Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit XCD-V60CR, XCD-SX90CR, XCD-U100CR, XCD-V60, XCD-SX90, XCD-U100 du fabricant Sony
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T echnical Man ual A-CUJ-100- 11 (1) Digital Camera Module © 2007 Sony Corporation XCD-V60CR/SX90CR/U100CR (Col or mo del) XCD-V60/SX90/U100 (Black and white model).
2 T able of Cont ents Overvie w Main F eatur es ................... .................. ................... 3 System Components .................. .................. .......... 4 Connection Diagr am ................. .................. .......... 5 Location and Function of P arts and Operation .
Ov erview 3 Overvie w The six mode ls of the XCD-ser ies digital c amera modules (Bl ack and white mode ls and RA W color models) empl oying t he IEEE1394 b-2002 standard are equipped with qua lity digital c amera features.
Ov erview 4 System Component s The camera module i maging system comprises t he follo wing products. Product s 1 to 4 are used for th e basic conf iguration, and 1 to 7 fo r the opti onal conf igur ation. ( All the p roducts except the camera modul e are a v ailable separat ely .
Ov erview 5 Connection Diagra m C-mount lens VCT -ST70I T r ipod Adaptor Host equipment (PC, etc.) IEEE1394b cable Host adaptor card XCD-V60/V6 0CR/SX90/ SX90CR/U100/U100CR.
Ov erview 6 Location and Func tion of P ar ts and Oper ation Fr ont/T op/Bottom 1 Lens mount (C -mount) Attach an y C-moun t lens or ot her optical equipment .
Ov erview 7 Instal lation Fitting the lens 1 Remove the lens mount cap. 2 Screw in the lens (not su pplied), an d turn it unti l it is sec ured. Note Clean th e optical filter wi th a comme rcially available blower br ush to rem ove dust.
Functions 8 Functions Gain Both Manu al and Auto Gain setti ngs are a v ailable wit h this c amer a. The v ariabl e range e xtends fr om 0 to 24 dB f or the blac k and white mo dels or from 0 t o 18 dB for t he color models. The c amera is designed so t hat the gain ca n be subdi vided an d set by 0.
Functions 9 A uto Exposu re AutoExposure is a funct ion that automa ticall y adjusts the gain and shutter sett ings, based on the br ightness of the subj ect. When t he gain or shut ter is set to Auto, th e brightness is ad justed automatically to the v alue specif ied with AutoExposure.
Functions 10 Tr i g g e r T rigger shutter is u seful for capturing imag es in response t o a trigger that start s the exposure to ma tch a preset timing.
Functions 11 P an/Tilt Pan/ T ilt is a fu nction used to mo ve a c amera up and do wn or left and right. Ho we ve r this camer a supports a video mode mu ch smaller than the CCD’ s effec tiv e pixel s by cutting out ima ges fr om the whole s creen .
Functions 12 Str obe Contr ol A strobe c ontrol sig nal is assigned in the 12-p in connector . This a llo ws direct command o f light- emission fr om the strobe connec ted to the camera and controls t he light-emissi on timing an d the signa l width. The outpu t terminal is of the op en-collect or type and should be pu lled at the strob e side.
Functions 13 Memo ry Shot The camera is equi pped with Memory Sh ot that temporarily stores an i mage in the frame memory inside the camera and tr ansfers it later . When multip le cameras are connec ted in the same b us, all the cameras may not output images at the same time due to th e restricti on of 800 Mbps b and.
Functions 14 Pa r t i a l S c a n The partial scan is a functi on for outputt ing part of a whol e image as a reg ion of inter est on the whole image. Based on the unit cell as the unit , continuous parts can be selected . Only rectan gles can be selected.
Functions 15 Binnin g Mode The mode used when the sensiti vity is increased and the frame rat e is multiplied b ased on mixing the CCD pix el data, is call ed the Binning mode.
Control 16 Control Camera Command Status Register This camera complies with IIDC 1394-based Digital Camera Spec ification, V ersion 1.31 (hereinafter referred to as IIDC v1.31). The standards document can b e purchased from 1 394T A (the 1394 T rade Assoc iation).
Control 17 Configurat ionR OM The Conf igurationR OM is normally use d for the OS to ident ify th e dev ice. The serial n umber and f irmware v ersion of t he camera are stor ed in C onf iguratio nR OM to be used when required .
Control 18 For off set address 434h , the length o f the UnitDep endentInfo is 0Bh Quadlets. CommandRegsBase is the base address of the camera control regi ster .
Control 19 Contr ol Base Address Ever y regi ster address i s decided base d on the base address found in the C ommandRegsBa se fiel d of Conf igrati onR O M. F0 F00000h is t he control base address on this camera. Inquiring about Support ed Vide o Modes First, we will f ind out what video f ormats are suppor ted.
Control 20 Video Mode Sett ings (S800) Select the v ideo mode you want to use from the tab les, and make the requir ed sett ings. As examples, the register settings for Format0, Mode5, and a frame rat.
Control 21 Contr ol of IIDC Standar d Features Before tran smitting th e control comm and, check the v ariable ran ges of setting s and if there is an automatic mod e for each feature. As the v ariabl e ranges of the settings v a ry with video modes for t he Pan and T ilt f eatures, be sure to check t hem if the video mode i s changed.
Control 22 * According to the IEEE 1394 specifications, the most significant bit is sh own as 0 , and the least significant bit as 31. F0F0 051Ch (Shutter) CB003 47Eh 0 This f eatur e ex ists. 1 Abs olute value contr ol possib le. 4 The value can be read out .
Control 23 Actual control can be carried out by set ting regi sters from F0F008 00 onw ard. ddd indicat es the control v alue e xpressed as a 12 bi t hexadec imal number .
Control 24 Pan/Tilt cont rol Optica l Filt er contr o l GPIO control S tro b e c o nt ro l The for mul a for absolute value shutter contr ol register address Absol ute v alue sh utter co ntr ol CSR of fset address The register address for absolute v alue shutte r control is giv en by the following formula.
Control 25 Contr ol of IIDC Optional Fea tures Check if t he camera is equi pped with optional feat ures by r eading bit 3 of B ASIC_FUNC _INQ. Check the supported feat ure by r eading Opt_Funct ion_Inq. PIO contr ol Check the off set address of PIO. F0F20400h indicat es the address of the PIO ou tput por t.
Control 26 Contr ol of Sony’ s Unique Featur es LUT (LookUp T a ble) Enabling writing the Lookup tab le Write the follo wi ng three co mmands in sequence.
Control 27 3 × 3 Filter Enabling wri ting the filter Write the following three com mands in sequence. Disabling wr iting the filter Write the following three com mands in sequence. When writing of th e filt er is enabled, th e addresses 0xF0F62000 to 0xF 0F62024 th at store the f ilter ta ble become open.
Control 28 T rig ger I nhibi tio n Enabling T r igger inhibition Write the follo wi ng three co mmands in sequence. Disabling T rigger inhibition Write the follo wi ng three co mmands in sequence. User Free Memory Enabl ing User free memory Write the follo wi ng three co mmands in sequence.
Control 29 Setting A W B (A uto White Balance) P arameter s Enabling A WB paramete r setting Write the following three com mands in sequence. The detect ion frame is highligh ted. Disabling A WB parameter setting Write the following three com mands in sequence.
Control 30 Memory Shot Switching to Memory shot mode Write the follo wi ng three co mmands in sequence. Switching to normal mode Write the follo wi ng three co mmands in sequence. When the Memory shot mode is set, the following control reg isters become ef fecti v e.
Control 31 Notes on the Camera Operati ons If Frame Rate Decrease Occur s On this camera, frame rate may decr ease depending on your shutt er settings.
Specifications 32 Specificatio ns Specifi cations XCD-V60/V60 CR XCD-SX90/SX9 0CR XCD-U1 00/U100CR Image sen sor 1/3-typ e progress iv e scan IT tr ansf er CC D 1/3-ty pe pro gress iv e sca n IT transfer CCD 1/1.8-ty pe progre ssiv e scan IT transfer CCD Number of effect iv e pixels Approx.
Specifications 33 Video Modes Supp or ted Fixed format Format Mode Image Size Color Coding Frame Rate XCD-V60/ V60CR XCD-SX90/ SX90CR XCD-U100/ U10 0CR 0 5 64 0 × 480 Mono8 1.875 3.75 7.5 15 30 60 6 64 0 × 480 Mono1 6 1.875 3.75 7.5 15 30 60 1 2 80 0 × 600 Mono8 7.
Specifications 34 S800 ba nd is req uired . Free f ormat The frame ra tes indicate the v alues in 8-bit mo de and under S80 0 conditi ons. T o operat e with a frame rat e of 180 fps, th e shutter spee d should be f aster than 1 /180 s. T o operat e with a frame rat e of 90 fps, the shutter speed should be f aster than 1/ 90 s.
Appendix 35 Appendix Spectral Sensit ivity (Relative Res ponse) P arameters XCD-V60 Spectral sensitivity (relati ve response) parameters (withou t lens and light sou rce parame ters) XCD-V60CR Spectra.
Appendix 36 XCD- U100 CR Spectral sensitivity (relati ve response) parameters (without l ens and li ght source par ameters) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.
Appendix 37 Dimensions 26 (1 1 / 16 ) 2 - M3, depth 4 ( 3 / 32 – M 3, depth 3 / 16 ) 13 ( 17 / 32 ) 44 (1 3 / 4 ) 33 (1 5 / 16 ) 65.5 (2 5 / 8 ) 57.5 (2 3 / 8 ) (8 ( 5 / 16 )) 12-pin connector IEEE1.
Sony r eserves t he right to ch ange specif i cations o f the prod ucts and di scontinue pro ducts without notice. T echnical i nformatio n contain ed herein is f or refere nce only and does not con ve y any li cense by any impl ication or otherwise under an y inte llectual pro perty rig ht or other right of S ony or t hird pa rties.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony XCD-V60CR, XCD-SX90CR, XCD-U100CR, XCD-V60, XCD-SX90, XCD-U100 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony XCD-V60CR, XCD-SX90CR, XCD-U100CR, XCD-V60, XCD-SX90, XCD-U100 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony XCD-V60CR, XCD-SX90CR, XCD-U100CR, XCD-V60, XCD-SX90, XCD-U100, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony XCD-V60CR, XCD-SX90CR, XCD-U100CR, XCD-V60, XCD-SX90, XCD-U100 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony XCD-V60CR, XCD-SX90CR, XCD-U100CR, XCD-V60, XCD-SX90, XCD-U100, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony XCD-V60CR, XCD-SX90CR, XCD-U100CR, XCD-V60, XCD-SX90, XCD-U100.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony XCD-V60CR, XCD-SX90CR, XCD-U100CR, XCD-V60, XCD-SX90, XCD-U100. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony XCD-V60CR, XCD-SX90CR, XCD-U100CR, XCD-V60, XCD-SX90, XCD-U100 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.