Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit KDL-55HX925 du fabricant Sony
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4-270-413 - E3 (1) LCD Digital Colour TV Operating Instructions Getting Start ed Usin g Your BRAV IA TV Network S etup Addi tional Info rmation KDL-60NX7 25 / 55HX9 25 / 55H X825 / 55N X725 / 46HX9 25.
2 GB Introduction Thank you for choosing this Sony product. Before operating the TV, please read this manual tho roughly and retain it for future refe rence. Notes on Digital TV function • Any functions rela ted to Digital TV ( ) will onl y work in countries or areas where DVB-T (MP EG-2 and H.
3 GB Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cypr us, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland , France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithu ania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and The United Kingdom.
4 GB • The LCD screen contai ns a small amount of liquid crystal. Some fluorescent tubes used in this TV set als o contain mercury (except for LED backlight LCD TV). Follow your local ordinances and regul ations for dispos al. • Do not subject the LCD screen to any strong impact or s hock.
5 GB.
6 GB Getting Started Checking the accessorie s ................ ........... ........... ............ ........... ................. ........... ........... ... .8 Inserting bat teries into the remote.... ........... ........... ................. ......
7 GB This TV has a built-in manual (i-M anual). To access the i-Manual, pr ess i-MANUAL on th e remote, and select an item. For details, see page 20 of thi s manual.
8 GB Checking the accessories Remote (1) Size AAA batteries (R3 type) (2) Table-Top Stand ( 1) *1 Fixing screws for T able-T op Stand (M5 x 16 ) (3) (except KDL-60N X725) Assembling screws for Table-T.
9 GB Getting Started 1: Attaching the Table-Top Stand For KDL- 55/46HX925 , KDL-55/46HX82 5, KDL- 55/ 46/ 40N X72 5 1 Refer t o the s upplied Ta ble-Top Stand leafle t for p roper attac hment for som e TV models. 2 Place t he TV set on the Table-Top Sta nd.
10 GB Detaching the Table- Top Stand from the TV To detach the Table-To p Stand from the T V, remove the screws fixed in s tep 3. F or KDL-60NX725 , be sure to rem ove the s crews for detaching the h ead when the Table-To p Stand is not attached to the TV.
11 GB Getting Started 3: Connecting an antenna (aerial)/Set Top Box/ recorder (e.g. DVD recorder ) ~ • Use an antenna cab le connect or no greater than 14 mm in thickness. • Use an HDMI cable conn ector within 12 mm (thic knes s) × 21 mm (width).
12 GB 4: Connecting audi o/video devices 5: Preventing the TV from toppling over 1 Install a wood s crew (4 mm in diameter , not suppl ied) in the TV s tand. 2 Install a machi ne screw ( M4, not supplied ) int o the sc rew hol e of th e TV. 3 Tie the woo d screw a nd the machine screw with a strong cord (not sup plied).
13 GB Getting Started 6: Bundlin g the cables ~ • Before b undlin g the cables , remo ve the cable holder f rom the AC cover (s ee step 1 and 2) . Reuse the cabl e hold er (see step 3) to bundle the other ca bles (see ste p 4). • Do not bundle the AC po wer cord (mains lead) toge ther with other ca bles.
14 GB Satellite Auto Tuning: The followi ng procedur es may b e required depending on the area: 1 Please select “Preferred Satellite” or “General Satellite”. 2 For “Preferred Satellite”, select yo ur preferred o perator. “Satellite Auto Tuning” automatical ly tunes in av ailable satellite channels.
15 GB Getting Started Digital Auto Tuning: When you select “Cable”, we recomm end that you s elect “Quick Scan” for quick tu ning. Set “Frequency” and “Network ID” according to the in formation s upplied from your cable provi der. If no ch annel is fo und usi ng “Quick Scan”, try “Full Scan” ( though it may take some time).
16 GB Watching the TV Using Your B RAVIA TV 1 Turn on th e TV. 1 Switch ENERGY SAVING switch on ( z ). 2 Press 1 on the TV to turn o n the TV. 2 Select a m ode. 3 Select a TV channel. To use Digital E lectronic Pr ogramme Guide Pre ss GUIDE in digital mode to display the programme gu ide.
17 GB Using Your BRAVIA TV Parts and con trols of the rem ote Use the supplied remo te to control your TV. B asic remote operations are explained her e. For details on all of the remote functio n, press i-MANUAL and see the built-in man ual (i-Manual) (page 20).
18 GB Selecting various functi ons and settings (Home Menu) You can select all the featu res from the Home menu. See page 19 for the Home menu map. 1 Press HOME . 2 Press F / f / G / g / to select it ems. To select items in t he Home menu (e.g., sele cting “Se tting s”) 1 Press G / g to sele ct “S etting s”.
19 GB Using Your BRAVIA TV Home me nu map Aft er pres sin g HOME on the r emote, following icons are dis played as categories. The categories are available dep ending o n your TV model, reg ion, countr y and broadcasting conditio ns. TV You can select a list of TV channels, or a programme gu ide.
20 GB Displaying Operating Instructi o ns (i-Manual) Operating ins tructions are built in t o yo ur BRAVIA TV and can be di splayed o n the screen. To learn more ab out your TV features, access y our i-Manual with the touch of a button. 1 Press i-MANUAL.
21 GB Using Your BRAVIA TV Description of t he i-Manual screen To use the boo kmark The i-Manual has a bookmark functio n. Pages can be bookmarked with coloured buttons, according to the instructions at the b ottom of the screen. To access your regis tered bookmarks, go t o the to p page of the i- Manual and sel ect “Bookmarks ”.
22 GB When you con nect this TV to the Internet, you can enjoy multiple functio ns: displaying a photog raph that shows its location on t he map, enjoying Internet video, etc. For details on the functions , refer to the i-Manual. ~ • You will nee d to c ontract with an Intern e t service provide r to co nnect to the Internet.
23 GB Network Setup Setting up the Internet connection Using the network feature you can connect the TV to the Internet. The s et-up procedure differs d epending on the type of net work and LAN router. Before setting up the Internet connection, b e sure to set u p a LAN router.
24 GB Type 3: Unsecur ed network with any type o f wireless LAN route r To set up a wireless LAN, SSID (wireless network name) will be required. 1 Pres s HOME , the n sele ct > “Network” > “Network Set-up”. 2 Select “W ireles s Set-up” .
25 GB Additional In formation Troubleshoo ting When t he 1 (sta ndby) indicator is f l ashing, count how many times it flashes (int e rval time is three seconds). Pre ss 1 on the TV to turn it off, disconnect the A C po wer cord (mains lead), and inform your dealer or Sony service centre of how the indi cator flashes (numb er of flashes).
26 GB Specifications System Panel system LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Panel TV system Analogue: Depending on your country /ar ea selection: B/G/H, D/K, L, I, M Digital: DVB-T/DVB-C Satellite: DVB -S/DVB-S2 Colour/video system Analogue: PAL, PAL60 (only video input ), SECAM, NTSC3.
27 GB Additional In formation * 1 Energy co nsumptio n per year, based on th e power cons umption of the tel evision op erating 4 hou rs per da y for 365 days. The a ctual en ergy con sumption will dep e nd on how the televi sion is use d . * 2 Specified st andby power is rea ched after the TV finishes necess ary internal proc esses.
28 GB Installing the Accessories (Wall-Mount/Wall-H anging Bracket) To Custom ers: For product protecti on and safet y reasons , Sony stron gly recommends that ins talling o f your TV be performe d by Sony deal ers or licensed co ntractors. Do not att empt to inst all it yo urself.
29 GB Additional In formation SU-WH500 Refer to the Instructio ns supplied with the SU-WH500 W all-Hanging Bracket to properly carry out the installatio n. ~ • With the screen of the TV facing down, attach the SU-WH500 accessori es. • It is unne cessary to attach the Cush ions supplied with SU-WH500.
30 GB 5 Attach th e Mounting Bracket a nd the Lock Bracket . ( 4 -3 through 4 -7) Refer to the instructio n manual provided with the Wall-Mount Bracket. 6 Prep are th e paper temp late. ( 5 -2 ) 1. Refer to the following “TV instal lation dimensions table” and mark the TV outline o n the template.
31 GB Additional In formation SU-WL50 0 TV installation dimensions table 1 SU-W H500 2 SU-W L700 Screw lo cation When installin g the Mounting Hook on the TV.
32 GB Unit: cm Figures in the table m ay differ slightly depending on the installation. The wall that th e TV will be installe d should be capable of sup p orting a weight of a t least four times that o f the TV. Refer to “Specifications” (page 26-2 7) for its weight.
33 GB Additional In formation Safety Informati o n Installa tion/Set-up Install and use the TV set in accordance with the instruc tions as follows in order to avoid any ri sk of fire, electrical shock o r damage and/o r injuries. Installation • The TV set should be installed near an easily acces sible mains socket.
34 GB Envi ronm ent: • Places that are hot, humid, or excessively dusty; where insects ma y enter; where it m ight be exposed to mechanical vib ration, near flammable objects (candles, etc). The TV set shall not be expos ed to dripping or splashing and no objects filled with liqu ids, such as vases, shall be placed on the TV.
© 2011 Sony Corporation 4-270-413- E3 (1) For useful inf o rmation about Sony products.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony KDL-55HX925 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony KDL-55HX925 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony KDL-55HX925, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony KDL-55HX925 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony KDL-55HX925, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony KDL-55HX925.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony KDL-55HX925. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony KDL-55HX925 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.