Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SNC-CS3P du fabricant Sony
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3-815-910- 12 (1) Netw ork Camera © 2003 Sony Corporation SNC-CS3N/CS3P User’ s Guid e Software V ersion 1.0.
2 Owner's Recor d The model and seri al numbers are l ocated on the t op. Record these numbers i n the spaces pro vided belo w . Refer to these numb ers whene ver you ca ll upon y our Sony d ealer re gardi ng this prod uct. Model No . _____________ _______ Serial No.
3 If you h ave any que stion s abou t this prod uct, you may call: Sony's Business Information Center (BIC) at 1-800-686- 7669 or Write to: Sony Customer Information Services Center 6900-29, Da n.
T able of Content s 4 T able of Cont ents Overvie w Fea tures .. .................. ........................... .................. . 6 How to Use Thi s User’ s Guide ........... .................. . 7 Prec autions ...... ........................... .
T able of Cont ents 5 Setting t he Acti vity Detec tion Functi on — Activit y detection s etting Page .................... 40 Setting the Ac tivit y Detection Ar ea .................... 40 Showing t he Pop- up — Pop-up s etting Pag e .............
Over vi ew F eatures 6 Overvie w Featur es High-quality monitoring via the netw ork Y ou can monitor a hi gh-qual ity li ve image fr om the camera using the W eb bro wser on the c omputer connected t o the 10B ASE-T or 100B ASE- TX netw ork. The maximum frame rate is 30 FPS for the SNC-CS3N and 25 FPS f or the SNC-CS3P .
Over vi ew How to Use Th is User’ s Guide / P recautions 7 How to Use This User’ s Guide This User’ s Guide e xplains ho w to operate the SNC - CS3N/CS3P Netw ork Camera fr om a computer . The User’ s Guide is written t o be read on th e computer display .
Oper ating the Camer a Logging i n to Homepage — W elcome P age 8 Operating the Camera The Operating the Camera se ction exp lains ho w to monitor the image from t he camera using th e W eb bro wser . Use In ternet Explorer as the W eb bro wser . F or setting the camera, see “ Administrating the Camera” on page 16.
Oper ating the Camer a Logging in to Homepage — W elcome P age 9 The welcome page is changed to that for Adm in ist ra tor . 3 Select the vi ew er . Y ou can sel ect the vie wer from J av a ap plet viewer or ActiveX viewer whichev er is suitable for yo ur system en vironments and usage.
Oper ating the Camer a Configur ation of Main Vie wer Page 10 Configuratio n of Main Vie wer P a g e When you sel ect the vi ew er , the main vie wer page is displayed. This secti on brie fly exp lains the functions of t he part s and control s on the main vie wer page.
Oper ating the Camer a Controlling t he Monitor Image 11 Monitor Image Section The image shot by the camera i s sho wn here. Contr olling the Monitor Image Y ou can cont rol the monitor i mage from the image control secti on on the mai n vie wer page.
Oper ating the Camer a Controlling the Ap plication Ma nually 12 Contr olling the Applicatio n Man uall y Y ou can send an image o r output a trigger t o contr ol the alarm output , usin g the image c ontrol sect ion on the main vie wer pa ge. For this function, user access right Lev el 3 or Level 4 is required (s ee page 25).
Oper ating the Camer a Capturing a Monitor Image 13 Capturing a Monit or Image If you click the Captur e but ton on the menu section, the current st ill image is captured an d displayed on the monitor im age sect ion. T o sav e the capture d ima ge Right-click o n the monitor image and select Save As from the menu.
Operat ing the Camera Using a P ocket PC Logging i n to Homepage — W elcome P age 14 Opera ting the Camera Us ing a Po cket PC Y ou c an display i mages and operate the camera usi ng a PDA (Personal Digital Assista nt) that runs on Microso ft Pocket PC 2002.
Operat ing the Camera Using a P ocket PC Configur ation o f Main View er P age 15 Configurat ion of Main Vie wer P a ge When you select the vie wer , the main vie wer page is displayed . This secti on brief ly exp lains the f unctions of the parts and control s on th e main vie wer pa ge.
Administ rating the Came ra Configur ation of Admin istrat or Menu P age 16 Administrating the Camera The Administrat ing the Camera secti on expla ins how to set the functions o f the camera b y the Administrator . For monit oring the camera image, see “Operating the Camera” on page 8.
Administ rating the Came ra Configuring t he Syst em — Syste m sett ing P age 17 Sche dule Displays the Schedule se tting p age. See “Setting th e Schedul e — Sched ule setti ng Page” on page 39. Activity d etectio n Displays the Acti vity detection set ting page .
Administ rating the Came ra Con figur in g the Sy stem — Syst em se tting Page 18 Default frame rate Select the initial fra me rate whic h is selecte d when you log in th e camera a nd display the main viewer page. Click the do wn-arrow b utton in t he box and select the frame rate from the drop-down list.
Administ rating the Came ra Configuring t he Syst em — Syste m sett ing P age 19 time is adju sted using the ti me zone dif ference and set on the camera. • Due to the networ k properti es, there may be a slig ht dif ference bet ween the actu al time and t he time set on the camera.
Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Camera — Camer a settin g P age 20 Setting the Camera — Camera settin g P ag e When yo u click Camera on the Admin istrator menu , the Camera set ting page appe ars. Use this page to set the functions of the camera.
Administ rating the Came ra Setting th e Camera — Camera sett ing P age 21 Click the le ft button of the mo use on th e still image and drag it diagonally . The red frame that app ears as you drag ind icates the trimmin g portion. 5 Click OK at the b ottom of the windo w .
Administ rating the Came ra Configuring t he Netw ork — Netwo rk setting P age 22 Satur ati on Select th e saturation in 7 steps, from –3 to 3 . Selec ting 3 giv es th e image wi th the hi ghest satur ation. Note The Saturation set ting is ef fectiv e for the comput er image only .
Administ rating the Came ra Configuring the Ne twork — Netwo rk setti ng P age 23 Primary DNS T ype t he IP addre ss of the primar y DNS serv er . Secondary DNS T ype t he IP address of the secondary DNS server , if necessary . Band width control Lim its th e da ta com munic ati on ba ndwi dth o f the camera.
Administ rating the Came ra Configuring t he Netw ork — Netwo rk setting P age 24 HTTP Select On to out put a command t o the HTT P serv er when the D HCP setting is co mpleted. Using th is function, y ou can conf igu re a useful system, f or exampl e, to vie w the access l og stored in t he HTTP ser ver or star t a n exte rnal CGI pro gram .
Administ rating the Came ra Settin g the Us er — User set ting P age 25 Setting t he User — User setting P age When you cl ick User on the Administ rator menu , the User setting page appears. Use this page to set th e user names and passwords of Administrat or and up to 9 kind s of users (User 1 to User 9), and the ac cess right of each user .
Administ rating the Came ra Sett ing t he Se curit y — S ecuri ty se tti ng P age 26 Setting th e Security — Se curity setting Pa ge When yo u click Securit y on the Admini strator men u, the Security setting page ap pears. Use this page to limit the computers th at can access the camera.
Administ rating the Came ra Sending I mages to FTP Se rver — FTP client set ting P age 27 Sending Ima ges to FTP Server — FTP client setting P ag e When y ou click FT P cl ient on the Ad ministrato r menu, the FTP cli ent setting pag e appears. Use this pag e to set up for capturi ng and sendin g still images to an FT P server .
Administ rating the Came ra Sending Imag es to FTP Server — FTP client settin g P age 28 Mode Select the mo de of the FTP clie nt funct ion. Manual: Sends still images to the FTP serv er manuall y . After sele cting Manual , click OK . The FT P cli ent function mod e is set to Manual .
Administ rating the Came ra Sending I mages to FTP Se rver — FTP client set ting P age 29 Note The actual int erval may be long er than the set v alue, depending on the image size and the net work en vironments. A vailabl e period Select th e period for which the per iodical sendi ng mode is av ailable.
Administ rating the Came ra Downloadin g Ima ges fro m the Came ra — FTP serv er sett ing P age 30 Im ag e vi ew si z e Select the im age size to be d isplayed on th e digest vie wer from among the .
Administ rating the Came ra Sending an I mage via E-mail — SMTP s etting P age 31 Setting the FTP Server Function — FTP server setting P age Y ou can r egister up to 10 user n ames and passwor ds to allo w logging in th e camera usin g the F TP client software of t he computer .
Administ rating the Came ra Sending an Ima ge via E-mail — SMTP set ting P age 32 SMTP server name T ype t he SMTP serv er name up to 64 characters, or the IP address of the SMTP serv er . Recipient e -mail ad dress T ype t he recipien t E-mail a ddress up to 64 character s.
Administ rating the Came ra Sett ing the Al ar m Out 1 o r 2 — Alar m ou t 1 or 2 setti ng Page 33 A vailabl e period Select the period for which t he alarm mode is a vailable. Always: The alarm mode is a v ailable a ny ti me. Use sche duler: The a larm mode is a vailable acc ording to the schedul e selected on t he Schedule No.
Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Alarm Out 1 or 2 — A larm out 1 or 2 setti ng P age 34 Alarm: Contr ols alarm o ut 1 b y synchronizi ng with an external se nsor input o r the built-i n activity d etectio n function. W hen you select Alarm , the Alarm mode setting se ction appe ars (see page 34).
Administ rating the Came ra Recording Images in Memory — Image memory setti ng P age 35 Recor ding Images in Memo ry — Image mem ory se tting P age When you cl ick Imag e memory on th e Administra tor menu, the I mage memory setting page appe ars.
Administ rating the Came ra Recording Im ages in Memory — Image memory setting P age 36 Capacity warning Select On to send a warn ing mail to th e Administ rator when the built-in memory space is lo w or the memory is full due to ac tiv ation of the image memory func tion.
Administ rating the Came ra Recording Images in Memory — Image memory setti ng P age 37 P eriodical recording mode settin g Section Interval ti me T ype t he in terv al at which you want to record an imag e periodical ly . Y ou can set the hour (H), mi nutes (M) and seconds (S) b etween 1 sec ond and 24 hou rs (one d ay).
Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Alarm Buff er — Alarm b uff er s etting P ag e 38 Setting th e Alar m Buff er — Alarm buff er setting P age When yo u click Alarm b uffer on the A dministrato r menu, the Alarm b uf fer Setting page appears.
Administ rating the Came ra Settin g the S chedu le — Schedule sett ing P age 39 Baud rate Select the c ommunicati on baud rate for the per ipheral de vice connect ed to the serial int erface.
Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Activi ty Det ection Function — Act ivity dete ction se tting P age 40 Setting th e Acti vit y Detectio n Function — Activity detection setting P age When yo u click Activity detection on the Administrator menu, th e Activ ity dete ction setting page appears.
Administ rating the Came ra Showing the P op-up — P op-up s etting P age 41 Sho wing the P op-up — P op- up se tting P age When you cl ick Pop - u p on the Admini strator menu, the Pop-up sett ing page app ears.
Other s Using the Sup plied Setup Pr ogr am 42 Other s Using the Supplie d Setup Pr ogram T o conn ect the camera to a netw ork, you need to a ssign a ne w IP address to the camera when you i nstalled the camera for the f irst time.
Other s Us ing t he S uppl ied Setup Pr ogram 43 T o specify the IP address manually: Select Use the follo wing IP address , a nd type the IP address, Subnet mask and Def ault gate way in each box. 8 Set the DNS serv er address. T o obtain the DNS server addr esses automatically: Select Obtain DNS server add ress automa tically .
Other s Using the Sup plied Setup Pr ogr am 44 Changin g the Communication Bandwidth 1 Clic k the Band width cont rol tab to displ ay the bandw idth setti ng wind ow . The cu rren t band widt h is displ ayed in Cu rrent band widt h . 2 Clic k to select t he desired bandwidth fr om the Setti ng bandwidth li st box.
Other s Assign ing the IP Addr ess to the Ca mera Using ARP Comma nds / Assigni ng the IP Address to the Camera Using ARP Comman ds 45 Note Due to the net work properties, t here may be a sligh t dif ference bet ween the disp layed computer's da te and time and those set on the camera.
Other s Using the SNMP 46 Using the SNMP This uni t supports SNMP (Simple Net work Management P rotocol) . Y ou can read MIB-2 o bjects and write some M IB-2 objects usi ng softwar e such as SNMP manager software.
Other s Using the SNMP 47 the <str ing> posit ion. The maximu m length of <string> is 255 c haracters. 3) sysName=<string> Set the instance of “mib-2.system.sysName. 0” in the <str ing> posit ion. The maximu m length of <string> is 255 c haracters.
Other s Storing an HTML File in t he Built-i n Flash Memory 48 Storin g an HTML File in the Bu ilt- in Flash Memory Y ou can display t he fa vorite homepage that you ha v e created when you ent er the IP address of the camera in the Address b ox of th e bro wser .
Other s Storing an HTML File in t he Built-in Flash Memory 49 10 Confirm t hat all items are co rrect, then click Next . 11 T ype the p ath for the fold er in whic h your homepage is stored i n the Source folder box, then click Ne xt . 12 Click OK . Uploading of the homepage f ile starts.
Other s Inde x 50 Inde x A access log . ............ ................. ......... 18 access right ...................... ........... .... 25 Activ eX vie wer...................... ........... 9 acti vity detection function .............. 40 administrator .
Other s Inde x 51 T TCP ................ ............ ........... ......... 38 TCP port ............... ................. ......... 38 time dif ference ................ ............... 18 title ....................... ................. ......... 23 title bar .
Sony Corporation.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony SNC-CS3P c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony SNC-CS3P - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony SNC-CS3P, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony SNC-CS3P va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony SNC-CS3P, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony SNC-CS3P.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony SNC-CS3P. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony SNC-CS3P ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.