Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SRP-X500P du fabricant Sony
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SRP-X500P © 2004 Sony Corporation 2-190-706- 13 (1) Digital Powered Mixer Operating I nstructions Before op erating the unit, pleas e read thi s manual thoroughl y and retain it for futur e referen ce.
2 • Read these instructions. • Keep these instruct ions. • Heed all warnings. • Follow all in structions. • Do not u se this ap paratus ne ar water. • Clean o nly with d ry cloth. • Do not block any v entilat ion openi ngs. Insta ll in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruct ions.
3 residentia l installati on. This eq uipment gen erates, uses, and can radi ate radio freque ncy energy and, i f not installe d and used in accord ance with the i nstructions, may cause harmful i nterfer ence to ra dio communic ations. However , there is no guaran tee that interference wi ll not occur in a particu lar instal lation.
4 Table of Content s Overvie w .................. ......... .............. ......... .......... .............. ....... 6 Features .................................................................................. .... 6 The SRP-X500P manuals..........
5 Connector specifications ........................................................ .. 32 Troubleshooting ..... .............. ......... ..............
6 Overvi ew Overvi ew Features The SRP-X500P is a versatile powered mi xer which incorporates an au dio mixer, RGB/video switcher, processor, and power a mplifier into a 3U-rack-size u nit. 9 preset A V system type set tings By sett ing t he SYSTEM T YPE sele ctor, the SR P-X500P supports var ious AV system comfigu rations.
7 Operati ng Conditio ns SRP- X500P M ana ger This is a program fo r setting t he SRP-X500P parameters from a PC. The Engl ish and the Simplified Chinese version s are provided. How to open files 1 Inser t th e suppli ed CD -ROM in to the CD-R OM dri ve, then cli ck “My Computer .
8 Precaut ions Precauti ons • The SRP- X500P must be use d within a temper ature range of 0 ° C to 4 0 ° C (32°F to 104°F). • Operati ng the SR P-X500P nea r ele ctrical equ ipment (motors, tr ansformers, or dimmers) may cause it to be affected by elect romagnetic in duction.
9 Location and Function of Parts Location and Fu nction of Part s Fr ont panel A POWER switc h Turns the SRP -X500P on an d off. With the SRP -X500P Mana ger software, yo u can set a parameter that will cause the projector or displa y monitor connected to th e SRP-X500P t o turn o n or ente r standby status when the POWER swit ch is pressed.
10 Locat ion and Func tion of Pa rts MIC 3: Ad justs the level of t he signa l inpu t from th e MIC INPUT 3 co nnector. MIC 4: Ad justs the level of t he signa l inpu t from th e MIC INPUT 4 co nnector. LINE: Adjusts the leve l of th e signals input from the LINE IN connectors.
11 Location and Function of Parts Note For c ontr ol of an LCD Da ta Pr oject or V PL-PX 15, us e the CONTROL S conn ectors in stead of t he PROJECTOR CONTROL RS- 232C conne ctor. N SYST EM TY PE s elec tor Can be set to posit ions 1-9, according to the speaker configuration of t he AV system being used .
12 Locat ion and Func tion of Pa rts Rear panel A ANT IN a/b connectors (BNC type) Connect antennas f or the tuner unit inst alled i n the SRP- X500P. Only the supplied an tennas o r the UHF Ant enna AN-820 (not supplied) ca n be used.
13 Location and Function of Parts Input pins Output pins E REMOTE RS-232C conn ector (D-s ub, 9-pin, male ) This is an RS-232C serial connector for remote control. When a PC is c onnecte d, para meters can be set usin g the SRP-X50 0P Manage r sof tware.
14 Install ation Installati on Installi ng the tuner units Up to two WRU-80 6 UHF Synthesi zer Tuner Unit s (not supplie d) or two UR X-M1 Tune r Units inc luded in th e UWP-X1/X2 (not supplied) can be inst alled in t he SRP- X500P.
15 Instal lation Note When removin g the b lank panel s to th e SRP-X500P, b e sure to start with th e small panel. Rac k mountin g About th e rack Use an EIA-standa rd 19-inc h rack with a depth of 450 mm or more.
16 Install ation Releasing the but tons automati cally cancels the group and channel selection mode, and the currently displayed group is selected . Refer to “Wi reless Microphone Sy stem Freque ncy List” supp lied wit h the WRU-806. 3 Press and hold do wn the CH button , and press the + or – button in 3 seco nds to select a c hannel.
17 System Config urations and Spe aker Connec tions System Conf igurations a nd Speake r Connections Sample configuration using the SRP-X500P factory-settings In this con figur ation, t he SRP-X500P c an be used wit hout havi ng to change the setting s with the su pplied SR P-X500P Manager software.
18 System Conf igurations and Speaker Conne ctions Sample system conf iguration with a custom operation panel and en vir onmental equipment connected In this conf iguration, the S RP-X500P can be cont rolled by a cust om operation pan el or an ext ernal system controll er.
19 System Config urations and Spe aker Connec tions Speaker connection Only speakers with lo w impedance (4 to 16 Ω ) can be connected to the SPEAKERS CH-1/2 terminals. Speakers of high or low impedance can be conn ected to the SPEAKER S CH-3/4 term inals by set ting the SYS TEM TYPE sel ector .
20 System Conf igurations and Speaker Conne ctions Audio from the AV compon ents is out put from the f ront speakers i n stereo, and au dio from the mi crophones is output fro m the ceiling speak ers to enhance c larity. • Input/ outp ut •D e l a y Distance compensat ion is not set.
21 System Config urations and Spe aker Connec tions SYSTEM TY PE 4 For a speak er system consi sting of hi gh-impedance ceiling speakers (70V L INE). Audio from the AV compon ents (monau ral) and the microphones i s outpu t from th e ceiling speakers.
22 System Conf igurations and Speaker Conne ctions •D e l a y SYSTEM TYPE 6: Select when no co mpensation is necessary. SYST EM TYPE 7 : Select when the distance betw een the front speakers and th e satellite speakers a re 5 meters to 8 meters (16.7 feet to 26.
23 Controls BACK REDUCER button to cancel the procedure, turn down t he SPEAKER OUT control, then t ry aga in. • Do not make a noise whil e the SRP-X500P is scanning the fr equency bands, as this may cause er ror in dete ctio n.
24 Controls to “0” and use the SRP- X500P Manager software to make se ttings . • For con trol of an LC D Data Project or VPL-PX15 , use the CONTROL S connectors instead o f the PROJECTOR CONTROL R S-232C conn ector. For details, see “PROJECT OR CONTROL C ONTROL S IN/OUT connectors” (pa ge 24).
25 Controls Speci fic ation s Connecto r type: D- sub 25-pin, f emale Recommended cabl e: Multi-core shielded cable for data communication s Cable lengt h: 50 met ers (166 fe et) or le ss Exampl es of.
26 Controls START bu tton Press to turn on the project or or monitor, lo wer the screen, close the curtains, and di m the lights as preparation for the start of a presenta tion.
27 Controls Preca ution s on the use o f inte rface boxes fo r envir onment al eq uipmen t (sc reen, curtain s, li ght) • The output pins of the REMOTE PARALLEL con nector provide open-col lector outpu t for alternate o peration.
28 Controls lightin g equi pment turns o n when an EMG tally si gnal is output from pin 24 (OUTPUT 10). Pr ogramming a r emote commander Commands th at contr ol the SRP- X500P fun ctions can be stored to a n optiona l progr ammable remote c ommander (RM-AV3000 series, etc .
30 Specific ations Specificat ions System A udio Frequenc y response 20 Hz to 20 kHz ±0.5 dB (with L INE OUTPUT, 1 kHz reference) T.H.D 0.01 % or less ( with LINE OUT PUT, 1 kHz) S/N ratio 94 dB or more (LINE OUTPUT, IH F-A) Crosstalk –80 dB or le ss (between LINE cha nnels, 1 kHz with input cut-off) 0 dBu = 0.
31 Specifications Signal format RGB/component Level Video signal: 0.7 Vp-p Sync sig nal: 1 t o 5 V Impedance V ideo sig nal: 75 Ω Sync sig nal: 47 k Ω OUTPUT VI DEO Connector shape Phono jack Sign.
32 Specific ations Dimensions Connector specifications PROJECTOR CONTROL RS-232C conn ector/RE MOTE RS-232C conne ctor 430 482 350 30 7 132 3 22 Unit: mm 1 5 6 9 Pin No Signal Function 1 FG F rame gr .
33 Specifications REMOTE PARALLEL connecto r AV/RGB INPUT COM PONENT/RGB connector OUTPUT COMPONEN T/RGB connector Pin No. Func tion 1G N D 2 INPUT 1 3 INPUT 2 4 INPUT 3 5 INPUT 4 6 INPUT 5 7 INPUT 6 .
34 Specific ations MIC INPUT 1 to 4 c onnectors Pin No. Fun ction 1G N D 2H O T 3C O L D.
35 Troubles hooting Troubleshoot ing Before ta king you r unit i n for re pairs, chec k the operat ion one more ti me. Should t he problem per sists, consult your nearest dealer. Launch t he supplied SRP-X500P Man ager softwar e and confirm t he setti ngs of the SR P-X500P.
NO TICE FOR USERS © 2004 Son y Corporati on. All r ights reserved . This manual or t he software desc ribed herein, in whol e or in part, may not be reprodu ced, translat ed or reduced to any machine readable from without prio r written approval from Sony C orporati on.
Sony Co r porat ion.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony SRP-X500P c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony SRP-X500P - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony SRP-X500P, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony SRP-X500P va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony SRP-X500P, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony SRP-X500P.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony SRP-X500P. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony SRP-X500P ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.