powe.
3-4 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Error Messag es and Codes POST Error Reportin g POST ch ecks the com municat ion paths within the Elec tronics Module a nd to other variou s pr inter compone nts.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-5 Error Message s and Codes 6.08 N/A So ft IDE drive general failure. Reseat IDE cable and p ower cable. If problem persists, replace the IDE drive. The printer will work withou t the IDE drive.
3-6 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Error Messag es and Codes PEST Error Reportin g PEST tests oc cur after POST te sts h av e been r un and P os tScr ipt ha s been initial ized. PEST c hecks the co nnectio ns and o peration of various p r inter compo nents.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-7 Error Message s and Codes Fault Code Er ror Message T rou bleshooting Fault Code Error Reporting F ault co des are saved to NVRAM and can be retr iev ed fr om the pr inter’ s fault histor y .
3-8 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Error Messag es and Codes 1,000.4x Errors - 525-Sh eet Feeder F aults 1,001.46: The uppe r 525-she et feeder had an overcurrent c ondition. The lift motor or clutch may be shor ted . 1,002.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-9 Error Message s and Codes 2,0XX.4x Errors - I/O Circuit Boa rd Fault 2,001.47: The pr int en gine cann ot detec t the pre sence of the I/O Bo ard. 2,0XX.6x Errors - I/O Board Program Faults 2,001.
3-10 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 3,0XX.6x Errors - IPC Program Faults There is a communic ation problem between th e engine a nd P os tScr ipt regions. a. Reset NVRAM, and then retest. b. Replace the EEPROM chip.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-11 Error Message s and Codes 4,024.42: This fault code indica tes a problem wit h the wiper. The wiper is n ot aligned proper ly and engage d the headti lt while in the waste lock position . 4,025.
3-12 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 4,0XX.6x Errors - Process Control Software Fau lt 1. Reset NVRAM and then retest. 2. Ensu re ground inte grity (see “ Ensur ing Grou nd Integr ity” on page 4 -65).
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-13 Error Message s and Codes 5,0XX.4x Errors - Y -Axis Sub-System Fault 5,001.41: The Dr um tur ned one full rev olu tion without s eeing the Dr um home sensor activate. 5,002.42: The Y -Ax is encod er is not working pr oper ly or the Dr um has sta lled.
3-14 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 6,0XX.4x Errors - X-Axis Fault 6,000.41: An X-Ax is Motor current e rror occurred. 6,0XX.6x Errors - Program Faults 6,001.64: The X-Ax is task recei v e d an unexpecte d messag e.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-15 Error Message s and Codes 7,0XX.4x Errors - Process Motor Gearbo x Fau lts 7,002.44: There is a problem with the pr ocess motor su b-syst em. The process moto r stalled dur ing operat ion .
3-16 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 7,0XX.4x Errors- Printhead Tilt Faults The 7,00 7.49, 7,008. 41, 7009 .42, and 7,010.43 er rors in dicate tha t the Pri nthead was unable to tilt n or mally o n its a xis.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-17 Error Message s and Codes 7,007.49: The proc ess motor stalle d whil e tilting the head. 7,008.41: The head tilt is not engaged , or the P rin thead is s tuck in the tilt positio n by the tilt ar ms.
3-18 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 7,009.42: The Pr inthe ad is tilt ed back but not proper ly restrained i n the pa rk ar ms. 8 Perform the Wiper Alignment procedure (see “Wiper Alignment Pro cedure” on page 6-2 ).
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-19 Error Message s and Codes 7,010.43: The Pr inthe ad is st uck in the til ted positi on, or i s not a b l e to til t f o rward to the p rin t positio n, due to problems. 7,011.44: This is a s oft f a ult and will not h alt the pr inter .
3-20 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 7,0XX.6x Errors - Program Faults 1. Reset NVRAM and retest. 2. Ensu re ground in tegr ity for the pr inter (see “En sur ing G round In tegrity ” on page 4-6 5).
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-21 Error Message s and Codes 8,0XX.xx Errors - W iper/Medi a Drive Faults 8,005.48: The Med ia Dr ive stalled whi le moving th e Wiper to home po sitio n. 8,006.49: The Wi per cannot ver ify the home posi tion.
3-22 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 8,0XX.6x Errors - Program Faults 1. Reset NVRAM, and then retest. 2. Ensu re ground in tegr ity for the pr inter (see “En sur ing G round In tegrity ” on page 4-6 5).
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-23 Error Message s and Codes 9,0XX.xx Errors - Ink Lo ader Faul ts 9,000.44: Ink Loade r device fault 9,005.49: The cyan ink m elt hea ter is On , but ink is no t dri pping. 9,006.41: The mag enta in k melt hea ter is On , but ink is no t dri pping.
3-24 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes N o t e Xerox is not fina ncial ly respon sible for the incorre ct ope ration of it s product s cau sed by the use of non- X erox ink. 9,009.44 and 9 ,00X.6x Errors - Program Faul ts 9,009.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-25 Error Message s and Codes 11,006.43: Pr inthea d broken ser ial li nk detect ed. 11,006.45: Pr inthea d broken ser ial li nk detect ed. 11,007.44: PCI err or detected . 11,008.45: The DMA hardware is n ot respondi ng.
3-26 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 11,100.60 Errors - T emperature Error The root pr oblem for this error i s temperatu re sens itivity wit h the power supply ’ s opto-is olator c hips. Check that the room temperat ure does no t ex c eed spec ificati ons and th e fans run c orrectly .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-27 Error Message s and Codes T roublesh ooting Procedur e for 13,00 8 to 13,010 Err or Code ( Drum Heater) Ste p Questions and A ctions Ye s N o 1 Check that the ambient room temperature i s within specifications (see “Environm ental Specifications” on pag e 1-12 ).
3-28 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 13,067.43: The Dr um T emp erature Se nsor circu it is ope n. 13,069.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-29 Error Message s and Codes 13,200.41: The Pr inthead rig ht jetstack heater is too hot. 13,202.43: The Pr inth ead r ight jets tack heater took too long t o reach i ts setpoint . 13,259.46: The Pr inthead rig ht jetstack ther mis tor circui t is open .
3-30 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 13,327.42: The Pr inth ead rese r voir ther mist or retur ne d a bad reading, or the reading was corru pted by ESD . 13,328.43: The in k loa der CY AN h eater is too ho t.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-31 Error Message s and Codes 13,000.6x Errors - Program F aults 13,001.62: Ther mals failed to read from pr inter NVRAM. 13,002.63: V al ue is not in valid range. 13,003.64: Ther mal control task r eceived an unexpected mes sage.
3-32 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 19,0XX.xx Errors - Printhead Calibrat ion fault s. 19,001.46: HFD ser ver f ail ed due to NVRAM operat ion. Thi s f aul t only oc curs when the pr inte r is set in manufacturing mod e.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-33 Error Message s and Codes 19,005.63: W av e Amplifier o vercurr ent. This error can o ccur in t o o-lo w humid ity environmen ts. Prin ter self -resets. 19,0XX.6x Errors - Waveform Program Faults 19,001.
3-34 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 26,962.6x Errors - “Fal l Out” Co de Check the pre v ious erro r in the f ault his tor y and troubleshoot that co de. 27,0XX.6x Errors - Profile Librar y Ensure the ground i ntegri ty of th e pri nter (see “Ens uri ng Grou nd Integr ity” on page 4-65 ).
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-35 Error Message s and Codes 31,0XX.6x Errors - Program Faults 1. Reset NVRAM, and then retest. 2. Ensu re ground in tegr ity for the pr inter (see “En sur ing Gr ound Integr ity” on page 4-6 5).
3-36 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 36,000.40 Errors - Drum Mainten ance Fau lts 36,001.67 Errors - Drum Mainten ance Fault 1. Replace t he Dr um Mainten ance Pivot Pl ate. 2. Replace t he Dr um Mainten ance Kit .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-37 Error Message s and Codes ■ Reser voir heater, 37,004.40 or 37, 005.41 ■ Drum heater err or 37,006 .42 ■ Preheat er error 37,008. 44 ■ Ink melte rs errors 37,009.45 thru 3 7,013.4 0 The pr inter include s several heaters powered by AC .
3-38 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 37,012.48: Inkmelt 3 (Black) disconnect. The inkmelt heater is not drawing the expected power from the su pply . Inkmelt 2 (Ma genta) disconnect . The inkmelt heater is not drawing the expected power fr om the supply .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-39 Error Message s and Codes 37,014.41: Drum Fan discon nect. The Drum Fan is not drawing the expected power . Elect roni cs Modu le Fan Disc onn ect. The Electronics Mo dule Fan is not drawing t he expected pow er .
3-40 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 50V Po wer Supply Fa ult T rouble shooti ng Procedure Ste p Questions and A ctions Ye s N o 1 Check for a short in the Electronics Modul e.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-41 Error Message s and Codes 5 T o isolate the pr oblem to the I/O Board or i ts related cabli ng, unplug these I/O Board connectors.
3-42 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes 37,022.40: Preheat Solenoi d Disconnect . The Preheat Solenoid is not drawing th e expected power f rom the supply . 37,023.41: Head Tilt So lenoid Disconnect. The Head Tilt S ole noid is not dr awin g the expected power from the su pply .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-43 Error Message s and Codes 8400 8500/85 50/ 8560 8400 P EST Description 37,022.40: 37,02 5.
3-44 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes T roublesh ooting Procedur es for Drum Heater Re lay Board Ste p Questions and A ctions Ye s N o 1 Run the Drum Heater Relay test. Did the test pass? Replace the Electroni cs Module.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-45 Error Message s and Codes T roublesh ooting Proce dure for Y -Axis Motor Ste p Questions and A ctions Ye s N o 1 1. Re move any obstructions inter fering with Drum rotation. 2. Inspect the D rum and ensure the Drum rotates smoothly , if not replace the Drum Assembly and retest.
3-46 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes T roublesh ooting Proce dure for Process Drive Ste p Questions and A ctions Ye s N o 1 Do the Process Drive gear s, T ransfix Camsha ft, a nd Dr um Ma inten ance Camsh aft rotate freely? Go to Step 2.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-47 Error Message s and Codes 37,056.47: Power su pply -50 volt under limit. Power supply -50 vol t under limi t. 37,057.48: Power supply +15 vo lt over limit . Power supp ly +15 volt over limit.
3-48 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes Jam Codes The pr inter s tores the mo st recen t 20 ev ents in Jam Histor y .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-49 Error Message s and Codes . Jam Code Def inition T able Not all jam code co mbinati ons are d ocume nted in this manual, o nly the co des that o ccur most co mmonly . N o t e The following table only s hows the 3-di git ja m code.
3-50 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes A2E Deskew sensor in unexpected state at read y . 1. Ensu re ground integrity , see page 4-65. 2. Replace T ray 1 Pick Solenoid. A2F Deskew Sensor in unexpected state.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-51 Error Message s and Codes A3R Deskew Sensor time-out durin g movement from E xi t Roller to d eskew roller when duple xing print. 1. Ensu re the media is appr opriate for two- sided printing.
3-52 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes C2F Strip flag unexpected event d u ring fault. C2K Strip flag unexpected event d uring transfix roller oiling. C2M The strip flag actua ted unexpectedly when paper picked fro m T ray 2.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-53 Error Message s and Codes C5X Print pulled back into transfix ni p during exi t. 1. Ensu re the media is not too thick and that it is supported b y the printer . 2. Use a less gl ossy media.
3-54 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes E2Q T ray 1 width sensor durin g T ray 1 pick. 1. Exami ne the T ray 1 width gu ides for proper movement and ens ure the side guides are no t being ad j usted while pr inting.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-55 Error Message s and Codes M4L Media Drive stalled while the pri nter was in standby mode. M4M Media Drive stalled while th e printer picked from T ray 2. M4N Media Drive stalled while th e printer picked from T ray 3.
3-56 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes N4X Y -Axis Motor stal led while the print exited the pr in ter . 1. Check the med i a, generall y l abel, trifo l d or envelo p es cause this erro r . 2. T ry running fewer sheets through the tray .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-57 Error Message s and Codes P4G Process motor stalled while the printer performed an auto Drum maintenance cycle. P4H Process motor stalled whil e the printer performed Printhead mai ntenance.
3-58 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes T2M The Exit Cover open fl ag unexpectedly tripped when the pri nter picked from T ray 2. T2N The Exit Cover open fl ag unexpectedly tripped when the pri nter picked from T ray 3.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-59 Error Message s and Codes V2X T ray 2 media size sensor un expectedly activated while exiting print. 1. Ensu re ground integrity o f the printer , see page 4 -65. 2. Ensu re the T ray 2 paper g u ides are correctly set.
3-60 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes X2F T ray 3 pick flag trigger ed unexpectedly while p r inter was in a fault state . X2L T ray 3 pick flag trigger ed unexpectedly while printer in standby . X2M T ray 3 pick flag trigger ed unexpectedly while picking f rom T ray 2 .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 3-61 Error Message s and Codes X3X T ray 3 pick flag sensor timed o ut while exiting print. 1. V erify the paper loaded in T ray 3 is supported m edia. 2. Reduce t he amount o f media in the tr ay and reposition the guides t o fit firmly against the medi a.
3-62 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Error Messag es and Codes Z2M T ray 4 pick flag triggered u nexpectedly while pick from T ray 2. Z2N T ray 4 pick flag triggered u nexpectedly while pick from T ray 4. Z2P T ray 4 pick flag triggered u nexpectedly while pick from T ray 4.
4 Chapter General T roubleshooting In this chapter ... ■ Ser vic e Diagnos tics ■ Ser vic e Diagnos tics Mod e Menu ■ Check Menu Defini tion T ables ■ Electroni cs T rou bleshooting ■ Ensur .
4-2 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Introduction This chapter covers the general star t-up , Po we r On Self T e st (POST), an d power supply operatio ns of the p rint er to a id in tr oubleshooting problems not ass ociated with a Co ntrol P anel er ror mess age or er ror code .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-3 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Reset NVRAM Provides access to r eset th e printer back to its factory-default settings and erase all network settings. If possible, pri n t the Configuration Page before resetting NVRAM.
4-4 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Service Diagnostics The pr inter has built-i n diagnos tics to aid in troubleshooti ng. Se r vice Diagno stics p rovides tests for sensors, motor s, s witc hes, clutch es, f a ns and sole noids.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-5 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Service Diagnostic Control Panel Button Descriptions Ser vice Diag nostics Mode M enu This mode can b e entered from the Hidden Ser vice Menu. Al l diagno stics a re av aila ble in this mo de.
4-6 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Ser vice Diag nostics Menu M ap Service Diagno stics Menu Map Menu Description Main Men u Displays general help text descri b ing the gen eral operation of the Control Panel/menu system.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-7 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Exercise Men u Functions for causing m echani cal actions which may then be observed. Press a Control Pa nel button to stop the test Activators Menu Pulses the activator to cause it to generate so me sound or motion.
4-8 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Drum Mai n tenance Cam Shaft Cycles the motor/shaft repeatedly . Deskew Sh aft Wiper Sha ft T ray 1 Pick Shaft T ray 2 Pick Shaft T ray 2 Lift Mo tor T ray 3 Pick Shaft Cycles the motor/shaft repeatedly .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-9 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Funct ion Menu Functions for commanding more comp lex actions by portions of t he prin t er mechanism . Initialize Mechani sm Per forms a pow er up mechanical initia lization sequence.
4-10 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Check Menu Definition T ables A submenu c ontai ning a se t of extensive tests that r etur n meas ured mechan ism paramete rs for compar ison ag ainst stated li mits.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-11 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng The Des ke w C lutch tes t gathers da ta on th e perform ance of the Deske w Clut ch coil. Gathers d ata on th e perform ance of th e T ray 1 Pick Solen oid coil and fl apper .
4-12 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Gathers d ata on th e performanc e of th e strip per sol enoid coil and plu nger .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-13 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Check Shafts Menu Runs the M edia P a th Dr ive train and enga ges the Des ke w Clutch on the fly then dis engages th e clutch .
4-14 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng 3 CCW On average fe. 250 to 600 1.0 t o 2.5 Reports the average effort required to rotate the deskew shaft in the CCW direction at a constant velocity .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-15 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng 8 CW On fe settling time (sec). 0.010 to 0.20 0 to .2 Reports the time it takes the MP motor servo system to "settle down" after the sudden addition of the d eskew shaft load.
4-16 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Check Paper Path Menu Runs the M edia P a th Dr ive train and enga ges the Hea d Main tenance Cl utch on the fly then di sengages the clutch .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-17 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng 4 CCW On fe ri pple. 25 to 100 .08 to .31 Reports the variation of effort needed to rotate the wiper shaft in the CCW direction at a constant velocity .
4-18 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Runs the M edia Path Drive train and e ngages th e T ray 1 Pick SAol enoid on the fly . The Pi ck Shaft goes through t wo full rev ol utions wh ile dr ive requireme nts are d eter min ed.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-19 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng 1 On response tim e. (sec). -1.5 to 0.9 5 Reports the time between pick solenoid acti vation and a detectable respon se from the MP drive system indicati ng that pick shaft engagement.
4-20 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng T est is th e same for each pick shaf t although f o r T ra y 2 th e Medi a P ath Dr ive motor is used an d for the 525-she et f ee ders the corres ponding pick/transpor t motor is us ed.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-21 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng 2 On fe settling time (sec). Reports the time it takes the MP motor servo system to "settle down" after the su dden addition of the T ray 2 pick shaft load.
4-22 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng T est picks pape r from sele cted tray (test curren tly su ppor ts picking from T ray 2 only) and moves it through ei ther the s implex or dup le x paper path to deter mine p aper path power requireme nts.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-23 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Tr a y 4 P i c k 2 T ray 4 Pick Interval (us) Reports the inter val from the time the engine software is commanded to start the tr ay 4 pick pro cess until the T ray 4 Pick sensor activates.
4-24 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng P aper is pi ck ed and moved through either the simp lex or duplex paper p ath to deter mine t he pape r trailing ed ge arr ival time at each pape r path se nsor .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-25 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Tr a y 4 P i c k 2 T ray 4 Pi ck T railing Edge Interval (us) Reports the inter val from the time the engine software is commanded to start the tr ay 4 pick pro cess until the T ray 4 Pick sensor deactivates.
4-26 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng P ap er is picked and moved through ei ther the simplex paper path to deter mine t he pape r trailing ed ge boun ce inter v al at each pa per p ath senso r .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-27 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng T est picks pape r from sele cted tray (test curren tly su ppor ts picking from T ray 2 only) and moves it through ei ther the s implex or dup le x paper path to deter mine p aper path power requireme nts.
4-28 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng P ap er is picked and moved through ei ther si mplex or duplex paper pa th to deter mine l eading edge arr ival time at each paper path sens or .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-29 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng P aper is pi ck ed and moved through either the simp lex or duplex paper p ath to deter mine t he pape r trailing ed ge arr ival time at each pape r path se nsor .
4-30 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng P aper is p ick ed and moved thro ugh eith er the duplex paper path to deter mi ne the paper trailing edge bounc e inter val at each paper pat h sensor.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-31 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Check Drive Menu This test moves the wiper dr ive mechanis m through the complete rang e of its motion in each directi on and does an “ on the fly” rev er sal to verif y operabil ity .
4-32 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng This test moves the gear train in one direct ion while captur ing data, does a re versal to captur e rev ersal transient data, then o perates in the othe r directi on.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-33 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng This test dr ives the X-Ax is Motor in each directi on until t he Pr inthea d stalls into the s tops. Next, the test moves the Pr inthead into the clear and performs an on t he fly rev ers al.
4-34 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng With the d rum tur ning a t a co nstant velocit y , the tran sfix r oller i s loaded against the dr um, he ld for one rev ol ution, the n raised. The velocity with which the transfix roller is mov ed differs f or the two tests.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-35 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng This test d r ives the Pri nthead tilt mechan ism thr ough one cy cle to de ter mine i f it is c ontrolla b l e and o perating as ex p ected . 4 Roller A verage Period (sec) 50 to 1 600 -.
4-36 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng This tes t raises the lift plat e to verif y motion and sens or operation . If the test is request ed for a tra y not ins talled, an “Option Not Detec ted” messa ge appea rs.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-37 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Check Drum Menu Uses the sine and cosine s um da ta to det er mine the c haracter istics of the encoder disk an d enco der sen sors.
4-38 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Rotates the dr um at a c onstant velocity an d samples the Y -Axis positio n. Uses the dat a to deter min e Y -Axis motor and dr um vibration and the mos t signifi cant other vibrational frequen cies.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-39 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng This pro cedure p erf o r ms a “4 cor ner” test us ing the mi nimum an d maximum v e locity and ac celeratio n used dur ing pr inting an d minimu m and max imum load for a total o f eight test cycle s.
4-40 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng This t est does a chase using a specia l she et of pre prin ted med ia and r ecords the y -axis f ollo wing error . This te st modifi es the Y -Axis ser vo loop so that it is unst able and osci llates.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-41 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng This tes t holds the dr um st ationa r y while the str ipper soleno id is ac tivated and releas ed. The dr um ser v o e rror sign al illus trates activation/dea ctivation timi ng and how stron gly the d rum was c ontacted by the blade.
4-42 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng This test uses the drum ser vo error s ignal to ind icate when the dr um is conta cted by the r o ller blade. 4 Release Displacement (mpts) -0.75 t o 2.2 -4.5 to 4.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-43 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Check Motors Menu This test tur ns on the Y -Axis mo tor and r uns it ver y slowly f o r one rev ol ution. This test tur ns on the X- Axis moto r and r uns i t very slowly for one revolution.
4-44 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng This test tur ns on the proc ess motor and ru ns it very s lowly f or one rev olu tion. This test tur ns on the me dia path mo tor an d run s it very slowly for one re volution.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-45 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng This test tur ns on the sp ecified motor and runs it at co nstant velocity for approximately 20 re voluti ons while r ecordin g dri v e data. Th e test is the sa me f o r each m otor .
4-46 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Check Misc Menu This test looks at the paper pa th sensors to ide ntify if a nything woul d prev ent a page from pr inting .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-47 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng This te st scan s the t her moco uples and repor ts data on the cur rent temperature wi th the g oal of pr oviding a pictu re of the c urrent tem perature state of the pr inter .
4-48 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng 2 Init ial Pumpin g Power (watts) Reports mi nimum pumping power after start up peak (R1). This is the first valu e to reflect the system pressure. If the volume is no rmal (hose/ printhead), then the drop is large and the pressur e rises slowly .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-49 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng This test deter mi nes av eraged re adings for key system voltages. This test dr ives the Proces s Dr ive to mov e th e Wiper Blade a s hor t distance i n each dir ection t o verify the h ome pos ition.
4-50 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng This test dri ves the process motor a sho r t di stance i n each di rection to verify that the dmfix dr ive unit was in i ts hom e positio n.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-51 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Electron ics T roub leshooti ng Printer Power -Up Sequence The following lists t he chain of ev ents th at occur when you tur n on a pri nter . Y ou c an follow this lis t as one me ans o f deter minin g if the pri nter is ope rating corre ctly .
4-52 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Mechanical Initialization 8400 (1/2) Start the Thermals 13,xxx Unbind Media Path Motor and Home the MPT 31,000 Home the Y -Axis 5001, 5004 Wait for the Head to read OK_TO_WIPE T emperatures 13.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-53 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Mechanical Initialization 8400 (2/2) _head Parked On? Last Power Down? Move Cap/Wiper to the Park ARMS- and restrain head again. 8035,7009 Home Dmfix 7002 Jog the X Axis in order to release the Head Tilt Arms.
4-54 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Mechanical Initialization (8500/8550/ 8560) Home XA and move XA to the HEADTIL T position 6000 Use the Headt.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-55 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Unplanned Shutdown If the pr inter was not shutdown by the power s w itch the last ti me it was tur ned off .
4-56 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Miscellane ous Electrica l T roub leshooting The Elect ronics Modul e contain s the power sup ply , image proc essor boa rd and the power co ntrol boa rd.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-57 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng c. Unplug power co rd and r emov e p r inter's c ov er s. Caution Use cauti on aroun d motors, pulleys a nd live AC connection s when working wi th the prin ter cov e rs off.
4-58 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng ■ Inkload Si gnal J910 ■ DMU Sense J860 ■ Drum Ther mistor J870 ■ Exit Mo dule J680 ■ Heater Rel ay Control J950 c. Retest the resi stance o f the I/O board.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-59 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng f. If the PE a nd PS in dicat ors do no t flash m omentar ily , the shor t is on the pr inthead.
4-60 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Display Functions, but Sent Jobs Do Not Print 1. Compute r driver in correct or impr oper ly inst alled a. V eri fy pr inter ha rdware is fu nctional by sending a test pr int via th e printer C o ntro l Pa nel.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-61 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng f. Plug in all cables r emov e d dur ing s er vice. g. T race through all ser v ice ste ps perfor med to re attach any cables that were unplugged during debuggin g.
4-62 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng a. T ur n off pr inter and wait 30 sec onds for power supply capac itors to discha rge. b. Replace 525-S heet F e eder . c. P erform full test of pr inter . Printer Does Not Print, LEDs are On and the Display is Frozen With No Errors 1.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-63 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng n. If the Ele ctronics Module, I/O B oard and Control Panel are wor king, the err or code 3 4,001.4 3 should a ppear on the displ ay to indicat e the Pri nthead is discon nected.
4-64 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Verifying Power Su pply Operati on The power supp ly is di vided int o two secti ons: the AC sectio n used f or h eaters and the DC s ection for cont rol logic, Pr inthe ad dr ivers, and motors.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-65 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Detecting condition of Fuse F2 and F3 1. The Dr um and Preheate r connec t to F3. 2. The Pr inthead a nd Ink Loader conn ect to F2. 3. T ur n the power switch Off and wait f or t he pr inter to s hut down.
4-66 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Key Ground Connections The following illu stration shows th e grounding points i n the pr inte r .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-67 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng T estin g Motor and Solenoid Re sistances 1. T ur n off th e printe r and disconnec t the power co rd. 2. With a DM M set for measur ing resi stance, test e ach motor 's windi ngs for correct resistance ( disconnec ted from the pr inter) .
4-68 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Paper Pa th and Media-Based Proble ms F o r paper path and media-b ased pro b l ems, first check the displ ay ed e rror codes u sing the E rror Code Definitio n T able begin ning o n page 3-7 to help deter mine w here th e error i s occurr ing.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-69 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Paper-Pick Errors - T ray 1 1. V eri fy the m edia bein g used is the c orrect s ize and weight. 2. Clean the T ray 1 pick roller an d sepa rator pad, re f e r to the cle aning procedu re.
4-70 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng 9. Inspect the gears an d matin g cam gea rs for stripped or dam aged gear teeth. 10. Replace t he Proc ess Dr ive Gearbox. 11. Replace t he media p ath dr ive gearbox.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-71 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Operatin g System and Application Pr oblems Pri nt an inte rn al test pr int f rom the pr inte r’ s Contr ol P a nel to ens ure the problem is n ot pr inter r elated.
4-72 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Ethernet Port V erification for Def ault Assigned IP Addr ess An alter na te metho d is requi red to test th e Ether ne t por t wh en the P C’ s IP address f al ls within th e range 169.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-73 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng Networ k Proble ms The pr inter maint ains 6 lo gs in memor y d etailing networ k functions. T he lo gs contain TCP/IP , NetW ar e and AppleT alk initial ization e vents.
4-74 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng T o obtain a trace: 1. Connect th e ser ial ca ble to your PC. Serial por t settings are 19. 2 kbau d, 8 bits, no par ity , 1 stop bit, a nd software c ontrol.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 4-75 Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng 6. Name t he new connectio n with the m odel number of t he pr inter . C onfigure the new connec tion usin g the COM por t config ured in step 3, then cli ck OK .
4-76 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Gener al Tr oub lesh ooti ng.
5 Chapter Print-Quality T roubleshooting In this chapter ... ■ Pri nt-Qual ity P roblems Over view ■ Analyz ing S er vice T e st Pr ints.
5-2 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Print-Quality Problems Over view Pri nt-quali ty defects can be attr ibuted to pr inter c omponents, c onsumables, media, inter nal s oftware, e xte r nal software applicat ions, and environme ntal conditi ons.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-3 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Random Li ght Stripes One or more color bars a re missin g on the test p age. This is l ikely caused by a weak or clo gged Pr int head jet. Initial Actions ■ Run t he Elimi nate Li ght Stripe s rout ine from the Cont rol P anel .
5-4 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Predominat e Light Strip es All four color b ars ar e missing o n the te st page. A thin str ipe wi th no colo n is likely due to foreign debr is scratchin g ink off th e Drum or the print .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-5 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Smudg es or Smears Smudges o r smea rs appe ar o n the page. The l ikely cau se is ink re sidue i n the media pat h. Check for residue on the ro llers, Str ipper B lade, guide r ibs, or inside the Pr eheater .
5-6 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Smudges or Smears T rouble shooting Pro cedure Ste p Questions and A ctions Ye s N o 1 Clean the exit path, i n cluding the Stripper Blade with a lint-free cl oth.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-7 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Print T oo Li ght or T oo Dark The over a ll im age densi ty is too light or dar k. Initial Actions ■ Check the medi a used is suppor ted by this p rint er .
5-8 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Blan k Prints The pr inter process es a shee t of pap er , but no image is pr inte d on it. N o t e Blank s heets ac companying multi-picks or chase p ages following a jam are a par t of nor ma l operation.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-9 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Color is Un even or Wrong This m a y be du e to inco rrect c olors in the ink loader , old in k in t he Pr inthead, color m ixing at t he faceplate, or Drum t her mal pr oblems.
5-10 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting 3 Check thermal reg ulation of the Drum. Run the Service Diagnostics Drum Thermal Check test, see “T emperat u re Sta tus” on page 4-47 . Are the Drum ther mal values out o f the appropriate ran ge? Go to Step 4.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-11 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Streaks or Lines Down t he Print There ar e sev eral p ossible causes of st reaks r unning the len gth of a prin t. Initial Actions ■ Check the medi a used is suppor ted by this p rint er .
5-12 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting 4 If there are streaks on the front side only of a 2-sided print, the Preheater may be scraping i n k off the prin t . 1. Look f or ink sh avings along the streak s on the printed paper .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-13 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Scratches or Marks Parallel to the Long Axi s of Printi ng, Particula rly with Fi lm Scratche s or mar ks ar e usuall y ca used by debr is in the paper path.
5-14 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting 2 1. Check the Dru m Maintenance Kit. If the defect is a thin line th at is glossier t han the surr ounding area, it may be due to a defect on the maintenance kit wiper blade.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-15 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Ink o n White Por tion of P rint Color on the pr int wh ere no co lor sho uld be pr inted is often c alled a latent image. A late nt imag e remain s on th e Dru m when it s hould hav e bee n transferred to its s heet of pa per .
5-16 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting 3 1. Clean th e Stripper Blade, it may be contaminated with ink. 2. Run Rem ove Print Smears . Did this correct the problem? Complete. Go to Step 4. 4 1. Check for i n k on the T ransfix Roller .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-17 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Fuzzy T ext T ext appears in distinc t and d ifficult to r ead. There are three ty pical r easons for fuzzy t e xt, a s ca lled out i n this illustra tion. 1.
5-18 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Poor Primar y Color Fill s Pri mar y fills ap pear band ed and inconsi stent. Initial Actions ■ Check the medi a used is suppor ted by this p rint er . ■ Check that the p aper path is clea n and cle ar of deb r is.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-19 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Poor Pr imar y Fi lls T roub lesho oting Pro cedure Step Qu esti ons an d Actio ns Ye s N o 1 Banded and inconsi stent primary fills may indicate a mi ssi ng, weak, or discolored jet.
5-20 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Ghos ting The ima ge from a previous print i s on the c urren t pri nt.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-21 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting 3 Inspect and clean the Drum Maintenance Kit wiper blade. If necessary , replace the kit. Did this co rrect the problem? Comp lete. Go to Step 4. 4 T est Drum maintenance op eration.
5-22 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Poor Small T ext Resoluti on Small c haracters a ppear heavy a nd “plug up. ” Initial Actions ■ Check the medi a used is suppor ted by this p rint er .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-23 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Vertical Lines Appear Wavy Straight ver ti cal lin es appear to be wavy and il l-formed . This p roblem is likely caused by too much oil o n the Dr um. Initial Actions ■ Check the medi a used is suppor ted by this p rint er .
5-24 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Oil Streak s on Print Oil st ains the e dge of t he pr int. T his pro blem is likely ca used by too much oil on the Dr um or poor Dr um Mai ntenance K it grounding.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-25 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting 2 Check the Drum Mai ntenance Kit ground. Inspect the back of the Drum Maintenance Kit to Drum Mainten ance Camshaft to Drum Fan groun d clip. Did this co rrect the problem? Comp lete.
5-26 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Inco mplete I mage T ransf er to Pape r All of th e imag e does not transfer to the pape r . Media t hat is not smoot h enough or too ligh t can cau se this p roblem.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-27 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting 4 Check and clean the Drum Maintenance Ki t wiper blade. Replace the kit if necessary . Did this co rrect the problem? Comp lete. Go to Step 5. 5 1. T est the Drum T emperature Sensor w ith Service Diagnostics.
5-28 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Ink Smea rs on Fi rst Printed Side of Au to-Duple x Print Preheat er temperat ure is too h igh.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-29 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Repeating Defects on Pri nt The dist ance betwee n each ar ti f a ct of a repeat ing imag e defect re veals which imaging compo nent is c ausin g the defect.
5-30 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting White Stripes ( Pinstripes) This pr int -quality pr oblem has a ser ies of regul arly space d white str ipes approximately 6 mm (.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-31 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Wrinkling Damage is usua lly in a cor ner w ith so lid fill s. This problem i s more often seen on shor t-grain media. Some wr inkli ng on envelope flaps is nor mal .
5-32 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Initial Actions ■ Check the medi a used is suppor ted by this p rint er .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-33 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Image Is O ffset or Cut-Off 1. Pri nt an infor mation page (i nter nal page embedd ed in t he pr inter). 2. V eri fy that the tra y guid es are ad juste d correc tly .
5-34 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Analyzing Service T est Prints This sec tion shows h ow to select a nd anal yze all test prints stored in the pri nter .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-35 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting X-Axis Moti on (8400 Only) N o t e F o r X-Axis Moti on problems, see “Analyzi ng Ser vice T est P r ints” on page 5-34 (solid fill pr ints) . This pr int is used by Engi neer ing and Ma nuf a ctur ing.
5-36 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Color Ba nds, RGBK D ither The larg e, secondar y colored ar eas in this pr int rev ea l banding and weak jets.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-37 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Reverse T ext The pr int in dicat es if the P rin thead i s produ cing pr operl y-sized dr ops of ink and that the Drum temperatur e is not t oo high. N o t e This pr int should be made with th e pr inter cov er s closed a nd in p lace.
5-38 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Big Bands OHP This pr int allows you to ev aluate transparenc y pr intin g.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-39 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Gray Fill, Dot Size Uniformit y This pr int consis ts of a 66% blac k fill. It r ev eals th er mal vari ations, transfi x roller pr essure var iations, or Dr um oi ling variati ons.
5-40 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting YMCKRGB Solid Fil ls These sev e n pr ints show uni f o rm ity o f fill. If c olors ar e unev en or wrong, s ee “Color is Unev en or Wron g” on pag e 5-9 .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-41 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Head-to-Dru m Gap (8400 Only) These p rin ts indicate if the g ap between the Pr inthead a nd the D rum i s cor rect. Line s: The h orizont al lines of the pri nt are m ade up of long a nd sho r t da shes.
5-42 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting Black, Red, Green , Blue, Cyan, Ma genta, a nd Y ellow Solid Fills These p rin ts show unifor mity of fi ll. Check for the following: 1. Even, uniform fill s throu ghout the pr int.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 5-43 Print-Qu ality Troublesho oting Manuf. Ske w Margin s This pr int consis ts of an i mage used by manuf a ctur ing to gauge skew and margin on 2 si ded pr ints.
5-44 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Print-Quality Tro ubleshooting If you ha ve skew on duplex prints, check for a worn du ple x roller an ver ify that the front door is complete ly closed and la tched on both the l eft and rig ht sides.
6 Chapter Adjustments and Calibrations In this chapter ... ■ Pri nter Comp onent Homi ng P ositi ons and In dicator s ■ Jet Subs titution M ode ■ Jet Subs titution M ode.
6-2 Phaser 84000/8500/85 50/8560 Color Printer Service Manual Adjustments and Calibrations Adjustments Wiper Alignmen t Procedure 1. Remov e the pr inter c ov e rs using t he procedur es that b egin on pa ge 8-4 . 2. Remov e the left hea d mainte nance dr ive gear by removing the e- clip from the dr ive shaft.
Phaser 84000 / 8500/855 0/8560 Color Printer Service Manual 6-3 Adjustments and C alibrations 3. Rotate t he left and righ t idler gears un til the Wi per is al l the way to the bottom and the g ears cann ot be rotated fu r the r .
6-4 Phaser 84000/8500/85 50/8560 Color Printer Service Manual Adjustments and Calibrations Printer Component Homing Posi tions and In dicators Afte r ser vicin g the print er , manu ally set the foll owing assemb lies to their hom e positio n before powering on th e pri nter .
Phaser 84000 / 8500/855 0/8560 Color Printer Service Manual 6-5 Adjustments and C alibrations Homing t he Head Tilt Gear The Printhead Is Not in the Printer If the Pr inthead is removed, manually rot ate the Head Tilt Ge ar , locate d on the inside of the l eft frame, to its disengag ed pos ition.
6-6 Phaser 84000/8500/85 50/8560 Color Printer Service Manual Adjustments and Calibrations The Printhead Is in the Printer 1. Remov e the Dr um Mai ntenance Kit. Caution Center the Pri nthead on its X Ax is before continuing with Step 2. Check that the Pr inth ead is clear of th e frame to pr ev ent the P rin thead from binding against th e frame.
Phaser 84000 / 8500/855 0/8560 Color Printer Service Manual 6-7 Adjustments and C alibrations N o t e When the t ilt ge ar is dise ngaged , the two arr ows on the le ft side o f the pri nter are poi nting at e ach other.
6-8 Phaser 84000/8500/85 50/8560 Color Printer Service Manual Adjustments and Calibrations Homing the Process Drive T rain Examin e the Pr ocess Dr ive gears for the following: ■ The hol es is the Process Drive frame must align with the holes in the gear .
Phaser 84000 / 8500/855 0/8560 Color Printer Service Manual 6-9 Adjustments and C alibrations Ti m ing the D rum Ma intena nce Camshaft Caution Use eithe r the pins t hat come wi th repla cement Pr ocess Dr ives, or a paper c lip , b ent into a U shape to hold the gea rs in thei r proper p osition duri ng removal and repl acement.
6-10 Phaser 84000/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Adjustments and Calibrations 4. Apply p ressure i n the d irection i ndicated by the arrow to the Drum Maintenan ce Ki t and Dr um M aintenanc e Pivot Plate to force the se componen ts aga inst the Dr um M ainten ance Cams haft.
Phaser 84000 / 8500/855 0/8560 Color Printer Service Manual 6-11 Adjustments and C alibrations 7. Check that the h ole in camshaft gear is align ed with the arrow embos sed on the groun d plane. The hole in th e upper m ating gear should align with the adjac ent hole i n the frame.
6-12 Phaser 84000/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Adjustments and Calibrations Jet Substitution Mode On 8400 mo dels, the Jet Subs tituti on Mode provides a temporar y s olution for pri nt-quality problems when weak or missi ng jets cannot be r ecov e red.
Phaser 84000 / 8500/855 0/8560 Color Printer Service Manual 6-13 Adjustments and C alibrations T o correct pr int -quality pr oblems, ref er to the Elim inate Li ght Stri pes test page to deter min e which j ets are weak or missing. 1. Select Jet Substitution Mode , and then pres s the OK button.
6-14 Phaser 84000/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Adjustments and Calibrations Disabling Je t Substituti on Mode (85 00/8550/8 560) After the Pri nthead is replac ed, disable Jet S ubstitution Mode to restore nor mal operation. T o deselect J et Substi tution Mod e: 1.
7 Chapter Cleaning and Maintenance In this chapter ... ■ Mainte nance ■ Inspection ■ Cleaning.
7-2 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Cleaning an d Maintenance Service Cleaning Maintenance Pr ocedure Cleaning is in dicated i f the pr inte r is having pr int- quality or paper -f ee ding problems. Some cl eaning procedure s, such as pur ging the j et nozzl es are done auto matically when necessa r y .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 7-3 Cleani ng and Maintenance Pick Roller Cleani ng Method T r ay 1 T ra y 1 pick roller can be cl eaned with an alc ohol moi stened s wab. 1. Open the F ront D oor . 2. Rotate the rolle r and clean it with an alcohol -moiste ned s wab.
7-4 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Cleaning an d Maintenance T r ays 2~4 Use off-th e-shelf cle ar packaging tape an d f o llow the pro cedures li sted below to clean the pick rolle r and pick pad for T ra ys 2~ 4. This c leaning m ethod h as been found to be e xtr emely e ff e ctive for removing debr is.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 7-5 Cleani ng and Maintenance A Control P a nel mess age indi cates whe n the ma intena nce kit i s low . Pri nting is stil l possi ble when the Dr um Mai ntenan ce Kit is low . W hen the messag e indicat es the Drum Maintenanc e Ki t is “empty , ” replace t he kit to continue pri nting.
7-6 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Cleaning an d Maintenance Belts: Ther e are 3 r ubber b elts in t he pr int er . Inspect t he belt s for wear . Look for these p roblems: ■ Loose r ubber pa r tic les bel ow the belts i ndicate a wor n belt.
8 Chapter Ser vice Parts Disassembly In this chapter ... ■ Ov er view ■ General N otes on Di sassembly ■ Cov ers ■ Imagin g ■ Pa p e r Pa t h ■ Motors, Gear s, Solenoids, Clutc hes, and F .
8-2 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Service Parts Disassembly Overview This sec tion con tains the removal procedu res for selected prin ter pa r ts li sted in the Field Repl aceable Units (Ser vi ce Part s) P a r ts List.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-3 Service Parts Disassembly General Notes on Disassembly Caution F o llow the ste ps of all d isasse mbly procedure s in the or der given to av oi d damaging prin ter comp onents.
8-4 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Service Parts Disassembly Covers Front Door/T ray 1 Assembly (PL1.0.1) 1. Open the F ront D oor by pulling o ut on th e handle to the r ight sid e of the door . 2. Remov e the r ight and l eft stay retainers fr om the Front Door .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-5 Service Parts Disassembly Control Panel Cover (PL1.0.5) 1. Open the Exit Cov er . 2. Using ei ther your finger s or a small fl athead sc rewdriver , loos en the Control Panel Cover on the left s ide, and then s lide it forward while l ifting up to rem ov e it from the p rinte r .
8-6 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Service Parts Disassembly Left Side Co ver (PL1.0.9) 1. Remov e the Cont rol Panel Cov er (pag e 8-5). 2. Open the Exit Cov e r and F ront Door. 3. Remov e the rear s crew . 4. Release t he latching tabs an d remove the Left Side Cov e r .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-7 Service Parts Disassembly Ink Load er (PL1.0.8) 1. Remov e the Rig ht Side Cover (page 8-5).
8-8 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Service Parts Disassembly Imaging Y -Axis Belt, Y -Axis T ension Spri ng, and Y -Axis Motor (PL 2.0. 4) (PL 2.0.1 4) (PL 4.0. 4) W arn i ng The use of sa fety glasse s is recomm ended f or this pr ocedu re.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-9 Service Parts Disassembly 7. Remov e 3 screws (3 coar se thread a nd 1 fine t hread) f rom the spr ing ar m.
8-10 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly Printhead, Rig ht and Left Printhe ad Restraints (PL 2.0. 4) (PL 2.0.5 and 2.0 .6) W arn i ng Allow co mponents adaquat e time to cool be f o re ser v icing th e pri nter .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-11 Service Parts Disassembly 5. On the l eft side, pull the X-A xis Bias Spr ing Hook o ut sligh tly and s hift to the side (rotate down). Allow the hook to rest against th e deten ts in the frame.
8-12 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly 7. Remov e Left and Righ t Pri nthead Rest raints. First remove the screw , then pull inward towards th e Pr inthead, the n lift up and sligh tly toward the rear to remove .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-13 Service Parts Disassembly 9. Disconn ect the hea ter har nes s and fr ee the h ar ness from its res traint. 10. Lift the P rint head ou t of its mo unting pos ition and plac e the shaft ends in the cradle notch es near the top o f the chas sis fram e.
8-14 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly 12. Disconn ect the fl e x c able from the P rin thead (P haser 8400 p rint ers have two cables). Caution Do not pin ch or t ear th e air h ose whil e removing the Pr inth ead as th is will damage the pri nter .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-15 Service Parts Disassembly 10. After c ompleting the ins tallati on, pr int the Li ght Str ipes Page and che ck f o r jets in s er vice mode. If neces sar y , use th e Control P ane l to reset t he jet subs titution m ode.
8-16 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly X-Axis Bias Spri ng (PL2.0.19) Caution The spr ing is in close pro x imit y to the Dr um. Us e care not to damag e the Drum with the r emov al tools or th e spr ing.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-17 Service Parts Disassembly Wipe r Assembly ( PL2.0.17 ) Caution Place sev e ral sheets of paper between the Pri nthead and the Dr um to protect the Dr um from damage. 1. Remov e the Pr inthe ad (page 8-10).
8-18 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly Replacement 1. P ositio n the W iper so both ends are all the wa y down follo w ing reasse mbly (see “W iper Al ignmen t Procedur e” on pa ge 6 -2).
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-19 Service Parts Disassembly Stripper Carriage (PL2 .0.12) and T ransfix Roller (PL 2.0.13) Caution Hold the T ransfi x Roller a nd Str ippe.
8-20 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly Preheater (PL2.0.17) 1. Open the F ront D oor . 2. Remov e the Lower Inner Duplex Guide (page 8- 33). 3. Remov e the Inne r Simpl ex Guide (pag e 8-33). 4. Unplug the AC and sensor flag conne ctors from the bo ttom of the Preheat er .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-21 Service Parts Disassembly 6. Slide th e Prehea ter off the shelves an d out of the pr inter . R ep l acemen t N o t e The finge rs on the Inner Simplex Guide, go ov er the seg mented rol ler .
8-22 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly T ransfi x Load Modul e (PL2.0.15) 1. Remov e the F r ont Door ( page 8-4 ). 2. Remov e the Ink Lo ader (pa ge 8-7). 3. Remov e the Preh eater (p age 8-20) . 4. Remo v e the Me dia Driv e (pag e 8-40).
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-23 Service Parts Disassembly 9. Remov e the cl ev i s pin s secur ing the T ransfix Lo ad Ar ms to the ch assis, and remove the T ransf ix Load A r ms and T rans fix Roll er . 10. Remov e the T ransfix Ca mshaft (page 8-25 ) 11.
8-24 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly 12. Remov e two screws secur ing ea ch end of the T rans fix Load M odule to the chas sis. 13. Remov e the T ransfix Load Module by rota ting th e bottom in and pu lling it f orw ard.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-25 Service Parts Disassembly T ra nsfix C amsha ft (P L2.0 .10) 1. P erform Steps 1 th rough 7 ( remov e T ransfix Lo ad Ar ms) of the T ransfi x Load Modu le re mov al p rocedur e (page 8-22).
8-26 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly Drum Mainte nance Pivot Plat e (PL2.0.16) 1. Remov e the Dr um Mai ntenance Kit. 2. Remov e the Rig ht Side Cover (page 8-5). 3. Remov e the Left Side Cover (page 8-5) .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-27 Service Parts Disassembly Drum Assembly (PL2.0.3) 1. Remov e the F r ont Door ( page 8-4 ). 2. Remov e the Rig ht Side Cover (page 8-5). 3. Remov e the Left Side Cover (page 8-5) . 4. Remov e the Ex it Cov e r (page 8-6).
8-28 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly 15. Remov e the Ex it Mod ule (pag e 8-32). Caution The Dr um T empe rature Sen sor har ne ss is rou ted throug h the E xit Module. Use car e dur ing rem ov al to av oid d amagin g the sens or .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-29 Service Parts Disassembly 19. Remov e the Dr um As sembly from the chassis by lifting it straigh t up as sho wn in the foll owing f igure. N o t e Y ou w ill need to tempo rarily remove 3 screws of the Me dia Dr ive motor (PL 4.
8-30 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly 8. Align th e clevis on the T ransfix Lo ad Ar ms wi th the h oles in the moun ting ears on the Dr um. The T ransfi x Load A rm s point i n the op posite di rectio n from the D rum T her misto r .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-31 Service Parts Disassembly Purge Pump (PL2.0.7) 1. Remov e the Left Side Cover (page 8-6) . 2. Disconn ect the ai r hose from the Pur ge Pump. 3. Disconn ect the har n ess from th e Purge P ump.
8-32 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly Paper Pa th Exit Module (PL3 .0.13) Caution The Dr um T empe rature Sen sor har ne ss is rou ted throug h the E xit Module. Use car e dur ing rem ov al to av oid d amagin g the sens or .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-33 Service Parts Disassembly Inner Simplex Guide (PL3.0.1) 1. Open the F ront D oor to ac cess th e guide. 2. Using a sma ll flatblade screwdriver , pr y inward on one retaine r to remov e it from t he moun ting post then remove the other retain er .
8-34 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly Outer Duple x Guide With Safety In terlocks (PL3.0.4) 1. Remov e the Cont rol Panel (page 8-5 ). 2. Remov e 4 screws and remove the guide. R ep l acemen t N o t e Seat th e guide on the ch assis.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-35 Service Parts Disassembly R ep l acemen t N o t e Route th e Str ipper Sole noid h ar ness throu gh the r igh t side frame when rep lacing the Upper Duplex Guide. Als o , verify that th e soleno id lev er en gages the hole i n the St ripp er Carr iage.
8-36 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly T ake Away Roller (PL3.0.7) 1. Remov e the Rig ht Side Cover (page 8-5). 2. Remov e the Left Side Cover (page 8-5) . 3. Remo v e the Me dia Driv e (pag e 8-40). 4.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-37 Service Parts Disassembly Pick Assembly (P L3.0.10) N o t e Replace t he Retard Roller at the sa me tim e you replace the Pick Assem bly . 1. Remov e T ra y 2 from the p rint er . 2. Reach int o the tray cavity and rel ease the o range colo red catch h oldin g the Pick Roller in place.
8-38 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly Retard Roller Repalcement s8500-102 1 2 2 1 s8500-103.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-39 Service Parts Disassembly T ray Lif t Motor and Ge ar (PL4.0.6) 1. Remov e the El ectronics Module ( page 8- 46). 2. Remov e T ra y 2. 3. Disconn ect the har n ess from th e T ra y L ift Motor .
8-40 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly Motors, G ears, Solenoids, Clutches, and Fans Media Drive with T wo Clutch es and Solenoi d (PL4.0.5) 1. Remov e the Left Side Cover (page 8-6) . 2. Remov e the Ex it Cov e r (page 8-6).
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-41 Service Parts Disassembly T ray 1 Pick Sole noid (PL4.0.3) 1. Remov e the Left Side Cover (page 8-6) . 2. Disconn ect the s olenoid h ar ness. 3. Remov e 1 screw from the sole noid, a nd remove the sole noid.
8-42 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly Preheater Lif t Solenoid (PL4.0.1) 1. Open the F ront D oor . 2. Remov e the Cont rol Panel and cov e r (page 8-5). 3. Remov e 4 screws, disconnect 2 conne ctors, and r emov e th e Exit Mo dule (page 8-32 ).
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-43 Service Parts Disassembly Process Drive (PL4.0.14) Caution Replacem ent drives come with two pins to hol d the gears i n position.
8-44 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly R ep l acemen t N o t e After r eplacin g the Proces s Dr ive , D r um Mainten ance Pivot Plate or the Dr um Mainte nance Camshaft ( or any compon ent re quirin g removal of the Proces s Dr ive), the pr inter m a y experi ence Front Cov er jams from T ra y 2.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-45 Service Parts Disassembly Head Til t Gear (PL4 .0.9) 1. Remov e the Pr inthe ad (page 8-10). 2. At the left side, remove the KL-cl ip . 3. Remov e the Waste T ra y Cover , wi thout disc onnecti ng the Waste T ra y Detect Sensor har ness.
8-46 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly Electron ics Electronics Mo dule (PL5.0.5) Caution T ouch the ba ck of the Electron ics M odule before star ting this procedu re to discha rge any electr ostatic ch arge pr esent on th e case.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-47 Service Parts Disassembly Wave Amplifier (PL5.0.4) N o t e Do not f ully remove EMI tape, if i ncluded with any conn ector . 1. Remov e the El ectronics Module ( page 8- 46). 2. Remov e the Pr inthe ad (page 8-10).
8-48 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly I/O Board (PL5.0.13) 1. Remov e the Rig ht Side Cover (page 8-5). 2. Disconn ect all con nections to the I/O Board. 3. Remov e 2 screws to rem ov e the board. R ep l acemen t N o t e Locate the cor ner of t he boar d behind th e ground tab o n reass embly .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-49 Service Parts Disassembly Drum Heate r Relay Board (PL5 .0.17) W arn i ng This boar d is su pplied wi th 120 V AC , s hut off pr in ter power and discon nect the power cor d before star ting this p rocedure.
8-50 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly NVRAM (PL5.0.9) Caution Some sem iconduc tor com ponents, suc h as the NV RAM chip, are vuln erable to damage by Elec trostati c Disc harge (ES D). N o t e Obser ve the or ientati on of the NVRAM ch ip before removing it.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 8-51 Service Parts Disassembly DIMM Mem or y (PL5.0.8) Caution Some sem icon ductor com ponents, s uch as m emor y , are vuln erable to damage by Elect rostatic Di scharg e (ESD).
8-52 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Service Parts Disassembly Hard Drive (PL5.0.7) Caution Some sem iconduc tor com ponents, suc h as the NV RAM chip, are vuln erable to damage by Elec trostati c Disc harge (ES D). 1. Remov e the Ba ck Cov er from the Electr onics Modu le.
9 Chapter Parts Lists In this chapter ... ■ Seria l Number Fo r mat ■ Usi ng the P ar ts List ■ Xerox Suppli es.
9-2 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Parts Lists Serial Numb er Format Changes to X erox products ar e made to a ccommod ate improved components as they become available .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 9-3 Parts Lists Using the Parts List 1. No .: Th e callou t number from t he exploded par t diagram.
9-4 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Parts Lists PL 1.0 Cover s s8500-117 9 13 5 6 7 8 12 11 10 4 1 3 2 3 4 14 2.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 9-5 Parts Lists Parts List 1.0 Cover s No. Name/Description Qty Part N umber 1 Front Door (M PT) Assembly 1 200467880 (8400) 848K06 520 (8500/.
9-6 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Parts Lists PL 2.0 Imag ing 8500 118 1 2 3 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 11 10 9 4 19 20 21 18 18 5 6.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 9-7 Parts Lists Parts Li st 2.0 Imaging No. Name/Description Qty Pa rt Numb er 1 Ink Loader Assembly and Door 1 20046988 0 (8400) 133K277 10 (.
9-8 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri nter Ser vice Manual Parts Lists PL 3.0 Pape r Path s8500-119 4 5 3 11 10 9 12 6 8 2 1 7 13.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 9-9 Parts Lists Parts Li st 3.0 Paper Path No. Name/Description Qty Part Number 1 Inner Simp lex Guide 1 351111 480 (8400) 032E29 480 (8500/8 .
9-10 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Parts Lists PL 4.0 Motors , Gears, Sole noids, Clutches, and Fans 13 14 6 3 9 12 11 10 7* 8 5 2 s8500-120 1 15 4.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 9-11 Parts Lists Parts Li st 4.0 Motors, Gears , Solenoids, Clut ches, and Fans No. Name/Description Qty Pa r t N u m be r 1 Preheater Lift So.
9-12 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Parts Lists PL 5.0 Circuit Boards 7 8 9 10 6 3 11 5 12 15 14 16 18 4 2 1 s8500-121 17 13 19.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 9-13 Parts Lists Parts Li st 5.0 Circuit B oards and C ables No. Name/Description Qty Part N umber 1 Cable, Y -Axis Motor Grou nd 1 117E3488 0.
9-14 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Parts Lists PL 6.0 Senso rs and Flag s (Actuators ) s8500-122 3 6 1 4 8 7 2 5.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 9-15 Parts Lists Parts Li st 6.0 Sensors and F lags (Actuators) No. Name/Description Qty Part Nu mber 1 Drum T emperature Sensor 1 130K752 10 .
9-16 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Parts Lists Xerox Supplies Kits Description Par t Number Mechanical Kit (Hardware) ■ Nut Plate - 2 ea. ■ 6 mm press n ut - 2 ea. ■ #8 SAE washer - 5 ea. ■ Thumbscrews - 2 ea. ■ M4 x 12 delta pt/ hexhead - 5 ea.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 9-17 Parts Lists Memory (8400) 128 MB, 16M x 6 4 , PC133; Memory DIMM 256 MB, 32M x 6 4 , PC133; Memory DIMM ZMD1 28 ZMD2 56 Memory (8500) 128.
9-18 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Parts Lists Genuine Xerox Soli d Ink Magenta (3 sticks) 108 R00606 (84 00) 108R 00670 (8500/8550 ) 108R 00724 (8560) Genuine Xerox So l i.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 9-19 Parts Lists Phaser Premium Cover Paper , Letter , 100 Sheets 016182 300 Phaser Premium Cover Paper , A4, 100 Sheets 0161 82400 Phaser Pro.
9-20 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Parts Lists.
10 Chapter Wiring Diagrams In this chapter ... ■ Main Wi ring Diagram ■ Righ t-Sid e Wiring Dia gram ■ Left-Side W iri ng Diagram ■ Inside F r ont Wir ing D iagram ■ Insi de T op W iring Dia.
10-2 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Main W iring Diag ram Main Processor ECB Hard Drive ECB Printhead Driver ECB Wave Amp ECB Media T ray sense ECB Width sense (3) switch Le.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 10-3 Main Wiring Diagram (Continued) (Right Side) Power Supply ECB AC generates: +/-50 V +/-15 V unreg +3.
10-4 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Right-S ide Wiring Diag ram The arr ows indicate whic h connec tors you sho uld l ook at for the P EST cod es. The PE ST codes are dis play ed on the Cont rol P anel. Wiring Harness Pass-Through Wiring Harness Pass-Through 37016.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 10-5 Right-S ide Wiring Diag ram (Continue d) The arr ows indicate whic h connec tors you sho uld l ook at for the P EST cod es. The PE ST codes are dis play ed on the Cont rol P anel. 13387.4x 37027.
10-6 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Left-Side Wiri ng Diag ram The arr ows indicate whic h connec tors you sho uld l ook at for the P EST cod es. The PE ST codes are dis play ed on the Cont rol P anel. s8500-127 37023.4x Purge Valve 37022.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 10-7 Left-Side Wir ing Di agram (Contin ued) The arr ows indicate whic h connec tors you sho uld l ook at for the P EST cod es. The PE ST codes are dis play ed on the Cont rol P anel. s8500-128 37015.
10-8 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Inside Fr ont Wiring Diagram The arr ows indicate whic h connec tors you sho uld l ook at for the P EST cod es. The PE ST codes are dis play ed on the Cont rol P anel. s8500-129 37036.4x Process Motor 37008.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual 10-9 Inside T op Wiring Dia gram The arr ows indicate whic h connec tors you sho uld l ook at for the P EST cod es. The PE ST codes are dis play ed on the Cont rol P anel. 37010.4x Ink 1 Heater J130 34062.
10-10 Phaser 8400/8500/85 50/8560 Color Printer Service Manual Inside T op - Printhead Wiring Diag ram The arr ows indicate whic h connec tors you sho uld l ook at for the P EST cod es. The PE ST codes are dis play ed on the Cont rol P anel. (8400 Only) s8500-131 Heater Cable Cable Restraint Out of Ink J180 32064.
A Appendix Reference Contents... ■ Menu Map (8 400) ■ Menu Map (8 500/855 0/8560) ■ P ap er Weight Equivalence T a ble ■ On-site P rin thead T rou bleshooting Checklist (84 00) ■ On-site P r.
A-2 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri n ter Service Manual Reference Menu M ap (8400) F r o n tP a n el B u tto n s: Mai n Me nu : Up A rr ow OK I n fo r matio n Back Ca n cel Dow n A rr ow I n fo.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual A-3 Reference Page 2 of 2 * ** *** **** To mi n imize i n k us age, leave the p r i n te r o n .
A-4 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri n ter Service Manual Reference Menu M ap (8500/85 50/8560) Control Panel Buttons: Main Menu: Up Arrow OK Help Back Cancel Down Arrow Walk-Up Features Informat.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual A-5 Reference Networked printer Duplex Unit Hard Drive * ** *** Requires: Troubleshooting Paper Jams Print Quality Problems Network Problems* .
A-6 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri n ter Service Manual Reference Media Margin Specification T a ble Media S ize Width (mm) Length (mm) Sid e Margins (mm) To p / Bottom Margi n (mm) Image Width (mm) Image Length (mm) Legal 215. 9 355.6 5 5 205.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual A-7 Reference Paper W eight Equivalence T able US Postcard Thicknes s (mm) US Bo nd Wei gh t (lb.) US T ext Book Weig ht (lb.) US Cover Weig ht (lb.) US Bris tol Wei ght (lb .) US Index Wei ght (lb .
A-8 Phaser 840 0/8500/8550/8560 Color Pri n ter Service Manual Reference On-site Pr inthead T roubleshoo ting Checklist (8400) F or the late st pol icy infor matio n on Non- Xerox Supplie s, visit the Xerox Ser vice Par tne rs W e b Site : https://www .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual A-9 Reference Step 2 Print the Service Usage Profile. It is located in the front panel menu Troubleshooting – Service Tools.
A-10 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Reference Step 6 Is the Wiper Assembly correctly aligned? YES NO Circle one Is the wiper assembly out of alignment (not parallel with the printhead faceplate)? If YES, perform the wiper alignment procedure as described in the Phaser 8400 Color Printer Service Guide .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual A-11 Reference Step 11 Print Service Test 1: Weak and Missing Jets. Are there weak or missing jet(s)? YES NO Circle one x If NO go to Step 12 .
A-12 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Reference Ink Failure Checklist F or the late st pol icy infor matio n on Non- Xerox Supplie s, visit the Xerox Ser vice Par tne rs W e b Site : https://www .offic e.x er o x.c om/smar t/sso index.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual A-13 Reference On-site Pr inthead T roubleshoo ting Checklist (8500/85 50/8560) PRINTHEAD TROUBLESHOOTING CHECKLIST Phaser 8500/8550/8560/8560MFP Version 2.0 IMPORTANT! This checklist outlines proper printhead troubleshooting procedures.
A-14 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Reference Step 2 Print the Service Usage Profile. It is located in the front panel menu Troubleshooting – Service Tools.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual A-15 Reference Step 6 Is the Cap/Wipe/ Purge assembly correctly aligned? YES NO Circle one Is the wiper assembly out of alignment (not parallel with the printhead faceplate)? If YES, perform the wiper alignment procedure as described in the Phaser 8400/8500/8550 Color Printer Service Guide .
A-16 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manu al Reference Step 11 Print Service Test 2: Weak and Missing Jets. Are there weak or missing jet(s)? YES NO Circle one x If NO go to Step 12 .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual I – 1 Index Numerics 525-sheet f eeder, parts li st , 9-9 8-pi n NVRAM, parts list , 9- 13 A AC pow er , 2-2 0 adjust x- axis scale, servi c.
I – 2 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manual cleanin g cycle , 2-33 cleanin g page , 2-14 , 2-33 , 5-44 cleanin g procedures , 7-2 Clea r IS C Faul t , 4-9 clevis pi ns , 8-2 3 , 8.
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual I – 3 envelop es, p rintin g on , 1-14 environme ntal spe cificati ons , 1-12 error codes 525-sheet feeder faul ts , 3-8 code versio n , 3-3.
I – 4 Phaser 8400/850 0/8550/8560 Color Printer Service Manual medi a drive assembly part s , 9-11 funct ion , 2-2 gearbo x removal , 8-40 theory , 2- 5 medi a path drive , 2-2 medi a path faults , .
Phaser 8400/85 00/8550/8560 Color P rinter Service Manual I – 5 relation to printhea d , 2-11 relation to tr ansfix syst em , 2-18 process gear dri ve train, ho ming , 6-8 purge pu mp , 8-1 1 purge .
I-6 Phaser 8400/8500/85 50/8560 Color Printer Service Manual Index Notes Refe ren ce D escr ipt ion.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Xerox PHASER 8500 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Xerox PHASER 8500 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Xerox PHASER 8500, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Xerox PHASER 8500 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Xerox PHASER 8500, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Xerox PHASER 8500.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Xerox PHASER 8500. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Xerox PHASER 8500 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.