Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 5101M-MGT du fabricant 3Com
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ONline Ether net Management Module Inst allation and Operat ion Guide Doc u men t Number 17 -00087-7 Print ed March 1 995 Mod el Num ber: 51 01M- MGT So ftw are V ersion: 4.0 3Co m Co rporatio n 118 T urnpike Road South bo r ough , MA 0 177 2-188 6 U.
ii O Nline Ethern et Man ag em ent M od ule Inst allatio n and Op eration G uid e Federal Commun ication s Co m mission Notice Th is equi pment has bee n t este d a nd f o und to com ply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursu ant to P a rt 15 of the FCC Rules.
ONli ne Ethern et Man agem ent M odul e Installatio n and O peration G uide iii Stac k J ack, St a c kSyste m , and S wi tc hCentra l are tra demarks of Chipcom C orpora tion. The Chipcom Multich annel Archit ectur e Co mm unications Sys tem is re gistered under U.
iv O Nline Ethern et Managem ent M o dule In stallatio n and O peratio n G uide.
Contents ONlin e E thernet Manag ement Mod ule Installatio n and Op eration Gu ide v How to Use This Gu ide Audien ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv Structu r e of This Gui d e . .
vi O Nline Eth ernet M anagemen t Mo dule Installat ion an d Oper ation Guid e Reset Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 RS-232 Serial Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ON lin e Ethernet Manag ement M odule Install ation a nd O peration G uid e vi i Showin g M od ule Inf orma t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -25 Showin g Por t Info rm atio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
viii O N lin e Ethernet M anag em ent M odule In stallatio n and Op eratio n G uid e App endix B — R S-232 C able Specs and Mo dem Use RS-232 Cable Spec ificat ion s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 Mode m Use .
ON lin e Ethern et Manag em ent M od ule Inst al latio n and Op eration G uide ix Fig ures Figure 1-1. EMMs in Netwo rk Config urat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Figure 1-2. Ethernet Man ageme nt M o dule C omm uni cation in the ONli ne System Co ncen trato r .
x O Nline Ethernet Managem en t Mo dule I nstallation an d Operat ion G uide.
ON lin e Ethern et Manag em ent M od ule Inst al latio n and Op eration G uide x i Ta ble s Table 1-1 . Ethernet Backp lane Com bi nation Ref erence Chart . . . . . 1-10 Table 1-2. Token Ri ng Backplane Com bination Referen ce Char t . . . . . . . . .
ON line Ethernet M anageme n t Mo dule Installat ion an d Oper ation Guid e xii i How to Use This G uide This guide presents the principal featu r e s of the 3Com ONline™ E t hern et Networ k Manag ement M odule ( E MM) for versio n 4.
xiv O Nline Eth ernet M anagemen t Mo dule Installat ion an d Oper ation Guid e Audi ence This guide is inten ded f or th e follo wing p eople at yo ur site: ❑ Netw ork manag er or adm i nistrator .
ON lin e Ethernet Manag ement M odule Install ation a nd O peration G uid e xv Appendix B, RS-232 Cable Specificati on and Modem Use – D escribe s the variou s RS-23 2 cabl e conf igu ratio ns that can be used to con nect a device to the E MM serial port .
xvi O Nline Eth ernet M anagemen t Mo dule Installat ion an d Oper ation Guid e Docu ment C onve nti ons The follow ing doc umen t con ven tion s are used in this manual: Con vention In dic ates Exam pl e Couri er t ext User in put In th e Agen t In form ation F orm, enter MI S i n t he N ew Contac t field.
ONline Ethernet Man agemen t Mo dule Installation an d O peration Guide xvii Related Do cum ents This section provi des in formation on suppo rtin g doc ume ntatio n, inclu ding : ❑ 3Com Docu ments ❑ Reference D ocumen ts Note: A Note . The inform at ion is impo rtant Note: Use STP l obe cables f or your syst em.
xviii O N lin e Ethernet Manag ement M odule Inst allation and Op eration G uide 3Com D ocu ments The follow ing doc umen ts provide additi on al info rmatio n on 3C om products: 17-Sl ot ONlin e Syst.
Introd uct ion 1 - 1 1 Introduction This chapter pr esents an overview of the ONline™ Ether net Manag ement Modu le (EM M) for soft ware version 4.0 soft war e. A brief descr iption of the new f eatur es in v ersion 4 . 0 is p r esented first. Also in cluded i s a sample applicatio n of using the EMM in a networ k con figuratio n.
1 - 2 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide The major features of the EMM includ e: ❑ T elnet suppor t for remotely m anaging the EMM v ia inb and conn ecti on ❑ Inban d networ k m anagem en t v ia S NMP for lo cal and re m ote conf igu ratio n capabilit ies for all concen trators in th e netwo rk.
Introd uct ion 1 - 3 Figure 1-1. EMMs in N etwork Config uration Theory o f Operatio n The EMM can b e installed into any slot in t he con centrato r and communicates with all other mod ules in the concentrator via a dedicated control bu s o n th e conc entrator b ackplane as shown in Figure 1- 2.
1 - 4 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide Like media modules in s talled i n the ONline System Con centrator , the EMM is assigned to a networ k on the co ncentrator backp lane.
Introd uct ion 1 - 5 Compl ete ONlin e Co ntr ol When you install an EMM in to a concen trator for the first ti m e and it become s master , it aut omatically lea rns a nd saves the con figu rations of all existing module s and their por ts.
1 - 6 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide The EMM B asic V ers io n The EMM Basic p r ovides: ❑ Local in band softw are upgrade s using TF TP (T ri vial File T.
Introd uct ion 1 - 7 Network M anag ement Ac ces s The EMM provide s several ways to access networ k management . For inband managem ent, th e EMM provid es built -in SN MP (Sim ple N etwor k Managem ent Protocol) agen t, th e d e facto ind ustry stand ard for networ k management.
1 - 8 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide ❑ SNMP S uppo r t - S NMP (S im ple Network Managem ent Pr o tocol) is a protoco l defined b y the In ter net co m munity . T he EM M act s as an age nt in an S NMP mana ged en vir onme nt res pondi ng to S NMP re quests and generati ng SNMP trap s.
Introd uct ion 1 - 9 This is no t true for T oken Ring an d FDDI networks an d paths. Ther e are 7 available T oken Ring ne twork s and 15 T oken Ring p aths .
1 - 10 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e As shown i n T able 1-1, Ether net_3 is the best Ether net netw ork selection t o use in a mixed pr o tocol environ ment because it af fects the least amoun t of T oken R ing a nd FD DI n etwork paths .
Intro du ction 1 - 11 T oken Ring 4 removes Ether net 1 FDDI 2 T oken Ring 5 removes Ether net 1 FDDI 2 an d FD DI 3 T oken Ring 6 removes Ether net 1 FDDI 3 T oken Ring 7 removes Ether net 2 FDDI 4 T.
1 - 12 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e Wher e T o Go Fr om Her e This chapt er p r esented an o verview of the O Nline Ether net Managem ent Modu le and its co ntrol capabil ities.
Unpackin g and Install ing the Mo du l e 2 - 1 2 Unp acking and Installing the Module This chapter descr ibes the precaution ary , unpacking, and installati on procedures for the ONline Ether net Man agement Mo dule (EMM). It also describes the mod ule's fro nt panel LED s , Reset Button, and RS-232 s erial port c onnecto r .
2 - 2 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide Unpac kin g Proced ur e Use the follow ing proced ure when unp acking the EMM : 1.
Unpackin g and Install ing the Mo du l e 2 - 3 Ins tall atio n Pro ced ures For a new installation where y ou h ave r eceived a new ON line System Concen trator and all th e modules, th e follo wing st eps must be perf ormed prior to installin g the EMM : ❑ Install th e concentr ator in it s locati on (rack, table, etc.
2 - 4 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide Wa it for the Status LED an d Master Mgt Mo dule LED to lig ht so lid green. At this point the EMM will lear n t he defaul t module and port settings fo r all mod ules installed in th e con centrator .
Unpackin g and Install ing the Mo du l e 2 - 5 Figure 2-2. Installed EM M C onnected to a T ermin al The RS-232 cable can be a m a ximu m o f 50 ft. in len gth. There ar e several legal RS-232 cabl e config ur ations available dependi ng on your installat ion.
2 - 6 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide 2. The following m essage s hou ld d isplay on the term inal scr een once the modul e is installed pr oper ly and the RS-232 c onnection is made: Et he rnet Ma na geme nt Mod ule ( v4.
Unpackin g and Install ing the Mo du l e 2 - 7 Status LED The Status LED displays a steady gr een glow to indicate that power is bein g provided to the EMM and that the EMM is wo rking proper ly . This LED blinks when an error o cc u rs during operation or if an error is f ound w hen diagno stics are p erform ed d uring a reboot .
2 - 8 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide Do wnload in Pr ogress LED The Down load in Progr ess LED displays a steady yellow gl ow when softwa re is being do wnload ed to the Flash EPROM on the E MM. See Chapter 5, Software Dow nload Instruc tions, for det a ils o n do wnloadin g new softwar e .
Unpackin g and Install ing the Mo du l e 2 - 9 W her e t o go Fr om Her e This chapter co vered installatio n procedures for installing th e EMM into a concen trator . Also provided were descript ions of the EM M front panel LEDs, RS- 232 p ort, and t he R e s et Button .
Startup and Manag em ent Func tion s 3 - 1 3 Startup and Ma nagement Functions This chapter descr ibes how to config ur e the EM M once yo u have com pleted th e in stallation procedures outlin ed i n Chap ter 2. In cluded in th is chapter is a quick reference ch art for get ting started.
3 - 2 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide Quick Refer en c e for Getting Started T able 3- 1 ou tlin es th e steps an d comm ands n ecessary to configur e your EMM. Th e p r ocedures and comm and examples are expl ained furth er through out this c hapte r .
Startup and Manag em ent Func tion s 3 - 3 Savin g and Revertin g Co nfig ura tion V alues When you make conf ig u ration ch anges using the SET command, t hey ar e effective imme d iately but are not saved perm a n ently . T o save comma n ds perma n entl y , use the SA VE command.
3 - 4 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide Use the REVERT command to restore the configuration value s in ef fec t at the tim e of the last save. Any u nsaved ch ange s mad e using th e SET command are lost. The REVERT and SA VE commands sup port the same config urat ion groups as defined belo w .
Startup and Manag em ent Func tion s 3 - 5 . Once you have confi gured you r term inal t o m atch the factory d efaults of the EMM, press [ ENTER] and th e follow ing greeting is disp layed: Eth erne t M anag eme nt M odu le ( v4.0 0) Cop yright (c) 199 3 Chipc om Corp orat ion Press [EN TER ] again a nd the EMM promp ts yo u fo r a passwor d .
3 - 6 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide If you have m ad e c onfigu ration ch anges and you have no t saved tho s e changes, the LOGOUT command prom pts you as follow s : ON li ne> l ogou t [EN TER ] W ARNI NG : Sav e un sa ved cha ng es b ef or e lo gout.
Startup and Manag em ent Func tion s 3 - 7 Setting T erminal Pr ompt It is a good idea to customize the managemen t pr o mpt for each EMM. This will remin d you of th e EMM to wh ich you are con nected in the case wh ere you are logged in to a remot e EMM .
3 - 8 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide ❑ Diagn ostic s ❑ Con tact Nam e and Lo cation Use the follow ing co mmand to set the EMM 's inter nal cloc k. ON li ne> se t cl ock 5: 53 93 /03/ 6 Satu rday [ENT ER] Use the f ollo wing co mmand to d efine the co ncen trator p latform for your EMM.
Startup and Manag em ent Func tion s 3 - 9 Figure 3-2. The 6-Slo t ONlin e System C oncentrator Figure 3-3. The 6-Slo t ONlin e System Conce ntrator with Integrated Contr oller Setting Dev ice Passwor.
3 - 10 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e Both th e ad mini strator and th e u ser p as s word can be a m axi mum of 1 5 characters in len gth . N ote th at you m ust enter a password within 10 secon ds foll owing the disp lay of the Passwor d: prompt , or th e term inal will display “T im eout.
Startup an d M anagem ent Functi ons 3 - 11 ❑ Por ts - The EMM can assign each p ort on a per -po rt sw itching ONli ne module to one of the avail able networks. Reco nfiguration of netw ork assignment s can b e d one at any time, withou t re mo ving the module from the con centrator o r disru pting o ther c on figuratio n settin gs.
3 - 12 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e Assignin g an EMM Name T o make id entif ication o f yo ur E MMs e asier , 3Com recommends that you assign a unique name to each EMM. Y ou can th en use this name instead of the IP address or MAC address t o r efer to a p articular EM M.
Startup an d M anagem ent Functi ons 3 - 13 Con figu ring SNMP V alu es SNMP (Simp le N etwork Man agement Protocol ) is a proto col defined by the Inter net co mmun ity . All TCP/IP-ty pe traffic is encapsulated in Ether n et fram es. The EM M supp orts SNMP by responding to SN MP requests and generating SN MP traps .
3 - 14 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e Note: When you use the IP Addre ss entry of all , yo u cannot use tr ap, r ead_tr ap , or all access. The three “old ” trap opt ion s shoul d be used w hen sending traps to workstatio ns using the 3C om M IB I variab les.
Startup an d M anagem ent Functi ons 3 - 15 Assignin g IP Addr esses T o run SNM P properly , every devic e on your netw ork must have a uniq ue IP address . Us e the SET D EVICE IP _ A DDRESS co m m a nd as sho wn to assign an IP addres s fo r the EMM on network 1.
3 - 16 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e Setting a Sub network Ma sk The subnetwork mask is spec ific to each typ e of Int er net class.
Startup an d M anagem ent Functi ons 3 - 17 Enab lin g T rap Receiv e The Advanc ed versio n of EMM softw are provi des y ou wi th the ab ility to set the EMM as a trap r ec eiver . As a trap receiver , the EMM r e ceives traps from other SNMP devic e s that have th e EMM's IP address in their community table.
3 - 18 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e If you isolat e a module, the isol ated mod ul e cannot send or receive any traf fic from o ther mo du les in the con centrato r .
Startup an d M anagem ent Functi ons 3 - 19 Note: When you pow er up a co ncentrat or in whi ch mo re than one man agement m odules is set to prio rity l evel 10, on e management mod ule is randomly cho s en as master . 3Com r ecommend s that yo u assign p riority level 10 to o nly o ne manag em ent m odule in t he concen trator .
3 - 20 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e Con figu ring Add r es s- to-Port Secu rity The Advan ced EMM provi des addr ess-to-port secu rity which enab les you to as sign a maxi mum of four MAC Addr esses to i nd ividual p ort s in y our networ k .
Startup an d M anagem ent Functi ons 3 - 21 T o imp lement port security , a ssign a MAC A ddress to a given p ort be for e you enabl e the security feature for that por t. Issue the follow ing co mmand to assign a MAC A ddress to port 3 on the module in slot 6: ONl ine> se t secur ity por t 6.
3 - 22 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e By fo llo win g th is gui delin e , you w ill avoid hav ing secu rity con figurati on inform ation restor ed incorr.
Startup an d M anagem ent Functi ons 3 - 23 Figure 3-4. Sam ple R emote Connection Use the TELNET co mmand and specify the IP Addr ess o f the r emote devic e to whic h yo u want to c onnect. O Nlin e> te ln et 127 .3 .6 .58 [E NT ER ] Note that yo u ar e only allo wed one T elnet log in ses sion per EMM.
3 - 24 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e Loggin g Out Fr om a R emote Session When you no lo nger need to be connected to a remote d evice, en ter the LOGOU T comm and . This com mand disconn ects the rem ote conn ection and r econnects the session with the local EMM.
Startup an d M anagem ent Functi ons 3 - 25 MA C Ad dr e ss: 08-0 0-8F -10 -6B- B3 D ip Con fig ur at io n: DIS ABL ED Di ag no st ics : EN AB LED T ra p Re cei ve : ENA BLE D Showin g Mo dule Info rm.
3 - 26 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e Showin g Po r t Info rmatio n The EMM enabl es you to d isplay t he s tatus of all m odul e port s. Use th e SH OW PORT comma nd to d isplay the mod e and statu s of one port o r all ports.
Startup an d M anagem ent Functi ons 3 - 27 Showin g C o unter S tatistics Once the EMM i s assigned to a netwo rk, it c ontinuously records and updates traffic and error statistics on all Ethernet stati ons, ports, and the network to which it is assigned.
3 - 28 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e Use the SHOW C OUNT ER NETWOR K comm and as show n to report traffic and error statistics for th e network to which th e E MM is assigned.
Troublesh oot ing 4 - 1 4 T roubleshooting This chapter prov ides help in isolatin g and cor recting problem s that ma y arise during th e installati on p r oc ess and n ormal o perations of th e ONline Ethern et Management M odule (EMM).
4 - 2 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide . T a ble 4-1. Ap plying P ower Sugg e stio ns Pr oblem T r oubleshootin g Suggestio ns Power is o n, but the Statu s LED doe s not lig ht. Press the LED check bu tton on the Controll er Mo dul e to verif y that the LED is not bu rned out.
Troublesh oot ing 4 - 3 EMM and T erminal I nterface Follow th e direction s in Chap ter 2 for attach ing yo ur term inal to the EM M using the RS- 232 serial port co nnector . T ab le 4-2 l ists so me commo n problem s that may occur when tryin g to get the EM M to com m unicate with th e terminal.
4 - 4 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide Characters app ear on the scr een, but are garbled. V erify that the EMM and the terminal settings match fo r baud , data bits, stop b its, and p arity . The se values are explain ed in Chapt ers 3.
Troublesh oot ing 4 - 5 EMM T rap Mes sages A trap message is sent t o the console w hen a change is mad e or an err or occurs in a conc entrator th at has an i nstalled EM M. The trap is also sent t o the designated trap r eceiver (e.g., managem ent workstatio n) if you hav e entere d this in formation in the EMM comm u nit y table.
4 - 6 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide The first two fi elds in the trap me ssage are d escribed in T able 4 -3. The r emain der of the f ields are depend ent o n the type o f trap r eceiv ed and are self-exp lanatory .
Troublesh oot ing 4 - 7 T e chnic al As sist a nce Y ou can receive assistance for installing and troubl eshootin g the EM M b y calling either y our 3C om r es ell er or 3 Com T echnic al Sup port.
4 - 8 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide The EMM gener ates packets on the netw ork (chan nel) in the f ollowi ng three instances: ❑ When establi shing and m ain taining a remote log in sess ion (RCP or T elnet se ssion).
Troublesh oot ing 4 - 9 The 802.3 Head er is defined by IEEE and consists of : – D estinati on ( MAC ) a ddr ess ( 6 octets) – So ur ce (M AC) addr ess (6 octets ) – Enet T ype (2 oc tets) The 802.
4 - 10 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e 3Com also u ses the Inter net defined protoc ol, AR P (Add r es s Re solut ion Protocol ) . Th i s pr otoc ol is used in a similar fash ion to the tag resolution protocol , except that it is used to resolve an IP addre ss to a netwo r k address.
Softwar e Dow nlo ad Inst ruc tion s 5 - 1 5 Software D ownlo ad Instruc tions This chapter explain s how to downl oad new softw are t o the Flash EPRO M in your ONlin e Eth ernet M anagem en t Modu le (EMM ).
5 - 2 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide Downl o ad R equ irem ents A UDK key c ode is requi r ed to complet e a softw ar e download to t he EMM.
Softwar e Dow nlo ad Inst ruc tion s 5 - 3 ❑ IBM PC / A T or compati ble wi t h either one high-density diskette drive and a hard drive, or two h igh-den sity di skette drives ❑ 640 K of availabl e RAM on the PC ❑ 3Co m UD K Key Code . The key code is pr ovided automaticall y with the UDK for SSS custo mers.
5 - 4 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide Out-o f-B an d Do wn load Ins tru cti ons The instru ctio ns for perform ing an out-o f-ban d do wnload to the Ether ne.
Softwar e Dow nlo ad Inst ruc tion s 5 - 5 Figure 5-1. Ini t ial Installatio n S creen 5. Enter the lett er of th e source drive w her e you wi ll be inserting the ProComm diskette f ollo wing the “En ter the Source Drive:” pr o mpt . For a hard drive instal lation, this is the drive w her e th e current 3Com FDK diskette is instal led.
5 - 6 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide 7. En ter the number of the co mmun ication s port (C OM1, COM 2, et c. ) to which y ou w ill b e conn ecting the RS-2 32 cab le on the P C to perfo rm the softwa r e down load follow ing the “En ter the COM Port (1-4):” prompt.
Softwar e Dow nlo ad Inst ruc tion s 5 - 7 Figure 5 -2. ProComm In stallat ion Sc r een 10 . Once ProComm is installed on the hard drive, yo u wil l be pr ompted to swap in th e 3Com FD K diske tte as shown in Figure 5 -3. Make sur e you place the correct diskette in the disk d rive b efore pressing [ENTER].
5 - 8 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide This last step of the in stallation loads t he ProComm conf iguratio n fi le. Th e config urat ion file sets the param eters th at are used by ProCom m to comm unicate with th e EM M.
Softwar e Dow nlo ad Inst ruc tion s 5 - 9 W arning: Do not interr upt pow er to the concent rator during th e download pr ocess or you m ay corrupt the Fl ash EPROM. 1. Make a backup copy of the 3Com U DK diskette. 2. Place the 3Com UDK diskette in the floppy d rive and change to that drive by typ ing a: or b: .
5 - 10 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e 5. Enter the lett er of th e drive w here Pr oCom m has been install e d follo win g th e “Enter the Destin ation wh e r e ProComm resides : ” prompt. For a hard driv e installatio n, this is usually c or d .
Softw are Do wnload Instru cti ons 5 - 11 Downlo ading th e Ne w Sof twar e Use the follow in g proced ure to down load so ftwa re to th e EM M. 1. Pr ess [ENT ER] to display the ON line> p r ompt and th en log in to the EMM as the system adm i nistrator .
5 - 12 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e 4. Pr ess the key sequence [CTRL-R] to redisplay the previo u s command and then pr ess [ ENT E R] to initiate the do wnload. (If the down load sequenc e ti m es ou t before you press [CTRL] [R], retyp e the download command.
Softw are Do wnload Instru cti ons 5 - 13 Figure 5 -6. ProComm M enu Sc r een 8. Pr ess [ENTER] to down lo ad the selected file to the EEPROM . T h is pro cess take s ap proximately 12 to 20 m inu tes at 9600 baud. If y ou use a slower baud rate, the do wn load will take m uch longer .
5 - 14 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e Figure 5 -7. ProComm D ownloa d Sc reen The PC will beep to indicat e that the do wnload has comp leted and also display 'Dow nl oad su ccessful". If err o r messages are displayed on the s creen, r efer to the T roubleshooting sectio n in th is chapter .
Softw are Do wnload Instru cti ons 5 - 15 10 . Enter “Y ” t o exit from P r oCo mm a nd th e UDK Comp letio n Scr een displays as shown in Figure 5-9. Figure 5 -9. UDK Completion Scre e n 11. Press any key to exit from the UD K program . 12. D isconnec t the cabl e fro m the PC and the Ethern et Man agement Module.
5 - 16 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e Note: Y ou can perfo rm an inb and do wnload (remotely or local ly) when you are log ged into an A dvanced EM M. H owever , you cann ot p erfo rm an inb and dow nlo ad when yo u are r emo tely logged into eit her a Star ter or Basic EMM .
Softw are Do wnload Instru cti ons 5 - 17 2. Con nect the provided RS-2 32 cable to the Ethern et Managem ent Mod ule RS-23 2 serial po rt connec tor o n th e front panel of the module. Then connect t he other end o f the cable to t he serial po rt on your PC (using a 9- to 25-pi n adapt er , if necessary).
5 - 18 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e 6. Issue th e D OWN LOA D INBA ND comm and a s show n to begin th e down load . ONline> download inband WARNING: Download will erase your current operatio nal code.
Softw are Do wnload Instru cti ons 5 - 19 N o te : Perf ormi ng an i nban d down loa d will e nd you r rem ot e lo gi n se ssi on . It w il l be ne ce ss ar y fo r yo u t o rem ot e_ lo gi n ag ain t o ch ec k yo ur TF TP r es ul t co de . Wa i t three to five minutes allo wing the download to complete before re-connec ting to th e EMM .
5 - 20 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e Pro Comm Problems If the pr oblem is not listed in T able 5 -1, UD K Error Messa ges, r efer to the ProComm Referen ce Man ual. Refer also to T able 5- 2 wh ich lists EMM download er r o r messages.
Softw are Do wnload Instru cti ons 5 - 21 Eth er ne t M a nagement Module Pro blems EMM probl ems durin g th e downl oad cau s e an error statemen t to be displayed o n the screen. Common error messages and their meanings ar e discus sed in T abl e 5 -2.
5 - 22 ON lin e Eth ernet Manag ement M odule Instal lation a nd O peratio n G uid e T able 5-2. EMM Dow nload Error Messages Message T r oubl eshooting S uggestion Maximum bad CRC— transfer abor ted C heck the RS-23 2 cable and retry . If the problem per sists, call 3C om Support.
Softw are Do wnload Instru cti ons 5 - 23 FEPROM CRC do w nlo ad error— transfer abor ted Call 3C om Suppo rt. FEPROM CRC w rite err or — transf er abor ted Call 3C om Suppo rt.
Sp ecific ations A - 1 A Spec if ica tions This appendi x lists specifi catio ns for t he O Nlin e Ethern et Man agement Module (EMM). Ther e are five sections: ❑ Gen eral Specif icatio ns ❑ Elect.
A - 2 ONl ine Ethernet M anagem e nt Mo dul e Installati on and O peration Guide Diagno stic m odul ation : Link Int egrity pu ls e Backplane Int erface: 96-pin edge co nnecto r , com p atib l e with the 3Com ONli ne System Concen trato r .
Sp ecific ations A - 3 Mech an ic al Sp eci fic atio ns Dimension s : 1.0"W x 1 0.25 "L x 8.5 "H (2.54 cm x 26.04 c m 2 1.6 c m) Weight: 1.
RS-232 Cable Specs and M od em Use B - 1 B RS- 232 Cable Specs an d Modem Use This appendi x describe s the cable pino uts for the RS-2 32 cable used to connect the Ether net Managem en t Modu le (EMM) to a device. It also explains the requirem en ts for con necti ng a m od em to th e EMM .
B - 2 ONl ine Ethernet Man agemen t M odu le In stallation and O peration Gu ide When you first connec t your terminal to the EMM man agement interface, make sur e it is pr o perly set for asynch rono us serial comm unicatio n.
RS-232 Cable Specs and M od em Use B - 3 Modem Us e The Ethern et Man agement Module enables you to use a dial-in mod em . The r equir e ments are as fol lo ws: 1. The modem mu st be 100% Hayes compatib le. 2. Any baud rate in the rang e (300, 1200 , 2400, 96 00) may be used .
MIB G rou ps C - 1 C MI B Gr oups This appendi x describ e s the MI B-II and 3C om M IB groups that are suppor ted in EM M v ersion 4.0. MI B- II Gr oups The follow ing MIB -II g roups are suppor ted in EM M v 4.
C - 2 ONlin e Ethernet Managem ent M od ule Installation and O p eratio n G uide 3C om MIB Gr oup s The follow ing 3C om M IB group s are su pp ort ed in EM M v4 .
Technical Supp or t D - 1 D T echnical Support 3Com prov ides easy acc ess to t echnical suppo rt in form ation through a variety of servic es. This appendix descri bes the fol lowing services: ❑ On.
D - 2 ONl ine Ethernet M anagem e nt Mo dul e Installati on and O peration Guide Email T ech n ical Supp ort Y ou can contact the Integrated Systems Division (form erly Chipc om) on th e Inter net fo r technical suppo rt using th e e-m ail address techsu pp@c hip com .
Technical Supp or t D - 3 When you con tact your net work sup plier for assistance, have the f ollow ing inform at ion ready : ❑ Diagn ostic er r or messages ❑ A list of system hardwa re and sof t.
D - 4 ONl ine Ethernet M anagem e nt Mo dul e Installati on and O peration Guide For access to customer service for all 3Com pr oducts, call (80 0) 876-3266. Y ou can also c ontact the Integ rated Systems Division (ISD) on t he Internet by u sing the e-mail addres s tec hsupp@ chipc om.
Technical Supp or t D - 5 3. En ter you r fu ll Inter net e-mail add r ess as the passwo r d (for exam ple, jdoe @c ompan y. com ). 4. Chan ge to th e mib or schem a directo ry using the cd /p ub /mibs or cd /p ub/ mi bs /s ch em as c o mmand. 5. T o view t he 3C o m M IB, O ID, or schem a e ntries, enter the di r command.
Inde x 1 Inde x Numerics 3Com Bull e t i n Board S e rv ice (3Com BBS) , D-3 A Add r e ss R esolution Protocol , 4-10 Address-to-Port Security Configuring , 3-20, 3-2 1 Feature , 3-11 Administrator Pa.
2 Inde x E EMM ONline Ethernet Manag ement M odule , 1-1 Enable Port , 3 - 1 9 Error Messages Downlo ad , 5-21 EMM Traps , 4 - 5 Pro Comm , 5-20 SNMP T raps , 4-6 Esta b lishi ng Passwords Administrator , 3-10 F FCC no tice , i i Firmware Di stribution Kit , 5-3 Error Messages , 5 - 2 2 Flash EPROM Updat i ng , 5 - 1 I IEEE 802.
Inde x 3 Slave , 1-4 Terminal P aram eters , 3-5, 3- 7 Terminal Se ttings , 2 - 4 Troubleshoo t ing , 3-28, 4-1 Upd ating Flash EPROM , 5 - 1 Verifying Operation , 2-5 ONline Fault-Tolerant C ontrolle.
4 Inde x SNMP Commands , D-4 SNMP Configuration , 3 - 1 3 SNMP P aram e ters , 3 - 1 3 Soft war e Download Requirements , 5-2 Subnetwork Mask , 3 - 1 6 T Technic al As sistance , 4 - 7 Technic al Supp.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté 3Com 5101M-MGT c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du 3Com 5101M-MGT - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation 3Com 5101M-MGT, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le 3Com 5101M-MGT va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le 3Com 5101M-MGT, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du 3Com 5101M-MGT.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le 3Com 5101M-MGT. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei 3Com 5101M-MGT ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.