Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SRX-T105 du fabricant Sony
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4-115-585- 11 (2) Data Projector Operating Instructions Before oper ating the u nit, pleas e read thi s manual thoroughl y and reta in it for fut ure reference.
2 Owner’ s Recor d The model and se rial numbers are located at the side. Record these numb ers in the spaces prov ided belo w . Refer to these number s whenev er yo u call upon your S ony dealer re ga rding this product. Model No.__ ____________ ______ Serial No.
Table of Contents 3 Table of Content s Chapter 1 Overview Precauti ons ............. .............. .............. ................... .............. ............ 5 Features .......... .............. .............. ................... .............. .
4 Tabl e of Cont ents Projecting the Pic ture ............... .............. ................... .............. ..... 22 Using the Remote Commander ........................................................... 22 Using the Computer for Controlling the Projector .
5 Precautio ns Chapter Chapter 1 Ov erview 1 Overview Precauti ons On safety • Operate the unit on 200 – 240 V AC, 50/6 0 Hz (SRX- T110), or 100 – 240 V AC, 50/ 60 Hz (SRX-T105 ). • Should a ny liquid or so lid object fall into t he cabinet, unplug t he unit and have it c hecked by you r Sony dealer befor e operating it furt her.
6 Precaut ions Chapter 1 Ov erview projector. Be aware that room heat rises to t he ceiling; check th at the tempera ture near the i nstallation l ocation is not excessi ve. • Install the projector on the fl oor or hang it from the ceili ng. Any other install ation causes a malfun ction such as color i rregularity or a shorte n lamp life.
7 Feat ures Chapter 1 Ov erview Features High Brightness, Hi gh Picture Quality High brightn ess The SRX-T110 u ses two 2 kW Xenon lamps as a light source, and the SRX-T1 05 uses two 1 kW Xenon lamps.
8 Locati on and Function of Con trols Chapter 1 Ov erview Location and Function of Controls Pr ojector Unit Front/T op a Remote control detector (front) b Upper si de ventil ation holes (intake) c Upper side ventilation holes (exhaust) d Adjusters Use to keep th is unit leve l if it is instal led on an une ven surface.
9 Locat ion and Functi on of Controls Chapter 1 Ov erview Commander. Fl ashes while the fan s continue to run to reduce internal heat. h INTER LOCK jack (mi nijack) Connects to th e external emergency swit ch. When you use the inte rlock functi on, inser t the mini-pl ug into this jack to open t he + and – terminals.
10 Locat ion and Functio n of Controls Chapter 1 Ov erview Location: Shows the installati on location of th e projector that was s et in the SETT ING window . Name: Shows th e name o f the project or that wa s set in t he SETTING window. Operation Timer: Show s the total op erati ng hours of the projector .
11 Locat ion and Functi on of Controls Chapter 1 Ov erview The settin g also functi ons when you opera te this unit with the Remote Commander. Remote Co mmander • Be sur e th at th ere i s no thin g to obst ruc t th e infr ar ed beam between t he Remote Co mmander and the projector.
12 Locat ion and Functio n of Controls Chapter 1 Ov erview Select the in put sign al with o ne of t he INPUT SEL A/B/C/ D buttons ( 5 ), then select the screen wi th one of these buttons.
13 Precaut ions on Installat ion Chapter Chapter 2 Prepar ations 2 Preparations Precautions on Installati on Unsuitable Insta llation Do not inst all the pro jector in the fol lowing situ ations. Such instal lations may cau se a malfuncti on or damage to the pr ojec tor .
14 Install ation Chapter 2 Prepa rations Unsuitable Conditions Do not use t he projecto r under th e following cond itions. Laying the uni t on its side or upside down Tilting the unit to the right or left Avoid tilti ng the projector more th an ± 10 degrees.
15 Instal ling the SRX Controller in a Computer for Controlli ng the Proj ector Chapter 2 Prepar ations Do not turn t he spanner fo rcibly when the screw has fu lly rotated . Otherwise, th e spanner m ay slip and injure you r hand. Installi ng the Projector This sectio n describes br iefly how to i nstall the pr ojector on the floor.
16 Installing the SRX Controller in a Computer for Controlling the Projector Chapter 2 Prepa rations After a while, th e Welcome p age of the SRX Controller appears.
17 Connect ing a Computer for Cont rolling the Pro jector Chapter 2 Prepar ations Installat ion of the SR X Controller i s completed . To restart the SRX Control ler immediately after installa tion has be en completed , click t o check “Launch SRX Controller for SRX-T series”, then click “Fin ish” .
18 Startin g the SRX Control ler Chapter 2 Prepa rations For safet y, do not connect t he connector fo r peripheral devic e wiring th at might have e xcessive volt age to this port.
19 Starting the SRX Co ntroller Chapter 2 Prepar ations About the Program Launch er screen a Menu bar File Select “Q uit” from th e “File” men u to exit the SRX Control ler. Connect Selects the connection mod e between the proj ector and the computer for controll ing the projector.
20 Connect ing the Project or Chapter 2 Prepa rations Connectin g the Projector When yo u connect t he proje ctor, mak e sure to: • Turn off a ll equipment bef ore making an y connections.
21 Connecti ng the Proj ector Chapter 2 Prepar ations Select “ RGB” in “Signal Mode” of “Inp ut Source” in t he PICTURE C ONTROL window. For deta ils, see page 27 .
Chapter 3 22 Projec ting the Pictur e Chapter 3 Projec ting Projecting Projecti ng the Picture Use the supplie d Remote Commande r or a computer in which th e supplied SR X Controlle r is installe d to proj ect the picture on t he screen.
23 Projectin g the Pictu re Chapter 3 Proj ecting the di vided screens where y ou want to proje ct the picture with the S CREEN SEL but ton. When project ing moving pictu res in the dual-screen mode or quad-screen mod e, all the inpu t signals should be genloc ked to synchro nize with e ach other with a phase difference of l ess than 5 µsec.
24 Projec ting the Pictur e Chapter 3 Projec ting The POWER and STATUS L AMP indicator s light red and the p rojector goes i nto standby mode. 2 Start yo ur computer and d ouble-click t he icon of the SRX Control ler in the desktop window. The Program L auncher screen appe ars.
25 Projectin g the Pictu re Chapter 3 Proj ecting The “FOCUS”, “ZOOM” and “SHIFT” indication s do not appear when you select “OSD OFF” in th e Control Function Men u window. T o cut off the picture Click th e “ON” button of “C UT OFF”.
Chapter 4 26 Display ing the Control Fun ction Menu Window Chapter 4 Adjustment s and Settings Us ing the SRX Controller Adjustments and Settings Using the SRX Controller Displaying the Control Functi.
27 PICTURE CONTROL Window Chapter 4 Adjustment s and Setting s Using the SRX Controller About the items that cannot be adjusted Items th at cannot be adju sted dependi ng on the inp ut signal are not di splayed in the window. For detai ls, see “Input Sign als And Ad justable /Setti ng Items” on page 33 .
28 PICTURE CONTROL Window Chapter 4 Adjustment s and Settings Us ing the SRX Controller compliance, or “10bit Twin Limited” or “10bit Single Limited” for a signal o f Limited Range complian ce.
29 COLOR/FRAME Window Chapter 4 Adjustment s and Setting s Using the SRX Controller COLOR/FRAME Window The COLOR/FRAME wi ndow is used to adjust the input signal. When the screen mode is set to dual-screen mode or quad- screen mode, th e items can be indepen dently adjusted for each input channel displa yed on the scr een.
30 INST ALLATION Wind ow Chapter 4 Adjustment s and Settings Us ing the SRX Controller 6500K: Whi te (0.3127, 0. 3290) 9300K: Whi te (0.2840, 0. 2970) DCI W/P: White (0.3140, 0.3510) CUSTOM1 to CUSTOM3: White (0.3127, 0. 3290) (default valu es) Gamma settings 2.
31 INSTAL LATION Window Chapter 4 Adjustment s and Setting s Using the SRX Controller SIRCS Sets to e nable or disa ble operations u sing the re mote commander. To enabl e operations, press the “On” radi o button. To disable o perations, press the “Off” radio bu tton.
32 INST ALLATION Wind ow Chapter 4 Adjustment s and Settings Us ing the SRX Controller TEST P A TTERN Displays a built- in test pattern on the sc reen for adjusting the picture wi th no signal input from ex ternal equipment .
33 Input Sign als And Adjust able/Settin g Items Chapter 4 Adjustment s and Setting s Using the SRX Controller Input Signals And Ad justable/Setting Ite ms Some items of “Signal Adjust” i n the PICTURE C ONTROL window and “F rame Adjust” in the CO LOR/FRAME window are not adj usted or set dependi ng on the input signals.
Chapter 5 34 Chapter 5 Other s Lamp Life / Main tenance Others Lamp Life Recommended time for repl acement of the projecti on lamp is as fo llows: SRX-T110: Approx. 800 hou rs SRX-T105: Approx. 1,000 ho urs The “Lamp A” and “Lamp B” bar indi cators in the Control Function Men u window become red when the time for replacement is coming near.
35 Troubles hooting Chapter 5 Others Troubleshoot ing If the projector appears t o be operating erraticall y, try to diagnose a nd correct the problem usi ng the following guide. If the pr oblem still p ersists, cons ult your So ny dealer. Pow e r Picture Remote Commander/SRX Contr oller Symptom Cause Remed y Po wer is not tur ned on.
36 Error Mess ages Chapter 5 Other s Error Messages The error messa ges are displayed i n the STATUS MESSAGE win dow on the left si de of projector and the Error di splay window of th e SRX Controller. I f there are two or more messages, a display ed message changes ea ch five seconds.
37 Error Me ssages Chapter 5 Others 33 FPGA CONFI G F AI LURE T he int ernal li ne of the pr ojector does not f unction properl y . 34 IIC F A ILURE The in terna l line of the proje ctor do es not fu nction pr operly . 35 LAMP A ALER T The time used for Lamp A exceeds the recommen ded time for replac ement.
38 Specif ications Chapter 5 Other s Specificat ions Optical c haracteristics Projection syste m SXRD (Si licon X -tal R eflect ive Dis play) 3 pane l prism colo r integra tion system SXRD 8,847,360 p.
39 Specifications Chapter 5 Others 5°C to 35°C ( 41°F to 95°F) (About 20 minutes of agin g is recommended to provide b etter qua lity picture .) Performance g uarantee temperature 10°C to 30°C (.
40 Specif ications Chapter 5 Other s DVI-D connecto r, AUX connector (24-pin, male) Preset Signals Pin nu mbe r Sign al name 1D A T A 2 – 2D A T A 2 + 3 GND 4D A T A 4 – 5D A T A 4 + 6 DDC_SCL 7 D.
41 Specifications Chapter 5 Others Displa yed ima ge size in multipl e screen mode Unit: p ixel a) Whe n projecting signals with vertical frequency of more than 1080 pixel suc h as UXGA and WUXGA in quad-sc reen mode, a p art of the displa yed imag e may be invisi ble.
42 Inde x Chapter 5 Others Index A Adjusters 14 Adjustments and Sett ings Using the SRX Controller 2 6 B Battery install ation 12 Board 27 , 29 Brig htnes s 11, 28 C Carryin g handles 1 4 Color 28 , 2.
Sony Co r porat ion.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony SRX-T105 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony SRX-T105 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony SRX-T105, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony SRX-T105 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony SRX-T105, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony SRX-T105.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony SRX-T105. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony SRX-T105 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.