Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit WDBLUZ5000ASL du fabricant Western Digital
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External P ortable My Passport ® for Mac ® Portable Har d Drive User Manual My Passport for Mac User Manual.
ii WD Service and Support Should you encounter any problem, please give us a n o pp o rtu n it y t o a dd res s i t b ef o re re tur ni ng this product. Most technical sup port questions can be answered thr ough our know ledge base or e-mail supp ort service at http ://s uppor t.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL T ABLE OF CONTENT S – iii T able of Contents WD Servic e and Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Accessing O n line Su pport . . . . . . . .
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL T ABLE OF CONTENTS – iv A Compliance and W arranty Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Regulato ry Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL ABOUT Y OUR WD DRIVE – 1 About Y our WD Dr ive W elcome to y our My Passport ® for Mac ® p ortable har d drive, an elegant, high-capaci ty storage solutio n for all the ch apt ers of you r digital life.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL ABOUT Y OUR WD DRIVE – 2 Kit Cont ents As shown in Fig ure 1, your My Passport for Mac portable hard drive drive kit includes the follow ing: • My Passp ort for Mac p ort able har d drive • USB 3.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL ABOUT Y OUR WD DRIVE – 3 Disk Drive Format Y our My Pa ssport for Mac driv e is formatted as a single HFS +J partition for compatibi lity with Mac OS X operati ng systems. If you want to use the drive with a Windows computer , see “Reformatting the Drive” on page 27 and “T roubleshooting” on page 28.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL ABOUT Y OUR WD DRIVE – 4 Handlin g Pr ecautions WD products ar e precision instruments and must be handled with care during unpacking and installation.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL CONNE C TIN G THE DRIVE AND GE TT ING STARTED – 5 Connecting the Drive and Getting Started This c hapter provides instructions for co nnecting the drive to your computer and installing the WD software.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL CONNE C TIN G THE DRIVE AND GE TT ING STARTED – 6 3. V erify that the My Pass port drive appears und er DEVICES in the Sidebar area of your Finder display: Note: If t he Ext ernal disks check box is sele cted on your Finder Pr eferences dialog, t he My Passp ort icon display s on your desk top: 4.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL CONNE C TIN G THE DRIVE AND GE TT ING STARTED – 7 a. If y ou want to create a password to secur e your ba ckup files, sel ect the Enc rypt Back up Dis k check box.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL CONNE C TIN G THE DRIVE AND GE TT ING STARTED – 8 2. Double-click the Extras folder on the screen that displays: 3. Dou ble-c lick the WD +TU RBO In staller applicatio n: 4. Click Install on the WD +TURB O Driver Installer scr een: 5.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL CONNE C TIN G THE DRIVE AND GE TT ING STARTED – 9 7. T ype t he pas swo rd t hat y ou norm ally use to access the co mputer in the Password box and click OK : 8. When the installation comp letes, click Ye s to re start the computer: 9.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL CONNECTING THE DRIVE AND GETTING STARTED – 10 2. Drag the WD Securi ty application to the alia s Applicatio ns folder o n the screen that disp lays: 3. In t he alias Applica tions fold er , double - click the WD Se curity applicatio n.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL CONNECTING THE DRIVE AND GETTING STARTED – 11 Installing the WD Drive Ut ilities Software T o inst all the WD Drive Ut ilities softw are: 1. D ouble- click the My P asspor t icon, and th en double-click the .dmg fil e on the screen that displays : 2.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL CONNECTING THE DRIVE AND GETTING STARTED – 12 4. Read the license agreement and click Ac cept to continue and d isplay the WD Dr ive Utilit ies screen: 5.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL LOCKING AND UN LOCKING THE DRIVE – 13 Locking and Unlocking the Driv e This chapte r includ es the follow ing top ics: Passwor d Prot e cting the D rive Unlocking th.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL LOCKING AND UN LOCKING THE DRIVE – 14 6. Select the Enabl e auto unlo ck for u ser: check box if you w ant WD Security to remember your password for the selected drive on this computer .
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL LOCKING AND UN LOCKING THE DRIVE – 15 The WD Unlocker VCD provides the WD Drive Unlock utility that you can use to unlock the drive. Or you can use either the WD Securi ty or the WD Drive Ut ilities a pplication to unlock the drive.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL LOCKING AND UN LOCKING THE DRIVE – 16 Unlocking the Driv e with the WD D rive Unlock Utility Whenever you connect your p asswor d-protected d riv e to a com puter that d oes no t hav e the WD Securi ty or WD Drive Utilities soft ware installed, you can use the WD Drive Unlock utility to un lock th e drive t here.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL LOCKING AND UN LOCKING THE DRIVE – 17 Chan ging Y ou r Pas swor d To change your passwor d: 1. Click Go > Ap plic ation s > WD Sec urity to d isplay the WD Secur ity scr een, Change Security dia log: 2.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL LOCKING AND UN LOCKING THE DRIVE – 18 T ur ning Off the Drive Lock Featu re To remove password protecti on from your driv e: 1. Click Go > Ap plic ation s > WD Sec urity to d isplay the WD Secur ity scr een, Change Security dia log: 2.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL MAN AGING AN D CUSTO MIZING TH E D RIVE – 19 Managing a nd Customiz ing the Drive This chapte r includ es the follow ing top ics: Checking Drive Health Setting the D.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL MAN AGING AN D CUSTO MIZING TH E D RIVE – 20 O n the WD Drive Utilit ies Dri ve Settings screen : Checking D rive Health The WD Drive Utilities so ftware provides thr ee diagnostic tools to help make sure that your drive is perf orming well.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL MAN AGING AN D CUSTO MIZING TH E D RIVE – 21 3. Click Diagnosti cs to display the Diagnostics dial og: 4. On the Diagnostics dialog , click the butto n for the test that you want to run: • S.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL MAN AGING AN D CUSTO MIZING TH E D RIVE – 22 Erasing the Drive Note: Erasi n g you r drive als o deletes the WD software an d all of t he support files, u tiliti es, and user manua l file s. Y ou can download these to r estor e your My Passport t o its ori ginal confi gu rat ion afte r erasing th e drive.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL MAN AGING AN D CUSTO MIZING TH E D RIVE – 23 Using the WD Driv e Unlock Utility T o era se your My Pa ssport when the drive is lock ed and you have forgotten or lost your pass word : 1. D ouble- click the WD Unlocker virtual CD ico n on your de sktop: 2.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL MAN AGING AN D CUSTO MIZING TH E D RIVE – 24 4. The fifth invalid password attempt displays the too many passwor d attempts pr ompt: 5. Click Eras e Drive to display a w arning about erasin g all of the data on the dr ive: 6.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL MAN AGING AN D CUSTO MIZING TH E D RIVE – 25 the WD sof twar e and disk i mage. ( See “Passwor d Protect ing the Dr ive” on page 13.) Regi stering t h e Dri ve WD Drive Utilities uses your comp uter’ s In ter net connection to register your drive.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL MAN AGING AN D CUSTO MIZING TH E D RIVE – 26 Safely Dismount ing the Drive Use the My P assport icon to safely dismount the drive: 1. R ight- or control-click the M y Passport ic on on the deskto p and select Eject “MY PA S S P O R T ”: Y ou might hear the drive power down.
MY P ASSPORT STUDIO USER MANUAL USING TH E D R IVE WITH WI N D OW S – 27 Using the Drive with W indows The My Passport drive is formatted as a si ngle HF S+J partit ion for c o mpat ibility wi th Mac OS X operating systems. T o use the drive on Wind ows computers, you must re format i t to a single NT FS partitio n.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL T ROUBL ESHO OTING – 28 T r oubl eshooting This chapte r includ es the follow ing top ics: Installing, Partit ioning, and Formatting the Drive Frequentl y Asked Ques.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL T ROUBL ESHO OTING – 29 Q: Why is the data transfer rate slow? A: Y our system may be operating at USB 1.1 speeds due to an incorr ect dr iver installation of the USB 3.0 or USB 2.0 adapter card or a sy stem that does not support USB 3,0 or USB 2.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL COMPLIANCE AND W ARRANTY INFORMATION – 30 Compliance and W arranty Information This a ppendix includes the foll owing t opics: Regulatory Co mpliance Envir onmental .
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL COMPLIANCE AND W ARRANTY INFORMATION – 31 GS Mark (Germany only) Machine no ise - regulation 3. GPSGV: Unless de clar ed otherwi se, the highest level of sound pr essur e from this pro duct is 70db(A) or less, per EN ISO 7779.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL COMPLIANCE AND W ARRANTY INFORMATION – 32 Limited W arranty WD warrants that the Product, in the course of its normal use, will for the term defined below , be free from defects in materia l and workmanship and will conform to WD’ s specific ation therefor .
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL COMPLIANCE AND W ARRANTY INFORMATION – 33 Obtaining Ser vice WD values your business and always attempts to pr ovide you the very best of service. Should you encounter any problem, pl ease give us an opp ortunity to address it before returning thi s Pr oduct.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL COMPLIANCE AND W ARRANTY INFORMATION – 34 product is on the list o f limited user -serviceab le products and the specifi c alteration is within the scop e of the applicab le ins truction s, as found at http:/ /suppor t.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL INDEX – 3 5 Index A Acces s or ies, optional 2 B Box contents, My Passpor t for Mac 2 C CAUTION about erasing the drive 22 about lost passwor d s 13 about preventing.
MY P ASSPORT FOR MAC USER MANUAL INDEX – 3 6 W Warran ty in fo rmat i on 31 , 32 , 33 WD servic e 31 , 33 WD tech ni cal support , co n ta c tin g ii.
Information furnished by WD is believed to be accurate and reli able; ho wever , no responsibili t y is assumed by WD for i ts use nor for any infrin gement of patents or oth er rights of t hird part ies which may res ult fr o m its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any pate nt or patent rights of WD.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Western Digital WDBLUZ5000ASL c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Western Digital WDBLUZ5000ASL - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Western Digital WDBLUZ5000ASL, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Western Digital WDBLUZ5000ASL va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Western Digital WDBLUZ5000ASL, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Western Digital WDBLUZ5000ASL.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Western Digital WDBLUZ5000ASL. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Western Digital WDBLUZ5000ASL ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.