Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit KDL32EX340 du fabricant Sony
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4-433-081 - 11 (1) LCD TV Operating I nstruction s Intr oduc ing You r New BRAVIA ® Getting Sta rted Operati ng the TV Using Fea tures Using the Menus Other In formation Sony Customer Supp ort U.S.A.: http://www .sony .co m/tvsupport Canada: http://www .
2 CAUTION To pre vent electr ic shock and blade e xposure, do not use this p olarized AC plug with an extensi on cord, r eceptac le or other o utlet un less the blad es can b e fully inse rted. ❑ Operat e the TV on ly on 110 -240 V AC (USA/Canada /Mexico 120 V AC).
3 Contents Introduc ing Your New BRAVI A ® Welcom e to the W orld of BR AVIA ® . . . . . . . . 4 Experien cing Stun ning HD w ith Your BRAVIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Four Steps t o a Stun ning HD Experienc e . . .
4 Introducing Your New BRAVIA ® Welcome t o th e World of BRAVI A ® Thank y ou for ch oosing this Sony BRAVI A ® high-d efinition tel evision. Use the docum entation l isted below t o get the mos t out of yo ur TV.
5 Introducing Your Ne w BRAVIA ® The Four S teps to a Stunni ng HD Experience Set, Source, Sound, and Setup Along wit h your BRAVIA TV set , a com plete HD system re quires a source of HD programmi ng, an HD sound sys tem, and a p roper conn ection setup .
6 ➢ Ph oto Frame ( KDL-42EX440/3 2EX340 onl y) : You ca n enjo y the large photo frame di splay with m usic (pag e 34). ➢ On Timer : Set tim er to w ake up TV a utomatica lly with p referred se tting of input and vo lume. You can also wa ke up with your favor ite photo and musi c through photo fram e feature (p age 50).
7 Getting Started Getting S tarted Sett ing Up Your TV Some TV mo dels are packaged w ith a detache d Table-Top S tand so y ou can mou nt your TV to a wall r ight away. If yo u are not mounting the TV to a wall , you will ne ed to attach the T able-Top Stand.
8 Attach ing the Table- Top Sta nd • Ref er to the sup plied stand leafl et fo r prop er att achm ent. • For best pictu re quality , do no t expose the screen to direct i llumi nation or s unlight. 1 Place the TV with i ts screen facing dow n on a level and stabl e surface c overed wit h a thick and soft cl oth.
9 Getting Started • Be sure to s ecurely t ighten the three supp lied screws , otherwise the TV may fall down. • Use an appro priate scre wdriver t o attach th e screws tight ly witho ut damagi ng the scre w head. • Please en sure the AC power c ord is away from the stand ins tallation locati on when yo u attac h the stand.
10 Locatin g Input s and Output s Item Description 1 CABLE/ ANTENNA RF input tha t conne cts to yo ur Cable or VHF/UHF a ntenna. 2 AUDIO OUT Connects to the audio input jacks of your an alog audio equ ipment . You can use these output s to list en to y our TV’s a udio throug h you r stereo system .
11 Getting Started • An HDMI or Compone nt vid eo (YP B P R ) connec tion is re quired to v iew 480 i, 480p, 72 0p, 108 0i and 1080p v ideo formats. 1 080/24p is availab le only w ith HDM I connecti on.
12 Con nectin g the TV Cable System or VHF/UHF Antenna System You c an enjoy h igh-defi nition an d standar d-defin ition digi tal progr amming ( if availabl e in your area) along with stand ard-definit ion analo g program ming.
13 Getting Started HD Cable Box/HD Satellit e Box You can e njoy hig h-defini tion prog ramming by subscr ibing to a high-defi nition c able servic e or a high-def inition s atellite ser vice.
14 x Shown with Component Connection • If you r equipmen t has a DVI out put and not an HDMI output, connect th e DVI out put to the H DMI IN 1 (with DVI-to-HDMI c able or ad apter) an d connect the audio o utput t o the AUDIO IN of PC IN. For detai ls, see p age 10.
15 Getting Started PC Use the TV as a monitor for your PC by connecting a n HD15-HD15 c able connec tion as shown be low. This TV can also b e connect ed to a PC wi th a DVI or H DMI output.
16 Connect ing Ot her Equi pment • Refe r to the Qu ick S etup Guid e (supplie d) when c onnecting other e quipment t o your TV. Personal computer Blu-ray Disc Playe r/ “PS3” DVD player Digital .
17 Getting Started When Ins talli ng the T V Agains t a Wall or Encl osed Area Make sure th at your TV h as adequate v entilatio n. Allow enough space arou nd the TV as shown be low.
18 Secu ring th e TV Sony str ongly recom mends taki ng measures to prevent th e TV from to ppling over. Un secured T Vs may topp le and resu lt in prop erty damag e, serious bodily injury or even deat h. Preventing the TV from Toppling ❑ Secure the TV to a wall and/or stand.
19 Getting Started 2 Secure the TV to the stand. Use the op tional har dware listed below (not s upplied): • M4 machine sc rew (screwed into the TV’ s Table-Top Stand ). • A screw o r similar (attach it t o the T V stand). • Rope or c hain (stron g enough t o support th e weigh t of the TV).
20 Run ning Init ial Se tup During ini tial setup, y ou will perform the follow ing: • Set the langua ge for the O n Screen Display (OSD) text • Choo se your v iewing environm ent • Scan fo r digita l and ana log channe ls • Set the current date and ti me after Auto Program .
21 Getting Started • If you can cel the Auto Program , any ch annels y ou have s elected are not registered. To res can for availa ble chann els, run Auto Program . • Connect either your cable or a ntenna to the TV ( you can c onnect both using an A-B RF swi tch (not suppli ed)); for more detai ls see pa ge 12.
22 Operating the TV Using the Remo te Control To Insert Batteries into the Remote Control Insert two size AA batt eries (supplied) by m atching e and E on the batteries to the diagram inside the battery co mpartment of the remote c ontrol.
23 Operating the T V Remote Control Button Descripti on • The 5 , N and CH + buttons have a ta ctile dot. Use th em as a r eferenc e when opera ting th e TV. Button Description 1 INPU T Press to display the list of Exte rnal Inputs and TV mode. Pr ess repea tedly to toggle th rough t he inputs.
24 • When y ou se t Scene Select to Photo , Music , Cinema , Game or Sports , Sound Mode is automati cally se t to Stand ard . Button Description 4 Colored buttons When t he colored buttons a re avai lable, an operati on guide appears on the screen.
25 Operating the T V Button Description 8 0-9 Press 0-9 to sele ct a chann el. 9 Use with 0-9 to select digital chann els. For examp le, to ente r 2.1, press , , and . 0 VOL ( 2 ) +/– Press to a djust t he vol ume. qa MUTING Press to mute the soun d.
26 TV Contro ls and In dicators Item Description 1 (IR) Infrared Recei ver/ Light sens or Receives IR signal from the re mote con trol. Sens es room light le vel and adju sts the sc reen br ightne ss acco rding ly. Do no t put anyth ing ov er the sen sor, doing so ma y affect i ts func tion.
27 Operating the T V • For more in formation about set ting up the extern al inputs labels, s ee page 50 . • Make sur e that the T V is com pletely s witched off before u nplugging the power co rd. 9 HOME Touch to display menu with T V func tions a nd settin gs (see “Using the Menus” on page 36).
28 Using Features BRAVIA ® Sync TM with Control for HDMI With the Control for HDMI function, BRAVIA Sync helps to communic ate with BRAVIA Sync- compatible e quipment using HDMI CEC (Co nsumer Electronics Control ). Use the fol lowing se ttings and tips to help uni fy contro l of your connecte d equipmen t.
29 Using Features Using P IP Fea ture PIP (pict ure in pic ture) disp lays a p icture from a conne cted PC in full scr een, and a TV progr am or other external in put (see below “T o Enter PIP” table) in an inse t wind ow. ( Closed Captions (CC) is not availabl e with PIP mode.
30 Favorite s Your fa vorite chann els and externa l inputs can be accesse d by press ing the HOME button once they are added to the list. 1 Press HOME . 2 Press V / v to select Favorite s , then press . The f avorites l ist appe ars. 3 Press V / v to selec t a channel or input, then press .
31 Using Features Normal is av ailable w ith 480i o r 480p sources only. Wide Mode wit h PC Wide Mod e is als o availa ble for the PC settings . When a PC is connected t o the TV and PC inp ut is se lected, yo u can change the PC Screen settings.
32 Inpu ts Press INPUT to displ ay the Input menu and toggle th rough the extern al inputs to select your v ideo signal for view ing includi ng the TV m ode. The inputs li st consis ts of TV mode and other eq uipment connecte d to the T V. You ca n label yo ur external i nputs to identi fy th em easi ly.
33 Using Features x Notes whe n playing ba ck files • Whil e the TV is accessing the data on the U SB device, o bserve t he followi ng: – Do not turn o ff the T V or connec t USB device. – Do not di sconnect the USB c able. – Do not re move the USB devi ce.
34 Photo Fra me (KDL- 42EX440/32EX340 only) You can enjoy look ing at photo s, listening to mus ic, or see ing the c lock a nd calendar , at the s ame time. You ca n enter pho to frame mod e using any of t he followi ng methods: You ca n switch the frame, e.
35 Using Features x To select Cl ock Display mode There ar e five calen dar disp lay modes . When the Disp lay Mode se tting is s et to Image and Clock , you can s et to Calendar , Analog Clock or Digital Clock . When the Display Mode setting is set to Full Screen Clock , you c an set to Calendar , Calendar and Cloc k or Clock .
36 Using the Menus Naviga ting t hrough TV Menus The HOME button allows you to a ccess a v ariety of TV settings and USB media files. 1 Press on the re mote control to d isplay th e menu optio ns. 2 Press V / v / B / b to navig ate on the menu o r adjust th e sett ings.
37 Using the Me nus The Settings icon con tains all of the neces sary confi gurations to customiz e your T V settings. The opti ons you can select ma y vary. Una vailable op tions are gr ayed out or not d ispl ayed . Picture: a djust the picture on your T V to fit you r viewi ng prefe rence.
38 Using the Picture Settings Option Description Picture Mode Custom ized pict ure v iewi ng Display s the opti ons sel ected in th e Sc ene Select s ettings (p age 24). Wh en Scene Sel ect is set to Gener al , th e first three optio ns below can b e selecte d.
39 Using the Me nus •A v a i l a b l e Picture option s, inclu ding op tions in Advanced Settings depend on Scene Select and Picture Mode . Advan ced Settings Reset Re sets the advanc ed settin gs to the default value s.
40 Using the S ound Set tings Option Description Sound Mo de Custom ized sound listenin g Sets a sound mode. Sound Mode include s options best sui ted for video and photographs , respe ctively . The avai lable opti ons depen d on the s cene sel ect settin gs.
41 Using the Me nus • MTS Audio is only available for analo g program s. • Alternate Audi o is o nly avai lable if th e progra m is broa dcast with a lternat e audio s treams. • You can also acc ess So und Mode , MTS Au dio and Alternate Audio by using th e OPTIONS button on th e remo te control.
42 Using the Screen Settings • Normal in the Wi de Mode s etting is not av ailable w hen you are wat ching a 72 0p, 108 0i or 1080 p source. • If 4:3 Def ault is set to any thing but Of f , the Wide Mode settin g changes only for t he curre nt channel.
43 Using the Me nus • For the PC Input Sign al Referenc e Chart, s ee page 54 . • Aut o Ad ju stm ent , Phase and Pitch a re not ava ilable with PC signal connected to HDMI input. Option Description Vertical Cent er Allows yo u to m ove the po sition o f the pi cture up an d down.
44 Using the Channel Settings • You sh ould ru n Auto Program af ter changin g the Signa l Type setting. • Run ning Auto Program will clea r the Favorites list. • Chan nels that you s et to be hi dden can b e acce ssed by t he 0-9 and buttons. • You ca n set c hannels to be hidde n that a re automa ticall y set in Au to P rog ra m .
45 Using the Me nus Usin g the Pa rental Lock Se ttin gs Option Descri ption Password The Pa rental Loc k settings al low yo u to set up the TV to b lock p rograms according to thei r content a nd rating l evels. U se 0-9 on the remot e control t o enter a fou r-digit password.
46 • You ne ed your password f or any futu re acce ss into t he Parental Lo ck setti ngs. If yo u lo se yo ur password, s ee “Lost p assword” on page 70 .
47 Using the Me nus Canadian Models: Selecting Custom Parental Lock Rating Options To select cus tom rating options for Can ada, select Canada in the Cou ntr y setting ( page 45). Viewing Blocked Programs You can vie w blocked p rograms by entering your passwo rd.
48 Using the Setu p Settings Option Description Photo Frame Settings (KDL- 42EX440/ 32EX34 0 only) Disp lay Mod e Allows you t o sele ct the dis play mod e. Sele ct from Image and Clock , Full Screen Image or Full Screen Clock . Se e page 34. Clock Di splay Allows y ou to s elect the clock dis play.
49 Using the Me nus • You can turn on Clos ed Captions (CC) option s ( On , Off or On wh en Muting ) by pressing the CC button o n the remo te control. Closed Captions (CC) Allows yo u to s elect from several c losed ca ption m odes (for p rograms th at are broadcas t with clos ed caption ing).
50 • You ca n assign following l abels for each inpu t (except T V): –, Cable, Sate llite, VCR, DVD/BD, Home The ater, Game, Camcorder, Digital Camera, PC, Edit (except PC IN) –, Edit (fo r PC IN) •“ – ” indic ates that no labe ls are as signed.
51 Using the Me nus Option Descri ption HDMI Settings Communi cates wi th equipm ent compa tible wi th the Control fo r HDMI function. Control for HDMI Links t he opera tions of t he TV a nd the equi pment.
52 Product Support Contact Sony Sony contact i nformat ion is av ailable on this s creen for y our conven ience. TV specif ic informa tion s uch as M odel Name, Serial Num ber, So ftware Ver sion and d ownloadabl e ratings ( if ava ilable f rom t he TV) a re dis playe d here.
53 Using the Me nus Usin g the Ec o Setti ngs Option Descri ption Reset Res ets the curren t Eco setti ngs to the default v alues. Power Saving Sel ect f rom Off , Low , High , Picture Off t o adjus t your TV’ s power consumpt ion. By selec ting th e High option, y ou will reduce the power co nsumptio n more tha n the other avail able settings .
54 Other Information PC Input Sign al Reference Cha rt for PC and HDMI IN After c onnecting th e PC to the TV , set the outp ut signal from the PC ac cording to t he chart be low. x KDL-32EX3 40 x KDL-42EX4 41/KDL-42E X440 * The 10 80p timin g when appl ied to t he HDMI input wil l be treated as a vid eo timing and not PC timing.
55 Other Information Using a Wall-Mount Bra cket Your TV c an be mounte d on a wall usi ng a Wall-Mou nt Bracket (not supplied) out of the box as pa ckaged. S ome larg er size TV ma y requ ire remov ing the Ta ble-Top S tand; refer to the ins tructions pr ovided with the TV.
56 Installi ng the Wall-Mount Bra cket x To Customers Your TV can be wall -mounted using SU-W L500 or S U-WL100 Wal l-Mount Br acket (so ld separate ly). Please p rovide thi s install ation info rmation as w ell as the i nstruction s upplied with SU- WL500 or SU-WL10 0 Wall-Moun t Bracke t to your in staller.
57 Other Information For SU-WL500 (KDL-4 2EX441/4 2EX440 only) Step 1: C heck the parts requ ired for th e installati on Open th e Wall-Mount Bracket p ackage and c heck the c ontents for all requi red parts along wi th the Inst ructions. Step 2: Decide on the installation locat ion Decide wh ere you want to install you r TV.
58 Step 4: Prepare the TV for wall mount installation Follow the ste ps below to prepare for insta lling the TV. 1 Discon nect all the ca bles from the TV. 2 Detach th e Table-To p Stand from th e TV. 1 Place the TV w ith its screen facing do wn on a level and s table su rface covere d with a thick and soft cloth.
59 Other Information 3 Secure the Mounting Hoo k to the rear of the TV. Determine the screw l ocations an d secure the Mounti ng Hooks t o the rear of the TV. Refer to t he “Screw a nd Hook Loca tions Diag ram/Table” show n below. 1 Secure th e Mountin g Hooks to the rea r of the TV using only t he suppli ed screws (M6 × 16).
60 x Screw and Hook Locations Diagram/Table 4 Adjus t t he angl e o f th e M ount ing Ho ok. Refer to the Instruc tions for SU -WL500. Step 5: Insta ll the TV on the wall Refer to the Instruc tions for SU -WL500. ~ • When y ou put the TV bac k on the T able-Top St and, revers e the ab ove step s.
61 Other Information For SU-WL100 (KDL-3 2EX340 only ) Step 1: C heck the parts requ ired for th e installati on Open th e Wall-Mount Bracket p ackage and c heck the c ontents for all requi red parts along wi th the Inst ructions. Step 2: Adjust the position of the holders of the Base Plate Refer to t he Instru ctions for SU -WL100.
62 Step 5: Prepare the TV for wall mount installation Follow the ste ps below to prepare for insta lling the TV. 1 Discon nect all the ca bles from the TV. 2 Detach th e Table-To p Stand f rom the TV. For details, see page 58. 3 Align t he holes on the le ft Mounting Hook with the corresp onding hole s on the rear of the TV.
63 Other Information 5 Align the holes on the rig ht Mounting Hook with the correspo nding holes on the rear of the TV. Secure them to the TV using two scr ews (suppli ed with SU-WL 100). Step 6: I nstall the TV on the Bas e Plate Refer to t he Instru ctions for SU -WL100.
64 x Hook locations diagram Inst all the TV o nto the loc ation “a” of th e Base Pl ate. • When u sing an e lectric s crewdriver to tighten the screws, th e torque m ust be appr oximat ely 1.5 N·m {15 kgf·cm}. Do not lif t the Moun ting Hook b efore the scre ws (two screws each for l eft / right) are s ecured.
65 Other Information Trou bleshoo ting Many of t he poor p ictures a nd poor so und condi tions are related to improper c onnection of the cab les; refer to t he Quick Setu p Guide provided fo r connection s.
66 TV is l ocked to o ne channel •P e r f o r m Auto Program to add rec eivable channe ls that are not present in the TV’s memory (see page s 20 and 44). Canno t receive or select channel s •P e r f o r m Auto Program to add rec eivable channe ls that are not present in the TV’s memory (see page s 20 and 44).
67 Other Information Blurry pictu re / Poo r col or • Transpor ting the TV from a cold to a w arm loc ation or a s udden change i n room tem peratur e may cause moisture condens ation, resultin g in a blu rry pict ure or poor c olor. Turn off your TV and wait a few hours be fore powerin g on ag ain.
68 PC Inpu t No pic ture / No si gnal • Confi rm the PC is correct ly conne cted to the TV with e ither the PC IN (wit h an HD15 cab le) or with th e HDMI IN. • Ensure the outp ut signal from the P C is one of the form ats lis ted on page 54. • Turn the PC off.
69 Other Information Black ba nds appear at the edges of the screen • Some wide screen pr ograms are filmed in aspect ra tios that are greater th an 16:9 (thi s is especial ly comm on with thea trical release s). Your TV w ill show th ese program s with black bands at the top a nd bottom o f the s creen.
70 Lost pa ssword • Select t he Passwo rd se ttings on the Pare ntal Lock settin gs, then en ter the f ollowin g master p assword: 43 57. This passwo rd clears your pre vious pass word and allows you to en ter a new password (se e page 45) . How to rese t the TV to factor y settings • Turn on the TV.
71 Other Information Important No tices For C ust omers i n Can ada This Class B digital apparatus co mplies with Canadian ICES-003 . FCC Related Informa tion This equi pment h as been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digita l device, pursuan t to Part 15 o f the FCC Rules.
72 Specifica tio ns System Televisio n system NTSC: Am erican TV standard ATSC (8VS B terrestria l): ATSC complian t 8VSB QAM on cable: A NSI/SCTE 07 2000 (Does not include CableCARD funct ionality) C.
73 Other Information • Optional acces sories av ailabili ty dep ends on it s stock. • Design and speci ficatio ns are su bject to ch ange wi thout notic e. * Dimens ions and mass are appr oximate values. Mass* with stand (kg) (lb.) 14.1 31.1 7.7 17.
74 Index 0-9 buttons 25 4:3 Default 42 A Add Digital Channels 44 Advanced Set tings 39 Alternate Audio 41 Analog Fine Tune 44 AUDIO OUT 10 Audio Out 41 Auto Display Area 42 Auto Progra m 20 , 44 Auto .
© 2012 Sony Corporation Printed in U.S.A. 4-433-081- 11 (1) For Your Convenience Online Registration: Be sure to re gister yo ur TV. United States Can ada http:// productreg istration.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony KDL32EX340 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony KDL32EX340 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony KDL32EX340, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony KDL32EX340 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony KDL32EX340, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony KDL32EX340.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony KDL32EX340. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony KDL32EX340 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.