Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit G9000 du fabricant Toshiba
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UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER S YSTEM (U PS) G9 000 SERI ES INST ALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL 480/480 V 80/100/160/225/300/500/750 kVA Docum ent: 4 GB A 001 2 Rev .
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l G9000 SE RIES INST ALLATION AND OPER ATION MANUAL 4 80/480 V 80/1 00/160/22 5 / 300/ 500/75 0 kVA Document No.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l The Ins tructions c ontained in this m anual are not i ntend ed to cover a ll of the deta ils or vari ations in equipm ent or to provid e for ev ery pos sible con tinge nc y to be m et in connec tion with installatio n, oper ation, or maint enanc e.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l Purpose and Scope of M anual This m anual prov ides inf orm ation on ho w to saf ely instal l, operate , and m ainta in your T OSHIBA power electronic s prod uct.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l i Table of Contents List of T ables ........................................................................................................................................... ii List of Fig ures ..........
ii G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op er ation Manua l List of Tables Table 1.1 UPS i nst allation e nvir o nm ent ................................................................................... 4 Table 1. 2 Rating of b ypass i nput c irc uit b r eaker .
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l iii List of Figures Figure 1.1 Sin gle l in e d iagram – n ormal o perat ion .................................................................... 8 Figure 1 .2 Sin gle l ine d iagram – b ypass o peration .
iv G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op er ation Manua l Figure 2.1 8 The connec tor (C N1) of PS AU - 60 (PS 1) .................................................................. 44 Figure 2.1 9 The term inal bl ock (T N) of PSAU - 60 (PS 1) .................
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 1 How to use this Manual This m anual is des igned f or ease of use, giving t he use r eas y and qu ick r eference to i nform ation. This m anual uses notice ic ons to draw at tention t o the us er im portant inf orm ation regardi ng the saf e operatio n and ins tallatio n of the U PS.
2 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 1 INTRODUCTION The Toshiba Uninterru ptible Po wer Suppl y Sy stem (UPS) is designe d to pro vide m an y years of rel iable protection f rom power fai lure, br own - outs, line n oise, a nd voltag e trans ients.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 3 In no event will TOSHIB A be re sponsibl e or liabl e for e ithe r i ndirect or conseque ntia l da mage or injury tha t may come from the mis use of thi s equipment. Don’ t modify the UPS entirely or part ially.
4 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l The UPS is to be in s talled in a contr olled environment. Improper storage and install ation environme nt may deteri orate i nsulation, shorten compone nt life a nd cause malfuncti ons. Keep the i nstallation environm ent per standa r d described as follow s: T AB L E 1 .
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 5 This UPS d oes not incl u de a By pass in put circ ui t br eaker (MCCB ) to protect the bypass cir cui t. The By pass i np ut circuit bre aker (MCCB) is to be fiel d suppli ed and i n stall ed. Rec om m ende d B reaker ( MCCB) ' s Specifi cat i o ns are as follow s: T AB L E 1 .
6 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 1.2 GEN ER AL The Tos hiba G9000 U PS is designed t o pro vide contin uous an d clean e lectrica l power to a c ritical load.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 7 1.3 D EF INIT IONS UNINT ERRUPT IB LE PO WER SUPPL Y SYST EM (U PS) – All c omponents with in the U PS Module Cab inet a nd assoc iated batt eries t hat func tion as a system to pro vide cont inuous, conditio ned AC po wer to a load.
8 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 1.4 OPER ATION O V ERVIEW The UPS provides two po wer paths between the ut ility sourc e and the critica l load. Figure 1.1 s ho ws the path f or norm al operat ion, with th e load po wered by the inverter .
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 9 In the e vent of a U PS m odule failure duri ng Para llel Oper ation, t he critic al load power will be continua lly suppl ied an d shar ed by al l other U PS. The Bypas s Input breake r and cables ar e to be s u ppl i ed and i ns t all e d by t he user o r the construct or.
10 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l In the e vent of a l oad o vercurrent, t he UPS transf ers to b ypass without in terrupt ion to th e critica l load. In the case of the Par allel O perat ion, all U PS will transf er to b ypass witho ut interr uption to t he critic a l lo ad .
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 11 W hen power is r estore d aft er a lo w batter y shutdo wn, t he UPS con verter( s) automatica ll y restarts operatio n, the cha rg er(s) recharges the ba tteries an d the In verter (s) is autom atica lly restar ted without operator in tervent ion.
12 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FIGURE 1.4 .1 UP S Part s Loc ati on ( 8 0,100 k VA) UPS module Front View CPMC CPMS EMB 88 F Inverter , Converter , Charger Unit 5 . Relay PCB RYAU - 09 4 . Main PCB UPGR -M 7 . Parallel control PCB TLCR -C Ground Fault Sensor FDAU - 04 CB 3 10 .
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 13 FIGURE 1.4 .3 UP S Parts Loc ati on ( 300 k VA) a) U PS c abinet – Fro nt View b) Door Back side (Main Ca binet) Landing Cabinet Main Cabinet 1. LCD Touch Panel Monitor Display Door Door 4. Main PCB UPGR-M 6.
14 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FIGURE 1.4 .4 UP S Parts Loc ati on ( 500 k VA) a) U PS c abinet – Fro nt View b) Back side of Lef t Door Landing Cabinet Main Cabinet Door 1. LCD Touch Panel Monitor Display Left Door Right Door 6. External Communication Connector 1.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 15 FIGURE 1.4 .5 UP S Parts Loc ati on ( 750 k VA) a) U PS c abinet – Fro nt View b) Back side of L ef t D oor 1. LCD Touch Panel Monitor Display Left Door Right Door Door Landing Cabinet Main Cabinet 1. LCD Touch Panel Monitor Display 4.
16 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FIGURE 1.5 Disp lay PCB DPAU - 81 CNV .SW switch 11. SW 1 RESET switch START button STOP button 12. SW5 TEST switch 13.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 17 FIGURE 1. 7 .1 Paral lel I/F PC B IFAU -08 (80- 225k VA) FIGURE 1. 7 .2 Paral lel I/F PC B IFAU -0 9 ( 300 - 75 0kVA) DAS-8S ON OFF 1 ... 8 CN99 CN 98 TLAIN TLBIN CA 1 IN CA 2 IN CB 1 IN CB 2 IN DAS-8 S ON OFF 1 .
18 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FIGURE 1. 8 MAIN PCB U PGR -M 15. SW3 52L S/W switch 14. SW2 BOOT switch 11. SW1 RESET switch Descripti on of Fig ures 1.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 19 4. Main PCB UP GR - M (Figure 1.8) : Switches on UP GR -M board : FOR SER VICE P ERS ONN EL ONL Y - (11) S W 1 ( RESET swit ch) - ( 14) S W2 (BOOT swi tch) - (15) SW 3 ( 52L S/ W switch) 5. a) Relay PC B R Y AU - 09 (80 - 2 25kV A) b) Pow er Supp l y PCB P S AU - 73 (300 - 750 kV A) 6.
20 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 1.5 S PECIFIC A T IONS The UPS nam eplate displa ys the rated k VA as well as nom inal vo ltages an d curr ents.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 21 T AB L E 1 . 4 UPS Modu le Inform ation a) Over all D imens ion UPS [ kV A] W idth [in.] ( mm ) D epth [in.] ( mm ) H eight [in.] ( mm ) Net W eight [lb s.] ( kg ) Typical H eating [kBTU /h] C able K nockout 80 27.
22 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l T AB L E 1 . 5 .a Detail of Specif ications Rated Output k VA 80 100 160 225 300 500 750 Rated Output kW 72 90 144 202.5 300 500 750 A C INP UT Configura tion 3 phase, 3 wire Voltage 480 V ( +15% to - 20% ) Frequenc y 60 Hz ( +/ - 10% ) Power Fac tor >.
G 9000 Insta llation a nd Op eration Manual 23 Rated Outp ut k VA 80 100 160 225 300 500 750 Batt. Cap acit y Required at Full Load Outp ut 75 kW B 94 kW B 1 49 kW B 210 kW B 3 11 kW B 5 18 kW B 7 76 .
24 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l no sideca rs used. Rated Outp ut k VA 80 100 160 225 300 500 750 Enclosur e NEMA 1 Audib le N oise 70 dB @ 1 m 72 dB @ 1 m 7 3 dB @ 1 m Listings/St andar ds UL 1778 ; cUL; FCC Class A - Article 47 – Part 15 B; ISO 9001; ISO14001 ; A NSI C62.
G 9000 Insta llation a nd Op eration Manual 25 T AB L E 1 . 6 Rating of Contac tors, Break ers and Fus es NUMBER APP L IC AT ION OUTPUT CAPACITY OF EQUIPMENT 8 0kVA 100kV A 160kVA 225kVA 300kV A 500kVA 750kVA 72kW 90kW 144kW 202.
26 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 2 OPER ATOR CONTROLS AND INDIC ATORS The G9000 Ser ies op erator controls a nd in dicators are loc ated as f ollo ws (Door exterior) : FIGURE 2.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 27 2.1 LED D ISPL AY 1) Load on inverter [ LOAD ON INVERTER ](gree n) Illum inates when p ower is supp lied fr om inverter to the critical load. (Indicates the st ate of inverter transf er switc h "52C".
28 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 2.3 L IQUID C R Y S T AL D I S PL AY (8) The Liqu id Cr ystal Displa y (LCD ) touc h pane l indicates po wer flow, m eas ured valu es, opera tional guidance, data rec ords a nd err or m essages.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 29 FIGURE 2.3 .1 St art up /S hu tdo wn Guidanc e FIGURE 2. 3 .2 Startup gui d ance FIGURE 2. 3 .3 Shutdo wn guid ance Follow Startu p/Shut down gu idance ac cord ingl y. B) M EASUREM ENT M ENU (FIGURE S 2.
30 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FIGURE 2. 4 .2 Output values FIGURE 2. 4 .3 Values in Batter y operatio n C) OPERATION MENU ( FIGURE S 2.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 31 D) LOG MENU ( FIGURE S 2. 6 .1 to 2. 6.3 ) This LO G MENU dis pla ys two T ouch icons in EV ENT LO G and B ATTER Y LOG. Pressing the E VENT LOG i con, up to 50 con dition/o perat ion recor ds will be disp layed.
32 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 2.3.2 Input Power Failur e During an Input Power F ailure, th e UPS inverter will be pow ered b y the UPS b atter ies. The following will be displa yed on th e main an d m easurem ent scr een (Indic ation of batter y opera tion and rem aining batter y tim e ) .
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 33 1) MESSAG E The displ ay sho ws a fau lt code, the des cription of the f ault an d a guidanc e of what act ion is t o be taken b y the user .
34 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 2.4 E XTERN AL S I G N AL T ERMINA L B LOCK The UPS is equi pped with a series of input/ output ter m inals for ex ternal annu nciatio n of alar m s and for rem ote ac cess of certain UPS func tions. T he la yout of term inals is sho wn in Figur e 2.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 35 FIGURE 2.1 0 .2 Externa l Signa l Term inal Bloc k ( NEC Class2) TN1 (User suppl ied d ry con tact) IN3: BATT ERY T E MP.
36 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l A ) Output Conta cts (for exte r nal alarm annunciation) Output c ontacts c onsis t of f orm “A” (NO) dry type cont act s. Rated c apacit y of a ll output c ontacts is N EC Class2 (30 Vdc/1 Adc). Al l dry cont acts should b e operat ed at the ir rate d values or lo wer.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 37 The UPS is equipp ed with a s e le c ta ble outp ut c o ntact fea ture. The above al arms ar e the de fault sett ings.
38 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l Details of input contacts for r emote access : TN 1 Term inals 7 to 8 Remote "I nverter Start" input term i nal (IN1) Used to s tart in verter from a rem ote loca tion. UP S m ust be pr ogramm ed f or rem ote operatio n.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 39 2.5 RemotEyeII INT RODUCTION The “ R em o tEyeII ”* is avai lab le as a U PS s ystem m onitoring tool. T he Rem otEyeII s upplies a network function t o m onitor UP S unit s via Sim ple Networ k Managem ent Prot ocol ( SNMP) an d Hypertex t Trans fer Pr otocol (H TTP) methods.
40 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FIGURE 2.13 . 2 C onfigur ation of the Rem otEyeII (30 0k VA) * Consul t Toshi ba Intern ation al Corpor ation for details on “ RemotEyeII ” monit or i ng s of tw are and its c apa bilities.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 41 FIGURE 2.13 . 3 C onfigur ation of the Rem otEyeII (O ver vie w : 5 00 - 75 0kVA ) * Consul t Toshi ba Intern ation al Corpor ation for details on “ RemotEyeII ” monit or i ng s of tw are and its ca pabilities.
42 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l T he Power Suppl y PCB (P SAU - 60, d esignat ed as PS1) and the Cab le1 (des ignated as 3BBA008 3P001) ar e equi pped with G900 0 UPS units. T he Cable2 (D - s ub 9pin) and th e Cable3 ( 12V power c able) are i ncluded in the Rem otEyeII pack age.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 43 The parts (included Rem otEyeII) f or UP S monitor ing a re listed b elo w . T AB L E 2-1 Par ts lis t for UPS monitor ing Parts No.
44 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 2.6 CONNECT OR D EFINITIO N FIGURE 2.1 8 T he connec tor ( CN1) of P SAU - 60 (PS1 ) FIGURE 2.1 9 T he term inal bloc k (T N ) of PSAU - 60 (PS1) FIGURE 2. 20 T he connec tor (C N44) of PSAU - 60 (PS 1) FIGURE 2.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 45 3 I N S T AL L AT I O N AN D OPERATION 3.1 T R AN S P O R T AT I O N AN D I N S TA LLA TI O N T AB L E 3 . 1 How to tr anspor t and inst all the s ystem Transporta tion Installation Trans port unit wit h for klif t.
46 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l D) Exter nal Ba ttery Supp ly Please ref er to t he follo wing when instal ling and m aintaining bat teries : 1. The cus tom er shall ref er to the ba tter y manufac turer 's ins tallatio n m anual for batter y installat ion and m ainten ance inst ructions .
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 47 After the com pletion o f the input po wer ca bles connec tio n: With a phase ro ta tion m eter, check that the phase rotati on of th e AC I nput power terminal s A, B and C as well as the By pass Inpu t power terminals A40, B40 and C40 are correct.
48 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l (3) Conn ect the ex ternal s ignal term inal block as des ired. Ref er to S ectio n 2.4 an d Figure 2.1 0 for f unctiona l descr iption. 1 4 AW G ( 2m m 2 ) , or les s, shielded cond uctor is recom mended.
G9000 Insta llatio n and O pe ration Ma nual 49 T AB L E 3 . 4 R ecomm ended Ca ble Si zes Input Side Output Si de Bypass Side DC Input Si de kVA Capacity Input Voltage Output Voltage Cable Size Torque ft . lbs Cable Size Torque ft . lbs Cable Size Torque ft .
50 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l T AB L E 3 . 5 Crim p Type Com pres sion Lug W IR E SIZE W IR E STRAN D RECOM MEND ATIO N CRIMP TOOL REQUIRED BURND Y T YPE Y3 5 O R Y 46 (CODE) CLASS VENDO R CAT.
G9000 Insta lla tion and O per ation Ma nual 51 FIGURE 3.2 .1 . Diagram of input/outp ut bus bar s and term inal block s (80 - 225k VA) Location of bus bars and termina l blocks ( Bottom E ntry) Detailed Pow er T erminals H= 80. 6 ” (20 47 mm ) D=3 2.
52 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FI GURE 3.2 .2. Diagr am of input/outp ut bus bars a nd term inal bloc ks (300k VA) Location of bus bars and termi nal blocks ( Bottom /Top/Left Side Entry) Detailed Pow er Termin als H= 80. 7 ” (20 50 mm ) D=3 2.
G9000 Insta lla tion and O per ation Ma nual 53 FI GURE 3.2 .3. Diagram of input/outp ut bus bar s and term inal block s ( 50 0kVA) Location of bus bars and termina l blocks ( Bottom /Top/Left Side E ntry) Detailed Pow er Term inals H= 80. 7 ” (20 50 mm ) D=3 2.
54 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FI GURE 3.2 .4. Diagram of input/outp ut bus bar s and term inal block s (750k VA) Location of bus bars and termina l blocks ( Bottom /Top/Left Side E ntry) Detailed Pow er T erminals H= 80. 7 ” (20 50 mm ) D=3 2.
G9000 Insta lla tion and O per ation Ma nual 55 FIGURE 3. 3 .1 D et ail of th e m ain cabinet bus bars (300 kVA) BUS BAR DETAIL (TOP VIEW) BUS BAR DETAIL (TOP VIEW).
56 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FIGURE 3. 3.2 D e tail of th e m ain cabinet bus bars (500k VA) BUS BAR DETAIL (TOP VIEW) BUS BAR DETAIL (TOP VIEW).
G9000 Insta lla tion and O per ation Ma nual 57 FIGURE 3. 3.3 D e tail of th e m ain cabinet bus bars (750k VA) BUS BAR DETAIL (TOP VIEW).
58 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FIGURE 3. 4.1 Bus bar connec tion between m ain ca binet and land ing cab inet (3 00k VA) Landing Cabinet Main Cabinet BUS BAR CONNECTION (TOP VIEW) ALT.
G9000 Insta lla tion and O per ation Ma nual 59 FIGURE 3. 4.2 Bus bar connec tion between m ain ca binet and land ing cab inet (5 00k VA) BUS BAR CONNECTION (TOP VIEW) ALTERNATE ALTERNATE BUS BAR CONN.
60 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FIGURE 3. 4. 3 Bus bar co nnection between m ain ca binet and l anding c abinet ( 750k VA) Landing Cabinet Main Cabinet ALTERNATE BUS BAR CONNECTION (TO.
G9000 Insta lla tion and O per ation Ma nual 61 FIGURE 3. 5 Diagr am of Power W ire & Contr ol W ire Inter - Con nect b et ween U PS and Batt er y UVR DC Breaker for Battery 2.
62 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FIGURE 3. 6 Diagram of Po wer W ire Connect ions ( Para lle l S ys t e m Conf iguration ) 52L1 UPS Breaker 52L2 UPS Breaker Toshiba T ie Cab inet (TTC) .
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 63 FIGURE 3. 7.1 Diagram of Po wer W ire & Contr ol W ire Connec t ion s for 4 units i n MMS C onfigur ation ( 80 - 225kVA ) IFAU-08 CN 96 CN95 CN94 TL.
64 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FIGURE 3. 7.2a Diagr am of Power W ire & Contr ol W ire Connec tions f or 2 un its in MM S Conf iguratio n ( 300 - 750k VA ) IFAU-09 CN99 CN98 TLBIN.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 65 FIGURE 3. 7.2 b Deta il of IFAU - 09 Control W ire Connections f or 2 units in MMS Configura tion ( 300 - 7 50kVA ) No.1 UPS IFAU-09 IOAU-09 CN952 CA2IN CN951 CA1IN CN944 CB2OUT CN943 CB1OUT CN942 CA2OUT CN941 CA1OUT CN953 CB1IN CN954 CB2IN CN 96 TLAOUT CN97 TLBOUT CN98 TLAIN CN99 TLBIN ~~~~~ No .
66 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FIGURE 3. 7.3a Diagr am of Power W ire & Contr ol W ire Connec tions f or 3 or 4 units in MMS Config uration ( 300 - 750k VA ) IFAU-09 CN99 CN98 TLBIN ON TLAIN TN1 IOAU-09 5 6 AC OUTPUT UPS-1 A B C UPS-1 A B C UPS-2 AC OUTPUT 35 36 37 38 .
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 67 FIGURE 3. 7.3 b Detai l of I FAU - 09 Contr ol W ire C onnections for 3 or 4 units in M MS Conf igurati on ( 300 - 750k VA ) No.
68 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l FIGURE 3. 7.4a Diagr am of Po wer W ir e & Cont rol W ire Connec t ions f or 5 to 8 units i n MMS Conf igur ation ( 300 - 750k VA ) IFAU-09 CN99 CN98 TLBIN ON TLAIN TN1 IOAU-09 5 6 AC OUTPUT UPS-1 A B C UPS -1 A B C UPS-2 AC OUTPUT 35 36 37 38 .
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 69 FIGURE 3. 7.4 b Detai l of I FAU - 09 Contr ol W ire C onnections for 5 t o 8 un its in M MS Conf igurati on ( 300 - 750k VA ) No.
70 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l EMB CPMS CPMC 3.4 O PER ATIN G P ROCED URES For Paral lel Operation system, refe r to section “ D) MM S Start -up Procedur e ”.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 71 B) Shut - do wn Proc edure If a total U PS sh utdown is requ ired, ver ify that th e critic al loa d is OFF. a.) Pres s the "START /ST OP" i con fr om the M a in Menu or the Oper ati on Men u on the LCD .
72 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l C) Bypass Oper ation Procedure ** T ransf er from Inver ter to Bypass 1. Check for “ S YN C ” on the LC D . 2. Press the "STA RT /ST OP” icon on the LCD . 3. Follow th e “ SHUTDOW N GUIDANCE ” and Pres s the "ST OP" ico n on the LC D.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 73 D) MMS Start - up Procedure External Ci rcuit Ch eck ( E nsu re Syste m is in Mainten ance B ypa ss ) 1. Ver i f y t h at T ie cabi net Main tenanc e b ypass b reak er 52MB is closed . 2. Verify that T ie cabi net Out put break er 52 CS is open.
74 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 4 RESPONSE T O UPS FA ILURE Depres s “SIL ENC E AL ARM” icon on M a in Menu . Refer to the list of fault c odes in s ection 6.0 for er ror d escriptio n. T ak e nec essar y action acc ording t o disp lay gui dance.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 75 5 PARTS REPL ACEMENT Contact T oshiba I nternat ional Cor porat io n or it s a uthori zed s ervice repr esenta tives on all is sues regarding t he repl acem ent of parts. A) B attery Batter y lifetim e ma y vary acc ording to th e fr equenc y of use and t he aver age am bient operating te mperatur e.
76 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 6 FAULT CODES This se ction covers f ault codes , their d escr iption and r equir ed actio n. At tim e of err or : Verif y and recor d the occ urr ence of the alarm . Note de tails of alarm mes sage disp layed on t he LCD displa y panel.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 77 Failur e Code List Tab le 6.1 Fault Code Note 3 Note 1 Note 2 Code indicat ion Status message Meaning G uidance Buzzer Ext ernal r elay contact Failure lam p UA8 01 AC INPUT VOLT AGE OUT OF RAN GE Input l ine vol t ag e i s out of the s pecif i ed range.
78 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l Note 3 Note 1 Note 2 Code indicat ion Status mess age Meaning Guidance Buzzer External relay contact Failure lam p UA8 24 CB2 OPEN The batt ery c irc uit break er (C B2) is open.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 79 Note 3 Note 1 Note 2 Code indicat ion Status mess age Meaning Guidance Buzzer External relay contact Failure lam p UF109 D C UNB ALAN CED Major un bala nce of t h e neut r al point vol tage.
80 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l Note 3 Note 1 Note 2 Code indicat ion Status mess age Meaning Guidance Buzzer External relay contact Failure lam p UF201 INV ERTER OVERVO LTAG E Detec tion of out put ov ervol tage. CALL SERVI CE ENGINE ER Cont inuou s sound Major Lit on UF202 INV ERTER UNDER VOLT AGE Output volt a ge dro pp ed.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 81 Note 3 Note 1 Note 2 Code indicat ion Status mess age Meaning Guidance Buzzer External relay contact Failure lam p UF301 UPS C ONTRO L CIRCUI T ERRO R AD ref erenc e has a n abn ormal valu e.
82 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l Note 3 Note 1 Note 2 Code indicat ion Status mess age Meaning Guidance Buzzer External relay contact Failure lam p UF401 5 2S AB NORM AL Error t o clos e the c ontac tor 5 2S. CALL SERVI CE ENGINE ER Cont inuou s s ound Major Lit on UF402 5 2S AB NORM AL Error t o ope n t he cont actor 52S.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 83 7 D AI L Y INSPECTION Please p erform the dail y ins pection while the U PS is running. The da il y inspectio n item s are shown in Table 7.1 . The customers can only inspect exterior or environment of cabinet.
84 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 85 A PPENDIX A Installation Planning Guid es (IPG) Instal lat ion P l anni ng Gui de fo r 80kVA UP S Standard System : 480V I nput, 480V Outp ut General Me.
86 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l Instal lat ion P l anni ng Gui de fo r 10 0kVA UPS Standard System : 480V I nput, 480V Outp ut General Mechanical I nformation Dimensions (W x D x H) W .
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 87 Instal lat ion P l anni ng Gui de fo r 16 0kVA UPS Standard System : 480V I nput, 480V Outp ut General Mechanical I nformation Dimension s (W x D x H) W.
88 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l Instal lat ion P l anni ng Gui de fo r 225 kVA UPS Standard System : 480V I nput, 480V Outp ut General Mechanical I nformation Dimensions (W x D x H) W .
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 89 Instal lat ion P l anni ng Gui de fo r 300 kVA UPS Standard System : 480V I nput, 480V Outp ut General Mechanical I nformati on Dimensions (W x D x H) W.
90 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l Instal lat ion P l anni ng Gui de fo r 500 kVA UPS Standard System : 480V I nput, 480V Outp ut General Mechanical I nformation Dimensions (W x D x H) W .
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 91 Instal lat ion P l anni ng Gui de fo r 75 0 kVA UPS Standard S ystem : 480V Input, 4 80V Outp ut General Mechan ical I nform ation Dimensions (W x D x H.
92 G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l.
G9000 Ins tallatio n and Op erat ion Manua l 93.
INDUSTRI AL DIVISION 13131 W es t Little York Rd., Housto n, T X 77041 Tel: 713/ 466 - 0277 Fax 713/466 - 877 3 US 877/8 67 - 8773 Can ada 800/ 872 - 2192 Mexi co 01/800/527 - 1 204 www.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Toshiba G9000 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Toshiba G9000 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Toshiba G9000, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Toshiba G9000 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Toshiba G9000, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Toshiba G9000.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Toshiba G9000. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Toshiba G9000 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.