Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 721P90350 du fabricant Xerox
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Xer o x Do cuPrint NPS/ IPS Guide to Su bmitting Jo bs fr om the C lient 721P9 0350 V e rs ion 8.0 Octobe r 2002.
Xerox Cor poration 701 S. A viation Bou le vard El Segu ndo , CA 90245 ©2002 by Xero x Cor porat ion. All r ights reser ved. Copy r ight pr otection cl aimed in clude s all forms and ma tters of copy.
Guide to Submitting Jobs fro m the Client iii T ab le of contents Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Laser sa fety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of co ntents iv Guide to Su bmitting Jobs from the Client Installing Xe rox Client Software on UNIX workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 9 Installing Xerox Client Software for UNIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 Verifying your installation .
Tabl e of cont ents Guide to Submitting Jobs fro m the Client v Submi tting a pri nt job using the Adob ePS 8.5.1 driver . . . . . . . 4-22 Setting gen eral print options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24 Setting app lication-specific print option s .
Table of co ntents vi Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Specifying h ighlight color option s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27 Selecting t he highlight color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-28 Selecting t he color mismatch action .
Tabl e of cont ents Guide to Submitting Jobs fro m the Client vii Creating spe cial pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21 Creating spe cial page(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-22 Changi ng paper sto ck within a document .
Table of co ntents viii Guide to Su bmitting Jobs from the Client.
Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client ix Safety Laser saf ety W ARNING Adjustments, use of controls, or perf ormance of procedures other than those specified herein ma y result in hazar dous light e xposure . The Xero x DocuPr int pr inters are cer tified to comply with the perform ance s tanda rds of t he U .
Safety x Guide to Submitting Job s from the Client Ozone information: U . S. only This pr oduct produ ces oz one during no r mal oper ation. The amoun t of oz one prod uced depe nds on cop y v olume .
Safety Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client xi • Ne v er override elect ric al or me chanic al inter l ocks . • Ne ver use supp lies or cl eaning m aterials f or o ther th an their intend ed pur poses . K eep all m aterials out of t he reach of chil dren.
Safety xii G uide to Submitting Job s from the Client Electrical supply This pro duct shall be operated from the typ e of el ectr ical suppl y indicate d on the product’ s data plate label. If y ou are no t sure that y our electrical suppl y meets the require ments , please consult y our local powe r compan y f or advice.
Safety Guide to Submitting Jobs fro m the Client xi ii Maintenance Any operat or prod uct mainten ance proce dures wi ll be descr ibed in the u ser docu mentati on suppli ed wit h the prod uct. Do n ot carr y out any mainte nanc e on the pr oduct , whic h is not described in th e customer docu mentation .
Safety xiv Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Radio and telecomm unications equipment directive (Eur o pe onl y) Certification to 1999/5/EC Radio Equipment and T elecomm unications T e rminal E.
Safety Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client xv For fur ther in f ormation F or more inf o r mation on En vironment, Health and Saf ety in relati on to this Xero x prod uct and su pplies , plea se .
Safety xvi Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client.
Guide to Submitting Jobs fro m the Client xvii Intr oduction This gui de describes ho w to print do cuments from t he platf or ms suppor ted b y this system. The NPS /IPS printers supp or t the processing and printing o f PDL an d ASCII jobs fr om netw or k wo rkstations, a s well as I PDS jobs f rom an IBM host .
Introductio n xviii Guide to Su bmitting Jobs from the Client Contents This secti on lists the contents of this guid e: • Cha pter 1, “DocuPrin t and DocuC olor 2060 NPS/I PS clie nt ov er view ,” pro vides a b rief ov e r view of document attrib utes and vir tual pr inters.
Introd uction Guide to Submitting Jobs fro m the Client xix Con ventions This gu ide us es the following conventions : • All ca ps and angl e br ac kets: Wit hin proce dures , the nam es of k e ys are sho wn in all caps w ithin angl e brac kets (f or e xample, pr ess <ENTER >).
Introductio n xx Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client Related p ublications The Xero x DocuColor NPS/IPS documentat ion set includes th e documents listed below . NO TE: F or a list of IMB ref erence man uals f or IPDS pr inting, ref er to the Solutions Guid e f or IPDS Printing.
Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 1-1 1. DocuPrint and DocuColor 2060 NPS/IPS c lient o vervie w Print data originates w ith a docu ment cre ated b y the user at a client w orkstation u sing an applicatio n softw are pac kag e, o r at a mainframe or minicomp uter .
DocuPrint and DocuColo r 2060 NPS/IPS client o verview 1-2 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client Document attrib utes When submitting jobs to a DocuP r int or DocuCo lor 2060 NPS/ IPS , y ou need to kno w ho w the system h andles jo bs so that y ou can be su re to get t he e xpect ed output.
DocuP rint and DocuCo lor 2060 NP S/IPS clie nt overview Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 1-3 Once an attribut e is assigne d to a job , it canno t be remo v ed. How e v er , in some cases , its v alue ma y be chan ged. F or e xamp le, th e oper ator can cha nge the ca lue of the ple x attrib ute from simpl e x to dupl e x.
DocuPrint and DocuColo r 2060 NPS/IPS client o verview 1-4 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client Printing directl y fr om t he application Printing directly fro m the a pplicati on (or dr iv er , also kno wn as tra nsparent printi ng) is easi er tha n using a p rint job submissi on prog ra m.
DocuP rint and DocuCo lor 2060 NP S/IPS clie nt overview Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 1-5 F or inf or ma tion on XDS Pl us software, ref er to the Guide to Job Subm ission Usi ng XDS Pl us . This document is p ar t of the Xe ro x Prod ucti on Pr int Ser vi ces s eri es.
DocuPrint and DocuColo r 2060 NPS/IPS client o verview 1-6 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client Receiving job status fe edback Client workstations d ispla y f ault messages and other inf ormation, such as the status o f f eeder tra ys an d output bi ns.
DocuP rint and DocuCo lor 2060 NP S/IPS clie nt overview Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 1-7 The job sta tus command ( lpq ) is a v ailable at clien t wo r kstatio ns unless y our TCP/IP netwo rk communicatio ns utiliti es do not su ppor t it.
DocuPrint and DocuColo r 2060 NPS/IPS client o verview 1-8 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client.
Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 2-1 2. Setting up w orkstations This chap ter describes ho w to pr epare y our DOS, Macintosh, and U NIX wo r kstatio ns to wo r k with t he printer . It incl udes procedure s f or installing a nd removing Xero x Clien t Software (pr int command).
Sett ing up wor ksta tions 2-2 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client Setting up PC-DOS w orkstati ons This section d escr ibes the st eps f or installing th e Xero x Documen t Submissi on Clien t Softw are , the ap propriate PPD (P os tScript Pr inter Descr iption) file, and the Decomposition Ser vice T ools on a networ ked PC-DOS works tation.
Sett ing up wo rkstatio ns Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 2-3 T o install Xe ro x Client Software , com plete the f ollowing steps at the clie nt: 1. Ensure that the network softw are is install ed and r unning . 2. If the h ost tab le file does not e xist, create it.
Sett ing up wor ksta tions 2-4 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 7. Using the appro priate client d irector y and command file , enter the f ollowing to access the printer controller u sing the ftp gue st account. F or FTP PC/ TCP client install ation, e nter any character str ing and <RETURN> at the “P ass word” prompt.
Sett ing up wo rkstatio ns Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 2-5 V erifying y our installation T o v erify that the softw are installatio n was successful: 1.
Sett ing up wor ksta tions 2-6 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client Installing the Decomposition Service DOS T ools on the PC T o install th e Decomposit ion Ser vice T ools , inser t the disk ette f or DOS w orkstations . Create a di rector y and cop y the tools from the di sket te as sho wn: The e xa mple sho ws how t o cop y all to ols.
Sett ing up wo rkstatio ns Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 2-7 NO TE: If the wrong softwa re has be en loaded o n the client, the e x ecu table files ma y ha v e the wrong e xte nsion. If this is the case , delete e v er ything u nder the a bov e directories .
Sett ing up wor ksta tions 2-8 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client Installing the Document Submission Clie nt Software T o instal l a new v ersion of Xero x Documen t Submission Client Softw are: 1. Mov e any e xisting Xero x Document Submi ssion Client icon from y our desk top to the tras h.
Sett ing up wo rkstatio ns Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 2-9 3. I f your networ k is co nfigu red to includ e Appl eT a lk pr int zones, open th e Chooser and select the AppleT alk Zone where th e pri nter is installe d. 4. Select the LaserW r iter ic on.
Sett ing up wor ksta tions 2-10 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Installing Xer o x Client Softw are f or UNIX Y ou i nstall Xero x Clien t Software on client wor kstations usin g the ftp co mmand to log on to the printer controll er , retrie v e an install ation comma nd file , and e x ecute it.
Sett ing up wo rkstatio ns Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 2 -11 5. Find th e client dir ector y and co mmand fi le f or y our client platf or m in the tab le belo w . 6. Using the appro priate client d irector y and command file , enter the f ollowing to access the printer controller u sing the ftp gue st account.
Sett ing up wor ksta tions 2-12 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client • csh users should enter sour ce .cshrc or log o ff and log on, after mo difying the “Set path” command in their .cshrc file. • Bourne shell use rs should modify and e xpor t the P A TH va r i ab l e .
Sett ing up wo rkstatio ns Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 2 -13 2. Cop y the contents of th e /usr/x ero x/NPS/IPS/client/man director y into /usr/x ero x/man /man1. 3. Edit the . cshrc file in the home director y to include the f ollowing line: 4.
Sett ing up wor ksta tions 2-14 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Removing UN IX c li ent soft war e This s ection de scr ibes the proce dure f or r emoving t he pr int comma nd client softwar e. Y ou ma y need to perf o r m this proced ure prior to up dating soft ware , or to correct corrupted file install ation on t he platf o r m.
Sett ing up wo rkstatio ns Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 2 -15 Installi ng the PPD file f or UNIX Y ou need to instal l the P ostScript Printer Descriptio n (PPD) f ile f or your specif ic pr inter model .
Sett ing up wor ksta tions 2-16 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client T o install the Decomposition Ser vice T ools: 1. Inser t the di sket te f or So laris or f or SunOS w orkstations .
Sett ing up wo rkstatio ns Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 2 -17 Enab ling lpr prin t utilit ies f or UNIX w orkstatio ns The f ollowing section p rovides inf or matio n specific to Sun OS 4.0 and 4.1x , and Solaris enviro nments . SunOS 4.0 a nd 4.
Sett ing up wor ksta tions 2-18 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client The f ollowing example shows pr int cap entr i es f or a pr in ter named “P erf ector .” The printer control ler is registe red as “perf ector .” An addition al vir tual printer , “P erfe ctor-duple x,” is define d f or duple x printing.
Sett ing up wo rkstatio ns Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 2 -19 • T o identify th e vir tual printer on the Docu Print to use: lpadmin -p que_ name -s NPS/ IPS_name ! vir t ual_pr i nter_n.
Sett ing up wor ksta tions 2-20 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client • T elnet session • Anot her metho d that com plies with th e P or t 9100 / soc k et printing TC P standards . Setting up a new printer on Windows 2000 T o s et u p a new pr inter on W indows 20 00: 1.
Sett ing up wo rkstatio ns Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 2 -21 Color cali bration f or the DocuColor 2 060 NPS/IPS Color calibration is essential to insur ing goo d color quality .
Sett ing up wor ksta tions 2-22 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client.
Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3-1 3. Printing using Xer o x utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) This chap ter e xp lains ho w to print a document fr om DOS or UNIX usi ng the Xer o x utiliti es softw are, and ho w to l ist jobs an d queues .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-2 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client print command Use the print comman d to send a document to a specifi c print queue and to spe cify printing options y ou w ant to apply to y our document.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3-3 Options In addi tion to th e required arguments , y ou ca n use an y of the f ollo wing options to specify print characte r istics. Y ou ma y e nter more tha n one op tion at a t ime.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-4 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client •- c m a <act ion> (f or models 48 50/4890 /92C on ly) Specifies th e action to t.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3-5 –S a v e F o r m B C This op tion sav es e ach page of the job as a single im age file in the Byte Code Xero x propriet ar y fo r mat, white pix els are op aque .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-6 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client • -map Color < color> ( f or mo dels 48 50/4890/ 92C only) Specifie s the colo red par ts of the d ocument tha t con v er t to the av ailable hig hlight color .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3-7 Entering pap er opacity , paper prefinish and pape r wei ght are option al. Ho we ver , when paper weight i s specifie d, opacity and pr efinish v a lues mu st also be sp ecified in their corr ect posit iona l orde r .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-8 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client •- p a p erCol or <colo r> Specifi es the pape r color . Accept abl e v alues ar e “whit e,” “yello w ,” “blue,” “g reen,” “ pink,” “clear ,” and “custom.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3-9 NO TE: The use o f tumble duplex is restr icte d b y cer tai n char acteristics of the P ostScript mask. If y ou ha v e difficulty using this op tion, contac t y our Xerox represe ntati v e f or assistance .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-10 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client • -siz e <pap er size> Specifie s the paper size . – Accept abl e standard va lues f or models 4050 /4090/48 50/ 4890/9 2C and 2060 are “ USLetter ,” “USLeg al,” “A4 ,” or “nxn.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3 -11 – Offset P erCop y does not apply w hen copie s are unco llated. – When st apling i s reques ted, copies a re not stap led wh en the y are unc ollated, though the job still prints face-up .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-12 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Examples Th e f ollo wing e xample sho ws the comm and line f or pr inting a P ostscript le v el 2 docu ment “test.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3 -13 Listjob command T o displa y the status o f a print job , enter the li stjob command and.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-14 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client • -p|P <vir tual printer name > Displa ys inf or matio n f or all jobs that hav e been submitte d to the vir tual pr inter y ou sp ecify .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3 -15 Exam ple The f ollowing e xample show s a sample record f or the l istjob comma nd: Send.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-16 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Listq command T o di spla y the st atus of a pr int queu e f or a specif ic vir tual pri.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3 -17 Examples The f ollowing e xample shows a sample recor d f or the list q comma nd.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-18 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Printing using lpr utilities Y ou may print a docum ent using the f ollowing lpr utiliti.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3 -19 lpr command Use t he lp r c ommand t o send a docume nt to a spec ific pr inte r or to sp ecify pr i nt opti ons for the job you are s ubmit ting .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-20 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Optional arguments In addi tion to th e required arguments , y ou ca n use the options listed belo w . Y ou ma y enter m ultiple options se parated b y commas within the parentheses.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3 -21 • -C“( bf=<bac kg round f orm>)” Specifie s the name o f sa v ed G4 f or m(s) created u sing decompos ition ser vices.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-22 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client • -C“(f or mat=<pdl >)” Specifie s the page description langu age (PDL ) type of yo ur document.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3 -23 • -C“(hcm=<action>)” Specifies th e action to tak e when there is a mismat ch between t he high light col or you specify and th e dr y in k color loaded in the pr i nter .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-24 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client – presentatio n Disting uishes betw een di ff erent co lors. This attrib ute is a good ch oice f or char ts and diag ram s, be cause the y typica lly use d istinct ly different colo rs.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3 -25 • -C“(media =<mediaDef> )” Allows y ou to defi ne the f ollowing option s in.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-26 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client • -C“(<or ientatio n>)” Specifie s the page orientation y ou w ant to use .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3 -27 • -C “(res=300) ” f or m odels 40 50/4090/ 4850/4890 /92C an d 2060 o nly -C“(res=6 00)” f or 92C NPS/IPS -C“(res=3 00)” or -C“(re s=600)” f or 96/463 5/180 NPS/IPS Specifi es the reso lution in dots per inch (d pi).
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-28 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client • -C“(<thic k=0 | thic k=1 | thick=10 | thick=11>)” Specifie s the thic k en.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3 -29 • -C“( yshif t=<#>) ” Specifie s the y (v er tical f or por tr ait USL etter or A4 p age) image shift f rom the lo wer left corner of the pa ge tow ards the top (in millimete rs).
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-30 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Examples F ollow ing are se ve ral e xamples of usin g the lpr comma nd.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3 -31 In the f ollow ing e xam ple, the map color is changed t o bl ue; there f ore, the blue pa r ts of the “color .ps” d ocument are p rint ed in the av ailable hig hlight c olor of re d.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-32 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Exam ple The following e xample s hows the co mmand for displaying the contents of the p.
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3 -33 •+ ( i n t e r v a l ) Specifies th at the system periodically displa y the contents of the pr int queue until it is empty .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-34 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client • username Specifie s that only j obs submitte d b y a par ticular u ser be remo v ed. This option is a v ai lab le only to a user with r oot privileges .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3 -35 lpc command (UNIX onl y) Use the lpc command to control t he flo w of jobs from y our wo r kstatio n to the vir tual p rinters at the printer controller .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-36 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client • topq printer <j ob#><user > Mo v es the print jo bs specified b y j ob ID# or us er name to th e top of the printer q ueue .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 3 -37 Color mis match NO TE: The informat ion in this section applie s to models 4850/ 4890/9 2C only .
Printing usin g Xerox utilities and lpr utilities (DOS and UNIX) 3-38 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client.
Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4-1 4. Submitting print job s using Macint osh driv ers Y ou c an send docum ents to y our Do cuPr int NPS/IPS prin ter from y our Macin tosh in t wo wa ys: .
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-2 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client Selecting a LaserWriter dr iver , version 7.x Bef o re y ou pe rf orm this proc edure , ask y our netw .
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4-3 Selecting a LaserWriter dr iver , version 8.x Bef o re y ou pe rf orm this procedu re , ask y our Netw or.
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-4 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 7. At the “Cu rrent Pr inter Descr iption File (PPD) S elected” windo w , click [S elect PPD ...]. 8. Click a P ostScr ipt Printer De scripti on (PPD) that is appro priate f or th e DocuP rint model y ou are using and clic k [Select ].
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4-5 10. If question m ar ks are d ispla y ed, click [Update Inf o] to up date all inf ormation on the screen, then click [OK]. If no qu estion marks are displa y ed, cli c k [OK].
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-6 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client The sele cted DocuPrint printer ic on appear s on y our desktop , and y ou a re now ready to send docume nts to the printer . Selecting an AdobePS driver , version 8.
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4-7 5. Because y ou use Appl eT alk to pr int to the NPS/ IPS pr inter , mak e sure th e AppleT alk option is se t to [Activ e]. 6. Click [Create]. 7. At the “Cu rrent Pr inter Descr iption File (PPD) S elected” windo w , click [S elect PPD .
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-8 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 9. Click [Printer Inf o] to v erify the printer d river inf orm ation. 10. Click [Update Inf o] to update all infor mation on the screen, then clic k [OK].
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4-9 The sele cted DocuPrint NPS/ IPS printer ic on appear s on y our deskt op , and you are now rea dy to se nd docume nts to t he pr inter .
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-10 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client • T o print all pages of the document, clic k [All].
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -11 3. Set the pr int op tions y ou wan t to change (ref er to the f ollowing sections). 4. T o sav e the print options y ou set, clic k [Sa v e Setting s]. T o return to the def ault print options , click [ Cancel].
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-12 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client The f ollowing window displa ys: c. In the Crea te File bo x, name the fi le and speci fy where y ou w ant to stor e it. d. Click [Sa v e]. Setting general print options Select [Genera l] from th e pull do wn men u un der the printer name.
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -13 Specify th e f ollowing: • Numb er of cop ies • Colla ted vs. non- collate d copi es • All pages or a specific r ange o f pages • P aper source . Setting application-specific print options Select the application name (e.
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-14 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Setting backgr ound printing options Select [B ac kground Pr intin g] from the pul l dow n menu un der the pr inter name. Specify th e f ollowing: • F oregroun d or bac kg round p rinting • Print time.
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -15 Set ting co v er pa ge optio ns Select [Cov er P age] from the p ull do wn men u und er the printer name. Specify th e f ollowing: • Th e cov er pag e location • The p aper source yo u wan t to use f or the co v er page (e.
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-16 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Setting color matching options (models 4850/4890/92C only) Selec t [Co lor Match ing] from the pul l down m enu und er t he pr inter name. NO TE: This option v aries , based on the specific printer selected .
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -17 Setting lay out options Selec t [La yout] fro m the pu ll down menu under the pr inte r name. Specify th e f ollowing: • Num ber of pa ges per sheet • Borde r • Sim ple x vs .
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-18 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Setting err or handling options Select [Error Hand ling] f rom the pull down menu unde r the pr inter name. Specify the action to t ake when a P ostScript error occu rs.
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -19 Setting “Sa ve as File” options Select [Sa v e as File] from the p ull down men u under th e printer name.
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-20 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Setting printer -specific options Selec t [Pr inte r Spec ific Opt ions] fr om th e pull down menu un der the printer name . NO TE: This option v aries , based on the sp ecific printer selected.
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -21 Specify th e f ollowing: • Reso lution: S elect the r esolution i n dots pe r inch (d pi) y ou w ant to use . • MediaT ype: Select the type of media you want t o use (e .
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-22 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Submitting a print job using the AdobePS 8.5.1 dri ver Y ou c an subm it pr int jo bs dire ctly fr om with in your Macint osh dr iver .
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -23 6. T o print to a file: a. F rom the Dest ination p ull down menu, sele ct [Fi le]. b . Clic k [Sav e]. The f ollowing window displa ys: c. In the Crea te File bo x, name the fi le and speci fy where y ou w ant to stor e it.
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-24 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Setting general print options Select [Genera l] from th e pull do wn men u un der the printer name. Specify th e f ollowing: • Numb er of cop ies • Colla ted vs.
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -25 Setting application-specific print options Select the application name (e.g., Microsoft W ord) from the pull do wn men u under the printer name . Select the print option s as applic abl e.
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-26 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Setting backgr ound printing options Select [B ac kground Pr intin g] from the pul l dow n menu un der the pr inter name. Specify th e f ollowing: • F oregroun d or bac kg round p rinting • Print time.
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -27 Set ting co v er pa ge optio ns Select [Cov er P age] from the p ull do wn men u und er the printer name. Specify th e f ollowing: • Th e cov er pag e location • The p aper source yo u wan t to use f or the co v er page (e.
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-28 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Setting color matching options (models 4850/4890/92C only) Selec t [Co lor Match ing] from the pul l down m enu und er t he pr inter name.
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -29 Setting lay out options Selec t [La yout] fro m the pu ll down menu under the pr inte r name. Specify th e f ollowing: • Num ber of pa ges per sheet • Borde r • Sim ple x vs .
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-30 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Setting err or handling options Select [Error Hand ling] f rom the pull down menu unde r the pr inter name. Specify the action to t ake when a P ostScript error occu rs.
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -31 Setting “Sa ve as File” options Select [Sa v e as File] from the p ull down men u under th e printer name.
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-32 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Setting printer -specific options Selec t [Pr inte r Spec ific Opt ions] fr om th e pull down menu un der the printer name . NO TE: This option v aries , based on the sp ecific printer selected.
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -33 Specify th e f ollowing: • Reso lution: S elect the r esolution i n dots pe r inch (d pi) y ou w ant to use . • MediaT ype: Select the type of media you want t o use (e .
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-34 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Setting Xero x Job Tic ket options Selec t [Xer o x Job Tic ket] fro m the pul l down menu und er th e pr inter name. NO TE: This window v ar ies slightly , depending on the NPS/IPS printer model s elected.
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -35 • T o select user pref erences , clic k [Options ...]. The f ollowing window displa ys: • T o select a n e xisting job tick et, click [Open...], then select t he job tic k et of y o ur choi ce.
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-36 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client The f ollowing window displa ys: • T o spec ify job notes , clic k the [Job Not es.
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -37 • T o specify paper st ocks , click the [P ape r Stoc ks...] icon: The f ollowing window displa ys: NO TE: Specifying “p lain” as a custom pape r type re sults in a b lank Medi a T ype on the NPS/IPS con troller .
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-38 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client The f ollowing window displa ys: NO TE: Specifying “p lain” as a custom pape r type re sults in a b lank Medi a T ype on the NPS/IPS con troller .
Submitti ng print j obs using M acintosh dri vers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 4 -39 Monitoring and controlling printing Y ou c an mon itor and control pr inti ng from t he Pr int Mo nito .
Submit ting pr int jobs using Mac into sh driv ers 4-40 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Image quality considerations Bef ore submittin g documents to the DocuP r int NPS/IPS , re view the f .
Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5-1 5. Submitting print job s using Wind o ws NT 4.0 driv er s This c hapter e xplain s how to in stal l the P ost Scr ipt p r inter drivers, and pr ocedures f or accessing th e job tic k et and submit ting print jobs u sing t he NT 4.
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-2 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client CA UTION If you select a fil e ser ver from the pr int er por t and are not logged onto the se r ver , NT 4.
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5-3 The f ollowing screen displays: 4. Click [Ne xt>]. The f ollowing screen displays: 5. Click the por t y our printer is con nected to , then clic k [Ne xt>].
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-4 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6. Click [Ha v e Disk...]. NO TE: Do NO T select a ny of the listed Manuf acturers or Pr inte rs. The f ollowing screen displays: 7. Inser t the NT 4 .
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5-5 The f ollowing screen displays: 9. Click [Ne xt>] again. NO TE: Alwa ys choose the op tion, “Replace e xisting d r iv er .” The f ollowing screen displays: 10.
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-6 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 11. I f this is the first printer installed, clic k [Ne xt>]. Otherwis e, clic k [Y es] to use this printer as the def ault printer f or all Windo ws ap plicatio ns, th en clic k [Ne xt>].
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5-7 13. Click [Y es] to pr int a test page, or [No] to skip this option, then click [ Finish]. The sele cted printe r is no w instal led, and a ne w printer icon appears in the Printers f older .
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-8 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client CA UTION Third -par ty pr inter d r iv ers ha ve not been tested with DocuP rin t NPS/IPS . Ma ke sure to test an y third -par ty dr iv er f o r compatibility with y our system .
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5-9 Printing from y our Windows application T o pr in t from a W indows appl icatio n, compl ete th e f ollowing steps: 1. Access y our application softwa re.
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-10 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client F or multiple collated copies , do no t specify the number o f copies on this scree n. Rather , enter the n umber of copies i n the jo b tic k et. 4.
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5 -11 NO TE: Specifying “plain” a s a paper type re sults in a bla nk Media T ype on t he pr inter co ntroller . Opening, sa ving, and resetting job tic ket s A job tic k et is an electron ic record that specifies printing and finishi ng options .
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-12 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client 2. F rom the Setup window , clic k the Open a Jo b Tic ket ... icon. 3. Se lect the f older , then the file name in t he File na me te xt box. 4. Click [O K].
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5 -13 Sa ving a job tick et Once y ou sav e a jo b tick et, y ou ca n reuse the job tick et for diff e rent docum ents witho ut ha ving to reenter th e job t ick et settings .
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-14 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client 3. T ype a un ique na me in the File name t e xt bo x.
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5 -15 Resetting a job tic ket T o reset pr int pa rameters to the def ault job tic k et par ameters: 1. Access the Setup windo w . Refe r to “Setting u p a job tic k et” if required.
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-16 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client 3. Click [OK] t o confir m. Setting up a job tic ket Sett ings ar e perfor med th rough the Set up window . I t conta ins a ro w of icon s that allo w you to speci fy pr int a nd finishin g options .
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5 -17 Specifying the number of copies to print F ollow these steps: 1. F rom th e Setu p window , cl ic k th e Copies te xt box to highlig ht the n umber of copies i n it.
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-18 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Setting the im age shift Y ou can use the Image Shift op tion to off set the printed image from t he edges of the page . Thi s is par ticularly use ful f or bound or dr illed jobs.
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5 -19 Selecting the finishing features The fin ishing f e atures that are a v aila b le on y our p rinter determine the f ormat of the comp leted print job .
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-20 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client NO TE: Y ou can ch ange the job name only if [Use th e Document Name ] as the Job Name is not selected in the Pref e rences dia log. See “ Setting th e pref eren ces” f or m ore inf or mation .
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5 -21 NO TE: The f irst ch aracter in the ac count field cannot be a space cha racter . 5. In the [ T elephone] te xt bo x, en ter y our tel ephone n umber (u p to 19 ch aract ers).
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-22 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client 2. Click the stock number you w ant to change. NO TE: The chec k mar k ne xt to the stoc k nu mber indicates the stoc k currently in use b y the job .
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5 -23 Selecting the paper stock si z e NO TE: Unless you e xplicitly w ant to pr int a smaller image o.
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-24 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client With t he 96, 4635 and 180 models , y ou ma y u tilize ordered stoc ks , b y clicking [Ordered], then specifying up to 255 items . F or 96 , 4635 a nd 180 mod els: • [Pre cut T ab] sele cts the num ber of tab s per set .
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5 -25 Spec ifying S pecial P ages Y ou can use the Specia l P ag es dialog to specify pa per stoc k f o r an y pages or r ange of pages i n the print job .
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-26 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client 2. F rom the Special P ages di alog bo x perf orm the f oll owi ng: a. In th e [F rom] text bo x, ente r the numb er of t he fir st pa ge in the r ange o f Special P ages.
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5 -27 Changing Special P ages F ollo w the se steps to cha nge Specia l P ages: 1. Locate a nd select th e ra nge y ou w ant to ch ange in th e Specia l P ages List .
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-28 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client 2. The High light Col or Setup d ialog bo x d ispla ys: 3. Select the highlight color options f or you r document (ref er to the sections that f ollo w).
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5 -29 Selecting t he color misma tch action Y ou can use t he Mismatch Action setting to contro l the actio n the system tak es if there is a mismatch betw een the color installed at the printer and th e color selected a s the highlight co lor .
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-30 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Selecting the rendering algorithm Y ou ca n use Ma pping Mod e to specif y which q ualities are th.
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5 -31 2. Select the Rendering A lgorithm y ou w ant to use . 3. Click [O K]. Setting ad vanced P ostScript options NO TE: Advanced P ost Scr ipt op tions are only av ailable with P ostScr ipt printers .
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-32 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client The f ollowing screen displays: Compressing graphics Use thi s function to compress g rap hics in y our do cument bef ore send ing it to the pr inte r .
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5 -33 Printing graphics in color NO TE: This functio n is a v aila ble f or 4850 /4890/92 C or 2060 models on ly . T o pr int in color : 1. F rom the Adv anced Opt ions dialog bo x, clic k the Color chec k bo x.
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-34 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Printing with printer f onts in place of T rueT ype f onts The T r ueT ype f onts are treat ed as do wnloade d f onts b y the P ostScript driv er .
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5 -35 5. F rom the U se Printer F ont list, clic k the printer f on t yo u wan t to use i nstead of th e selected T r ueT ype f ont.
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-36 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Specifying the f ormat f or sending T rueT ype f onts to y our printer If y ou are using T r ueT y.
Submi tting p rint job s using W indow s NT 4.0 d rivers Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 5 -37 2. Set t he para meters y ou w ant to change : • T o set the docum ent file name as the job name in Job Notes , clic k the che ck b o x ne xt to t he option, Use the Document Name as the Job Name .
Submitti ng print j obs using W indows NT 4.0 drive rs 5-38 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Redirecting printing to a Xe ro x netw ork print queue There are se v er al w a ys to re direct printing t o a Xero x n etwork print que ue, depending on the t ype of net work and softw are y ou are runnin g.
Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6-1 6. Submitting print job s fro m Quic k Print f or Windo ws NT 4.0 Y ou c an send docum ents to y our Doc uPr int pr in ter from Windo ws NT 4.
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-2 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client Accessing Quic k Print and selecting a printer F ollo w these steps to access Quic k Print: 1. F rom the task bar , click Star t. 2. F rom th e menu, click Programs > Qui c k Pr int.
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6-3 The name o f the docu ment file y ou selected displa ys in the File Selected field in the lo we r left area of the Quic k Print window .
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-4 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client Opening, sa ving, and resetting job tic ket s A job tick et i s an electron ic record that specifies print and finishi ng options . Y ou can use an ex isting job tic k et, or set up a ne w one, then sav e it f or future documents .
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6-5 2. Click [Setup ...]. 3. F rom the Setup win dow , click the Open Job Tic k et... icon on the bot tom left si de of the w indo w . 4. Select the file name in the File name te xt bo x.
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-6 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client Sa ving a job tick et Once y ou sav e a jo b tick et, y ou ca n reuse the job tick et for diff e rent docum ents witho ut ha ving to reenter th e job t ick et settings .
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6-7 Sa ving job tic ket inf ormation into a document Y ou ca n sav e job tick et infor mation wit h the doc ument following thes e step s: 1. Ac cess t he S etup window .
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-8 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client Resetting a job tic ket T o reset pr int pa rameters to the def ault job tic k et par ameters: 1. Ac cess t he S etup window . Re f er to “ Setti ng u p a jo b tick et ” if required.
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6-9 Setting up a job tic ket Most sett ings are p erf ormed through th e Setup wi ndow . It contai ns a tab dial og bo x that allo ws yo u to specify p rint and fini shing opt ions.
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-10 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client 2. Click [Setup ...]. NO TE: The f eat ures that ap pear in t he list bo x es ma y v a r y , .
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6 -11 • Speci fy the n umber of copi es to print • Spec ify which pages to pr int • Specify sides to image • P ositi on the im age on the p aper • Speci fy finishing optio ns.
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-12 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Specifying which pa ges to print F ollow these steps: 1.
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6 -13 Specifying finishing options F ollow these steps: 1. F rom the Set up windo w , clic k the [Ima ging and Jo b Setup] tab . 2. Click the Finishing o ption.
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-14 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Creating summary inf ormation to save with the job tic ket F ollow these steps: 1. F rom the Setup windo w , click the [Job Notes] tab . 2. In the Jo b Name field, typ e a ne w job name up to 4 0 char acters.
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6 -15 Specifying paper stoc k The P aper Stoc ks ta b allows y ou to: • Speci fy paper stoc k f o.
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-16 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client 4. Click the appropri ate paper type from the Stock T yp e list bo x. The a v ailab le t ypes ma y v ar y with printer m odel. If y ou clic k Custom, ty pe in a type nam e up to 30 ch aracter s and clic k [OK].
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6 -17 Specifying custom paper stoc k F ollow these steps: 1. F rom the Set up windo w , clic k the [P aper Stoc ks] tab . 2. Click a stoc k entr y from the Sto c ks list bo x.
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-18 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Specifying highlight color options NO TE: High light color options are only a v ailable with hig hlight colo r printers ( 4850/48 90/92C models) .
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6 -19 Specifying color f or a highlight color document F ollow these steps: 1.
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-20 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client •P i c t o r i a l This opt ion is f or use with pho togr aphic i mages . It uses luminan ce inf or mation to map ful l color to highlig ht color s.
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6 -21 Creating special pages The Speci al P ages tab a llo ws y ou to: • Crea te specia l page(s).
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-22 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Creating special page(s) F ollow these steps: 1. F rom the Set up windo w , clic k the [Special P ages] t ab . 2. Under P age Setup , en ter a sing le page numbe r or r ange of page n umbers in the F rom and T o te xt bo x.
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6 -23 Setting print preference s The Pr ef eren ces tab allows you to: • Use the documen t name a.
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-24 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Using the document name as the job name F ollow these steps: 1. F rom the Set up windo w , clic k the [Pre f erences ] tab . 2. Click to check the Use Docume nt Name as the Job Name chec k bo x.
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6 -25 Customizing or masking dialog bo x options F ollow these steps: 1. F rom the Set up windo w , clic k the [Pre f erences ] tab . 2. Click [Masks].
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-26 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Printer in f or mation about an y select ed vir tual printer appe ars in the Printers area of the dialog bo x.
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6 -27 Adding a ne w TCP/IP-attached printer to the print queue list F ollow these steps: 1. F rom the Serv ers and Co nnections dia log bo x, clic k [Add Pr inte r].
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-28 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client 2. In the P r inter Na me te xt bo x, type a descriptiv e name up to 80 char acters lon g. 3. In the P r int Server te xt bo x, typ e the correc t print ser ve r name.
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6 -29 Adding a ne w No vell NetW are-attached printer to the print queue list F ollow these steps: 1. F rom the Serv ers and Co nnections dia log bo x, clic k [Add Pr inte r].
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-30 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client 2. Make sure that Nov ell NetW are is selected unde r Network Ty p e . 3. Select [Browse ...]. 4. Scro ll do wn to the ap propriate ser v er u nder the li sted shared pr inter s.
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6 -31 6. Select the queue o f yo ur choice , then se lect [OK]. The Add Printer windo w displa ys the Print Ser v er an d Print Queue o f y our choice .
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-32 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client NO TE: Y ou ma y be a ske d to instal l a printer driv er f or the selected q ueue. 7. F rom the Printer Model: Server T ype list b o x, select t he appro priate printer mo del and serv er type .
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6 -33 9. In the P r inter Na me te xt bo x, type a descriptiv e name up to 80 char acters lon g.
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-34 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client 11. The Ser vers an d Connect ion s window displays your selections .
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6 -35 The ne wly a dded printer displa ys in the P r inte rs area of the dialo g bo x.
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-36 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client Set ting th e defau lt pr inter F ollow these steps: 1. F rom the Serv ers and Co nnections dia log bo x, select a printer from the Pr inters list bo x.
Submitting p rint jobs from Quick Print for Wi ndows NT 4.0 Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 6 -37 Remo ving a printer fr om the setup F ollow these steps: 1. F rom the Serv ers and Co nnections dia log bo x, select a printer from the Pr inters list bo x.
Submitting print job s from Quick Print for Windows NT 4 .0 6-38 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client.
Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 7-1 7. Printing using the Internet Printing Pr otocol Inter net Pr inting Proto col (IPP) is an appli cation lev el proto col that can be used f or distribu ted printing using Inte r net tools an d techno logies.
Prin ting using th e Intern et Printi ng Prot ocol 7-2 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client.
Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 8-1 8. Using remote acc ess to the printer Y ou c an acc ess the prin ter r emotel y from t he client using one of two methods: • telnet • W eb-b ased u ser int erf ac e Using te lnet Y ou can access th e printer controller remotely from a ny client compute r that su ppor ts the telnet protocol.
Using remote a ccess to the printer 8-2 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client Accessing the W eb-based user interface fr om the cl ient T o di spla y a p rint er home page, enter t he pr inte r name or I P addre ss in the W eb browser . Figure 8-1.
Using remote acce ss to the printer Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client 8-3 Inf ormation on the W eb-based user interface The pr int er’ s home page disp la ys det ailed st atus and config uratio n inf o r mation ab out the p r inter . Figure 8-3.
Using remote a ccess to the printer 8-4 G uide to Submitting Jobs from the Client – Complete displa ys al l documents t hat ha v e the sta tus of Complete o r Cancelle d. – Held displa ys all documents that ha v e the stat us of Held, along with t he hold reason.
Guide to Submitting Jobs fro m the Client INDEX-1 Index A access to printer, re motely telnet 8- 1 Web- based 8- 1 Account in formation, Quick Print for Window s NT 4.0 6-24 AdobeP S drive rs selecting 4-6 submitti ng print jobs 4-22 – 4-38 advanced PostScript options Wind ows NT 4.
INDEX INDEX-2 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client documents changi ng full col or to highl ight colo r 6- 19 DocuPrint NPS Setup window Quick Print for W indows NT 4.0 accessing 6- 9 image sh ift 6-12 imag ing and job setup options 6-10 – 6-13 job not es 6-13 – 6- 14 paper s tocks 6-15 – 6-17 Wind ows NT 4.
Guide to Submitting Jobs fro m the Client INDEX-3 INDEX I ICC profile 2- 21 image sh ift horizont al Quick Print for W indows NT 4.0 6-12 Wind ows NT 4.0 ( transpa rent) 5-18 vertical Quick Print for W indows NT 4.0 6-12 Wind ows NT 4.0 ( transpa rent) 5-18 imag es position ing (Q uick Print fo r Window s NT 4.
INDEX INDEX-4 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client man pa ges 2-12 – 2-13 map color high light col or algori thm 4-16 , 4-28 print and lpr command color ma tch/ mismatch results 3-37 monitor ing pri nting, Lase rWriter ve rsion 8 .x 4-39 N NetWare ser vers, Novel l, attaching pr inters Quick Print for W indows NT 4.
Guide to Submitting Jobs fro m the Client INDEX-5 INDEX printe rs addi ng Novell Ne tWare- attac hed pr inter to pri nt queue l ist Quick Pr int for Window s NT 4.0 6-29 – 6-35 addi ng TCP/IP -attac hed prin ter to print queue li st Quick Pr int for Window s NT 4.
INDEX INDEX-6 Guide to Submitting Jobs from th e Client T tab stock, Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 6-16 TCP/IP serv ers Quick Print for W indows NT 4.0 6-27 TCP/IP socket printing 2-19 telnet 8- 1 telnet c onnect ions, d etermin ing job st atus 1-6 tumble du plex pr inting specifying Wind ows NT 4.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Xerox 721P90350 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Xerox 721P90350 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Xerox 721P90350, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Xerox 721P90350 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Xerox 721P90350, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Xerox 721P90350.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Xerox 721P90350. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Xerox 721P90350 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.