Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit ES96 du fabricant Toshiba
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January 2003 Stratagy Flash, IVP8 and Stratagy iES32, ES4, ES80, ES96, ES96R General Description ® V oice Processing Systems.
Publication Information T oshib a Americ a Informati on Syst ems, I nc., T elecomm unicat ion S ystems Divis ion, r es erve s the r ig ht, w it hou t p r ior n o ti ce, to r e vise th is in forma tion.
TOSHIBA AMERICA INFORMA TION SYSTEMS, INC. ( “ TA I S ” ) T elecommunication Systems Division Additional Microsoft License T er ms The following additional License Agreement terms apply to software included in the T AIS System that is licensed from Microsoft Licensing, Inc.
T oshiba America Information System s, Inc. T elecommunication Sy stems Division Limite d W arrant y T oshiba America I nformation Systems, I nc., ( “ TA I S ” ) warrants that this voice processin.
Stratagy General Description 01/03 i Content s Introduction Organizati on ..................... .................................... ........................... .................. ............. ..... .................. .. v Conventions.... ...........
Contents Chapte r 2 – Features ii Stratagy General Description 01/03 Class of Ser vice (COS) ...................... .................. ........................... .................................... .. ................ 22 Copy Mailbox. ............
Contents Chapt er 3 – Str atagy ES Featu re G rou ps Stratagy General Description 01/03 iii Single-dig it Menus ............................. ........................... .................. .................. ................. .......... ......... 36 Soft Key Con trol of Voice Mail .
Contents Chapte r 4 – Specific ations iv Stratagy General Description 01/03.
Strat agy General Description 01/03 v Introduction This gene ral de scripti on is an ov erview of the S tratagy ® V oice Pr ocessi ng systems and provide s general infor mati on desc ribin g each sy stem. Unle ss noted other wis e in th is book, r efer ences t o the S tratagy apply to a ll S tratagy product model s.
Introduction Related Documents/Media vi Strat agy General Description 01/03 Related Document s/Media Note Some documen ts list ed here may appea r in dif fe re nt ver si ons on the CD-ROM, FYI, or in print .
Strat agy General Description 01/03 1 Overview 1 This chap ter de scr i bes the mai n compo nent s of S tratagy and pr ovi des genera l de sc ripti ons of eac h of the S tratagy sy st ems ( se e T able 1 on page 2 ). Unless noted otherwise in this book, re fe re nces to S tratagy apply to a ll produc t lines a nd models.
Overview 2 Strat agy General Description 01/03 T able 1 Stratagy Mo dels and Key Feature Co mparison Stra tagy Flash IVP8 iES32 ES4 ES80 ES96 ES96R Ports M i n i m u m 2 2 42444 Maximu m 4 8 32 4 80 96 96 Port Upg rade Opti on Electroni c Deliv ery Meth od Intel® V oic e Board H ardware Messa ge S torage (approx.
Overview Stratagy Fl ash and I VP8 Strat agy General Description 01/03 3 S trat agy Flash and IVP8 S tratagy Flash and I VP8 share man y of the same feat ures and ca pabilit ies. The Flash i s desi gned for small b usines ses wit h fe wer users a nd lo wer call vo lumes.
Overview Stratagy F lash and IVP8 4 Strat agy General Description 01/03 S trat agy IVP8 The Stra tagy IV P8 ’ s circuit card arc h i tec tu re (shown right) is a T os hiba pro priet ary d esign utili zing stat e-of-t he-art e m bedded process ing cap abiliti es.
Overview Stratagy Fl ash and I VP8 Strat agy General Description 01/03 5 S trat agy Flas h, IVP8 Syst em So f tware Str a ta g y ’ s flex ibilit y is l argely a r esult of it s soft ware. The follow ing provi des a b rie f o ver vi ew of the Stra tagy s ystem sof tware .
Overview Stratagy E nterprise Serve r (ES) 6 Strat agy General Description 01/03 S t rat agy Enterprise Server (ES) The Stra tagy ES is a po werf ul ha rdwa re /so ftw are p lat fo rm th at con sists of fi ve mod els — St ratagy iES 32, ES4, ES80, ES96, and ES96R — d esigned fo r medium t o ente rprise- sized busines ses.
Overview Stratagy Enterp rise Server (ES) Strat agy General Description 01/03 7 All S tratagy ES standalone systems ar e equipped with IDE hard drive s that ca n off er a voic e storage capacit y of 900 hour s.
Overview Stratagy E nterprise Serve r (ES) 8 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Str at agy ES96 ES96 (shown right) is the lar gest S tratagy ES platfor m.
Overview Stratagy Enterp rise Server (ES) Strat agy General Description 01/03 9 Strat agy ES4, ES80 , ES 96, ES96R St and ard Compon ent s The Stra ta gy ES ’ s base c omponents ar e shown i n Ta b l e 2 . T able 2 Stratagy ES Bas e System Comp onents ES4 1,3 ES8 0 1 ES96 1 ES96R 1, 2 Motherbo ard with Inte l Cele ron p roces sor .
Overview Stratagy E nterprise Serve r (ES) 10 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Voice and Resour ce Boards One or mo re voice b oards are used in th e standalone S trata gy ES platforms to convert, compress and stor e analog vo ice si gnals.
Overview Stratagy Enterp rise Server (ES) Strat agy General Description 01/03 11 Optional Equipment Optional equipment c an be order ed with t he system an d is boxed separat ely . Th e followin g equipment is optio nal and can be inc luded in t he initi al confi guration or added as an upgr ade.
Overview Stratagy E S System So ftware 12 Strat agy General Description 01/03 S t rat agy ES System Sof tware All of t he St ratag y ES platfo rms run on W indows NT , with the i ES32 runnin g on Micro soft ’ s W indows NT 4.0 Embedded o perating system soft ware.
Overview Stratagy ES Syste m Software Strat agy General Description 01/03 13 Strat agy ES Administrat i on Sof tware The S t ratagy ES Administration s oftware p rogram is p reloaded o n every system and i s composed of the a dministra tive and configu ration men us for the system .
Overview Features 14 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Microsof t NetMee ting Note Appl ies to iES3 2 only . Remote maint enance ca n be perfor med using t he NetMeetin g ® softw are lo cated on an IB M- compatibl e computer . This software repl aces pcANYWHERE us ed on the de sktop S trata gy ES systems.
Overview Feature/Sy stem C ompariso n Chart Strat agy General Description 01/03 15 Feature /System Comp ar ison Chart The foll owing t able provi des a lis t of the availabl e S tratagy feature s .
Overview Feature/Sy stem C omparison C hart 16 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Mailbox – Function Loc k NA NA ✕✕ Mailbox – Grou ps ✕✕ ✕ ✕ Mailbox – Security Code ✕✕ ✕ ✕ M.
Overview Feature/Sy stem C ompariso n Chart Strat agy General Description 01/03 17 Single-di git Me nus ✕✕ ✕ ✕ Soft Key Control of V oice Mail NA NA ✕✕ Soft Key Control Over S trata Net NA NA ✕✕ System Adminis trator ’ s Mail box ✕✕ ✕ ✕ System Backup ✕✕ ✕ ✕ T oken Program ming (c ustom ap plicat ions, IVR, etc.
Overview Feature/Sy stem C omparison C hart 18 Strat agy General Description 01/03.
Strat agy General Description 01/03 19 Features 2 This chap ter pr esents a n overview o f availa ble S tratagy standar d featur es. S tratagy ES fe atures provide d throu gh the use o f Feature Groups a re descri bed in Chap ter 3 – S trata gy ES Feat ure Groups .
Feature s Automati c Message Copy 20 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Automa ti c Me s sa g e Co py System A vail abili ty: All syst ems A mailbox c an be confi gured to a utomati cally co py all inc oming mess ages into a second designa ted mailbo x ’ s fol de r of messa ges.
Feature s Caller C onfirmati on Prior to T ransfe rring Strat agy General Description 01/03 21 Caller Confirmation Prior to T ransferring System A vail abili ty: All syst ems When a ca ller st ays on .
Feature s Call Q ueuing 22 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Call Queuing System A vail abili ty: All syst ems When a us er ’ s extensi on is busy , St ratagy c an be co nfigured to of fer the calle r the opti on of e ither leaving a message or holdi ng unti l the cal led exte nsion becomes av ailable .
Feature s Copy Mail box Strat agy General Description 01/03 23 Copy Mailb ox System A vail abili ty: All syst ems The Copy Ma ilbox fea ture ena bles t he System Admin istrat or to cre ate new mailboxes b y copyin g an ex isting mail box.
Feature s Disk Spa ce Notific ation 24 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Disk S p ace Notifi cation System A vail abili ty: All syst ems Auto mati cally notif ies th e Sys tem A dmini stra tor w hene ver av ailab le sys tem d isk s pace f alls b elow a defin ed thre shold.
Feature s Fax T one Dete ction Strat agy General Description 01/03 25 Fax T o ne Detecti on System A vail abili ty: All syst ems All S tratagy syste ms can be programmed t o list en for an incomin g fax tone when answe ring incomi ng lines.
Feature s Interacti ve V oice Response (IVR) 26 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Interact iv e V oice Respons e (IVR) System A vail abili ty: All syst ems Note S tratagy Fla sh does not suppor t some IVR fun ctions.
Feature s Mailbox – Personal Gree tin g Strat agy General Description 01/03 27 Mailbo x – Personal Gre eting System A vail abili ty: All syst ems Each user can recor d up to seven pers onal gree tings that are pl ayed when the user i s unavail able.
Feature s Mailbo x Number – V aried/Fixed L ength 28 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Mailbo x Number – V aried/Fix ed Length System A vail abili ty: All syst ems S tratagy supports mailboxes o f up to eight dig its, or 10 0 million d iff erent pos sible mai lbox number s.
Feature s Message – D ate and Tim e Strat agy General Description 01/03 29 Message – Date and T i me System A vail abili ty: All syst ems Prior t o playing the contents of the a mes sage, the System Adminis trator c an configu re eac h mailbox or group of ma ilboxes t o automat ically play the d ate and ti me the messa ge was r ecorded.
Feature s Messa ge – Pause During Playback 30 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Note The Panic notif ication is supp orted by t he S tratag y Flash and IVP8. Bene fit( s) • Flexibl e notifi cation r ecords ena ble S tratagy to be us ed with al most any kind of PBX or notifi cati on method.
Feature s Messa ge – Purgin g Strat agy General Description 01/03 31 Bene fit( s) • Useful t o users who want to writ e down a long phone n umber or other inf ormation i n a message. • Enables a user t o skip fo rward i n a previo usly-h eard messag e to ge t one part icula r piece o f info rmatio n.
Feature s Messa ge – Retur n Rec eip t V er i fic ati on 32 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Message – Return Receipt V erification System A vail abili ty: All syst ems When a user s ends or for ward s a mes s age to anoth er us er , the m e ssage can be mark ed fo r retu rn receip t veri ficati on.
Feature s Message – Vo l u me Co n t r o l Strat agy General Description 01/03 33 Message – V olume Control System A vail abili ty: S tratagy Fl ash, S trat agy ES S tratagy permits r eal-ti me volume c ontrol of messages du ring pl ayback.
Feature s Networking (AMIS) 34 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Networking (AMIS) System A vail ability : S tratagy IVP8 , St ratagy ES S tratagy software supports industry standa rd AMIS analog network ing.
Feature s Remote Admini stra tio n Strat agy General Description 01/03 35 Remote Administration S trat agy Flas h, IVP8 The R e mote Admin ist ra tor ha s full s creen acce ss to th e sys tem (p rote cted b y two di fferen t passw ord s), in clu di ng al l ava il abl e syst em fea tur e s.
Feature s Shutdow n Using th e T elephone Di al Pad 36 Strat agy General Description 01/03 • Report Opti on 2 enabl es you to cus tomi ze a rep ort for user mail boxe s and AMIS Gateway and Proxy mailbox es. The report columns represe nt fields of the User scre en, and can include either all or a subse t of mailb oxes in th e syst em.
Feature s Soft Key Co ntrol of V oice Mail Strat agy General Description 01/03 37 Sof t Key Control of V oic e Mail System A v ailabili ty: S tratag y ES Important! Requi r es T oshiba Pr opriet ary Integ ration.
Feature s System Adm inistrator ’ s M ailbo x 38 Strat agy General Description 01/03 System Admin istra tor ’ s Mailbox System A vail abili ty: All syst ems S tratagy has a specia l mailbo x known as th e System Admin istr ator mai lbox.
Feature s T oken Programmin g Lang uage Strat agy General Description 01/03 39 T oke n Progra mming Language System A vail abili ty: All syst ems While S tra tagy provi des an eas y confi guratio n of mail boxes for stand ard featu res (Au diotex, Automated At tendant, V oice Mess aging, d ialing a standard extension , etc.
Feature s User T utor ial ( New Us er) 40 Strat agy General Description 01/03 User T utori al (New User) System A vail abili ty: All syst ems A first time user of S trata gy auto maticall y hears a us er -friendly tut orial upo n logging in to hi s/her mailbox.
Feature s T elephone S ystem Int egratio n Strat agy General Description 01/03 41 T elephone Sys tem Integration S tratagy can be conf igure d to work wit h various telephone system integrat ions.
Feature s T elephone Sys tem Integra tion 42 Strat agy General Description 01/03.
Strat agy General Description 01/03 43 S trat agy ES Feature Group s 3 Feature Groups e xpand the s tandard vo ice proce ssing fea tures of the S tratagy product family by providi ng such adva nced feature fu nctional ity as Fax Server and Unifie d Messaging.
Stratagy ES Feature Groups Fax Server 44 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Fax Server W ith the Fax Ser ver feat ure group, the Strat agy ES syste m serves as the ce ntral hub for fax messaging and tr ansmissio n. T o use fa x wit h the Stra ta gy E S: • A Intel GammaFax boar d and D/41ESC or D/160SC-LS voi ce board mus t be inst alled.
Stratagy ES Feature Groups Fax Ser ver Strat agy General Description 01/03 45 Remote Retrieval T o retrie ve a fax mess age re mote ly , the us er ca n call from a ny DTMF telep hone . The user re view s the messa ge, is prompt ed that t he message contains a fax, and the number of pages.
Stratagy ES Feature Groups Automati c Speech Recogn ition (ASR) 46 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Unified Mess aging wit h Fa x Server When bundled with the Fax Serve r featur e group, UM of fers the us er an ef ficient and easy way to manage all types of messages, s aving time and troubl e.
Stratagy ES Feature Groups Unifie d Messagi ng (UM) Strat agy General Description 01/03 47 Unified Messagi ng (UM) S tratagy ES provides UM as an opti onal feat ure group. UM enables users to retriev e their v oice, fax and e -mail messages from withi n their e -mail clien t inbox scr een.
Stratagy ES Feature Groups Unifie d Messa ging (UM) 48 Strat agy General Description 01/03 Internet Pr ot ocol Inte gration The S t ratagy ES sends v oice and f ax messages to any e -mail servi ce that s upports t he SMTP and POP3 Inter net prot ocols.
Stratagy ES Feature Groups T ext-T o-Sp eech (TTS) Strat agy General Description 01/03 49 T ex t- T o-S peech (TTS) The S t ratagy ES provides TTS as an optional f eature g roup.
Stratagy ES Feature Groups Interacti ve V oice Response (IVR) 50 Strat agy General Description 01/03 T o enable TTS on the S tratagy ES4, ES80, ES96, and ES96 R: • the E TI – Eloquence software must be ins talled. T his softwa re can be found on t he St rata gy ES softwar e CD-ROM that ships with each s ystem.
Strat agy General Description 01/03 51 S pecifications 4 This chap ter pr ovides de tails of the ph ysical an d funct ional cha racteri stics of the S tratagy sy stem equipment .
Specifications Stratagy i ES32 52 Strat agy General Description 01/03 S trat agy iES32 S t rat agy ES4, ES80, ES96, and ES96R Configurat ion Dime nsi ons We ig ht Po we r Requirements • 4~32 port s (upgrades perfo rmed e lectronic ally) • Integrate d board for Strata CTX te lephone syste m • Storag e capaci ty of appro x.
Specificati ons Str a tagy F las h, IVP 8 Opti onal E quipm ent Strat agy General Description 01/03 53 S t rat agy Flas h, IVP8 Optional Equipment S t rat agy ES Optional Eq uipment System Options Str.
Specifications ONEAC 400 U PS 54 Strat agy General Description 01/03 ONEAC 400 UPS • Nominal input vol tage: 1 20V AC, 6 0 Hz and 2 30V AC, 5 0/60 Hz • Surge vol tage withs tand capa bility: ANSI/ IEEE C62.
Specificati ons ONEAC 400 U PS Strat agy General Description 01/03 55 T able 6 Stratagy Hardware Envir o nme ntal and Elect ri cal Spec ifica tion Summ ary Envi ron ment al Conditions Operatin g T emper ature 39.
Specifications ONEAC 400 U PS 56 Strat agy General Description 01/03.
Strat agy General Description 01/03 57 Index A about this guide conventions, v organization, v related documents/media, vi administrati on software, 13 configuration wizard, 13 AMIS, 34 Antares board,.
Index I ~ S 58 Strat agy General Description 01/03 platform configurations, 12 resource boards, 11 , 53 SAM, 10 serial port boards, 53 tape drive, 11 , 53 voice boards, 10 - 11 , 53 I integration, 41 .
Ind ex T ~ V Strat agy General Description 01/03 59 Stratagy systems Strat agy Fl ash, 3 - 4 , 39 , 51 , 53 Stratagy IVP8, 4 , 39 - 40 , 51 system administrator ’ s mailbox, 38 backup, 38 electr ica.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Toshiba ES96 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Toshiba ES96 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Toshiba ES96, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Toshiba ES96 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Toshiba ES96, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Toshiba ES96.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Toshiba ES96. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Toshiba ES96 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.