Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MZ-NHF800 du fabricant Sony
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3-266-529- 33 (1) Por table MiniDisc Recor der Operating Instructions Recorder Operat i on _ ______________________ ______ _ Softwar e Operation _ ______________________ ______ _ page 10 page 102 © 2004 Sony Corporation MZ-NHF800 “W ALKMA N” is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation to represent Headphon e Stereo products.
2 T o prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to r ain or moisture. T o prev ent fir e, do not cov er the ventil ation of th e apparatus wit h news papers , table cloths , cu r ta i ns , etc. And don’t plac e l ig ht ed candles on th e appa ratus.
3 Notice for users On the supplied sof twa r e • Copyright laws pr ohibit reprodu cing the softwa re or the m anual acc ompanying it in whole or in part, or renting the softw are without the p ermission of th e copyrigh t holder .
4 T able of contents About availa ble functions and supp lie d manuals .... ............... ........... ............... ............ .... 8 Recorder Operation Looking at controls . ........... ............... ............ ...... 11 Getting started ...
5 Various wa ys of playbac k ............... ........... ......... 43 Viewing va rious inform ation ........ ........... .............. ............... ........... ...........43 Selecting the play mod e ............ ........... ............... .......
6 Additiona l information ........... ........... ................ .. 80 Precautions ...... .... .............. ........... ............... .......... ............... ........... ............ 80 Specifica tions ...... .......... ............... ......
7 Software Operation What y ou can d o with MD Simple Bu rner/ SonicStage ............... ........... ............... ........... 102 Installing .............. ........... ............ ............... ....... 104 Providin g the required system enviro nment .
8 About available f unctions and supplied manuals This se ction explains t he functions of this portab le MiniDis c recorder and the manua ls that have been suppl ied with it. Pl ea se refer to th e m an ual that appl ie s t o ea ch use of the record er .
9 Software Operation (pages 102 to 126) This sectio n explains the installati on and basic opera tions of the s upplied SonicStage/MD Simple Bu rner softwa re. SonicStage Help This is an onl i ne hel p t ha t you can view on your co mputer scre en. Online help explains the detai led opera tions and informatio n about So nicStage software.
10 Checking the supplied accessor ies Optic al cable (1 ) Clamp f ilters (2) For deta ils on the use of the clam p fi lt ers, refer to “How to use the sup plied clamp filter s” suppl ie d with this unit .
11 Recor der Op eration Looking at controls The recor der A Displa y w i ndow B T MARK/REC (+ N ) butt on C Jog dial D 5-way co nt ro l ke y E DC IN 3V jack F X (paus e) but ton G x (stop) • CANCEL/CHG b utton H OPEN switch I GR OUP button J •N A VI/ MENU butto n Pre ss li ghtly t o go to the N A VI (nav igation) settin g mode (page 47).
12 L LINE IN (OPT) jack M MIC (PLUG IN PO WE R) jack There is a tactile dot be side the MIC (PLUG IN PO WER) jack. N HOLD switch Slide the switch in the directio n of the arrow to disab le the buttons on the record er . T o pre vent t he bu ttons f rom bein g acci de nt al ly op er at ed wh en you carry the recorde r , use this function.
13 The headphones/earphones wit h a remote control A V OL +, – bu ttons Press t o ad just the volum e. B Jog lever ( NX /ENT, . , > • B AND, TUNE – , TUNE +) When usi n g an MiniDi sc When usi n g the radio C Displa y w i ndow D x (stop) b utton E (group ) +, – F RADIO ON/OFF b utton Press t o tu rn o n or off the ra dio.
14 The display window of the r emote contr ol A Disc i ndi ca tion B PRESET indica tion C Characte r in fo rmation displ ay D Sub pl ay mo de/Repea t play indications E SND (s ound) and SUR ( su rroun.
15 Getting started Charge the rechargeable batter y before using. 1 Insert the r echargeable batt ery . 2 Charging the rechar geable battery . 1 Conne ct the AC po wer adaptor t o DC IN 3V on the rec ord er and the AC power adapto r to a wa ll o ut let.
16 z Full c harging of a co mpletely di schar ged rechargeable bat te r y takes about 2 hou rs. Charging time ma y vary depend ing o n the battery condi tion. 3 Make conn ect ions and unlock the contr ols. 1 Connect the headphon es/earphones with t he remote control to i .
17 For models sup plied with the AC plug adaptor If the AC po wer adaptor does not f it the wall outlet, use the A C plug adaptor . When usi ng the dr y ba tter y Insert on e LR6 (size AA) alkali ne dry battery ( not supplied) in stead of the recha r geab le battery .
18 MD mode (Unit: approx.hours)( JEIT A) When pl aying continuous ly Hi-MD mode (When using a 1GB Hi- MD disc) (Unit: approx.hours )( JEIT A) Hi-MD mode (Whe n us in g a 60/74/80- minute standard disc) (Unit: approx.hours)( JEIT A) MD mode (Unit: approx.
19 Recording a disc right away! This sectio n explai ns the bas i c pro cedu re fo r m aking digit al reco rdi n gs us ing an optical cable connected to a C D player , Digital TV or other dig ital equipment. Mak e sure to use the optical cable. Note that you cannot recor d a radio broadcast that is being received on the remote contr ol.
20 2 Insert a r ecordable disc. 1 Slide OPE N to open t h e lid. 2 Insert a di s c wi th the l abe l side facing front, and pr es s t he li d dow n to close. 3 Confirm the operation mode. This re co rder has two ope ration mod es, “Hi-MD m ode” and “M D m ode”.
21 4 Recor d a disc. 1 Sele ct and pa use the sound so urc e to be record ed. 2 Make s u re that dis c indi cation has stoppe d rot ating in the display wi ndo w on the rec orde r . 3 While the re corder is stopped , pres s and hold T MAR K /R EC an d press N ENT on the reco rder .
22 If the recording do es not start • Ma ke s u r e t he reco rd er is not l o c ked (pag es 12, 16). • Make sure the disc is n ot record-pro tected (pages 20, 81).
23 Playing a disc ri ght away! 1 Insert a recor ded disc. 1 Slide O P EN to ope n th e li d. 2 Insert a d isc with the label si de faci ng front, and press t he lid do wn to clos e. 2 Play a disc. 1 Pres s th e 5-way control ke y ( N ENT) on the rec orde r .
24 If the play does not s t art Make sure t he recorder i s not lo c ked (pages 12 , 16). The playbac k soun d m a y skip if: • the recorde r is subject to strong, repeated shocks. • a dirty or scratch e d disc is played. When using a disc in Hi-MD mode , sound may drop out for a maxim um of ab out 12 se c onds .
25 Listening to the radio Y ou can enjoy radio programs with the bu i lt-in digital tuner in the remote control. While listening to the radio • Controls on the recor der cannot be used to operate the tuner. Only the remote control can be used. • Radio programs cannot be recor ded on the recorder .
26 T o tune in a station qu ickly In step 3 , slide a nd hol d the jog le v er unti l the freq uency indicati on begins to ch ange. The remote cont rol automatically scans the rad io frequen ci es and stop s w h en it f inds a cl ear sta tion.
27 Using me nus How to use the menu items The r ec order has ma n y m e nus with use fu l f un ctions for re cording, pl ay back, editi ng, et c. T o set the me nu items, do th e followi ng procedure. If you a re doing a m en u operatio n for the first t ime after purc hasing th e re corder, “Menu Mode” fla shes in the di splay .
28 1 Press and hold NA VI/MENU for 2 seconds or more to enter the menu. 2 T u rn the jo g dial to selec t the ite m . 3 Press the 5- way control key ( N ENT) to e n te r the selec tio n . 4 Repeat st ep s 2 and 3. The setting will be entered when you press the 5 -way control k ey ( N ENT) at th e la st .
29 List of menus The follo wing table shows the menu items tha t you can selec t. Some items can be set w i th both the record er and the re mote contr ol, and some can be s et with eit her the record er or the remote contr ol.
30 Menus of t h e recorder Menu 1 Menu 2 Function Site page Edit Titl e* Addin g a track n ame, ar tist name , alb um name, group nam e, or di sc name. page 57 : Set* Assigns recorded tracks or group s to a new group. page 60 : Release* Releases grou p settings.
31 REC Set REC Mode Se le c ts the rec or din g m ode (P CM, H i-S P, or Hi-LP for Hi-MD mode/SP, L P2, LP4, or monau ral for MD m ode ). page 37 RECV olum e* Manu al ly adjusts the recordi ng l e vel. page 38 MIC AGC* Sets the m ic rop hone recordi ng l evel adjust men t mo de .
32 V a rio us ways of recor ding Before r ecordi ng Selecting the op erati on mo de This recorder h as t w o ope ration m o d es, “Hi-M D m ode” and “M D m ode ”. The operation mode is automat i call y recogn ized when ever the di s c is in serted.
33 Viewing various information Y ou can check the remaining time, track number , etc. w he n re cordin g or du ring stop. 1 Pres s DISPL A Y repea tedly .
34 1 Enter the m enu and select “D i sp lay”. 2 T urn the jog dial until the informatio n you want ap pears in the disp lay , and then press N ENT to en ter the select ion.
35 While recording C / D / E • When using t he disc in Hi-MD mode , the free space will sho w as “2.0MB ” when the remai ning reco rding time become s “–0:00:00 ”. This is a syste m lim itation, “2.0MB” being the capacity o f the reserv e domain.
36 2 T urn the jog dial un til “Sens H igh” or “Sens Low” appe ars in th e di splay , and the n press N ENT to enter the select ion. Sens H ig h: When recordin g so ft sound or a so und with a nor m a l vol ume .
37 Recording fr om a TV or radio (Analog Recording) This sectio n explains how to r ecord from equ ip m en t with anal og o ut put, such as a casset te reco rder , radio, o r TV . This operat i o n can be don e on the record er only . 1 Make co nnections.
38 When recording a di sc used in MD mode z Audio comp onents that support th e linear PCM stereo, Hi- SP stere o and Hi-LP ster eo mode are indica ted by the or l ogo m ark. Audio co mponents that support the LP 2 stereo and LP4 stere o mod e are in d i cat ed by the or logo m ark.
39 4 While observing the lev el meter in t he display , adjust the reco rding lev el b y tu rn ing th e j og dial . Set the le vel so that th e meter segm ents l ight up aroun d –12d B segme nt. If a high s ound level causes the level meter to reach the O VE R se gment, lowe r the recording leve l.
40 T o cancel Time M ark Select “O ff” in st ep 1. Using Time Mark to add track marks while recording When the elapsed recording time exceeds the time in terv al for Time Mark: The reco rder adds track mark s at the point you set th e time interv al and fro m that point th e recorder adds a track mark whene ver the time interva l has elapsed .
41 It will not be possible to make a grou p setting if the tracks, groups and dis c name on a disc exceed th e max i mum number that can be input (in MD mod e onl y). The r ecorder is factor y set to create a new group automatica lly when recordi ng. This is con veni ent wh en reco rding se ver al CDs in succ e ssion.
42 T o start/stop recor ding in sync with the sound source (Synchro- recording) Durin g synchro- record i n g, the start ing and sto ppi n g of recording occ urs are synchr onized wi th the so und source. This simplif ies digital re cordings (e.g., from a CD pla yer ) since the ne ed to o perate the record er or the so und source is eliminated .
43 V a r ious ways of playback Viewing various information Y ou can chec k th e tr ac k nam e, di sc name , etc. d uring pla yback. 1 While pl aying, press DISP LA Y.
44 2 T urn the jog dial until the informatio n you want ap pears in the disp lay , and then press N ENT to en ter the select ion. Each turn chan ges the display a s follo ws.
45 Selecting the play mode Y ou can listen to tracks in va rious play modes. The play mode can consist of a comb ination of M ain play mode, Sub play mode and Rep eat play .
46 2 Press + or – to se l ect a desired artist. The reco rder play s th e t racks by the same artis t on the disc, from the f irst track to the last track , in recorded orde r .
47 Listening to a section of a track repeatedly (A-B Repeat ) Y o u can lis te n to a spe cific sec t ion wi th in a track repe atedly b y selectin g the startin g poin t A, and ending point B . Make sure that points A and B are within th e same track.
48 Play i ng trac k s in nor m a l m ode (Normal Play) 1 Do step 1 and select “Normal” i n step 2 of “P laying tracks in M a in play mode ” (page 47).
49 Listening to t rac ks of a selected album (Album Play) (in Hi-MD mode only ) If th e track data includes t he album name, you ca n lis ten to tracks of a se lected album only . 1 Do st ep 1 and select “A l b um” in step 2 of “Play in g t ra cks in Main play mode” ( pag e 47).
50 Playing tracks in Sub play mode/Repeat Play By specify ing Sub play mod es, you can listen to tracks selec ted in Main pla y mode in va rious ways. For examp le , by se le ct i ng “Group ” in Main play mo de and “Shuf fle” in Sub play mode, the recorder will play the track s i n th e selected gr oup in rando m order.
51 Searching f o r a track (Search) Y ou can ea si ly sear ch for a track b y track name, group name, a rtist name, or alb um name. Art ist names and album na mes can be vi ewe d in th e case of discs used i n Hi- MD mode only . This operat i o n can be don e on the record er only .
52 Adjusting the sound (V irtual-Surr ound • 6- Band Equalizer) Y ou ca n vary th e vi r tual sound to cre ate dif feren t acous tics, o r modify t he soun d to suit y our taste and store it for later use. The follo wing two ef fect ca n be selected.
53 4 Pre ss the j og lever to e n t er the sele cted sound mode. T o cance l the setting Press SOUND repe atedly until t he indication at B disappea rs. T o modify and store the sound Y ou c an mo dify the so un d and store the results in “Custom1” and “Custom2”.
54 Selecting the sound qua lity (6- Band Equal i zer) 1 While playing , enter the menu and selec t “ Sou nd” - “Sound EQ ”. 2 T urn the jog dial re peatedly to sel ec t the so un d m od e and then pre ss N ENT to enter th e selection. Each time you tu rn the jog dial, A chan ge s as follows.
55 Editi ng r ecorde d tracks Befor e editing Y ou can edi t your re cordings by adding/ erasing track mark s or labelin g tracks an d disc s. • When you edit th e conte nt s of a 1GB Hi-M D disc, c.
56 If you enter the s ymbol “//” between t he charact ers in disc names such as “abc//de f”, you may be unable to use the group function (in MD mode o nly). Y ou can label a track, grou p, or disc while the rec or der is stoppe d, recording or playi ng.
57 When th e recor di ng is stopped or the record ing mov es on to the n ext tra ck while la b e li ng titl e s during recording, the i nput at that p oint is enter e d au tomatically. Y ou ca n chang e the tr ack na me, art ist name, alb um name, grou p name, or disc name by doin g t he procedure f or “Labeli ng ” (page 56).
58 Since on ly a part of th e ch aracter pale t te is visib le on t he d is pl a y , us e the controls or butt ons to move the curso r an d ente r charac ters. Labeling 1 Enter the m enu and select “Ed it” - “T itle”. 2 Select one o f the follo wing, and then press the jo g di al .
59 5 Rep eat step 4, and th en e nter all char ac ters of the l a bel name. 6 Pres s N ENT fo r 2 seconds or m or e . Re-labeling Y ou ca n chang e the la bel of the di sc, a grou p or a t rack by doi ng the proced ure for “ Labelin g” (page 58) .
60 • When the total nu mber of c haracters in the title s o n a disc exceed th e m aximum that c an be input: —If the disc is being used in Hi- M D mode , you can make a group se tt ing, but c ann ot add a group na me in st ep 4. —If the disc is being use d in MD mode, you canno t ma ke a grou p set tin g.
61 Releasing a group setting (Gr oup Release) Sele ct a gr oup yo u want to rel ease and check t he con t e nts (see “Pla ying tr acks i n a group (G roup Play )” (pa ge 45) ). 1 Sele ct a gr oup th at yo u want to rele as e and check th e co ntents (see page 45) .
62 1 While pl aying the trac k you want to mov e , enter the menu a n d se lect “Edit ” - “Mo ve” - “ : Mov e”. The s elected track number appears in the display . 2 Slide the jog le ver repeatedl y until the destinat ion track numb er flashes in the display .
63 3 Slide the jog le ve r repeat edly until the desti nation track num be r ap pears in the display , and then press th e jog lev er to enter the selecti on. 1 While playin g a tr ack wit hin a g roup whose order you wa nt to c hange, enter the menu and select “Edit” - “M ove” - “ : Move ”.
64 2 When m ovi ng a t rack out of a group , skip this step. When m oving a tr ack to a dif fere nt group, tu rn the jog dial un t il th e destina tion group app ears in the disp lay , and t hen pr ess N ENT. 3 T urn the jog dial until the destination track number appear s in the displ ay , and the n press N ENT to enter the select ion.
65 Note tha t on ce a r ecording has been erased, you cannot retrieve it. Make sure of the trac k yo u are eras ing. 1 Whil e p la yi ng th e track you want to eras e, en t er th e menu and sel ect “Edit ” - “Era se” - “ : Er ase”. “Eras e O K ? ” and “PushENT ER” appear in t he displa y .
66 T o erase a track 1 While pl aying the trac k you want to eras e, ente r the me nu and s elect “Edit ” - “Erase” - “ : Eras e” . “Eras e OK?” and “P U SH YES: ENTER NO:C ANCEL” ap pear in the di splay . If the selected trac k was transfe rred from th e co mputer , “TrkFrom PC Erase OK ?” appear s i n t he d isplay .
67 Dividing a track (Divide) Y ou can divide a track wi t h a trac k mark, crea ting a new t rack f rom the part follo wing the track mark. The track numbers will increase as fo llows. This operat i o n can be don e on the record er only . • Y ou cannot add a tr ack mark on a track th at has been transferred f rom your com puter .
68 Combining tracks (Combine) When yo u reco rd wit h anal og (l ine) i nput, unnece ssary track marks may be recor ded wher e re cording l evel is low . Y ou can erase a tr ack mark to com bine the trac ks befo re and after t he tr ack mark. The trac k numbers wil l change as fo l lows.
69 For matting the disc (Format) When u sing a disc in Hi -MD mode, y ou can us e the F ormat fun ction t o resto re a disc to th e condition it w as in at the time of pu rc hase. Y ou can use this functi on only when using a disc in H i - MD mode. • By formattin g a disc, all data (includi ng non- audio data) will b e erase d.
70 Other op erations Changing the displayed menu items (Menu Mode) Y o u can specif y the dis play of all items in the m enu (Advance d mode) or only ba sic items (Simp le mode). Refer to “Li st of m enus” (page 29) to check the menu items that cannot be display ed.
71 2 Turn the jog dial u ntil “A VLS On ” appear s in t he displ ay , and then pre ss N ENT to enter the selection. T ur ning of f the beep sound Y ou can tur n of f /o n th e be ep so un d on th e record er and th e remot e control . 1 Enter the me nu and select “ Option” - “Beep ”.
72 • Settings for up to 64 di scs can be stored. Any settings st or ed after wards will repl ace t he settin gs with the lowest fr equency of use among th e 64. The nu mbe r s of disc s th at can be stored depend on th e num be rs of tracks recorded on the di s cs .
73 1 Enter the me nu and select “ Option” - “Quick Mode”. 2 T urn t he jog di al un til “Q uick On” appear s in t he displ ay , and then pre ss N ENT to enter the selection.
74 Adjusting the contr ast of the display window (Contrast Adjustment) Y ou ca n ad just the cont r as t of the display wind ow on th e r ecorder . This ope ra tion can be don e on the record er only . 1 While the re corder is s topped, enter the menu and select “Option” - “Con t r ast”.
75 V arious way to us e th e radio Presetti ng radio stations Y ou can preset up to 40 radio st ations (30 for FM and 10 for AM). 1 Press RADIO ON/OFF t o turn on th e radi o. If “PRE SET” is displ aye d, pr ess P-MODE/ to make it disappear from the di splay .
76 Usin g the recorder wit h a co m pu te r What you can do through connection with a computer T o use t he r ecorder co nne cted to a computer , you must install the software from the supplied CD-R OM. For details on the i nstallation pr ocedure, refer to the “Softwar e Operati on” section.
77 1 Insert a recordable di sc into the record er . 2 Make co nnection s as follows. 1 Connect the dedi cated USB cable t o the reco rder and to th e c omputer . 2 Make sure the recorder is stopped and HOLD is relea sed. 3 Check the conn ecti ons. When t he conn ection s ha ve be en prope rl y ma de, “PC – –MD” app ears in the display .
78 • It i s not possibl e to charge t he rechargeable battery in th e reco rd er while using the b us po wer co nn ecti o n. • W e d o not ensur e trouble -free operatio n on all com puters that s atisfy th e sys tem requir e me nts.
79 The storage space for each disc (for matted with the recorder/the SonicStage sof tware) Disc type T o tal size Disc management space 1)2) 1) This is space tha t is use d for ma naging the files on the disc . 2) The si ze of the disc m anagement sp ace changes a ccording to the o perating condi tions of your computer and other factor s.
80 Additi ona l informatio n Precauti o ns On safety Do not put any foreign objects in the DC IN 3V jack. On power sources • Use ho use current, nickel metal hydride rechar geable batt ery , or LR6 ( size AA) batt ery . • For use in your house : use the AC po wer adapt or suppl ie d w ith th is recorder .
81 • Because of the ba ttery’ s character istics, t he capaci ty of the rech ar geable ba tt ery may be smal ler than n ormal w hen it is used for the first time or after a long pe r iod of dis use. In this case, cha rge and disc harge the ba tte r y several times.
82 Specifications MD recorder Audio pla ying system MiniDisc digi ta l audio system Laser diode proper ti es Material: GaAlAs W av eleng th: λ = 790 nm Emission dura ti on: c ont inuous Laser output : le ss th an 44.
83 General P o wer requirements Sony AC Power Adaptor connec t ed at the DC IN 3V jack: 120 V AC, 60 Hz (Models for USA, Canada, Mexico, and T a iwa n) 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz (Models for cont inental Europe a nd Chile) 240 V AC, 50 Hz (Mo de l for Austr alia ) 230 V AC , 50 Hz (Mo de ls for U.
84 T ro ubl eshooting an d exp lanations T roubleshooting If a prob l em occurs dur ing record er operation , fo llow th e steps desc ribed below bef o r e consul t ing the neares t Sony dealer . If a ny me ss ages appear, it is reco mmended to ta ke notes.
85 While reco rding Symptom Cause/ Remed y “NotENOUGH PO WER T O REC” appear s and recor ding cannot be done o n a 1GB Hi-MD disc. • R ecording is not possible whe n usin g a 1GB Hi-MD disc ev en when the batter y leve l in di ca tion shows en oug h power remai ni ng while t he recorder is stoppe d or playing.
86 Stereo sound is heard in the headpho nes/ earpho nes while recordi ng in mo naural. • Thi s i s normal. Du ring digital recording, the sound will be stereo in the headp hon es/earphones, even though the recor ded sound is monaur al. Momentar y noise is heard w he n recording.
87 While playing Symptom Caus e/ Rem ed y A disc is no t played normal ly . • Repeat pl ay is sel ected. , Press P-MODE/ to change back t o the norm a l pl a y (pa ge 45). • Playb ack mode is ch anged. , Enter the Main pla y m ode or Sub play mode to ch ange back to the normal pla y (p age 45).
88 There is no R- channe l soun d output whe n playin g a track recorde d from a cass e tt e deck or through a n ampl ifier , or when listen in g to sound from a cas sette deck or amplifier . • Ther e is no R-chan nel ou tput i f the c asset te dec k or an amplif ier is connec te d with a monau r al cord.
89 Tracks cannot be combined . • This i s due to the MiniDi sc system limitat ions. When the tr acks are scattered a nd th e le ng th of each track is sho rt* , yo u ma y no t be able to combi ne the t racks. * Combining tr a c ks of the fol lowi ng le ngt hs may not be possible.
90 e fl ashes in t he display on the remote co ntrol and the radio doe s not operat e. • Th e re ch argeable ba tt er y is used up. , Charge the ba ttery (page 1 5). While th e recorder is connected to the computer Symptom Cause/Remedy The r ecorder i s not recogni zed by the comput er .
91 The dis c size displa yed on the compute r is not the same as the disc size printed on the disc. • The dif f eren ce is due to the use of th e binary system to indic ate the di sc size on the computer an d the decimal syst em to express the disc size on the disc and ot her recording medi a.
92 The display w indo w is not norm al. • T he recorder was discon ne ct ed from the power source. , Let the recor der sit for a wh ile, or d isconne ct the po wer sou rce, reconnec t it, an d then press any of the operation buttons.
93 Messages If th e follo wing m essages flash i n the d isplay w indo w on the recor der , chec k the ch art belo w . Message Meaning/Remedy A VLS NO VOL U ME OPERA TION • A VLS is set to “A VLS On” an d so the volum e ca nn ot rise higher. , Set A V L S to “A VL S O ff” ( p a ge 70) .
94 DC IN TOO HIGH • V oltage of the power supply is too h i gh (The supplied A C po wer adaptor or the recom m e nded car batter y cor d is not used). , Use the s u pp lied A C po w er adaptor or th e recommend ed car batte ry cord. DISC FULL • Recording may not b e done if th e remainin g recordab le time o n the disc is 48 seconds or less.
95 NO DIGIT AL COPY • Y ou trie d to ma k e a co py from a disc that is prot ec ted by the Serial Copy Manage ment System. Y ou cannot ma ke co pies from a digitally co nnected sour ce whi ch w as itse lf re corded usin g digi tal co nnecti on. , Use an alog con nection instea d (pa ge 37).
96 PR O TECTED DISC • Y o u tri ed to re co rd or edit on a disc with the tab in th e re co rd-protect position. , Slide the tab ba ck (page 81) . PUSH STOP BUTTON • Y o u t ried to ope n t he lid.
97 Explanations About Hi-MD “Hi-MD” is a ne w MiniDisc forma t. Incorpo rati ng the new A TRAC3plus audio compr es sio n te chn ology, Hi-MD is a ne w recordi ng f o rma t that delivers longer recordin g t im es tha n ord inar y MDs. Hi- MD di scs can also be used as a compute r storage medium for non-audio data such as text a nd images.
98 List of the recording time for each disc When usi ng a disc i n Hi-MD mode When recording on the recorder Recor ding time 1) 1) Approx imate ti me Recording mode on the recorder Codec/ Bit rate 1GB Hi-MD disc 80-minute standard disc 74-minute standard disc 60-minute standard disc PCM Linear PCM/ 1.
99 When using a di s c in MD mode When recording on the recor der Recording time 1) 1) Approxima te tim e Recordi ng mod e on t he recorder Codec/ Bit rate 80-minute standard disc 74-minute standard d.
100 Note on digital recording This rec order uses the Serial Copy Ma nagement Sys tem, which al lo ws onl y f irst-generation digital copies to be made from prema stered software. Y ou can on ly make copies from a home- recorded disc by using the anal og ( lin e out) connections.
101 Differ e nce bet w een digi tal (optical ) and analo g (line) input s The input j ack of this rec order works as both digital a nd analog input j acks. Connect the recor der to a CD pla yer or a cass et te re corder usi n g e i th er d i gi tal (optical ) input or anal og (lin e) input.
102 What you can do with MD Sim ple Bur ner/SonicStage MD Simple Burner allo ws you to record musi c tracks fr om an audio CD in the CD driv e of your compute r to an MD W a lkman, without f irst recordi ng the music trac ks to the compu ter .
103 Software Opera tion Basic operational flow using an MD W alkman Providing the r equired system envir onment (page 104) Installing the softwar e onto your computer (page 105) SonicStage MD Simple B.
104 Installi ng Providi ng t he required system envir onment The follo wing syst em env ironment is requ ired in order to use the SonicS tage/MD Simple Burner software fo r the MD W alkman.
105 Installing t h e software onto your computer Before installing the software • Make su re to close any viru s-chec k so ftware, as s u ch software u su ally deman ds a large amount of sys tem resour ce s. • When you use the MD W alkman, mak e sure to i nstall the sof tware with th e supplied CD- RO M .
106 3 Click [Install SonicStage and MD Simple Burner] and then follow th e displayed instructions. Read the ins tructions carefull y . Depe ndi ng on your region , the button s o ther than [In st al l Son icStage and M D Simple Burner] may d iffer fr om those in the illustratio n above .
107 Using MD Si mple Bur ner Before using MD Simple Burner MD Sim ple Burner al lo ws you t o record mu sic tracks from an au dio CD in the C D dri ve of your computer to the MD W a lkman.
108 Recor ding usin g M D W alkman op erat ion s (S imp le mo de ) 1 Insert a recordab le disc into the MD W alkman and then connect the MD W a lkm an to the computer . For detai l s about conn ect i on s, see the “R ec order Opera tion” section .
109 Recording by computer operations (Standard mode) T o start MD S imple Burner, clic k [Start] – [Al l Programs]* – [MD Simple Burner] – [MD Simple Bu rner].
110 The windo w f or r ecording selected trac ks from an audio CD [Erase] Disc name (MD) T r a c k inform ation (CD) Album T i tle Recordi ng mode drop down me nu [REC/ STOP] T rack in formation (MD) Y ou ca n ch ange the track na me and trac k numb er [CLOSE] T o cl ose the disp lay as shown on page 109 , cli c k here.
111 Using Son icStage Importing audio data This s ect ion explains how to re co rd and store au dio data from an audio CD to M y Li br ar y of Soni cS tage on the har d di s k dri ve of yo ur com p uter . Y ou ca n record or impo rt music from ot her sou rces s uch as th e Inter net and your comp uter’ s ha rd d i sk.
112 4 If necessary , click to uncheck tracks you do not want to record. If you un ch ecked a box by mista ke, cl ic k it again to restor e the check. T o ch ec k all boxes, click . T o un ch eck all boxes, cl ic k . 5 If necessary , chan ge th e format and bit rate for audio CD rec ording.
113 T r ansf erring audio data from your computer to the MD W alkma n Audio d ata stored in My Library o f SonicStag e can be trans f erred to your MD W alkm an an infi ni te number of times. 1 Connect your MD W alk man to the computer . For detail s a bout connec t io ns, see “Rec or de r Operatio n” .
114 4 If necessary , change the tran sfer mo de. As the def ault setting , tracks in the OpenMG (PCM/A TRA C3/A TRAC3p lus) format will be t ransferred in th e same format and bit rate (normal transfe r).
115 T r ansf erring back audio data fr om the MD W alkman to your computer Audi o d ata that has be en transferre d from your co mputer and s tored on the M D can be transf erred back to M y Li b rary of SonicS ta ge o n yo ur computer. 1 Connect your MD W alk man to the computer .
116 T o stop transfer ring Click . Tracks transfer red to the M D W alkma n from anoth er computer cannot be tr ansferred bac k to My Library on you r comp uter . Tracks that have been rec or ded on a Hi-MD W alkm an* can be impo rted to My Libra ry of SonicS tage on yo ur comput er only o nce.
117 T o stop importing Cli ck . Note • Y ou can not im port tracks that were recor de d in a Ne t MD mo de to your computer, or tracks that have been rec orded on a device that does not suppo rt Hi-MD mode.
118 Using SonicStage Help SonicS tage Help provid es fur t he r details on how to us e So nicStage. So ni cS tage Help allo ws you to searc h easily for information fro m a list of ope rations, such a.
119 1 Double click [Ov erv ie w] in the left-side frame. 2 Click [About Th is Help File]. The ex pl anation will appear in the r ig ht-side f ra me. 3 Read the text. Scroll th e display if necessary . Click u nderlined words to jump to their explanatio ns.
120 Referring to Soni cStage Help Click [C on tents] on th e le ft si de of the Help wi nd o w to vi ew a lis t o f ite ms for each operation. Click on an y items for detail s.
121 W e r ecommend t hat you back up your mu sic data a s a precaution against ha rd disk cras hes or co mputer replac ement. Back in g u p audio data T o SonicStage Help Back up a udio data in M y Li.
122 Other informat ion Uninstalling SonicStage/MD Simple Bur ner T o uninstall SonicStage/MD Simple Burner, follo w the procedures b elow . 1 Click [Start]–[Control Panel]*. ∗ [Setting s]–[Control Panel] in the case of Wi ndo ws 2000 Professi onal/W indo ws M illennium Edition/Windows 98 Second Edition 2 Double-clic k [Add/Remov e Prog rams].
123 On copyright protection The OpenMG technology allo ws you to en joy digital music, while maint aining the copyri ght s o f its ho lders. Soni cSt age encryp t s au dio files in OpenMG format an d st or es them on the h ard disk of y our computer to pr ev ent unauthorized distribu tion.
124 T roubleshooting Please refe r to the follow in g s teps if you encounter a problem while u sing S onic St ag e/ MD Simple Burner. 1 Check the symptoms in this “T roubleshoot ing” section. 2 Check th e symptoms in SonicStage He lp when you use Son icStage.
125 The software cannot be installed onto y our computer Problem Cause/Remedy The in s t allation was no t succes sful. Y ou ar e usi ng an OS tha t do es no t su pp ort thi s soft w are . t See page 104 for more deta ils. All wind o ws app lications ar e no t closed.
126 Using a MD Walkman connected to the computer Problem Cause/Rem edy Y our computer does not recogn ize the MD W a lkman. The MD W alkman is not f irmly con nected with the suppl ie d dedicated U S B cable to the co mputer . t Reconnect the MD W alkman to the compute r firmly .
127 Index Nume rics 6-Ban d Equali ze r 52 A Access ories opti onal 83 supplied 10 ATRAC 3plus 97 AVLS 70 B Batt ery batter y life 17 dry batt er y 17 rechar geable ba ttery 15 BEEP 71 Bookm ark add 4.
128 R Radio listen ing 75 turning on /o ff 25 Record ing adding t rac k m arks 39 analo g 37 digital 19 from micr op h on e 35 level 36 , 38 mode (Hi-MD/MDLP ) 37 Record ing mode 108 Recording mode (B.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony MZ-NHF800 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony MZ-NHF800 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony MZ-NHF800, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony MZ-NHF800 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony MZ-NHF800, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony MZ-NHF800.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony MZ-NHF800. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony MZ-NHF800 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.