Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit NC220 du fabricant TP-Link
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NC220 Day/Night Cloud Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 191001 1 260 R EV 1.0. 0.
COPYRIGH T & TR A DEM ARKS S pecificat ions are subject to change without notice. is a registere d trademar k of TP - LINK TECHNOLOGIES C O., L T D. O ther brands and product na m es are t rademarks or registered t rademarks of their r espective hold ers.
FCC ST A TEMENT This equi pment has bee n test ed and found to c om ply with the limits for a Cl ass B digit al device, pursuant t o part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits a re designed to pro - v ide reasonable protect ion against har m ful inter ference in a residential inst allation.
Canad ian Comp liance S t atement This device co m plies w i th Industr y Canada license - exe mpt RSS standard( s). Operation is subject to the follow ing two conditi ons: (1) This device may not cause interf erence, and (2)This dev i ce must accept any i nterfere nce, including inter ference that m ay cause undesired operation o f the device.
●清潔本產品之 前請先拔掉電源線。 請勿使用液體、噴霧 清潔劑或濕布進行 清潔。 ●注意防潮,請 勿將水或其他液體潑 灑到本產品上。 ●插槽與開.
TP - LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., L TD DE CL A R A TION OF CONFORM ITY For the follow ing equipment : Product Des cription: Day /Night Cloud Cam era, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Model No.
CONTENTS Chapter 1 A bout this Guide .................................................................................... 1 1.1 Convent i ons .............................................................................................................
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Chapt er 1 A b out this Guide This User G uide contain s information for set up and managem ent o f N C220 D ay/N igh t Cl oud Camera, 300Mbp s W i - Fi . Please read this guide carefully be f ore operat ion.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Chapt er 2 Introduc tion Thanks for c hoosing t he NC 220 Day/Night Cloud Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi ! 2.1 Ove rvi ew NC2 20 is a versati le solution for hom e & office mo nitoring to keep an ey e on your home, kids or wo rkplace; what ever it is that you car e f or most.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 2.3 Appearance Description 2.3.1 Fr ont Panel Figure 2-1 Fr ont Panel L ight S en sor : The ca m era has a built - in internal p hotodet ector . It is us ed to identify day or night. Microp hone: The camera has a built - in int ernal microp hone.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 2.3.2 Rear Panel Figure 2-2 Rear Panel WPS L ED: S ta t u s Indica tion Flash ing Gre en The camera st arts b ooting up. T he camera is connect ing to a netw or k by WPS f unc ti on. T his process will last in the first 2 m inutes.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Used as R ESET but ton: W ith the camera power ed on, pr ess and ho ld the W PS/ R ESET butto n ( more than 5 seconds ) unt il both the S ys t e m LED and W PS LE D turn of f . T hen release the b u tton and wait the came ra to re set to its fac tory default se ttings .
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3. Drill two mounting hol es and fix the mounting ba se. 4. Put the base cov er and camera hea d back.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Chapt er 3 Man aging the Cam era T he camera ’ s built - in web manag ement p age is designe d to allow you to easily access and configure y our camera. 3.1 Login 1. Fi nd the manage ment IP addres s of the camera via one of the foll owing methods : Run the Setu p W izar d .
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 4. C li ck Dow nload to down load and inst all the required plu gi n. Note : If the instal led plugin doesn't w ork , set y our browser security sett i ngs to allow plugi ns. H ere we ta k e the set tings for IE brow ser as an exampl e.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Sy mbols Meani ng No te Cli ck to capture a s till image sh ot by the camera . The image file wil l be saved to your loca l computer and i ts def aul t nam e is im age - yy yy - mm - dd - hh - mm -ss.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Clic k to choose a camera w orking mode . Y ou can set the ca mera working m ode to Au t o ( ), Day ( ), or Night ( ). Drag the slider to adjust the size of the c urrent image. T he maxim um zoom ratio is 4 ti m es.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3.3.1 Basi c → Sta t u s T he S ta t u s pag e displays the cur rent configurat i on infor mation of the came ra. Y ou can find out cam era ’ s settings such as wireless connection s ettin gs here.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3.3.2 Basi c → Ne tw o r k On this pa ge, you can conf i gure your ca m era ’ s IP address whic h is used to access and co nfigure the camera. Dynamic IP: Sel ec t thi s option when a DHCP ser ver is instal led on the net work to issue IP address as signment.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Primary DNS Server: Enter a DNS addres s in dotted - deci m al not ation . Secondary DN S Server : Enter a DNS address i n dotted - deci m al not ation . Clic k Save to save and enable t he setting s.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3. If the wireless netw ork’ s secur ity mode is Non e , si mpl y cl ick Connect . If th e se cu rit y mode requires a p assword, enter the wirele ss network ’ s password a nd then click C onnect .
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 5. Clic k OK on the pop – up s creen to finish wire less connection pro cedure. 6. T o start using ca mera wirelessly , unplug its Ethernet cable. 3.3.4 Basi c → Cloud Setting A Cloud Ca m era can be viewed anytime an d anywhere over t he Internet w ith TP - LINK Cloud service.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Camera N ame: The default value is the camera model. Y ou can change it to an easy - to - reme mber one. C amera na me can contai n up to 30 characters. I t c an onl y cont ain digits, l etters, space and .
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3.4 A d vanced Click the A dvanced menu to display the submenus inc l uding S ta t u s , N e two rk , Wi reless Con necti on , Wir eless Extender , Cl oud Set ting , DDNS , Vid eo , Moti on Detection , S ound Detection , Notific ation Delivery , and LED .
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi IP Address On this section , y ou can configure your camera ’ s IP address which is used to acces s and configure t he camera. Dynamic IP: Sel ec t thi s option when a DHCP server is installe d on the netw ork to issue I P address as signment.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi M AC Ad dr e s s : Di splay s the Ethernet M AC address of the ca mera. T he MAC addres s is read - o n l y. IP Address: Enter a fixed IP address for the cam era in dotted - deci mal notatio n .
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi PPPoE: To ena ble or disable the PPPoE service h ere. S ta t u s: D isplay s the PPPoE connect ion status. Usernam e: Enter the use rname for PPPoE serv ice provided by y our ISP . Pa sswo rd: Enter the passw ord for PPPoE serv ice provided by y our ISP .
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi UPnP Port For w ardi ng: To enab le or disable the UP nP Port Forwar ding service here. If th is function is enab led and your router supports U P n P, the ca m eras and r outer can communicat e with each oth er so that the router know s which port s are used by which ca m era.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 1. S ele ct Enable to e nable your ca mera ’ s wireless function . 2. Clic k Manually , and y ou will see the fol lowing scr een. 3. In the W ireless N etwork Name f ield, enter the na me of the wireles s network to wh ich your camera is read y to connect.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 5. Clic k Connec t and a scre en will pop up. Click Chang e on the pop - up s creen. 6. Clic k OK on the pop – up s creen to finish wire less connection pro cedure. 7. T o start using ca mera wirelessly , unplug its Ethernet cable .
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Max Cli ents: Set the max imum number of cli ents that ar e allowed to connect to the extended networ k . Clic k Save to save and enable t he setting s. 3.4.5 Advanced → Cloud Setti ng Refer to 3.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Service Prov ider: S ele ct one of the built - in DDNS servers from the dro p - down list : No - IP ( www .
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Mode : Displ ays the bit rat e mode of the ca m era. This camera uses the VBR (v ar i abl e bit rate ) mod e .
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Ena bled Dis abled C li ck Sa ve to save and en able the setting s. 3.4.8 Advanced → Motion Dete ction Motion dete ction allows you to specify areas of your camera’ s video to monitor for motion, which can be used to t rigger snapshot s.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Motion De tection: To enable or disable t he motion detect i on funct i on. Sensitivit y: Spec if y t he l evel of differenc e between tw o sequential images that would indicat e motion. Sel ect one of the t hree levels of sens itivity from the dro p - down list: High, Mediu m , and Low .
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3.4.10 Advanced → Notifi cation Deli very Notificati on Deli very settings are available only af ter the m otion d etection or s ound d ete cti on function is enab led.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Pa ssive Mo de: Enabling p assive mod e may he lp you reach your F TP serv er if your cam era is behind a router pr otected by a f irewall. T o set up a FTP to receive noti fication, follo w the st eps bel ow: 1.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Recipient E - m ail Addre ss: Enter the rece iver ’ s E - mail ad dress that the notif i cation E - ma il will be s ent to. Cli ck Add rec ipient to add receiv er ’ s E - mail addres ses. Y ou can specify up to four recip ient E - mail addresses.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 1. Enter the recei ver ’ s E- mail addre ss in Reci pien t E- mail Addres s , e.g. test@tp - link .c om . 2. Enter your E - mail a ddress in Sender E - mail Address , e.g. test@gmai . 3. E nter the p assword requir ed to access the SM T P server .
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3.5.1 Account On this p age, you can ch ange the admin i strator’s p assword and m anag e the user account( s) that are allowed to ac cess to your ca m era. Usernam e: Displays the na m e of user a ccount.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 2. Enter a user name for your new accou nt. 3. Enter a pa ssword for your new account. The password shou ld conta in 5 to 20 charac ters. 4. Enter the p assword aga i n to conf irm it. 5. Clic k Save to save and enable t he settings.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3. Enter the curr ent passwor d in the Old Password t extbox. 4. Enter a new p assword. 5. Enter the new p assword agai n to confirm it. 6. Clic k Save to save and enable t he settings. Delete a User A ccount Y ou can delete a user acc ount except adm i n here.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Current Time: Dis pl ays the cur rent date and time o f the camer a . Ti me Zone: Select the ti m e zon e for the region where the ca m era is inst al led fr om the drop - dow n l ist . A uto Ti me zone is recommend ed.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi NTP S erver : Y ou can either enter a domain name of the NT P server or select one wh i ch will be filled in aut omatically from th e drop - down lis t. Set NTP Server from Dynamic IP: Y ou can use the N TP server app lied in the DHCP server on t he network.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Reb o ot: Click Re boot and t hen click Reboo t on the pop - up screen to c onfirm. Rebootin g will not change t he camera ’ s setting. Af ter rebooting, you need to l og in to this page aga in.
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 2. Clic k Brow se to locate t he latest downlo aded softwar e. 3. Clic k Up grade to up date the camera ’ s software t o the latest ver si on. 4. Wai t fo r the uploading pro cess to com pl ete , and the camera will re boot automatica lly .
NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Tim e: Disp lays t he time when t he log event occurs. The log can get the cor rect time after you configure on t he Date/T ime p age. (go to Advance d → Date/T ime ) Modu le: Displays t he module to which t he log information be longs.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté TP-Link NC220 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du TP-Link NC220 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation TP-Link NC220, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le TP-Link NC220 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le TP-Link NC220, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du TP-Link NC220.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le TP-Link NC220. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei TP-Link NC220 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.