Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit PEG-SJ33 du fabricant Sony
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4-670-944- 11 (2) Personal Entertainment Organizer PEG-SJ3 3 © 2003 Sony Corporation Read This First Oper ating In stru ctions Checki ng the package conten ts Sony CL IÉ™ hand held com ponent s Se.
2 Abou t thi s manu al This “Re ad This First ” provid es overview fea tures of your CLIÉ™ handheld, suc h as how t o set up yo ur CLIÉ h andhel d and what you can do with your CL IÉ™ hand held.
3 Refer to th e follo wing t ogether with thi s man ual. Hand book (A P DF fi le in t he CD -ROM) • When usin g your CLIÉ hand held f or th e fir st time The basic feature s and operations are ex plained i n detail.
4 For custo mers in th e U.S.A. and Cana da To prevent fire or shock h azard, d o not expose th e unit to rain or moisture. To a void ele ctrical shock, do no t open the cabine t. Refer servicing to qualifie d personnel only . Owner’s Record The model num ber and serial num ber are located on the ba ck of the pr oduc t.
5 The following in formation for batteries recycle is ONLY intended for custom ers i n the U. S.A. and Cana da. IN NO EVENT SHALL SONY BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES O.
6 For custom ers in Austra lia, Hong Kong, Ma laysia, Mex ico, New Ze aland , Sin gapore, Taiw an and Thaila nd To prevent fire or shock h azard, d o not expose th e unit to rain or moisture. To a void ele ctrical shock, do no t open the cabine t. Refer servicing to qualifie d personnel only .
7 The following information for batteries recycle is ONLY intended for customers in the U.S.A. and Canada. Recycling Lithium- Ion batteries Lithium-Ion batteri es are recyclable. You can he lp prese rve our env ironm ent by ret urning yo ur used rech argeabl e batterie s to the collectio n and recycling loca tion neare st you.
8 T abl e of Conten ts Checkin g the p ackage c ontents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sony CLI É™ handheld component s. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Setting up your So ny CLIÉ ™ handh eld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Char ging yo ur Sony CLI É™ handheld .
9 Notes on this manual • Screen pi ctures in this ma nual may be different from the actual disp lays in the supplied software. • Contents of this manual are writt en for u sers with basic opera ting skills o f Windows. For details about computer operat ions, refer to the man ual of the computer.
10 Checking the package contents Check the accessories in t he package first. CLIÉ hand held (1) Headpho nes (1) Styl us ( 1) Plug adap ter (1) The sty lus is sto red in your CLIÉ handheld at the fact ory.
11 Checking the packa ge conten ts Strap (1) Refer to the il lustration below to attach the strap. Read This First - Operating Instructions (1, this manual) Trouble shooting Q&A (1) Limited Warran.
12 Sony CLIÉ™ handheld components This ch apter introd uces the each pa rt of your CLIÉ h andheld. Front panel A Jog Dial™ navigator (page 25) B BACK Button (page 28) C POWER/HOLD Switch (page 2.
13 Sony CLIÉ™ handheld c omponents Back panel A Styl us ( pag e 23) B Stra p ho lder (pag e 11 ) C “Memory Stic k” Slot (page 29) D “Memory Stic k” LED (page 29) E Headphone jack (page 45) .
14 Removing the protective cover from y our CLIÉ han dheld Using a twisting actio n, rem ove the p rotecti ve cove r from on e side of th e hi nge joint, and the n comple tely remove . Attaching the protecti ve cover to your CLIÉ handheld Insert one side of t he hin ge ( as illustrated ) , and then insert the other si de.
15 Setting up your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld Setting up your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld Step 1: Chargin g your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld It takes abou t four hours for your CLIÉ ha ndheld to b e fully c har ged for the fi rst tim e. The LED indi cator of your CLIÉ hand held turns off when ch arging is compl ete.
16 Tip Subsequent c harges w ill require l ess time if yo u charge your CLIÉ h andheld fre quently. Notes • If the b attery of your CLIÉ hand held is fully discha rged, all data st ored on the memory in your CLIÉ handheld wil l be lost.
17 Setting up your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld Step 2: Performing the initial settings of your Sony CLIÉ™ handh eld The first time you turn on your CLIÉ h andheld, you are require d to make initia l settings. Fo llow the o n-screen instructio ns to config ure the ini tial setting s and to get acc ustomed t o operati ons on your CLIÉ handh eld.
18 3 Press lig htly on th e screen with t he styl us. This acti on is called “t apping.” The digiti zer calib ration screen is displayed . The calibra tion screen al igns the intern al circuitry of yo ur CLIÉ hand held with it s touch-sensitiv e screen that ca n detec t the ta sk you want to perfo rm when you tap an item on the screen.
19 Setting up your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld 5 Tap the Set Time box. The Set Time dia log b ox is displa yed. Tip You can re config ure the date and time settings in the Preferences screen. b For details, refer to “Cust omizing your Sony CLIÉ™ ha ndheld: Set ting th e Date & Time preferenc es” in “Handbook.
20 10 Tap the ar row b or B next to the y ear to sele ct the current year. 11 Tap the c urrent month, th en tap t he curr ent date. The Setup screen is displayed. 12 Tap the Time Zone box. The Set Time Zone s cre en is disp layed . 13 Tap a re gion to set the ti me zo ne, then tap OK .
21 Setting up your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld 14 Tap the arro w V next to Daylight Saving and select ON or OFF . 15 Tap Next . 16 Tap Next . The Enter Data screen is displayed .
22 Initial se ttings are comple te. The initia l sett ings are complete, and the Applicat ion Launcher screen is display ed..
23 Basic operations of your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld Basic operations of your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld This chapt er explains ho w to start applicat ions, enter da ta and perform o ther basic opera ti ons .
24 Dragging Just as you can d rag the mous e to select (and dra g) text or move ob jects on you r comp uter, yo u can use the stylus to drag an item on the scree n of your C LIÉ handheld. Press the stylus li ghtly on th e item, an d move it alon g th e screen surface.
25 Basic operations of your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld Using the Jog Dial™ navigator Your CL IÉ handh eld is equipp ed with t he Jog Di al™ na vigat or, whic h allows you to per form al l major op eration s without the sty lus. You can op erate y our CLIÉ han dheld us ing the Jog Dial™ navi gator with just one han d.
26 Functions of parts POWER/HOLD Switch Tip When you turn on your CL IÉ handhel d for the first t ime, the Welcome screen is displayed (pa ge 17). Tur nin g off yo ur CL IÉ h and hel d Slide down the POWER/HOLD switch again. Note If you slide up the PO WER/HO LD switch while yo ur CLIÉ handhe ld is turned on, it is set to the HOLD m ode.
27 Basic operations of your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld LED Setting your CLIÉ handheld to the HOLD mode Slide up the POWER/HOLD swit ch. You can p rotect your CLIÉ hand held from acciden tal tapping on the screen or pres sure on the bu ttons when you are carry ing you r CLIÉ hand held .
28 BACK Button b For de tails , refer to th e explan atio n of each applica tion in the “CLI É Appli cation Man ual” inst alled in your comput er. Scroll Buttons b For de tails , refer to th e explan atio n of each applica tion in the “CLI É Appli cation Man ual” inst alled in your comput er.
29 Basic operations of your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld “Memory Stick” Slot b For details, re fer to “Using “Memory Stick ® ” media ” in “Handbook. ” Insertin g “Mem ory Stick ” medi a Note Insert “Me mory Stick ” media in t he right di rection .
30 Restart ing your So ny CLIÉ™ handh eld You do not usual ly need t o restart yo ur CLIÉ handhe ld. Howe ver, y our C LIÉ h andhe ld m ay no longer turn on or resp ond to your operat ions fo r s ome rea son. I n such a c ase, you may b e able to solve y our problem by resettin g your CLIÉ ha ndheld to restart.
31 Basic operations of your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld Performing a hard reset If a soft reset does not solve your problem, you need to perform a hard reset to resta rt your C LIÉ hand held. Notes • By performing a hard reset, all records and add- on applications stored on your CLIÉ handhel d will be erased.
32 A hard reset is perf orm ed on your C LIÉ hand held . After restarting, the system disp lays “palm powered,” “CLIÉ” and “SONY” followed by the Welcome screen. Refer to “Performin g the i nitial settin gs of your So ny CLIÉ ™ handh eld” on pa ge 17.
33 Basic operations of your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld Locating the compo nents of th e Applic ation Launc her screen Tip If a differen t screen is displaye d, tap the B Home icon. A Battery Remain Icon (page 34) B Home Icon When yo u tap this icon , the Applic ation Launcher (List of applicatio ns) screen will b e displa yed.
34 Tip When the tip ico n is di spl ayed, tap th e ic on to disp lay o perat iona l tip s on the sc reen . Note on displa y resolutions Your CLIÉ hand held i s designe d to provi de the high resolutio n displa y of 320 × 320 dots with its o riginal te chnolog y.
35 Basic operations of your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld Starting application s Your CLIÉ handhe ld can car ry out var ious func tions wi th appli cations. Star ting an appl icat io n fro m the Application Launcher screen 1 Tap the Home icon to display the Application Laun ch er scr een .
36 Press ing the applicat ion buttons to start Tips • Even w hen your C LIÉ handhe ld is turned off, pressi ng an appli cation butto n turns on your CLIÉ handhel d to start an application. • You can a ssign your desired a pplication to each applicati on button.
37 Basic operations of your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld Entering dat a Ent eri ng da ta There are thr ee ways to e nter da ta on your CLIÉ handhel d. Sel ect th e one that best suits you. z On-sc ree n keyb oard You can en ter dat a by tappi ng the ke yboard di splayed on the screen.
38 Using your Sony CLIÉ ™ handheld with your comput er Fol low the step s belo w be fore u sing y our CLIÉ h andhe ld w ith your comp ut er. Step 1: Installing the Palm™ Desktop for CLIÉ software in yo ur computer The Palm™ Desktop for CLIÉ software in the supplied CD-ROM is required to be inst alled in your com pute r.
39 Using your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld with your com puter • If you use PEG- N710C or PEG -S300, refer to the offici al Sony CLIÉ™ we bsite. (Refer to the back cover of thi s ma nual fo r the URL.) b For deta ils, refer to “Tra nsferring da ta with anot her Sony CLIÉ ™ handheld” in “Handb ook.
40 Ins tal ling the Pal m™ Desk top for CLIÉ software in your compu ter is comple ted. 11 Click Inst all . The Palm™ Desktop for CLIÉ so ftwa re installat ion starts.
41 Using your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld with your com puter Step 2: Connecting your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld and your computer via the USB cable You c an excha nge d ata be tween your C LIÉ h andhe ld and your comput er v ia the USB cable afte r installing the Pal m™ Desktop for CLIÉ software.
42 Note Make sure that you direct ly connect th e USB cab le to the USB port of your com puter. The Hot Sync ® oper ation may no t be perform ed norma lly if you conne ct it to you r compute r via a USB hub. Step 3: Setting the user name 1 Connect your CLIÉ handheld to your computer.
43 Using your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld with your com puter Exchanging an d updat ing data using the HotSync ® oper ation What is the HotSync ® op er ati on? The H ot Sync ® operation i s a one-step o.
44 5 Tap the icon. The H otSyn c ® operati on betw een you r CLIÉ han dheld and your com pute r starts. When th e HotS ync ® ope ratio n is comp lete , the follo wing screen is d isplayed. 6 Double-click [Palm Des ktop for CLIÉ ] icon on t he Windows desktop.
45 Enjoying your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld Enjoying your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld Enjoying music Listen ing t o mu sic Note You need to pe rform the followi ng steps before liste ning to music on you r CLIÉ handhel d. 1 Transfer your personal music you want to play fr om your computer to your CLIÉ handhe ld.
46 4 Tap the playback button to play m usic. Tap the st op butt on to stop the music. Stop button Playback button.
47 Enjoying your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld Managing sche dules (Date Boo k) Entering new schedules 1 Press th e button t o start Date Bo ok . 2 Tap New an d set th e start ti me and e nd time of you r schedule. 3 Enter your sc hedule. 1 Tap to set the st art tim e.
48 Deleting sc hedules 1 Tap a schedule you want to delete and t ap the Menu icon fr om the D ate Book list scree n. 2 Tap Delete E vent from th e Record menu.
49 Enjoying your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld Managing add resse s and telep hone nu mbers (Address Book) Entering a new address Deleting an address entry 1 Press th e button t o start Address Boo k . 2 Tap New and ente r the detai ls. Tip You can scrol l the screen by tap ping the arrow v or V at the bot tom ri ght.
50 Exchanging Dat e Book and Addr ess Book data between your CLIÉ handhe ld and your computer The H otSyn c ® operatio n (page 43) enab les you to exchan ge Date Book or Address Boo k data between your CLIÉ handheld an d your co mputer. Dependin g on the appli cations th at you use in your computer, there are two ways to exchang e data.
51 Enjoying your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld View ing Micr osoft ® Word and Micros oft ® Excel documents o n your CLIÉ h andheld (Do cuments To Go ® ) Note You need to pe rform the followi ng steps befor e using Document To Go . 1 Install Do cumen ts To G o in your CLIÉ handheld and your computer.
52 Using applications This ch apter ex plains ho w to use add-on ap plicat ions and “C LIÉ App licatio n Manual. ” For detail s about add-on applicati ons, refe r to th e manual s that come with each a dd-on appl icatio n.
53 Using applications Opening CLIÉ Applicatio n Manual Tips • To clo se CLIÉ Applic ation Manua l, click the ico n in the upper rig ht corner of the CL IÉ Applicat ion Manua l window. • You can m inimize the CL IÉ Applica tion Manual win dow by click ing icon in the upper ri ght corner of the windo w.
54 Installing ad d-on ap plications in yo ur CLIÉ handheld You can install ap plications with the supplied Installati on CD-ROM by following t he steps be low.
55 Using applications Introd ucing ad d-on applica tions Listening t o music with your CLIÉ handheld Applicatio n to be us ed Audi o Player Keyword MP3, A TRA C3 Summa ry You can play music files sav ed on “Memo ry Stick” med ia with this application.
56 Customizing the sound s ettings Appl ication t o be used Sound Uti lity Summar y You c an m anage the au dio dat a co nve rted with Sound Converter with this applicati on. The audi o data files are tr ansf erre d fr om your comp uter to y our CLIÉ handhe ld via the HotS yn c ® operation.
57 Using applications Managing and displaying image files Appl ication to be used Pict ureGear Po cket Summa ry You can mana ge and displa y image fil es saved on your CLIÉ handhel d or “Memory S tick” me dia with thi s applicat ion.
58 Importing image files a nd movie files from your comp uter Appl ication t o be used Pictur eGea r 4.6 L ite Summar y You ca n convert ima ge files and mov ie files into the fo rmat of yo ur CLIÉ ha ndheld with this software.
59 Using applications Transferring high resolution image files and movie files to yo ur CLIÉ handheld Application to be use d Kinoma Prod ucer Summar y You c an convert i mage files and movie files on your comp uter into the format of y our CLIÉ handheld with this so ftware.
60 Managing schedules and events Appl ication to be used Date Book Summa ry You can m anage sched ules and events, such as meetin gs or business trip s with this ap plication. Preparat ion for us e b For deta ils, refer to th e “CLIÉ Ap plication Manual ” installed in your comput er.
61 Using applications Taking memo s Application to be use d Memo P ad Summar y You ca n take memo s or displa y docum ents created on you r comput er with thi s appli cation. Prep aration for use b For deta ils, refer to th e “CLIÉ Ap plication Manual” installed in your c omputer .
62 Using the calc ulator Appl ication to be used Calcula tor Summa ry You can calcu late on your CLIÉ handheld with thi s appl ica ti on. Yo u can also sa ve an d reca ll calculatio ns with the calcul ator’s memory. Preparat ion for us e b For deta ils, refer to th e “CLIÉ Ap plication Manual ” installed in your comput er.
63 Using applications Enj oyin g a puzz le game Application to be use d Bejewel ed Summar y You ca n enjoy a pu zzle game i n which you swap g ems to remove (in fine graphics and sound) with this applic ation.
64 Exchanging data between your CLIÉ handheld and “Memory Stick” media Appl ication to be used Memory Stic k Gate Summa ry You can ex change da ta betw een you r CLIÉ hand held a nd “Me mor y Stic k” me dia inserte d into yo ur CLIÉ handhe ld with this applic ation.
65 Using applications Using “Memory Stick” media of your CLIÉ handheld from your comp uter Application to be use d Memory Stick Import Memory Stick Expo rt Summar y You can instal l applicati ons.
66 Using Microsoft ® Word/Excel data Applicatio n to be us ed Documents To Go Keyword doc format, xls format, tx t format Summa ry You can op en or edit Micros oft Wor d/Excel data on yo ur CLIÉ ha ndheld.
67 T roubleshooting Troubleshooting This ch apter describe s how to solve com mon probl ems you may encoun ter when using your CL IÉ handh eld. Befo re e ncoun teri ng probl ems Making a backu p is recommen ded We rec ommend th at you bac k up you r data in ca se of any un expected troub le.
68 Solving problems If you enco unter any proble ms, fol low the pro cedure bel ow. Sony rec ommends t hat you mak e a note for di splayed messages for fut ure reference. Note Thousands of t hird-party ad d-on app lications are available for th e Palm OS ® platform .
69 T roubleshooting Custo mer Supp ort and Custo mer Registrat ion ■ For customer support information Refer to “Support Information fo r CLIÉ handheld and Applications.” ■ For online customer registration (only for customers in the U.S.A. and Canada) Refer to “Support Information fo r CLIÉ handheld and Applications.
70 Additional information Note s o n us e About handli ng • Be sure not t o scr atch o r dama ge yo ur CL IÉ hand held’ s screen or the Graffiti ® writing are a. Alway s use t he supplie d stylu s or a pl astic-t ipped pointer to tap on the screen.
71 Additional information Notes on battery Battery safety To prevent a ba ttery from leak ing, he ating up, cat ching fire, bursti ng, etc., be sure to fo llow the ca utions below: • Do not ch arge t he batt ery in any oth er wa y than s pecified in th is manu al .
72 Conserving the battery • Tu rn off the b acklig ht under go od ligh ting cond itions. b For details, refer to “POWER/HOLD Switch” o n page 26. • Change the autom atic po wer- off time se tting so that your C LIÉ hand held will automa tically tu rn off afte r a short period of inactiv ity.
73 Additional information Specificat ions OS Palm OS ® ver. 4.1 CPU DragonBall Super VZ 66 MHz Memo ry 16 MB (SDRAM) User memory range: approx . 15 MB External inpu t/output Interface c onnector IrDA (1.
74 Battery life Operating PIMs: 17 day s (wh en P IMs , su ch as Da te B ook , are operat ed for 30 minutes per day with the backlig ht of f) 9 days (wh en P IMs , su ch as Da te B ook , are operat ed for 30 minutes per day with the back light on ) Playi ng audio fil es (in cont inuou s): Appr ox.
75 INDE X A AC power adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Add-On applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Address Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 , 59 Application Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Pressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
76 K Kinoma Player. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Kinoma Producer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 L LED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Listening to music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 M Managing addresses and telephone numbers .
For the la test informa tion on support and accesso ries, check o ur offici al Son y CLIÉ we bsite For customers i n the U.S.A. and Canada htt p : //ww w.son y.c om/ clie / For customers in Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zeal and, Singapore, Taiwa n and Thailand http : //vaio-o nline.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony PEG-SJ33 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony PEG-SJ33 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony PEG-SJ33, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony PEG-SJ33 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony PEG-SJ33, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony PEG-SJ33.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony PEG-SJ33. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony PEG-SJ33 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.