Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Matrix Printer du fabricant TallyGenicom
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Programmer's Manual Matrix printer 7265.
Table of C ontents 7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual i C o p y r i g ht © 2 0 0 4 Tally G e n i c om C hap t er 1. Int r o d uct i on........................................................................................................ . .. . 1 C hap t er 2.
Table of C ontents 7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual ii Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 TallyGenicom Setting B a r Code Pa r a m e te r s ............................................................................................. . 35 Gene r al R u l e s for Ass i g n i n g Pa r a m e te r s .
Table of Fig ures 7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual iii Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 TallyGenicom Fi g u re 2-1 D e f au l t C h a r acter Set for A N S I E m u l at i on, 00 to 7 F ........................................ 5 F i g u r e 2 - 2 D ef a u l t C h a r acter S et for A N SI E m u l at i on, 80 t o F F .
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 1 Co p y r i g h t © 20 0 4 TallyGenicom C hap t er 1 I n t r o d u c ti o n Chapter 1. Introduc tion T he TallyGenicom 7265 p r o v i d es r ug g ed, ve r s a t i l e i m pa c t p r i n te r s u s e f ul in a va r i e t y of applicat ions.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 2 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chapter 2. AN S I T he TallyGenicom i m ple m entation of AN S I X 3. 6 4 is t he n at i ve c ont r o l p r o t o c ol f or the 7265 p r inte r , as it is f or a v a r i e t y of o t her TallyGenicom i m pa c t m at r ix p r inter f a m ilie s .
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 3 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 TallyGenicom Chap t er 2 A N SI Control Code Summary Code Hex Description ETX 03 ETX/ACK Communication Pr otocol ACK 06 ETX/ACK Communi.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 4 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om ompar ison, 7 Bi t/ 8 Bi t 8 B i t Hex Description 7 Bit Hex IND 84 Index ESC D 1B 44 NEL 85 Next Line ESC E 1 B 45 H.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 5 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om de is He xade c imal, Orde red Column|Row 0 123 456 7 00 NUL @ P ` p 1 DC1 !1 A Q a q 2“ 2 B R b r 3 ETX DC3 #3 C S.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 6 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N S I Code is Hexade cimal, Ordered Column|Row 89 A B C D E F 0 DCS á !" # $ 1 PU1 í %& ' ± 2ó () * + 3ú ,- # .
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’ Manual 7 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 TallyGenicom e n i c o Chap t er 2 A N S I Code Descript i on ESC [(p1);(p2)<SP>~ Select Emulation ESC [(p)` Horiz ontal Position .
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 8 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Pr inter Handshaking Commands Description DC1 PRINTE R READY In serial interface, if the printer is strapped for XON/XOFF handshaking, then the printer sends DC1 to the host to signal that the printer is ready to accept data.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 9 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Printer Control Commands Description SO SHIFT OUT You can s t r ap t he p r i n t er t o s t a r t ei t her b a r c ode ( p a g e 37 ) o r o v e r si z ed ( page 64 ) mode, whichever is enabled, on receipt of SO.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 10 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Co mmands Descript i on DEL DELETE DEL is a printable character, or is a valid graphics data byte if received in dot g r aphics mode.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 11 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Co mmands Descript i on ESC c RESET TO I NITIAL STAT E Recalls the user format presently assigned to the current pa per path.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 12 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Co mmands Descript i on ESC [(p1); ...(pn)l RESET MODE (A NSI) Resets mode(s) set by ESC [(p1) ;..(pn)h. p Ef f ect 20 reset auto CR on LF Example: r eset aut o CR on LF Dec 27 91 50 48 108 Hex 1B 5B 32 30 6 C ESC [> (p1);.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 13 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Commands Description ESC [(p1); (p2);<SP>{ PAPER SHEAR If the paper shear option is installed, then note that the appropriate strap must be set in the hardware options menu in order for the paper shear to w ork.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 14 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Co mmands Descript i on ESC ]6;4 ; (p3);(p4) ESC STRAPS AND OPTIO NS This command enables dow nline control of options found at v arious places in the printer menus.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 15 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Graphics Rendition (Fonts and Modes) Command Description ESC [(p1); .
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 16 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI NATIONAL CHARACTER SET Command Description ESC [(p)x SELECT NATIONAL CHARACT ER SET p Character .
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 17 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI D/N = Danis h/Nor wegian S/F = Sw edish/Fin nish Code D Locati on H 35 23 36 24 38 26 42 2A 64 4.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 18 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Line/Character Spacing Command Description ESC [(p1); (p2 ) <SP> G LINE/CHARACTE R SPACING Sets the v ertical an d horiz ontal pitch in decipoi nts.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 19 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Commands Description ESC [(p1); (p2) <SP> G LINE/CHARACT ER SPACING p1 = line spacing parameter p2 = character spacing parameter If you select doublewide printing (ESC [5m), then the printer doubles character spacing set by this command.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 20 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Forms Setup Command Description ESC [(p1); (p2);(p3);(p4) ;(p5 )r FORMS SETUP Sets top of form and sets form length, as w ell as top and bottom margins, in decipoints.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 21 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Superscript/Subscri pt Command Description ESC K (PLD ) SUBSCRIPT PRI NTING Moves paper 1/2 line below the current line for subscript printing. ESC K is used to return to the original line f ollowing ESC L (superscript).
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 22 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Vertical Movement Absolute positio ns are ca lculated from the top and l eft print ref erences without r espect to m argin settings . The top of a charac ter ce ll locat ed at vertic al pos ition-abs olute 0 is at to p print ref erence.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 23 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Vertical M ovement Commands Description LF LINE FEED Advances the paper one line accordin g to the spacing currently in e ffect. Dec 10 Hex 0A VT VERTICAL T AB Advances paper to the next vertical tab setting.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 24 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Commands Description ESC [(p)e VERTICAL POSITI O N RELATIVE Advances paper p decipoints. This com mand enables printing below the bottom margin of the current form and above the top marg in of the f ollowing form.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 25 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Marg ins Use the F orms Setup com mand, page 2-3 9, to set vertic al m argins. Commands Description ESC [(p1);6 (p2 )s SE T LEF T AND RI GHT M ARGIN Sets the le ft and ri ght margin in deci points; p1 is the le ft ma rgin a nd p 2 is the right.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 26 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Hor i z onta l Mo v ement Co mmands Descript i on HT HORIZONTAL T AB Causes the current print posi tion to move to the nex t tab stop. If no tabs are set, then the current position mov es one space.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 27 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Commands Description ESC [(p)` HO RI ZONT AL POSITION ABSOLUTE Causes the print position to move (in decipoints) a specified distance from the left print ref erence.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 28 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Tabs This printer stor es tab st ops in NVRAM while po wer is of f.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 29 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Dot Graphics Dot graph ics allo ws you to pr int ind ividua l dots at any pos ition on th e page an d thus to pr int pictures as well as text.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 30 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Sample Basic Program for Dot Coding Figure 2- 6 Dot Graphics Example.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 31 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Graphics Control Functions The s et of control c odes tha t are int erpreted while in graphic s m ode are sho wn in the f ollowin g charts. B ytes less than 32 dec imal th at are not interpr eted as co ntrol c odes are i gnored.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 32 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 2 A N SI Commands Description ESC [(p1)q GRAPHICS DENSIT Y Sets the graphics density. The printer pow ers up with a graphics density of 72 x 72 dpi; changes are not stored in NVRAM .
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 33 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om C hap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Chapter 3. ANSI Bar Code s This chapter descr ibes the character istics and lis ts ANSI contr ol se quences for 23 res ident bar code st yles.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 34 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Before You Begin - Set the Form Length Programm ers tend not to trus t form feeds and som etim es us e line feeds instead to move f rom one form to another .
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 35 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Setting Bar Code Parameters The ANSI co ntrol s equence t hat sets bar cod e param e.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 36 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Values of all t he adjus table bar c ode par am eters are s tored in N VRAM whi le power is of f. You can res tore the b ar code attribut es to t he factor y settings b y perform ing an ISU on th e pr inter.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 37 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Bar Code Command Sequences Command Description ESC [3t ENABLE BAR CO DES Enables Bar Codes with the characteristics set by ESC [(p1);(p2)…}.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 38 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des p1 - Bar Code Style This printer suppor ts the foll owing st yles: p1 Sty le 0 Inte.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 39 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des p3 - Human Read able Enable An argum ent of 1 tur ns on th e human- readable l ine, whil e 0 turns i t off . The def ault is on. W hen the hum an readable line is enabled, it is printed i n the font s pecif ied b y parameter p12.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 40 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Other Parameters p9 – Rotati on Sets the a bsolute rot ation in 90 degre e incr ements .
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 41 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des p10 - Horizontal Resolution A value of 0 is 60 dots per inc h, while a value of 1 is 1/120 d ots per inc h. T he default de pends on the st yle in for ce.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 42 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Delim iters A bar co de delim iter is a c harac ter or contr ol functi on that tel ls the pr inter wher e one bar code s ymbol ends and an adjac ent symb ol begins .
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 43 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des F i g u r e 3 - 3 Comma, Spa c e, and Asteri s k De l imiters !#/E" !#/E" .
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 44 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Horizontal Tab Delimiter The HT control c ode (09) is a vali d delim iter in a ll bar co de st yles.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 45 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Horizontal Position - R elative Delimit er The hor izontal positio n-relat ive com m and is a va lid delim iter i n all bar cod e styles ex cept POST NET.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 46 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Delimiters and Vertica l Bar Codes If you rot ate a bar co de 90 o or 270 o , th en spac e impos ed by del imiter s is not ro tated, but is app lied hori zontall y, as the sam ple shows.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 47 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Calculating Characters per Inch W e show character s per inc h at the def ault elem ent widths and 0 o /180 o rotation for each st yle in the follo wing chapt er.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 48 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Bar Code Sty le Characteristics The f ollowing pag es sho w specif ic inf orm ation about the various st yles.
72655 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 49 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Matrix 2 of 5 (Style 2 ) 1 Bars per character: 3 dark bars and 2 light bars 2 Chara.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 50 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des EAN-8 (Sty le 5) 1 Bars per character: 2 dark bars and 2 light bars 2 Character set:.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 51 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des C ode 11 (Style 7) 1 Bars per character: 3 dark bars and 2 light bars 2 Character s.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 52 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Codabar A/t, B/n, C/*, D/e (9, 10, 11, 12) 1 Bars per character: 4 dark bars and 3 light bars 2 Character set: 0 through 9 and the four additional characters :/ .
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 53 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des UPC-E (Sty le 14) Ten digi ts m ust be entered as input. T he fir st five re present a vendor num ber and the l ast five represent a pro duct num ber.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 54 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Code 93 (S tyle 15 ) 1 Bars per character: 3 dark bars and 3 light bars 2 Character set: All 128 ASCII characters 3 Start/Stop characters: Yes.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 55 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des M S I (Style19) 1 Bars per character: 4 dark bars and 4 light bars 2 Character set:.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 56 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des POSTNET (Style 50) You cann ot adjust PO STNET bar code attr ibutes with ESC[(p1);.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 57 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des 1 Bars per character: 2 tall bars and 3 short bars 2 Character set: 0 through 9 3 St.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 58 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Calculating the Checksum for Code 3 of 9 A 3 of 9 s ymbol is a var iable-len gth stri ng which ca n inclu de the dig its 0 - 9 , uppercas e A - Z, and six additi onal p unctuation c harac ters.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 59 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des The f ollowing ex am ple illustrat es the c alculat ion of the check digits f or the s y m bol COD E 93.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 60 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Code 93 Checksum s for Full ASCI I You can s end an y of the 128 ASCII char acters verbatim in a Cod e 93 s ymbol. You would not need to wor ry about Co de 93 c ontrol co des if you did not need t o com pute check sum s.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 61 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Checksum cal culation for th e sy mbol Cat Data C <CTRL> + A <CT RL> + T.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 62 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 3 A N SI B ar C o des Code 93 Full A SCII Table Code Code Code Code ASCII 93 ASCII 93 ASCII 93 ASCII 93 NU.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 63 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om C hap t er 4 A N SI Ov e r s i zed Chapter 4. A NSI O v ersiz ed Font This chapter descr ibes the character istics a.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 64 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 4 A N SI O v e r s i zed Control Function Summar y Control Function Description SO Activate Oversized, Ex.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 65 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 4 A N SI O v e r s i zed Commands Description ESC [Pv;P h<sp>B SET CHARACT ER SIZE Sets the expansion of ov ersized characters in percentage points. Pv is the vertical expansion and Ph is the horizontal expansion.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 66 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 4 A N SI O v e r s i zed Oversized Ver sus Expanded There ar e two AN SI functi ons that pri nt char acters s caled acc ording to the Graph ics Si ze Modif ication param eters.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 67 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 4 A N SI O v e r s i zed ESC [(pv);(ph)< SP>B where (p v) is the vert ical expans ion, (ph) is t he hori zontal ex pansio n, and <SP> is th e spac e character (20 hex) .
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 68 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 4 A N SI O v e r s i zed What is a Cha racter Ce ll? A character cell is the rec tangu lar arra y of locati ons at whic h dots ca n be pri nted to f orm one character .
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 69 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 4 A N SI O v e r s i zed O v ersized Charact e r Dimen s ions – 0 o T h e wid t h of an o v e r s i zed c h a r a c ter c e l l is 0. 7 2 d e c i p o ints t i m es the horizontal expans ion fac tor.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 70 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 4 A N SI O v e r s i zed O v ersized Charact e r Dimen s ions - 27 0 o The w i dth of a c ha r a c ter c e ll is 0.6 de c ip o i nts t i m es the ho r i z o nt a l expansion f actor.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 71 Co p y r i g ht © 20 04 Tally G e n i c om Chap t er 4 A N SI O v e r s i zed I m p l e m ent i ng the L i ne Feed Funct i on - 0 o A good t echnique is to exi.
7265 P r o g r a m m e r ’s Manual 72 Co p y r i g ht © 20 0 4 TallyGenicom Chap t er 4 A N SI O v e r s i zed Line Spacing and Intercharacter Spacing - 270 o If you print s idewa ys text, then t h.
Appendix A. Co mmands and Exc eptions Supported Control Codes and Escap e Sequences ACK Ack nowledge BEL Bell BS Back Space CR Carriag e Return CSI Control String Intro ducer, ESC [ DC1 S elect pri nt.
Commands not implemented in the 7265 A NSI Emulation ESC ] p1;pn <ST> User D efined Char acter Su bstitution (G ENUDS) ESC ] p1;p2 ;p3;data<ST > Operating syst em c ommand (Load M ode OSC).
Programmer's Reference EPSON Emulation.
Table of Contents Description of Escape Sequences Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Paper and Text Formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Form Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Character Styling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Super-/Subscript Mode ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Double Strike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Select Font and Pitch by Point .
Download Character Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Copy ROM into RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Print Raster Graphics . . . .
Appendix A Summary of Possible Codes Sorted by Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2 Sorted by Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7 Appendix B Character Sets Standard Character Set . . .
Description of Sequences Introduction Paper and Text Formatting Character Spacing Line Spacing Character Styling Print Positioning Graphics Download Character Generator Miscellaneous Control Codes.
Introduction This User’s Manual describes the sum of all EPSON Escape sequences, regardless of the specific EPSON emulation used by your printer. The only differentiation is made be- tween 9 and 24 needle printers as well as the maximum possible paper width of 8 inches (80 column printer) or 13.
This is followed by the Data Structure in ASCII, hexadecimal and decimal syntax with the necessary parameters, e.g.: ASCII ESC "C" <n> Setting the form length in lines hex. 1B 43 <n> dec. 27 67 <n> For the parameter (here n) it is necessary to differentiate between two types of syntax.
Setting the form length to 72 lines Escape Sequence ESC C <n> with n=72 Transfer ASCII ESC "C" " H" hex. 1B 43 48 d e c .2 76 77 2 100 REM Sample for the ESC C <n> sequence in ASCII, 110 REM using form with 72 lines. 120 REM Please note, in ASCII-Syntax you can use ASCII values 130 REM equal or bigger codetable no.
Paper and Text Formatting Form Length in Lines ESC C Form Length in Inches ESC C NUL Data Structure ASCII ESC "C" <n> set form length in lines ➊➌ hex. 1B 43 <n> dec. 27 67 <n> ASCII ESC "C" <0> <n> set form length in inches ➋➌ hex.
Example 10 REM form length 20 FF$=CHR$(12) 30 K=1 40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"C";CHR$(4); 50 FOR F=1 TO 3 60 FOR L=1 TO K 70 LPRINT "length 4: form";F;"line";L 80 NEXT L 90 K=K+1.
Set Page Length in Units ESC ( C Data Structure ASCII ESC "(" "C" <n L >< n H >< m L >< m H > set page length in units hex.
Set Page Format ESC ( c Data Structure ASCII ESC "(" "c" <n L >< n H >< t L >< t H >< b L >< b H > set page format hex. 1B 28 63 <n L >< n H >< t L >< t H >< b L >< b H > d e c .
This sequence sets new top and bottom. it does not affect the current page length setting. Set top and bottom margin first, then load paper. Using this sequence within the form sets top margin at the current position.
Perforation Skip ESC N Reset Perforation Skip ESC O Data Structure ASCII ESC "N" <n> set space before perforation (perforation skip) ➊ hex. 1B 4E <n> dec. 27 78 <n> ASCII ESC "O" reset perforation skip ➋ hex. 1B 4F dec.
Example 10 REM skip 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"C";CHR$(6);:REM form length 30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"N";CHR$(1);:REM set skip 40 FOR F=1 TO 2 50 FOR L=1 TO 5 60 LPRINT "form";F;".
Right Margin ESC Q Left Margin ESC l Data Structure ASCII ESC "Q" <n> set right margin ➊ hex. 1B 51 <n> dec. 27 81 <n> ASCII ESC " l " <n> set left margin ➋ hex.
Example 10 REM left and right margin 20 LPRINT " 1 2 3 4 5" 30 LPRINT "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123" 40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"l";CHR$(10);CHR$(27);"Q";CHR$(53); 50 LPRINT "Now the left margin is set to column 10 and"; 60 LPRINT "the right margin is set to column 53.
Justification and Centering ESC a Data Structure ASCII ESC "a" <n> hex. 1B 61 <n> or n dec. 27 97 <n> or n Description In some cases it is necessary to center headlines or to have the text printed in a way that left or right margin or both margins are justified.
Example 10 REM justification and centering 20 WIDTH "LPT1:",255 30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"Q";CHR$(48);:REM set right margin 40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"a";CHR$(1);"CENTERED" .
Character Spacing Set HMI (Horizontal Motion Index) ESC c Data Structure ASCII ESC "c" <n L >< n H > set HMI (Horizontal Motion Index) hex. 1B 63 <n L >< n H > dec. 27 99 <n L >< n H > Description Valid values: 0 ≤ n H ≤ 4 0 ≤ n L ≤ 255 0 < ((n H x 256) + n L )) ≤ 1080; HMI ≤ 3.
This sequence terminates previously set additional character space defined with ESC SP. Following sequences will cancel the HMI mode: ESC ! print mode selection ESC @ printer initialization DC2 reset .
Set enlarged Print Mode SO/ESC SO Reset enlarged Print Mode DC4 Continuous enlarged Print Mode ESC W Syntax ASCII SO or ESC SO set enlarged print mode (for one line) ➊ hex. 0E or 1B 0E dec. 14 or 27 14 ASCII DC4 reset enlarged print mode ➋ hex. 14 (set by SO or ESC SO) dec.
Example 10 REM enlarged character densities 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"P";: REM 10 cpi 30 LPRINT "normal 10 cpi character density" 40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"W";CHR$(1);: REM continuou.
Condensed Character Density SI/ESC SI Reset Condensed Character Density DC2 Data Structure ASCII SI or ESC SI condensed print ON ➊ hex. 0F or 1B 0F dec. 15 or 27 15 ASCII DC2 reset condensed print ➋ hex. 12 dec. 18 Description ➊ When the printer receives this code, the data will be printed approx.
Character Density 10 cpi ESC P Character Density 12 cpi ESC M Character Density 15 cpi ESC g Data Structure ASCII ESC "P" set character density to 10 cpi (Pica) ➊ hex. 1B 50 dec. 27 80 ASCII ESC "M" set character density to 12 cpi (Elite) ➋ hex.
Example 10 REM single character densities 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"P";"this is pica sized" 30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"M";"and this is elite sized" 40 LPRINT CHR$(27);".
Proportional Spacing ESC p Data Structure ASCII ESC "p" <n> or n proportional spacing ON/OFF hex. 1B 70 <n> or n dec. 27 112 <n> or n Description If 1 is specified for n, proportional spacing is ON, if 0 is specified for n, proportional spacing is OFF.
Character Spacing ESC SP Data Structure ASCII ESC SP <n> hex. 1B 20 <n> dec. 27 32 <n> Description The size of the spaces between the characters is increased by n ∗ 1 ⁄ 180 inch in NLQ and LQ and in Draft by n ∗ 1 ⁄ 120 inch.
Line Spacing Fixed Line Spacing 1/8 Inch ESC 0 Fixed Line Spacing 7/72 Inch ESC 1 Fixed Line Spacing 1/6 Inch ESC 2 Data Structure ASCII ESC "0" s et line spacing to 1/8 inch ➊ hex. 1B 30 dec. 27 48 ASCII ESC "1" set line spacing to 7/72 inch ➋ hex.
Note that changing the line spacing also changes the number of lines per page. Changing the line spacing does not affect the current tab stops or form length.
Variable Line Spacing n/180 Inch or n/216 Inch ESC 3 Variable Line Spacing n/60 Inch or n/72 Inch ESC A Variable Line Spacing n/360 Inch ESC + Data Structure ASCII ESC "3" <n> set n/180 inch line spacing ➊ hex. 1B 33 <n> set n/216 inch line spacing dec.
Example 10 REM variable line spacing 20 FOR N= 20 TO 40 STEP 10 30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"3";CHR$(N) 40 LPRINT "these two lines are printed with" 50 LPRINT "a spacing of";N;&qu.
Character Styling Super-/Subscript Mode ON ESC S Super-/Subscript Mode OFF ESC T Data Structure ASCII ESC "S" <n> or n super/subscript mode ON ➊ hex. 1B 53 <n> or n dec. 27 83 <n> or n ASCII ESC "T" super/subscript mode OFF ➋ hex.
Example 10 REM superscript and subscript 20 LPRINT "E=M*C"; 30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"S";CHR$(0); 40 LPRINT "2"; 50 LPRINT CHR$(27);"T"; 60 LPRINT " is Einsteins most famous formula.
Double Strike ON ESC G Double Strike OFF ESC H Data Structure ASCII ESC "G" double strike ON ➊ hex. 1B 47 dec. 27 71 ASCII ESC "H" double strike OFF ➋ hex. 1B 48 dec. 27 72 Description ➊ This code sequence switches the printer to double strike mode.
Select Font and Pitch by Point ESC X Data Structure ASCII ESC "X" <m> <n L >< n H > select font and pitch by point hex. 1B 58 <m> <n L >< n H > dec. 27 88 <m> <n L >< n H > Description Valid values: 5 ≤ m ≤ 127 m = 0.
Not all printer fonts are scaleable. Please refer to the printer ’ s reference manual which fonts are supported. Scaleable fonts can only be printed in one quality (LQ). Points: Following point sizes (1/72 inch) are available: 8, 10 (10.5), 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 (21), 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 Pitch: Previously set pitch settings will be cancelled.
Print Quality ESC x Data Structure ASCII ESC "x" <n> or n set print quality (PQ) hex. 1B 78 <n> or n dec. 27 120 <n> or n Description n Selected via control panel DPQ NLQ LQ 0 DPQ DPQ DPQ 1 LQ NLQ LQ Valid values for n are either ASCII Code 0 and 1 (hex00 and hex.
Font Type Selection ESC k Data Structure ASCII ESC "k" <n> hex. 1B 6B <n> dec. 27 107 <n> Description Corresponding to the value specified for n, one of the printer ’ s internal fonts or a font of an optional font card is selected.
Example 10 REM font selection 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"x1"; : REM high print quality 30 FOR i=0 TO 9 40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"k";CHR$(i); 50 LPRINT "This is the font selected with ".
Typestyle Selection ESC q Data Structure ASCII ESC "q" <n> or n hex. 1B 71 <n> or n dec. 27 113 <n> or n Description This sequence selects normal typestyle, outline typestyle, shaded typestyle or shaded out- line typestyle.
Emphasized Mode ON ESC E Emphasized Mode OFF ESC F Data Structure ASCII ESC "E" emphasized mode ON ➊ hex. 1B 45 dec. 27 69 ASCII ESC "F" emphasized mode OFF ➋ hex. 1B 46 dec. 27 70 Description ➊ This code sequence switches the printer to emphasized mode.
Underline Mode ESC - Data Structure ASCII ESC "-" <n> or n underline mode ON/OFF hex. 1B 2D <n> or n dec. 27 45 <n> or n Description This code sequence switches the automatic underline function ON or OFF. When the automatic underline function is ON, all printed characters including spaces are automat- ically underlined.
Score Selection ESC ( - Data Structure ASCII ESC "(" "-" <3> NUL <1> <n 1 >< n 2 > h e x . 1 B 2 8 2 D 0 30 00 1< n 1 >< n 2 > d e c . 2 7 4 0 4 5 301< n 1 >< n 2 > Description This Escape sequence switches on and off the underscore, overscore and strike-through modes.
Example 10 REM Score Selection 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"(-";CHR$(3);CHR$(0);CHR$(1);CHR$(1);CHR$(2); 30 LPRINT "1. Underline - Double continous line" 40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"(-";CHR$(3);CHR$(0); CHR$(1);CHR$(2);CHR$(2); 50 LPRINT "2.
Italic Mode ON ESC 4 Italic Mode OFF ESC 5 Data Structure ASCII ESC "4" italic mode ON ➊ hex. 1B 34 dec. 27 52 ASCII ESC "5" italic mode OFF ➋ hex. 1B 35 dec. 27 53 Description ➊ All characters following this code sequence are printed in italics.
Print Mode Selection ESC ! Data Structure ASCII ESC "!" <n> hex. 1B 21 <n> dec. 27 33 <n> Description This code sequence allows simultaneous control of print features like the character size and attributes characters. By this code sequence several print features can be simulta- neously set via the value of n.
Stan- Con- En- Cond. Propor- Prop.-/ LQ LQ dard densed larged enlarg. tional enlarg. enlarged Pica - normal 0 4 32 36 2 34 0 32 - emphas. 8 – 40 – 18 50 8 40 - double 16 20 48 52 – – – – - em./double 24 – 56 – – – – – Pica italic - normal 64 68 96 100 66 98 – – - emphas.
Example 10 REM print mode selection 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"D";CHR$(40);CHR$(0); 30 FOR N = 0 TO 255 STEP 7 40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"!";CHR$(N); 50 LPRINT "Matrix Printer";CHR$(9).
Double Height ESC w Data Structure ASCII ESC "w" <n> double height ON/OFF hex. 1B 77 <n> or n dec. 27 119 <n> or n Description By means of this code sequence the characters of the subsequent text are specified with double height.
Print Positioning Horizontal Tab Stops ESC D Data Structure ASCII ESC "D" <n 1 > ...<n 32 > NUL set horizontal tab stops ➊ hex. 1B 44 <n 1 > ...<n 32 > 00 dec. 27 68 <n 1 > ...<n 32 > 0 ASCII ESC "D" NUL clear all horizontal tab stops ➋ hex.
When the printer is switched on or ESC @ is sent, horizontal tab stops are set at every eight position (9, 17, 25, etc.). Example 10 REM horizontal tabs 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"D";CHR$(0) :REM c.
Set Horizontal and Vertical Step Width ESC e Data Structure ASCII ESC "e" NUL <n> Set horizontal step width ➊ hex. 1B 65 00 <n> dec. 27 101 0 <n> ASCII ESC "e" SOH <n> Set vertical step width ➋ hex. 1B 65 01 <n> dec.
Horizontal and Vertical Step Forward ESC f Data Structure ASCII ESC "f" NUL <n> Set horizontal step forward ➊ hex. 1B 66 00 <n> dec. 27 102 0 <n> ASCII ESC "f" SOH <n> Set vertical step forward ➋ hex. 1B 66 01 <n> dec.
Absolute Horizontal Step ESC $ Data Structure ASCII ESC "$" <n 1 >< n 2 > set absolute horizontal step hex. 1B 24 <n 1 >< n 2 > dec. 27 36 <n 1 >< n 2 > Description This code sequence moves the print head to an absolute print position independent of the current character density.
Example 10 REM absolute horizontal position 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"x1";:REM select LQ 30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"$";CHR$(10);CHR$(0);"10"; 40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"$";CHR$(100.
Relative Horizontal Step ESC Data Structure ASCII ESC "" <n 1 >< n 2 > set relative horizontal step hex. 1B 5C <n 1 >< n 2 > dec. 27 92 <n 1 >< n 2 > Description This code sequence moves the print head to a relative print position without regard to the current character density.
n 1 = 480 MOD 256 = dec.224 = hex.E0 Movement of 5 ⁄ 3 inches (1.67 inches) towards the left side: n = 65536 - 1.67 * 120 = 65336 n 2 = INT ( 65336 ⁄ 256 ) = dec.
Vertical Tab Stops ESC B Data Structure ASCII ESC "B" <n 1 >...<n 16 > NUL set vertical tab stops ➊ hex. 1B 42 <n 1 >...<n 16 > 00 dec. 27 66 <n 1 >...<n 16 > 0 ASCII ESC "B" NUL reset all vertical tab stops ➋ hex.
When the printer is switched on no vertical tab stops are set. Example 10 REM vertical tabs 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"C";CHR$(10);:REM set form length 30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"B";CHR$(0);:REM.
Set/Reset Vertical Tabs in Channels ESC b Select Vertical Tab Channel ESC / Data Structure ASCII ESC "b" <m> <n 1 >...<n 16 > NUL set vertical tabs in channels ➊ hex. 1B 62 <m> <n1>...<n16> 00 dec. 27 98 <m> <n1>.
Example 10 REM vertical tabs in tab channels 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"C";CHR$(24); ’form length 24 lines 30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"b";CHR$(0);CHR$(2);CHR$(4);CHR$(6);CHR$(0) 40 REM Channels.
Set Absolute Vertical Print Position ESC ( V Data Structure ASCII ESC "(" "V" <n L >< n H >< m L >< m H > set absolute vertical print pos. hex. 1B 28 56 <n L >< n H >< m L >< m H > d e c .
Set Relative Vertical Print Position ESC ( v Data Structure ASCII ESC "(" "v" <n L >< n H >< m L >< m H > set relative vertical print pos. hex. 1B 28 76 <n L >< n H >< m L >< m H > dec.
The default unit for this sequence is 1 ⁄ 360 ". Only positions within a valid form can be achieved. The current position is base for the newly defined relative positions.
Set Unit ESC ( U Data Structure ASCII ESC "(" "U" <n L >< n H > <m> set unit hex. 1B 28 55 <n L >< n H >< m > d e c . 2 74 08 5< n L >< n H >< m > Description Valid values: n L = 1, n H = 0 m = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 Sets the units to m ⁄ 3600 inch.
Graphics Graphics 60 dpi ESC K Graphics 120 dpi ESC L High Speed Graphics 120 dpi ESC Y Graphics 240 dpi ESC Z Graphic Modes ESC * Data Structure ASCII ESC "K" <n 1 >< n 2 > graphics 60 dpi hex. 1B 4B <n 1 >< n 2 > dec.
Special 8 Point Sequences ESC * <m> ... -Sequences Print Mode Density in dpi (Dots per Inch) Needles in use Adja- cent Dots horizont. vertic. ESC K... ESC * <0>... single density 60 72 60 8 possible ESC L... ESC * <1>... double density 120 8 possible ESC Y.
Relationship between bits of graphics data and needles (9 needle version) Each needle in a column is assigned a bit of the data byte. Needle Data Byte 1 1 • Bit 7 2 • Bit 6 3 • Bit 5 4 • Bit 4.
Graphics and text can be mixed within one line. If image data, lying outside the printable area, are input these data are ignored. Example 10 REM bit image print 20 WIDTH "LPT1:",255 30 FOR .
Select Graphics Mode ESC ( G Data Structure ASCII ESC "(" "G" <n L >< n H > <m> select graphics mode hex. 1B 28 47 <n L >< n H >< m > d e c . 2 74 07 1< n L >< n H >< m > Description Valid values: n L = 1 n H = 0 m = 1, 49 Enters graphics mode.
The graphics mode can be exited with sequence ESC @ (see page 114). In this mode text and graphics cannot be mixed on the same page. This sequence does not allow text and user defined character printing. Vertical and horizontal tab settings are cleared.
Graphics Mode Reassignment ESC ? Data Structure ASCII ESC "?" <s> <n> reassign graphics mode hex. 1B 3 F <s> <n> dec.
Example 10 REM Reassigns graphics sequence 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"K";CHR$(60);CHR$(0); 30 REM Standard ESC K graphics sequence 40 FOR X=1 TO 60:REM 60 Columns 50 LPRINT CHR$(255);:REM one byte .
Graphics Printing with 9 Print Dots ESC ^ Data Structure ASCII ESC "^" <m> <n 1 >< n 2 > hex. 1B 5E <m> <n 1 >< n 2 > dec. 27 94 <m> <n 1 >< n 2 > Description With this Escape sequence, graphics printing with 9 print dots per dot row is selected.
Example for the calculation of n1 and n2: The number of graphics bytes is 80. n 2 = number of bytes divided by 256 = 80 ⁄ 256 = dec.0 = hex.00 n 1 = remainder from division of n 2 = dec.80 = hex.50 Graphics and text data can be used in combination in a line.
Download Character Generator General Your printer offers you the possibility to design your own characters in normal print mode (DPQ), in NLQ, NLQ proportional, LQ and LQ proportional. These characters can either represent modified characters of the printer ’ s internal character sets or can replace other characters.
To define download characters it is helpful to do this in a defined way: Draft print quality or letter quality or letter quality proportional characters? Superscript or subscript character, 12 cpi or 15 cpi character (DPQ + LQ)? The desired print mode (DPQ or LQ or LQ proportional) must be selected in the printer.
Copy ROM into RAM ESC : Data Structure ASCII ESC ":" NUL <n> NUL copy ROM CG hex. 1B 3A 00 <n> 00 dec. 27 58 0 <n> 0 Description This Escape sequence copies the specified character set (see ESC k <n>) from ROM or from the font module to RAM.
Print Raster Graphics ESC . Data Structure ASCII ESC " . " <c> <v> <h> <m> <n L >< n H >< d 1 >...<d x > hex. 1B 2E <c> <v> <h> <m> <n L >< n H >< d 1 >.
Description of parameters: c = 0 Normal mode (not compressed) c = 1 Data Length Encoding (DLE, compressed) v Vertical resolution in dpi: 360, 180 dpi h Horizontal resolution in dpi: 360, 180 dpi m Ver.
“ a ” Counter specifies the number of data bytes following: (counter byte) + 1 = (number of data bytes to follow) or (counter byte) = (number of data bytes to follow) – 1 128 ≤ (counter byte) .
Activate User Defined Character Set ESC % Data Structure ASCII ESC "%" SOH activate user defined character set in RAM hex. 1B 25 01 dec. 27 37 1 ASCII ESC "%" NUL activate normal character set in ROM or Font Card hex. 1B 25 00 dec.
Download Characters ESC & The sequence for the definition of download characters receives different parameters for 9 needle and 24 needle printers.
Defining Character (9 Needle Printer) Each downloaded character is defined in a matrix field of 9 rows high and 12 columns wide. It is only possible to use column 1 up to column 11. Column 12 is the space between one character and the next. Therefore it is always left blank by automatically setting dots in column 12 to zero.
Example (9 needle printer): The following example illustrates the definition of a character, the copyright symbol (a small “ c ” in a circle), instead of the character “ @ ” .
Example 10 REM Download Character Definition 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"x";CHR$(0);:REM select draft print quality 30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"&";CHR$(0);"@@";CHR$(139); 40 LPRINT C.
Proportional Data (9 needle printer) Not all characters are the same size. “ W ” is considerably wider than “ i ” . In the proportional print mode, it is necessary to specify how much space a character takes by specifying the first and last printable columns in that character ’ s matrix.
Just add up the values of the three parts of the byte to get the value of A. 1. Normal = 128 Descender = 0 2. First column is 1 = 0 First column is 2 = 16 First column is 3 = 32 First column is 4 = 48 First column is 5 = 64 First column is 6 = 80 First column is 7 = 96 First column is 8 = 112 3.
Normal matrix field = 128 First column is 1 = 0 Last column is 12 = 11 Total value of <A> = 139 Normal matrix field = 128 First column is 4 = 48 Last column is 9 = 8 Total value of <A> = 1.
Example 10 REM Copy US ASCII caracter set 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"R";CHR$(0); 30 LPRINT CHR$(27);":";CHR$(0);CHR$(0);CHR$(0); 40 REM Define character into # code and 4 code 50 LPRINT C.
Definition of NLQ Characters (9 needle printer) The definition of NLQ characters is more comprehensive than the definition of draft char- acters, since a larger number of dots is required. User-defined NLQ characters can only be generated in the NLQ mode of the printer.
Definition of the Character Grid NLQ characters consist of 18 vertical dots and 12 hori- zontal dots. Within this grid every num- bered line or gap can be oc- cupied, including the lowest and the furthest right line. You should, however, leave one or two columns empty, so that neighboring charac- ters do not touch.
The following example shows a user-defined arrow with the list of the individual column values (each 3 byte) which must be transferred to the printer. Data byte 1 00000 2 5 5 000000 Data byte 2 84210 2 5 5 012480 Data byte 3 0000 1 2 8 1 9 2 1 2 8 0000 0 See next page for the corresponding programming example.
Example 100 LPRINT CHR$(27);"x";CHR$(1); 110 LPRINT CHR$(27);"&";CHR$(0);";;"; 120 LPRINT CHR$(0);CHR$(12);CHR$(0); 130 FOR I=1 TO 36 140 READ D 150 LPRINT CHR$(0); 1.
24 needle printer Data Structure ASCII ESC "&" NUL <x> <y> <d 0 >< d 1 >< d 2 >n 1 ...n 3 (data first character) <d 0 >< d 1 >< d 2 >n 1 ...n 3 (data second character) ... hex. 1B 26 ... dec.
For LQ proportional only, it is necessary to define all 41 columns; column 42 should be free. All other print modes use the number of columns as defined by d 1 . Superscript and subscript characters and 15 cpi characters can be assigned needles 1 to 16.
Example 10 REM Download Character Definition 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"x1" 30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"&";CHR$(0);"AA"; 40 LPRINT CHR$(5);CHR$(30);CHR$(0); 50 LPRINT CHR$(15);CHR$(.
Miscellaneous Print Data as Characters ESC ( ^ Data Structure ASCII ESC "(" "^" <n L >< n H >< d 1 >...<d n > print data as characters hex. 1B 28 54 <n L >< n H >< d 1 >...<d n > d e c .
Printing Direction unidirectional for one line ESC < Set/Reset Unidirectional Printing ESC U Data Structure ASCII ESC "<" unidirectional printing for one line ➊ hex. 1B 3C dec. 27 60 ASCII ESC "U" <n> or n set/reset unidirectional printing ➋ hex.
Half-Speed Printing ESC s Data Structure ASCII ESC "s" <n> hex. 1B 73 <n> dec. 27 115 <n> Description With n=1 the print speed is reduced by half. The result is a lower printer noise level. With n=0 the normal print speed is set.
Single n/180 Inch or n/216 Inch Line Feed ESC J Single n/180 Inch or n/216 Inch Back Feed ESC j Data Structure ASCII ESC "J" <n> n/180 inch line feed ➊ hex. 1B 4A <n> n/216 inch line feed dec. 27 74 <n> ASCII ESC "j" <n> n/180 inch back feed ➋ hex.
Colour Selection ESC r Data Structure ASCII ESC "r" <n> hex. 1B 72 <n> dec. 27 114 <n> Description According to the value specified for n one of the subsequent colours is s.
The relationship between colour selection sequences and the resulting colours for several ribbon cassettes is shown in the following table: selected colour magenta, cyan, yellow, black ribbon red, gre.
International Character Sets ESC R Data Structure ASCII ESC "R" <n> select international character set hex. 1B 52 <n> dec. 27 82 <n> Description According to the value spec.
Example 10 REM international character sets 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"R";CHR$(0) ;"ASCII : ";:GOSUB 160 30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"R";CHR$(1) ;"FRANCE : ";:GOSUB 160 40 LPRI.
Character Sets ESC t Data Structure ASCII ESC "t" <d 1 > select character table hex. 1B 74 <d 1 > dec. 27 116 <d 1 > Description Valid values: 0 ≤ d 1 ≤ 3, 48 ≤ d 1 ≤ 51 By means of this code sequence the upper half of character code table (dec.
You can either register 0 - 3. Register 3 is only available in ESC/P2 mode. The command ESC ( t can be used to assign character sets to character table (d 1 ). If d 1 = 2 you cannot use user-defined characters defined previously with ESC ( t (see page 105).
Assign Character Table ESC ( t Data Structure ASCII ESC "(" "t" <n L >< n H >< d 1 >< d 2 >< d 3 > assign character table hex. 1B 28 74 <n L >< n H >< d 1 >< d 2 >< d 3 > dec.
d 2 d 3 Table name 26 0 A bicomp 29 16 ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1) 35 0 Roman 8 127 2 I SO 8859-2 (Latin 2) Please refer to the printer ’ s reference manual which character sets are supported.
Input Data Control Bit 8 = 1 ESC > Input Data Control Bit 8 = 0 ESC = Input Data Control Bit 8 unchanged ESC # Data Structure ASCII ESC ">" set bit 8 = 1 hex. 1B 3E dec. 27 62 ASCII ESC "=" set bit 8 = 0 hex. 1B 3D dec. 27 61 ASCII ESC "#" Removing the settings set for Bit 8 (MSB, most significant bit), hex.
Sheet Feeder ESC EM Data Structure ASCII ESC EM "0" deactivate sheet feeder operation hex. 1B 19 30 dec. 27 25 48 ASCII ESC EM "1" select magazine 1 (front) hex. 1B 19 31 dec. 27 25 49 ASCII ESC EM "2" select magazine 2 (rear) hex.
Example 10 REM sheet feeder 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(25);"1"; 30 LPRINT "This text is on a form" 40 LPRINT "from magazine one." 50 LPRINT CHR$(12);:REM form feed 60 LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(25);"2"; 70 LPRINT "This text is on a form" 80 LPRINT "from magazine two.
Print Code Area Expansion ON ESC 6 Print Code Area Expansion OFF ESC 7 Data Structure ASCII ESC "6" print ASCII codes 128 to 159 and 255 ➊ hex. 1B 36 dec. 27 54 ASCII ESC "7" suppress ASCII codes 128 to 159 and 255 ➋ hex. 1B 37 dec.
Example 10 REM code aera expansion 15 LPRINT CHR$(27);"t1"; 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"6"; 30 GOSUB 70 40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"7"; 50 GOSUB 70 60 END 70 RESTORE 80 FOR I = 1 TO 12 9.
Activate/Deactivate Graphics Characters ESC m Data Structure ASCII ESC "m" <n> hex. 1B 6D <n> dec. 27 109 <n> Description On receipt of this command, the ASCII codes hex.90 to hex.9F can be output as special graphics characters.
International Code Table ESC I Data Structure ASCII ESC "I" <n> or n hex. 1B 49 <n> or n dec. 27 73 <n> or n Description The ASCII codes hex.00 to hex.1F (dec.0 to dec.31) and hex.80 to hex.9F (dec.128 to dec.159) are as a rule assigned with non-printable characters.
Printer Initialization ESC @ Data Structure ASCII ESC "@" printer initialization hex. 1B 40 dec. 27 64 Description Printer initialization means that the printer is in the same state as it is after switch-on. All parameters set by means of ESC sequences are cleared.
Activate Paper End Sensor ESC 8 Deactivate Paper End Sensor ESC 9 Data Structure ASCII ESC "8" Deactivate paper end sensor ➊ hex. 1B 38 dec.
Control Codes BEL (hex.07) (dec.7) Sounds acoustic signal. BS (hex.08) (dec.8) Print contents of line buffer, then move the print head one position back. When auto right justification is selected by code sequence ESC a<3>, <BS> will be ignored.
DEL (hex.7F) (dec.127) Clear previous characters in the print buffer. ESC (hex.1B) (dec.27) Start character for a subsequent program sequence. FF (hex.0C) (dec.12) When the printer receives this code, it prints the data in the print buffer, then advances the paper from the current print position to the top-of-form position on the next page.
SOH (hex.01) (dec.01) S tart O f H eading. SP (hex.20) (dec.32) Space VT (hex.0B) (dec.11) When the printer receives this code, it prints the data in the print buffer and then advances the paper to the next vertical tab stop position. The next character is printed in the column following the last print position, if no CR is transmitted.
Appendix A Summary of Possible Codes.
BEL Bell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 BS Control Code BS (Backspace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 CAN Control Code CAN (Cancel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 CR Control Code CR (Carriage Return) . . . . . . . . . .
ESC * <5><n1><n2> graphics 72 dpi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 ESC * <6><n1><n2> graphics 90 dpi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 ESC * <7><n1><n2> graphics 144 dpi .
ESC 0 set line feed to 1/8 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ESC 1 set line feed to 7/72 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ESC 2 set line feed to 1/6 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ESC 3 <n> set line feed to n/216 inch .
ESC g character density 15 cpi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ESC H double strike print mode OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ESC I <n> printout of control codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 ESC i direct print mode, activat e/deactivate .
ESC SP <n> charac ter spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 ESC T super/subscript mode OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 ESC t <0> ch aracter se t selection (ita lic) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 ESC t <1> character set selection (graphics) .
absolu te horizo ntal step ESC $<n1> <n2> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 ASCII characte r 0 NUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 assign ch aracter tab le ESC ( t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
form fee d FF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 form length in inches ESC C NUL <n> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 form length in lines ESC C <n> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 graphics 120 dpi ESC * <1><n1><n2> .
national character set selection ESC R <n> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 paper end sensor, activation ESC 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 paper end sensor, deactivation ESC 8 . . . . . . . . . . . .
set unit ESC ( U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 sheet feeder ESC EM <n> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Space SP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 super/subscript mode OFF ESC T .
Appendix B Character Sets Register nur für SNI.
The following character sets can be selected via control panel or by Escape sequences, which correspond to the selected emulation mode. The following example shows you how to find the hexadecimal value for a character from the character set table.
Standard Character Set hex 0123456789 ABCD E F dec 0 NUL NUL 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 1 DC1 DC1 1 17 33 49 65 81 97 113 129 145 161 177 193 209 225 241 2 DC2 DC2 2 18 34.
International Substitution Table - normal font dec 35 36 64 91 92 93 94 96 123 124 125 126 hex 23 24 40 5B 5C 5D 5E 60 7B 7C 7D 7E US ASCII French German UK Danish I Swedish Italian Spanish I Japanese Norwegian Danish II Spanish II L.
International Substitution Table - italic font dec 163 164 192 219 220 221 222 224 251 252 253 254 hex A3 A4 C0 DB DC DD DE E0 FB FC FD FE US ASCII French German UK Danish I Swedish Italian Spanish I Japanese Norwegian Danish II Spanish II L.
Graphics Character Set hex 0123456789 ABCD E F dec 0 NUL NUL 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 1 DC1 DC1 1 17 33 49 65 81 97 113 129 145 161 177 193 209 225 241 2 DC2 DC2 2 18 34.
Standard Character Set, extended hex 0123456789 ABCD E F dec 0 NUL 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 1 DC1 1 17 33 49 65 81 97 113 129 145 161 177 193 209 225 241 2 DC2 2 18 34 5.
Graphics Character Set, extended hex 0123456789 ABCD E F dec 0 NUL 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 1 DC1 1 17 33 49 65 81 97 113 129 145 161 177 193 209 225 241 2 DC2 2 18 34 5.
International Code Table hex 0123456789 ABCD E F dec 0 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 1 1 17 33 49 65 81 97 113 129 145 161 177 193 209 225 241 2 DC2 DC2 2 18 34 50 66 82 98 1.
International Code Table, extended hex 0123456789 ABCD E F dec 0 SP 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 1 1 17 33 49 65 81 97 113 129 145 161 177 193 209 225 241 2 DC2 2 18 34 50 6.
Table of Character Width for Proportional Printing On the following pages you will find tables of character widths for proportional printing. The characters are represented by the printout, the decimal and the hexadecimal value. Characters without decimal and hexadecimal codes are international characters or graphics.
Proportional width during scaleable font mode The values of the character widths are depending on the selected point size at your printer. The width of the scaleable fonts are based on the width of a proportional 10.5 point character. Calculate the width as follows: (character width) = INT ( point size ) x ( base width ) 10.
24 Needle Printer Code Char. Width in 1 ⁄ 360 " Code Char. Width in 1 ⁄ 360 " Code Char. Width in 1 ⁄ 360 " hex. dec. hex. dec. hex.
Code Char. Width in 1 ⁄ 360 " Code Char. Width in 1 ⁄ 360 " Code Char. Width in 1 ⁄ 360 " hex. dec. hex. dec. hex. dec. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 113 114 115 116 1.
Code Char. Width in 1 ⁄ 360 " Code Char. Width in 1 ⁄ 360 " Code Char. Width in 1 ⁄ 360 " hex. dec. hex. dec. hex. dec. C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6.
9 Needle Printer Code Character Width in 1 ⁄ 120 " Code Character Width in 1 ⁄ 120 " Code Character Width in 1 ⁄ 120 " hex. dec. hex.
Code Character Width in 1 ⁄ 120 " Code Character Width in 1 ⁄ 120 " Code Character Width in 1 ⁄ 120 " hex. dec. hex. dec. italic graph.
Code Character Width in 1 ⁄ 120 " Code Character Width in 1 ⁄ 120 " Code Character Width in 1 ⁄ 120 " hex. dec. italic graph. hex.
“All rights reserv ed. Translations, reprinting or copying by any means of this manual complete or in part or in any different form requires our explicit approval. We reserve the right to make changes to thi s manual without notice. All care has been taken to ensure accura cy of information contained in this manual.
Programmer’s Reference Tally ANSI ( MTPL ) Emulation.
Table of Contents Description of MTPL-Sequences Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Paper and Text Formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Form Lengt h . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Line Spac ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Vertical Spacin g (SVS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Line Dens ity 6 lpi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Line Dens ity 8 lpi .
Horizonta l Tab Sto p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Set Horizon tal Tab Stop at Curre nt Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Horizonta l Tab Sto ps ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Horizonta l Tab Sto ps OFF (TBC) .
Color Selectio n (Option) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Input Da ta Contro l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Sheet Fe eder/Pap erway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Eject Fo rm .
Appendix A Summary of Possible Codes Sorted by S equences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2 Sorted by Func tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-8 Appendix B Character Sets Standard Character Set .
Description of MTPL-Sequences Introduction Paper and Text Formatting Character Spacing Line Spacing Character Styling Print Positioning Graphics Miscellaneous.
Introduction Regardle ss of the specific M TPL seque nces of yo ur printe r, this User’s M anual d escribes the sum of a ll MTPL seq uences and c ontrol codes. The o nly diffe rentiation is made be- tween 9 and 24 n e ed le printers as well as the maxim um possible pap e r width of 8 inches (80 column pr inter) or 13.
CSI means “ C ontrol S equence I ntroducer” and is described by the co de 9B (hex.) or ESC [ : 7-Bit-environment ➛ hex. 1B, hex. 5B ( = ESC [ ) 8-Bit-environment ➛ hex. 9B It is sensible to use only ESC [ as “Control Sequence Introducer” if MTPL is used associated wit h any other printer em ulation.
Character explanat ion and sym bol description Lower case “ ” Informat ion s Sequence o nly applies f or 9 ne edle printer Sequence only app lies for 24 needle pr inter In the follo wing you will .
Paper and Text Formatting Form Length CSI ... t Data Sructure ASCII CSI n "t" [A] set form lenght in lines hex. 9B n 74 dec. 155 n 116 Description PUM turned OF F: n = 1.
Example 10 REM form length 20 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[4t"; 30 FOR F=1 TO 2 40 FOR L=1 TO 3 50 LPRINT "le ngth 4:form";F;" line";L 60 NEXT L:LPR INT CHR$(12);:NEXT F 70 LPRINT .
Turn ON Positioning Unit Mode (SM) CSI 11 h Turn OFF Positioning Unit Mode (RM) CSI 11 Data Stru cture ASCII CSI "1" "1" "h" [A] turn PUM ON hex. 9B 31 31 68 dec. 155 49 49 104 ASCII CSI "1" "1" " " [A] turn PUM OFF hex.
Select Size Unit (SSU) CSI ... SP I Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n SP "I" [B] select size unit hex. 9B n SP 49 dec. 155 n SP 73 Description For n th e following pa rameters are a vailable: n h ex.
Set Top and Bottom Margin CSI ... r Clear Top and Bottom Margin CSI r Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n 1 ";" n 2 "r" [A] set top a nd botto m margin hex. 9B n 1 3B n 2 72 dec. 155 n 1 59 n 2 114 ASCII CSI "r" [A] clear top an d bottom m argin hex.
Example 10 REM top and bottom margin 20 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[6t";:REM f orm length 30 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[2;5r":REM set margins 40 FOR F=1 TO 2 50 FOR L=2 TO 5 60 LPRINT "fo rm&q.
Set Left and Right Margin CSI ... s Clear Left and Right Margin CSI s Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n 1 ";" n 2 "s" [A] set left and r ight marg in hex. 9B n 1 3B n 2 73 dec. 155 n 1 59 n 2 115 ASCII CSI "s" [A] clear left and righ t margin hex.
If only one margin is changed , the ot he r ma rg in will be reset to de fa ult valu e. If there are any logical problems (for ex ample, le ft marg in > rig ht margin), the seq uence is ignored.
Set Line Home (SLH ) CSI ... SP U Set Line Limit (SLL) CSI ... SP V Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n SP "U" [A] set line home ➊ hex. 9B n 20 55 dec. 155 n 32 8 5 ASCII CSI n SP "V" [A] set line limit ➋ hex. 9B n 20 55 dec. 155 n 32 8 5 Description n = 1.
Right Justification ON CSI 8 y Centering ON CSI 9 y Right Justification and Centering OFF CSI 10 y Right Justification and Centering OFF CSI : y Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n "y" justification hex. 9B n 79 dec. 155 n 121 Description For n th e following charac ters are available: n h ex.
Character Spacing Spacing Increment (SPI) CSI ... SP G Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n 1 ";" n 2 SP "G" [B] [C] set spacing incremen t hex.
Horizontal Spaci ng CSI ... w Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n "w" [A] set cpi hex. 9B n 77 dec. 155 n 119 Description For n th e following pa rameters are a vailable: n h e x .
Example 10 REM cha racter densities 20 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[4wthis is 10 cpi, "; 30 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[12wthis is 10 cpi (high reso lution), " 40 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[5wthis is 12 cpi, "; 50 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[6wthis is 15 cpi, "; 60 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[7wthis is 17.
Horizontal Character Spacing (SHS) CSI ... SP K Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n SP "K" [A] set cpi hex. 9B n 20 4B dec. 155 n 32 7 5 Description For n th e following pa rameters are a vailable: n h ex.
Character Spacing (SCS) CSI ... SP g Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n SP "g" [A] set character spacing hex. 9B n 20 67 dec. 155 n 32 1 03 Description n specifies th e cha racte r sp acin g The unit is either decipoints or depends on the SSU selection (S elect Size Unit, see page 8).
Additional Character Spacing (SACS) CSI ... SP Data Stru cture ASCI I CSI n SP " " [A] set addit ional charac ter spacin g hex. 9B n 20 5C dec. 155 n 32 9 2 Description n specifies th e ad dition al cha racter spacing The units are eith er decipoint s or defin ed by SSU ( Select Size Unit, se e page 8).
Reduced Ch aracter Spacing (SRCS) CSI ... SP f Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n SP "f" [B] set reduced cha racte r sp acin g hex. 9B n 20 66 dec. 155 n 32 1 02 Description n specifies th e re duc ed chara cte r spacing The units are eith er decipoint s or defin ed by SSU ( Select Size Unit, se e page 8).
Horizontal Motion Index (HMI) CSI ... p Data Sructure ASCII CSI n "p" [C] set HMI hex. 9B n 70 dec. 155 n 112 Description n = 0...20 The normal character density is enlarged by n ∗ 1 ⁄ 120 inch. If n is set to zero (default setting), HMI is disabled.
Horizontal Step (Microspace) CSI ... q Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n "q" [C] set horizontal step hex. 9B n 71 dec. 155 n 113 Description n = 1...25 5 The space between character s is enlarg ed by n ∗ 1 ⁄ 120 inch at the current p rint position.
Line Spacing Vertical Spacing (SVS) CSI ... SP L Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n SP "L" [A] set vertical spacing (lpi) hex. 9B n 20 4C dec. 155 n 32 7 6 Description For n th e following pa rameters are a vailable: n h ex .
Line Density 6 lpi CSI 3 z Line Density 8 lpi CSI 4 z Data Stru cture ASCI I CSI "3" "z" [C] line dens ity 6 lpi (= lin e spacing 1/ 6 inch) hex. 9B 33 7A dec. 155 51 122 ASCII CSI "4" "z" [C] line density 8 lpi ( = line spacin g 1/8 inch) hex.
Set Line Spacing (SLS) CSI ... SP h Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n SP "h" [A] set line spacing hex. 9B n 20 68 dec. 155 n 32 1 04 Description n specifies the line spacing The unit is either decipoints or depends on the SSU selection (S elect Size Unit, see page 8).
Character Styling Superscript ON CSI 0 z Subscript ON CSI 1 z Microscript ON CSI 10 z Super-/Sub-/Microscript OFF CSI 2 z Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n "z" [A] character styling hex. 9B n 7A dec. 155 n 122 Description For n th e following pa rameters are a vailble: n h e x .
Example 10 REM super/sub/micro script 20 LPRINT "E= M*C"; 30 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[0z"; 40 LPRINT "2" ; 50 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[2z"; 60 LPRINT " i s Einsteins most f amous formula.
Double Height ON (Upper Half) CSI 12 z Double Height ON (Lower Half) CSI 13 z Double Height OFF CSI 2 z Data Stru cture ASCII CSI "1" "2" "z" [C] doubl e height ON (uppe r half) ➊ hex. 9B 31 32 7A dec. 155 49 50 122 ASCII CSI "1" "3" "z" [C] double height ON (lowe r half) ➊ hex.
Example 10 REM double height 20 LPRINT "Fo r ";CHR$(27);"[12z Headlines ";CHR$(2 7);"[2z"; 30 LPRINT "pr inting in double" 40 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[13z Hea dl.
Print Quality CSI ... SP X CSI ... y Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n SP "X" [A] select print quality ➊ hex. 9B n 20 58 dec. 155 n 32 8 8 ASCII CSI n "y" select p rint quality ➋ hex. 9B n 79 dec. 155 n 121 Description ➊ This seq u en ce defines the prin t qu ality .
Example 10 REM print quality 20 LPRINT CHR$ (27);"[0yThis is d raft quality "; 30 LPRINT CHR$ (27);"[1yand this is NLQ printing." 40 LPRINT CHR$ (27);"[5yThis is N LQ with 12 cpi.
Select Ty pestyle CSI ... m Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n "m" [A] select typestyle hex. 9B n 6D dec. 155 n 109 Description This sequen ce de fin es the typ estyle .
Example Valid for most MTPL p rinters. Fontregister Font 0D r a f t 1 NLQ Courier 2L Q C o u r i e r 3 NLQ Sans Serif 4 LQ Sans Serif 5L Q R o m a n 6L Q S c r i p t 7 LQ Prestige 8 LQ OCR-B 9 LQ OCR-.
Emphasized Mode ON CSI = z Emphasized Mode OFF CSI > z Data Stru cture ASCII CSI "=" "z" [C] emphasized mode ON hex. 9B 3D 7A dec.
Italic Mode ON CSI 3 m Italic Mode OFF CSI 23 m Data Stru cture ASCII CSI "3" "m" [A] italic mode ON hex. 9B 33 6D dec. 155 51 109 ASCII CSI "2" "3" "m" [A] italic mode OFF hex. 9B 32 33 6D dec. 155 50 51 109 The sequ ence CSI 0 m resets all CSI.
Proportional Mode ON (SGR) CSI 26 m CSI 2 y Proportional Mode OFF CSI 50 m CSI 7 y Data Stru cture ASCII CSI "2" "6" "m" [A] proportional mode ON hex. 9B 32 36 6D dec. 155 50 54 109 ASCII CSI "2" "y" [C] proportional mode ON hex.
Example 10 REM proportional spa cing 20 LPRINT CHR$ (27);"[2y"; 30 LPRINT "thi s is an example wi th proportional sp acing" 40 LPRINT CHR$ (27);"[7y"; 50 LPRINT "thi.
Underline Mode ON (SGR) CSI 4 m Underline Double Mode CSI 21 m Underline Mode OFF CSI 24 m Data Stru cture ASCII CSI "4" "m" [A] underline mode ON ➊ hex. 9B 34 6D dec. 155 52 109 ASCII CSI "2" "1" "m" [A] underline double mode hex.
Overline Mode ON (SGR) CSI 53 m Overline Mode OFF CSI 55 m Data Stru cture ASCII CSI "5" "3" "m" [A] overline mode ON hex. 9B 35 33 6D dec. 155 53 51 109 ASCII CSI "5" "5" "m" [A] overline mode OFF hex.
Double Strike ON CSI 9 w Double Strike OFF CSI 8 w Data Stru cture ASCII CSI "9" "w" [B] [C] double strike pr int mode ON hex. 9B 39 77 dec. 155 57 119 ASCII CSI "8" "w" [B] [C] double strike print mode OF F hex.
Grap h i c S ize Select ion ( G SS) CSI ... SP C Graphic Size Modification (GSM) CSI . .. SP B Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n SP "C" [B] graphic size selection ➊ hex. 9B n 20 43 dec. 155 n 32 6 7 ASCII CSI n 1 ;n 2 SP "B " [A] graphic size modification ➋ hex.
Font Designation (FNT) CSI ... SP D Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n 1; n 2 SP "D" [A] designate fon t hex. 9B n 1 3B n 2 20 44 dec. 155 n 1 59 n 2 32 68 Description n 1 = fo nt number 0. ..9 n 2 = identificatio n (ID) o f the de sired fon t For n 2 the following pa ra mete rs ar e ava ila ble: n 2 hex.
Font attributes, e.g. “bold” ca n be specified af ter design ation through corresponding ESC sequences . Technical Details Font Designation Codes The use of the font designat ion code CSIn 1 ;n 2 space D needs further e xp lan at ion. (Note : CSI is 9B; you can u se ESC[, 1B 5BH, ins tead if you wish .
Print Positioning Hori zo nt al Tab St op HT Data Stru cture ASCI I HT [A] horizontal tab stop hex. 09 dec. 9 Description The HT-Cod e moves the active prin t position to the next horizontal tabula tion stop on the same line.
Horizontal Tab Stops ON CSI ... u ESC H Horizontal Tab Stops OFF (TBC) CSI ... g Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n 1 "u" [A] set horizontal t ab stop ➊ hex. 9B n 1 75 dec. 155 n 1 117 ASCII ESC "H" [C] set horizonta l tab stop at current po sition ➋ hex.
➌ With the seque nce CSI n g for n the follo wing pa ra mete rs ar e available: n hex. dec. function 0 30 48 clear horizontal tab st op at curr ent position 2 32 50 clear all horizontal tab stops in.
Example 1 10 REM hor izontal tabs 20 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[4w";:REM 1 0 cpi 30 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[10;20;30u" ; 40 LPRINT "12 345678901234567890 123456789012345678 9" 50 GOSU.
Line Feed LF Data Stru cture ASCII LF [A] line f eed hex. 0A dec. 10 Description When the printe r receives this code, it prin ts all the dat a in the print buffer, th en advance s the paper one line. The LF code ca n also give a carriage return if automatic carriage re turn is selected.
Vertical Tab Stop VT Data Stru cture ASCII VT vertical tab stop hex. 0B dec. 11 Description When the printe r receives this code, it prin ts all the dat a in the print buffer, th en advance s the pape r to the n ext vertical tab stop position.
Set Vertical Ta b Stop at Current Position VTS Data Stru cture ASCII VTS [A] set vertical tab stop hex. 8A dec. 138 Description This code sets an horizo ntal tab stop at the cur rent vertical p osition. Vertical Index IND Data Stru cture ASCII IND [A] vertical index hex.
Vertical Tab Stops ON CSI ... v Vertical Tab Stops OFF (TBC) CSI 1 g CSI 4 g Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n "v" [A] set vertical tab stop ➊ hex. 9B n 76 dec. 155 n 118 ASCII CSI "1" "g" [A] clear all vertical tab stops at cur rent position hex.
A vertical tabulation is executed by the VT control code (hex.0B, dec.11); also see page 50, Vertical Tab Stop. Example 10 REM vertical tabs 20 LPRINT CHR$ (27);"[10t";:REM s et form length .
Horizontal Posititon Absolute (HPA) CSI ... ’ Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n " ‘ " [A] set horizontal p osition abso lute hex. 9B n 60 dec. 155 n 96 Description n = 1 (default se tting) = ∧ current left margin This sequence moves the print head to a horizontal p rint position a bsolute.
Horizontal Position Relativ e (HPR) CSI ... a Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n "a" [A] set horizontal p osition relat ive hex. CSI n 61 dec. CSI n 97 Description n = 1 (default se tting) This sequen ce moves th e print head to the righ t.
Horizontal Position Back ward (HPB) CSI ... j Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n "j" [A] set horizontal position b ackward hex. 9B n 6A dec. 155 n 106 Description n = 1 (default se tting) This sequen ce moves the p rint head to the left.
Vertical Position Absolute (VPA) CSI ... d Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n d [A] set vertical position absolute hex. 9B n 64 dec. 155 n 100 Description n = 1 (default se tting) = ∧ current top margin This sequence moves the print head to a vertical prin t position ab solute.
Vertical Position Re lative (VPR) CSI ... e Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n "e" [A] set vertical position relative hex. 9B n 65 dec. 155 n 101 Description n = 1 (default se tting) This sequence moves the print head lines o r vertical po sitions down.
Vertical Position Ba ckward (VPB) CSI ... k Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n "k" [A] set vertical position backward hex. 9B n 6B dec. 155 n 107 Description n = 1 (default se tting) This sequence moves the print head lines o r vertical po sitions upward.
Horizontal and Vertical Po sition Absolute (HVP) CSI ... f Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n 1 ;n 2 " f" [B] [C] set horizontal and vertical position absolute hex.
Backspace BS Data Stru cture ASCII BS [A] Backspace hex. 08 dec. 8 Description After r eceiving this co de the conte nt of line bu ffer is printed out. Then, the pr int head is m oved one p osition to the le ft (dependin g on the cu rrent values of cpi).
Form Feed FF Data Stru cture ASCII FF [A ] form feed hex. 0C dec. 12 Description When the pr inter receive s this code, it prints th e data in the prin t buffer, t hen advanc es the pape r from the current pritn po sition to th e top-of- form positio n on the next pa ge.
Partial Line Down PLD Data Stru cture ASCII PLD [A] partial line down hex. 8B dec. 139 Description If the p receding char acter is in normal p osition, PLD moves th e active po sition down to a sufficient d istance to g ive the follo wing characte rs the ap pearence of being subscripte d.
Revers e Inde x RI Data Stru cture ASCI I RI [B] reverse index hex. 8D dec. 141 Description The code RI moves the active position to the p receding line. An CR option is not permitted. Next L ine NEL Data Stru cture ASCII NEL [B] next line hex. 85 dec.
Graphics Graphic Modes ESC % ... CSI 6 z CSI 5 z Data Stru cture ASCII ES C "%" n n 1 ;n 2 ; DATA [C] set dpi for graphics hex. 1B 25 n n 1 3B n 2 3B DATA dec. 27 37 n n 1 59 n 2 59 DATA ASCII CSI "6" "z" [C] graphics invers hex.
The vertical resolut ion is 72 dpi. The graphics image is printed vertically closed at a line feed of 80 ⁄ 720 inch. (Also see the sequences Spacing I ncrement (SPI), page 15, an d Set Line Spacing (SLS ), page 26. Example: CS I 80 ; SP G ). Example for calculat ion of n 1 and n 2 : The length of graphics is 80 bytes.
Relation ship betwee n graphics data an d needle s: Needle Data b yte 1 • Bit 7 2 • Bit 6 3 • Bit 5 4 • Bit 4 5 • Bit 3 6 • Bit 2 7 • Bit 1 8 • Bit 0 Example 1 10 REM bit image print 2.
Example 2 10 REM bit image print 20 WIDTH "LPT 1:",255 30 LPRINT CHR $(27);"%3";CHR$(10 );CHR$(0); 40 GOSUB 130: REM 60 dpi 50 LPRINT CHR $(27);"%4";CHR$(10 );CHR$(0); 60.
Miscellaneous Load Menu CSI ... SP q Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n SP "q" [B] load menu hex. 9B n 20 71 dec. 155 n 32 1 13 Description For n th e following pa rameters are a vailable: n h ex. dec. Loading o f 0 3 0 48 Default menu 1 3 1 49 Menu No.
Automatic Gap Adjustmen t (AGA) CSI ... + z Direct Setting of the Pri nt Head Distance CSI ... + y Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n "+" "z" [B] automatic gap adjustment ➊ hex. 9B n 2B 7A dec. 155 n 43 1 22 ASCII CSI n "+" "y" [B] direct setting of the pr int head dista nce ➋ hex.
Paper Handling CSI Ps1 Ps2 Ps3 Pn4 Pn5 + v Data Stru cture ASCII CSI Ps1 P s2 Ps3 Pn4 Pn5 "+" "v" hex. 9B Ps1 Ps2 Ps3 Pn4 Pn5 2B 76 dec.
Color Selection (Option) CSI ... m Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n "m" [A] set colors hex. 9B n 6D dec. 155 n 109 Description For n th e following pa rameters are a vailable: n h ex.
The relationship betwe en colo r select ion seque nc es an d the resultin g colo rs for several ribbon casset tes is shown in the following table: selected color yellow, m agenta, cya n, black (YMCK) .
Input Data Control CSI ... z Data Stru cture ASCII CSI "9" "z" [C] set bit 8 = 1 ➊ hex. 9B 39 7A dec. 155 57 122 ASCII CSI "8" "z" [C] set bit 8 = 0 ➋ hex. 9B 38 7A dec. 155 56 122 ASCII CSI "7" "z" [C] bit 8 unchanged hex.
Example 10 REM input data contr ol 20 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[7z"; 30 GOSUB 90 40 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[9z"; 50 GOSUB 90 60 LPRINT CHR $(27);"[8z"; 70 GOSUB 90 80 END 90 FOR I=97.
Sheet Feeder/Paperway CSI ... { Eject Form CSI 2 J Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n ; n 1; n 2 "{" [A] set sheed feeder hex. 9B n 3B n 1 3B n 2 7B dec. 155 n 59 n 1 59 n 2 123 ASCII CSI "2" "J" [C] eject form ➊ hex. 9B 32 4A dec.
➊ Paper is ejected also by FF or the limit, fixed by the for m length or the bottom margin. ➋ This sequence selects manu al cut sheet pa per process. ➌ This sequence selects fanfo ld paper process for tractor 1. ➍ This sequence selects fanfold paper process for op tional tractor 2.
For compatibility to f ormer printers a sequence like CSI 21 ; x ; n { will also be accept ed. In this case, the parameter x will be ignored. Paper is i nserted on rece ipt of: CR (hex.0D; de c.13) if CR = L F is selected LF (hex.0 A; dec.10 ) VT (hex.
Reset to Initial State (RIS) ESC c CSI 6 ~ Data Stru cture ASCII ESC "c" [A] reset to initial state hex. 1B 63 dec. 27 99 ASCII CSI "6" " ~ " [C] reset to initial state hex. 9B 36 7E dec. 155 54 126 Description The printer is initialized, which means it has the same status as just after power switch-on.
Command Set CSI ? ... ~ Data Stru cture ASCII CSI "?" n " ~ " [B] command set hex. 9B 3F n 7E dec. 155 63 n 1 26 Description For n th e following pa rameters are a vailable: n h ex.
Activation of Charac ter Sets SI SO ESC ... Data Stru cture ASCII SI ZG locking shift LS0 ➊ hex. 0F dec. 15 ASCII SO ZG locking shift LS1 ➋ hex. 0E dec.
A set o f up to 94 charac ters is made ready for us e. Example 10 open "lpt1:" as #1 20 width #1, 32000 30 ’Example "Locking Shift" 40 t1$=" Fre nch Characters Are Printed&q.
Designation of Character Set G0 ESC ( ... Designation of Character Set G1 ESC ) ... Designation of Character Set G2 ESC * ... Designation of Character Set G3 ESC + .
F hex. dec. charac ter set à 85 133 Table 863 (DOS French -Canadia n) å 86 134 Table 865 (DOS Norwa y) Ä 8E 142 Table 866 Standard (DOS Cyrillic) Å 8F 143 Table 866 Ukrain e É 90 144 Table 866 Ka.
Example 10 REM character sets 20 LPRINT CHR $(27);"(B"; 30 LPRINT "US -ASCII: ";:GOSUB 130 40 LPRINT CHR $(27);"(A"; 50 LPRINT "UK -ASCII: ";:GOSUB 130 60 LPRIN.
Activation of Charac ters SO SI Data Stru cture ASCII SO [B] ZG single shift SS2 ➊ hex. 8E dec. 142 ASCII SI [B] ZG single shift SS3 ➋ hex. 8F dec. 143 Description ➊ Activatio n of one sin gle character fro m G2 (“single shift 2”). ➋ Activation of one single charact er from G3 (“single shift 3”).
Graphic descr iption of loc king shift /single shift (pages 81 - 86): Repertoi re of graphic sets Designatio n of graphic sets Invocation of one graphic characte r Invocation of graphic sets Active ch.
Size of Character Se t (1 Character Set) CSI ? 50 h Size of Character Se t (2 Character Sets ) CSI ? 50 Data Stru cture ASCI I CSI "?" "5" "0" "h" [A] loading a characte r set hex. 9B 3F 35 30 68 with 256 characters ➊ dec.
Proportional Spacing (Draft) OFF CSI ? 51 h Proportional Spacing (Draft) ON CSI ? 51 Data Stru cture ASCII CSI "?" "5" "1" "h" [A] disabling proportional spacing hex. 9B 3F 35 31 68 in print quality DRAFT ➊ dec.
Print Code Area Expan sion ON CSI ? 53 h Print Code Area Expan sion OFF CSI ? 53 Data Stru cture ASCII CSI "?" "5" "3" "h" [A] print code area expa nsion on ➊ hex.
Printer Identification (DA) CSI .. . c Data Stru cture ASCII CSI "0" "c" [B] request for printer ind entification hex. 9B 30 63 dec. 155 48 99 ASCII CSI "?" ... "c" Response from printer hex. 9B 3F ... 63 dec. 155 63 .
Device Status Re port (DSR) CSI ... n Data Stru cture ASCII CSI n "n" [B] device status report hex. 9B n 6E dec. 155 n 110 Description For n th e following pa rameters are a vailable: n h ex .
Enquiry for Status ENQ Data Stru cture ASCI I ENQ enquiry f or status hex. 05 dec. 5 Description With this cod e it is possib le to get a sta tu s byte from the printe r: Status byte: Bit 0 1 = BUSY B.
Fill Character NUL Data Stru cture ASCII NUL fill character with out furthe r meaning hex. 80 dec. 128 Start of Text Block STX Data Stru cture ASCI I STX start of te xt block hex. 02 dec. 2 Description Start of a text block. With this code an y er ror me ssage (parity e rro r, memory overflo w) is cleared.
End of Text Block ETX Data Stru cture ASCII ETX end of text block hex. 03 dec. 3 Description End o f a text b lock. This code concerns only ser ial da ta transfe r with ACK/NAK protocol. For a detaile d description see the docu mentation which comes with your pr inter.
Nega t i ve Ackn o w ledge NAK Data Stru cture ASCII NAK negative acknowledge hex. 15 dec. 21 Description By sending th e negative ackn owledge code NAK a parity er ror (c ha ract er with the wro ng parity) is ind icated in the data block to be transm itted and then the data b lock is delete d.
Delete DEL Data Stru cture ASCI I DEL [A] delete hex. 7F dec. 127 Description With this cod e th e line buffer is clear ed. Acoustic Alarm BEL Data Stru cture ASCII BEL [A ] acoustic alarm hex. 07 dec. 7 Description This code causes an a coustic alarm.
Start Character “Escape” ESC Data Stru cture ASCII ESC [A] star t character ES C hex. 1B dec. 27 Description ESC is the start ch aracter f or a sub sequent program se quence (the string $$ can b e used instead o f ESC if optio n is selected in the prin ter setu p).
Appendix A Summary of Possible Codes.
ACK control code ACK ( Positive Acknowledge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 BEL acoustic alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 BS control cod e BS (Backs pace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 CAN control c ode CAN (Can cel) .
CSI 0 c request for p rinter identifica tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 CSI 0 g clear ho rizontal ta b stop at current p osition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 CSI 0 m clear all selected fon ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CSI 12 z dou ble heig ht ON (u pper ha lf) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 CSI 13 m font 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 CSI 13 y high resolu tion print quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CSI 3 w horizont al spacing 8 ,6 cpi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 CSI 3 z line densit y 6 lpi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 CSI 30 m color b lack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CSI 7 w horizont al spacing 1 7,1 cpi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 CSI 7 y proportional m ode OF F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 CSI 7 z set bit 8 = unc hanged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DEL control code DEL (Delete ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 ENQ control c ode ENQ ( Enquiry f or Status) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 ESC MTPL-start cha racter fo r progra m sequenc e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 ESC ( F designate c haracter set G0 .
acoustic alarm BEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 additional char acter spacing C SI n SP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 automatic gap adjustment OFF CSI 0 + z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 automatic gap adjustment ON CSI 1 + z .
control co de HTS HTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 control co de IND (Ver tical Index) IND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 control co de LF (Line F eed) LF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 control co de NAK (Negative Acknowled ge) NAK .
font 1 CSI 11 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 font 2 CSI 12 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 font 3 CSI 13 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 font 4 CSI 14 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 font 5 CSI 15 m .
horizontal sp acing 17,1 cpi CSI 7 w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 horizontal sp acing 20 cpi CSI 11 w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 horizontal sp acing 5 cpi CSI 0 w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 horizontal sp acing 6 cpi CSI 1 w .
MTPL + IBM-Pro printer XL command se t CSI ? 3 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 MTPL + NEC P60/70 command set CSI ? 7 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 MTPL comma nd set CSI ? 1 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 MTPL-start c haracter f or progr am seque nce CSI .
shared interface CSI Pn + w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 single shift 2 (SS2) SO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 single shift 3 (SS3) SI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 size of chara cter set ( 1 character se t) CSI ? 50 h .
Appendix B Character Sets.
Standa rd Chara cter Se t For the contents of the shaded areas, see table at page B-3. hex 0123456789 ABCD E F dec 0 NUL SP NUL 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 1 DC1 1 17 33 49.
International Substitution Table - norm al font dec 35 36 64 91 92 93 94 96 12 3 124 125 126 hex 23 24 40 5B 5C 5D 5E 60 7B 7C 7D 7E USA Great Britain Sweden Germany Portug al France Italy Spain Norway The conte nts of the columns 8 and 9 dep end on the setting s in the p rinter’s me nue.
Programmer’ s Reference Tally ANSI B a rc o d e an d LCP.
Table of Contents Barcode and LCP Printing Introduction Secured/Unsecured Mode Data Structure ........................... 6 Description ............................. 6 Barcode Printing Barcode Header ............................. 8 Header Format .....
Code EAN 13 with HRI ...................... 2 3 Code EAN 13 without HRI ..................... 2 4 Code MSI / modified Plessey ................... 2 5 Code UPCA with HRI ....................... 2 6 Code UPCA without HRI ...................... 2 7 Code UPCE with HRI .
Appendix Character Sets LCP Character Set, German ................... A - 3 LCP Character Set, US-ASCII ................... A - 4 OCR-A Character Set .
Barcode and LCP Printing Introduction Secured/Unsecured Mode Barcode Printing US Postnet Barcode Large Character Printing (LCP).
Introduction This User’s Manual describes all barcode and LCP sequences and control codes, regard- less of your printer’s special barcode and LCP implementation (LCP = Large Character Printing).
This may cause conflict with other emulations, since the above commands may have dif- ferent functions in these emulations, for example: SI Condensed print DC4 Reset expanded print ESC P <n> Proportional spacing ON/O FF ESC P Pica In barcode mode the barcode sequences have priority.
The syntax for the parameters, the start, separate and stop code is represented as follows: Figures (n) Start code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" 30 to 39 48 to 57 ":&qu.
Special Feature If you not get the required control codes for Barcode of ASCII code table columns 0 and 1 out of your computer you can use in addition to these Barcode control codes a set of MTPL sequences to generate these control codes by printable ASCII characters.
Secured/Unsecured Mode Unsecured mode ESC PSC0 ESC Secured mode ESC PSC1 ESC Data Structure ASCII ESC "P" "S" "C" "0" ESC "" Unsecured mode hex. 1B 50 53 43 30 1B 5C dec. 27 80 83 67 48 27 92 ASCII ESC "P" "S" "C" "1" ESC "" Secured mode hex.
Example 1 10 RE M LCP unsecured mo de 20 LPRINT C HR$(27); "[? 11~"; 30 REM sele ct unsecured mode 40 LPRINT C HR$(27); "PS C0"; CHR$ (27); ""; 50 REM set cha racter size.
Barcode Printing Barcode Header Before the data, which contains the barcode information, are transmitted to the printer, the barcode header must be sent. Otherwise the standard parameter values are used (see section "Header Format"). In the header, the printing parameters, the barcode size and the barcode type are defined.
The default parameter values are the following: Unsecured mode (see section "Secured/Unsecured mode") HRI OFF, Normal Print, Double Pass (F = SP) Barcode Type 2/5 matrix (a = "A") .
Barcode Print Feature F for Selection of F-Code HRI or normal/compressed as well as single or double pass is switched via character F according to the following table. ASCII Char. Hex- Value HRI 2 ) Print Pass 3 ) Direction 2 ) On Off Normal Compr. Double Single Unidir.
Barcode Types A = 2/5 matrix (default) B = 2/5 industrial C = 2/5 interleaved D = Code 11 E = Code BCD matrix F = Code 39 G = Codabar H = EAN 8 with HRI I = EAN 8 without HRI J = 2/5 matrix (default) .
Barcode Width By specifying an ASCII value from 0 to 3, the barcode width can be defined. This allows ideal adaption to the scanner specifications, particularly for long-range scanners. Table 1 Header Para - meter Normal Compressed 1 ) older printer types (e.
All values are only valid when a new colour ribbon is used. They change depending on the degree of wear: narrow bar: approx. -0.05 mm narrow space: approx. +0.05 mm. The Code EAN 128 , as the EAN/UPC , is based on module widths. Therefore only the X parameter is valid for this type.
Data Formats of Barcode Types Code 2/5 Matrix Type A Syntax Figures (n) Start code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" 30 to 39 48 to 57 ":" 3A 58 ":" 3A 58 Data Structure ASCII DC4 Start code n ... n Stop code DC4 hex.
Code 2/5 Industrial Type B Syntax Figures (n) Start code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" 30 to 39 48 to 57 ":", "<" or ">" 3A, 3C or 3E 58, 60 or 62 ";", "=" or "?" 3B, 3D or 3F 59, 61 or 63 Data Structure ASCII DC4 Start code n .
Code 2/5 Interleaved Type C Syntax Figures (n) Start code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" 30 to 39 48 to 57 ":" or "<" 3A or 3C 58 or 60 ";" or "=" 3B or 3D 59 or 61 Data Structure ASCII DC4 Start code n .
Code 11 Typ e D Syntax Figures/Characters (n) Start code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" and "-" 30 to 39 and 2D 48 to 57 and 45 ":" 3A 58 ":" 3A 58 Data Structure ASCII DC4 Start code n ... n Stop code DC4 hex.
Code BCD Matrix Type E Syntax Figures (n) Start code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" 30 to 39 48 to 57 ":" 3A 58 ":" 3A 58 Data Structure ASCII DC4 Start code n ... n Stop code DC4 hex. 14 Start code n ... n Stop code 14 dec.
Code 39 Type F Syntax Numbers/Character (n) Start code Stop code not fixed, recommended: not fixed, recommended: ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9", "A" to "Z" and "$", "%", "*", "+", "-", ".
CODABAR Type G Syntax Numbers/Character (n) Start code Stop code not fixed, recommended: not fixed, recommended: ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9", "A" to "D" and "$", "+", "-", ".
Code EAN 8 with HRI Type H Syntax Figures (n) Check Number (c) Start code Separation code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" 30 to 39 48 to 57 Calculati on see section "Chec.
Code EAN 8 without HRI Type I Syntax Figures (n) Check Number (c) Start code Separation code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" 30 to 39 48 to 57 Calculati on see section "C.
Code EAN 13 with HRI Type K Syntax Figures (n) Check Number (c) Start code Separation code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" 30 to 39 48 to 57 Calculati on see section "Che.
Code EAN 13 without HRI Type L Syntax Figures (n) Check Number (c) Start code Separation code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" 30 to 39 48 to 57 Calculati on see section ".
Code MSI / modified Plessey Type M Syntax Figures (n) Start code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" 30 to 39 48 to 57 ":" 3A 58 ";" 3B 59 Data Structure ASCII DC4 Start code n ... n Stop code DC4 hex. 14 Start code n .
Code UPC A with HRI Type N Syntax Figures (n) Check Number (c) Start code Separation code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" 30 to 39 48 to 57 Calculati on see section "Chec.
Code UPC A with out HRI Type O Syntax Figures (n) Check Number (c) Start code Separation code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" 30 to 39 48 to 57 Calculati on see section ".
Code UPC E with HRI Type P Syntax Figures (n) Check Number (c) Start code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" 30 to 39 48 to 57 Calculati on see section "Check Number Calculati on" ":" 3A 58 ":" 3A 58 Data Structure ASCII DC4 Start code nnnnnnnc Stop code DC4 hex.
Code UPC E without HRI Type Q Syntax Figures (n) Check Number (c) Start code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" 30 to 39 48 to 57 Calculati on see section "Check Number Calculati on" ":" 3A 58 ":" 3A 58 Data Structure ASCII DC4 Start code nnnnnnnc Stop code DC4 hex.
Code Delt a distance (IBM) Type R Syntax Figures/Characters (n) Start code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. "0" to "9" and "A" to "F" 30 to 39 and 41 to 46 48 to 57 and 65 to 70 "F" 46 70 "D" 44 68 Data Structure ASCII DC4 Start code n .
Code 128 Type S Syntax Figures/Characters (n) Start code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. see table section "Description" none none Data Structure ASCII DC4 n .
Example If you need to print a Carriage Return (hex.0D, dec.13), as part of a barcode, you need to send ">M" (13 + 64 = 77, see character set table to verify that decimal 77 equals the capi- tal letter "M"). This substitution process can be carried out throughout the range of deci- mal values, i.
Code 128 translation table Wert Code A Code B Code C Wert Code A Code B Code C We rt Code A Code B Code C 0 Space Space 00 36 D D 36 72 BS h 72 1! ! 0 1 3 7 E E 3 7 7 3 H T i 7 3 2" " 0 2 3 .
Example 10 REM code 128 20 LPRINT CHR$(27) ;"[?11~"; 30 LPRINT CHR$(26) ;" S3;111";C HR$(25); 40 LPRINT CHR$(20) ;"ABCD012 3";CHR$(20); 50 LPRINT CHR$(27) ;"[?10~&qu.
EAN 128 Type T Syntax Figures/Characters (n) Start code Stop code ASCII hex. dec. see Code 128 none none Data Structure ASCII DC4 n ... n DC4 hex. 14 n ... n 14 dec. 20 n ... n 20 Description The only difference between both types of barcodes is the initial sequence.
Add-On Barcodes UPC and EAN barcodes (commercial barcodes) can be extended with Add-On barcodes. The following barcodes can be extended with Add-On barcodes: Barcode Types H, I, K, L, N, O, P and Q In the data formats the numbers are generally given in the sequence they are printed from left to right in the barcode, i.
Example 2 EAN13 barcode with HRI and Add On 5 extention Format: DC4:nnnnnnn:nnnnnn :cnnnnn :DC4 10 REM code EAN 13 with ad d-on-5 extention 20 LPRINT CHR$(27) ;"[?11~"; 30 LPRINT CHR$(26);&q.
Check Number Calculation The following barcode types must be given a check number for transfer to the printer: Type H and I (EAN 8) Type K and L (EAN 13) Type N and O (UPC A) Type P and Q (UPC E) The check number (c) is transferred after the barcode information (n).
EAN 8 7 numbers are transferred for the EAN 8 code. The 8. digit represents the check number. The even figures of the information have a factor of "3", the uneven figures a factor of "1". Counting begins from the left. The resul ting cross sum is divided by 10.
UPCE For the UPCE barcode type, 7 numbers are transmitted. The 8. digit is the check number. The uneven figures of the information have a factor of "3", the even figures a factor of "1". Counting begins from the left. The resul ting cross sum is divided by 10.
Add-On 2 3 numbers are transmitted: check number (c) and 2 informations (n). The check number results from the remaining integer value of modul (4). Example 1 Information 004 Remainder (0) 0 Example 2.
US Postnet Barcode US Postnet Barcode ESC [ 1 SP p Data Structure ASCII ESC "[" "1" SP "p" hex. 1B 5B 31 20 70 dec. 27 91 49 32 112 Description After receiving this sequence numeric characters from 0 (hex. 30) to 9 (hex. 39) are inter- preted as barcode figures.
Large Character Printing (LCP) Before you can transfer the LCP data (Large Character Printing) data to the printer, the LCP header must be sent. The LCP header is made up of a series of max. 5 characters. In the header, the printing parameters and the LCP character size are defined.
Refer to the section "Secured/Unsecured Mode" at the front of the Manual for detailed description of the secured/unsecured mode. Data Structure ASCII SI n ... n SI hex. 0F n ... n 0F dec. 15 n ... n 15 n = all printable characters (> hex.
LCP Character Set US-ASCII ESC P L S 0 1 ESC LCP Character Set German ESC P L S 0 2 ESC Data Structure ASCII ESC "P" "L" "S" "0" "1" ESC "" character set US-ASCII hex. 1B 50 4C 53 30 31 1B 5C dec.
Various Examples Example 1 10 LP RINT "Exampl e for dif ferent LCP c haracter siz es" 20 LPRINT C HR$(27); "[? 11~"; 30 LPRINT C HR$(27); "PS C0"; CHR$ (27); "".
Example 2 REM Example 2 for unsecured pr inting OPEN "lpt1:" FO R RANDOM AS #1 WIDTH #1, 255 PRINT #1, CHR$(27) ; "[?11~"; PRINT #1, CHR$(27); "PSCO "; CHR$(27); " &.
Example 4 Unsecured Mode, vertical spacing with various enlargement factors Legend A – a single line Feed (1/6") B – Factor 6 character; heigth C – Factor 7 character; height additional spa.
Appendix Character Sets.
The following symbol sets are available in the barcode mode. The LCP symbol sets can only be selected via Escape sequenc es. The OCR-A and OCR-B fonts can be selected v ia control panel or by Escape sequences , which corre- spond to the selected emulation mode.
LCP Character Set, german hex 01234567 dec 0 NUL 0 1 63 24 86 48 09 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 73 34 96 58 19 7 1 1 3 2 2 1 83 45 06 68 29 8 1 1 4 3 3 1 93 55 16 78 39 9 1 1 5 4 4 2 03 65 26 88 4 1 0 0 1 1 6 5 5 2.
LCP Character Set, US-ASCII hex 01234567 dec 0 NUL 0 1 63 24 86 48 09 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 73 34 96 58 19 7 1 1 3 2 2 1 83 45 06 68 29 8 1 1 4 3 3 1 93 55 16 78 39 9 1 1 5 4 4 2 03 65 26 88 4 1 0 0 1 1 6 5 5.
OCR-A Character Set (Code Page 437) hex 01234567 dec 0 NUL 0 1 63 24 86 48 09 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 73 34 96 58 19 7 1 1 3 2 2 1 83 45 06 68 29 8 1 1 4 3 3 1 93 55 16 78 39 9 1 1 5 4 4 2 03 65 26 88 4 1 0 0 1.
OCR-B Character Set (Code Page 437) hex 01234567 dec 0 NUL 0 1 63 24 86 48 09 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 73 34 96 58 19 7 1 1 3 2 2 1 83 45 06 68 29 8 1 1 4 3 3 1 93 55 16 78 39 9 1 1 5 4 4 2 03 65 26 88 4 1 0 0 1.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté TallyGenicom Matrix Printer c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du TallyGenicom Matrix Printer - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation TallyGenicom Matrix Printer, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le TallyGenicom Matrix Printer va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le TallyGenicom Matrix Printer, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du TallyGenicom Matrix Printer.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le TallyGenicom Matrix Printer. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei TallyGenicom Matrix Printer ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.