Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit RS232-HPD du fabricant Xantrex
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Operating Manual Internal RS-232 Interface for XT/HPD Series Programmable DC Power Supplies RS232-XT RS232-HPD.
Operating Manual for Internal RS-232 Interface for XT 60 Watt and HPD 300 Watt Series Programmable DC Power Supplies.
ii Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Limited W arranty What does this warranty cover and how long do es it last? This Limited W arranty is pro vided by Xantrex T echnology , Inc. (“Xantrex”) and covers defects in workmanship and materials in your RS-232 Interface Card .
Release 1.1 iii Direct returns may be performed accordi ng to the Xantrex Return Material Authorization Policy describ ed in your pr oduct manual. For some products, Xantrex maintains a network of regional Authorized Service Centers. Call Xantre x or check our website to see if your product can be repaired at one of these facilities.
vi Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Series Power Supply Power Supply Safety W arnings, Cautions, and Notes W arnings, cautions, and notes are defined and formatted in this manual as shown below . W ARNING—High Ener gy and High V olt age Exercise caution when using and calibrating a power supply .
Release 1.1 vii About This Manual This technical manual is for the RS-2 32 Interface, a microprocessor-controlled option card for all models of XT and HPD Series DC output power supplies.
About This Manu al viii Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply.
Release 1.1 ix Contents About This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Section 1. Features and Specificati ons Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s x Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Command Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Command Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Release 1.1 11 Section 1. Features and S pecifications Description The RS-232 Interface is a microprocessor-co ntrolled option card for all models of the XT and HPD Series of DC output power supply . Installed in ternally , the RS-232 interface card gives you remote digital control of simple test systems.
Features and Specifications Features and Functions 12 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Features and Functions Features • 16-bit programming and read back of voltage and cu.
Features and Specifications Specifications Release 1.1 13 Specifications The specifications in this section are warranted at 25°C ±5°C unless otherwise specified. All specifications are subject to change without notice. T a ble 1.1 S pecifications for XT 60 W Series S upply with RS-232 Interface Inst alled Models 7-6 15-4 20-3 30-2 60-1 120-0.
Features and Specifications Specifications 14 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Ta b l e 1 . 2 S pecifications for HPD 300 W Series Supply with RS-232 Interface Inst alled Models 15-20 30-10 60-5 Program Resolution V oltage Current OVP 2.
Release 1.1 15 Section 2. Inst allation and Configuration Introduction T o use this product, you must have the following equ ipment: • a compatible model of DC output power su pply • serial extend.
Inst allation and Configuration Initial Inspection 16 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Figure 2.1 Power Supply Front Panel with RS-232 Interface Inst alled Figure 2.
Inst allation and Configuration Initial Inspectio n Release 1.1 17 Figure 2.3 RS-232 Interface PCB See next page for designation descriptions..
Inst allation and Configuration Initial Inspection 18 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Figure 2.3, RS-232 In terface PCB continued. JUMPER SELECTION J95 Local OVP control selection [closed] [default]. See page 29 . [open] See T able 2.
Inst allation and Configuration Basic Setup Procedure Release 1.1 19 Basic Setup Procedure This procedure can be used as a quick reference for those familiar with the configuration requirements for the RS-232 interface as inst alled in the DC power supply .
Inst allation and Configuration Basic Setup Procedure 20 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Ta b l e 2 . 1 Setup Procedure Step # D escription Action Reference 1 Baud Rate Selection Select transmission speed See “Baud Rate Selection” on page 21 .
Inst allation and Configuration Communications Release 1.1 21 Communications Baud Rate Selection Serial tran smission sends an d receiv es data in bit streams at fixed bit rates. Both the computer and the interface must have the same bit rate setting for proper communication.
Inst allation and Configuration Communications 22 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Flow Control Selection Flow control signals regulate data flow for proper communication. Use the FLOW switch on the rear panel S1 switch to select flow control or to disable flow control.
Inst allation and Configuration Communications Release 1.1 23 Hardwar e Flow Control Hardware flow control protocol r equires a dedicated control line on t he RS-232 cable. The dedicated control line is need ed so that the device can signal the controller when it is ready to receive da ta.
Inst allation and Configuration Communications 24 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Connections Use a 9-pin (DB9) to 9-pin parallel cable to connect the inte rface card to the serial port on the host computer .
Inst allation and Configuration Remote/Local Operation Release 1.1 25 Remote/Local Operation Remote / Local Switch Use the rear panel Remote/Local switch, SW1-1, to toggle bet ween remote and local operation without losing the progra mmed values. See T able 2.
Inst allation and Configuration Remote/Local Operation 26 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply T a ble 2.1 1 Remote Mode Powe r On Conditions Remote Mode Operation While in remote mode, use the interface commands to control the output of the power supply from a computer .
Inst allation and Configuration RS-232 Connection Release 1.1 27 RS-232 Connection Use an a pproved RS-23 2 connector an d cable when connecting the RS-232 Interface to your computer . The RS-232 connector uses the 9 pin mating connector J4 on the rear panel.
Inst allation and Configuration Power Supply Settings 28 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Power Supply Settings For serial communica tion, the computer and the RS -232 interface must share the same communication set tings.
Inst allation and Configuration User Options and Settings Release 1.1 29 User Options and Settings Y ou can customize remote operation settin gs for OVP (over voltage protection) control and T TL shutdown by changi ng jumper positi ons on the RS-232 PCB.
Inst allation and Configuration User Options and Settings 30 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply TTL Shut down Y ou can us e the Shutdown functio n to di sable or enable the supply's output.
Inst allation and Configuration User Signals Release 1.1 31 User Signals Connector J7 User Signals Auxiliary connector J7, loca ted on the RS-232 interface rear panel, provides several signals to increase your operat ing control of the supply . These signals are dependen t on the ope rator's design a nd uses.
Inst allation and Configuration User Signals 32 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Figure 2.6 J7 User Signal Connector Circuit Block Diag ram J7 Cable Connection Use a standard 8-position RJ 45 connector and da ta cable to connect to J7.
Inst allation and Configuration User Signals Release 1.1 33 Figure 2.7 J7 User Cable w ith Ferrit e Block J7 User Cable Ferrite Block T o User Custom Interface T o J7 Connector.
Inst allation and Configuration User Signals 34 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply.
Release 1.1 35 Section 3. Operation Introduction This section covers RS-232 interface prog ramming, including an extensive set of commands, and providing error codes, and status and fault register information. RS-232 Operation The RS-232 interface card allows you to se nd and rec eive data between you r power supply and computer .
Operation Command Syntax 36 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Command Format and Parameters The device-dependent language for the RS -232 Interface cons ists of commands and parameters. A command is a one word code which either gives instructions to the interface or asks for inform ation from the interface.
Operation Command Syntax Release 1.1 37 T a ble 3.1 Command Para meters Floating Point Number <float> V ariables sent with command parameters are floating point numb ers. T a ble 3.2 defines the structure of floating point numbers for use with the software commands.
Operation Command Syntax 38 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Command Strings If you send more than one command line, separate the commands with a semicolon.
Operation Command Summary Release 1.1 39 Command Summary Use these commands to control the operation of the supply . They are listed here in order of function such as PROGRAMMING , QUER Y , CALIBRA TION, and ST A TU S commands. See “Command Refere nce” on page 42 for more deta iled information about each command and its use.
Operation Command Summary 40 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply T a ble 3.4 Query Commands Command Description AUXA? Asks for the state of the set value for the AUXA command AUXB? Asks for the state of the set value for the AUXB command CMODE? Asks for the power supply’ s calibration mode st atus.
Operation Command Summary Release 1.1 41 T a ble 3.5 Calibration Commands T a ble 3.6 S tatus Commands Command Description CMODE Places the supply into calibration mode. IDA T A Calculates the slope and intercept for current programming. IHI Sets the current output to the high calibration point.
Operation Command Reference 42 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Command Reference T a ble 3.7 Command Refere nce Command Description ASTS? Returns the supply’s accumulated st atus register .
Operation Command Reference Release 1.1 43 Command Description DL Y <seconds> Sets a programmable time delay employed by the supply before rep orting fault conditions. The power supply uses the time delay after receiving a new output voltage or current setting via VS ET or ISET , or after receiving RST , TRG , or OUT ON commands.
Operation Command Reference 44 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Command Description FOLD? Returns the supply’s present foldback setting.
Operation Command Reference Release 1.1 45 Command Description IOUT? Measures and returns the supply’s actual current output using the built-in current readback circuitry . Response: IOUT <current> IRDA T <Ilo>,<Ihi> Calculates and records the slope and of fset for readback voltage using IRLO and IRHI data.
Operation Command Reference 46 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Command Description OUT <1/ON>,<0/OFF> Enables or disables the supply’s volt age/current output. The supply will continue to accept new commands while the output is disabled but these will not be implemented until OUT ON or OUT 1 is received.
Operation Command Reference Release 1.1 47 Command Description TRG Causes programmed voltage and current settings which had been in hold mode to be applied.
Operation Command Reference 48 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Command Description VMAX <voltage> Sets an upper sof t limit on the supply’s programmed output volt age.
Operation Accumulated Status, S tatus, and Fault Registers Release 1.1 49 Accumulated S t atus, S t atus, and Fault Registers The RS-232 option card uses thre e separate registers which are always active. They are the accumulated status, status, and fa ult registers.
Operation Accumulated Status, S tatus, and Fault Registers 50 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply T a ble 3.8 Accumulated S tatus, S tatus, and Fault Reg isters Notes: 1. Only CC, CV , OV , SD, ERR and FO LD can be masked or unmasked.
Operation Error Codes Release 1.1 51 Error Codes If the ERR flag in the accumulated status or fault registers has been activated, an ERR? query will return an error number which corresponds to an event described in the following table. The ERR? query will a lso clear the ERR bit in the register .
Operation T roubleshooting 52 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply T roubleshooting Diagnostic LEDs This section describes the diagnostic LEDs found on the RS-232 interface. Computer Operating Prope rly (COP) LEDs The RS-232 interface provides three diagnostic LEDs, located at CR13, CR1 4, and CR141 on its PCB.
Release 1.1 53 Section 4. Calibration Introduction Y ou can calibrate the RS-232 interface by ad justing the signal levels on the interface card so that they correspond to the expected signal levels on the power supply's main assembly .
Calibration V oltage Mod e Calibration 54 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply V olt age Mode Calibration V oltage Calibration Setup 1. Disconnect the load from the power su pply which is to be calibrated. 2. Connect a voltmeter across the po wer supply’ s output terminals.
Calibration V oltage Mode Calibration Release 1.1 55 V oltage Readback Calibration Procedure 1. Set the power supply for calibration as in Figure 4.1. 2. Activate calibration mode by sendi ng command CMODE ON or CMODE 1 to the power supply . 3. Send command VRLO; IRLO to the power supply .
Calibration Current Mode Calibration 56 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Current Mode Calibration Current Calibration Setup 1. Disconnect the load from the po wer supply to be calibrated. 2. Connect a shunt across the supply's output terminals.
Calibration Current Mode Calibration Release 1.1 57 Current Readback Calibration Procedure 1. Connect the curre nt shunt and voltmeter to the power supply as shown in Figure 4.2. 2. Activate calibration mode by sendi ng command CMODE ON or CMODE 1 to the power supply .
Calibration Over V oltage Protection (OVP) Calibration 58 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Ser ies Power Supply Over V oltage Protection (OVP) Calibration W e recommend that you perform OVP ca libration every six mon ths. Connecting a digital voltmeter as in “V oltage Calibration Setu p” is optional.
Xantrex Technology Inc. 8999 Nelson W ay Burnaby , British Columbia Canada V5A 4B 5 604 422 85 95 T el 604 421 30 56 F a x 800 667 8422 T oll Free North America prg.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Xantrex RS232-HPD c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Xantrex RS232-HPD - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Xantrex RS232-HPD, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Xantrex RS232-HPD va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Xantrex RS232-HPD, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Xantrex RS232-HPD.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Xantrex RS232-HPD. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Xantrex RS232-HPD ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.