Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit PDW-1500 du fabricant Sony
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PROFESSIONAL DISC RECORDER PD W -1500 OPERA TION MANUAL [English] 1st Edition (Revised 1 ).
2 To prevent fire or shock hazar d, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. To avoid ele ctrical sh ock, do not open the cabinet. Refer ser vicing to qualified personnel only.
3 This label is located on the top panel of the drive unit. CAUTION As the la ser bea m us ed in this Profess ional D isc Reco rder is harmful to the e yes, do n ot attem pt to disassemb le the cabinet . Refer s ervicing to qual ified personnel only .
4 For the c ustomers in Eu rope This prod uct with t he CE m arking co mplie s wit h both the EM C Directive (89/336 /EEC) and the Lo w Voltage Dir ectiv e (73/23/ EEC) issue d by th e Comm ission of the European Commu nity.
5 Cette étiquett e est pl acée sur le panneau supérieur de l’uni té de commande. ATTENTION Comme le rayon laser util isé d ans cet En regist reur de d isques pour pr ofession nels est dange reux p our les y eux, ne pas essaye r de dé monter le co ffret.
6 Um Feuergefahr und die Gefahr eines elektri schen Sc hlages zu verm eiden, darf das Gerät weder Rege n noch Feuchtigkeit ausges etzt werde n. Um einen el ektrische n Schlag zu vermeiden, darf das Gehäuse nicht geöffnet werden. Überla ssen Sie Wartungsarbeiten stet s nur qualifiziertem Fachpersonal.
7 ACHTUNG: 1. Ver wenden Si e ein gep rüftes Netzkab el (3-adrig es Stromka bel)/ei nen ge prüften Ge räteans chlus s/einen geprüfte n Stecker m it Sch utzkonta kten e ntspreche nd den Sicherhe itsvo rschriften , die i m bet reffenden L and ge lten.
8 Questa etiche tta si trova sul panne llo superiore dell’uni tà di pilotaggio. CAUTELA Poiché il raggio la ser impieg ato in qu esto regi strato re di dischi prof ess ional e è danno so al la vist a, non tenta re di s monta re il rivestim ento. Per la manu tenzio ne rivolg ersi esc lusiv amente a personal e qual ifica to.
9 Para evi tar el rie s go de incendios o electrocución, no ex ponga la unidad a la lluvia ni a la humedad. Para evit ar descargas eléctr icas, no a bra el aparato. So licite asis tencia téc nica únicamente a persona l especializado. ESTE APARATO DEBE CONECTARSE A TIERRA.
10 ADVERTENCIA: 1. Ut ilice el cabl e de al ime ntaci ón (3 c onduc tore s eléctri cos), el c onec tor de disp ositi vos y el ench ufe co n contac tos de puest a a tie rra aprobado s que cump len c on las nor mas de seg uridad de ca da país , si e xiste n.
12 Table of Conten ts Table of Content s Before Using the Unit ............. ......... ...... 14 Setting the Line Mode .............................. 14 Chapter 1 Overview 1-1 Features ........... .......... ......... ......... ...... 16 1-2 Using the CD-ROM Manual .
13 Table of Cont ents Chapter 8 Menus 8-1 Menu System Configuration ............ 85 8-2 Basic S etup Menu .............. ......... ...... 86 8-2-1 Items in the Basic Setup Menu ........ 86 8-2-2 Basic Menu Operations ................... 88 8-3 Exte nded Menu .
14 Before Using the Unit Before Using the Unit Setting the Line Mode This unit is ship ped with t he line mode still unset . Therefore y ou need to set the line mod e before using the unit. (The uni t cannot be used unless the line mode is set. ) Once it is set, th e line mo de is re tained e ven when th e unit is powered off.
16 1-1 Feat ures Chapter 1 Overview 1-1 Fea tures The PDW-150 0 Professional Disc Recorder is a half-rack sized record er opti mized for use with no nlinear editing systems. Despite its compact size, this unit offer s high- speed data tr ansfers between compat ible nonlinea r devices, creat ing a po werful edi ting too l for vi deo producti ons.
Chapter 1 Ov erview 17 1-1 Feat ures unit via an i.LI NK 2) (file access m ode, called F AM belo w) connection—in the same way that a computer reads dat a files on an ext ernal drive. The in terfaces include the S400 (i.LINK) connecto r, supporti ng AV/C (Audi o/ Video Control ) and i.
Chapter 1 Ov ervie w 18 1-2 Using the CD- ROM Manual 1-2 Using t he CD-R OM Manual The suppl ied CR -ROM includ es version s of the Operati on Manual for the PDW-1500 in Engl ish, Japan ese, French, German, Italian, S panish, and Chinese. 1-2-1 CD-ROM System Requirements The following are requi red to access the supp lied CD- ROM disc.
Chapter 2 Names and Func tions of P arts 20 2-1 Front Pane l a On/stan dby ( 1 ) s witch and indi cato r When the POWER swit ch on the rear pa nel is in th e ^ position, t his switch es the PDW-1500 between the operating state (the indicator is li t green) and t he standby state (the indicat or is lit red).
Chap ter 2 Nam es a nd Fu ncti ons of Part s 21 2-1 Front Panel i SHIF T button Use to switch the f unction s of various b uttons. j SET an d RESE T butt ons Use these as follows. SET button : Use for setup men u settings, scene selection settings, and so on.
Chapter 2 Names and Func tions of P arts 22 2-1 Front Pane l In the status d isplay section, the M ONITOR display (see page 23) changes to reflect the selection.
Chap ter 2 Nam es a nd Fu ncti ons of Part s 23 2-1 Front Panel a PREV (previo us) button Press this b utton, turning it o n, to show the first frame of the current clip. While th e first frame of a clip is show n, pressing thi s butt on jumps to t he beginni ng of th e previous clip.
Chapter 2 Names and Func tions of P arts 24 2-1 Front Pane l d Indicators abov e the time data disp lay There are the following indicators. EDIT indicator: This light s when an “Aud io Edit Preset” command is receive d from an ext ernal editor. REMOTE (9 P/i.
Chap ter 2 Nam es a nd Fu ncti ons of Part s 25 2-1 Front Panel 6 Shuttle/jog/v ariable contr ol bloc k For details of play back operati ons with these butto ns and dials, see 4-2-2 “ Playback Opera tion” on page 56. a SHUTTL E button To play back i n shuttl e mode using the shut tle dia l, press this butt on, turning it o n.
Chapter 2 Names and Func tions of P arts 26 2-1 Front Pane l a F /MARK1 butt on an d f /MARK2 butto n When the THUMBNAIL button (see page 21) is lit, you can use these for thumbnail sel ection.
Chap ter 2 Nam es a nd Fu ncti ons of Part s 27 2-2 Rear Panel 2-2 Rear Panel a REF. VIDEO IN (reference video si gnal input) connect ors (BNC ty pe) The two connec tors form a lo op-throug h connection ; when a reference video signal is input to the left conn ector, the same signal i s input from th e right conn ector ( ) to a connected device.
Chapter 2 Names and Func tions of P arts 28 2-2 Rear Panel The monitored channel is se lected by the combinati on of the AUDIO MONITOR SEL button (see page 21) a nd MONITOR switch (s ee pag e 21) .
Chap ter 2 Nam es a nd Fu ncti ons of Part s 29 2-2 Rear Panel a VIDEO IN (analog video input) connectors (BNC type) These are composi te video signal i nput connector s.
Chapter 2 Names and Func tions of P arts 30 2-2 Rear Panel See 8-3-2 “Exten ded Menu Opera tions ” (page 102 ) for more information a bout ho w to make extend ed menu settings. See 8-4-2 “Mai ntenance Men u Operations ” (page 108) for more informati on about ho w to make maint enance menu settings.
31 3-1 Conn ections and Setting s Chapter 3 Preparations 3-1 Connections an d Settings 3-1-1 C onnecting an External Monitor Connecting a video monitor to the VIDEO OUT1, VIDEO OUT2 (SUPER), SDI OUT 1, or SDI OUT2 (SUPER) connector of this uni t enables you to see the outp ut video on the monitor screen.
Chapter 3 Prepar ation s 32 3-1 Conne ctions an d Set tings 3-1-2 Connections f or Using P DZ-1 Pr o xy Bro w sing Softw are Using the suppl ied PDZ-1 Pro xy Browsing Sof tware, you can carry ou t simple ed iting wi th proxy AV dat a.
Chapter 3 Prepar ations 33 3-1 Conn ections and Setting s Using the S400 (i.LINK) connector (F AM connection) The following shows an exa mple of a FAM (file access mode) conn ection. Note The PDZ-1 Prox y Browsing Softwar e must be insta lled in advance.
Chapter 3 Prepar ation s 34 3-1 Conne ctions an d Set tings 3-1-3 Connecting to a Nonlinear Editi ng System You can send vi deo/audio si gnals (AV/C dat a) from thi s unit t o a nonli near edi ting system c onnecte d to th e S400 (i.LINK) conn ector. The following figure sho ws an example con nection.
Chapter 3 Prepar ations 35 3-1 Conn ections and Setting s 3-1-4 Con nections f or Cut Editing By connecting t his unit t o a VTR (for example, M SW- M2000/M20 00P or DSR-200 0/2000P ), you can make up a cut editing syst em. Some example connections are shown in the fo llowing.
Chapter 3 Prepar ation s 36 3-1 Conne ctions an d Set tings When using the ed iting functions of the recorder REMO TE 1OUT(9P) REMO TE 2 REF .VIDEO IN REF .
Chapter 3 Prepar ations 37 3-1 Conn ections and Setting s 3-1-5 Connections f or Clip Audio Insert Edit ing By connecting t his unit t o a VTR (for example, M SW- M2000/M20 00P or DSR-200 0/2000P ), you can make up a clip audio in sert editing syste m.
Chapter 3 Prepar ation s 38 3-1 Conne ctions an d Set tings Using the ANALOG IN connectors Up to 2 in put channel s are suppor ted. CH1, CH3, o r both can be recorded when there is input to the ANALOG IN1/ 3 conne ctor. CH2, CH4 , or both can be r ecorded when there is inp ut to the ANALOG IN2/4 connector.
Chapter 3 Prepar ations 39 3-1 Conn ections and Setting s Using the DIGIT AL A UDIO (AES/EBU) IN connector s Up to 4 in put channel s are suppor ted. AC IN 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 REF .VIDEO IN REF .VIDEO INPUT VIDEO OUT 2 (SUPER) REMO TE 1IN(9P) MSW -M2000 REF .
Chapter 3 Prepar ation s 40 3-1 Conne ctions an d Set tings Using the SDI IN connector Up to 8 in put channel s are suppor ted. AC IN 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 REF .
Chapter 3 Prepar ations 41 3-1 Conn ections and Setting s 3-1-6 Editing Contr ol Unit Settings When c onnecting an editing control unit to use with this unit, make t he followin g settings, de pending on the edi ting cont rol un it mode l. BVE-60 0/700 /900 /910/ 2000/91 00 Set VTR const ants as foll ows.
42 3-2 Setup / 3-3 Sett ing the Date and Time Chapter 3 Prepar ation s 3-2 Setup The princi pal setup oper ations b efore op erating th is uni t can be carri ed out usi ng setup menus. The setup menus of this unit compri se a basic set up menu and an extended setup menu.
Chapter 3 Prepar ations 43 3-4 Supe rimposed Te xt Info rmation 3-4 Superimpos ed Text Informatio n The video signal output from the VIDEO OUT 2 (SUPER) connector or the SDI OUT 2 (SUPER) connector contains superimposed text information, i ncluding ti me code, menu settings, and alarm messages.
Chapter 3 Prepar ation s 44 3-4 Superimpose d Text Informat ion f Playba ck condit ion mark One of three chan nel con dition marks i s displayed wh en the ACCESS in dicator is lit during any mode exc ept recording. The three channel condition marks indicate the following three stages.
Chapter 3 Prepar ations 45 3-5 Handl ing Discs To pre vent pl aybac k condit ion s from deterio rating Pay att ention to the fo llowing points when handlin g discs.
Chapter 3 Prepar ation s 46 3-5 Handl ing Discs the disc in the direction of the arrow, as shown in the following fi gure. 3-5-4 Loading and Unloading a Disc When the on/ standby switch i ndicator is lit green , you can load and u nload a disc as shown in the follo wing figure.
Chapter 3 Prepar ations 47 3-5 Handl ing Discs 3-5-6 T o Eject Discs With the Uni t Po w e r e d O f f As an emerge ncy measure, disc cart ridges c an be remov ed with th e unit power ed off. However , th e cover must be removed. Thi s operation sh ould always b e done by a trained service technici an.
48 4-1 Recordin g Chapter 4 Recordin g/Playback 4-1 Recording This secti on describes vi deo and audio rec ording on t he unit. 4-1-1 Preparations f or Recordi ng Button/switch settings Before beginn ing recor ding, make any necessary b utton/ switch settings.
Chapter 4 Recording/ Pla ybac k 49 4-1 Recording Setting the recording f ormat Before recording, it is necessary to set the recordin g format for each of video and audio. Note It is not possible to combine d ifferent recording formats on a single disc.
Chapter 4 Recordin g/Pla ybac k 50 4-1 Recordin g 4-1-2 Recording Time Code and User Bit V alues There are the foll owing four ways of reco rding t ime cod e: • Internal P reset mode, which recor ds the out put of the interna l time code genera tor, set beforeh and to an initia l value.
Chapter 4 Recording/ Pla ybac k 51 4-1 Recording 1 Watchi ng the ind icators above th e time dat a display, pre ss th e COUN TER SE LECT bu tton to sele ct TC . 2 Press the HOLD button . The SHUTTLE but ton lights and t he first two di gits of the time c ode show n in the tim e data displa y start flashing.
Chapter 4 Recordin g/Pla ybac k 52 4-1 Recordin g In this case, the setti ng of extend ed menu ite m 628 “DF MODE” is ignored. New time code is recorded in the drop - frame mode of the last record ed time code on the disc.
Chapter 4 Recording/ Pla ybac k 53 4-1 Recording Notes • When the input vi deo sign al selecte d is i. LINK or SDI, (the INPUT di splay shows i.LINK or SDI), t hen setting extended menu i tem 626 “TC MODE” t o “ext regen” automaticall y synchronizes t he internal ti me code generator to t he time code received thro ugh the S400 (i.
Chapter 4 Recordin g/Pla ybac k 54 4-1 Recordin g Notes • The shortest clip that can be re corded is 2 second s long. Even if r ecordin g start and stop operations a re perf ormed within 2 seconds, a 2-second clip is recorded. • The maximum number of cli ps that c an be recor ded is 300.
Chapter 4 Recording/ Pla ybac k 55 4-2 Playb ack 4-2 Pla yback This sectio n describes p layback of video and audio. Disc pla yback start position Althou gh this un it uses op tical discs, it is designe d to of fer the most conven ient features of tape playback by VTRs.
Chapter 4 Recordin g/Pla ybac k 56 4-2 Playba ck 4-2-2 Playbac k Operation This sect ion describes t he foll owing ty pes of play back: • Normal playb ack Playback at normal (±1) speed • Play bac.
Chapter 4 Recording/ Pla ybac k 57 4-2 Playb ack To jump to the n ext or p reviou s cli p, then start playba ck Use the PREV butt on, NEXT but ton, jog dial, o r shuttl e dial. For informat ion about the funct ions of t hese butto ns, see “4 Recordi ng and p layback cont rol secti on” on page 2 2.
Chapter 4 Recordin g/Pla ybac k 58 4-2 Playba ck changed usi ng exten ded menu it em 119 “VARIABLE SPEED LIMIT IN KE Y PANEL CONTROL ”.) To carry out playback in var iable speed mo de, do as follows. 1 Press the VAR button, tu rning it on . 2 Turn the shut tle dial to t he desired ang le corres ponding t o the desir ed playbac k speed.
Chapter 4 Recording/ Pla ybac k 59 4-2 Playb ack 2 Use the arrow butt ons or the jog di al to select the desi red c lip. You can sel ect clips with the following o perations . Press the PREV or NEXT button: Move to the previous or next clip. Press the PREV or NEXT button with the SH IFT button hel d down: Move to the first or last clip.
Chapter 4 Recordin g/Pla ybac k 60 4-2 Playba ck 4-2-4 C lip List Pla yback You can play back clips in the order of clip li sts created with the scene selection functi on (see page 61) . Pla ying bac k in c lip list or der Proceed as follows. 1 If the clip li st that you want to play exi sts on the disc, load it into th e current clip l ist.
61 5-1 Overv iew Chapter 5 Scene Selection 5-1 Ov erview Clip lists and sub c lips Scene select ion is a functi on whic h allows you to save, load, and edit clip lists consi sting of clips recorded on disc, or parts of cli ps, arranged i n any order .
Chapter 5 Scene Sele ction 62 5-2 Basic Ope rations 5-2 Bas ic Oper at ions 5-2-1 C reating Clip Lists You can create a clip list by e ither of the fol lowing two methods. • Selecti ng a desi red clip f rom the thumbn ail d isplay, and including it in the clip list as a sub clip.
Chapter 5 S cene Se lect ion 63 5-2 B asi c Op erati ons To move the curso r within the scene selecti on window When the scene sel ection window appe ars as you carry out step 3 , use the left and righ t arr ow button s to move in the desi red direct ion.
Chapter 5 Scene Sele ction 64 5-2 Basic Ope rations is power ed off. Aft er creati ng a cli p list, b e sure to save it. To cr eate sub cl ips duri ng rec ord ing an d sa ve to a clip list (Q uick s cene se lection duri ng recording) You can perfo rm quick sce ne selection du ring recor ding.
Chapter 5 S cene Se lect ion 65 5-2 B asi c Op erati ons Moving a sub c lip Proceed as follows. 1 Press the S UBCLIP butt on, turnin g it on. 2 Press th e THUMBNAIL butt on, tur ning it on. Thumbn ails of t he sub clip s within the current cl ip list appear.
Chapter 5 Scene Sele ction 66 5-2 Basic Ope rations T rimming a sub c l ip Proceed as follows. 1 Carry out steps 1 to 4 i n the procedure, “Moving a sub clip” a bove. 2 Use the arrow butt ons to select T RIM, and press the SET butt on. The first frame of t he selected sub cli p appears in a full-scr een display.
Chapter 5 S cene Se lect ion 67 5-3 Clip List Operat ions To cancel the dele tion, and escape from the sub cli p deletion screen Do either of th e following. • Use the left or right arrow button t o select CANCEL, and pre ss th e SET but ton. • Press the RES ET button.
Chapter 5 Scene Sele ction 68 5-3 Clip List Operatio ns 2 Use the up an d down arr ow buttons or the jog di al to select the desire d clip list, and press t he right arrow but ton. A confirmation me ssage like t he one shown below appears. 3 Press th e SET but ton.
Chapter 5 S cene Se lect ion 69 5-3 Clip List Operat ions 1 In the CLIP menu, use the up and do wn arrow button s to move the cu rsor to DELETE and p ress th e right arro w butt on. A list of clip lists appears. The dat e of creation or the title of each cli p list is shown in t he list o f clip lists.
Chapter 5 Scene Sele ction 70 5-4 Using PDZ-1 Prox y Browsing So ftware 5-4 Using PDZ-1 Pr oxy Browsing Software When a comput er with the PDZ- 1 Proxy B rowsing Software insta lled is connected to this unit, you c an transfer the prox y AV dat a and metadata files recorded o n a disc to the compu ter.
71 6-1 Clip Audio Insert Editing Chapter 6 Insert Editing 6-1 Clip Audio In sert Editing You can perform insert edi ting on the aud io tracks of single recorded clips. This secti on explai ns how to insert an aud io sig nal at any point in the clip, using the audi o of a VTR conn ected to th is unit.
Chapter 6 I nsert Editing 72 6-1 Clip Audio Insert Editing Settings required for editi ng The follo wing table shows the settin gs requir ed for editin g. 6-1-2 E diting Operations Setting edit points Refer to the doc umentation of your edit or for more informatio n about how to set edit points.
Chapte r 6 Inser t Editing 73 6-1 Clip Audio Insert Editing 2 Press the AUDIO INPUT SE L button (see p age 22) to select th e input si gnal. 3 Set MI XING in extended menu item 819 “AUDIO INPUT SOURCE ARRANG E” to “on,”and set CH1 to “on.
74 7-1 Overv iew Chapter 7 File Operations 7-1 Ov erview A remote compu ter can be connecte d to thi s unit and u sed to operate on record ed data which has b een saved in d ata files, such as v ideo and audio data files. There are t wo ways to connec t a remot e computer.
Cha pter 7 F ile O perat ions 75 7-1 Overv iew 7-1-2 File Operation Restricti ons This sectio n explains wh ich operat ions are possible on files stored in each directory. When requi red, the foll owing operat ion table s distin guish reading and overwr iting fr om part ial read ing and overw riting .
Chapter 7 File Operat ions 76 7-1 Overv iew Edit Direct ory a) Only fi les which can be ov erwritten by XDCAM. Partial ove rwriting is not possible. b) Only files wh ich can be ove rwritten by XDCAM c) Onl y when the write inhi bit tab on the disc is set to enable recording, and when ex tended men u item 310 RE C INHIBIT is set to “off.
Cha pter 7 F ile O perat ions 77 7-2 File Access Mode File Operations 7-2 F ile Acce ss Mode Fi le Operations File acce ss mode operating en vironment Operating system requi rements for file operations by file access mode (called FAM below) are as fol lows.
Chapter 7 File Operat ions 78 7-3 FTP F ile Oper ations • Windo ws XP: The Safely Remove Hardware dialog appears. 2 Sele ct “Son y XDCAM PDW-1500 I EEE 139 4 SBP2 Device” and click St op. The Stop a Hardware device dialog appears. 3 Sele ct “Son y XDCAM PDW-1500 I EEE 139 4 SBP2 Device” and click OK.
Cha pter 7 F ile O perat ions 79 7-3 FTP File Ope ration s • Disc access by DELETE, FORMAT, and so on in the System m enu (see page 11 1) : Stoppe d Note Login is no t possi ble unless a disc is loaded a nd the unit is in t he state de scribed above.
Chapter 7 File Operat ions 80 7-3 FTP F ile Oper ations 7-3-1 C ommand List This unit supports st andard FT P commands (see the next section) , an d extended F TP commands (see pa ge 84) . Standard commands The following tabl e shows the standard F TP commands support ed by this u nit.
Cha pter 7 F ile O perat ions 81 7-3 FTP File Ope ration s STR U Specifies the data s tructure. STR U <SP> < structure-cod e> <CRLF> <str uc ture- code> can be any of th e following . Howev er , for XDCAM, th e structure is alw a ys “F , ” regardless of t he structur e-code spec ification .
Chapter 7 File Operat ions 82 7-3 FTP F ile Oper ations ST OR Begins t ransf er of a cop y of a file in the speci fied path on the rem ote compu ter to the c urrent d irectory on this unit. Depen ding o n the t ype of fil e tra nsf erred, the f o llo wing it ems a re creat ed.
Cha pter 7 F ile O perat ions 83 7-3 FTP File Ope ration s ST A T S ends i nf ormation a bout p roperties of the sp ecified file , or abou t data tran sf er status , fro m this u nit to th e remote comput er . The f ollo wing pro perty info rmation is sent, d ependi ng on the file ty pe .
Chapter 7 File Operat ions 84 7-3 FTP F ile Oper ations Extended commands The followin g table sho ws the ext ended FTP c ommands support ed by this u nit. In the command syntax column, < SP> means a space, entered by pr essing the space bar, and <CRLF> means a new line, entered by pressing the Enter ke y.
85 8-1 Menu S ystem Configurat ion Chapter 8 Menus 8-1 Menu System Configur atio n The sett ings for this unit use th e following menus. • Setup menu See the next i tem. • Maintenan ce menu This pr ovides audi o control, an d networ k and setup menu setti ngs, and also sh ows version inf ormation.
Cha pte r 8 Menu s 86 8-2 Basic Set up Menu 8-2 Basic Setup Me nu 8-2-1 Items in the B asic Set up Menu The basic me nu items ( excluding the items re lated to th e digital hours meter ) are li sted i n the foll owing tabl e. In the Sett ings colum n of the tab le, underlin ed values indica te the fa ctory d efault se ttings.
Chapter 8 Menu s 87 8-2 Basi c Setu p Menu 011 CHARA CTER V -SIZE Determine the v ertical siz e of cha racters such as time c ode outpu t from the VIDEO OUT 2 (SU PER) co nnector and SDI OUT 2 (SUPER ) connec tor f or superimp osed d ispla y on the monit or .
Cha pte r 8 Menu s 88 8-2 Basic Set up Menu 8-2-2 Basic Menu Operations This sectio n describes t he basic menu display an d how to change the settings. Disp laying the menu Press the MENU button. The SHUTTLE button, VAR button and NEXT button light an d the settin g of the cu rrently sele cted menu item appears in the time da ta display.
Chapter 8 Menu s 89 8-2 Basi c Setu p Menu Changing the currently displa yed menu item Turn the j og dial or shutt le dial. Turning the jog dial cl ockwise increments t he item number, and turni ng it coun terclockwise decrements t he item number. The item number changes at a rate dependi ng on the j og dial r otation r ate.
Cha pte r 8 Menu s 90 8-2 Basic Set up Menu 1 Press th e MENU butto n. The menu appears i n the time data d isplay. 2 Press th e RESET butt on. A message “Init set up?” appears in the time data disp lay. To abandon operat ions and re turn to the setup menu d ispla y Press the RESET butt on again.
Chapter 8 Menu s 91 8-2 Basi c Setu p Menu Note The followin g message appe ars if the line mo de of the menu bank th at you are about to recall differs from t he current line mode. Press the SET button to reca ll the settings and switch to the line mode saved in the menu bank .
Cha pte r 8 Menu s 92 8-3 Exte nded Me nu 8-3 E xtende d Menu 8-3-1 Items in the Extended Menu The extended me nu contains the following items. In the Setti ngs column o f the tabl e, underlined val ues indica te the fact ory de fault sett ings.
Chapter 8 Menu s 93 8-3 Exte nded Menu 131 A UDI O V OLUME Select w hether ea ch of the ALL/ CH-1, C H-2 to CH -4 ad justment knobs on the c ontrol panel is eff ec tiv e to control th e audi o reco rd.
Cha pte r 8 Menu s 94 8-3 Exte nded Me nu 311 ANALOG A UDIO EDIT PRESET REPLAC E FOR CH1 Sele ct me thods f or se tting th e edit preset s of th e digi tal aud io ch annels CH1 to CH4 of thi s unit . Mak e these s etting s when us ing an editor ( PVE- 500, BVE-600, etc.
Chapter 8 Menu s 95 8-3 Exte nded Menu External synchr oniza tion to reference signal g enerators The internal reference signal generat or is synchronized either to a reference sign al input to the REF.
Cha pte r 8 Menu s 96 8-3 Exte nded Me nu Menu ite ms in the 400s, relating to prer oll Item num ber Item name Setting s 401 FUNCTION MODE AFTER CUE-UP Select the state that the unit goes into a fter a cuing-up operation. stop : Stop s (the stop mode ).
Chapter 8 Menu s 97 8-3 Exte nded Menu 607 U-BIT BINAR Y GR OUP FLA G Select t he use r bits to be used in the time co de gen erate d b y the tim e code ge nerat or . 000 : Charac ter s et not speci fie d. 001 : 8-b it cha racters compl iant with IS O 646 and ISO 20 22.
Cha pte r 8 Menu s 98 8-3 Exte nded Me nu 651 UMID SDI OUTPUT Se lect wh ether to ou tput U MID in the V ANC of the SDI output . off : Do not output. on : Output. See 8-3-3 “Using UM ID Dat a” (p ag e 104) for m ore inf ormation a bout UMID. 652 UMID SDI V ANC LINE Select the line i n which UMID is ou tput when m enu item 651 i s set to “on.
Chapter 8 Menu s 99 8-3 Exte nded Menu In 625-li ne mode 9 ... 22 LINE 9, 322 ... LINE 22, 33 5 Specify b l ankin g f or line s 9, 32 2 to 22 , 335. blnk : Carry out blan king. thru : Switch off b la nking. 23 LINE 23 Specify b l ankin g f or line 23.
Cha pte r 8 Menu s 100 8-3 Extende d Menu 723 INPUT VIDEO BLANK Switch blan king on or o ff f or ind ividu al lines in th e v ertical bl anking i nterval of an inp ut vid eo signal . The Y/C signa l and o dd/e v en fields are b lan ked simul tan eousl y .
Chapter 8 Menu s 101 8-3 Exte nded Menu 819 A UD IO I NPUT SOUR CE ARRAN GE Enable o r disa b le mixin g of th e audio sign als of ch annel s 1 to 8 into t he audio si gnals of the same chann els re corded on the disc. Sub-item 1M I X I N G off : Do not mix.
Cha pte r 8 Menu s 102 8-3 Extende d Menu 8-3-2 Extended Menu Operations The extended menu ca n be us ed with the same proced ures as in the basi c menu. However, sin ce with th e factor y defaul t settings t he extended men u is not di splayed, i t is fir st necessary to enable di splay of the extende d menu.
Chapter 8 Menu s 103 8-3 Exte nded Menu To set the i nternal switc h to on 1 Using a Phi llips screwdrive r, remove the cover. There are five screws fixing the cover. 2 Using a sharp impl ement such as a b all-point pen, set switch 4 in the S22 02 group to the ON po sition (on th e inside).
Cha pte r 8 Menu s 104 8-3 Extende d Menu 8 Press th e SET but ton. When you next displ ay the menu a nd change the i tem display, the extended menu will appear after the basic menu.
Chapter 8 Menu s 105 8-3 Exte nded Menu Using th e Extend ed UMID You have to enter a cou ntry cod e, organiz ation code and user code. Set th e country cod e referring to the ISO-3166 table, and set the organi zation code and user code independen tly.
Cha pte r 8 Menu s 106 8-4 Maintenanc e Menu 8-4 Maintenance M enu 8-4-1 Items in the M aintenance Men u The maintenan ce menu in cludes the following i tems. In the table, the underscored it ems are the factor y default settings. For details a bout DRIVE M AINTENA NCE, CHECK an d SERVICE SUPPORT, refer to the Ma intenance Manual.
Chapter 8 Menu s 107 8-4 Maint enance Menu For details of how to make settings, see “T o change network sett ings” (page 1 09). For detail s about OTHERS items other than the abo ve, refer to the Ma inte nance Manu al. LINK SPEED Set the co mmuni cations speed.
Cha pte r 8 Menu s 108 8-4 Maintenanc e Menu 8-4-2 Maintenance Men u Opera tions This secti on describ es the indicati ons in the maintena nce menu and how t o change the settings.
Chapter 8 Menu s 109 8-4 Maint enance Menu 1 Using the J / j buttons, displa y the desire d setting . 2 Press th e SET but ton. This saves the new sett ing, and the menu disappear s from t he time da ta dis pla y. To cancel ch anging a setti ng Befo re pr essing the S ET butto n, pr ess t he MENU but ton.
Cha pte r 8 Menu s 110 8-4 Maintenanc e Menu Turning clo ckwise increases the value, and t urning counterclockwi se decreases the v alue. The J / j buttons can be used . To return to the factory defau lt setting Press th e RESET butt on. 4 When all digi ts are set, press t he SET button .
Chapter 8 Menu s 111 8-5 System Menu 8-5 S ystem Men u 8-5-1 Items in the System Menu The system menu i ncludes the following items. 8-5-2 System Menu Operations T o display disc status and clip status Insert a disc and p roceed as follo ws. 1 Hold down the SHIFT button an d press the ME NU butto n.
Cha pte r 8 Menu s 112 8-5 System Men u To display the disc status Press the J button o r j button to select “DISC ,” then press the k butto n. The status of the loaded di sc appears. To display the status of the curr ent clip Press the J button o r j b utton t o select “CLI P,” then press the k butto n.
113 9-1 Per iodic Main tenance Chapter 9 Maintena nce and Troubleshooting 9-1 Periodic Ma inte nance 9-1-1 D igital Hour s Meter The digi tal hour s meter can provide e ight it ems of inform ation abou t the operati onal hist ory of the unit .
Chapter 9 Mainte nance and T roubl eshoo ting 114 9-2 Error Mes sages To exi t from th e hours meter Press the MENU button. To ju mp to H0 1 Press the MENU button, then the COUNTER SELECT button. Every tim e you press the C OUNTER SELECT butto n, menu item H01 or B01 is r ecalled a lternatel y.
Chapter 9 Mainten ance and T roublesho oting 115 9-3 Alar ms 9-3 Alarms An alarm (warning message) app ears in the time dat a display whe n an operatio n is attemp ted which is inappro priate for the se ttings on this u nit or the state o f the disc.
Chapter 9 Mainte nance and T roubl eshoo ting 116 9-3 Alarms When t he unit is po wered on a) With respe ct to se tting of b asic men u item 0 16 When a di sc is i nsert ed Messag e in time data displa y Disp la y condition a) Description Action MENU V er .
Chapter 9 Mainten ance and T roublesho oting 117 9-3 Alar ms a) With respe ct to se tting of b asic men u item 0 16 Durin g play back a) With respe ct to se tting of b asic men u item 0 16 During front pa nel operatio ns FORMA T NG! off A utoma tic f o rmat f ailed.
Chapter 9 Mainte nance and T roubl eshoo ting 118 9-3 Alarms IMX50 Clip IMX40 Clip IMX30 Clip D VCAM Cl ip 4CHx24 Clip 8CHx16 Clip limit A recordi ng, E-E d ispla y , or edit p reset operat ion was atte mpted on a dis c recorde d in a f ormat diff er ent from th e setting of bas ic men u ite m 031 “RECORDING FORMA T .
Chapter 9 Mainten ance and T roublesho oting 119 9-3 Alar ms TC EXT! on A time code or user bits preset op erati on wa s atte mpted with e xte nded men u ite m 626 “T C MODE ” set t o “ext pres et. ” T r y the ope ratio n again a fter set ting ex tended menu item 6 26 “TC MODE ” to “int prese t.
Chapter 9 Mainte nance and T roubl eshoo ting 120 9-3 Alarms a) With respe ct to se tting of b asic men u item 0 16 Durin g recept io n of comma nds fro m an exter nal de vice co nnec ted to the REMOT.
Chapter 9 Mainten ance and T roublesho oting 121 9-3 Alar ms a) With respe ct to se tting of b asic men u item 0 16 Duri ng rec ord ing and e dit ing o perat ions Disc D amage off A co mmand w as re c.
Chapter 9 Mainte nance and T roubl eshoo ting 122 9-3 Alarms a) With respe ct to se tting of b asic men u item 0 16 Alarms relating to aud io and video s ignals a) With respe ct to se tting of b asic .
Chapter 9 Mainten ance and T roublesho oting 123 9-3 Alar ms Alarms r elat ing t o sens ors and drives a) With respe ct to se tting of b asic men u item 0 16 Messag e in time data displa y Disp la y condition a) Description Action F AN Stopp ed off The motor o f the main unit f an has stoppe d.
124 Specifications Appendix Specific atio ns General Power requirements 100 V to 24 0 V AC, 50/60 Hz Power consumpti on 75 W Peak inrush curren t (1)Power ON, cur rent prob e method: 65 A (240 V), 20 .
Appendix 125 Specifications Recording/Playback time MPEG IMX 50 Mb/ s: 45 m in. 40 Mb/ s: 55 m in. 30 Mb/ s: 68 m in. DVCAM 85 min. Search speed Jog mode ±1 times normal sp eed Variable speed mode –2 to +2 time s normal sp eed Shut tle mod e ±35 times normal speed Video perf ormance Sampli ng fre quency Y: 13.
Appendix 126 Specifications XLR 3-pin, mal e (×2), + 4/0/–3/–6 dBu (selectabl e with menu) , 600 Ω lo ading, low impedance, ba lanced AUDIO MONITOR OUT RCA-pin (L, R, L+R ) (×1) –11 dBu , 47.
Appendix 127 Gloss ary Glossar y AES/ EBU A standard est ablished jo intl y by the AES (Audi o Engineeri ng Societ y) and EBU (European Broadcasting Union) for serial transmission of digita l audio. T wo channel s of au dio can be transmi tted via a si ngle connector.
Appendix 128 Glossa ry UMID Unique Materi al Identifier. A standard (SMPTE 330 M) for video and audio metadata. The Basic section of a UMID contains a globall y unique n umber and a material number for the identifi cation of recorded material .
129 Index Inde x Index A AC IN connector 29 ACCESS indi cator 20 Accessories not su pplied 126 supplied 1 26 AES/EBU 21, 22 ALARM indicat or 24 Alarms 115 list 115 ALL/CH- 1 to CH-4 adjust ment knobs .
130 Index Inde x Menus 85 basic se tup menu 86 configu ration 85 ext ended setu p men u 92 maintenance menu 106 syst em menu 11 1 Metadata 17 MONITOR display 23 switch 21 N Names and fun ctions of par.
The mate rial conta ined i n this manual consi sts of in formation that is the prop erty of Sony Co rporati on and is inten ded sol ely for use b y the p urchasers of the eq uipme nt descri bed in thi s manual.
Sony Cor poration B & P Co mpan y © 2004 PDW-1500 (SYL) 3-796-077- 02 (1) http://www.s
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony PDW-1500 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony PDW-1500 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony PDW-1500, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony PDW-1500 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony PDW-1500, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony PDW-1500.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony PDW-1500. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony PDW-1500 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.