Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 16TL du fabricant Speco
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® DVR-4TL/8 TL/16TL V ersion 1.1.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 1.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 2 Caution and Pr eventi ve T ip s • Handle with care, do not drop the unit • Mount the unit in an equi pment rack or place it on a solid, stable surface • Indoor use only .
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 3 Important Information Before proceeding, please read and observe all instructions and warnings in this manual. Retain t his manual with the original bill of sale for f uture reference and, if necessary, warranty service.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 4 T able of Content 1. Ov erview ..................................................................................................................... 10 2. Sy stem Setup .................................................
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 5 4.4.3 Export Ev ent Vide o ............................................................................... 35 4.5 Dome Control....................................... . ..................................................
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 6 L AN Setup.......................................... . .................................... 50 DHCP ................................................ ...................................... 50 IP ................
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 7 5.3.1 Analog Ca mera Select ................................ ......................................... 6 0 5.3.2 Dome Protoc ol....................................... ............................................... 60 5.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 8 5.6.2 Event Icon ............................................................................................ 71 5.6.3 Email Noti ce ........................................ ............................................
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 9 6.1 System Requir ements................................ . ....................................................... 83 6.2 Install ation of Sof tware......................................................................
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 10 1. Overvie w DVR-4TL/8TL/16TL is an integrated digital video recorder that combines the features of a time-lapse audio / video recorder , a multiplexer , and a video server to create a single security solution.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 1 1 2. System Setup The notices and int roduction on system installation will be described particularly in this chapter .
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 12 2.3 Connect De v ices to the DVR This section lists some important notices t hat should b e read before making any connection to the DVR. Connecting Required Devices Before power up th e unit, cameras a nd a monitor should be co nnected to the unit f or basic operation.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 13 Alarm I/O & RS485 A D-Sub co nnector is prov ided to offer u sers the f lexibility t o connect the DVR to Alarm I/O and RS-4 85 devices. Refer to Setup Guide fo r detailed pin definitions. DVR-4TL DVR-8TL & DVR-16TL LAN Connector (RJ-45) The DVR is cap able of networking .
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 14 3. General System S etup Before o perating the DVR, some general con figuration should be setup f irst. The following su bsections will int roduce function keys on the f ront panel a nd general configuration of the DVR.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 15 3.1.2 Function Ke ys This section describes the functional keys o n the front panel of the DVR. Refer to the Setup Guide for the graphical illustration of functional keys. CHANNEL • In b oth Live and Playback modes, p ress the CHANNEL key to view the corresponding video in f ull screen.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 16 ESC • Press to cancel or exit f rom certain mod e or OSD setup m enu witho ut changing the settings made previously . • If password protection has been enabled, press E SC for five seconds to lock up functions of certain keys, including PL A Y , MENU , SEARCH , DOME and C A L L .
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 17 3.2 Entering OSD Setup M enu The configuration of the DVR can be customized by entering the intu itive Graphical User Interface (GUI) OSD setup menu. Collaborating with a USB mouse, setting up the DVR can b e easy as operat ing on a P C.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 18 3.2.1 User Manage ment The DVR provides the opt ion to create u p to seven sets of usernames a nd passwords with customized authority , e xcluding the preset “admin” a ccount. From the Main Menu, select <System Setup> <User Management> and the menu is as the following: User Management 1.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 19 3.3 Power Up / Shut dow n the DVR If the DVR mu st be shutdown for any reason, plea se use the proper shut down and power up procedures to avoid damaging the DV R. Power Up the Unit Simply plug in the pow er adapter that came with t he package and the DVR will start to boot.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 20 3.4 System Date / Time Setting Users can set the current date, time and other OSD parameters in Date/T ime menu (under System Se tup me nu).
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 21 Date Display Mode This function a llows users to set the OSD display type of the date. There are three options to select from: <Y/M/D>, <M/D/Y> or <D/M/Y>. “Y” re presents “Y e ar”, “M” represents “Month” and “D” represents “Day ”.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 22 3.4.3 Netw ork Time Protocol Setup Time Zone Select < T ime Zone > to e nter the t ime zone. T o find out the co rrect local time zone, please visit www .
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 23 3.5 Record Schedule / Quality Setting The Record Setup men u allows users to set record ing quality , recording schedules, and other reco rding parameters.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 24 3.5.2 Preset Recor d Configura tion The <Preset Config> is used to select the p reset recording quality a nd frame rate. In normal circumstances, it is strongly recommended to set the preset configuration as <Best Quality>.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 25 Please note that t he total n ormal PPS for all c hannels (for DVR-16TL ) cannot exceed 1 20 NTSC (720×24 0@120PPS) / 100 P AL (720×288@100PPS). T o increase one channel’s PPS, y ou may have to reduce others’ first.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 26 4. Basic Operation The DVR allows users to access som e general operations th rough the front panel easily . T he fo llow ing sections introduce the general operations of the unit. 4.1 V iew Li ve / Pl ayback V ideo The general functions in live a nd playback mode are described in the following sections.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 27 4.1.2 Digit al Zoom Users are able to view a 2 × full screen in live mode. T o view t he 2 × full screen, follow the steps. • Press any CHANNEL key to v iew the corresponding camera in full screen. • Press ENTER to view 2 × zoomed screen of the selected camera.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 28 The general operations in playback mode are de scribed as follows. Key Usage in Playback The key usage is slightly different in playback mode. Following is t he ke y usage found in playback mode. LEFT (Reverse Playback) The key is used to reverse the recorded video while t he unit is playing back.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 29 4.2 Sequence This section introduces the way to view sequence mo de with both Main Monitor and Call Monitor , if connected. Sequence function can avoid manual backtracking and provides more flexibility while mon itoring surveillance.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 30 4.3 Search Recorded Video The DVR is capable of searching an d playing back recorded video b y time or by events. T o search by time, select a specific date and time of the wanted video or en ter Calendar Search. T o search by event, s elect channels to display the event list.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 31 4.3.2 Calendar Sea rch Follow the steps below to search recorded video via Calendar Search. • Press SEARCH button to enter the Search menu. • Move the cu rsor to <Calendar Search> an d press ENTER. A calendar will be shown as below .
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 32 4.3.3 Search b y Event “Event List” allows users to search wanted video by event. T he E vent List is displayed as below figure: Event List First Page Date Time 2.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 33 4.4 V ideo Expo rt The unit allows users to export wanted video to the built-in DVD+R W or an external device, such as a USB ThumbDrive, and the exported video will be saved as *.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 34 The entire process is described step by step in the fo llowing sections. NOTE: The file exported using ezBurn wil l b e in .
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 35 4.4.3 Export E vent Video T o export e vent video, follow these steps: • Press SEARCH and play wanted event video. T o play event video, refer t o section Search Recorded Video . • After e ntering the p layback m ode, press COPY .
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 36 4.5.2 Dome Prot ocol Setup The Dome P rotocol it em list s th e available dome protocols fo r co mmunicating with dom e cameras connected to the DVR. From the Main menu, se lect <Camera Setup> and press ENTER. The followi ng men u is displayed.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 37 The ID number mu st match the ID address set by the dome. The Unit ID is in the range of 1 t o 255. Note that there c annot be any two d evices on the same bus given the same ID address, or a conflict may occur . NOTE: The settings become ef fective after saving the changes and exiting from the menu.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 38 Auto / Enter • In OSD setup menu interface, the key is used to make sele ction. • In Dome Control mode, this key is used to activate automatic focus and iris function. Iris Close Use to close the Iris on the dome camera.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 39 • Press 1 to access the Set/Go Preset function. T he Dome Preset menu is displayed. Dome Preset First Page Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Set Preset No No No No No No No Go Preset No No No No No No No • Use UP / DO W N keys to select the desired preset number from the m enu.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 40 5. Advanced Sy stem Configuration The detailed functions and settings of DVR-4TL/8TL/16TL can be set by entering t he intuitive Graph ical User In terface (GUI) OS D setup menu. Collaborating with a USB m ouse, setting u p the DVR can be easy as operating on a PC.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 41 Key Usage in OSD setup menu <Direction Keys> In the OSD setup menu, Direction keys are used to move the cursor to select menu items. UP / DOWN are used to change the value in the selected field. <ENTER> In OSD setup me nu or selection interface, press this ke y to se lect or save settings.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 42 <T o delete current character> Select <Delete> and press ENTER. <T o exit the virtual key board> Select <OK> and press ENTER to sav e the settings and exi t, or press ESC to exit without saving changes.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 43 System and V ersion Information The first f ive items show the model name, video system, MAC Ad dress1, and identify the hardware and software version for this unit. Sof tware Upgrade via Local Device This item is used for updating software of DVR-4TL/8TL/16TL via local device.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 44 5.1.2 Language The Language item allows users to sele ct the language for the OSD menu and screen m essages. Language selection ta kes ef fect immediately when the selection is made. Press UP / DOW N to select from liste d languages and press ENTER to confirm.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 45 T ime Zone Press EN TE R to se t us ers’ local time zone. Pl ease refer to t he fo llowing f igure or visit www .
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 46 Day light Saving Time Setup This function is for people who live in certa in regions to observe Daylight Saving T ime. The menu displays as follows: Daylight Saving Time Setup 1. Daylight Saving Time 2. DST S tart 3.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 47 NTP Serv er Enter this item to setup a feasible time serv er . The default time se rver is . Users can change it to any othe r time server if desired. IP addresses of other time servers are listed below for reference.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 48 5.1.5 User Manage ment The DV R provides the option t o create u p to seven sets of usernames and passwords with cu stomized authority , excluding the preset “admin” account. The menu is as the following. User Management 1.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 49 Authority Setup Setup permitted authority level for accessing the functions listed in thi s menu. The functions include: Playback/Search, Dome Control, Call C.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 50 LAN Select This item allows users to select the network type among <LA N>, <PPPoE>, and <None>.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 51 IP This item is used to con figure the IP (Internet P rotocol) address of the DVR. The I P address is the id entifier for the DVR on a T CP/IP LA N. Please note that to set a static IP address, DHCP must be set to <OFF>.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 52 T o setup the login username, follow the steps : • Select <PPPoE Account> from LA N S etup m enu and press ENTER. A virtual keyboard displays. PPPoE Account A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 53 T r igger Port T o avoid the possibility of the default service port (port 100) being blocked, this item enables the user to change port 100 in to another port. T o change the trigger port, move the cursor over <T rigger Po rt> and press ENTER, then adjust the setting by UP / DO W N keys.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 54 SMTP Serv er This item enables users to se t t he SMT P server . Co ntact the network service provider for more specific information. Follow these steps to setup the SMTP S erver . • Select <SMTP Server> from SMTP Setup m enu and press ENTER.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 55 SMTP Password The item allows users to setup the SMTP password. Follow these steps to setup the password. • Select <SMTP passwo rd> from SMTP Setup m enu and press ENTER. A virtual keyboard displays. • Use Direction keys to move the cursor for selecting from characters.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 56 Host Name The item allows users to setup a dom ain name, which is used f or entering DVR-4TL/8TL/16TL through internet on the remote PC. To setup the host name of the DVR, follow the steps. • Select <Host Name> from DDNS Setup menu and press ENTER.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 57 ezDDNS ezDDNS enables the users to register for host name automatically. Press ENTER and select <Yes>. The following screen will be displayed: ezDDNS Submit/upd.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 58 Sto p Users can specify the stop bit associated with this prot ocol. Options are <1> and <2> stop bits. Parity This item is u sed t o specify the parity associate d with this protocol. Options are <ODD>, <EVEN> and <None>.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 59 5.2 Monitor Setup The Mo nitor Setup menu allows users to adjust the quality of the d isplayed image. Select <Monitor Setup> from the Main menu and press ENTER. The following menu is displayed. Monitor Setup 1. Show Camera Ti t le 2.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 60 5.2.4 Show Color Bar Choose this item to display co lor bar pattern on the screen. The color b ar helps to adjust the monito r hue, saturation, text color , and disp lay o ptions. Press ESC to exit the color bar pattern display and return to the OSD menu.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 61 5.3.4 Camera T i tle This item allows th e users to change th e title of ea ch conne cted camera. By default, the titles of came ras are numbered from 1 through 16 respectively . The title will be displayed on screen after the changes of the titles are set.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 62 5.3.8 Saturation Select this item to adjust the color saturation of the ca mera using UP / DO W N keys. This value will be ignored on m onochrome monitors. T he range of saturation values is <-128> to <127>.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 63 5.4.1 Record Mod e Setting Enter this menu to set up record resolution. The relative record setting s, su ch as preset configuration, will follow the record m ode setting. T he menu is displayed as the following. Record Mode Setup 1.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 64 5.4.2 Schedule Set up This submenu is used to set the da y and night time, or weekend reco rding schedule. The Day and Night sche dules a re for defining day time and night time; the Weekend schedule can be modified for w eeken ds and holidays.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 65 5.4.3 Preset Recor d Configura tion The <Preset Conf ig> is used to select the preset recording quality an d frame rate.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 66 5.4.4 Per Camera Configurati on This sub-menu is used to set t he Day / Night / Weekend PPS and recording quality f or each individual channel. <Preset Configuration> mu st be set to <OFF> in order to access these related settings.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 67 Event Qlty This item is used to set the picture size for ev ent s tatus recording. The available options are: <Low>, <Fair>, <Mid>, <High> and <Best>. Event Active Users are a llowed to choo se which alarm type n eeds to be recorded.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 68 • Select <Average No rmal PPS> and press E NTER, t hen press UP/DOWN to choose a d esired number of PPS. The <How Man y Da ys T o Record> will be computed automatically . • Select <Av erage Normal Quality> a nd press ENTER, then press UP/DOWN to select a desired quality .
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 69 5.4.8 Audio Recordi ng This item allows users to enable / disa ble Audio recording function of the DVR. W hen it’s se t to <ON>, audio input is recorded and saved with the video. W hen it’ s set to <OFF>, audio is ignored.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 70 5.5 Sequence Setup The Sequence Setup m enu a llows th e user to set the camera sequence schedule a nd dwell time for main and call monitor . Select <Se quence Setup> in Main menu and press ENTER; the menu displays as follows.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 71 5.6 Event Setup This menu allows users to determine DVR-4TL/8TL/16TL beha vior in response to alarm events. In the Main menu, m ove the cu rsor to <Event Setup> and press E NTER. The following menu is displayed.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 72 5.6.4 Email Notice The function allow s the DVR to send out a brie f A VI video reg arding the e vent. The numbe r of t he attached A VI video will be e quivalent to the number of cameras connected to the DVR.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 73 5.6.7 Per Channel C onfig This menu is use d to set the Video Loss Detect, Motion Detect and Alarm In / Out function for each channel. The menu is displayed as below . Per Channel Config 1. Channel Select 2. Video Loss Detect 3.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 74 Detection Config If motion detection function is enabled, it is required to define the motion detection parameters such as detection area and sensitivity settings. Select a channel f or setting the parameters, move the cursor to <Detection Config> and press ENTER.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 75 A l arm In This item allows users to e nable/ d isable alarm input detection. Accord ing to users’ application, select <N/O> (Norma l Ope n) or <N/C> (Normal Close) to enable the alarm input detection, or select <OFF> to disable the detection.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 76 5.7.3 Internal Disks Select <Internal Disks> to see information of the bu ilt-in HDDs. The menu is displayed as below . Internal Disks Device Name xxx xxxxxxx -xxxxxx Active Y es Action None The information of the built-in HDDs will b e listed by model name and status.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 77 5.8.1 Load Factor y Defaul t This item is used to load the f actory default setting. Select <Y es> to restore the factory def ault setting from the r ead-only me mory , or s elect <No> t o cancel.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 78 5.8.3 Export Config uration Users are allowed to save a DVR configuration by exporting it t o an external drive, such as an USB Flash Drive. Be fore exporting the co nfiguration, make sure the device in which the configuration will be saved is attached to the DVR approp riately .
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 79 5.9 V ideo Expo rt The Video Export menu enables the user to e xport recorded video with or without digital signature to a USB ThumbDrive, or to a DVD+R W drive. Make sure an external storage device is available an d connected to the appropriate port for video export.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 80 DVR-4TL/8TL/16TL only supports EXT3 file system. Ma ke su re th e HDD format is EXT3 before connecting it with th e unit. If not, please format the HDD to EXT3 format first. <Device Name> The item shows the name of the available device.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 81 5.9.5 Dat a T ype The item is u sed to select exporting video type. Th e options are <Normal> (export n ormal video only), <Event> (export e vent video only) a nd <Both> (export both normal and event video).
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 82 5.9.8 Erase Disc This function is used to remove informatio n found on a DVD+R W di sk prior to exporting new in formation to the drive.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 83 6. Remote Monitoring Soft w are The remo te monitoring software S peco Remote is a remote b rowser-based software application designed to o perate with the DVR products.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 84 6.2 Inst allation of Sof tware Refer to the following description to install S peco Remote . 6.2.1 Change Intern et Settin gs The PC operating with S peco Remote sh ould be set to accept ActiveX plug-ins. Please fo llow the steps to set the I nternet security set tings appropriately .
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 85 • Uncheck “Require server verifica tion (https:) for all site s in this zone”. T ype the IP address of the unit in field and click <Add> to add this web sit e to the zone. • Click <OK> to confirm the setting and close T rusted sites dialog.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 86 6.2.2 Inst all SpecoRemote S tart the browser t o initiate the installation of S peco Remote on the PC. The IP address of t he DVR can be saved as a Favorites item in the web browser to enable easy access in the future.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 87 Login / Logou t Login using the same accounts setup in the DVR. The authority is also th e same as setup in the DVR. One preset account “admin” and up to four other accounts can access a DVR at the same time.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 88 Sof tware Upgrade s If a new version of S peco Remote is available on the DVR, upgrade will be prompted while accessing the unit. Follow the steps to upgrade the software. • The message as t he above figure will be prom pted.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 89 Select Display M ode Choose th e number of windows to be d isplayed on the main window . Click one of the display buttons in MODE secti on.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 90 Focus +/− Use to adjust the camera lens to f ocus o n objects f or a clear view . Click on <Focus +> to focus near or <Focus −> to focus far . Iris +/− This item is u sed to open and close the iris to let more or less light into the camera.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 91 6.3.3 Playback Video S peco Remote allows users to view recorded video either f rom the DVR, or from the hard disk drive of the PC T o access the Playback screen, click <Play> button on t he main window toolbar .
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 92 • The other o ption <Dow nload (.DRV)> in <Select> field enables users to download the video segmen t of selected date an d time to the PC. The selection of time duration is the same as described above. Files downloaded will be in *.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 93 6.3.4 V eri fy Digit al Signat ure The digital signatu re aims to authenticate a video f ile exported f rom the unit. Follow the description to verify the digital signature. • Click <Play> on the main window toolbar .
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 94 6.3.6 T ake a Sna p sho t Snapshot is a simple screen capture tool. W hen u sers click on the SNAPSHOT button, it will capture the screenshot of the window that is currently sh owing o n the screen. Each click captures one screenshot to be saved as a JPEG f ile on the desktop.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 95 6.3.8 Remote Moni toring So f tw are T rouble Shooti ng Guide W hat happened i f the server requests to upgr ade the software every time the DVR is connected? If the following screen displays repeatedly , please f ollow the steps to delete the temporary internet files.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 96 Appendix A: Recommended H DDs Refer to the following list for some recommended HDDs to be used in the DVR. Brand Model Name Model Number Size Barracuda ES.2 ST3500320NS 500G Barracuda 7200.1 1 ST3500320AS 500G Barracuda 7200.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 97 Appendix B: Remote Controller The operational function keys on the remote control are listed as below figure:.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 98 The keys of the remote control function as the keys of the front panel of the DVR. The only difference between the remote control and the front panel ke ys is the “DVR SEL” key . T he DVR Selection key is used to switch control between each DVR.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 99 Appendix C: Setting up a DVR behind a Router This appendix d escribes h ow to set up a route r if the DVR connects to the internet via a router . T o properly opera te a web server , e. g. a DV R, use rs have to set up b oth the IP and port of the DVR, which are essential for data and co mmand transmission.
TL H.26 4 DVR User ’s Manual 100 Following is an example of how the router should be se t. Router (D-Link DI-724P+) WAN IP: LAN IP: PC IP: DVR 1 IP: T rigger port: 80 DVR 2 IP: T rigger port: 81 • T o change the se tting of the router , a PC with web browser is required.
TL H.264 DVR User ’s Manua l 101 A. Select <Enabled> to set up the serv ice. B. Enter the name of the setting in the Name field: DVR 1. C. Enter Private IP: 167 D. Choose <TCP> as the Protocol T ype. E. Enter Private Port: 80. F. Enter Public Port: 80.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Speco 16TL c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Speco 16TL - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Speco 16TL, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Speco 16TL va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Speco 16TL, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Speco 16TL.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Speco 16TL. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Speco 16TL ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.