Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 180 du fabricant Xerox
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Xero x Do cuP ri nt Net w o rk Pri nte r Se r ies Syste m Overvie w Guide f or Models 9 6/4635 /180 N P S Version 7.1 August 2000 721P8663 2.
Xerox Corporation 701 S. Aviation Boulevard El Segu ndo, CA 90245 ©1997, 1998, 1999 , 2000 by X ero x Corporation. All rights reserv ed. Copyright protection claimed includes a ll f orm s and matters.
XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/ 180 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE iii La ser safe ty ! Warning: Adjustmen ts, use of cont rols, or performance of procedures other than those specified herein m ay res ult in hazardous light exposure. The Xerox DocuPrint printers are c ertified to c omply with th e performance st andards of the U.
iv XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/ 180 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE • Nev er u se a ground adapter plug t o connect equipment to an electr ical out let that la c ks a groun d conn ection ter m inal. • Alway s place equipme nt on a sol id s u ppor t surf ace with adequat e strengt h for its weight.
XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/ 180 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE v T abl e of contents Laser safety iii Ozone informati on iii Opera tion s af ety iii Intr od ucti on vii About t his guide vii Contents vii Conventions viii Related publications ix 1.
TABLE O F CONTENTS vi XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/ 180 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE A. P a pe r and o t he r s up pl ie s A-1 Paper and other throughpu t stocks A-1 Selecting paper A -1 Paper w idth an.
XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/ 180 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE vii Intr oduction Thi s Xerox D o c u P rint Networ k Printe r Seri e s System O verview Guide for Mo dels 96/4 635/180 NPS provides a d escription of the base and opt ional componen ts of your system.
INTRO DU CTIO N viii XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/ 180 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE • Appen dix B, “ P a per perform ance g uidelines, ” summarize s the capab ilities of the paper tra y s, duple x pri nting con siderations, and pap er st ock considerations.
INTRODUCTION XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/ 180 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE ix Relate d public ation s The Xerox DocuP rint Network Printe r Series incl udes the followi ng document s: Decompos ition Se.
XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 1-1 1. 1 System o verview This chapter int ro duces the DocuP rint NPS pri nting system and describes its hardware and s oftware compone nts, features, functions and modes of operation.
SYSTEM OVERV IEW 1-2 XER OX D OCU PR INT 96 /4 635/ 18 0 N P S SY ST EM O V ER VIE W G UI DE Refer to figure 1-1 as you read the system c omponen t descr ipt i ons th at fo llo w.
SYSTEM OVE RVIEW XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 1-3 Xerox -supplie d p rinte r int erface The printer interface cable provid es high-speed data t ransport an d communi cation betwe en the Printer Controll er and t he printer.
SYSTEM OVERV IEW 1-4 XER OX D OCU PR INT 96 /4 635/ 18 0 N P S SY ST EM O V ER VIE W G UI DE Clie nt w o rkst at ions an d s yste m softw ar e To send print j ob s t o DocuPrint NPS , t h e customer needs to provide the proper client hardware, operat ing syst em , and network software.
SYSTEM OVE RVIEW XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 1-5 The Xerox-provided software provides an interface wi th th e Printer Controller, which allows you to submit print jobs and c heck job status.
SYSTEM OVERV IEW 1-6 XER OX D OCU PR INT 96 /4 635/ 18 0 N P S SY ST EM O V ER VIE W G UI DE Mult ipl e net work co nne cti vity DocuPrint NPS supports multiple network connectivity, that is, the ability for protocols such as TCP/ IP to run on more than one ne twork interface.
XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 2-1 2. 2 Print er Contro ller This chapter describes the Docu Pri n t Printer Controller. I t inclu des a list of c o mponent hardw are, sof tware and fo nts, and discusses the key elements of software operation.
PRINTER CONTROLLER 2-2 XER OX D OCU PR INT 96 /4 635/ 18 0 N P S SY ST EM O V ER VIE W G UI DE When the job has been printed successf ully, the print data file is deleted from the fixed disk. If there is a n error at t he printer (IO T) that inhibits job completion, th e Printer Con trol l er manages the rec overy and completion of the job.
PRINTER CONTROLLER XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 2-3 F igu re 2- 2. Com pon ent s of the Sun Ul tra 2 1 Processor 2 Monitor 3 Mouse and mou se pad 4 Keyboard 5 Diskette .
PRINTER CONTROLLER 2-4 XER OX D OCU PR INT 96 /4 635/ 18 0 N P S SY ST EM O V ER VIE W G UI DE Exte rnal Mode m • US Robotics Courier V . Ev er ything 56KB V .
PRINTER CONTROLLER XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 2-5 • Euro f ont A font for the Eu r o character is include d for v ar ious faces such as Helvetica a nd Times.
PRINTER CONTROLLER 2-6 XER OX D OCU PR INT 96 /4 635/ 18 0 N P S SY ST EM O V ER VIE W G UI DE T able 2-2. PCL fonts Intellifont (sca lable) Type face CG T im es M ed i um , It ali c, Bo l d, B ol d I.
XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 3-1 3. 3 Printer s The Xerox DocuPrint 96 NPS, 96 MICR NPS, 4635 NPS, 4635 MICR NPS, 180 NP S, and 180 MICR NPS are versatile, high-performa nce printing systems.
PRINT ERS 3-2 XER OX D OCU PR INT 96 /4 635/ 18 0 N P S SY ST EM O V ER VIE W G UI DE Note: The Doc uP rint MIC R NP S mod els utiliz e t he s am e ha rd war e and operating system as the non-MICR NPS m odels. Ho wever, t h e Image Dev elopm ent system s ha ve bee n modi fied to enable M ICR font reproduction.
PRI N TER S XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 3-3 F igu re 3- 2. High capacity stackers Each HCS can h old 2500 s heets of 20 p ound or 8 0 gsm paper stacked on the bin platform. Note: For large paper siz es such as 11 x 17 inches or A 3, there is a stack limit of ab out 1500 sheets.
PRINT ERS 3-4 XER OX D OCU PR INT 96 /4 635/ 18 0 N P S SY ST EM O V ER VIE W G UI DE Prin ter con trol cons ole The printer control console i s the color monitor located on top of th e printer. It contains message areas and graph ic di splays that a lert you to pap er jams and other fault con ditions, suc h as low toner.
PRI N TER S XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 3-5 9 Samp le bu tton 10 Brightness con trol thumbwh eel 11 Icon are a 12 Messag e ar ea 1. Language icon If two l ang uages are av a ilable f or your printer control console, selecting this icon allows y ou to choose the language for the pr inter cont rol console messages.
PRINT ERS 3-6 XER OX D OCU PR INT 96 /4 635/ 18 0 N P S SY ST EM O V ER VIE W G UI DE either check the Printe r Controll er f or messages con cer ning t he maintenan ce task or touch the Guarded T ools icon to displa y the Guarded T ools screen.
PRI N TER S XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 3-7 F igu re 3- 5. Printer + Inverter Fee der Stacker + Fe eder Stacker F igu re 3- 6. Printer + Inverter Feeder Stacker + F eeder St acker + Bypass Tran sport F igu re 3- 7. Printer + Inverter Feeder Stacker + F eeder St acker + Feeder S t a cker F igu re 3- 8.
XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 4-1 4. 4 O ptional printer com ponents This chapter describes the various options ava ilable for the DocuPrint printers. These include the bypass transport and various configurations of feeders and stackers.
OPTI ONAL PRIN TE R COMPON ENT S 4-2 XER OX D OCU PR INT 96 /4 635/ 18 0 N P S SY ST EM O V ER VIE W G UI DE Inpu t en able ment device The in put enab lement devi ce allows y our Doc uPrint 9 6 NPS, 4635 NPS, or 1 80 NPS to support and interfa ce directly with feeders.
XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 5-1 5. 5 Client w orkstations This chapt er discusses t he various client workstation conf igurations and the process es that may be us ed to transfer data to the DocuP rint for printing.
CLIENT WORKSTATIONS 5-2 XER OX D OCU PR INT 96 /4 635/ 18 0 N P S SY ST EM O V ER VIE W G UI DE • Xerox DocuPr int Pr int Submission software for Windows 3.x, Windows 95/98 and Windows NT pro vid e gr aphical user interf a ces f or submitting j obs an d specify ing pr int op tions.
CLIENT WORKSTATIONS XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 5-3 Job sta tu s feed ba c k Client workstations display fault messages and addition al information, such a s the st atus of feed er trays and out put bins . If properly configured, the workstations may be abl e to display job status, as shown below.
CLIENT WORKSTATIONS 5-4 XER OX D OCU PR INT 96 /4 635/ 18 0 N P S SY ST EM O V ER VIE W G UI DE The jo b status comman d (lpq) is available at clie nt workstations unle ss y our T CP /IP netwo rk c omm un icat ion s ut ilities do n ot support it.
XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 NPS SY STEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE A-1 A. A P aper and other su pplies This appendi x provides inform ation and s pecifications for the medi a you use with your Xerox Doc uPrint 96, 4635, or 180 pri nter. Instructions for o rdering supplies are also provided .
PAPER AND O T HER SUPPLIES A-2 XEROX DO CUPRINT 96/4 635/ 180 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE Use p aper w it h in these paramet ers: • Lighte st: 16-pound or 65 gsm bond • Heaviest: 110-pound or 200-gsm index.
PAPER AND OTHE R SUPPLIES XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 NPS SY STEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE A-3 • Perf orated pap er • Pre-cut o r full tabs • Car bon le ss pap er . Note: The 96/4635/180 printer can pri nt on precollated or ordered sto cks, in cluding or dered tab s.
PAPER AND O T HER SUPPLIES A-4 XEROX DO CUPRINT 96/4 635/ 180 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE When the printing speed appea rs t o degrade, you may be able to improve it by run ning the print job i n a highe r pitch mod e.
PAPER AND OTHE R SUPPLIES XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 NPS SY STEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE A-5 The follo wing figure i llustrates the m aximum and m inimum paper sizes supported in 8-pitch mode.
PAPER AND O T HER SUPPLIES A-6 XEROX DO CUPRINT 96/4 635/ 180 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE The follo wing figure i llustrates the m aximum and m inimum paper sizes supported in 3-pitch mode.
PAPER AND OTHE R SUPPLIES XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 NPS SY STEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE A-7 Fig ure A -4 . A3 (297 by 420 mm) p aper feeding (sho rt e dge fe ed) US Papers The following diagrams show how US Letter and US Ledger (or US Tabloid) paper sizes feed through the printer.
PAPER AND O T HER SUPPLIES A-8 XEROX DO CUPRINT 96/4 635/ 180 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE B4 Papers There are two sizes of B4 paper — European or ISO (9.84 by 13.89 inches / 250 by 3 53 mm) and Japanese or JIS B4 (14.33 by 10.12 inches / 364 by 2 57 mm).
PAPER AND OTHE R SUPPLIES XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 NPS SY STEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE A-9 P aper care Once you ha ve purchased your pa per, y ou must be su r e it is stored and conditioned properly, so that it performs optimally in t he pri n ter wi th a mi ni mum of ja ms.
PAPER AND O T HER SUPPLIES A-10 XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE Figure A-10. Recomm ended temperature and h umidity for pa per storage Con di ti oni ng pa per Bec ause temperature and hum idity affe ct paper performance in the printer, you need to condition paper before using it.
PAPER AND OTHE R SUPPLIES XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 NPS SY STEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE A-11 Example: ( See t he shaded rows in the t ab le above.) If you wa nt to move ten cartons of pape r from a sto.
PAPER AND O T HER SUPPLIES A-12 XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE Othe r su pplie s This sec tion des cribes the supplies other than pa per that are necessary for installation and afterward. You r sales representative will help you pl ace your initial supp ly orde r.
PAPER AND OTHE R SUPPLIES XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 NPS SY STEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE A-13 Use o nly the developer s pecified f or use in your 96, 463 5,or 180 printer. Cautio n : The 96/4635/ 180 MICR printers require a di ff erent developer, with a different part number, f rom the developer used in the standard 96/4635/180 printer.
PAPER AND O T HER SUPPLIES A-14 XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE MICR tools You can use the foll owing tools t o det ermine w hether the MICR output is printing wi thin M ICR specifications: • MICR P ositioning an d Dimen sion Gauge.
PAPER AND OTHE R SUPPLIES XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 NPS SY STEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE A-15 Co nsu mab le suppl ie s tab les A number of supplies are avai lable from Xerox for your Doc uPrint printer. Use the f ollowing tables to h elp determine your s upply needs .
PAPER AND O T HER SUPPLIES A-16 XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 8.5 x 11 inch Dual Purpose Colors — Green 3R3056 8.5 x 11 inch Dual Purpose Colors — Green, 3-hole 3R 3072 8.5 x 14 inch Dual Purpose Colors — Green 3R3088 8.
PAPER AND OTHE R SUPPLIES XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 NPS SY STEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE A-17 9.5 x 11 inch 65-pound divider white 2,500 sheets per carton 3R 3428 11 x 17 i nch 4024 Dual Purpos e P aper 2500 sheets per cartons 3R 729 11 x 17 i nch 4024 Dual Purpose P aper, 7-hole* 2500 sheets per cartons 3R 3074 T able A-5.
PAPER AND O T HER SUPPLIES A-18 XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE Tran sparencies X erox transparencies are packaged 100 s heets to a box. 8.5 x 11 inch Clear, w ith a whi te strip on the edge 3R 2780 8.5 x 11 inch Clear, w ith removable strip 3R 3108 8.
PAPER AND OTHE R SUPPLIES XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 NPS SY STEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE A-19 T able A-6. Carb onless stocks for 96/4635 /180 printers Size Parts Sequence Sheets Sheets per carton Sets per carton Cartons pe r pal let Part nu mber 8.5 in.
PAPER AND O T HER SUPPLIES A-20 XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE 8.5 in. x 14 in. * 2 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A Reverse/ Straight Straight N/A N/A N/A N/A Alternating CB-White CF-C.
PAPER AND OTHE R SUPPLIES XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 NPS SY STEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE A-21 Comp lete sup plies list —96/4635/1 80 prin ter s The following table lists t h e supplies in addition to p aper that a re available for your p rinter. Use this t ab le t o help you det ermine your supplies nee ds.
PAPER AND O T HER SUPPLIES A-22 XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE Orde ri ng su p pl ies To avoid unn ecessary do wntime, alw ays have an ade quate am ount of the necessary supplies. To do this, you need to establish a procedure for checking and ordering s upplies.
PAPER AND OTHE R SUPPLIES XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 NPS SY STEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE A-23 The following table is a checklist you can use to ke ep tr ack of the supplies y ou order.
PAPER AND O T HER SUPPLIES A-24 XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE Fl oppy disk s Cleanin g supplies T able A-8. Sup plies ch ecklist for 96/4635 /180 p rinter (c ont in ued .
XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE B-1 B. B P aper perf ormance guid elines The following guides summari ze the c a pabilities of the pape r trays, duplex printing considerations , and paper stock considerations.
PAPER PERFO RMAN CE GUI DELIN ES B-2 XEROX DO CUPRINT 96/4 635/ 180 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE T able B-2. Trays 3 , 4, 5 and 6 (o r h igh cap acity trays ) per form an ce gu ide Pa per Su pe rio r per fo rm anc e Goo d per fo rman ce Perf o rma nce limits and sugg ested alternatives Size range 1 8 by 10 to 11.
P APER PERF ORMAN CE GUIDE LINES XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE B-3 T able B-3. Tw o-si ded ( d uplex) pr in ting perf o rmanc e g ui de Pape r Superi or pe rforma nce Go od p erfor m ance Perf o rma nce limits and sugg ested alternatives Size range 1 8 by 10 to 11.
PAPER PERFO RMAN CE GUI DELIN ES B-4 XEROX DO CUPRINT 96/4 635/ 180 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE T able B-4. Paper sto cks guide Stoc k type I n structions for use 16 pou nd/ 60 gsm paper • Load paper with ream wrapper seam side down. If there is no arro w on the ream wrappe r , l oad paper in tra ys 3, 4, 5 an d 6 onl y , w ith cur l u p .
P APER PERF ORMAN CE GUIDE LINES XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE B-5 Tab stock • Load into tra ys 1 and 2 wit h tabs to the LEF T . • F or best performan ce, pr int should be centered on the tab and should not ext en d to either ed ge .
PAPER PERFO RMAN CE GUI DELIN ES B-6 XEROX DO CUPRINT 96/4 635/ 180 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE T able B-5. Stacker bin per formance gu ide Pape r Supe rio r perfo rmanc e G ood perf or manc e Per formance limits and sug gested altern atives Size range 1 8 by 1 0 to 11.
XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE IN DEX-1 Inde x Numerics 3-pitch mode, A-5 4 mm cartridge tape ordering, A-13 8 power (X) Comp arator wi th MICR grid, A-14 8-pitch mode, A.
INDEX INDEX-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 NPS SYSTEM OVERVIEW GUIDE J job status command , 5-4 feedback, 5-3 – 5-4 submission methods, 5-1 – 5-3 Job Poo l Mana ger, s ee JP M JPM, 2-1 K keyboard, .
XEROX DOC UPRINT 96/4 635/18 0 N PS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W GUI DE IN DEX-3 INDEX purge tray, 3 - 1 , 3-3 R requirements operating systems , 5-2 – 5-3 translation p rotocol, 5-2 – 5-3 S saf ety hotline,.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Xerox 180 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Xerox 180 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Xerox 180, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Xerox 180 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Xerox 180, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Xerox 180.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Xerox 180. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Xerox 180 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.