Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit RM356 du fabricant Bay Technical Associates
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M-RM356NA-0 July 199 8 NETGEAR , I nc. A B ay Networ ks Compan y 4401 G reat Am erica Pa rkway Santa Clar a, CA 95054 USA Phone 80 0-21 1-2069 Reference Guide for the Model RM3 56 Mod em Router.
ii © 1998 by NETGEAR, Inc . Al l ri ght s rese rv ed. T rademar ks Bay N etw or ks is a re gis ter ed tra dem a rk of Bay N et wor ks , In c. NETGE AR and Fir stGea r ar e tr ad em arks Bay Netw ork s, Inc . Mi cro sof t, W i ndo ws, and W indo ws NT are re gister ed trad emar ks of Micr os oft Corp ora t ion .
iii Bestätigung des Herstellers/Importeu rs Es w ir d hier mit be stätigt , daß das Mo del RM356 M odem Rout er un d Model gem äß de r im BMPT -Amt sblVfg 243/19 91 u nd V fg 46 /1 992 aufge fü h rt en Best immu n gen ents tört ist . Da s v orsch ri ftsm äßig e Betreib en ei ni ger Ge rä te (z.
iv W orl d Wide W eb NETGE AR maint ains a W orl d W ide W eb Home P age tha t yo u can ac ce ss at th e uni ver sal res ource loc at or ( URL) htt p:// NETGEAR. bay net wor ks.c om. A di rect co nnect ion to th e In te rnet and a W eb bro wser su ch as Int ernet Expl or er or N et sca pe ar e r equi red.
Contents v Contents Prefac e Purpose ... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. .. xv A udience .. ....... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .....
vi Contents Priv ate IP Addr e sse s ..... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .1 -11 Sin gle IP Address Oper ati o n Usi ng NA T ... ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..
Contents vi i Eth er net Me nu ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... . 3 -9 General Setup Menu . . ........................................... .. .......
viii Con tents Appl ying a Fi lte r Set ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ... 8- 8 Reducing Unn ecessar y Calls by Wi ndows 95 ........... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .
Contents ix T rou bleshooting the Manager Interf ace ..................... .......................... ......................... 1 0-5 Restorin g the Def ault Configuration and P a ssw ord ... ..................... .. ............ .. .............. 1 0-6 Usin g the P ack et and Log T r a ce .
x Contents.
Fig ure s xi Figures Fi gure 1-1. Three Main Add res s Classe s .... ... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... . 1-7 Figure 1 -2 . E xam ple of Subne tting a Class B A d dres s .......................... .............
xii Figures.
Tab les xiii T a ble s T a bl e 1- 1. Netmask Notati on T ra nsla tion T a b le f or On e Octe t ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... . 1 -10 T a bl e 1- 2. Netmask F ormats . ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .
xiv Table s T a ble 9-1. System Ma int enance Stat us Menu Fields . ............................................... 9-1 T a ble 9-2. System Ma int enance Stat us Menu Fields ............................................... 9-2 T a ble 9-3. System Ma intenance - Log and T r ace Menu F ields .
Pr eface xv Preface Congrat ulation s on your purch ase of the NETGEAR ™ Model RM356 Modem Router . The Model RM356 Modem Router inte grate s a 4-por t hub and one high- spe ed 56K internal modem i nto a single pa ckage.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router xvi Preface Con ventions This s e ction de scribe s the c on v entions used in this guide . Spe cia l M essag e Fo r mats This g uide uses the fol lowi.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Pref ace xvi i Othe r Con vent ions This g uide uses the fol lowi ng t ypographic a l c on ve ntions: italic s Book titl es and U NIX fi le, command, and dire ct ory names. cour ie r fon t Screen t ext, use r- typed co mm and-li ne entrie s.
Introduction 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduc tion This chapt er de scribes t he features of the NETGEAR Model RM356 Modem Router a nd discusse s plann ing considerati ons for inst al la tion. About the Router The Model RM356 M odem Router transp orts d ata from one local a rea ne twork (LAN) to another throu gh a wide area net work (W AN) connection.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 1-2 Introduc tion Key F eat ures The Model RM356 M odem Router provi des t he followi ng featu re s: • Inter nal h igh-speed analog modem – V .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Introduction 1-3 • Eleven LEDs for easy moni toring of stat us and act ivit y • Flash EPROM for firmware upgrade • Fiv e-y e ar w arra n ty • Free techni cal support se ve n days a week, twenty- four hours a day V .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 1-4 Introduc tion Secu ri ty The Mode l RM356 Mode m Router is equ ipped wit h seve ral fea tures de sign ed to mai ntain sec urity .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Introduction 1-5 Basic Router Concepts In general, the cost o f providi ng n etwork bandwidt h is proporti onal to t he data speed and the dista nce over which the network ex te nds.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 1-6 Introduc tion Using RIP , routers update one anothe r per iodically a nd chec k to see if ther e are any changes to be added t o the routi ng table.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Introduction 1-7 There are fi ve standard class es of IP addre sses. These addres s classe s have dif f erent ways of deter mining the networ k and host s ections o f the a ddress, all owing fo r dif ferent num bers o f host s on a network.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 1-8 Introduc tion Class E addresse s are f or expe rimental use. This addre ssing structu re allows IP to uniquely ide ntify each physic a l network and each n ode on each physi cal network.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Introduction 1-9 Subne t A ddre ssing By looking at the addres sing structur e s, you can see that even with a Class C address , the re are a lar ge number of hosts per ne twork.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 1-10 Introduc tion Ta b l e 1 - 1 lists the addi tional subnet mask bits in dotted-decim al notation. T o use the table, write down the origina l class ne tmask and replac e the 0 valu e octets wi th the dot ted-dec imal v alue of th e addit ional subnet bits .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Introduction 1-11 Ta b l e 1 - 2 displa ys several common netmask va lue s in both the dotted- decim al and the mask-l ength for mats.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 1-12 Introduc tion Regardle ss of your partic ula r situation, do not create an arbitrary I P address; always follow the guide lines explaine d here.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Introduction 1-13 This sc h em e offers the a dditiona l benef it of fire wall prot ection be cause the internal LAN addre sses ar e not availa ble t o the I nternet throug h the translate d connec tion.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 1-14 Introduc tion IP Config uratio n by DHCP When an IP-bas ed loc al area ne twork is installed , e ach workst ation must be config ured with an I P address.
Router Installation and Connection 2-1 Chapter 2 Router In stallation and Connec tion This c hapter provides i nstruc tions for inst a lling the Model RM 356 Mod em Router and connecti ng to the built- in interfac e through a serial or T elnet c onnection.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 2-2 Router Installation and Con nection Check lists Check the fol lowing lists to make sure that you r networ k is c orrectl y configur ed and all requir ements are met.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Router Installation and Con nection 2-3 Single- User Account In a single -user account, you are assigne d only one regist e red Interne t Protocol (I P) addre ss.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 2-4 Router Installation and Con nection Network Chec klist The Model RM356 M odem Router uses the Internet Protocol (IP). The IP config urati on has the foll owing requirem ent s: • All host devi ces must have TCP/IP install ed and selected as the net work ing protocol.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Router Installation and Con nection 2-5 Connecti ng the Router The front panel of the Model RM356 Modem Router, as illust rated in Figur e 2-1 , conta ins sta tus LEDs. Refer t o t he il lustra tion to locate the LEDs and to T able 2-1 for descr iptions.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 2-6 Router Installation and Con nection Ta b l e 2 - 1 lists and describes eac h LED on the front pane l of the rout er . The se LEDs are g reen when lit. T ab le 2-1. LED Description s Label Activi ty Des cripti on PWR (Power) On Power is suppl ied to the rout er .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Router Installation and Con nection 2-7 The rear pa nel o f the M odel RM356 Modem Router is sh own i n Figure 2- 2 . Re fer t o this diag r am to id e ntify a ll of the ports on the router whe n you attempt to m a ke any conne c tions.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 2-8 Router Installation and Con nection Co nnect ing to the Hub Por ts The Mode l RM356 Modem Router provi des f our Ethe rnet t wisted p air hub por ts f or connect ing to PCs and worksta tions.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Router Installation and Con nection 2-9 Connecting for Configu ration If yo u are a P C user , yo u can c onfigure t he route r th rough eit her the FirstGe ar ISDN Router Configur ation Util ity , which is an easy-to- use softwa re prog ram, or the menu-based buil t-in Man ag er in te rfac e.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 2-10 Router Installation and Con nection Co nnect in g Thro ugh a T eln et Co nn ec tion Y ou can acc ess the built- in Manage r inte rfac e by a T elnet ca ll from any TC P/ IP wo r kstati on on the LAN or the remote network.
Router Co nfiguration 3-1 Chapter 3 Router Configuration This c hapter contains in formation about conf iguri ng your Model RM356 Modem Router through the built- in Manager inter fac e.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 3-2 Router Con figuration Poweri ng on the Ro uter When y ou tur n power on to the router , sever al in ternal te sts a re pe rformed by the router . Af ter t he initia lizati on, the start -up display app ears, as i llustrate d in Fig ure 3- 1 .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Router Configuration 3-3 Navigating the Manager The Manage r is th e inte rface t hat you use to con figure yo ur rout er . Ta b l e 3 - 1 li sts and de scr ibes the commands t ha t ena ble y ou to navig a te thr ough the menus i n the Manager .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 3-4 Router Con figuration The Manager Mai n Menu is il lustrated in F igure 3-2 . Figu re 3-2. Ma na g e r Mai n M enu RM35 6 Main Men u Get ti ng S ta rt ed Adv an ce d Ma na ge men t 1. Ge ne ra l Se tu p 21.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Router Configuration 3-5 Manager Menu Su mmary Ta b l e 3 - 2 descr ibes the top-l evel Mana ger menus. T ab le 3-2. Manag er Menu S ummar y Number Menu T it le Descript ion 1 General Setup This menu is accessed to s et up g enera l inf orma tion (ro uter name, f or example) .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 3-6 Router Con figuration General Se tup Menu The General S etup Menu contain s admi nistrati ve and s ystem-r elated inf ormati on.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Router Configuration 3-7 MODEM Menus Menu 2 is for configur ing the inter nal 56K modem. Advanced M ODEM setup is pro vided by a submenu, Menu 2.1 . MO DE M S e tu p Me nu Use the commands and m enus describe d in T able 3-1 and T able 3-2 t o di splay the M ODEM Setup men u.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 3-8 Router Con figuration Adv an ce d MO D E M Se tu p M en u Use the comman ds descr ibe d in Ta b l e 3 - 3 t o displa y Menu 2.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Router Configuration 3-9 Eth e r n et M en u Menu 3 is for configur ing the Ethernet LAN p aram eter s, in c luding inte rface type, filt ers, DHCP , and IP address inf ormatio n. From the Main Menu, ente r 3 to displ ay Menu 3 - Ethernet Setup.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 3-10 Router Con figuration DHCP and TCP/IP Set up The route r has the capabi lity to act as a DHCP serve r , allowing it to as sign I P , DNS, and Default Gateway addres ses t o attache d PCs or workst ations.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Router Configuration 3-11 TCP/IP Setu p (con tinued ) RIP Directi on This par ameter det ermi nes how the router handles RIP (Rou ti n g Infor mati on Pr otocol ) with other rout in g devi ces on th e LAN.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 3-12 Router Con figuration Manager Password Setup T o change the Manag er password: 1. Select option 23 (System Passwor d) fr om the main menu to d ispl ay Menu 23 - System Password. 2. Enter your pr evious syst em passwor d an d pres s [Ente r].
Configuration for Internet Access 4-1 Chapter 4 Conf iguration for I nternet Acce ss This c hapter provi des in formation to hel p you c onfigure your Model R M356 Modem Router for Intern et acc es s. In fo rm ati on Check li st Use Menu 4 of the Manager to c onfigure Internet access.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 4-2 Co nfigurat ion for I n ternet Access Inter net Acces s Confi guration Y ou c an conf igure the route r f or acces s to an Inte rnet servi ce provi der ( ISP) usi ng Menu 4 , Inte rnet Access Setup.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Configuration f or Internet Acc ess 4-3 6. Enter your passwor d in the My Password field. Enter the password associa ted wi th the login name fro m your I SP . 7. Enter s ing le-u s er acco unt in form at ion i n the Sin gle Us er Acc o un t f ield .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 4-4 Co nfigurat ion for I n ternet Access • Singl e User Account: Server IP Addr If you want to make your local se r ver (for example , a W eb server) access ible to outsi de user s, enter the IP address of tha t serve r here.
Remote Nod e Con figuration 5-1 Chapter 5 Remote Node Configurat ion This c hapter discu sses t he protocol- independe nt pa rameters used t o configur e a remote node. The proto col-depende nt ( TCP/IP) configurati on is c overed in a later c hapter .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 5-2 Remote Node Configuration T ab le 5-1 . Me nu 1 1 . 1 - Rem o te No de P rof i le Fi el ds Field Des cripti on Rem Nod e Name This fie ld i s requ ired. En ter a de scripti ve nam e fo r the remote node (for examp le, MyOf f ice) .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Remote No de C onfigurat ion 5-3 Pr i(m a ry ) P ho n e Number an d Sec(ondar y) Phone Number Both th e Pri mary and Secondar y Phone numbers re fer to th e num ber t hat the rout er di als to con nect t o th e rem ote n ode.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 5-4 Remote Node Configuration Ed itin g P PP O pt io n s T o e dit P PP options: 1. Select Y e s in the Edit PPP Options field of Submenu 1 1.1 - Rem ote Node Pr ofile. 2. Pr ess [Enter] to disp lay Menu 1 1.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Remote No de C onfigurat ion 5-5 Ed itin g S cr ipt O p tio ns Some ISPs re quire log in s cript handsh a king d uring a call c onnection. Th e Model RM356 Mode m Router provi des six sets of programming sc ri pts f or this purpose .
Dial-In Configuration 6-1 Chapter 6 Dial-In Co nfigurat ion Y ou c an c on figur e th e rou ter t o rece ive ca lls fro m rem ot e di al-i n u ser s (fo r exa mp le, telec ommuters) and re mote node s.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 6-2 Dial-In Con figuration Ta b l e 6 - 1 lists and describe s the f ields in the Defa ult Dia l-in Setup menu and expl ains h ow to configur e the protocol- in de pendent f ie lds in this menu. T ab le 6-1.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Dial-In Configuration 6-3 Dial -In User Setup T o add a remote dial -i n user , enter 14 from the main menu to display Dial- in User Setup. T o e dit use r p aramet er s, se le ct o ne o f the ei ght use rs to go to t he E dit D ial- in Us er me nu.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 6-4 Dial-In Con figuration When you have complete d fil ling in Menu 14.1 - Edit Dia l- in U ser , press [Enter] at the Pre ss ENTER to Confirm. .. prompt to sav e your sel ections. Y o u can press [ Esc] at any time to cancel your sele ctions.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Dial-In Configuration 6-5 Mor e On CLI D CLID allows the Model RM356 Modem Router to auth ent icate a calle r before a call is answer ed, thus s a ving the cost of a conn e ctio n.
TCP/IP Configuration 7-1 Chapter 7 TCP/IP Configuration This c hapter descr ibes h ow to c onfigure you r Model RM356 Modem Router for TCP/IP . Depending on your pa rticular appl ications, you m ust co nfigure diff erent menus. F or insta nce, Inter net access is the most common applic ation of TCP/IP .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 7-2 TCP /IP Con figuration Remote Node Setup See Chapter 5, “ R emote Node Configurati on ,” for inf ormatio n about using t he protoc ol- indep endent paramet ers on Menu 1 1.1 - Remote Node Profi le.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router TCP/IP Configuration 7-3 Ta b l e 7 - 2 lists and describe s the f ields for M enu 1 1.3 - Remote Node Network L ayer Opt ions.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 7-4 TCP /IP Con figuration Sta t ic Ro u t e Set u p On a directly co nnected inter ne twork, RIP usually hand les the routin g automat ically .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router TCP/IP Configuration 7-5 When you comp lete t he menu, press [ Ent er] at th e P ress ENTER to Confi rm... prom pt to save your selec tions, or press [Es c] at any time to cance l your sele ctions. Ta b l e 7 - 3 lists and describe s the f ields for M enu 12.
Filter Configuration 8-1 Chapter 8 Filter Configuration This chapte r provides inform ation about using fi lte rs and configur ing f ilters for your Model R M356 Modem R outer. The router uses filter s to de cide whethe r t o all ow passage of a data pa cket a nd/or to make a c all over t he phone line .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 8-2 Filter Con figuration For in c oming pa ckets, the rout er appl ies data fi lters o nly . Packets are p rocessed de pending on whether a match is made. The route r allows you to cus tomize the fil ter se ts tha t you want to use.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Filt er Con fig u ratio n 8-3 When y ou press [Enter], M enu 21.1 - Fi lter R ules Summary is dis playe d. The infor mation i n t his menu is read-only; the parameters of e ach r ule t ha t you conf igured for tha t set are displayed.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 8-4 Filter Con figuration If t he filte r t ype is GEN (gener ic), the abbr eviations li sted i n Ta b l e 8 - 3 are used. T o c onfigure a specific filte r rule, sele ct the number of t he filte r rul e (1–6) that you wa nt to confi g ure an d press [E n ter] t o di splay Men u 21.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Filt er Con fig u ratio n 8-5 T able 8-4. TCP/I P Fil ter Ru le Menu Field s Field De script ion Ac ti ve In th is f ield , y o u c an m ake th e f ilt er ru l e ac ti ve (Y e s) or m ak e the fil te r rule in ac tiv e (N o) .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 8-6 Filter Con figuration TCP Estab This fi eld i s depen dent u pon the IP Protocol field. This field is i nacti ve ( N/A) un less the val ue in that fie ld is 6 (TCP protoco l). In thi s fi el d, you dete rmine what t ype of TCP packe t s to filt er .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Filt er Con fig u ratio n 8-7 Gene ric F ilt er Ru le This s e ction pr ovides informat ion abou t configu ring t he protoc ol-in dependent parameters f or a generic f ilte r rule for y our route r . Ta b l e 8 - 5 lists the fie lds in the menu.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 8-8 Filter Con figuration Applying a Filter Set After configur ing a fil ter se t in Menu 21, you must spec ify wh ere and how the filt er w ill be used. Data f ilte rs can be appl ied eith e r at the LAN interfa ce (i n Menu 3.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Filt er Con fig u ratio n 8-9 Reduci ng Unneces sary Call s b y Wi ndow s 95 One example of when to apply a filte r set is reduci ng unnece ssary calls by W i ndows 95.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 8-10 Filter Con figuration Y ou can wait until a n erro neou s call is pla ced, then examine this pa ck et header to determi ne the source and cause.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Filt er Con fig u ratio n 8-11 Impl em en ti ng th e Fil te r Now you can proceed to define a call filt er to block the th ree Net BI O S se rvi ce p ort s. The Filte r Set C onfi guration Menu is shown in Figure 8-3.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 8-12 Filter Con figuration 3. Set “Active” to Y es, an d specify the IP Protoc ol as 17, which is the UDP pr oto col n umber (in d ecimal) from the As signed Number s RFC as d escribed on page 8-10.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Filt er Con fig u ratio n 8-13 5. Define t he nex t five rules t he same way—one for each combination of the three po r t numbers and the two pr otocol types. The last rul e, however , will be slight ly dif ferent.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 8-14 Filter Con figuration Ap plyi ng th e Filte r When t he filt er design is fi nished, yo u must tell the rout e r where to a pply th e filte r . App ly it as a Call Fil ter in the remote node that reache s your DNS server(s) (u sually your ISP node) .
System Maintenan ce 9-1 Chapter 9 System M aintenan ce The Model RM356 M odem Router provi des di agnostic tools f or mai ntenance. These di agnostic tools inc lude displ ays of syste m status , modem status , log and t race ca p abi l ities, and upgra de s to the syst em soft ware .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 9-2 System Mai ntenance Ta b l e 9 - 2 lists the fields for Menu 24.1 - System Maintenanc e Sta tus. These field s are read- only field s. T ab le 9-2. S ystem Mai ntenanc e Status Menu Fie lds Field Des cripti on Port: This fie ld display s the W AN port number (1).
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router System Mai ntenance 9-3 Figure 9- 1 illus trat es two packe t e xamples shown on Menu 2 4.1. The f irst is a n ICMP Ping pa cket (T ype: IP) trigge r ing the call, and the second is a SAP broadca st packe t (T ype: RA W ).
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 9-4 System Mai ntenance Ta b l e 9 - 3 lists the fields and commands for Menu 24.3 - System Maintena nce - Log a nd T race . View Err o r Lo g Select th e first opt ion fr om Menu 24. 3 - Syste m Maintenance - Log and T race to displa y the Error Log in the system.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router System Mai ntenance 9-5 Y ou must configur e the parameter s to activa te syslo g ( T able 9 -4 ). The route r sends three dif f erent t ypes of sysl o.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 9-6 System Mai ntenance Diagnostic Menu The diagnosti c menu allows you to test severa l functions of your route r . From the Main Menu, enter 24 to displa y Menu 24 - System Maintenanc e. Ente r 4 to displ ay M enu 24.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router System Mai ntenance 9-7 Ca ll T estin g and TCP/ IP T ools T wo te st sele ctions —Manual Cal l and Inte rnet Setup T est—are availa bl e for test ing c all pl acement and sessi on con nection with r emote host s.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 9-8 System Mai ntenance Figure 9- 3 shows an example of a t race displa y for a f ailed call wh en usin g a TCP/ IP pro tocol connec tion.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router System Mai ntenance 9-9 Back Up Configur ation Select option 5 f rom Menu 24 - Main tenance t o b ack up t he cur rent c onfigura tion se ttings of y our router onto a dis k. NETGEAR highly reco mm ends bac king up your rout er configur a tion afte r it is functio ning.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 9-10 System Mai ntenance T o upda te the RAS software: 1. Sele ct M en u 24 - Sy stem M ai nte na nc e. 2. Enter 7 t o s elec t S o ftware Up date . 3. Enter 1 to select Load RAS code. A messa ge is displa yed s howing fu rther inst r uctions and a sking if you want to conti nue.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router System Mai ntenance 9-11 Blac kl ist The blac klist functi on prevents th e router from re dialing an unr eachable phone numbe r (a number to which it has been una ble to connect ). The router mainta ins a list of phone numbers (up to a maximum of 14) to which it will not make an outgoing call .
Troubleshoot ing 10 -1 Chapte r 10 T rouble shoo ting This c hapter gives inform a tion about t roubleshooti ng your Model RM356 Modem Router. After each proble m description, instructi ons are prov ide d t o h elp you diagnose and solve the probl em.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 10-2 Troublesho oting • Connect ed hub or workst ation Make sure that the connec ted hub or workstation is powe r ed on.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Troubleshoot ing 10-3 If the path is not fu nctionin g correc tly , you could have one of the followi ng problems: • W rong physica l connec tions – Make sure the LAN LED is on for the port atta ch ed to your PC.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 10-4 Troublesho oting T roubleshooting a Re mo te Node or IS P Con nection T o tr oubles hoot a remote n ode or a n I SP connec tion, fol low these ins tructions: • Place a manual call to the remote node, using Menu 24.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Troubleshoot ing 10-5 2. V eri fy tha t th e IP ad dres s is sup pli ed cor rectl y in Men u 13 if the rem ote di a l-in use r is negoti ating IP . Check that the re mote dia l-in user is supplying a valid I P addr ess and that the router is assi gning a valid addres s from the I P po ol.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 10-6 Troublesho oting Resto ring the Default Co nf ig urati on and Passw ord The user can er ase the cur rent configur ation and r estor e defa ults by uploa ding the initializ ation f ile romfi le0 or r omdhcp, which can b e f ound in the direct ory i n which FirstGea r was installed.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router Troubleshoot ing 10-7 Usin g the Pa cket and Log T race Y ou can diagnose PPP connecti on failur es using the packe t tr ace feature of the Model RM356 Mode m Ro u ter. T o in v oke the packet tr ace : 1.
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router 10-8 Troublesho oting P acket T race Di splay Fo r mat Data packe ts are time stamped and disp la yed up to the first 32 bytes. PPP message packet s are summariz ed, but their content s are not displa yed .
Technical Spe cification s A-1 Appendix A T e chnical Sp ecifi cations This a ppendix provid es tec hnical s pecifica tions f or t he Model RM356 Modem Router. Ge n eral Sp ec if icatio n Ne two rk Prot oco l an d Sta nda rds Co mp ati bil it y W AN P rotocols: PPP Data a nd Routi ng Protoc ols: TCP/IP , RIP-1, RIP-2, DHCP Mode m St and a rd : V .
Reference Guide for the Model RM356 Modem Router A-2 Technical Spec ifications All r egions (output): 16 V AC @ 1 A output, 22W maximum Phy sical Specifications Dimensions: 253 by 1 81 by 35 mm 9.
Ind ex 1 A A C power ada pte r , conne cting 2- 8 acc ounting funct ion 9-4 Acti on Matc hed/Not Matc hed f i eld Generic Fi lt er Rule menu 8- 8 TCP/IP Filter Rule menu 8-6 Acti ve f ield E dit D i a.
2 Index D def ault conf iguration, restor ing 10-6 Defa ult Dial-in S et up menu 6- 1 Destin a tion f ield, TCP/IP Filte r Rule menu 8-5 Destin ati on IP Addres s fi el d, Edi t IP Static Rout e me nu.
Index 3 IP ad dr ess es and N A T 1-1 2 and t he I nt erne t 1-6 assi gnin g 1-6 , 4-1 masque rading 1-3 pri v ate 1-1 1 IP conf iguration, by DHCP 1-14 IP Mask (destination) f ield, TCP/IP Filter Rul.
4 Index Metri c fie ld Edi t IP S tat ic Ro ute me nu 7-5 Remote Node Netwo rk Layer Opti ons me nu 7- 3 MGR port 2-7 mode , co mmand inte rpr ete r 9-10 Modem Name f iel d, Mode m Setup menu 3-7 M o .
Index 5 R RAS S/ W V ersion, Syst em Ma intenance Status me nu 9- 2 rear panel 2-7 Redi rect to Mode m f ield , System Mai ntenan ce Diagnos ti c menu 9-6 Rem CLI D f ield, Edi t Dial -in User 6-4 Rem.
6 Index T TCP Est ab f i e ld, TC P/ IP Filte r Rule me n u 8-6 TCP/ IP conf iguration, tes ting 9- 6 conf iguring 7-1 networ k, trouble shoot ing 10 - 2 Protoc ol 9-7 re qu ir em en ts 2-4 too ls 9-7.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Bay Technical Associates RM356 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Bay Technical Associates RM356 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Bay Technical Associates RM356, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Bay Technical Associates RM356 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Bay Technical Associates RM356, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Bay Technical Associates RM356.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Bay Technical Associates RM356. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Bay Technical Associates RM356 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.