Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MX88 du fabricant Xantech
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Model MX88 Page: 3 © 20 10 Xantech LLC 13. Cleaning – Clean only with dry cloth. 14. Power Lines – An ou tdoor antenn a should be located away fro m the power lines. 15. Nonuse Periods – The powe r cord of the applian ce should be unplu gged fro m the out let when lef t unused for a long period of ti me.
Page: 4 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation Section 1: General Information & Features GENERAL INFORMATION The Xantech MX88 S ystem sets a new standard in wh ol e -house audio/video distri bution, audio am plification, and control/autom ation.
Model MX88 Page: 5 © 20 10 Xantech LLC IMPORT A NT NOTES : 1. The MX88 S y stem can be a single control l er with k ey pads for up to Eight zones or t wo connected controllers and keypads for up t o Sixteen zones. All the set up deta i ls for a MX 88 are stored i n a file called “Project” .
Page: 6 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation SYSTEM OVERVIEW In a MX88-based whole house audio/video/con trol system, the MX88 con troller/amplifier acts as th e server a nd the ke y pads, touch-panels, and compatible web-enab led devices (such as the Ap p le ® iPad®) act as the clients .
Model MX88 Page: 7 © 20 10 Xantech LLC Via IP (MX88vi am d MX88ai only), using almost any web -enabled device with a browser, such as an Apple® iPad®, a W indows® or Android ™ tablet, or a PC.
Page: 8 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation CONTROLLER/AMPLIFIER FEATURES • Zones: Eight, expa nd able to sixteen-zones with the a ddition of a second MX88 and additional keypads • Sources: Eight a ud io (MX8 8a or MX88ai) or eight audio/v i deo (MX88v i).
Model MX88 Page: 9 © 20 10 Xantech LLC Eight in -th e-zone IR emitter outputs v i a a MX88- compatible ke y pad rear panel em itter output - perm itting IR commands originating i n the zone to be l ooped back to the zone allowing the MX88 to control components physicall y located in the zone .
Page: 10 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation MX88 CONTROLLER/AMPLIFIER PANEL AND FEATURE DESCRIPTIONS Figure 2 – Th e Model MX88 Controller/ A mplifier – F ront Panel Features and Fu nctions MX88 FRONT PA NEL FE A TURES A ND CONNECT IONS: 1. Front Panel .
Model MX88 Page: 11 © 20 10 Xantech LLC Zone Status ( A ctive-Oper ational Mode) a) Steady W hite – i ndicates that the Zone is Active ( K eypad ON), is not muted and is not with in 5 dB of MAX-V (Maxim u m Volum e). b) Steady Red – ind i cates that the Zone is Active, is not muted and is within 5 dB of MA X- V .
Page: 12 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation Figure 3 – Th e Model MX88 Controller/ A mplifier – R ear Panel Co nnections and Fun ctions MX88 RE A R PANEL FE A TURES A ND CONNECT IONS: 16 . Keypad Terminals ( 8) . Each Zone has one RJ -45 jack for Keypad Interf ace.
Model MX88 Page: 13 © 20 10 Xantech LLC 23 . Source L oo p-T hru Connections (8). a) A udio Lo op-Thru . Parallel Connection to Audio Inputs f or connecting Audio Sour ce to another MRC- 88 in Expanded Mo de or t o other local devices. T his is not an active output.
Page: 14 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation Section 2: Install at ion & Connections INSTALLATION Installing an MX88 system involves com pletely planning the system from hardware, installation, and programm ing standpoint, bef ore the actual instal l ation beg i ns.
Model MX88 Page: 15 © 20 10 Xantech LLC 2. Press “Po w er On” button on the front of the MX88 Controller/Amplifier ( w ait for front p an el p ower LED to turn on, and the 8 zone LED ‟ s to stop flashing – usually less than 2 m inu tes ). 3. Power ON the Zone 1 T V/monitor and select the appr opriate input (on the TV or m onitor).
Page: 16 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation CONNECTING THE MX88 CONTROLLER/ A MPLIFIER IMPORTA NT! a. The MX88 com es with detachable IEC -type AC cords. The m ains plug end of the AC cor d o r its MX88 back -panel at tached AC inlet are the disconnect device from mains, and shall rem ain readily accessible by the end -user.
Model MX88 Page: 17 © 20 10 Xantech LLC IR C ONTROL C ONN ECTIONS 8-zone system: Plug the supplied 28 3D IR emitters into the appro priate IR Emitter jack s - Figure 3-(26) . Tak e care to matc h the source audio and v ideo connection number on the MX88 to the IR Emitter jack number.
Page: 18 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation 2. The MX88 Speak er Terminals (amplifier outputs) are 4-Ohm c o mpatible. Mak e sure the combined impedance presente d to the speaker term i nals by the speak ers (or an y combination of speakers) is 4- Ohms m i nimum.
Model MX88 Page: 19 © 20 10 Xantech LLC Figure 4 - C A T 5 Pin Assignments (p er EI A /T IA 568B ) Pinned 1:1 V IDEO C ONNECTIONS (MX88 VI O NLY ) 1. W h en running composite vi deo to a TV or monitor, use RG 6 coaxial or RG 59 quad-shield cable with RCA -type phono plugs on each end.
Page: 20 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation P REA MP O UT Each zone has a Pream p Out to send „ zon e selected‟ aud i o to a n outboard power am plifier such as the Xantech PA4100x .
Model MX88 Page: 21 © 20 10 Xantech LLC “CONTRO LLE R” jack on the Seco ndary Keypad. R ep eat for all k eypa ds i n zone (up to a t otal of 4 Keypads). Each of the 4 keypads or touch -panels within a zone m ust hav e a uniq ue address that is not shared by the other three k eypads.
Page: 22 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation C ONNECTING KEY PADS OR TOU CH - PANELS : - W hil e we use the term CAT5 throu ghout this manual, CAT 5/5 e/6/7 m ay be used to c on nect the MX88 to Xantech k ey pads and touch -panels.
Model MX88 Page: 23 © 20 10 Xantech LLC 1. If the "+" (positive) and " – " (negative) terminals on y our speak ers are correctly m arked, and visible, and you have wired the s y.
Page: 24 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation SETTING-UP THE MX88 SYSTEM 8-zone system: To better dem on strate the ease a nd versatility of programm ing the MX88 , Figure 6 w ill be used to ill ustrate setup for a t y p ical application. Expanded, 16-zon e system: For setup of an expa nd ed s y stem , see Figure 7 .
Model MX88 Page: 25 © 20 10 Xantech LLC Figure 7 – T y p ical 16- Zone “Expanded” MX88 System.
Page: 26 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation Section 3: Firm w are a nd Programming Always install the lates t a nd m ost current available firmware for y our MX88 a nd its web-server (MX 88vi or MX88ai onl y ) .
Model MX88 Page: 27 © 20 10 Xantech LLC 7. IR Routing Enable/Disa bl e 8. Use of Zone Audio Inp uts 9. RC68+ IR Macro Ge nerator 10. Configurable LCD back light time - out settings (for MRC88KP a nd MRC88DJ KP only).
Page: 28 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation PLANNING THE SYSTEM Before attem pti ng any program ming, plan the system configuration f irst. This should include the follo w ing: 1. Determine the brand a nd type of all source com po nents to be us ed .
Model MX88 Page: 29 © 20 10 Xantech LLC Appendix RS232 CONTROL This docum ent describes the bi-directional RS2 32 interface of the MX 88 using the two COM P ORT s on th e re ar of the system ( Fig. 3 item 29) . This interf ace allows an external RS2 32 device to control the MX88 v i a a set of ASCII text comm ands .
Page: 30 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation Example #2: (Q ue ry Requ est) To see what Source is currently selected in Zone 5: Send ASCII string: ?5SS+ MX88 Controller R eply: ?5SS3+ indicating So.
Model MX88 Page: 31 © 20 10 Xantech LLC COMMA NDS Note: A n explanation of ite ms in parenthes is ( {} ) can be found belo w. NAME COMM A ND EXAMPLES/COM MENTS Zone Power !{ z# } PR { 0/1 }+ To turn .
Page: 32 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation QUERIES Note: A n explanation of ite ms in parenthes is ( { } ) can be found be lo w. NAME QUERY RESPONSE EXAMPLE RESPONSE EXPLANATION Zone Power ? { z# } PR + ? { z# }PR{ 0/1 }+ ?7PR0+ Power in zone 7 is OFF.
Model MX88 Page: 33 © 20 10 Xantech LLC VOLU ME L EVEL (39 Steps) MX88 SETT ING ATTENUATION LEVEL (in dB) 38 0 37 - 1.25 36 - 2.50 35 - 3.75 34 - 5.00 33 - 6.25 32 - 7.50 31 - 8.75 30 - 10.00 29 - 11.25 28 - 12.50 27 - 13.75 26 - 15.00 25 - 16.25 24 - 17.
Page: 34 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation KEYPA D BUTTON ID MX88 SETTING Keypad Button Labe l 1 NOT AVAILABLE 2 NOT AVAILABLE 3 Source Select 1 4 Source Select 2 5 Source Select 3 6 Source Selec.
Model MX88 Page: 35 © 20 10 Xantech LLC BA SS/TREBLE LEVEL MX88 SETT ING LEVEL (in dB) 14 +14 13 +12 12 +10 11 +8 10 +6 9 +4 8 +2 7 0 6 -2 5 -4 4 -6 3 -8 2 - 10 1 - 12 0 - 14.
Page: 36 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation BALA NCE LEVEL (63 steps) MX88 Setting Left Speaker Attenuation (in dB) Right Speaker Attenuation (in dB) 0 0 Mute 1 0 - 37.5 2 0 - 36.25 … … … 29 0 - 2.5 30 0 - 1.25 31 0 0 32 0 0 33 - 1.25 0 34 - 2.
Model MX88 Page: 37 © 20 10 Xantech LLC TROUBLESHOOTING If you encounter problem s, review each of the followin g i tem s and take corrective action as described.
Page: 38 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation PROBLEM PROBABLE C A USE A ND SOLUTION Unit will not learn IR com mands from certain brands and models of rem otes.
Model MX88 Page: 39 © 20 10 Xantech LLC PROBLEM PROBABLE C A USE A ND SOLUTION W h en Transferring the project to a MX88, the transfer stops with a "Tr an sfer aborted -Receiver Stopped Responding" or a "Com munications Error --- " message.
Page: 40 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation PROBLEM PROBABLE C A USE A ND SOLUTION Problems Control ling the M X88 via the RS232 port on the rear of the system . 1. Check the cabling betwee n the controlling unit and the MX88. 2. Verify proper comm and is being sent to the MX88.
Model MX88 Page: 41 © 20 10 Xantech LLC RS232 A ND EXPANSION PIN OUT INFORMATION MX88 RS232 COM PORT* EXPANSION PORT PIN # FUNCTION PIN # FUNCTION 1 NC 1 IR Source 1 2 Tx 2 IR Source 2 3 Rx 3 IR Sour.
Page: 42 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation SP ECIFICATIONS Audio (each cha nn el) Min Input: .......................................................................................................... 250mV for f ull rated Output Input Overload: .
Model MX88 Page: 43 © 20 10 Xantech LLC.
Page: 44 Model MX88 © 2011 Xantech Corporation Xantech® and X an tech Sm artPanel® are registered tr ademarks of Xantech LLC Apple® and iPad® are r egistered trademark s o f Apple Inc. W ind ows® and Microsof t® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporat i on.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Xantech MX88 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Xantech MX88 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Xantech MX88, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Xantech MX88 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Xantech MX88, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Xantech MX88.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Xantech MX88. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Xantech MX88 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.