Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SNC-RZ30N du fabricant Sony
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3-620-374- 11 (1) Netw ork Camera © 2002 Sony Corporation SNC-RZ30N/RZ30P User’ s Guid e Software V ersion 1.0.
2 Owner's Recor d The model and se rial numbers are l ocated at the botto m. Record these numbers i n the spaces pr ovide d belo w . Refer to these nu mbers whene v er you call up on your Sony d ealer r ega rding this product . Model No . _________ ________ ___ Serial No.
3 NO TICE TO USERS © 2002 Sony Corporation . All rights reserved. This manual or the software described he rein, in whole or in part, may not be reproduc ed, translated or red uced to any mach ine readable form wit hout prior written ap p rova l fr om S ony C or p or a ti on .
T able of Cont ents 4 T able of Cont ents Overvie w How to Use Thi s User’ s Guide ........... .................. . 6 Prec autions ...... .................. .................. .................. . 6 Operating Precauti ons ............ ..............
T able of Cont ents 5 Setting the Acti vit y Detecti on Area .............. ... 40 Showing t he P op-up — Pop-up s etting Pag e ............................ ............ 41 Other s Using the Sup plied Setup Pr ogram .................... 42 Assigning the IP Ad dress Using t he Setup Program .
Over view How to Use This User’ s Guide / Precautions 6 Overvie w How to Use Thi s User’ s Guide This User’ s Guide expl ains ho w to ope rate the SNC- RZ30N/RZ30P Net work Camer a from a comput er . The User’ s Guide is written to be rea d on the compu ter display .
Oper ating the Camer a Logging in to Homepage — W elcome P age 7 Operating the Camera The Operating the Camera section e xplain s ho w to monitor the image from the camera using the W eb browser . For setting the camera, se e “ Administra ting the Camera” on page 15.
Oper ating the Camer a Logging i n to Homepage — W elcome P age 8 The welcom e page is chang ed to that for Administrator . 3 Select th e vie wer . Y ou can select the viewer from among Ja va ap plet view er , ActiveX view er and Ser ver push viewer , whichev er is suitable for yo ur system en vironments and usage.
Oper ating the Camer a Configur ation of Main Vie wer P age 9 Tip Every page of this softwa re is o ptimi zed a s disp lay character size Mediu m for Internet Explorer , or 100 % for Netscape. Configuratio n of Main Vie wer P age When you select the vie wer , the main vie w er page is displayed.
Oper ating the Camer a Configur ation of Main Vie wer Page 10 Tr ig g e r Displays the trigg er control pa rts on the image co ntrol section. By click ing the tr igger b utt on, you c an contr ol v arious applicatio ns manually . (See “Control ling the App lica tion M anua lly” o n pag e 13.
Oper ating the Camer a Controllin g the Mo nitor Ima ge / O perating the Camera 11 Contr ollin g the Monitor Image Y ou can control the mon itor image fro m the image cont rol section on the m ain viewer pag e.
Oper ating the Camer a Oper ating the Camer a 12 Hold down the arrow b utton to move the dire ction of the camera continuousl y . Click to return the camera to the fact ory-preset default p osition .
Oper ating the Camer a Controlling th e Applic ation Manua lly 13 control section. The three b utt ons appear and t he FOCUS button name chang es to PRESET . Mo ving the Camera to the P reset Po s i t i o n When y ou click this button , the PRES ET list box appears.
Oper ating the Camer a Capturing a Monito r Image 14 Note If the camera is instal led on a desk top, the sent sti ll image is upsi de do wn. Recording a Still I mage on an A T A Memory Car d or the Bu.
Administ rating t he Camera Configur ation of Administr ator Men u P age 15 Administrating the Camera The Adm inis tra ting the Ca mer a se ctio n expl ains h ow to set the functions of the camera b y the Admin istrator . For monitori ng the came ra image, see “Operati ng the Camera” on page 7.
Administ rating t he Camera Con figur ing th e Syst em — System settin g P age 16 Ser ial Displa ys th e Seri al s ettin g page . See “Communicat ing Data via S erial Port — Se rial setting P age” on page 39. Sc hedu le Dis plays t he Sc hedule setti ng page .
Administ rating t he Camera Configuring t he S ystem — Sys tem set ting P age 17 The selectable frame rates are the follo wing: SNC-RZ 30N: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 , Fast es t SNC-RZ 30P: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 12 , 16 , 20 , Fa s t e s t The numbers indicat e “FPS” (the number o f frames transmi tted per se cond).
Administ rating t he Camera Con figur ing th e Syst em — System settin g P age 18 Note When you purchased t he camera, be sure t o check the date and time of the camera and set them if ne cessary . System (PC) cu rrent date time Displays the date an d time set on your comput er .
Administ rating t he Camera Setting th e Camera — Camera setting P age 19 Setting the Came ra — Camera setting P age When yo u click Camer a on th e Administrat or menu, the Camera setting page app ears. Use this page to set the functi ons of the camera.
Administ rating t he Camera Setting the Camera — Camera sett ing P age 20 4 Click on the still ima ge to speci fy the trimm ing port ion. A red frame that appe ars when you cli cked indic ates the tr immi ng por tion. The trimm ing po rtion is dete rmined as sh o wn below: T o change the t rimming p ortion , click on another point o n the im age.
Administ rating t he Camera Setting th e Camera — Camera setting P age 21 Shutter Select the electron ic shutter speed from among the following: SNC-RZ 30N: 1/10000 , 1/6000 , 1/4000 , 1/ 3000 , 1/ 2000 , 1 /1000, 1/725 , 1/500 , 1/350 , 1/250 , 1/180 , 1/125 , 1/ 100 , 1/90 , 1/60 , 1/30 , 1/15 , 1/8 , 1/4 , 1/2 , 1 (seconds).
Administ rating t he Camera Configuring t he Netw ork — Netw ork (Eth ernet) sett ing P age 22 T o check the conte nts of the sche dule, click Schedu le check . (S ee “Setting t he Sche dule — Sche dule setting Page ” on pag e 40.) OK/Cancel See “Buttons common to e v ery setting page” on page 16.
Administ rating t he Camera Settin g th e User — User setti ng P age 23 Secondary DNS T ype the IP address of the seco ndary DNS server , if necessary . Band width control Limi ts th e b andwidt h of the d ata commu nic ation of the camera. Y ou can select from among the follo wi ng: Unlimited , 0.
Administ rating t he Camera Sett ing the Se cu rity — Sec urity se ttin g P age 24 Le ve l 1: Allows monitorin g of the camera image (inclu ding some oper ations for monitor ing) Le ve l 2: Allows monitorin g of the camera image a nd camera operations.
Administ rating t he Camera Setting t he Camera P osition and Action — Preset posit ion sett ing P age 25 Network ad dress/S ubnet 1 to Netw ork address/Subnet 10 T ype the IP add resses and su bnet ma sk v alues you want to allo w or den y access to t he camera.
Administ rating t he Camera Set ting the Ca mera P ositio n and Act ion — Pr eset pos ition s etti ng Page 26 Clear Deletes the Preset po sition da ta in the sel ected preset number .
Administ rating t he Camera Setting t he Camera P osition and Action — Preset posit ion sett ing P age 27 Tilt speed Select th e tilt speed fro m the drop-d o wn list. Y ou can select the ti lt speed from 1 to 15 and Fas te st . T he camera tilts f aster with a hi gher number setting.
Administ rating t he Camera Sending Imag es to FTP Serv er — FTP client set ting P age 28 Sending Ima ges to F TP Server — FTP client setting Pa g e Wh en y ou cl ick FTP clien t on the Admini strato r menu, the FTP cli ent settin g page appears. Use this page to s et up f or ca pturin g and s ending stil l images to an FT P server .
Administ rating t he Camera Sending I mages to FTP Server — FTP client setting P age 29 In this mod e, when you click th e (T rigger) but ton on the mai n vie wer page, a still image is captured and se nt to the FTP serv er . (Se e “Cont rolling t he Applicat ion Man ually” on page 13.
Administ rating t he Camera Sending Imag es to FTP Serv er — FTP client set ting P age 30 A vailable per iod Select the period for which the p eriodical sen ding mode is av ailabl e.
Administ rating t he Camera Downl oading Images from t he Ca mera — FTP se rver set ting P age 31 Downloading Images fr om the Camera — FTP ser ver setting P ag e When you click FT P s er ver on the Admi nistrato r menu, the FTP se rver settin g page appears.
Administ rating t he Camera Sending an Ima ge via E-ma il — SMTP setting P a ge 32 Sending an Ima ge via E- mail — SMTP setting P ag e When yo u click SMTP on the Administr ator menu, the SMTP setti ng page ap pears. Use this page to set up for the SMT P function that can capture and send a sti ll image attached t o an E-mail.
Administ rating t he Camera Sending an I mage vi a E-mail — S MTP sett ing P age 33 capture d and sent via a n E-mail. (See “C ontrolling the Applicat ion Manual ly” on page 13.) Alarm: Sends a still image v ia an E- mail by synchroniz ing with an e xternal sensor in put or the built-in act i vity det ection fu nction.
Administ rating t he Camera Setting the Alarm Out 1 or 2 — Alarm out 1 or 2 s etting P age 34 Setting th e Ala rm Out 1 or 2 — Alarm out 1 or 2 setting P age When yo u click Alarm out 1 on the Admini strator menu, th e Alarm out 1 set ting page appear s.
Administ rating t he Camera Recording Images in Me mory — Image memo ry setting P age 35 T o chec k the cont ents of schedul es, click Sc hedul e check . (See “S etting the Schedule — Sch edule sett ing Page” o n page 40 .) Alarm duration Select th e durati on for which the alarm outp ut is short- circuite d between 1 and 60 sec .
Administ rating t he Camera Recording Im ages in Memory — Image memory setting P age 36 Memory Select the memory you w ant to store the image t o, from the drop -do wn l ist.
Administ rating t he Camera Recording Images in Me mory — Image memo ry setting P age 37 Alarm Select the alarm to l ink the Image memory func tion. If the selected a larm is detected , a still image i s capture d and recorded in t he selected memory .
Administ rating t he Camera Setting the Alarm Buff er — Alarm b uff e r sett ing P age 38 Directory Structure of Image Memory The images are recorded in the memory with t he follo wing directory st ructure.
Administ rating t he Camera Communica ting Data v ia Se rial P or t — S erial set ting P age 39 Communicating Data via Serial P or t — Serial setting P age When yo u click Se rial o n the Administ rator menu, the Serial setting page appe ars. Use this page to set up f or the date communic ation via the serial interf ace.
Administ rating t he Camera Setting the Schedule — Schedule s etting P age / Setting the Ac tivity Detection Functio n — Activit y detec tion set ting P a ge 40 Setting the Sc hed ule — Schedu le setting Pa ge When yo u click Schedu le on the Administ rator menu, the Schedul e sett ing page ap pears.
Administ rating t he Camera Showing the P op-up — P op-up sett ing P age 41 3 Hold do wn the mouse left b utton an d drag it di ago nall y . The portion marked with a red frame determines the acti vity dete ction w orking area. As the defaul t setting, the whole area is set as the acti vity dete ction w orking area.
Other s Using the Sup plied Setup Pr ogr am 42 Other s Using the Supplie d Setup Pr ogram T o conn ect the camera to a netw ork, you need t o assign a ne w IP address to the camera when yo u installed the camera for the f irst time.
Other s Us ing t he Su ppli ed Se tup Progr am 43 T o specify the DNS serv er add resse s manually : Select Use the f ollo wing DNS serv er addr ess , and type the Primary DNS server a ddress and Secondary DNS serv er address in eac h box. Note The Third DNS serv er address and F ourth DNS server address are in vali d for this camera.
Other s Assign ing the IP Addr ess to th e Camera Usi ng ARP Commands 44 box es are for the year (lo wer two digits), month, date, ho ur , minutes and sec onds from left to right. Usin g the compu ter’ s date and t ime The date and time set on the computer is displayed in the PC cu rrent date time se tting box.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony SNC-RZ30N c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony SNC-RZ30N - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony SNC-RZ30N, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony SNC-RZ30N va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony SNC-RZ30N, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony SNC-RZ30N.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony SNC-RZ30N. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony SNC-RZ30N ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.